Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Charges Le si Thin til Cihen ,A
Davis mIIi drugs.
LefTert's xlanaea fit.
Btorkert sells carpets.
A store for men "Bono's.'
Diamond betrothal rings at LefTert, 40J
14-K and 18-K wedding rlnga at Lefferf,
4X4) Broadway.
Plrtur framing, C. K. Alexander 4k Co.,
133 Broadway. Tel. 366.
City Treasurer True and wife went to
Burlington la., yesterday to spend Christ
mas with frtenda.
J. W. Mitchell of 710 West Broadway left
last evening for St. Joseph to upend Chnst
maa with his brother.
Mrs. Plnney and son. H. H. Plnney. left
last evening for Minneapolis to spend
Christina with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ford
For rent, office room, ground floor; one,
of the moat central locations in ths buel
ria portion of the city. Apply to The Be
otllce, city.
Lee Oraham, charged with stealing a bi
cycle belonging to George B. Fryer, fore
man of the Omaha Printing company, was
taken back to Omaha yesterday.
P. C. DeVol. who was stricken with ap
poplexy Wednesday, wss reported to ba in
a most critical condition at his home on
Bluff street and Willow avenue last night.
Asks for Bids On or before December
90, 1HU0. 1 will sell to highest and beat,
ither or both, 3 and 447 Park ave.. Coun
cil Bluffs, la. D. W. Otis. Agent, Council
blurts, la
Robert Henderson, editor of "the Nonpa
reil, who has been 111 at the Woman's Chris
tian association hospital tor several weeks,
has gone to Hot Springs, Ark., In the hope
of recupenttlng hla health.
The funeral of Mrs. A. J. Cramer will be
held this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from
the K.pworth Methodist church. Twenty
Olth street and Avenue B. Kev. Ij. E. Kip
ley will conduct the services and Interment
will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. The fu
neral party will" leave the residence, 11J
Fourth avenue, at I o'olock for the church.
Oliver W, Thompson and Mrs. I-oule J.
Tracy, both of Omaha, were married In
this city yesterday afternoon, the cere
mnnv helno- ncrfonned bv Rev. A. W. Lan-
ingha-n of Red Oak In the private office of
Jr. J-. Keeo, ciera or. me aimrini cur. iiib
groom la a lineman and this Is his second
matrimonial venture, while the bride has
been married twice before.
Oit Holds Miss Maker While Aa
tber Strikes Her la the
Mi na Mamie Maher, daughter of John
Maher, foreman at the lumber yards, was
the victim of a brutal assault last evening
by two thugs who knocked her down and
robbed her.
Miss Maher, who had been down town
making her Christmas purchases, was on
her way to her home at 811 Eighth avenue
with her -arms laden with bundles and had
reached a point about half way between
Blxth and Beventh streets on Sixth avenue,
when a man sprang from the alley and
aelsed her from behind. Miss Maher
ropped her bundles and attempted to free
herself from the grasp ot the thug and had
nearly aucceeded when a second man' ap
peared. The second thug struck Miss
Maher in the face, knocking her down.
Then while one of the fellows held her
hands the other commenced o search for
her pocketbook. They opened the bosom of
her dress In their' search for her money,
but Miss Maher was saved further Indigni
ties by the fellow who was holding her
haade-dleeoverWig 4fct-he had her money
In her glove. They tore the glove off, se
curing; S3, and Mis Mane assuring them
that was all she had, they left Jisr and ran
down the alley, disappearing In the dark
ness. Miss Maher described her assailants to
the police aa being young fellows wearing
caps and dark clothes. She was unable to
cry out for assistance during the assault,
aa one of the fellows kept hla hand over
her mouth. Miss Maher thinks the men
followed her from down town.
'Steal Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed for record yes
terday In' the abstract, title and loan office
of Squire Annla. 101 Pearl street:
Sheriff to Fred W. Ward, lot T, block
7. Beers' aub., s. d ....I
William Saguln to James Saguln, n.
of creek of lot S, and w let .
block 30 Mill addition, w. d
Grace M. Hanchett and husband to
Henry A. Doner, lot 9, block S, Jack
son's addition, w. d
Reuben A. Norton to Verne Benja
min, und. H lot S, Reahaw's addition
to Hancock, w. d
Kalhrrln K. It. Bchott and husband
lo Mrs. Mollis Neolaon, part of the.
1-acra lot within Hall's addition.
w. d.,1 1.600
Same to same, part of same, w. d.... 1.5u0
f'harlea Raaer and wife to same. Dart
ot same, w. 0 1.2O0
Seven transfers, total 3 S.63S
Did Yoa Forget Something?
Our store Is open this morning. Harvey
te Long, SOT Broadway. Telephone 261
Ckrfstssas Hoars at PostolBee.
These hours will prevail at the postofflce
today: Stamp window, general delivery
window and money order department will
be open from S until 11 a. m. Carriers will
make but one delivery, leaving the post-
trice at S a. m. There will be a business
Collection made In the afternoon, carriers
leaving the postofflce at 1 p. m.
The free public library will be closed -today
and Mrs. Dalley, the librarian, and her
assistants will be able to celebrate Christ
mas at their homes.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Bon.
Mrs; Corliss Gets 15.00 Doll.
The count of De Long's prise button Jar
last night showed the number of buttons to
be t.IJi. Mrs. I-eroy Corliss of the Waterloo
Creamery company guessed the exact num
ber and was awarded the $1& doll. The
next nearest wss James Done, who guessed
2. 219. Other close guesses were: Miss
Helen Rig-don, taj; F. A. Waldraan, 1233;
W. O. Reynolds, 1190: E. Q. Shoemaker,
tltf; T. W.. Thiatlewalte. 2.187; Julia C.
Cook, M7! Axel Thiers. tffiO.
Oariea Hotel.
' Room with or without hoard, steam heat,
free bath, public parlor.
Hafer sell lumber. Catch the IdeaT
Marriage Licensee.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
V. O. Nelson Council Bluffs ..n
lilx Jerson. Missouri Valley, la 21
Kddle A. Flelachman. Manlry. Neb 21
Xiaymi L. Clark. Weening Water. Neb. ..19
twlver W. Thompson, Omaha
Ivoule J. Tracy, Blair, Neb 31
I aJlee' and Gentlemen' Clothing CleageJ.
Dyed, Pressea and Repaired; also Dry
Claning. No shrinkage or rubbing off
guar !!. Work done oa short notioe.
Tel. 3tM. loir Wt Broadway,
SS raf SaU ChumU kun
Attorney for 8 ton Brewiig Company riles
Action in District Court
Mayor Moraan Is Charged with
Neglect of Daty and Miaroadect la
' Pallia; to "apprrss Gamb
ling la the City.
Suit In the name of the state of Iowa,
upon relation of Attorney 8. B. Wadsworth,
demanding the removal from office of
Mayor Dell Q. Morgan,, was begun In the
district court yesterday. Attorney Wada
worth represents the Stors Brewing com
party, against whose saloons In this city a
fight has been waged for several months by
certain parties, and the action against
Mayor Morgan Is supposed to be the trump
card, which the Stors people have. It la
said, been threatening to play for some
time unlexa the fight sgainst their saloons
was declared off.
In the petition filed by Wadsworth Mayor
Morgan la charged with neglect of duty,
extortion, corruption, misconduct and mal
administration In office. All these charges
are based on the allegation that Mayor
Morgan had permitted certain gambling
houses to keep open and for which privilege
the proprietors paid Into the city treasury
a monthly fine of 1200 each.
The saloon fight originated, with the suits
brought by Attorney Fremont Banjamln to
enjoin all the saloons owned by the Stors
company In Council Bluffs from selling
liquor. Attorney Wadsworth, representing
the 8tora company, retaliated by bringing
similar actions against every saloon In the
city. Before the date set for the hearing
In court In these suits a truce was de
clared and It was generally supposed that
the fight was ended, Later developments,
however, showed that the fight against the
Store company waa not at an end. W. C.
Utterback, a former saloonkeeper, who had
brought suit sgalnBt the local agent of the
Stors company to recover what he claimed
to have paid out for beer to the company
and had been defeated, appeared one day
aa Intervenor In the Injunction suits against
the Stori company's saloons and notice was
served on the Stors people that the suits
would be pushed to trial.
The action against Mayor Morgan Is the
final outcome of the renewal of the fight
against the Stors Brewing company.
Interesting Programs Readered
the Children ot the Saaday
Christmas was celebrated In a number
of the churches last evening with exercises
by the children of the Sunday schools, at
tended with usual Christmas tree and dis
tribution of presents for the .young folks.
At. some of the churches quite elaborate
program wcre given.1 ""
"The Story of the Star" waa the title of
the cantata given by the Sunday Behoof of
the First Congregational church, which
waa followed by the distribution of pres
ents for the children. ; The program fol
lowa: Overture Miss Norene
Chorus "Hall the Lord of Glory"
uunday school
'Prophecies of the Messiah's Coming"..
Rev. Rice
Chorus "Shine Out, O Star of Beauty"
Sunday School
Unveiling of tho Star
Chorus "Hall, Thou Heavenly Herald"
Prayer.... By tho Pastor. Rev. J. Thomson
Recitation "One Holy Night"
Miss Verena Standford
Sol-v-"Beautiful Star" Cora Chllds
Dialogue "Asia" Hafts, a Turkish boy,
Otis Fitch: Ah-Lin-Kee. a Chinese boy,
George Spooner; Uah-Loo, an Indian girl,
Uerta Jackson; O-Motl-San, a Japanese
girl, Dolly Bussey.
Chorus "God Is Love" Sunday School
Chrlatmaa Carol England. ..Primary Class
"America" Six little girls, represented by
snngs and marching exerclaes by Jeanle
Thompson's class.
Chorus "The Christmas Star Shines
Round the World" Sunday School
At the Broadway Methodist church this
program was carried out:
Organ Voluntary
Seng "Hall This Coronation Day",. Choir
Surif Primary Class
Recitation Helen Hetrick
Responsive readlna-
Bolo Margaret Hetrick
Song "A Merry Christmas" Choir
Recitation Edna Orcult
Solo..... Allda McFadden
Exerclee Seven Little Girls
Bonf Choir
Recitation "A Christmas Dream"
Florence Lougee
Bong "Christmas Joy Bells" Choir
exercise a Bar of Music
Bon Choir
Recitation "The Christmas Tree"
Edith Eseency
t;sroi -Hear, the Glad Bells" Choir
Address Santa Claus
Hong "Joy the Christ la Bringing". ..Choir
Recitation "A Hint" Allen Sims
At the First Presbyterian church the
feature of the program waa a talk to the
children by Principal Ensign of the High
school on "The Story of the Child Christ."
A number of songs and recitations were
given by the children, who were made
happy with the usual distribution ot pres
ents from a large Christmas tree.
Christmas exercises, with distribution of
girts, for the pupils of the Sunday school
were also held at the Second Presbyterian,
the First Christian and Epworth Methodist
churches last evening.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260; night, F 87.
isaaereiai Una geee No Objeettoa
. to Raaalag Eleetrlo Line lata
Omaha. .
a. result of, a conference yesterday
afternoon between the special committee of
tne city council and members of the Com
mercial club some progress fn the matter
of the proponed franchise for the Tabor
electric. Jlne .was made, The conference
was brought about at the request of the
aldermen comprising the committee who
desired an expression from the Commercial
club aa to what kind of a franchise should
be given the proposed line. The member
of the executive committee and board of
director of the Commercial club present
at the conference .were. President V. E.
Bender. H. W. Binder. IL H. Vsn Brunt.
F. Davis, F. Hill. F. Keys, John Schoent
gen and I Aid us Wells.
Alderman Lougee, chairman of the com
mittee, had expressed himself as btlng op
poaed to the Tabor company extending
Its passenger line north of Broadway but
the majority .of the members of the Com
mercial club present at the conference fav
ored VrrmitUng the company to run It
passenger trains to the loop on Curtis street
and from there It It so desired Into Omaha.
The member of the Commercial club took
the position that If the. company wanted to
run It train into Omaha It should be per
mitted to do so provided that all Its pas
senger trains be run through Council Bluffs.
On the other band the members of the
Commercial club declared tnemseive as be
ing unalterably opposed to the company
being permitted to run any of Ite passenger
trains over the southern route through the
Union Pacific dump at Thirty-fifth street.
This Is the same position as tsken by the
As a result of the conference the commit
tee will. It Is expected, report to Ihe city
council at Its meeting In January sn or
dinance giving the Tabor companjr permis
sion to occupy the streets as asked for but
prohibiting the company from running Its
passenger train except through the city
end on the streets as named In section one,
thus requiring the company to run all Its
passenger trains over the loop on Curtis
Large X amber of salts Filed oa Last
Day for Jaaaarr Tersa
of Coart.
A large number of new suits for the Jan
uary term of the district court were fled
yesterday and consequently It was a busy
day for Clerk Reed and his deputies. Yes
terday was the last day for serving original
notice of suits for the term and Saturday
will be the last day on which suits expected
to be tried at the January term can be filed.
Indications are that the January docket will
be a light one.
The Burlington and Southern Paclfio rail
road companies are made Joint defendants
In a personal Injury suit brought by Mrs.
Avto R. Bone.. Mrs. Bone purchased a
ticket to California of the Burlington in
this city December 18. 1908. From here she
went to Kansas City and from Kansas City
to Lo Angeles, and on March SO, while
traveling on the Southern Pacific on this
ticket, the, car In which she was riding
was derailed and Mrs. Bone alleges she
received severe Injuries to her back. She
asks 11,999 damages.
W. J. White brought suit against the
Omaha oV Council Bluffs Street Railway
company for 11,000 for personal Injuries.
On December 24, while alighting from a car
on tho defendant'a Omaha line at Eigh
teenth street, White was thrown heavily
to the ground, with the result that his
right arm was fractured In two places. It
is alleged In the petition that the 'accident
was cauaed by the motorman starting the
car before plaintiff had alighted.
George F. Boardman Is plaintiff In a
personal Injury damage suit against . J.
Simon, who conducts a grocery store at
the corner of Broadway and Sixth street.
Boardman alleges that he struck against a
truck standing; on the sidewalk in front of
Simon's store, causing Mm to fall and
sprain his wrist and wrench his ribs.
Boardman ask damage In the sum of
$1,000. '
The city of Council Bluffs Is made de
fendant In a personal Injury damage suit
brought by W. R. Vaughn on behalf of
his 5-year-old daughter, Mary Vaughn. It
la alleged that a defective sidewalk on
Avenue E between Ninth and Tenth streets
wss responsible for the child falling and
dislocating her right arm at the elbow.
The city 1 asked to pay the child 8300 a
William Lew!, Edmond Lewi and Fred
Bchults are plaintiffs In a suit against the
Burlington Railroad company In which they
ask 1700 damages for the alleged mlsbllllng
of a car of cottonseed meal. The meal.
whloh was Intended to .teed a number of
cattle at' Fairfax, 8., 1$ Is alleged,
billed by the railroad company to Geddes,
St T)., rrt mistake, causing a delay of six
teen day. ,
Anne Maria Jensen filed suit for divorce
from Peter Jensen, to whom she ws mar
ried In thla county September 16, 189. She
allege that her husband not only, wa
cruel fn his treatment of her, but that he
also abused their three little children.
Owing to his continued 111 treatment Mrs.
Jensen says she. was forced to leave her
husband last July. She asks for the cus
tody of the three children.
Mabel E. Wright brings suit for divorce
from Pearl Wright, to' whom she was mar
ried January 27 last. She also asks 11,00)
llniony. The defendant, who married the
plaintiff to avoid prosecution, ws arrested
a few month ago charged with abandon
ing her, and under the order of court
agreed to pay her SS a month, the money
to be paid In to the clerk of the district
court. Mrs. Wright who asks for the
custody of their child, bases her suit on
charge of failure to support.
Opea Chrlatntas Morning.
Harvey De Long, 807 Broadway.
Coming Meeting ot Iowa Stat Agri.
ealtaral College Proposes to
Draw It Off.
AMES. la,, Dec, 24. (Special.) Arrange
ment have been made for an exhauatlv
Investigation of drainage condition and
drainage lawa of Iowa at the Drainage
convention to be at the Iowa State col
lege. The convention will be January 15
and 16. During the winter there will be
abort courses In corn Judging, stock Judg
ing and butter making, to give those in
attendance at the short courses an oppor
tunity to take In the drainage convention,
Prof. W. II. Stevenson of the department
of soils at the college ha mad a thor
ough Investigation of Iowa drainage con
dltlons and will present data of the con'
dltions existing. John Hammlll of Biitt,
la., and J. F. Ford of Fort Dodge, will
discus the present Iowa drainage laws.
and the drainage lawa of other state will
be presented by C. O. Elliott, drainage
expert in the United State department
of agriculture.
Several drainage engineer and men In
terested, In land drainage will discuss the
needs of Iowa In this regard. Drainage
lawa probably will be drafted embodying
the change desired by those In attendance
at the convention.
From present indication there I to be
an unusually large attendance at the corn
and stock Judging course January to
It Inclusive. About 18,000 In prises, prem
ium and trophies have been secured a
award In corn Judging contests and corn
exhibits. Several fine cattle and horses
that have repeatedly won prise at state
fairs ind at ths Chicago International
show will be used In the stock Judging
work. A feature of the course will be
the slaughter test and discussion con
ducted by John Gosling of Kansas City.
A meeting of the lowat Imperial Live
Bock association will be held at the col
lege, Friday and Saturday, January S
and S.
High Water Stops Work.
DAVENPORT. la., Deo. 24. Clogged Ice
In the Mississippi fiver below Davenport
caused a rise of the river, which reduced
the water power at the United States ar
senal at Rock Island so low as to throw
1,0U) workmen out of work until the gorge
break or arrangement can be mad to
run the shops by steam power.
Waat Slenoaa Cooaty to Fay.
ONAWA, I,. Dec. 24-(Special ) Charles
Brounigg and Joseph Queen of Whiting
have sued Monona county In the district
court, claiming 3M0 damages on account
of their traction engine falling through
a defective bridge In West Fork township.
Ho Qmt Changs Hoted 0er iU Export of
the Previous Tesr.
J. W. Blylhe laforaae Thoao Who Ap
proach' Hla oa the Bahjcct that
Aay Sach Move Woald Be
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Dec. 24. (8pectal.)-The
biennial report of tho secretary of stste
on the criminal buslnes reported by the
clerks of courts In Iowa for the biennial
period ended September 9D last has just
been completed and made ready for the
printer. The report shows there was no
great change In criminal business between
the two years. - The following tables shows
the general statistics for the two years
Total number of convlo
tlons In Iowa
Sent to Industrial school.
Sent to the peniten
tiaries .-.
Given Jail sentences
Fines or Jail sentences..
Fines alone ...
TntAl flnAM bv district
courts $10,M 25
Total fines collect d.... 3 65.834
Criminal expenses (of
courts S 66
Paid county attorneys.. 3 80,913 06
$120,4 1
$ 49.999 02
8456.657 48
S 92,014 S3
Prisoners can read and
Cannot read and write.
Literacy not known ....
American bom ..........
Foreign born .......A....
Nativity not reported.-.
Of moral character ....
Of bad character ...
Unknown previous rec
ord m
Aaaxeaate jail sentence '
months 20 days; lfOS. 86 years 3 months
Aggregate penitentiary sentences In 19?8.
1,230 years months: In 1902. 1.412 year 3
months 15 days. , '
In 1902 there were three entenced to be
hanged and throe got life Imprisonment.
In 1903 six got life Imprisonment The
total number of felonle for which convic
tion were had wa 60S. misdemeanor 76S,
other offense 24. -4 .
To Eagago 'la Leetnrlng.
Prof. Richard. C. Barrett,, who will In a
few day retlr from the office of tate
superintendent after six years, gave It out
today that he would remain a resident of
Des Moines at least for tha present. He
has been In great demand the last few
years a a lecturer before educational
meeting and elsewhere and for lecture at
county normal Institute. He ha there
fore made arrangement to engage In lec
turing during the' next year.
' Effort, to Tttra Iowa.
The story comes from Washington to the
effect that an effort wa made by the rep
resentative of the Wall street financial In
terest to start a movement In Iowa and
Nebraska to oppose the nomination of
Roosevelt for president, and that In Iowa
J. W. Blythe of Burlington wa approached
on the subject, while In Nebraska an ef
fort was made to start tho opposition
through IX ari8rKron of 'Lincoln. In
regard to lowa It tS Utare'a that the over
tures came to Mr. Blythe, who ls general
solicitor' 'for " tTiiT1 "BurMngton railroad,
through James J. Hill of the Great North
ern. It 1 stated that Mr.l Blythe looked
over the situation-and reported that the
Roosevelt sentiment was all-prevailing In
Iowa and no movement to defeat him would
be possible. The suit report wa said to
have been received from Nebraska. Bo far
a known not a prominent republican of
the state of Iowa has ventured to suggest
any other person for the comlnatlon than
Roosevelt. . ,
apresne Coart Pocket.
The first docket of the supreme court of
Iowa under the new rule waa Issued to
day. The method of getting at the case
ha been radically changed, aa the court
will have four periods In the first term,
each period being one month long. The
case from the Third district, which in
elude Decatur, Clarke, Adams, Union and
Ringgold counties, will be called beginning
January 12. The case from the Fifteenth
district, which Include Pottawattamie.
Mills, Shelby, Fremont and Cass counties,
will be called April I. The plan is to have
the caaes heard and decided the aam
month in each and every case.
Aather Is Peaallesn.
David C. Bangs, claiming to be an author
and a lecturer or reader, whoae home 1 In
Nashville, appeared . In district court her
today to answer to a petition for divorce
on the part of hi wife, and declared that
he I penniless and wholly unable to pay
the alimony which ahe desired him to pay.
She accuse him of cruelty, and he will
fight the case on the ground ot her de
sertion, alleging that she I here wholly
for the purpose ot securing a divorce. In
hi answer to her petition he further
state that she ha written to htm gushing
letter about particular men In De Moines
to whom she went , for osteopathic treat
ment and of the form and features and
many virtue of her favorite professor;
that he has received many .anonymous let
ter telling of Indiscreet acta on ths part
ot Mrs. Bangs, all of which would excuse
any charge of Infidelity.
Faaeral ot Mrs, CobsbbIbs.
The funeral of Mr. T. L. Cummins,
mother ot the governor, was held this aft
ernoon from ber late residence, only the
family being present. The services were
conducted by Rev. B. B. Blgler of the Con
gregational church. A large number of the
friend of the family visited the home this
forenoon to view the body. The state
house was closed during the time of the
To Make Aatoasohtlo.
The Gate City Motor Car company of
Keokuk, ha been Incorporated with flO.OM
capital for the purpose of manufacturing
automobile. It I organised by J. B. Baker,
L. H. Ayer and E. R. Baker. The North
eastern Rural Telephone company ha been
organised at Jewell, capital 31.000, by R.
A. Ritchie, W. W. Holt and other. The
Rex Fuel company of Oskaloosa Increased
capital 316,000, and tha Granger company of
Fort Dodge added I3B.0O0 to capital stock.
Waats Fay for Lost Leg.
Mrs. Annie Amelia Harvey want tX.000
damages from the Interurban railway for
the loea of one leg and a stiff knee. Mrs.
Harvey, In company with her husband and
daughter, came to Des Moines November 1
and as they were returning home on East
North street, near. Eastern avenue, the
team became frightened at Norwoodvllle
car No. 44.
Mrs. Harvey attempted to hold the horse
by the head, but they ran away and she was
Injured, necessitating ' the amputation of
one leg and causing the other knee to be
come stiff.
Record as Marrylag Maa.
Twenty-three year old. married four
times, divorced three and with an applica
tion oa file for the fourtk divorce. 1 the
rapid pace set by Louis J. Brendel- Th
I Have a Larger Stock
Can Sell Cheaper
Deliver More Promptly
Give Better Satisfaction
Than Ever Before.
Ask My Prices
See My Stock
The Result Will De
I Will Be Your Lumberman.
PHONE 202.
Winter Term, January 4.
This ii one of the LARGEST and BEST BUSINESS
and NORMAL school in the WEST.
All of our graduates now occupying responsible positions,
Places for students to work for board and room '
Bend for fine catalogue. ,
R. E. WIATT, President.
''J All
If m Mile. Short to Salt Ukt City 12 Hour Quicker lo Suit Uk City I
I 1 178 Mile Shorter lo 8a Francisco 16 Kurt Quicker lo Sm Franoitco I
S78 Mllst Shorttr to Lot Astjil 10 Hour Quicker lo Lo Anoelet 11
SS8 Kilos Shorter to Portland 16 Hours Quicker to Portland '
" 1 i - than onyothf lino. " i
. FuU inf motion cheerfully furnithtd oh affiicaioM to
ciTr tic'kkt orru ic, S
Os- 1324 Farnam Street. 'Phone 310.
petition last filed by hla atto.rey, J. A.
Baker, states that he ha lived In Polk
county for five year. HI last wife la
ehare-ed with desertion and of becoming an
Inmate of a house of Ill-fame on East
Court avenue. They were married last
June la Oe Moines.
When first married Brendel wa IT year
ioarhrd. Taeaga Wltala
Kaar Beach.
SIOUX C1TT. la.. Dec K Robbers blew
open th vault In the Klrst National bank
of Salem. B. P.. last nlhf, but were
frichtened away before they secured any
money. There wa ts.000 In the vault.
Ask Heavy Daaaaaree.
CEDAR FAI.I-. Ia,, Dec 24 8pecial )
Dema - suite have been Bled against
th Illinois Central Railroad company by
Will Lamb of Cedar Falls, who asks (VS..
000, and Oeoree Morgan, who seeks to
recover $10,000. Lamb was terribly In
jured near farkersbur July 4 last, by
falllnc from a crowded excursion train.
One limb waa amputated later. He lay
by the track all night with one lev oft
and the other crushed In a frightful man
ner. Oeorge Morgan waa returning from a
social gathering with a young woman
September t, when a passenger train struck
the rig. killing the horse, tearing the buggy
to pieces and crushing one of his legs so
that It ha never healed, although a por
tion of the bone wa removed.
Mardere Former Bervlaa Oldeer.
BELGRADE. Servla, Dec 14. Former
State Councillor Davldovtcs, his wife and
daughter, were murdered today by three
men, who broke Into his house with the
Intention of robbing It. M Davldovlrs wss
th oldest and richest cltlsen of Belgrade.
On of the murderer was captured-
mmmmamummmm.' .wm taw,' mmmmmmtM
Treat all (orate of Dleeasee of '
Twenty-tight years' experience .
tlghteen years In Ontah
The doctor remarkable success has
never been equaled. His resource and
lacllltles for treating this cum of disease
are unlimited and every day brtna many
flattering reports of th good he is doing,
or the relief he has given.
All Blood Poisons. No "BREAKING OUT"
on the skin or face and all external elgn
of the disease disappear at onca, A per
manent cure for life guaranteed.
VADimrftF Cures guaranteed In
MFAD 3A ftftft "de cured of Hydrocele,
IILn JUUUU stricture. Qleet, Nervou
Iebtllty, Los of Strength and Vitality
and all form ot chronlo disease.
Treatment by mall. Call or writ. Bog
TU. orr.ce til South 14th it. Omaha. Neb.
For Menstrual SuppreisitnU
O a fen; I boin. SI. e U ts Omaha by Baerawa 4k
ateCoaatU Drue Ce. Mail S rsars Ilea, Trait MuelM
(Should be read DAILY by all Interested.)
aa changes may o.M-ur at any time.)
Foreign mall tor ih week ending Do
eember 2s, liK3, will close (FKOMiTLT In
all cases at the Ue.eial Postolhce as fol
lows:' PARCELS-POdT MAILS close on
Bour earlier than closing time shown below.
hegular and supplementary mails close St
Foreign 8m. Ion httlf hour later then clos
ing time ehown below (except that Supple
mentary Malls for Europe and .Central
America, via Cilon, close one bour later a I
Foreign Station.)
Transatlaatlo Malls.
SATURDAY At a. m. tor EUROPE, per
s. s. Bl, Paul via Southampton (mall for
Ireland and letter mall for Liverpool must
be directed "per e. s. St. Paul ); at, :M
a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Lucanlu via
(jueenstown; at s:30 a. ra., tor BEL
GIUM direct, per s.s a. Zeeland (mail
must be directed "per s. s. Zeeland").
After the closing of the Suppiemeutt,!
Trans-Atlantic Malls named above, addi
tional Supplementary Malls are opened en
the piers of the American, English,
French and German steamers and remain
open until within Ten Minute of the hour
. ot sailing of steamer. (.
Mail for aoota aad Coatral America,
West ladles, Kte.
SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA,
per s. a. Pretoria; at (:30 a. m. (supple
mentary e, m.) for PORTO K1CO,
CURACAO and v KNE.UKI.A, per s. s.
Philadelphia (mail tor isavaiilUa and Car
tagena must be directed "per a a. -Philadelphia");
at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary
10:30 a. m. for FORTUNE) I8UAND. JA
and GKEYTOWN, per a. n. Aleoe (mall
for Costa Rica must be directed "per a.
s. Alene"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a
. feorro Castle, via Havana; at. 13:10
p. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Maraoaa, rta
Mail Forwar.'ed Overlaad, Ete' Ei
. eept TraaapaelOe.'
CUBA Via Port Tampa. Fla'., close at thla
Lofflce -dally; "axcttpt Thui:day,at- I3:M
a. m. (the ponnectlng mails elose here
on Mondays, .Wednesdays and Batur-
MEX1CO CITY Overlend, unless speclslly
addressed tor despatch by steamer, closes
at this office tially, except Sunday, at 1 SO
p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Bundavs at 1 p. m.
' and !1:30 p. ra.
NEWFOUNDLAND By ail to North Byd
ney, snd thence hy stramer, closes nt this
orllc dally at S'M P. m. (connecting mall
clone here every Monday, Wednesday and
MALA By rail to New Orleans, and
thence by steamer, closes t this office
daily, except Sunday, at 1:M p. m. and
111:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 111 50
p. m. (connecting mail clones here Wor
ds vs at 111:80 p. m.)
JAMAICA By tail to Bostoi. and lhbe
by steamer, closes at this office at t'M a.
Trt. ovvry Tueeilay.
By rail to Philadelphia and thence rf
steamer closes st this office at 11:30 p. nt.
vrv Werlneadav.
i MIQUELON liy rail to Boston, and thence
by steamer, closes at thla office dally qt
s:3i p. in.
COSTA RICA By rail t New Orleans, and
thence by steamer, cloes at this office
dally, except Sunday, st 1 :S0 p. m. and
111:30 p. m., Sundays st II p. m. and 111:30
p. m. (connr cilng mull closes hsru Tues
days at 1 11:30 p. m.)
BAHAMAS (Except Parcels-Post Mall.)-.
By rail to Miami, Fla., and thsnce by
steamer, closes at U:S0 p. m. vry Tuss-
REGISTERED MAIL closes at I p. in.
previous day.
TraaspaclOs Malls.
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and
Victoria, B. C, close here dally at ;
p. m., up to December. i2 inclusive, for
despatch per a. s. Empress of India. (Mer
chandise for U. S. Poatai Agency at
Shanghul cannot be forwarded via Can
ada.) CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here
dally at :S0 p. m. up to December 22, In.
clu-lvc, for despatch per s. s. Hhawinut.
HAWAII, JAPAN and CHINA and sps.
daily addressed mall for the PHILIP
PINE irt LANiifi, via San Francisco, eloae
hers dally at 0. m. up to December
16. incluflve, ror despatch par a. a. Nip
pon Maru.
ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA (specially
addreaxrd only), via Vancouver and Vic
toria, B. C, close here dally at t.K p.
ni. up to Dec. Inclusive lor despatch,
per s. s. M lowers.
MOA and HAWAII. va Ban Franclnoo,
close here dally at t:Su p. m. up to Dooun. '
Close neie aauy at v:au p. m. ui to
ber 26. incluMive, for despatch pi
Sierra. (It the Cunard steamer r
ths Biltlih mall J or New Zeaisn
rur oespaicn per s. s.
ind des
not arrive In time to connect with this
dispatch, extra mans closing si :u a.
m., S:30 a. m. and 6.30 p. m.; Sundays st
4.30 a. m., t a. m. and :30 p. n. will be
made up and forwarded until the arrival
of the unard steamer.)
clico. cloae here dally at 30 p. m. up to
December I'-T, Inchi-lve, for despatch per
United Siatea Tranaj'Ort.
Bun Francisco, closa here dally at S.J0 p.
m. up to January 1. Inclusive, for des
patch per s. s. Marlprsa.
P1NB ISLANDS, via San FranoUao, cl'se
hers dally at 4, p. in. up to Decrmlr
f 17. im lualvd, for despatch per . s. Doric.
HAWAII, via San Fiancltoo, cloae her
dally 6.30 r. m. up to January (, Inclu
sive, for deHpatrh per a. s. Alameda.
NOTE I'tiless othe.wtse addressed, West
Australia l forwsrded vis Europe, snd
New Ze'ilsnd snd Phlllppinee vlft ran the quickest routes. Philip
pines fpecially add leaned "via CsnRda '
or "via Kurope" must be fully prepaid at
the foreign rates. Hawaii ts forwarded
via Sun Franciaco exclusively.
Trsnnpaciflc malls are forwarded .0 port Of
oiling dally snd ths schedule of 'closing
Is ai'imistKl on the presumption Of their
uninterrupted overland transit iltraia-
' teri-d mull closes at 6 P. ra. previous Uy.
Poatofhce, New York, N. T., Dei-ember 11.
IK. ' -i .
Doc U. He. Notice la hereby given to the
stockholders uf the Lee-Oiass-Andreesan
Hardware company that the annual meet
ing of the stockholders of the company
wl 1 be held st Ihe offices of the said oom
pany, corner of Ninth and Harney streets.
In the city of Omaha, in the elate of Ns-
III Hit CIIJ l' ' Bfc.w V.,
braaka, en Tuesday, January U. A. D. 1VH.
ni u i , u. m . ... , v . .,w uw.vw w, v.vvt-
lng a board of directors f.r the company
to serve during the ensuing yasr, ana la
tianaact suc ether buana ss may be
presented at aUch aaeeUug. H. J. LKE.
Attest: W. M GLASS. Baartiury.
f i