TITR OMAITA' DAILY DEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 100.1. 12 JT31 Buy a Entire Stock cn Hand of a Largo USioSgsqIo EIousq I Bought by U at Fraction I Its Value. ; Never. Were There SuchToyBarffalns '"-.'as Wo Offer Today. One big table 50c and 75c Dresse Q,Qc. Dolls for. w Fine Dressed Dolls that wholesaled at $12 AQn per dozen pfo at, One big table Dressed Dolls that whole- 7EZn Baled as high as $21 a doz., wo will Bell at These should be seen to be appreciated. 24-Inch Long1 Kid Body Doll, open and shut eyes V these wholesaled at (24 per dozon. we Will cell on on J . big tablo at, eat h One big table 22-ltich long Kid Body sd-Qc Dolls go at, each . 14-inch Kid Body Dolls, a big lot made to 1 Cjo wholesale at 60o each, we offer at, each , AO'w Entire Stock of Cups and Saucers from This ... House we uncr The ones that wholesaled as high as sll at each II Those that wholesaled as high as J sell at, each... I Bargaiiis in Books and Toys . All the Dresden covered gift books from this purchase, the regular price 25e each, we will sell at lOo eaoh. All the mammoth stock of story books from this purchase which wholesaled at 75oeaoh, we will sell at 25c each. All tbe ping pong sets that wholesaled at 12.60 per set, we will sell at 25o . per set All the 00c Iron trains we will sell at 19o. All the $1.39 Iron trains we will sail at 40o. All the 11.50 large laundry sets go at 60c. Little red wagons at 6o. Children's stools, 1 Sc. Flemish oak chairs and rockers, 11.60. Large size book and Udder tracks at 11.25. All the doll brass teds at 60o. . An endless assortments of tree ornaments from lc to 10c each. All the games from this purchase, that were sold as high as $1.00 each, go at 25c. And hundreds of other bargains of which the quantities are not large enough for newspaper advertising. Come expecting to see immense toy bargains, and you will be more than satisfied. ; Hot Even for Cash!!! Manl Manll WHAT -A CONDITION TO B IN! Mr. Bennett and hi trouble over hie trading stamp are not IN IT A MIN UTE with oure; he kloka 'cause the whole tale frrocera won't Sell him good and 1B LIVKK 'KH AND WAIT SU DATS FOR THB MONET. Why the wholesaler's drug hou not only of OMAHA, BUT ALL OVKR THia BLOOMING COUNTRY WON'T SKLL US fce WORTH OF PATENT M F.BICIN tM. NOT EVEN IF WE OFFER 'r.M CASH AND FENt OUR OWN EX PRKRfiMAN AFTER THB GOODS. Don't you believe thlT All right, lust ceil up the RICHARDSON DRUG COMPANY or E. E. Bruo Co. or Harle, Haas Drug Co, of OouixMl Bluff, and ask them tf they will ell us patent medicines, or If they will sell em to YOU FOR US. and when they say no, (cau.e they certainly will) then ask em WHY? They will tell you that ire OTHER OMAHA DRUGGISTS won't buy nothln' of 'em If they se'.l us. Just as the other wholesalers ey the othrr grocers won't buy NOTHIN' IF THEY SELL TiKNWETT. ' Didn't we say we was FOR. N1N8T 'EM HOTHT THE COMBINES A WD THE TRADING STAMPS. And now tar Elmer Is shut , off too. Man! man!! man!!! SCIMEFEITS CUT PRICK DRUQ STORE E. T. YATE8. ProD.. 18th and Chicago IHn. Omnha. 'Phones 141 and 7'jl 2tii and N BU.. Bouth Omaha. 'I'hon No. 1. All guoda dtdlvered any place in euuer oiur. r DIAMONDS V la rlns from $6 to $500 4 i r A HANDSOME FAN , Fi Always make an acceptable gift. We have a whit fan, aplonuld and beautifully mad 42.M, $1.60. Pearl mounted, up to $10.00. Tou couldn't miss DreaantJns- oca of then ana to a lady. Wouldn't it tiM in our store and ae tham. LOOK FOR TUB NAME. S. W. LINDSAY. The Jeweler. ISIe Dousrlask 1TJMS. -J. Special (ttct - I Ine nf VUi lOl-UlUa U111U1 VllUi? w for Ladles, Men and Children . We are showing a splendid line of these goods la dies' all linen with initial, 10c, 15c, 25c and 35c box of 6, at COc, 85c and f 1.50. Gent's all linen with Initial, ingle, 15c and 25c; box of 6, 85c and fl.50. Children's handkerchiefs, box, 20c,' 25c and 50c. Ladies, all linen embroid ered, hcm&tltehed, assorted patterns of 6, in fancy box, at $1.50. We've got all Linda and Btjles, from a linen at 5c up to real lace and finest French, embroidery. Come and s?e them. High School Calenders, purple and white, 7Cc. IXJLl iity dozen of Kestner's best six inch Bisque Baby, woven ug and closing eyes, price 25c. On account of arriving two Eioutha late we will sell them by the dozen at f" 1 OS in iwo i-ois $2.60 per dosen, we will 4 Ap VJW fO.OO per dosen. we will OCf rt 4J OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. ' 1207 Douglas St, Tel. 960 Gasoline Repair? Water Fronts ' Furnace Castings Grates for Fire Places Furnace. Steam and Hot Water Pipe Gov ering. Steel Range Repairs.! VOU CA'T TIIIKK of anything- more desirable for a' Christmas gift for a gentleman than one of our beautiful umbrellas or canes. The nobbiest stock ever shown In Omaha has Just been received by us from Qorham the handles are beau ties, Ivory mounted. In silver and stag horn, the silk nothing to compare with It. The sets run from $15.00 to pol-OS). For ladls we've got umbre'.las from 19.00 to IU.00. When you get an ' umbrella from us you know It's good. BROWN & BORSHEIM, . S3 South ltta Street be beat to spend a few mln- Street, Omaha. BEsxSSOM - ;, t TT-nUck11 -,- !!0 1 ,1 Toy Cioc!; 1 best wearing Bilk, new and novel "Su Btylesln handles gun metaL pearl, firs, boxwood, French hand carved Ivory prices from f 1 np to f 16.50. Handkerchiefs M THB RELIABLE STOHR. On ronnaf trint iha nr-nnlA US. AX. V" V W u t V - V 1 - w distribute the gigantic stock of been responded to bv thousands, articles they carry away arm loads. The low prices we make arc responsible. COME . IN, 'OUR rLEABE YOU. OUR PRICES WILL PLEASU luuu .UUASiS Toys! Toys! WeneoAav will he a a-reat soerlal sale day In our toy department. A multitude of Dargains will Da displayed HERE ARB . A FEW SUGGESTIONS Cant Iron Mechanical Locomotive, full turned and strong, will run 100 feet worth $1.00 Wednesday Bc Mill dlmner steel Automobile, one OI tne most satisfactory toys oroduced. $1.00 value, for.. , 69o Metal Mechanical passenger Locomotive, large and a fast time maker, $1 M value .., 950 $3.00 Horisontal Gas Enr1ne....... $1.7B Card Hoard Centers, rubber rim, Croklnole Hoards, with wood rim. Oek. for ...49a Comblnola Boards, (10 games), -ply rnsple veneered, with felt cushion around birch rim, regular $3.S0 hoard, for $2.28 American Beauty Alphabet and picture blocks, regular 60o value, for... 2ro 6To Child Rubber toys.w ISo Ufa Child Rubber toys ....10o Tor pianos, with keys 190 What Shall i Give? Don't let that question bother you. Let us take that worry off your mind. Come to THE) REXJAB LB STORK We'll help you do the shopping. It Is brim full of beautiful suggestions and prices are Just right. Here are a few: Ladles' silk lined 1 clasp mocha gloves In all ahades .....tLEO Ladle 1 olaap mocha, all new nadee n.00 Groceries! Groceries!! Groceries!!! U-lb. fine Cane . granulated - eugar, ' I for ; $1.00 s-lb. pkg. Self-Raising Pancake flour 7Hc 1-lb. pkg. Imported Macoaronl 7Ho 1-lb. pkg. Condensed Mince meat Sc 1-lb. pkg., fancy Alaska Salmon $ftc Worchester Sauce, per bottle...' $Vso Fancy stuffed Olives 4c 1-lb. pkg. best Corn starch 4c Large bottle sweet mixed Gherkin enow enow or Onion Dick lea. per bottle 8Ua Bromangelon, Jellycon, Fruit Puddlne, or JeUo, per pkg .- 7o Fancy mixed peel Lemon, Orange and .. Citron, oer lb , .' ' iSc 1-lb. Jar fine fruit lam, any kind you want 8Ho Fancy glasses fine fruit Jelly any kind you want.. -5o Mb can sifted early June Peas ,.THo -iu v 1 1 t. i lmiiir ur Bkiini xfwim. . . I tic J-lb. can solid Packed Toms toes 10o 1-lb. can fancy table Apricots, Peaches, . Peara, Plums, or Grapes IBc Quart can fancy Golden Table syrup.... loo H gal. fancy Golden Table Syrup , 19o Dried Fruit Specials Large California Prune, per lb.......... So Fancy Santa CUra Prunes,. par lb...... 7Mo Fancy large Italian Black Prunes, . per lb. ......,.,.., Ho Choice U tab. Paachea, par lb-, ;....'...... TVio EATOEPARTPEnT 7 1 Tou cannot afford to be without a Xmas per pound at HATDEN BROS. Turkeys, ' ir. per lb..., 13 w Geese, IQc .1(5 .7c per lb.,.. Ducks, per lb.... Chickens, per lb Kalamasoo Celery, tor , am r?rn 0i n is f i s . st A run Line or ms Latest vv inter novelties J. A. Kervan, Merchant tailor 13(6 Farnam St ELLIWGVOU7 m.m EYERYTIilfia CUT 10 PER Laundry soap. White Russian, Dia mond C and other choice brands, 10 bars .. Toilet Soaps, per box of three cakes, so - Laundry and Cora Starch, finest brands .... So Sapollo and Bon-Ami ... 7o Brrubblng Brushes ..ISo FUcklnger Canned Fruits, full $ pounds .........27o 40c CofTe rednctd to ,32u ' t-iba Coffee reduced to 2So 2fK Coffoe reduced to ,...ilo 16o Coffee reduced to 12o $1.00 Teas reduced to 660 kOo'Teas reduced to tic 60o Teas reduced to.. ....Sao OMAHA TEA AND COFFEE CO. 1407 DOUGLAS STREET., - WATCKEG OUR SPECIALTY. - Wa sell you WATCHES for less money tend buying a watch for a preeent better ee us. We've got lot of other nice things such as Diamonds, Itlngtr;' Cut Glass. S terllng Silver Spoons, Toilet Sets silver and ebony Man loure pieces, Locketa, Chains. Charms, Stick Pins, Bon Bon Dishes, Purses, Card Cases, Match Boxes. Everything shown la of a late style end you can depend upon the quality of each as-being reliable In every respect. . JOHN RUDD, Jeweler. OPEN EVENINGS. MONEY SAVED Profit by this and to Investigate. Our See tbe bargains In lJI.TvrXXI2i2LVS:K.YJ17T CO.i Satisfaction Guaranteed FRANK VODICKA & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS Moved to ?l South Fourteenth St, Krc; Theater Bid jr. . 1 Repairing ao4 Presanx Neatly tfoete. TsL 4 1SX Vcdnosday's lloli1 day Specials hpln flip flood Saint Nicholas I' holiday goods stored here, has instead or taKinc one or mu GREAT DISPLAY WILL, Toy $1 M finest grade, kid body, cork stuffed dolls, with sewed wig of real half, for tt-ll Samplepatent dolls, worth up to 75c Wednesday ......Tbe Doll rarrisiree wHh steel wheels and axles, nicely upholstcred-fancy braided box, worth $3.50 Wednesday $i. All steel and wt-ven wire go- carts worth $2.00 ett ! LINEN DKPARTMENT GIFT SUGGESTIONS. $i PATTERN CLOTHS, $2.1. ' nn nsttmrn cloths, with border all around double damask, guaranteed all linen tvt yards long Wednesday only $! 80o TOWELS. o. Plrte white dnmask, with fancy borders. WMtnrtdnv ,...Ko 1100 TAPESTRY" TABLE COVERS. $2.15. Fine tappet ry table covers, yards square regular $4.00 value Wednesday $2.16 Ladles silk lined cashmere e-lovea. black with colored linings, at ..SOo uweiAitHS For roys, men, misses and ladles. I.ARQE VARIETY. MUFFLERS. In neweat shapes. and designs, $1.00 to $1.G0 'ancy suspenders. I pair in box lor gifts, EOo to $100 and ud. Umbrellas for ladles and gentlemen, all the newest style handles $1.00 to ...... ..$9.00 Choice California Peaches, per lb Choice Colorado- Elberta Peaches, per lb w.... English cleaned currents, per lb Grecian cleaned currents, per lb Fancy Vostlzsa Cleaned Currant, per lb Extra fancy Patraa cleaned currents, per lb Choice California Apricots, per lb Fancy Mulr Park Apricots, per lb..... Candy! Caady! Candy I , Chocolate Creams, per lb , Cream Fudge, per lb... Peppermint Kisses, per lb r-r uiw.j iC 8o ...100 ...c ..loo ..llo 12H ,..12o ,12Ho 120 .i v" il .iir,, ynw tv. .................. ... Special Mixed, per lb Choice Gum Drops, per lb Peanut Squares, per lb French Lemon Drop, per lb Baited Peanut, per lb Oranares and Ifnts for Xauta. WB ARB HEADQUARTERS. Sweet J utcy Oranges, each..... Fancy Mixed New Nuts, per lb 1 bufthel boxes Fancy Idaho Hating Apples lhr New Hallowe'en- Dates.. Fancy Arabian Dates, per pkg Fancy California - Whit Figs, per pkg... New White Rlee 'Popcorn, per lb....... Large Juicy Lemons, each,., ,..100 ....BO .12Ho ,L?Hc ...l&o ...lo .$!.' .,25c .30 ...10 Turkey when you can buy them for 15o . j '- . ' Just '.received a shipment of all kind of Oysters. Lobsters, Crabs, Shrimps . and Shell Oysters. per qi.,i(.,,,,,,,M,M.,,...i, SvWIs Selects, wi-r..:; .....30c per qt Counts, 40s per qt, . mm rt tf st rPhone 805. , ej . a CENT TO SO PER CENT. 400 Tea reduced Jo 27o Pure Ohio Maple Sap, per gallon.$1.10 Pur Ohio Maple Sugar... Royal Baking Powder, pound can. Price' Baking Powder, pound can. Holns Uoue-Made Mince Meat. bulk Fancy Mixed Nuts Fancy large Black Prunes..., Southwell's Imported Jams Gelatine. Keyaione and other 12o 410 410 llo 12o So klnu To Olives, Olive Oil, Pickles, Baucea, Sploea, Extracts, Cannttd Meats, Canned Fish and hundreds of other ar ticlea at heavy dlsoounts. than any house in Omaha. If you In IIS South 16th St. IS MONEY EARNED. trade with us. It costs you nothing stock is large and carefully selected. our north window. Open evenings. eew ee eeee I .- Si v tf ..'. sieisesssitsiiii Mi rr"3 nn n r3 J uut U We make and maintain low prices et th same time quality Is well considered our advantages of being manufacturer enable us to safely underbuy any dealer. The new pianos offered In this advertisement are priced below 'the regular factory cost to re tail piano stores. These wonderful bar gain must be seen to be appreciated. ; . .lev Upright Pianos For S98 For t9S A very nrettv smalt-elie unrtslit. In mahogany finish. A new Pin no Player to fit It perfect combination both Instru ments only $22. For GII5 For 1115 A Npw Ynrlr mkkm11.al ivory Keyboard walnut finish plain good tone. For 0134 For $184 A Chicago make pretty well known good reputation and a wonder for the price. For 0138 For $13 One of the beat baraalna wa ever offered It' a new make, but our personal guarantee backs It we know It's good beautiful tone and action. For 0155 For $158 A well-known make that we are closing out former price two hundred and twenty-five dollar only three left For 0170 For $170 A beautiful large fancy ease- mahogany or golden oak mandolin attach ment or muffler regular $276 quality.' For 0250 For $260 Art case one of the' ' hla-hrst price makes rare walnut macnlflcent tons the regular price in Chicago 1 $600. Used Upright Pianos For OQB For $S5 An old piano, but well worth the money walnut case light tone. For 072 For $73 Small elseebony oase some stores ask double tor one as good. For 086 For $16 A remarkably ' rood one price considered sweet tone and lair action easy terms on all of thsae. ..... . . , . V For 095 For $96 New Tork make of good repute case somewhat marred, but fine tone take It back at any tlm at the same price in For 0115 For Ills Oak ca uwd two year for mer owner paid $W6 for it that prioe waa t 1 V. 4 k,i4 ma le'aa sneolif Inat m UlWtj IU5U, uut uvw SB wuiut ewev r For 0135 For $1SS Slightly used walnut case looks new a make we sell regular for $4X we guarantee this one. 1 , For 0325 For $335 Choice of three large Grand ianoa Chlrkerlng & Bonn, rosewood nabe A Co.. ebony Kimball, oak. ay terms, etc. The only house that sella fine Pianos on $5 payments. -AM mm In addition to the above bargain w are making special olose-lo-cosi pricea mi Christmas on all the artuttlc, standard makes, liirludlng the world's Idval gteinway 4k bona, ftteger & Sons, EmarioD, Yone & Bnna ti I'h.ar Hurdman Geo. Utck and our Omaha lland-Miule Pianos. It' easy to buy here. It' a pleasure to show them to you. Out-of-town customers should write for our illustrated catalogue, prions and terms. We nav an interesting proposi tkon tor you. , (iNCODOO'tllD) MANUFACTURE-WHOLE 5Att-RETAIL i 4 MO S MAIN MOUSC AND OrflCi: 31 racTONv:. r-""" TCLtPieNg isse OMAHA LINCOLN i NEB I h ex. I 1 CO. BLUFFS. IA ees enoaewa vt L. see tee e. htm vtt. tea IX n -1 1 i a. For the convenience of evenings until Christmas; jIn rt mi' Lam, , n',,1 Boys' Suits at $1.85, ore worth $3.00 Made of blue and fancy all wool cheviots and casBimeres i all sizes, in Norfolks and double breasted, large variety to select from - 1 ft E .Worth $3.00 for Ii00 Here s a list of desirable Christ mas presents suitable for the men folks: v " " Neckwear in all shapes and colors 16o to $1.60. . Mufflers, in easslmere and silk The . New Oxford Mufflers, quilted with satin lining the newest idea of the season, $1.00 to $2.00. Suspenders In holiday boxes, 2Bd to ' $1.90. Pyjamas In mercerised silk flannel utta, $1.00 to (ZOO. Fancy Vests In pique and silk, $1.00 te $4.00. 3G SUITABLE Can be se:ectea in vur nwni r, wr uur nns aasonmenx. of Watches, Chains, Necklacee, Brooches, Cut Glass and. Stiver Novelties, Bolld Bllver Goods, Diamonds, Kings, Umbrellas, etc. Reliable uoods P. E FL0DMAN & CO., REMEMBER that th - shoe and slippers you buy . at this atore are high grade, late style, reliable goods, and cost no more than others. Men's opera slippers In black, red and tan, $1.00 to $3 00. Men's Romeo slippers,' $1.60 to $3.00. Boys' and ' youths' slipper, red, tan or black, $1.00 and $1.25. Ladles' kid and patent leather Uppers, $1.00 to $4.00. Ladles' felt slippers and fur trimmed Borneo, $1.00 to $2.00. Children's felt slippere and fur-trimmed Romeo. 7to and fLOO. Ladle' crochet slippers, $1.00. A splendid line of ladles' and men's dress shoes In all th correct style, at popular prices. SANTA'S SHOES Never bother him at all. lis wears O.VmODS that's the reason. They excel In style, fit and none can be compared with them for solid comfort. ON1MOL0 are perfect In every detail. The Shoe Fer Entire 5atlsfactloii. Always S3.50 5S2.50 Rogcnt Shoo Go. 29 So. 15tb St. ff CHRISTMAS SHOES AND SLIPPERS III -SJSSSEseWlSs5BW IB1BIIII III IISSBSWI 111 ' 1 ' - ' V our customers, store open ,.I L.v..'r n mim f . Give the Boys New Suits for Christmas. . Suits for Boys liS worth $5 and .85 $6 are on sale for There's about COO stilts in this lot and not one of them worth less than ?5 pick out the best, make your own se lection we give you unre stricted choice of these suits at ?2. 83,. Norfolk and double breasted styles, in alnioit any color, fabric and size. Take your choice at . -$2.85 Men's wool and oaaslmara- hose, In plain and stripes,. lOo to 7ta Plain and Initial Handkerchiefs, lOe to 76c. Dress Gloves, from Gta to $3.00. Fleece and silk lined Glove, in tilk and mocha, $1.00 to $100. Man's Seal Caps $3.60 to $8.75. . Men Pooketbook. 60o te $2.00. Men's Card Cases, So to tLflS. Woolen Sweater. 75o to $3.00. ' Men's Bhlrts, BOo to $L7B. . ' ; PRESENTS at Low Prices. Jewelers, 1514 Capftol Ave., Tel. 1374. '1 CHRISTMAS li no Christmas without a box of ' . CHOICE CANDIES In the house. If you want the BEST, Insist on your dealer selling you John 0. Woodward & Co. "The Candv Men." eT n SXSSSSSSSSSr BS I . X BBBL - S SB I V V '.c - X 5 r II .... t ,