19 TTIE OMATTA DAILY PEE: TIITTT5PPAY, .TAXTTATY 7, 1001. Blf Shirt Aale Saturday "DoSTgflgbrJS SaturUy GREAT NEW BARGAINS IN CHALLENGE GLEARING SALE S1.50 Mercerized Waists at 50c Ladies' Mcrrerizel Waists, white and colored, also French Flannel Waists, all sizes, on sale on main floor at, each Ladies $1 Golf Vests at 25c Ladies' eiderdown outside Golf Vests, silk .embroidered, on main floor at, each 25c $1 Mercerized Petticoats at 39c Ladies' $1.00 Black Mercerized Fetticoats, f ff fine quality, at e3 IvG Outing? Dressing: Sacques at 25c Ladies' 7ic Outing Dressing Jacques, all sizes, at , 1 25c 25c andoOc Belt Buckles at 10c .Hundreds ot drummers' sample of fRxhionabto new Belt . Ruckles 1lp front and strniicht buckles. In Flnrorinra de sign, turqnlA tnne scttlnRH, etc., fine gold plated, gun , metal, oxydlzed, black enamel, etc., positively made to re tall at and We. on sale- TmOfTOW Qllly at Big Specials in Cloaks and Furs $10 and $12.50 Long; Coats at $3.98 An extraordinary clearing solo bargain. Jtero are fine winter weight Long CoatB, In full length. 42 Inch and 50 Inch; noma are satin lined throughout, excellent kersoys, meltons, etc.. worth up to ten dollars and twelve fifty achat All cloaks In oar entire stock, regardless of cost, at greatly reduced fig ures. Many at less than half price. 3.98 Fur Special I Arties' Astrakhan ' ("arm, worth up to twelve dolara and a half, at Fur Special Ladles' Astrakhan Capes and Coats, : worth 120.00 and 122.50, at 5.00 .9.98 Fur Special Genuine $30 Klectrlo Seal, brook mink col lar and cuff trimmed Jackets, at 12.50 Muff Special Choice of lot of odd Muffs, all kinds of fur, worth 12.00 and $3.00 each, at 79c $4.00 Walking Skirts at $1.75 Jaunty, serviceable Walking Skirt, pleats and button trimmed, made of manlsh cloths and worth (4.00 each, at . 1.75 Cravcnette Coats at $6.93 Rain-Proof Coats, 6.98 Ladles' fine grade very stylish all rain, go at proof against Golf Skirts at 69c Well made Oolf Skirts, heavy melton cioins, wiae cut ooiioms worth up to two dollars each at ee e - ea-e- neavy melton 69c 2. . Pranbti $c pon$. IfT. Prtn&i & pott GENERAL RAISE IN RATES AdruMmamt Bahednlad by 111 Welter Eedj, Effective Janiary 18, REASON GIVEN IS ADVANCE IN WAGES It la Obmret that Movement Comes boat ea Baals ot AbellUoa v , P Return LJve Stock "."J. Passes. ' It was) stated on good authority yesterday morning that on January IS western roads will advance commodity rates on an aver ass of 17H Per cent It Is said the new tariffs to be Issued will affect nearly all shipments made by eastern Jobbers and middle eastern Jobbers to the Pactno coast and will compel a readjustment of all through tariffs. It Is stated that the Union Pacific, Burlington, Southern Pa cific, Great Northern, Canadian Paclflo and Northern Paclflo have uX agreed to the new schedules. The reason given for the large advance In rates Is that during the past few years wages, supplies and in fact everything has been steadily advancing, while rates have been declining, and It Is to make up the difference that the new rates are to be put into effect the same old reason as signed many times before. It Is understood that repeated confer ences have been held by trafflo officials for tha ooualderatlon of the subject, but until recently no agreement could be reached. 'While rumors to tha effect that a large ad vance was contemplated by the Interested lines have cropped out from time to time. they have been denied, and the Idea that any action so radical was to be taken has been scouted. It U contended now that conditions are such there Is no alternative left the roads but to increase the rates. Borne of the rates now in effect. It Is said fail to pay the cost ot transporting the goods, much less leaving any margin of profit for the stockholders. . Shippers are complaining that they are .being very much discriminated against by the many recent moves made by the roads. Which appear to be In direct opposition to their well being. The advance In rates. It Is pointed out. follows directly upon the heels of the discontinuance of Issuing re turn live stock tranBpo ration and also the cutting off of transportation for men In charge of poultry shipments. Nearly all of the new rates will apply to rarload shipments, but In some cases the local butUnesa will be adjusted to preserve tha differentials. Asseaseel la fkaj. Francisco. BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 6. -It was an nounced at the Southern Pacifio company's offices today that the western roads, which have agreed upon the advance of west and east bound freight rates effective on January 18, aie now arranging for an expansion of these rates to points beyond Chicago. Accompanying this announcement Is another to tha effort that the advanced rate in the new auhedule ts to be with drawn on certain eoaimoditles. Hat of which Is now Items; prepared. hearing the permit was granted, but the end Is not yet,' as the protestanU have de cided upon an appeal. Announcements ot the Theaters. The regular mid-week matinee will be given at the Orpheurn today. The eight varied features on the bill Include much entertainment well calculated for women and children. Reserved seats are now on aula tnr th week beginning next Sunday, when James J, Corbett will be the "toD line" feature. This even In at the Rnvri "ITnflo T Flags" will be presented for the last time. This engagement has been very successful. Miss Kennark and her nnmrunv lnnin much praise by their efforts. On Friday evening Mr. Tim Murphy comes for his annual visit, this time with a new play, "The Man from Missouri." In the character of Broncho Jim, the cow boy loose In Washington, Mr. Murphy Is Said to have the bent n.it V h.. r.nwA In since he created Maverick Brander and won his spurs as a star. The whole story Is an entertaining one and the aunnnriin company is said to be good. The engage ment is ior two nignts, with a matinee on eaiuraay. Vow to to Old Fight. ' Another step has bean taken in the legal taiUe which ana beea waging fur some lima nwauig ie in grantlug of a lU-enae to r - j. Aiuirwn to epvn up a salmia In Irving-tutu Tnii'n prwi-inct. Notice of sp Ml has been tiled with the count tin tun A nmooMr.ni ami pmtmt ware Hind be fore tha county cammiwHOBart, and after a Headache Cured nd prevented by Da. sen' Anti-Faba; PUts. anequaled for neuralgia, tooCb-, ache, backache. - etc No opiate. Nod-. taxaxrve. Never sold In bulk. Said fop free Uuwk on the ours of hveunche. 36 doaea ak oento. BhjA and gneraiused by all drug- l5sfrr.K lfrcmcak pay MCbarfr. faaj Announcement. V. P. Chiodo begs to innonnr frur the first time Since hla return from Knmni In September he la able to take orders for gowns on short notice, on account of having engaged additional heln. who have Just arrived from Paris. Mr. Chlodo's recent vova .hm.fi w. for the purpose of procuring the newest and most exclusive designs in ladles' wear and to purchase the necessary high class materials and trimmings to produce them. Now, having advantage of comoetent tail ors, who are able to carry out the Parisian siyies, ana in order to Introduce their work to the ladles of Omaha and vlclnltv he will jnake a material reduction from his u-uki prii-ce on an oraers taken during the month of January only. This reduction will be for the same grade of workmanship which has made Mr. Chlodo's recitation what It is with the highest class of patrons. His famous special walking skirt, will h included at the reduced prices for thi. month only. 15c Sheer India Linen 10c U 111 OT t Ms tub reliable: itorb. 15c English long Cloth 9ic Our January Clearing Sales are proving a great success, not on account of ourselves, but on account of our prices. This Is the Greatest Money-saving Opportunity of the Season. January Clearance Sale In the Domestic Room Wash Goods Novelties. Venetian Waist Ings, fleece-lined Piques, Mercerised Fleece-Tined Flannelettes, Mercerlied Foulards, Scotch Zephyr. Ginghams, In plnln colors and checks end stripes, 32 and 3tl-lnch-wlde Flannelettes, great assortment of colors. tlttt worth up to 25c. now, per yard IUG 32 and 30-lnch-wide Tercales, In light and onrK colors. Hcotch Madrases, y.epnyr WRlstlngs, Mercerized linings and 32 and 36-lnch-wlde Flannelettes, worth up to 19c, now, per yard... Tic Fancy WalstlnRs, double-fold Terrales. Furniture Prints, dark Piques, Silver Gray. Hcotch Plaid and Seersucker (llnir- bams and hundreds of other novelties In wash noons, worth up to 12Hc, now, per yard WOOL DRESS OOOP8 All "Wool Zlhellnes, Scotch Mixtures and Novelties, French and German Crepe, Plaids and Suitings, worth up to TSc, An. now, per yard 09 C 5c LINE. DEPARTMENT. 12V Snow White t-amnrlc Boc quality extra heavy cream Uamask 81c 25c Cold Vecihcr Necessities. l.fiO lied Rlankets, 8. Full-size eleven-quarter heavy twilled Red Mienaets, worth ll.&u on. per pair OijC f3.7 K All Wool Rlankets, 3.T. Good-sized all Wool Bod Blankets, regular 13.75 value, 9 TO per pair 19 ftl.no Red Spreads, II.Hc. Full-size Frlnsvd Bed Spreads, flO worth $1.60, each J0C l.SKl Red Spreads, 80c. Full-size extra heavy Marseilles pattern Bedspreads, worth $1.26, 89C Caps and Toques. Men's, Boys' and Children's Caps, wurui u pio ouc, eacn 21c Children's Toques worth up to 76c, each and Tarn O'Bhanters, I9c Wash Goods Department. Clearance Hale. All our fancy Vesting that sold up flP to 75c per yard, rlearlng price (DE All odds and ends of White Persian Lawns, Swiss Mulls, Organdies, etc., worth from lBo to 75c per yard. fl ail odd lengths, yard 96 Special. Ladles' - Sweaters, new stylo large bishop sleeves, double-bressted,' In all the new shades, for early spring . M en wear, at ffiOU Blouse. Jackets, In all shades, Q Cfl at $3.50, $3.00, $2.75 and fc.tfU Misses' Sweater Jackets Misses' Sailor . Blouse Misses' Military Blouses, In" reds, blues and whites, at... 2.00 . 2.00 .2.50 GROCERIES! GROCERIES!! MYDEN BROS.' LETTING DOWN OF PRICES. 21 lbs. pure cane granlated sugar for. .$1.00 10-lb. sack pure graham flour 2uc 10-lb. sack pure buckwheat flour 3So Large sack white or yellow cornmeal.,12Ho Quart can fancy table syrup.. ......... .7V4C 2-1 n. pacxage Bcir-KlHlng fancake flour Pint fruit Jelly, per glass Corn starch, per pkg '. Pure tomato catsup, per bottle... Oil or mustard sardines, per can. Castile soap, per cake 3-lb. can solid packed tomatoes, per can. 7Ho z-id. can wax or string beans, per can.7fec ... .OO ..30 ..7Vic ..3c 2-lb. can early June sifted peas, per can.7Ho 8-lb. can fancy table peaches, per can.l2Vo 1-lb. package Imported macaroni, per Pk 7H0 Fancy pearl tapioca, barley or rice, per lb 34o Force, Vigor, Neutrlta, Malta Vita, Malta Ceres or Egg-O-See, per pkg...7tya ah oranas laundry soap, per Dur 6-lb. pail pure fruit Jelly Pine White clover honey, per rack.... Large, Juicy oranges, each California figs or dates, per pkg Fresh roasted peianuts, per measure. Fancy mixed nuts, per lb ..15o ..10o ...lo ...3o ..loo HAVDEN BROS. A GRATE FIRE iJurlng tills cold winter weather makes a cheerful, comfortable sitting room. You get splendid heat from your grate Are with little trouble and less expense than with other coals If you use our BONANZA SEMI-ANTHRACITE Well screened and carefully selected coal. We pride ourselves on our careful atten tion to orders and prompt delivery. It la $100 per ton Try It Central Coal and Coke Co., 15th and Harney Streets. ' Phonea 1221 1695. : L. On Rock Island system. Sundnv t. . . I, 19M, on and after which date train leav- ing uraana, at i:ao p. m. dally and arriv ing Omaha B:05 D. in. dallv will n,.k. . rect connections at Falrbury with new pas senger trains Nos. 26 and 26, running be tween Falrbury and Nelson; also train No 17. leaving Omaha 4:10 p. m. dally, aUii train No. 58. arriving Omaha 12: noon dally, will make connections at Belleville wun passenger trains Nos. and 10 to and from western Kansas and Colorado points. FOR THE COMENIUS SCHOOL Complete Natural History Collection Will Re Installed There Boon. i As a result of a musicals given beforo the holidays Comenlus school la soon to in stall a natural history collection that, when finished, will be the most complete collec tion of the kind In tha grade schools of the city. A few of the schools have a few specimens, but this Is the first attempt at anything at all pretentious. The collection Is to be a memorial to Miss Ellen M. White, for years principal of Oomenlus and the old Hartman school. The enthusiasm with which the patrons as well as the pupils of the district worked for the concert and are still working for the collection is but one evidence of the Interest generally manifested In all pertaining to the school. A taxidermist of the neighborhood has given the birds -that are being studied by each grade. These are excellent specimens nd all well mounted. Another patron has contributed a set of specimens showing the various processes and stages of the cotton from the raw in the boil to the refined oil and cotton thread. Another has con tributed a set of specimens shwolng the sugar In Its various stages of refinement, while several other things have also been contributed. The proceeds of the musicals have not yet been invested. The collection will be placed In cases on the landing of the south stairway, which is sufficiently large to afford room for an entire class to Inspect at one time or for the lines to pass in and out without difficulty. Wa Guess They Are Tired. The Omaha druggists who have made up their minds to STOP (?) the cut-price system must be either Scared or tired THEY WON'T PLAY ANY LONGER they won't publish any prices, and we pre sume the reason Is that they know from experience that we will make any price wnicn tney win quote iook mignty silly, You know, as Mr. Bennett says. "OUR WORD IS GOOD." and we will sell any ar ticle on -which any Omaha, South Omaha or council iiiurrs arugctst will quote a price for 2c or more LESS than their price. $3.50 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe to any auuress in me unitea estates for $2.26 $1.00 Wine Cardul 62c 25c Cutlcura Soup irc $1.00 Munyon's Paw Paw... 75c 50c S. U rover Graham's Dyspepsia Cure(T) , 38a $1.00 Orrlne want it? 7n $1.00 Magnet Pile Cure(7) 25c 8So genuine Castorta lo t6o Mennen's Talcum Powder 9c $3.00 Chester's genuine Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 write us lor prices not catalogues they are oaca uumimrs. CUT PRICK DRU41 STORE K. T. TATBft. Pron.. 16th and Chicago 8ts., Omaha. 'Phone. 147 and 7w7. 24th and N Bta.. South Omaha 'Phone No. L All fiw j delivered any place SCIIAEFER'S Five Tralas loath from Chicago Tla Penasylvaala Short Lines leave Chicago Talon station dally, run ning solid to Louisville and Cincinnati, connecting at those gateways with through trains for winter resorts In Florida and the south. Choice of routes south of Ohio river. C. L Kimball. A- G. P. Agt, No. ! Sherman street. Chicago, extends every faculty for the traveler's convenience, di recting the checking of baggage from starting point through to destination, and satlsfacturlry arranging ay details. tart the new year with sure, safa profit. CTTT SAVING RANK, S. E, or. Kith and Douglas, pays 4 per cent com pound interest Muney deposited tha first ten days ef the month draws Interest from the 1st. Try OUr banking by mail. Band for circular. n open, account. sUact. now. Mnnrlnico lUaonana, Name and Residence. Age. Henry Meyer. Bennington rf.in.nu. dun titr, HfJinu. gtxin 24 aner i- riwmn, Omaha Omaha 24 Kathnrine M. Suhl. Rcryul H. Coffeen, Glenwood, la Bertha E. Adms. Gkanirood, la! ...n 1S-K. Wddls. BUuta. llUhotnv.Jawoior. A Big Boy. We bought $16,000 worth of lace curtains at about half their value. They are now being marked and will go on sale Mon day. Jan. 11th. ORCHARD WILIIELM CARPET CO. Masoale Fnaeral Sotloo. Capitol Lodge No. S, A F. A M-, wf!l take charge ef the funeral of cor late so journing brother, John Campbell. Meet at Masonic hall at I 30 o'clock: sharp. Thursday, Jan. T. v YTSL A. DETBQED. Master. Moa-taUty Maxlatlcs. Tha fbOowtng- births aud deaths have Been reported tne tfoapa or ttealtii: Births rrwT Cleve. 12 North Thirty, first, ban Charley Moore. 401 North Four teenth. bay: AdiiJph Nelson. U&2 South Twtmty-nlntn, buy ana gtri; Marry l liner Charles Gaullso, rorty-nTth aitd Fort streets, bay; Thomas Kstartart,. KA. Martha, gin. Deaths C. U. Harrrrlriw, Ht. Joseph's hns pital. 31; Mltsi NVira A- Murrhy. Su Joseph's hospital. 26: John R. Murd, MTt Burdstte, 69: Roala Munerhot Ieavnosrarth, luj Carl. V. Magnunun. 2S11 Caas, 1U Winter Blasts Will have no terror for you If you have one of our homo made sweaters, which are made to order for $$.00, In any color, to your measure. We make stockings like mother used to make. We keep the most complete line of cut Jewels and Indian beads In the west. Jos. F. Bilz, 322 S. 16th St., Omaha. . A Bona Fide REDUCTION SALE of Women's Garments. Thursday Friday Saturday We have just finished our annual inventory in our ladies department and havo closed up one of the most successful season's business in the history of this department. Naturally, where such a largo increase of business is done leaves us with a larger stock at the end of the season Therefore Thursday- Friday Saturday we will make a genuine reduction percent on every heavy weight garment in our ladies department. A bona fide reduction, remember. Women who have shopped here earlier in the season will ob serve that our goods have not been marked up in order to be reduced but n oGMiiitm hnn. jsna w u --maovm w sy VlaM fide reduction of 33 1-3 to 50 per cent on every heavy weight how we've marked the goods. !lB2r II kmim mkM Ilk Vj rl A Redoction ,,,r "JJ'.s"'" Trim's Cffl Coats, reduced to t 6 00 Coats, reduced to 7 Coats, reduced to 10.00 Coats, reduced to 14.76 Coats, reduced to 18.75 Coats, reduced to 22.50 Coats, reduced to 45.00 All our $10.00 Women's All our $12.75 Women's1 All our ilt 75 Women's All our $24.75 Women's All our $12.60 Women's All our $37.50 Women's All our 1&5.00 Women's Reduction of One-Third on Women's Suits All our $19.75 Women's Suits, reduoed to $ 10.00 All our $22.50 Women's Suits, reduced to 14.75 All our $.12.50 Women's SulUi, reduced to 22.50 All our $45.00 Women's Suits, reduced to 20.75 Great Reduction in Children's Garments ' All our $5.00 Children's Coats, reduced to $2 All our 18.00 Children's Coats, reduced to 4 90 Ail our $12.75 Children's Coats, reduced to 7.W Big Reduction in Women's Furs, All our $7.90 Women's Fur Scarfs, reduced to....$ 4 00 All our $12.75 "Vomen's Fur Scarfs, reduced to.... 7 90 All our $16.75 Women's Fur Scarfs, reduced to.... 9 75 All our $i6.00 Women's Fur Jackets, rrducrd t 39.75 All our $:t.00 Women's Kur Jackets, reduced to... 24.75 All our $55.0i Women's Fur Jackets, reduced to... 89 75 One $14a.uO Woman's Persian Lamb coat, red. to.. 97.60 Women's Waists Reduced to One-Half All our 950 Women's Waists, reduced to 50a All our $1.9) Women's Waists, reduced to 9..o All our $2.6) Women's Waists, reduced to $1.45 One lot of $6.UU mercerized Waists, reduced to..., 1.90 Women's Walking Skirts One lot of $5.00 Women's Walking Skirts, red to. ,-$2 90 One lot of $7.50 Women's Walking Bkirts. red to... 4 ) One lot ot $10.00 Women's Walking bkirts, rod to.. 6.90 H 7 Ibffefi mop. run i imrmiinnniiir mii WSBBBSBSSBMPr it 21 rids Via " PERSONALLY CONDUCTED. sshreioii ixie Flyer" Route. On Thursday, Jan. 14th, an txcursion will be run from Nebraska to Florida, with through Standard and Tourist sleeping cars from Omaha and, Lincoln via Burlington Route to St. Louis, and the "Dixie Flyer" from there to Jacksonville. This excursion will be a personally conducted one and will be in charge of our excur sion manager, who is thoroughly familiar with the points of interest enroute and in the state of Florida. - A day will be spent in St. Louis, visiting the World's Fair grounds and other points of interest. The daylight Vtrip from Nashville to Atlanta will be an intfjeoting and in structive one, as the line follows the route of Gen. Sherman's fainous ixarch to the sea. An early application for Bleeping car space It suggested. Write (or full in(ormatljti i nd copy of illustrated booklet, outlining- the trip, to V. H. BRILL, DIst. Pats. Agent, 1402 Far nam St. Omaha, Neb. 11 , in i is ii i ii mm i i WW.,,,Pii,i.j.ij.i.i.i)sii.. .. .mm. I 9 Drexel Gives 25 Be 4)aik. Not a m Unite-ehtruld ha lost when a child shows symptoms of cronp. Chambertala's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes bourse, or even after tha oroupj cough appears, win pre rent tha attack. II oarer falls, ad4a-$4ssaat aodaale te Ukm. inmfta 20 Discount 9H AU Soil 9 n. I " 3 DaBa iTrmnntr icasss I T I amBkssas-nnTnnnn-nnwnl afa. Omaha Trmiic Factory OUS. lUtAM. ProprMsr . X (Ttferhoae I05JJ l2flV Fanuun Slreel TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Fin Phelwaraphte lllaatratlaaa. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Off of all heavy double soled winter 6hoes including the calf-lined of the celebrated HANAN EDWIN CLAI'P and BOYDEN makes These are in box calf, kid, patent colt, French calf and enamel. 1 What we want Is to even up our stock of these fine shoes and give you an op portunity of getting the best shoe made for 25 pr ct off. NOTE Drar LL Bhoeman ts ashanmd at thfa price and won't appear in our ada tin this sals Is orer. DREXEL SHOE GO. lilt Piraaxr Strrol. Oaaaba's U-tDat Staae Ucuua 'Follow the Flajr;.' Sy t ut "1 Last to Leave Omaha, 5:55 p. m. First to Arrive St. Louis, 7 a. m. r in BBBantQBjj i Information regarding reduced rates on sale every day to all winter resorts. The only line with sta tion at main entrance World's Fair Grounds. For rates, descriptive folders and all information, call at Wabash CorneT, 1G01 Farnam Street, or address Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. P., Omaha, Lindsays January Sale Dunncr January we will hare our reg ular 20 Per Cnf Discount Sale. ThU applies cm. ail Watches, Diamond, Jewelry, Cut (11a a. Ipt Oooda In fact our whole lliie-eweBepmnjr Ciornam wsmnj silver ana waierman Fountain Pens. We do not want-to carry over ao large a 6toclc, so you aan have tha beneflt-of this reduotion during thi monti,1 Yqh know our reliability to, daiuat a we Bay. Look. Car the name S.-W.. Lindsay, Jeweler, s?r,.?our,am