Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1904, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
. '.
Dispatch! from Eu Peters l, ,;cata
reaceiui oeuioment or !
1 V
Future Will Saralr Gto it Tminatirr
" HU""J w " "VU1U,IU,I
Inflnenoe in Manchuria.
Oct Exerting Peaceful Iaflnenos at Et
Peteribaig and 0:her at Tokio.
Mistaking Hans af Philippine far
C'ereaa Part Where American
Fleet la tba Occasioa,
for aa Outbreak.
LONDON". Jan. SO. I. ,rd Lansdowne's re
ception at the Foreia-r. offloe today was at
tended by a'jioet ail the ambaasadurs and
ministers 'a London. At the end of the re-
ception '09 Associated Press was Informed
that l.e situation looked, perhaps, slightly
more hopeful, but as the Russian reply ap
parently Is not yet drafted no definite state-
men . could safely be made.
T'-e Foreign oitfue has reason to believe.
Von ever, that Russia Is willing to concede
practically all Japan's demands, but that It
cannot see Its way to make a treaty with
Japan recognising In black and white
China's sovereignty over Manchuria. Russia
has approached debet to urge Japan to
forego this stipulation and to accept In lieu
thereof the assurances to the sama end al
ready given to the other powers. It Is
pointed out at the Foreign office that Great
Britain, being such an Interested party. Is
In a difficult position and can scarcely
recommend aimh a pmim In It 11v
fy moment the situation rests there.
Whether or not Japan will Insist to the
bitter end on a treaty recognizing Chinese
sovereignty over Manchuria the Foreign
office does not yet know. It thinks the
Jn pane? "themselves will not decide until
aftor the delivery of the Russian reply,
which Is scarcely expected until next week.
Great Br Main has not yet taken steps to
appoint consuls at Mukden and Antuag
A dispatch to the Pnll Mall Gasette from
Berlin declares that the correspondent Is
In a position to announce positively that
It has been decided at Bt. Petersburg that
Jipan's wishes shall be met In such a way
an to secure the maintenance of peace.
The dispatch adds that the only question
Is whether Russia "shall declare her de
cision to Japan alone or to all the powers
Interested In the far eastern question.
Test Mora Pacific.
LONDON. Jan. II. All the special dls-
patches from St Petersburg this mo.nlng
re fleet the more peaceful feeling which
prevails there. Little change, however. Is
to be observed In the dispatches from
Toklo. which represent the situation as un-
changed. I
The Bt Petersburg correspondent of the I
Daily Teiegrapk says Jl-at learn that
the dispatches of the Rnsalan viceroy, I
Alexleff. now Incline toward efforts for a
dlplomatlo settlement on the ground that
war should check the natural course of
events which must promote Russian asplra-
tlons In the far east. The correspondent
argues that the key to the problem Is the
army ana not tne navy ana mat no artifi
cial barriers can alone prevent Russia
from playing a predominant role In the far
east. Russia's main strength Ilea In Its
land forces, the correspondent concludes,
which are not yet sufficiently In evidence.
Cabling from Toklo the correspondent
of the Standard says the privy council has
approved an urgent ordinance empowering I
the commanders of admiralty stations to
prevent foreign warships, by force if neces-
sary. from entering certain ports In times
of emergency.
The Toklo correspondent of the Dally
Telegraph declares the privy council at
th meeting today discussed a proposal I
to Issue an order In the event of war en-
acting a state ot selge In certain places
outside of Japan and a blockade. To
morrow's Issue ot the Jljl Ehlmpo, th
Telegraph's correspondent continues, will
contain a story of the negotiations, accord
Ins; to which the first Russo-Japanese dl
rgenoe was hinted at In a meeting of th
council held June 23, 190. This story re
lates to the succeeding negotiations until
October SO, when Japan wired Its pro
positi to St Petersburg. For forty days
thenceforward Russia, hurried on war
preparations, Japan meanwhile remaining
qulea-sent and awaiting an answer.
Japan Prepares for War.
Japan' nots proposed that either power
be entitled to send police or troops for
th protection of th railways In either
Curse or Manchuria In case of emergency,
but that they must be withdrawn directly
order was restored. The Russian reply,
dated December 11, was overbearing and
uncompromising; It excluded Manchuria
and proposed that all territory north of
th thirty-ninth degree of lattltude should
be neutral. Japan thereupon commenced
Its preparations and on December SS It
presented a note to Russia which, with
aooie minor clause made the following de-
, Both powers shall endeavor to preserve
th territorial Integrity of Coree and Man-
cburla; both shall recognise the special
F..nrMdnr. f .ithw in rnr.m - rS,i
provided the open door policy be respected.
Japan also refused the neutral proptaal
and counter proposed a neutral sons of
twenty-five kilometre on both sides of the
Corean border.
Ruasla In Its note f January Insisted
on Its neutral seme, but vaguely hinted Its
Intention to respect Japan's right. In Man-
cnuna. to mis note 'span replied en Jan-
vary IS reaffirming Its demands.
The Telegraph's correspondent concludes
Ills dispatch with these words: Therefore,
unless Russia yields, a dlplomatlo rupture
la certain. Russia' answer is expected to
Pistols for Peddlers.
SEOUL, Jan. XL The emperor of Corea
has ordered that 700 revolvers and dubs be
distributed to the "pedlars, " who are nom
inally secret polloa and a dangerous: ele
ment Many Ovrean are leaving Boo lit
fearing trouble,
Heaa la Teaselta Praaee,
PARIS. Jan. . There la strong reason
to' believe that exchanges of eommualoa
tlo'ns are now going on between Franee aad
Russia concerning the position Russia will
finally adopt In response to the last Jap
anese nota. Long conferences between For-1
e!gn Minister Ueicasae and M. N Udo OT, ike
Rusntan ambassador, are being bald almost
dally. Prior to those Russia bad cot con
sulted France, and M. NelldoS went to
Cannes for an extended stay, telling his
plomatic colleagues that ho happily ha-1
no part In the Russo-Japanese negotia
tions. Following the presentation ef Japan's
iCututtoued. fca
GERMANS enthusiastic
Emperor aad Others Take Mark la
tercet la Esposttloa at
St. Louis.
BERLIN, Jan. 20. The budget commu
te of the Reichstag; today approved the'
additional appropriation of trO.OOO for the
Oerman exhibit at the Bt. Louis exposl-
'i0"' ",ak,n to,l of R8-ow- .Th Pru"-
slan finance minister Included MO.000 more
for the exhibit of Prussia at Bt. Louis, or
total of 113.000. In the budget Just sub
mitted to the Diet. The Prussian ap
preciations are largely for the educational
exhibit. The Imperial appropriation will
generally broaden out Germany's repre-
Herr Lewald, the Imperial German com
missioner to the Bt. Louis exposition,
talked with Emperor William Friday, when
the commissioner, the emperor and the
empress visited the Hohensollern hall of
the industrial arts exhibition and saw the
selections from the Imperial palaces and
the new decorative work done for the re
ception rooms of the German building,
assembled there for shipment to St. Louis.
rneir majesties are aescnnea as naving
been enthusiastic over the artistic merit
of the new work and the copies of paint
ings In the Berlin. Potsdam and Charlot-
tenburg palaces, and antique furniture
selected from palaces In and near Berlin,
wnrcn wl" a1 ln" reception roome ui w.
Oannan building the appearance of an old
German castle.
tome Parisians Would Have French
Government Take Han la
the Aaralr.
PARIS, Jan. to. Following the address
of Oeorge Tblebaud yesterday evening at
the meeting of representative of all the
republics of Latin America, against Amor
loan control of the Panama canal, some
unrepresentative newspapers are seeking
to have the French Parliament take up
the Panama question.
The Patrie gives sensational prominence
to a series of questions which, It says, will
be propounded in the Chamber of Deputies
to the ministers cf Justice and foreign af
fairs. These questions seek to Impute Ir
regularity In the transfer of the old canal
company to the new company and criticise
Foreign Minister Delcaaee for not sending
warships to Panama when the revolution
occurred. The government officials say the
agitation Is not Important, as It represents
the views of a small, disgruntled element.
Consort of German Emperor Confined
to Her Boons by Severe
BERLIN, Jan. SO. Empress Augusta Vic
torla has varicose veins in one of her legs
and la obliged to keep it extended on a
cushion. The exclusion of ladles from to-
night s drawing room because of the em
press' Indisposition has caused Intense dis
appointment on the part of many women
of distinction, who have come from the
provinces or other countries for presenta-
tion. Usually only one drawing room Is
held .each, season at tire oourt ana jt is
uncertain now whether there will be any
mis winter to wnicn laaies win do uiviwa.
The empress physicians think She proo-
ably will be able to attend tne court cans.
tour of which will be given In February,
Tells Soldiers Boand for Sontb Africa
to Make Each One
BERLIN, Jan. 20. It Is expected at Wll-
helmhaven that Emperor 'William will be
present at the departure of the German
expedition to southwest Africa, which sails
tomorrow. Prince Henry of Prussia re-
viewed the departing battalion today. In
exhorting the men to be faithful to their
ag and country, the prince said:
"Germany expecta every bullet to do Its
t1 R.estae: todav arroved the final
reading of the bills providing supple
mentary funds to suppress the uprising.
Pope Adds to His Dot lea,
ROMS. Jan. 80. The pope has Issued a
personal order transferring the election of
bishops who do not depend on the propa
ganda from the special commission of car
dinals to the holy offices, of which the
pope 1 prefect .
Head of Chnrck la Pastas Says
Colombians Are Weary of
I NEW TORK. Jan. JO. Strong Indications
I that there will be no war between Colombia
I and Panama have been observed by Bishop
I Jungulto, who has Just returned from
I Cartagena and Barranqullla, cables the
I Panama correspondent ot the Herald.
I The bishop declares that many ot the
soldiers who went to the front along th
Panama border have returned In 111 health,
The hospitals are reported crowded and
I discontent was expressed everywhere.
The people In the cities are anxious to
be rid of the burden Imposed on them by
paying th army and all the officials on
L , . . ,, , ,
o' basis, as they have received no
1 gold from Bogota and the drain Is greater
I than they are willing to stand.
I Th government Junta here ha letters
from Bocaa del Toro and other points
I showing that there has been no further ad-
Vance of the Colombian army.
Issned for Mtsslag Grand Commander
ot Knights Templars oa Charge
of Violation ot Trnst.
NEW TORK. Jan. . Peter Forester.
former grand commander of the Knights
Templar of this state, who has been miss
ing since last September, was charged
with not having accounted for a trust fund
of ta&,too In a warrant ths existence ot
which oome out today at a hearing of the
matter of the estate of Lbolnda Daugharrty,
who died September 1, U. The warrant
for Forester was obtained by one of ttt
heirs last November.
Sack Plaa Proposed by Caieaero Pay
airless Against to-Celled
Irata Trasl.-
CTIICAOO. Jan. aL-PubBc subscriptions
may be asked to establish a laboratory tor
the manufacture ot aoU-toxlne. Boyoot
tlr,g the products of the firms said to have
formed a pool Is also talked of. Both plans
will be discussed at a meeting r be CU-
cage MediraJ mmUAj tonight, ,
Eight Hundred Hack and Carriage Driven
kit Now Idle.
Chief of Police and Union Leader
Unite la Saying that He Phys
ical Force Shall Be
BT. LOUTS, Jan. 80. Pursuant to a meet
ing held late last night by the Interna
tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, 900 hack
and earrings drivers went on a strike today
to enforce their demands for S12.50 a week
pay, a twelve-hour day, 25 cents an hour
for overtime and recognition of the union.
A small proportion of the men are work
ing In East Bt. Louts. The strike Is di
rected against the Bt. Louis Liverymen's
and Undertakers' association. Officials of
the Ctlsens' Industrial association, which
Supports the liverymen and undertakers In
their stand taken against their employes,
declare that any attempt of the strikers
to Interfere with funerals will be promptly
suppressed, even If the mllltla has to be
called out.
Representatives of the unions declare that
the strike management will countenance
no violence. William Relnolds, however,
business agent of the union, adds that the
union controls 30 Independent carriages
and eight hearses and that with these
"they propose to oonduct whatever funerals
may be necessary during the strike."
Mr. Relnolds said: "There will be no
repetition of ths Chicago troubles here, and
the first union man caught violating his
instructions from the strike committee will
be disciplined. Mr. Relnolds announced
that the strikers will have financial back
ing to the amount f I26O.O0O from the In
ternational Brotherhood of Teamsters, and
says that fSO.000 will bt at th Immediate
disposal cf the strikers, S3 that the strike
cannot possibly cause any hardship among
the labor unions.
Governor Dockery talked with Chief of
Police Ktely over the telephone today In
regard to the strike situation. The gov
ernor urged the chief to tak every precau
tion to protect funerals from Interference.
"I have given especial orders to the police
captains to watch funeral processions,'
sold the chief, "and to prevent trouble at
all costs. There will be no half way meas
urea and no half way treatment of those
who ahould attempt to Interfere."
Amends Its Organic Low.
CINCINNATI. Jan. 20. The convention
of the Boot and Shoe Workers' Interna
tional union today was addressed by O. P.
Darth, organixer of the International Union
of Flour and Cereal Mill Employes for a
si stance In the Washburn boycott at Min
nea polls.
President Tobln was directed to send a
telegram to President John Mitchell at
Indianapolis thanking the United Mine
Workers for their support of the union
tamp on boots aad shoes.
It was decided that the new reinstate
ment fees and all other constitutional
amendments would be effective March L
Constitutional amendments were adopted
making members of cutters, trimmers, edge
makers and other ndeporaent unices In
eligible to local, or general offices or aa
delegates to cor.veni.lons of the Boot and
Bhoe Workers' unions, making the penalty
tGO for any union worker making any In
dividual contract; for a change In the Bhoe
Workers' Journal so as to give more news
of special Interest to the union; for a plu
rality Instead of a majority In electing of
ficers and members of general executive
board, and changing the time of general
elections from June to July and la looals
from October to September.
The committee on resolutions reported In
structions to the three delegates to go to
St Louis Monday, February 1. Elmer
Robinson of Lynn at once declined to serve
on the committee with his hands thus
tied, with "less power than a messenger."
President Tobin opposed the Instructions
and asked that the committee be asked to
follow the policy aa outlined In th conven
tion proceedings. A long discussion on the
8t Louis controversy followed.
The report of the committee on resolu
tions was rejected and the special com
mittee which goes to Bt Louis was left
without Instructions. A resolution was
adopted unanimously Instructing the gen
eral officers, executive board and organizers
In the St. Louts controversy. Resolutions
were adopted fixing the conditions for the
changes from one branch of the trade to
another, regulating the custody of the
union stamp, for an organiser In Canada,
prohibiting any serving on auditing com
mittees who receive money from the gen
eral officers and refusing the use of the
union label to any factory whose owners
also have contracts for prison labor.
Tables Many Resolutions.
INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 30 At the opening
of ths United Mine Workers' convention
today resolutions offered by delegates were
read. One aimed at Ohio and Pennsylvania
operators who run nonunion mines in West
Virginia, which prohibited any state or dis
trict from signing a wag scale with such
operators, was tabled, as was another
resolution from an Iowa delegate providing
that all earnings of miners of over $3.60 per
day be turned Into a general fund. A shot-
flrer's resolution was adopted.
The miners' scale committee, which will
formulate the demands of the miners of
Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and western Penn
sylvania, has elected Thomas Reynolds of
Illinois chairman. Indications are that a
demand will be made for a hortsontal tn
crease In wages of 10 per cent In the centra
competitive districts
The Leavenworth (Kan.) local Introduced
a socialistic resolution so strong that It
was received as a Joke. It provided for
miners owning coal mines and railroads,
forming a political party, with the union
label under the emblem, and .other features
of a like kind. It was laughed down. The
credentials committee announced that It
would not be able to report today and the
convention adjourned until tomorrow.
Mew Jersey Mother Is Believed to
Have Decapitated Son While
PATERSON. N. J-. Jan. . Mrs. Arthur
Oswald was arrested today on the charge
of murdering her t-year-old eon at her
home In Oakland. She is believed to be
The tragedy was discovered by the wo
man's husband whea be returned borne late
last bight As he entered the dining room
he was horrified to see the beadltas body
of his a-year-ald son lying on the floor.
The bead lay Bear the boy's feet Nearby
lay the body of bis 'pet dog. which also
bad been beheaded, Oswald found hie wife
lying la bed with bar young baby In her
arms. She was singing softly to the In
fant Near the bed' her two other chil
dren lay sleeping In a crib. The woman
did not recognise bar husband aor aeaos to
andsntapd what was said to krr.
Offers lo Surrender Hold .oa Beth-
lehem Plant to fttrst Mort
gage Bondholders.
NEW TORK. Jan. a.Charps M. Schwab
has made to the four urst mortgage bond
holders who are pressing the action for a
permanent receivership tor ths United
States Shipbuilding company what Is
tantamount says the Times, to an offer
releasing his hold on the Bethlehem Steel
The offer came as th result of a con
ference of three hours duration In Mr.
Schwab's office. It was not, however, ac
cepted, nor did the conditions under which
H was discussed later by William Nelson
Tromwell, counsel for the Bheldon reorgan
ization committee, aad Samuel Unter
mycr, at the former's residence, admit of
what might be called 4 definite proposition
for the reorganization 'of the Shipbuilding
company. j
The conference, it is understood, had to
do with a tentative plan by which the
second mortgage bonds, to the extent of
tlO.000,000, which Mr .Schwab holds as the
purchase price of his Bethlehem properties,
and the 16.000.000 of .general first mort
gage bonds ef the entire Shipbuilding
company would be placed on an equal
basts. This, It Is understood. Is not and
will not be acceptable to the four first
mortgage bondholders backing the Conklln
suit, who believe that despite the fact that
Mr. Schwab's bonds are a first mortgage
on the Bethlehem plant by reason of the
terms of the deal Incorporating It ss one
cf the constituent properties ot the ship
combination, their holdings and the hold
ings of every first mortgage bondholder
ought to go ahead of the Schwab bonds In
any settlement There the matter stands
at present, with the prospect It Is stated,
of an amended offer and a resumption of
conferences looking to some kind of an
agreement to end the long drawn out con
troversy. s j
Reaches High Mark and Surprises
Spectators by Its I'naanal
CHICAOO, Jan. 20. May wheat touched
a new high mark a2ti0924 cents today,
a net gain for the day of 24 cents, and 16
cents higher than the average price last
fall. The local wheat situation as regards
prices is highly artificial, as In shown by
the character of the trade, which caused
so sharp a gain In prices. Armour & Co.
Is credited with a long line of 15,000,
000 bushels contracted for May delivery,
local contract stocks approximating only
2,000,000 bushels.
This comparison, which agitated shorts
yesterday, stirred them to excited activity
today, but the best they could do for the
most part was to shift the burden among
themselves. ' Nothing that looked like Ar
mour selling could be dlstlguished. On the
other hand considerable commercial buy
ing was credited to the paramount Interest
Private mesasges received here today Indi
cate that a considerable quantity of the
short wheat on the Armour books was put
out by eastern people.
May corn and May oats, which Is gen
eral! thought to beci.ety centralised, ateo
advanced sharply today.
la Becbtrl Trial It Will Endeavor to
Explain t'irenmstanees Which
Incriminate. e
A LLKNTOWN, Pa., Jan. 10. In opposing
motion by the defendant's counsel today
for a dismissal of the 'Indictment against
Mrs. Catharine Bechtel on the ground of
the lack of evidence. District Attorney
Llchtenwalner stated that although the
commonwealth's case rested entirely upon
circumstantial evidence. It was of sufficient
strength to warrant the placing ot the In
dictments before a Jury.
"The theory of the commonwealth," he
said, "Is that Thomas Bechtel was the
principal felon. We believe that he com
mitted the crime, and after Its commission
was shielded by Mrs. Catharine Bechtel
Attorney Schaadt said, in opening for the
defense, that they would prove that the
alleged blood spots were nothing more
than tobacco stains; that the lather's
hatchet, which the state produced aa the
weapon with which Mabel Bechtel was
killed, had been broken In a mill last sum
mer, and that Mabel Bechtel was seen
alive on Monday, the day before her death.
Chicago Elevated- Tralas Are Delayed
by Short Circuit Which Threat
ened Life,
LMiiAuo, jan. m.ab tne result of a
rainstorm train, service on the South Bide
Elevated railroad was paralysed for nearly
two hours today, endangering life and
discommoding thousands ot passengers.
Rain, snaking the wood superstructure
of the road, caused the moisture to com
municate to a defective third rail support
near a network of switches. The electric
current deserted the car motors and flowed
through tho iron work of the structure to
the ground. The entire structure for a
considerable distance was electrified and
menaced the safety of horses and men
below, until the current was shut off at
the' power house,
Trains on tne roaa were crowded. Pas
sengers on the stalled trains, after waiting
for some time for signs ot life In the
motors, took surface lines and reached
their work down town after long delay.
Candidates Dismissed from Aananolla
Kaval Academy Receive Cheering
Kews from Senator Foraker.
SPRINGFIELD. O., Jan. . The three
cadets dismissed from the Annapolis Nava
academy for haslng will. In all probability
be reinstated. Con-m an dan t Brownson hav
lng agreed to the introduction of a bill In
congress for the purpose. One of the cadets
la Joseph Little, jr., of this city. The news
has just been communicated to the boy's
father by Senator J. B. Foraker.
ere laterested la I'tak Lake
Finally Reaek an Agreement on
tko Reservoir Question.
SALT LAKH CITY. Jan. 30. As the re
sult of notion taken today at a l
meeting of farmers of the Bait Lake valley
and stockholders of various Irrigating com
pontes using water from Utah lake, the
government project for the use of that
body of water as a great reservoir will
soon be under way. The lake reservoir
will bring ' under cultivation 600.00 acres
of desert land la tbe Great Gait Lag
Armj Enginetrs Urg Appropriation to
Ooatinn Work of Snagging.
Money to Be Used In Improving Navi
gation and Preventing Inroads of
the Stream on Land Along
Its Banks.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20-(Speclal Tele-
gram.) General Oliver, acting secretary
f war, today transmitted to congress a
letter from the chief of engineers with a re
port of Captain Chittenden on an ex-
mlnatlon of the Missouri river from Sioux
City to the mouth of that river, also nt
and near Herman, West Glasgow, Wll
holte Bend, Lexington and St. Joseph. The
several reports briefly summarise the con
dition of tho Missouri river between Ploux
City and Its mouth and the recommenda
tion of the board of engineers assigned to
the river and harbor Investigations of the
War department Is that It Is advtsnble
to provide for snagging operations by
means of a permanent appropriation of
tt.onO annually, but the amount aballable
for each of the next two years should be
150,000; that navigation cannot be secured
t reasonable cost by means of dredging;
hat no Improvements are necessary for
navigation or advisable at and near West
Glasgow, WUholta Bend, Lexington or St.
Ira-e River Improvement.
Henry T. Clarke' of Omaha, F. W. Max
well of SI. Joseph, C. B. Sebastian of
Columbia, Mo., Senator Millard, Repre
sentatives Hitchcock. McCarthy, Ulnshaw,
Klnkaid, Norrls and Walter I. Smith, ap
peared before the house committee on
rivers and harbors this morning for the
purpose of securing an appropriation of
$6,000,000 for improving the Missouri river
and keeping its waters within bounds,
and at the same time making It navigable
from Sioux City to Its mouth. Mr. Clark
made th presentation speech and was
followed by Congressmen Smith and Hitch
cock. They will have another hearing to
Talks of Mississippi River.
A delegation headed by Governor Van
Sant of Minnesota, representing the Upper
Mississippi River Improvement associa
tion, called on the president today to en
list his interest and his support for the
project to Improve the upper Mississippi
for the benefit of the northwestern section
of the United States. The pr ctdent assured
them he would lend them all the assistance
In his power.
For a National Park.
Representative Martin's bill, providing
for the creation of a national park of
lands surrounding Battle Mountain sani
tarium was ordered favorably reported by
the committee on publlo lands, also his
bill prohibiting the selection as lieu lands
of lands chiefly valuable for the timber
thereon, was ordered to receive a favorable
report Ths latter hill attempts to further
safeguard and protect the forest lands of
th country.
. Lieutenant Colonel Muhlenberg, U. 8. A.,
chief paymaster of the Department of the
Missouri, is In Washington on a short visit
Miss Taylor, Miss Philllppl, daughter of
O. Phtlllppl, snd Miss Carpenter, daugh
ter of Isaac Carpenter, of Omaha are in
The report on the Burke bill cpenlng the
Roeebud reservation has been prepared and
will be submitted to the full committee to
morrow. While, of course, the matter of
the price was an Important factor, the
principal question is whether congress has
the right or whether it should legislate to
dispose ef Indian lands without the con
sent of the Indians and whether It would
be proper to pass this bill without provid
ing for submitting It to the Indians for
ratification and approval In accordance
with existing treaty stipulations. As to
the power of congress to so legislate there
can be no question. That congress has
heretofore so legislated is established by
the passage of a bill ratifying and amend
ing a treaty with the Kiowa, Comanche
and Apache tribes In Oklahoma. Objection
was raised against the bill because It was
not signed by two-thirds of the adult male
Indians of the tribe, as provided by treaty
stipulations. The bill, however, was en
acted Into law and subsequently the va
lidity of ths law and the right of congress
to legislate without the consent of the In
dians was decided In the supreme court In
favor of the government.
At the request of Senator Gamble Super
intendent Pierce of the Haskell Institute
has been authorized by the Indian com
missioner to allow ithe return of Louise K.
Colombe, daughter of John Colombo of the
Rosebud reservation, to her home at Rose
bud. These rural carriers were appointed for
Iowa routes: Ely, regular. Martin D.
Venormy; substitute, Frank Novotny.
Edgewood, regulars. Job A. Combs, Harry
H. Masters; substitutes, Mildred Combs,
Will Gilchrist. Peterson, regular, Charles
H. Lynde; substitute, John H. Snyder.
Changes In the Army.
Many Important changes will occur In
the army during the next few days result
ing from the retirement of Lieutenant Gen
eral Toung and the promotion of Major
General Chaffee to be a lieutenant general.
Major General William A. Kobbe and Brig
adier General Alfred Mordecal were retired
today and Major Generals Joseph P.
Sanger and Alfred A. Bates and Brigadier
Generals Harry L. Haskell, F. L. Hath
away and Frank Coxs will follow them on
Brigadier Oeneral Francis B. Dodge will
become paymaster general. Major Gen'
era! Wallace F. Randolph will retire and
General Oeorge L. Gissespl will become
a permanent major general and assistant
of the general staff, whlls Brigadier Gen
eral Alexander McKensle will become chlef
ot engineers, unguuier uenerai jonn r.
Story will succeed General Randolph aa
chief of the artillery.
Colonels C. Tyler, artillery corps;
John G. Butler, Ordnance department
Jacob Kline. Twenty-first Infantry; Wtl'.lan
E. Dougherty, Eighth Infantry; Charles
J. Allen, corps of engineers, and Theodore
E. True, deputy quartermaster general.
will be made brigadier generals and retired
at once.
Colonel William S. McCaskey, who has
bee a confirmed as a permanent brigadier
general, will be relieved from duty in the
Philippines and ordered to command one
of the vacant military departments, prob
ably, ths Department of Dakota. The con
firm tion of Colonel Albert Mills as a per
manent brigadier general probably will
not change his present duty as superintend
nt of the military academy.
Veeaela Agroaad at slesr Tork.
NEW TORK. Jan. SO. The steamship
California, outward bound, lor Marseilles
ard (Wd'A, Is hard aground on the- tut
ski ot the main shto channel near South-
saat Holt. It la beUeved that it was turued
Arouiid ey a baavy nava e vm ice.
Fair Thnrsday and Frtdayl Wnrmer
Temperatare nt Omaha Teaterdart
Hoar, Deg. Hour. Dec.
8 a. m 1 1 p. m "
a. m 1st il p. m ll
T a. m 17 a l. m IT
H n. m 1T 4 p. m !
0 a. m.....'. 10 R p. m ...... If
SO a. m IB O p. m 1-1
It a. m SS T p. m Sl
Vi m ltt M p. m Sl
V p. m Sv
Storm Is General, Conditions Unset
tled and Tempcrataro Drop
ping Everywhere.
Some one. It may have been Billy Pat
terson or Henry Watterson or someone else,
has said that "one touch of winter makes
the whole town shiver." With the gen
eral weather conditions reported as un
settled and the local temperature 10 de
grees lower last night than the night be
fore, It may not be amiss to take a peep
at the coal bins and otherwise fortify
against the rigors of a cold snap.
Severe weather is reported from the Mis
souri river and eastward, with sleet and
snow to central Iowa and considerable rain
lit eastern Iowa for this time of the year.
A fall of temperature is noted In this ter
ritory. The general conditions in the centrsl
valleys and over the lake regions are un
settled. A thunder storm followed by a fall In
temperature occurred at Oklahoma City
The coldest weather reported to Weather
Forecaster Welsh last evening was 10 below
at Bismarck, N. D.
There was considerable sleet and snow
In the western territory yesterday with In
dications of clearing up.
Oat la the State.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. Jan. 20. (Spe
cial.) A heavy sleet fell here last night
and today the ground Is covered, making
sleighing possible for the first time this
NORFOLK, Neb., Jan. 30. (Special.) A
frigid blast dropped down upon northern
Nebraska this morning. The mercury fell
twenty-one degrees.
GENEVA. Neb., Jan. 10 (Special.) This
morning at about 4 o'clock a heavy storm
of sleet fell, covering everything, the mer
cury falling gradually.
MASCOT, Neb., Jan. . (Speclal.)-A
light snow, the first of the season, began
fulling this morning at 8 o'clock and the
weather has turned somewhat colder. Win
tor wheat In this section of the country
Is In poor condition owing to ths lack of
moisture all tall and winter, and unless
the ground Is soon given a good coating
of snow much of the winter grain will
doubtless have to be plowed up In the
spring. Pasture has been unusually good
all season and In most cases live stock
has gone without shelter.
Halted States Coart Holds that It Has
' JTe Jurisdiction la the Strike
DENVER, Jan. &.-Judge Moses Hallet
of the-United States . district court here
today, in considering the Sherman Parker
habeas corpus case against the military
authorities of Colorado, announced that his
court Is without jurisdiction In the matter.
Parker Is a union miner of Cripple Creek,
who is he id in the military bull pen without
warrant In his opinion Judge Hallet says:
In times of turbulence, and when there is
tirobablllty of disturbance, discretion may
be exerrlsed on the part of the authorities
In holding prisoners wltnout nail, ana to
hold them in custody until reasonable In
vestigation been "tnade. Tho a. vernor,
as executive of the state. Is authorised
und required to enforce the law, and If In
doing so he finds It necessary to call out
the mllltla and use the power of the seat
he rhould do so. The matter of how the
state should enforce the law Is not for the
f,1.ra I ffnv.trnmf.rifr tn ftta.te. The sunreme
court of the United States has decided that
when the authorities or the state are en
gaged In the execution of the laws of the
tute the courts of the United States have
no authority to set them aside.
In concluding Judge Hallet says that the
people of the state are to be congratulated
In having a governor who will enforce ths
After Minor Bequests Testntor Leaves
Residue of Property to Ills Wife
Without Restriction.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 20. The will of the late
James L. Blair, former general counsel of
the Louisiana Purchase Exposition com
pany, was filed for probate this afternoon.
It Is a short document, written on one side
of an ordinary page of typewriting pnper.
The will was made June 30, 18X9. The first
clsuse provides for the payment of funeral
expenses, and all debts. In the second
clause Mr. Blair bequeaths to his mother,
Mrs. Frank P. Blair, a large portrait of his
father. The residue of the estate Is left to
his wife, free of any restrictions, the will
stating that he has perfect confidence that
she will properly care for Percy and Fran
cis, th two son.
Convict Writes Federal Attorney thnt
He Will Tell on Prominent
ST. LOUIS, Jan. to. Adolph Fein, former
vice president of the Hebrew Jefferson
club, now a' convict In the Missouri peni
tentiary, under a sentence of five years, for
complicity In the naturalisation frauds, ap
peared before the federal grand jury today.
Before entering the grand jury chamber
Fein said:
I'll tell the grand Jury who the fellows
were behind thoHe frauds, and they are
big fellows, too. when I was Indicted, my
friends said they would come to the front
for me, and I made up my mind to keep
my mouth shut, but they duaerted me. I
waited until December 27. Then I made up
my mind that if they wouldn't come lo the
front for me, the Kovernment would, so I
wrote to Colonel Dyer, the United States
district attorney, and told hliu I would
give up everything 1 knww.
About to Take the Steamer for Aus
tralia, but Is Stopped by Small
Debt U( Overdne.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. K.-Hugh Craig.
Insurance agent and former president ef
the Chamber ot Cotnmirce, appealed to the
courts today to recover t?S from John Alex
ander Dowle. Mr. Craig la his petition
claims that twelve years ago the ruler of
Zlon borrowed IXTTt from htm. All of It
uras returned except the amount sued for,
aud that, it Is alleged. Dowle refused to
pay. Dowle bad planned to sail tor Sydney
tomorrow on lbo rteamer Bonos,
Ecpnblioso S'.at Csmmitt Daoide on
Eighteenth ai tbt Data.
On1 One Vetirg for that Fnrpoae and
Selecting Saticnal DttltrattS.
Latter Addresses Comtnittf and Declar!
Himself for Eooatralu
Appointment la State Convention
Based on Vote for Barnes for
Supreme Jadao Making
Total of 1.O01.
(From a Staff Correspnrdent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 20,-tSpeclal.) The
state republican entries for the sen
atorial succession In Nebraska are
now open. The Invitation was Is
sued by the action of the republican
state committee at Its meeting this after
r.oon when In addition to calling one state
convention to assemble In Lincoln. May IK.
at 2 p. m., to nominate a complete state
tlvket and to select the delegates-at-large
to the national convention, It also adopted
a resolution recommending the nomination
of a candidate for United States senator
to succeed Charles H. Dietrich.
The meeting was the best attended of any
state committee meeting held in recent
years, only three or four absentee being
noted. In addition to the members' pres
ent tho chairman of three congressional
committees wore In attendanoe by Invita
tion and quite a crowd of spectators be
sides. The ball was started rolling by
projecting the question whether one or
two state onventlons should be called
and quite an extensive discussion etaued,
going Into all the various aspects of the
situation. This discussion began 'In r?en
session and was continued afterwards with
the exclusion of the outside publlo, last
ing nearly an hour.
Expressions of opinion were had f-om
Chairmen Munger, McCloud and Cornell ot
the First Fourth and Sixth districts re
spectively, ard by these members of th
committee: W. J. Connell of Omaha, C. L.
Richards of Hebron, W. S. Tllton of Peat
rice, Joseph Koutaky of South Omaha,
Byron Clark of Plattsmouth, Sns'erd
Parker of Spencer, J. P. A, Black of Bloom
tngton, Victor Rosswatsr of, 8. IL
Burham and L. L. Lindsay ot Lincoln and
Addison Walt of Syracuse,
Argameats Advanced.
On on side it was argued that two con
ventions, one of them at the esr'le-st pos- -sible
time, would be conducive to the suc
cess of President Roosevelt for revcmlna
tlon and that Nebraska should lt.d oft
among tn state In declaring for Roose
velt's candidacy. 'That one convention,
bringing the tio-al nations ol state efflcers
ahead of the national oonrentton ' wouM -iubject
them to a long "ampalgn ider th
fire of the enemy that the postponement
of the president's Indorsement until lal
might be construed that Nebraska was wa
vering in Its support of him and finally that
one convention would give the oi petition
too much frportunlty to profit by Josr-blo
mistakes, i ' '
In favor of the convention It waa rJged
that everyone knew that Nebraska was
for Roosevelt and th time of Its r'eclara
tlon was Immaterial; that the espense of
two oonvenoons was too great, and that
two oonventlons would manifest lets enthu
siasm than a single convention.
The question of nominating a candidate
for United States senator was considered
In relation to both propositions pro and
con. When the vote cam it was found
that while there was division sentiment
was about two to on In favor of tho
single oonventlon aad the ether details
were quickly agreed upon, although an
effort was mad to have tba date mad
May 4 Instead of May 18-
For Naming a Senator.
The resolution covering th nuttier of
nominating a candidate for United States
senator was offered by Byron Clark as a
substitute for a motion presented ' by
Oeorga W. Williams, The resolution reads)
ss follows: .
Whereas, There Is a general demand by
the voters for a direct vote on candidates
for United States senators, and, believing
In the justice of such demand, therefore
be It
Resolved. 1. That we hereby recommend
to the state convention, now called, that
when convened It nominate some candidate
for United States senator.
1 That we recommend to each county
oonventlon that In the election of dele
gates to the state convention they give
sublect fair consideration.
1 That we recommend each oounty Con
vention nominating Its legislative ticket be
fore mttd convention Is held to pledg said ,
nominees to support the nominee of the
stats convention for United Stales senator.
If any nomination be made.
For Roosevelt aad Webster.
A resolution was also adopted, at th In
stance of Sanford Parker, putting tfce com
mittee on record In favor of Boas see It and
Webster. The resolutioa as originally
drawn provided for an 'enthusiastic" en
dorsement and was afterward mads "en
thusl&stlo and unanimous." The text U:
Whereas, a date has been sgreed upon
lor the state convention satisfactory to all ,
pe. sons concerned, now be It
Rttolved. That we are enthusiastically
and unanimously for Theodore Roosevelt '
for president. 1rt, last and all the lime
until he Is r.ominated, and be It further -Resolved.
Thai we are anthuslalJ-slly
snd unaiimously for the nomination of our
fellow littren, John l Webster, for Vice
Vrbster Thanks Committee.
Chairman Lindsay appointed a oommltlee
consisting of Victor Rosewater, S. W.
Burnham and W. K. Mors, to notify Mr.
Webster and ir form him that th com (
mlttee would be pleased to listen lo hi
acknowledgment Mr. Webster appeared
and addressed the committee briefly, say
ing: Mr. Chairman ard Members of the Re
publican fte Central Committee I wish
to thank you most heartily for the resolu
tion which your chairman has lust read to
me as having been by your body unani
mously adopted.
I may be permitted to taks this occasion
to say that I myelf drafted the plaUorm
adopted by the last republican state con
vention which committed the republican
party of the state of Nebraska to the re
nomination of President Roosevelt I in
as enthusiastically In favor of the reneml
nstlon of President Roosevelt as I wag at
the date when 1 arote that platform.
The republican party of the slate of Ne
braska Is a unit in favor of the renonnua
tlon of our worthy and honorable presi
dent, and is heartily In accord with his
administration. It would be as Impos
sible. If I may be permitted to use aa il
lustration, to pluck the stars from the
heavens ss to take w,e state of Nebraska
away from Theodore Roosevelt.
I deeply appreciate the part of the reso
lution referring to myself by name. At
the same time I do uot accept It entirely
as a pi-isoiinl compliment to uiyself. but as
nianlrtiktsiiun of a Sentiment prevailing tn
the minds of the republicans of the stale
t Nebraska, that titer are saUtied to aa-