IS TTTE OMAITA DAILY ItEE: TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, lOOf." TO INSURE FOR THEMSELVES Kiurtska Bettil Vsrcianti Form Mutual Cempany, Csttinr Oat Old Liner. OYER HUNDRED APPLICATIONS NOW IN Aseeelatloa tomprlari Two Thoaaaad FIT Handrrd Drilrn and Plan Will Admit Outside Dial. V . es Firm. v The Nebraska Retail Merchants' associa tion yesterday met at room 834, New York Life building, completed the organization of a mutual, Insurance company for the In surance of merchandise, buildings and household goods of members of the asso ciation throughout the state, adopted a constitution and by-laws and articles of Incorporation, which will be filed today, and elected officers and directors for a year. The officers are: President, J. Yunghlut, Lincoln, president Nebraska Retail Mer chants' association; vice president, O. C. Thompson, Blair, vice president of the Merchants' association; secretary, J. B. Coningham, Omaha, fourth vice president of the association; treasurer, W. J. Hunter, Omaha, also treasurer for the association. Directors: William Wllkle. George F. Xlunro, W. D. Kdwards, Julius Drelfus, Harry Fischer, J. B. Coningham, Omaha; 1. F. Swan, Auburn; O. .C. Thompson, Blair; J. Yunghlut, Lincoln. The headquarters of the Insurance com pany will be room 834, New York Life building. ' Maay Apply for Insurance. Prior to the meeting yesterday about 120 applications for insurance under , the new company had been received from members of the association and a number of these were accepted at the meeting. Others will be taken In later. The plan is for all members of the asso ciation to carry their Insurance In their wn mutual company and thus cut out all other companies from doing the business. At present the association number about 1,600 members In the state, so It will bo seen that the Inroads Into the business of the old-line companies will be large In case the plan work out a outlined. Only enough work baa been done so far In the wy of securing riska to allow of a ooropllance with the state laws so that the organiza tion could be perfected. ' At the meeting of the state organization held last September the matter of an In surance company was brought up and a resolution passed providing that fuch a company should be established. After an examination of the state laws It wns de cided, to organize the company under the mutual law of 1893, which law covers both city and village organizations for mutual protection. 'Oatsldera Mar Oo Ia While It la the purpose of the organiza tion to Insure only Its own members, out sider will not be refused admission. The field ha been carefully surveyed by Mr. Coningham, who says that In scarcely any case will two risk be carried In any o:ie block, of buildings , throughout the rfcate. This; It 1 pointed out, will malo the com pany much safer than where several rlxks 'are carried on stocks in the same block. The reason for such an even distribution of the business 1 that In most towns the tato organization ha only a few 'mem ber, and they are of the better class of buildings. The company will be strictly mutual In character, sharing profits, losses, expense ana every feature, it is believed the policy holder of the company wilr num ber 1.000 before1 the close of this year. A comparison of the rates of Insurance charged by eastern companies baa been tabulated by the organizers of the new MuhtuM w,iujjuy aim n biiuws iiiac me average rate charged by companies in New York 1 64 cents, while In this state during the same period the average rate was tl.JL . This large difference Is said to be du to the sharp competition caused by mutual companies, which are more numer ous in New York than here. JOINS .THE NATIONAL ORDER Locml Builders' Association Unites with Organisation from' All . States of Union. The Omaha Builders' exchange ha be come a member of the National Building Trade Employers' association. This action Was decided on at a largely attended meet ing, In which the member were unani mously in favor of joining the national association. Th executive- committee of this association ha been called to meet In Chicago, January S3, and the action of the local branch had to be taken at this time so that John Harte, who had been named as a member of the executive com mittee for Nebraska,-could be In a position to act. ( "The fact of our affiliation, with the na tion! organisation," said Secretary J. H. Tate, "will make no difference In th character of our axchango. We . have thought It better to be In touch with the builder of other cities. That is all." RUSH TO MEET THE CONTRACT WerksMS on Federal Balldlac Be llev They Will Finish Before Tim Bpevlaed. ,The third and fourth floors of the new Wing of the federal building practically are completed and the second floor Is In an advanced stage of construction.' Within thirty days the entire work, Including the first floor, will be finished and ready 'for occupancy. The new elevators are aU In place and 'thirty carpenters are at work finishing up the woodwork on the second and first floors. - The contract time for finishing the work expires March 1 and It now looks as if the work will be completed ten or. fifteen days before that time. Traveling men should remember that on the second and third floors above the beau tiful Auditorium restaurant, S16 South Fif teenth street, will be found twelve as beautiful room as you ever saw. Hot an& cold water. Bath and toilet room on .each floor. Opening January 20th. Mortality Statistics. Th following birtha and deaths have ben reported to the board of health: Rlrtha John Herrington. 1117 North Twenty-fourth, boy; John y.leke, 3628 South Twenty-fifth, jflrl; -Hubert Peters, 1714 !r. Lyon's PERFECT' Tooth Powder AN ECEGANT TOILET LUXURY Used by peoplo of refinement : for oyer a quarter of a century PREPARED By ' ma SALE OP LINENS JO LOU KB AM? riTJint i i oi BIG SALE iutss Uall eioclis "4Gc , 0i Special Sale Tuesday. Ornamental Wall Clocks of beautifully carved wood, fancy bronze weights, bone & Ivory dial, brass movement. Every clock makes a beau tlful and unique ornament and I a goo! timepiece. We offer entire stock of an im porter today at 49 c Great Undermuslin Sale Ladies Corset Covers and Drawers at 25c Drawers made of finest cambric, with deep ruffles and cluster' 'of tucks the Corset ',Covero are handsomely lace trimmed at, each $2 Muslin Underwear at 98c Extra fine downs, Skirts, Drawer and Bklrt Chemises beat quality of cam- brio Jong cloth' and nainsooks daintily and elaborately trimmed with fine lace and embroidery ruffles of hemstitching and embroidery, deep cluster of tucks, etc bargain square at eaiih ' ., 25c quality ui ajawii- 98c 7k Ladies' and Children's Undermuslins at 7ic Children's fine muslin Drawers, all neatly tucked also ladies splendidly Atting Corset Covers on bargain square, choice ; special Embroidery offer All the fine embroidery from this stock, iA lengths from 1 to 4 yards and up to 18 inches wide the finest Swiss nainsoeh aad Cambria and mqny very suitable for corset dery, at ....... . 25c-Hc-72C-5c-3c-l2C LACES IN UNDERMUSLIN STOCK Vats and torchons in all widths suitable for g corset covers, infants' wear, chemises, etc, worth up to 25c a yard, at, a yard tJL Special White Goods Bargains 19c India Linon at 9c a Yard We will offer to morrow as long as 600 bolts last, a very find grade of India linon, equal to our regular line at 19c, ff these were bought very advantageously. We. Iff will offer them today at, a yard Fine White Cambric Remnants These are rem nants of Lonsdale and Wamsutta cambric, worth 12ic a yard, we offer them today at a yard . . . . v , a A a. n f 02 Watch Our J Windows FsFfinfyiFfccTi SL-x Watch Our tSSfiS ' Windows Dodge, boy; Bert Strode 3S24 North Twenty-fourth, boy; John Morrison, 2615 South, Kleventb. girl; D. R. Fair. 4501 Seward, girl; 8. F. Roberts, 2637 Blondo, boy: R. M. Gates, 1619 Kyner, boyj Leon D. Mitchell, 2426 Bt. Mary's avenue, boy; Pat Cannon, 606 South Thirty-fourth, boy. Deaths Bernlcf" A. IarnGn, SRCB Howard, 2; Jamea K. Vandercock. Florence, 69; James P. Ewlng. 1141 North Eighteenth, 58. Knowing ones order Coook's Imperial Champagne not solely on account of the name, but the product. Annonnrementa of the Theaters. John Drew's short engagement at the Boyd will close this evening with another performance of the Marshall comedy, "The Second in' Command." ! , On Thursday evening Lulu Glaser In "Dolly Varden" will be the attraction at the Boyd. This Is one of the genuine suc cesses in the line of musical comedy, hav ing something besides the costumes to rec ommend It, yet t Is dressed and staged with great liberality; Manager Whitney provided an entire hew outfit of scenery and costume for the tour, and the piece Is being given with all ' the attention be stowed on It during Its long run on Broad way.. Miss Olaser is supported by a com pany of capable vocalists and comedians, and the pretty music and bright speeches are most acceptably rendered. The en gagement Is for two nights onjy. Lewis Morrison himself will positively appear for the Innt time as Mcphlsto at the Krug thtater Thursday, Friday and Satur day, supported by a strong company drawn from the best of the "legitimate" school. Lewis MorrlHon ha appeared In this part over 6,000 times during the past twenty seasons and his performance Is recognized by th best critics to be a flawless piece of acting which has gained him interna tional fame. The beauty of the new scen ery, the startling electrical effect and the newly written choral and Instrumental mu sic will be welcome features. Beats ar now on sale. There will be a "bargain" matinee of the big melodrama, "The Minister' Daugh ters," at the Krug Wednesday. The Manhattaa Limited Chteaa to Hew York Is a solid vestlbuled train leaving Chicago Union station 10 o'clock p. m. dally, over Pennsylvania Short Line, arriving Twenty third street station. New Tork, t p. m. next day. Buffet parlor car connection from Harrlsburg, reaching Baltimore 12.15 noon; Washington 1:20 p. m. Leaving time from Chicago is after arrival of trains from the West and Northwest, forming direct through train service to the prin cipal cities of the East. CI L. KIMBALL, A. O. P. Agt., No. t Sherman street, Chi cago, will answer Inquiries about It. Hats Clflt to Bloom's. Last Saturday the directors of the Alfred Bloom company gave ' a banquet to their employes. Not being satisfied w,lth a spread of delicacies Aat might well tickle the palate of a chronic dyspeptic, they further showed their good will by pre senting to each of It many employes a ( And here is to the company, may It continue to protjjer. Is the earnest and sincere wish that emanates from THE BOYS OF THE- 11 1 LI Homeaeelters' Kxcursluas. , On Tuesday, January 19, the Missouri Pa cific Railway will sell bth one -way and round trip tickets at very low rates to certain points In Kansas, Arkansas, Okla homa, Texas, etc. On the round trips stop overs will be allowed on the going journey In homeaeekerb' territory. Final limit f tickets 21' days. For further Information call on any agent or City Offlcea of th company, 8. E. corner 14th and Douglaa streets. Omaha, Neb. . Thos. F. ftodfrey, Pass, and Ticket Agent. Takes Pr Losers e Llaeoln. ' herlff Power ' departed yeaterday for Lincoln, having In custody four prisoners wla w-re convicted In the Douglas county court of penitentiary offenses. Their naniea n,; raua vuivoiftu, wu- Special Salo Hadam Yale's Goods P?. w'nsday morning, at I o'clock, we hall start a special sale of th production of this celebrated "BEAUTT DOCTOR," who In herself exemplifies the efficacy of her remedies. This lady who by her own admission Is no longer In the strictest sense of the word a bud, yet preserves a beauty of feature and form which Is at once the envy and despair of all the sea son's debutantes. To all ladles who are not entirely satisfied with the allotment of personal charms parcelled out to them by Dame Nature we would i earnestly reoom mend a study of the "Tale Method" and the purchase of such of her preparations a may be needd at lour store. All $1.00 Yale' Preparations for 59o All $1.60 Yale's Preparations for $114 All $2.00 Yale's Preparations for $1.48 All 25o Yale's Preparations for 14o All BOo Yale's Preparations for 84a Madam Yale's Book, "Woman's Wisdom." FRliK. , . ' Sherman & McConneil Drug Go; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEPOT FOR Madam Yale's Remedies. RIGHT ON CORNER-lftth 6c Dod. Omaha. Nab. OUR GOLD CROWNS are made of 22 karat gold and are shaped -to assimilata the ' natural teeth, Have a flue pol- ' A . . ... wn ana win wear.a life-time. Oold Crowns, (beat)....,,.... $5.00 Gold Fillings, up from ...$1.50 Sliver Fillings 7c TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS, 1517 Douglas Street vlcted of assault with Intent' to commit great bodily Inpury, three years; Harry Johnson, burglary, four years; Minnie Brown, colored, larceny, on year: KUa Mtuirpe, tor assault, one year. Maaoale. v" Bpeclal meeting of Nebraska lodge No. 1, Tuesday evening, January W. Work In F. C. degree. All brethren welcome. O. A. DAY, M. W. W. C. M'LEAN, Bec'y. Atteatloa, Baleal All Eagle and their ladle ar Invited to. attend the opening reception at th club. rooms, I to 10 p. m., Wednesday evening, January SO, at 107 South Fourteenth-street C. E. ALLEN, Worthy Secretary. Watch for the' opening of the Auditorium restaurant, SI South Fifteenth street, Jan uary 20th. The finest restaurant in th world weathered oak. Twelve beautiful furnished rooms. Hot and cold water. Bath and toilet rooms on each floor. Elegant barber shop in basement weathered oak. Watches and dlamonos. Your credit Is good. A Mandelberg. jeweler. 1&23 Farnam. Douglas Printing Co.. l&ut Howard. Tel S44 Marrlig Lleeases. Name and Address. Age. John N. Ashby, Bouth Omaha 61 Celta E. Smith. Bouth Omaha 2d Hugh McCracken, Omaha , 24 AnnaBrallh. Omaha tl Iwi G. Butler, Bouth Omaha 88 Blanche Hopkins, liillette, Wyo M 18-K. Wedding Kings. Edhol'ra. Jeweler. Can't Sleep? Ifs your nerve. Dr. Mile' Net-Tin will strengthen them and brta sweet pleep and hearth. Delay Is dangerous. All druggist 11 and guarantee. Bead postal for book on mrsoue Stssasss DH. MILKS' SaltDlCAL CO, Klktert, lad. Great January -Shoe Sale. 111 IB TUB nikLlABLB STORE. Great Clearance Furniture Sale Cloaks, Suits, Furs! .VlK i-0v7EPT OP LOW PRICKS BTILL PREVAIL IN OUR CI-OAK tF.PART $fF.J,i1R)PPOK'1!IN1TT OF OPPORTUNITIES IS NOW YOlRfl TAKE AI Z&lA2$ PZJZf&fFWfL1 A "ANSOME. STILISH OAR- $7t Wguallty jvomen's near QQ qq 40.00 quality women' astrakhan 20 00 coatt't5r won,on'" ott'r 8Q 00 $16.00 quality sable marten e rQ boas, with cord and extra tails. ..Otyo 830,00 quality1 women's O rt cloth coat at 0VU 129 60 quality women's suits gQ ...4.90 r 6,tFi colored s -k silk waist at aS.yil 100 $12.00 quality women' skirt at All our $6.00 colored $2.00 quality whit vesting waist at Groat Glearing Sale of Boys' and Children's Clothes. BOYS KNEH PANTS SUITS-ln double breasted, sailor blouse, Norfolk and three piece styles, In ages from 4 to 16 years, all well made, worth from $2.50 to $3.50 our clearing 1 ns. sale price a.VO Men' pants, in stripes, pla'lds, fancy mix ture,. Scotch mixtures and plain colors, in worsteds, serges, clay worsteds, chev- lots, casslmeres, homespuns' and fancy worsteds, all well tailored and perfect fitting worth $3.60 to $5 y f"n to be closed out at $3.50 and BOTS' ODD KNEH PANTSages $ to 16 years, In all shade and colors, 05r clearance sale price, 3oe and "l Men's overcoats at greatly reduced price. t Grand Annua Salo of Laces. broideries and Ribbons Continues for Tuesday. Em- THE BREATEST LO BARGAINS IN GOOD GOO DS EVER OFERED. Ribbon, laces, embroideries, allover lace. saloons, edges, meiiallonn, etc., etc., at half price and less in this great sale. Thousands of yards of line torchon laces, suitable for underwear and children's garments worth 6 to 7c per yard Hundreds of yards of fine torchon valen clenne and Nottingham laces worth ud to 10c ter vard A fine lot of wash laces, lnoludlng and Inserting worth lOo to 20c at. rjer vard : A beautiful line of wide Nottingham wash laces, extra quality torchon and Vene tian laces, worth 71n 16o to 25c at 2ic edges . 5c An immense line of extra wide wash laces. Orientals, galoons, insertlngs and edges, goods worth up to S5o 1 f lr at, per yard IvH $2 to $5- quality, fine allover laces, suitable for waists, go at from $2.98 1 TOr down to M- A lot of odd pieces of very fin laces worth up to $3.00 go at 26a to ...'. ,. A great lot of embroideries and Insertlngs, In strips, clearing stock from the looms, bought before the advance, worth from 6c to 9)c go at 26c, 19c, 15c, Olri ajlitto, 10 TVio, Bo and 3 Ribbons! Ribbons! Ribbons! 20a remnants of wide ribbons P,c clearing price too remnants of wide ribbons iflr clearing price . ... No. 2, satin and gros grain , ribbon,. per yard; No. 6, satin and taffeta rlb- bons, per vard CARPETS!' 1c No. 7 and 9 satin and taffeta ribbon, per yard No. 12 and 16 satin and taffeta rlbben, per yard No. 22 and 40 satin and taffeta ribbon, per yard Extra wide satin and fancy ribbon, per yard ,44c ,'.74c 10c .I5g : 45 -T rt 65o quality tmet all wool 0 CARPETS! T0o quality taotry b ruse els C Q at Vn ., . $1.15 quality tnelton velvets at $1.35 quality axmlnsters at 98c .1.10 IHIAVDEft3 BROS. Rock Springs CoolI $7.15 Per Ton. Central Coal and Coke Co Phones 1221-1695. ' 15th &nd Harney. YOU CAN SAVE 20 per cent on all your purchases in our store during Jan uary, excepting Gorham s silver and Waterman's Foun tain Pens. Our customers have learned long ago that we do exactly what w say we will. Why not take the benefit of this sale. LOOK FOR THE NAME, . S. W. LINDSAY. The Jeweler, 1516 Douflas Street. Omaha. Bfie Men's Suit Sale Iicls proved to be a record breaker. We started out to break the suit selling records of pre vious Januarys by gathering together some of our great est values and reducing the prices. MEN'S SUITS TITAT SOLD FOR f 8.5fr 7 C TO $10.50 NOW ,....0esf MEN'S SUITS THAT SOLLFOR $12 TO ?U-NOW . MEN'S SUITS THAT SOLD FOIl 15 TO f 18 NOW Now if you had looked upon this sale as an ordinary event and deliberately Mecided to pass it by, don't you think you'd "better change your mind and partake of its value-giving features while there's yet time?- We've investigated the possibilities of every suit sale in Omaha, and can state positively that there are no such! values being offered anywhere as await you in this suit; sale. v .9.75 12.00 r adv?k--:M:fc mKmrnmrntsximmmmmmr Wagon Wednesday a.m. for Ft. Crook wfq1 SIQN WRITER'S BUSINESS . Is exceptionally good in Council Bluffs! The fa:t of the matter Is there Is not a yard of sign writers muslin in Council Bluffs! NOW WHAT IS THE CAt'SB OK ALL THIS HILARITY? WHO IS SPEND ING ALL THIS MONEY FOB 81GN8T Why w can tell you. The druralsta of Council Bluffs have Just found out the war la over. Rather peculiar they have never THOUGHT ABOUT cutting prices until we put a store in Council Bluffs! Another funny thing Is each one of them Is SCARED OF DEATH, for they don't rat ud HIS SIGN before his neighbor druggist does and he cautions everybody to ba x jNoriiiNU" tin ne gets me sign. Well. Well there Is more life left in Council Bluffs' dniKglsts than we thought? now u uiey win just bKAwii uv. we will have a. real nice time. We are worklna nlKht and day to get our Council Bluffs store (6th avenue ana Main) ready for opening day which will be an nounced later, write us lor special oncea for mall orders. WE HAVE NO CA- TALOGUB. AND DON'T WANT , ON HI, j 11 E. z Ann iiA-Ufi. in umctnn. CUT PRICB DKUQ STORE E. T. YATES, Prop. ISth and Chicago Sts.. Omaha. 'Phones 747 and "u7. 24 th and N Eta., Seuth Omaha. 'Phone No, 1. 6th Ave. and Main St., Council Bluffs. 'Phone No. T All good delivered in eltner city aosoiuieiy rree. SCHAEFER'S 120 Discount! ON ALL Suit I Bags" Travellns Cases I J Omaha trunk Factory TfVpnone 105S UOt Ftnum Street B&BHIiHB8HUHBsHBsss8sBHH9BsflBBsflBJs& 3Lr-v 1 Deputy Stat Veterinarian. Food Inspector. A.L. naiJACCIOTTI, D. v.ts. CITT VETERINARIAN. Offloe and Inflrmary. ata and Mason Bt. OMAHA, NEB. Telephone U. Vomon's Anti Bunion Shoes A shoe constructed particularly for enlarged joints and bunions the shoe Is made one size smaller at the ln itep and two sis wider on th sole, at the ball of the foot. This gives snug lit over th Instep and at the same time allows th toot to rest on the sole, not the upper. The upp Is of fin soft kid. The sol special prepared - flexible sole leather being welts, , but flexible In lace only. Ail stsea and width. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 ranan Street. Omaha's Ut-Dst Ska House 11 ..i.. p.iil-WgsWaHMiLj.w ... ninn.miwm.ri i TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER i Writ to9 m lpl Cr. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oat Delia a Year. T..Fn dy "nd. BundaY w nswerd "argumenU" one and two published by the pArJPn0,."' A"sola.t'on a J rhy Trading Stamps are an evlL YhSJ fragment, at touch. We wSZVJ. 1 1 todky? l"m l"al UhlVrM ,nt0 "No. 3 The merchant who flvea Tradlns; Stamps and pre- 1 - tend to do It without extra charfce must rob some one. Do you think he robs himself." , 1 Mr Grocer! Remember It Is the BENNETT COMPANY that you are un sgainst Remember that BENNETT has always stood for fair dealing EhiS town. Remember that It la THE BENNETT COMPANY you take vour cue from - When BENNETT Introduces a new article he eel, the prtc, and cretMe the demand, and when the demand Is so strong that you have to handle It you put It n. Then you go to the jobber with a howl about BENNETi cut ting the price. .RemeTbtrha.tneoelement ta our organisation that Is strongest In Its fight against Trading Stamps now Is th same element that a few years ago organlied for the purpose of having enacted a State Law against Department stores. Then, as now, you could not compete with your 28 per cent expense v.. ,emembe.r h'n' J1eaF brother that It is not Trading Stamps that you are bucking against, but It Is the ability of the big store to buy big quantities at big bargains, to sell on small margins, and to conduct Its business on an ex i pense basis that you could not begin to touch. That Is where the shoe pinches, and that is something that you will always have to contend with, and It Is because of these things that THE BENNETT COMPANY can give Trad ing Stamps and you can't. The concentration of fifty departments under on roof and under one economical expense account enables u to do business at a cost that you can never touch, and still give Trading Stamp. With those who value the ac commodation of a credit account more thnn they do saving of money you can expect to do the bulk of your business. You charge them, a higher price for their goods because they ought to pay you a higher price. We do not oharge ;-ou with robbing them when you do so, because the necessities of the bunl--ns method which they choose to follow, requires that veu should get more money for your goods, AND THEN THERR 18 THAT S PER CENT THAT YOU HAVE GOT TO LOOK OUT FORI GOSH! WHAT NERVE YOU HAVE! No, dear brother, you have not yet proven your case, therefore, It will be Green Trading Stamps In all departments all the time at BENNETTS. We hope "argument" number four will be more Inaptrlng. We will try to answer that Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. , Alteration Specials In the Art Dept. Six Marvelous Bargains NO. ONE Framed Pictures, slightly marred in moving, worth up to f O " 76o for this great sale, only .' 1C NO. TWO Picture, Sxi 10x11. HxH, lxl, glass and back' complete In gold. ' green and gold, black and gold, worth up to IL9S; a sensational T O , bargain, at , JJC NO. THREE Framed Picture, another money saver, beautiful as- m sortment of pictures, framed, worth up to $1.8 all goVor TC NO. FOUR Pyrography Special St tn. worth, tLiXX VLB) sod CO0' T f at 76c, 60o and "JjC NO. FIVE Nut Bowls, any slse, usually sold at 50c, 76o and 11.00 f " y... Z"C NO." BIX Free Instructions on all burned wood outfits, etc. .New designs ar riving dally, boxes, tabeurettes, chairs, plate racks, leather goodseto. Vlstt our Art Gallery, Second Floor. ' " Grocery! Grocery! Still In the lead In th grocery line. Our fresh, new and bright stocks i look Inviting, and then the prloes are the- lowest. i . Green Trading Stamps With All Purchases. Tuesday Money-Savers Pure Jellies Currant, Raspberry, Ap ple and Quince, Vihw Jar for 9o Jama, assorted, large jars loo Breakfast i-ocoa, -id. can uo 1-1 D. Baking Soda, package So .100 Rolled .Outs. 2-lb. package Wheat Breakfast Food. -lb. p kg. .10c Neutrlta, wun spoon, pag . Parlor Matches, 600 In box. Castile Hop, rake Imported Hardlnes. can .... A COMPLETE LINE OF DIAMOND a" FRUITS. THE MOST DESIR ABLE ON THE MARKET. Tomatoes. 8-pound can lOo so 4o 3fi Corn, 1-pound can ..10e Corn .6 tar oh, 1-pound package!!!!!! (o Rice, per pound , to Butter Direct Dally. r Fresh Country Butter, per lb.. Bennett's Capitol Creaotery. lb. Sour Pickles, per dosen Wisconsin Cream Cheese, pound. Hand Cheese, each ................ Teas and Coffee . B. F. 'Japan. Superior value. fb....4fle Tea Sifting, per pound lSo Santos Coffee, fresh roasted, lb,...13o Uennett Capitol Coffee, per lb....2so ...Mo ... 8o Green Trading Stamps All the Time Follow the Flas1. ' Last f o Leave Omaha, 5:55 p. m. First to Arrive St. Louis, 7 a. n FREE Information regarding reduced rates on sale ever day to all winter resorts. The only line with Eta tlon at main entrance World's Fair Grounds, For rates, descriptive folders and all information, call at Wabash Corner, 1601 Farnam Street, or address Harry K. Moores, G. A. P. D., Omaha. ,