TETR OMAHA DAILY DEE: WEDNESDAY. JANOAKTf z&. ran. NT, CITIZEN TRAIN NO MORE AT THE. PLAYHOUSES. Brilliant bat Emtio Qurini ftnocmnba to Itlaok f Htait BiatM. The aeearad. la Com d at. the Old Underoof Rye There are plenty of wkiskics you can get for less money than Old Underoof Rye. ' But it is poor economy to save the slight difference in cost when you can get Underoof quality. It is soft. pure, de licious, and has the least reactive effect. CHAS. DENNEHY 6 CO.. Chicago J ONE OF THE ORIGINAL OMAHA BOOMERS Exploits and WlUiui Have MUc Bli lui a FtMlIlir One Tkrk at the Civilised World. NEW YORK, Jan. 13. G ! Franci. : Train died laat night at MU1 hotel No. l. where ha haa lived for aoma yeara. Heart diaeaaa waa tha cause at his death. Bar. John Drew and company In 'Tha Sscond In Command." a comedy in four acts, by Captain Robert Marshall, under direotion of Charles Frohman. Tha oaat: Lieutenant OUonel MIlea Anstruther, D. P. (1. Charles F. Uotthold Major Christopher Rlngham John Draw Lieutenant Pir Walter Mannering Monroe Ballsbury Lieutenant Barker Ueorg Howard Modenham Reginald Carrlngton Hartopp Erneat Glendlnntng Sergeant OKane H1I1U Corporal George Forbes Mr. Fen wick Lawla Baker Vlnn VliM.hr.nil Carstalra Robert Sehable rink, of Hull Sidney Herbert Mnrial Minmrtni Mtaa Mara-aret Dale George Franc.. Train waa born In Boa- ld? hHarhurgh... . von, oxua in, i. . vi r Tnhn Drew on tha oo Train's Story of Hla Life. caalon of hla laat visit to Omaha and again nnl a vr ..r. when ha waa then 74 laat nlirht would haT. little trouble In be- v..r. M Me. Trn .lirt.ted the rami- 1 evlng that out a nay naa puseu iiicu MnrM of hia .atraordLnarv career and or one wnoie year ana me greater m the result waa published in book form, another. Mi. Drew gave ua Kit Btnks I Bummarlxed In hla own aurloua faahlon, thla contained the following information about hla career then Just the aame aa he la dolus cow, with the same movements, apeechea, ges- I tu re a, rverythlnir. aa If he had established Shipping clerk, 18; manager, li; partner a set of forms, or codified h methods un- IOT BOOKS AND MAGAZINES Etitb1 Xirly TturuarT Fnblioitiom ire Already the New, Standi. CRLAT LITERARY FIGURES OF NEW YORK PS.rsrar.t Sattoa BrUro. Benin, i hart try Writer Accidentally Anothr child's Rook by "W 11 11 ana J. Ropklna. "Literary New York, Ita Lanrluiark and JAawjciatlon," by Charles Heroslreet. The nuhject of hlrtorlo New York is a fascin- tine one and thla book written by a well known authority, will appeal to a wile circle of readers. Mr. Mernatrect's descrlp- lions ana traditions cluster around tha ft street literary figures who have been asso- elated with old New York. Washington I - rennimore cooper, -VMIam Cul If Sjfn Bryant, Bayard Taylor, Edgar Allan roe and many other. Then wa have lit erary New York of the present day also. and revel In descriptions of tha hnmn Hir. per's Magazine, where George W. Curtis established hie "Eaoy Clialr,' in which he was enthroned so Ion and which Is now occupied by William Dean Howell. Wa have a glimpse of the building in which Jacob Rils wrote "How the Other Half Urea,' and of the home . of Ro.e Haw thorn Lathrop, the daughter of Nathanloi Hawthorne, who has given up her life to brighten the lives of others. Horace Greeley's home, too, and many, many others. The work is profusely illustrated with new and artistic illustrations. Pub lished by G. P. Putnam's Suns. til he could proceed without the extra ef fort of tnlnklng, the part merely playing Itself, while the mind is far away, maybe In South Africa, maybe wondering what In Train At Co.. 20, with an Income of no rum. fcatabllahed firm George Francla Train A Co., Melbourne, Auatralia, Uo3; agent White Hlir IJno Ini'ome Uli KiO. started lortV A successful short atory was the result I clippers to California in 1M. Built railroad gort Gf a auit ef clothes his cert part will Mrs. Hopkins Is the wife of Prof. A. J. connecting Krte with Ohlo and Mlasisaippl. . weu Hopkins, who nils the chair of chemistry . """"7, UA , and jCnaland. assured of one thing: Mr. Drew will not at Amherst college. Their home Is described I Built first Pacific railway. 18oi-l(f3. througn .v k. rr if it doea not permit him to ........ . .. .1 (..41. . I 4 . 1 .. . Im Mm.Kj I . aa a moat aeiigntrui piece set in extensive E"- Seen In flTteer laila with- properly, and that doesn't mean two grounds and commanding a superb view Ju, cVim things, either. Mr. Drew haa demonstrated of the vM range of the Connecticut valley. H. wa orlli,...d i ical his father, hla fitness to drees weH. to conduct himself The author's recent volume, "The Change mothar and three slaters dying at New with a certain distingue air, and to twirl of Heart," deals with people of gentle birth, and contains six stories. In each of which soma tangible affair of the heart Is Ingeniously unfolded. Orleans of yellow fever. his moustache in a certain sort oi way, He organised the firm of Train & Co.. and knows the correct way of doing otner shloDing aaents with offices here and In things that are pom and proper, ana Australia, and started the first clipper these accomplishments all stand him In ships to California In 1845. He promoted good etead in his share of the unfolding everal railroads and mndn an indeoendent of the modern military romance vapiain r.ra for nn.lil.nl In 172 Ma waa noted aa Marshall has proviaeo. us wuu. major AInslco's for February offers an especi ally nttrnt1v. tahl. nt nnnf.nta. Tha novelette is by Elizabeth Duer, who con- a prolific writer and for his eccentricities. Christopher Bingham, however, may be second In command so far as the Tenth Dragoon Guards were concerned, but not on the stage; he'e first there, and "Alas, your majesty, there is no second. Supporting Mr. Drew Is a company whose names are nearly. If not quite, all new to Omaha, yet of such capacity as to give The February number of The Smart Set opens with a striking novelette, "The Wan derers," by Gertrude Lynch a story with a wholly new theme, as strong as It Is In teresting. The dramatic Incidents which follow a man who haa kidnaped his own child, after a stormy quarrel with the wife who naa Just divorced him. Is stirring in the extreme, and the story Is written with thai literary distinction which always char acterises Misa Lynch's work. It is a memorable novelette. Margaret Button Briscoe, the author of The Change of Heart," ' The Bixth Sense" and other books of short stories published by Harper A Bros., is one of tho writers of short stories who began her literary career In quite- ah accidental manner. It Is related of Mrs. Briscoe, or Mrs. Hopkins, as she Is known In private life, that pn returning from a vixit to a back country farm, she desired to Jot down an amusing Incident related to her by her farmer host. She began In the evening and wrote for a long time, scarcely conscious of the length f her narrative, until finally, us she penned the last line, her lamp flickered out, and aha discovered that It waa daylight. tribuLed that for the Christmas number. I He has a career which has carried him Her new story, "A Natural Divorce," is I to all parts Of the world and left his Im a decided Improvement on the former. I press In many lands. He has been prom Though Its action is laid In the same sur- Inent as a promoter, lecturer, political roundings, there is more of the dramatic speaker and author. It waa In his days element, the characters are more sharply as a promoter that Omaha knew him. It drawn, and tha nlot la better balanced, waa during the construction period Of the James H. Gannon. 1r.. berina In this num- Union Paclflo and during that time and very acceptable characterization to the ber the first of a aeries of "Stories of the for several years thereafter he was a people who inhabit the Marshall play. Miss Street," entitled "The Control of the Bt. well known figure In this city and many Margaret Dale is an attractive appearing Louis Southern." It is done by one who Is of the older ridents have vivid memories young woman, with a pleasing face and a thoroughly familiar with the subject, and of him. He was possessed of a brilliant voice full of musio and eeemlngly capable la aa good aa Lerevre's best, which is say- mind and even then was noted for eccen- of much expression. She haa been schooled Ing tho most that could be said. Dorothy trlcltlra which in later years have made In the quiet methods of the star and ac Dix haa another of her delightful little his name a household word. It was one compllshes her work with a delightful re- talks with women "Choslng a Husband" of these cecullarltlea which furnlahes the presslon. Colonel Anstruther Is very In full of that sort of advice that. In these basis for one of the best known stories of telllgently portrayed by Mr. Ootthold, and days, most women should take to heart. I his life In Omaha. In those days the Hern- Mr. Salisbury Is good as Lieutenant Man- The poetry of the number Is contributed don house, now the Union Paclflo head- nerlng, by Arthur Ketchum, Theodore Robert, quarters building, waa the most pretentious very large audience was present last Carolyn Wells. Harold MacOrath, W. D. hotel building in the west and here Train evening and apparently enjoyed the play. Nesblt and Madeline Windeyer. The theat- waa boarding. He became offended at rlcal article, entitled "Midwinter Plays," what he considered lack of attention to his "CHICKEN'' JIM GETS EVEN is oy Allan Aaie. m ne puDusnera were wants and vowed he would build a rival. fortunate In obtaining his services. He did It and Us erection was a fine ex ample of what a hustler could do when President Roosevelt has had a moun- I he set about It. What for years was tain ridge In Alaska named for him, Roose- I known as the Cotzens house, on Ninth velt ridge. The ridge waa recently ex- street Just south of Farnam, was the re plored and christened by Dr. Frederick suit. This large frame building was I "Chicken Jim," whose name, the police A. Cook, who writes In Harper's Magazine I erected In thirty days and as speedily I say, comes from an Innate desire to possess for rebruary his second paper on Amer- equipped as s hotel and for years after I chickens, no matter to whom they belong, lea's Unconquered Mountain," which Is the Herndon ceased to be a hotel was the waa recently arrested by Detectives Davis Mount McKlnley In Alaska. Dr. Cook leading caravansary of Omaha and known and Mitchell and la being held pending an thus refers to the new Roosevelt ridge: from one end of the continent to the other. Investigation of a charge of committing a "When looking at Mount McKlnley from it ceased tJ be used as a hotel a num- trivial offense. "Chicken Jim" never has the west, during the greater part of our ber of years ago and last year was torn been known to have developed a falling for sojourn, we couia see oniy mis great nage, down to make room for a v holesale ware- ducks, but Monday afternoon he "ducked' me main mountain twcKinieyj vsuauy ne- house. tha two detectives, using a garden hose. ing cDscurea under neavy eiouaa. "I Always aa Omaha Boomer. "Chicken Jim" waa cleaning the windows nesi or nooseveu noge is a series oil ,A.. . . . . th station, and Daul and Mitchell .r jt-i an umes ana in an places Train was i ; " ----- Tarns Hose on Detectives Davis and Mitchell, Who Cause Ills Arrest. MUNYON S PAW PAW anow-fre fool hills, montlv rvramlfljaJ in I al ana. for which I shall ranest th.7.m, Omaha boomer, ven after he ceased to ovrT p.clUre ooua. xi- anna tZt hHli Dr S rive! a cH this city Us home. trte of his achieve- " Play ugerously near the granhlo nTLuli of" ml nervous av.n- thl. line was posting advertise- "Chicken Jim', all at once lost f.r"h ' aat V'. 0' 1 P!ri dV.en ment. of Omaha on th. at ovramld. l control of the nozzle and Mitchell received iu mm nis in ri v pncouniarea in inui im- i - i a. rna tiiii Trvrfga nr inn sa tu m m on nm no n portant expedition. P:-.. . . : .. . . hrt ravl. fared a. badlv. tho t,..m ji laie years ne nas maae nis nome in i -- t-.i. ...I i , -j, . finding a breakwater in his expansive The Red Book seems to think It haa made ., . ' ,ulm fc .. I breaat. ."Chicken Jim" smiled as he re a literary "find " For the March number of dealjrnlltea. Wlth tne dvanc,nf year, h,s covered his hose and went assiduously to n.iT .1 . V peculiarities have become more pronounced. wor u" uetecuves w... - m, - . Always klndhearted, he has turned toward wenl nomB ,m rwraeni A V.M - I. . ,1.. I .-...vr, some fifty year, ago and 1. declared to be from fh f men He h been n.t Aarv 1 ar- I 4Tb...1 Jt ..I S I " , a .v . . .. J ". " the most peculiar figures In the New plot. Other stories In the March number are "The Paleozoic Humor of Mr. Fltts," one of the tales of a picturesque young scamp, by Rex E. Beach; "The Wing of Recompense," by Julie M. LIppmann, being a dramatic story of an American artist, a London beauty and a mysterious picture. York parks and around him could always be found a bevy of children whom his great, kind heart attracted to him and who were pleased with the peculiar mannerisms Mich. There Is no question about Its being Chamberlain's Coach Remedy the Very Best. "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to say It Is the best cough medicine I have every taken," says Geo. L. Chubb, a merchant at Harlan. of the man. He was possessed of a great intellect which lacked, however, the proper balance to enable him to be of the tuccessful and "The Ouest of Honor." a woman's club ( worM No on rowever aw story by Emily . Wheeler. wUh a cIearer vUon than h, the j,,,,,,. ties that lay In the struggling frontier town The Man with the Thumb," Is the un- 0f Omaha as It xlsted when he first knew usual title of a new two-part novel be- n an(j began sounding its praises. ginning in The Popular Magazine for Feb- Cf those remaining In Omaha who knew ruary. It is a story of mystery, and the njm intimately ex-Mayor George P. Bemls. mystery la so well sustained that it seems a nephew, is easily first, having been as- rather cruel not to give tne story com- BOclated with him In a personal and busi- plete. However, there are thirteen other neM capacity and has always kept up a equally strong features in tne cumber, correspondence with him. H. T. Lemlst one being a complete novel by Louts of ., c. B. Havens Coal company Is a the best, as it will cure a cough or cold In less time than any other treatment. It should always be kept In tha home ready for Instant use, for a cold can be cured in much less time when promptly treated. Clark, Well-Kaowa cleatiat. Praises Paw Paw. Prof. E. Warren Clark, the well-known leoturer, traveler and scientist. It Thomas St., New York, writes: "Paw Paw is Nature's own remedy for indigestion and nervousness. In three trip around the world I - have become perfectly familiar with the medicinal virtue of thla re markable fruit. People in India could not do without It. I waa much Interested when I read that Prof. Munyun had in troduced thla remedy to the public, and 1 have been taking Munyun' l'aw Paw with most gratifying result. The tlrst bottle tncreaurd my .pint He - and cured, ma or aleepleianeaa. 1 aiu now taking it regularly, and rind that my whola sys tem la improved and strengthened, l'aw l'aw cert.inly M a wondrrrul ski to dlttes tlon. I am telling all my friends about It and what It did for me.'1 If you have Dyspepniu. try 1C If you are Nervous, try It. If you are despondent, try it. If you are weak and run down, try It. Cast away all tonics, all medicine and all atlmulants and let Munyon Paw Pw make you well. It will lift you into tho high altitudes of hope un 1 hold you there. It will give exhilaration without Intoxica tion. Hold by all driirrlets. I.arge bottle, 11. Munyou's Laxative Ptlla, Zaa a bottle. Discount Sale Joseph Vance, entitled "The Moccasin Lode." This is the story of a mine manipu lator who tries to do big things with a worn-out claim. There are three two-part atorlea and an array of short fiction by well known authors who know how to entertain you. ' The Sand Man," by William J. Hop kins, is a continuation of farm stories, written In simple language for the bed time amusement ' and Instruction of the very young. Every-day Incidents only are employed to Interest the child, and nothing to excite fear or to over-stimulate the fancy la included. Those who are called upon to entertain young children will hail this book with delight. Handsomely hound and illustrated profusely by Ada C. Williamson. L. C. Page at Co., Boaton, publishers. Large English end Canadian editions of "letters from a Bon to His Salf-Made Father" have been disposed of by the pub lishers, the Roblnion-Luce company, and holders of this right of publication In the countries mentioned report that they are aa much In demand as were the "Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to Hla Son," which are so cleverly answered In this new book. The above books are for sale by the Me- geath Stationery company, 1308 Farnam. 23 to M per cent on Books, Stationery. Games and leather Goods, Pvker beta and Playing Cant. Bale closes Saturday. 1! a B J 13us Farnam Street. H wnewggBjsjggssjSjjB SggrV g29rjBBjQggBsej Tho Iwik. rlwe4 a tuia aae '(. BARKAL9W BROS. Tel. BJ 234. 613 Farestn St. As a cathartic Safe Speedy Sure, Wright's Indian Vegctablo Pills are unequalled. A pure herb remedy. Roman Eye Dalsam For Weak or Sore Eyes ...p .ale by all drasatlata. cousin of the deceased. MEANTIME THE POLICE ARRIVE Dranken Man Refasee to Leave Honae and Woman Thonghtfally Tele, phones to Station. "Sh'don be 'larmed, madam, ah' I'll stay right here and keep de boogers off. Don' be 'larmed." This was the comforting promise Ed Por K. Rosewater of The Bee Is another with ,, Ml.. rh Puh. sot u.h th. wnom irain naa aepi up a uc.uiiury corre spondence teenth street, Monday night as he lopped rtnwn In hr front room lntn mhl.h ti. K .1 Train always took great Interest In edu- forced M entrance. De,plt th ploUine8 cation and one of the city schools, located at Blxth and Hickory, is named after him. of Miss Pugh that the strange man be be gone he persisted in keeping his seat and At one time he po.ses.ed considerable real , tha nu W1s Pugh thoughtfully phoned to the police station, which sent up enough men to care for a dozen such estate In this city, but at the present time It ha. all passed from his control. Ex-Mayor Bemls on Train. Ex-Mayor George P. Bemls of this city, fellows aa Porter. Porter was badly whipped by John Bar- Gold Medal It Pan'American Exposition PRESSURE OF-AIR TOO GREAT Coalaenaent in Calaeon Overtimes Workmen at Terminal Comoany'i Caat Omaha, Bridge. a cousin of Citizen Trsin. waa first apprised I leycorn and proved an eaay victim for the of hi. relative's death by a Bee reporter I polloa. at an early hour thla morning. Mr. Bemls said: 'Well. Is he dead? Mr. Train first came to Omaha in 1M3, when the Union Pacific railroad waa organized. On December t of that year he broke ground here for the I construction of the road and made hla fa mous speech predicting the early comple tion of the road over the mountains to California. He was here on and off until 1868, when he bad an experience at the old Herndon house, which led to the construc tion of the Cozzens house by him. You no doubt have heard of the particulars of the caaa. "He waa closely identified with the city until 186, when the gold spike was driven In the Overland route at Promltory, Utah. "In W& he bought 600 acres of Omaha property south of the tracks and between the river and Twentieth street, but he subsequently lost this through mortgage foreclosure. "His last visit to Omaha was during October, 1K)3. when be spoke at Boyd's theater for a week, his particular object then being to work up Interest In the mat ter of having an Omaha day at the Co lumbian expos! Liu n and to take 6,000 Omaha children there under hla guidance." John Nelson. 821 South Nineteenth street. who baa been working In a causwm at the Terminal company East Omaha bridge. waa overcome monger arternooD npon emerging from tha caisson, the air pressure having been too much for him. The stricken man was removed In the poll? ambulance to Clarksoa hospital. At - early hour Tuesday morning he waa re ported as resting eaully. Deugla Printing Co, 1 Uww-vro. Tel 14 Unlike Any Other! The full flavor, the deli cious quality, the absolute Purity of Lowney's Break fast Cocoa distinguish it from all others. Lowncy's Cocoa Is the fnest possible product of the choicest Cocoa Bean. Th Lmrr KKtiM Bat uttt torn QmmuUlcimfittmtkmi4. Saufrm tmWaiat H. leajOa.S mis, sum. EASY TRAVELING O O TO o o califma f. gggmgnmmgmjmmmmmmmmmmm f : . - . . r ,' .. , - - There is one way of going to California that affords all the ease and comfort at a minimum of expense the Burlington way. For many years the Burlington has been taking thousands of people annually to Cali fornia. This travel has increased each year because the service given was the best to be had for the money. The Burlington's through tourist sleep ing cars run via Denver through Colorado's mountain scenery, through Salt Lake City by far the most interesting route to the coast. Vrito or call and I will toll you all about tho trip. lllllflsjiOil (Mi : J. B. REYNOLDS CITT PASSENGER IQEHT 1502 Farnam Stroot, Omaha. i I 0 e