10 TIIR. OMATTA DAILY DEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1003. n i, 1 1 e LIS GRAND CUT PRICE SALE OF ALL OUR LADIES' FINEST Cloaks, Suits m" Skirts Every ilifh Grade and Medium Priced Garment in Stock Going Below Wholesale Price We wish to sell quickly all o.ir winter Cloaks, Suits nnd Kkh'ts for Indies' and children. To do this we cut prices to an extrior dlnnry degree. All Our Ladies' and Children's Cloaks and Jackets, worth up to Five Dollars, In odd and broken lots- each IB Ladies' Long Coats and Military Jack ets, worth up to $12 each, satin lined cape and button trimmed, in fine kerseys, at each.... A rill Ladies' $20.00 Long Coats at $8.98 Ladles' odd Long Coats satin lined throughout strap and cape trimmed made of tine kerseys, etc. many odd ones worth tip to twenty dollars each at '. 8.98 $3.50 and $4 Ladles' Golf Skirts at $1.98 1.98 One lot of new style Golf Skirts well made with pleated bottoms and button trimmings worth three dollars and a half and four dollars at each , ALL OUR LADIES' SILK DREitS SKIRTS IN THREE LOTS Silk Skirts worth $7,30 at 3.50 Silk Sklrta worth $13.85 at; 6. SO Silk Skirts worth $20 at 8.98 All Ladies' $12.50 Tailored Suits ot $6.98 A great array of ladles' fine Tailored Suits, In the long skirt eoat and jacket effect silk trimmed, also satin strap trimmings worth up to (12.60 each at 6.98 TO RAISE ELEVATOR FUNDS JL & Jaquith Gobi to Minneapolis in Inter eat of Omaha Enterprise. WANT TO LOCATE ON UNION PACIFIC Idea la to Get o lint Whose Termlan Is Hare aad Not Chicago, AnToraias; Local Ad. Tantages. A. B. Jaquith, formerly with the Omaha Klevator company, has gone (to Minneapo lis in the Interest of another elevator com pany recently organized In this city. A local grain man said:' "Mr. Jaqulth's trip to Minneapolis is for the purpose of securing capital with which to finance a company to carry on an extensive grain business, with headquarters in this cliy. This company will build In the spring a large cleaning elevator on tha right-of-way ot on of the lines running through .this city to the east It Is believed that the I local company has sufficient capital to build and operate the elevator at this point, but In order to secure business, tha way the grain trade Is conducted at pres ent. It Is necessary to have a large num ber of elevators located throughout the state, to serve as feeders for the main elevator, which will ' be operated here, and It Is to secure tha capital to build, lease and operate these feeders that Mr. Jaquith has gone north. To Locate en talon Pacific. "It Is the Intention of the new company to try and secure the location ot the re ceiving elevators along the line of the Union Paolflo If possible. As the Peavey company has a large number of elevators on that system. It Is believed some diffi culty will be experienced by the new con eern In securing locations for Its buildings along that line, as it will have the Peavey concern as a competitor at all points where It wishes to operate. 'The reason It is desired to locate on the Union PadHo Is that in case of low through rates the company will not be handicapped by being located on a line which runs directly through to Chicago. The Union Paclflo having Its terminus at this point, all grain which originates on that line In Nebraska must necessarily come to Omaha, and there would be no danger of the large elevator, which It is the Intention to build here, being left with out business In case a low through rate was made similar to the one announced by the Northwestern yesterday." cured last evening and - excused until 9 o'clock this morning. This caxe will be tried by Judge Carland. Most of the jurymen returned to their homes last evening. Chamberlain's Couth Remedy is Pleasant to Take. Ths finest quality, of granulated loaf sugar is used In the manufacture of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, and the roots used In its preparation give It a flavor sim ilar to maple syrup, making It quite pleas ant to take. Mr. W. U Roderick of Pooles vllle, Md In speaking of this remedy, say: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with my children for several years and can truthfully say It Is the best prep, aratlon of the kind I know of. The chil dren like to take it and It has no Injurious after effect" A siHstetS rtft lor Pile. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Your dhugglst will refund mmey i( PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure you la 4 to 14 days. tOo. Federal Jarors Eiruet, All of the members of the federal petit jury except thone trvlng the damage rase of Lavell Rgilnxt The Cudaliy Parking Company, wrre excused Monday evening until Monday next when the Dietrich case will te taken up. The jury for the ' Lavelie against Cudahy case was e. Sooth from Chicago Via Louisville or Cincinnati. Five trains leave Chicago dally for these gateways as follows: For Louisville 10:00 a. m., :00 p. m.; for Cincinnati at 10:00 a. m., 8:40 p. m. and 12:01 midnight Morning trains have buffet parlor cars and coach service; night cars consist of compartment cars and coaches. Tourist tickets at spe cial fares via Louisville or via Cincinnati to Jacksonville. Bt Augustine and other resorts In Florida, and to New Orleans and principal cities in the south. Oet details from C. L. Kimball, A O. P. Agt, No. 2 Sherman street, Chicago. o)f?rnrn prr A Fast Train for Rosy People Chlcaso to Kew York. A day's work may be disposed of before leaving Chicago at 1 o'clock p. m. on The Manhattan Limited over Pennsylvania Short Lines. Passengers reach New York next afternoon in time to meet an after noon engagement, dress and dine and at tend the theater or make an evening call. Find out from C. L. Kimball, A. O. P. Agt, No. 2 Sherman street. Chicago, how time can be saved on an eastern trip. Christmas and New Year Holiday Rate. Fare and one-third for the round trip to points within a radius of 200 miles via the Chicago Great Western railway. Tickets on sale December 24. 28 and January 1, good returning until January 4. For further Information apply to George F. Thomas, general agent. 1512 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. RAILROAD HOLIDAY RATES In all directions via "THE NORTHWESTERN LINK," December 24-2S-31. Good till January 1 "Only Double-track Line to Chicago." City Offices, 14O1-140J Farnam St More mis-spelled words this week in the want ads. Marrluae Lleeasea. Name and Residence. James P. Ciirter, Chicago N Myrtle Taylor. Madtaon, Neb Royal L. Oiswar. Chicago Bertha A. Helming, Watikegan, III John Johnson. Council Bluffs Mary Acurd. Glenwood, la Charles H. Weels. Silver Cr.'ek. Neb... Amy Burley. Silver Creek, Nb John A Holmes. Omaha Carrie Chrlatenaen, Omaha Age ....i4 ....23 ....24 ....21 ....40 ....Un ....23 ....32 ....2ri ...19 "CesM, give as e tuts of year quality." ttasstet. 231 vnnnFPrnr? 0 till MILWAUKEE. "The bier with an honest bae'einj quality. Has no equal in this or any old country." (Signed) THE PUBLIC. America's Authority on Beer. A ways the Same Good Old Blatz. Sensational Doings in Our Pro-Inventory Sale Broken lines and odd lots of very desirable end-of-the-year merchandise, going at prices marked for quick selling. Wo Undersell! Vo Undersell!! We Undersell !!! And WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS WITH ALL TUIi CIIASES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS ALL THE TIME. A Regular Battlo of Prices in Our Cloak Department. THREE HUNDRED WOMEN'S COATS WORTH FROM $7.60 TO $28.50 DIVIDED INTO THREE IXTS-NO REGARD FOR COLOR NO REQARD FOR STYLE NO REGARD FOR COST ALL MUST GO. LOT ONE $4.95 tOT TWO 7.45 LOT THREE 9.45 WOMEN'S TAILOR-MADE SUITS TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY. DIVIDED INTO THREE LOTS, BELL ING PRICE WAS FROM $10.00 TO $32.60. - LOT ONE , ... $7.45 LOT TWO .......11.50 LOT THREE ........ ............. .14.50 ALL FUR GARMENTS AND PIECES OF EVERY KIND, ON SALE AT ONE-THIRD OFF SELLING PRICES. ' . WE MUST REDUCE STOCK IN EVERY SECTION OF OUR CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT BEFORB INVENTORY. EVERYTHING WILL BE MARKED DOWN, AND EVEN AT THESE GREAT REDUCTION PRICES Green Trading Stamps Will Co With Every Sale. GROCERY, GROCERY. NOW ON, NOW ON. NOW ON A GREAT REDUCING STOCK SALE PRIOR TO INVENTORY. OUR GROCERY IS ALWAYS IN THE LEAD. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SPECIAL LOW PRICES WEDNESDAY: Apple Butter, J-lb. can 6c Neutiita, with spoon, pkg 80 Beauty Asparagus, can ..15a Cbocolatlna, per can 8c TEAS AND COFFEES OUR 88o GRADE TEAS FOR 30c Mincemeat, pkg ........ THc Plum Pudding, can So BakeO Beans. l-4b. can' 8c Japan Rice, per pound Go CANDY DEPARTMENT. INVENTORY BALES TO REDUCE STOCKS. ; Molasses Kisses, Bo package for....2o Dinner Pall filled with assorted Molasses Kisses, 10c package for.... Go Candles 15c CrystallEed Ginger, Lemon and Orange Honey Comb Candy, Vanilla and Peel, In tin boxes, 15c size for.... 10c Btrawherry flavor, 16c can for.. ..18c Remember We Deliver to South Omaha and Council Bluffs Every Day. . VAN DEVANTER WILL BE HERE Jaago of Eighth Federal Oirouit Will Sit with Manger on Dietrioh Cue. TRIAL TO BEGIN MONDAY MORNING All Witnesses, Including Thosa from Washington, Are Bnmmoned to Appear Saturday Wo Capias for Richards. United States Circuit Judge Wiilis Van Devanter of the Eighth circuit, with Judge Munger, will preside at the trials of United States Senator Charles 1L Dietrich, which are set for Monday, January 4. Judge Mun ger has received a letter from Judge Van Devanter stating that he would be present to assist In the hearings before the United States circuit court, set tor the special con tinued term now on. The witnesses In the Dietrich cases all have been summoned to appear Saturday, including those from Washington. The present la a busy week In the United States district court. Preparations are being made for the trial of many of the criminal Indictments found at the recent session of the federal grand Jury. These Include the several alleged violations of the United States postal laws and a score or more of the bootlegging cases. Possibly the most Important . cases to come before the United States district court will be that of General L. W. Colby, charged with embezzlement of funds while adjutant general of Nebraska, and that of Alfred Olson, the alleged embezzling stamp clerk of the Omaha postofllce. No Caplaa for Richards. Nothing new has recently developed In the land fencing cases for which Indict ments were brought, neither has a capias been Issued for Bartlett Richards. It now looks as If an effort will be made to have these cases tried in the circuit court, be fore Judge Van Devanter, If the Del t rich cases can be finished in time. V Terrtll. Finding that I am greatly overstocked in all sorts of materials, I will for the next month make a great reduction on every thing In stock making evening and'dlnner gowns for less than cost, shirtwaist dresses for $50 and $65, handsome lace gowns for less than cost, cheviot walking skirts for $23, mixed goods, $25. E. 11. TERRILL. More mis-spelled worda this week in the want ads. All the Comforts of a Home May be had on the new parlor cars of the Chicago Great Western railway run ning dally between Council Bluffs, Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. These cars are the latest and most beautiful productions of the Pullman company and comprise un der one roof ladles' parlor, library, amoking loom and dining room, wherein breakfast, dtnnrr and supper are served a la carta For further information apply to George f. Thomas, general agent. 151$ Farnam street, Omaha Neb. A Sandwich for the other druggists of OMAHA AND SOUTH OMAHA TO CHEW ON while we complete the "PRELIMINARIES" for the NICEST FIGHT V ahlch has ever been waged against ANVtDRUG TRUST ANY WHERE. ' m T. Prices are It 'from now on In this big fight You remember we will go Zc below any cut which any ,other retail drug firm auotes In any paper: In OMAHA, SOUTH MAHA or COUNCjlL BLUFFS. The cost of newspaper space prevents us from quoting them all, but the above state ment will tie MADE GOOD. All goods quoted, followed by a star thus ), are lim ited to one only to a customer. $1.00 Peruna() B4o $1.00 Llsterlne() Mo $1.00 Bromo Seltser() 64o $1.00 Plnkham's Veg. Comp.() 50o 11.00 Pierce's Remedies) 56a 50o Syrup Flgs(') 25c 50c Klngs Dlscevery() IBo 50o Stuart's Dyspepsia 25c 26c Laxative Bromo Qulnlne() 7c 26c Carter's Little Liver Pllls() Ho $1.00 Parisian Hair Tonic (guaranteed) 75c $1.00 Graham's Catarrh Cure (guaran teed) 5Sc $2.00 Chester's Pennyroyal Pills gen uine) $1.00 MAIL ORDERS FILLED HOW DEAD IS THAT CATALOGUE NOW? SCHAEFER'S DRUQ STORE ' E. T. YATEil. Proo.. 16th and Chicago Sts., Omaha. 'Phones T47 and 787. 24th and N Bts.. South Omaha 'Phone No. 1. All goods delivered any plao RAILROAD HOLIDAY RATES In all directions via "THE NORTHWESTERN LINE," December 24-25-31. Good till January 4V "Only Double-track Line to Chicago." City Offices, 1401-140S Farnam SL Thousands will read your want ad, word for word, if run this week during the mis spelled word contest. Mortality Statistics. Ths following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health: Births Carl Erlckson, 1711 South Seventh, girl; William Bade. elB Center, girl; R. Mowassa c4 North Tenth, boy; Joseph Kaseny. SH4 South Nineteenth, boy: Cbarls Peterson. 4174 Chl.go, boy; David M. jaia. Slut eouth Twemy-tiMh. boy. Deaths Margaret Kurlht Richards. 2210 Farnam, 25; Ouatar A. Oetman, lln South fcWind, f. Mrs. Clara MstlUla Uerwuo, 1 This Windy Weather brings Into view a great many women's shoea Some of them are neat, well-fitting. trim looking shoes that give the wearer a well-dressed appear ance that only a well-dreesed foot can give, THE FRY SHOE will do that. It U perfect fitting, stylish looking and of fins qual ity, and any woman can have ber feet comfortably as well as stylishly dressed If she will have them Sited with FRY BHOES, at $3 50 or $5.00. HYii10ECQ I iv 1 i56D035UCUi 11 Swedish hospital, home Wakefield. Nea., 34; Addison Lewis Moore, 2u2 North Thir teenth, ft); George W. Smith. 2234 North t.ivhiMtnih tx l..lin Kldi-n county hospital. b; Naomi E-iielr, 40.4 lsard, 23; Catherine Haney, 2114 Chicago, j; uaunew miuuuer, Tweuty-aret and Curtis. M. Everybody reads the want ad page these daya Now Is the time to put your ad thare. DIKO. CAH N Aaron, passed away Tuesday. De- 1 iiht urn. Dim y9iM. Interment Thursday, December II. at 1 p. m from his lata r1denc., 3226 Farnam sire i, to riMMiu niu caw.wr. ODDS AND ENDS IMIOS We are cleaning house this week that is, a num ber of used upright pianos organs and square pianos are to be practically GIVEN AWAY Included in this lot are sev eral very fine new sample pianos - advance styles- beauties, too that we get special low cost prices on and hand them to you ViTHGUT PROFIT Small Organ 4.50 Teloubet Organ 8 00 Terry Organ 18.00 Kimball Organ 19.50 Estey Organ 21.00 Small Square Piano.. . .8 00 Good Square Tiano. . .17.00 Uallet & Davis Piano 29.00 Gilbert Upright Piano 41.00 Waters Upright Piano 62.00 Hale Upright Piano.. .74.00 Biasing Upright Piano, new 98.00 Another sample, newl 12.00 New York make, new .-...122.00 Chickering Upright, used 13800 Make an offer for choice of used Knabe, Chicker ing or Kimball Grand. Terms (o Suit You LER (INCOSPORATCO) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE-RETAIL MAIN HOUSK AND OrFICII 1319 FARNAM FACTORY: FARNAM TELCPHONf 1A2S OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB tea u. iith sr. TCU. TSS ' CO. BLUFFS, U SOS BROADWA TEL. s.s Come here iti a hurry when you wish to buy Sewing Machines, Talking Machines. You will have your choice of a fine assort ment, if you come now. Here are some special value for New Year's shoppers: $50 Columbia Phonograph 4C flit good as new fcUiUU New Home Sewing Machine Ofl Afl drop head swiwu Singer Sewing Machine QE Afl drop head sOiUU Wilcox & Gibbs JC fin drop head, from $30 to t3iUU drop head ... 16.00 Bhoe Maker's sift Afl machine aUaUU Standard qr Afl drop head S.9iUU Tailoring Machine, Blnger and C Aft Wheeler & Wllnon. from $15 to.. dQiUU These machines are all modern, complete with attachments and guaranteed. Box top machines, all makes, from $5.00 to $10.00. We rent machines at 75o per week. Nebraska Cycle Co., CEO. E. MICKEL M?rH Corner 15th and Harney. Phone 1663. n hb eat s n a weanosnay rre- Ulo inventory Sale THE RELIABLE STORK. REMEMBER Thursday, December 31st, is the last day free coupons will be given. Be sure to secure that other ?10 coupon on or before that date. Great Clearance Salo of Furniluro. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOt'R FURNITURE. IN ORDER TO RFPUCFJ STOCK BEFORE INVENTORY. WE ARE MAKING POME EXTRA BPECIAL, PRICES. THE LINES YOU HAVE TO 9 ELECT FROM ARF1 THE MOST COM PLETE. AND THE PRICKS FROM ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF LKSS THAN THOSE MADE BY ANY OTHER RESPONSIBLE- FURNITURE HOUSk IN THE WEST. DO NOT FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS BAXJA jjARrtN Guarantied constructioh Over BOO rockers to select from, at prices ranging rrom $55 OR down to J 65 styles of couches rrom wj down to . . Parlor suites from $126 down to 68 styles combination book cases, rrom $4d down to 240 styles center tables rrom w-m down to 68 styles library tables irom k uown to ..j.... 46 styles china cabinets irom $4s down to .5.00 .7.50 .7.50 .1.50 3.50 .9.55 10 styles extension tables from $3 down to , 60 styles sideboards from $110 down to 68 styles dining chairs from $8.50 down to 35 styles bed room suites from $126 down' to S25 styles iron beds from $35 down to . , Sanitary steel couches from $7.60 down to 76 styli-s chlflfonlcres from $58 down to ........ ., 66 styles dreners from $45 down to , , ...... 4.50 9.50 .. 75c 10.00 .1.75 .4.95 .4.50 ..8.50 Commerce demands the Panama Canal, because the great advan tage of saving time and cost of transportation of merchandise. What the necessity of the Tana ma is to the commercial world The Omaha Stove Repair Works Is to you; because you can get any burned-out-part that you need for your stove, range, heater or fur nace. tremendous stock of re pairs of all makes of stoves is al ways kept There, are workmen In attendance. 1207 Douglas St 060 Tel. CK Gold Crowns.... Gold Fillings Sliver Fillings . Full Set Teeth $5.00 Best Set 57.50 $3.5 up. $1 bo up. feuo up. BAILEY, THE DENTIST. rFatabllahed 1W8 trd FLOOR. 1'AJtTON B LOCK. Groceries Pre-lnventory Groceries. 1 quart cans fancy table svrup 7Ho DRIED FRUIT SALE, PRE-1NVENTOR Y 21-lbs, pure cane granulated sugar for. $1.00 10 bans White Rupslan, Diamond C., Beats 'Em All, Swift's Pride or Ar mour's laundry soap, for 25o Large sacks white or yellow cornmeal.l2Ho 10-lb. sacks wheat or rye Graham flour. &c 10-lb. sacks pure buckwheat flour 35c 7-lbs. breakfast rolled oats, lb 2o 5-1 be. hand picked navy bans ,.19o Pudding, Bromangelon, Jelly con or Jell O., per package 6o 5-lbs. good Japan rice , 19o Force, Vigor. Vim, Malta Vita or Malta Ceres, per package Viia S-lb. can solid packed tomatoes, can... .70 011 sardines, per can ,.....S4o Macaroni, pkg 7c Castile soap, per cake lo California prunes, ner Dound 2Wn Choice Utah peaches, lb 7Hc Fancy California peaches, lb 8Vo Fancy Colorado Elherta peaches, lb.,.., liio Choice Michigan apples, lb 8'4o Fancy N. Y Ring apples, lb 10c California dried graphs, lb ......6o EnKllHh Cleaned currants, lb 7140 FRESH FRUIT SALE FRE-INVENTORY Large Juicy sweet oranges, each Jo New Colorado White Clover Honey, rack 70 New Hallowe'en dates, lb 60 Fancy mixed nuts, lb lOo Fresh roasted peanuts, measure So Lnrfre Brazil coconnuts, each 4o Special choice tea sittings, lb 12 E-.AVDEN BROS. We again give the public our personal assurance that this Is a OENUINB CLOSINO OUT SALE. Every article at big cuts many of them below cost. Dealers are buying from us dally. If they can do this to advantage consumers can't afford to overlook the biggest bargains ever offered la Omaha. Laundry Soap, 10 bars.. Tollut Soap, per box.... Starch, finest grades ... Blueing, per bottle Standard Corn Standard Peas Fllcklnger Canned Fruits Southwell's Imported Jams Pickles, per bottle .. Catsup, per bottle ... ..26c .. tic .. 8c .. 4c ..80 .7o ,.-7c ..21c .. 8c .. Sc Spices In bulk 25 per cent off Teas , 86 per cent off Coffees 26 per cent oil Fancy California Prunes He Gelatine 7o Pure Maple Sap, Maple Sugar, Royal and Price's Baking Powder, Extracts, Olive Oil, Olives, Canned Meats, Canned Fish and hundreds of other articles at proportionate prices. Remember Stock Is fresh and quality the best. Omaha Tea and Coffee Co., 1407 DOUGLAS STREET. BELOW COST To close out our fancy Celluloid, Handkerchief, Glove, Cuff and Collar, Toilet, Jewel and Shlving Set Boxes, we will sell same this week for less than cost P. E. FLODMAN & CO., Jewelers, ""gfSlj"" TS!kfla Consult the (lew Philadelphia Professor Free. Work will be examined and everything Ann drat cJasa tinder this noted specialist Ws ar. hara to stay. It was a COMPLETE VICTORY FOR THS UNION. Set of teeth from M- Bridge Ueth from $3. Crowns from tXJA. Teeth astraotsd, free. Work guaranteed 10 yoars. Ne students to experiment. UNION DENTAL COLLEGE, Open dauy till a Sunday. I to 4 163 DOUGLAS ST. YOL WATCH OR CLOCK Ouftht to be put In order now that the holiday rush Is over. Let us put It in order for you no better workmen n Omaha than ours. Telephone us and we will send r your clock. LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler, 1516 DoufUs Street. Omaha. A Lorn jowft means txtra money for meals and incidentals, and a wast of valu' ail time en route '' Why incur un penso and delay circuitous you can rido trains on a per track over a The fast necessary ex- in traveling- via routes when in the finest rV fectly ballasted o . . direct router trains of tha UNION PACIFIC via Omaha reach Salt Lake City xa houra ahead, and San Francisco and Port land 16 hours ahead of all competitors. ELECT RJC-LICHTED TRAINS. Accommodations provided for all classes of passengers. CITY TICKET OFFICE) 1324 Faraaaa Street. 'phone SIS. OPERA GLASSES AT A DISCOUNT We have got an elegant Una all makes but lav got too many we must sell tht-m we will give a ells count of taenty per cent on the entire line.