10 THE OMAHA DAILY TIKE: SUNDAY, DECEMHEIt 27, 1903. The Omaha Sunday Dee E. rtOBfcWATErt. EDITOR. : PUBLISHED EVERT MORNINO. 0 OFFICES. ( -Omaha The Bee Building. ' South Omnhd City Hall Building, Twen ty-flfth nd M Strict. Council HhiTgio pearl Street. C'hlmgo-IGtO Tnity Pulldlng. ' Kew f ork Park Row Building. Washington ni Fourteenth Street. ' -CORRESPONDENCE. Cnmmunlratlona relating to news and edl iff rcr tvdaT, -. that the army offlcerrwre not only well The Cuban reciprocity treaty goes Into I pa.1,1, Dnt generously provided for effort today, so that all product of the 1 against disability and retirement for Island arriving in our porta after twelve id aire. Distinguished service could be o'clock' and fino mlntitn this morning I amnl mrrlw1 Vi tho .--oatlnn nt a ii. una iitr bubbihui. i ... . . . -. ....... . . . Dally R. (without Sunday). On Tear..M w'" I'" P cem jcas uuiy mnu iui- oisnnguiflnea service class, conveying Daily Hp and Sunday, one Year.. "? wrly, while American merchandise en- nurrlv honorary title without affecting Jl DKtratrd Hm flno Yvmr i ... . I" Punday iu.. on. Ver l tering Cuba will pay from 20 to 43 per Mbe grade or emoluments. If It la recog- ;iturdny IK lint Year .............. ... J ,, iMa tt thai tormi nf th treaty it I tltln .l.i I. thia -a-nnld iwenllcth Century Farmer, tut rear.. " - -- ...... . ...... delivered BT CARRIER. 1 to continue in operation for ft period suffice. If on the other hand the demand 22! J:!?t;:!! S'Jii'l' KCLk'''i2a ' though of course thia for reward la purely mercenary it will Imiiy He (including Sunday), per week.. 17a joes not necessarily bind a subsequent not Wlke the popular chord. Up to KvenJng'iiMt without BVinda'y)"per'we'k cc congress. It la. not probable, however, thia time we hare contented oilrselrea 1e neiun BanA .pe.'"ioe that the treaty will be disturbed dnring with honoring our s greatest- warrlore -on.pinint or irregularities in aruvrr, . tne prtoa aesignatea ana wnen inni i sirapiy wnn tne formal tnanas or a na .artment ddreMed to F,ty "rcuUUon I .- explrei ft poMim that an tloi and occasional special medala even more liberal arrangement will be 1 struck by order of congress, and before effected, particularly If In the mean-1 we make any very radical change the while It ahould be demonstrated that no I reasons will have to be plain and potent Injury to any American Interest ha re sulted from the treaty. PVROt THU SCCRCt CKAVJCX Advices from Cuba Indicate that the I If there baa beeu on thing developed toH,!er.n expect great benefit, to the In- more than another by the campaign. ut; juiitoriai Department. dustriea and commerce of tbe island against graft carried on by several of Remit br dfMi noaial order from the treaty. It la stated that the the departments of the government. It fnyabie to The Bea Publishing Company. next sugar crop" will be a phenomenal la the hiiventabla inefficiency of the fed- Only t-cent atamna acre Died In payment off I . f r I . ... mi irmnr.1, h.rka exrent on nim. nrnhnhiv reaching i.z.muix) tons. Aierai secret tervice. wnn a corns or THi3 RVra'puBUSHrNQ '' coMPANPir!d' large increase In theproducUon of to- vigilant, tactful and tmpurchasable de- "'A'n..,;' - T.. k-inZ bacco is also looked for. An impetua Itecuvea or Inspectors, at least one-hair Stat of NehraaWa. Douglas County, as.! also Will De given 10 ma couon inausiry. ei me pecurauons ana jooDery iui per- Cleorae I). Tuohlick eeoretnry Of ThC He I ,Unlni.ni . ..hlVi ta nl KoMn. I tnaatail -nrUm Krnn..t.a lln ruv.fal fubllnnlrg Company, being duly sworn, says f-" nai tne uctual number or run ana cnmpii-iv i rung. II IS siaiea luni anumuer oi i service ana nearly an iue inievery imi Punday Berprinte during tha inonth of European indicates, - British Frejicb fraud on the Indian reservations as well jsovemter, mot. waa aa ronowa: .. and German, are being attracted to the as nearly all the depredations bn the ' mm via .7 ! ... i - 17!!!!!!!!! o,ieo island, having in view an Investigation public domain would have been frus- U s9,9o 0f future possibilities la cotton. From trated. Thta la by no means an lm 40 ta tne experlmeuta made It is believed that peachment of the agenta and in- a!!!!!!!!!!.!!!B'0 cotton growing may be made an lmpor- spectors whose efficiency has been es a 7,ito tant industry of Cuba. Tbe promise Is tabllshed and whose Integrity has stood Z3 as.!!!!!!!"!!!!an!n Wand and that lta development will be service, nor does it, for' that matter, M ..81,150 rapid. I reflect on ahy man whom the shoe does ' 2,V? That the Cubans desire to cultivate not fit That there are belled cats in jl S7,wa3 ana preserve tne inenanesi reunions i me reaerai service, as mere are in tne ao,aoo with the United States has been abun- police department of every city, is a Tout. .'. .'. 002,035 dantly 'shown in their acceptance of all matter of common notoriety. It Is the ,s upaoid and raturaad copiaa.... ioi the conditions which our government I renal detective or the stupid detective Met total soles aa,T has required. They ..appear very gener-jthat makes grafters feel at ease. In no Kot average saiea 8o,5 ai)y t0 be entirely eatlsfled with tour I section of the country has this been Subscribed In my pretence and sworn tol gunrdlnnshlp, which they now evidently more prominently flagrant than In the understand contemplates only their wel- region west .of the Missouri. Instead fare and progress. It Is not to bejof exposing official dishonesty and un doubted that the 'bond between the I covering fraud vulnerable aecret service United. Statea and the Island republic men frequently whitewash crooked offl will grow closer aa time rolls on and clals and blackwash h6nest men who are that both countries will benefit there- not dlsnosed to Durchase their favor. umana nas uecoiua a poini mameu from . , Striking instances of such dastardly in Dig letters as a snow town on tne , , ., ork htt rit(a bv the . We looked by the professional agitators. I therrt at their big national convention. The women teachers can eutvote the Tbe next thing Is to devise some other men if they want to, but they do not gokl brick to delUer populist votes to want to It is only votes that they are democratic candidates again In 1001 w m denied that the suffragists want TaLUM or IgCHiTICaL BCHUVLS. Germany haa demonstrated more than ny other country the value of technical schools and it la largely to these instl Drawls th Uae. Saturday Evening FoatT Uncle 8am may marry two oceans by building the canal, but ha need not bring Into the family all thoaa poor relations In Centra) and South America, 1. t,07O ' t 8O.044 t SO.OflO 4 ST.40O I. ....... BO.OIIO 41,1 eo 7 81.7BO I 0,MM , so.iao to an, mo 11 , ItS.DOO u x,eio II. .. 40.9B5 14 X0.M1O U SO,05W The money paid to fcpaln under the Treaty of Tarls was to pay for the pub- tutlona that her great trade expansion ,lc '""a, public buildings and other In recent years Is due. There can be lit PUDl,c Propeny involved In the transfer tie doubt remarks a foreign Journal, ol sovereignty over tne i ninppmes. that the growth of many Immense in- Now the government ia buying the dustrlea is traceable to the system of friars lands, which are semi public education that has directed all the avail- property. Both purchases are really able powers of scientific knowledge and parts of one transaction and absolutely research upon Industrial problem. It necessary to a satisfactory adjustment Is pointed out that In Germany the unl- of the transition from Spanish to Amer verslty has In a measure been displaced ,c administration. from Its position aa crown of the educa tional edifice, or, rather, the classical foundations now share their supremacy with Institutions of a more modern growth. The universities still main tain their old high rank as training schools in the humanities, but It is In the technical high schools that the keen business men with sound , scientific knowledge are today receiving their training. Chemists and civil, mechan ical and mining engineers are receiv ing an educational training that brings them to the problems of business ilfe with practical and technical knowledge. These technical schools are essentially modern Institutions. Established ns . . ... J . . I hood In Ignoring the protests of tha Hon. atlons until they now stand for the ap-1 ' nitration of aHpntlfle knowledge In nil Cwnafla, Playing lit Great Lack At..nm v,. uni.n,.nl. I i iiuaaeipnia laager. ...v,", ""CV'", The beat sort of Amorlcankllled farm- of commercial industry. There are eleven rt-re going to Canada from the United of these schools In Germany, attended I States In larga numbers; Canada sends ii befora ma thia SUlb day of November, A. D. mi. , M. B. HUNOATE, (Seal.) Notary Fubllo. Now prepare your leap year resolu tions. , 1 . . j theatrical man. bewaadh run abmt vrrivtna. l,iM lloinaiilAn ! Cfrnee ftrt In a Ml V To tell the whole truth about most circles over the recommendation of th , . , . . .. . betray no confidence in saying that a Chrlstmas-glvlng requires a courage no I secretary of war, endorsed also' by the mortal ever yet has displayed. president for the establishment of a system of reward for distinguished The Dreyfua case Is responsible for ervice on the part of individual mill another prospective duel and the press tary officers. The president referred to service of men who are too stupid to see and men who do not want, to see has become an imperative necessity, 'agents are turning pea -green with envy, r All of us will agree that Apsotle Reed Smoof la getting a great deal more free advertising out of It than he really de serves. ' the subject in his annual message, call- ORKAT BRITAIN'S RtCOOHlTlOS. The' recognition of the Republic- of Pannmi hv tyrant Ttrlfiitn la of OTpatar ing the attention of congress to the need s,Knlflcftnce ftna lmp0rtance than similar oi some means ui rewarmug actlon by any other European power, who have performed brilliantly or with , h a mattM ... rtt h ffovern. signal auccess a apeclar duty without aLLment proverbia,iy conservative and me same ume puniBiung an iur w . th, ,t d(.fl , CPOrdnB. re(H)ir. Tha mornlnir of tho millennium will dates by Jumping them Over the beadB ... larirelv due to financial eon flnn" soma vlrilant renorter still unearth- ' other officers in regular line for Prp- L,dprat, ' Ooiambinn bonds to a con. ing -new developments" In the Fair motion, citing the case of Captain Ter- laerable am0Unt are held In England i xhlitit aaai ak mr.m4 41aManf aramtilA Af , will jtAaA " ' i emuj, na uw ujub u6v ri v I fha, Mvarnmanf hna hail In T aw hi vuwwa. . ., j i u aa. ui uiv m u aa uiv v uuav u v his helpleseness to give proper recognt- of th.B hondholdrB. It If New" Year's calls vere not already tlon for unusual achievement would seem thai it had become satisfied obsolete tinder the decrees of fashion a The proposed plan outlined in tne or- t Mmethlmr will be done which will nciai memoranuum wunmw enable y,, Brltlgh hoidera of Colombian thorlty for the president In his Judgment bondj t 8ecure thelr Jm4at and'that IO gram an ouicer a uiaui.su.aueu nothlng wag to be by longer service commission not to exceed two w,thh,,,,nr r4W.nmtinn of the new re- Just to prove that grades above that held by him. carrying pnb& Now h((t Greftt Britaln na, advertising business with It the pay of the higher grade an ukm ma actloI1 tt lB probabie that the entitling the omcer to ua insignia ana Netherlnndg where a ,afge; am0Unt of n .niunll It. A Aa t (m 1 rtl in Vl I a .1 trn 11 1 . ' I tha hnndfl of flolomhla sr also Held general cab . drivers' gtrlke, might deal out the finishing touches, Jamea Gordon Bennett will give New York another park he understands the aa well aa Joseph Pulitzer, There la alwaya the consoling thought ture, and also to have the benefit of bis win rec0g!jse panama, thua giving the that snow remains white longer in distingmsnea service rang in any -pe- ... . . RQ tater. Omaha than In New York and hence a clal assignment of duty. "Thia system, natlona, ,tandlng a. lt i, possible for it iii.i. at in .ii. I it im ATnlfilnoai In tha mttmnrnnAnm. I . ' UlUO ui, lb win ku luuucr, .1 I to nHTe. uu.u uu .ujm.u w u vu. uu.u u ls gUted thht European goyeTO' Iowa papers are promoUng a fund increase ue numoer oi omcers m xno menU cxpect the United Statea to re- wlth which to give "Bill" Nye'a nog- army, out wouia aimpiy reward aeserv. nf rninmr,;R fnP . lected grave In North Carolina a atone. Ing ones by giving special rank and tha ,,.. nf tn(l P.n.m8" OUestlon to Surely Wyoming will not let tUla go on. Py auacnpa 10 w.ai. rana ana on occa- The mgam tribunal and in doing bo lt ,1UB wnen winniauu wouW baTe tb( uU approval ot th If the angry forces of Pan Domingo wmcn aucn rang wouiu enuue mem. rj,llm noWpr. It la honed however. could but be cotoflned in a nursery play The general opinion among rthose In that mf ff0vernment wui not object to room, the grown naUons of the' world liicu ww army waivers is mm iom h.,lni, rh4, nnfatlon ht tha assumntion would not need to pay any attention to "vstem of military reward which shall I b , Pananja of a part of the Colombian the children. -UBU"' lu Bvcr vm1 1 debt aubmltted to the International trl- to do aesired and mat tnere can oe no The senate investigation Into the con- criticism of a scheme which rewards de- wtthout even returning the favor for the poor populists thrown the little crumbs at the tall of the ticket IERMOH I SHOUT MKTKtt. BBBWa Faith denaa fata. ruty la 4ltrays dlrlne. A muasla la not a cur. Ha who cannot bear humility cannot waar honor. , When a boy looks saintly send for a doctor. Tha time to boast Is When you don't need , to. Hitch your wagon to a star, but don't tell your mule. Tha work of thia life writes the leata of tba next An empty dlanlty Is aa valuable aa a hollow dollar! The beat kind of hop la that which lends a hand. Tha man with a face that would sour milk will not save" men. Tha only effective prison bars are thone wa forge with our habile. Tou cannot sanctify your sins by call ng their coneequenoea erosaen. Tha soul with wing does not worry aa to tha stability nf this vorld. If you intend to pralaa Qod for eternity you had better practice on your neighbor In tlrda. Chicago Tribune. Tha Limit Reached. fealtlmore American. The Boer prisoner In India took th oath of allegiance to Great Britain after a speech to them on the subject of fiva hour. Their endurance had been materially weak ened by th strain of th war. two la To) Maeh. Kansa City Journal. The admlnlatratlon may be excused, per haps, for disregarding Senator Hoar's ob jections to tha new Isthmian canal treaty, but how Is tt going to explain Its hard! DOMESTIC PIKAS A JITRIKS. Bhe Was pnpa polite to yoM, dearT Ha Oh. yea. I wna never Invited to leava mora courteoualy In my life. Detroit Preaa. "Tou ee he really had to marry me," "Caae of hold up?" "No. H wa out of work." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Chollv But why doe your father not favor me? Allda He say you are aw fully fresh and, what la more, that you can t earn your aalt. New York Times. at 'present by about 15,000 students, who are receiving an education fitting them for participation in great indus trial concerns, in the capacity most cal culated to promote expansion and progress. It la stated that one-sixth of the students represent the youth of for eign nations. The training in these schools is not only 'severe, but it fol lows upon a severe preliminary educa tion. No student is admitted as fully qualified who baa not had a good classical education. The usual course of training extends over a period of four French-Canadlari cheap labor and smug gled Chlneie, and yet Canada says h never gets the better of us In a bargain. , Boosting; Yaletld Merriment. Chicago Record-Herald. Senator Gorman has been talking about th necessity of making th honor of Amer ica th flrat consideration. Gorman stand ing up for honor I another ot the thing that add to the Joyouaness of tha merry Tuletlde. Clear, and to tha Palat. Kansas City Journal. Admiral Schley I quoted as saying: "If I wer nominated for th prealdency years and every branch pt technical and would not accept If elected, rn be d-d if practical science bearing upon the sub- v, aaeot , th. us. of wordll. hut hoth Ject chosen comes within tbe range of Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Hanna have tried it half a doaen times without expreaslng tudy. There are, of course, technical schools In other European-countries, as there are in the United States, but the high est standard for such Inatltiitlona la In n..t. ,- .i'oo, e A Nw Tork young man bound and " .7 ; ' t " v tagged himself to keep from marrying a the general, superiority of those who go glrl, t)eperat case call for dwp.rat through tne uerman schools, in this I remedies, themaelves half ao clearly a thia old tea dog. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. country especially the requirement as to qualifications for entering the tech nlcal schools Is comparatively simple. Tbe boy. who has graduated from a high school and obtained a little additional special Instruction may enter one of these institutions. This la In accord with our rapid method of doing things If American youth were required to pass through a nine-year course of study, as In Germany, before being qual lfled to enter a technical school, lt Is probable such Institutions would have few students, .ana it ia certain that they would not be crowded, as they now gen Philadelphia la talking about, warming street cars and flew Tork threaten to dispense with horse cars. Truly "da world do move." Aimougn tne situation has been very gray for a week or more In Chicago, marked Improvement la promised. Folic men received order to creaa their troua era. A youthful hair to millions in Saa Fran clacp has been separated from his wife on th ground that "he wa not himself' when he married. Probably be was sober durlnc th ceremony. ,A New Tork woman' who writes for th magajune is suing a Buffalo man for breach of promise for 15.000. Th case will tietn Inlv. IK. nmhl.M A I n v ,m .1 . . . j I -""""" iii-uvu ur -iaiijr B.c.' ci it luuruuKuueBB uu uc- i raaUara paya beat sired tne uerman system is unquesuon- Judging by tha editorial wrath arou.ed h ably the better one. Interest In tbe education which the technical schools provide has grown rapidly in. recent years and Is not likely to experience any decline In the near future, bat- It Is not Improbable that In time the stand ard of qualifications for entrance into these schools will be made higher than at present duct of General Wood la nominally ae-1 serving officers without punishing others cret thaa meana that it la all aecret ex- whose only "offense" ia a lack of op-1 -ccpt that which is of sufficient public portunlty to gala distinction. That at Interest to make good news atoriea. any rate, is the position' taken by' the' Army and Navy Register,, although ita bunal. The probability la that tbe ex pediency of. assuming a part of the Co lombian debt or of paying tj Colombia a portion 'of the 'money to be' received from the United States, with tbe un derstanding ttrat it, should be applied in the debt will be urged upon Panama "Better the day. better the deed" does discussion denounces tha particular tnftr. ftuffht tA n hMntatOB on no apply to the buncb- of desperation- plan proposed as impractical and con- the port o( the new republic in accepting ini wno celebrated me uunsimaa noil- tumi oun . uum uiuu day at Lincoln by a self-inflicted It will become a question whether a ahuflliug if the mortal coll unless they "captain" who la a "distinguished misread it, "Better the day, better the I service major" becomes a "distinguished dead." . 1 aervlce colonel" If promoted regularly from captain and whether. If he doea Perhaps the quickeet way out of the I not, bis extra pay due to the dlstln such a proposition. It owes nothing, of course, . to' Colombia, bat It should be willing to make -some ' sacrifice in the Interest of peace, and it is quite gener ally believed that for a liberal money consideration will placate Colombia. A European ambassador at Washing- Isle of lines squabble would be to sub- gulsbed service endures only ao long aa toQ ,g quoted a, Mylng tbat Panama u rait lug quesuun vi ownerauip to a I ue .a n cnpiu.u, wu.iru w.gui ue lor a boundary commission with lnstructiona rear or for ten years. To eimplify mat- to render a verdict in favor of giving It I tera lt advocates tbe establishment of to Cuba that ia, if that is the outcome a distinguished service class to which desired. ' I appointments ahould be made sparingly on extraordinary occasions and which It la Intimated that Senator Gorman, would carry with It for the officers so a closed chapter in the history of na tions; that when the 'European powers recognized the Independence ot the new republic they eet their seal of approval oil tbe prompt action of the Washington government In pledging Itself to guar- lt senator uorman has a tatlon for being shifty, after hearing from the back districts, ia favored a certain percentage of inereaee . v. . ,. .. . , . ... . . ... V I 1 L4IU ICyUUlK . At, 11UU IflcilUUDlJ icn;vK " . vj uv raua. iu to.. Grelit taM action must - --- w.7 BU uurr w uu would seem, exert a very decided In - .. y .eu uo ,,ul ,ulu lue ui.iuiguiBueu fluen( at Bogota, unlesa those In au "' " i a- Tiwa i inaa kciii i.iura tu uaw ,,,,.,. i..,Kl ....ll.- "wi itj .. a aas v mvciui vi a caiiaiug aiou, ruiaiiig u.a Vmj ruioruuuaieiy pjen i Jta alg-nlfleance. ume, ana tnus secure "a permanent ana Having aoivea tne problem or a loea- tangible reward" without the confusion Attention is called to the fact that in tlon for another year Ak-8ar-Bcn is Cue 0f double titles.' : the various local, state and national aa- to tackle the program for the court car- While there la merit in the demand sociatione of teachers in which eoual nival for the tenth year of hla reign. Ill-1 for some system of pecuniary reward suffrage prevails among the membership asiuueh aa tbe tenth anniversary of hla I for distinguished aervlce in the army tol the women etlll prefer to take a back royal bouse coincides with the fiftieth match the distribution of prlie money seat and leave all the principal offlcea to anniversary of Omaha'a founding it be- among officers of, the navy, might not the men. Here is , an arena where tbe hooves the great Ak-Sar-B'n to put on the equality be brought about rather by women could. If they wished, assume more splendor and apangles than ever. aboIUhlng the prlie money system for absolute control and by mere force of the navy and putting the navy officers I numbers aasume to direct both the gov- lhen Prosecutor r oik cornea here to on a level with armytfflcers7 So far as eminent and the policy of the organt- adiirens the Jackaoniaue be can do bet ter than repeat the story of hla ex pos are of tho buotllers if be- will tell juit how the democratic Miuaourt su preme court comes to let all the cvn military reward la concerned the whole I gatlona The women teacher are al aystein of army and nary promotion I waya classed aa the best educated, moat by seniority has been developed for the I Intelligent and moat enlightened of their very purpose of eliminating favoritism I sex and their best representatives claim and discrimination, and ita modification I to be equipped on the average aa well vloted crooks get out from under the by the establishment of a distinguished I aa the men to take leadership, but they senteuce iitiiMised cm them by the trial I service class with, extra, compensation I exhibit comparatively little interest In courts. Being In another state and out-1 would no doubt lay the foundation for a I the politics which run the machine, side of their Jurisdiction he might tell I renewal at the first opportunity of the I while those that do aa a rule follow la jn.Ht what be think of these democratic I outcry against personal appointment. I the wake of the men who are In over Judge without subjectiug himself tol Bo far a the ordinary man In civil life I posltiona above them. This phase of reuulUoa fv-r couteuiL t. ( la concerned ha baa been led to believe I tha woman suffrage question ia over th emperor' reference to th Waterloo episode, it is cleat- tha British pre Is convinced that Kaiser, Wilhelra' vole la la good working order, ' Th reported Borrow of Mm. Nordica' husband are so heart-rending that th cm, inent singer' resolv 4o shake hiiu by di vorce I beings reconsidered. It I quit, clear the grief-stricken man is beglnnin to appreciate a good thing, ' Ellas Harts, the goose bone prophet of Tt,. a ,14 l .nenioa, maaes wnat n declaraa uJBBt-uiiuauvu vl yiilliru iilcia- tm ... , . . I IN 111. nar t nt lrn fi-iw Im m -. - . l..l.l ! . l K. I 7 ' " - Ol -s""i "" age. , H says: 'Thl winter urpassaa all consummanon, or tne ranatna treaty, but also the construction of an Isthmian canal by the United Statea' at all ia evidence that- some Interested parties are footing the bill of the literary bu reau. Who they may be may be In ferred by the arguments Incorporated Into, the plea to the effect that a canal at the Jsthmua would be an expensive luxury acquired at a colossal expendi ture of money which could be better In vested in works at Internal improve ment rivers and harbors, public build ings in fact anything tbat would not other, and I want to warn th people to t on th lookout." Men of his year usually suiter from cold feat "Not married yet?" aakedMhe doctor. Charlie JJrown, and I want you to marry us." Why, the last tim I saw you you told me you hart Juat given him a flat refusal." Yes," said aba, "but thl time ha d.dn t effrr a flat Tork Times. It's a whole houae," New "I II bet," MM Cadley. aeomfullv, "th you didn't Aa th nroDoalnai dollara goughnuts your wife asked you to marry "Oh! No; you'r wrong," replied Hen "Oh! Coma offl" "No. She didn't ask tna to marry her; sh told m to." Philadelphia Preaa. Maud Multer told why sh didn't marry the Judje. "He knew too much law," ah explained; "If 1 had wanted to go to Ploux Valla, h might hava got In ahead of me." Not deeming thl sufficiently poetlo, th Mrd wrote a different version. New Tork Sun. THR rRI.LOW Wno -CAN WHISTI.B. Sidney W. Mas In Llpplnootf. f h fellow who can whistle when th world la going wrong Ia the fellow who will mak th "meat ot life; No .matter what may happen; you will find him brave and strong He's the fellow who win conquer ia th strlfa. Th fellow who ran whlatl when th wbol world seem to frown Is the kind of man to stand th battla'a brunt; He' got the proper metal, and you eaa not keep him down, For he's the sort that's needed at th front. Th fellow who ran whistle i th fellow who can work. With a note of cheer to vanquish plodding care; His soul la filled with mualo, and no evil shadows lurk In hit active Lrnln to foster grim despair. Th follow who can whlstl Is th "trump" card of the deck. Or the "whip-hand," In th parlahe. ot the street; No petty cares nor trifle can hi buoyant spirit oheck. For a sunny hrirl can never know defeat. Th fellow wlm can whistle he I built on nature's plan. Anl he cheer his tolling fellowmen along; There l no room for peaalmlsts, but glv to us the man Who can whlstl when th world Is going wrong. SECULAR SHUTS AT THE PCX. PIT. Chicago Post: Archbishop Qulalev mar be a learned prelate, but hla remark on the recapture of America do) not show him to b In th first rank of diplomats. Washington Postt Rev. Madison C. Peters predicts that In 100 years ther will be 236,000,000 negroes and only IflbTooO,- 000 whit men in the south, and asks u what wa are going to do about It. W ar going to walt-and saa. v . Philadelphia Press: Rom la as well sup- interfere With the exclusive rigbt Of Plied with imaginative writer aa is VI the railroads to exact regular tariff ratea nn or any other city- An utration of . , . . , , ... m i am nna wore or tn Italian nana w&s lur- transcontinental traffic. Why b tha wh.n it mih. should public money be sunk in Pan- iished th aanaaUonai account of how Car- aniat we are asked. Presumably be- dlnal Oottl called on Friday and presented cause we expect to get returns upon lt to tb Top ,ome 9 000 Wi " n notes , ... i ald to have been coaflded to th cardinal iu in a ii T wi jubl aa un-ai xs..uaiu I v, i . .. . with lta Investment in the Sues canal full explanation of th why Pop Lo took thl course, th principal reason being hla ax paetatlon that Cardinal Sarto would be chosen pope, and th fear that he would glv away the money at th beginning. It remains to be seen whether the crack of the democratic caucua whip will put all the democratic aenatora In Xo a(Ja to ,h, piquancy of the yarn it wa line for or against a measure regardlesa I related that nearly t3.ooo.ooo was found of neraonal views or convictions. The about th same tlm in a hole In the wall. only way to make such a party whip ef- c?n'! .w" Ue,et hV . ;. , , ... ... ! to the pop wa given verbatim, a fectlve la to couple It with the aaauranCB ,hol.thand reporter apparently being pre.- thatanyone refusing to respond will be ent for that purpose. But now th pop read out of the party and denied tbe sup- y that Aothlng pf th kind took place. oort of the party machinery for all And ,uch ta RomB i"""""' future poliUcal ambltlona. This would. kCh' P?t1,n 'our,,1 of. T,ry ' I abl and Inatructlv tirade against th hor- uowever. o going a uiyti , uinuer ia o( dancn. Bey. Mr. Denham of Elk. the direction of ring rule than migut be hart mad this impressive statement: "A wise for a party that poses as deino-l'oaa may lose his appetite for dancing, cratlc and put a popular premium upon Lbut h hM to t .pretty old before he , , . . .. , . I lose his appetite to careas a pretty girt." bucking the rr.ncua. After all, the only Undoubtedly this Is true, and Mr. Denham true way for r. political party to keep Us might add with Sh&keapear that It la as members HneO up Is to have a net of U "lncraaa of appetite bad grown by elparlv dpflned ' nrtnHnlea "to which all what lt fed on." Coming from th pulpit. can agree and to pursue a logical policy In tho Interest of good government rather than to ptoy constantly to the galleries for peanut politics. and presumably from on wall versed la fatherly ministerial duties, w must accept this statement a th valo of experience and wisdom, and while wa do not alwaya accept pulpit utterances aa entirely unpre judiced and Impartial, w mak bold la this Instance to bellev that tt ia th vole of Inspiration. Tha .average man, clerto or layman, car vary little for dancing aa a The announcement tH popullut and democratic leaders aro nouferrlng on a plan of Joint operations in Nebraska the I rhythmlo emotion after h baa reached coniina- rear succests the Question th ag of twenty-fly." but th other part whether the Denver conference pronun clamento against further affiliation with v,on untU h U well Into tba eeventlea. any of the old political parties waa not I Mr. Deuham apaaka for th elergy, and w Intended only to fool trusting populists I venture to speak for th congregation. It for the one campaign last fall when the " -'7 ', , , ' '"' " ground at a Urn when discord and htiwi Nebraska democrat wanted populist ai lnnAetitr oivtd cburvb aod caus votes badly to hare a showing DbUlnd I disecslon. Words of wisdom from a ilioughtful man. Actual Result. More praise for 'The Strongest in the World" CHAS. W. SAVIDGE, : HtUt Pteale'l Ckarck RasMenc, Laavaaworth aid 23 Art. "am Filtk la GT mm ef "Sdoti Fraai PsWt," "Meter ' CkrliUaMy," "Tk Way Mao rials." v: '. - Omaha, Neb., Dec. 13, 1903. Mr. II. D. Neely, Manager, Equitable Life Assurance Society, Omaha, Nebraska. My Dear Sir: - Twenty-one years ago ray brother, Sam uel L. Savidge, judge of the lOtlj District Court of Nebraska, took out a policy in the Equitable Life of New York for f 5,000. He made one payment on this policy and died before the expiration of the year, and his widow promptly received the $5,000.00. This fact so impressed me tbat on return . ing from his funeral, twenty years ago to-day, I took out a thousand dollar policy in the Equitable Life on the Ordinary Life plan, running twenty years. ThatK period is up today, and the Com pany has paid me $257.79 dividend and per 'mlts me to continue the original policy through my life, paying what I have paid luring the past namely, $24.78 per year, which will be reduced by annual dividends. I am highly pleased with the treatment the Equitable Society have'gfven me, and wherever it is possible I shall say a kind word for them. My only regret is that I did not take out ?5,000, in 18S3, instead of the sum I did. I have had an uncommon experience and a wide observation, having been a minister for nearly 27 years, most of that time in large cities, and I would advise all young men as soon as possible to take out an in surance policy in a good company, like the Equitable, and stay with it. I am, very sincerely yours, CHARLES. W. SAVIDGE The Equitable Life Assurance Society II. D. NEELY. Mar., Mrchnt National Bank Budding-. "Stronrf.et n tn World'