I 10 THE OMAITA DAILY BEEl THURSDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1P03. AT LEAST ONE ELEVATOR Ksw Structure to E Erected in Spring bj TwamltT & Son. FIRM ITSELF GIVES OUT INFORMATION Caeaaage Delesates Betara from Mia. ; Beaaolla, bat Do Not Commit Themselves oa Air New Plaas. "If thers la no change In the prtspect ef a market we will pm up an elevator early next spring," said E. C. Twsmley of i. F. Twsmley Bon. "W contemplate Sorting and cleaning house, with a storage capacity of from 200,'XK) to 2.0,000 buahela. We also are thinking of starting feeders out In this state an J l i Iowa, wer baps. We have been getting figures on the cost of such an elevator, but have not yet had plans drawn. We are waiting on developments to the extent thnt we have not decided on the location. Our bu'lding Will not have a very large storage capacity, but as business Increases we csn udd tanks to largely Increase this. We have four feeders for such a sorting house, two to the west on the Burlington and two esst on the Great Western. We wish to 1 net case this number, but the state is covered with levators now and It is a rtlincilt thing to find an advantageous point unoccupied. We are going over the He'tl. "All of this, of course, depends on whether anything Is dons to endanger the market. The new Northwst?rn rnte seems to be the only bad thing so fur, and nobody eems sure of that. It may have a bad effect and place up In a way where we Were before, with the grain passing through to the east. It seems likely, however, that the local rates will be adjusted. All the other roads have treated us well, and no body seems sure about what the North western Intends." ' Back from Mlnaeapolls. President O. W. Watties. A. C. Bmlth, K. Merrlam and F. P. Klrkendall, directors of the Omaha Grain exchange, have re turned to Omaha from Minneapolis., Vice President S. A. McWhorter went from Min neapolis to Chicago and the others will return to Omaha during the next two or three days. "Wi had a yery satisfactory trip,"-said Mr. Wattles, "and learned much of Interest from the operations of the exchange in Minneapolis. They handled 600 cars on the floor the day we were there and 1,100 the day before. We were entertained very nicely and given a lunch by the Chamber of Commerce." In answer to a question as to whether any levators or mljle had been brought back by the party Mr. Wattles said: "When you here us tell you we have an levator or a mill we will have it. None of these 'perhaps so' propositions. I do not wish to say anything further, as pub licity might Interfere with some business which we hsvs on hand." Nathan Merrlam seemed equally pleased with the Minneapolis Junket and also was uncommunicative. Learn Good Lesson. "It was an Interesting lesson to some of the party who had not seen Che exchange In operation," he said. "They must have 250 men on the floor as a rule, busy In grain transactions. We met President Stlckney. He wsnts an elevator built here, but did not make any further assurance of putting one up. He wants one and he may be the first, after all. to start building. "I notice." continued Mr. Merrlam, "thai you had an Interview Tuesday with a Mis souri commercial man. In which he says that the grain rates first announced by the Great Western completely stopped business down there while they were In operation, I don't see how that can be, for, taking Kansas City as an Instance, they had more ' cars of grain In Tuesday than we hsvs handled In the whole season. They have averaged during the month 400 cars a day. On that rate we shipped In some 200 cars and I think that was the greater part of what was handled In Omaha, so you see how foolish It Is for them to say that their business was brought to a standstill." Enas lleadaeke's Torture. Lay livers and sluggish bowels cause headaches. Dr. King's New Life Pills re move the cause or no pay. Only Kc. For sale by Kuhn 4 Co. - MACHINISTS MEET WITH M'KEEN fcoamea, Thvoaajh Representatives, ' Coafer with Union Faeiae Official . . at Harrl man's Rcqnest. TJnlon Paclflo machinists, through repre sentatives of district lodge No. It and two of the members of the International execu tive committee, began a conferenoe yes terday with W. R. McKeen, Jr., super Intendent of motive power and machinery of the Union Pacific, relative to a final ad Justment of matters left unfinished after the recent strike. The conference Is held at the request of E. II. Harrlman, who met the machinists' representatives when here soms two weeks ago. M. J. Ford, vice president and executive committeeman, and Hugh Doran, execu tive committeeman, arrived yesterday from Chicago to participate In this conference. Chasmberlala's Coach Heated? la Pleaaaat to Take. The finest quality of granulated loaf sugar t used In the manufacture of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the roots used In Its preparation give It a flavor similar to maple syrup, making It quite pleassnt to take. Mr. W. L. Roderick of Poolesvllle, Md., In pesklng of this remedy, says: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with my children for several years and can truth fully say It Is the best preparation of ths kind I know of. The children like to take It and It has no Injurious after effect." Banal Burns 10 off all Llbbey cut glaas this week. Terrlll. Finding that I am greatly overstocked In an sorts of materials, I will for the next Month make a great reduotlon on every thing In stock making svenlng and dinner gowns for lees than cost, shirtwaist dresses for ISO and 146, handsome lacs gowns for less than cost, cheviot walking skirls for tU. mixed goods, US. E. It. TERK1LL. OataJa LaSae to, is, A. o. V. At. teatlea. lit funeral of Brother H. C. Btrelts will take place Thursday afternoon, Dec . ft I o'clock from the residence. 1011 B. 10th ava. Members of this lodge and of ths order are lnvtted to attend. FETTER MILHEDE. Master Workman. C 1L COLLIER, Recorder. Xattoo of Dlaaalatloa. Notice la given that on ths ttth day of December, A. D. 1S03. the eopartnershlD heretofore existing under the name Parma- lea, Redfeara i Co. has been dissolved, to be succeeded by Redfearn A. iterson, who will assume all lis liabilities and collect all Its claims. p. B. PaRMELEB, Oraad ball given by Banner Lodge F. V. A. at Myrtle ball. New Year's eve. Ad mission, Ko. Refreshments, a Semi-annual cWtrinci sale starts Satur day at Lilliputian Basaar. Sea ad Friday star us-ayuad words Uua week la the waal ada. Start an. Account in Our Bank Jfo LIS Special New FOR TOMORROW, LADIES' STYLISH COATS AT $8.98 Swell the caries, Ladies' $5.00 Silk New Silk Waists, taffeta and peau de soies, tucked and laoe trimmed, all colors and Aces and -fes 2.98 on main floor bargain square at. French Flannel Mercerized Waists New Mercerized Waists, white and colored, nlso French Flannel Waists, all colors, worth $3.50 eaoh, ko at each . 50c FRENCH FLANNELS AT 25c YARD All our French Flannels, in plain colors and ' new fancy designs strictly all imported at a yard Extra Values in Trimmed Hats In Our Millinery Department Never before have we offered such exquisite up-to-date new Trimmed Hats all clean, new fresh trimmed for this eth"! 5.00-2.50-1.00 31. "JC. Ptnnbti & pan DOZEN CHILDREN AND NO WORK Oppressed Father with Large Family Applies tor Aid aad Is Di rected to Cat Ice. A man giving the name of A. Armstrong appeared at ths court house Tuesday after noon, asking for transportation for his family to Emporia, Kan. He was accom panied by his wife and a dosen children, ranging In age from S to 15 years. The father said he had been sick and unable to procure work and that he had relatives living at Emporia. Commissioner McDon ald said that he could get work cutting Ice on the lakes and recommended that he apply for a position. AaaoaaeemeBts of the Theaters. This evening Mr. Charles B. Hanford will present at the Boyd theater for a single performance "Richard III." Mr. Hanford Is well known as one of the old school actors, whoss fidelity to the classics has never been questioned. .IJls company Is led this year by Miss Drofnah, a young woman who has been highly spoken of by eastern critics. The production Is repo4bd to be one of the most elaborate ever given the play. The well known Colly Clbber version. In which the last scene of "King Henry VI" Is added as ths opening scene of "Richard III." is used. For the New Tear's attraction at ths Boyd Manager Burgess offers "Qulncy Adams Sawyer." A special matinee will be given on Friday and the regular matinee on Saturday. The regular mid-week matinee will be given at the Orpheum this afternaon. Ths eight varied features Include much that appeals to women, the leading feature, how ever, Valerie Bergere, who with her own company Is presenting a little comedy called 'Jlmmle's Experiment," will maks ths strongest bid for favor. Miss Bergere Is a dainty, winsome artiste with a true t Wtent for acting. Matinee and evening p41'm- snces will be given New Year's, ths seats ais selling rapidly. A large theater parties that i 11 year out and the new year ranged for seats tonight. Qrsu's Opera company will llKln an en gagement of three nights, will matinee Friday and Saturday, at the Kt'g theater Thursday night, , presenting sfie operas The Wlsard of ths Nile." "E Capltan" and "Isle of Chsmpagxe, oplng with The Wlsard of the Nile." This I'pera was presented at the New Ycrk Cas Bio In New York nearly a year to recofd-breaking houses, and was the talk of all New York. A reproduction of the same JH be given here, with soeclal scenery wjloh Is said to be something gorgeous. ' Itf being spe cially designed snd painted for this season's production of "The Wlsard" std Its models from photographs of ths city (of Egypt raaeral Notice Ths members of Captltol fodga No. t, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, are re quested to assemble at Freemasons hull on Thursday, December 81- et 1 o'clock p. m., to sttend the funeral fit our late Bro. Aaron Cahn. Members cf Covert No. 11. St John's No. Is and Nebraska Lodge No. 1 and sojourning Master Masons are cor dially Invited. i BY ORDER OF THE MASTER. JOHK BAMFORD. Secy, RAILROAD lOLlDAT RATES la all directions vpi THE NORTHWESTERN LINS." December M-ZSil. Good till January "Only Doubles track Una to Chicago." City OfflceA 14U1-1 Farnam BU VIED. STRIETZ Henry C. December St. MOB seed M years and I days. Funeral Thurmday. I - m be r XI. 1901, at I p m. from family rel4-nce. 1013 South Thirtieth avenue Interment at Pruiipect Hill eemetary. r'rteiiae inviisa. HARTLKY A. ffcrtls, died st Albarebrs "1. Funeral t Alhambra Thursday t,r Jiirh tr of if . old Wear- T axtsrnooD, ice.fc"r tt. Open a New Year Bank Year's Sales Long and Military Coats, mads with the new semi-fitted backs, also military styles. In the popular and most Jaunty fashion for winter wear there coats are here coats are 8.98 made in the atyllh fab rics and have sold as high as 117.50 your choice tomorrow at , Ladles' $25 Cloaks at $12.50 new effects In Military Coats, with bullet button trimmings shoulder made of slbellne, cheviots, mel i, cheviots, mel- 12.50 tons, etc. many In this lot are high grade sample garments worth as high as 13 each at Swell Golf and Walklnr Skirts Her Is a regular SO Golf and Walking Skirt made of meltons and mannish ana mannish 3.50 cloths trimmed with straps and buttons styl ishly made and splen did for winter street wear at Waists at $2.98 rri no TCo It JU'UOv" 31 25c JJ. L taittt $ ?m ICE TOOLS We carry the only stock in the west, Win, T. Woods & Co's celebrated tools. Send for 1904 catalogue. 3 Jas. Morton & Son Co. 1911 Dodre Street. Exclashr Afents Sates 80 Per Cent la Cat Bills The Kern Burner Special Library and Dining room Light. 100 Candle, J Hours, I Cant Mora light than six eleotrio bulbs atl-Uth the cost. "OvtUghU All Other LightL" Kern Incandescent Gas Light Co. CHICAGO, ' D. W. DUDGEON. Agent, PLUMBER AM GAS FITTER, Phone 1966 2910 Farnam St 0 MICHIGAN CENTRA!, Chleaa;oGraBd Rapids Llae. The Michigan Central has put on a new and convenient .service of three solid through trains each way. between Chicago and Urand Rapids, with sleepers on night trains and parlor and dining ears on day trains. The equipment Is first-class In every particular, and the schedule has been carefully arranged with a view to the accommodation of business men. City ticket office, lit Adams street, depot, UUt street and Park Row, Chicago. Chaage of Time. On Rock Island system, Sunday, January t, 1904. on and after which date train leav ing Omaha at 1:30 p. m. dally and arriv ing Omaha 6:06 p. m. dally will maks dl rect connections at Falrbury with new pas senger trains Nos. 26 and 26, running be tween Falrbury and Nelson; also train No. 7. leaving Omaha 4:10 n. m. dull v. and train No. 68, arriving Omaha 12:40 noon Auttv Mb& . . i Y " vunin,uuiu ti xeiievuis with passenger trains Nos. and 10 to and from waatarn Kinui an point a Attealloa, riremeal Ths members of the Veteran Fireman's association will attend the funeral of their late comrade, Aaron Cahn, In a body, and will meet at the late residence of the de ceased, J225 Farnam street. Thursday aiierooon at i.sj. F. H. KOESTERU, Beo. RAILROAD HOLIDAY KAT1& la all directions via "TUB NORTHWESTERN LINK." Deoember Ze-a-ai. Good till January ' 4 "Only Double-track Line to Chicago." City Offices. 14Ul-14(Jg Farnam At. Everybody reads the want aa page these days. Now la ths tuna to put your there. Christmas Dlaaer ttlgr gaeaaea. Brigadier J. W. Cousins of ths Salvation Army announces that ths army's Christ, mas dinner to the poor was a remarkable sucoees, ss ths contributions wars liberal and of area! variety b'aakeU wU tiisd wlU) prevuleaa, SaAi we aere aoie to give out aver wv my DOT OrpfMlV EllJS TUB RBI HAUL STUB ft. TAKE NOTICE. Thursday, December 31st, is the last day Free Coupons will be given. Do not fail to secure Tickets to Boyd's theater for January 5th to parties holding gift coupons are now ready for distribution. NO CIIAKGE. Hardware, Stoves and Ilouso Furnishings Great Pre-lnvenfory Sale BPECIAI.I CTT PRICK ON ALT, HEAT INQ STOVES. WE HAVE ALT. KINDS HASE BURNERS, AIR-TIGHT OAKS. HOT BLASTS, WOOD AIR-TIGHTS ALSO STEEL AND CA8T RANGES AND COOK 8TOVKH AND WILL MAKE A SPECIAL CUT PRICE FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS. The Rrgal Universal double-heating base burner, tne nnest ana A el best made, l-lnch Air-Tight 05Q Oak. l-lnch Hot 9.95 4.95 1.39 Blast l-tnch Air-Tight URK 18-Inch Wood Air- Tight Barney tt Berry Men's and Boys Skates, soim steel, run clamp, 39C Meat Department Porterhouse Steak, Dr lb 10c 25c 25c .; 25c It lbs. Loin Steak S lbs. Round Bteak 4 lbs. Shoulder Steak.... Pot Roast, Ci per lb M Boll Beef, . rt per lb Veal Stew, 3Jc 8c 5Jc per ID Veal Chops, per id Veal Roast, per id Great Sacrifice Sale of Groceries Prior to Inventory. 21 pounds Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for 11.00 White Russian. Diamond C, Beat 'Em All, Bwirt s Pride or Armour s Laun dry Soap, per bar ZHc Breakfast Rolled Oats per pound 2c nana flexed wavy Beans per pound. ao Pearl Tapioca, Sago. Barley or Farina, per pound .. .. 2c Good Japan Rice per pound ic oree, vigor, vim, Meutnta, M ana- Vita or Malta Ceres per Dackase To Mln-e Meat per package Puddlne, Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O per package 6c Castile Soap per cake 1c HAYDEN A NEW YEAR'S OlfT (a quite ths thing these days we are showing many nanasoms pieces in watcnes, fancy clocks, leather purses ets, opera glasses ana Hundreds or otner articles sua ble for a New Year's gift. Spend a few minutes in our tore. LOOK FOR THE NAME. W. LINDSAY. The Jeweler, 1616 Dou jr las Streat. Omaha. wit Women's $3,00 Welts In this shoe ws offer our friends a genuine welt sole at the pries of an ordinary machine-sewed sole. The reason we can do this Is that our sxpenss In selling them Is nothing, as we have to have our help, etc conse quently we put ths extra value In the shoe Itself. Flvs different leathers and twice as many styles patsnt snd box calf, velour calf, ideal kid and vlcl kid. This la a shoe that gives general sat isfaction for winter wear. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Far nan Street. Oasaha'a Ua-ta-Dat She House All's Well That Ends Well 25c 20c per dosen Choice Country Butter per pouna I Creamery Butter (any kind) 271 r1 I ner nound I - I Purchaae vour a-roeanes snd meat hwe it the loweat Doaaibla coat consistent with I quality, and the usual u.vltmg, Ireah and everything purchased of Exponents Ccxxl Livintf stS; i-5FARNAln ST GftOCERT TEL8..' 9-im. .. adAltlCiST TEL8-, 73. Agents for Alton Flour. NOTICE. Our stors will remain closed the entire dsy, January 1st, 1JU4. rient for Sve or more people. The baskets wvie tert murn iimrM . i ana nv.r 1 vj people on Chr limit day were mads hapy SS tliS result of tha a-narnllv of the leoD. of Omaha, and we are gnttful Indeed tur tun nearly co operation we received. v Thousands wtll read your want ad, word for word. ,lf run this week during the mis- - , 1 siUed word suuUaV. 3 Thursday's pre - lnventory that other f 10.00 coupon, theu. Boys' and Girls' Sleds, each Double Roadsters .., Steel frame Wringers Galvanised Palis Weather Strips $2 00 Folding Ironing- Hoards 19c 49c 95c e aaaaaa a w , .12c c 95c The Standard Steel Range, with high warming closet, asbestos lined, very nicely nickel- y er plated, warranted Veal Steak. (r per lb , MJV, Mutton Stew, i per lb B Mutton Roast, Rrr per lb Ov Mutton Legs, per lb Mutton Chops, per lb Pork Butts, per lb S lbs. Pork Chops ., .71c 61c 25c Ws have an abundance of Turkeys, Oeese, ducks ana unicaens. Oysters, 35a and 25c DRIED FRUIT SALE. FRE-INVENTORY California prunes, per pound 2Ho Choice Utah peaches, lb ..7Ho Fancy California peaches, lb ........ ....8o Fancy Colorado Elberta peaches, lb luo Choice Michigan apples, lb 8Ho Fancy N. T. Ring apples, lb lOo California dried grapes, lb 6o English Cleaned currants, lb lo FRESH FRUIT SALE PRE-INVENTORT Large juicy sweet oranges, each lo New Hallowe'en dates, lb 6c Fancy mixed nuts, lb .....lOo Freeh -coasted peanuts, measura Do Large Brazil coooanuts, each 4o BROS. diamonds, sliver, cut glass, and traveling seta The Only Double Track Railway between the Missouri River and Chloago. 6 DAILY TRAINS OMAHA TO CHICAGO 8.25 THE OVERLAND LIMITED MaaalOerat eoli4 dallr rln o Chletre. OompeH Bieat aad drawiat-rooia .lewlna eu. library, boBe. berber. beta, telephone, dlnlnc eex sad ebesrtaUoa ear. Eleotrle Hasted throusbout. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS yallaes toarirt .leeptog ears sad coachee, IMalng sen eaat treat Olinioa. 5.50 pm THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pnllmu Jmriea-raoni and Srarlat aleeslaa eere, free reelmina ehelr ears, buffet librarf aad emokln UiaUs ( 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 3.40 am Pullman drawl na-rooat eleeptnseare,birei mofelna and library een ana rreereoiia- las ehelr ears to Chloeso. Dining ears. II.3QAMES h eervle Omaha to Ghieeae. etera etaflard ear eosobes eaau ears. Utnlng ears. 40C nil Free ehalr ears te Oblesaa. Pnllmsa J h rsl sleeplns osr from Amee to Oaioaso. lla eVJ I HI . yrrn. breelfaet. 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. PAMIINEAPOLIS 7 50 AM bTtia ' raries eere sad 81 it DU Pnllmaa sleerdns ears, bnget library ,13 iM ears and free recti a Us ehalr sera, BLAG El HILLS 2Cf) DU Torremont. LlBOols.W.hoo.DntofMtT. .U rM York. Uaettese, Howard, Oonere, Hope rkor, NortrJk, Lona fiae, Claeper, Hot Hprlase, Iieedwood aad Lead. Ttaroug k nuilalns ehair earsi Fuilmaa sleeiana oar eervtoe. 8n d 1U T Fremoat I.laoola. Wahes, Forfolk, UJ AM Leas Hoe, Verdiare, Boneetesl sad tne lioeebad Indian Heeervatlon oountrr. " CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street HE KNEW WHO HE WAS HURTING. A patient brought two prescriptions to our Booth Omaha store, northwest corner 24th and N streets, the other day and asked to have them tilled, lie added that the doctor who wrote them told him "he knew they would be filled right" If taken to a rertuln drub store, but he (the doctor) dldn t Know us ana aia not want nis pre scriptions filled by us. The patient said "he knew who he was hurting by helping himself, snd he proposed to take his pre scriptions WHERE HE PLEAS KD. Ws sre glad to add that this condition does not exist with us In our Omaha store In relation to ths physicians and we don't fay them a cent either. They don't ask t as far as we know. WHEN A PATIENT PAYS A IMH'TOK mm A PRKHCR1P. TION IT BELONGS TO THE PATIENT. SGHAEFER'S CUT MICH DRUa STORB E. T. YATES. Proo.. loth snd Chloago Bts., Omaha 'Phones U7 and ;7. Itth and N Bts.. South Omaha. 'Phone No. L All goods delivered aay plaas SCHOOLS. Racine College Grammar School "THE SCHOOL THAT . ? MAKES MAKLY BOYSs Pupils Study I'ncer sn Instructor. Ilea Oraduatss snter sny Collage or I'nlverMiy. rioclal snd Athletic Advantages. Hl.ltary Drill. For Hoys of tu f Years Old. Mew term bcflst agTkartday, Jsa 704 I ' Ilfustrated Catalogue snt on Sppll- v retlon to jaw , . , at Inn. Wlsoouata. V , () Men's Overcoats $8 75 Worth Up to $12.00 Today we place on sale tw o liundml and ten men's high-grade overcoats that arc worth j up to 12.00 made of fine oxford gray che- t viots, rumbo cheviots, well lined'vnd the fit ia perfect These garments arc extraordinary values. They represent a shipment that should have been here thirty days ago, but on account of this tardiness we are able to sell them at a great saving in price. All sizes and a perfect fit is a taured every purchaser. n Green Trading; Stamps EVERY Time Storo Closed Noon Nov Year's Day. LAST CALL FOR 1003. Bargains on bargains in our pre-inventory sale and GREEN TRADING STAMPS in all departments, all the 1 time. ' December 31st will be as great a clearing sale day as we can make For New Year's gift making there are bargains on every hand in .things most desirable. Don't miss this rousing opportunity, and remember that while our prices quality considered are lowest in Omaha, we give GREEN TRAD ING STAMPS with every purchase. Don't listen to the knockers, or the fellow with the green eyes. We are giving, AND WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE, GREEN TRADING STAMPS right through, and nothing will stay this determination. The STAMPS ARE YOURS WITII EVERY PURCHASE. No matter how far you are from having your book completed, you can rest assured that you will get stamps at any time, every time and nil the. time. OUR WORD IS GOOD. ) STOR E CLOSED NOON JAWU; I at. Big Reduction Sale of Blankets and Bed Comforts. f6 fine all wool blankets, in grays, pretty borders only per pair .$3.98 $5 fine all wool blankets, in grays, : '.borders only per pair ,. . ..... .... .$3 65 $8 fine all wool blankets, extra fine, h. it tan shades, per pair ........ ......$5.45 $1.25 quality bed comforts, full Jbed si;.e, only, each. . . .89c $2.25 quality fine silkoline covered, filh 1 with the finest white cotton, while they last, each. . . .$1.48 $2 quality extra large silkoline comforts, some tied, some stitched, all pretty patterns - while they last only, each ...$1.38 $3 quality extra fine silkoline comforts, very pretty patterns while they last only, each , $1.95 See Our Big Window Display-I6th St-South, GROCERY, GROCERY. T 'WB SAVE TOTJ MONEY. SAVE) NICKELS MAYBE DIMES ON EVEKY DOLLAR S WORTH AND GIVE YOU GOODS THAT FOR FRESil NEH9 AND PURITY ARB NOT TO WE OKWPKTED WITH IN OMAHA. REMEMBER. HONEST 'WEIGHTS 16-OX. TO THE POUND COURTE OUS TREATMENT, PROMPT ATTENTION. AND IN ADDITION TO AU. TH18;UKEEN TRADING STAMPS EVERY TIME. THURSDAY SPECIALS. Corn Starch, 1-Ib. pkg ia Plum Pudding, can o Baking Soda, pkg a Rolled Oats, 2-lb. pkg ....10o Neutrlta, with spoon, pkg 'do Apple Kutter, 2-lb. can ............ to Mincemeat, pkg 7 Ho California PruneB. lb lo TEAS AND COFFEES Tea Siftlngs, lb l&o Santos Coffee, good, lb ..Uo BUTTER FROM HEADQUARTERS Fresh Country Butter, lb lfio Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb ...... JOo Green Trading Stamps ALL the Time A Very Pleasing Feature Of the Hoom of Balduff Is, that no matter what kind of a CAKE PIE or BREAD you may decide upon, It will always be found her Our own baking, fresh and wholesome. cunmocioni, d..$. CITY YaTa7HIJAJLLaJt a4 Iaau-aMT, St4 aa4 Mini PHONE. 711 el0dfa 20 Discount ON ALL Salt I BagsDl ' iTraYellng Cases Omaha Trunk Factory i wi, aoiAn, rreertstsr XTrlMihone 1058 1209 Faroaia Strtrt