TTTE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TrtCKSDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1303. , PCRAIS A5D PRODUCE MARKET Vltnt Adrumi oa Esport of Drornth ia Texas tod Export DeaancL CORN F8LL0WS WHEAT MARKET CLOSELY Tlrss Market fa Cats aa Fair Cask ylaaT aa Irreearth fa ttther teralaa, wltk FravtBlasi arkt Straac CHICAGO. Cw. 23 Reports of drouth In Txa and an Imtmrnl esport demand to diiT caused strength In wliett. The May delivery closed He higher. May mm la un ui. mu c and oruvistnns Urtnr. The wheat market wu mora or less of a "ono-miui" affair today, being- to a large extern dependent upon the anion of the but bull interest. Tha leading Ion sold on all sharp rallies only to buy back again on all brnki Opening prices were steady on small local receipts. May twin im- rhanged to a shade higher at KSeT'to. Tha bis- Ion a; boitirht openly at the start. but htritiM two or three prominent com mission houses were free sellers at the same Uim the Impreeeton wm created that ho was aelltna; mora than ho bought. Thia belief lad to a small decline. May going down to PV. Short became acuva miy ere at thla fls-ure and tha pnca rallied. During tha latter part of tha session the marhM developed considerable strength on advice from Daila claiming that wheat la dvlng all over Texas on account of tha drouth Better Inquiry from foreigners waa reported at New York and thla tenaed to nmninum holders here. May advanced to 8214c. but heavy realising- quickly caused a reaction. Tha riim, however, waa nrm, with May 4jc higher at K. Clearances of wheat and flour wr enus! to 295.OM0 bu. Primary receipts were L299,ii.j bu.. sgafnst 8. bu. a week ago. compared with a holiday last year. Mtnnes polls. Duluth and Chicago reported recelpta of 87 cars, against Sa car laat week. Corn waa Influenced by the lata strength In wheat, but outeide of that there waa little In tha way of news to street prices. Commmlon houses were tha principal buy era and the offerings cam lanrely Irom scalpers. Recelpta were still small and the weather favorable for the movement. allhougn credicUone were for rein or enow In the wet and fouthwiat. Cloning prices were ' Arm. After opening- unchanged nt 4Se. May sold between 4WiUc. dosing at 44c. Local recelpta were u4 cars, with 1 of contract grade. Fair buying of oats hv cash and nomrals slon houses, together with the strength In wheat caused a Arm market. Scalpers with small profits were the chief sellers. The close waa firs. May opened unchanged to a shade higher at 37937t,c. ranged between 8" and. 27 V.77c. closuvg at 47 "ac Local jfh Provisions ruled strong on a Rood demand f iKM criers were moderate buyers of lord. Smaller receipts of hog than expected with higher prloees at the yarria were In strumental In. giving- prices an upward tendency esrly ia the day, and the advance was well maintained. May pork closed SWe higher at 81X36. May lard waa up 16c. at ft xt'ifc, while rlba were JL'H'aioc higher at 8S.62H. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: 'Wheat, GO cars; earn. 18 cars; oats, Y cars; nog 28,000 head. . na leading furores ranged aa follow: Art olea.1 Open. Hiah.i L.iw. O ne. I Tea J, Whet II I Deo. f m May . 8ii-l MHi H1 MHI K July JTS.T7Tav T7i TTi THj's Corn I 1 i Vme. - H ! ' Msy ' 43,( 44'1 43Hi 44 t July 4SSf fcVVoV1VaV1J "SicT Mt SB ' Wi I W May r!',?' July M I Mi M j W1 M Pork I I 1 Jan 11 M K m 11 U 2 U CV4 Mar U 111 12 40 12 10 Ua Uw JanT l Msy. 4 TJ 70 2j7H BJaB C 2S TTH IS I Iffli May 57 4i No. X a Iew. fsalt ouotstlnns were as follow: riQURr-aiow and easy; winter pst- n. UnrilH: winter stralahta. B.TPTtH.lO snrlna; patents. 4.i'g S': avrtn; straights. WUKAl No. a, TXasMifcc; No. Z red, C sr. l-OTMVrv r i'.tir- Xo. 1 velloW. 4340. OATS No. Z, 36tfKc; 'No. 3 white, 34 to grade. Apricots are quiet, with choice iioted at vsjvv. esire enmee m aeiu nd tany at umlbc. I'eacnes are uuici. un cnoe mill una at ... eu nuica at iH'as'ao and fancy ax -v7iu-c. OV1RA WHOLEI.ILI MARK.KT. adltlaw ef Trade a ad aaaiaae mm stasia aad Fsaey Pradaea. F; RecelDts mora liberal; fresh stock. LiVB POULTRY Hens, .c; spnna chickena c; roost em. aciorolna to Vtiw; turkeys, Ur; duckn. mi -, leese. Stows. LHEMtik.lJ POILIHI-Kecelpia. lioeiai; turkeys. UAi'oc, old toms, lc; duoaa, H Lie; sDiur; cnickens, "Uc, BL fTltrt facktna stock. u-iuc; ra to fancy dairy, in tuba. Mfciss; separaior. 24c ...... FR81I FISH Trout, 10c; plcaerai. sc; pise, sc;; percn. Tc; tlu-Asu, lUc. whlteflsiw c; salmon, lie; haddock, 10c; oodnah. lie; redsnappsr. 11c; lobsters, buileu, per lo., SOe; loosters, green, per In.. 3c, buiiheaoa. Uc; cattish. 14c; black baaa, atJJc. naiiuui. lie; crapplea, Uc; banina. as; will la base, W; bhienna, Su OTSTBai New York counts, per can. tSc; per gii., tl.jn; extra selecta, per can. lie; per gal., 1.75. standard, per can, xci per gal.. IX.ik. fer inn. uljh. HA V Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale lealera' association. Choice No. 1 up- and. Si SO: No. i. ..ut: medium, avau; coarse. M.d. Kye straw, te.uw. These prices are for hay of good color and quality, Demxnd ftir and receipts light. OATS STu. Hie-No, 1 Sep. VE ; KT A BLE3. POTATOES CoioraJo. rac; Dakota, per bu., 7r4j76e; native, tSttTOc WtiT PUXAXO&a Illinois, per bbL. B A NAVY BEANS Per. bu.. C35. rELERI-HmsIL per dua.. 2633c: larga Callromis. 4(t75c. o.n lUNft-htw home t i w ii. ary. per in.. c; Spanish, per crate, n.ow. Colorado yel low ana reo, ic. CAHBA'IB w leconsln Holland, nto. TURNIPS Canada rutabagas. Par lb.. 1H". white, per bu., 60c. t,AtKOT fer bu., PARSNIPS Per bu.. Wo. BEETS Per bu.. 50c. CAULIFLOWER California, ner crate. C75. TOMATOES California, per 4-basket crate. 1.25. CLCUMJiERa-Per dos.. V-FRCITS. APPLES California Bellflowera. ner box. tl t; New York Greenings, Baldwins and ether varieties. tLa ORAPKS Pon Catswbss, 50c: imported MnlRsae. per keg, I&.(XtiA.i). v. itA, Jo KHRIr-S Jersey, per bbl.. 17.0O: per box. .75; Wisconsin bell and Bugle, ti Bell and Cherry, M. csiirornia, per box. i-2a. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida Brtahta and Russets. II mi". Hi; naveis. large sise. U.0JHJJ.:. LEMONS California tancy. to sises, t4; choice, tt tu 770 sizes. P Ul FIGS Csllfornla. per 10-lb. cartons. 85c: Impurted Smyrna, 3-cnrwn. lis; &-crown, lbc; -crown, inc. t:OClANUTS Per sack. U: per dos.. ,. DATICS Persian, per box of 3U pkas.. t2: per lb.. In 80-lb. boxes, Vc; Oriental ituflad da tea per box, tZ.4ft. BANANAS Per medlum-alsed bunch. SZ.M 6Z.; Jumbo, S2.75i3.2b. MISCELLANCOCS. CHEEHE Wisconain twins, full cream. l?c; Wisconsin Young; Americcs. IZe; block Swiss. 16c; WlHconsiu krlck. lrtc; W'isconiiSn llmherger, Uc. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames. A3; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames. T3.Su. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. CIDER Per bhl., tn.75; per H-bbi., S3. 3. POPCORN Per lb., 2Hc; shelled. 33Sc HOR8K RADISH Per case of 2 dua.. packed, soc. NI TS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2. soft shell, per lb., 13c: No. 2, hard shell, per lh., 13r; Braslla per lb.. 11c; tilherts. per lb.. Uc; almonds, soft shell, ner lb.. Ijc; hard shell. per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb-. 12c; smail. prr lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 6 He: roamed fieanuts. per lb.. 7c; Chill walnuts. 12313c; arge hickory nuts, per bu., SI. 50: sheil barks, per bu., SI': black walnuts, per bu.. gl.Ja: Italian rnestnuts. per lb., lzc. HIDES No. 1 green. c: No. 2 grees. Sc No 1 salted. 7c: No. 2 salted. Ac: No. 1 veal calf, t to 12 lbs.. 8Hc: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 13 lbs., c: dry salted hides, (f-ni'c; sheep pelts, ZUTic: horse hides, S1.50.5u. SEW TORS STOCKS A5D BONDS M:x at Quitt BscanM of Vrtr AppTcach of the Ho'idayft, SCME TALK OF RAILROAD BOND ISSUES ar C lead la Far Kast Casta a Saadaw Over tha Market, Cass ias; Iseream at tke Ex aeakad Dallaesa, NEW TORK. Dee. 3. The stock market for the most pert, continues In a state of hibernation, practically all of the circu lsttnn In today's market waa within the Stork ei change body Itself, without sny perceptible share trom outside sources. The feature of the day's news wss the Increase announced In the Lake Shore semi-annual dividend from to 4 per cent. The other Vanderbllts responded to this news snd It had a mild tonic effect on the general market. The 1 points drop In Lake fcjle at Western waa a marked exception among the Vanderbiits. As a Lake Shore controlled company, the Lake Shore divi dend Increase seemed without encouraging effect on Lake Erie at Western Stockholm era, on the supposition tnat the benefit from operation to the controlling company would be a llrst consideration. The yearly statement of tha Lake Shore earnings was the subject of wide-spread comment in connection with the dividend increase, the surplus after charges and dividends (partly estimated) falling to I7M.01S. compared with .S2.0H for the previous year. The movement In the Vanderbilta and the ap pearance of the earnings statements of the various Vanderbllt roads revived dis cussion of the necessities of the New York Central to be flnaneed In connection with the extensive terminal Improvements timiected In this citv. The subject of future railroad bond issues. was keupt alive by the suppositions as to the disposition of the proposed Rock Island consolidated refunding Issue of fcSO.tuw.two. Any rumors on this subject were various and rnnnlctina as between the adoption of the plan, ita complete rejection and the Issue of a separate mortgage on unlionded property of the system for more immedi ate needs. The general contention that heavy borrowings by various railroad sys tems for the nuroosa of funding; temporary loans and for other purposes are ahead of the money market Is a prims factor In aggravating' the holiday dullness of the trading. Another is the far eastern wsr cloud, which Is casting a shadow over the worlds financial markets. xne opinion holds In financial circles that with a possl billty of a peatwful outcome, tha chances are en the side of war. Much speculative attention was diverted to the cotton market, where the realising of profits was effected in the desire to re duce commitments for the approaching hol iday interval. Sterling exchange weakened further today and the demand for remit tance waa light, the period available for remittance to cover January 1 obligations have practically expired. The speculative movement in the local tractions waa car ried on in a rather listless fashion and some of the high grade dividend stocks which figure largely in the surplus accounts of great financial corporations were msrked up without encountering much opposition. The bond market was Arm. Rock Island 4s and Central of Georgia incomes being bought up to a htejher level. Total sales, par value. J2.IKS.UW. Government bonds were unchanged on the last calL Following are the closing quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. Hlffh. Low Clone. Atchison 1L0 6" 7 f1 do pfd..; IT0 Ka 91 Baltimore at Ohio 5.4UI 7b 7H do pfd Canadian Pacific L400 118 118W Ctmu ef New Jersey.. 330 ltiy W1H Ches. & Oblo t Chicago At Alton 3W do pfd 4 a Chi. Grest Western 108 do B pfd Chi. oV Northwestern. 1009 16S Chi. Term, at Trans do pfd 4 Big Four S.440 Colorado Southern.... 3M do let pfd W do 2d ptd of bullion tsken Into the Rank of Englaog on heJance today was 7. n. PARIS. Dec. a. Overatnrs on rne nouns today shared In the optimistic feeling that a settlement of the Ruseo-jnpanese 01m eully was llkelv and the tone of the market greatly Improved. Prices opened Arm snd remained buoyant snd temiing upwaru. Russians were In specially avnd detnana and the other Internatimsis snd the Indus trials shared In the improvement. Wo Tin tos gslned f. The private rate of discount was 1 15-1 per cent. I nree per eeni remce, rrt srv for the account: exchange on Ma- don 2r lc rnr eneegs. BERLIN. Dec. a-PTIMt osj tne nniimt today were firmer Exchange on London. m marks trpfgs for checks, uisconnt rates; Short bills. 3s per cent; three-months bills. r per cent. Sew Tark Jleuey Market. NEW TOHK. Dec. 3 MONET On sail, esrv st IV?7: closing bid. Ju.; offered st 4. Time ana. steady: lxty and ninety oars, P;;; six months. 5i5"t. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPTCR-t. STERLING EXC HANOK Heavy, wnn .t-,.i Knsinem in bankers' bills st 4 Ml'T 4.S42W for demand ana at .sie.on i-;r sixty dsvs' bills: posted rates, tn.kl snd 4.a6ti4.. commercial bills, 4-0iv SILVER Bar. BUc: Mexican dollar. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. The closing quotations on bonds ara as fallows: ..l" iL. X. set. ..its' vs. e. a . 1M ..ItCX "I'l. rentral 4s W ..mTHl lat tae ''- ..11S14 Nina. fk. Ie 4.. T ..IMH n.. K. T. e H ..1" ee s t ..liftHiw. g. R. ef M. a 4a TS K Y. C g. tSa f t. J. c. a ls N Paftse 4s. 0. a. ref. Js. rag lie ceases ..... da la. re So eMSaa ..... o sew , rag. do cevsns di iM k leg.. so r ass as ee aa. rag Atrhtara gas. 4a dn ad). " Mlamta C. U 4a... w a AO. 4a mi flo Ha H Centrml nf ua. ia.loi to lat tar "-ciiea. A O. 4Ha...l4 ruiraca a a. fae... 7Si,nt. u. . r . B tc t. n. a... Mt S-sbrain W. e. "4 a par... i " caee. la Readtag gea. 4a a St. U A I. M r. 5a.. 11 .Ltl f its la nv. 1 4a T?H UMAQA LIVE STOCK. MARKET Light Hectipu ef CatUt Caused Killtri to Adraaog Eima, HOGS SOLD A BIG NICKEL HIGHER All Desirable Srsdea Said Readily a Heady ta rreaai Pvleea, Cessaaea Klada laekaaged. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. a B T7 IS. Receipts were: Ottlciai Monday ... Omcisl Titesday Official Wednesday Cattle. Hogs, tthrep. .... a.lel 4,la .... L7u aw .... L2 Ui Nil .. 1115 9'.M lii.HsJ ..U.,vi XZ.0.-1 Si-iais ..14.1U4 fe.ja Three Hays this week same days last week. Same week before Same three weeks ago 14. w li4a 44.1 Same four weeks ago... li.latf J.lf Same days laat year xd ls.itm 1L RIEIPTS foa THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, bogs and sheep at aoutn uinau for the year la data and comparisons with last year: 1MJ. 1S0Z. Inc. Deo. Cattle . 1 (M M WM.i44 O.s'il Hogs 2,lM.d l.iuu.,a I1.J1S Sheep 1 Hi.$t4 ll..4i TESTERDAI'g SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number of esrs of feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their destination: Average prices paid tor nogs at South Omaha tor the laat several days with eosa- pansona: Data I ISO. U02.il39l. UW. ,!!. M. A 8 t:. A N. W c , r. 1. A r. .... flo ml. to 74 rco. A St. L. g- 4a M fTilraso Ter. 4a TTH Cne. Tnbaece 4a XH rnln. A He. 4a.. St'4 V A k. 11. 4a N't v.rl srlor llaa 4a.. m do g-n. 4s aa r w. a d. c. u.inii Barking Vat. 44a....U Offered. "Bid. g 4a.lla4ii"So. Pactse 4a. Ia..Ul !. naliway m.. ..114H Teiaa A P. Is T . l. 4 w. a a Unloa Iaelt! 4s IMS do eoer. 4a a H r a. staet M aa.... ' ellai la 114 do dea. B 41V, W A SJ- 4S. wla. Tentral 4a t Caia Fuel a ia is Beat am g tae It aatatleaa. BOSTON", Dec. 23. Call loans. 50 per cent; time loans; WW1 per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atehlaoa 4a W4 sllosei 4H Un. Central 4a...... av , tmalsaautad .. Atcblasa 4 VBtnunara tlH do afd cl. A Harla. Boetos A Albaar...-44-sreBtaBaUl .... Boatoa A Mains M Copper kua Boatoa Eiatad 14S Dosilntos Coal T . N. H. A H..1M Pranklls Fltrahorg pfd IK Ila Royals ... nloa Pai-iAe Me. Central Asnr. Bagar do ptd awr. T. A T Doau I. A R Elactrto ... Elaetrls ... do pfd ......... Calted Pratt W feting aosiBiaa. kdraatura I.eadoa 9taek Sirktt. LONDON, Dee. a-Closlng: Conaala masay. 44 N. Y Central. BARLEY-Ooed feeding, S3c; fair to choice maltlnc, 4SMe. SEED Nn. Am. Wc; No. 1 northwest, em. tl: prime timothy, tZ.X; clover, con tract grade. Ill.a. PROVISIONS Mens pork, pee bbL, 111.87H ei2.L Lard, per Ji Iba, M..(g4aH. Short ribs sides Coosel. eS.l,JMf.37. Short clear idea tboxedi, .37Hi -- Following were the recelpta and shlp inenla of flour and grain: MeceipT. auipmeoie. Flour, bbls. ........... Wheat, b Corn, bu.... ...... Oatat, bu. .......... ..... Kya. DU. 4S.3W .il J7b .2"0 u.m v.t JM.ert . 71. e) (ITtio 5.7(a) Barley, ku. 3W.1UU 1H.7U9 On the Produoe exchange today the but ter majket vu aulet and aaay; creamerfes, ltnyc; dalrkaa, latrCUc Egga a toady; at mark, rases included, Ztuo. Cheese, St4sady, Wylifiibo. St. Lewie Grata aad Pvavlstaafe. ST. LOUIS. Dee. JX WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red, cash, elevator, nominal; track. HfS3c; December. lc; Msy. 621GC1c; July. 7Hc; N. 2 hard. 764177. ' CORM Higher: No. i cash. 3c: trac. tsc; December. 3c; slay, 424c; Ju.y, 42S.C. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash. Jnc; track. ITc; recember, Sic; May. 'c; No. 2 white, Sc. FLOITR Quiet. Red winter patents. I 3 4.3a; extra fkney and straight. tt.au4at,2); clear. R. art? 3.60. SEED Timothy, nominal. CZ&QX70; prima higher. CORXMEAL Steady. C.30. BRAN Firmer, aacked east track, 79r7o. HAY DulL Timothy. S.'612-t; prairie. xb.mKu9.A0. IRON COTTON TIES 11.03. RAiOINJ 5H 'qfitVC HEMP TWINE--. , PROVISIONS Pork. higher: Jobbing. (1Mb. Lard, higher; steam rendered, f i to. Bacon, stesdv; box. d extra shorts, JT.-i; clear lihs. 27.50: short c:er, 17.75. POI7LTRY Dull ; chickens. sc: springs, c: turkeys. 12c; ducks. lUe: gense. 7c BITTER Slow; creamery, liXOAc: dairy, EGOS Steady, Tc, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, hhla. .om 10.000 Wheat, bu I?." 440 Corn, bu Jt.miO :5xi0 Oats, bo ... 7S.000O Ij,iA0 33 M' ! 17t 7Ma 14 92 7RH S7H llHk 12 S3 244 liW I7V 1BS4 Ib i 32S 344 1S' 17H T7V lk 62 3 IT7, 77 14 62 2?H YOIIt& dg.tEaAL l AastlCT. aaatatlacua tha Day Yartaaa f as JJEW YORK. Dec 23. FLOCK Re-s'-Tcipia.. 5ta bbla exports, .U4 bb.a; aauea. 12.7UI packages. The market waa DuMleratsly acuve and firm. Winter rktanta, M-Ofte.; winter atraignta, s.vjcf lo; Minnesota patau'.a. winter estraa,; Minnesota bakers. tS.,114 l ; winter low grades, 12 Sk-npiM. Rye Hour, staady: fair to good. CA0i.41; choice to fatw-y. Xi.alK34.9U. buckwhcaU flouE. sasy, XXa.i..ta- COHM1EAL Steady; yellow western. B.eS; city, ti: kiln-dried. 13 wAi. RYE Steady; No. t Western. oSc, f. a ta.. afloat; atale and Jersey, fcwo jc BAHi-iiY-BMMulr; faading. iw:, e. i. 1, BufTmic; maltit-.g. 4Mirl e. L f., Buffalo. w naA I aue-aipte, iu,we bu.; tM' ta. 23.344 bu.; sales, l."e,0M bu. The market for epo waa nrm. do. t red. xio elevator, and 4ac. t. o. h.. alluaL No. 1 northern Duluth. c. f. a. b afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, amalual, f. o. b., a dual. Options epeiiad a little unsettled and tor a time acted assy, but before midday turned strong a noteworthy support st Chicago, various war minora and iUnt offerings. They con tinued verv nrsa ail day and at the eloee snowed Vlo net aJvauue, Dart-mlwr bring stroogxan on a further scare of shorts. Sales Included No. t red Msy, )S lS-lt-'YW-Sc. closed Sr: Jilv. 82l.Sc. cloaed 8ie ; De cern ner k.4as3'5c. cloiH-d at seao. CORN Receipts. a.J bu.; exiMnrts, 47.31 bu.; sales. 4.mi bu. futures; ltLtwl bu. apou Tne market was steady. No. i. ac. ele vator, and Ur. f. o. b., sfloat; No, S yellow. tiS; ungraded mixed. Uc. Options were nrta all day swing entirely to tbe wheat trsngth and local covering The close ws Ho Bet higher. May, 4vMe, cluaed at hue; Der-en ner closed at SI Wc OATS Hecwpta, b1.i bu.; exports. 14TJ bu. Tae market for spot waa steady. No. 2. 4Zv; standard white. 4i'-; No. 3. 4v No. i white. 4.-",c: No. 3 wtiita. 4i"V4:v track white western. 4t4!46lc; track while State, til V. Options nominal. KAI-Muiri; auipiMng.; good to choK-e. tfctrHc j HofS f Irn: state, common to choice, 14 crfto. 26i Ja:; IjjS crop. la4c- ouia, 7f lie; 2c tflo coast. ! erup, J-i:2e; K 1 crop. l-rJac; oiua, , ta ic HIDt-Firm: Oalveeton. tn B lbs lc; Ca.Kemis. & ta 3 Iba, 13c; Texas dry. 14 to jo iris., jj-.. I.KATH R-Mrn: acM. 5H. PRoVlaloNS Beef, steady; family. t1IO nUUO: mess. IV i vt! ' . beel hania. n-b.-vr TZ- A. riiv extra India . 'S Ooti-it Cut sneata, trregular: pit k led bellies, to t 76; pt, tiled stiuuuirra, T-nO, pi k.ei nama UutPi07i. Lard, nun, westirrn steaaied. 7 W: ref!nel. Arm. continent IT aa-iith America, 7.7ft: mmiwml K M. Purk. Arm: family. ti '.f-tr 15 w ahort clear, tl3.ofd-l3.30: bh-m, tliTwali-ju. HICS Quiet; uofiestlc, feu- tu oui, 5 Blr: Janan. snmlnel. TALLOW Firm; city, Sc; country. VQ bCTTFR Receipts. 13 rkss steady aree mer u-ijc , state uiiry, ii juc. CHkF-SK Rretnla 8.767 pkga. ; eulet' lata fiul cream, fancy, large and amsil coi-tred sad wlilts. Ib-ptsoabvr. lie; lat ite. toe. kA;s Reeeipts, 4.IH pkga.1 first; west arn ! P1 LTKT AUve. lwmln;- dreesed week: western vhJrkena. Udl'r; foa la Uiglittje; tuiaeva iixri.c kaaiai City Grata aad Prevfaioaa. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 23. WHEAT De cemiier, t-,c; Mav. 70c; cash No. J hard. t 71c: No. 3. 6a9c: No. 4, sofiOsc; re jected, 3Tlc; No. 2 red, lb.3c; No. 3. 789 Sic. CORN December. 37ie; May, 27Jiric: cash No. 2 mixed. 30&sic; No. 2 while. tj.Cc: No. 3. 3Mi35Wc OATS No. 1 white, 3$3?c; No. 1 mixed. 4TS4rC H A Y niotre timothy. x 0tw.4: choice prairie. l7.-r7.76. K T K No. 2. 4sC. EOOS Steady: Missouri and Kansas. utes returned. MHc: new Nil. 2 while wood cases included, zoo. BLTTER Creamery. SOtiac: dairy, fancy. lie Recefnta Shlomenta Wheat, bu 363.ia 118.W om, bu ..5n.3l' SI. Oats, bu IS.OuO 17.000 ft " astasatsd Asflea aad Da-ted Fralta. MfW YORIC. IW a-EVAPORATRD Ai PLKS The Eaarket is ou'.et but eUvadv 4'tmiaoa are eutttei at 4fiU-; prtine at- t(i'v i ii At ana IAi, T st ic ALir ' uns:-u r it- l : t-runea era In tir 3'i'i-ins: uiinr...i ed rule ft ;n al pr.v from k . jv, awuiuiua Pktlade-lahlsi Pradaaa Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 3- BCTTKR Steady, fair demand: extra western cream ery. ZZtc: nearby prints. 27c. Ei4-rti Quiet, and nearby lu lower: freeh nearby. 3&c at the market; wesums. iao toes off; southwestern. JHt3St; southern. ikvu.ttn C Ha. ESE Quiet, but steady: New York full creams, fancy: Uv; choice, 11 W fair to good, lCSailc. IlaansalU Witat, Ftatsur aad Braa. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. ?S. WHEAT De- mmlwr. TS'tc: May. 8-iSJSc: July. XlTc on track. No. 1 hard, a-''c; No. 1 northern. ?c: no. z northern. nc; no. 1 northern. 7(-"r7lic. F LOCK First patents, 34. 4ik4.5fi: second patents. S4 itj4 e,; nret clears. JI atJiSJ. Second clean. BRAN In bulk. iJ..Tn4.s. Liver peel t.rala sarket. LTVERPOOU Dec. 3. WHKAT-Spot. Arm: No. 2 ted, weatera winter, aw 3d, fu tures, eulet: December, nomluai; March, 2V.I: Mav. oa 3Cwi. Co K.N Spot. ausa.W; American mixex- 4a Id. fuiurea, uuiet. January, 4a d; March. 3a Ubtfl. Delaware A Hudson. 5.120 14 18H 167H Del., Lack. A West.. Loud 2ti 2b0a. bX Denver Rio Grande - 3D4 An ntA .... 72 Erie SB's 2H 29 .do 1st pfd L575. H..7k, S4 do 2d pfd..;. 300 w" Grest Northern pfd .... .... 1W Hocking Valley J do ptd S00 M 64 M Illlnoia Central L321 S 12H ISO Iowa Central.. 2u0 a 2D1 . 3 do pfd. .......... ....... .... .... ... 3B Wan Chv flnuthprn .... 1 dn nfd S4 Louis. At Nashville.... 1.5M 107H If MTMi Manhattan L 10.WO H3 142 13 Metro. St. Rallwsy. ,a LS1 LiH Minn. A St. Louis... Missouri Pacific ,25 Mo., Kanaas k Texas SiO do pfd to Nat. R. R. Mex. pfd.. ao9 New York Central.... l Norfolk at Western... LAl do pfd Ontario A Western... 2.4M Pennsylvania Uf Pitts.. C, C4BLL Reading iai do 1st pfd. do 2d pfd 1 Rock Island 18-1B do pfd 2. St. L. A 8. Fran pfd. .... do 2d pfd iw St. L. Southwestern.. .... nfi B)W VIU ,,1. ............. ' ...... . . .. . , BL Paul I. i43ii do pfd " Southern Pacific S.A BKiuthem Railway L7 do pfd..... ....... Texas A Pacific Toledo. St. L. at west lsm do pfd eos Cnlon Pacittc do pft.-- Wabash ' do pfd aw Wheel, ac Lake Erie.. .... Wisconsin central.... do nfd Adams a,xni Amcric-An Expi C. 8. Kxprese Wtflls-Fsrgo Express. .... Am ni. Copper .....2!.4a Amn. Car A Foundry- l.f do pfd " Amn. Linseed oil..., do pfd Amu. Lotioojotlve do Ptd - . r Amn. Smelt. A. Refln. 1. Jk do pfd Amn. Sugar Refin 4... 1J Anaconda aio. - . Brook. Rapid itw... jo.js- a Cola. Fuel iron..... a- Hock Coal.. 1 Wllwaakee Uraia Market. MILWACKEE. Dec. S3. WHEAT Firm Nu, 1 nnriht-rn. StSjc: No. 2 northern, Hwii S5c: May kjc. RYE Firm; No 1. 57c. BARLEY Steady: No. S. 63c: Simple. 1 c. luiLt-otaajy; o. . niinf; xay, 44c Tededa Market. TOLEDO. Dec. a SEEDS Clover, cssh, Deamlmr and January. K Ub; Marco, 'b February. V.u-S. prime aU.iae ts-aa prime timothy. i.a. PaesriA alrgUa Starke. PEU)RI-V. Dec. 23-CPRS-Ijiwer; new, No. 0, 37V.-; new. No. 4, Jec; No. 3. CVc ell aad Bewiau NEW YORK. Dec. 23. OILS Cottonseed. Bru; prime crude nominal: prime yeulow J"c. peirdleum. Arm; rortned New Tork. t j; philiilriphia sad tsaitimoie, 16 prime in bulk, taja Hi -SIN -Steady ; strained common to good, tz JD TCRPKVTINB Quiet at Wtv SAVANNAH. Deo. 23. TL RPtNTIXE Firm at afcVc. Ri '81 M A. B. C. D K. F. B.3; O. H 3ft H. t-'-.. I C ; J. $2 ai: M. L-J. N. 3k.u W ti.. rt 3. W. W.. U 5. OILl'lTV. Dee. 23. i L Credit balances. f ' cnrtiniMtes. s bid. BrupnMHiia T1 bbls., svrraHe. 77.14 hbla Huns, C . h'-la . average. a1 bote, te i itomeo'a, Liuia, e. us .ti , average, as jm t't-la hoii, Luu,t, w.-X-t Uu., . erase, bbls. r44 37 89 38 67H 22i STa CTi 40 V S2H 60 93V 4 17 17H 3ok 3SH 36 35 U84 llSHt seA 57H .... 2?14 4 t 44H 4fi w iv. en 34j 3H .... 13 32 32 17ZH l"-1 l7v 4t, 4i 'S at 78 3 224 3a 7H 3T ltH 17 38 213 IKS 11 2u7 1H 7H TeH 7 7S S'k 24 as n 7S T ' N 4 a ai 37 . 17" iT 3s 37H ikt" 185 4K?i 47H a is- k4 ;a'Slnsaek ... IS Old Daailaloa ...irMi (Xiceola , ...111 Parrot Qnlncr ... It Danta Pa Cosvar. ... If iTaniaracfc ......... ... IT iTrlnltr ... 7Si fnltad ...10 irtak ... 14 Vlntcrta ... ... UHiWInona ... ... aa IWoiwna ... tHiDaiy .. 14 .. .. TT4 .. T .. .. . .. T4 .. U ... n .. at ... 1 .. ti ... 4 ... It ... . ... 1 ,.. ... e ... MS, A aaanas Al-kUea do ptd Baittawra A tt , 94 Ohio... II ,.lt!'4 . 14 .. 14 ,.14 .. H .. T"4 Norfolk A W o ft .... Ontario A w PennarlTaala Rand Mlaas . Heading 4a . id pf. 4a 4 p. So. Railway . da . ai .... IBs. Pmrtsc .. I' alas Part Be ao f4 .... V. s. Steal.. 4o pld .... It'abaao. ---. . So gfa ... 1H m BH 40A X W 'enalas yaclfte raav A Okie... L-aleage Qc W . C. a. A St. P. DeBears Oaaear A k. O. Bna iuv. 4a td pf U , as 24 old U nilaois central 114 Lasla. A Naah ., a. A T IIS SILVER Bar. nrm. StAi.4. per ounce. HONKY-HUM per ttentt' tha rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 3,'a3 13-is per cent; fcur torea montna duis. r?MK per cenu .. . . t n 1 ....... n ii uv. Sa IS Consolidated Gas T.710 IS, General Kleetric Inter. Paper do pfd . . ...... Inter. Pump do pfd National Blacutt Naiiousl Lead North American Pacific Mail Penole's Sss Pressed aieei iir do pfd Pullman Palace car.. Republic Steel do pto Rubber Goods do pfd. ...... Twin. Coal A iron . C. S. Leather do nfd t. 8- Rublxir do pfd.... io era. .........e.. tveetern I nion Nortnem Securities. Ik 78 , 4e"4 113 75 57H lev, 1 7a ins1 l iS TMk 1H 1 109 4.9H0 aa) 8uQ M 14H 2H 17 3Va 7 78 llit. 3 28 rri 14 87V, 2 40 17 33 7 78 1IS &4H 77 63 IS If1, It n3 27 70 14. 24 S5 H j lTtfc 71H lb 7 TV. Id a i SoH Bask CI TiMACfTA. 'Dec. 22. Bank oles rings for today. 31 '10.IO8 33. sn Increase of 3.4.0au.4i over tne corresponding day last ysx. Cat toa Mwrlcat. NEW TORht Deu. 23. COTTON The market opened at a decline of 2 points to an advance of 7 points, sn Irregularity re sulting i mm ens oepressing enert or. me rather disappointing cables, bullish ad vices from New Orleans and continued bull suport. For a time the market ruled nrm, but after advancing, aoether a points broke under liquidation until it was about 3 to 7 points net lower. New Orleans kept sending in big buying orders however, and on the decline the local bull leader became an agreasive buyer, so that quota tions were soaring up to htkher levels, with ths tip coming from New Orleans that tbe bulls intended putting this mar ket on a 14-cent basis before Christmas. Trading here was extremely active and the market revenanly strong with prices around mlddsy net 13 to '24 points higher. January was quoted at 13.4bc: March, u. Sac- May. 13. Mc and July. 13.Wc this being the highest range of prices ever established on some of the options alncs war tlm The advance at this time waa about c. the close of the market last Monday nlgnt. and such gains as this naturally attracted profit taking of the heaviest kind. Still after sagging- back 10 points the market took the long cotton with surprising- ease, ennseauently rallying several points until the laat hour, when prices broke badly under a Perfect avalanche of selling tha seemed to come from all quarters. In the last Ave minutes the tnarxet broke 10 points and so great was the confusion that trades were being- made 3 and 8 points apart for the same option at the same time tn different parts of tha ring. At ths close the market hsd lost almoat all of Its gains and was finally espy at a decline of 3 points to an advance of 7 points. Sales, 1.3 (AO bales. It waa also reported that good sales of cotton bad been made at advanced prices. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 75. COTTON The market opened firm, closed steady: sale. 7.3i bales; ordinary. 10 T-lnc; good ordinary. lle; low middling. ll!c: mid dling, 13Hc: good middling. 13 6-lc; mid dling fair. 1S413 11-ltic; receipts. 17.8a bales; stock. X'4."00 bales. Futures were barely steady: December. 13.3c; January. U o; Februarv. IS S"H13.anr: Msrch. 13 45?13.o4?; Ancil. 13.75413 77c; May. 13 S513.aSc; Juns. lli-i!3 9?c; July, 13.a-7ll.S7,-!. LIVERPOOL. Dec 23. COTTON Spot, limited demsnd: prices. 18. points higher; American middlirg fair. 7.5t-d: good mid dltng 7.34d; middling, 7 ?4d; low middling. 71ad; good ordinary. 7CSd: ordinsry. C3S0. The sales of the day were S.0UO bales, of which 300 were for speculation and ex port and Included law) Iwles American; recelpta. ??.' bales, including I.U Ameri can Wturee orjened firm and cloaed steady: American middling, g. o. e., De cember. 7. ltd; December and January, 7.10d: January and February, 7.07d: Feb-rtiai-v and March. 7.06i7 d; March and April. 7.Md: April and Msy. May and June. 7.02d: June Snd July. 7.(d July and A'leust. .97d: August and Septa ra- ber. 8. Kid. Dei 1.... Dee. 2.... Dee. J.... Dec 4.... Dec S.. Dec 8.... Dec T ... Dec 8.... Dec .... Dec. 10... Dec il... Dec 12... Dec U... Dec. 14... Dec. 18... Dec in... Dec 17... Dec ;8... Dec 19... Dec SI... Dec 21... Dec ;2... Dec 23...; 4 84S4J Or) I 4 S3) 3 74! 2 251 i a-M i vii t si j a ie 4 40 a 8 13 t 8k 4 84) 4 41a, Z4 6 ki 4 eHi I in 4 J'W 241 8 t 4 T7 I W! 8 0l 4 84 II 8S 8 041 4 klj 8 1 3 M I 4 ( 8 111 4 IB aai 1 i 3 lei 4 8ti 8 or 4 E-Si 8 Obi 4 4E.S 8 ia 4 4-: 8 Okj 8 14! 4 Si) 4 ej'al I M w I ii I 8 5i in 4 81j 44Ts I 8 Ml 4 as 4 3Si 09 4 S4l 4 Ji-Hu 8 16 2tt 4 34Si 8 8 344 4 I 3 r I 3S 3 a I Si 2 19 8 11 a I 8 3 31 I 1 3 U 3 831 3 381 n 8 31 18 13 2 OJ I 3 IS 3 t 37, ISii .Ai 1 3 3 " 3 1,1 3 21 I 96 3 27! 3 2 4 ai 3 J 3 1 I A 1 4 1-aVi 8 141 3 Jih 4 73i I ! I 1 U An I inii i li'i a 771 1 S2I 2 2Si a . 8 07 i 8 041 4 781 3 4i 3 2ti 3 S3 1 11 8 ki 4 SI 4 01 3 31 4 39VI 8 16l I 4 8L f!t S M 4 46J 8 11 8 8 ! 4 M 3 3." 3 Ti 3 24 3 21 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. M. at St. P. Ry 7 Wabash I Mo. Pac. Ry 3 Union Pacinc System .... 8 C. A N. W. Ry I F. K. 4 M. V. R. R..... 8 C. St, P., M. A O. Ry.... 7 a. , m. Ky c, u. A y. Ry 8 K. C. A tit. J 3 C. R. L A P. Ry., east.. 3 C, R. L P. R., west.. 1 Il.lnoU Central 2 c. a. w .7 3 1 15 Is 27 8 17 3 4 1 124 Total reetipta 48 The disposition of the day receipts was ss follows, earn nuyer purcnaawg uis aura- her of heed i niilcii tt(l : Cattle. Hogs. Btieep Omaha Packing Co M Salft and Company 19 Cudahy Packing Co 12.1 Armour A Co Zaa Omrtha Pkg. Co.. 8. C Armour Fkg. Co.. S. C... 110 Vsnsant A Co.... 8 Lobmsn A Co............ 87 Huston A Co 8 H. F. Hamilton 11 L. F Hiuss Sol Degan 14 Hsgerty A Co...-. Other buyers 32 l.3 1.787 74 La43 tot S3 1S7 L3U . 8.1S2 L9 hs higheet point reached since l-ecember Representative sales: A. .! A1 .is .143 in rt ..: ..114 ..Sit ri a. IT. ... I 3 Ma a . cs 57. 5a.. 71.. 7J. M.. Tl.. M Avt ...541 ...f"T .. .i-t .. J'l ...tT ... I T Tl... 44... U. .. ... at... 47.. U.. M . U.. 44.. M.. H.. M.. IT., to.. n, . r.... 144. t .n .si .:4T r JM ni ri m tn ra M 4 ne T J14 M , Ill ti jnl , ta u l ... 4 4 4 4 . . 4 44 iaa 4 44 US 4 44 ... 4 44 JS 4 4 aa 4 4( t 4 44 IT 4 U lis 4 4i If 4 46 a 4 s tan 4 4T4 ire 4 4T- S 4 4T'4j iaa 4 "S M 4 47 , . . 4 4TH aa 4 4Tv 4 4T, ... 4 4T 174 4 4TT, ?4 4 4T ra 4 4T', 1J0 4 4114 iaa 4 4T', M 4 471, its 4 4T, its 4 ao 4 64 44 4 S zn 4 ... 4 W i?a 4 aa 4 m ... 4 M 4 III 14 4 M ... 4 U I a .. 4 ia .. 4 a .. 4 a ..4 4 .. 4 44 ..4 4 .. 4 44 at 4 4714, J"J lta 4 41', 1 4 4JV, ... m 4 w, ri4 a 4 :, C 4 41 , ...1 ... 4 4i J54 lm 4 44 K4 IIS 4 44 244 4 4S at at 4 44 .? W 4 44 .174 I2S 4 44 .til n 4 44 14 4 4( 7 JT I0 4 44 M Jr t 4 44 Ta ra in) 4 u M4 lta 4 U V! 4 44 ... 44 4 44 ITT 4 44 r Jt 4 T ir 4 4 ....7 Ha 4 44 ...17 4 4 44 17 IN 14 I7 IS 4 44 Ill IT 4 JT1 4 4 44 rt m 4 44 Jio 2aa 4 44 SHEEP There was a very small run of sheep and lamhs on sale, only anout mt-ee cars being ofTered. The demand, tnotign was In guild ah ape, and all desirable grades changed hands freelv at steady to strong prices. Owing to the light receipts mis k the tendency of prices has oeen op ward on the better grades, and par ticularly on the yearlings. The change In nrtces. though. Is not or mucn import ance. Common kinds of either sheep or lam ta are onlv ahnut- steady Feeders hnve been in small supply ano Slices have held generally steady all the Onotatlona for corn-fed stock: Choice ostern lamhs. 2B.004a5.50; fslr lo good C.7:.j4.S:' fair to good yearlings. '3X.VffX75: good to choice wethers, 33.2ia3-r'0: fair to a-noo wetnera. xxni4aa.A: rnon to cnoice ewee, CSM1X10: fair to good ewes. S2-4X4r:.K0: choice feeder lamhs. 3.nu4f4.10-. fair to io"H feeder Ismhs. J3 ZMSS.fiO: buoy lamps, I OB- reeoer veartlnra. u M Teeei wethers, t? 1MM.3S: feeder ewes. H-TMft.3 cilia, $1.001.7i. Representative sales: o. jy. rr. 143 Cull feeding lambs 37 11 ewes hi r.l native ewes 13 10 native ewes 10 western wethers lo 240 weetern yearlings , 71 218 native lamha 02 34 native lambs.. 88 SIX (.0 TO PENITENTIARY Prisoner, 6:t from Ooo to roartaen Tfkrt DCS MOINES HOTEL IrlTO PROV.INENCZ adge Estelle Oeelavres that Ita Is Do. tersalaed ta Break t C'rlssa f Eaterlasj Private Ma 2 5" 2 75 3 3 S .Ii 4 IS 4 SS 5 2$ Total CATTLK There waa an extremely light run of cattle here thla morning, whicn mskea the supply for the three days this week much shorter than for the- same days last week. but. aa compared with tha eorresponding week of laat rear, there la very little change, owing- to ins smau supply on sale today the market ruisd active with nrinea higher. The few toads or corn tea steers on ssie chan red hands very readily at prices rang lna generally a dim hlxner than yeecerday Aa high aa 14. xu waa paid ror aemo oamo of pretty good quality. Aa compared with the close of laat week the market Is &a0a hlvher. the short fed cattle apparent! showing the greatest Improvement. Tha llsttt receipts, of course. are large! responsible for this quick Improvement In the situation. The cow market waa also active and shout a dime higher. There were very few on sale and It only took a short time for evervthing In the yards to change 'hands. For the week the fair ta good cows are all of lSS'Se higher. The great est improvement apparently has been on the, kinds selling around 22.50. Canners did not suffer much last week and conse quently the advance on them this week hai also been limited. Fancy cows and heifers have been very scarce this week, but they undoubtedly would sell a little better than they did at the close of last Bulls were a little stronger today, and for the week are perhaps 10 16c higher. Veal calves ere still selling in about the same notches fhey hsve ail the season. blockers snd feeders were a -arcs this morning, so that prices held fully steady on all desirable grades. For the week good to choice yearlings are undoubtedly a little higher. The better grades of heavy cattle alsoi might be a little stronger, Ki,r enmmnn kinds of all weights have been rather slow sale, with practically no change In prices. Represents rive saiea: , tiltisr iiuns, . Ft N i . 1....... K IS .... imm a 1 14U 3 7 4 im 4 1 ....... .Hi" 1 ...... ..1012 SB is lea STEERS AND HEIFERS. ...101 I a) COWS AND STEERS. ... 3 at COWS. ... sw l st ii 2 4 1 Ti it... 14: J 3 44 ... ta ITt 1 f.a t 44 11 44 1 44 T art I i 1 1144 3 64 1 II 1 44 a... ta t m 11 104 3 4 I - 124 t IIS 44 13... tr it ' l nut t ts I ne t 7 f ...-.lout 3 I t 11 i Ti 14 al IS' ' 1...- M a II HI IS t las t s t i as 4T i I a l n is 1MI II J 114 i t... m I at 1 11 T 1 a it lcat I o .147 3 Total sales for the day SS&.U08 shares. sjew Tark Mlaiaa 4atia4iaaa. NEW YORK. Dee. 23. The following are the cloaiug i notations on mining stocks: S 'Utile Cktat ......... 14 jf'nlart AAana Cob Alice Bn kruaaarica Cee .... CaauicaS Taanet. .. Caa. Cai. A 14... Bura Sitter Ires 4HM4- Legviika Caa ..... oSsred. i 4 i I"" 1 Ul I ..114 .. 1 . 3 ' Aiarrm Mevaoa lall Hoeaa .. tSianSant ... FeretB FtaaaeiaL LONDtlN. Dec 71 MONEY Was In In creased demand tn the market today and the supply was mora plentiful owing to the Urge borrowings from the Bank of England- Discounts were easier Business en the Stock exchange was dull, the outlook In the far eaet bung regarded as gloomy, but ths slackness of business prevented a severe fall In prices. Consuls opened with a better tone, subsarruently eased slightly and clused stesdy. Hmui rails wars heavy. Americans opened dull and then hardened. Deaver A Hlu Orande and Norfulk A Weat era oommou were the (eaturaa. Tbe ofMera tions were counned to the narrostat limits awing to the a i agnation in the Nrw Vurk aaittvt. Amerh aim closed eaaner. were ihWIlf lnltueiu-d tv tha fiuo tuautMiS is jaoaueae eevui ilea. Iaa euuuil Metal Market. NKW TORK. Dec 21 METALS Spot tin declined l&a In London, cioelng at 11 Ss. while futures wers e lower at .1 liu. Locally tin was quiet and nominally unchanged at SaL&o. Copper declined la ti in London to lilt ad for spot and M a for futurea Locally copper was d'lll. Lake is .runted at fiij. wi3.s:ie electrolytic at niSii and caating at g-.12l ilTVfc. Lead declined is 3d IB Lon dn to i-ll m id: was ateady and unchanse-1 here at t4.7i, for small iola bpeltnr-uke metal waa lower in London, closing at a decline nf Is lid to 3 as. while hera it was uiuet. with soot omKrtt at 3a. uu. iron cloaed st 4vs 3d in tilssgow and 4a 9d In Mi.ldieaoornujih. Locally iron waa un charged: No. 1 fotmdrv narlhem la queued at t,ii18: No. 3 foundry nun Pent. I j 441 14. No. 1 foundry souinem ana A. 1 rounury soot hem sort at maminw ST. LOl.'IS. Dc. a. METALS Lead. firm. ft.i;i bid. Spelter, nrm, 84.. It bid. CaaYaa- Market. NEW YORK. Dec. JX COFFEE Spot Rio. tirm; No. 7 Invoice mild, firm Cordova, 8Vn!Sc. The market for futurea opened steady at an advance of 8 points oa fcl a ro pes btivtng snd a scattering outside de- wend following smaller primary receipts snd higher turopnui csLita. After nml dar uiid during Ihevii" lance of the sion the maiket was very active and gen- s-allv flra on agrrexaive bull supteirt snd heavy European buying. The close was steady at a net sain of 10 points, wuh alas reported of rril.iAO hags. Including Jjnuarv sr 46aa.74e-: Fefruarv. Mareti. fcaCVT iAM-: Msy. 7 :".i7 isc: July, 7 .nml Sue: September. 7 tu7.K:; October, 7.75u7.jc; November, lac Ualatk araU Market. Pn.ITH. Dec 21 WHEAT On track. No. 1 northern. : No. 1 northera. 7t No. t soniig. Ti-v-i DeawMnlwr. sue; May OaTS Oo tratOt and to WTlve, mVc I.. .... l..i... 8 T.... t 1..... M 1..... 1 3..,.. 4........ It , 1 t..; i t i i It..;.... 14 I....... 1 t 1 I 3 t I t t t t L I 2 I 8 1 l.. .... 47t I .... st is .... M IS .... ....10! 2 .... r i .... 47 3 ill 1 n M 111 tl t If HI 3 14 474 3 1 m in !M I S no i a : i it as 3 26 MIS 474 3 SA 1104 2 B Mil I A lu ! 44 IK 3 n K-M 1 Si is : 4 lft 8 4 Mt l HEIFERS- 4ft I 74 4 t 47t t at 1 W 111 tw IS I 419 t M 1 '"rou. IT 1 44 t Ul t 44 I met 2 1 14 I Si t , 14 t B I in I n I , 114 t !S 1 U4 3 CALVES. M I at I y t 4a i M 111 I.....;.. 174 I as 1 la t 1 Sew Tark Live Matk Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 23. BEEVES Re ceipts. 2.411 head. Tbe market for steers was lOtal&c higher: for good cows. 10e hisher: for common to medium. 1W higher: for bulls, steady; steers. CSWio.: oxen snd stags. Cl'W.ii: bulls, 32 .-Sta3.90 eowa XliiaiJl'n ('allies Olloted UVS cat tie slow st 11612c per pound, dressed wlarht: sheen weak. 11 lie: lambs. 13c. dressed weight; refrigerator beef, lOe per pound. t.AJL.VE3 rteceipta, i.j: neaa. i oe mar ket was alow: veals and barnyard calves. lower; common westerns lower; veals. 84.1a) .50; little calves, 83.U0ii3.50; good west erns, t4.i; city dressed veals. TtflHe per pound: extra. 13c: sjountry aresseo. wuioc mi m ,14 Hecemis. .smM nniu. ins ni- ket was ftrmar; state and Pennsylvania hogs. I4.n56.00. AND LAMBS Receipts. .vfl head The market for sheen was elow for lambs, slow to iic lower: sheep. K137H fa3.56; extra, 34.W; lambs. am.a; on car, an 'ti- .,.i)B n A no Canadian la in be. kx'nnrta today. 8S head of cattle and 2.800 quarters of beef. Kaasas City Uv Stock Market. Trtvuifl CTTY Dec.. 23. CATTLE Re ceipts. 3.309 head. Including 200 head of southerns: mxxket KeSlac hiBtier; export snd dressed beet steers, 34.lon4.76: fair to good. r3.rs4.06; vrestem fid eteeTS. 33 2M 4 110; stockers and twiprn. sxeaoy. m.iwi t southern steers. tl.5oi3.tiO: southern cows, n hi4Z- ir.ative cows, steady to 10c higher. tl 5ei4.ufi! native heifers, steady to 10c higher. 315im4.n0: bulls. t2.0U4f3.4u; calves. trnnir tV '.Arc. TK. HOOS Receipts, 8.000 head: market 510c higher; top. 84.t; bulk of sales. H tf.454.o6; heavv. packers, $4.43484.55; pigs and fights. M.WiSa , . , - SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head; market ateady; native iamha. W-WKt 550; wesrn lambs, 34-4tii-. fed w. 32.153.5; western fed veArllngs, W jOtA); stockers and feeders. 32.u04i3.ti0. St. ala Livs Stack Uafket. a-r rnris rw ts.-ATTLE P.ecelpts. I5n0 head. Including 700 head of Texana. The market was steady to strong. Dressed beef and butcher s'.fcers. H.'Mtv.l5; stters under Li pounds, a.7B-e486: st-ckers and feeders, IllVuS-SO; cows snd eJfets. 3 aion- caeneee. n.7&2.10: bulla. LLZMtr Sj; calves. 3S.uwsil.o0; Texas and Ir.dlan steeis, t2.3uti4.0li; cows aad heifers., K.uoyi.75. HOtiS KftCeiptS. 4il4W neau. mo u-einn c pen ad higher, but became week. r-igs and Ughta $4.(34.4S; psckors. 4,35a4..; butchers and nest nesvy, ki BHSEP AND 1.AMHO oca". he morket waa quiet. Native muttons. 3.204.ii; iambs. tAlinao a0; ctuls and bucks. ftloao; stockers, aemau jiuu- lings. HSfy 4. Jaseaifc Live Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Dec. X2 CATTLE Re ceipts, iC5 hesd. rne marsei was uruino nigher. .-Natives, 4.114.00. i-owe euu 'iru ers 31.2&414.09; stockers and feeders, tZUvqt k-a- . . 14 fin si Repainta z.s-.a neaix. 1 n mirmn was Utfl5c higher. Top, 8460; bulk, raw 214 W. SHEFP AND LAMBS Receipts. L814 head. The market was steady. Top, lambs. 86.40. Slows City Live Stack Market. Tonr CITY la.. Dec. 28. Special Tele- rnn 1 C ATTLE RfceiDta. 400 head: mar ker ateadv: beeves. 83 7&-ao.00; rnwa bulls snd mixed, xruuisito: stocaers ana reeaers. t2.5oti3.3U; calves and yearlings, 3i"a.iA. j rnjoo neceiprs aww nmu. v w higher, selling at t4.t4.50; bulk, t4.4b34.4u. Stack ls Slsjht. Following "are the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cltleo yeaiar i day: . ' .. Cattle,. Hogs, Sheep. Omaha .'. 1.-T4 8.178 KS7 Chicago 12 28t 10 (Ml Kansas City 3,a1 iMM LOW St. Louis t&"0 0"'J 711) St. Joseph . kiS . 2.HA8 LI14 Sioua City 400 5.UW Judge Estelle. In the criminal dlvlalon of he district court, yesterday sentenced. An drew Tucker, colored, to fourteen years al hard labor In the state penitentiary tot murder tn the second degree. Tucker waa convicted of the killing ol. . Hiram Sappho in the Dee Moines house In South Omaha last July. This was tha tlraf of three colored murders that hava been committed within one block of this place, since July, the last two within three weeki past. Two weeks ago M. C. Wynn, col ored, killed Dan Cashln. colored. Last. Sunday night Ike Chambers, colored, killed his brother, Joe. Jiunea Hunter, convicted of entering tha. . plkca of business of D. A. Hart and steal- Ing goods to tbe valne of CSeV waa sentenced to four years tn the penitentiary. Hurry Johnson, convlrted of burglary In stealing goods from the . storehouse ol Peterson A Mlchelson, waa given a sentence of four years. Warren Henly, found guilty of breaking and entering, was gfveei ene year In the penitentiary. The gpeclflo crime of which he was convicted was that of breaking Into the shop of Robert Bautn and stealing 81.30 worth of merchandise. Minnie Brown, found guilty of the larceny of 3120 from tha person of IL D. Jones, a ranchman from South Dakota, waa given one year at Lincoln. J. B. Mosely, convicted of stealing a suit of clothes from Dr. E. W. Powell, was sentenced to four years at hard labor tn the penitentiary. Bay Ferger Seat la. Ralph Stewart, a It-year-old lad, who pleaded guilty to forging thirty - checks gainst Swift and Company, was gent to the state correctional Institution until be has reached the age of 21 years. Frank Ford, alias Frank L. Henderson, tha "Jolly burglar," entered a plea of not guilty to several charges which were placed against him, the counts numbering four. He was committed to by the court until such time aa ha can furnish a bond of tLOOO on each of the char gea Judge Estelle made the following com ment on the growing frequency of the commission of ths ' crime of breaking and entering: "I am going to see if I can't do some thing u break up thia wholesale bustiers of breaking and entering, and I want to serve notice, right here and now. that per sons who come before me and stand' con victed of this crime, or plead guilty- of this crime, may expect to have a penitentiary sentence pronounced against them. Things hsve got In a deplorable condition- In this city when a woman or a man cannot leave his or her home without finding upon his r her return that It has been ransacked, or else being- confronted by a ig, burly man. I tell you thla thlntr has got to stop." l WOGY TO BANQUET "NEWSIES' Will Bteinesafeer tha Pas Vswklau wltk tha Feaal Carlstasaa Otsusas, " Mogy'a home' for newsboys -wilt nave US . annual Christmas dinner. Covers wUI be -laid In tha home on Farnaxn street for about ls4 boys, and the hour named Is .be- twoen noon and 1 o'clock Chriatmas day. Some of tea woman who- have trrterested ' themselves In thla horns will wait on tha young news venders and Magy will take a baud. Spring chicken and oyatar dressing at:d k considerable number of oth.r fjna .' things axe in prospect. Some liberal dona tions are being received. - - ' ' Sal vat lea Arssy Dlaatr. A large store room at 1B12 Howard sfeet has been secured by the Salvation army to be used as headquarters by that orgnr'lxi tlon for the free Christ mns dinner. Those who wish lo assist wltk food supplies csn send their offerings to ths above aitdre-a. The number on the list of eliglbles for the dinner already has reached l.uuo. The imn will he open from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. The distribution of baskets will be on Thursday afternoon. kKtL ESTATE) .TMAJf SFKMS. Totals .20.18 U.0 113&1 OJ 13 441 I 4 4St . 74 I te , 44 3 fc . 44 3 4 .. MB) 4 a t at ..lis t .. bm I a ..1v I aa ..iaa) 3 4 34 I B 11 I 71 , r.t t ft , !4 4 a U IS i tag I STAGS. ' STOCKER.-4 AND FEEDERS, t is I a 14... 41 I 1 1 T I A US I 14 al IM I 474 I 14 1 744 t 1" I IT4 I Ti NEBRASKA. 3 cows 839 1 W JS feeders.. HS t 19 calves... 4tT 3 5 2 calvee. ai 2 M 17 calves... 2 1 W 3 calves. .. 513 3 0 4 bul'a k 2 24 feeders.. 871 2 Si 1 bull 1M 3 J , T. A Roberta Neb. I feeder,.. W". IS 1 feeder... 770 2 73 1 feeder... 470 I 4 cows 7a2 1 4 T cows .14 2 2 HOOS There were not many hogs en ssie this morning, and under ths influence of a good demand the saarket ruled active and a tg nickel higher. The long string sued at 84.48. with the heavier I nana sailing froea that aa to tt As and aa hian as tt.oa was paid. Tha' light mixed hogs sold Largely at 84 48 snd 84 47V Those weign ing m.lch unuar !d pounds sold from 44 3 to 34 Ja and pigs aoia arauna u 4 Trading was nulls active, as tnat precti- aajy svervtcins In sight waa disposed of bji aa early hour. Today s advance carries ths market to . Sesar aad Molai NEW YORK. Dee. ?3. SUGAR Raw, ouiet: fair rertning. 3 ll-lGj3kc: centrifugal, Se teat. 8 3-16c: molasses sugar. 2 13-lno 7Hc: refined, quiet; No. . .0oc; No. 7, 4c; No. 8. 8.c; No. 9. 3.!H-; No. 10, 3-5c; No. 11. 3-e; No. 12. 3.75c: No. 13. 3.70c; No. 14. 3 6Bc; confectioners' -A. 4.30c; mould A, 4.70c: cut loaf. i-Uac; crushed. S-Ooc; now. dered. 4.56c; granulated. 4.46c; cubes, 4.70c. MLA6SES Firm. New Orleans open kettle aood to choice.. SltiSSc. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 3. SUGAR Steady: open kettle, 2Vi-3c; open kettle centrifugal. 3 S-1hiMc: centrifugal whites. 2V(it 13-lbc; yellow. 3WS U-Uc, seconds. rSSJHc. jwoi.ASSES aulet: open kettle. 132tc; centrlfiifc-iU, bull. 718c; syrup, dull, 2c N Waal Market. " NEW YORK. Dee. 23. WOOL Firm; do- tneettc tleeca !&AZjc. , - BOSTON. Doc 23. WOOL Among the current nuotatione are the following: Tr rttorv. Idaho, fine. 14vl7c: tine medium. 10ti7c-. medium, ISajIKe: Wyoming, line. 16 rl7e; fine, medium, lijl7c; medium. ryf islet Crab and Nevada, fine 14',aU1c; nm medium. leW-rl7o: medium. lSmiuc; Dakota. flue. ilrtne: Una medium. lt,til7c: metil im. Ilu39c; Montana, line choice. l!ac: fine medium choice. lo2uc; averagw. ivtjiac; stauls, li -Jic; medium choice. Uftrwe. ST. Lol'IS. Dec. 23. WlOL Nominal medium grades, combing and . lot lung, 1' tr'-lc; light fine. liicrtTVir heavy fine, 12j 14c; tub w allied. Au Jlc. Dry Ga4i Market. NEW YORK. Dec 23. DRY GOODS ValiiM keen constantly riftng. but no ac Uvity on the part of buyers of dry goods Is evident, but rat ner inrreasea rauiion. Rut where sales are consummated iney are st ssklng prices and often these fig-urea are mstertuliy sbove wnat wouin nave been considered by the buyer a few days ago. Wklaky Market. PKORIA Dee. .3. WHISK T atesdy on basts of 31.27 for distillers' nr.lehed gixxls. t"HICAX. Dec. ri. Wrilaitt -Steady on hjn ... htcrh wuiea 31.31W. CINCINNATI. iee. a.-wiiirn.i-ui-tillers' fliilehed goo" a quiet on haais of 11.27. ST LOLIb. Dec. a. VA HlSatY-Steady st DUe DEEDS mod for record yesterday, ss furn ished by the Midland Guarantee gnd Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1614 Farnant street: Fidelity Trust company to '-AHce ': A.' v- lunmrT, BIK ) lOA A. DBUCK, UK Isaad 4k 8cldn s add ...t Mary A. Patrick and husband to Elisabeth l"hl. lot t. black JL Saund ers St Hlmebaunh's sdd 2.E1M Alois Pesek and husband to Josef and Anna Volenca, lot 8 In Sullivan s add W. G. 8h river and wife M Myron, L.. Learned, lot 8 In North Florence; outlots 1E1 and 152 and part: Parker street In Florence George F. Kennedy to Charles Pater-- son. west Mt west ft lot 8. Hawes' add i Walter Ure and wife to Georgia L. tirawti, lot z. I re a subdlv; lot Millard Caldwell's add John Nicholson and wife to Peter Jonrensen, tots is and IS. block S, West Side add Merchants National Bank of Omana tn Emily Shipley. lots 2 and 3. block 130, and lots IL 12, U and 14. block 144, Florence f : i 809 1.67S 873 CHICAGO MuiEAroLia W W &9 B Uooa Mala Omre Maakattaa Bids T. TAIL. Ml. r - Stcck, Grain, Prs.Islcss ' Dealers 1b Bought and sold for rash or earried o reasonable margins, upon which a com in is ion will be charged of Vs on grain. uu sto:ks aad on nax. Ftrivatc Wire. Write for our market letter snd private tticg, iih cipher mailed free. shi? ycuh mm to us Prompt Psturos. Best Facilities. Llbvral Advances. L'susl Cuinmissiocs, BBA.fCH OFriCKSi OMAHA IIS Bee Bldg. 'Phone 3514. SOUTH OMAHA 3 snd 33 Exonaaga Liu, fhoite 72. COUNCIL BLUFFS 4t and 4t Sapp Bio. t-hone 374. LMCOL3. ' DES MOIK. B.lldlaat rersatta. Edward M. Sister baa secured a permit to build a 11. frame cottage at 3u4 Mn-y treet. and Ueorg T. Martin baa o4.tind permieaAon to build a huuae eostiog a aonllkr autouut at L SwulU TUu !-fliil street. STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS We hare ever la saTI na. BsfsroniBst l.-k IIAUl aad Marl Be tjhs. ,1 Ii 4(I8 SstkYlCM ! TU lirT. ' Oal eg Twees Bintnaas aWaiqlfed. aasss aVwastk MllrVesM Takseaty TSSS M. WACDiCT, ConntvutoSL