TTTK OMAHA DAILY HEE: MOXTAV, JANUARY 4, 1001. CONDEMNS THE GIFT HABIT Eat. Hewtoii M. Minn Denounsst Gilden Bribery t Pervert Juit ce. SAYS IT IS BICOMNG GENERAL VICE Evil Tfii.Ifncr of Iclous Priielloe Kllrnila to I In Inter. Wlm fninr limn Arc Hr-jullcil Inln tmidoii'tia Wroiiu;. ' Ilcv. Newton M. Mann at Pnity rhur. h yesterday c not"' for hist sul j. i t Kcutetou orny xvl.i't, "Then shall not wrest Judg ment; thou BliuH imt rc.-p ct " rs"in, nei ther take a gift; t"f nfl 1"r" ''"I i;-' eyes if the wise and l irv. rt the words of trie righteous." v "l.e l the altar mnotllhs ttif gift. Unci whin I lie iillur I" gone there Is no 111 place Tor th.- offi rl: :.' s.dd Mr. Miinn. "The price of freedom, thoy say. Why. freedom Is above price. A mini will bnusi thut l.'u ri' Is not pi.wtr rtiough on earth to make a ilavo of him. but ru n he can in bound by llh'-n chulifi'. A man now Is not bought. IK- i Influenced. A bill of ra. lis will nut rui'iiiiii'-. but a gift will blind lila oyer. Liatn.d 'judges ontirot see the wmv of luKtiir ckarlv whin wealthy rogue' ,,.-,....-01 f'liom Willi lllftB. TIHTC S I ro dust 111. gold ilunt to throw In the ryes uf meo. "This noit of InlliiiiuP is not confined to men In public lift-. All are more or loss toii'lird by it. If man In charged with sonic crime it 1m ImWl Tor all to Jndgu fulrly of him, especially If some hHVr re ceived favors from Mm. The gn ntest ras cals often secure Immunity from censure by their gem rosily. Aflrr n grand dinner, given by. tlit event man. who is the guest Who will nee his errors? lllll(lriit-tt In 1'ulpH. "One chief cuuse of 'the dlflldmoo of the pulpit It) that ministers depend nlmost wliolly upon the voluntary offerings of their congregations. A minister will think twice before cutting himself "IT from his bnsi of supplies. How Is H minister to de nounce roundly und regularly the llipior tnilliu when lie has us members men who lire engaged In the saloon business or re patrons of such plaees? One "of two thing.) Would surely follow, Llther ho or they Would go. Ir. the nuestion of marring", ministers sometimes resort' to Utile tricks of advertising because It is to their Inter est to do so. I have sometimes thought ll would be rnueh better to convert all Wedding lira Into the church treasury, but I hollow such a depurture would not meet Willi tho upprovul of crgymon In general. Keepoctable people will not openly st.iop to running' u. gambling house to rob pi-ople, Lut cull the business a gift enterprise or, tontine Investment cumpany, und no one. Will look upon It with disfavor; hut vou enn rob your friends to your satisfaction. However It may seem, there Is na such thing us getting something tor nothing. What you (jet for nothing will bo nothing, or If It Is anythliiK It will have been pois oned for your use." ways before us. , have no chance to rehearse life In ndvniu; To x' sine we may use the wisdom Rlenned In the past to discipline; ourselves, but we never have su opportunity to piathe the exn t role w Hre to play. There is no such thing a duplication in the lives of men. There are common in iei Iem es. trials and struuKlcs, but they taks on peculiar and jicrsoual as P"'Ih, UulIeK and tr.eauinifs to each of us. We must face them and ileclihrr them for ullrS'lvert. ll would lie iMMir Kospel If ! merely spoke of Ihe dllhcultles, the vlclsslnnlcs and the terrors of theluture, If I did not impart a message of courage and hope to pi Into the untrodden ways with a light bent. V.'e must keep an abiding fallh In the lemltrshlp ff Cod. lie has pledged lli .iHcir .f ro before us in the new ways i:nd if we but follow lllm His strength, wisdom and kindness will help us day by d.iy to take the new steps aright." HOI. DM IP HISASTKIl ,1 WARMMI. Hev. It. I'. Fellmmi llrin l.pason from lMr'n CnlaniH le. A New Year's sermon, combined with the baptismal servl.-e, was the leiture of thn morning; service at Mrnce llaptlst church je.-loiday, and was followcil by the com munion at nl;liX. In his morning address Tlov. H. V. Fell nian said that a review of the past year showed many calamities had vlffied the (ouulry, and tb- w of all was ihe re cent fire at Chicago, where so many Ilve.j were lost, and where at the same time many examples of heroism were noted. "These great disasters (rente sorrow and tttihapplness, uid they should serve as warnings and ae examples, and should uanse people everywhere at the beginning of the new your to prepare themselves fir the. time when they shall be called hi nee, und sihee none of us know when that time I to come, It behooves everyone to sot himself rlnht with his God, and thus be prepared to give an account at any time," said the minister. "Human nature Is too prone to presume upon Its lease of time; It Is constantly put ting off umll tomorrow that which should be done today. Four steps are necessary to that preparednoss which characterizes the life of the true Christian. .First, 'he muat have his heart right with his God and with those about him. Next, his tongue should bo controlled. 'Out of the heart proceed the Issues of life.' Hut ho that would live long and happily must not have un unruly tongue and temper. In tho next place,, people should be willing and anxious to give to tho Iord of their means according to their aliillty. "In 'tho fourth place, It should be the earnest endeavor of all To find out what their mission in life is. Jod has created everyone of Ills creatures for some mis sion In life, and true peace and content ment, It was held, cannot come to that soul until It luia found Its mission, nnd has lien set about accomplishing It to the best of Its ability. Tho one great mission that fulls upon every one Is to aid In the salva tion of others." PKEACIIKH AS KTI 111 ANY SERMON. lllshop William Kxhorta ConarreBa tlon to Worship (ind. In Trinity cathedral Tlishop Williams preached an Epiphany sermon. He devel oped thn Idea that Kplphany appealed to tho Qcnejlos for where, as Christmas showed tho birth of Christ, Kplphany tells of his Incarnation to the Gentiles, and marked the adhesion and conversion of the Gentiles to God. This yeaa found early In thi) Ufa 'of Christ an ' Illustration of the Universality of ilia kiagdom among all nations. I "Two things should, be prominent In your Epiphany medltutlons," suld Bishop Wil llama. "First, there Is the offering of the body In adoration In worship In God's house. In the second place, there la the offarlng of tho body's substance meaning of time as well as money, lt us reflect on tho.MaJI-und the great offering of time mid effort thuy made to God. Ask people Why they come to church some say that thry do not know, others like the nfuslc. Borne say they come for the service of the prayer book, and others come to listen to tho sermon. If the preacher Is poor they do not come. Others say they come to pray, Tim last Is the beat excuse that you will hear but there la u flaw In all these. It la self. We are only thinking of self and our desliua, und It comes that In God 3 own house he la nowhere. "8omu people say thut the church Is only money tho giving of money. Xruo It is that money Is- involved It la all thut some peoplo have to k!ve, or all they will give. God doesn't want your money without yourselves. We come to church to rentier thanks vfor the great benefits we have re ceived, God demands bodily worship, as Well aa worship of the aouls. "Think If you .were to go Into l:e pres ence uf the president 6f the 1'nltt'd States or of a king. Would you alt down without tin Intrud'.icttnii nd laugh and whisper? I low much more, then, should you observe decorum In tho presence of the King of Icing. In the portions of the service ad-d-esid to Gisl we ciuinot alt we stand or Vuiu!.- V.'e tit to lo iir the lessons read and ttu siiioli, The church service Is, so ar ranged thut V ,i'iin tu press an humble, lowly, pcnllcut ami obedient heurt. . "if we eould only rej41xe thu spirit of l-Ii.Iuhsiiy It would tntike such a dlfferenoe Ir the church uttciidancu. We would not tt m urK If It were raining or cold, or thu sermon Rood; the only nuomlou would be. Was t! ere u aei vl.e?" It would matter tint who else were there, for God would be tliere, am! plvi yoj the spirit of Ills Kplph- atiy. 1 ra Oud s, who mare me, und wo I WEEK OF I'HAVF.It IX CHl'MCHES, Annual Period of Itellaloua Reflection and Petition. This Is the week of prayer. Beginning Sunday, almost all Protestant churclyes hold special prayer services, for the first week In the new year always Is set aside and consecrated to religious reflection and petition. The usual manner of public ob servance will be by short prayer services in tho churches each evening, usually be ginning at i the hour of the regular mid week service, with short sermons by pas tors and laymen. In some of the churches the Saturday evening Servloe will be omlt teV and In others there will be no excep tion. i , Tho "week of prayer" will be observed la the Hanacom J'ark Methodlat church, pro grams being arranged for each evening of tbo'week except Saturday, These meetings are for prayer and conference. They will be Informal, short and helpful. The topics and leaders are as follows: x Monday evening. Leader Mr. 8. W. Lind say. Topic, "The Warrant, the Privilege, the Power of Prayer and the Present Need of World-wide Intercession." Tuesday evening. Ix-ader Secretary Charlea T. Marsh. Topic, "The Church of Christ; the One. Body of Believers, Culled of God to Win the World to Christ." Wednesday evening. Leuder Mrs. W. P. Harford. Topic, "All Nations and Peoples; the One Human Family Loved of God." Thursday evening. Leader Mrs. II. J. Curtis. Topic, "Missions, Home und , For eign; Departments of the One Evangelizing Kffort, under the One Great Commission." Friday evening. Leader Mr. I A. Bor- shelm. Topic, "The Family; a Divinely Prepared Foundutlon of Soclety'a Exist ence and Well Being. The School; Called of God aa a Prime Agency of the Moral and Intulluctual Training," 1'iuflt vtinie ta buuse," KOI.I.OW liOl) ALONG TI1K NEW WAYS ' Rev. Thomas Anderson Thua Appeal I to His People. "We have not passed this way before was the text of Hev. Thomas Andcrsou at Calvary llaptist church yesterday morn Ing. He shaped his lUsciuirse so that It w mid have retin nee to the hcmnulog (,f the new year, pointing out that life in the future is slwsya veiled. He inude a j imsslng allusion to the Iroiiuois theater lire as ai .example oi unexpected events. "10 certain outwurd forum only are years the repetition of thoce that have gone be fore," he said. "I'ntrodden paths are al S This Shield 1 SsvtWt Jt ll WEL5WM I WIA v aa tha Box 'J I . 5; Trus is the Yuea 5 'he best mantle made. The price U H 35 cent j. WilK or- diriary care it will 2 la a year pr- har longer. All Dealer. m 5 TALKS ON CONTROLOFTRUSTS Edward Eoiewater Tails Pbiloiopbiotl So ciety Block ii Too Fretly Watered. URGES PUBLICITY AS WISE METHOD AT THE PLAYHOUSES. MORALITY NV1I.L NOT I.IVB. Dr. Mnttn Declares Salvation t'omea Throuirh Faith In C'hrlat. lr. JC. imble Smith gave the last of his serles of addresses before tho Young Men's Christian association to a good-sized com pany of men at the Kouute Memorial church, Sunday at 4 p. m. HI eubjoet,' "Ho Near, Yet So Far," van Illustrated by facta from the scientlno world, showing the. tremendous Importunes of one degree or point. He strongly em phaslxud the fact that morality will not save, but thut salvation comes only through fulth In Jesus Christ. One of the features of the meeting was the solo work by l'rof. F. J. Hosier of the Htute Agricultural ci.ltej;e. of Ames la. Mr, Keaier bus a beautiful voice, well modulated, yet with greut power. FLYER IN . 0LD MISSOURI What au Editor Wrote After Meeluu ' . Heal Fast Train Move. If Charlie Young doesn't send the editor of the Chula (Mo.) News an order fyr a ride over his roud, then Indeed la gratitude lost among railroad advertising men. ' Hi re Is what the News man said about the new Chicago-Kansas City llyer oil the Milwau kee: I The new truin on the Chicago. Milwaukee it St. Paul ralnav nusscd tliroiiuh rhuu for the lust time Sunday night, about three hours alter dark. There was no heatlat.tiu at Chula town, at ieust none perceptible. e no mgn places in i nula town, hence we question whether file ever touched the track. She Just ripped a great tiery bole In the darkness and left the i mostphere heated steam hot for a second then whistled for Niantlc or CiucanJ. we are not certain which. If "Ver-lral" hed not been closed we would have telephoned to Chicago to see If she hadn't run clean through the I'nioii -station. She la sure nut a hurry-up train." Chicago is only about three miles up the track now. She la a gleam of summer sunlight, vestfbuied ami electric lighted from the rowcalcher clear back a hundred yards behind Ihe last coach. She la knee deeu with velvel iur. pets and her nuihioiia are aa aoft as a girls cheek. She Is lighted to a dfxzle and heated to a fragile. She waa built to beat the world and her gorgtoua splendor makes ua ehurkle to think we have a psss on her. She goes ao fast thut the six por ters lojik like- one big fat nlnger. aU(. cmira "Toe Southwest Limited." She aiopa going until ways, st CluUioothe, and you can get on her there, but you'll have to nurry. Corporate Policies, He as. Mionld He Made on Natlnnnl nnd Not on State or Local Lines. The moetlng of the Phllnsophlcol so- J rlrly nt the Pnxton . hotel Sunday after noon was addressed by Mr. Edward Hose water upon "Publicity and Supervision of Industrial Corporations." "During the past decade the great trusts her degenerated Irlto stock Jobbing en terprises." said Mr. Hosewster, "and sim ply are Invlng the foundation for future bank failures and financial unrest. Bnnks rarely losn their own money, but rather that of their depositors. Corporal poli cies should be made on a national, and not upon n. state, county or municipal line. Corporations should be subject to national supervision. The operations of the cor porations In the past few years have re sulted illsristrously to millions of people. Great financial enterprises, to enjoy public i confidence, must Is? conducted so as to merit that confidence. That corporations have I'ntnii to stay Is aelf-evidr-nt, , This proposition was established and conceded In lSl'.'l and It Is true today. The same pub licity and supervision should be exercised over tho great trusts and corporations that is exercised over the national banks. There has hern, however, a delicacy manifest In the unrestricted advocacy of this doctrine. That such a policy would be conducive to public, good und public Interost Is mani fest In the recent shipbuilding ami .ship subsidy trusts investigations. Tho theory of the corporate, managers that tho public hos no right to pVy into tho private af fairs' of corporations which they nro not taxed to maintain is not a ienablo one. Pnlille "Piija the Frels;nt." "The public Is taxed In the manipulation of corporate affairs, as is demonstrated In railroad fures and tariffs and In the pur chase of all commodities manufactured, produced and controlled by the corpora tions'. The method by which this publicity may be guaranteed lies with congress. Wall street complains of the public distrust of Its affairs und attributes It to the trusts. The decline of stocks Is the result of their own course of action. The manipulation of stocks controlled by the corporations Involves In a short time over fl.OOO.OOO.Ooi). Tho tremendous . power of these corpora tions In these matters can best be- con ceived when It Is taken Into consideration thut all the bonded Indebtedness of the cities! nnd municipalities, scarcely exceeds S.'.L'OO.WXl.OOO. "The trusts are the fabricators of hard times. Discontent brepds distrust and an archy. When the great corporations re duce wages and luy off great bodies of men In their employ by cnprlce or whim, they reduce the volume of money In business, and the result "is the reduced value of their own securities. Theft securities are got up with Intent to defraud. The great danger of corporations Is their policy of over capitalization They nre Just aa guilty of the violation of law as any of the get-rich-Quick concerns that are deprived of tho use of the mails. Take the Steel trust, with Its advertised promise of 12 per cent dividends. It is simply a delusion to per suade people to withdraw their little sav ings from the savings hanks, where they draw but 4 per cent, and give It to the trust, under the glamor of a 12 per cent dividend. ' , i Gives an Apt Illustration. "An illustration Ms given In the thirty three life Insurance .companies doing busi ness In this country, which are virtually dobtors to 25,000,000 people, their policy holders and their dependents. About every twenty years there comes a reckoning. The wuter Is wrung out of Inflated securi ties, und then we get down to hard pun again. It Is right heret where the govern ment rhould step In and ray no more wuter shall be pumped Into these securi ties. With public supervision these mat ters could be controlled. It Is so demon strafed In the South Omaha packing houses In the Inspection of meats. But still, while we may Inspect the meat, there Is t:o way In which we can control the price. However, we cannot do all things at once. But we can do some things. We cannot turn the clock buck with any ap preciable effect. The average wealth of the Individual Is not essentially different from that of twenty or twenty-five yesrs ago. Put a healthy public sentiment back of public officials entrusted with the af fairs of government, and we will accom plish something. You ctlnnot make men Inmost by Maw, but we must punish them by law If they are dishonest." Animated Dlaruaaloa Follows. An animated discussion followed Mr. Hosewuter's uddress, participated in by several excellent talkers. Mr. Hosewater was plied with a host of questions. One gentleman was particularly anxious to know why President Roosevelt had not en. forced the first, section of the Sherman ami-trust luw which makes the formation uf trusts a crime. Mr. Hone water spoke again briefly, and In conclusion suld: "I did 'not expect thut I was to reply to all . propositions, or solve all problems of government. I can say, however, that President Hoosevelt did not hesitate for an Instant to compel an enforcement of tho civil feHtureiJ of the Sherman act In the Northern Securities merger case. Meas urea of these magnitudes must be handled guardedly, and Mr. Hoosevelt has shown no. hesitancy In the premises." Vaudeville at the t'relalnon-Orphrn in. Principal among the good things on th" bill at ths Creighton-Orphettm this week is Lilian Ilurkhart and her company, In the cleverest and most ambitious sketch this talented comedienne has yet undertaken. She Is one of thf few Hctresses who takes her life on the vnudevHlo stage seriously, looking upon it as a part of Iter profession, rather than n trnporary occupation, a sort of Intermission between engagements In 'the legitimate." She makes her vaude ville act each year n "legitimate" one, and could not bring more conscientious effort to the most elaborate play ever written than she does to tho one-act comedies she produces season after senson. Her comedy this year, "A Strenuous Daisy," belies Its name In a degree, for the title doesn't give an adequate Idea of tho real value of the piece, nor does the theme Itself Indicate In the least Its artistic possibilities. The central Idea Is that a young man nt col lege hns married without hfs parents' knowledge the very girl they nre planning to have him marry, but as neither of the old folks had seen her since she was a child they didn't 'recognize her when she came home with their son. He didn't tell the old folks they were married, and some decidedly amusing complications follow. This simple condition has been skillfully treated, and expanded Into an act of gen uine delight. Miss Blrkhnrt depicts the character of a motherless girl, who has been raised In Nevada, n little lacking In the polish of conventional life, but true- blue for all that. It Is a more exacting role than she has yet undertaken, but she enters Into It with scitl, and shows tho talent she possesses for genuine comenly. Her methods are dainty and her results nre delightful. Miss Burkhart hns the good taste to select comictent people to play the minor roles In her little comedy, so that the whole thing Is excellently well done. Other features on the bill are of the most entertaining kind. Stuart Barnes, the well known monologlst, sustains his local repu tation by eromlng back to Omaha with an entirely new "line of talk." nnd some new songs, and was very well rm-elved nt both performances yesterday. Lew Wells Is a good "tramp" comedian, and his perform ance on the saxaphone Is nrtistlc. Arnlm and Wugtvr are singing selections from all but forgotten light operas In the "Opotn In tho Kitchen." Serpolette's song from Chimes of Normandy," and tho "Gobble" duett from "La Mascot" being an espe cially welcome pair. Irene Franklin, too, sings so well yiat the people were loth to let her retire at the end of her turn. Tho Armenia Tiro troupe are novelty dancers, two men and two women, all accomplished nnd graVeful. Annie Abbott, "the little Georgia magnet," does her mystifying feats at the close of the bill. She holds a chair n'loft between the open palms of her hands, and defies a strong man to push It to the floor; she leans her finger tips against the wall, and all the men that can crowd be hind her on the stago are unable to push her against the wall; Bhe holds a staff aloft on the Index finger of her right blind. and live men can not push It to the floor, and finally, as many men as can get hold of her at once are unable to lift her from the floor, although she weighs hardly . a hundred pounds. And all this without the aid of any mechanical device. She leaves It to the spectators to determine her secret. Urn Qalck. J Not a minute should be lost.'whcn' a'chlld hows aymptoms of croup, yt'hamberlaln's Cough Renudy given iuVh aa tle child be-crniea bourse, or even liter the croupy cough appear", will prevei 1 the Attack. It uever IjjL'a, bd u vUiaalaVud jmI lo-U&s. FIRST TRAIN FOR CHICAGO Great Western Inauararatea Its East- - era Service with Xaw Cars of l.ateat Deals a. The first Chicago Great Western passen ger train to run from Omaha direct to Chicago pulled out of the 1'nlon station at 4:50 o'clock yesterday afternoon. It Was made up of a chair car, Pullman sleeper and combination buffet and bag gage sar. All of the equipment ts entirely new, .having Just been delivered to tha Great Western from the Pullman shops It Is suld thut the three ears which made u the truin are among the finest of their kind in the country. The train which runs opposite to the one which left Omaha yesterday afternoon, left Chicago last night for Omaha and will arrive for the first time this morning. Considering thut the train which left yes terday was the first one out it carried a good crowd, and many of the travelers were bound for Chicago. General Agent Thomas and about half a dosen railroad men acconipunlttd the train as far as Coun ell Bluffs, and returned home on the Street car. ' ltegulur Chicago service now will be maintained on the Great Western. Two trains arriving from the east and depart lug dally. The morning's train will leave at 4:30 a. m.,, and tha evening train at 4 30 p. m. The Incoming trains will arrive at 10:30 a. m.. and t 06 p. m. The new trains put on make a total of four trains arriving and departing daily over the Great West ern. Four of them run to Minneapolis and return and four to Chicago. 1 Pottglaa PriiJriDK L'th. IU Uowart. Ttl ti TO PLAN WEBSTER CAMPAIGN Cubcommitttt Voti Today to romulats - Definite Basis of Action. WILL EXTEND MOVE THROUGHOUT HATION "Busy lsi" at the Krnf. George Sidney nnd a genuine crowd of pretty singing girls and competent come dians were busier than Izzy hns been in a long time at the Krug theater yesterday. They had two very large audiences to en tertain, and they did it In the' highest style of the furce comedy art. "Busy Izzy" la allt new this season except the name and the plan, If the affair can be said to have any plan. It was made for laughing purposes solely, and In this re gard Is a genuine success, for It Is simply one continuous provocative of mirth. Georgo Sidney was looked upon as the funniest man in his line when he was with Wrard & Yokes, and If anything has Improved since he left that etimblnntion to head a fun-muklng aggregation ,of his bwn. His methods are original, a'e never course, and are always certain of the end a good laugh! Fred WyckolT, who Is the comicul countryman of the cast this season, Is an excellent second for Mr. Sidney, and the rest of the vsmpuny nre In line with the leaders. The Song list Is all new, and Includes solos, trlosv quartets nnd sextets, with choruses and marches and all that Is looked for lif an up-to-the-minute mifslcal furce. "Busy Izzy" will have one more night at the Krug. Ilaverly'a Mlnatrela nt the llnyd. W. H. Nunkevllle's Haverly's minstrels gave two performances at the Boyd theater yesterday to tilt- customary Sunday crowds. This company 1 orgunized for the purpose of reviving to a great extent the old-time negro minstrels, and bus succeeded m far us the effort -bus been made. The first part hi devoted mainly to the singing of new songs by 'good voices, the tenor and bass solos being especially 'welcomed by the uudlences. Billy Van Is the chief of thi humorists, and contributes to a large extent to the pleasure of the patrons by his monologue nnd funny parodies on popu lar songs. Eddie Le-onurd sings well and dances better, leading a bunch of good dancers through "tho essmce of Old Vir ginia" for a wlndup. Garden und Somers add a musical turn. In which a xylophone duet Is splendidly done. The Young broth ers prove themselves ugile and clever aerfi- bats. Other features of the bill are of the genuine negro minstrel type, und the whole performance Is u worthy one. ' Weak l.nnaa. Those who have weak, lungs cannot be too cureful about taking cold, us, unless promptly treated, pneumonia ts likely to follow. For the cure of colds and us u preventive of pneumonia, no one could wish for a better medicine than ChambeTluln's Cough Remedy. The success that has at tended its use everywhere shows thut It can always be relied upon. It is pleasant and safe to take and costs but a quarter. Large size fifty cents. 18-K. Wedding Rings. F.dholm. Jeweler. SWiL'UW wsum wai"-!saiaTgwifflITSi As a cathartic Safe Speedy Sure, Wright's Indian i all : are unequalled. A pure herb remedy. Roman Eye Balsam For Weak or Sore Eyes t or sal bjr all ttraaarlsta. r;l:iji.-i ..--" -. Martina In West Ilia fleering: Com mittee Will Seek to Intereat t'oonlry In Its tanilldate for Vice President. Details of the plan by which thn friends of John L. Webster hope to favorably In terest tho nation In his candidacy for the vice presidency will be worked out In Omaha this week by tho comrHlttee of more than 100 prominent men selected at tho Millard hotel meeting last week. Today the rubcomnilttee of five nppolnled to devise ji definite plan of campaign and a sulwommittee scheme will meet In Mr. Webster's office nnd go over the situation th.-ifonghly. W. G. Whltmore of Valley, recently elected regent of the state uni versity, is chairman of this body and the other members are W. J. Cook of Blair, 11. H. Iliildrige, Robert CoVell and J II. Van Dusen. N For Thursday. January 7. a meeting of the entlro executive committee hns been cnlled at 1 :.1n o'clock at the Millard hotel to receive the report of the subcommittee, art upon It and to set Into operation the campaign plans Jigreed Upon. letters were sent out yesterday to each of the memliers. John L. Kennedy, president of the execu tive committee, said: Popnlar In Nebraska. "Thcro Is no longer any doubt as to how Nebraska receives the candidacy of Mr. Webster, as the meeting last week proved Heavy L. L. ;- f'uslin 4 3-4: HWDBS Till! rtF.LIAHMC SltHllJ. Soft Finished eiea Iparhpri MiKlin IWHlDIVN lit Wit 4 7.8c - Our Great Annual Linen and flusiin Sale Xotwitlis(iiii(linr iiv lfccnt mlvaut't of raw cotton nnd niam fattun-tl cottons, having tlio ready cash wo jdact-d our ordtTH carl, and arc in a )osition to olTcr at retail Linens. Muslins. Kheetinj:, Cashij; ami Ueady-to-Use Sheets ami Pillow Cases at less than the present cost of manufacture. $1.10 quality extra heavy doublu damask hc fine rnmhrlr, tulile ttoi'll. 7'1 lt,..ii,M U-I1I0 ill! . I 1 at nor yard U"W $1 ;j quality extra heavy full bleached Irish linen. 06 inches wide, 7 r- at per yard ' fjc quality full bleached all linen J.r" table damask, at yard OW Tie quality sliver bleached German , damask, i! Inches wide, heavy quality JUlr guaranteed all linen, nt yard t Jr fkV extra heavy home spun 2Qo Scotch damask, per yard..... AW 4(e full bleached union 22 ic damask, at yard .aiS quality a'.l German linen HQc napkins, per dozen $;nn) heavy linen damask napkins, f 70 24x4 size, at dozen -r S'nc heavy brown crash, per yard ISo fine cambric, tOlr at yard Ui'vc tine cambric, - Iflr- at yard IUW 74c 7?c 6ic 19c nt yard. pic fine bleached muslin, all the leading btanils, at yard. i,o soft finished bleached muslin, at yard 2 blenched sheeting M Inches at yard CTUc bleached Rheetlng, SI Inches Til,, wide, M yard OOW UK- bleached sheeting, M Inches 1E wide, at yard a.eJ. IV pillow cases, at yard l.k- loo F.ngllsh long cloth, I fin at yard 1 40-Inch sheer npron lawn, worth 51- mid ISo, at yard, l.V " and Ready to uso sheets at K.B, Akf illlow cases at 12laC, yi,(j t!)c and. Beady to use 1UC and MILL SALE that republicans all over tho state are en thusiastic nbout the idva and are willing to work towards Its accomplishment. Tho work of the committee, therefore, will be In tho nation at large and particularly In the west, the middle states and the. east. Both stale and national organizations will be prevailed upon to regard Nebraska's desire. In this matter kindly. In every way possible our object will bo exploited In tho press. Members of the committee will Is? asked to take the matter up per sonally with their friends of jsilitlcal In fluence In other states, and as our home committee is large, the character of tha men forming It, Insure an extended ac quaintance among the really Wg political men of the union. Dates of state meetings nnd conventions will be secured and no stone left unturned to have them endorso Mr. Webster for the nomination. "Tho meeting Inst week effectually dis posed of any serious nntl-Hoosevelt talk In connection with the Webster boom.' It will be our first hope to carry the solid west Into the convention for Mr. Webster, and, as Is generally conceded, tho west la for Theodore Hoosevelt." I Text of the letter. Following Is the text of tho letter sent out hy Chairman Kennedy and Secretary Dodge yesterday: Tho Nebraska vlce-presidentinl organiza tion, at its meeting h Id in Omaha Decem ber 30, scleetd an executive coiinmlttee of which you are a member. Tho members of the committee present elected a chair man and secretary and appointed a sub committee of five to report at the next "meeting a detailed plan of campaign and providing, among other things, for the ap pointment of subcommittees. It was then resolved to hold the next meeting of the executive committee nt the Millard hotel in Omaha at 1:30 p. m. on January 7. to receive and act upon the re- port of the subcommittee. At that meet ing It Is proposed to outline the campaign by which the republicans of Nebraska will be enabled to exert an Influence upon re publicans In other states. You are urgently requested to be present. The enthusiasm manifested at the meet ing of December M and the cordial re sponses from those unable to be present gave evidence of the fact that the state takes great pride In presenting Its distin guished citizen, Hon. John L. Webster, as Its candidate for vice president of tho I'nlted Slates. 1'lease answer to the sec retary. Start- the new year with sure, safe profits. CITY SAVINGS BANK. 8.' E. cor. huh and Douglas, pays 4 per cent com pound Interest. Money deposited the first ten days of the month draws Interest from the 1st. Try .our banking by mall. Send (or circular. $1 opens un account. Start now. Monday, January 4, we commence our bargain counter stile In lace curtains. Come and see the real bargains. Orchard Ai Wllhelm Curpet company. SOMETHING HEW AND KNTIRKLY OCT OF THK OHDI NAKV! Doubtless many people are sick. tired und disgusted with the groat claims which are being made by hundreds of pat ent medicines. We don't blame you; we are too, and we fully understand that a Kreut many of them are LIKE THE FAKIK'H KAy.Oll "MADK TO SEIJ,,' BL'T, Tllliltt; A RE GOOD MEDICINES YET, Hiul one of them has Just come to ua from FHED W. SOMA KFEK of Alhanv, N. Y., a brother of CHARLES H. 8CHAK FEK. who formerly owned our Omaha store, and whom Is known in these parts US the UKllilKAh ft "I" KATE Pld't). GIST AND Dlll'G THl'ST SMASHER. This new remedy Is called "WOMAN'S FRIEND." We have the formula showing of what It is made und we never have seen a combination of medlclije which, In our opinion, can equal It for a CONDENSED BLOOD FH4tlFIER AND NERVE TONIC. Mr. Schuefer gives us the right to guaran tee bis remedy to cure pimples, blotches, eruptions, pule complexions, biliousness, headaches, dvspepsiu. cnstlveness, kldnev und liver troubles. 2nn FILLS IN A BOX an entire month's treatment, for postpaid on receipt of prion AND ABSO LUTELY GUARANTEED BY I S. CUT PRICB DRUQ STOKE E. T. YATEH. ProD.. 16th and Chicago Sts., Omaha. 'Phonal T47 and 77. -4th and N Sts.. South Omaha.' 'Phone No. 1. - All goods delivered any plac SGHAEFER'S Charges Less Than all Others r ..v. . ..-- ""I win 1111m sin DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST Treata all furtaa of Utssasea of MEN OKLY. Twenty-eight years' experience tighteen jears in Oman Tha doctor remarkable euLtets ha never been equaled. Hut re&ojrex-a jinii facilities for treating this cia of dineatrs are unlimited and every day brings many Haltering report of the good ho U doiii or the relief he has given. HOT SPRINGS TREATMENTfOii All Blood Polsona. No "BREAKING OUT on the tkln or fuca and all oxterual algnx of th dlM-aae disappear at onc A per manent cur for iile guaranteed. VlDlfUTf IF Cures . KuaranUed It 1 AHILUILIL Lttfs THAN i DA Yb k.FAD XII flflllc''e ture-d of Hydrocele ItLtB JUVUU f trli-tuH, Gleet. Nervuc, Vltulti) Ix-ljillty. Loss of Sirenalh and ind al! forms ot chronic Oi.ieaiu-S Treatment by mall. CauV or write. Hex Hi, Clin; H6 ooulo Ulh IU OuuOi. Mao. Havo purchased the entire stock arc here on us in the mlilst of stock- nt greatly reduced prices. Space but a few are: Ladies' Jtlblsvl Vests and Pants all sizes at A big lot of children's Ribbed Hose all sizes three pairs for Ladles' Plnin Black Ribbed nnd Hose all grades In this lot go at per pair .aillcs' All Wool Hose In black and Oxford a big snap at Ladles' Fleeced Hose In black nnd Oxford go at of a largo eastern manufacturer and the goods tnkiint. Will place tho entire line on sale .Monday forbid s mention of the many bargains ulT. r j :, 25c 25 Fancy I24c 124c Men's black, Half Hose- tan, slates and fancy -nil sizes at l.:u.o and Men's Merino ILUf Hosie sir. !S to HV-at ' Men's jtlbliod Undershirts while they last at Me i's white and colored border Handkerchiefs at ln: and Men's Puff and Siring Ties Xe und iOc values -Hill go at I'V I2ic 25 ..5.' 15 Grand Hew Year's Grocery Opening Honda"; Sweaters for men nnd boys all color com binations and prices. The largest line In Omaha to select from. 1 lbs. pure Cane Granulated Sugar Large sicks White or iellow Corn meal l?HrO 10-pound sacks pure Graham Flour... Jac ln-pound sacks pure Buckwheat Flour Xr. ii gallon cans Fancy Tabl Syrup Mince Meal-isT par-sage lc Best Laundry Soap any brand you want per bar ,-ljC 2- pound package Self-Raislng Pan cake Flour '. 7'ic 1-tKiuiid package Imported Macaroni.... 7'y 3- pound cans solid packed Tomatoes... 71,5c '-pnunii cans tqitou lariy June i-eas. isc 2-pound cans fancy Wax or String Mcuns One Good Japan Pice per pound J Fancy Pearl Tapioca per pound Flake or l'e.'irl Hominy- per pound... 1-pound package best Corn Starch fi-pound palls Pure Fruit Jolly Pino "White Clover Hom y per rark... Large, Juicy Oranges each California Figs or Dates per pkc Fresh Roasted Peanuts-per measure. Fancy Mixed Nuts per pound TF.AM AMI COFFl'K. New Imperial Tea only .L Sun Dried Japan good drink ...... Basket Fired Japan Ten Tea Sifttngs new only Imperial Java Blend Ceylon Java Blend Old Government Mocha and Java Gisid Coffee only ' 'o' ' 2' li'.e 11' 10 TV- jr. SI'-..; nsc 'l .if J7'-..- Lot) r 1 J j VSfck JllEEIlGUIEER On Dark Winter Days. No matter how good the light In an offleo Is ordinarily one cannot work to advantage without artificial light. The l'ec Building maintains its own electric light plant and furnishes Its tenants with electric light, w ithout, additional charge. This is only one ot the many advantages or an o.Uce In The Cee Building. A DENTIST enn sharo an office with n doctor with considerable practice, dividing the expense of telephone and 01H00 boy. This suite of otllces Is most desirably locuU-d and a dentist would have the u.-o of a good sized private office, properl.v equipped with water, etc., und the use of a large waiting room. price j r month StJS.tiU I'UITE 322 -This sulle of offices consl.Ms ot a waiting room and a l.nge prlvatr ofhcej it (aces the bri.uu corrluor around the beautiful court of tho building and linn a north light, which Is so houtiht after by dentists and physlilans. The private oHice can bo divided, it deiircd, to m-commodat -two professional men, instead of jone. Rental pi ice per month $4S.I(I ROOM 300 This oftice Is Sii,mM.liate!y ' In from if the elevator and is ien Immedi ately 011 stepping out of the e'evator. It Is a large, handsome -olllce, faces ti e Fouth and in considered one of tUu most eieslrublu offices In the building. A private o'.flce will be partitioned to suit the tea ant, If desired. This office will be vacat".', fur occupuuey Junuujy 1st. i'ric-..- pvr inonlh SJ7.J.I 5UITE JiHS This la the only large suits In tho building vacant. It laces I arnam street and is as handsome a sulie as thorp Is In the building. The suite 1 cuels'.s tit a waiting room and two private ofllces. fo that it would bo admirably suited f. r two professional men. There Is a luift'i burglar-proof vault. This la a moot dem-. able suite of offices In every respect. Pent i! price per month .S50.0J It. C. PKTKHH Sc f ., Mental AnriiM Ground Floor, The Uee UniliUnu, $3.50 and $5 I S3 21 Farnam $5 and $3.50 ti Jt your feot ar-ft strait-tit we fit you to ft straight Inst. If your fet-i require a -swing- lust, w don't fit you to a straight oup. Tbafa the secret of the comfort of the Decatur Shoe lf the fit as well aa the quality. N From Maker to Wearer. 3 nSSRZSSCi: A Vacant Room Eats Up Money Every day you lose the price of a day's rent a loss that is never made up. It's particularly foolish when a Want . Ad in the Bee will rent your room. Ten words three times will cost you 30 cents. ' Tel. 238. Bee, Want Ad Dept. p