t -it 3EZ ATI ATI 1 ", 1'V ' VaAJUl Ever been South? No? TTfn OMAITA DAILY TIED: miDAV. ' prXTOfnnn 2. 1Wtt. Si r VJyQyJA I, V J (0) ft. 11 t MPORTS 05 SOLDIERS' HOHEl CBiral Enrtoa, Ku LprpwUd Virions' , ; Braactss, 1YJ of Condition!. COST OF KAWTEKANCt IS H1SHER laspecier Ptnda thsA Uewni of Ex. peaes Fr Inhabitants mt Bau la Twalr Pw' Mat la - Threw Yeaa-a. . WASHINGTON. Dm. zt-Aecording to report mad by Brigadier Geoerl Owrii B. Burton, who ku Just completed a lour of inspection of th nrtou branches of th National Sol dJ era" boat, U urn ehowa that during last year H.167 old soldiers bars been cared (or. Tha annual per cap ita expense of this aaaiataaanca was S14L?b, which la aa increase of K par cent during tha past three years, aaorfbad to tba gen eral advaaoa la tba ecst of load product. Of tba Inmabaa. SSAS ere drawing pensions 2 from )t ta (.1 pa" tmotAH, aggregating a total af BJt,7M. aKT laambani bar eaah balances el mora Lhaa R.tf0o t their croJil , Durliig tba paat year there vara LW deaths and Mai first admlaeioo. Theis ar Uli acres of land cultivated aa farms and ninety-eight aoraa aa regwtabie gardens In con nation with tba 'various braacbaa Tba value of farm products van ' W,0f.s. while tba cost of tr--frrt. which Include lawns, flower gardens. trsnaportaUoa and teams van SZ.0t. For Defeasa f Islands. Secretary Root baa forwarded to tba hems ef reprtaoeatajilvoe through tba Treasury department a supplemental estl met of tB.S3ii.10B fur tba defense of tba is ular posanaalana of tba Vnltad Btataa. In Via raquaat (ba aacrstarr saya: Leftcea for Porto Rieo. tba Hawaiian sained, uuam and tba ftuiipptoaa ara ar emly naeiird to protact ha oiy aiuird territory ( tba Vntted 8Utaa asd govern, turrit property to ba atored tbare; alao to prevetit tulerrupUon of rail communloa lti between baa FYanfiaoo. Hawaii and XtaiiUa. Tills catimaia ia aubauit with lti otjert ot bemauiuf tba oonatrurtioa f thraa drfenaea at onoa a4 aura titatuar lo-t-alntea aa ar nw tba propecty ff tha I ti Had b:i(M or aaay bawwa aa befora ti aprfi.naUia ia xhkuat-d, and ot ao ' tjviinna; ad ttuaj land needed aa at tea for bcienaaa of tua tarr;tory of liawaU. Bbaar SaataJna npprnlaora. Becrotaj-y Bbaw today tendered a dads Ion sustnlnfa-.r tba board of snerai ap ' pr itinera In- ita . daciaion tbal eertaia atik ritbui&a Involved to cases brought befora theea wera dutla.Ua for U.mmlnrra and not na artlQMa of soaaufacturad aUn. ; Tba effect of tba board' decision wan tu tncreass tba duty on tba ribbons from M ta W par oant a4 waloram. at J'" J J. .'.' 1 ' - Arawys af fsJaarsj ajaniSaim, natMraBy tarsMiant, ansiaim I 1 J UnaC Ka iaevfn ntU af . J j Well, now is the time to go and perpetual sunshine and beautiful W5MJI".'.'JllAtXJI...IPIIIJ JUUU-". events on running tracks' laaaeatlaa a Crdarad aWtn at S Orlwnan amd (acisadds Fc-ad-ias laTastlgnUloan. NEW ORL.KJLN8. Dec M. Paris isnnc and Coiunei lay lor wera tba winning" invontea. la tba Uiird raoa. rludtma on una Moia, erowoed laelsteraincer into lb tecoa and was suapenoea tor Lore aaya tor iuiu rul ing. Kaoiord in the eanto rac excitrd tua auaplcion of lb alewaraa wbo tbougbt bun luiwr ua tnfluenoa o oruaa ana uvey ot- dered the refuaai of ail anirieo in toe future from tne atable of 4. J. Giimora, hia owner. Mtsi Lwia. wbo won tba fourth raoa waa run up ut ti A1, (MM over tite entered aetlina; pnoa and sold to Al bert Simona. Wreath of Ivy was run up is i.e nftcr tba autib rac and bouaiit la. rleaulls: first race, alx furloon: Paiivlenna won. Dusky second, blisa Hums tbird. Tims l:l-. uoand raoa, one mile: Bud Etnbry won, Tba Kea-eot saoond, earab MajUm tbird. Tl.-n 1:V T:iird race, one mile: Colonel Tytor won. One blora aeoondi Kadford tbird. lima r uurth raoe. slit furtonv: Acsi Lf-wis won. Aanea breuiiaa seoutid, Julia, M tbiid. Time X.HV ! Kifth raoe. five furlong: Badduoae woe, Jtmeloea; second. New York tbird. Time, fcmh raoe, sis furlongs: Wreath of Iry won, Footiiabta Favorite second. Allegretto tbird. Time 1:14. BAN FKANC1SOO, Dec 24 The stewards at lnfleeide were no4 satisfied wltb tne appearance of tbe third raca today and auiMrndVd tb stable ut P. C. Diulei and H. Ureen pendino; further lneaatts'atkut. bad liiune, owned by Green, waa plunged on. Wiille Moueymuea, one of theDoimleche string, after opening axiual favorite witb bint dropped to 4 to L Sad bam won as be pleased while Moneymuaa waa diaiant nwuiiJ. Greta c!jiimf,1 iluntyuiut lur li.tui and It was thought there might bava tea some understanding. Caihelio. fell In tbe first race three furl..na-e from tb nntab and Marlia, Xarein and Kionda. wbo wera baidnd her. also went down. Ollrhant sus tained a bruised anal but lb ether ndtra wlJ Injury. Keaults: . Kirst race, all furlongs, srlltnr: Louis Vr'agner won, Kuilab second. Card a all tMrd. Tim 1JJL bxnd race. Futurity course: Dtck Tur t ia won. H- L. Frank seqad, Miliiary Man iljtrd. Tlino 1:1. Third race, alx furlong, selling: Sad Bam wn, bloneymus aoeond. Albemarle third. Tim 1:11V Fourth rare, on mil and one-aixTeentK. selling: Jockey Club won. Klgrette second. Caronal third. Time I d ' Fifth rare, fv and eo-haf furlongs: Fhotgun won. Kenll worth aeoond, Peter J. tl;lrd Tim lW. With race, en mtle, aeJllng: Preetntit won,, Fl liiient second, liloarahs third. Time l:4?y4 la. Ajsunin. lcc 7 a ec-or Kara was thrown open t u putilie today and tbe peo(i saw a program of Bix e-ad raoea two which wera nuae ftnishea Mo sulta: ilrt rare, seven furlongs: Ocean Dream won. ut. anora secons, uupont third. Time 1 Si. Second race, Waueon eourae rjna f nrt short of six furlongs) selling; aa Lultvm w(.n. Lauor eecocio, Lrnana iur. Time: l.irH- I Mra raoa. ova rcrtonn: Ftrlfa wnn Golden MlieraJ aoeond. Auna Duff our third. Ttma: 1 li-U. Fourth r"e. l Yurlongs. Mount tow handicap: Tb Fug waa. lMt Maa aacoud. Ka lag third. Tim. 1J4-,. rlfth rare, eae mlie and a alxteenth, aVll Ing: iume won. Hies Kic seoocd. Jim Hal tiiiro nme: i SiaiH rac. one n!Ve. selling- Voore worn. m.aeja secvuo. Aemco lliiro. 1 Itci : 1 .44. Jar at ontrlea Cets DeeUIak. PHILADELPHIA. Dee. tt Jack OBriea of Philadrlphia bad tbe better of a en rolled bout with Jim Jrfrda tonight at the Hroadway Athle'ie club, la toe third r-.uod Jaflorda bad (' HrWa a Utile gogry, but be suua recovered aad fceid tha ad Santas to tb end of tb Banc Carta! ad Sow Teas Holiday at. Far ar.d one-third for tba round trip to points, wlthla a radius of M miles via tba Chicago Great Weston rsXway. TickeU oa aal December K 9 and January 1, good returblns; until January 4- Fur further Icfureatloa apply to Ueorg F. Tbomas. general agent, iUi Faraam Strtvt, t tfy. Kf Nea. . Augusta. Ga., and return Charleston, S. C, and return Havana, Cuba, and return XU, Havana, Cuba, and return SuS' Hot Springs, Arlc, and return Jacksonville, Fla., and return Lookout Mt., Tenn., and return Miami, Fla., and return Mobile, Ala., and return New Orleans, La., and return Savannah, Ga., and return TICKET OFFICE. 1502 Farnam Street EXONERATES ONE OFFICER Ankttst SsentaTj af EUt DmUm Jtigt Faldvia Vat r mIj iatn.fi. IS NOT INVOLVED IN POSTAL FRAUDS Tatted States Caasal mt Xaieasari lafortaaats la Havtns; Hla Xasaa taed Wtthsat Aatboeity fa Cmabier Deal. WASHINGTON, Dee, M.-Jsdaw Baldwin, t'nlted States consul at Kurembjrg. Oar- many, has been exonerated by das lata nt feecrstary of Btats Peirce of any connection with tba placing of Brandt-Dent cashier In tba Postoffios department, as related la the rrport of Conrad and Bonaparte ta their Investigation of the Irregularities la tbe Post office department. In response -to a request from Secretary Pel roe. Judge Baldwin submitted a full ex pUaatlon of his eonnectloa In this matter. Referring- to tbla. Jdr. Poire' any a. Mr. Baldwin seems to have satisfactorily met all tbe point covering any improper action oa bla part In th purchase by the Poatuffic department of tb Brandt ant- mauc caaniera, it aays that. In hia ca pacity as a lawytr. and hnldlne- no gov ernment position, b IntereeUMl Tiimaelf In tba bualneaa of hla son-in-law, wn waa a ujum agent oi tn Hraiidt-Uent cumpany, to th extent Of taJklne Kith fvrrv Unth and requesting Mr. Heath ta took Into tha matter of the Brandt-Dent automatic cash- ter sua "tr ne w natisfled Uial th puat masters were desirous of nurchaslr.- tha machines and that tb machine was a mer iionuus and useful device, at least to ao aept and pay for tb xachloea already tn use. and to purrhae such oiners as tber mieht be ieeiumat demand for" JuJge Hidwin says that his cams was uaed "without tbe slightest warrant" after true on an on. although ba bad DOUilng hum i so wita iue caamera Mr, Peirce concludes: "t allegation tnat juag Baldwin "ap peared to have been online to adoot anr measures that would bring about an ordr. whether euch measures were legitimate in flueuo or lllegitimat as of money , ap pears to be based only ou a at airmen t of Miner in a letter sf April a. Vaa, In which be said: I "Judg Baldwin alas says to find out If poaaitu exactly what thia maa Baavera wanta to insure our tucxees In thut do rrtment In the way of doHars and cents, but not to glv it ts hita unless forced to do so. and when you du. If at all. b de airea to be preeent himself and plan th agreement, but says It Ja not even Urn t trunk of thia mora." ll.ia is met by Judge Baldwin with aa abjKUute. a!cino and categunoal denial, aa ia the charge that h waa lu any way con nected with or that b had knowledg of any agreement to pay any money to lrsggs or that ba knew at all of th emjjioyu,i. t of Er!gxs la any way by the cuuipunr. It appear to me. therefor, that Judge Bald aia baa satisfactorily met tb charges of tmproir or corrupt enroneetlua to tha Puatnfrxd department, end that ba ahould b deemed axunbrated from any connec tion with any fraud or corruption wnicb may have existed la that busineaa. rkaagea la rastoAes Department. Ervea II. Thorp of Vermont, who has been In cbarg of th aastera division of postofflo inn pec tors, with noadquarUrs at New Tork dty. baa beca permanently ap pulniad uparintaudent of th city dtlivery divUioa of tb PustoAcs department, guo coedlnf Charles Hedge, who waa removed soma months ago. Mr. Thorp was de tailed to act In this position at th ttma of Hedges dismissal. Vi R. Bptllmaa of Manhattan, Kan, formerly ehiaf of tb appointment divkuoa of tb fourth assist ant postmaster general's oinos, and whs during tb postal investigation baa beea de tailed to aaalct la th direction sf the free delivery system, has beea appolatad Super intendent of tb rural fres delivery aervtc ta place of lf Oinauest Clark, who b beea mad aupertntendent of tba Atlaatic dlvlaioa of rwral free delivery aervtc. weavers iyseal sioeelvodL Tb appeals mt Goorg W. Beavtra, tb escape the wintry blasts of the frozen north and enjoy the flowers in a land which is paradise in comparison. St Louis Flyer leaves Omaha 5:25 p. m. Only change of ; cars in Union Station. St Louis, BETTER CALL AND TALK IT OVER former superintend eat ot the salary and I allowance dlvtaasa of the Postoffios depart ment, and Maurice Runkls f New Tork from Ibe decJsi-n of Jodge Laoomb of New Tork, denying tb petitions for release from custody en writs of habeas corpus, were tocsivod for docketing by tb United Bute suprero ooert today.-; Tyser Dsaaarrsv Saatalaed ta Fart. Justice Prltcbard of tbs district criminal Oourt today sustainsd a demurrer to on of tbs Indictments against James X. Tyner, formerly assistant attorney general for th Postoffios department, and Hanisoa Barrett, formerly a law clerk of tba Post- Sic department. - Th demurrer was sus tained on tbs ground that tbs first Indict ment did not fret forth that tbe oSenaa was committed In th District of Columbia and that tbs languagw of tbs other counts failed to supply material facta. Tbs court took tbs demurrers to th other Indict ments tinder advisement. As Pbllippta Bawds. Secretary Root had a con fere ac today with Colonel awards of tbs Insular bu reau, at which tba form for tbs bonds for tb purchase of the friars lands la th Philippines was agreed upon. Tb amount of tbe Issu fat to b 17 Bids for the bonds will bs received early la January and la case tb bonds are not ready at that Urn It is probable certificates will b is sued. -"' Tb secretary of th treasury author! ts th statement that tbs Philippine land pur chase bonds may bs substituted for gov ernment bonda now held as security for publis deposits. condition that the gov ernment bonis thus released b used as security for additional circulation whenever la tba "Judgment of th secretary of tha treasury it Is desirable to stimulate an Increase la national bank circulation. Coasts af President is Dead. A cousin of President Roosevelt. Miss I Florenc Loch, who died In New Tork city Tueaday night, was buried hers today. Funeral aorrlce were held at 8U Paul's Epiacopal church. Th services were at tended by tba president and lira. Rooeo velt and other relatives. Tba president did not go to the cemetery, returning to tb White Hous Immediately from tbs church. Award Chippewa Laa.de. Commissioner Richards of th general land office today announced hia awards under th sealed bids received from timber on tb ceded Chippewa Indian lands la tbs stats of Minnesota, la tb vicinity af Cass lake, th abl for which was held la December, 1101. Tbe total amount oov rod by tbs accepted bids In tl.4a.7Tl. larreaM la Foetal neeelpt. LEAD, a D- Dec. M. (Special Th re-ee-ipts of tb Laad postomco this year ar much larger than ever before. This ro tates to tbs sals sf postags stamps. Tbs number of money order lasud - was also tba greatest. by aver forty. Tb increase Is Incident to holiday busineaa. Tbe nor mal busineaa of tbs effica has shown a steady Increase ever ths old and has more thaa mad up for the f tiling off la box rent receipts, which accompanied tbs es tablishment of tba tree delivery try stem. Lsaa Lea lader G LEAD. S. D-, Deo. M. 9pciaX Wh!!a moving a car oa a aiding with a pmch bar, Robert Manning was thrown under tbs wheels, which passed aver one lag near the ankle, lie was brought to Dead wood oa tbe Spearuah train and the foot was amputated at tb Junction of tb lower and aniddls third of the leg. Man ning had moved the ear and waa sedear ortag to stop by thrusting tba bar ander tb wheels. Tbs suddea wrench of tb bar threw him partially across tbs ralia. Dont Loo W sal Through dyspepsia aad Tax mae4 E2ctria Bluer. They treubies mr mm pay. Coiy stubs Cm, Fa aal f $46.70 49.50 77.50 106.70 37.45 52.50 41.65 74.50 41.50 43.00 49.50 J. City FAILS TO GET THE MONEY Threatening Lttnri ta Stmr Yeik Bad Chicago KilUrasirM CauM Arm WRITER IS CAUGHT WITH DECOY LETTER Commercial Arttat Breaaaa Cwafasse Ha vtag Desaaaidod Largo Saams (rasa Prwaataoat Capltaliata mt Two Cities. CHICAGO, Dee. U. Tb source of mys terious letters demanding large sums, which for ths last six months bars bean received by men high In tha financial world of New Tork aad Chicago, was today traced to Lao R. Breanan. a commercial artist of Chicago, and Brennan, was ar rested a he was leaving ths general post- offlc where be had gun in answer to a decoy letter. When confronted with evi dence Brcnnaa confessed to having at tempted to enforce a doaea demands for sums of tS,M and tS0,0M and baring threat ened his Intended victims with death ahould they refuse to pay. la hla confession Brcnnaa declared that all his attempts to extort money had beea futile, aa h had never received a dollar la answer ts th demands. Financiers of whom Brennan demanded money wera J. Plerpont Morgan, John D Rockefeller, James SU-lmaa and Andrew Carnegie. Of each of there man he de- maaded t&C.OOs In bis first letters and oa re ceiving no replies. It is said, reduced tb amount demanded to tat, 000. Among those In Chicago on whom Brennaa attempted to lery tribut were Marshall Field. R. T. Crane, J, Ogdea Armour and G. F. BwifL None of tba Chicago men were asked tor mora than C3.0W. . Marshall Field fassts Arrest, la tba cass of Marshall Field, Brennaa (Sis antic Shadow cast by a cigar and a man REYNOLDS, Passenger Agent 1 '' wrote under tha nam of William Craig. I Ha first asked Mr. field ta lfevs t!M0 beneath a pillar ot a porch at Field home. Km attention was paid to tha letter by Mr. Field ar.tfl another communication, in which the a-ailed threats la tbs first letter wars mad plainer, was received from Brennan. Ia tba second letter Brennaa de manded thai lbs money be mailed. Mr. Field than placed ths matter ta ths hands of a' detective agency, and a oorrespondenc was established which led t Brennan' ar rest today. A tew days sgo a decoy letter was seat to Brennaa telling him that his demand oa Mr. Field would b met. Then a packs re waa prepared and addressed to "Craig" to bs delivered at ths registered letter dspartmeat of the general pestoffioa Brennaa today called at ths postoffira, naked . for and waa given th package. Signing tha receipt, Brennaa with- a pleased smlls on bis fsc turned to walk away aad walked Into tha arms of four detectlvsa. who had beea watohlng ths proceeding. No formal charge waa en tered against Brennaa tonight, but it was said ba would bo held for ths fedsral offl- Tba Chief mt Boaters, Old Bores. Clears. Pile. Fistula and llks stubborn maladies aeoa yield to Buckles' Arnica Bare or as pay. Be. For sals by XtAn at On. SPIDER BITE KILLS BURROUGH KaaaM City Greta Cssnanlseloai Mar rkaat aaewaab to Ineeet's Pelseaoaa ft lag. KANSAS CITT. Dae. M PMHp K. Bur- rough, a grain cotnmlasloa merchant and formerly British vies consul at f.i...t City, died ber today from blood poison ing, tbe result of a spider bits, lie was prominent In business affairs. Mrs. Bur rough was killed hers a year sgo tn a runaway accident- t i . j Ths 73 an J is CiitiDftiatll M1NEZ HEN AIL MSSISC SsBtnd Defeat by lioraW Trojpi To ic& fcrTbtra. GUNBOAT BOMBARDS PUERTO PLATA It Isn't K spec ted ta Da Mack Damage, bat It Satisfies Baa Dwamlngw A r rented. NEW TORK. Dec IC After a eaooad da feat at th hands of General Morales' troojis, th forces of former President Jlminer, ar now In fun retreat, says a Herald dispatch from Puerto Plata, San Domingo Nina wars drowned - walla attempting to ford a river. Th Dominican gunboat President, a bUh baa begun to bombard Puerto Plata, was first fired upon by ths fort. A demand had been made for tbs surrender of tb place by I o'clock Thursday afternoon and shots wars tb only reply. Small damage Is expected from tba bombardment. Arrests of prominent followers of former President Tasques ar being made Id Santiago de loa Caballerwa. Fireman Severely tajared. ABERDEEN. B. P., Dec. M. (Bpec'al.r George Pedlar, a flrenina oa tbe Milwaukee road, was severely Injured by falling from tbs top of th tender wbll th ecrne as taking water at tb tank near Jamea ela tion. L. H. Mott Denied Saw Trial. HELENA, Mont.. Dec JL L. II. Mtt, wbo was convicted at Mlsaoula of mu:,.er In tha first degree for killing his wife, has been refused a new trial by the an- . prem court, lis will be sentenced by Jh.1xa Webster. thi Smoker's Protection,. t A-