THE OMATIA DAILY ItEK: WEDNESDAY. .TANHARY 13, lOOi. Bid ANNUAL 5ALB OF LINENS ma ANNUAL 5 A LB OF LIN HNS Wednesday Special Bargains DseruiiKB are iu ui 6c s He 35c Embroideries at 6c and 11c Yard. Thousands of yards of very lino and extra wide em broideries, direct from St Gall, Switzerland, now on nlA hnth HmhrnidRrien and inaertincra are in all widths and are well worth up 35c a yard on bis bargain snuirts. at D A ' Torchon Laces at 2ic Yard. Regular 15o quality lacee, some of them the least bit water stained in ocean transit moat of them en tirely eound and perfect they come in all widths and are tho popular linen Ao , shades, a yard 75c Corsets at 39c. The girdle corsets in all sizes colors are tt jT pink, blue and white they are regular 75c quality, at........... - 5.0c Sample Corsets at 15c. An enormous lot of sample corsetB that are -4 worth as high 'as 50o each, today, XCx C while they last, at, each Dress Linings at 3Jc Yard. Good 15c quality dress' linings, in brown, 1 gray and white, full yard wide on 0L bargain square, at, yard . . v. 50c Waistiugs at 25c. All wool challies. French flannels and silk mou8selin de soies in plain colors J? and figuresregular 50c quality, at, yd, 'ttua Clearing Sale In the Drapery Department. Nottingham Curtains 3 k yard Nottingham cur tains, 54 inches wide and worth easily up to $1.50 a pairthese are slightly J JjCy soiled and will be sold at, each Drapery Sateens and Cretonnes 1,000 yards of fine drapery sateens, denims and cretonnes, the regular 15c grade, at, yard Drapery Swiss Regular 15o quality, 86 inches wide drapery Swiss, at, yard 6ic 8ic WATCH OUR WINDOWS mi: I'MMIIiaaWIM UIIMMMI WATCH OUR WINDOWS House Cleaning Cloak Sale MI THE RELIABLES STORE. January Linen Moslin Sale Great Clearing Sale of Hen's Suits and Overcoats Men's Suits, in blue and black cheviots, mixed casslmores and fancy colorings, all well tailored. In round cut sack and the double-breasted square out styles. Any of these suits worth from li'XIO; our clearing sale prloe t7 5n to 5.00 For $7.60 we will sell you a suit worth from 11160 to $16.00, all out In the very newest styles and mad up In the newest falirli-s, In all shades of gray and brnwr. mixtures, plaids, fancy stripes and plain colirs In meltons, cheviots, fancy worsteds and casnimeres, all hand-tailored In flr-t-cluss manner; special 1 rn clearing sale prloe I wU Men's Overcoats, made up of blue and 5.00 Mack kersev beaver cloth. In medium length, all well tailored, worth $750; our clearing; sale price Men's fine all wool Melton Overcoats, made In medium length and of medium weight; come In Oxford Bray and brown; sixes from 34 to 50; worth W.ou; special clear ing sale 6.75 B00 pairs MEN'S PANTS, in all shades, colors and sires, I CA at $3.50, $2 50 and I0U .!Y 5.'" have a fu" ,,n "f tne world-famous HART, priTAFFNEIlV& MARX HAND-TAILORED CLOTHING. This label means KVKRYTHINO GOOD In a gar ment, style. Jit, workmanship and quality. ASK TO BEE THESIS GOODS. What Are Your Carpet Needs ? Whatever they ore we can supply them and at the very lowest prices, visit our carpet department and let us convince you that this is true, Wednesday in the Great Domestic Room WASH GOODS. 124c. Vicuna, Oenulne. and Eclipse Flan- neieiie, stripes ana plains. Tin 40o Mercerized Ginghams In plain and stripes, the new spring waist- IA. lngs, per yard I.IG 19o new spring styles Scotch Ginghams, plain, stripes and checks, ni . per yard G 15o Bcotch Madras and Oxford Walsttngg, tripes and floral designs, pur yard IUC per yard 10c Standard Apron Check Ginghams and Seersucker Ginghams, per yard ()C ta Full Standard ITlnts, In dark blue, black and white and silver . M 3 grays, per yard MG Opera Glasses We have an elegant line all makesbut we have too many we must sell them we will give a discount of 20 per cent on the entire line. ASK SONS OF OMAHA TO AID 014 Settler Reejaest Co-Operation of Omaha natives la Celebration of State's Birth. The Bona of Omaha held a meeting yes terday In the office of Victor B. Cald well at the United States National bank. Dr.' George L. Miller, who was present as a representative of the Old Settlers' asso ciation, requested that the organisation take part In the fiftieth celebration of the state's birth next May. Another meeting will be held Friday. BIU FIRM REMOVES. - Heal Estate, Inaaraaco and Bonding Company Locates on First Floor Row York Ufe Balldtng. " Bmnnan-Love Company, Insurance and Bonding Agents, and Thomas Brennan, Real Estate, are now comfortably situated In their new offices in the New Tork Ufe Building. The business haa grown to such proportions that more room was necessary, henoe the removal from the former location In the First National Bank building.'. The now offices are those formerly occupied by the New Tork Life Insurance Company. A complete change has been made In the In terior, new fixtures having been added Which materially enhance the attractive , pes. Watch for the opening of the Auditorium restaurant, SIS Bouth Fifteenth street, Jan uary 20th. The finest restaurant In the World weathered oak. Twelve beautiful furnished rooms. Hot and cold water. Bath and toilet rooms on each floor. Elegant barber shop in basement reatbered oak. Hew Commission Firm. The Bleuman Commission company haa begun business In the New Tork Ufe build ing. 8. rileuman, hul of the firm, has bin In the commission business at Hastings for seven years and Is now operating ortVes at fifteen places In the state. The office in Omaha Is Intended as the headquarters for the grain company. Mr. Sleuman is a pio neer in the central part of Nebraska, hav ing located there, thirty years ago. He was interested In farming before entering the grain business and ts still a large landholder In the vicinity ot Hastings. , Will Io All Tata for Yon. Dr. King's New Life Pills puts vim. vigor and new life Into every nerve, muscle and organ of the body. Try them. 25c. For sale by Kubn Co. Watches and diamonds. Tour credit is good, a Mandelberg. jeweler, 1522 Farnam. ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. Thirty-II re-Day Tonr of Mexico. A personally conducted 85-day tour of Old Mexico In a private car Is now being ar ranged by the Rock Island system. Car will leave Dea Moines Tuesday, Feb ruary 16, but you can- join It at Kansas City next morning if that la more con venient. The Itinerary Includes Fort Worth, ' San Antonio, Monterey, Tamplco, San Luis Po- tosl, Aguas Callentes, a week in Mexloo City, side trips to Cordova, Santa Ana, Pueblo and Cuernavaca. On the comeward trip stops will be made at Guadalajara, Escatecas and Chihuahua. Total expense, $260 from Des Moines, $200 from Dubuque, $285 from Chicago, St. Paul or Minneapolis; $250 from Omaha, $245 from St Louis or Kansas City. This covers transportation, sleeping car berth, meals, hotel In Meoieo City, transfers, carriages, guides and Interpreters. No plensanter mid-winter holiday trip could be planned. Details at this office. F. P. RUTHERFORD, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb, What 4! Gents Will Buy After invoicing we find a big lot of odds and ends of notions, etc., which we will close at less than one-half price: 25o combination needle books ... 4 Ho 10c corset steels 4 So lfio tnetul back dressing combs ...4 So 20c shell back comhs ...4 So lc curd shell hair pins 4 So Son pearl buttons, per doren 4 Ho loo worth silky crochet cotton 4Ho 10c tack pullers 4 Ho 16o elastic, per yard 4 Ho 20c Pearl Buttons, Per Dozen, 3c We hare the entire clearing up stock of a factory ox this line of fancy pearl buttons, worth from 10c to 20c per dozen, and will sell them during our big annual notion sale, at, doz. . 3c 10c hose supporters, per pair l4o 2oo bolt braid skirt binding 4 Ho lOo nickel plated nursery pins 4Ho 5 packages adamantine pins 4Ho 2 packages test brans pins 4 Ho 10c. memorandum books , ..4'iO 7 penoil tablets 4 Ho and many other lOo to 20o articles, all on Bale at 4,o each. Grand Thread Sale W ednesday morning we plaoe on sale Beldlng Bros, best sewing silk, per spool 200 yards perfect machine thread, per spool, for Basting Thread, 12 spools, t3 for ,TI Extra heavy black Threads, per spool Brooks Bros. Silky Crochet Thread, two spools 41c He 6c 34c 4c Hardware, Stoves and llousefurnishings. See 'What 5 Gents Will Buy. BH-'n. Scrub Brushes .. 8x10 Trip Pan --ln. Pie Plates 6 dosen Clothes Pins Acme Fry Pans t Tin Cups for 1 dozen Picture Hooks Wood Knife and Fork Trays S-arm Towel Iiacks 7"llet Paper Holder 5c .5o 5c e e oe eeeee-oesm W 5c 5o E. Z. K. Rat..... Traps ;5c Brush Holding Mop C Stick 0C 5 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 11 -In'. WaBh Basin , Long Handled Fire Shovel Japan Dust Pans ..l.-... Claw Hammer 2 boxes Wax Tapers 2 Coat Hangers 2 Asbestos ' Mats Double Mincing Knife Quick piortda Trip Via Pennsylvania Short Lines Leaving Chicago any morning at 10 o'clock on the fast eight-hour train to Cincinnati, or via Louisville, passengers arrive In Florida the next day. These trains have Pullman buffet parlor car service and vesti buled coaches with head-rest seats. At Louisville and Cincinnati passengers are assisted on trains of connecting lines run ning through to Atlanta, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, New Orleans and other points In the south. C. L. Kimball. A. G. P. Agt., No. 2 Sherman street, Chicago, furnishes information regarding tourist tickets and other details. GREAT CUT PRICE SALE OF HEATING STOVES THIS WEEK BEFORE IN VOICING THEM TO WAREHOUSE. The Reliable Grocery Department. Read These Prices. 21 lbs. pure cane Granulated Sugar Any brand Laundry Soap, per bar 2ftc Vigor Vim. Multa Vita, Neutrita or Malta Ceres, per pkg 7VxC Fresh Breakfast Rolled Oats, per lb.... 2Hu Hand Picked Navy Beans, per lb Sa Imported Macaroni, per pkg. .......... 7V4o Quart cans Golden Syrup . 7Vfea Large Jure Assorted Jams 8Hc Corn Starch, per :kg. f-tyo Mince Meat, per pkg 0 Oil Sardines, per can $o -lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes 7Ho 2-1 b. cans Wax, Lima or String Beans.. 6c 2-lb. pkg. Self Rising Pancake Flour... ?Hc Large juicy Lemons, per doc lOo Young Sweet Oranges, each lo Oood Drink Santos Coffee, per lb Ho Fancy Mocha and Java (special), per lb.170 Dried Fruit Sale Choice California Prunes, per pound.. Fancy Alberta Peaches, per pound.... English Cleaned Currants, per pound.. New York Evaporated Apples, per lb. Choice Mulr Park Apricots, per lb... Fancy California "-ctarlnes, per lb... California Bartlet'. Pears, per lb Choice Virginia Blackberries, per lb... Fancy Seeded Raisins, per package... , 2ie , 6Vio . 6Vc . 7"0 , 9Ho . Pc , 7Vio . 8ta HAVDEN BROS. Ilonnefs Sew Market. Henry Honnef, one of the best butchers in Omaha, today opens his new meat market at 1403 Douglas street. Nothing but the best grade of meats will be handled, and it is Mr. Honnefs Idea to please his first cus tomers to such an extent that they will continue to patronise his market. It is one of the finest and most complete markets in the west and will have to be seen to be ap preciated. Cleanliness is first thought with Mr. Honnef. Important Cannce of Tims. Consult the Chicago Great Western rail way time table in these columns tor chang of time, effective January I. rs. J DHESS TRIMMINGS AT HALF PRICE Commencing Wednesday morning we will sell all our large and up-to-date stock of dress trimmings at iust half former price. Announcement. o tlte Theater.. This afternoon and evening At Valley Forge," a comedy, drama based on an In cident of the revolutionary war, will be the attraction at the Boyd. It Is said to be a play of much strength, full of good comedy and with a sufficient number of thrilling situations to maintain the Inter est. The company is also reported as a competent one. On Thursday evening Henry W. Savage's splendid company, headed by Frank Moulan and Cherldah Simpson, will appear In George Ade's great success, "The Sultan of Bulu." Since this piece was first pre sented in Omaha It has undergone a long run In New York, where It was remodeled and strengthened In many particulars, until it Is now the premier of the whole lot of musical comedies. On Monday and Tuesday evenings the popular comedian, Mr. John Drew, will ap pear In Robert Marshall's successful com edy, "The Second In Command." So far this week the magnetism of James J. Corbett and the other features on the Orpheum bill has proven a record break ing card. Mr. Corbett has turned out a genuine surprise to vaudeville patrons by giving them a monologue that strikes for cibly its Intended mark, the rlslhlea, and after keeping his auditors laughing for twenty minutes at his funny stories. As Corbett will be on the program all this week the Orpheum will undoubtedly have one of the biggest runs of the season. The regular matinee will be given Thurs day. Selma Herman In "The Charity Nurse" will close at the Krug with the matinee and night performances of today. Thurs day nUht Nat M. Wills atid his big musical comedy company will open In "A Son of Rest" for the remainder of the week. This is one of the very largest and most ex pensive attractions yet offered by the man agement of the Krug. but the usual popu lar prices will prevail. These are StaleC?) Fresh Cuts. . 21.00 Vlnol yes we have plenty 8C0 They say we don't dare touch Vlnol! $3.50 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe ..$2.25 Sent postpaid on receipt of price. 21.00 Nervan Tablets B7c 60c S. Grover Graham's Dyspepsia Cure She $1.00 Orrlne Liquor cure for 67c $1.00 Iler's Malt Whiskey 62o $1.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey 67o $1.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey 75o $2.00 Genuine Chester's Pennyroyal rills. 1.00 $1.00 Peruna Mc 60c Bar Ban 3Sc boc Nervlia 860 $1.00 Nervita C0o $1.00 Swanson's 6 Drops 67c $1.00 Palne's Celery Compound &;c $1.00 llrnmo Beltier 63c lino laxative Promo Quinine 9c 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills 7o S. 8. 3. $1 slt f.c $1.75 slse $1.07 Write us for prices not catalogues they are certainly dend. One to a customer. CUT PRICB DRU .TOR E. T. YATKH. Ptod.. Kth and Chicago Bts., Omaha. 'Phone T47 and 797. 24th and N Bts., South Omaha. 'Phon. Nc. i. All goods delivered any plac RELIABLE DENTISTRY FREE This offer good until January 15th. SCHAEFER'S Set of Te e I h , $2.00 Traveling men should remember that on the second and third floors above the beau tiful Auditorium restaurant, S16 South Fif teenth street, a ill be found twelve as beautiful rooms as you ever saw. Hot aad cold water. Bath and toilet rooms on each floor. Opening January 20th. Douglas Printing Co 13 Howard. Tel Mi. Cronus, uo from ..,......... .i.IH) Filling, up from line Brlda-e Work, np from S2.00 Work guaranteed ten years No students. TEETH KXTKACTKD WITHOUT PAIN bv the use of our patented painless methods. Work dune free, fcmau charges for material. UNION DENTAL COMPANY, 1522 DOUCLAS STREET, ROOM 4 OPKN DAILY AND SUNDAY. There never was a time when lace cur tains rould be bought for the money we are offering them at In this sale at $.175 per pair. You will And hundreds of styles worth up to $10.00. Orchard & W 11 helm Car pet company. Marrlaare License to wed was Issued by the county ludge to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Jnnas J. Nelson. Omaha 24 Kffie E. Inman. Omaha J II-K: Wedding Rings, Edholm, jeweler. Manufacturer's Salo of PIANOS Closes Next Saturday. INVEBTIOATEI It will pay you well especially If you desire to own a strictly standard made piano with a standard reputation and at tho same cost as any dealer pays for It We are closing out the balance of these old time favorites at actual coat They Are New They are choice, they are beautiful, they are of the highest class, built for fine homes, and tho prlco reductions are genuine. Extended, liberal time payments can be arranged at the cash figure only Blmple Interest on the de ferred deposits, no trouble, no worry. It's So Easy To deal here, the Immense saving afforded this week will speedily sell every one. Taken In Exchange During this sale a large number of In struments, a dozen or more organs at $8.00, $10.00, $15.00 to $25.00; six square pianos, a couple for the asking; others at $10.00 to $30.00. UPRIGHT TIANOS Gilbert, Hale, Wegman, Emerson. Walters, Crown, Schubert, Kimball, Chlckerlng, Stclnway dandy bargains, $41-00, $ti5.00, $02.00, $138.00 and up On $5.00 payments. NOTE: WE HAVE WHAT WE ADVERTISE. Writ For Bargain List MUELLER (INCORPORAltD) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE-RETAIL P I A.N O S MAIN HOUtC AND OFFICE: 1319 FARNAM FACTOBY: '' FAFJN AM TtLIPHONI 12S OMAHA ' LINCOLN, NEB 13 S. 11TH T. TIL. TS co. BLurrs, f (03 BROADWA TCU pss "iSi?MsaT '"tl $2.50 SHOES FOR MEN A good, strong, warm, heavj winter shoe for $2.50. In calf, box calf or kid stock of good weight; with heavy double soles of high grade sole leather that will rtwlst the cold and wet; lined with heavy can vas and sewed with strongest thread, they make a shoe that looks well, wears well, and feels well. If you want a $2.60 shoe of the best valun, style and qual ity, examine this one of ours. I 111 iite-DGKlASEOi 11 GS7 2222 ft 1 THE BEST WATER BOTTLE IN OMAHA 8-quart 75c 2-uuart 6&0 Good 2-quart water bottle o r fountain syringe ...46c Combination Syrinue $1.00 3 prong extra quality Whisk Hrooms are go ing: this week at li;c 26o Cullcura soap lie $1.00 Kinney's Hair Tonic boc $1.00 Munyon's Paw Paw Ton $-'.00 Tremaln's Female Pills $1.00 $1.50 Colgate's Edition de Duxe Perfume, nt $1.00 ColgHte's Dactylls Soap lOti 60c Cudahy'a Reef Extract a'.c Water boitle covers 10o Anti-Grip Capsules, the test cold cure 2ftc 26c Westmal's Kof Kure ir.- Do you want your prescriptions filled correctly T WE NEVER SUBSTITUTE. HOWELL DRUG CO., OMAHA. . BOYS' SUITS Reduced in Price. Wednesday morning we start a clearing sale in our boys department. Every boy's suit has been radically reduced. $1.65 , $2.65 Boys' Suits worth $2 and $3 REDUCED TO......., Boys' Suits worth $3.50 to US REDUCED TO..- Every suit is of dependable quality cut in the latest styles and will fit perfectly. These goods are no Job lots or old goods, purchased for "sale purposes," but all our own regular fall and winter lines, simply reduced in order to commence the next season with bright new stock. Reduction in Boys' Pants. Boys' Pants, worth 35c to ?0c, go at 2?c I Boys' Pants, worth 65c to 7?c, go at 45c Indian Territory and Oklahoma "Lands of opportunity" newest, richest and most promising sections of the west. .Our booklets, "Business Openings" and "Oklahoma," tell all about this wonderful country. Don't fail to secure a copy. nomeseekers' Excursion rates, January 5 and 19, one fare plus ?3 for the round trip. 1323 Farnam Street, OMAHA, - NEB. g JZT--ZZ ", S You Get 20 Per Cent Off All this month on very dollar you buy at ray stora Ms includes watchos, diamonds, Jewolry, sllvnr vare, etc. ;very artlclo ws sell Is Just as repre sented. JOHN RUDD, Jeweler, Viitoh inspector tor C, Bt. P., M. & O. and C. & N. 'if. Rys. lt us ro;alr your watch. 7 FAST TRft CALIFORNIA ARE OVER Union Pacific And via Omaha nach thtlr dtitfnafion 'xtit houn qulcktr than an ottmr lint. TWO HROUGH RAINS DAILY Handsomely Eoulppsd with Pullman- Pilaot Sleeping Cart. Free Reollnlng Chair Cars. Bullet Smoking and Library Cart. Tourist Sleeping Cart a Specially. Dining Cart, Meals a la carte. Plntsch Light Steam Heat, elo. ELEOTRIO LIGHTED TRAINS Fall Information Cheerfully FurnUhod on Application to CITY TICKET OFFICE, 13a FARNAM BT. Thon aid. Lindsay's January Sale! During January wo will have our regular 20 per cent discount sale. This applies on all watches, dfiunnrvls, lewelrv, rut jrlass, leather goods: In fact, our wholn Ine KXCEPTINO Oorham's sterling silver and Wmer iihii fountain pens. You know our reliability to do Jual is we Bay. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY. Tho Jeweler, 151 Douglas Street. Omaha. f Mil Full Set Teeth 55.00 Best Set 57.50 22K Go!d Crowns S3.D0 up. Gold Fillings 11.50 up. Culver tlliluga tue up. BAILEY, THE DENTIST. (RstabUthed 1!.) Ird F1XXJK. 1'AXTON BLOCK. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER I'lae fstatssnrapais lUastsatlsas. H From Vllobo" to "Banker" Decatur Lasts are original fitting men's feet as men's feet should be fitted. From Maker to You. $3.50 and $5 1521 Farnam GET THE BEST When you need anything In Sewing Machines or supplies. It doesn't pay to buy Inferior goods In this line. We handle first-rlaKS machines as well as parts and repairs for ell popular machines. Get your supplios from us and you will be happy. P. L FLODMAN & CO., ""fglSif- .V