THE OMAnA' DAILY REE: SATURDAY, DECEMKER 2. i k I 1 rr SPECIAL NOTICES Adftrtlirnriti for these ealaaaas wilt be lukf aatll 13 as. ! the rrrslnc edltlaa a ad watll SiO 9. sa. (or Moralaf a ad eaillasu Rates, 1 a war Brat Insertion, la a ware! (hereafter. Netbtag Uki for less thaa 3a for the flrst laser lion. These aTcrtUBiat saast be ran roaaeeatli ely. Advertisers, by renaestlag a an. kered ckrtk, caa have aaawcra ad. dressed ta a a ess bored Irttrr ia ear f Tka Mra. Answers mm addressed will ka delivered aa arraaatatlaa af tka tkk ealy. MISCELLANEOUS. 1904 MIDWINTER TERM OK BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, JANUARY 4. Day andNlght. CALL, WRITE OR TELEPHONE FOR inlormatlon Address, H. B. BOYLE8, President New York Ufa bldg. Omaha. Neb. R M403 tppri A I for a limited Uma we will -Vlla in you wiin a auaianl.tej irtjtt Of laPECTACLES ('OM !.. Don't miss tula chance. C d. OPTICIANS. 308 N. 16TH BT. R M'"$ PEKFIELD'S Cut-Frlca Tlano Co.. Ilea iiidH., Room 7. Tei. .01. Weber, biury at Ciark, Ludwlg Bchiher. H ob tA(U,E Iyn office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business coniideiiliai. UUl D.mgias. R-V.JW HIGH SPEED GOLD MOULDED X P RECORDS 25c EACH. We are manufacturers and sell you direct fl in Int. factory. Tuiklng Machine of all kinds repaired. Columbia Phonograph Co. 1621 Fainain at. Wiioikuib and Retail. ii 1M -t EXPRESSMEN 8 Delivery Co., moving and - storage, id N. ltftii. Tel. ll. R--3.1 HERE is a ciiMiica to get h pair of shoe winch are unexcelled l any uric. Uni mex!, $3.oO and i.uO. Regent Shoe Co., iw a. join bu rt siii HONEY loaned on aU valuable. 418 N. 16th R-3i (""himrw-lw t relief; corns removed, ",,l,t'u"; Dr. Roy, r 2-t, looS Fttrnam. R-i. TRY THK CHinAon l.AiTNnRV. If you don i, wa both loae. flood work; piompt attention. U4 N. loth. Tel. ioS. R 3i6 COLE-M KAY COMPANY. UNDERTAK ' ERS. 1517 Capitol ave.. tel. 464. R 376 READ! ( HAVE ROOT H.E E D! PRINT IT. SflPf'T-rni f A. 1. ROUT, Inc. OUUCCUI 8. 12th. Phone 104. R ttl&H RfPfld : Strictly Homemade; potato yeaat. uiiuvj ieilcate8en. lnuu Farna.n atieei. ' R-.4 CNE THOUSAND DOUjtKS worth of gooda sold by one man tne day before . iniHtmaa, luui, at our a tore. Thia means that you -can get unytlung you want of .us In fine pipes. Humidors and cigars lor the hoildaa. Our Una this year will eclipse any u.iug of 'the kind In Omaha. CJine ana aee us. O. D. xlpllngers Cigar Store. 1X3 Farnam St. R tea ii CUI.D crowns from $3; Ollings from 26c; aet of teeth, il; teeth extracted free. Union Dental Co.. 1&2 Douglua, room 4. - R-378 ' ACCORDION pleating, (lulckoat. Mis. A. C. Douglas, cheapest, best, Mark. IV th and K-rMW V. MEL.C1HOR. m&cnmlst. 13th ft Howard. - R-3l THE GRAND PANTS CO., A tnoiuugti.y teilaulu tailoring ealaui.ah mem cuirying a tui line of pure woolena. up any auit In the house for an.uu; any pam pauerna, 14.60. No more, no leaa. ioi N. lutli. . . K Molt) "6TRONQEST in the World." Te Eaulta- bis l-.lf Aaauranoe society. lis policies are sight Oralis at maturity. ii. u. et!ly, manager, Morcuanta National .aim uius.. umana, neu. K Moil ui i.ini Burrums-cilery at Co., 1611 UUL, BMuiviS! Washington, Be. Beck- uittit , iwi rtiDtin, H MoU OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 N. 16th St. . ' H-3H4 elQN painting. . B. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas . li-7 ALL. kinds of carpenter work and renalrlna promptly attended to. J. T. Ocnlltiue M'.U and Laka sis. . u nut FOR SOMETHING in the bakery line treih "i aweet stop at liradiiot's. low N. Uch su R M878 -t- WE HAVE Bolveoj one of tha moot Him..i. problems in tha retail tobacco business and that la to suit all kinds of tastes to i-Uars. We claim that out atock la tha most perfectly assorted both in ,.i,." and ahades in the city. Another thlna you can l poaalbly boat our lines of pipes ... ..Up,.,a louacuo cigarettes, too. W. F. Btoecker. 1404 Douglaa. R fcS JACKDAW WHISKEY PURE RYE, 13 YEARS OLD; UK8T FOR ilKDICINAL PURPOSES.' CACKLE Y HHOS BOLE OWNERS. IS N. 16TH A, Martin, Tailor, removed to 1304 Douglaa U-HUo 1 BREAD, pies, cakes, for Xmss. ?S14 Far ucrun, iocasmiin, mv n. istn. Tel. L971. R-M4M chineiy; best stock used; soles. kv vv. sewed 75c; ladies', 36v; sewed, 60c; heels mc, ioci ruooer neeis, 40c, S09 N. Kth 1. j ur na oeiiveriHt SEASON FOR HOLIDAYS WE offer IS little HarrUters, fancy pack aae nt a wuniHi CiHP OF TltE oiJJ 1.I.OCK. The Faiuuua BiiTlDler 100 Cigar iir ,i.w. uiuii in m iu, uouglas or S.i laxton block. W. f. Btoecker Clear . lu. R-MJ-4 SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS. Latest style. 6x8 oval photograplia; regu lar prlca $6 dos.; this tu id for O. R 204 PROCTOR, 616 SO. 16TH ST. R-804 MEDLAR PRINTING CO.-224 8. lith St R-3W Jit BACK COPIES of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing ads of ' ''Nebraska Towns Contest, " May bo obtained at The Bee buslneas office tC PER COPT. WANTED, some man to furnish farm teams, impieiuenta ana aeel. I have f x perlfiice and executive ability and em a hustler. J. W. Allbery. eur. Elliott and a way, council uiuna. la. H tya is PHOTOS, luteal mountings, flneat work. Hh- ia rate of $3 on cabinet pioturea. HIS .Nona 4tn at. h tut JlS Biteclal Bale of GRAPE WINE. MIKE KRACHER, 1318 WILLIAM ST. R-Sl-tI KEW aarber shop at Merchants hotel. -e4 Jl ll. KI.I.ANKOl . WINTER TERM OPENS MONDAY, JANUARY 4 Omaha Commercial College By learning particulars at once you wOl ba able to nuke a wise choice of achoola to attend. Bend at once for free adver tising literature. Address Rohrbounh Bros.. l?th and Douglas Streets, Omaha or Telephone 1289. B Henry ' & -Santa Claus Both Handle Stationery. HENRY SELLS IT Santa Claus Don't i Santa Gives it Away. See Henry About This TODAY , 161S FARNAM. R M729 24 Don't Forget XMAS CANDIES XMAS PERFUMES XMAS CIGARS A Complete Line At H. J. MERCHANT'S DRUG STORE, CUK. 10 1 H AND HOWARD. R Mi 26 24 11. O. SMITH, auccessor to McVea & Smith, piuinuing and heating, 118 N. 10th, 'id. sow.- rrwinpt attention given all work. At M72S POULTRY SUPPLIES Nebraska Fertlliier company, i.earniy. Neb. R M275 27x SWAN'S Ruck Brackets for making hay, hog. woou and wauon box. Just the thing tur farmers. Ask your haruwaru dealer or wrlie J. T. bwan. Auburn, Neb. R M343 3.x WAXIKlwiULl HELP. MEN to learn barber trade; tree railroad fare upon our lauure lo you of this being the BEST, largeat and only rename, moat practical bat tx:r college in this section of tne country; write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Insti tute, umana. Neb. a 433 WANTED, two agents at once: good sal ary; city work. C. jr. Adams Co., ui Howard at. . Bfc4 WANTED, forU. B. army, able-oodled. un- in.iriru nivii, ucivcen Hei vi ai anu aj, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperata ha hits, who can SDeak. read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting otltcer, 10th and Dodge sta., Omaha, and Uacolo, Neb. B 11154 FOREMAN wanted In small woodworking plant. Address x ut, care umana nee. B M743 27 BIO fraternal order wants deputies for lowa and Nebraska, men or women; neat contract ever offered: your cash first day of every month. Call or address 412 N. 18th St. B M7o6 tfx WAJITKD FEMAIf HELP. 100 girls. Call Canadian office, 15th dt Dodge. c iu WANTED Girl for general housework at MX zui su u MJt WANTED, girl for housework. In small family; wagea $5 a week, sit) 8. 8th St. C M670 28 GIRL for general housework. 2707 Howard ajreet. c 736 28 FOR RENT FOR2IISHED ROOMS. Room at the Dellone Large, 11111 anu airy i-ooins, i.u and up per mo.nn; oc ana up per uuy; steam iteateu, elect! 10 lignteu, private and gen eial btlia; flrst-ciass aarvioc. 14th and Capltot ave. IC M71D ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. a, J DEWEY European hoUL 13th and Farnam. NICELY furnlaked rooms. Inquire Omaha ttteain i-aunoiy, ntu ieavenworth. Phone A-liU. B i'M O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone OIL u-ss ELEGANT front roon; steam lieaL uot capiioi ava. u-um NICE south room, modern. 808 g. 26th. E Mtaa lei. a-ivis. bTATE HOTEL European. 1311. Doug las sb Br-klJ Jl 11.26 PER WEEK. Doran Houso, 422 8. loth. ar-juue ROOMS, furnace heat. 116 N. 15th. tel. 1834. FURNISHED rooms Lacota, lu Howard. E 133 NICELY furnlahed double parlors, single or eiiBulte, gas bath, steam heat, tel, COZY front room. $3 per week. 1717 Web' Bier at. E-459-J1 VIENNA European Hotel, 1011-15 Farnam at Fine rooms; ladlea' cafe; private dinintf rbviui vrpen iu n i n i. JL oos NICE furnlahed rooms. 324 N. 16tn. E MOOT FOR RENT, large first floor front room nicely furnished and well heated; private family; easy walking distance; rent rea sonable. iis rt. lam at. iL Mj14 tti NICELY furnished south room for rent In private family; modern conveniences Apply 2am Jones St. 'S 7U1 25x OI 8IE8S CHAKCEI. WHEN you wsnt to buy. sell or exchange any property or msiaees quick, ace J. ii. jonuson. Hi r. I. Ule. I Sit EXCHANGES of all kinds. To wuy or sell a uuamexs or exenange meicnanaise fur a land or city property, call or awiie Sliolea. aiiutroug (o.. ,u-4 .N. x. Lata 'lei. 48. Y Mia3 FINE Business for Sale Annual sales t-'o, wv: net tiroiua. 12 uar cant: ranltal r quired, fe.uuo; it'a a snap. Addreas Y 11, onice. X 151 FOR SALE Millinery stock-in northeast .'St-hraska A bargain if taken at once t arty going west. AUdi-eaa, y 45. Bee. Y-t34-24x POST EXCHANGE BUILDING AT FORT t'HOUK-There w II be sold at DUli auc tion to the highest reaponsible b.dder on the premises at Fort Cook. Nebraska, at 4:uu p. ni., January is, 1H. tha poa ext-nanisa ouiiding. lerma cash, within three daya of rale. Building must be re moved from the reservation and all de. bria claurvd ud bv the Durrhiur wlthlr two months. Further information can tie obtained at Quartermaster's Office, Fort i roon. i nariea W . Castle, Capt. Q. M Jin inraptry. FOR 3SXCHAKGK. ALL OR PART of valuable U. 8. patent to exchanga tor mining slocks. A Miner. Ul N. 16th. Zioi WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Schmolier & Mueller, 1313 Farnam St PATES TS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. aia a. lot n at., umuna. isi. PATENTS Sues Co.. Omaha. Neb. H. luauaita patetti uuu trte. i l in:-?. M G,V iJ-TX The Nebraska 1 The poet's name for plain rod hair? 2 The name of a famous cemetery near Washington, D. C? 3 The leading opponent of Lincoln in campaign debates? 4 An island in jthe eastern Mediterranean, in which great religious strife prevailed several , years ago? 0 A city in Syria? WIN ONE OF THE 200 PRIZES. ' SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE 9. FOR SALK SlISi KLLAKF.OIS. FOR 8ALC:. several scnolanmlpa In a first class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course la business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee oitlca. Q-saa SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; a large stcck of cneap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. Tha Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co.. 407-1 8. 10th St. O- W BQUARE PIANOS T0 EACH. sO CENTS PER WEEK. SCHMOLLER MUELLER, N Largest Piano Dealers In liim West, ISIS Farnatn. Q S IRON A Wire fences, tree guard, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co.. 2U6 N. 17th su Q-3W . CATALOGUE cut drug prices frea. Sher man as McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. y-199 INDIAN gM)ds and relics, lilt Famam. 0-397 SD-HAND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnna y 4u0 CHEAPEST OAK BLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 801 Douglas. TWO fine depot wsgona, S rockaays, 1 cotipe, i traps, 1 wagonette, t Uraya. Drummond Carriage Co., ISth and llr ney. TRADING stamps. Boston Market, in N. 18. Q 9i9 J8 r natvn r-na 1 tlnvM nt leSB than XJJSSX - v . uvi . . ' . .j ..... . ia price from 15 up. Furniture cheap. I cnica a co Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. , TeU 2020. . Vl-eos AM AUTHORIZED to sell at bargain diamond rtud, ring and pair earrings left lo pawn. Diamond Loan Olnce. 1401 Xloug. las. Q-4b3 FOR BALE-BARRED AND BUFF PLY MOUTH ROCKS from the best stock In the V. S. All ages. Call or write F. R. Joslin, 2C10 8. 41st St. Q-468 23x FOR BALE Empty ink barrels. Apply at Bee press room. . Q ' A DOUBLE comb fib Reglna mjslc box In perfect condition for US. Albert Edholm, 107 N. 16th at. QiV FOR sale, $S oak bedroom set, in food condition, for $:'5. 1608 South 25th avenue. Telephone, B2G13. . " Q-M450 A. FOR SALE Quick, carload of the best fresh family cows ever brought Into Omaha. Enquire 2566 Ames ave. Q 60S FOR SALE Four No. 1 Brunswick bowling alleys. Address Bo 394, David City. Neb. Q 402 J16 CHRI8TMAS TREES, sweet cider, home amain r.l.rv fresh veaetables. oysters direct from Baltimore. We have the best line of figs, dates and nuts in omana. Buffett & Son, Fourteenth and Harney eta Q Mbl TWO good oak roll top desks for sale. Room 840 Bee bldg. V!-a zo WOOD'S Ice Plows, single or double row. stock carried In all large cities. Aaarem, Wm. T. Wood & Co., Arlington, Mass. FOR RENT STORKS ASD OFFICES. FOR RENT building suitable for whole- sais purposes at vio r arnam, aaxvu, wur stsrles and urst-class cemented basement. elevator, are ana Durgiar proot vauii, oi tlca counter and fixtures. For price and particulars lnqulra C. C. Rosewpter, seo rotary Bee Building Cu.a room 100, Bee building. I MWJ FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly eaapieo. tor a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished if required. R, C. Peters t Co., rental agents, ground floor. Bee building. I-M7U4 tTORY and basement, 12x100: 1006 Farnam t Inquire 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. FOR RENT, three upper stories In four- story building ai mo r amain uu stories if preferred. Address C. C. Rose water. Seo y.. Room 100. Bee tldg Building for Wholesale or Warehouse Purposes. 1414 Harney St., 83x120 feet, four stories and basement, electric eievaiur, nam ucb lioO.OO per month. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam SL 1 M628 J3 BACK COP1F.S THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing ads ot , "Nebraska Towns Contest," May ba obtained at The Bee business offlie. 2C PER COPT. For Rent At a Bargain . The large double store In Bee Building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feet plate glass front, the only one of lis kind In Omaha, ' Excellent location fcr men's furnishing store, shoe store, jeweler, milliner, ete. Every tenant of the Immense Bea Build ing, City Hall. Court House snd New York Lit Building a pos , slble patron. . For further particulars, see MacCarthy Tailoring Company 304-30O So 16th Sl rittMiUEl) ROOMS AMU BOARD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or with out boura. Miuiana ooioi, ui et ,iuuusu. THE ROSE, good board. 020 Harney; warm i MUU4 UPTOP1A. steam heat. 1721 Davenport. F .23 annua with ho.ird: modern, steam heat, also table board. The Dresner, 6o2 8. 16th. t -aoi J iv SUITE rooms, 1st floor, single rooms; hot and ooia water. Aierriaxn. mux ROCKAWAY. 1316 Douglaa Meals, 15c. THE U. a RESTAURANT, tflu Do.1ga. aaaln under tha management of Wiu, bAUEMMEISTER. Open ail Birot FOR RENT Iarge well-furnished front room, all modern, with board: also good table board by day or week. The Dre.-.uer, Sv Bo. -t. F-443 ACtCAT WANIKD. WANTED, t solocliora; salary or com. 7; 8. 16th. -J 376 J MBit WANTED Canvasalng agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARM SR. Steady employment with assured sood In. come. Aaeuts in the country with horae and buga-y especially desired. Canvuaaers make easily $uc to 31uu pr month. Ad (Ireas Century Fa.'mer Sullcltoia' JOiresu. U buUding, Omaha, J 3 Towns FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. F. D. WEAD Four l-room, all modern houfea and barn; No. 1 repair; rents at II, ) per year; owner moved to California and gone Into business; needs the money; think he will accept 111,000. 1U4 Douglas. RE-M73H 17 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLK. FOR QUICK SALE Nine-room residence, large east front lot, on grade, walking distance, $1,500; reason able terms. Large lot, on grade, facing two streets, walking distance, $450. RE M3S8 BIG SNAP. JS50 for S504 Hamilton, 4 rooms, city water, gas and fixtures, brick walk, nce repair; don't delay, D. V. SHOLES CO. 722 N. Y. Lite. Tel. 49. ', RE-MIKJ F. D.WEAD Southeast cor. 20th and Douglas, with gtound to build three moacin flats that would rent. at $40 each; property now rents $50 per month. 1521 DourIhs. HE-M741 27 JUST LISTED. - - - - - - - We have Just gotten for quick sale a mod ern cottage of 6 rooms, with porcelain bath, toilet, pas and electric light, new hard wood floors, nicely "nniered. and painted, lot 50x116 ft., located at 3105 Marcy at., good neighborhood, near car, price 12,200. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 601-8 N. T. Life Bldg. Sole Agents. RE K7 24 ' F. D. WEAD 6-r. new modern cottage, full lot. In Bemls park; must sell before Jan. 1, $2,0;. 1524 Douglas. RE-684 24 REAL E8TATR bargains. Full lot . and three houses In E. V. Smith's addition, only, $2,260. Thomas Brennan, 8C Bo. 13lh Street. . RE MG06 Cl9' Williamson Co., fcAgRS F. D. WEAD Six-room house and barn, with ten lots, on N. 16th; paved street and paid; If you wish small body land where you can work In city at same time, see me at once; price, $1,500; $300 caah, balance monthly. 1524 Douglas. RE M740 27- POR BALE, twelve-acre fruit farm at Braldentown, FlorlcU; water front, young ora r anu inii kiu,,, miiu imu buiim. Address Lock Box 66, Glltner. Neb. RE188 rAVicH and farm lands for sale by the - fyilon Pacino Kauroaa company, u. A. f M:Allsater, land cammlssioner. Union Mcltio headquarters, Omaha, Neb. i REV-418 SEE Spencer's bargains, 628 N. T. Life. - ..... ' RB-4M3 Jl , INVESTIGATE ; Lots 1, 2, U and i3, block 14, 31.450 each, west run, uptwciu win 0i. miu ouiit avb, oi. DodreT Three lots frontinfirnorth on California St., Detween xza ana ja bis., stwu eacn, 3xm feet, extendlna td Cans St. 1Ek)8-40-43 North 22d St., three cottages, $3,260. $3,0110 8-room brl'k house, between 15th and 16th Bts., on uavenport St. N. P. DODGE A CO.. Tel. 2. 1614 Farnam Bt. RE 721 25 TRADING STAMPS Are No Better Than These Bargains. 15CS Ohio St., 6 rooms, water, only 81.850. Or 2113 Grant St., 8 rooms, modern, barn. II, ON'. Or 4013 N. 36th St., water, barn, big lot, 31.27. ' ' ' Or 2C4 Decatur St., t rooms, good location. i,oo. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Building. RE 720 29 F. D. WEAD This would be a merry Xmaa If you would wind up the year and buy mzz s. 85tn ava.; 7-room house and barn; has cost the owner over 33,000; has left Omaha; says offer my home $1,750. 1524 Douglas. RE M739 27 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? ff vou want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about IC The best way to reach mem is mrougn THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This urtrultural weekly aoea to 46.009 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so It you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The coat of an advertisement Is small I cents per wora ia siuau ijrpe or $2.80 per Inch If aet In large type. I HE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, Urn An A, NfctS. RE 32 BEST bargains in farms and ranches. Write Willis caa wen, xjroaen now, is to., for list and Illustrated pamphlet. RE M731 J13 F. D. WEAD Five-room cottage home, with barn, within walking distance; 13 blocks west of post office; this is a snap, as owner needs money; 11,576. 1524 Douglas. RE M737 37 l,Co-acre well equipped rsnrh, with never falling running water entire length from springs; good houses and fine bains, stock, yards and scales; lib acres altaifa; on Beaver; price, $11,000; owned by woman who might take home In Omaha or Lin coln in part payment and give time on part. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douls St. RE-M.'337 IMPROVED FARM For aale at a bargain, a fine Nebraska farm of 160 acres; well Improved; aonio good timber; running water; to mites lrom Omaha and within one mile of a large county aeal town; or whl trade for Im proved property in OmaUa, or acreage near ine city. JOHN W, ROBBINS, Sole Agent, 1803 FARNAM STREET. RE M753 27 FIVE ACRES For aale at low price of $1.9o0 00. Lotated on North Twenty-fourth, street near Fort. A very aesiraoie loca tion to Improve, ueorge ."., is i r nam etret. RE M751 Jl OWNER CRIPPLED, can't work, must aell heavily mortgaged 318-arre Improved farm near High acliooi, wnnin a muea or ion, Box . lora. niru. - TRRP-a and Plants. Crete Nurseries. Crete. Nt.D KE-Mrj3IHx FOR RK-4T FARMS. pa acres rich bottom, adapted lo corn and rain. J. M. rlpar, ii e """'""I, Omaha, Neb. tf M7J6 FARMS For aale. Bee our display ad., this page. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. V. a NAT L BANK BLDG. M749 Contest roil MatT.llOtlEI, Hni !QPQ In all parte of the city The iwwwl. o. F. Da via Co., 508 Bee Bldg. HOI IQPQ in ull parts of the city. , R IIUUJU c peters at Co., Bee Blflg D 4i TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., oftice LtilVi Farnam, or Tela 14.'-8 4. D-41& PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO.. choice liounes. ul-Oos New York Life Bldg. 'Phone l'Hi. D 420 SEVERAL good houses, $10 to 818. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D-M110 WE MOVE H&nos. MsRgard Van Btor. age Co.. TeL 149S. Office, 1713 Webster at, D 421 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. FOR RENT, 6-room house. 25C3 Woolworth ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold water; newly painted and papered mrougnout-ia). a. H. snerwooa. jsw York Life Bldg. D-MCTi 2S18 8. 19th St., 8-room house.. $20.00. 1325 S. 18th at.. 5-rnom house: well $10.00. 3215 Burt St., S-room cottage 86.60. sis IN. lith at., 6 raomi upstairs stz.ox. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1508 Dodge st. D-CM T71 BRISTOL, 7-room house; bath, gas, city water, .-j.uu. McCague investment t o., 15t Dodge si. D-M 478 7-ROOM all modern house, hot and cold water. 2010 Poppleton ave. D 496 t-ROOM modern flat. 1112 S. 11th. D 195 FIVE rooms for rent. 2618 N. 15th st. D M527 26X FOR RENT 7-room house, city water and large yard. 2131 Emmet st.. 315. JOHN V. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. D M615 2 TO RENT New, finely furnished 9-room house, West 'Farnam district, for few months, to first-class party without chil dren, w. farnam smith CO., w.-u rar nam St. D 677 FOR RENT Modern six-room house on West Farnam car line. The O. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D 704 zs NEW 6-room modern house, 6 blocks from depot. Inquire 1409 Park Wild ave. D-695 27x FOR RENT. No. 3112 Locust St., 8-room modern house. very attractive piace, in convenient loca tlon. Rent. 825.60 ter month. One of the best and most attractive 7 ;oom houses In Hanscom Park district, all modern; will lease for one year or icrger, - per monm. No. 138 N. .Wh ave.. verv attractlva and desirable residence of .11 rooms, modern inrnunnut, no per monxn. No. 8504 8. 20th St.. 8-room modern horn two blocks south of 20th and Vinton sta., car line. $26 per month. No. 1C11 Howard St., 3 flats, consisting of 13 rooms. In best of repair, $55 per month. N. W. corner 28th and Jackson sts., 9 room modern house; convenient loca tion; $30 to per month. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 FARNAM ST. D M672 J3 105 8. 28TH ST. Five rooms. 3S; and others Rlngwalt Bros., Barker block. D M758 17. - MONEY TO LOAJt CHATTELS. LOANS It will pay you to deal with an old and tellable Arm and establish a credit where ju can secure money when you need It, CHATTEL LOANS on Furniture. Pianos, Horses, Warehouse nnciiiui, etc., me property always re maining in your possession. SALARY LOANS oh your own agreement to repay, If you iiuiu a ssmrlea position. AN INTERVIEW will convince you that the conditions of our contracts are the moat liberal in all respects of any obtainable in the city, and our eervlce Is quick and without any pub licity. When you find it necessary to bor row GIVE US A TRIAL and we will by fair treatment attempt to retain your paironagq. OHAHA MOKTUAGK LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established UM) Sutf Bo. 16th St. X-M716 MONEY TOUR CREDIT la, GOOD HERE. MONEY TO U1AN ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE. WITHOUT SECURITY. WITHOUT PUBLICITY. We also loan money on FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES, eta, without removal Ot goods LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. DON'T pay a high rata of Interest for money, but call and get our rales before going elaewheie. Our plan the CHEAPEST, ' BEST and MOlsT PRIVATE In the city. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms aW-aU Pax ton Block. X-U-434 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. LlVhl STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Low ratea and easy terms. Buslneas uornidenliaL ' Try us a you want to aave money. PHOENIX CREDIT rnj t3t Pax ton Block, lbtU and Farnam eta. X-43I MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE .uu - ... """ J. easy payments; larueat buslntss in 4it principal cities Tolinan, room 440 Chamber of Cornmerrs X-41 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; huaintaa confidential; lowest ratea 614 paxwn block. The J. a. liuttou Co. X 429 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture lew . elry, horses, oowa. etc. C F. Reed, 318 B. 11 X 130 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., R. 8. Barker Block. X 431 IAAKCiNU ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' Nev Academy, 2424 Farnam. ' Adult beginners, Jdondny and Saturdays, 8 p. m.; assemblies, VeUiiesdays, 8:30 p. in m . ; children b.-ipnners, Wednesdays, 4 p. ., Saturdays, 2 p. ni.; advanced. Satur- days oi ly, 4 p. 'Phone, F-1871; res., , A-1SJ. lUb MORAND'S, 15th and Harney; auult begin ners, Tues. tk Frl,. 8 p. m. ; children, feat.; aaaembllea, Wed. Tickets for lessons sel-j at a reducea price this month, good until ; pilveU lussons daily. Tel. 1'4). -44 JJ WANTUM-SALESMK. WA NT JD Competent, energetic, expert euced salesmen to sail a new artic.a In Omaha, South Omaha, Council Blulls and Vicinity, Jobbers, manufacturers and wholesale trade only to be called aa. Vl, Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 4(7 and UJ a. loin si., city. M ,i 19 ONE of the largest and best eatabiiahed wholesale manufacturing shoe houses In SI. Louis wants salesmen who have es tablished trade and that are now eelllng not leas man rw.uw pet year, tine lor south Minnesota, one for South Dakota one for northwest Iowa, trie far north Nebraska, one for sou lb Michigan and north Indiana and one for west Ohio. To representative men an attractive con tract will be made. Addreaa at once Y 40, Bee. - 675 24 WASTW.D SITUATION. BOOKKEEPER Oood references, wants po sition AduietS Y 43. lit.. A Jul Ul I'F.n0 ALB ANY poor girl In need of a friend can can on or write to the matron ot tne sal vation Armv Homo for Women, X4 N. 24th St.. Omaha, Neb. U M.S Maylx CHRISTMAS toys In Immense variety at (iruhard at Wllhelms, H14-141S Douglas st. U M278 &x Stammering Cured. J. Vaughn, Ram re hid. C 576 CALITZO Meet me at Huteson's, expert optician. 313 S. 16th st: going to get a pair of his "Patent Slip Not' eye glaesjes. lie testa free. U-3 Jl ROBINSON'S Shining Parlors. IJ20 Doug las st, U M8b8 J6 MAHMPTIP treatment baths. Mme. 1 , mi 1 1 Bmlth. 118 N. 16, 3 fir. r. t U MD44 r ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th. 3d floor. u-ni XIONEY loanca on valuables. 1316 Dnuglna U M6U J SMOKE the best Binderup Clgsrs. u oe js SPECIAL FOR THE Holidays ' We offer a Frencn briar pipe, with 2Mi-lnch mow mouthpiece, tor l.oo. stoecser Cigar Co., 14U4 oouglaa, and at 121 S. lota, Puxton Block Cigar (Store. U-ilU SHOP MADE BHOE3 Lang's, 718 8. Hilh ou U J 13 BARTON Printing Cu.. 13-18 Barker blk. U-UVltl Jit Eroadfleld Printing Co. We print almost cveryining. loos Jackson St.; pnone U-M399 J 14 Strong & Varley. stamping dies. 1208 Dodge. U aA3j J i SMOKBCapL Freer e Greenlander. 410 & jam. u us jn TUB, vapor and alcohol batha 720 8. 13th st. U M43U j lo TEU 3266, that's the Gate City Steam Dye ing arid Cleaning Works. 618 So. loth St. U M447 DR. G8ANTNER, dentist, 309 Ramge blk. U tib Ji.x THE REGENT Ladles' toilet parlors and batlicry. needle spray, electrical ana in ternal; manicuring and iialr dressing. KUj Ramge bldg. Tel. 20, . Ladles only. U-601 DECORATED chins for sale. 1208 N. 26th. U-603 -ax WE RENT sewing machines at 75c per week, $3 per month, we repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured; second-haad machines from $1 to $10. Nb. Cycle Co.. 15th and Harney. U 444 "VIAVI" way to health. 346 Bee building, umana. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during contlnement. Dr. and Mrs. Uorlsch, wa Calllornia st. Terms reasonable. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable, lull uooge St., Arlington blooit, Omaha. U 449 GOLD ELKCTRO PLATING, i - it i 1 n Old metal lio articles made new. SILVER OMAHA PLATING CO. M I r 1 V I REatu V a.D 'IU iam A1AHNET. INlVrwCL. TlvilCPllOii o3o. U Uw-D-34 PRIVATE hospital during .nnllnement; babloa adopteu. Mra Uaidela, i-H laka TaL Red-ma4. U MS PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good bamariian Bamtariuin, 328 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. U - WATER'S PRINTING COH St. 1313 Douglaa U MliuS It PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mrs. 1 Dlsher, 361a bo. lith. Tel. 1888. u til MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At aiugglats, 81. u tts WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? Wa do nothing but the flneat. Goldman rieaung Co.. mo uougiaa oioca. v U 460 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals bt reduced prKas. uX It. Mth, Tel. An. u tai MINNIE TEMPLE Furnished room, 03 N, 16th. 3d floor. U-161 OMAHA DYE WORKS, 1515 HOWARD, fashionable cleancra; dresses, suits, cloaks, draperies, rugs,, lace curtains; we dye carpet a ,. u BliZi Jf J. E. WALLACE. TAXIDERMIST, e6 8. 13in. . U ulH AM WIlOWR With two children, 21 and 15 years of age; have nice home on larm near Omaha; dealre to communicate with respectable woman, not over 38, who would marry; references required. Ad' dress X 88, Bee. U-703 26x WANTED To meet stylish young lady not over a, am stranger in city ana lone some. Address X K3, Bee. U 708 24 x CORNSTALK poisoning In cattle t and horses may be prevented. Write the National Cornstalk Remedy Co., Douglas Block, Omaha. u Mas iix When You Write to Advertisers remember It ouly takes an extra eitroke or two of the peu to mention the fact that you saw the ad in 'ine nee. CLAIRVOYANT. BUSINESS MEDIUM. Tit N. 17th St 8131 pans". HARRY, clairvoyant and palmist: no difference what trouble you may have consult him, rts can ana win neip you. readings, si. nooia a, jvrug tuesier, . S 177 M UYLMER. palmist, 716 N. 33d 'phone B- S2a. o MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY UUEEN ot clairvoyants; every thing toki, past, present and future. Sat. isfaotion or no pay. 8U7 N. lath. 8 44 MADAM MOYNIHAN, graduate School of Occult sconce, Air xora. expert palm 1st, clairvoyant, phyalognonust; traces and describes thieves or friends; locates minerals. I will guarantee my readings and the charges will be nothing If 1 can not see your friends as they are or de scribe youi home. I have read for the late President MoKlnley, Mrs. potter palmer, Mme. Pattl and many other prominent people. Will accept engage ments w ru anu vninniin ui uomea. 1616 DOUGLAS ST. S-M103 When You Write to Advertisers remember It orly takes an extra stroke or two of the Mil to mention the fact you saw tne ad In i ne nee. MOSEY TO lsOAni AtfcSAL ICSTATlf. FARM and city loans, low ratea W. H Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. lbia. 1 W LU PRIVATE moi.ey. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. LI fa 433 4 TO t P. C. money, Beinls, I'uxton block p V 13 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglaa W 4JS WANTED City loans and warranta W, Farnain Smith 4t Co., 1320 taruain SL W 434 FIVE per cent loans. Farnam. Garvin Bros,. 1004 W A37 WANTED Real estate loans and waAants. R. C. Peters at 1.0., Bee mag, n j MONEY TO LOAN-Payae Investment Co. 6 farm loana R. C. Patterson, 1224 Far nam. MLSICAL. THOa. i. KELLY, voice. Davldge block. -ia LfloViKY'b ORCHESTRA Tel. L-2u&4, 411 BECHTOLP'S union orchestra. 211 8. 11th st, MOW Jl OMAHA Piano and Musical Instrument R pair shop. T.l JliJ. llanos boutl.l snd sold, Ua N. liilh. OSTEOPATHY. elmson InsUtute, 616 N. T. Lit, bldg. T. 1W4 The Hunt Infirmary, MeCague bldg. T.3V4. Ataen Farwsll, Pal too blk., t04-T. T. 1TC. DR. GRACE DEKGAN. M3 N. T. Ufa. Tti, Nt , Sill Fayette Cole, Osteopath. V Paiton blera. ia WANTED TO Bt'Y. SECOND-HAND books. Crane. 307 N. 16th. , ri ho i j i DON'T give your furniture and carpet . n u T f ...1.. . ... h kl.hul r -1. prlca.' Telephone 7L N M484 TOnACCO tsgs. coupons, bought, 2"H S. 18th. N-M.47 Jl Rv-ilrc bought, sold. Antique Book Con. OUUKi crn, ns Karbach blk, Tel. 3.34. N LAW AMI COLLECTIONS. BTIIXMAN & PRICE. 410 1st Nat. bf bldg. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor . T. Lire bldg., attorneys and collectors nvery where. 461 ArthMr L. Warrick. 401 War blk. Tel. ItA iu W. F. WAPPICH. AVDICE free. Creljthtoa BIK. M1X4 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school 717 N. T. Life. 47 NEB. Business at Shorthand College. Boyd's meater. DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-Z32. 406 THE BEFOTJT DFTFCTIVE AGENCY TUB IS V. LIFE. -riCLEl'HONHJ 8540. 7(0 FOn SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. NEW and 2d-hand vehicles for sale; re pairs. 11. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 461 HOUSES For rent. See our display ad., mis page. - 1 CHAS. E, WILLIAMSON CO. U. S. NATL BANK BLDG. P M748 33 SILAS IGO, IJve Stock Auctioneer. Pure bred stock a specialty. Palrnvra, Ia. P M32 28x LOST. LOST Delta Gamma fraternity pin: ssp- pnire ana aiamona setting; reward. 835 Pine St., opposite Brownell hall. . , LOST M748 26x FOUND Locket; owner may have same by caning t 00 jn i. mn at. ixist sum znx COSTVHES. Theatrical and masq. Llebcn, 1013 Farnam. COSTUMES for rent. Sack, 3318 8. 20th st Mitt J-tX TICKET DROKEHI. CUT-RATE railroad tickets t very where. P. H. Phllbin, 1506 Farnam. 'f I one 734. fe70KAGIk. OM. Van Stor. Co., 16UVi Earn. Tela Uet-861. 471 FXRN1TURB PACKINO. Peterson 4 Lund berg, 116 & 17th, Tel: L-23&I, 1146 FUR DRE391N. J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist. 806 8. 13th. ..... ... ui CRBSSMAKINU. N famiilea. Miss Sturdy, 30t W. 23d. -M201 D27 FLORISTS. HESS tc BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. -43 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1519 Farnam St. POSTOFFICE OTTCB. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any lime.) - Foreign n.alis lor the week enulng De cember 26, 103, will close (PROMPTLY in il caacsi st the uenerai rostoince as 101- lows: rARClLS-POriT MAI LB rlose on hour earlier than closing time shown below. ltegular ana suppierainutry m-4is close at , Foreign Siailou Halt hour later than clos ing time shown below otxeept that Supple mentary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, cose one hour later at Foreign Ftation.) Trafasatlaatle Malls. SATURDAY At t a. in. for EUROPE, per s. s. St. Paul via Southampton (mall for Ireland and letter man lor Juiverpooi roust be directed "per s. s. Bt, Paul ); at 8:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a, Lucania via Queenstown; at 8:30 a. m., for BEL GIUM direct, per s.s s. Zeelar.d (mall must be directed "per a. a. Z.eeland ". V After the closing of. the Supplementary . Trana-Atiantic ftians namea aoove, aoai tlonal Supplementary Malls are opened on the piers ot ths American. Enxllsh, Frencn and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing Ot steamer. Halls for Soath sad Central America, West ladles, Eta, SATURDAY At t a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. r-retona; si s.av m. tiuiii. mVntary t:30 a. m.) for PORTO R1CU CURACAO and ENEZUELA, per a. a Philadelphia (mall for Savanllla and C.--tagena must be directed ' per s. s. Phil adelphia"); at :30 a. m. (supplementary 10-30 a. m' for FORTUNE ISLAND, JA MAICA. 8AVAN1LLA. CARTAGENA and GHEYTOWN, per a8. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "par a. a Alene"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s Morro Castle, via Havana; at 13:30 p. m. for CUBA, per a a. Maracas, via Havana. Malls Fsrwtrnl Ovarlaad, Ete., Ei CUBA-Vla Port Tampa, Fla., closes at this office daily, except , - - a ni (the connecting maila olose hare on Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur- MEX1CO CITY Overland, unless specially addreaaed for d.-spaich by steamer, insen at this office dally, except Sunday, at 11 p. m. and 11 30 p. en. oundays at 1 p. m. KKii FoJ ."vDLA N D By rail to North 8yd ney and thence by steamer, closes at this ottlce dally at i:3o P- m. (connecting nulla close here every Monday, Wednesday and BEl'litK PUERTO CORTKZ and GUATE-MAIJl-By rati 10 sw Orleans, and 7,. i,v ateamer. closes rt this ofllce d-illy. except Sunday at 11:30 p. in. auV il:30 p. m.. Sundays at 1 p. m. and (li at 11 m (connecting mail closes here Mi. il'iv. at 111:30 p. m.) JAMAICA By tail to Boston, and tnnce by steamer, cloaea at this ofllce at 8:30 p. II every Tueiflay. liy rail to Philadelphia and thence by at earner closes at thia o trice at 11:30 p. m. everv We.lneadav. M1QLELON hy tail to Boston, and th'nre by steamer, cloaea at this offlcednlly st COST A' lUCA-By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, cloaea at this ofito diily, except Sunday, nt 1:30 p. m uni III 30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 111 JS 1. ni. iconn.cilng mall cloaea hern Tuaa days at ll:80 p. m.) x . BAHAMA3 (Except Parcels-Post MallsK ly rail to Miami. Kla., and theme b) steamer, clouts at f 11 :3b p. m. every Tues IRE&ISTEHED MAIL closes at t p. 10 previous day. Traasvaelna Mails. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver am Victoria. B. C, close here dally a I 8:31 p. ru . up to December. (i Inclusive, foi UcKpatcl. per s. s. Eniprvaa ot India. (Mor tliandlae for U. S. Puatal Assucy al bliangiiul cannot Le loirda via Can- CHINA and JAPAN, via Baattl. ciose heraw daily at p. m. up 10 Ieccnher l, iu-clti-lve, for despatch per . s. ehuwmul. HAWAII. JAPAN and CHINA and spa r'.slly sddrcssud ru&U for the FHILU PiNrl Isl.AM H. via San Fram-laco, cl.,at hire dally at 4.30 p. in. up to Decouiba t: