THE OMAHA DAILY n'EE:" FKIDAY. "'JANUARY- 1, 1904. 11 N- Vl, OR FA iV nchingi I Oil N. lth. run. EICUARGE. FART of valuable U. S. patent g lor mining stocks. A Miner, it mi V'ILL trad beautiful pinna for borse. Scbmoller Mueller. 1313 Ftrnim 8t. Z-6f FOR EXCHANGE Freh cows for dry nn, at 2666 Amea ave. Z 87 I HAVE TO EXCHANGE for property Id Omaha and Council Bluffe: t,Hti acrea In Kearney county, Kan., unim proved ranch. 0 acrea In Mitchell county, Kan., Im proved farm. tv acre in Taney county. Mo., Improved farm. Ififl acrea Cheyenne, county, Neb., unim proved ranch. 160 acrea In Antelope county. Neb., unim proved farm. 630 acrea In Knox county. Neb., Improved ranch and farm. 160 acrea In Merrick county. Neb., improved farm. 160 acre In 'Valley county, Neb., Improved firm. I.5 acrea In Buffalo county. Neb., Im proved ranch. 120 acrea in Brown county, 8. D., unlm- proved farm and ranch. Half interest in amaH wholesale business, hi a; proflta Borne ara clear, aoma will assume. List your exchanges with me for results. H. 8. GATES. 1313 Howard St., Omnha, Neb, ' Z M187 2 I HAVE In Omaha and Council Bluffa, to exchange for land 1 houaea, 8 rooms; I houaea. 7 rooma; .3 houses. 1 rooma: 3 houses, 6 rooma. all clone to car line. One-third Intereat In 33O.0O0 ranch, all Stocked, mostly cattle. Three-fourths In tereat In mfje. bualneaa; big ;ronta: atapla article; Investigate. Home are clear, some will aasume. Llat your exchange with ma ifor reaoits. - H. fl. GATES. 1313 Howard at . Omaha, Nelr. t Ml 88 3 WASTED TO RE.1T. WANTED Furnlahed ronma for Jiachelor in residence part of city. Address A 6. M. ,t K MS Jlx TOI'NO man desires hoard and room In private family, not too far out; miiat be cloca to car line, atata price. A 3. Bee, K-40 lx ' WANTED, to rent a store room in country town suitable for general merchandise atock; atata kite. Addraaa A lit. Be. k m ix MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davidge block. LETGVSKT'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-2884. BF.CHTOLD'8 union orchestra, m 8. Utb at M-60O-J1 OMAHA Piano and Mualcal Instrument Re. v'" rBr snnp. a ei. i 'Vsold. DSN. lfith. Tel. J452. Planoe bought and it OSTEOPATHY. Johneon Institute, 616 N. T. Life bldg. T. 1664 468 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T. 2351 4 - ita PR , GRACE DEEGAN, 833 N. T. Life? Tel. 268. .- 461 f ,y Fayette Cole, Osteopath, EOt Paxton block. : 148 DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK..H7 Karbach block, Tel. A-2832. 406 TH BEBOIJT DETECTIVE AGENCY log N T. Lira. TELEPHONE 3640. .700 , COSTUMES. Theatrical and maaq. Ueben, 1013 Famara. COSTpMES for rent Back. 3311 S. 30th at M744 J34x SHORTHAND AM) TYPEWRITING. A C VAN tANTP aiehooi. 717 N. T. Life, ' 467 NKR'BtWlafcaa Shorthand College. Boyd'g theater UM LOST. l08T, on Tueaday- afternoon, December 39, between Jackaon'a atablea and Adama express office a black fur marten collnr. Ion talla. Finder pleaae telephone R2627 and receive reward. Lost M49 DRBiSIMAKJNQ. MRS. CABB, dressmaking, 1910 Dodge at - MS") J 28 PATENTS. II. 3. COWOILL No fee unless successful, tit B. 16th at., Omaha. Tel. 1798. 381 , REAL E STATU TRANSFERS. . Deeds filed for reoord yesferday aa fur , nlshed by the Midland Ouarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 farnam street: William A. Schwenck and wife to "n jw. nines, lot hi. block 1. ""w aa. jimvn, lot Meliae First addition. I 70) Emma H. McCreary and huaband to - ... ....... . . U, , aw An. laavvia 3. Maryavllle addition William F. Allen and wife to Charles , T. Kountse-lots 1 and 3. block L jvais nonman Miner, lot 16, block 500 vCspltol Hill addition .. 12,500 1.- v i-iij, mil uuiuuii ... -m same, aublot ( of lots 6 and a and aubkjt 10 of lot t, Capitol ad f "7 dltion 1 ' , SmA IA m Inl. 1 fi 1A on f 1.400 7,200 12.000 1.260 1,000 1,500 Bame to same, lota 18, 10 and 30. Crea . iiii. ran Bum ill in .... Same to same, lots t, 33, 23, 24 and 26 Same to akme. lot 1 and n t ft. lot 1, aubdl vision of John I. Redlck's Bame to same, w 33 ft. n 106 ft of lot t, block 284. city Bame to same, H lot 38 and all lota 89 and 43, A. Kountse'a addition.... Barker company to Mary Novak, lota t vA 1 . 1 . . .. L. jcf 1 J ... , . , 1 . . tiwwk w, uinuu view aaui dltlnn 1 Bheriff to Mrs. W. W. Bwanay! "w M ft. lot 17. block 1, Orchard Hill ad dition 1,150 South Omaha Land company to Lu cinda J. Smith, lot 7, block t. South Omaha (00 Marous P. Maaon and wife to Mary J. Howard, lot , block 7, Carthage ad dition go Mary E. Rrldenb-ker and huaband to Kmma A. Lampe, lot 8, block 119. Dundee Plaoe , 525 David Anderaon to Mary E. Anderson, lota 1 and 2. Nlcholaon'a addition I Marie Laederich and huaband to Fred O. Bparling. n 40 ft. lot 1 and n 40 ft. U ft. of lot 9. block 1. aubdlvlalon of John I. Hedlck's addition (004 Kate Power to Frank A. Squires, part Ms 10 and 11, block 7, Kountte Ruth's sdtlttlon 1500 William Y. Teetael and wife to David R. Nlckerson. e 173 ft lot 68. Hor t'arh'e Ktret addition: lot 18, block 10. Patrlck'a Second addition, and lot i 11. block 8. Patrick's Second Sara toga addition -, 8000 William M. Jnhnann and wife to John M. Okerber, wH wU n block 8. CorriKan's Second addition too Same to- Ed A. Sodcrberg. H w nU aame 1260 Mathilda Anpilrren and husband to Marv A. 8. Wllklna. lots 1 to 28, block 7. Rose Hill except lot !).... 10,000 Oil Bd MvsIs). NEW YORK, Dec. 31.-OILS-Cottonaeed Steady; prims crude, nominal; prime yellow! 3i'o. Petroleum, steady; renned New York U 10; Phliadwlphla and Baltlmure, I9.U6; prime. In bulk. 16 18. . TI RPENTINE-Vlulet Smi5o ROalN-eteady; stralurd. common to good, )1 66. OIL. CITY. Dec. Sl.-OILS-Cradlt bal-am--at 11.85. Certificates, no bid. shlpmenta M.tuv bbla.; averaife. 74.147 tibia.; runs. 109.17i bl:ia.; average. Tu.&ll Mils ; shipments, Lima. 6-I.775 bbla.; average. SOW bbla.; runa L'uia S 11 bbla.: avernne. 82.839 bhla. '. SAVANNAH. Dec 1.-TCKPENTINE-Flrm HOSIN-Flrm. A. B. C, D. E. $i 90; O tlSu; H. 12 40; I. 82 80; K, 2.8i; M. I 8i J-; O, UW; W. W. 8S. ' ' tr aael Molasses. NEW YORK; Deo. 31.-8t'OAR-Raw. nominal; fair mining, centrifugal 98 '. :'0I. 2e. Hetinrd. uuiet: No. 8. 4u6c; No. 7. 4c; No 8 No. . 3IWo; No. It). IJiic-'No. 11. SJc; No' 13, 3 76c; No. 13. 171k;- No. 14. Iti'con: n-iiviiiii j. i , rnouia a, i. ivc : cut liaf 6c; crushed, 6u6o; powdered, 4.j5c: rnn Tluted. cubes, .7uc. MULAB&KB-Urm: New Orleans open . sj v-va a. uMV., O I U W. NkVV ORLEANS. Pe. 31 81TOAR Steady; open kettle, IrSc; centrltuail m tiitea. 38 U-lc; yellow., lc; seconds JSU'c. MuLASaEg) Quiet ; centrifugal dull at 7 t-SA brup dull at Cu-c GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Lsoa of Enaw in Winter Wht B!t Osnses Btrength i Wh?at CORN PRICES ARE WELL MAINTAINED Oats Advaaee In Prlee oa Report of "hort Sapply, W nil Provlalooa Show Advance ta Light Receipts. CHICAOO, Dec. in. Lack of snow In many sections of the winter wheat belt, together with wsr news, contributed strength to grains today. May wheat closed Vic higher, corn W'tS and oats c. Pro visions were 7tyc to 2oc higher. Wheat ruled atrong throughout the en tire session. Steady cables and small re ceipts were bull factors at the start and May opened unchanged to 'iiiViC higher to S4NG84'V- There waa good general buying In both May and July, and with only light fitTerinra the market advanced. Reports from various portions of the winter wheat fields caused apprehension among ahorta. The feeling of uneasiness was caused by the warlike news from the east, and urgent demands soon carried May up to tUc. The market lost part of Its atrength late In the day on realising, but the close was Arm, with May at 84V4c. Clearancea of wheat and flour were equal to 322,500 bushels. Pri mary recelpta were 1.004.300 bushels, with ft holiday last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported rcelpta of 615 cars, against CR7 cars last week. Reports of smaller yields west than ex pected and relatively higher prices being paid by feeders, light Interior movement and the action of wheat, all tended to create a decidedly bullish aentlment In corn. Commission houaea and shorts led In the buying, while theeelling was mainly by professionals. Prices held strong throughout the day and closed near the top. lOruil receipts were 142 cars, none of contract grade. There was good buying of oats by hull lenders' on reports that the bulk of the northwestern crop had been marketed and that receipts are to fall off. Prices Were strong early, but eased off somewhat as the session advanced, due to liquidation. The tloae? was steady, with May at SSHWViC, after opening a shade lower to a shade higher at Kii3SHe and ranging between 3Sc and iS'Tdc Local receipts were 84 cars. Smaller receipts of hogs had a stimulating effect on provisions and prices ruled higher. Commission houaea were active buyers early and advanced prices, but part of the gain waa lost on realizing. The close was strong, with May pork 20c higher at 318.02H. May lard was up 12He at 17 0'",y7-O5. with ribs 7H10c higher at H.72H0S.75. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 70 cars; corn, 175 cars; oats, 60 cars; hogs, 24,000 head. The board will be closed until Monday. The leading futures ranged a follows: Artlclea. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae.l Yes y. Wheat a Dec. 82 May 84V4H July 79iU'7 Corn I Dec. I 411 May 46H&S July 44a1i Oats Dec. 36 May 38WMi July 8& Pork Jan. 12 67 May 12 90 Lard Jan, t 80 May 7 00 Ribs Jan. 6 r?H May 70 87H 81H S3 Ml 7l 79 79!u-H 84 'A 78'J 42M 41 41 41V, 40Vi44iU1l 461 . St54j 35Vsl 3oi 38 8 S 3HVtV3"&" Z8 35 36VU34va3 12 65 13 05 12 80 13 65 12 45 12 67Vk t 76 t v2Vt 36 t 85 12 87Vs 13 V2Vk 72V,i 6 97 87H 7 07V 47' 6 82V4 7 16 42Vi' I 76 I 6 37Vi 7fr ' 65 No. 2, a New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market steady; winter patenta, 84.00(14.20; .winter straights, 83.HKcM.10; spring stents, t4.00fr4JO: spring atralghta, $3.5oa 76; bakers', $2.3&(g3.20. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 8183o; No. 3, 72 G7Xc; No. 3 red, 83Vfe&S6Vc. SORN No. 2, 42e; No. 2 yellow, 44V4o. ATS No. 2, WiWAc; No. 3 white, &i S8c. RYE No. 2, 62o. BARLEY Good feeding, 34937c; fair to choice malting, 43363o. SEEDS No. 1 flax, tVfci No. 1 northwest ern. 81. 02H; prime timothy, 82.90; . clover, contract grade,' 6H. 25. PROVISIONS-Meaa pork, per bbl r2.t2H 11.75. Lard, per 1 lbs.. 36 80.82H. Short ribs, sldea (loose), 36 37H3.62Vi; short clear aides (boxed), 86.37VWj8.60. Following were the receipts and chip menta of . flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 45.400 49,400 Wheat, bu 41,400 73,200 Corn, bu 121.800 . 8 L2iO Oats, bu.. 181,300 . 92,100 Kye. DU ll.iiH . 10,300 Barley, bu 76,900 9,800 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa steady; creamery, 16g23Vic; dairy 14421c. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, 2o'i28c Cheese, steady, loulOVsC NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the) Day oa Tartoaa Commodities. NEW YORK, Dec. 31.-FLOTJR Receipts, 17,121 bbls.; exports, l,b36 bbls.; sales, 9,000 packages. The market was firmer and held higher. Winter patenta, M.004.86; winter straights, 34.004f4.a; Minnesota patents, 84.60(34.76; winter extras. 8316 4(4.40; Minnesota bakers, 33.70tJ8.86; 'winter low grades, 32.964(3. Hi. Rye Hour, quiet; fair to good, 8i.2Wa3.40; choice to fancy, 8J.4MJ.60. buckwheat flour, dull, 32.Ua2.3S. CORNMEAL Firm; yellow western, ll.oJ; city , J1.10; kiln dried, 82.9tx88.00. BYE Dull; No. 3 western, 63c, r.ominaj f. o. b. afloat; stats and Jersey, 5j4i4o. BARLEY Steady ; feeding. 39c, c. 1. f. Buffalo; malting, 4utilc c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 80,926 bu.; sales, 190. 000 bu. Spot firm; No. 2 red, 90o elevator; No. 3 red, 92V4C, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north ern, Duluth, 96o, f. o. b. afloat; No. '1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, -f. o. b. afloat. Options opened Arm and were generally steady moat of the day on further war talk, bullish crop news, good support higher cables and light speculative offer ings. The close wsa quiet but firm, show ing o net advance. Sales Included No. 8 red, May, 87Ht)87TaC closed at 87c; July, 8SiU.4c, closed at 84c; December, Slliiji 92c. CORN Recelpta, 23,100 bu.; exports 17, 410 bu. Spot firm: No. 2, 62p. elevator, and 64Ho, f. o. b. afloat; No. 8 yellow, toe; un graded mixed, 64V8C. The option market waa fairly active and stronger on demand from important Interests at Chicago, steady cables, light farm offerings and a general bull sentiment. Closed firm at Vc net ad Vance. May closed at 61 He OATS Recelpta, 80,000 bu. exports, 6.000 bu. Spot firm; No. 3. 42Vc; standard white, 3c; No. 3, 4oVc; No. 3 white, 43Wc; No. t white. 43c; track white, western, 43 fi45Vtc; track white, 42&46fto. Options, nominal. FEED Firm: spring bran, 813 Sflia'JO.OO middlings, 320.60fr23.00; city. 320.00ifr20.60. HAY 1-key; shipping, 60tS7oc; jfood to Choice. 8&rfi90c. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice 19iU crop, 2tij36e; 1902 crop, 24j2Sc; olda, 7sf 12c; Paclfln coaat, 1903 crop, 24330c; 1902 crop. &c. HIDES Firm; Galveston. 20 to IE lbs. 18c; California. 21&25 lbs., 19c: Texas dry. 34 to lbs.. USc. - " LEATHER Firm; acid. 23fl26Vc. RICE iulet; domestic, fair to extra, 3 ty: Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family $10 00 fell 00; meaa, tN.OfMi9.0n; beef hama. fJ0 6O4 2 .00; packet. I9 0W610.00; city, extra India mem, 315.0117.00. Cut meats were quiet- tickled bellies. 37.75S8.60; pickled shoulders' &o4i4.75; pickled hams. Ja75'al0 75. Lard! steady, western steamed, 37 26; December! closed at 37.26, nominal; renned, steady; continent. 37 40; South America. 38; com pound, 38.254(660. pork, firm; family. M ) fil5 00; short clear, 313 60616.00; meaa, 113.75 14.50. TALLOW Firm; city, 6Vc; eountry, i Hl'TTER Recelpta, 8J77 pkgs : firm; creamerv. XStitSc: alate dairy, 14rfiS0c. CHEESE Receipts, 157 pkgs.; quiet, un changed, EOOS Receipts, 3.817 pkgs.; steady; west ern, 313fc. Kanaas flty Grala and Prevlsloaa. KANSAS CITY. Dee. 31. WHEAT De cember. ic: May, 7"vc: cash. No. $ hard, 70n71it No. 2 red. t.'dtiac, CORN December, 3Sc: May. c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 37ti371ic; No. 3 white, 88c. OATS No, t white, 3tJ6c; No. 3 mixed. 3Mio. HAY-Cholee timothy, tt0(3.60; choloe prairie, 87.60p7.75. RK-Nc. 2. 47o- 1 BI TTER Creamery, steady at 191120c: dairv. 18c. EiX8 Steady: Missouri and Kansas, cases returned. S4Vc; new. No. 3 white wood caaea included, 2&c. Recelnts. Shipments Wheat, bu lM.Surt 156 W Corn, bu 82.000 27 y) bran, bu 16,000 . 14,0:0 TJVERPOOL. Dec 31. WHEAT-8pot: Firm; No. 3 red weetern winter, ka :ii. Futuree: Nominal; at arc a. so ti; May. ts 4'd. - CORN Epotj Steady; American uiaeo. 4a 2d. Futures: Stead; January, 4s T4d; March, ta Vd. OMAHA WIIOLEe-ALB MARKET. - Coadltlea of Trade aael Qaotatloaa oa Staalo aad Faacy Prod art a. EGOS Recelpta mora liberal; fresh stock LIVE POULTRY Hens, 7tf7Hcl spring chlckers. 'atvc; roosters, according to aga, 4iu-5o; turkeys, 12c; ducki, Ptie; geese, 8ti9o. DRESSED POULTRT Tut keys. IMu-; old toms, 14c; ducks, lOllc; eese, 910c; chlckena, ati9c. Bl.'TTER Packing stock; 12H913c; choice to fancy dairy, in tubs, 14lc; separator, 24c. FRESH FISH-Trotit 10c; pickerel, c; Rlke, 9e; perch. 7c; blueflsh, 15c; whlteflsh, ; salmon, 11c; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper. Ho: lobsters, boiled, per lb.. 80c; lobsters, green, per lb., 28c; bullheads, 11c; cat fish, 14c; black haaa, 2o42Sc; halibut, 18o; crapples, 12c; herring, 6c; white bass, 13c; bluerlns. 8e. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 43c; per gal., 12.00; extra selects, per can, 85c; per gal., 81.75; standard, per can, 27c; per gal., 8185. BRAN Per ton, 314 50. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association. Choice No. 1 up land, 37.50: No. 2, 37.00; medium, 36.50; coarse, 36.00. Rye atraw, 16.60. These price are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fnir and receipts light. CORN Sac. OATS 87c RYE No. 1. 4. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, 86c; Dakota, per bu., 7oU75c; native. 6bfg.0c. . SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per ttl., NAVY BEANS Per bu., 82.26. CELERY Small, per dox., 2o35c: large California, 40675o. ' ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb., lc; Spanish, per crate, 31.60; Colorado yel low and red. lHc CABBAGE-Wisconsin Holland. 2V4c. TURNIPS Cnnada rutabagas, per lb., lVc: white, per bu., 6oc. CARROTS Per bu., 60o. PARSNIPS-Per bu., 60c, BEETS Per bu., 60c.- , " CAULIFLOWER-California, per crate. TOMATOES California, per 4-baeket Crite, 32. 2R. ' CUCL'MBERS-Per dos., $100. FRUITS. APPLES California Bellflowers, per box. 31.jK; New York Greenings, Baldwins and other varieties, 33.50. OKAPES Pony Catanbas, 20c; imported Malagas, per keg, 35.006.00. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl., $7.60; per box, $260: Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, 89.00; Bell an.l Cherry, $8.00. gUINCES-Callfcrnla, per box, $1.26. TROPICAL I'UUITS. ORANGES Florida Brights and Russets, all sixes, 32.60; navels, all sizes, $2.25a3.2S. LEMONS California fancy, 300 to 300 sixes, $4.00; choice, 240 to 270 sizes. 83.60. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons. 86c; Imported Smyrna, 3-crown, 14o; 6-crown, 16c; 7-crown, 18o. COCOANUTS Per Back, $4.00; per dox., 600. t St. totals Grala aad Provlalona. ST. LOUI8. Dec. 31. WHEAT-Strong; f red, cash, elevator, higher at 92c; track, 92c; December,, 92c; May, 82V4ci July. 784c; No. i hard, 74rgt6V,c. ' CORN-Strong; No. 2 ensh, 44V4c: Decem ber. 6)c; May, !c; July, 43H OATS-8teady; No. 2, cash, 37g'37Hc; May, tHc: No. 3 white, 89e. .FLOUR Unchanged; red winter patents, 34 254.36; extra fancy and straight f3.90 420; clear, $3.4063.60. SEEDS-Tlmothy, ateady, $2.262.80; prime higher. CORNMEAISteady at $3.30., BRAN Steady; sacked, eaat track, 7S9 8)c. HAY Unchanged; timothy, $6.0012.00; prairie, $6.009.50. - w-w, IRON COTTON TIES $1.08. B A OG I NO-5 fj 6V4c. HEMP TWINE-ic. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: standard jneaa, $13.10, Lard, firm; steam rendered, $6.60 Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.25; clear rlbe. $7.60; ahort clear. $7.71. METALS Lead firm at $4.17Vi bid. Spel ter steady at $4.70 bid. POULTRY Higher; chlckena, 8V4c; aprlnga 8V4c; turkeya, 16o; ducka, Mc; geese, 8c. Bl TTER-Stcady; creamery, 18r25c; dairy. 13fl20c. EGGS Steady at 27s." . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 9,000 9,000 Wheat, bu llO.Ono 84.000 Corn, bu 82.000 "32.000 Oata, bu.,,,,.. 42,000 36,000 Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Dec. 81. SEEDS Clover, cash, December and January, $6.90; March, $7. Prime alsike, $6.60. Prime timothy, $1.40. Mllwaakeo Grain 'Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 81 WHEAT Finn: No. 1. 85Hie-86c; No. 2, 82840; May, 84c , . RYE Steady; No. i, 66V4c . BARLEY Dull; No. I 62c, nominal; sam ple, 46ft 58c. CORN May, 46s bid. Dalath Grala Market. DULUTH, Dec. 31 WHEAT-On track: No. 1 northern, R2c; No. 2 northern, 79o; No. t northern, spring, 76V4c; December, $lo; May. R3V4c; July, 83c. OATS On track and to arrive, 23(?35Vtc New York Mo'aey Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 81. MONEY-On iall. atrong at ru9 per cent; closing bid, 7 per cent; offered, at 8 per oent Time loans, firm; 60 and 80 days, t per cent; mnths, , Per cent. PRIB ME MERCANTILE PAPER-6V4fi STERLING- EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at H.Wfr 4.8410 for demand and at $4.81.8110 for 60 days' bills; posted rates, $4.MVy&4.M and $4.?3fr4.8:U4 commercial bills. $4.80Viiii4.82. SILVER Bar, 661c; Mexican dollars, 43Vtc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. The cloatnc quotations on bonds are a fotlows: 0. g. rat. la. NC....I0 so coupon .liMH L. A N. an. 4a... .100 Mubitlin . a. 4s. .10114 Max. t -antral 4a li do 1st Ine 1414 "8lm. A St L. 4a. 1 M., K. A T. 4a...... M do Is TtH N. R. R. of M. a. 4a. li ..lilt ..10 4c eoupoa 4a saw 4a, 4o eoupoa ng. ...MI ...13! 4 ...Id It ...10S ...1011 ...mi ... M14 ... M ... H o old 4a, r. so eoupoa ..... do la, reg do coupon Atcblaoa an- 4a do adj. 4a Atlantic C L. 4 n. y. o. g. im N. 1. c, a- 6a 'No. Ptclne 4a... ..110 ..102 .. Tl .. .. n do 8a N. A W. e. 4a.. 0. O. 4a... ...101 O .8. t. 4a A par. do 114a Mil Pda. ooav. tt..'. t. antral ot Oa. 4a. . Rradtni see. 4i ... -us im mo aa u a 1. H, a. as.. 11114 Ch. A Ohio 4!ia...lB!!4 L. A 8. P. ta- 4 Cblcafo A A. Tt 1st. L. S. W. la M C. B. A Q. a. 4s.... HH g;aboard A. U 4a.. 1014 C. li. A 8. P. g. 4a.. 110 'go. Paclflc 4a M C A N. W. o. tl.. llHo. Railway tt 1144 u., it. i. a r. ..,. aattj Texas a r. la 11414 do ol 4a 14 T . St. L. A W. 4a. tl C.C.C. A at. L. g. 4a. M Obleaao Tar. 4a 10 Cod. Tobaeco 4a 17 Cola. A 9o. 4a at D A R. O. 4a rla prior Han 4a.. Ok1 do (an. 4a M r. W. A D. C. la.. .10114 Hooklag Val. 4!ts..lo Bid. K)ffered. Unloa Pad Be 4a.. .,.1014 do conv. 4 M IT. 8. Steal id la.... Tl Wabaah la 1HH do dah. B 4344 W. A U B. 4s It Wis. Central 4a..... 41 Colo. P. A 1. . ta.. 414 Forelga Flaanelal. LONDON, Dec. 31. Money waa In strong month-end demand in the market today ana rates were firm in spite of borrowings from the Bank of England approaching $75,000, OuO.. Diacounta were bureiy ateady. Busi ness on the Stock exchange was mill and lifeless in view of the New Year's holiday. Consols eased at firat, but afterwards re covered. Americans opened dull and weak ened a fraction later. Atchiaon, Topeka A Santa Fe, Chesapeake & Ohio and Union Pacitio were notable aufferera. The market cloaed quiet. Canadians were weaik. Foreigners were easier, especially Japaineee. Kaffirs were moderately firm on the reeult ot the debate in the legisla tive council at Pretoria in regard to the Introduction of Asiatic labor into South Africa, which practically aaaures thi im portation of Chlneae. Bullion amounting to A'30,0u0 waa withdrawn I rum the Bank of England today for shipment to South America. The rate of discount of the Bank of England was unchanged today at 4 per cent. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve. Increase. 9u6,ctj0; circulation, decrease. j6.0i: bullion, increase, A. 000; other securities, increase, 7.75!i,uO0; other depoalta, increaae, 8.75,Ouo; public deposits, decrease, a 19.000; notes reserve. Increase, il.mj; government securities un changed. The proportion of the bank's re serve to liability la 32.88 per cent, as com pared with JW 90 per rent la at week. PARIS. Dec. 31. The feeling on the bourse today continued depressed owing to the advice received in regard to the far eastern situation. Rualneas waa I Un less throughout and at the close the mar ket was dull and heavy. The private rate diaoount was 115-14 per cent; 3 per tent rentes, 97f 37c for the account; exchange on London, 26 f loVc for checks. Tits weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes in circulation. Increase, 255,86.900 franca; treaaury accounts current decrease. 17,. 375 otal franca; gold in hand, decrease, to. 41iV l francs; bills diacountei. Increase, 8i l75 A0O franco; silver in hand, decrvaae, 8.47S franca. BERLIN. Dec. IL Trading on the bourse today fluctuated on the arioua reports from the far eat Exchange tin I-ondon, Si-in 21 ht pi'gs. ,r vliecka. Ducouut rates: Short bills, for settlement, per ceiii; tnree-montn DUia. jt, per cent. NEW YORK STOCKS'AND BONDS lisl Day of Year Finds l ittle Doing; la the Way of Raalaeae oa 'Change. NEW YORK. Dec. 81-Nothlng mora was attempted In today's stock market than to hold prices. This attempt was eminently successful, the market presenting a hard and unyielding surface. No greater power of resistance waa required, in fact, for the pressure Upt,n the market was the lightest. The running up of the money rate Tate In the day to 9 per cent, the highest of the movement was not expected and was of little Influence on the stocks. The rise was much less than often happens at this time of the year, and shipments are apparently not overextended and not In weak hand's so that the shifting of loans does not dis lodge much stock. Even In the cotton mar ket a more tranquil tone prevailed and the Immediate necessities in the way of clos ing up contracts seemed to be met and a conservative spirit manifest in entering upon new ones. There was no buying de mand of Importance for stocks and the firmness of the stocks was rather due to absence of pressure than to any active show of strength. The most prominent stock In the. speculation was Amnlgamnted Copper which rose to a new high level of the movement. The increase In net earnings of the Vnlon Pacific for November made what was re garded as a satisfactory showing. The halt in the market seemed to give rise to rather more discussion to the possible ulterior effects of an outbrenk of war be tween Russia and Japan than has been given to tlwtt' subject, especially on the side of possible effects on foreign money markers. Some comment was given also to the number of railroad accidents In the recent past. The culminating horror of tho Chicago disaster grtve force to the consid eration of accidents as destructive factors. The rinsing tone was dull and heavy. Bonds were In light demand but firm In tone. Total sales par value, $1,935,000. Vnlted States bonds were unchanged on call. Sales.Hlgh. Low. Clow. Atchison do pfd ex dlv Baltimore & Ohio.... do pfd Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. Western do pfd... Chicago ft 'N. W Chicago T. ft T do pfd C, C. C. ft St. Colo. Southern - do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. ft Hudson Del.. Lack ft West. D. & R. G do pfd Erie , do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Gt. Northern pfd.... Hocking Val.. ex dlv do pfd, ex div III. Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd 1j. ft N Manhattan L Met. St Ryvv Minn, ft St. L.,ex div Mo. Pacific, ex dlv.. M , K. ft T do pfd Ntl R. R. of Mea.pfd N. Y. Central, ex dlv Norfolk ft W do pfd Ontario ft W... ...... Pennsylvania P., C. C. ft St L... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd..! Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. ft S. F. 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. Louis S. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd Southern Pacific.,,.. Bo. Railway do pfd , Texas ft Pacific i Tol., St. L. ft W.... dopfd i. Union Pacific ,:t do pfd Wabash , do pfd W. ft Iake Erie Wis. Central.. do pfd Adama Ex.:.. American Ex TJ. 8.' Ex., ex div.... 1,250 400 9,000 100 600 256 ... . . 1 . 2-JH 9,240 119 118 -118 '4 tu1 45V, 764 24 Vi 61 60 41 144 33 4,200 100 500 3,044 , 200 "800 2o0 t? 77 , 24 62 42 M 45 77 60 23 61 42 14 4.800 146 146 146V, 120 177Vi177V4 177 20.&HO 60 49 4! 1.910 20 30 79 25 25 8R 80 88 20 , 37 20)4 7 25 25 . .18 8' f 204 ?7 17 16 38 2 6 196 11K 210 . 61 ?0 6i 28 18V4 76 49 100 . 76 1 79 26 26 89 21.0(a) 81 40 - 8 1 DM 20i 2u0. 87 300 4. 17 16 Wells-Fargo B.X..... Amal. " pper Am. Cnr ft F do pfd Am. Linseed OH.... do pfd Am. Locomotive.... do pfd Am. S. ft K., x dlv do nfd kwti Ruarnr Re . 68.080 62. 20 69 60 20 69 200 100 800 200 100 400 18 77 & 1H 76 49 90 9-1 9.0S0' 12S14 1?7 127 Anaconda Mining Co 8.750 79 X 61 29 14 1M 176 11 T8 Brooklvn K. 1 Colo. Fuel ft I Col. ft Hock. Coal.... Consolidated Gas.... General Electric Inter. Paper... do pfd .- Inter-. Pump do TM ; Nat'l Biscuit Nat'l I-ead No. American Pacific Mall... People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullmsn Pslaoe Car, ReoUblln Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn Coal Iron... TJ S. feather do pfd TJ. S. Rubber do pfd IT. 8. Steel do pfd 12.540 55 3O0 30Vi 1.520 14 2,600 1K 10 176 800 11 rS0 -.4 1!4 174 11 61 90 72 M 15 84 26 9 31 9 218 7 41 18 74 $ev. 7 76 111. 4-ny, 1-U 100 SI 81 87 15 83 26 98 100 ioo 700 100 720 ir? 15 84 26 $8 900 too 1 150 J.210 1,450 RS8 7 4 1 IK 76 7 41 18 74 $ 16 4nonn 87 90" 1 RT 96 6A nru. West, fnlon.. 290 86 rvesi. c iii'iii ,. .. Total sales for tne dav. 866.900 shares, Bestoa gtoek Qaotatloaa, BOSTON, Dec. 31 Call loans. 5ff per cent; time loans, 6(jr per cent. Official closing prices on stocas ana nonoi Atctalaon 4a '. 88 lAllouaa , Idal. Caotral 4a Hj Amalgamated ... Atahlaca Ialr WaK ...... .. .. ilia .. MS4 .. ..440 .. 14 .. 47 .. T1VI .. T .. li .. U .. ) .. 1 ., to .. 1 ..106 .. ' t .. It .. 11 .. ivt .. 1 ,. do liM .. ;t5ingnani ..1441, 'cal. Hala... ..144 CauUnoial ..140 Coppar Hansa .. .AW Doiulnloa Coal . ..lit (Franklin ., o lala H..ala ' V Mohawk Boat cm Albanj. Boatua 4k Malna... Rustoa Elavata4 . N. T . N. H H ritrhbur, pfd ..... t'oloa Pacific Mai. Ca rural Amer. Sugar , do pfd A mar. T. 4V T .IMS Old DooUaioa ., ..1124 lOscaola Parrot Dotn. I. 8 Oanaral Elartrto ... Maav Blartrle Maaa. Electric ptd.. I'Dllad rrult V. 8. Btael da pfd Wtittns. contaoB... Advantura Ex-dlvldend.-- .. 1 ..178 .. 1 Uulacy Aanta Pe Coppar Tamarack Trlnltf t'altad gtatea .... rtah Victoria ... Wlnooa 74i M ft 4 'Wolrerlae . Laadoa Itoek, Marlaat. IX)NDON, Dec. 81. Closing: Conaolk, sionej' .. do account Anaconda Af blaon do pfd Baltimore Si (lo Canadian Pacific .. Ck-a. Wlto ChlCifi Ot. Waat. . MH N. T. Caatrai. . M4 Norfolk A W. . 4 do pfd . TV Ontario W. . . MS, PaonarlTaala . ..U Raad Mliia .. 112S4 Kaarltna . W do lat pfd.. . 14 da ' Id pfd.. .If-7 So Rail war .. . M do pfd . II So. Pai-ific .... . TIV4 I'nloa Paella . . frivt do ptd . 1014 v. a. stMi... . (It do ard Iit4. Wabaah 113 ' I da pfd ..1:4 .. to .. M .. 83t .. 414 .. .. .. 41 .. 11 .. 1144 .. tt .. 4114 .. alt, .. tl .. n .. to .. 11 .. i-, m. a at. r. Da Bear D. K. O do ptd rla do lat pfd... do Id pfd... Illlnoia (-antral Loula. 4V Naah. M . K. 4V T.... SILVER Bar, firm. 26'd ner ounce.' MONEY 84j4 per rent; the rate of dis count in the oien msrket for short bills Is S43 per cent; for three months' billa, 3 per cent. s NEW YORK. Deo. 81. -The following- are the closing quotations on mining stocks:. A rla ma Cae Uttla Ok lat 4 AlUie braaoe Bruuawicfe Coa ... Camalork Tunnel. . Con. Cal. a Va... Hunt silror Irs a Bl liar Lcadalll Cae .... offered. .. U .. 1 .. 4 Onia-io Opnir 4u0 lao 11 18 Pkoaali Poioal ..lia Paa4 .. ..lut Slar-a Nevada 64 ..146 lumall Mopaa Zu .. 3 IBlaadard 16 toaa Clr l ive Btockc Market. 8IOCX CITT, Ta.. Dec. 31 CATTLE Re ceipts. 2u0; market strong; beeves. 88.5od 6 Ml; cowa, bulls snd mixed, 32.Oura 3.40; Block ers and fe. lra, (C0J 60; calves and year SuiKa. 82 2UU126. HOOS Hecelpta. 1000; market tWIOc hlalier, aeliUig at H-'a4 70; bulk, 4.!w(f 4-5 4i.!o 70' 68, ran 2.n0 91 PVi 8'Vi 2,000 80 79V i9'-i 9V 500 linvfc 118i lis7 ioo iivi mm 161 v 100 33 33 334 200 84 84 34 0 75V, 74V, 76 i0 15&, 15 200 2tik 28V 21 200 lo9 lfiVfc ltW "joo 19" ii" is 9M 80 "(ft, 79H 4,300 16V4 18V4 15H 55V, M f4'-i 1.7W 24 23Vi 241 1,050 167 15 1!4 100 26H 269 2W 21V4 29 Vfc 2H 68V 6HV4 6SV, 100 60V, 60V, 50V, 1H5 100 724 72V '2 200 84 WVi M S54 131 131 U1V4 100 20 20 20V4 iS 19 100 854 8T. 35 L.W0 110 109V, 109V 785 144 143 144 124H 124 124 62 62 62 94 V, 934 93 :? st ,. 36 119 119'i 1W 58 67 67 ... ..j. 8i 2.000 22 22 0J1AUA LIVE STOCK MARKET aaajBMt All lindi of Fat Cattle Fifteen to a Qstr ter Higher for the Wsnk. HOGS ADVANCED FULLY A DIME Demaad for Fat Sheep aad Laaabs Asjala Active aad Rerelpte Llaht, So that Traallas: Waa Brisk, with I'rtrea fttroaaer. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 81. Heeelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Eheep. Official Monday 2,71.4 5.,7 6.ko4 Offli lal Tuesday 3.1K8 11636 6618 OrllclHl Wedneadny 8,418 lo.9i-8 6.3S8 Official Thursday 1,730 7,o2r 4,ill Four days this week... 10,870 35.318 22,011 Bame days last week.... 4,729 2e,S:J4 1-',1 Kama haf..,. a .'.- i ,e .i, -.1 Same three weeks ago!'.'.'.17j; Si'.m name lour week igo...l8.MS 31.IXW w.ffl ..... m, unjo mii yrar i..ij .iw.a li.niw Total Ix-cetnber, 19H3....69.X39 217,68 1S0.619 - . T-iciui.ri, J',,,.ai,1l .;il.,;3 JO), I09 Total December, W01.... 6.1.14 2ti7.7: tl.&4 Total December. 19)...4!.6S6 2r.9A 6,138 Total Deoember, 1S99.... 53.328 1W.9! 16,iW Total December, 1898.... 43,017 1'82,204 40.407 RECEIPTS KOK THE YEAR. TO DATB. 'r . . i . i , . i .. . iinivniiii iiiuie allows me lewvijtai of cattle, hogs and sheep at South omaU last year: . afu.A ....... ... , .. . , im iw;. 1I1C. lVU. Cattle 1,071.147 1,010.815 vUJ Hogs 2.230.104 2,247. 4.M 17,321 Sheep 1,866,683 1,742,539 li!4,043 Average prices paid tor r.oga at South Omaha for the last several days with com parisons: Date. 1903. 190Z. 1901 . U900. 11MS9. l-(ri. 187 . De 1.... pec. t...f Deo. I.... Hoc A 34 31 40', 4 4.4wl I 4 (3) 3 74J 3 76 3 251 3 28 a 3i 3 19 3 21 a 8 35 8 31 3 17 8 13 113 8 15 a 3 29 3 21 8 24 t 29 8 II 8 31 a " 3 33 3 23 3 24 3 21 3 24 6 01 19 6 3 iS 8 29 6 88 4 64 a 3 81 3 901 3 80 3 81 8 83 Deo. ;.;; f i 4 68 a 3 37 TI 24 0b 4 7 Dec. 6 ... Deo. 7 ... Deo. 8.... Deo. 9.... Beo. 10... , ec. 11... Dec. 12... Dec. 1:4 6 1 6 0V 6 04 4 84 3 35 3 18 8 80 3 2D i ail a 3 37 3 M 3 3.1j 3 27 3 4 3C 4 32 a 6 07 6 05 121 4 81; A H 485! 4 33 4 4;' I 4 8t)V 6 11 3 901 12 V 9o 08 6 141 4 82 6 90 1 4 6 9 a . 6 21 6 21 a 4 61 4 6 4 84 a 4 S3 4 73 8 941 Pec. 14... 8 9i I 95 4 01 Dec. 15... Deo. lii... r ee. 17 t 09 6 16 6 26 S4 4nal 4 jiU, 6 22 a 3 9! 3 9: 3 2 Dea 18... 6 14 6 2t 1 3 28 3 2S 8 321 3 34 8 37 Deo. 19... Dec. 20... Deo. 81... so 4 34 4 S9'i 4 4.-.U 6 01 B 12 6 01 4 77 6 07 a 6 16 6 IS 4 79 3 94 4 01 4 02 4 04 6 00 4 81 Dec. 22... a 6 0i 4 80 4 861 aa 4 89 4 83 lec. 83... !. 44 4 474k! 6 26 6 09 8 4 aa Dec. 33... Dec. yff aa 6 19 6 86 6 26 4 63 6 36 6 44 a 411 3 60 Dec. 27M. 4 ( 3 44 3 4K 3 46 3 30 3 83 8 80 3 81 3 36 Dec. 28... Dec. 29... Dec. 30.. 4 81 4 47 4 6IH 4 62 4 77 4 81 4 14 6 50 a 35 6 31 4 16 6 84 1 4 90 4 90 3 51 8 61 Dec. 81... 6 26 Indicates 8undnr. Indicates holiday. The official numhpf nf ra ra rt atock Use. brought In today by each road waa: Cattle.Hnkr Rh'n ... ai. at be. f. iiy 8 80 .. .. Wabash 3 1 Mlaaourl Pacific Ry 3 2 .. .. Union Pacific system.... 7 23 11 ., C. A N. W. Ry 8 10 .. .. F.. E. A M. V. R. R 22 13 1 1 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry...l2 6 6 .. B. & M. Ry 8 18 I C. B. A Q. Ry 4 6 K.' C. 4 St. J 11.. !. C, R. 1. Ik P. Ry., eaat..l3 7 C. K. I A. P. T(v -mt a Illlnoia Central 1 ' 1 .! Total receipts' 78 116 19 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head indicated: Cattle. Hon: Rhuii Omaha Packing Co 376 i75 611 Swift and Company 267 1.2f9 2,776 CuUahy Packing Co 475 1.391 753 475 420 82 11 26 7 7 3 18' t Armour k t. o 420 2,050 Armour & Co., Sioux City 82 2,021 vnnaani, ec to...... Lobman & Co W. 1. Stephen Huston & Co L. F. Hum Hobbick & B if Lee Rothschild Sol Degan Swift and Co., country 123 wermeimer 24 Hamilton 24 HnKerty A Co 42 Other buyers ..: 77 .a 69 Totals 1,860 ' 7,613 4.10J CATTLE There was another moderate run of cattle here thla morning and with the demand in good shape the market ruled aotive and stronger all around. Trading was very brisk, so that an early clearance was made. There were only a few cars 6f corn-fed steers on sale, and, as all tho packers wanted a few, It would be safe to quote he market strong to a olme higher. As high as 36.10 was paid, which Is the highest firice in some little time. The common o fair cattle also Joined in the advance, so that all kinds sold very readily and the pens were empty at an early hour. As compared with the close of last week the market is now 16ffc26c higher. There was alo a brink demand for cow stuff, snd as receipts were limited there was not enough to fill the immediate re. qulrements of local packers. As Is gen erally the case under such circumstances, the market -was very Irregular, some sales showing a much greater advance titan others. The. general market, though, was all of atrong to a dime hlaher. or fullv us. 26c higher for the week. jjuus were also a little stronger and ready sellers, if at all good, Veal calves did not show much If any change. There were not enough Blockers and feed ers on sale to make a market, but there was considerable inquiry from the country, particularly for the better grades, and such klnda could aafely be quoted strong. Owing to the light receipts, even the com moner klnda of both stockers and feeders sold this morning without much trouble at strong prices. Representatives sales: BEEF STEERS. N I 6 :::: IS..... I II 6 11 11 10a.... 17 1 I M 6 13 1 I 8 8 1 I I..:.., 10 1 1 1 a 1 1 i 8 8 I 4 1 1 14 1 1 8 4 1..... 6 I ' At. .... 7M .... 146 .... 1S .... 8M .... Kid .... Ill ....mi .... 868 ....1114 .... teo .... M .... a ....1I3J ....1110 ....1100 Pr. I 16 I 86 3 tt a w 1 tt ' I 66 I 71 I T6 I 76 I 76 8 0 4 10 4 00 v 4 00 4 16 No. 67.... 16 18.... II.... I.... II.... I.... I.... 47.... 1..,. 1.... 41.... 10.... 14.... 70.... At. 1166 m .....11S4 Ill UM 1144 U3 nit ija 17-.0 1123 1121 1117 1166 1460 Pr. 4 38 4 84 4 16 4 10 4 W 4 40 4 40 4 41 4 46 4 60 4 60 4 46 4 66 4 74 8 00 6 10 ... .1166 4 16 41. .1604 STEERS AND HEIFERS. . .im a I COWi. ... no . . . Soa ... 60 ... 160 ...10U . .. ...1000 ... UM ... w ...1070 ... 620 ...1106 ... 410 ... 664 .a. list ... 7u0 ... 4 ... 785 ... 96 ...11M ... 770 ...1041 ...lmo ...1000 ...iul ...l2ue ...14M1 ...llt.4 ... 7X4 t 0 1 to I 00 I 04 I 04 I 00 t oe 8 10 I to 8 10 I to I 86 I 16 I II I 94 I 16 8 66 I 8 36 I 16 8 40 8 46 3 64 8 to 60 I 60 t 60 I 60 I 4X1 1 11 I I n 13 1 10 1 10 , 1 8 I 1 40 81 II 14 I 40 4 II IT 31 4 7 ....1JC0 ....1020 ....1171 ....1161 ....lull .... 674 ....1010 ....ins ....1144 .... Ill ....12VI ....1041 ....1100 .... r6 .... m ....ltii .... 030 ...,1M .... 4 ....125 ....1111 .., .ll2 ....10?l ....UM .... ;l ....1161 1117 .... J4 3 44 I CO 44 I 46 I 70 8 70 3 ft t 40 8 00 3 00 I 00 8 M I 00 8 00 8 M 3 06 8 10 I 10 I 10 3 M I if I 86 I 14 8 M I 40 I 40 8 41 8 60 I 40 .1144 COWS. AND HEIFERS. ,.10tl I 00 HEIFERS- 3.. 1.. St.. 14.. 4.. 4.. 8.. . 474 , 110 Tit ttA 741 7l , m i to t 60 I 4S at I M I 00 I w 11.. 8 IS 44 3 86 I it I 16 I 16 I it .100 11!"'.! . 661 .Hue 1. BULLS. I... 1... 1... 3... 1... 8 to 1 1260 8 4 3 14 ' 1.... 1110 I 16 I 26 1 .....U70 I tit CALVEb. ..14M ..141 v. 140 is . STAGS. 1 1140 I 0 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 6 421 3 W 1 660 I 70 6 1 IK M 61 8 J 8 liui 3 U HOGS There was not a heavy run of hogs here thia molding, but with a good demand and favorable reports from other points the market ruled active and fully a dime higher than yetterday. There til very little change in the market from atart 10 11 111 an ana an eariy clearance was mad Oood weight hugs sold largely at 64.62H and 34 66. with prime heavies stilling from 84. 67 to 84 76. Medium weight hogs sold largely round 34 60. with llalit mixed l.uarla .,i. from that down to 84 40, with extreme light wetghta and plga still lower. The lighter welgnts were avaln neglected and hard to sell at any trice, as the packers were looking for heavy hogs and left I lie litthl weights until the list. They finally bought tilrvery thing In sight, however, so that a gnod clearance waa made at art early hour. Representative anles: He. at. aa. Tr y. aa. Tt. tk 1 ... 4 46 64 l4 40 4 44 T6 t IS 4 6l 44 aijaj 14 4 C6 M tl ... 4 66 4J i7 l'H 4 46 2.11 120 4 66 17 l1 4A 4 46 ? K6 ... 4 6J 6 Ill lie 4 16 Tl MT W 4 41 00 JUJ ... 4(6 77 1:1 40 4 40 44 ... 4 46 "0 .HI 1M 4 0 It J7 ... 4 47 114 WO 4 40 62 t6 20 4 46 7 ISO 10 4 I 71 27 M 4 44 64 IJ5 10 4 4214 47 171 ... 4 6 14 tl ... 4 IIS (2 .i uo 40 146 ... 4 42S. 64 Ml 0 4 46 64 170 140 4 424 61 11 140 4 7 .164 o 4 4: 4 ..:....rj ... 4 i 64 .13 ... 41 4 Tl .141 ... 4l:a, 62 ... SXS 0 4 47V, . ...115 440 4 I7V ...140 40 4 474 ....121 i0 4 7'4 ! 2i 140 4 4f 61 51 241 0 4 , 40 at Jim 4 JJla. u .176 40 4 70 a 166 240 4 4? Ta m lie 4 Ta 41 7 ... 4 a I 4i,0 ... 4 tj 7 !4 tuO 4 44 4 tto ... 4 76 '4 7 ... 4 14 1.1 441 ... 4 T5 6 Ill k0 4 46 II ... I T6 0 171 80 4 46 11 117 ... 4 no IM ' 4 4.1 11 Ill ... 4 00 64 ,124 120 4 46 41 ll ... 4 It ' 174 44 4 M M. IKS ... 460 t ... 46 TO. .:.... 0 4 60 l '. r0 10 4 - I 2 40 4 61 1 2:H) 10 .4 65 76 IM n 4 65 K 40 ... 4 46 41 117 140 4 66 2WI ... 4 IS T5 .214 ... Ill 71 ... 46 44 1.11 ... 4 65 '!- fi 4 45 11., .i 120 4 66 to.. ......lit lift 4 m im ... 4 I 62 112 120 4 66 in '.'It 40 4 67V4 61 JU 0 4 U it. M4 ... 4 ) 8 S0 l 4 46 (16 214 tl 4 n 4 .rfl 12ft 4 46 6ft 2.11 . 40 -2!"0 40 4 46 CI 2 60 4 H MS ... 4 to T Hi ... 4 60 m 267 40 4 46 64 Jul 12 4 42 66 2 10 4 46 SHEEP There was a light run of sheep and lambs hern thla morning, nnd as the demand was again liberal the market ruled active and strnng io a dime higher on oil grades of klll -rs. The ame Ra hns been the cnie nil tt week, there did not seem to be enough on snle to meet the require ments of local packers, nnd na a result they bought tip everything In sight at an ear'y hour. The common, r gradea na well as tho good stuff sold higher. For the week the market Is now 2.V!i loc higher. There were only a few feeders on sale and not enough to make a test of the mar ket, but owing to the fact that there are several orders In the hands of commission men It Is safe to quote the market strong. Quotations for corn-fed sfck Cholcn western lnmba, 35.2f.ftri.J6: fmr to good lamb, 34.7Mi6.2T; good to choice yearling. 34.35i4.5o; fair to good yearlings. 3l.Onu4.25; good to choice wethers, $.5-lr4.O0; fair to good wethers. 33.2iVSj3.5l; good to choice ewes, 33.25(63.65; fair to good ewes, 33.lXVti3.26: choloe feeder lamns. J3.e7J4.10; fair to goorl feeder-lambs, 83.26'fiS60; babv Iambs 32.iOfl 8 00: feeder yenrMng. 33 25W3 6.-: feeder wethers, 8.1.1 5$ 3. 36; feeder ewes. 31 .751.26; rulls, 31-0091.70. Representative sales: No. Av. Tr. 11 western wethers 90 8 3o 111 western ewes , , 1H2 3 35 456 western yearlings 97 8 60 1W western yearlings 98 8 90 69 western ewes 81 18") 17 western lambs 45 3 '.i 7 western ewes 9J 8 25 10 western ewes 114 3 45 174 western ewes 86 3 60 60 western wethers 114 4 00 48 native ewea 91 4 00 503 weatern yearllnga 89 4 40 258 western yearlings 91 4 50 836 western yearlings 96 4 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET, Cattlo and HogC Prices Aro Higher, evith Sheep Lower. CHICAGO, Dec. Sl.-CATTLK Receipts. 7,000 head; strong to 15c higher; good to rlme steers. 36.00i&6.75; poor to medium, 3.50fg00; stockers and feeders, $2.0ui'4.1O; cows, 81. 7Ktji4. 26; heifers. 82.OWii4.76; canners, 31.75'o2 40; bulls, $2.0XrM25; calves, 32.6iKii6.75. HOGS Receipts, 32,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 20,000 head; steady to 6c-higher) good to choice heavy. 31 75tff4.90; rough heavy, 34.4OfH.70; light, 4.34J4.70; bulk of sales. 84.6064.7R. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 13,000 hend; , sheep and lambs, lower; good to choice wethers 33.75(94.50; fair to choice mixed. 33.00fii3.35; western sheep, 3.3MJ4.80; native lambs, 33.26(34.60. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Dec. SI. CATTLE Re ceipts. 4,200 head. Including 160 southerns: market steady to 16o higher. Export and dreased beef steers, 34.20ij4.85; fair to good, $3 76(j 4. 15; western fed steers, 33.254.16; stockeia and feeders, steady at 32.50fS-4.00; southern steers, strong at 3140(64.10; south ern cows, strong at 3L60W2.60; native cows, strong at 31.6Ofi4.O0; native heifers, strong at ti.WX3t.60: bulls, -i strong- at 32.60iQ3.50: calves, steady at 32.50tfi&.80; receipts of cattle for the year, 1.952,900 head. HOGS Receipts, 8.600 head; market 5(ff10o hlghtr. Top. 34.72H: bulk of sales, 34. 554.70; heavy, 84.57W3-4.72H; packers, 34.6004.70; Rigs and. light. 34.401.62. -Receipts of ngs for the year, l,969.6oo head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 head; market strong. Native lambs, 34 76 6.65; western lamba, f3.754J4.15; fed ewes, 32.76ff3.60; western fed yearlings, 33.B0ifj-4.S5: stockers and feeders, - 32.503.65. Recelpta for the year of sheep. 1,151,900 head. St. I.oola Live stock Market. ST. JXWIB. Dee. 81.-CATTLERecelpts, 2.600 head, including 1,000 Texans; market strnng. Natlvo shipping end export steers, 34.3frfi6.26; dreased beef and butcher steers, 34.0OfQ5.O6: steers under 1.000 pounds, 33.768 4.85; stockers and feeders, $2.20ft3.60: cows and heifers, 32.251i4.00; canners. 32.00-7r2.3O; bulls. 32.20(83.60: calves, $4.25ii7.26; Texas and Indiun steers, 82.4OQ4.00; cows and heif ers. 32.10fy3.0O. HOOS Receipts, 9.000 head; market 6910o higher. Pigs and lights, 34.30fj4.46; pack ers. 84 40ft 4.66; butchers and best heavy, 34.6004.85. . , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head; market strong. Native muttons, 33.25ff4.10; lambs. 84.40fr6.50; culls and bucks, (2.00(3 8.60; stockers, 82.0O-a2.5O. Kovr York Live Stoek Market.. NEW YORK, Dee. 31.-BETSVES Re ceipts, 68 head; a few sales were effected and the market rated about steady; native steers sold at 84.60iff5.S5 per cwt. ; dry cows, 8l.8Of4f3.6O, not Including one at 34; dreased beef, ateady; dressed native- sldea, 6-340 CHICAGO MINNEAPOLIS Mala Offlro Haahatlaa Bldg. Ta PAIL, MINN.. Dealer la Stock, Grain, Provisions Bought and sold for cash or carried on reasonable margins, upon which a commis. Ion will be charged of Va on grain, W on stocks and Va on flax. Private Wires. Write for our market letter and private telegraph cipher mailed free. SKIP YOUR GRAIN TO US lYompt Returns. Beat Facilities r Liberal Advances. Usual Commission BRANCH OFFICES 1 OMAHA 108 Bee Bldg. ' 'Phona SSll BOUTII OMAHA 323 and 33S Exchange Bldg. 'Phona 72. COUNCIL BLUFFS 406 and 408 Sapp pldS- 'Phone 574. . v LINCOLN. DRI MOINES. Approved Manufacturing Properties Incorporated and Financed ' Large Issues of Industrial and Railroad Bonds Underwritten Write Oar Baal Dept.. for I. lat of Maalelual Beads. LoROY DAVIDSON, Baakera aad Fiscal Agoals, CHARLOTTE, ft. ('. . RaoM Ilk, 4JO Broadway. New York. N. . . MEIIICAI.. V CO G3HMISSIQ taQUlPlN STOCKS AND BONDS QRAIN AND PROVISIONS We bare over ltt ffloaa. 3UfOrenooi 178 Stat) axad Nat'l Baka. Ot'88 tBTIC88 I THS BKtT. Oat of Teara Buataaaa Sol lot ted. Oaaaks IkaaoVl 84V168e aal 44a, Tag. 844V7 TE01 M. WADDICL Cormf)4Ki4Ml Edvjords. Uood m Co per lb.; cables last received niiottd Ameri can steers at lli!2c. dressed refrigerator beef at atnc per lb. CALVES Receipla. 122 head; veals rated Se higher; the Was .slow and un changed olherwlae; rests apld at R.fl1f9.iS er cwt,; city dretajed Veals, kiftUVto per SHEEP AN'D IAMBP-Receli.ta, 17S7 head; sheep rated nolet and stendy; la rub generally slower, tiremse as a trlrle easier; sheep sold t 83.00i4sflrt per cwt. J lamba. 30.86; eulla. 64.86; dresaed mutton, 6iio per lb.; drecaed lnmba, 8'-hllo, . HOH8 Recelpta, L4T3 head;. market wsa slightly firmer; a fef Jersey hogs sold at 3o.iHHa5.26 tier cwt. au- , ' St. Joaepk I tv Slock Market. ST. JOSEPH. DiV. 81. -CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.050 head. Markft 10e Mglferj na tives, 33.6"fi 6. Jfi; cos and heifers, 11 604J 4.35; stockers and fif'dera, 3!.76tf4 26. IIOIIS Receipts. 4.'T! hend. The market was 6c lower; light, 5 6Wj6.70; medium and heavv. 35 KKi 5.721. SIIKKP AND I-AMHS-Recelpts. 971 head. The market was loc higher; lambs, 3oo; yearlings, 35 wethera, 34 40; ewra, . $3.60. Stoek im Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock at the el principal western cities yester day: l"n?H. lings. Bher-n Ornih Chlcaito .... City St. I.ouls Stv Joseph .. Sioux Clt,v . v Totals ... 7,627 4111 7.010 4.2(10 2 5f0 1.050 aw f.?.0 8..V1O 000 4.778 5.041 8.000 " 64) ;2 .16.880 66.S06 .h$S Dry Oood Market.- NEW TOR K, Dec. 81.-DRT OOODS-Th' day on the exchange wns a, short one and buyers were conxpii-iioii by their abaence. The further stiffening of prices has been, general and the market has not felt anv weakening effect from any decline wlrlrh has resulted in the raw cotton market. , Peoria Grata Market. PEORIA, Dee. SI. CORN Higher; new. No. S, 34e; new. No. 4. 37S538; No. 3, 42c. IOSTOFriCE .NOTICE. (Should be rend DAILT by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) ' - Foreign malls for the week ending Jflnu. nry 2. 1904. will close (PROMPTLY In all ctscsr at the Oenernl PostofTlce na fol lown: 1ARCELS-I'03T MAILS cJoae on hour earllr-r than cliislng time shown below. ParcelH-post malls for Oermany close at I p. m. Monday, per '. a. Main. Regular and suppiemtntary nll dose at foreign Siailon Imlf hour later than clon ing time ahown below (except that Bupp'e lueiitary Malls for Europe and Central l'OSlOl'l'KE KOTICKa America, via Colon, eloa on hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls.-, SATURDAY At 6 a. m. for KUROI'A per s. a. Philadelphia, via Southampton tmnlL for Ireland must be directed "per a a. Philadelphia' ); at 8:30 a. m. for BEL GIUM direct, per a. a. Finland (malt musl 1 - be directed ''per e. a. 'Finland"); at 1:30 & in. for SCOTLAND direct, per . a. An cl.orltt (mall must be directed "per a. a Anchorla"); at 10 30 a. m. (appl r enter) 12 m.) for KUROPl?., per a. a. Ktrurla, vis Queenatown; at 11 a.- m. for DENMARK direct, per a. a. island mail must be di rected "per a. a. Island"). After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls named above, addi tional Supplementary Malia are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and Carman steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour , el sailing of steamer ( . Malls for Booth aad Ceatral America, West Indies, Etc. , SATURDAY At 3:30 a. m. (supplementary ' 8:80 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEB- ' VELA, per s. a. Maracalbo (mail (or Savantlla and Cartegena must be directed "per s. s. Maracalbo"); at 8 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. a. Ponce, via Ran Juan; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 0:3o a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, BAVANILLA and CARTAUENA, per a. s. Valencia (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. a. Valencia"); at 8:30 a. m. .(supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for INAGUA and HAITI, per a. a. Flandrla; at 10 a.- in. for CUBA, jier's. a. Mexico, via Havana; at I, p. m. for ARGENTINE, URUOUAI ind PARAGUAY,, per a. a. Sailor .Prince. Malls Vorwartred Overlaad, Bte., Bi. ' cabt TraaapaclSc. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Fla., closes at thla office daily, except Thursday, at 15:30 a. m. (the connecting mails close here on Mondays, W'ednaadays and Satur days. MEXICO CITY Overland, unleaa specially addressed for' despatch by tteamer, closes ut this office dally, except 8t nday,.at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. , Sundays at I p. m. and 11:80 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND Ry rail to North Syd ney, and thence by steamer, closes at this . omco dally at 6:30 p. ttu (connecting malls ' close here every Monday, Wednesday and r-aturdav). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office at 6:90 p. ni. every Tuesday. By rail to Philadelphia and thence by steamer closea at this office -at 11:30 p. m. every Wednesday. M1QUELON By tail to Boston, and thence by steumer, closes at tMs office dally, at 6 80 p. m. BELIZE, PUERTO CORTRZ and OTJAT13 MALA By .rail to M4 Orleans.' and thence by steamer, closes M this nfflce -dally, except Sunday, at 1.30 p, i:i.xand I U 130 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 111 30 . p. m. (connecting mall cloa bar Mora daya at 111:80 tt- TO ' ' . . COSTA RICA By rail I Now Orleans.' and thence by steamer. . cio-aee at this tifflce -dilly, except Sunday, at 1 :30 p. m. and U:30 p. m., Sundays at fl p. m. and 111:30 p. m. tconmciing mail closes hare Tues days at 8,11:30 p. m. BAHAMAS (Except Parcels-Post Malla.) By rail to Miami, Fla., and thence by steamer, closes at 11:30 p. m. every Tues day. (.REGISTERED MAIL clares ot t p. in. previous day. - Tranapaelflo Malls. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, . via S.ih Fian. ' tlsoo, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to December 27, Inclusive, for dexpatcn per ' United Statea Transport. CHINA AND JAPAN, via Tacoma. closes . here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to December l-Wlh. lncrualve, for despatch per a. a. Olympla. 1 TAHlli and MARQUESAS ISLANDS via Ban Franclac.i, close here dully at 6.M p. m. up to January 1. inc!ui-lve, for des patch per a. s. M'M-a. HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP. PINE INLANDS, via Sun 6'ranoUao, ci'ae here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January :d. Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Siberia. HAWAII, via, San ituicl.-co, close here dally 6.80 p. m. up to Juuuary 4. inolu slve, for despatch per a. a. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, ciuxe here dally at 6 80 p. m. up to January 6tli, in clusive, for despatch per a. s. biilnano Muru. , AUSTRALIA (except a'estl. FIJI' 181. ANDS and N'UW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close ' here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to January 8th, inclusive, for despatch per a. a.- Moano. HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, dune her daily at t:30 p. m. to January flvtn. Inclusive, fur deNputcli ptr . a. Coptic. NEW ZEALAND, Al BTRALIA 'except Westl, NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI, SA MOA and HAWAII, via Hun Kranclaco, close here dally at 6:3u p. at. up to Janu ary lbth, IliilUblve, lor dea patch per a. a. buuoina. (if the Cunatd steamer carrying the H I'Dh mall !ir New Z.-aiand d-n-s not arrive In time- to connnct with this drapatch, extra malls clualng at 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 8. 80 l. m.; Sundays at 4.30 a. in., t a. m. and 6 p. in. will be made up and forwarded until die arrival of the t'uiiard steamer.) - CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here dully at 6:40 p. in. up to January 119th. Inclusive, for despatch per a. s. Empress of Jusan. later- ' chandlae for U. S. postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) ' NOTE 1'nlesa ntherwlae addressed West Australia la foiwarltd via Europe, and New iCeiland and Philippines via Can Francle the Quickest rone; phlllp j lues 'peclally addresaeo "via Capi.da ' or "via Europe" inuat n fully prepaid at ' the foreign rate. Hawaii is forwaroed via Sun Francl.-tco oxclualvely. t Tranapaclflc mails are .orwardad .0 port of - suiiing oBiiy ana tne scneouie or Closing I ariunged on the presumption Of their uninterrupted overland transit. in-gl land transit. in-gl HP. tl. previous .fa;, COTT. roarmastrr. lerea mini riosa-s si CORNELIUS VAN Postofflce, New York. N. Y-, . Dst crabar 34, tirua. LEGAL BOTICst. NOTICE. .-uiiiai w nereuy gjveni mar tne annual 1 meeting of the stockTioldera of the Omaha ' J (lus ompany will be bld at the oUli-e of I the company, Merchants National Bank, building, at 10 a. m. Monday. January 4. I IIS, it.r thai li.t, a.f ilir.l.... .. ,L. enaulng year and for the traduction uf u-h other bualneaa aa may r- the meeting. Chicago ixaver FRANK MURPHY GEORGE W. CLABAl'OH. 4 On.aha, Devembtr iU, Km. 1