THE OMAHA DAILY HKE: MONDAY, JANUARY 18. 1004. SPECIAL NOTICES ilftrtMfiariu for Iheae rolemns will he taken aatll 12 m. lor the In edition and natll MiOO p. m. for nril( anil ftnndn rililloK. Rate, 1 l-2e a moid fire Inaertloia, la a ward thereafter. otnlnax taken for lets than Wo for the firat laeer. laa. Then nili ertlnemeata maat be raa eoaaeeatlvelr. Aa1 vertleera, by reejaeatlnar a in lere4 eheek, ran hare anarrera ad dreaaea to aamhered letter In rare f The flee. Aaawera ao addreaaea' will be. delivered oa preaeatatloa of the eheek aarr. MI8C KI.I.ANKOI S. NOW open. MID-WINTER 1 ERM OF" BOYLES COLLEGE NOT TOO aaATE T.J ENTER. Day and Night. CATX, WHITE OR TELEPHONE FOR INFORMATION. Address: 11. B. BOYLES. President, New Tork Life Bldg. Onulw. Neb. C1TT SAVINGS BANK paya 4 per rent. R ijI BPECIAI,-For a limited time we will (It you with fc guaranteed pair of spectacles for $1. Don't miss thla chance. U. 8. Op ticians, 308 N. 11th St. R-S9f , FFRFIELD Piano Co.. Bee Bldg.; Weber, Storey A Clark. Ludwig. Schiller. R r-rt UAOLE Ioan ofrlce. Reliable, aeeommndat tng; all business confidential. 1801 Douglas. R-0J7 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. moving nd storagt. 214 N 16th. Tel. 1196. 11-968 . f Kiirrtrv1ii0t relief; corn removed. VIlirypUUyrjr. Roy, r. J-3, 1603 FnniHm. F.-670 m TRY TUB CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If yoti don't, we both lore. Good work; prompt attention. 214 N. lrtth. Tel. 105. R-m READf ) HAVE ROOT HEED1 I PRINT IT. SIirrFFHI l A 1 ROOT. Inc. OUUtCUl ; 414-1 S. 12th. Tel. 104. R-9.J RrPJIrl "tartly home made; potato yeast. UICUU Delicatessen. 1806 Farnam Street. R-74 OOLD crowns from 13; filling from 25c; set of teeth. 12; teeth extracted free. Ut Ion . Dental Co.. 1522 Pouglua. room 4. R-4Ta ACCORDION pleating cheapest. best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark. 17th and Douglao. , R-476 P. MELCHIOR, machinist, 13th A Howard. R-877 BTRONGE8T In the World." The Equita ble Life Assurance society. Its policies fr."'ht fl"l't t maturity. H. D. H'?'- manager, Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. R-978 POULTRY SUPPLTES-Ullery A Co., ltll Howard. -Tel. 8327. R-979 SIGN painting. S. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas.- R-B82 ALL kinds of ear-oenter work end repairing promptlv attended to. J. T. Ochl'fee, XOth ana Lake Bts. R S70 H, f. SMITH, successor to- McVea ft Brrdth. plumbing and heating, lis N. 13'h. Tel. 1092. Prompt attention r'ven oil ww. R-M7IS Henry Ha doesn't keep stationery. He sells It at R 241 ww r arnum street. GOLD &!LVER. NICKEL Plating. Om. WLL' Plating Co.,.lSC8 Harney. Tel. 253i. 1 OlV "ilia' SJIS: m.?.ver- hevK. !". VODICKA A CO., fine tailoring; all kinds S.irr'2?'rBr.B"d "Pairing. Krug theater bldg". Tel. 8182. R 419 A BOTTLE of Phillips' Face Lotion will fix that face sr you will Ilka It. R M457 F8 PUBLICITY DESIGNS-WHEATON. In tha Bee Bldg. R M394 OPEN EVENINGS, too busy making clothes to close. Suits :0 to $40: trousers t to 110. Dresher, 1614 Farnam street. R M6J8 F13 BJORNBON A HAAS. Tinners and Mfgs. of sheet metal, cornices, smokestacks, rutterr skylights, ceilings, tanks, etc. Tel. 2678. 214 N. 15th St. R 782 F1S BISIKSS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business qulok, see J. H. Johnson. W N. Y.,Ufe. - Y 384 8HOLBS-ARMSTRONG CO.. btisln-ss chances and exchanges; write us. 122 New York Life Bldg. Tel. 49. Y-M384 X HAVE EXCHANGED nearly all of Those city properties advertised last Sunday. Would have exchanged yours had you given It to me. . List how, before- land and fruit farms a re rented. H. S. Oates. U13 Howard 8t. 'Phone 221. . Y 696 18 BARBER SHOP One-half ' Interest for sale, In best shop In Longmnnt, Colo. For particulars address Ed Jeffreys. . Y-M704 19x FOR SALE, old-established variety store, doing good business, well stocked and well advertised; reason, confinement end age. .. Address Lock Box KO, , Bpesrflsh. BP- ' Y-M7TO 19x 40-HOR8E-POWER boiler. SO englnew7n4 and rip saws, boring machine, plener. . shafting, pulleys, belts, etc.; If vou want to buy we can deal. Address B 10. Bee. . Y-993 LAW AND OI.t.2CT10.8. JUDGE DICKINSON, till N. Y. Life. Set tlement . estates a specialty. 'Phone . M931 Fit! TILLMAN A PRICE. 410 1st Nat. fck. bid. 164 THE New Snow-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate brokers, attorneys ai.J brokers everywhere. 1st ttoor N. Life Tel. lat. 14 W. T. WAPPICII. AP"ICK free. CrrilTTor! Blk. M-r9--'4 FOR pension sea 8. F. Moore. 22 Patterson block. . M075 F 12 WASTEII-Tll tlli. DON'T give your furniture and cartel away. J. Levins pays the highest iah price. "Tel. J 71. . H-lij RV!e bought, sold. -Antique Book Con fcWrVi ceru, 213 Karbach blk.' Trl. HIOH prices for Id-hand furniture. Tel. iOM. Chicago Furniture Co. N MjVi BKST PRICES for used stives. furnlturZ' Enterprise Furn. Co.. 104 8. Mlh. Tol.jjji N 378 Hurl DAKCIKC ACAUfclMV. CHAMBERS' New Academy. HU Farmm. Adujt beginners. Mondays and Salurdn), I p. ni ; aaai-mbliea, Wedr.ekduys. k.tit p. m.t children beginners, Wedr-rcdaj , 4 p. m., Baturdavs, i p. m ; advanced. eJaiur days only, 4 p. m. 'Phone, F-1&71: r. .. A-isru, .o ! n i , Jf you dance, attend Morand'e Wed. nam m blles. If you don't dance, join his Ti e da. and Fri. class 8 p. in. pcclj ult lit ji, t beginners; lady bstlstitnu; .run: dally. Call 15th and Harney or T. 1 ltii. MC7;-F-1! . OSTEOPATHY. Jobnaoa Institute, 6U N T. Life Bldg. T 1M IU 5"be Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T. :3S1 -4 ZR. GRACE DEE IAN, 832 N. Y. Ufa. Tel. M. HI Payette Cole, Osteopath. sb Paxton block' -143 IHORTUilO AMD TYPE WR1T1XQ. A. C VAN 8 ANT'S school. TIT N. Y. Life. Is ISEB. Butlaea A Shorthand Collegj. Boyd's WANTED MALE HELP, NEW CLASSES TOMORROW t the Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas 8ts. New classes atlil forming. Tou can be gin tomorrow nicely in any department. now la the time to Degln. MEN to learn barber trade; free . railroad luie upon our failure to convince you ot tnlr being me ' btbf. largest ami only tenable, most practical battier college in this section ot tne country, write for catalogue today. Western Barbera' Inml tute, Omaha, Neb. B 98 WANTED For U. S. army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between agen of 21 and Ho, ciiuene of Lulled Stales, of good charac ter hiiU temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to recruiting othcer, 16th and Dodge sis., Omaha, or Lincoin, Neb. B Mlu YOtNO MAN-Under 36, with fair baste education to prepare for Gov't Position. Salary to atart, Deserving iTomo- tion. Permanent Box 670, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. B Mo79 Lx WANTED, a young man to take charge of city ledger In large retail store. Must be rapid and good penman; state former pool i ions held and what salary expected. Aprly 11 a. Uee. H Mai 20 WANTEiJ Two agents at once; good sal ary, city" work. C. F. Adams Co., 1L9 Howard St. JJ 987 WANTED Good man with 82,000 cash as equal partner to Invest In established business which will net WO.Ouo yearly; rets, exchanged. Atlaa A Map Pub., a2ot-K Wa bash Ave,, Chicago, 111. B Mi 71 la WANTED Snesmen to handle a Una of S ites' neclwear on commission, In con junction wi'h klr.drfi lines. Address Viorch A liats, lo-il W. Fayette St., lialtlmora, ltd. B-M987 23 WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Rooms 14-16 Crounse Klk. B M432 W ANTED FEUalF. HELP. WANTED A' second gtr:; t.M'j at onca. mi a. 30th ave. C e-J. WANTED Servant ajtsl, family of threo, Mrs. Ulmcral, 9it iSorth iu Ave. C 460 WANTED, a nurse for girl of years. 2241 Howard. . C 63 WANTED Girl for general bou.sework, three In the family; good wages. Apply 7 Chicago su C Mtrfg FOR RENT FIRM 8 H ED ROOMS. Room at the Dellone Large, ngnt and airy rooms, i2.bu and up per month; VSc and up per day; steam liaated, electric lighted, private and gen eral buths, tlrst-ciuss service. 14th and Capitol ave. E Mtos ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16 th A Chicago. E i DEWEY European hotel, ISth and Farnam. E Kan NICELY furnished rooma. Inquire Omaha titea:n Laundry, 16U Leavenworth. 'Phono A-178X E Ml O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. . E 893 ELEGANT front room; steam heat. 1909 Capitol Ave. E M491 NICE south room, modern. 306 S. 25th. Tel. A-1479. E 898 8125 PER WEEK Doran House, 422 S. 18th. E Mitot VIENNA European Hotel, 1011-15 Farnam st. Fine rooms; ladles' - caie; private dining rooms. Open all night. E uo BOUTH front alcove room; modern. 2580 Harney. E M714 23 NICE furnished rooms. 824 N. 16th. E-MGO? FOR RENT A nicely furnished south room all modern; private family. 2519 Jones st E M.667 AN elegantly furnished room In a fine loca tion; lust vacated. 214 N. 13d st. E M766 19 NICELY furnished back parlor, south room on first floor; all modern; In good brick flat. 2M Douglas. E M784 18 A NICE large front room, beautifully fur nished, in new brick flat, right on corner, south front; steam heat, gas, electric light, bath and telephone. 124 Burt st. .' K M768 18 WOULD renb large furnished room to ope or two gentlemen; conveniently located. 2472 Harney st. . E M768 18x TWO pleasant rooms, modern; nice dis tance. 116 8. 20th St., Just kcrosa the street from Omaha club. E M790 19x TWO nicely furnished rooms, all modern, in good brick flat; use of telephone. 403 N. 19th. E MS6S 1 2 NICELY furnished rooms In good brick flat, all modern 209 8. 20th. E M&36 19 ELEGANTLY furnished room, all modern. 118 N. 26th st. Walking distance. E M864 19 SINGLE front room, modern conveniences, also unfurnished room. 2206 Farnam. E M891 19x LARGE, well fumlshea room for llsrht housekeeping. 2u8 8. 20th. Tel. L -2167. E M8j0 18X NICELY furnished room for light house keeping. 1513 Leavenworth. E M949 19x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Purnlahed rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16ta A Chicago. F X UTOPIA, steam heat, 121 Davauport. F-D96 ROCKAWAY. 1316 Douglas. Meals, 16c. F-S97 LARGE well-ftirnlshed front room, all mod ern, with board; also good table board by day or week. The Dresher, 602 8. 16th st. F 442 YOUNG lady has nice room snd wants young lufly roommate; reasonable rates and good board. 808 8. 20th. F M756 18 RESPECTABLE young v lady has large room which she wotiltl like to share with same kind of girl; good board. 710 S. lft h st. F M7ue 18 NICELY furnished, large or small room with good board, reaminahle: a so table ooara, s w per ween, m n. ISth. F-M6 lx DE8IRABLE front steam-heated rooms, with extra good board: best location in city. The Kenwood, i610 Farnm F M897 19 TWO south-front rooms, elernntlr fur. nlshed. with board; good brick flat, facing eolith; Fleam heat, gas, bath and tele- pnone. ti t in. f mtsb x . 1 ( j NICE furnished room, with board, for gentleman. 113 8. 2Jth., acroes street from Omaha club. F M791 1 TWO nlcelv furnished rooms, with board. In splendid location, at rea'joneb'e prVe. Ill Chicago. F M792 19 TWO south-front rooms, sinrln or ens'ilte. al'h bonrd: sll modern; 820. 24rxt Cans. 'Phone -2.PS. F M"S3 13 5 ROOVS. ntoely furelshed. wltlT firstcTaRS ..M hoard. 1919 Burt. Re'rn-e ex chsnred. F M 1 FOR RENT I'KF.VRKIRIIED ROOMS. I HAVr S unfurnished rooms, furnace heat. bath. gas. hot and cold water; house aV ping. Addreas A 'A Bee. U-M3S2 FOR RFNT. 8 unfurnished room. V 6W B. 21st ave. O MSril 19 AGEKTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Stcsdy employment with assured good In ioine. AKenta In the country witn horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily V to uio pet- month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau. Bee building. Omaha. J i!3 WANTED, a good canvaiwer for a Catholic newspaper. Apply to "The True Voloe," Ei lire Bldg. J-M578 FVRNITIRB PAtrttina. peteisoaAi Lund berg. Ill 8. 17th. Tel. L-lSa". If You -or wan t to rent a The Roe nd on pnjre 18. FOR SALfc-MlSCEL.L.A.MuOl's. STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., J. G. Bletaing, plop., wnoieuie and retail manulaciurer of and aeaier m harness and saddles; whips a specialty; every thing hand maae; u.ualU cuiuiiltred, the cheapest harness shop on earth. &U N. 26th St., So. Omaha. Union siiop. W-M417 FOR SALE, several schoiai ships In a flrst f'asa sianuaid school In Oioahrt, coinpiis Ing complete luurse in uu-ii.eea, si.oit. hand and typewilting. liiuuue at 11 t office. y Sai SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tallies: Ml.lara tables repoircd; a iare stock of Cheap bai fixture clear counters, etc. The .Brunswick-Balks collender Co., i'7-9 B. 10th St. Q-100 INDIAN goods and relic, lilt Farnam. VI 397 8D-HAND aafa cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB- U1NU. Long fir Urrjbeia.' ol Douglas. VI 104 CLOSING out hard coal stoves at less than J prloe f. om 6 up. Furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 8020. , g-lo. FOR BALE Empty Ink barrel. Apply at Bee press room. vi 428 FOR BALE Four No. 1 Brunswick bowiing Aourcss cox h, uavid city, web. Q 46- J. 6 MANTLES, gas fixtures, Incandescent sup. pusa, iuw prices craiixen, eun ry. loin su Q 916 J28 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman A tvviiinu urui -o., umau, vj miss KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar- or writs itoora t. Be ' Q-UeO FOR SALE Two fresh cows. 2S28 Webster " , W M! Zlx FOR SALE, one large cyjinder Corn shelter nearly new; tooK it in on mortgage and have no use for it; will sell at a bargain. Address Box 67, Columbus, Neb. V1-MS03 18 FOR SALE A gas range, good as new, win do soia cneap icr cash. Address A 26. Bea offlci.. Q 371 HARD coal stoves, 85 up; furniture cheap. .iiicegu r urniiure V.O.. 1410 UOuge. Q 403 Green Trading Stam with all cash purchases of COAL AND FEED'. Honest weights guaranteed. Telephone your orders. BTAMPS FREE. JOSEPH HART, 1908 N. 24th. Tel. A1179. g M7u DESK room, with telephone. 606 Bee. VI JU.I4S 18X FOR SALE cheap, almost new box front seaisain jacaet. AUiaoaugn tne Furrier, 606 Karbach block. Q 781 FOR RENTSTORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at vio Farnam, xuo, four stories and first-class cemented basement elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Bea Building Co., room loo. Bee Building. I M667 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good looatlon, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; tower furnished if required. R. C. Peters A Co., rental agents, ground floor. Bee building. I M7D4 8 8 TORIES and basement 22x100: 1006 Far nam St. Inquire 314 First Nafl Bank bldg. FOR RENT, three upper stories in four- Story DUliaing l 1U r amain Di.i stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water. Sec'y.. Room 100. , Bee Wda FOR RENT. 4-story and basement build ing, 1616 UOOge a l., now utcuiii " Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on P""' For Rent ' At a Bargain The large double store In lies Building, formerly occupied by MncCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feet ' filate glass front, the only one of ts kind In Omaha. Excellent location for men furnishing store, shoe ' atore, jeweler, milliner, etc. Kvery tenant of the Bea Build ing, City Hall, Court Houso and New York Lite Building a pos sible patron. For further particulars, sea MacCarthy Tailoring Company 304-306 So. 16th St. WANTED SITUATION. Places to Work" for Board x by Two Young Men. Boyles College, Tel. 1984. A-M9S-18 POSITION by a graduate of phnrmacy. Address Box 83. Blair. Neb. A .MM 21x STENOGRAPHER with four yeaiT expert cn-'e in official court reporting desires MHlilon with some large lirm or corpora tion. Can furnish th very best of nf erence. Address 11 7, Bee. A-M933 ISr FOH MALE HOUSES, WAGO.ti, ETC. NEW snd 2d-hand vehicles for sale; re pairs. H. Frost. 14th and Leavenworth. P lo7 TWO fine depot wagons, 2 rockaways, 1 coupe,- 2 traps. 1 wagonette, 2 drays. Drummond Carriage Co., Kith and Hur ney 1' lua FOR SALE, several good horses, a few sets of 2d-hand double and single har ness. Melcber s Salts Btaoles, 6ul S. J9th. P-M413 F6 FOR 8ALE. chesp, s.lghtly used: Two carriages. 3 phaetons. 2 top btiggic. t driving . wagons. Andersen-Mlllard Co., 1614-18 Capitol ava. P-714 CLAIRVOYANTS. BUSINESS MEDIUM . 118 N. 17th at. B-U8 GTLMER. palmist- Ttt N. 23d; 'phone B 824S. 8-1U PROF. HARRY removed to 1816 IHidpe at! .. 8 iiauj Have a Room to Rent room yott can win a cash prize by using Bee Want Ad Columns. FOR 9 ALE REAL ESTATE. I'KHSONALS. INVESTMENT. "a, Wha and Halrdresslng FOUR blocks from court house, tOx feet, IXePent Parl"ts, 2t Ramge Building, lot with 6-room cottege, renting for 320 O Tel. 2079. Ladies only. per month; owner needs money and offers L 3u9 this desirable rropertv for less than the AKSV ' .'. . t : : 'j Ti lot alone la worth-82,300. See us at once. AN P1or Kirl In need of a friend can call On 8. inth, 7-room house and corner lot .T T11" the matron of the S-iivatlun rents for $1S per month. Price, only "S."1? tur Won,en.f82i.tI1i 1lh ,Bt 31.600. W. Fartiam Bmlth A Co. Omaha. Neb. U-M5- Maylx i RE M775 18 stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge Bid. CHEAP J.'jTy , 141 WE ARE ofTpritiH'ltH) n'cres of as good soil MAGNFTIP treatment A batha. Mme. n can be found In the county, about 60 ",rJ ' L. 1 1 Vrf Snillh, 118 N. lb, 3 Mr. It 2. acres In cultivation, balance In timber U MW1 rx and pasture, Elkhorn bottom land. Get ... ,. ; ' " Sartlculars; price, $6,000. W. Farnam '1'IT' parlors, 616 S. ltith. 2d floor. mlth A Co. RE-M776 18 . U-M961 DO YOU WANT TO " SHtop-MADE Ba llT SELL A FARM? TFU t City Steam Dye- . ' . . , I . ,. ln" "d Cleaning Works. 618 a 16ih st. If vou want to sell a farm or ranch tell U M44I tha farmers and stock raisers about It. . The best way to reach them la through , J. E. WALLACE, TAXIDERMIST, 6oo S. -J-Jjr Uth. U-151 -, , ,r- ,-t-, rt , ,,TIIm, HOMOEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and TWENTIETH CENTURY om.ha.ii1herman & McCane" FARMER COLONCCCURES CATARRiL This agricultural weekly goea to 48,000 ' U M388 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If ' you have a good piece of land to sell at a , OMAHA PLEATING CO. reasonable price you will find a buyer Pleatlngs that please. among them. The cost ol an advertisement -or- ltitn and Dodge. Tol 622. Is small 2 cents per word In small typa or U "M433 21 $2 60 per Inch If set In large type. 11Z T 7. I Z I 7. the TUcwTicTu rtMTi idv ci du cu MEHT me at Meyer-Dillon s the "yellow THb I WENTIETH CENTURY FARMER corner for quality "loth and r arnam. OMAHA, NEB. ' u-1912-1--i . RE 229 MANICURING and massage done at Hi , North 17th st Mme. Za Dote. PNPI IQH Rl PD - U-M568 16X cnuuon ol BOOK uaien. til0Ilng 613 Knrblloh PAXTON BLOCK, bloc-- ufeu FOR WB RENT sewing machines at 75c per week. 82 per month; we i-eonlr and fell Porniinc i HtviVn ni, , parts for every machine ninnulactureu; dargainS in Umana rrOpertV. second-hand michlnes irom 1 to $10. Neb. RE 1M Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. U 413 ' "VIAVI" way to health. 846 Bee building, PUBLIC SALE - Qmaha- rN . . ' ii PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and DOUglaS COUnty Farm I"!'1!? ,c,0'lpent. pr. and Mrs. Ueriscli, 8W6 California st. Terms reasonable. RIVERSIDE FARM, about 80 miles north- ' U 143 weet ot Omaha and 6 miles eaat of Fre- . .. , ,.,, niont, swv. section 6. township 16, range QKT your wediclnes at CONTE S new 9. at MercerDoSSlis county. Neb.. wTu .ru "tor WEST FARNAM , DiS- bo sold at publio sale by the adminls- ixvtci. tratrix of the estate of John D. Thomas, 81at and Farnam Bts. deceased, on Thursday, January 21. 1904, ' U M8a Fl in o-der to pay the debts and costs of . ,. adniinistraUon of the estate. The sale DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases will take place at the east door of the and irregularities of women trom any court iiouae In the city of Omaha and f"8! experienced and reliable. 1518 will be open from 11 to 12 o'clock In the Dodge st, Arlington block, Omaha, forenoon Julia Thomas, administratrix, u 144 !11 N. Y. Ltfe Bldg. RE M416 20 ,. : ' Z . PRIVATE hospital during confinement; FOR SALE Twelve-acre fruit farm at &tVleS .d,1piei- Mra' ardel. i,1,1?8' 'Uraldentown, Floildii j water front, young xei. Red-1D4. L-rIa orange und banana grove, and good house. . . " " " Address Lock Box wi, Giitner, Ieb. PRiVATli S,?meiJuJ,n conllnanient: babies KK 196 adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, r 738 lat ava., Council Bluffs, la. V 626 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the w.TI.D,a ,,.,., 'T ; Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. WATER S PRINriNO CO.. 1212 Douglas McAllaster, land comml loner. Union Pa. . U 148 cliic koadquartcrs, Omaha, Neb. rri,,, . , . . . tE 410 IR1VATE hospital before and during con- ' flnement. Mrs.. L. Fisher, 2516 Is. 11th. CHEAS Williamson Ca, J' ' 1 U14T- RB-t4t8 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. AT . diugglHts. tL U 148 SEE R. H. Landeryou If you wish to buy wA--a . i , , : or sell reel estate. . 443 Board of Trade. Vf n cer than akcordlon pleatlngT - '' ' RE 660 . a.atd0,PC fSa lyKu;mV him' CrM?" ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. clean. I any, rarms. ranones. lei. 133. ti& cesspools and vaults, removes garbage I FOR SALE. 84,000 acres land near Market. tfVh'V.P'E't!" at reduce1 prls'1(5l Beltroml Co.. Mlna.; good farming land; ma- '' lln- t-'60 ,' stifi Mo isx Ooaks, draperies, rugs, lace curtains: we . oya carpets. U M7r7 J23 8" ROOm HOUSe SAVE MONEY-By buying from the manu- Modern except furnace, large lot, 2624 N. facturers. Burkley Envelope Co., Omaha. 19th St., 83,000. U-690 F12x Fine building lots, 25th and Grand Ave., . 8150 to S-M each; only a few left; easy RAMSER A K"RR, hatters, make old hats Verms. . new. 207 N. 17th. Send hats by mail. Two fine lots on S. 27th St., near Hickory; ' U M179-J1 a big snap; both for $(vX. EASY TERMS. EASY TERMS. PAPA Hurry home. Mamma wants you to Bee me If you want to buy a homo on easy get me a pair of Huteson's "Patent Klip payments. Not" Rimless Eyeglasses. They're Just loo r ii i j , Art d j i j swell. Can't shake off. 213 8.16th. CaliUo. R. H. Landeryou, 442 Board of Trade u-754-f-m Tel. 2161. R-M9M MOWeTto LOAli-CMATTELS. EE8T ba'galns In farms ana ranches. It K f 1 r? J t I AA M Write Wll Is Caldwell. Broken Bow. Neb.. MLJIN CI 1 U LUA I for list and Illustrated pamphlet. 2.. . a-Vnil AE-M73U23 EASY PAYMENT PLAN Ar.DP AT PADAIM Tou can VY " 'ou wlah. In small VjlxCAl DAlMJMrN weekly or monthly payments, and each On Parker, near S8th. lot 80x132. T-room faymnt o made reduces the cost of tha house, which haa gas and city water, ?"T, raL" r low y a only 81 260 F at "e,il lower than some. V i . ' , - Wa loan on furniture, pianos, horses, Payne investment CO.. wagons, etc.. the property always remain- . "vjiiiinii, lug la your poaeeion. We also loan ro First Floor. N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Tel. 1781. SALARIED PEOPLE RE--M926 18 upon their own agreement to repay. Our " . facilities are the best for QUICK service YOUR OPPORTUNITY - and our offlca mot" Is "to please o5? To buy a good 7-room house, good repair, patrons." with lot l(Xix85, at 2623 Emmett St., for 75 ... OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. per cent of Its value. Owner needs money 115 Board of Trade Bldg. . Tel. 2296. and to effect an Immediate sale I will (Established lb92. 306 8. 16th St. , take 21,5u0. X M925 O. C. OLSEN. 1704 Farnam St. ' . Z , RE M894 20 i.T,oMONBY LOANED ON . FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. "Mvtt nnn - t SALARIES. ETC. ONLY S1.000. . "l1"" u,Hl 2" ,erm- - . Business confldentlal. A8rvr3?.trotnair,,11.Eo5oBe ,ot on apie Try H,oNuixwnEoDjTvcononer- Payne Investment Co.. P.xto Block. i..h and Far.msu. First Floor. N. Y. Life BldM. YOW CREDIT for Ekh " 1S GOOD HERE FOR WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. f'Vll I ll r I Schmoller A Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. i 1 V 1 1 I I . Z',&8 "POSITION i'EttMANE.Vr SALARIED FOR EXCHANGE, fine piano for a new or WITHOUT MORTGAGE sLoniiHi'h usfd typewriter. Schmoller A Mueller, knowledge of friends and emoi?ye? 1313 Farnum street. Telephone 1. WE ALSO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD ITUR Z-M589 N ITU RE, PIANOS, e. Lowest ratea" CaNrTr.o'rieleXt0'1', mS?" - DRESSMAKIMO. AMERICAN LOAN CO. MRS. CABB. dressmaking. 1910 Dodge st Rooms o7-3os Paxton Biock third H.r -Mi Wth 8Urn"m ""d Wth Bli' SitS IN families MIm 8turdy, 809 N. 23d. 1 X-MX4 M-308 F2 MUNNEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE ' fnd othe.s wlm aecu.U,; easy payiiianiu7 I la.gost business In i9 p. iiTciuil oTtlil MtSICAL. Vofuian, room 440. chamber 0j ! ' h lug. . jf , , THOS. J. KELLY, voioe. Davtdge block. , , . ' S MONEY loaned on pUln note to Salanei , t?.I"; Lul'!', coniid. ntial; lowest rates DAISY HIOOIN8. voice and piano, 8013 Paxtuu block. Ti, j. a. liatton Co Iavenworth. Tel. A-274I. 8V2 Fl - X U MONEY loaned on llanos, f urn.ture ji-w- I'ATESTS, elry. horsea, cows, ttc. c. F. Iwed, 2i 8 13 : ! , X-1J4 ' II J COWGILL No fee ur.'esa successful ,,..,. ; - -. 318 8. Ifth St.. Omaha. Tel. 1798. 3il CHATTEL, alfry an.i Jewelry loan-. Foley - Loan Co.t R8, Barker lil .ck. X-1'5 PATENTS GUARANTEED Sues A Co.. a.oa.i n. .. ."" . " Omaha, Neb. 692 A 13 IU, btait. ' ' : "A.RM od cU 'bans, low laua. W. 1L COSTUMES. Ahoniaa, sir.l Na. 1 iiana iilda. Tel.i6.ji , i . V jvj Theatrical and roasq. Lleben, 1018 Farnam. vriva-tc 7T , " l,j PJilVATE money, fcherwocd. 937 N. Y. Life -r 1 ' W j.s COSTUMES for rent. 8818 8. 20th st tTfl.p . . W744 J'4x 0 F. C. money, Bern la. Paxton bio k. " t vu DETECTIVES. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 15.0 Douglas . W-Uj CAPT. T. CORMACK. 817 KartacU block. ; Tel. A-2-2. -li WAN. ED City loans and warranta. W. . fcarruuu Smith A Co ltf Farnam Bt. THE BEBOI'T DETECTIVE AGENCY. W 131 708 N. Y. LIFE. -KT.EPHONK 8540 161 " - ' 1 ; Flvb I'r cenl lna. Garvin Bros.. 1004 WANTED SALESMEN. rarnam. W-133 , "1 , . WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. ANTEDA traveling salesman with ex- r. C. peUrs Co.. Bee Bldg" VV-1- perlence to sell a specialty to the grocery . . fnre4n.r.' ,"ibe,we1? .I1 5n1 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. 13 today, tl.llard hotel. F. H. Millard. W .li Ml"l 18x , " 6 farm loans. R. C. Patterson, T.K Far- W ANTED TO BORROW. nam. W 136 WANTED To borrow 31 200 to 31.800 boms WANTED, to place 31.000 or 81.600 on first money on choice Improved rental property class city real estate at 6 per cent Wy tn Omaha; security ample. A.1''rg A 'man, Shrlver Co., N. Y. Life bldg K Bea. M774 24 W-M767 16 FOR RENT HO VSR S. THE Omaha Van and Stornge Co. pa.-k move and store H. II. g'nds. Storehouse, Hl'O-24 N. 19th. OfPce, 1511 Farnam. Tel. 1669-863. D M449 FOR RENT -room house, 2663 Wool worth ave.; porcelain bath, gns, hot and cold water: newly painted and papered throughout- f.lV J H. Sherwood, Nr York Life Bldg. D M667 IS18 6 19th St.. 8-room house-820 00 n& 8. Ifth at., 6 room house, wr 11-110 00. 819 N 17th St., 6 rooms upstairs $12.10. M'CAGt E INVEbi'MfcNT CO, 1506 Dodge Bt. D 120 2716 BRISTOL,' 7-room house; bath, gaa, city watei, $-0.00. McCague Investment Co.. 1606 Dodge -t D M478 HOflQPC In all parts of tha city. Tha i O. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg, D 113 Hi")! all parts of the elty. R. I1UUOCO c, ptera A Co.. Bee Bldg. D-114 PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO., choice houses. 601-6U3 New York Life Bldg. 'Phono inld. I D-116 SEVERAL good houses, 810 to 818- Chris lio cr. 2.d and Cuming. 'Phone 2048. D 117 NEW 8-room. modern brick, close In, Just completed. Flat, ZOb . Leavenworth, 6 rooms, $17. JOHN N. FRENZER. , Opp. Old T. O. 4 D M945 NEW rrodern 6 rooms. 1317 8. 6th at., $18. D 673 2ix - WE MOVE plsnos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co.. Tel. 1496. Oflice. 1713 Webster st D 118 8-ROOM, modern, brick house 4 8. 25th aye. William K. Potter, Kec., 8t4 Brown block. D 421 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker "Bflt ' D-118 FLORISTS.' HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. -438 L, HENDERSON, florist. 1619 Farnam St TICKET BROKEMS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. IL Philbin. 1SU5 Farnan. TV...... -tj RAILWAY TIBIE CARD. VNIOJI STATION 10TH AND MARCY. Illinois Central. Thrive Arrive. ali):36 pm a 8:06 am bl0: pm a 7:66 am a 8:30 am b 8:46 pm ai0:00 pm all:20 pm a 9:16 am a 8:46 pm a 7:06 am a 9:26 am a 2:40 pm a 9:20 am bl0:36 am bl0:36 ar.t a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pm unicago Express a 7:6 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm MlnneimnllM Jt, at Paul Express b 7:60 am Chicago A Northwester. Fast Chleaa-o a 8 :40 am :30 am :10 pm Local Chicago ..' all man ....a 8 iocm Hloux City Daylight Bt. Paul. a 7 Daylight Chicago a 8 Limited Chicago a 8 Fast .Chicaero .a 6 :60 am :00 am ,-5 pm :60 pm Local Chicago a 4 :m pm r asi hi. I'aul a 8 St. Paul Express , Fast Mall ... Local Sioux City b 4 Norfolk A lloneslf-el a 8 :is pm :O0 pm :t am :U6 am L.ificuiii r ivong fine. .us Deadwood, Hot Springs & Lincoln a 2 Caspnr A Wyoming Ex.d 2 Hastings, Superior and Albion b 2 Inlou Pacific. :50 pm :50 pm :60 pm b 6:10 pm Overland Limited a 9:40 The Fast Mall a 8:60 California Express a 4:20 am nn pm a 8:06 pm a 8:20 pm me -iuu:i(fo forwana Special '. a 8:20 pm Tlio Chicago --Portland , Special Eastern Express The Atlantic Exnres The Colorado Special. .all :36 pm Chicago Special Lincoln, Beatrice and a 6:30 pm a 6:30 pm a 7:30 ani a 8:40 am 8:40 am bl2:48 pm b 1:35 am Stromshurg Kxprces-.b 4:00 i pm pm Columbus Local .- b 6:00 Chlrago Crest Weatersu St. Paul A Minneapolis Limited Bt. Paul A Minneapolis Express .. a 7:35 am Chicago Limited a 4:60 pm St. Paul, 'Minneapolis A Chicago Express a 8:30 pm Chicago Express a 4:30 am Chlcaao, Milwaukee A St. Pat Chicago Daylight a 7:66 am Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:46 pm t. 7:15 am a 8:24 pm al0:30 am a 4:06 pm I. all :18 pm a 3:10 pm . a 8:10 am a 8:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:20 pin Des Moines Express 7:6a am Wabash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:66 pm a 8:20 ant St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a 9:16 am al0:30 pm Missouri PaclBe. 1 St Louis Express alOrfo am a 6:25 pm K. C. A St. L. Express.. al0:60 pm a 6:16 am Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific. ( EAST. Chicago Daylight L't'd.a 8:66 am a 3;V) am Chicago Daylight Loc'l.a 7:00 um a 9:35 pm Chicago Express bll :15 am a 6:36 put Des Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm bll;6i am Chicago Fast Express, .a 6:30 pm a 1:26 poi WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd .a 7:30 am a 7:26 pr.i Lincoln, Colo. Springs. lenver. Pueblo and West l a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Texas, California and Oklahoma Flyer a 4:10 pm r-12:40 pnt BURLINGTON STATION lOlh A MASON. Chicago, Barllngtoa A Qolney. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 8:65 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7:i6 am Chicago Local a 9:18 am all:u0pm Chicago Limited a 8:05 pm a 7:46 pm Faat Mall 2:46 pm Burlington A Mlaaoarl River. Wymore. Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:60 am Nebraska Express .a 8:60 am Denver Limited a 4:10 pm v.i-. rim.. bl2:06 pm a 7:46 pm a 6:46 am J31HCK Xlllil . Sound Express all:10 pm a 3:80 pm Flyer Lincoln Fast Mull b 2:67 pm Fort Crook and Platta mouth b 8:10 pm Belluvue & l'acitlc Jet.. a 7:60 pm Bellevue A Pacific Jet. .a 3:30 am a 8:30 pm a 9:08 am bl0:8 am a 8:27 am Kaasas City, t. v Joseph A Coaacll Blaffs. Kansas City Day Ex...a 9:15 am a 6:06 pm St. Louis Flyer ..a b:2b pm ull:06 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:t pm a 6:30 am WEBSTER DEPOT 10th A WEBSTER. Mlaaoarl Farlflc. Leave. Arrive. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm alO:3S am Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ,.b 6 30 am b 8:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... a 2:00 pm all:2o am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b 9:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. OCEAN STEAMEHS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. 'New Tw:a-H.rew Ftxm.ra ot 11. 4oo Tana KtW YOHK KOTTKKDAU. 11 BUL'LOUNBj. tailing at 10 a. m. F.U. I I AmManUm Mar. 1 Slot.rdrH tb. it Koll.rdaia . Mar. I BUU.adaoi rrU. J Noordani Mar. a Staraa eoly. l yrtlght aolr. llnl.tANIi-AMKKK'A LINK. Iwarbora St., Chi- (tei, III.: H.r;jr Muorva. 14"t Farnaa St.; C. RuthrliH. X?.ti Faroam it.; 1. B. Kcjuelda, ituf fraroam St. NEW DEPOT QUARTERMASTER Major Moses G. Zallaekl Arrives frasn Philadelphia to Take I'u Ills Work Here. v Major Moses G. Zallnskl, quartermaster department United States army, arrived In tha city yesterday noon from Philadelphia to take up his raw duties as depot quarter master at the Omaha quartermaster depot. Major Zallnskl has but recently returned from the Philippines. He Is accompanied by Mra Zallnskl, and for the present they will make their home at tha Her Grand. OMAHA SUBURBS Bellevae. Tha first semester will close Wednesday. January 27. Examinations are now on. Tha sixteen seniors are to don cap nii.'. anwn at the beginning of the second se:u ester. The time for handing In of papers for the prlxe essay contest has been extetido.l ti February 23. Base ball practice has begun. The flnt open weather has brought out the mrn ami much good preliminary work Is heina- d.m.- Aianager Klce Is hard ot work arranalrK a schedule. Several sneaJtnrs have he on InvltoH fnr tlw. exercises of the day of prayer for colleges, January 28. There will be no recitation on that day. Dr. Kerr Is preparing an Inter esting program. The college library hns received another shipment of bound magazines. The binding was done by an Omaha lirm and compares yrably with that previously done In it t nlcag-o bindery. The Board of Athletic Control hns Hp proved the scheduling of foot ball gurnet next fall with Grand Island. Hnstlmrx, totner snd Donne The contrnct for the Jn. rs"y of Nebraska game November 19 Is ready for signature. The base bull enthusiasts" of the college are pleased to note the arrlvHl on the dia mond of a new man. Guy Ktouffpr Ik hi name and hi Joins the team In preparation for the spring names, after having won quite a reputation r a tar player In his local team. He hixlls from Merna, Neb. Special plana Hie being made for the welcome and entirtninment of the or.ttorH from the Nebraska coIIckos who are to compete at Bellevne on January 29 for the honor of representing Nebraska In the In terstate contest. Kellevue H expecting great things of her orator. Miss Adda M. Guttery of the senior class. Tha development of the studv snd drill In oratory under the direction of Mr. J A. Plpal Is very satisfactory to Dr. Kerr and to the students. Each student Is given n private lesson In declamation or oratory once a month and all the students meet for class work onoe each week. All this without any additional expense to the stu dents. The Adelphlan and Fhilomnthe-an Liter ary societies, the college debating club and some of the other college societies will hoi 1 their firt meeting since the close of va cation Monday, January 1. All the soci eties are reported flourishing and the French club' In particular Is said to have a larger attendance and better results now than It had during the forepart of the semester. The heads of the departments of Instruc tion report that better student work thnn ever before Is being done this year. All of the courses In all the departments have good enrollments. Among the popular ad vanced electlves are courses In Mblography, offered by Miss Nlcholl; draughting, by Mr. Wells; history of art and mythology, by Mrs. Dr. Kerr; analytical organic chem istry, by Dr. Tyler; Journalism, by Mr. Willis Kerr. ' Florence. t Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tletx of Omahit spent Saturday and Stindnr with Mrs. Tlets' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. Henry Taylor has been very sick the pisl week. He Is quite aged and since the recent death of his wife has been fur from well. The electrlo light company has had a force of men here this week putting In additional wires and lights lit Florence residences. Mr. and Mra. C. Q. Carlson spent several days of the paat week with friends nt Wakelleld, Neb., returning home Monday on the noon train. The Talbot Ice company commenced Sut urday morning harvesting the second crop of Ice from the reservoirs. It is about ten Inches thick and of first-class quality. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Powell gave a part to their many friends Wednesday evenlim. Games and oanciug were the order ot the evening. Refreshments were served. The officers of Rose Rebekah lodge were Installed Tuesday niglil. Miss SuuierHnd of Omaha acted as installing ofllcvr. Die regular Installing officer, Mrs. Cyn.'ia Brewer, was prevented by sickness ticm officiating. Captain Reynolds has not been so well the past week. Mrs. Reynolds haa elso been confined to her rponi. They expect to start the first of the week for an ex tended trip to California flur the beneilt of their health. 1 Rev. Phillip S. Smith, In charge of bt. Marks' churoh here, will go to Fremont , Neb., Bunduy and hold services ut thai ' &lace, but will return la time for the eveu ig service at St. Marks'. There will be no uiurning service. : Mr. James E. Vandercook, an old resident of this place and with his wife identified with the early settling of Florence, died at his home at Big bprings. three miles north of Florence, Wednesday morning. Mr. Vandercook wus about 7u years olu. Mrs. Vandercook la also seriously Hi. J. W. Fouka of Fremont, O., is spending a few weeks here, having been called here by the sudden death of his brother Charles, a resident for many years of this place, who died Saturday night shortly after ar riving home from a party at a neighbor s. He had been subject to heart trouble for some time. Jonathan lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Installed otltceiM Friday night, W. . R. Wall, district deputy fciaiul muster, and staff perlormlng tne duties, as follows: Uua Johnson, noble guiud; D. J. -tililplcy, vice grand; Karl Foeilmer, secretary, and James C. Kindred, treasurer. There were about sixty visiting hrothuis present from the different Omaha lodges. HefreshmentN were served, being looked alter by MrH. Gus Johnson and Mrs. E. D. Bergstiess.-r. West Ambler. Mrs, Nelson Pratt was the guest of her parents on Wednesday. Little Anna Byes has been out of school the past week with the mumps. Mrs. Charles Syas has been under the doctor's care the whole of this week. Mrs. R. M. Henderson Mas been on th; . sick list this week with a severe cold. Mr. Bonewlts has been 111 at his home in West Side, lie is slowly recovering. Mr. and Mrs. I luttely and biby were fuests at dinner on Weoiusday at Hi.' ome of John Gnntx. Mr. M. Faverty and family uro enj ylnn a visit from their el leal son, who is a railroad man from the western - uri of the state. Mrs. John Ivers was a guest at dinner on Friday at Charles Syas and Mr. jomi Fri tcher and son Arthur from Herder. n, la., on Monday. . . Mrs. R. Getty accompanied her friend, Mrs. J. E. Aughe, to the Installation ot Custer post anu Woman ,e,iel cm pa on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wertxler have re turned to their home in South Omaha since the recovery of their little son fium a severe case of pneumonia. Will Griffith, who haa been visiting hen for the past month from Sprlngvlew, Neb., has had u. severe case of tlin grip ut tht home of his uncle, John Guntz. Mr. and Mrs. John Ebert and elsrlr, Mis Lydla Munshaw of East Atnliler, weni en tertained by their frit mis, Mr. and Mis. J. E. Aughe, on Thursday evening. Mr. Tind Mrs. K. C. Dawson of Fo! om, la., uccomranied by their cousin, Mi.i. Clyde Johnson of Council liliirTs. guests of Mrs. Dawson's father this week Rev. J., II. Brooks and wife of lu co port street were guests at dinner at J, E. Augho's on Tuesday and were entertained In the afternoon by Hv. It M. iiander.oii and wife. 1 John Faverty, -wife and daughter Jessie were gueets at au oyster suoper ut thj home of M. Faverty on Monday evening, and they In turn gave a lily supper to tlia family of the latter on Thuid.ty evtnlix In honor of the young Mr. Faverty, who Is their guest Dundee. Mrs. Nonh Perry entertained Oinah.i friends at dinner on Thursday. Mr. Will Bweexy Is very 111 at the home of his parents on Davenport street. Mr. D. L. Johnson went last week to Denver and other western point on busi ness. Mrs. Tllsnn is Improving, but will be un able to leave the home of her son In Omati.t for soma time to come. , The Indies' Aid society of the ImijuI. ) Presbyterian church met on Friday aj' iho hime of Mrs.. Joseph J. l.amj.e. The Round Dozen Social club wlil meet on Wednesday with Mrs. E. A. Bwison and Mrs It. C. Peters at the home of Mia. Peters. The Omaha Woman's club extended a special invitation to tho Dundee Woman's club to- attend the meeting of the musical department last Friday evening. The Dundee Woman's club met on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. U. Montgomery. There was a very gooel at tendance and It was an unusually lulereat lng session. Mr. Wll lard Lamps, s..n of P.ov. Joseph J. Lampe, won a $."u prize in the Hamilton rlub on: t ton contest In Chicago last week. Mr. 1-aini.e is a senior In Knox college, ami is Olio of Its brightest students. "V On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. J N. II. Patrick entertained at dinner at thoir home at Happy Hollow. The dinner w .a" followed by an Orpheiim party und nn lr. fornisl dnce at ltlHstde, the home of Mr. S4ld Mra Wmou V.taa r