THE OMAHA" DAILY BEE: MONDAY, DECEMREIt 25, 10Q.y START ON POLITICAL TALK flats Maker. Btu Fixing Up T'c.t. for Vh Kabr&ika IspuMicans. 'CANDIDATES ARE. LAYING THEIR WIRES a mm mm ' 'Trifkfr Arc Already Arriving fer tba. Mrrllng of the Slat Asaoela tlon This Wrrk and Hecor , Attendance Looked For. (From a Staff Correapondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 27. (Special.) Around Lincoln these days considerable talking In rbolrirT done regarding politlcul natters a,nd .several conversation slutes have been made fop the next republican state ticket. Some talking litis been done also as to the ne 'Ccaslty of holding: two conventions. No tone, however, seems to care whether one 'or two convention are held and so far as any public expressions are concerned no one had said. ' Senator Marshall of Otoe county was h'?re Saturday and had an extended confer jnce 'with Addison Walt, who wanta to succeed his chief In the offlre of the secretary of atate. The Otoe statesman said little wus doing tn the political line, but It is gener ally accepted here that he will wlwnp things up for Walt, the two being from the same county. At least three' of the deputies now hold Ing forth at the Btate house will be candl dates to succeed their chiefs. These are Norrls Brown, deputy attorney general, a T.. M . 1 .. ......,.. 1 T w lntn rianittir land commissioner, from Dodge county, and J. 1m McBrlen, deputy superintendent, from Fillmore county. Bo far as heard of here Brown has -no opposition and Ms friends and promotera are urging his candidacy as a representative 6f the middle west sec tion of the state. MeBrlen, though, If the reports eurrent here have any foundation, will have some opposition. Among those mentioned to op pose him for Mr. Fowler's shoes are: W. H. Gardner of Jfemnha, Jamos E. Delzell of Dawson and J. E., French of Adams county, Bo far as heard from, Eaton will be op posed by f x-Senator Manning, who was postmaster of the senate during the late legislature, who halls from the northeast section of the state. Those who are urging the 'candidacy ' of "Eaton are claiming for mm mnar nr ine nrmut irjr 1110 wuia uuiio under Land Commissioner Follmcr. Norrls Brown and McBrlen ere also run nlng on their records as deputies and out at Oeneva Jhe papers have already begun to boost the- latter. i Last night the Traveling Men's Repub lican club endorsed J. M. O'Neal of Lan caster county for state auditor and of course he will be a candidate for tht place. Thore Is some talk that Arthur B. Allen of Johnson county, secretary to the gov ernor, will be a candidate for this place, but so far Mr. Allen haa given out no state ment regarding the matter. Bocretary Marsh, who comes from Richardson county, haa also been mentioned for this place, but It Is not likely that he will be a candidate. To succeed Bocretary of State Marsh there are several candidates, among them F. 3. Badllek of Saline county and A. V. Ollmore, now employed at the asylum, hav ing been appointed from Pawnee county. Several Jays age- a son of C. Duraa of Ballrle county was at the state house, dis cussing Ma father's chances for the secre taryshlp. Of course Governor Mickey and Treasurer Mortensen will be candidates to succeed, themselves. Location Cats Figure. In considering the chancea of candidates. location necessarily will cut some figure. It out of the ordinary Jn - pon tics to nominate a secretary dt state, state superintendent and an auditor from adjoining counties. Walt and Ollmore, both candidate for seeretniy of atate. come from adjoining counties which are also Joined to the counties of Allen, Marsh and Gardner. Therefore It. will be up to some of these men to lose out. McBrlen and fiadtlek are In adjoining counties. separated from the five men mentioned by the width of one county. Adams county, from which French halls, Is sep arated from McBrlen's county by Clny, 1 hen comes Norrls Brown's Buffalo county adjoining Dalxell's Dawson county. Eaton Is away off from the other candidates In . Dodge county, with Manning considerably northwest of Mm. This leaves the ex treme west, now represented by Auditor Weston, out In - the cold and It is thu general talk that someone from that sec ' tlon of the stato will come ' up, or pos slbly Omaha might with every .hope of success demand some recognition. In the meantime a clerk of the supreme court In yet to be named and there Is much speculation as to who the lucky man will ' be. Every candidate Is claim lng the place and apparently no one knowi Just who will get It. During the last few days the stock of Will Rose of the at- torney general's office went 'up several notches, but the stock of the various can dtdates fluctuates worse than cotton, and as the Judges are not saying anything It Is useless to speculate. ' Teachers Are Arriving. Now that the festivities of Christmas are over, Lincoln la beginning again to put on gala attire to welcome the small army of teachers that will throng the city this week. Already the advance guard ' Is beginning to arrive, and within two days the hotels, private boarding houses and homes, of friends will be thronged with choolma'ams. Lincoln Is preparing to welcome and care for fully 2,600 teachers and present indications to to show that this number will not far exceed the actual attendance. Among the recent ar rivals are: Principal F. W. Deffer of 'St. Edward, Principal 8, IK Thompson of Nelson, Principal R, M. Thompson of Ravenna, Principal W. II. Manifold of Vlysses, Principal D. 8. Mussleman of Auburn. Principal W. C. Green of Cozad, Prlnrlpul J. J. Koasler of Ilartlngton and Prtnelpal Oeorg Burget of Kearney. All are enthusiastic over , the coming meeting and report large delegations from their towns and counties. From Nelson. Prin cipal Thompson brings the word that all of the touchers will attend the state meet ing and he says that a large delegation ts planning to attend from Nuckolls county. From Boone county, Principal Differ says, Lincoln will have the largest delegation in tho hlntory at the association. , Hallroad !latr..N There will be for this occasion a rate of one fare plus 60 cents from all points In , Nebraska to Lincoln and return, except where rato 'of one and one-third for the round trip makes less. Tickets on sale from points In Nebraska from which the l.wul i,,i..aruif I-ii lu In 1 .Inpnln I 11 m 'i . . u on Poeemtitr 2S to 30. and from other points In the state on December 23 and 3. Tickets limited fur return to January i. In past years some difficulty haa been experienced by teachers in securing rates uver the lines of the Omaha road. Bo this year, In responao to a letter from the prln of the schools at Pouci, stating th:it the agent at that point had not received Instructions to sell reduced fare tickets tl Llnc-vln, ft letter setting forth' the case wus sent to tho passenger department of the rosd at St. Paul. The following reply to tho letter mentioned seems to clear the matter sr.d to Insure the reduced fare over that road: Dear Fir: Tour letter of the IHth Inst. In regard to reduced rates to Lincoln for the annual meeting of the Nebraska State Teachers' association hss been referred to me. We have this day written to our agent at Ponca s to the rates and ar rangements, and I trut that members of your association deplrlng to secure tickets from that point will not experience any trouble In securing them, as all of our saents In Nebraska have been fully In structed. Teachers who live along the line of that road are requested to write Immediately or wire W. L. Stephens, chairman of the local committee, Lincoln, In case their railroad agents refuse to sell state asocla tlon tickets, as per the above announce ment Politics of Session. It Is rumored that politics will add con siderable Interest to the sessions of the association. There are three members of the Reading Circle board to elect, and then the usual friendly contest over the oftVe of president. Last year the contest over the office of president wan unusually free from any strife or bitterness, and as far as can be seen now this year will follow closely the precedent established last year, There is some talk among the members of the executive committee about a reduc tlon In the number of members on that committee. .The expense Incident to each meeting of the committee seems to be the ruling motive. Borne urge that three mem bers could easily do the work now done by a committee of five. It remains to bo seen, however, when It comes to repre senting the various sections of the state, whether a reduction In the number of of ficers would be advisable. Arrangements may be made for boarl and room In private houses and boarding houses at reasonable rates. Teachers de siring to engage rooms In advance must address J. I. Wyer, at Station A, Lincoln, Neb., stating time of arrival, price they want to pay, number In party, board or room or both, time of departure. Mr. Wyer will make assignment and notify each pernon of address assigned. Teachers not engaging accommodations in advance 111 find list of private boarding houses at the bureau of Information at the university library. feet t Inches tall, with brown hair and mustache and blue eyes. HELD TO BE CASE OF SUICIDE Brother In Wisconsin Orders Body of Man Fonnd Near Papillitis Bnrled at that Place. FA PILLION, Neb., Dec. S7.-(Ppeclal Tele gram.) After an Investigation lasting sev eral days the authorities have come to the conclusion thnt John Nelson, the man found dead in tho woods along the riat,te river, had committed suicide. He was found hang ing to a limb of a tree by his neck with his feef" upon the ground, a gash had been cut in his throat extending from ear to car and almost severing his head, making a horrible woend. A bullet had been shot entirely through his Tiead, coming out near the temple and the man's wrist was shat tered from a revolver shot. Strychnine In large quantities was found In Nelson's stomach, which alone is considered enough cvtdenco that the man committed sulctdo. No Inqueat was held. In answer to a dispatch to Nelson's brother In Racine, Wis., orders were given to decently bury the body, which was done. A letter also stated that Nelson had long been dtrnented and had often said he would commit suicide as soon as his nerve would permit. WANTS lONCTFMI .lllDCES re.X REPORT OF GENERAL BAlEb me world nns neen oostruciea ny a hiwh neck of sand forty ml'es In width; that Former Sntor Allen Talk, on African accident this land., held by a semi- Judicial System. enBoBanswanm fAVORS LESS POWER TO TRIAL JURIES Warm Aaalnat riaclnn; Power of lu ll let I UK In Hands of Prosecution; Attorney Peirendent on Voters for Klectlon. that the opening of the canal was ob structed and the development of the whole western hemisphere beld In check by this petty oligarchy, which changes its adminis tration at every lunar phase; that the west ern coast of South America ts farther rust than the eastern coast of North America, and we have only to look at a map of the world to see that the opening of that canal will be the greatest event on this side of the planet since the discovery of the con tinent Itself; that Liverpool Is now 160 miles nearer San Francisco by water than is New York; that It la not only necessary that the canal be opened, but that the United Btate should control It In her Own Interests; that the resources of South America are almcst untouched; that we must make New York and New Orleans In lieu of Liverpool and Lisbon the markets of the new world; that If we don't get the canal. Europe will; that neither Nicaragua nor Tehauntepec is the place for the canal. In answer it smlght be said that a great nation cannot afford to do wrong; that what we are doing with Colombia we would not dare do with Russia; that our conduct FINDS BABE DEAD BY HER SIDE Grand Island Mother Has m Shock n Awakening in the Moraine Former Senator William v. Alien oi Madison rend a paper on "The American Judicial System" before the Philosophi cal soclely Bundiiy afturnoon. He' criti cised the Jury system as at present oper ated and advocated the election of all Judges for terms of fifteen years. In part he said: I believe In the grand Jury as It ex ists unifbr the English law. It Is a serious blow at the efllelency of the criminal law to abolish, modify, or tamper with it. To do eo is a direct encouragement to criminality. To abolish the grand Jury and place the power of indicting those who have violated the law In tho hands 9 on a par Wth the ethics of Alexsnder of of a prosecuting officer, whose election Macedon. Genghis .Kahn, Cartouche and freauently depends upon the voies oi rjicit Tumln. those he Is required to prosecute, is 10 jn Tepyr t may be said that a private establish a vital weakness In system landowner cannot obstruct a great public that ought to be strong and thoroughly enterprise, like a railroad must yield up buttressed. I his land for a reasonable price under the "But I want to speak more particularly rgnt of cmlnont domain; that a state is of the traverse jury. This law court no xrUcr than an Individual; that the auxiliary is more than six centuries oia philanthropists of the esst who own stock Gommaidtr f Northern DWiiioi of Army BaigesU Number of Changes. RECRUITS ARE NOT U' TO STANDARD Wonld Hetorn to Fratnrea of Old t'nlform anil Have More Mili tary Prisons In the DlTlslon. and the facts and circumstances oi in nrlsin and' development furnish Interest Ing and profitable reading. Speaking In the light of nearly thirty-five i years ex perlence at the bar and as one who has had more than average success In the trial of Jury cases, I am unable to see In lha traverse lurv tne oeauiy or i .,,, .... . 1 ... ., lld,lM Wro" ft"1 '"Hheaas: "But wiT iny man. hev-er eml- thouaht l saw wncn GRAND ISLAND, Dec. 27. (Speclal.)- Frlday morning when Mrs. George Plum mer awjke at a late hour she found that her 8-months-old babe was dead by hr side. Dr. Roeder, who is at the' same time coroner, was notified, and called. The babe had, It Is believed, smothered by too much Janu- Agrtealtnral Meetings. , Letters of Inquiry regarding the program of -organized agriculture are pouring In from all directions. Indicating that there will bo a large meeting. Tho following as sociations will meet during the week of January 18, at the university farm, Lin coln: The State Board of Aa-rlculture. Januarv 10. 20 and 21. State Swine Breeders' association arv 19. Nebraska Improved Live Stock Breeders' association, January 2D. Nebraska Dalrymena' association, Janu arv 20 and 21. Nebraska Veterinary Medical association. January 11. uiiroe-Jereey llreeders association. Janu arr 18. Association or Agricultural students. Jan- unry is. Nebraska Btate Horticultural society. January iv. w ana zi. mate Farmers institute Nphrnakii Rtnte Toultj-v Association Nebraska Shorthorn Breeders' associa tion January n. Nebraska Corn Improvers' association, Januarv 21. Nebraska Bee Keepers' association. Jan uary in. Nebraska Irrigation association. Janu ary 21. Nebraska Btock Growers . association. Nebraska Park and Forestry association. Jamiarr fl. The Farmers' Cc-Operative Grain and Llvs Btock Btate association. The eventna- sessions will be held under the auspices of the Btate Board of Agri culture. . - . . TUESDAY EVENING. , Organ recital, Dr. J. M. Mayhew. Address of welcome. Chancellor E. Ben Jamln Andrews. TVl far .1 M .1 H V TIP W . Address. Prof. John Hamilton,; Farmers' Institute specialist. United Btates i-'epari munt 1st Agriculture. "lessons From tne uia worm, junepn E. Wing of the Breeders' Gaxetto. -WEDNESDAY EVENING UTtialn Walt's nrrhestrfl. Adrlre'as. Prof. W. A. Henrv. dean of the agricultural college, University of Wiscon sin. Kfitln WaH'ti nwhoafra "Some Foreign Botanical uaraens ana Pari,. " Tr c . Kpaapv. dean of the in dustrial college, University of Nebraska. THURSDAY EVENING. Music, Miss Flossie DeArnold. Tho Pormnnpnt Maintenance of the Pro ductive Capacity ot the Boll," Prof. C. O. Hopkins of the Illinois agriculture experi ment station. Address, Colonel W. A. Harris, secretary of the National Bhorthorn Breeders' asso ciation. . . . The official program will be received from the printers within a few days and will be mailed free of charge to any person who may apply for the same. Come and make this a profitable woek at tho unlveralty farm and bring your neighbors with you. Ask your railroad agent for rates. Instructor In Road Maklnat. Prof. E. A. Burnett of the University ot Nebraska, who Is superintendent of the Farmers' Institute, haa secured the servlcej of D. Ward King of Missouri. Mr. King has made a success of earth road construction, having kept mud roads In good condition throughout the past season. His experi ments extend over a period of seven years. Prof. Burnett will aend Mr. King to the institutes In the eustern portion of Ne braska, beginning north of Omaha the Oret week in February. It Is hoped that the mud roada will be Improved as a result of Mr. King's visit to the rtate. In transcontinental railroads are afraid of their dividends. In rejoinder It may be said that the mo tives which actuate people are not material, the question being, is their contention a correct oneT I leave these questions of ethics, inter Mrs. Plummer awoke about (.o'clock a. m. and, the baby being restless, had nursed It. She then laid It carefully at her side, covering It well.' When she next awoke, at a late hour in the morning, the child was dead. The little one had had croup about a week ago but seemed to have entirely re covered from that. The family Is In quite poor circumstances. The poor mother Is almost distracted nent, says the conduct of the president has no precedent back of It, he is mistaken. WILBER F. BRYANT. Strikes It Rich In Homo. RAVENNA. Neb., Dec. 27. (Special.) Frank Petrlck, formerly of Ravenna, la one of twelve men who have recently in corporated what Is known as the Nome Quarry Mining company at Nome, Alaska. The company owns twenty-four claims on Glaoier river, and on their property is the first quarts discovered In th,e Nome dis trict The ore Is free milling, and assays from 117 to $2,800 per ton, and averages 1103 per ton. The vein they control varies wliIO the .ugKMtlon that we should sub- in wiom irom six ieei to seventy feet so Blitute a minority for a unanimous ver rar as aeveiopeo. ivext season the com- dict pany proposes to put in a stamp mill and which I thought I saw youngar. Wenlrl Mmlt Jnry'a Power, 'T ,,.l nn ahnilah tho trial of aCtionS " - - ..1 ii : ... n . at law by a Jury, but I' would greatly """""" " "r""kr,""u- circumscribe and narrow the Jury's prov- I ALLIANCE, Neb., Deo. 27. (Special.) Ince. I would not give Its verdict undue Hugh P. Magulre, a well known and popu oromlnence: nor. If the Judge of a re- I lar brakeman, who has been working out viewing court, would hesitate a moment I of here for the last three years or more. to set aside its verdict when I thought It sustained a fracture of the skull last wron. I do not accept the Idea some- I Friday afternoon that produced uncon times advanced that twelve untrained eclousness for probably five hours, and minds, that Seldom reason consecutively I it was feared would cause his death. Lat or correctly and frequently become the est reports from his bedside are to the sport and play of wily and misleading ad- effect that ho will recover. The Injured vocate and bow to the popular wish, man woa attending to the lamps In the whether right or wrong, and. reflect publio 1 way car when the breaking in two of the sentiment more than the trutn or ine 1 tram caused a collision and the car lurched facts submitted to them, constitute a safer I violently. He was thrown with terriflo tribunal than the keen intellect of one force against the car stove, which, though trained mind having the power and dls-1 made of heavy Iron, was broken. position to do right regardless of pas sion or prejudice. Nor do I accept as men's association st Fort Pierre yesterday the delegates selected to represent thnt association tit the meeting of the National Live Btock .issoclnlion. to be held at Port land, Ore., January 12. were Andrew V.. I.ce of V million; Noah Newhunks. P.e:: C. Ash, Trucls Mndson, L. H. Clow, all ol Pierre; Al Newton of Ccntervllle, O. 1 Mathleson of Bovine; John JTsyes, Anton Mecr and Manuel Pylve, all of Fort rierru. Dtrlkes at the Root. Many dangerous dlseates begin In impure blood. Electric Bitters purifies the blood, and cures, or no pay. Only 50c. For sale by Kuhn ft Co. CHICAGO, Dec. 27. In reviewing he year's work of the United States army In the Department of tbe Lakes, Major John C. Bates, commander of the northern 01- vlslon, says that the character and ap pearance of recruits is not up to the stan dard of those of former years, the num ber of undeveloped youths being especially noticeable. According to the report, the "baby blue" facings for Infantry Is unpopular, and with out exception Is opposed by all Infantry officers, and a return to the white facings is universally deslrod, as is also tho reten tion of the officers' blue overcoats In lieu of the new olive drab overcoat. The gen eral mess system In operation throughout the department Is declared unsatisfactory, and a return to company mess system is recommended. In discussing the need of a military prison, which the report declares has been fully demonstrated. General Bates says: The post guardhouses have been over crowded, although under Instructions from superior authority I have released many prisoners where. In my Judgment, such ac tion was not likely to be detrimental to I 'discipline, and, In some eases, 1 am afraid I have exceeded .tnat limit In efforts to re duce the number of prisoners. Furthermore, I think It a bad effect on the young soldier entering the service to have constantly before his eyes those old soldiers serving long septences, and that It would be in the interest of discipline to send oil men under sentence of a year or more away from the post to a military prison. The roster of the department contains the names of Iu2 commanding officers and 2,764 enlisted men. In the period covered by tho report there were 357 enllstud men tried by general court-martial, this being an In crease of 23 over last year. Of the 307 men tried, 842 were convicted. EAT, DRINK AND DE MERRY Hogs Uo Mad. PAPILLION, Neb., Deo. 27. (Special. )- A few weeks ago John Fundaberg, to gether with a number of other farmers llv- We have already gone as far as safety I inB.' in the southwestern nart of the count v ,u" lurwier ueveiop tne property, rrank wm permit In trenching on ancient lorms na)j several head of hogs blUen by a mad Petrlck was one of the first prospectors and institutions without having made prog- aog Tuesday a hog belonging to Mr. Fun In the Klondike country after the discovery rcss or Improvement. Let the traverse ,jabcrg. exhibited symptoms of. rabies. It 01 goia in mat district, six or seven years Jury continue to be composed 01 vweive ago. He located one or the first claims men who shall unanimously agree upon on Bonanxa creek, and worked It to very a verdict, but let the ground for a new good advantage until the Nome discoveries I trial be enlarged, and make It the sworn became known, when he sold out and went duty of trial Judges and of Judges of re to the Nome territory, where he has been viewing courts to carefully examine the prospecting for the past four years, seem- fact aItcr a verdict has been returned, Ingly with very satisfactory results. In no other way win tins country even approximate perfect justice. After Brother of "Challenger." I "There is a popular belief that the law's TEKAMAII. Neb.. Deo. 27.-(SDeelal. delays are Inexcusable, and that It is, in was killed Tuesday. There are yet several other animals that were bitten up in the neighborhood. The farmers are carefully watching for the first appearance of mad ness, when the afflicted animal will be killed. The dog which started the scare was killed as soon as possible. Prof. Burnett of the State university farm ome Instances, may be admitted, but I am came down one day last week and In com. I convinced that more Injury ts done by too pany with William Ernst, sr. vitlted the "rat haste and inattention on the part of farm ot Lawrence Murphy, alx miles west the Judges In the determination 1 of cases of Tecumseh, for the purpose of Inspecting than by reasonable d'lay and deliberation, a 2-year-old teer full brother to "Chal lenger," the steet that took the grand prise ot the Chicago live stock show a few weeks ago. This animal is a perfect one and now weighs LOGO pounds. While the sale of the rteer to a representative of the atate was r.ot fully consummated. It Is practically as- njred that the animal will pass Into the care of the state farm In a few days, and as he u. said to be the equal of his lllus- I Superior as a Whole. Exeter Gets Weather Bulletins. EXETER, Neb., Dec. 27.-(Speclal.)-Post- mastei Phillips received wqrd Monday from Willis L. Moore, chief of the United States weather bureau at Waahlngtoa, that Exeter had been included In tbe towns of Nebraska to receive the, "emergency warnings" of the weather bureau which are aent when the occasion Justifies by telegraph at the GOES FOR BODY OF SMITHSON Remains of Fonndrr of Smithsonian Institution to Be Brought to America, GENOA, Dec. 27. Dr. Alexander Gra ham Bell, inventor of the telephone, has arrived here. Ho will convey to the Smith sonian Institution at Washington, D. C, the remains of James Stnlthson, founder of the institution, who died in Genoa in 1829. WASHINGTON, Deo. 27.-U is said here that the reason for the removal at this time of the body of the founder ot the Smithsonian Institution from Genoa to this country Is because a stone quarry has en crouched on the English cemetery at Genoa to such an extent that it has become neces sary to remove the remains Interred there. Mr. Bell left this country a little more than a week ago. Congress has made no appropriation for the removal of Mr. Smlthson's remains to this country, and It could not be learned, tonight, on account of the absenoe of Prof. Langley from the city, whether the regents of the Smith sonian had voted money for this purpose or Mr. Bell was acting on his own initia tive. The matter had been discussed in local scientific circles, where the opinion prevails that the grounds of the institution in this city are the proper site for thoir final resting place. Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Catarrh, Nervousness, and Sleeplessness. Makes old folks feel young. And yos folks feel strong;. Repairs the stomach. Feeds the nerves. Vitalises the Monyl. It makes yon ent heartily. It divests all yott do rat. It pnts color Into palo cheek. And makes one clad to live. You can't have the blues. Yea can't have indigestion. - Yoa can't have sleepless nlghta. Yon can't be a failure. If yon take Paw Paw. Drniralats will tell yoa they nevet handled aa article that sold so rap. Idly and made ' such remarkable cures. Price, ni.00 pit bottles. raw Paw Pills Sffo a fcottlo. , . At all druggists. trlous brother, the whole country may have ot beteT Ju"se- an opportunity to take off hats to him la 1904. "But I would not have you believe that I government expense for the benefit of the see nothing admirable In the American Ju- public. "Emergency warnings" are issued dlcial siEtem. taken as a whole. I believe by this bureau when the conditions era It far sunerlor to that of any other coun- favorable for tropical hurricanes or storm try, and that our Judges are fully abreast nl cc-'d. waves of unusual severity. ot the age In which they live in learning, patriotism and integrity. I believe, aloo. that the tendency la. towards tbe selection WANTS NATIONAL A0UAR1UM With, a modification which I shall point out, t am satisfied that our Judges should (Continued from First Page.) Trials of Tax Collector. TAYLOR, Neb.. Dec. 27. (8 pedal. )- County Treasurer Bails had quite an epi sode a few days ago. The day before he sent a deputy up the river to collect some tuxes. The deputy was run off the place. He found he had to walk or shoot, so ha walked. Then the treasurer took a man and went to tho same place. He levied on a horse, but when be proceeded to take It he found he had a "scrap" on his hands, but he was too much for the owner. However, when he saw the man's wife hurrying to the rescue with a shotgun he thought t time to retreat, without the money or the horse. " Alwaya Remember tb Full N'ram f nxcUve Urcmo (ptiiinuia CurcS Cold fai One Dy, Cri la 3 Paya 1(1 J J w s icy oaevwy FEAR BOY HAS BEEN MURDERED Dlsappeara July and Kothlnsr Has Been Vera or Heard of Him Viae. FREMONT. Neb.. Dec. 27. (Special.) Reluttyes of George Vascalda, a young farm hand formerly employed at the ranch of Mark M. Coad, east of tne city, report that be has been missing for nearly six months, and from certain circumstances connected with his disappearance they are fearful that he has been murdered. H. A. Vescalda of Topeka, Kan., the young mans fathef. has arrived In Fre mont to search for his son. He has en listed the services of Sheriff Bauman in that mission, and the sheriff would like to get bold of any Information which would tbrou' light on the case. 80 far absolutely nothing ' Is kisiwn. moro than that young Vascalda olaAppeured on July L anil lias not Iwn aten since. , On the date mentioned, Vascalda cult work at the Coad farm( and drew the wages dua him, which amounted to $42.30, He wrote home that he was going back there soon, but when several weeks passed by and he did not come, his parents ad dressed a letter to him here, asking whst detained him. No r-ply was received, and they wrote again. Both letters were sub sequently returned to Topeka, with the information that Vascalda no longer called for his mall here. - A team, wagon and outfit of harness owned by the young msn were left at Ba ker, Neb., while he was working here. He had written to that place that he would sojn come to .get tbew. but he has never done so. Vascalda had nearly $&0 in his possession when he was last seen. It Is not incon ceivable that' he may hive fallen in with companions who murdered him for the money. Men have been killed for smaller amounts than fW, and it will be remem bered that robberies of one kind and an other have been frequent In this part Of the slate during the last year. The relatives of the ni liming man and those who knew him here describe, him as being 26 years old. weighing UO poundi Watting Room for Indians. BANCROFT, Neb., Dec, 27.-(Speclal.)- A citizen of the town who has the welfare of the Indian at heart has secured a build ing 011 Main street and Is preparing to open comfortable rest and waiting room for Indian women and children. That such a room Is almost a necessity, especially dur ing the winter reason, 1 obvious and doubt less Its promoter will meet with the eo-op-eratlon of nil people In sympathy with the Indian, . both from a social and philan thropic standpoint. be elected by the people.. If all federal o' could touch- The landscape had no cnarms tor mm. xne aipa uiu 1101 Tiriprena him. The beauties of Paris and Vienna Judges were elected for a term of not less than fifteen years, the Judges of the su preme court at large, and the Vnlted Stales circuit and district Judges by ' the people of tholi respective clrpults and districts, and If all tbe state Judges were elected for an equal length ot time, I am satisfied that much of the -weakness now appearing in our Judicial system would be eliminated. and we would have a uniformly higher it-, I der of ability on the bench. , "In that case the federal Judge would be checked from going to extremes by the knowledge that his record would be re viewed by the people, while the time given to the Judges under, both systems would be sufficient to enable the people to correct their opinions If they should become dis appointed at a rightful decision that might be made." ACT NOT WITHOUT PRECEDENT Similarity Between Recognition Independence of Texas and Panama. of did not evoke his ecstocles. Nothing that he saw had the slightest effect of drawing out the least expression of admiration. Weeks and weeks passed, and the rest of the party were dumbfounded at his lack of appreciation of the sights which met them on all sides. Finally It was decided to send a committee of four, two gentle men and two ladles, to his room and in quire what it was prevented his enjoyment of the trip. " 'Old man,' said one of ths committee, 'tell us what is the matter. If any one in the party has displeased you we will dis miss him; if any wrong has been done you we shall see that It is remedied, but doJ tell us what the trouble is, for we are trying hard to please you.' , Well,' said the unapprectative tourist. 1 do not care to say anything about my trouble. I wanted to keep it to myself, but as you have asked me. I may as well out with it. The matter Is Just yils: This is my weodlng trip the first Wedding trip I ever made and I'm so blamed poor that I did not have money enough to take my stock Com nauy starts Billiard Hall. DANNEBROG, Neb., Deo. 27. (Special.) A Union Temeprance association has been organized the past week with a membership of sixteen. It Is by rights a Btock com pany. Each ore has to take shares In order to become a member. The shares are $3 each and nonassessable, a member can take aa many shares as ' he wishes. The object of this association Is to own and operate a pooi ana imnaru ana temperance hall, cigars confectionery, temperance drinks, etc. , raptures in Utter. FALLS CITY. Neb., Dec. 27. (Special.) Volney Bears was lucky enough to capture one of the finest specimens of an otter ever seen here. The animal measured five feet from tip to tip and had beautiful fur. The otter was captured on the Ntmaha river. Volney has dressed tho skin and expects to sell it for a good price. LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 27.-To the Editor with m ' " of The Bee: The Panama Incident Is too fresh in the publio mind to need reheareal. I Harm Jrever Burns Where raiding the speech of Senator Mor- I After Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil is ap- gan a few days ago, I rubped my eyes to I plied. Relloves pain instantly and heals al get them wide open, and pinched myself to 1 the same time. For man or beast. Price. 2fa. make sura that I was not in the arms of the drowsy god The venerable senator. AlBCnV nw NORTHERN PAC If IU in substance, accuses the president of mak- I ing terms with an irresponsible revolu- PassrBK,r Trains Collide Head-on and nonary junta ana or aeciaring war, tne . . . . -. . , ,n h, ...... I Oao Is Killed and Several htm Is reserved to congress under the con stitution. John T. Morgan fought four years to maintain the right of secession, gj. PAUL, Dec. 27. North and south and he ought to feel kindly .toward the bound passenger trains on the Duluth dlvi people of Panama. I aiori of the Northern Puclno railway met The aged senator was a practicing lawyer I tn a head-on collision between Pine City Injured. FUfiERAL IN PLACE OF WEDDING Woman Arrives from England to Find Her Intended Has- band Dead. M'KEESPORT, Pa.. Dec. 27.-After Journey of nearly 4,000 miles, which was to have had its termination at the nuptial' altar, Miss Lillian Bennett of Wednesbury, England, today stood in the presence of the remains of her betrothed. Ambrose Good, who was killed In the wreck of the Duqucsne limited InKt Wednesday evening. The scene In the littlo darkened parlor of the home of Thomas R. Good, a brother of Ambrose, was pathetic. Just across the street from the home of Thomas Oood stands the ottuge which Miss Bennett's intended husband had purchased and fur nished for her. Tomorrow, which was to have been the last before the wedding, will witness the funeral. Miss Bennett is profuse tn her gratitude for the kindness of the Ellis Island officials and others, but .refutes the statement she Is without friends. She says she will likely remuli) In America. Minneapolis Duluth In Alabama at the date of the battle ot Palo Alto. He does not have to read his tery, like the rest of us, but remembers that Mexico emancipated her slaves; that the state of Texas revolted against the and Hlnkley this evening, killed and several injured. One reported a Your liver regulates your system. ' Wright's Indian Vcgofablo Pills g v regulate your liver. DR. PEERY'S DEAD SHOT VERMIFUGE' Tho Annlh:itar tf Worms. ov aalo by all draaslsla. A Hurt Sever Hurts After Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil la ap- mandates of the federal republic; tl at plied. Relieves pain instantly and healg at Mexico had hot acknowledged the lnde- the same time, tor man or peat, rnce, ac pendence of Texas, but was making re- BOTTLE MAKERS TO SHUT DOWN Supply of Flint Glass Too Great to Keep Prices at Present Level, PITTBBURO, Dec. 27. A decision has been reached by the flint glass manufac turers to close all bottle factories shortly after January 1 for four weeks in order to curtail production and better enable the trade to maintain prices. The .report of this decision has caused consternation In I glass circles and particularly among the workers .who had presumed that their sea son's work was permanently settled end there would bo no cessation of the indus try for the remainder of the fire. The agreement, it Is said, covrrs all the mem bers of the associated manufacturers, hut of course not the independents, who will continue their operations. Notices of shut down, it is said, will be posted some time during file week and thousands of skilled workmen will be rendered Idle. The direct route from Omaha an J the west is via The North Western Line. Fast trains, first-class track, convenient schedules ard the best of W.X eauipment. IS Two Trains Daily leave Omaha at 7:50 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. arriving St. Paul 7:40 p. m. and 7:35 a. m., Minneapolis 8:10 p. m. and 8:10 a. m. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars, buffet smoking and library cars, observation, cafe and parlor cars, free reclining chair cars and standard day coaches through without change. Sleeping car space and full Infor mation on request. 1 TICKET OFFICES: 14011403 Farnam St. II NWI31 V' ma w mav. vim ttt J AMISEMEITS. BOYD'S Woodward & Burgess, Managers. TONIGHT. SPKCIA!.. M ATI NEB Tl'EKDAY. TL'KHDAY NlilHT. A Cut Retir Dieeos After Porter's Antiseptlo Healing Oil la ap plied. Relieves p&ln Instant) end heals at the same time oj man or beast. frtc. Za "PEGGY FROM PARIS." deorge AuS s latest Success. No Free List. Special Matinee Prices, c, 50c, 76c and U. Wednesday Mutlnee and Night. "MR. JOLLY OF JOLIET." Thursday Nih'ht Only. Charlea B. Hartford In "Richard III." Krldav. Saturday Matinee and Night. ' BVKCIAU MATINEE NSW YEAK'S DAY. 'QUINCY ADAMS oAWTlR." Soath Dakota Btockmea Elect. PIERRE, 8. D., Dec. 26. fflpeclal.) At the meeting of the Missouri River Ktock- n oitiiHten newed efforts to subdue the seceding state; that, thereupon, Texas applied for admis sion to the American union; that there was not the necessary two-thirds In the senate to make the treaty of annexation; thit John C. Calhoun railroaded a Joint resolu tion of admission through congress a dan gerous precedent happily never followed; that the bouujary between the stitee of Tamalipaa and Cohull, on the ens band, and the state of Texas on the other, was more uncertain and unsettled than the same question now Is between Iowa. South Dakota and Nebraska; that the julnt reso lution aforesaid presumed to settle the dispute "without the aid or consent" of Mexico, and fixed the boundary ad filura aquae of the Rio Grande river; that Gen eral Taylor refused to enter tbe disputed territory until h had received express or ders from the president; that the batte of Palo Alto was fought while Arista was re slating the Invasion of Taylor; that congrers never declared war, but declared that war "exuited'' between the United State and Mexico. This Is history which every school boy ought to know. As to the merits of the Panama question. TEl.l.rllOMS Averse D Hair Vigor "I have used AVer's Hair Vigor, and can truly say that it docs Just exactly hat vou say It will do. I am greatly treated with it." Dr. J. A. Vouten, Madison, lud. Only 35? You look at least 60 1 Restore color to your gray hair. Keep young. Why not ? No need growing old so fast. No ex cuse now that you know how Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color, all the dark, deep, rich color of early life, KLOtaksWU. AUaracgtst. t. C. ? Oe Lewau. Km. Every Night, Matfnt-es Thursday. (Saturday Modern Vaudeville Valerie l?egere. Pinley A Wilson, Three Zolais, Serru Ac lltlla Itosa, H"iuen ft l-limrf. Duffy. Bawielle at Duffy, The To Ho-s, and tin- Klnodronie. PRICKS inc. wic- Theater I5-23-50-73C CCRUG ' Last 'lime TouluUt. KATHRYN OSTERMAN ""Miss Petticoats." Tueaday Nlght'HOT GUILTY" Baked Chicken Pis . AT THB Calumet Coffee House TOMOHROW. 1111-13 Douglas Bt. TOFT HANSBN, Prop. V!