Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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7.rl nlthcat kaorrl
da;., ! raatwtf
",The new garments for ppring are now rcadj. It is the largest
find prettiest gathering of dainty lingerie ever shown in the city.
The ctyles we show arc confined to us for Omaha.
See onr Sixteenth street window. .
LADIES' OOWNg-Embroidery and lace trlmmfvl. noma finished ' with tucks and
hemstltrhln, .nt 69 c, soc, 11.00. $1.25 up to IIJ.W afh.
CO It SET COVEPS A lar- assortment, both lacs and embroidery trimmed, at Sc.
tor, 400,. SOc, 75c, SSf, 11.00 up to WOO each.
I.ADItS' DRAWERS Hemstitched, lace and embroidery trimmed, at prices rang
lu(t from Wc to 75o. each. '.'"'
WHITTS PETTICOATS Finished with lawn flounces, embroidery and laea trimmed,
at 11.0ft, U.2R, J1.M. $1.73. $2.00 up to $18.00 each. ...
CHEMI8E-Ot Nainsook, plain and trim med, at 11.00, $1.28, $1.60 up to $9.00 each.
. , .- . .; ' . i - , ' . .
; JL W0KlPS'Ii3.
Y. M. C. A. Building, Corner
who are enjojlng the benefits of protection?
ll la tUuurd to aupKt'gt It, for the sims
vicious' principle runs through all of the
abuses Horn which the pwip'.u uftir. And
mo with the party's pimlllon on the lnlor
lucBtion, on the (lection- of senators by
tni people, on watered stock, control of
corporation and on other Issues.
The Kansas City platform Is sound In
every plank and the first act of thn next
ilt'Tioc ratio convention should be to re
affirm it In its entirety, and Its next act
should be the addition of new plonks In
harmony with It and covering such new
(lueniloiia on demand consideration.
Then the convention should select candi
dates Who lell"ve In the platform candi
date whose democracy will not be an la.iue
in thecampiiiKn and whose fidelity to uein-
' ooratle prlncnlos will not b doubted at
the election. And then the committee should
announce that It wll' neither ask nor re
ceive campaign contributions from those
who are entrenched behind the bulwarks
which W are attacking. And then let us
defend our position, not upon the low
ground of dollars slut cents, but by showing
how republican policies Violate moral prin
ciples and Invite the punishment that
sooner or later overtakes tbo wrongdoer.
. Will such a course Insure victory ? The
nest that our party can do In to deserve
. victory, and an appnil to ths conscience
of the Amerlcn people Is sure to win ul
timately and offer the best promise to
tmmeilluto success.
,Thoinpson starts Off.
The epeechmaklng was started by W. H.
Thompson of Grand Island and hetoo ad
vocated standing by the Kansas City plat-
form and no surrender. lie held It the
duty of every citizen to make It his pri
vate affair to attend to public affairs. He
wanted dishonest officials of whatever
party , turned out of office and he pre
dated that with a'pJatfurm patterned after
the Kansas City platform and a candidate
who could stand upon it, democratic suo
ress. W. D. Oldham talked of "Principles, and
Not Men." He too was a no surrender demo
unt end said so.
One Lone Populist.
O. W. Berger, the lone populist on the
program, spoke In part as follows:
In our discussion and endeavo;' to solve
present-day problems 1 think sonieti we
could make better headway it wo could
better catch the inspiration that prompted
the fathers of our country. If we do not do
this, we are unworthy, the name of an
American citizen. No man serves his
country well who does not place the public
good above everything else.
Lexington, Clunker Hill and Trenton gave
uh luuepenuTiice and not the men who
measure he destiny of a peoplo In dollars
and cents. The lasues of the civil war
were fought out by th's same class of men.
. Then, as now, tiu-ra was toe man who had
at hvoit simply ths public good, and there
was the man. who thought, only of himself.
'in tight the battles of the hour we need
mfi,whn have faith that right will prevail,
but who bclitve there is no road to na
tional safety except-in coi-atunt distrust.
The weed of slavery grows upon any soil.
You cannot save this nation by almpiy
prating of the achievements of th past.
Would you appreciate the depth and lust
ing nutuie of thesu last two campaigns,
then consider the conditions as they pre
vailed! from -1SW to 1K9H. ,. The spirit of the
people was broken, hope was Hying aw.iy
and strong hearts wes-e bowed in the dust.
A K-'neial gloom had settled down upon
the land, turtles lacked leadership and
tne peopi were groping about in the wil
derness. But t hi moin.rg light was break
ing; it grew in briUUncy until It became
li ill's true bow of promise. Thai light
viune irom ine peop: oc tne west, i.itu
we saw Washington, Jefle-son and Lin
coln, ant with tl em,, shoulder U slioulder,
we saw and. heard the voice of Bryan
proclaiming again the fundamental trutiis
of Ids republic. Then It was that the pa
triotism of th pcopls asserted itself. The
peuple forgot tl ey were partisans. Popu
lists, democrats and republicans all vied
with each other in supporting this cham
pion of the people's rights. Such a lofty
spirit of patriotism has -not been witnessed
since the days of Llnool-.
But with uii the obsM'i:j In the way, we
face the future with hope an I with confi
dence. The colonist struggUC for a hun
dred years befoii thoy refers'". Yorktowi.
. Appomattox. Court lis'm was fortr yeaM
away when. Slav v agtta,tloa was firs',
begun.- Iq our struggle 1 only Invoke tho
patriotism of our fathers' to sustain us
while we carrj, ths tight to a successful
issue, '.'
. Bmytb cm Fusion.,,
Recently' we were told thut In lflsi "a
wave of fusion swept over this nation, and
especially. Nebraska, which caused the
democratic party to tremble for tho ulti
mate result?' If true, was this good or
bud fusion Let us see.
In lbM the Uemocratlo party elected Mr.
Cleveland president by a majority over
Mr. lilalu of 23.000 votes. Ills administra
tion was thoroughly democrat lo and won
the rvapect spri admiration of his party. He
was chosen agula as democracy's leuour In
1IM. This tliii. although beaten iu the
electoral college, his popular majority over
ids opponent was tneroaxed from 113,000 to
Llghteen nlne(y-lwo saw hi in again the
standard-beaier of our party. -The Issue
In that campaign was tariff reform. His
plurality at the polls was notable. He
Iiad a mntTlty there over Mr. Harrison
of about SoU.000.
How Mr. Cleveland divided the party Into
factions and 'set one against another by
his efforts to Ignore the people and serve
special Interests, how he sought to lead our
party Into strange paths, away from the
old eh lines and Into temples where false
gods were Worshiped. Is a matter of detail
with which you are tamlllar and with Which
1 will not, therefore, weary you.
Turn now for a moment to fusion in this
state. In 1884 we cast DO.CuO votes for
Protect? the System
Against Catarrh-
Uyeanet, Prevents Colds and ' Cues
Grins and ta.ta.rrk. Money
It Falls.
. ."An eunce of prevention la wort a pound
.of cuT., .A few breaths of Hyomel
, through the neat pocket inhaler'that comes
Ut every outfit will check a cold or the
gripat the start, and prevent serious and
lasting iUiieas.
la all csltvrrhal troubles and diseases of
the air passages, Hyomel has a positive
action not possessed by any other medicine
or treatment. It Is pleasant and convenient
to use; almpiy put 10 drops of Ilyomel In
the Inhaler and breathe It a few minutes,
four times a day. Ia this way. every
particle of air that enters the lungs Is
charged with a healing balsam that kills
all eatarrbal germs, sooth us and allaya the
Irritated mucous membrane, vitalises the
blood with osone, and makes a permaaent
and complete cure.
A HyomH outfit costs only $L and eon
tains an Inhales, medicine dropper and
bottle of Hyontet . The) Inhaler lasts a
lifetime and when more Ilyomel Is needed,
extra beetle oaa ha obtained for 60c,
, &herma A afoCounell Drug cox. ffljry
leenth and Dodge streets. Omaha give
their Bsretmal guarantee with every Hy
omet outfit they eell to refund t money
II it does sot euro. .
WK CLOSE SATURDAYS AT I r. 11 . ' Bes,' Jan. 1 1901
New Muslin
Sixteenth and Dougl&sji
t Cleveland; in 10 we elected a democratic
governor, he receiving 71.UUV votes; lit lxt'2
we polled 44,000 votes for Morton; in IhM
but 37,000 for Judge Irvine. If we con
tinued under the same leadership, how
long would it take to work out our ex
tinction? I-et the mathematicians answer.
in InW the fusion now under considera
tion struck this state. But there were two
waves, not one. The railroads, emboldened
by years of success, determined to fasten
more firmly their .hold upon the neck of
tho people, and in pursuance ol this pur
pose nominated a ticket which was labeled
republican, but was. in fact, thoroughly
I rullroad. The old leaders, flndina- they
, could not bring our party to support the
railroad ticket, left us and fused with the
! republicans. This was one fusion wave,
and was bad, but the party itself proved
! true to its. traditions and lined up on the
side of the people by fusing with the pop
ulists this was the other wave, and was
good. As a result the republican party,
steeped to Its eyes In corruption, was
l driven from power for the first time in the
. history of the state.
J In 1W fusion elected the first democrat
to the supreme bench, it insisted upon
having control. ' and consequently placed
Governor Holcomb beside Judge Sullivan
I in 1M9. Look out through the state and
1 answer ma tiavj. nnl mr.ra Hnmnrrnll flllnft
offices In town, city and county since the
wave or fusion struck us than ever before?
Who, then, says that this kind of fusion
has Injured our party, ha not been good?
That hlih a.ievaa Ihn tmnn'A a I urn vm ttrves
I democracy. But look at Nebraska's domoc-
racy from a broader standpoint.
i .Prior to HOC where did it stand In the
: ranks of the whole party, near the head?
Not at all. but very near the bottom, If
I not quite there. Its leaders were respect
' nbl gentlemen, but were, with few excep-
Hons, more Interested la the welfare of
' lh rnllrrwiria than nf thn Teon1e .In the
councils of the psrty In the nation whst
' were they? Mere followers, content to
walk in the footmarks of some person
I who completely overshadowed them
Behold the party In 1S9 after It ad
thrown oil tne corporation element., n nnu
risen frm Insignificance to great power,
and had taken on the stature of a man,
noble and commanding.
The fusion which brought this about wns
good. It may be that It is af an end be
cause Impracticable, but no man who con
tributed to its creation and assisted In its
maintenance can feel aught but a sense
of pride that he was permitted to do so.
When in after times some worthy person
comes to write the history of the demo
cratic partv of the nation, one of its
hrlehtost n'as-es will be that devoted to
Lthe part taken by the democracy of Ne
Pbraska under the leadership of him whom
we dells it to nonor tonignt. . ,
Chicago Physicians Start Movement
(or Manufacture of Anti-Toxla
by City. j "r
, CHICAGO! Jan. It A municipal latjora-'
tory for. the manufacture jof antl-'toxlne
under the supervision of public chemists
may be ths outcome of the campaign which
has been instituted by the Chicago Medical
society against the high prloe exacted by
the manufacturers' combine or so-called
"death trust." s
At a conference 6f the officers of the or
ganisation, Including President ' Robert
Preble and Secretary Franlt X. Walls, ths
feasibility of the scheme was discussed In
detail. Tho result Is a decision to refer
the matter for final action to a meeting on
Wednesday evening with the recommends
tlon that the plan be adopted as the perma
nent solution of the problem. -'If the ap
proval bf the 'society Is obtained some al
derman will be asked to Introduce an ordi
nance creating the luborafory and making
ths necessary appropriation If or Its founda
tion and maintenance. 1 , '
The arbitrary 100 per cent advance in
price of one of the essentials of modern
treatment of diphtheria Is held by' the
physicians to show thir. provlsioa for the
constant supply of the article devolves upon
the municipality as a measuee for the
preservation of the public health. Tho high
price now placed on ths serum by the
"death trust," it la declared, means that
thousands of children may perish In the
first diphtheria epidemic which appears in
the city.
It was. estimated by the medical society
officials that a municipal laboratory could
be established with an appropriation of
$20,000 and $6,000 for the operating expenses
the first year.
Secretary Walls of the Chicago Medical
society today said: The sentiment of
physicians throughout the country- Is now
arrayed against the men who have ad
vanced the price of anti-toxin. The effect
wll! - be a natural discrimination against
these firms In othrr articles which they sell
to the profession."
Body ( James L. Blair Will Re In
terred la Family Plot Beside)
That of His Father.
BT. LOUIS.. Jan.. 18. -The remains of
Jamees L. Blair, formerly general counsel
of the Louisiana Purchase exposition,' who
died Saturday In Eustis, Fla., reached hers
this afternoon accompanied by the widow
and the eldest son Percy. The funeral
will take place Tuesday and will be pri
vate, only members of ths family being
present. - Ths Interment will be in the
Blair lot In Bellefontaine cemetery, be
side the body of General Frank P. Blair,
father of the deceased.
One af New York's Oreateet ritlsens
and Prominent In ths Early Ills
tory f Omaha.
NEW ' YORK, Jan. 11 Oeorge Francis
Train died at his horns In this city tonight.
Oeorge Francis Train was prominently
Identified with ths early history of Omaha,
among his most noted achievements being
tho building of a hotel, the Cuosln's house,
because he did not like the accommodations
at tbo then leading house, the Herndun,
now the Union Pacific headquarters.
Landry at Ken Oak.
RED QAK. Jan. 18. (Special.) Last
night at U:H o'clock tho Tubbs laundry
burned. Loss,' $2,200; Insurance, , $1,SA It
will resume operations as laundry and as
soon as insurance company settles, Ths fire
Was beyond control when the fire company
arrived. The proprietors bad Just put Id
new machinery.
Both Qaiitioni Subjeot of Spirited fceUts
in ths Senate, 1
Teller Takes a Position Aarnlnat Gor
man's Iteaolatlon on the Panama
Matter and Criticises Sen
ator epooner.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. The rostofTice
Inquiry resolution and the I 'una ma canal
question divided the attention of the sennte
todsy. The first half of the session Vns
given up to the Inquiry, Messrs. Hale and
Gorman being the speakers. Mr. Hale made
a plea for the reference of all postal In
vestigation resolutions to the committee on
postofflces, and Mr. Gorman repeated his
assurances that he would be satisfied with
that disposal of the question. He denied
any Intention to appear as a prosecutor of
the republican party, bf which Mr. Halo
accused him. Mr. Hale expressed the opin
ion that the departmental Inquiry had been
more thorough than would be a congres
sional Investigation.
"So far as I am able to observe, v there
never has been ahy disposition -to prevent
6r stifle further Investigation." said Mr.
Hale. "I say the investigation has been
thorough end severe nn' example such its
has not been shown In the history of this
government" ,
He said a number of democratic senators
had been disturbed Mr. Bacon of Georgia
"by the apparition of Perry Heath In the
scandals." "And Mr. Gorman naturally
looks upon himself In the role ot prosecutor
of the republican party for tho delinquen
cies in the investigation."
Mr. Gorman said he was surprised that
such a conclusion had been reached in re
gard to his position In asking Tor ari in
vestigation, that It had been far from his
purpose to become a prosecutor. What ho
had uttered, he said, was to bring: out the
fact that the Investigation was" incom
plete sand ought - to go further, and that
It cou'.d do fib harm to have the' work
dons by persons not connected with tho
administration. ' . '
"If there are further frauds In the de
partment we ought to have light on them,"
he said. i
"What I have complained of Is that the
senator has stated and restated agali and
again that the Investigation has been sti
fled,'' said Mr. Hale. " '
Mr. Gorman answered that he had made
ths statement that for two half months
the statement that 'for two and a. half
months the senator from Pennsylvania and
the senator from Tennessee, .and himself,
had been trying to secure the passage of a
resolution asking for further investigation,
"And.f said he, "the senator from Massa
chusetts (Mr. Lodge) -Informed' us bluntly
and frankly that the republican party was
In the majority and . would not permit us
to obtain Information except by permis
sion of that party. I was shocked by that
expression.' It was new to me, and natur
ally we have resented It. Such a condition
ought not to be tolerated in the senate."
Mr. Hale Interposed that that was a per
sonal controversy between the two sen
ators and added that all were now agreed
that "these resolutions should all jgo to the
postofflce committee to determine to what
extent congress should follow up, search
out, And, expose and, punish crimes In the
Postofflce department." Mr. Hale said that
a the preat campaign between the parties.
If one is ordered, would dwindle into a con
test between the two parties to see whion
couhJ gam tbeTadvantageiaf the-ttthw : He
said that- already (the democratsswere, fry
ing to make .the republican party responsi
ble for all the shortcomings In- the Post
offlce department. "As" a republican." raid
Mr. Hale, "I am willing to risk that eon-
Mr. Gorman said that he could agree with
Mr. Hale In most things, but th&t con
cerning congressional Investigations he bo
Heved that much ' good' com Id 'lie' accom
plished If only by detecting the flaws pt
laws rhlch permit such frauds' as those
disclosed In the Postofflce department. At
the conclusion of Mr." .Gorman's remnrk
Orsresolution went over until tomorrow.
The Carmack resolution calling on' the
secretary of the treasury for information
concerning a report of an Investigation al
leged to have been made Into the conduct
of A. R, Cruxen, former collector of cus
toms for Porto Rco. was adopted after
being amended so as to call on- the presi
dent for the information, If not Incompati
ble with public Interests.
Mr. Gormen's Panama resolution being
placed before the senate, Mr. Teller gave
his Interpretation of the provisions of In
ternational law cltil by Mr. Lodge, and
he!d that his (Teller's)" contention was
sustained. Mr. Teller said he oould not
agree with Mr. Bpooners statement that
there had been recognition but not Inter-?
vontlon. It Is not necessary to go with an
army to Intervene, he said. Anything
which hinders the parent state from taking
steps which It Is . entitled to take is In
tervention, and the United States has pre
vented the Colombian government from
suppressing the rebellion. - -
Mr. Teller contended, that Colombia hnd
acted under Its constitutional right In
refusing to ratify the canal treaty, and
took Issue with Assistant Secretary Loomls
In the declaration that this rejection was
an unfriendly act.
. Mr. Teller said that If we were to have
any canal. It should be -a tidewater canaL
While ho did not favor a canal, 'he did not
Intend to obstruct the enterprise because
he thought the people of the country
wanted It. If, however, we were, to enter
on the project, he said, we should do so
with clean hands and a proper txuiss ot
the rights of others. We should not se
cure a right-of-way by the robber plea of
the demands of civilisation a demand
whlchAad been the cry of tyrants through
out history. .
The senatf st 4:27 p. m. went Into execu
tive session and at 6:50 p. ro. adjourned.
Mr. . Lewis Protests Aalna Bristol
' Cbarares and Mr. Cowherd Blnkea
- Additional Chaises.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-When the bouse
convened today the speaker announced the
resignation of Mr. Griggs, dem. (GaX
from the committee on coinage; weights
and measures, and Mr. Hardwlck, dem.
(Ua ), from the committee on reserve laws
and ths appointment of Mr. , Hardwlck to
the committee on coinage, weights and
measures; Mr. Carbey, dem. (Ohio), to the
committee on .revision of laws, end Mr,
Currey, rep. IN. H ). as chairman of com
mittee on patenta. While in committee of
the whole on one bill the postofflce scandal
was discussed by the hqpse, Mr. Bdrt
lett of Georgia introducing a letter front
M. W. Louis, who felt aggrieved at certain
ststements In (he Brlstow reports Mr.
Cowherd of Missouri pointed out that Mr.
Louis wss Irregularly appointed just In
time to let a contract that cost the govern
ment $10,000 more than was necessary. He
called up. a privileged resolution declaring
that John A. Keliher mi elected as a
member of the house from the Ninth con
griaslonel district af Massachusetts and
n.s entitled to a sest and that Juseph A.
Coney was not elected a member from that
district. Ths resolution was adoptrd with
out division snd without a dissenting vote.
Mr, Barllett, dem.' (Oa.). railed attention
to a Utter be had received (rest U. w.
IxHils, which" was sent to the clerk's desk
and read. Mr. Jtartlett, previous to Its
replug, salU that he ' had advised Mr.
brlstow of the nature of the letter and
that Mr. Brlsiow had said to Mm that his
father and son' hnd been regularly ap
pointed. The letter Wns written by Mr.
Louis and protests against statements In
the Brlstow 1 postofflce report and among
other things says:
Mr. Brlstow himself Injected Into the
clnsslflrd service without examination more
then thirty persons, some of them postofflce
inspectors employed In this very Investiga
tion and among them his own father, who
wns appointed as a t'Vio laborer on March 6,
1!1. charged to tb Sixth congressional
district of Kentucky, and who now draws
ll.fino a year ns a postofflce Inspector In
the Denver. Colo., postofflce and his own
son, who during his school vacation drew
a salary at tho rate of $7'.'0 a year In the
postofflce at Washington. D. C.
It Is not amiss to state thnt even now
Mr. Brlstow's father is not performing
Inspectors' duties and that the son per
formed no work at all to warrant the pay
ment of a salary.
Following the reading of the letter Mr.
Cowherd, dem (Mo.), snld:
It seems to me ttiat the point In the ap
pointment of Louis was not the violation of
the! civil service law. although that was un
questionably violated. Louis was appointed
on that authority and transferred,- but
the point- In the Case is that Louis was
appointed on.Jhls particular, and precise
day the 7th of April, In order that he
might be t the head of a division of sup
plies on the 6th day of Mav. when a con
tract was to ho let. and thnt by reason of
his appointment In this Irregular way he
got Into a position where he could let con
tracts which caused a loss to the govern
ment of soma $1.0,000, and probably much
The hill was then passed. At 1:J8 p. m.
the house adjourned until tomorrow.
To Cites a Cold la One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
rugglsts refund the money If It falls to
cure. E. W. Grove's signature la on each
box. 2Sc.
Three .Men Are Reported Killed and
Othvra- Badly. Injured Near
' Feprla'.
PEORIA.. 111... jin. 18.-At 12:30 o'clock
today. a cut of cars on the Iowa Central
broke away' from a switch engine. and,
rushing down hilt at a . fearful rate of speed,
collided with a worlk train at tho- bottom
Just outside the city, limits and Instantly
killing: ' '
ALLKN E. HIRE,' car repairer. '
PETER JOHNSON, car Inspector".
ALBERT O. SWARTZ, ,car repairer.
All of. the men resided In this city. John
Mell of Monmouth and E. M. Truman of
Monmouth, section men, sustained frac
tures of the sktilf and are In a serious con
dition. SeTeral cars weri badly wrecked
aru. all traffic Is b'ldeked. '
Works Wonders for Women.
Electrld Bitters Invigorates the female
system and cures nervousness, headacho,
backache and constipation or no pay. 60c.
for sale by kuhn & Co.
St. Lonls Firms Caught In Wheat
Corner Sjecure- Role Against
ST. LOUIS, Jan. JS.-A temporary In
junction against tho Merchants' exchang
was granted today by the circuit court, at
the request ' bf 'four grain commission
house who were 'caught In the December
wheat confer. ' " ' -
The" exchange Was'' restrained from ex
pelling the THysrth Commissi jr. company,
the Orthwein Son-' Commission company
ths BusehheyeriCWmfrifssion company and
thwChalberg Cotnnflaslnh-ritmnanv .
ktiterterins jiritlfcnttieir business;: Ths-mar-
ins put up py-theeo companies on Decem
ber deal .era. .also held, by order of the
court. , . . ,i ....... i .. , . .
Don't, oarry a eough around with you
Plso's Cure has made coughs unnecessary.
Generally Colder, Preceded In Soma
Sections by' Rain, With Fair :
Weather in Nebraska.
WASHINGTON; Jan. IBForecast:
, For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair
Tuesday with cold wave Wednesday, fair.
For Iowa-Snqw Tuesday,' fair in east por
tion, much colder Jn west portion; Wednes
day, fair, colder.
For Illinois Snow or rain with 'rising
temperature, Tuesday; Wednesday, fair and
colder, fresh to brisk. southeast winds, be
coming northwesterly.
For . Missouri-Rain Tuesday, colder In
northwest portion; Wednesday, colder
For Wyoming-Fair and much coider
Tuesday; Wednesday, fair.
For Colorado-Fair. Tuesday, much colder
in east portion; Wednesday, fair.
For North Dakota-Fair and much colder
Tuesday, cold wave In south portion; Wed
nesday, fair. . -
Local Record. .
OMAHA, Jan. 18.-Offlolal record of tern!
ft.,. a"d Palpitation compared wlTh
years? PUa ,r d"y of ,he la,t
Maximum temperature.. 193o 19li
Minimum temperature.... 24 ID V S
Mean temperature 83 "4 :n 5i
Precipitation .00 00 00 00
Becord of temperature and precipitation
W3: W" day loc ""'" " i
Normal temrierature .
Kxcese for the day il
Total excess since March 1, 1903"' aiS
Normal precipitation nVinVw
Deficiency tof the day:"!:::::'
Precipitation since Mch. 1. 1903.'.S3 42 Inches
Kxcese since March 1, 1903 1.78 Inches
Dene ency for cor. period, .1903.. .96 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1.. $.63 Inches
trt front Stations at T P. at.
: c
Omaha, ' clear
Valentine, clear ,
North Platte, clear....
Cheyenne, clear
Salt Lake City, clear.
JtHpia i ity, clear
Huron, clear ,
Wllllston, cloudy
I'hicago. cloudy.;
Pt. Ix)uia, clesr ,
St. Paul, dear...'
Davenport, cloudv
Kansas City, partly cloudy.
Havre, cloudy .'
Helena, clear
Bismarck, cloudy
Galveston, clear,
: v.: 't
T indicates trace of precipitation.
Indicates sero.
Up to you
' .' 'I
Notice how
affects you.' Quit and
see how well you feel
after 10 days oh 1
Senate Comrriitte Final Action a
Panama Canal Convention.
President Invited to Mlchlaan to Par
ticipated In (elekrallon of Birthday
Anniversary of lbs Repak
llcan Party.
WASHINGTON. Jan. lg.-The senate com
mittee on foreign relations today directed
Senator Cu!lom to report the Panama
treaty, with three amendments. The repub
lican members voted for the treaty, but
hnly two democrats, Morgan and Money,
Were present. The former voted against
the treaty and Mr. Money stated that he
had tot yet had time to consider It, as It
was the first meeting of the committee
he had been able to attend.
The three amendments relate to ean
itatlonal limitation of cities snd control of
harbors. The United Slates, by the amend,
ment relating to sanitation, la granted
more direct power In all sanitary regula
tions. Ths amendment concerning the lim
itation ot the cities more specifically de
fines what are the limits of Panama and
Colon In relation to the canal son'e. The
harbor amendment gives the United States
control of the harbors for the purpose of
Improvements, . .
Reyes Papers In Senate.
President Roosevelt transmitted to the
senate today additional correspondence
touching the relations of the United States
with Colombia and Panama covering the
period from December 36, 1903, to January
6 last.
A statement of - grievances on the part
of Colombia was presented to the State
department by General Reyes on December
23. General Reyes says the course of the
United States had worked deep injury to
Colombia and he cited the treaty of 1846
as showing that the Independence and sov
ereignty of Colombia was to be maintained
Intact between the two governments.
General Reyes said with reference to the
Hay-Herran treaty that the same course
was followed In Bogota as Was pursued In
Washington. If the treaty,, he said, hod
been rejected in Washington the disap
proval would have Involved no grievance
for Colombia and that the Colombian con
gress in its disapproval of the treaty simply
exerted a vested right. This action, he
maintained did not disqualify the Colom
bian government -for the conclusion of an
other treaty.
As to the recognition of the Republic of
Panama General Reyes says that It Is
matter of publio knowledge that the mother
country commands sufficient force to sub
due a revolution. The attitude of the
United States, he said, constitutes, accord
ing to the most ancient and modern author
ity on international law, "not only a great
offense but also a formal attack upon her
"I have received Information to the ef
fect that a bank in I New York opened a
considerable credit in their favor, with a
knowledge of the general; use. for which It
Was Intended, even though unaware that
it was to be applied. In part, to ths brib
ery -of a large part of the garrison at
Panama."' . . .
Before the news was divulged that a
revolution was about to break out qn the
Isthmus, General Reyes says that Ameri
can cruisers which reached their -destination
precisely on the eve of ths move
ment wre plowing the waters of ths At
lantic and Pacific oceans. A United States
military, officer.' he say a, stopped the. rail
way from' -carrying-to Panama asjt wns
under obligation to de a battalion of troops
from Bogota, which had Just arrived at
Colon at the very time when Its arrival In
that city would have Impeded or sup
pressed any revolutionary attempt. ..
General Reyes said that In leading the
Colombian army to restore order on the
Isthmus he. Reyes had the honor to ad
dress a note on the subject to Rear Ad
miral Coghlan, to which he received a re
ply without delay as follows: "His (Cogh
lan's) . present orders are to prevent the
landing of soldiers with hostile Intent
within the boundary of the state of Pan
ama." He adds': i
In this crisis of the life of my country,
ns unlooked for as It Is terrible, Colombia
rests Its most comforting hopes tn the
sentiments of Justice which animate the
government of your excellency, and con
fidently trusts that thnt government, which
has so many times surnrlsed the world by
Its wisdom, will on this occasion astonish
It by Its example.
Macbrn Trial Resnraed.
In the trial of A. W. Machen, the Groff
brothers and Dr. and Mm, Lorens, charged
with conspiracy to defraud the govern
ment, the prosecution introduced a number
of witnesses to prove the relations of
Machen with the Lorens's and Jhe Groff
brothers. One of those, Ina Llebhardt,
Machen'h former stenographer and chief
clerk, testified to visits of Dr. and Mrs.
Lorens to Machen at his office, but de
clared on cross examination that on the
several conversations she was present and
heard nbthlng said about letterbox fasten
ers. James E. Bell, superintendent of delivery
of the Washington -postofflce, testified that
the Groff fastener had been adopted with'
out any report on It having been submitted
by him, although It would have been his
duty to make such report as the fastener
wss tried first In this city. John F. Clark,
a letter carrier, described tho failure ot
'the fastener to work at a test made In
1894 In this city, at which Machen and
Samuel A. Groff were present, which caused
Machen to remsrk to Groff at that time
that unless the fastener would work with
out sticking he would not recommend Its
adoption. During the day Justice Pritch
ard showed a disposition In arguments on
admissibility of evidence not to tolerate
unnecessary delay In the prqgress of the
case. ,
Deadlock Over Iowa.
The Iowa delegation In congress took a
number of ballots today for candidates for
federal Judge of the-northern district of
Iowa. Ths deadlock continued and the
delegation will meet again Saturday. .
Want President In Michigan.
President Roosevelt today received
delegation of about 100 prominent men of
Michigan. They extended to him an Invita
tion to attend ths celebration of the fiftieth
anniversary of the birth of the republican
party to be held "Under ths Oaks," at
Jackson, Mich., on July (. '
Ths chairman of ths delegation was Hon."
James O'Donnell, editor of ths Jackson
Patriot. . Bpeeches were made by Mr.
O'Donnell, Senators Burrows and Alger,
the magnitude of the celebration being ex
plained fully. The suggestion was made
that the president recelvs on that day the
official notification of his nomination. In
the event ot the Chicago convention's favor
able action on his candidacy. The presi
dent replied briefly to the address. Indicat
ing that he would determine later whether
he would be able to accept the invitation.
His speech was punctuated with cheers
and applause and at Its conclusion the.
Michigan men mads ths Whits House ring
with cheers. (
-Weald Deepen Mlaslsatsnl,
A sla.-foot channel. In the Mississippi river
at low water from BL Paul and Minne
apolis to Cslro. .a distance of 1,000 miles,
to be completed by the time the Panama
canal Is put iuto operation. Is ths project
edvocatcd before the house committee on
rivers and harbors today. Tbs total cost
of the Improvement Is estimated at 115,000.
OOit. An association known as the Upper
Mississippi Improvement company, repre
senting five states bordering on the upper
Mississippi, hig been organised for the
purpose of advancing the project. The
committee took no action In ths matter.
(Continued from First Page.)
In which wages and conditions of employ
ment are regulated and determined by mu
tual agreement."
Coal Strike Comes ta an Knd.
miners employed st the shaft of the Mc
Lean County Coal company In this city,
who struck because the company la said
to have violated Its contract about the
exact date of payday, settled their differ
ences with the operators today after a
conference and agreed to return to wofk.
The company Announced that It would
rigidly live up to the Contract In the fu
ture and no mors trouble Is anticipated.
Automobile System Starts.
The striking street raflwsy employes,
who refused to work since January 1 be
cause the company would not grant their
demands fot an Increase of pay, formally
Inaugurated their competitive automobile
system today.
Since the strike was first declared the
men have been operating a crude system
of hacks and bobsleds. Ths novelty of
the automobile Is anticipated to be a
strong force In securing patronage, even
from those who are not strike sympsthls
ers. Twelve machines will bs In service,
carrying passengers to all parts of Blooin
Ington snd Normal for f centa, the same
as the electric Cars.
Boot and Shoe "Workers Bnsy.
CINCINNATI, Jan. 18.-The convention
of the Boot and Shoe Workers' Interna
tional union todhy resumed consideration
of the controversy between Its general offi
cers and expelled members from St. Louts.
A. J. Lawrence made a supplemental state
ment for those whose charters at St. Louis
had been revoked, after -which he and F.
C, Plnta answered questions, while Edward
C. Mottan assisted as counsel. . Lawrence
sold there were about TOO members of the
shoe workers' union in St. Louis that are
affiliated now . with the American Labor
Union and he Insisted that this was due
to the opposition to the action of general
officer and not to the boot and shoe
workers' union.
The defense wss opened by C. 3. Me
Morrow, the national organiser, who made
the contract with H. M. Eaton for the
Hamilton Brown factory at Bt. Louis
that had been credited With Causing ths
Pending questioning of, Organiser Mc
Morrow by Lawrence? Pinto and Mottan,
the delegates,. John Frey, editor of the
Iron Moulders' Journal, and Joe L. Sulli
van, secretary-treasurer of the National
Union of Bartenderc and Waiters, address. -d
the convention, the ' former favoring high
dues and both advocating strict observ
ance of contract-. These addresses were
strong'.y favorable to the contention of
general . officers for the centralized au
thorlty. F. A. Sleberman. another general
organiser, who was sent to St. Louis to
exeoute the contract made by McMorrow
and ths St. Louis locals, next presented
h'.s side of the controversy, strongly con
dsmnlng the course bf the St. Louis union
officers and sustaining the general officers.
Sleberman'S speech wss ons of the most
elopuent and caustio arraignment yet
made. He reviewed what he termed the
flosl and false pretenses of Business
Agent Pints .and' others', In charging that
superintendent Eaton had first violated
the contract so at to justify the St. Louts
unions In brcaklngMb He was equally
severs with Plnta and Lawrence for re
fusing to arbitrate. , V
Ha charged Pinta, Lawrenc and Mottati
with unblushingly uttering falsehoods be
fore the convention regarding the St. Louis
controversy .and slandering the . general
officers, organ Iters and others. Ths St.
Louis representatives replied In still mors
unparliamentary language and the lie was
frequently passed on the floor of the convention.-
, , ,
He arraigned Pints' character In the
severest terms and Impeached ths Integrity
of his colleagues. The convention broke out
In loud demonstrations when the speaker
referred to Lawrence's charge that the
union label was being used on goods mahu
factured at ths Joliet prison.
On motion of Delegate George "W. Hub
bard of Brooklyn, Mass.. It was decided
that . that . convention would tomorrow
elect a committee of three to go to Bt.
Louis and Investigate the controversy.
. Resnme Work at Red need Wages.
CHICAGO, 1 Jan. 18. Thirty-five hundred
employes of ths Illinois Steel company at
South Chicago returned to work today with
the reopening of the open hearth, plats
and slab mills, which , have been Idle sines
before Christmas. The mills did 'not re
sume at their full capacity. Only three of
ths ten furnace In' thess department were
started and the rail mill did not open at
all. It 1 expected, ' however, that - the
plant will be- running full blast Within ten
days. Ths men who returned- to work
accepted a reduction In wages from 10 to
18-per cent
R. C. M. Band Brings Action la St.
' PnuV'Asralnst New York
. Capitalist.
ST. PAUL, Jan. 18. Judge Lewis in the,
district court today begun hearing the suit
of E. C. M. Rand against Russell Sage as
assignee tn trust of the Hastings A Dakota
Railway company.
The plaintiff tn this action brings his suit
to recover 116,000 for -wages or salary for
services rendered Mr. Sage as trustee of the
railway company. Mr. Rand was clerk tor
Undoubted Reliability Is Ei
pressed In Omatia In
dorsement. What you want Is horns Indorsement.
The backing of people you know.
Omaha proof for Omaha people.
That's what follows here.
Surely no better backing can b had than
the folowlng statement:
Mr. Geo, A. Wells, No. tlf South 19th
Street, employed at Cha. A. Pegau ft
Co's. says: "I slways had slight trouble
but for three years It became worse and
sometimes alarmed me. Accompanying It
there was A weakness across the loins,
particularly in evidence If I over-exerted
myself, Always anxious to try say new
remedy which might bring relief, when
Mr. J. Flick watchmaker of Cass street,
sdvlsed ra to uss Doan's Kidney Pills,
emphasising his advice by stating they
had. cured him of kidney trouble. I bought
A box at Kuka A Co's drug store, corner
of 15th and Douglas streets. It did exactly
ss it promised. Ths trouble disappeared."
For aale by all dealers. Price 0o per
box. Foeter-Mllburn Co., buffalo, N. T.,
sols agent for the United States.
Remember ths tvams "los n s" sjnt take
no otbet
Mr. Sage from September, 1W7, to Bvr
tember, 1P02. While he was paid whsu
salary, no complains tnat ne was uyf p.ijf
for the extraordinary aid and rmrrious du
ties hs performed In handling the largo
area of railroad lands tn tT.p hands of the N
trustee. . t
Ahamn AasMlary'a nail.'
Ahamo Women's auxiliary, Tvpngraph- I
lost union No. 190, gave a ball at Chnmbrra '
hall last night. It was largely attended an.
a wry pleaSHnt time was enloted hv th
member and friends of the auxiliary. A
Christmas the auxiliary eit a box full o
r resents tn the inmates of the printers
ome at Colorado Hptlngs and the proceed
bf the ball of Inst evening went to defra
the expenses Incurred In forwarding thl
-t--;X ........
T 1 ' .... J. sf
ijuuivo) yuu uii, uui y ills'
f ied that the remaining tick
ets for Mme. Yale's "Beauty '
Lecture to be given at Boyd's
noera house, this afternnnn.
Jan. 19th. at 2:30 o'clock,
are now ready for free
They will be given ab
solutely free and without
purchase to those who call
for them at the Drug Dept.
Boston Store, between now
and time of lecture.
" Better call early as they will ,
not jist long.' Do not miss1 hsai
tag Mmc. Yale, as this may be
her last visit to Omaha; ;
The Only Doubt
, Track Railway
between the
Missouri River
' and Chicago.
ataaalflocitt nlld daltr trals to Ohteace. Oosirart
oiant and drawlnr-rooai alanpiag van, library, buffot,
barbar. balb, talapnoaa. diainc oar snd obaMraliua
ears, Elaotrio llsbiwi throughout.
?liraan towrtM alfMplxMf Mil a&d oOtwh . llfiiA
OaYTw fVaVt TtOtm CllntOO. -
Pullman drawin-rooi and tourtat atsautns mra,
rpM nolinlna chair esra, buttat librarf and amokiag
sera, llnln Sara.
A n . .. Pnllmandrawlna-roofli.laaDinaeara.hnffat
al.ttU A14nwlM ud il bran can and fr. raclln-
Ina ahitlr earn tA UIMUfrwu.
I I fin ill Tkraaah aarrios Omaha to Ohic.tiu
II ail IS Morth-WMtara itandard day ooauual
WW nm fraa .hair aara. Llnlua aara.
4 IF nil enatr sara te Ohtauo. Pullman
n r fg tlaaplns car from Ana. to Oolssso. 1is.
a.. iuc ar Mrriof braaktaat.
7 50 AM 0h,tllB etlt o Vrlr can
81 K Dlf Pnllmas alaaptne ear, bnfta librarf
I tl I in sara and traa mullaiiis .hair can. ,
0 CI. DLI ToFnmoat. Llnooln.Wahoo.narldCltr,
a.wU I M York, Uaattnaa, Haward, (leaara.Vupa.
flor, Norfolk. J-on Plna, Caapar, Hut Spring.
Jw.Hwood and Load. Through rwlialas chair oarai
rullmaa claaptns ear aarvioa.
fi flft 1U To rraaaat. Mneola. Wahoa, Nsrfolk,
Q.U3 km Long Una,? ardlgra, Bouaotoal sad lbs
Hoaabud Indian Haaarvatloa auantrr.
1401 and 1403 Farnam Street.
BOYD'S re"..
TorUBht rHAS FROHMAN Presflnta
In His Greatest Comedy BurH-esi,
The Second In Command
Next Thursday- and Krlduy ea( on
. In tlis Dresden Clilna Comlq Opera,
Every Night Matinees Thur., Bat, Ilia,
Modern Vaudeville
Fllson snfi Errol, I-a Carmrmtelln, Ths
RoslnoM.aZlgka ana Klntf. Mmnh and Bar
tella, enlen and (Jluddlutv The. .Auers
sml ths Klnodrome.
rTlctrs 10c, fc and 60o.
-. r"pulr Matins ; T , ; T
;;;:..J Minister, putftini
. 1V K' 1
. S . ' f
l: 1
- i
1 1
r -
" i