The Omaha ' Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JtfNE 10, 18TL i SIX OLE COPY TIIKEE CENTS. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY JJOICNISO, JAXTTAKY 20, 11)04 TEX PAGES. 1 NL 1 TROOPS GOING NORTH Bowie Sends Fcir Thomand k -"or! Arthir to Unnamad Dei'.ia ' y CORRESPONDENTS NOT ALLOWED Wken They Aik They Art Told Waf Hot Been Declared. '-' GERMANY THINKS PEACE IS POSSIBLE Bitter Feeling Sow at Berlin Than Bm Heretofore Eiited. FOREIGN EMISSARIES MAKE TROUBLE ark Intimation la Ulven la Report by America Minister at Seoul Received hy State !) yartmeit. PORT ARTHUR. Jan. 19 Four tnousand troupe are to leave here tomorrow bound northward. Otherwise city life la nor mal and there has been no exodus of families. Applications by correspondents desiring to accompany the force have all been met with 'a reply that hostilities are not ex pected and therefore It would be prema ture to Issue permits. The authorities here state definitely that Russia has no Intention or desire to In terfere In Corea, evtm should Japan con tinue to land small bodies of troops there In contravention of the existing treaties, an the KusMans assert the Japanese are do ing, under the pretext that they are only I railway guards I Berlin Feels Easier. 1 BERLIN, Jan. 19. The apprehension that there might be war between Japan and w a which prevailed at the Foreign of- ce two or three days last week has been i replaced by temporary confidence that Rus sia would bo able to satisfy Japan. Although this la the opinion held today by the . Foreign office, as the Associated Press learns, yet the ' delicate . balance might easily be disturbed by insistence on either side. The official news from St. Petersburg describes the sentiments of the cxar's ministers an being for peaoe. The relative attitude of the two powers is de- lined as Japan bolng firm and positive and Russia as being conciliatory. What prob ably Is as suggestive as any portion of tho new received by the Foreign office Is that Japan and Russia now exchange ideas Informally by telegraph dally. Rasalaa Spies la Germany. Tho Intimate relations between Germany S-nd Russia were brought out in the Reioh tag today during a discussion over the privilege given to ' Russia's secret agent on this aids of the frontier. Tho socialists gava notice some time ago that at the reopening ot Parliament they would question the government on the sub ject. Herr Ernst Haas was put forward by the party today to make the attack. He asserted that Russia, maintained a chief ( spies in' Berlin, ' named Taxdik, -who re ceived 19,000 yearly and enjoyed the title of nls , exoelloncy. .Herr Haas . then inert tloned by name Tardlk's principal assistant. whose relations with the German govern ment were such as to permit them, Herr Haas aClrmed, to use the German polios agencies and other Instruments of the gov rnment as though they were Russian stu dents or other residents, occasionally get ting at the postal officials and opening malt addressed to Russians. The deputy accused the spies of using the methods of house breakers, seemingly without exciting police vlgtlanoe, and say they forged a power of attorney to receive the mall of a socialist member of the Reichstag suspected of be Ing In correspondence with Russians who were under tho disapproval of the Russian government. Herr Haas then asked 'the ministers If It was not true that Russians were conducted across ths Russian frontier, at the request of th Russian government, without extra dition proceedings or the bringing of specific charges. Ths principle laid down by the German government, tho deputy added. seemed to be that any Russian residing In Germany who was obnoxious to his own government became thereby Immediately an undesirable resident, and Instead of be- I I .Mi allowed to cross any frontier as h jflssrlleaaed. he was put across the Russian Forels-a Emissaries Make Trouble. WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Ths only ad vices received over night at the Stats de partment from ths sast corns from Minister Allen at Seoul. He reports that Cores, Is In a panicky condition and there Is ap prehension of a riotous outbreak at any moment. Ths Intimation Is conveyed that interested foreign emissaries are at ths bottom of thess disturbances, ths result of which may be to afford an excuse tor Intervention and the placing of large forces In Corea, thus precipitating a hostile collision between Russia and Japan. Denies story ef Visit to Csar. T. PETERB BURG, Jan. 19. -There is no truth la the statement telegraphed to th Cologne Oasette that a personal Interview between the caar and th Japanese minis- tec. Kurlno, had been arranged. It would be most unusual for th csar to give personal audience to a simple minister, and It is authoritatively denied that such a meeting was ever contemplated. It la confirmed from a Japanese source that Russia. In notifying Japan of its rec ognition of treaty rights In Manchuria, ex presely excepted the privileges of foreign settlements, and It Is further said that th United States had been informed that Japan was disposed to contest this point, which It considered vital, in ths experience of trade privileges. All ths newspapers today publish edl toiials on the suggestion and declare such a step la unnecessary. , Raaalaa Reply Kiseeted. LONDON, Jan. 19. A dispatch to Reu tor's Telegram company from Toklo says ths Russian reply Is expected shortly and thai It Is believed that It will make some concession, but It Is doubted whether these will tts sufficiently far-reaching. SIXTY DROWN BY ACCIDENT Public moral la Booth Afrlea.Over Remains victims of Bint, lag Reservoir. TtLOEMFONTKlN. Jan. 19.-It Is limited tnat sixty persons wera rim-.-... as a result of the bursting, of a reservoir Iter Bunaay. wmcn siso aestroyed nnuae and thro hotels. There was a publlo funeral and Interment today of twenty-tnr of th bodies ready recovered. Th ceremonies were tended by sll ths local oRlrlala mm of th Inhabitants. Ths shops wer closed and lbs low la aaour&lDCt CHAMBERLAIN VISITS LONDON Former Colonial Secretary Addresses Business Common It y on Fiscal Policy at Guild Hall. I5NDON. Jan. 1.-Thn Guild hall was packed to suffocation today to hear Joseph Chamberlain speak. i Mr. Chamberlain, who was accompanied his wife, received a great ovation. He 'an by declaring that the provincial ?r of commerce of the United King--i had been heard from In regard to his tariff proposals, but the views of the cltl eens of London were not yet known. He desired to ascertain how tho city men felt on the subject of his scheme before the opening of Parliament and regretted that, owing to Its nonpolltlcal character, the meeting would not have the opportunity of voting directly for or against him. Mr. Chamberlain, who sold he believed the same arguments he, used in the prov inces would appeal equally to Imperialistic London, then proceeded to reiterate his well-known fiscal views. He pointed out that, while London was now the clearing house of the world, he doubted if that posi tion could be maintained If the ancient su perstition was to be upheld. Before It was too late a lesson should be learned from the fate of Venice, Holland and the Hanseatlc states, whose greatness had vanished because .they had no productive nd creative energy behind them. London would no longer be the world's clearing ouse If Great Britain's present relations with its colonies and the great neutral countries of the world were disturbed by a dlmunltlon In the multiplicity of the extent of the transactions which hitherto had been creating new wealth. Its opponents claimed that tho recent Board of Trade returns destroyed his con tentions, but he Intended to base his future arguments on those returns, as they proved hst the growth of foreign exportatlons to the British colonies had greatly exceeded the growth of exportatlons from the motherland. The position of Great Britain was deteriorating and though he anticipated no immediate catastrophe, the situation called loudly for some remedy. The leS' sons of the past must be applied and the framework of a new empire must be built up under new conditions by adopting the protective policy adopted by every civilised nation and creating new bonds ot union with th colonies. Although no vote of confidence was per mitted, the enthusiasm of the members of th Stock exchange, who escorted Mr. Chamberlain's carriage to the Guild hall, the cheers which punctuated his . speech and ths vociferous applause at th close of his remarks must have assured the former colonial secretary that h had the full sympathy of his audience. Almost simultaneously with Mr. Cham berlaln's exposition of his policy In the Guildhall the duke of Devonshire and Lord George Hamilton addressed an equally enthusiastic meeting. The duke of Devonshire said he was coming more and more to believe that the government was right in advocating a policy of . retaliation against protectionist countries, but with Premier Balfour al lowing himself to b so dragged Into the Chamberlain propaganda, it would be im possible for the unionists to maintain their alignment with the government. WH1TAKER WRIGHT ON STAND Discredited London Promoter Tes tifies la His Owi Behalf la London Coort. LONDON, Jan. 19. There was a consld erable crush In court and a bust of an ticipation when Whitaker Wright, the company pro noter on trial on the charge of fraud, entered the witness box today, The former financier was composed and answered questions firmly. He first re lated th story of his life In America and then told of th foundation of ths London at Glob corporation, which, he declared. was prosperous until the end of 1899, after th South African war had started, when matters became disastrous. The witness added that h assisted th company out of his private pocket, lending it between 2,000,000 and 1 600,000. Previous to this hs had prepared a settlement of 11. 600,000 on his family, giving 9500,000 to each ot his chll dren, but one day In 1899 th company's accountant Informed him that he must have 11.500, 000 or th company would be obliged to suspend. Ths witness said hs supplied the money and, consequently, the settlement on his family was never car ried out. Wright admitted that hs only held 2.500 shares of the London Glob corporation at the time of the crash and said hs tried to Induce ths late Lord Duffertn to resign his directorship because ths newspapers at tacked him over Lord Dufferin'a shoulders, Tho witness had Intimated to Lord Duffertn that th position of chairman of a specu lativ company was not dignified, but Lord Dufferin replied that hs was well satisfied and that he wished to retain ths position. SEE DANGER IN THE CHINESE After Experiences of Years Australia la Convinced that Prohibition Of Mongolians Is Imperative. MELBOURNE, Jan. 19. Ths federal premier, Alfred Deakln, after a consults, tlon with the premier of New Zealand. R. J. Seddon. has cabled to fhs authorities at Pretoria to the effect that Australia, after an experience, of years. Is convinced that the prohibition of Chinese labor Is Im perative in British communities expecting to enjoy responsible self government. Pre mier Deakln added that he was reluctant to Interefr outside ot Australia, but the fed. erai ministry was compeuea to express deep apprehension of the result of the Introduction of Chines labor Into the Transvaal. Ha foresaw grave perils, racial politically and sanitary, as in spits of safe- guards it was impossible to prevent serious evils. REPORT IN FAVOR OF DREYFUS Attorney General Finishes Examine tloa of Case Before Coort of Cassation. PARIS. Jan. 19. Tho Associated Press learns that ths report of Attorney General Baudern la favorable to Dreyfus, following the view adopted by th court which rec ommended a revlalon of the case. Ths sttorney general today finished the exam' ination of tho ease before the court of ess satlon. . Ths decision of ths court, which is not expected for some weeks, un doubtedly will b In favor of Dreyfus. toaasor Collide with Iro. BRIDGEPORT. Conn.. Jan. 19. Th steamer John H. Btarln or ths Btartn Un bound from New York to New Haven, wli thirteen passenger and freight, ran tut Ice or aom sunken obstruction while o Bridgeport today and sank on the mud flats after being iuwm into this harbor. Its Psssongois war. ta.n off aalely ERMANY SEES AFRICAN WAR KsiobitAg Authorises Extraordinary Credit to Suppress Bell rirent latifei. UPRISING HAS LONG BEEN PLANNED Present Warlike Africans Were Ones Loyal, bat Never Advocates of Germany's Political and Social Order. BERLIN, Jan. 19. Tho bills authorising supplementary credits of 705,SnO for Ger man Southwest Africa, made necessary by ths dispatch of reinforcements of troops to Southwest Africa owing to the revolt of the Hernros tribesmen, passed their first and second reading in the Reichstag today. Dr. Btuebel, director of the Colonial de partment of th Foreign office in the Reich stag, today made a full exposure of the government's Information about the Hr reros rising. He said the rising ot the Bon delzwarta tribesmen had unquestionably been ended between January and 10, but at the same time came the first news of the movement in central Southwest Africa. A telegram arrived January 11 from Wind hoek saying that Okahandja had been occu pied by natives and that telegraphic con nection with Windhoek and Bwhkopmund was cut. The government immediately dis patched a relief column by railroad from Swakopmung, but it Is not known how far it got. The relief of Otymblngue, a mission tatlon south of Windhoek, which was also occupied by natives, was attempted from Karlblh and forces had just been sent to protect the railroad station at Karlblb, which had been p'.accd in a defensive po sition. Sltaatlon Is Grave. On German post in the northern portion of Herreros territory was also besieged, The natives had secured uniforms at a shop at Johannan Albrechtshohe, which they had plundered. Dr. Steubel added that he re garded the situation as being extremely grave. The acting governor of German Southwest Africa was commanding a bat talion of field artillery. Few Whites Involved. The territory Involved In the uprising em braces a population of 1,542 whites. The fundamental cause of the ' revolt was the inability of the natives to forget their former freedom. The Germans had been accustomed to regard the Herreros as al lies against the Wltboys. The Herreros remained loyal In 1896, when the first up rising was suppressed. "Nevertheless," Dr. Steubel continued the Herreros remained enemies of politi cal and social order," which the Germans were striving to Introduce. Moreover, with th railroad cam additional farmers and the dispossession of natives through the purchase of lands. The government had Introduced a short repurchase term for land bought of natives; but the Interests of the settlers and natives conflicted in many respects. Apparently th 'present rising had been planned long ago and had been kept secret. It was significant, con tinued Dr. Steubel, that numerous laborers employed In ths Transvaal mines, on learning of th Bondelswarts warring, turned to participate In it. The farmers and missionaries were completely surprised. Tho risings proved tho necessity for dis arming the natives. Ccntorlsts Support Government. Dr. Spahn, a member of tho center party, said hs thought It safe to pledge the whole House to support tho govern ment, although it was true, as the Frank furter Zeitung had explained, that the rising was due to other causes than the government had referred to, particularly to th severity with which traders had enforced the payment of debts contracted by the natives. However, Dr. Spahn added the present moment was not suited for such a discussion. Herr Bebel, the socialist leader, said he was not opposed to speedy action. He explained that similar risings had charge terlsed the colonization as practiced by the civilised nations throughout the world, and quoted from a letter from Southwest Africa saying that if th Herreros began a struggle It would be In desperation. Herr Bebel added that he believed th Herreros had sufficient reasons for desperation. Missionary reports complained of the fur theranc of Immorality and drunkenness by th settlers, as an additional cause for desperation was th freedom with which bodily chastisement was practised. Pending th arrival of mora exact In formation the socialists would abstain from voting, without prejudice to their general opposition to ths colonial policy. Th leaders of other parties briefly de clared their readiness to support ths sup plementary estimates, reserving their crltl clsm for a more seemly occasion. KING PETER READY TO QUIT Head of Servian Government Willing to Tara Conntry Over to Powers. . VIENNA, Jan. 19.-King Peter of Servla. according to a report from Cettlnje, Monte negro, published by th Neuea Welner Journal, is preparing to voluntarily re nounce the throne and allow the powers to nominate his successor. Ths prince of Montenegro Is said to hav received a mandate from Russia ts clear up th precarious situation In Servla and King; Peter Is alleged to have recognised the untenabillty of his position and to be willing to abdicate. His successor, it is added, will only be permitted to ascend the throne conditional on his agreeing to pun Ish the leaders of the conspiracy which resulted In the assassination of King Alex ander and Queen Draga, removing all those who were directly or indirectly concerned In ths conspiracy. Ths statement pub llshed by the Neues Welner Journal is not confirmed, but all reports Indicate that affairs in Servla are steadily growing worse and that they are causing the greatest anxiety in Russia and Austria. The Ber vlan conspirators sre said to be openly threatening to take revenge on Europe by Joining In the expected Macedonian out break In the spring. The Internal condition of Servia Is alarming. Outside the towns Ufa and property are insecure. The roads are Infested with brigands. NOT WORRIED BY RUMORS Reports of Death Circulated Regard law tho Popo Do Not Dlstarb tho Pentl at Rome. ROME, Jan. 19. When ths rumor of th d4th of tho popo which was circulated la Madrid came to ths ears of ths pontiff, his holiness exclaimed to a friend: What, already! Leo was left in peace for Bv years after Ms election, while with me these rumors hav begun at th end of only a few months. It may bo a good thing to look at this from a superstitious standpoint, but I am the other way, and vu uuua b sr yroiuug. my. iuaa DEPLORES NEGRO EDUCATION overaor of Mississippi Thinks Black Race Han deteriorated Because of Knowledge. JACKSON. Miss.. Jan. 19 In his Inaugural address, delivered today before a joint ses sion of the Mississippi legislature. Governor Vardaman declared the growing tendency of the negro to commit criminal assault on white women Is nothing mors or less than the manifestations of th racial desire for social equality. In strong terms he de- tared that education Is the curse of the negro race and urged an amendment to the state constitution that will place the dis tribution of the common school fund solely within the power of ths legislature. Contin uing his discussion tof th negro question Governor Vardaman said: As a race he is neterioratinn- morally every day. Time hast demonstrated that he is more criminal as a free man than as a slave, that he is Increasing In criminality wnn ingntrui rapidity, being one-third more criminal in IKso than he was In 1XS0. The startling facts revealed by the census show that thne who can read snd write sre more criminal (than the Illiterates, which Is true of do i oilier element of our population. ' I am advised that tho mini mum Illiteracy among the negroes is found in new r.naiann, wnere It Is 21.7 per cent. The maximum la found in the black belt Ixiulxlana. MlKsisslrnt nnri South t Hrnliiia where It is 66.7 per cent. And yet the negro in rsew r.iiRiami is Tour and one-half times more criminal, hundred for hundred, than he is In the black belt. In the south, Mississippi pnrtlcularty. I know he is grow ing worse every year. You cm scarcely f'lck up a newspaper whose rages are not ilackened with the account of nn unmen tionable crime committed hy a negro brute, and this crime, 1 want to impress upon you, Is but the manifestation of the negro's aspiration for social equality, encourage! largely ny tnn rnaracter or free education n vogue, which the slate Is lew na- tribute upon the white people to mnlntnln. The better class of nCiri-oe In no! rpnnnnnl. ble for this terrible condition, nor for the criminal tendency of, their race. Nor do I wish to be und"rstooa un censuring thorn for It. I am not censuring anybody, nor am I Inspired by 111 will for the negro, but I am simply calling attention to a most unfortunate and unendurable condition of fcffnlrs. What shall lie done fcbout it? My own Idea Is that the character of the education of the negro ought to lie changed. ir. artec years oi earnest errort and tne expenditure of fabulous sums of money to educate his bead, we have succeeded In maamg a criminal out or mm and im periling" his usefulness and efficiency as a laborer, wisdom suggest that we make another experiment snd see If we cannot m Drove him bv educating his hand and his heart. This must be a moral sub- stratem upon which to build, or you cannot make a desirable citizen. The governor also declares that the peo ple of the nation should rise up and de mand tho repeal of the fifteenth amend ment. EXTREMELY COLD IN NEW YORK With Mercury Below Zero Homeless and Poor Have Hard Time In Metropolis. NEW TORK, Jan. 19. Intensely cold weather lost night and today caused suffer ing all over the city among the homeless and poor and the temperature, below sero, brought conditions of extreme discomfort for all whose duties called them into th open air. The police wer kept busy caring for unfortunates, several of whom wer found unconscious, on in a dying condl tlon. Th temperature began to drop suddenly last evening, passing sero during; tho night, and at 8 a. m. 1 be 1 -"" waa registered at the weather bureau, suuch lower tempera' tures prevailing liv more exposed portions of tho city. Firemen wer greatly handi capped In their work today by the intense cold and bursting of hose. Dispatches from all over the state report extremely cold weather, the thermometer going as far as 40 below sero in ths central portion of the state. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Jan. 19. Extreme cold again prevails in Connecticut today, The temperature her equals the lowest of the record of the season 6 degrees below zero. Much lower thermometer readings were reported from outside points, espa dally from the Litchfield Hills, where it was 24 to 31 below. BOSTON, Jan. 19. Railway travel was again badly Interfered with today owing to the recurrence of extreme cold weather, At 8 a. m. the temperature was 5 below in this city. In northern New England dur ing the night ths mercury stood-at 20 be low and even lower at some points. DIVINF WANTS PUBLIC TRIAL Presbytery Will Try Eastern Pastor for Preaching; Sermon Which Was Followed hy a Lynching. DOVER, Del., Jan. 19. The Newcastle presbytery decided today to try Rev. R. A, Elwood of Wilmington, Del., on the charges in connection with the preaching of sermon by him last June entitled, "Should the Murderer of Helen Bishop Be Lynched." The trial will take place in the Presby terian church at Newcastle on February 1 The action taken today is in line with the instructions given the presbytery by the synod of Baltimore, which has Juris diction over the Newcastle presbytery, The declalon to give Mr. Elwood an ec clesiastical trial was not decided upon un til after a bitter debate of several hours, Mr. Elwood demanded a public trial and that It be held In his own church at Wil mington. The selection of Newcastle is In the nature of a compromise. Tho ques tion of .trying him In public or behind closed doors has not yet been determined, The complaint against Mr. Elwood is that hs delivered a sermon at Wilmington which it Is alleged so worked up the people that the next' night a mob gathered, stormed the workhouse, took out George White, the colored man, who confessed to assault ing and killing Helen Bishop, and burned him to death at the stake. OFFICIALS HOLD UP TRAIN Grand Tronic Not Permitted to Pro ceed with Smallpox- oa Board. BUFFALO, N. T.. Jan. 19. A special to th News from Niagara Falls says the Grand Trunk passenger train No. 4 la in quarantine at Niagara Falls, Ont., with a case of smallpox on board. The train waa stopped on the bridge and all th passen gers held prisoners. Dr. Bingham. Immigrstlon physician, waa summoned, and be In turn summoned Health Offlser Scott. The train i fumigated. Fourteen people were exposed to the disease. DOZEN WIDOWS GET NOTHING KtSSj of Charles Hall of Los Angeles Will Go to Eaatera Relatives Nest of Kla. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Jan. 19. Tho es tate of Chsrles Hall, for which mors than a aosen widows nave entered claims, was distributed by order of court today. The entire tatat. amounting to (144,004, goes to nine heirs in Boston. Ths stste re ceived over t&,ooo ouji Ut ostata as in hortuuic tax, . , ALMER TO BE POSTMASTER Senator Millard Makes Bscoroatendation and Nans Goei to Einata Soon. OTHER CANDIDATES GET A KIND WORD Junior Senator Announces He Is Not Candidate for Delegate to the Kelt National Repabllcaa Convention. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. (Special Tele gram.) Captain Henry E. Palmer is to be the next postmaster at Omaha. His name will be sent to th senate tomorrow or Thursday. Speaking of the selection of Captain Palmer, Senator Millard said: "This has been tho hardest proposition to decide that has been submitted to me ince I came to the senate. I have had nearly a dosen applications for the Omaha postmastership, all of them being sup ported by representative citizens. Some of them naturally were more strongly urged than others, but there was not an appli cant who would not have conducted the office acceptably. "The present postmaster, Mr. Crowe who was an applicant for reappointment, has given splendid satisfaction In his position. This is also true of his assistant, Mr. Woonard. Conditions, however, seemed to Indicate that Mr. Palmer was the man to be appointed at this time and his name will go to the senate In a day or two. I wish I could have appointed them sll to the place, but of course that being out Of the question from out of those who were candidates for the place I had ,to select Borne one person which I have done. In th person of Captain Palmer. I recognize that there undoubtedly will be criticism on the part of those who failed to receive the nomination, but looking at It from every view point, I reached the conclusion that Captain Palmer would measure up to the requirements." It In understood that Mr. James Wood ard. present deputy postmaster, will bo re appointed by Captain Palmer. Millard Not a Candidate. Senator Millard tonight, speaking of the coming convention . for delegates to the national republican convention said that he did not want his friends to regard him as a candidate for delegate. He stated that the party had honored him with an election to the senate of the United States and recognized that there were many able men In the state who would esteem It an honor to be sent to. Chicago as a repre sedative of the republican party In Ne braska and he believed that those men should ba recognized. The senator said he thought an early convention was desirable and suggested that the president would be pleased to have the convention held about April 1. Appropriation for the Missouri. Henry T. Clark of Omaha, president of the Missouri River Improvement associa tion, together with C. B. Sebastian of Columbia, Mo.j F. W. Mtrxwell, commlS' sloner of the Commercial club of St. JO' eph, and ex-Representative Thomas Bow man, are in Washington for the purpose of appearing before the livers and harbors oommltte of th house with a view of securing an appropriation of $5,000,000 to be spent In revetment work on the Missouri river. It Is not the purpose of the asso ciation to spend this amount of money In any one year, but desire this appropriation so that a certain amount of work may ba done during a given number of years to retard the encroachment of the Mis souri river upon lands along Its banks. A hearing will be given the representa tives of the association tomorrow, the senators from Nebraska and Iowa having indicated that they will be glad to aid in any proposition that will hold the wa ters of the Missouri in bounds. Representative Burkett today recom menced the appointment of John Markt to be postmaster at Barada, Richardson county. Representative Klnkald has recommended J. H. Evans to bs postmaster at Calloway, Custer county, to succeed J. H. Douglas. Would Increase Homestead. Congressman Klnkald today introduced a bill which provided for increasing ths size of homestead on lands in his district and portions of the Fifth congressional district from the usual 160 acres to 640 acres The lands which will be affected 11 entirely within what la known as the grazing belt of Nebraska, where but little of the land Is really fit for snythlng except to graze cattle upon. The counties which will be affected by Judge Klnkald's bill are Sioux, Scqtt'a Bluff, Banner, Kimball, Dawes, Box Butte, Cheyenne, Sheridan, Deuel, Cherry, Grant, Keith, Lincoln, McPherson, Hooker, Thomas, Logan, Dawson, Custer, Blaine, Brown, Keys Paha, Rock, Loup, Holt, Garfield, Valley, Sherman, Buffalo, Greeley, Wheeler, Boyd, Perkins, Chase, Dundy, Hayes, Howard and Hitchcock. Move for New Bridge. Congressman Walter L Smith today In troduced a bill to authorise the Centrn! Railroad and Bridge company of Council Bluffs to construct a bridge across the Missouri river at Council Bluffs. Senator Clapp today Introduced a toll' granting an extension of time for three years from March 8, 1904, to the Omahs Northern Railway company to construct a railway across and to establish stations on the Omaha and Winnebago reservations In Nebraska. Rural free delivery Is ordered estab lished March 1 at Panama, Lancaster county. Neb.; route embraces an area of twenty square miles, containing a popula tion qf 410. Harriett I. Klmbnl has been appointed postmaster at Miranda, Foulk county S. D., H. W. Metz, resigned. CALL SETTLES CONTROVERSY Chairman Announces that National Convention of Prohibitionists Will Be at Indianapolis. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Jan. 19 The call for ths national prohibition convention, to be held In this city beginning June 29. has been Issued by National Chairman Oliver W. Stewart. The call names Indianapolis as the convention city. This will settle. local prohibitionists say, all questions as to the convention city. RES0LUTI0NSJTO COMMITTEE Senate Seeds Prosopals for Post office Investigation to Committee oa Postontees, WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Th senate adapted without further debate ths motion to refer th reselutlons for an Investiga tion of th affairs of th Postoffica depart ment to lbs commute pa postoffloes. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair and Warmer Wednesday and Thursday. Temperature at Oi nana Yesterday! Hour. Desr. 1 p. nt VT 8 p. m BT a p. vt 4 P. m XT H p.m...... l p. m , T p. tn...... SM H p. m St It p. m JM Hoar. Prs. A a. m ..... . iA T f a. m ..... , :m su m. . . . . . HO a. m JiT a. m ..... , ar a. m , Stl a. m , Ita m 2 lO 11 lil MAY WHEAT GOES TO TOP PRICE Creeping Mnrket Flads Shorts with Little Grala for Sale and Bids Increase. CHICAGO, Jan. 19. Many bets were de cided between brokers on the Board of Trade today, when May wheat sold at 90 cents. This Is not only the top price for the season, but tho highest price since September. 1902, when Armour cornered tho market. . It wis, as one trader expressed Ing little wheat for snlo today. Shorts find ing little wheat for sale were forced to Increase their bids. Uneasiness over the political situation In the far east has had much to do In bringing about the bullish tendency of the market, but th most Influential factor In the present situation Is th congested con dition. According to one authority Armour has acquired a big line of May wheat variously estimated between 7,000,000 and 10,000,000. Corn for May delivery sold today at tS'i cents and oats deliverable for the same month sold t 41 cents. James A. Pat ten Is said to be running a big deal In oats, while W. H. Bartlett and some of his asso ciates are said to bo heavily Interested In the corn market. TAKES POISON AT ST. LOUIS Former Teacher at Beatrice Found la Desperate Straits oa Street at Midnight. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 19. (Special Telegram.) Delusion that she was being persecuted made Emily Pitt, aged- 31, a former teacher of Beatrice and Edgar, take laudanum In water, then stagger into tho street. where the police at midnight found her and sent her to a hospital. She lived at 2937 Manchester Road, but falling to get employment studied photography at the studio of Gerhart sisters. Her surround ings produced melancholy. Her father la a farmer near Beatrice, who has sent re mittances to her from time to time. Miss Pitt at the hospital said that at a druggist's ad vie she had been taking powders for nervousness and she thinks, while dased, she wandered out of doors. COLD WEATHERJDELAYS TRIAL Jurors la Bechtel Case Require Medi cal Atteatloa Because of Frost Bites. ALLENTOWN. Pa., Jan. .-Tho re sumption of the Bechtel trial today was de layed owing to .the Inability of three jurors to reach the city by bitter cold weather, which interferred with the trolley and train service. ,Two of the jurors wer compelled to walk a distance of six miles. One had his ear frozen and the other had both hands frost bitten. Both required medical atten tion upon their arrival here. Counsel for the defendant endeavored to discredit the biological system of deter mining human blood, but the cross-examination failed to shake the direct testimony of th witness. ' Dr. Lear mad an ex haustive explanation of his tests for th ELECTION BET HELD LEGAL This Is the Effect of Opinion Court In Missouri of Case. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 19.-In a decision by Judge C. C. Bland of tho St, Louis circuit court of appeals today the Judgment of a lower court In favor of the defendant in a suit to recover 1500, which was paid on an election bet, was affirmed. The case waa that of A. G. Dooley of Paris, Mo., who in a bet on th result in a primary election put up $500 with R. P. Jackson aa stake holder. Two days after the primary, before the result of the election was snnounced, Dooley tried to retract his bet, but Jackson would not allow him to do so. Dooley lost and ths money was paid to his opponent. The lower court decided sgalnst Dooley and the cass was appealed. CONTROL MOST OF THE LUMBER Northwestern Assoclatloa Holds An nual Session and President Barry Delivers Opening Address. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 19. The Northwestern Lumbermen's association Is In annual session her. John W. Barry of Cedar Rapids, la., president, in his an nual address said It waa acting with fif teen other retail associations, reporting in all 7,200 yards, ranging from the Alle ghenles to ths Rockies and from Winnipeg to the Gulf. Ninety-four per cent of the lumber used in the building trades In this territory is handled by these yards. Re lations with the manufacturers ar cor dial as they recognize the right of the re taller to th trad in his locality. SIGNATURES ARE FORGERIES i Witnesses Testify Against Cashier of Tho Wrecked Highland Bank at Preliminary Hearing. TROY, Jan. 19 J. K. Marcell, cashier of the wrecked Highland, Kan., bank, was given his preliminary hearing today. Two notes of $10,000, each signed by Hutt and Shongo and ono nots of $10,000 with th signature of B. P. Williams were Intro duced In evidence. Hutt, Shongo and Wtl Hams testified thst the signatures on the respective notes were forgeries. Marcell appeared unconcerned throughout the hearing. The hearing waa postponed until the April term. ELECTION FRAUDS IN DENVER Two Arrests oa Complaint of Clergy- maa Who Was Jailed While Acting as a Watcher. DENVER. Jan. 19.-Mlchael Callanan and Jacob Schwarts were arrested today on charges of fraud In view of the election last November. Th complaints were sworn to by Rev. H. W. Plnkham. a prominent clergyman of ths city, who while acting as a watcher at the election, was arrested and jailed for refusing to movs on. Mr. Plnkham also filed complaints against six others, but they have not yet been appre hended. Sensational developments ax x poctod r MINE WORKERS BUSY Pre'idtnt Ifitohall Kamai Oonimittasiof the Annual Convention. SCALE COMMITTEE STARTS ITS LABORS Mart Ba Baadj for Oonfartnos wits Oper ator! an Janiary So. ANTHRACITE MINERS ARE DELINQUENT Many Dalagatas Brred from Bests on Acooait of Nonpayment MUCH CRITICISM OF THEIR COURSE Bltumlaons Miners Think It shows Lack of Appreciation of tho Way They Stood by Those la Big Anthracite Strike. INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 19. At ths open ing of the convention of th United Mln Workers of America today President Mitchell announced ths following stsndlng committees: Committees Are Appelated. The standing committees of the conven tion announced by President Mitchell ar as follows: Distribution James D. Wood, district No. Zi; William Doddu, district No. 6: John 11. Richards, district No. H6. Scale Thomas Reynolds, district No. li: W. H. liaskliis, district No. 6; George Har grove, district No. 11; Patslck Dolan. dis trict No. 6; William Wilson, district No. S: Edwin Perry, district No. 13; John Kahy, district No. 9; Edward Flynn, district No. 20; George Richardson, district No. 1; T. D. Nichols, district No. 1; Georg Colvllle, dis trict No. lb; Stephen Corvln, district No. 24; Peter Hanraty, district No. Zl C. W. Wells, district No. 23; Patrick Gllday, dis trict No. 2; Daniel Young, district No. 1; William Howells, district No. IS: D. C Kennedy, district No. 17: W. H. Pettrer, district No. 7: T. J. Smith, district No, 19; M. K. Purcell. district No. 2A Resolutions W. R. Farley, district No. 20; W. D. Ryan, district No. 12; William Came, district No. 1; D. H. Sullivan dis trict No. 6; George Hartleln, district No. I; William McPherson, district No. V, James M. Hurd. district No. 16, Henry Rsndolph. district No. 13; William Pollman, Washing tpn. Transportation William Wsrdjon. dis trict No. 14; W. T. Morris, dlstrlat No. 12; John P. Gallagher, district No. 7; Thomas Murphy, district No. 18; Harmon II Inkle, district No. 17; William Currl. district No. 2. Officers' Reports John P. White, district No. 13; John Sullivan, district No. S; Wil liam Treagor, district No. S: John Boyle, district No 11; Jo Vasey, district No. t; John T. Dempsey, district No. 1; Georg Manuel, district No. 25. Appeals and Grievances Uriah Belllng ham, district No. 6; M. 8. Elliott, district No. 19; Thomas Richards, district No. 9: Thomat. Kannry, district No. 94; William Green, district No. ; John McElhenney. district No. 7; Edward Cunningham, dla ': N- - J Lonsi'iuonn nris cvann. uiirn-i . H. Kennedv. dlLtrlct No 11: Richard Gilbert, district No. 2; J. L. Clcmo, dlstrlot No. 20; 8. F. Brackney, aistnci ro. si: Pcbcrt Gilmour, district No. i4; Paul P. Pvlaskl, district No. 9. &ergeant-at-Arms M. F. Healer, district No. 1. Messengers K. A. Lannlng. district No. 6; Henry Jackson, district No. It. It waa announced that ths credentials,, committee would ba able to report probably tomorrow afternoon, Ths Urns limit for resolutions snd proposed amendments 4 . , the constitution was fixed for tomorrow night. The committees retired for work. Criticise Anthracite Minors, ; The delinquencies ot locals In th three anthracite districts Is the caus ot much criticism among bitumlnoua miners. Boms were reported as in arrears for two or more months and not entitled to vote In convention. Some of these hav settled with the credenttala committee and Will be represented in convention, but there still remain a large number of anthracite Iboala In bad standing, and ths three districts will not have nearly th voting power on the floor that they had two years ago Just preceding their strike. . Th scale committee began work ' this evening, formulating the miners' demands to be presented to the operators of th central district, composed of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and western Pennsylvania, at the joint wage conference, which begins Jan uary 28. Adjourned until tomorrow. ', Illinois Clerks Meet. BLOOM INGTON, III., Jan. lt.-Th third annual convention of th Illinois Ratal! Clerks' association opened tier today With a large attendance. All of the ..principal cities in ths state are rcprea anted, fifty delegates coming from Chicago. Th prin cipal feature of today's program was an address by President W. H. Mast Of Chi' cagu and reporta of varloua offloar and committeea. -- The convention will actively seek to shorten the hours of ths suburban stores of Chicago. Officers will ba elected Wednesdsy. Trouble af St. Louis. ( BT. LOUIS, Jan. 19.-Flvo cost wagon drivers, temporarily placd by Chiig Schwacker on Ave carriages ordered for th funeral of Peter Corals, a Greek merchant, wer waylaid, beaten and robbed by fifteen men, said to b members of th cabmen'a union, returning from Calvary cemetery this afternoon. Ona carriage waa driven Into a ditch and left there. Policemen ar rested John Thrallka, a cabman, who Is charged with taking part in the attack. Ths othera escaped, Members of ths cabmen's union are bat on a. strike for higher wages and for an ar rangement of other differences. Sohwacksr says hs put ths coal drivers on becaus th order for th five carriages Was a "rush" one and hs could not find cabmen to drive. He aaya th men drove to th com tery without Interference. Bom of th lv drivers received bruises and black eye. , Robert Lewis, vice president of ths car riage drivers snd hackmen'a union, an nounced today, that 900 members ot th union would strike tomorrow morning. Th strike will be called, he saya, after th men have turned In their carriage. Then, . he aaya, no public carriage or hearses, except ths 250 carriages and eight hearses under th contot of ' tha unjnn, will be allowed to operate In St Louis. It was ths Intention to call tha ganeral strike today, but the fact that fifteen funerals were set for Tuesday caused a postponement of twenty-four hours. It Is stated that th action of Chris. Schawacker, In employing Ave cool wagon drivers to drive carriages and then having on of th cabmen arrested, when fifteen of them attacked ths five drivers returning from a funeral, precipitated th strike. Rest rains Mine Workers. JOHNSTOWN, Pa., Jan. 19. -Judge Kooser has granted th Somerset Ooal com pany, operating twenty mines In this coun try, a preliminary Injunction restraining th Mln Workers' Union of America, and ths district officers from molesting or In terfering with men now employed or bore after to b employed by the plaintiff com pany. The Merchants Coal company at Booweil is on of th most expensively sg.uipipxl la Ajasrloa 1 1 ; if 1 1 i t J