ttauM TUB OMAHA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, -JANUARY 19, 1904. fn ie Omaha Daily Bee. vx ROSEWATER, editor. PUBLISHED EVKRT MORNING. TitMl'OF 8CB8CRIPTION. I Sunday, Illustrated llw, One Year. Bundav Ue, One Year Baturnayl . Ree, One Year .. Twentieth Ontury Farmer, One Tear. loo 1 50 1.10 iieuvehed nr carrier. falljr Pe (without Sunday), per copy., tc 'aily Itnt (without Sunday, per week...lZc Dully Bee (Including Sunday), per week.1i" Summy Pee, per copy Jc Fvenln Ie (without Sunday), per week c Evening ,Bte (including Sunday), per week .-...10c Complaint of Irregularity In delivery should he addressed to City Circulation De partment ( r , jr r iv.e.o. Omaha-The pee Building. South fmshn city Hall Building, Twen- ty-flfth and M street. Counrll Bluffs 10 ert Btreet Chicago 140 1'nltv Building. New york-23CT Park Row Building;. Washington bit Fourteenth Btreul CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha Uee, Editorial Department. -4" REMITTANCES. Hetnlt by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company, Onlv 2-reat stamps received In payment ( m t'UMISning l,nmnnj. received In payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha of etstern exchanges, not accented. THE 1 5! 313 PUBLISHING! COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Btste of NehrssRa, Doiir-Iss County, as.: Oeorgn B. Tischuck, secretary of ihe Hee Publishing Company, Mint duly 'sworn, ays tha the, actual number of full and complete - topics of The Dally, Morning. TCvenlng and 8'indsy Bee printed during the month of December, 1903, waa as fol lows: . I ,.IIA,220 ....... ..BO.JIOO ..80.670 SO,033 ...., ' .SJO.HOO ' ........BO.tllO t ,..,.80,340 ...."O,90O si.i to 10 .....3MSO II ,.,..8O,40O II ;....8O,4O0 u ,tr,oio 14 80,890 U 80,780 U t ...81,100 IT 80.BR0 Jg B0.870 II 31.020 M 27,020 21...; X1JI70 12 no,T7o 2S HO,95U 24...., 1 ,800 15 ,...31,IHM 2t Sl.SMO 17 20,800 M 19 to tl ..8O.750 ..80,580 ..83,010 ..83,400 Total.. .,.. Um unsold and returned copies. 04733 ,. 10.4S1 fet total sales..... 030,034 Net average sales 80,22 GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to Before me this Slat day of December, A. D. 10- '. . M. B. lU'NOATE, Beal.) . Notary Public Tretty soon the rallrouds will be or ganizing J winter health excursions to Omaha, "v We are not so sure that the publicity Oiuaba acquires as the national head quarters of (he socialist purty Is the kind that helps rather than hurts. i I,- Colonel Bryan's present stay In Lln colu is to be short But Colonel Bryan fill continues to be the most effective advertising agent for the capital city. Bouth pmaha democrats are blessed with a superabundance of mayoralty jna torlul. Viewed at long range, they re mind us of the ten little Indians sitting on a fence. ! . The czar of Russia can at-least count upon having all the newspapers of bla i " ... 4 country with him on almost anr anhlwt ,'Tls easier to agree with him than to sus pend publication. , To Judge from current press dls- patches, Germany will do a little civilis ing on Its own hook in South Africa, Two natives tribea la German territory are on the warpath. ' ' San Domingo should revise its election laws. This thing of defeated candl dates resuming the campaign before the successful contestant can be installed is .wearing upon the cables. t . " After trying coercive measures Turkey has finally concluded that the best way to deal with troops In mutiny for wages is to pay them. There is nothing like striking at the root of the evil. . Sunday public dances are not a neces sary of life to the community. The people who patronize the Sunday dances, however, are not likely to be found iu the churches when the dance balls are closed. " Omaha ought to have' a brisk build ing season ahead of it. The demand for new stores, warehouses and dwellings is here, and good returns are Insured to the capitalists who volunteer, to sup ply them. . . ', s yTfce elevation of Cardinal Sarto to the papal chair seems to be having the re sult of adding some healthy . peasant .blood to the higher circles of Italy. One of his nieces is to marry a rich landed proprietor. If the council, sitting as Board ot Equalization, will do business on a busi ness basis, the municipal tax roll will not suffer the usual shrinkage that at tacks it while It sojourns In 'the pres ence and control of that body. Now that the Cfclcjigo police have or ganized to protect themselves from the criminal classes, it Is to' he hoped some effort will be made to protect the ordi nary visitor to that city from the same ever-present gentry. The Missouri bank robbers .who fled to Kansas should have hesitated before fly tng In the fuce of history. They might have known that capture was inevitable. A Missouri bandit waa never given half a chance across the Hue. i ! - 1 If Milwaukee should relieve lis of Fearse, we will try none-the-less to manage In some way to keep the doors Of our public schools 0en and provide a proper education for the boys and girls cf Omaha who are io be )ts men and women some day. General Manager Bancroft will con tinue to reside at Salt Lake City and I clon 1'aclAc headquarters will remain at Omaha, but the Union raciUc head quHrUrs building will either have to be ft bull at an early day or make way for a new office building that will satisfy the requirements of the great transcon tinental without endangering the lives of the t'illcera and employes who occupy it A BATAL OtKKRAL IfTAFF. It Is probable that the present congress will be called upon to considers, proposl tlon for creating a naval general staff, tlie matter baring been freely discussed la naval clreMes. It wn"s referred to In the iihvj, who wnue matins; do spccine recommendation In regard to it, still Indi cated that the proposition had his ap proval. He pointed out that such a staff should te '"responsible for the ettlclency of the vessels afloat, and the personnel of the navy, collect and digest military Information upon which plans for active operations may be formulated and act as the military advisor of the secretary, having no authority except such as maybe conferred upon it from time to time by the secretary. Such a plan has been formulated by Hear Admiral Taylor, chief of the Bu reau of Navigation, and is said to have the approval of a considerable number of naval officers. Including Admiral l)ewey. There is, however, a ' strong opposition to the general staff proposi tion. Assistant Secretary of tho Navy Darling has expressed the belief that it would be exceedingly unwise to aban don the present methods of administra tion in the navy and embark on some thing new. He is opposed to cutting up by the roots the present system that obtains in the navy yards, in the bureaus and in the service generally. He thinks that the best results are to be obtained by making inprovements here and there as the1 need for them appears in the current work and that this will be found better and safer than completely over turning the established order of things and putting a new system into effect It is more than probable that con gress will take this view of the matter, slrice it appears to be in c,cord with that of a number of naval officers, pax- tlcnlnfly those' not' on duty in Wash ington. There is certainly no such de mnnd for a naval general staff, as there was for a general staff for the army and as the naval establishment appears to be running smoothly under existing conditions of administration there mnni- there Is no good reason for any radical change. - , - A rVULB HOPE. Democrats and republicans hostile to President Roosevelt who aro hoping to get any aid from Senator Hanna nre doomed to disappointment There has not been a single Instance of unfairness or Insincerity on the part of Mr. llanna since he became identified with national politics and he will not mar this record now. .He has always been candid and straightforward and will continue to be, Mr. Hanna has repeatedly declared that he is not a candidate Sor the presides tlal nomination and be means it lie will undoubtedly, control the Ohio dele gation to the national convention and there could be no safer prediction than that it will cast its vote for Theodore Roosevelt. . .7 In a late Interview Senator Scott of West Virginia, who is a member of the republican national committee, said "All of this talk alleging unworthy mo tives to Senator Hanna is absolutely without foundation and is designed only to endeavor to make a breach between the president and Senator Hanna and to embarrass tbt national committee.') There is nothing In the course of the distinguished Ohio republican leader to warrant the belief professed by some that he is unfriendly to Mr. Roosevelt. On the contrary there is every reason to believe that he is in full accord with the desires of the great majority of re publicans for the : nomination of the president and will give him earnest sup port at Chicago. Democrats and dis gruntled republicans will get no help from Senator Hannn- RV&SIA'S HANDICAP. Existing conditions In Russia are such that In the event of war the govern ment may have serious trouble at home and It is by no means Improbable that this has something to do with the posl tion of the czur and his conservative ad vlsers. It la well known that the la boring classes of Russia are all but lit ,a state of revolt As a writer on the sub ject "observes, the Inarticulate- mutter ings of long years of bard' treatment and oppression have now become very, clear and loud speech. The day laborer, as well as the factory and mill hand, Is Indignant at his wrongs. The more in telllgent of the Russian proletariat read lnfluniuiable literature and discuss among themselves their wrongs, and the bolder spirits even assist in dlssemlna ting the literature Intended to incite revo lution. It is from those classes a large part of the army la recruited. The Russian soldier Is told among many other things that he la bound to shed his last drop of blood not only for his colors but for his cxar and for every member of the royal family. He remembers the kind of talk he used to hear among his companions before bis conscription and the authority of the statements about the, czar soon fades and vanishes alto gether. The rest of the soldiery la made up of the conscripts from the agrlcul tural districts and these are dull and slavish and have nothing- but ddglik loyalty and fidelity for the czar.' But it is said tke leaven of the other portion i spreading even among this class. Then there are the roles. An attempt is being made to Russianize them, but whenever opportunity offers they still sing their patriotic songs and are still secretly raising funds in the hope of having an other chance to attempt to rid them selves of Russian control. It is be lieved that if war colnes between Japan and Russia the Pole will prove a very troublesome element. It Is pointed out that with a dlssatiS' fled proletariat, a soldiery unenthuslas- tic, to say the least and the irrepressi bly patriotic roles, are reasons enough for Russia to abstain from war.' I'a triotlsm, tas it Is understood by most other peoples, is not a -marked charac teristic of Aie people of ItusbU. While, for inxtance, the Japanese are manifest ing the strongest patriotic' feeling and the government is being offered millions money for war purposes, there Is nothing of this kind In Russia, or If so) the world is not informed of it. The impoverished. Oppressed and ignorant Russian proletariat are incapable of ex periencing the emotion which thrills and Inspires the people of other lands when their country is menaced " with war, while among a large eloment of the bet ter class there prevails a deep feeling of protest against the political system. This is shown in the revolutionary spirit that is manifesting Itself among the students, from whom there might be expected some exhibition of patriotic feeling at this time?. It is evident that the Russian government has I almost as much to fear from the disaffection of its people as from war, the effect of which would not be to decrease this disaffec tion but rather to aggravate and In tensify it, since war would Inevitably Increase the already heavy burden upon the people. - - AB TO STHKST BIOXS. The promoters of the scheme to dis figure our streets still further with hide ous .advertisements under pretenso of furnishing street signs at the corners ro persistent In their quest for the profits they see for themselves In their public-spirited proposition. Tills scheme has been turned down so often by suc cessive city councils that It ought not to stand now upon the order of its gokig. lie city only last year went to consld- nible expense to have the streets prop erly labeled and the signs now in pluce are serving their purpose better than would those which the proposed adver tising boards would supply. But it is not a question of money paid to or saved by tht- city which would be a bagatelle anyway but of handing over to private individuals for their own benefit the privilege not only of renting out space on tho streets, -but of making our city look like a crude country village. The effort of the city authorities should De to improve the appearance of Omaha and to bring it up to the metropolitan scale. The representatives of the Real Estate exchange are right in protesting against the proposed advertising street sign or dinance and the council ought to heed their, protest because It aHso voices the sentiments of the great body of Omaha's taxpaying citizens. no r ACTIOS AL clcbs MCMDSD. The organization of a Roosevelt club composed exclusively of members of one faction will not commend itself to res ident Roosevelt or any republican who desires the success of the party in the Impending national campaign. There is nothing in the makeup of Theodore Roosevelt that would Justify anybody in the belief that he would favor, or coun tenance' factional party clubs even where they are organized In the open, Tho natural tendency of factional clubs and especially of clubs begotten by tr reconcllables, is to disorganize the party by sowing the seed of dissension In Its ranks. The republicans of Douglas county nre, we feel sure, In no frame, of mind to encourage any. movement that has for its palpable object the reopening of old sores and the splitting up of the party by dark-lantern cabals flaunting the flag of Roosevelt The organisation ot a central Roosevelt club, or a Roose velt and Webster club, would be em inently proper, but before such a club is organized ample notice should be given through the press of the time and place of 'organization and all repub licans, regardless of factional affiliations, should be given an opportunity to pur tlcipue on an equal Tooting. Minnesota republicans are said to be perplexed by the call of the republican national committee, that requires dele gates to the natlo'nal convention ' from congressional districts to be chosen In district conventions, while in Minnesota nominations of congressmen are inado by direct vote and district conventions have been abandoned. There is really nothing in the call of the national com mittee to perplex the republicans of any statu that has done away with ' noml noting conventions. It is perfectly safe for them t5 select their district dele gates by direct vote, Just as they do their congressmen. The seats of delegates thus elected are not likely to be ron tested, since nobody will be able to pro- sent better credentials. All eyes this week will be turned to ward Indianapolis, where the coal miners' union will be in session. This Industry mpre than any other In the United States more generally affects every citizen, and upon the result of the convention will depend in a great meas ure the cost of fuel for the coming year. It is strange that an advance of 10 cents a ton In the cost of mining coal should grow Into five times that amount before the product reaches the consumer, yet this has been the inevitable result lu the past. . It has taken the United States some time to realise that a treaty with the Indians Is unnecessary as a preliminary to throwing Indian land open to. settle ment But it may have the good ef feet of reuderlng It unnecessary in the future to breuk those treaties, as has been regularly done In the past. merely opens a shorter way to the same goal. State sovereignty gets. a severe Jolt from Senator Bailey of Texas, who de clares he will not vote for the ranama treaty at tha behest of anyone this, prolMibly, with a view to the Mississippi situation, where the state legislature ha undertaken to issue Instructions to it senators.' s t u The order issued barring federal office holders from being delegates to the na tlonal republican convention from Texa might with equal propriety be adopted In all of the states. It is general! sup- posed that the time of federal office holders, belongs to the public. .. Alaa aad Alack. 8t. louls Qlohe-Democrat A man who brewed beer that he never claimed made Milwaukee famous has ust died and left HO.OOO.onO. We Can't all have fame, nor, alaa, the other, either. Like a Sure Thamb. Chleasf Chronicle. , The democrats cannot lose Mr. Bryah. Like a sore thumb, he Is always on hand at committee meeUng-s and conventions. A professional candidate with no other visi ble means of support will naturally stay In the business aa long- as possible. t What Socialism Does. Philadelphia Ledger. The public debt of- Australia already mounts to $278 for every man, woman and child In the country; the national debt of the Vnlted States is but til per capita. So cialism robs the country, loada future gen erations and beggars the present popula tion. " . . Now Comes the Tw of War. Boston Transcript, The democratic national committee, hav ing passed tip Chicago out of regard to the Hearst spook, has fixed upon St. Louis, only to find that the dates It wants have been preoccupied by the National Educa tional association. It Is noir requesting the pedagogues to "g'wan." Cheapening the Prl e of Votes. Indianapolis News. The announcement that certain aldermen have been arrested in Milwaukee, charged with selling their votes for three tons of coal, comes with considerable of a shock. Now, three tons of coal, even if It be an thracite, could not'be worth more than $26, delivered in sacks, and the fact that the rotes of aldermen are quoted at such a figure shows the terrible demoralization of the grafting craft. As far as we have heard, this Is the lowest stage to which prices have fallen for votes actually de livered, bun In spite of this fact, the signs are not wanting to show a decided down ward tendency of the market. At this rate the best grafters In the country will be unable to keep their families in com fort, not to mention the luxury to which they are accustomed, and still at the same time set 'em up frequently and liberally to the boys as the ethics and Interests of the craft require. It Is high time that a halt should be called. Valldlty of Pare Food Laws. Philadelphia Record. In a decision handed down on Monday last by the Untied States supreme court the a-alldlty of the "pure food" law bf New York was upheld against tha plea that the suppression of trafflo In adulterated products by a state was a regulation of interstate and foreign commerce, and, therefore, an Invasion of , the exclusive Jurisdiction of the federal congress over such trade. The decision Is in accord with the principle long established that the enactment and enforcement .of laws for the inspection and condemnation on sanl tary grounds of commodities offered for sale constitute a proper exercise of the po Hoe powers .with ' which the slates are clothed. Whether , artloles dangerous or assumed to be-dangerous to the public health be of domestic origin, or come from another state, or, be. Imported from a for eign country, the right of the state au thorities to 'forb)l ,(Je sale thereof Is: the same. To have ruled otherwise would have been to deprive tUievatata of 'the means to protect its citizens ,fcpm Injury by delete rious food products. TALK OP TUB STATES PRESS. - Kearney Democrat? Invitations to the Bryan banquet at ' Lincoln next. Monday night include everybody but democrats. Fremont Tribune: A renewed effort is to be made to have Mr. Bummers bounced from the office of 'United States district attorney. The Tribune long ago assented to the proposition because of his part In gold-brlcklng Oovernor Savage in the Bart- ley pardon and not because ha brought Senator Dietrich into court. Norfolk Press: Wayne county will pre sent the name of Hon. John R. Manning to the republican state convention as a can dldato for nomination for land commls sloner. The writer has known Mr. Man ning for a good many years and con truth fully say that he would be a candidate worthy in every respect of the honor, and if chosen would make a state officer of whom Nebraska could be proud. Wausa Gasette: It is rumored that our fusion friends in this congressional district are planning to trot out Judge Loomls of Fremont, this fall as a rival of our own J. J. McCarthy for congressional honors- Judge Loomls is in all respects a worthy man, but so was 'John Robinson. The voters in this' district want to be repre sented In congress by a republics if. They so most emphatically declared themselves In 1902 and will do so again this- falL Mc Carthy should be re-elected, and will be. Beatrice Bun:' The talk of naming the candidate for the United States senate in a state convention, is simply rot. It will have no binding force upon the legislature and will la msrfy ways embarrass the candl date. Home years ago, the people were permitted to express their preference for senator at the general election, but - the man who received the most votes was not tha man who was elected when the legis lature took a whack at it. The only sen sible way of electing senators is by a direct vote of tho people, the same as other offi cers are elected. Norfolk News: . What has become of those Nebraska coal mines and oil wells discovered last year that were to prove of uc'u material benefit to the people of the state? They have probably gone the road of all similar reputed discoveries, and there will be nothing for the people to do but to await a new grist of rumors lo order to experience that exhilarating feel ing of having their hopes raised to be grad ually quieted later on by a letting up of the reports from the well's mouth until tha story Is finally forgotten. Wausa Gazette: Representative Burgess of Lincoln li a candidate for chairman of the republican central committee. Harry Lindsay, who has satisfactorily filled 4hat position of trust for a number of years would probably be reelected by acclamation If he were willing to accept, but he is said to have something better in sight and -may refuse to serve. We have the honor of a personal acquaintance with Mr. Burgess, and should be pleased to see him elected to the position he covets. He Is an enterpris ing and aggressive young man and would take hold of the work with a will. Albion News:v The News hopes the state central committee will provide for, the nomination of a United States senator at the fctate convention. While we admit it la not the most difficult thing in the world to manipulate a state convention we be lleve the present temper of Nebraska re pubUcans la such that it will be reasonably safe to leave th selection of a senator to the convention to be called this spring. We believe the rank and file of the re publican party are convinced by this time that It Is time for those who have been engineering things for some time past to take a much needed rest. Five or six hun dred representative men from every county in the state should be able to select a man of proper caliber for a United Slates sen ator. ARMY AFFAIRS AT WASIIIJGTOX. Cnrrent Gossip) Gleaned! from tha Army aad avy ResMster. In connection with the consideration ef the plan of promotion by selection some attention has been given to the so-called efficiency reports which are now part of the record of the adjutant general's office. These reports theoretically furnish unfall ng record f the achievement of officers and provide a means of making compar isons of merit Much complaint, however, has been made against these reports, since. necessarily, they must coma from numerous sources without the advantnges of uni formity of marking. It will be a difficult matter to establish a standard which will be appreciated by the officers who make the comments, and as long a the efficiency re ports are complied with in the present fashion It Is pointed out that they are hardly likely to have any special value. They . sometimes serve a useful purpose In ascertaining what the officer has been tdotng, but when It comes to establishing relative -ability of individuals or making comparison of duty rendered, these effi ciency reports must be regarded as of ho practical use. In the plan of promotion by selection It has been contemplated to employ the efficiency reports In ascertaln- ng whether the officer Is entitled to ad vancement. It Is now realized that the fficlency report system will have to be radically changed In order to make It a reliable source -of information for. any such purpose, provided that promotion by selec tion finally "prevails, as does not seem likely now. It has been decided to do nothing with the plan to Increase the allowance of fuel for army officers and enlisted men of the service. ,A week or so ago Quartermaster General Humphrey made a recommenda tion to this effect and pointed out the de sirability, if not necessity, of doubling the allowance of fuel. He represented that officers nowadays live In larger quarters, while the troops occupy larger barracks than In formir years. In the old times, of course, fuel allowance - was sufficient for all the then needs, especially when an officer found himself quartered In two rooms, a kitchen and a living room. Now the government has built commodious quarters at various garrisons and the de mand for fuel in the heating of them Das greatly Increased. The expert opinion in the matter Is entirely in favor of a sub stantial Increase In the fuel allowance. It has been decided, however, not to seek legislation along this line during the pres ent session ot congress. It.Js rathe? late. It Is believed, to offer such a recommenda tion and It was deemed unwise to Increase the estimates to the extent of providing for a double allowance of fuel. The "matter will therefore rest until the next session ot congress. The army general staff Is giving consid eration to the employment of retired army officers. It is General Chaffee's ' Idea that many of the officers of the retired list can be profitably employed under conditions whlph would give them their active pay and which would relieve officers of the ac tive list ot duties now performed by them. which dutlea could aa well be discharged by retired officers. It la proposed to make use of retired officers, for Instance, in harge of the general recruiting stations, a duty which makes a draft upon the. ac tive service for nlnety-aix officers. It is proposed also to reserve college details for retired officers to a greater extent than ia now the case. There are now thirty-five active officers on this, duty. Retired offi cers will also be shown a preference In se lecting representatives of the army for duty with the National Guard. The war department has received the re ports 01 omcers on ine coat 01 me maneu vers at West Point, Ky., ".nd Fort Riley, Kan. The damage to property . represented In the claims of land owners at West Po!nt amounts to 13,837 and that at Fort Riley to $3,012, or a total of about $5,900. The total acreage leased at both places amounted to 107,403 and cost the government In rental $6,568. The grand total of cost, exclusive pf damage to property, waa $372,575, divided as follows: On account of regulars at West Point, $92,572, and at Fort Riley, $116,752; on account of militia at West Point, $100,S62, and at Fort Riley, $62,28$. It Is proposed next year to have a specific appropriation made for the maneuvers so that the ex penses incident to them will not be chargea ble to the present appropriations of the quartermaster's department ' and "in that special appropriation It Is likely there will be a fund for meeting claims for damages which occur to property on account pf its occupation by the troops. The general staff of the army has been discussing the question of permanent mil itary camps, the selection of which in vari ous parts of the country has been a matter favored by the secretary of war. In thesa discussions there is brought forward some question of the advisability of purchasing, at a cost which must necessarily be con siderable, large tracts of land exclusively for occupation by the regular and militia commands in annual Joint maneuvers. There is no question of the value of this mobilisation of the two classes of soldiery. The military authorities agree that the ad vantages to the regulars and mllltla are bound to be mutual, but it is a question whether it will pay the government to es tablish permanent camps where large tracts must be reserved for these occasional exerbises. It has been pointed" out In the general staff discussions that it might be weu io arrange eacn year oy lease lur tne use of territory in different parts of the country to which troops might be sent without more preparation than waa abso lutely necessary. It Is the Idea of some members of the general staff that these maneuvers should extend as closely as may be to actual service In the field in time of war. Even under the most casual condi tions of occupying leased territory these maneuvers will not be exactly like the real conditions. The objection to the acquire ment of permanent camp sites la baaed on the probability that such camps will be equipped with a water supply and sewer system and possess all the comforts of set tled communities except that the shelter ( troops will be afforded by tents. It is offered in advocacy of 'the leased sites, too, that the troops may then be ordered into the field much after the manner of what would happen in time of war, when there could be no preparation and when tha ter ritory occupied would In no sense, be quipped .with comforts and conveniences. Those who are In favor of this urge that it is necessary to acquaint the troops, both regulars and mllltla, during the perlos of their maneuvers with the real conditions they. must expect to find In time of war.. PKHIOKAL NOTES. barauel P.- Avery has presented to the Columbia university. New York, a number of books of his collection, Illustrating the history qf bookbinding from the period of earliest efforts to make the trad a fine art. By tha death of Ixrd' Stanley of .Alderly the British leverage lost its only Mahom etan member. His funeral was conducted according to the rights of Islamlsm and the service- was ' performed by Rldjag Effendl, Imam to the Turkish embassy in London. ( John Becker, a 'resident of Milwaukee since it waa little more thaa an Indian village, .and one of the pioneers who, with polomon Juneau, founded that city. Is dead at the homa of bis son In Menominee Falls, j7 Fifty-sixth Annual Statement . -015 INSURANCE CO. PEQD am Net assets, Jan. 1, 1903, lit market value -. .$ 52,0GO,247.1 RECEIPTS DUHINO THE YEA1J. For premiums and annuities. ..... .$12,()50,0.V23 For interest, etc 2,79O,0r.3.27 14,840,718.50 DISBURSEMENTS. Claims by death Matured endowments and annuities. 1,038,299.1 9 Surrender values 882,404.02 Premium abatements 785,330.89 Total paid policy holders $5,494,518,70 Added to reserve $3,598,643.00 . m : Pennsylvania and other Htate taxes. .$ 351,382.87 Salaries, medical fees, oftice and legal x' expenses s . 464,433.50 Commissions tongents and rents. .. . 1,538,037.19 Agency and other expenses 117,947.21 . - . Advertising, printing and supplies.. 74,430.87 . Ortiec furniture, maintenance of prop erties, etc ......... ' 12S.83S:C3 -8,1 69,589.08 . ' Net assets, January 1, 1904 .1? 5S,731,376.61 In addition to the above abatements the company alloted to deferred dividend policies $535,755.18, making the total appor tionment of surplus during 1903, $1,321,080.07. ASSETS. City loans, railroad and other bonds, bank and other stocVs I 20,418,955.09 Mortaces and rrronnd rents (1st liens) "5.2,727,551,43 Premium notes, secured by policies, etc 1,203,923.32 Loans on collateral, policy loans, etc. iu,Zoi,4,J.i Home oftice, Boston office and other real estate. . 3,078,240.71 Cash in banks, v.rust companies and on hand.... 991,276.89 ' Net ledger assets 58,731,376.61 Net deferred and unreported premiums ........ 1,636,613.42 Interest due and accrued, etc 546.897.99 Market value of stocks and bonds over cost. 201,347.46 Gross assets, January 1, 1904 ? 61,116,235.48 LIABILITIES. Death claims- reported; but awaiting ; . . , ! t proof ............ ' $ 317,306.25 Reserve at 3, 3i and 4 per cent to reinsure risks , 53,210,066.00 Surplus on unreported policies, etc.'. - .164,795.20. Surplus accumulated upon, special forms of policies ...$3,774,354.26 Surplus for all other contingencies 3,649,113.77 Total surplus r $ 7'4;?'oi?"S Gross assets, as above 5Ho -r? New business of the year, 29,548 policies for 69, 28, o4.00 Insurance outstanding December 31, 1903, 129,317 policies for v aww.yv . . IIARRY F. WEST, President. v GEORGE K. JOHNSON, Vice President. - LINCOLN K. FASSMORE, 2d Vice President. WILLIAM II. KI'SU'Y. Sec. and Train. JESSE J. BARKER, Actuary. F.W.FOSTER, ' C. Z. GOULD. , Special Agent. . General Agent. 522 Bee Building, Omaha, lob. Wis., aged 88 years. He was a carpenter and emigrated to Muwauaee siijr-iuur years ago. Melton Prior, the distinguished war artist of -the Illustrated London News, is on hi. way to Japan, by way of this country, on what Is his twtnty-seventn war commis tmm tha lournal named. Mr. Prior has seen fighting In every quarter of ttw globe, and returned only a rew weeas ago from active service in Somaliland, Africa. Lacev of Iowa received a letter In Washington the other day which n. thinks waa from a wag. "The seeds you sent me," wrote this man, who signed him self "John Allen," "were no gooa. morning but weeds grew where I planted them." By the next mall Mr. Lacey sent a reply. -T inks nlaaaure In. forwarding you under another cover," wrote the Iowan, "a copy of a bulletin from the Department 01 Agri culture. It is entitled 'Weeds, and How to Kill Them.' - LIMES TO A lAl'OH, "Doin nothln' " aald Uncle Ehen, "is a great accomplishment, II you oniy anow how. Borne men nebber gits Industrious ceppln" when dey's plliuv up irouoie. Washington Star. She Oh, I would have given anything to have had itl . . . ... He Well, why didn't you buy It? Bhe The ideal They wanted half a dol lar for it. Browning. Mugaslne. . -.mnni. . , 1 t . .1 .4 tha pnnV Vntl mtmrm inns - , - - going to give her some of your dresses. Willie Uellghted. Bhe said she had some thouKBt they'd fit. Town Teplca. Ha son Tatters Gee! I hope dem Japs jump In an' licks de stuffln' out de Itus- ''weary Willie I guess dem Japs is pretty decent people. , ti Kagaon Tatters 1 eh; dey. don't make po troahle fur nobuily; dey ain't got no bath named after 'em. Philadelphia Press. "But," protested the lovmg wife, "be fore I was married I always hid a new bonnet every time I wanted one." "Yes." answered the brutal huuhand, without looking up from his paper; "and I put freab cheese In the raouw trp every night until I had caught that mouse In the pantry." Judge. "The man who drinks la a fool." "He Is for the moment." admitted the man who occasionally offended In that way, "but think what an awful lot of wisdom comas to him the next morning. Chicago Post. . , Miss Pertle Goodwin That society re porter s(ofce ot ma the other day as.' lali the UAL OF OF PHILADELPHIA. ?GG,900,905.69 $2,7G8,424.00 and 'willowy!" Do you think I'm wll- '0TheT Young Man-That doesn't half de scribe you. Vou're peachy. Miss Pertle Goodwin Laws, Mr. Spoon amore! Chicago Tribune. Said Tl, as he sipped his Bohea. "I'm oppressed with a painful Idea: When the Russian and Jap Are through with the map Twill be hard to discover Cor.,, New York Tribune. a Little sou-uoisu in kkbrasKA. Mnmm Trvir.a- in Leslie's Weekly. I dine upon dishes of silver and gold, in a giiiier uinitiu. n I walk upon carpetu so thick and so soft They muffle all sound as I pass. I sleep in a chamber of axnre and white -Under satin and down, but alack! In the dead of the night, when I m lying iwake, , . . My thoughts will go wandering back To a little sod-house lu Nebraska. The floor It wa. bare, and the sbioka blackened logs , . ' Were covered with pictures old prints From the very fe papers that drifted our AnTathe window was curtained with But ohlVhat an army of beautiful dreams Came out in the firelight to play. And tell me of all the grand things I would Whin, grown up, I could tourney away v- prom 'the little sod-hou.e in Ne braska. I would buy for my mother a gown of black silk And a bonnet of roses and lace; But alas! ere I tasted the fruits of suooeas The grave-mould was over her face. And sitting alone o'er a bottle of port - I hark to the wind In the night. As it moans and it groans, and I think with a pang " How it walla fur sway o or the site Of the Utile sod-house in Nebraska. I am tired of the languorous lilies of Jlfe, I long for the wlndand the rain. The glory of morn on the dewy green eorn. And the smell of the wheat-fluids again. Where the sliver creek flows, and the golden-rod grows. Oh, 'tis there I am sighing to roam. In the Btata of my birth, on the one gpot of earth That I call by the dear name of home The little sod -house In Nebraska, Heart Disease may b rareel by strength eninf tha hoart nerve, enriching tli blood and Improving the circulation with, Jr.s MiW Heart Cure. 8a f and sura. Bold on guarantee. Bend postal for tree book oa diseases of tha heart aad mesise) today. Diw MILES' MEDICAL CO.. EIkhr lad.