Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1903, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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Wek'i Affairs Ua.r! All Thaaa ttit tb.
Go'.lega Bet Runt.
asasMBaBBBaSf V
Bays aa Girls Hone from Srbool
Llrra l the tfcrlstaaaa Dars with
lanoroaipla Fua tut Voath
I al Frolic.
Help Witt
Benrath the mistletoe aha stood.
(The maid who own mf hert,) .
And though 1 lonfed In lovesick mood
1 dared not play my part.
But while I stood there (poor galoot)
A change rtmt o er nr cairn
A K soma pain did through lier shoot.
She cried out In alarm:
O, something; In my hair has caught..
Come rescue mo, 1 pray! '
And atrnnire to tell, my help was sought
A dozen times that day.
, i'AL'L. OOOLU, In New Tork Times.
Local Calendar. '
JiONDAT Mra. Jack and Dick Baum
and Henlse L'.arkalow, a dancing party;
Mra. H. . Strelaht, a recepilun from 1 to
I o'clock; annual reunion of the hlah
- school class of W at the- home of Mine
Xlanche Konewater; Mr. J. B. . lllanch
ard's card party; Mr. and M, Charles
Harriina-, Went Bide Card club.
TUESDAY Mr. and Mra. Crofont, a mu
sicals for Mrs. Nash; Mra. I, B. J.llanch-4
ard, a card party; Mrs. Sumner a lunch
on st the Omaha club; high school class
Vfi. Mlaa Olive Carpenter.
(WEDNESDAY The Misses Hlllls, cards;
Barton Millard, dancing party.
THURSDAY Mra. H. 8. Jaynes. a tea
' from a to S o'clock; Second cotillion; Mra.
Arthur Fetter, cards; high school class
1WU, Mine Hulah Evans. .
VKIDAY Mlxa Mount at home, I In J
o'clock; Misses Conant at home, ! to I
o'clock; Mr. Clinton Orcutt, a dinner;
Old Bottlers' club, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
W. Yates; Crescent club, dancing party;
Misses SwIUler, Moorhead, Krelder, re
ceive from 1 to o'oioi'k; Mr. John L..
' Kennody, a dinner and theater party;
Young Women's Christian association, re
ception 4 to 8; Metropolitan club, annual
SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. John R. Man
chester, Poppleton Avenue Card club;
Mrs Frederick Hugh Cole, at home from
' 4 to o'clock; Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Peck,
a dancing party.
If thera la ona tlma of the year more
than another when tha college folks take
the reins. It Is during1 the holidays, and
this year has been no exception. To be
sure, the time Is all too. short for them
and then It haa been a long time since
they wera all packed off to schqpl last
, September, and, of course, In their, pleas
ant anticipation of having Ihem all at
home again, promises wera easily made
that It has. hurried the fond parents a bit
-to fulfill of late, and they are still hurry
Ing, for there are more than ths usual
number of future society men and women
at horns this vacation, and they ere Im
proving their time at a rate that promises
a lively whirl for future fashionable
circles. ' ' ,
The young people "have monopolised
things, and for the most part they have
danced. This week will be a repetition of
last, with a few teas and class reunions,
and dinners and card parties, and dances
for the elders In addition.
The New Year's reception ' will not be as
general this year aa last, though at least
half a doien hostesses have cards out, arid
aa many mors will keep ppen house.
Among the most notable gatherings . of
' the week will he the meeting of the old
settlers' New Year's evening at the horn
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry yf. Yates. , .
A very 1 well known matron was called
to her telephone the other day, and after
replying that that was Mrs. 8 ' resi
dence, and that It was Mrs. 8 talking;,
was somewhat surprised by a cordial greet
, ing In a masculine voice from the other
'and of the line, and nn inquiry if she had
forgotten their - engagement for dinner.
Mot recognising the voice or the engage
ment, she asked to be enlightened regard
ing both. It proved to be an appointment
made In Sioux City a short time ago with
another Mrs. 8.
Fatare Kvaata.
Misa Olive Carpenter will entertain the
high achool class of 1903 Tuesday evening.
Tha Misses Conant will receive New
Year's afternoon and evening at The Bach
elors' ' . ,
Miss Amerla Newman will be hostess
of this week's meeting of tha A. O. T.
bowling club.
The next cotillon will be given New
Year's eva tat Ghambera', Mr. Georg'e
Pritchett to lead.
, Mrs. H. G. Btrelght'a reception between
t and 5 O'clock will be among the largest
affairs ot Monday.
The high achool class of '9t will hold Ita
annual reunion Monday evening at the
home of Mlsa Blanche Rosewater, 1711
Douglas street
Tha annual reunion of tha high achool
olasa of 1901 'will be held at the home of
Miss Beulah Evans, CS Bouth Thirty-eighth
street, Thursday evening.
Mlsa Mount will receive New Year'a day
between I and o'clock In honor of Mlsa
- Newcomer of New York, guest of Mrs.
, Harry Lyman. No cards.
Mrs. Arthur Fettcra will entertain at
euchre Thursday afternoon In compliment
to Mrs. Charles Woodland of Mitchell,
B. D., and the Misses Manrid of Lincoln.
Among the most anticipated of the af
fairs for tha college folks Is tha dancing
party to ba given Monday - evening 'by
; Messrs, Jack and Dick Baum and Denlse
Bark a low. '
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yatea will throw
open their spfclous home. Hillside, New
Year'a night to the old settlers. Some time
' ago a club of these earlier -residents was
s formed and they together with some others
will constitute the party New. Year'a night.
Among the largest affairs announced
for New . Year's day Is the recep
tton to be given by Misses Grace Leard,
Ruth Moorehead. Litta Rohrbough, Mary
. Krelder and Alice Bwltaler at the home ot
Mr. and Mra Warren Switsler on St
Mary'a avenue, between I -and 6 o'clock
Cards have been Issued to about 126.
Weddlaaa Esfagesiesti.
Tha marriage of Mlsa Elsie Seifken and
Mr. John K. Oamble, formerly of Omaha,
- The beverage
up the body, but gives strength .
and cacrgy for the day' work. ;
was solemnised at noon Wednesday, Pe- J
camber 23. m Los Angeles, Cal., at the I
home of Rev. Robert Mclntyre, pa"' of 1
th First Methodist church. They were
attended by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Llpsey,
formerly of this city. Mf. and Mrs. Gamble
will reside In Los Angeles at 1336 South
Ios Anfteles avenue.
A wedding of Interest to many Omaha
friends will be solemnised at the Fresby- I
terlan church of Hannibal, Mo., Monday
evening, January 4, at 8 o'clock, It to
be the marriage of Mr. Charles How,
formerly Of Omaha, and . Miss Amy O lee-
son, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Lan
caster Oleeson. and a frequent visitor In I
Omaha. A reception will follow the cere
mony at the residence of the bride's par
ents, 1H South Fifth street. Mr. William
Pease, Mr. Arthur Oulmj and Mr. E. M.
Fairfield will serve aa ushers.
Co ate aaa Go Uosslp.
Mrs. Horace Durt has returned from Chi
Miss Newcomer, vof New York, Is the
guest of Mrs. Harry Lyman.
Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. J, N. II. Patrick.
Miss Nanette Shoup Is the guest of Miss
Hilda Hammer for ths holidays.
Miss EHa May Brown returned from St.
Louis the early part of the Week.
Mrs. I. R Perley of Emporia, Kan.,-Is
the guest of Mrs. Francis Brogan.
Mlsa Helen Brandeis Is spending the holi
day vacation with friends In Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Strickland have gone
to St. Paul, Minn., for a week's visit.
Mr, S. Kollner Is the guest of his uncle,
Mr. Carl Brandeis, for two weeks.
Miss Clara Edholm Is spending the week
with Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Edholm.
Mies Edith White 6f Lincoln Is the guest
over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Melkle.
Mrs. Milliner Woodrath. of Denver, la
spending the week with friends in the city.
Mr. A. B. Hunt expects to leave the
early part of the week for southern Cali
Miss Marie Ryan and Miss Alice Stevens
have rcturnedfor yie holidays from Cedar
itapias. i
Miss Alma Brandeis Is at home from
Milwaukee Downer college for the holi
days. Mr. William At wood of Klllawog, N. Y.,
Is visiting hla daughter, Mrs. W. E. Hitch
cock. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred O. Peterson and
Mlsa Ivy BolshaW spent Christmas day In
Lincoln. .
Mrs. Fred J. Sackett of Minneapolis and
daughter Ina are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Oscar . Williams has .been called to
Indianapolis by the death of her mother.
Mrs. M. M. Gregory.
Mr. Glen C. Wharton, who Is attending
the New xorn law scnooi, is at noma ior
his Christmas vacation.
Mra. Es C. McBhane spent Christmas in
Kansas City, visiting her daughters, Mrs.
Sargent ana Mrs. oye. N
Mr. and Mrs. John Jrftkson announce I
the engagement of their daughter, Mlsal
Lavinia. to Mr. Frank B. Loomls. I
Mr. Mosler Coipetier of Grand . Island I
spent Christmas in ths city with his par- I
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coipetier. '
Miss Lavlna Avery of Buffalo, N. Y., Is
expected soon after the first of the year tb
be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kll
Patrick. ' ' .
Mr. Gerald A. Wharton of St. Paul, M'nn.,
Is In the city pending' the Chrlstmaa holi
days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Wharton. ,
Mr. Louis Reed, of. Chicago, and Mr. I
Phillip Reed, who Is attending Harvard,
are Spending the week with Mr. and- Mra:
L. 8. Reed. .
Dr. Eugene Smith of Wyoming and Mr.
John Godfrey of Mississippi were guests
over Chrutma. at tha.hom. of Mr. nd
airs. tfUKiii Duni!
Mlsa Maude Dunnand and Mr. Thomas
E. Parker, of Kansas City, are guests of I
their parents, Mr. ' and Mra. Thomas E.
Parker, for tha holiday!.
Mlsa Fay Hitchcock and sister,' Hasel,
have returned from achool to apend tha
holiday vacation with their parenta, Mr.
and Mra. W. E. Hitchcock. .
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiller will anend the
week with frlenda tn Illlnota.' Miss Mlnnls
Hiller, who Is a , student at Vassar, la
spending the week In New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson arrived from thel
aouth Christmas morning, to be the guests
of Mr. and Mra. H. V. Cady for k few daya
before going to their home In Denver.
Captain William Cowln of the Third
cavalry, atatloned at Fort Asslnnlbolne. has
been granted a fifteen days' leave of ab-
eence, which he la spending with hla par-
enta . '
Mr. and Mrs. Herman D. Kountae and
children, who are now guesta of Mr. and
Mra. Herman Kountxa at Forest Hill, will
return to their home In New York, Mon
Dr. and, Mrs. J. J. McMullen left last
evening for the east Mra McMullen will
ba tha guest ot Mrs. Charles Ford In Chi
cago and Dr. McMullen -will spend about
ten daya In Buffalo.
Misses Esther and Frances Nash, who!
have been guests at the home of Mra.
Thomas Rogers since- their arrival 1 from
New York last week, ara now visiting Mra.
Harry Cartan. '
Mr, Will T'rlau of Denver,' Mr.' and Mra,
C. A. Hunter of St. Paul and Mlas Cath
erine Vrlau of New York were among the
out-of-town guests for tha Herrlck-Urlau
wedding Thursday,
Mrs. McClintock and Mlia McCllntock
who hava been tha guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Milton Barlow, will leave Monday for
Portland, Ore., where they will visit Mra.
Edward Brooke, nea McCllntock,
Mlsa A. J. Robertson, superintendent of
public Instruction, Cherokeer Ia la In tha
city, the guest of Mra, John 8. Brim
over Sunday. Eha goea Monday to, Dea
Molnee. to attend the Iowa atate teachers'
Pleasures Past. 1 '
Mr. sn'd Mrs. Ward Burgess entertained
a puny uc iweive guests at dinner last
Mlsa Coad. Mlsa Jane Orcutt. Mr. Moore-
head, Mr. Sidney and Mr. E. E. Cope were
guests Of Miss Edith Thomas at a box
party Tueaday evening at Boyd's, .. Mr.
Cope giving supper after the theater.
Tha Allgre'ia Assembly club cave a-very
detlrhtful wincing party at Prague hotel
Chrlivwa rijfUt. Ther were abeut forty
coiiplea present -The dining room waa
pri'tttly decorated with evergreen and
that not only butlJj
S3 . 1
(7 vf rrT7. w
holly, where Chrlatmaa supper wss served,
The next party of the Club will be given
January 14, 1804.
Ulna Nathalie Merrtam gave a very en
joyable dancing party last evening to a
number of. members of the younger set.
Mrs. McClernand gave a luncheon com
plimentary to Miss Howard Saturday, the
other - guests being: Mioses Yates, Hold-
reao, Susan Holdregef Kllpatrlck, Pritchett,
McKenna and Mra. Maxwell.
Miss Charlotte Parkins entertained last
Monday evening at her home, 116 North
: Forty-first street, In honor of the Parkins
McKltrlrk bridal party -eonsisting of Misses
Josephine Parkins, Dorothy Stone, Georgia
Patterson, V3race Davla, Orpha McKltrlck
and Charlotte Parkins, "and Messrs. J. "B.
McKltrlck, Woods, Tarklna, McKltrlck, G.
M. and C. W. Drew.
Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Merrtam of 1802
Blnney street gave one of the most en
joyable dancing patties ot the week last
evening at the Merrlam hotel. The dining
rooms were cleared for the dancers, who
Included sbnut seventy-five of the young
people homo from school. Christmas greens
and red carnations made the rooms very
attractive. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Farr entertained a
number of their friends at their pleasant
home at J24 North Nineteenth street on
Christmas eve. Th house was profusely
decorated with American - Beauty rosea,
ferns, mistletoe and holly. The evening
was pleasantly spent In games, after which
luncheon was served. Mr., and Mrs. Farr
reoeived man presents.
For their guest. Miss Dietrich, the Misses
Holdrege gave a chafing dish supper Tues
day evening. The eartjr Included Misses
Dietrich, Howard, Kllpatrlck. Yates,
Crounse, Marie Crounse, Captain Horton,
Chptaln Castle, Captain Shaw, Lieutenant
Elliott, Lieutenant Bowls, Lieutenant Al
len, Mr. J. L. Kennedy, Mr. Greens, Mr.
8am Caldwell and Mr. Esra Millard.
Mrs. H. P. Whltmore gave two box par
ties at Boyd's last week for her daughter,
Miss Eugenie, on Wednesday and Saturday
afternoons. Wednesday afternoon the
pVrty Included Misses Frances and Esther
Nash. Mary Rogers, Helen Davis, Eugenie
Whltmore and Mrs. Whltmore, Saturday
afternoon the party occupied two boxes
and Included Misses Louise Peck, Hasel
Connell. Jene Cudahy, Bess Baum, Messrs.
ueorge Keaick, Kimer kboick, nnut
Lewis, Ronald Patterson, Barton Millard
and TCdward Cudahy, Miss Whltmore and
Mrs. Whltmore. f
The members of the Omlkron Alpha PI
and a number of the college people home
for the holldaye enjoyed one of the mer
riest affairs of the week Thursday evening,
a dancing party at Chambers' academy.
The fraternity, colors, turquoise blue and
gold, and Christmas greens, holly and red
carnations 'trimmed the hall and doccrited
th8 balcony, where the pbnch was se ed.
fne programs were most unique. In ace
of the. regular names of the dances, the
name f elkhteen well known schools. aU
ot Mch wera represented, appeared on the
card, every other one being airls' scnooi
and these dances were ladles' choloe. The
patronesses Ot the evening were Mrs. Mor
j,an, Mrs. O. D. Kipllnger, Mrs. Andrew
Rosewater, Mrs. Charles Downes, Mrs.
Havens an Mrs. Beeman.
Sane Local Gossip.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Perfect Have taken
apartments at the Pratt.
Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Baum, Jr., are re
ceiving congratulations upon the birth of
a daughter. '
Mrs. Campbell . Fair and her sop, Mr.
James Fair, have taken apartments at
the Madison for ths. present.
Mr. and Mra. John K. Reas-an are re-
ioiclng over the birth of a daughter on
Christmas morning. Mother and child do
ing well. 1
Kw I'orlc E i peels to tt Cesapletea
'( Wlthla One Year fraaa
. Date.
NEW YORK, Deo. 38. -The tallest build
ing on earth Is to be erected In lower
Broadway If, the present , plans are carried
out. With live atorlea below tha etreet
I level, forty atoriea high from tha entrance
I to tha top floor and surmounted by a sixty-
foot tower, the gigantlo new building will
""a a ioisi neiBni or eio ieei, maaing u
over twice aa high aa the Flatiron building
and 'mMt ta" aln " the Park Row
building, which at preaent noiaa me record,
1 Uulldlng - would extend ona run
block on Broadway and Its cost. Including
th ,l,e' wt recn HO.WO.000. .The land la
M ta hav ben curd anl tha comple-
tlon. of tha building within ona year ta
, . Tctrtll.
Finding that I am greatly overstocked In
all aorta of materlala, I will for tha next
month make a great reduction on every
thing In stock making evening and din
ner gowna for less than coat; shirt waist
dresses for eMOO and sac.w; handsome laca
gowns for, less than coat; cheviot walking
skirts for 123.00; mixed goods, S2S.00.
Uaiwtkr Verelsi'a social.
Washington hail waa comfortably filled
nmi.nluv evenina with members, families
and friends of the German Landwehr so
ciety of Omaha, about en) being present to
enjoy their annual Christmas celebration.
T-hl snnetv is comDOseu or veterans ei inn
German army who have served the requisite
three years and became members of ths
"landwehr," v which la tha regular militia
of uermany. ,
Th. hall was Tasuir oocoraiea lasi even
ing with Christmas trees and tables filled
Witn gooa inmgw lor young biiu oiu, una
I cell in if with presents, stood out in bold
I relief between me sroauer irees,
A -h ,,i- musical vroaram took tin th
urller nart of the evening and waa fol
lowea oy aancing anu aiurirs ok mm mi nor
land. The ocoaaion waa altogether a ploaa-
aut one.
Promise of Fair aa loiaer saaday
aal Maaday la Na
WASHINGTON Dec. . Forecaat :.
For Nebraska Fair Sunday and Monday,
colder Sunday night or Monday.
For Iowa Fair Sunday, warmer In cen
tral and east portions; Monday fair, colder
In east and north portlpns.
For Illinois Fair, not so cold Sunday
Monday fair, brisk to high southwest to
northwest winds.
For North and South Dakota Fair, cold
er Sunday; Monday fair.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Bun
day and Monday.
For Kansas Fair Sunday and Monday;
colder Sunday night or'Motiday In north
east Dortlon. ,
For Missouri Warmer Sunday; Monday
fair. . i
Leeal Keeord.
OMAHA. 1C. wmi-iw i wju, u ui m
Mrature and prtclpltalion comparea wil
iha curresuoiidina- day ' ba last tiirce
tan ittiS 1m - lOAd
Msimum tempw-ature.... 0 T J it
Minimum temperature.... I II
Matin tempr.lura 1 0 85 II
preulpltauun - ' r
Record uf tfmperature and prvclpiiation
at Omaha for this day since ttrch L
1M3: .-.
Normal temperature IS
Eicraa for tne dy 1
Total excess since March L lfj 13
Noriobl precipitation .03 inch
Deficiency fur the day . ......... (B Inch
Total rainfall since Mrvh L...UM IneliM
F.mneHS alno March 1. IscS 3 li
Len.-ient-y for cor. poHo-O, 1 .. .16 lui hts
eauvnvy lur our. parlod, 1M.. I ? inches
In no department of her activity can It
be more truly said that "woman's work Is
never done" than In clubdom, and with a
year Just closing, and another about to
vin. for the rest of the world, the club
woman finds herself only In the midst of
her work, and knows, too, that this Is not
because of lack of system or of plans gone
wrong, but only because, aa he world s
housekeeper, her efforts muat -not cease
with the year any more than with the day.
A resume of the year Just closing shows
to the credit of the clutr woman a list of
achievements of which she may well be
' . . . 0,. h - I
proud, and that by comparison with a few
years bacH seems strangely full and big, I
but altogether worth while. . ' I
In the national effort the work aocom- I
Dllshed in last "winter's legislatures stands
first, for few state federations failed to
secure the passage of at least one bill for
the regulation of child labor, compulsory
education, traveling libraries, or some
other measure for the promotion of - the
publlo welfare.
In Nebraaka the women have ,not been
less active than In other states; In fact, In
some respects they have more to ahow for
their efforts than In the majority ot atates,
particularly In their recognition by the
superintendent of tha Nebraska, educa
tional exhibition at the St. Louis exposi
tion aa an educational factor worthy of a
place In the atate exhibit there. Nebraska
la the one state In tha union to ao recog
nise Ita club women.
Tha atate meetings of the varloua or
ganisations last fall show every one In
creased materially In numbers and
strength. In September the (Women's
Christian Temperance union held Its an
nual meeting at Lexington, at which was
represented every part of the state, each
with reports of something accomplished.
In October the Nebraska Federation of
Women's Clubs met In annual convention
at Fremont, representing 116 clubs and
over 4,000 members. The same week the
Nebraska Woman Suffrage association met
at Nebraska City with 1.SO0 women repre
sented, and tha P. E. O. sisterhood held
Its meeting at Lincoln.
With each organization representing some
particular purpose, all hava worked to
gether In the main things, chief among
these being the effort for the establish-
meni jor a juvenile court, for a better pure
food law. for the extension of tha Citato I
r.iin. nv- - . I
"-'""" '"'
nmmilaAMr 1 - - 1
--" iur a i
mora equitable property rights law for I
nn T. I. Ill . I
1 7 ,t -oompuiaory
education effort they were successful, Vnd I
in tne other things their saltation Dromlscs
not to be without fruit' far tnr. h..
been aroused that will
In another year
bear fruit
In Omaha the cluba have gone on grow
ing In strength and numbers. The Omaha
Woman's -club has rained materially In
membership, and with a liberal allowance
estimated for the year's expense will come
out in tha aprtng with fully 500 over and I
above Its expense, in addition to ita In-
vestment of $1,000.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
union, while not as noticeably' aotlve as
last year, has accomplished quite as much.
having furnished the funds necessary for
a great part of the work conducted at the
City Mission, beeldes tha prison and con
test work. At South Omaha tha disbanded
union haa been reorganised with alxty
some activa members, the largest in Doug-1
las county.
Tha organisation of a atate society of the
Daughters of tha American Revolution was
another notable accomplishment that pro
mises to oo mucn to strengthen the natrl.
Otio work of the tat'
collection of historic recorda oi thla section.
Practically all of the national women
ah Suva irtmilmA ,ki. ,
. IBM liar
ncluded. Omaha- and Nebraska in . their
itinerary and their visits hava been mu-
tually helpful. All In all, the year closing Charles. Isaac and George Svaa and their
haa been successful 'to the e-rtent nt ri- families held a reunion at the home of their
naa oeen aucoessiui to tne extent of bring- ,lBten Mr, E, TOaai Thirty-first and Marcy
Ing Nebraska and Its women to -a place streets, Christmas. Thirty-seven took din
near the top among those who hava worked Miss Brook Carl of Council Blurts, who is
hard and have profited well by their efforts ataving with her brother and family here
. nj- atten(jjng. buxinesa college, was the
Mlss Llllla Crummer, a alster of T)r. B. V.
Crummer, will leave Omaha on January 4
to return to Shanghai. China, to re-uma
her work at St John a college. Miss Crum.
mer has been a teacher there for tha last
.n v.r. ... , k
. , . , ..w.
of Milona, and returned thla fall on leave.
expecting to remain a year,' Changes at
, . . . i . 7
w k., .r, .naue ner oeciae to return
ai ones ana sne win resume ner work with
tha beginning of ths spring term, the mid
dle of February. Last year Miss Crummer
waa In charge of Bt Mary'a Hall, St John's
college, which Includes four educational
Instltutlons-and an orphanage, Is one of ths
oldest and hast knnnrit rhrlatUn n... i.
China, and It la there that .m.t,. r
--. ------
weauny wvruani viavs eauca&e ,i(reir sons
and daughters, Ita graduatee now filling
publlo posltiona In all parte of tha empire.
Among the atudenta now there Is tha son
of Wong Kal-kal, Chinese commissioner to
tha St. Louis exposition.
The Woman's club haa been granted the
use of - Boyd's theater for Mondsy after.
noon, January 25. for. Mrs. Martha "Glelow,
who will present her "Plantation Folk
Lore." (
Christmas for Old Soldiers.
Christmas day was appropriately ob
served at tha Nebraska Buldier ' and Sail
ors' home at Grand Island. Many of the
old veterans were kindly remembered by
friends and relatives with Christmas gifts,
ana a unrisimas reasi was served under
the direction of Commandant W. S. Ask
with. Following was the menu for the
' Oatmeal and milk.
Pork s.UHg.
Baked potatoes. JUread. Butter.
Co free. Tea.
Roast turkey. IreiiiK. Giblet gravy.
Mashed potatoes. Baked sweet potatoes.
Mince pie.
Bread. Butter.
' Cheese. Oranges.
Tea. Milk. Co,'-. Mixed nute.
Oyater stew. Crackers.
. Welerv.
Canned apricots. Apples. Assorted cake.
. ureaa. gutter.
Tea. Coffee. Milk.
People having no false pride aerva Cook's
Imperial Champagne at Club' and home
banquets, entirely through preference
Invest your
Christmas Money
in Diamonds.
m ,a av '
Mr 8. J. Crewes has been on the sick
list during the past week.
Several parties from this place attended
the rendition of the "Messiah" at the First
Methodist Episcopal church In Omaha on
Tuesday evening.
On ChrlRtmeji eve the cronrletors of the
Benson hotel Invited a number of their
friends to an old-fashioned Christmas tree.
The festivities were held at midnight.
Mrs. Olmsted of Loran. la., who has
been visiting 'with her daughter, Mrs. J.
A. Keller, during the past week, returned
to her home Wednesday of last week.
No meetlna of the Readlna circle ot the
r.pwortn league was neia lnst week on ne-
count of the general holiday breaking-up,
b)t meetln(r"wiu b held next Tuesday as
usual, at the parsonage.
Mr. George Hawkins of Houston. Tex.,
lonneriT a resiuuni oi imn mace, inq pnin.
L- .1 I'M. 1 I. .. ...... t . r . 1 lu .1
Tu..da . ..tend the funeral of their
brother, Mr. Thomas Hawkins.
Miss Fearle Kelly, Instructor in the reru
Normul. arrived here last week, and will
spend the holiday vacation at the home
or her parents, Mr. and Mra H. J Kelly,
and friends in and about Omaha.
Mrs. 8. V. Smith of Rocky Ford. Colo.,
arrived last Wednesday, and is making an
Indefinite vl'lt at the home of her daugh
ter. Mrs. J. A. Morgan, and among her
many friends here and In Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Stlger left last
Wednesday . -for Plnttsmouth to spend
Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. X).
B. tSmlth, parents of Mrs. Stlger. They
will return to their home this evening.
Services . will be held aa usual at tha
Methodist Episcopal church today,, con
ducted by Pastor Crewes. Special musia
will be rendered. Sunday school, Epworth
league and evening services at usual times.
Mr. and Mrs. Olmsted and daughter, for
merly of Illinois, visited last week at the
home of his sister. Mrs. Keller, on their
way to their new home In California. They
left here last Monday, after .a week's visit.
The nubile schools of the villa ne were
closed on Christmas day only. No other
vacation will be granted by the board on
account of the month's delay In the fall
term, on- account ot the erection ol me
new building.
Miss Ada E. Stleer left for Lincoln on
Friday to Join friends In a house party,
extending until after the holidays, and to
be entertained by Mrs. James Waddick,
and also Miss M. E. Saftord, formerly of
this place.
Mr. Will Smith of Wlnterset. Ia.. is ex
pected to arrive today to attend the con
vention to be held In Omaha in the In
terest of machinery and lmolement deal
ers. He will be a guest at the home of his
sister, Mrs J. A. Morgan.
The Benson. Methodist -Episcopal Sunday
school gave a three-act cantata at the town
hall on Christmas eve. it was given Dy
children of the Sunday school to parents
and friends, who attended In large num
bers. Santa Ciaus and a treat oi gooa
Lh,n?.B wa". fetre of interest to the
Small aithnlara . Rntna fif . those dolnff -SolO
, tne cantata Were Mr. Kodaoaush
and Miss Louise Hecker.
The funeral services of Mr., Tom. Hawk
Ins. who died of pneumonia, were held at
.ho' ,!! ,..i,ion.. MW-iono reet
.... ... .
Wednesday morning, witn itev. JO. r . jlii-
fenbacher of Irvington officiating, and Rev.
JO hn Crewes of this Dlace asHlstlnc. Mr.
blffenbacker, united the deceased and wife
in marriage four years ago. Mr. Hawkins
leaves a widow and daughter a years oia.
Ktieclai services were held at tha St,
James orphanage on Chrlstmaa day, con
sisting of high mass In the early hours,
celebrated by Rev. Father Jennetto. A
Christmas tree was displayed at a. m..
with a small Snnta Claus ny one oi me
children. At midday a festival dinner waa
kerved. Miss Marsaret Fa Kan had col-
lected ' the enaentials to provide, thin. In
which consisted of songs and recitations,
It waa greatly appreciatea Dy au present
West Anibler,
t).u t vT Tionierann will oreach at the
First ' Methodist church In South Omaha
today. . ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Faverty entertained
relatives from out of the city for Christmas
dinner. . '
iWa. Carl and children were visitors witn
Mr. Carl'a parenta In Council Bluffs on
Tuesday. . .
Mrs. Dayton Smith was the 'guest or wrs.
I George Syas and daughter, Mrs. Will Free.
Blan Monaa'
u.,. t XT- luirh wax the ruest of Mr.
and Mrs. L. C. Kringel of Clifton Hill on
Tuesday for dinner. .
Rev. Mr. Howard of University Place
waa the guest pf West Ambler friends from
Saturday until' Monday.
The Modern ' Woodmen hall on Fiftieth
and Center streets Is ready for the plaster-
I ers. It makes a fine appearance,
H.i BiTHr.2f mth?1 m
' I Maestrlckv Sunday. nd. took their little
I daughter Nellie home. ,
I Th, Dirlilmu, entertainment of South
I i V. 1 , kaM
wSl."?ino",'"h, U en lovable Uroe
I was had bv all who participated.
I guest of Miss Mae eyas ai amner ou xues-
I uay evening.
I Prof. John Henderson, of 'the faculty of
I h.v. with, his narenta. Rev. R M.
I aon and wife. Mrs. Nelson Pratt, his sister,
U"d family, lao were gueete of their par-
i entg cn (jnristmas aay.
, nd a dellahtful time waa had by all.
I J, E. Augne visitea nis aaugmers, mr.
I v. rtAwann and Mrs. J. Youiia. and son
w,if. Folsom. I ; this week. Mr. and
I Mrs. Dawson accompsnlea
Mrs. Dawson 'accompanied him home. Mr.
, Dawson brought a shipment of cattle to
the South Omaha stock yarns. y
Mrs. Tlllsori is slowly improving from her
I recent severe illness.
..." " " ' ,ur
I the Christmas holidays.
Mr. William Colfax la the s-uest for a
few days of his sister, Mrs. W. L. Selby.
Mr. James W. Hamilton returned on
Thursday from a business trip to several
southern points.
Tha sons of Rev. James J. Lampe are
home from Knox college, Galesburg, 111.,.
for tne holidays.
Miss Carolina M. Pennock, a sister of
t the House of Baldntf is that no matter what kind of
a "CAKE," PIE or BREAD you may decide upon it
will always be found here our own baking, fresh and
A. J
to close out our entire line of wrist and chste
laln baars and purses. 340.00 value now llo.OO;
1260 value, 110.(10; (12. U
-value. 11 Go: 50 value.
' kl 1 Miia aTade of aoods and
& early Monday.
BI3-5l4Karbach Block. .' ,
Ladies desiring advanced styles for spring should
call at once. l)uring the month of January I will make
Baits. Jackets and Skirts at Bpecial prices.
The same high-class workmanship guaranteed.
Mrs. I, 8. I-esvttt, died at the home of her
parent in Omaha on Thursday.
Mlsa Ella Marsh ell la at home from Peru
normal school for the holidays.
A delightful entertainment took place on
Chrlstmna eve at the Dundee Presbyterian
caurch, the Dundee Union Sunday school
giving the "Santa Claua Cantata."
St. Marks will have a Chrlstmaa tree
Monday evening at Wall a hall.
Henry Stoltenberg waa a visitor at Cal
houn the latter part of the week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Cole and family spent
Christmas with relatives at Blair.
Captain Reynolds, who has been confined
tn his room for several days, Is able to be
Mlsa May O'NIell visited several days of
this week In Omaha with her sister, Mrs.
Will McUulness.
Mr. George Uoodlett ol Omaha was the
guest of his sister, Mra Hugh Buttle, Sat
urday and Sunday. .
Miss Lll'.le Bondessen of Omaha waa a
guest of her sinter, Mrs. J. Weber, Jr., a
couple of days this week.
Mra. Myrtle Fouke of lreton, la., is spend
ing the holidays here with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott.
The electric lights are In full blast now
and make a decided Improvement for the
town. They were turned on Saturday night
for the tlrst time.
Miss Emma King of South Omaha, ac
companied by her sister, Mrs, Francis,
spent Christmas wlthXthelr grandparents,
Mr. and Mra. Forgy.
Miss Edna Price, who haa been at Lin
coln the past four months doing private
nursing. Is spending the holidays with her
sister, Mrs. W. R. WaiL
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Olsen of Silver Creek,
Neb., spent a craiple of days here the first
of the week vUitlng olu friends. They
were formerly residents here.
The pupils of the high school gave an en
tertainment Tuesday night at the school
house, charging an admission of 10 cents.
The proceeds go to buy boo Its for tha school
library. -
Bt. Phllllpp's house gave a Christmas tree
to the Sunuay school pupils at Wail a hall
Saturday evening. All the children were
present. D. J. 8. O'NIell was master of
ceremonies, assisted by hla sister, Mlsa
Rev. Phillip 8.- Smith. In charge of Bt,
Marka at Florence, conducted services at
Bancroft last Sunday evening. Rev. John
Williams of St. Barnabas. Omaha, held
services at St. Marks In tha absence of
Mr. Smith.
The Davtd Talbot Ice company hava har
vested their first crop of Ico from the res
ervoirs and put It into the houses here.
The Ice was about ten inches thick and Is
of the finest quality. The Kclrle lea cr-u-rany
have been working the past week
hauling Ice from tha river and storing it In
their houses.
Children Give Estrtslamst.
The chlldron'a club and training eriool
of tha Woman'a Socialist union of Omaha
will give a Chrlstmaa entertainment at
Socialist headquarters, 619 North Sixteenth
street, tonight. A special feature of this
entertainment will be a physical culture
drill by a clasa of little girls and boys un
der the' personal direction of Mrs. W. E.
Clark, physical culture and health director
of all the children's classes being conducted
by tha Wonfen'a Socialist union.
Closing out our lina of fancy calen
dars at one-half the original price.
Many choice onea to select from. Our
line this year Is the finest aver shown
In tha city, containing tha beat things
f roma foreign and domestic manufac
turers. Nothing mora appropriate for
a New Year's gift. 4 v
Remember the 'price Is Just ONE
HALF what It was last weak. ; '
Morand's Dancing School
Children beginners, Saturday, January
Sth, 10 a. m. Advance, 3 p. tn. A liberal
reduction to former patrons.
Adults, Tuesday and Friday, January
Bth and 8th, 8 p. m. Twelve lessons
ladles, 36.00; gentlemen, 38.00. A reduction
of 32.00 on each ticket sold on or before
the above dates.
Join this school. . We make graceful
dancers In one term. Personal attention
given each pupil. First lessons privately,
H desired, no extra charge. Private les
sons dally. Call
15th and Harney, or Tef. 1041.
Goldman Pleating Co.
Pineapple and
Side Pleating.
107 South 16th Street
jsoO Daailaka Block. lees-aal Macs'.
Tslafcat 1S80.
PHONE. 711
value, V iu; tti.UO value. 3 60: 34.60
"Sc. These are unusual nrlces tor
will surely interest ypu. Come
Taw mm m mwm m w
Odds and Ends
We are cleaning house
this week that Is a num
ber of used upright pianos
organs and square pianos
are to be practically .
Sivon Away
Included in this lot are sev
eral very fine new sample
pianos advance styles
beauties too that we get
special low cost prices on-and,-hand,
them to you. . . r.
Without Profit
Small Organ ........4.50
Another Organ ...... 6t0 3
Peloubet Organ ..... 8.00
Kimball Organ ..... (4,00
Perry Organ ....... 1300
Kimball Organ . . - - -13.50
Estey Organ ....... 21.00
Small Square Piano'i . . 8,00
Another Square
riano .......... .2.00
Good Square Tiano. , 17.00
Uallet & Davis
- riano 29iG0
Vose & Sons Piano . . 3400
Gilbert Upright
Piano 4100
Waters Upright
Piano 62.00
Halo Upright Piano 74.00
Arioii. Upright Piano 85.00
lilaw' Upright
Pi. j, new. i.... 93-00
Another sample, new 2,00
New York make,
new 122.00
Chickering Upright,
used 138.00
Make au offer for choice
of . used Knabe, ' dicker
ing or Kimball Grand.
Terms to Suit You
' f I N O S
MAIN MOUSB- ANO Crfltll 1l FARM aal
factory:. ' r"
i.a a. htm t. i aot anoADWA
til. im 1 tsu asa
: i
1 !