THE OMATTA DAILY REE: TUESDAY, JANUARY 12. 1004. WILL USE SCAVENGER ACT 15c Coys' and I GREEN TRADING STAMPS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS I9c Ladies' and Misses' Hose, 124c Misses' nose y 10c CM I 1 I i -tlj - T-rr-lC TIIK H KM ABLE STOHE. 12 B mm a 1 linn iimnw. " " '""V f 11 1 liilMY P ols JP um i i j r i OoODty Oommlmiontn Letide to CoHtct TX6i TJiJer ProTiiioni tf Thii Law. tNSLISH AND VfRIGHT BEFORE THE BOARD Mnikri Kit IndltltluaU. This Bala the Intrrtm When 4 onntr la, Technically, Wllhoul Ofllelnl Bxl. n 14 i i mm viru The county commlKsiotiet made the n Bouncement yesterday t tin t the city anil county taxes for the current year would be collected ' under the provisions of the scavenger" act which wan pawned by the Iwt legislature. County Attorney Enjrllfh and City Attor ney Wright appeared before the board and asked for an expression of opinion as to lh methods which the commissioner!, will adopt In their attempt to collect the taxes. The board did not alt In formal session, I rice there is an Interim of one week be fween the last sitting of he old and the irst Bitting of the ne a.rd, when Doug 1m county has no such a thing as a Board pf County Commissioners. Therefore, In a session In which the com tnlasl oners sat as individuals rather than MM members of the county board, Messrs. English and Wright explulned the gravity of the situation which now confronts the city and county and asked the commis sioners to make some declaration of their Intentions. It was pointed out that the Scavenger act and the so-called Ager act, both of which were passed by the last leg islature, are entirely different propositions. Also that the commissioners have the power, however, of collecting the county's taxes under the general revenue act or tha scavenger act. Since this is optional with them, it was the mission of Messrs. Knglish and Wright to have the members of the board commit themselves as to which method of collecting the taxes they pro posed using. Prefer rvena;er Act. Following; a hearing of the county and city attorney the members of the board an nounced their Intention of collecting the county taxes under the provisions of the scavenger act, and County Attorney Eng lish waj authorised to draw up a resolu tion to that effect which will be adopted by the new board at Its first session to morrow. "This is an Important step In the right direction," said County Attorney Knglish. "It will mean thousands of dollars to the county. The scavenger act Is designed to clean up all of the old back taxes. In this city there are thousands of dollars' worth of property against which the taxes have accumulated for ao long a period that they are practically bringing nothing Into the county treasury, for the reason that they are now taxed for mora than their real value. "Tha scavenger act provides that the city treasurer ahall prepare a list or complete statement of all lands and lots In the city on which there are unpaid taxes on May 1 of tha current year. Thjla is then turned Over to the county treasurer. In the mean time the county treasurer has made a statement of all the lots and lands In the county agalnat which there are unpaid taxes. These Include both regular taxes acd special assessments. County Attorney Must e. "It Is then the county attorney's duty to bring a suit in the name of the state against all the owners of property as shown by the above statements. This Is all In one suit, ail of the owners of property being made a defendant to the suit Instituted by the atate. The owners of property then have tha opportunity of appearing before tha courts and setting up the Invalidity of the taxes or special assessments which have been placed against them. "Tha preparation for this suit Involves great expense on the part of the county In getting up' the lists of property owners and all persons having an Interest in Douglas county real estate. Tho announce ment Is made at this time that tha county commissioners propose collecting the taxes unler tha scavenger act, so that anyone seeking to enjoin the commissioners from so doing may do so before the county has gone to tha expense of getting up the list of property owners." 'In the event no one brings an action to enjoin tha board from collecting the county's taxes under tha scavenger act. It Is the Intention of tha commissioners to cause such an action to be brought at this time, so that there will be no possibility , of such a suit being Instituted afterward. when tha county has gone to the expense Of setting up Us list of property holders. If the courts sustain the validity of the act tha commissioners will then have no reason to fear an enjolnment later on," aid one of tha commissioners. Today. Special Bargain Sale SURVIVES STRANGE ACCIDENT Li a em an Is Tossed Fifteen Feet by Cable Which Is Struck by Faa aeanrer Trala. George W. Jones, foreman of a gang of linemen for the Western Union Telegraph company, was seriously hurt In a peculiar manner under the Tenth street viaduct yestereday. He was lifted bodily off tha (round by a cable wire and thrown a die tance of fifteen feet, alighting on the hard pavement on his left hip, the bone being splintered by the contusion, and his left arm also was bruised. Mr. Jones was directing the stringing of tha cable under the viaduct and was Standing on the ground. A Missouri Pa cific passenger train whistled In snd the cable was raised sufficiently, he thought, to allow tha smokestack of the engine to clear. But It sagged just as the train passed under h bridge and the cable was picked up and carried several hundred feet before the train could stop.. Mr. Jones, who was standing directly In the path of the cable, was caught and thrown. Tha Injured man waa removed to the po- GJRA Soap intment and Pills Are worth their weight in gold to every sufferer from Torturing, Dia v figuring Humors of the Skin, Scalp, and Blood, with loss of Hair, and yet set, often sufficient to cure the se verest cases, may now be had of all lru jiU far Oac DoUar. 5C AT Bought from the Marino Underwriters at less than 1-3 their value. On sale in one gigantic lot. JL 2 This stock of fine Imported lares, comprising hundreds of thousands of yards, was slightly damaged In ocean tran sit we bought them at a price that represented only a part of their cost to import soma were very slightly water stained mostly sound and perfect they are Torchons, Vals and Bevlllas, In linen rhades and all widths regular fifteen-cent quality at per yard G Embroideries at 6c and 11c Yard This is an extraordinary bargain these extra fine Embroideries and In serting, la all widths, worth up to 35c, at, yard DRESS TRIMVIIINGS 15o quality dress trimmings, in gray, brown and white, full yard wide, at yard 6c-llc 3c Four Exira Specials Today six-yard ..31c Finishing; . Braids, in plpcps, at per piece Wire Hair Pins, in fancy cabinet six dozen In box per Olr box ilournlng: Pins, 80 pins in fancy box. containing six Of sixes box MW Pearl Shirt pins set of three Waist Sets, with 5c Our Grea.t Sale of Linens $1.50 host satin double da mask, latest designs, yd.. $1 German silver bleached all linen damask, yd 75c all linen very heavy . Irish cream darunsk, yd... 65c linen 2 yards wide, crenm damask, yd 50c German all linen loom dice damask, yd 98c 69c 50c 39c 25c 10c crash toweling, yard 10c buck towels, each 15c huck towels, each 30c huck towels, each . . . 50c huck towels, each $2.50 linen full bleached satin damask Pattern Tablecloths, Z yards long, at, each $3.50 all linen hemstitched Oerman Pattern Tablecloths, 21 yards long, at $3.00 hemmed Pattern Tablecloths, 1 yards lo aeo , 5c .....5c ...10c ..19c :..25c 1.39 1.98 98c Jl. 'JC. JJran&ei Jfc ponaX- TC- J3rn!ria Jfc ons lice station and attended by the police sur geons. He was later removed to his home In Council Bluffs. The Bennett Company. Big sale of California Navel Oranges and nice Juicy lemons. All yu want Tuesday. , Bweet California Navel Oranges, each, la Nice juicy lemons, each, lc. Fruit department, center basement. Announcements of the Theaters. This afternoon and -evening the "Smart Set" will make Its last appearance at the Boyd. This company comprises some clever colored comedians and vocalists. On Wednesday afternoon and evening 'At Valley Forge," a comedy-drama based on an Incident of the revolutionary war, around which a play of genuine interest Is said to have been built, will be the attraction. On Thursday evening "The Sultan of Sulu," with Frank Moulan, Fred Frear, Cheridah Simpson, Gertrude Quintan and other well known vocalists and comedians In the cast, will come for a stay of four nights and two matinees. On Monday and Tuesday evenings Mr. John Drew In his most successful play, "The Second Jn Command." Pennsylvania. Donble Route to Wash ing-ton. and Tiffw York. , Tha Fort Wayne, through Pittsburg, Har- rlsburg and Philadelphia to New York, la the shortest line to the east; standard fares. The Pan-Handle Route, via Colum bus, Pittsburg,, Harrlsburg and Philadel phia to New York, is the lower-fare route. Philadelphia and New York tickets via Baltimore and Washington with stop-overs, coat no more than direct line tickets. Apply to C. L. Kimball, A. G. P. Agt., No 2 Sherman street, Chicago, for details. " Andltortnm Bestanrant. Watch for the opening of the Auditorium Restaurant, SIS South Fifteenth ttteet, January 15. It will be the finest restaurant in the world. The finest furnished room for traveling men and others. Tha finest barber shop. Important Change of Tlma. of time, effective January S. Consult the Chicago Great Westorn rail way time table In these columns for changs Worth Talking Aboot. What? The big curtain values you find In the Drapery department at Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. PREPARES FOR THE SESSION City Clerk Arranges Notice for Annual Meeting; of Board of Equali sation. . City Clerk Klbourn has prepared the no tices for the annual sitting of the city council as a Board of Equalization for general taxes, which begins Tuesday, Jan uary 19. at 10 o'clock, and will last at least five days. In part it reads: "All persons having taxable property .and within the city are requested to examine their assess ments, so thut if any error exists or any Injustice has been done in the assessments of property, correction muy be made by the Board of Equalisation, It being the In tent of the law that no correction shall ba made after the board adjourns." Marriage Ureases. Name and Address. Age. Frank B., Omaha 29 Marians Ruwitirr, Omaha 'J6 Harry 4 J. Fleishman. Omaha....... ':l Anna K. Uonovlts, Omaha Ill Herman A. Homann. Klkhorn S3 Arna I. Male. Klkhorn SI Edward Roue. Butte, Mont Si Kabeeca Adler, Omaha 20 Fred Hoyts, South Omaha Georgia McAbe. Suuth Omaha & Oscar H. Morreaen. Marquette, Neb S7 Julia K. Lada. Denver 35 Stephen Ts.-hlda. McArdle precinct U Johauua Graner, Omaha ' , 23 U-K. AVaddifig RiAgs. fidbolja, J.wsler ON CRUSADE OF INSPECTION Withneil, Chief Salter and Bert Bath Bonn Up Large Buildings. MANY "DEATH TRAPS" ARE ON THE LIST Ofllclhla Declare livery Owner or manager Will Be Farced to Make Ilia IMace .Safe to Public. The general inspection of buildings used for public assembly ordered by the mayor last week Is proceeding, some of it having been accomplished. Building Inspector withnell declares that properly to exam lne and supervise all the Important struc -turea in town three sub-inspectors should be authorized for his department, one each for the north and south parts of the city and one for the business district. In order to Insure competent men, he thinks their salaries should be 100 a month apiece. At present the inspector, in company with Fire Chief Salter and Deputy Commis sioner of Labor.Bush, are making the n- spection, and hia whole time is occupied by It, that of hla assistant, Tom Falconer, be lng taken up In supervising new construc tion Mayor Moores says that Instead of three inspectors a single man should be em ployed, whose duty It would be to examine all buildings with regard to their strength loading and ability to resist fire. Thia officer. In the mayor's opinion, should re port direct to the mayor and council, re ceive $160 a month and work in connection with the building department. Will Look After Wiring. The mayor announces that he will Instruct City Electrician Michaelsen to Inspect every building in town regarding wiring and elec trlcal apparatus. "The Inspection must be thorough." said the mayor. "Some of the electrical com panies have been using inferior materials and have been guilty of careless work. Every violater of the ordinances must be arrested in the future, as the question in volved is an Important one and cannot be lightly considered. No favoritism will be shown. Mr. Michaelsen la an engineer of ability, a man whom I do not believe Is under obligations to any firm or corpora tion, and I am pleased that the council con firmed his appointment." Labor Commissioner Bush Is assisting the building inspector and Are chief because of his authority in the matter of fire escapes. All music halls save one have been in spected, as have the dance halls. At each of the former no water had ever been turned Into the standpipes on the stage, and this was done. Some Improvements have been made at the Star theater on Douglas street. Among the Daneo Halls. At Washington hall a new fire escape has been ordered placed In front and handrails placed on both sides of the stairway. Dances have been ordered stopped on the second floor of the Crounse block at the southeast corner of Sixteenth and Capitol avenue because the inspector does not con aider the, building strong enough to atand the strain. Wooden cuspidors have been ordered removed from the hallway of this building. Rewiring has been ordered at the music halls and an additional tire escape will be ordered placed on the Sacred Heart con vent at Thirty-sixth and Burt streets. A great many wholesale buildings have been covered and an 'Improvement noted Inso much as the loading Is not ao heavy or congested and weighty goods are being stored on the lower floors to a greater ex tent than formerly. The Inspection Is still In progress and will not be completed for aome time. Tha hotels were gone over Just before tha Chicago Are. A dozen of more cheap lodging house with wooden partitions are declared veri table "death traps "t by the building depart ment and a way to remove the danger is being sought. o)f?nnrn mm Genuine Alteration Sales Are Now O.i. There will be an entire transformation of departments. Everything will be done that will make shopping easier. New fixtures will be forward before this sale is over and you will be surpriised at the wonderful improvements we will make. Meantime our gigantic stocks will be immensely re duced. Our business has so increased that these changes in departments must be made. This stock reducing must be accomplished. We most willingly make sensational sacrifices in return for your splendid support. Attend These Sales. Tell Your Neighbors of Them. The Big Busy Grocery Rent money saving is quite the ordinary feature, HUT EXTRAORDINARY MONEY SAVINd is the special feature this week. Very best goods at the very lowest prices. Strictly honest welahts, prompt, courteous attention and quick deliveries make this grocery the most popular trading upot in the west. "PHONE YOUR ORDERS IF YOU CANNOT CALL. TUESDAY BARGAINS. Fresh roasted Santos Coffee, per lb. 12c Imperial Japan Tea, per lb 2Sc Golden Syrup, 3-lb. can lnc l.arKe jars Assorted Jams l"o Grape-Nuts, per pkg 10o Neutrlta Breakfnat Food, per pkg.. 8c Corn Starch, -lb. pkg 4c Cleaned Currants, per lb 10c Mince Meat, per pkg , 7c Plum Pudding, per can 9c Rolled Oats. best. 2-lb. PkB 10c Wheat Breakfast Food, 2-lb pkg... lnc Swedish Hardtack, per lb 10 Oil Sardines, per can 5c Castile Soap, per cake V,ic HEADQUARTERS FOR BUTTER. Fresh Country Butter, per lb lic Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb.... 10c Hand Cheese, each 2Vo Green Trading Stamps With All 'Phone Orders Hardware, Etc., Bargains The task of marking down prices is too huge a task where half a million items make up our hardware and housefurnishing stock, so we give substantial discounts of 10, 15, 20 and 33 1-3 per cent. STEEL RANGES G-hole, 18-in. oven, square, asbestos lining, nicely nickeled, steel range 26.50 14-inch Koyal Hot Blast Heater 9.65 16-inch Koyal Hot Blast Heater 11.25 2- hole burner Junior Gasoline Ptove .......2.98 3- hole burner Junior Gasoline Stove .3.98 WOO DEN WARE $1.25 Clothes Hampers 98c Folding Ironing Board 75c 5-ft, Ironing Board 37c 3-ft. Fourfold Clothes Rack.... 38c TO Mail Order Buyers Sunday' advertised. sales J will be kept open for you till Wednesday noon, if goods are not sold. GREEN TRADING STAMPS with all mail orders. Ask for them. YOUR. DINNER. i OSfaWnsaEnXZaBBBnaTa9aaaaEa g YilI be ready on time nlcoly U i H f cooked hot too It you buy I H ""-"N H I your coal from the B W "ItfDlSJ P Jtjfcoke Company. J tMk l With it you have less trouble I $iv: l than any other coal it is well I Jfo ' " screened and carefully selected. I i&fy' fr,C& Sttves money too. ffiljSwfl tf?j! Orders Cirefullj and ( r-rvi '': gf Promptly Filled. I jWif fOJv 402 S. 15th St, y iYLL h';?wi ' phones E , JK!jL COLLAR Are You Looking for Bargains? Now is your chance to secure them. In nil departments of our big store you will find them on every band. The winter poods must go to make room for spring stocks. January Linen, Shooting and Muslin Sale Now in Full Blast. NOTE THE FOLLOWING l'MCICS: IVppeiall nine quarter bleached sheeting, per yard.. 21c Pepperall ten quarter bleached sheeting, per yard L'llic Pepperall J. brown sheeting, per yard 5e Lonsdale cambric, at, yard , j)c Lonsdale muslin, at, yard w , 1 7 Hill's muslin, at yard 7o Iltfavy L. L. muslin, at, per yard 4 ,5-So 15c quality bleached pillow casing, 42 inches wide, at yard, .lie 17c quality bleached pillow casing, 46 inches wide, at yard. .12o 15c quality English long cloth, per yard ;to 15c readj'-to-use pillow slips, size 42x36, at 10c 16c ready-to-use pillow slips, size 45x36, at 11c bOc ready-io-use sheets, 72x90, at 3!c 00c ready-to-use sheets, 81x90, at , 45c 65c ready-to-use sheets, 81x90 at 50r; 15c quality sheer India linon, at yard 10c 20c quality sheer India linon, at, yard 121c Our Clearance Silk Sales Are the Talk of Omaha Tuesday's shoppers will be amply repaid for a 'visit to the big department. 200 short lengths plain and fancy velvet, worth $1, on ale Tuesday 25c 50 pieces finest 19 inch colored taffetas, this includes the 75c, 85c and 90c grades on sale Tuesday 5Sc SHEPHERD CHECKS, in 27 inch wide fine taffeta, for shirt waist suits worth $1.00 sale price . . 75c 36 inch wide black peau de soie pure silk actual value $1.75 Tuesday, sale price fl.15 One lot men's blue ribbed fleeced shirts and drawers regular 75c quality go at , 50c PUT IN ASSISTANT SECRETARY Stockholdara of Omaha Sarlnga Bank Add One Ofllce to tha Llat. Tha Omaha Saving bank elected direc tor and officers yesterday at the annual meeting of the stockholders. No change was made In either of these except that an assistant secretary waa elected, this being a new office. W. C. Hillls was elected for thla position. Ha has been In the bank since January 1, having come here from Pennsylvania for the purpose. The officers who are continued are: Charles W. Lyman, president; J. A. Sunderland, vice president; John F. Flack, treasurer. The directors are: Charles W. Lyman, J. A. Sunderland, John F. Flack, Robert Z. Drake, Robert Dempster, George F. Gilmore. Charles C. George, Kip Them In the Bad. If you have loss of appetite, headache, constipation or biliousness take Electric Bitters. It cures or no puy. Only 6oc. For aala by Kuhn & Co. Card of Thanks. To the many kind friends who by words and deeds expressed their sympathy In our sorrow In tha loss of a loving husband and kind father, we wish to extend our most heartfelt thanks. MRS. P. M. ECKSTROM AND CHILDREN. Traveling Men. Twelve beautiful rooms at H6 South Fif teenth street. Opening Jauuary 15. A Weak Heart nerlected means heart disease, tha most common caone of sudden death. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will strength en, regulate and cure weak beans. Sold by all druggists on guars n tea. Fraa book oa heart disease for pout! I OA. Miliar OCICAZ.J3a krl Lad. Two Soles To the Heel A shoe for men, with a broad toe, foot form last, with low flat heel. While they are Just the thing for motermen, policemen and watohmen, they are Just as good for the business man, as they have the same style and general appearance as tha 16.00 shoes. These have two soles to heel wide extension edge, sail cloth lined, cf finest quality box calf $3.50 DREXEL SHOE GO. 1419 Faraaa Street. 1 fttabVg Up-to-Data Shea Housa Ba Thsso are StaleC?) Fresh Cufsl $1 00 Vinol yes we have plenty 85c They say we don't dare touch Vinol! $3.60 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe ,.fl2S Sent postpaid on receipt of price. $1.00 Nervan Tablets 67o tw S. Orover Oraham's Dyspepsia Cure 8c $1.00 Orrtne Liquor cure for 67a tl.M Her s Malt WhlHkey 62o $1.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey 67c $1.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey 75c $2.00 Genuine Chester's Pennyroyal Pills.1.00 tl.M Peruna 53c 50c Bar Ken 1q 50c Nervlta 3.rc $1.00 Nervlta ,...60c $1.00 Hwanson'B 6 Drops r,7c $1.(A) Palne's Celery Compound Otic $1.00 Uromo Seltser Mc 2To Laxative Uromo Quinine he ?5c Carter's Llttlu Liver Pills 7c B. 8. S. $1 else C6c $1.75 slse $1.07 Write us for prices not catalogues they are certainly dead. One to a customer. CUT PRICE DRUG STORB E. T. TATBft. Proo.. 18th and Chicago Bts., Omaha. 'Phones $47 and 7W. 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. All goods (Hllvered any pise SCIIAEFER'S 20 Discount I Suit Bag"' Trawling Gases Omaha Trunk Factory 1 CB.AS. MeAN, PtopricUr 2 Telephone WM 120 Farnara Street ON ALL I TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER v aahaerth low, Great Furniture Clearance Sale $2.45 solid oak sewing rockers, cane seat, brace arm, large size, sale price $1.50 $26.00 solid oak bedroom suite 24x30 French bevel plate glass, well made and nicely carved, sale price $18.50 $4.86 quarter sawed onk rockers, cob bler or wood seat, high arms, large size, sale price $2.95 $10.50 Iron bed, with brass rail and knobs on head end foot, sale price. .$6.50 $t.S5 iron bod, brass rail and knobs, on bend and font, sale price $4.85 CARPETS! CARPETS! CARTET8! Have you visited our carpet department? Do not fall to do so. You will find there nn Immense line of first class goods at prices that will astonish you. Onod goods at lowest possible prices, Is our motto. 4i CENTS After Invoicing we find a big lot of odds and ends of notions, etc., which wa will close at less than one-half price: 25o combination needle books 4 He loo corset steels 4VfcJ 15o metal back dressing combs 4'tc 20o shell ack combs 4V..C 10c card shell hair pins 4 He 20o pearl buttons, per dozen 4Hc loo worth silky crochet cotton 4'c lOo tack pullers 44c GREAT CLEARING SHOE 16th street window. 15o elastic, per yard .ttfcc 10c hose supporters, per pair ........... .40 20c bolt braid skirt binding 4V,c 10c nickel plated nursery plna 4iic 5 packages adamantine pins 4'o 2 packages bent brass plus .i 4 Ho 10d memorandum books 4 Ho 7 pencil tablets 4 He and many other 10c to 20c articles, all on sale at 4Vc each. SALE FRIDAY See t,ur HAYDEE BROS. Lindsay s January Sale Erurtnij Jaxnxary w will haw our reg ular 20 Per Cant Discount Salev This ppiiAs can. all Watches. Diamond, Jewelry, Cut Qlaaa, Leather Qocxu in fact our 'tut,. jwhola Una rocptinjar Corbam Starling Silver and Vfatatcrnan Fountain. Pana. W do not want-to carry ovr o Larga a stock, 'ao you oan hav tha banafit af thla r actuation during thia month i pCcttjL lutavrouF rellatoiiltv to-dajjaai-aa a Bay. Look. Cor the nam Sa W- Lindsay, - Jeweler, ?0ttr,a i Indian Territory and Oklahoma "Lands of opportunity" newest, richest and most promising sections of the west. Our booklets, "Rusiness Openings" and "Oklahoma," tell all about thia wonderful country. Don't fail to secure a copy. Homeseekers' Excursion rates, January 5 and 19, one fare plus $2 for the round trip. 1323 Farnasn Street, OMAHA, - NEB. A Vacant Room Eats Up Money Every day you lose the price of a dat rent a loss that is never made up. It's particularly foolish when a Want Ad in the Bee will rent your room. Ten words three times, will cost you 30 cents. Tel. 238. Bee Want Ad Dept.