Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Gives Exhilaration With
out Intoxication.
An Absolute Cure
Insomnia," 'Nervousness and
, All Stomach Troubles.
It iMesOld Folks Feel Young
end . eax reiki Fesl Strong
I,. then la ft iura for every di-ease-I
berieveV that .human life can ba
prolcriieeJ-rI'.lplW)Ve that people should dl
only tronx old age, and I also believe and
know, Unit jny Paw Paw Remedy will not
only relieve much suffering, but add many
: years to the average Ufa.
In ray opinion dyspepsia and Indigestion
' ara the causa of tnoit ailments. Dyspepsia
i meana nervousness, sleeplessness, , Impure
blood, catarrh, sluggish liver, kidney. and
1 heart. affections. No person can be happy
" no person can see the beauties of Ufa
and enjoy Its pleasures who suffers from
any form of stomach trouble.
X cannot recommend Paw Paw too highly
for all forms of Indigestion and nervous,
nes. This remedy also acta wonderfully
well on the liver, blood and kidneys, but
I bellave Its greatest office Is In Its mar
veloun effect upon the stomach and nerves.
' It Is really A nerve food and vltallser.
White House. ' Waahlng-ton, D. C. Nov.
- Both myself and wife have used Munyon'i
paw Paw. My wife was a great sufferer
with Indigestion, heart and kidney troubles
with , acute nervousness, and I , with the
uatum! tpmilts of age, combined with dys
, pep-Ja and indigestion,-. I purchased a bot-
tie f I'aw I'aw, and less than a dosen
dosea have made ma feel strong; and ener
, getto and had so regulated by . digestion
that I eat and sleep perfectly. My wife
has so far been greatly benefitedby Its
use, so that Her troubles seem now to ba
entirely over. It la certainly si wonderful
, (Signed) .. s Ei & BECKLET.
Mr. Beckley has for thirty-seven years
oocuplsd' hi' present position with all 'the
president from Lincoln down, and Is well
and favorably wnowu-to cabinet officers,
senators, department ' officials, congress
men and cltlsens. His candid statement as
to the efficacy of Munyon's Paw Paw will
excite a widespread Interest In Paw Paw
which" will lead to 'Other, sufferers being
. cured... ; ,
: 'Washington, E.- C, Nov. A IMS..
.' I have, used and: am now using Munyon's
jpaw ' PaW; ' and find It , a most eaTectlva
pepsin tonic, I successfully prescribe It In
naaea! t severe a.rvoa.n.js, Indigestion
aind .stomach trouble. . .
Prcf. : llubyon la to be congratulated In
Utilising the fruit of the Paw Paw tree,
the dlKxtlvo qualities af which, I believe,
4a second to no known production In the
fruit ant) 'Vegetable kingdom.
,- TH08 C. CARTER, M. D.,
; -sm c st., n. w. ,
K r3 have, dyspepsia; try It. f
If yoet are nervous,, try It. ,.
t It XPttra desfcondtfnt, try" It.
J XT you ara waa9,Md run down, try it. ,
Cast away all tonics, all medicines and
stimulants, and. let Munyon's Paw Paw
make, you well. . It will lift you Into the
high altitudes oi hops and hold you there.
It wll) give exhilaration without Intoxica
tion. " ; ,'."
' Sold "by all druggists. Large bottle 1. .
Paw PawXazatlva Pills, 26a a bottle.
EeoreUrj Moo3y Arts for foir Million
Dollars for Immediate Uia.
Meaey Aaaraarlatea' 1st I.a.4 Saadry
Civil Bill Wat IttlHnt Pay
for Laad Parrfcaaeel far
Naval Btatloa.
' In Best Places, Wfcbotst
1, ., CxcepUon ' -
r Rye:
Stands Foremost
Perfection of age.
J rarity of flavor, are
is winning qualities
ins bar
caies and drag
, states
8. KlaSCH ft CO.
. Kansas City, Ho.
rkl Vo'r PsffppnrQtor
V vita evarrvraers reoagniasa a
f Twl (or Ott e B1moIi1
ffl'le " cation is not b
y,' ciirllur; la atiMUilftr
t I i tlutt71 tor b-nl
Ilatr. Ra oll-
Uataa i pcmltt
hMnoifM, ao4 la.
I Mii,u. fi. ON a
iV'tl 'ttuipl of rur balr outnrvd fr.
Sherman & McConnell Prug Co., Omaha.
Dr. SearlGS&Soarlcs
Care All SpootaJ
Trataaemt SMael Medleiaa
5.1)0 PEli OOIiTli
rjiinilnaUcna and advice free at eSoa or
by mail. Written contracts given In all
kuixbie diseusi -r refund mousy paid fut
treat uteri. Treatment by mail. , U ye
la Utoaha.
par. litk sad Deaaba, OX AHA, ICS,
WABHINQTON, De 21 By reason of
the greater rapidity that the new ships
for the navy are. advancing to completion
Becretary Moody has transmitted to con
gress an urgent request for the appropria
tion of f2.000.0Q0 for armor and armament
to bo made without delay. The last ap
propriation was made on the amount ex
pended per month last year, which was
1739.70. Blnoe July last this Item has
amounted to tl,109,M0 per month and after
January 1 the manufacturers of armor
have notified the department that a ma
terlal Increase la to ba made In their out
put. .
Secretary Moody also baa asked for an
Immediate appropriation of 1200,000 to en
able payment to ba made to Cuba for the
land acquired by the United States for
the Guantauamo naval station and to
enoloee tha sama within a wall or fence
aocordlng to tha terms of the .treaty. In
explanation of the request . Secretary
Moody says: ' t
Tha total amount due to be paid to
Cuba for land, etc., amounts to . 137,421.
Or this amount the owners of propertv
valued by the commission at about $115,000
nave sis-ninad their willingness to acoept
tha valuation made by the commission.
iv v..,. via v& in 1 riNl,ilii, piur,iij,
however, have objected to the price and
condemnation proceedings have nee-un in
the Cuban court with the probable re
sults that the appraised valuation will
be verv much Increased nv Ita lurmont
The sum of 1100,0000 was appropriated to
meet this expense In the last sundry civil
mil. ,
Defeats California P4aa.
The aecretary of the Interior today re
fused tha application of tha city of San
Francisco for permission to begin the
necessary construction toward obtaining a
water supply from the Tosemlte National
Park. The city proposed to expend about
atv.tmo.roo on the water works and had a
hearing before the secretary of tha In
terior some months ago, at' whioh
authority to take the preliminary step,
so far as they applied to tha park,
waa asked. The Interior department's
adverse action Is based on the fact
that tha organic act creating the park re
quires the government to keep - It In Its
natural condition. It was pointed. out that
tha law under which the application was
filed could grant only a temporary provi
sion, which would be revocable at tha will
of any of the heads of tha department Tha
city wished to build a dam at the end of the
Ketthettchy valley and convert that val
ley Into a reservoir. . It also was proposed
to dam up the. end 'Of Lake Eleanor. The
department holds that such work would ob
literate or deface the natural wonders of
the park. i
' ' Cklaese Treaty In Doabt.
it Js learned at tha State department
that the period of time from now until
October I of nex year Is open, during which
yie 'exchange of ratifications may tako
place between tha United States and China
of the commercial treaty recently ratified
by the anate. The ratifications must take
place In Washington. There haa been some
Intimation that they never will take place
because secret opposition of foreign powers
may cause the Chinese government to with
hold Its ratification of th treaty. The State
department knows nothing! officially of this
and Is determined to nse all proper meas
ures to cause the Chinese governmnt ta
carry out the agreement Into which It has
entered. ......
Will Examine geeoael I.leateaanta.
With a view of filling' seventeen vacancies
In tha ordnance department of the army
the chief of staff haa arranged for a gen
eral examination on March 1 next of all 1
first and. second lieutenants of the line de- J
slrous of detail to the ordnance department, j
Those examinations will be held. In each
division and department. Including Insular
possession. Second lieutenants detailed to
service In ordnance department receive the
pay and emoluments of first lieutenants of
the Una while so serving.
Idaho Gets Ha Laa.
Assistant Attorney General Campbell of
the Interior department has rendered an
opinion to Secretary Hitchcock sustaining
tha latter in refusing to approve the aeg-.
regatlon of between 400,000 and 500,0.
acres of arid lands In Idaho, which Is was
proposed to reclaim. The commissioner
of the general land office had held that In
view of an act of the Idaho legislature of
March IS, 1901, no further contracts between
(he state and the United Ststf should be
entered Into so long as the state law was
In fores. This law provided that when a
company Improved eqptracta of .land by
the building of extensive irrigation canala
and within two yeara had not found tha
necessary settlers for ach ISO acres the
lands should ba deeded to tha company
making the Improvements. - This Waa aald
to ba contrary to the federal laws. ' Under
tha decision rendered tha matter will again
come before tha Interior department at the
expiration of tha two-year clause for set
tlement of tha lands.
Decide mm St, Laals Stamps. f"
The Postofflca department has decided
upon designs for tha St. Louis World's
fair stamps, which will bear portraits s
follows: .
One-cent, Robert R. Livingston, minister
to France, who conducted negotiations for
the Louisiana purchase; S-cent, Thomas
Jefferson; S-cent, James Monroe, who, with
Livingston, concluded tha negotiations; S
cent. President McKinley, 10-oent. mtp of
tha United States, showing the territory
purchared from Franca. The designs ara
now being made at the bureau of engrav
ing and printing. The colors will be those
. Tho Tenia S,.
j& Pur Excellence.
il:iirf&ii)(i mtii j
(A Wl Ooetfl.lj
' The best specific rencdy lor Ji
: Malarial
-' Fevers
voicte, infiu
"ta, Ac.
usd for like denominations In general use.
The stamps will be tha alsa of tha Chicago
World fair atampa. , ,
' Cfer on XmmA Latwa.
Representatives Lacey of Iowa and Mon-
dell of Wyoming, chairmen respectively of
tha house committees on publlo lands and
Irrigation et arid lands, were today before
the special committee appointed by tha
presldest to Investigate the land laws. Tha
commission expects to hold dally sessions
for the next ten dsys for tha purpose) of
getting a collaboration of experts In devis
ing a system of contending with Increasing
land abuses in tha western states and ter
ritories. '
Defeat of Barbara ' Prltehla Waa
Event at" Day' at Hew'
i i - '
.' .Orleaaa. , . .
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. M. Hustah waa
the only winning favorite at the Crescent
City track today. The defeat of Barbara
Frltchle. - hacked from 4 to I to 8, waa a
heavy blow to the talent. .Results.,
I ret race, one mile: uurmng uiaas won,
Deanr.o. stolid. Juke WeUur third. Time:
1:41 -S. i
Second race, one mile and one quarter,
selling: Gin Spray won. Jack Doyle aeo-
ond, Malay third. Time: IM I-.'
Third race, one mile,' selling: Captain
Galnee , won,- Harbara Frltchio second.
Ivernla third.. Time:' 1:41 1-6.
Fourth race, one mile arvd one-sixteenth.
hsmllcap: Hursah won, Mynherr second.
litnica tnira. . lime. i: -. .
Fifth race, six furlongs: Palmist, won,
Levi Porsey second. Invincible third. - Time:
1:14 4-5. ... . . j .. .
-Sixth race, one mile, selling: ' Commena
won, St. Wdod second. Blue Blase third.
Time: 1:4J.
SAN FRANCISCO, Deo. M Results:
First race, six furlongs, selling: Sterling
Powers won. Sir Preston second, Elfin King
third. Time: 1:16V
Second race, six furlongs, purse: Mendnn
won. Rock n way second. Instructor third.
Time: 1:16.
Third raoe, five furlongs, selling: Mystic
Pride won, Americano second. Pierce J.
third.' Time: 1:02.
Fourth race, one mile and fifty yarda.
selling: 'Constellation won, Arthur Ray
Second., I. O. V. third. Time:, 1:464.
Fifth race, seven furlongs, selling: Ada
N. won, rIderot second. Chorus Boy third.
Time: i:29H. . ,
Sixth race, one mile and one-sixteenth,
selling: Silver Ftss won, Frank Woods
second, Kitty Kelly third. Time: 1:11.
Colorado Rprlags Catcher ta Ga
tha Hatlonal Leags Next
'' Tear. . .' '
CINCINNATI, Dec. 28. Freslden Herr
mann of the national base ball commission
today allowed the claim of the Bt. Louis
National League club to Catcher George
-?tarnagie oi ine uoioraoo Bprings team.
Btaxnnale atirned a contract with the flf-
Louls Nationals for 1904 and the Colorado
Springs club claimed that the player w
on their reserved list at the time. The
Bt. Louis club proved that Btamagle signed
tha contract some time before being placed
on tne reserved list at the Colorado team
Lar-t night, on. the Western alleys, the
second match In the two-men tournament
was bowled, with the following scores:
i 1st. 2d. Sd. 4th. 6th. Tie
Cochran 19 178 148 143 169 124
Banks 180 100 173 199 160 871
...S7 S38
1st 2d.
...162 168
...177 172
t20 142 Sift 1.6S5
Id. 4th. 6th. Tls.
167172 172 Ml
147 ltt 185 m
Reed ........
Totals ....33S 240 tot 861 3671.701
At the Selleck eV Marble alleys last night
the following teams rolled their matches
in the two-men tournament now in prog
ress. The totals show every man above
the 900 mark, Norton leading with an av
erage of 19ti. Scores:' . .
t 1st. 2d. tdl 4th. 5th. , Tls.
Tracy , 178 154 187 206 17i- 903
Norton 218,178 218 , 146 980
. Totals ',. I.J. SSI' 332; 406 4K-.3y3l.ll83
.... l wtf 8d.-J.rn.Ui;-'.Tls.
1 ..i. ...... - ,j,o.iO r6 iuu ml: Qkfl
Potter ..
. Totals
..186 222
224 9b8
177 949
.364 . 424 S48 870 4011,907
-?.. W V
' . Racine at Los ' Aaajales.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Dec: 13. Ascot
Par!;, a new racing track, - will be opened
to'.'iorrov for a ninety days season or
racing. There are now at Ascot Park
stuhlrs between (00 and 700 horses, Including
representatives from all the big stables now
on the Paclilo coast. A. W. Hamilton of
Mount Sterling, Ky., who has lor several
years 'officiated as presiding Judge at Har
lem and Hawthorne tracks,' Chicago, will
act in the same capacity at Ascot. An
associate will be Ed Cole, a well known.
sporting writer of New York, fc-d Jasper,
secretary of 4he Worth track, Chicago,
will be secretary and bandlcapper. The
starters will be Richard Dwyer and Jake
Holtman, who will alternate between the
Aacot and San Francisco tracks. The feat
ure of tomorrow's card will be the Mount
Lowe handicap, a sweepstake for 2-year-olds
and upward, with 11,000 added money.
The distance Is six furlongs, and the start
ers number fourteen.
OCaiss' . miff d ..itN - V
, - - " I y ' ' ' , -
for Jacksonville leave
expeirie n ced , excursion
arr" I . .
There is no medicine , in
the world so gpod or
weak or delicate women as
iloetetter's Stomach Bit
ter'. It acts as a tonlo and
regulator, thereby curing
Pain in tbo Back,
Crnmps.Vomititig, Ner
vou lleodache. In
somnia, -Dyspepsia
and Indigestion. We
urge, all sickly women to
"' ' .
Promise of Rala or Saaw Tha red ay,
with Fair Friday la
' Nebraska.
. ..."! '
WASHINGTON. Deo. n.-Forecast:
For Nebraska--Kaln or snow Thursday In
east, fair In west and colder In south por
tion: Friday, fair. (
For Iowa Rain or snow Thursday and
colder In west portion and at night In
eastern portion; Friday, fair.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair In
west, snow In eas portion Thursday; Fri
day, fair. . f
For Montana and North Dakota Fair
Thursday and probably Friday. v
For South Dakota Fair Thursday, except
probably snow In southeast portion; Fri
day, fair. - . ,
Fur Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian Terri
tory Pain or snow and colder Thursday;
fair Friday.
For Missouri Rain Thursday and colder
In west portion, and at night In east por
tion; Friday, fair and colder In. east por
tion.' -. f
Local Record.
Omaha. Dec. Z3. umciai reotro ot tern.
Derature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the lst three
ISO! 1801. 101. 11400.
Maximum temperature... i .36 41 H2
Minimum temterature.... 21 33 t 21
Mean temperature 35 28 ; 38 24
1'racipltaUon 00 T T '..17
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha fur this day since March L
Normal temperature-.
Kxoean for ihe day g
Total excess since March 1 17
Normal prwipitamui en inch
liolH'lency for tha day , 03 inch
Total rainfall since March 1....32 24 Inches
Excess since March 1 1.27 inches
uenciency lor cor. period, vri., winch
leiiciwuyjr tj CuF. peilud, iuches
Reaart fraaa Statloas at T P. M.
Ml r
5 !"
3 5w
Omaha .cloudy ....
Valentine, clear . .
Nurth flatte, clear .......
t'heyrtnne. snowing ,
Bail- Lke City, clear ....
Rapid City, clear
Huron, clear
Wllllaton, cloudy
ChlcHso, cloudy
St. Louis, raining-
St. Paul, clear ;..
tJavennirt'. cloudy
Ruria&s City, raining
Havre, clear
Helena, cloudy
luitmarck. cleur
Uilveatun, clear
2l 38
141 24
241 24
38 4l .00
44 nr
4V. .:
Bl xn
I'.' Hi .00
I'M l' .oo
M So; .vo
21! I
tudlcates trace of precipitation.
U A- WULbli. Vureca.ter.
1 hrough standard aud tourist sleeping cars
Omaha 5:25 p. m. January 14, in charge of an
rhanagcr,. via St. Louis, '.Nashville and Atlanta. . v
s . ' - . , . ' -
A day's stop-over at St., Louis, to sec the Exposition. '
No bother about connections, baggage or the hundred, other, little
annoyances oif the trip the excursion manager takes care of all of these.
: Florida is at it's best now- superb fishing, bath;.ng, golf links, ctcs
etc.- Everything to make an enjoyable winter excursion.
Call or write for further information.
I iliniliilpii;
Haj i I ' .. T'lslf iMill ill lM llirsTMUl ssll nil T lV T lT
-.City ..Passenger Agent..
(Jownmont Vi l Istne 8oTen Hill en Dol-
. lars Worth Earij in JanW. '
Report from Manlla'Shows'tbat Civil
' Aathorttles ( Kxpect . to Have Id DispoaiasT of ; '
WASHINGTON, JDec. 23 President itoose-
velt and Secretaries Root and Bhaw had
an extended conference today regarding
tha Issue of bonds for the raising of money
with which to pay - for the friar lands In
the Philippines.. I . '
Secretary Root Is in receipt of a cable
gram from Governor Taft announcing that
tha contracts for the purchase of tha lands
were signed yesterday. The provision tor
payment. Governor Taft Indicates, Is that
the government shall use due diligence In
the necessary surveys, execution of title
and ' sale .of bonds and shall consummate
the purchase within . the period not ex.
ceedlng six months from the date of tha
contract. Unless new surveys shall differ
materially from the VUlegas survey, the
exact araoUnt of the purchase, price of the
lands Is 17,239,784. The lands to ba pur-
chased aggregate 891,000 acres.
Oovernor Taft's cablegram concludea aa
follows: i
As soon as your' recommendation Is re
ceived, will post act reciting making ot
contract and authorise you to issue bonds
mucn the same form as laws authorizing
Issue of certificates of indebtedness.
At tha conference today It was determ
ined to authorise tha Issue of 17,000,000 of
per cent Philippine bonds, redeemable
after ten and within thirty, years. They
will ba offered for sale early In January.
An act of the last, congress, provided for
the Issue of authl bonds. They will be ac
cepted1 by the government as security for
the deposit of public, funds.
Some details concerning the Ismie of the
bonds have to be worked out, but no doubt
la expressed that a ready market for them
'.II ba found In this country. '
During the last seven, months an aggro
gate of 16,000.000 of 4 per cent Philippine
bonds have been Issued and floated In the
United States In batches of $3,000,000 each.
Mora than half of these bonds are' now on
deposit with the government as security
for publlo money. The bonds previously
Issued were sold on terras regarded aa fa
vorable to the government, each lot of
tt, 000,000 commanding a figure above par.
It la believed that the. forthcoming Issue
also will, bring a good price.
Friars' Laads 'Ara a Worry.
MANILA. Dec. 23. The agreement for tha
sale of tha friar lands haa been signed to
taka effect iryrix months, tha time allowed
for surveys and examination of titles.
The bureau organised to administer tha
affaire of these lands will dispose of them
when possible to the present tenant oo
long terms of payment. Three-fourths of
this land Is Included within the populated
districts, which makes it a difficult propo
sition for th. administrative bureau.
Bonds to the amount named as tha pur
chase price, will ba Issued and will ba
sold In open market probably within thirty
days. ' Tha tonda will bear per cent In
terest and will ba redeemable after Ave and
within thirty years. The lands lnvolyad
....... M, nnn . '
today and resumed business.' Tha man
ajrers announce that the company is in a'
position to promptly meet lis obligations':
and pay all depositors.
Hoa- Reeelots Rhew Law Gala
; Prevloaa" Ones sad
1 , Year. ' !
' CINCINNATI,' Dec. " S3. (Special Telo
pram.) The Price Current says: Offerings
of., hogs have ' been well maintained and
show considerable gain over the correspond
ing week last year. Total western packing
waa 615,000, compared with 63S,000 tha pre
ceding week and 680,000 last year. Since
November 1 the total la , 806,000, against
2,990,000 a year ago. Prominent places com
pare as follows: '
Xlaara Kails la Wlst.r.
Have you ever seen ltT It Is tjte experi
ence of a lifetime.' Read tha December
Booklovers, and then bay. a ticket via
Ulchlgan Central. "The Niagara rails
Roete," to New York or Boston, with tan
days' stopover at Niagara Jails. - Send
rd stamps for souvenir Niagara book, and
ask about the new Nlugara picture.' Ad
areas O. W, Rugglea. O. P.- and T.
Chicago. 1
Valoa Treat C'esaaaay Heaaaaes.
BALTIMORE. Md , Deo. The Union
Trosi coifimuy. wiilcfc weal tuto the hejida
t a revel vwr ttU Oclular la, oeued tls duui
Kansas city ......
St. Louts
St. Joseph
Cedar Rapids
Sioux city ,.
St.. Paul
' 252,000
: 120,000
, 117,000
. ll6.000
. 32fi,0O0
' 226,0
. 1,(KP0
. 87,000
. 125,000
Chlcaa-o-Graad Rapids
Tha Michigan Central haa put on a new
and convenient service of three solid
through trains each way, between Chicago
and Grand Rapids, with sleepers on night
trains and parlor and dining cars on day
trains. Tha equipment la first-class In
every particular, and the schedule haa
been carefully arranged with a view to
the accommodation of business men. City
ticket office, lit Adams street, depot, 13th
street and Park Row,' Chicago.
Iaeeadtarlea Stat Blase.
FREMONT. Neb., Dec. 23. Special. )
Tha barn of Ed Roberta caught Ara this
morning and was totally destroyed. Loss
1300, with no insurance. There was nothing
In the barn except a few chickens. The
fire was either accidentally set by chicken
thieves or was of incendiary origin, aa
there had been no one about the premises
alnca the evening be for.;
Then get the most' dc-ll'.-ioua candy made -caudy that'
will give you the best value and most satisfaction for your
money candy made, of absolutely pure crystal sugar not
a bit of glucose in it candy that is made With th idea of
"not how cheap, but how pood" it can, be made Candy
that -wilr just melt in your mouth. ,j.
tick Beadaeae sad relieve alt U. trouble! laak
dant to a bdioas siu. ( the tjtum, seek as bia
tliMaa, htuM, UrvwslneM, butras eiu auiu,
FuekaU.Sida, Aa. WhiU their aa4isiia
sal. success h boa shews la curing
r n rr rr C'utw'.UtU. U,a PUI.areatalr
tuuoii la con.tip.ti4a, canag aaa prcveuus.
tin. aaaoyuig eoaipUUil, akil. tker alMoarrect
all 4uonier. ot th. stlmulai. th. liver
sad ngulaie the buads. Kvea If lb? ualy cuiul
1 ' j
Ache thy woald b. alnow pnceleu te those waa
suter truei U. dutnMibg coui'l.i.l; but fona.
aaMly UmW gwoaiMM doe. sot aid her., sd tkoM
. tDooutlri UMEOiwiUtMltbeMliui.uillsva-
aM. la ao uif ways that (bey will sot to ail
la au wiuwat ibcat. but atur all auk bead
Iatba baaaof to but Uea that sere is 1
auks eur great boast. Oar puis etua tt a axis
oibora do not.
Carter's Little Liver Fills are very small aa4
Very oxf to taka, Ou. or two pills sak a torn
1'aey ar. .ukiij veKeubU aaa ao au4 gripe or
pmrt, bat by itaelr geuii. acuuo plew. ail ba
' ke taam, la viaxi at s. mi.; St. for SL wia
ly iraaxl1 nory bera, M Mat by auuL .
Famous candy is what we are talking about. If you want
to make "her" or your mother or, sister a Xmas present
that, will be appreciated let-us fill a fancy woven basket
with Guhther's candy the basket can be used afterwards
for gloves, handkerchiefs or for a work basket.
it is' hard to refuse theia
If you buy Gunther's therb
Should be as pure as possible.
all they want at Xmas time.
is no dangejr you can let them eat all they want. We
have all kinds of mixed candy that is just the thing toy put
in their stockings. . . I
::UQnay.rar. imm .
Put in 'half-pound pound and two-pound boxes Jeau(
lifiiiiy decorated. .The boxes are packed and sealed at
the factory- consequently the candy is kept clean and
fresh.': ' ,- .
A Fow Prices and Varioti
' ilb. Lb. 2-lb.
Gunther's New Italian Chocolate Creams - . "
(in boxes) 30c-G0c-1.20
Gunther's Sweets (chocolates in boxes) 30c-C0c
Assorted-Chocolates (all flavors in boxes). -60c- 1.20
Assorted Bonbons and Chocolates (in boxes).., -50c-
Cisij Dtpartmeot. j.
l sV la mj
nttmrt - :
w? s cc;;s
' Imported Fancy Baskets filled with Delicious Chocolates and Bon
Bona, Bee our window. uOOI THIN08 TO BAT FOH KOUB C11RIBT
Plum Pudding, .. Minos Pies. Pumpkin Pies,
Neasetrode Pudding, Roman Punch,
Ice' Cream In all flavors delivered to all parts of tha city.
' i