TITE OMATTA DAILY HEK: SUNDAY, DCCEMnEI. 27. 1003. 12 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlaeaseats far these will be1 takes aatil IX aa. tow lae veala eslrloa a ad til 8iO p. v wioralaaj aaa ealllew. RMn, 1 I-Sa veer flrat lasertl.ia, la a war thereafter. Ralalac takea for lees Ikaa, fwa far taa flret laaer raa aaaaeaatlwalr. Advertleare, by reajaeetlaar a, warn Stereo1 check, eaa Mft iiiwtn ad Are.aed te a eaabere retfea la aara ef The Hre. Aasvrers mm addreeeeA will he delivered am areacatalloa af the tawk air. MISCELLAl-KOlg. The Van Sant School of Shorthand . and Typewriting 716, 717. and 718 New York . Life Building. Omaha, Neb. A apeclalty school af shorthand, - type writing and office practice. Tot the past twelve years this school has been equipping- young- men and women for buslneaa life. Its graduates are holding seme of the heat stenographic positions In the State, as well aa In many other parts of the country. The equipment of the school Is unexcelled. Each student is allowed to choose the make Of machine he will use. No machine la used by more than two student. A large amount of actual work la done In the school by the students, for which they receive the entire compensation. A trial week is given free to anyone wishing an opportunity to investigate the methods of the school. Students may enter at any time. Money refunded for unexpired time if ' student wishes for any reason to leave the " school. B 8&I 20 For limited tint we will vIA. bt you with a guaranteed PAIR US' SPECTACLES JfOtt U.M. Don t miita tula chance, V. H. OPTICIANS, ' WlUfTH gT. V R-M218 PERFIELD'S Cut-Price Piano Ca, Bee Bidg, Room 7. Tel. 0L ' .Wsber, hwry .at Clark, Ludwlg Schiller. ' ft out . EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing! all business conhdeniiul. 1301 Douglas. Hiii EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 314 N. leth. Tel. 115. HERB Is a chance to get a pair of shoes which are unexcelled at any price. Onl mou. 13 .50 and UW. Regent Sboe Co., aa a- um stu R 273 MONET loaned on aU valuable, 41 N. lsth ChirODOdy B?RoyeVl2Fnae r J ut. nay. r is nrnam. TRT THB CHICAGO LAUNDRT. If you don't, we both lose. Good work; . - . . R-eiS COLE-M'KAT COMPANY, UNDERTAK ERS, lb!7 Capitol ave.. tL est. liSti READ! ( HAVE ROOT PRINT' IT. H EED1 si rrppni i i. root. inc. . i 414-1 a. Uta, 'Phone ltM. '. it MiH Rrp'tH Btrlotly Homemade; potato yeast " Dellcaiesaen, Uu i'arnam street. GOLD crowns from U; fillings from 25c; sat of teeth. 8J; teeth extracted free. Union "nw v-u.. ui Douglas, room 4. R r ACCORDION pleating. cheapest, best. oulckest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, i7th and Douglas. i R M3m) P. MEIXHIOR, macmcUt, lith Howard. R &a THE GRAND PANTS CO., A .liorouglily reliable Uilorlng esUbluh ment carrying a lui line ot pure wool.ua Makes up any suit In the house for m ui-. f nypaut pallet os. 14.60, No more, no lesa " iN. wui, R Miill '8TRONQE8T in the World." The Equita ble Life Axsuranoe society. Its pollutes are sight drafts at maturity. 1L u, Nsely, manager, .Merciutnu National bank bldg., Omaha. Neb. . R rcao?a.CW LrFrV:B'arVWl2U for catalogue W. B. Fraaies A Co., Aurora. 1U. U M37 28x I POULTRY SUPPLIES Ullery IiowarLvTeL ii-'J. Co., liiUl it J 44 HOLr SMOKE I Waahlngton, Sc. Beck man's, IvJl Farnam, R MtUtt OMAHA May Baie Tie Co.. aU N. ltb St. S1QN painting. S. U. Cole, ixt Douglaa I ALL kinds of carpenter work and repair Ins k: " v. aa f., wcuutroe. 2D'.h aim Lake sts. R-HTIJ FOn BOMETIIINO in tbs bakery Une treeh anl sweet atup at Uradhofta. ltWB M U b su R M87J .WE HAVE solve on of the most dimcult problt-ms 111 the ivtall tobacoo buainaaa and that Is to suit ail kinds of tastsa in Urs. We claim that out stock la the nio.t perfectly auiorteU both u quality and sl.ades in the city. Another thlna! you cau t possibly beat our lines of vlues and smoking tobacco dgarottea. too w If. bto...k.r, 104 Douglas. JACKDAW WHISKEY PURE RYE, 18 iAR8 OLD: WEST FOR MK1HC1NAL PURPOSED. f ,,.ViY5 fcKucL. BULB OWNkUiM, IS N A.SDCAtnuLAVE, v R-MaiDirf A a ItUn, Tailor, removed to U04 Ioug,aa ; R fejfe l BREAD, plea, cakes, for Xjnaa. 29 M Far ban ' R it (Hi J 8 UEFUN. lookamith, tut pi. Mth. TL 2H74. 8HO.tokium-Hnoee repaired by ma cliiuery; beot stock used; suies,4oc iK s.aed 75c, ladles'. Sic; sewed, 60c: heK . &e, c: iublr bels. oo, SO N. loth Tel. Jft7A fchuee callod for and delivered' Work guaranteed. R ((56 J SEASON FOR HOLIDAYS VE oB.r S Uttla Barristers, fancy pack age end WORTHY CHIP OIT Xlik OU liLOCK. Ths s aiuous iiarrlater luo t.'laar fjr 10fc Drop iu tt 14u4 Douglas or JJ paaton block. W. F. Stoecker Cigar to. K-Ml.4 Si'ECIAL rOR CHRISTMAS, tatest style, x oval phutosraphs; regu lar prke K ioa.; thU week Is f or ' U. R-an PROCTOR, 616 SO. 16TH ST. ' ' R Su4 MEDLAR PRINTING CO.-434 B 15th St. J 18 SACK COPIES of I THIS WXFK'8 ISSUES. . oontaining ada of "Nebraska Towns Con test," lxy be obtained at The Bee buslneaa office icpia Copt, I'HUTOS, latest mountings, finest work. t-i--, u rate ot M oa cabuist pb tures. !13 North 84ib sC , R 1 J1S NKW barber sbop at Mercha-U hotel. MISCELLAtKOt . THOUGHTS. In all the world no two thurtib marks Juat alike. . i 8o those who make a study of such things tell us. That means INDIVIDUALITY end INDIVIDUALITY means everything. In all the world no two pupils just alike. Th methods that will make a speedy stenographer art" expert bookkeeper of one, may turn out another pupU on the world as a slow. Incompetent stenographer a blundering bookkeeper. That's why every x BOYLES COLLEGE pupil gets INDIVIDUAL Inatrucflon. And THAT'8 why every Boyles College class bookkeeper. We back Individual Instruction up with I as expert accountants, court And newspaper Just how the pupil mast apply that theory to to earn the largest salary. We back the practical Instructors up with tems known with' our touch typewriting system with ths newest and best In book keeping methods with a college that is equipped with everything that could possibly add. to the practicality of the course. , We back our graduates up with the prestige that we enjoy with buslneaa con cerns all over this part of the country which prestige la placing BOYLES COL LEGE graduate Into paying positions every week. . WINTER TERM JANUARY 1 Oet Information In regard to It now. , v BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. BOYLES, President, New York Life Bld'g, Qmaha, Neb. Special Sale of , GRAPE WINE. MIKE KRACHER. 1319 WILLIAM ST. R ail .7 H. O. SMITH, successor to McVea A Bmlth, plumbing and beating. 11 N. lfith, Tel. 30IU. Prompt attention given all work. R-M728 POULTRY SUPPLIES Nebraska Fertilizer Company,' Kearney, Neb. . R MJ7S Zix SWAN'S Rack Brackets for making hay, hog, wood and wagon box. Just the thing for farmers. Ask your hardware dealer or write J. T. Swan, Auburn, Neb. R-MJ4J 27x WAITUD MALE HELP. MEN to learn barber trade; tree railroad fare upon our allure to convince you of this being ths BEST, largest and only reliable, most practical barber college In this section of tne country; write for catalogue today. Western sfctrbera' Insti tute, omaha. Neb. B tU WANTED, two agents At once: aoqd. aal ary; city work. C F. Adas BUT't Co., l.J Howara at. WANTED, for TJ. S. army, abte-nodled, un married men, between ages of 21 and Su, citisens of United Statee, of good charao- ter ana temporal nanus, wno can speaa, read and write Enalish. For information apply to recruiting officer, 36th and Dodge its., Omaha, and Lincoln, Neb. ua " naU woodworking Addresa Y 4 car Omaha Bee. x JUJM At BIQ fraternal order wants deputies for Iowa and Nebraska, men or women; best contract ever offered; your cash first day of every month. Call or address 411 N. 18th St. B AI7&6 27X At ONCB i We can recommend a position; salary 0,000 6,0u0. Address - Bulneas Opportunity Co., 1 TJbloa Square, New Tork. WANTED Men to vlearn barber trade; start now and complete lor spring ru.ti; top wages paid graduates; diplomas granted; can earn nearly all expenses before finishing. Call for particulars. Moler Barber College, 1302 Doug Iris St. . B Mi04 J1X DETECTIVES Every locality, good salary. experience unnecessary. international Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. - B 83t 27x WANTED Everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, aistrlbutecircuiars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing bureau, Chicago. B-21 Zix i " VOTTNO MEN to prepare for firing locomo tives on au railroad.; nremen average v monthly, and become engineers, averag ing vji good health, sight and hearing required. Send stamp for particulars. Railway Association, Station B, Brook lyn. N. T. B-820 27x WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack sla-ns, etc: no canvaSBlng. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago, B M81 28x WANTED A good man for porter work. Inquire of H. J, Frey, care Hayden Bros. B J)0 27x WANTED-Industrlous person In each aUU SZ tnr hm,. .at-uilahed eleven vr and with a laraa caDtlal. to call upon merchants and agents for successful ata profitable line; permanent engage ment; weekly cash salary of 824 and all trmvellns exDen.ea and hotel- bills ad vanced In cash each week; experience not essential; mention reference and enoloae self-aduresxed envelope. Till nailonai, S34 Dearborn at, Chicago. U . ii i . i WANTED, at once, experienced office help anil skilled men or ail' iranes ana profes sions. Good positions open. United Bureaus. New York Life Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. a GOVERNMENT Civil Service Examlha , tlons will soon be held in every state. In formation and questions used by the gov ernment free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington.. i. u. . H WANTED, nrst-claas sausage maker and meat Cutter. One-half Interest In markf for salo. C. W. Detchford, SOT 8. Mali St.. Council "Bluffs, la. B Miil FOR RENT A nicely furnished aotith room -r.U niooern; pi i vats lamny. ibut jonrs v. E MW7 waktedfemaLb help. 109 flrla. Call Canadian office, 16th A Dodge. V IbS WANTED Girl for general housework' at no. iiui jjouge ii v-tum WANTED Good glrL general housework; smaii lamny, guoa wages, im Leaven worth St. C 76i li7x WANTED Com Detent girl for aeneral housework; no washing. 241 Farnam. Mrs, R. S. Hall, C 762 2sx WANTED Ladles to learn halrdrenuing, manicuring or electric facial treatment: best paying work lady can do; graduates earn 813 to S3 weekly; some-waxes from start; four weekn completes. Call or write Moler College, IW Douglas Bt. . C M838 Jlx LADIES HO per 1 writing letters from copy; slampvti auuresiMia envelope, oo clilental U tioleaaie Co., Ia2 Ktate St. tesa se, Chicago. u z.x LADIES We pay you liberally for five minutes' work at home; no canvassing o rxuerlence required. Write for Dartiru lara Chester Mills, IS John St., New York. VTHi WANT Batlenburg embroidery and crochet workers to do our work; write as. Colonial M'f'g Co., Jackaon Building, f itt.burg, ra. uu xix WANTED A neat and experienced rtrl for second work In private family. Apply lrt l-)avenport Wl. C M.ut ax LADIES To do piecework at their homes; we furnish all materia la and pay from 87 to 813 weekly. Serd stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago. C bu8 Zix EXPKR1ENCED girl for general house work in family of two; must be good cook. Apply at once, ltf-3 Locust st. C MisiS 28x WANTED a girl who understands running a sewing machine and can do band in- Ajjply 416 8. Fifteenth St.. Monday, t il 1. oi. C aow ITi x WANTED a boy 15 to IS yeara old who de sire, to learn a sood trade and buslneaa. small salary to start with. Apply 415 . i Uieemh bt, Mouaay a, aa. Li lui tlx , MI9CKLLAKEOIS. , " ' ' pupil hi an accurate stenographer a hlgh- ' Instructors that have earned bla- salaries stenographers Instructors who know be of most use in the buslneaa world the simplest, swiftest shorthand sys WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Stenographer: state experience. Audreea JT 66, Omaha Bee. C 781 27x ALL LADIES Interested in learning dress making are Invited to visit our school. 208 8. 20th. Tel. L-3167. C-843 27x GIRL for general housework. Mrs. J. Phillips, 1&6 S. 22d St. C-MS46 29x WANTED Competent girl for general housework;- references required; good wages; only two In family. 818 North 2nh St. C M770 LADIES Most profitable home work; tt.00 to $15.00 weekly; material free; no can vassing; steady Work; send- stamped en velope. Surety Co., Chicago.. C 80S Tlx LADIES 18 to fl6 paid weekly, doing plain sewing at hornet experience unnecessary; material sent- free everywhere. Send stamped addressed envelope for particu lars. Weber Manufacturing Co., 1136 Broadway, New. York. C 818 27x Nebraska Business 'and Short hand College. . - Boyd Bldg. Cor. 17th and Harney Sts, A. C Ong, A. M.r LL a, Pres. . " . , . ' WINTE!R TOIIM, JANART i. M01 ' ' Student. arriving dally toldlng'pollXn.nthe'r "cUlel' for the mld-wlnter term. Many of our old "tuae,ni"w L-lain' LXyM by the Burling- Vol r danUdyVfnandn'Sb,L. t3?32ftS&. Co'. ca'Ss rtehe0rbua..n fSt WmbiV''cl of the year are beginning to come in. A n"mbf "f. a P,". C" m Blr wluuu AWe.r?.aU?m1aeny0o1fllo'urr SSSti JJSjR a toltave an Increasa of IS per week, and ary 1st. : Mrtr' ,nehB.TUSai'hrrttwo' new H is the TOllcy of the i " la tne policy oi ine ing the last year, than two years. By this practice our r.rtv tvnewnters are January th promises to be the rreatft tltutlon. "The good work of the schoo ated more and more, and today It Is well WeTurcUhbaclSe,oauV; ftJjZP'C 'UCCeM " TU '"'"I th,?l;.-B-,?;i . catalogua, bound In alligator, finest ever mihlluhaiV Yiv k. tMl.ln.flfl onlleffa. AOENTI WANTED. WANTED I solicitors; ealary or com. 707 B. 18th. l fin wnu WANTED-Canvasslng agents In. every county to solicit suhscrfptlons to tmh TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily t0 to 81(4 per month. Ad drees Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 218 OUR MEN make 88 to 810 a day fitting giaaeea. Our S4-pag Free Eye juook tens all about It. Write Jackaonlan Optical College, College Place, Jackson, Mich. J 829 S7x SIDE LINK Patented XXth Century Coin Purses; great sellers; described in ad vertisements Munsey's, Everybody's, etc Consolidated purse Manufacturing Co., Springfield, O. J 831 171 WB start you selling diamonds; don't fall getting liberal oner jor Mew iesr; a dally eure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syra cuse, N. Y. J TAJ 17x - AOENTS 88 to'10 a day selling "Novelty 'Hign caroa ' ana winaow display Sipna;" merchants buy Zt to 100 on eight: l.OuO varieties; catalogue free. National .Adv. Co., 603 B. 7th St.. New York. , J 841 tlX AGENTS WANTED to Mil John Mitchell's book, "Ornanlsed Lalmr- Every phaae of (hla tremendous problem discussed by the kreatest labor leader In the world. p.e!ds five million members pf trades unions, all employers of labor and all reading people, will buy at sight. Big terms, slao 81.600 in cash prises for agents. Workers now making 85 to tlS daily. We are the exclusive publishers. Send 2S cents for outfit. Address Ameri can Book and Bible House, 144 North Tenth Street, , Philadelphia, Pa. - J Sit Zix 35 A WEEK and expanses to men with rigs lO introauce our pouury i. x urn Or won Co. Dept. 60, Pareons, Kan. J 804 ?7X WANTED An energetic man of good edu cation and appwaranca eonm in. pa tronage of business and profusstnnel men; no membership fees; steady employment; salary or commission; district snd state agency, to right man. - International Law at Collection Co., Dayton. O. J-1S 27x inENTa-Hera's a seller. The Seaman diah washer: every housekeeper wanta one. also restaurants and hotels; makes dish washlna quick and easy; no dixit .i..ih nnr in-la uaed. Write for circu lar. The Seaman Dish Washer Co., 70 and 78 Fulton St., New York. ' J aa TiX WANTED Manager In every city, county to handle best psylng business known; legitimate; new: ecluolve control. Proenlx Co., 16 W. Mth St., New xora. J ei. i.x xn RITNAWAT8-Hitch horses, solid In Notantly; carry In pix'liet; eight seller; set;ts wanted. Pocket. Hltchlngpost Co., Munai, tna. " 1 The Nebraska Towns Contest l-The nayje of a famous raptaia who was captured by South sea canlbals? IV IU-fllfant lights seen more frequently as we near the poles?, 3 The father of ifts country? ' 4 One of the Apostles? -5 The name of our hemisphere? WIN ONE OF THE 200 PRIZES: AGENT WA1TKD. WINTER of the Omaha Commercial College, 17TH AND DOUGLAS STS. V Opens Monday Jan. 4th Over two hundred new students will enroll. New classes in all Business Branches; also Shorthand, Typewriting and Telegraphy. Best time of year to begin. 1 Make your arrangements this week at college or send for catalogue. 1. Employs the only expert' penman In Omaha. ' 1 Provides positions for xlta . graduate. I Has a Board of Trade, Literary Society, Lecture Course, Public Entertain merits. Oymnaslum. with shower bath. Athletic Contests, eto., all of which con tribute, to a student's profit. , . ROHRBOUGH BROS., Omaha, Neb. LADIE8 and gentlemen wanted to work for us In their respective localities, J per week; exclUHlve territory asjtgned. Automatic Placket Closer Co., 1 Bd WAV New Tork J- WANTED Agents In Iowa; ,175 weekly end expenaeo eaally made writing health and accident Insurance; eP"'f nc a""?'?.!" sary. Royal Fraternal Union, Louls, Mo. , . WANTED Agents to ell flrst-claas reli able and eonaervaUve -.11 atock; company moltallsatlon; will bear closest In- vestigation; anr dividend iaver; liberal commission , - - y nlahed. Addresa The Oil News, LlmaO. .l.,lnn r.nill full mi'H'mU"H AGENTS wanted to sell our f bottle Sar- S? Pflt Write todiy for terms ."nd ?"t..P. v n oreene. B9 Dearborn St., territory, J Chicago, WE PAT 132 a-week and expenses to men with rigs to introduce pouury compound; year's contract. Imperial Mil Co., Dept. A. J. Lowry, Principle. na wui . h.v been added to the TyrSewTitlng De- inachlne. purchaeed for th?Jnst.tuUon dur- achool not to keep any typewriter longer machines to work on siuuruui iit , now in uw ,ii wy . .. -r -"i .v.. ?M X' JLuETan. .nnrarf. (hat to be a igTaduate of the N. known tnat io oe a ul V'. m. . B880 J7 WE INSURE TIP TO 14. tiMA aids line for Insurance a rents. American Life Ins. Co- Box 24. Elkhart, Ind. DAHCINU ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' New Academy. 2424 Farnam. Adult beginners. Mondays and Saturdays, p. m.; aseemoues, weuneaaaya, .;ou p. m.i children beginners, Wednesdays, 4 p. m., Saturdays, 1 p. mj advanced, Satur days only, 4 p. m. 'Phone, F-1871; re., A-187L i -71 MORAND'S, lfith and Harney: adult begin ners, Tues. A FrL, 8 p. ra.; children, bat.) assemblies, Wed. Tickets for lessona anld at a reduced price this month, good until used; private lessons daily. TeL 104L -44 31 TOM UZCHANAB. ALL OR PART of valuable U. 8. patent to exchange for mining a too as, jl Miner, 811 N. llh. t ' Zlii WILL trade beautVful piano , for horse. Bcbmollsr uutuw, Mis jrarnam nc. Z 660 FOR EXCHANGE Fresh cowa for dry ones, at zmo Ames ave. -( WB HAVE two farm to exchange for Oman a property, one near opim laid, Ia.. 87.600. and one about IT nil lee north j fit Council Bluffs, 9,000. F. D. WEAD, 1.24 JJWUtiUAB BT. r Z-S78 rt BBAI1 rOKRDAI, BRASS and aluminum easting, nlcksl lat ins; aaa nmsniRg. opeoiany tig. ve. ei N. Main St.. Council Bluffs. MUSICAL. I THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davtdge block. . 80S LETOVBKY'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-2684. 441 BECHTOLD'S liih at, union orchestra. 211 8. M-uo-Jl OMAHA Piano and Musical Instrument Re pair shop. Tel. S4io. puuioa cougni ana sold. 115 is-. 15th. 1F4 SHORTHAND AMD TYPEWRITING. A. C.' VAV 8ANT8 achooL 717 N. Y. Life. , v 467 NEB. Buslneaa A Shorthand College. Boyd e theater. DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACkw Ml Karbach block. Tel. A-2832. -408 THE BEROl'T DETECTIVE AGENCY . KjS N Y. LIFE. TELEPHONE Sa40. 7u AGMTS WAITED, TERM Call B FOR REXT FVRHISHED ROOMS. Room 'at theDellone Large, light and airy rooms, SU.oO and us per montn; oo aim up v , T,t.,i .Iv.irlo llirliteu. nrivata and aen eral bathe: hrst-c.aaa service. 14ih and Capltot ave. E M7 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 18th at Chicago. DEWEY, European hotel, Uth and Farnam.' NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Lauuury, ivuo ijeavenworio. jr-nune A-lib. r. O. M- E. hauls trunks. Telephone 6U. ELEGANT front toon; ateem heat 1MJ8 Capitol ave. NICE south room, A-M.. . modern. km a asm. Tel. B MU4 STAT HOTEL European. UU.Douglaa au . a aua U.26 PER WEEK. Doran Houao, 422 S. 1MU. avium ROOMS, furnace heat, tit N. 16th. tel. 1834. FURNISHED rooms Laoota, 1SU. Howard. at mj NICELY furnished double parlors, single or tnsuue, gas cam, steam neat, tel. 1623 Douglas. $ E Jd387 COZt front room, 82 per week. 1717 Web ster St. -ta-Jl VIENNA European Hotel. 1011-15 Farnam at. Fine rooms: lames caie; piivate aininst rooma Open all night. E out i NICE furnished rooms. 324 N. 15tn. gentleman; private family; references. U0J irk ave. E 771 J7x FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; vacant now. zub b. zum. . , E M844 9x the farnam .'18th and Farnam ats. tea NICELY f-jmished- rooms, steam heat; gentlemen preferred; reference. KS4 Fa-1 Sam, lhono 2203. E M883 29x ' WARM desirable rooms; flrat class loca tion. iZH Farnam. . Hr-MSia zvx THREE choice rooms for light housekeep ing, j-tougiaa. . iw si. FURNISHED ROOMS AKD BOARD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or with out- poara. Atuuiana auvei, hiu ok vuicmb ii THE ROSE, S020 Harneyi warm looms. sood board. ai4 TlPTTlPUk. ateam beat. 1721 DarenDOrt V-728 ROOMS with board; modern, steam beat. also table board, Taa Dreaner. sua b. wtu. SUITE rooms, 1st floor, alngle rooma; hot aaa ooia water, aierriam. in ana uoage. . if Aim ROC KA WAY, 131 Douglae. Meals. 16o. F-M30S THE U. 8. RESTAURANT, lilu Dodge, again under the management of Win. pAUERMElSTEiv Open AU unJJ3$1 FOR RENT Large well-furnUhed front room, aU modern, with board: also goad tall board by day. or week. .The Dresner, 02 do. lath ex. ... k 41 COMFORTABLE steam heated rooms, with nrst-ciasa hoard. i f arnam. F 888 ZS A FEW nicely furnished rooms, with good board: modern detached house; steam heat. Reasonable, 2216 Farnam St. . F MK67 SBx ' . tnFl'RKISHED ROOMS. ON brand new 8-room full two-story mod ern house, has fine furnace, open plumb ing, both gas and electric lights; property nicely located wu. win give per cent for 8 years to & years.. Address ltd ei M 861 2 toft SALE) HORSES, WAOOS3, ETC. NEW and Sd-hand vehicles for sales re pairs. U. Frost. 14U and icavuworta. JT Wl SILAS IGO, Live Stock Auctioneer. Pure bred stock a specialty. palmyra, la. P M328 J8x KELIOGG'S condition powder, induoea reaular breedina. Send for free booklet. H. W. Kellogg Co., Dept, O., Bt. Paul, Minn. " tlx LOST. 1 LOST OR STRAYED Red and white oow. right horn growing toward eye. Notify 1111 N. 40th, or tel. . l-xsi it m LOST Small valise, containing- valuable papers. Reward for return to Mine Ewlng. 81st and Ames ave.. over overall I., uvtr "riii Lost 778 TtX factory. LOST Lady's pocketbook containing money snd prescriptions, bet. Bennett's store and Methodist bospitai. neiurn 10 noepnat. Reward. Lost (Kl 37 STOMAGa. CM. Van Stor. Co., 15UM Farm. Tsla. 1668-863. Bl'SISESS C HAStE". SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO. LIST YOUR rnopKRTT WITH 18 FOR ViUICK SAIJS OR TRADE. For.Exchange This Week, $1 OOft stock furniture and stoves Invoicing 81 ao. Red Cloud. Part second hand. Il.&oo Half Interest in umaha jobbing business. Furniture of Millard hall, bnwllng al lev nd luncn counter. Town or bi. SlV-.Payink Inundrv and bushellne: shop. lown of i.MO. Trnrle for aotno otner I bu.lne.B and SK0O MRh. 8Uk Complete restauiant. Grand Island. A snap. 8,8" Electric Hht plnt. Town of 00. rtecelpta f60 per montn. Ii 0 T o- liMlr hnrtier .lion. Town of Iff. 8,0oo Riisinee. block Co. Bluffs. Trade for senl. mi).. 7.0U0 Brick store, Avoca, Neb. Trade for farn. 10 i.ouu Chicago apartment house. Clear. Trait, fnr Omaha nroiwrtr. Three houses - In Bo. Umaha. Rent for SM.50. Trade for farm in Boone or Platte count v. Two acres with new -room house. Near So. Umaha. Tr;ite for 100 acres unlm- uroved land and ti'M rash. t3,O0 Ten-room houfce 4lnt and California sin. Trade for farm near city. 4.5o 8-room m-Mli-rn ilwelllng. Woolworth and QeorxlA avea. Trade for farm. 320 acres Flarlan county. Good improve ments. Trade for xenl. mdse. 820 acres Rock rountv. Uood improvements. 1 rana for a-fn!. mdna 96-acre farm Sarpy county. Trade for lara-er farm. In central Nebraska. SSo acres Ooper county. Gvd Improve ments. Trmie for city troierty 80 acres Mills county, la. Trade for city property. 840 acres tinlenrilrilv Imnroved land Bnn- born county, Pa. Dakota. Trade for stock of aooda or rltv nrooertv. 820 acrea Brown county. So. Dak. Trade for coal and feed business. 40-room hotel Stuart, Neb; Trade for gen eral mdsex or land. , 480 acres Perkins county. Trade for gen eral mass. 160 acres land In Kit Carnon county, Colo. Trade for mria. and rav Kno rash. i00 stock of groceries and two lots tn Bo. Omaha for a small Missouri farm. tn 5tv atnek of hardware. Vallev county: rjo.ooo to 8.m,ono buslneaa per year. . S.600 stock dry goods and ladles' furnish- Insra HtanhitPv Ivln Trilfla T Ctr TirtlU-l 5,(V tork haTdwur?, Rn tinders county, Neb. TraHa rw V. tVAh fm rm S3 ooo ttock renerai mdse.. Cheyenne county, "Wentid-To buy hefdwsre stock $C,000 to tC rV hann fn Met ah I good paying Business in WRITE FOR OtTR J A NTT ARY TRADING BULTjETIN. SHOLES'-ARMSTRONO COMPANT. 731-1 N. Y. Life Bldg. TeL 4. Y- BUSINESS BARGAINS. XL. Int In mall nnir kirn.. Cincinnati, mrg. comnineo nuteni narnena nnaii. ibhi anA .ufatv aH.ohnipnt fnr shaft. 85.030. Controlling Int. In genl. music bus. (inc.), nl.nn. miluln h.i.i tP.. KsWSrk. N. J. Dept. store bus., slock and tlxt.. South Haven, Wlch. Inv. abt. S1H.OUU. Meat packing and provision plant, Zanea. Fine hotel property. Lehlghton, Pa , 20,000. VI1IM I Flour and teed mill, store and dwell., out bldgs., a. land, Patterson's Mlllsv Pa. Pat. right on lmpd. bag fastener, .00O. Th,itn lina anil niilflt Vfarlon. Illd.. 31. MOO. Drug bus., stock, store, dwell., and lot, Bay City, Mioh. Abt. 86,300. Tn-iia' hn. and Inrlt. PnlumbUS. O.. 812.000, t'hntn hna anri nlittlt Kaat Aurora. N. Y. Eat. M. D. practice, bonne and 6 a., Todd'a Point, Ky., 31.800. . . . Oenl. mdse. and Indian trader bus., stock nnd flit., AHee, Missoula CO., Mont. Patent medicine bua., Columbus, O., 88,000. . .i . . . ,,, r , . M ftnrt r lour ami ieea mm, xnnf m, w.. Saloon and hotel bus., furniture. flxt, stock and good will, BrooKlyn, in. x., Grocery and meat market bus., flxL.- furni ture and stock, Manltou, Colo. Complete livery and toardlng stables, CO' lumnla. Pa., 3lB,uuv. 1 inroniaoie, eu uua. Pat. mi tinnd. merrv-ao-rouiid. adan ted to I lawn. tn suitable for S or children. . t - i . , . ' I . n . . ' rwa. Furniture, carpet and undertaking bus., stock, DOOK accounts ana res. in am. Tkn(al nmnllr. anil nutflt. Fairfield. Neb. tnwn - Oenl. blacksmith shop, eqpt., dwell, and 2 lots, Geyers, O., 83,100. Complete canning factory, Ogden. titan. Hotel Dronertv and 1 a.. Dublin. Tex. Vfllllnarv atrw.V anri fi.t . KftnneV. IlL Block and agricultural Implements, bug- ries. was-ona etc.: a-ood Mo. town, 87,WO- Stock millinery, ladles' furnishings, etc., Red Oak. Ia.; est. trade; well located. Taaralev nil. and atftck. fVOWleV. La.. 8I.3lM. Book, etatlonerv, ert goods bus., stock. flxt Mason City. Ia., at inv.. abt. S3.. nnw Km. ulnnlr m nA flit Plintnn. S. C Blacksmith and wheelwright shop and ground. Linden Maiden, Mass.: good bus. I photo bus. and outfit, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Genl. black.mlth shop and mfg. bus., Kan Store and tenement and ground,. South- sas V 1 1. Y . xvmn., wt;., 1 1 i oii.i p." ' imnlnn T. T. N. Y well InCateO. Plumblnfr, steam heating and genl. hflwe. bus., stock and fixt., camDriage springs, Wanted Partner with J18.0OO for est. lum hup. rinV anrl wood him.. Rummer. Ia. Pat, wood-sawing sttachment for sawmills. Flour and feed mill, 3 houses, nxrn ana 3 1 1 .am ha Mun onfi trane. ir.viu. flnloon bus., flxt.. lease. Grass Vsllev. Cal. Complete flouring mill and ground, Ermng- ham. III.. 33.800. W. M. 08TRANDER, N. A. BLDG.. PTTITA. i itm zix WHEN" you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or Dusiness quicap see V . UUIUK1U. IN n J., miw. a Wl I - . I lev CHANGE a of all Kinds. To bur or sell a buslneaa or axennnae metananaise lor a land or cltv urooertv. call or wills Hholes At suauoug CO., Ili-i N. Y. Ufa Tel. il Y-M7M FINE Business for Sale Annual Mies SJ6.- 000: net profits. 13 per cent; capital rs- quireu, au.uuu; ill a snap. Aaurcss 1 11. Bee otnee. - v uu WANTED At once, live roan with 8500 to Sl.apO; splendid business opening witn good salary. Aaaress x , uee. Y 761 27X Hotels Furnished. 20 rooms, only house In live town. Page! So"tca.h-3m V3JYln&S fa;hii!f..b'a"'iJi.Vt..- Just the place for one with limited means. Modern za-room a nouae in nue town, Monona Co., Ia., 8 600 "people: cannot take care of all the business, 83000 cash and time: Day to Investigate, ito-room mod ern 83 house, Adams (To., Neb., town, IO.oiO people; well rurnianea, nne iraae, i.wm, 3600 cash, balance time. Better see this. A good 18-rvKim house, nice business, only hotel In good Washington Co., Nob., town, jiMi; cash and time, or might consider good ennmlna- house In Omaha In exubanxe. Many larger hotels in Met. ana ia uooa propoeltloitfi; require 13.000 to So.000 to con trol. Full particulars to bona nae prospec Uve purchasers given upon request. j. 1 jiiiinnui,. . uiig. Y-860 37 CORPORATION controlling old established business desires services 01 encrgeuo anu exDerlencefl business msn, capable of .urniiiir 12 soft iir annum, to take man agement of branch oliiuel unquesllonahle references required. Address Auditor, Box (M. Madison. Wia. x-ois jix 30,000.00 to Invest In legitimate money niaalna- Dusiness. vvnai nave you iu offer? Address Y 83, Bee. Y M838 NICKEL slot machine operators write us for particulars about our new combina tion machine; legitimate; big money maker. Address the Marshfield Novelty Co., 226 Sd St., 8. Minneapolis, Mini). Y 7W tlx BELIEF to overstocked merchants by realising cash on their surplus anu Doom ing business; write; give slxe ot stock. Otto Huehrmann A Co., Schiller Hldg., Chicago.- x flu zx BUTTER YOUR CONDITION by Investing In our Privilege Trading Dept., customers have always received s per cent per week, with extra aiviaena twice a year. Rooalet rree. , nana, nn.nciai anu customer reference. Mack Commission '.. u.rli 1,1, i k. Milwaukee. Wia. V 7V7 n-m FOR BALE Meal market boarding house and confectionery comunieu mi. aj.ouu. aithar rjuh or on time with aood banka bis note. This business Is for sale, not for rent. This Includes stock snd all. En This Includes itoa .no au. t.n- of Julius Scbroodor. Gretna, Neb. '' quire GUARANTEED PATENTS aocured or fee returned. Send mnn.,1 t.r nktftin fur I roe ooinioa s. iw patentability. Send f'r llluatrated GUIDE BOOK and list of inventions wanted; tin eat uuMlcatlun '-sued fur free distribu tion. Contains valuable Information re. urdlna' Datenta trade marks and copy- nxht.. how to obtain and sell them; 100 mechanical movements, etc. Patents se cured bv us advertised free In the patent Record. Sample copies free. Address Kv.ua Wilkins A to.. Registered A I tor. nays. 801 F St., Waablngloo, V. V. X Dt SIK- CltAXCF.S. i o 3 o 5 -J U 7 E o o OS in 3 o C u L c S P (D M 3 o CQ T3 C c 3 U cj d o FOR SALE, cigar atore and pool room; mho incnuon; bargain for cash Address Y Bg- , . Y-781 2TX KNOX Practical Food Cooker; best device R Vr nea"f water, soap mnklnt. scalding hoa-s. renclprlns lard. te- money. Write. Western Hnrne.s and Supply Co., Waterloo, la. Y-MSsS 27 BPSINESS OPPORTT7NITT Retail ssles- ....i in ciotning or gents' fumlahlng goorla who have a I., n.rann.i qualntance and ambition to start for themselves need not be handicapped on account of lack of capital if first-class references csn be furnished. We started "ccesjfully ninety last year. AdHreaa una zim, i nice go. 111. T CLAIRVOYANTS. n. Rfl-.J B T . ' UC iViaUC Vie U. rOrTlinf - - - ' Said an Omaha Speculator. . Prof. Harry, Eminent Clairvoy-. ant Astonishes and , Delights. Predicts Coming Events With Am ax. Ing Accuracy. Complete Readings 50c, Worth 15.00 Harry la recognised as the greatest palmist that evor visited this country. e He possesses peculiar perceptive powers that enables him to look far Into the fu- iure,. .... His advice to business men and women. speculators, those contemplaung deals of any character, to those who ,v.ant to marry me one oi ineir cnoice, etc., is OI inesunw able value. TELLS HOW TO FASCINATE. ' , . Every one should know how ts fadnata the one they love. Prof. Harrv t::s how to acquire and use this wonderful gift. He also settles lovers' quarrels, reunites the separated, causes a speedy and happy marriage with the one of your choice. The earth reveals to him hidden treasures bu rled In her bosom. He locates mines, in teprets dreams, tells of your friends and enemies, removes evil influences, i--es ad vice' pertaining to lawsuits, everything. The troubled and unfortunate should seek his counsel. Thousands of families long sepa rated have been united by- his eTort.; thousands of hearts made glad through his truthful predictions. Ileurs: 10 a. m. to p. m. m.liy JriHi- TIVELY GUARANTEE. SUCCESS WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. PROF. HARRY, 1818 Dodge Bt MADAM MOYNIHAN, graduate School of Occult Science, New York. Expert palm ist, clairvoyant, phytlognnmUt; traces and describes thieves or friend.; locates min erals. -I will guarantee my readings and the charges will be nothing if I cannot see your friends as they are or describe ' your home. I have read for the late President McKInley, Mrs. Potter palmer. Mme. Pattl and many 'other prominent , people. Will accept engagements to read and entertain In, homes. ' 1616 DOUGLAS ST, ' ' 8 M888 S8x , MME. GYLMER. ' ' SCIENTIFIC PALMIST. desires to thank her patrons most heartily tor tneir nuerai patronage curing tne year 1908 and wishes all Omaha people a happy naw veiar. This wonderful woman la just ending her seventh year in fmana ana is preparea to enter upon the eighth fully realizing that It means Increased amount of hard work. But she appreciates Omaha and her peo ple and- Intends to remain permanently. Parlors.- 716 N. zzt. u n. BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th at 8 in GYLMER. palmist, 713 N. Z3d; phone B B 423 3216. MRS. CARRIE SMITH, BOVEK1CIUN LADY QUKc-N of clairvoyants; every thing told. past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. . 8424 MEDICAL. LADIES! Chichester's English pennyroyal Fills are the best. Bare, rename. iaaa ne other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladies," In letter, by return mall. Aak your, druggist. Chlobsster Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Piles Cured 1 WITHOUT PAIN - Graduat.yof BelleVu. Hos7rurMcaI Col. lege of New York C!ty. . IU4 Bee Building. Omaha. Neb.. Piivate Reception Room lor Ladies. LADIES, our harmleaa remedy rellevea without -fall aeiayea or SDnormauy sup pressed menstruation. For free trial a J dress. Parts Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis.. - , " DR. W. PrUTCTTINBOT. speeiansi . 01 women ana caiiaren: w r"'" Ofllre, 22 Cumins. Residence telephone. F-3780; office. B-SbJM. DR. PRIES, German graduate, renown a for his sslll ana expen.nce in eunnnv menu; cures sterility, long standing dis eases of uterus snd ovaries, cures painful, profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru ation, from any cause, recent or of long etandlng. Ladles who have suffered for years, hopeless and dejected, can be eured without operation or the hospital. If a personal Intsrview Is Impossible state yeur case fully, inclose stamp and answer and advice will promptly be given. Addresa R. F. Pries. M. D-. liU Dodge at, Omaaa. J4eb. WANTED TO BUY. I WANT TO BUY a small tract of ground with email nouse ou m iu uie suuui u, niuot be reasonable iu price; can puy part rash, balance In mortgage. Adrires Y. W, Bee. N M848 U SECOND-HAND books. Cran V1 N. lh. -1 Wf rf. DON'T gl ive your furniture and carpets awav. J. Levlne pays the highest cash ;hest cast N M464 price. Telephon e 71. A OR 7-RM. HOUSE, centrally located, need not ne an moaern; no pay ir caah: would prefer to deal with owner dire" t. Addteis Y 64. Bee. N-M847 31 TORACCO tags, coupona, bought W 8, 13th. jawi Book4 bought, sold Antique Book Con- earn, 213 Karbach bik. Tel. V-ii. N u . -IOT . IR furnic. or hot water furnace llTht om house; muat be In I sood condition and cheap. Address it 60, N-ldO XTX I WANT TO P.UY a vacant lot cheap for caah, on grade, with city water, sewer , and gas In the street; would prefer deal ing with owner direct, so as to buy it as reasonable aa possible. Address Y7. Bee. NyMttS 31 WANTED to buy in Omaha direct from owner stneur moaern nouwe, annoi . room, close In; must be cheep. Addresa "J" Bee office, Council Bluffs. - , NfW Tx DRESSMAkUBO. IN families. Mtae Bturay. N. A M-v4 DTI I V- u. I