THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, BECEMKER 23. 1003. IV GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Whtat 8howg Slight Decline on Eeport frsr Argmtin Fields. PRICE OF CORK IS ABOUT UNCHANGED Oat there aeaeral Dallas., evltk Price Itminkat Eaalar, with Pro Tlclaa Ala Weak lilac' ' CHICAGO, 111.. Dm. zt Large primary receipt ana lavorabie harvesting waatnrr In Argentina weie bear lactoia in wheat today, covering by shorts, however, heid price almost sttaoy, May closing c May corn wil uncnangtrd ana oat were off a traction. provisions were weak, ,tba May product closing oc to lic lower. Interest nagged lu tn wnt pit and trading uiumro a holiday aunneiu. Tne news of th day val bearish. Keceipts In ths southwest were mucn larger, weather In Argentina was better and harvesting la Srogresslng favorably, wlilia l.nglish ata wars lower. Jtacelpia In vna nor, la west were also large, being about 100 cara mors than a yaar ago. With all the (actora to deprea it tna market, however, held up remarkably well and price showed only amall . rectssions. The opening waa ateady with May unchanged to e Higher, at 6i,!40 to H3c. Shorts were atlil somtwhat concerned In regard to the situation In the far eaat and bought quite (reeiy at the tart. Offerings were rather Hmlted and during tba first hour May ranged within o. Extremely heavy receipts In tna aouthweat Induced conalderable selling by pit tradera later in the Reunion and the market became e Bier, May going down to 82c. Active ooverlng by shorts, however, checked the decline and caused a a.lght rally. A ateady. tone prevailed at the close and finally ngurea on May were at ., a loaa of Wc for the day. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 41, 30 bush- l. Primary recti nts were 1.076.MJO bushels. sgninat 6.i.oo buanela a year am .. The world' visible supply according to Brad tr?t allowed a decrease of 70i.u00 bushels. Minneapolis, Duluth. and Chicago reported receipt of 618 cars, against 6tl cara last week and 417 rare a year ago. Ruvlng on mall decline by a prominent commission house. waa the only Important feature In trading; tn corn. I -oca I tradera were bullUh and oiloilng from this source were ex ceedingly llKht. The country movement continued light In spite of fine weather. there being no offerings- from anywhere except Illinois, and they were very mod erate. There waa a lltll selling for out side account but prices showed only small Changes. The close waa ateady, with May unuhaaged at 43o, after opening unclutncei to lower, at 43d to 48-Si.e. and selling between i3 Ho and 43c. Local receipts were lib cars, witn a or contract grade. Data ahared In the general dullness and n easier tons prevailed, although there waa little change In prlcea. Local tradera were not Inclined to sell owing to the lm presslon that-the principal long Interest had added to Its holdings, and what little Offerings there were on the market came largely from scalpers. After selling be tween 8fic and STHe. May closed at 87o. The closing was unchanged to a shade higher, at 27337o to 87c. Local receipts were 277 oars. Selling of provision by. brokers for Eng lish houses resulted In a weak market, with pork allowing the greatest loss. The early market' was firm In sympathy with a slight advance in prices nt the yards. May. pork closed, lR17Vic lower, at til 06. May lard Wm 7c lower at 16.67. and ribs were off 64i7o, it t.871K40. Eatlmated receipts for tomorrow: 'Wheat, 70- cars; corn, 18 cars; data 13 cars; hogs, s.ouv neaa. The leading futures, ranged as follow: Art olee.l Open. f Hlgh.l Low. Clre. Tea y. nearby, 8fi st the mark; fresh western, K.'atc loss off; fresh southwestern, aHxi loss oft: fresh southern, litfMc loss on. LHliikSl Unchanged. ' ' OMAHA WHOLES LB MARKET. Coaaltlaa af Trad aaa 4atatla aa ttaal aad raaey Prodaee. TCOO 8 Receipt more liberal; fresb stock, 2Vvi -'-. ' Ll VB POULTRT ' Hens, KfSc;- aprtng chickens, to; rooster, suvordmg to a, 4'uAe; turkeys, i2ui3c; ducks, 8uo; geese, c. UKE8SED POULTR.T Turkey. 16Jlc; old turn. Ho; ducks, imgllc; gees, laluo; chickens. 84i'4a. HI. I lain. racking st oca, li'tfiw; cnoic to fancy dairy. In tuba, li&loe; separator, FRESH FISH Trout, 10c; pickerel, go; lae.i rc.; perch. 7c: hlueflan. lc; whneflwn. iinon. lio; baddoca, tve; oounsn, uoi redsnsiuer. lie: lobsters, boiled, per In.,. 10a; lobsters, green, per lb., 28c; bullheads, lie: catfish. 14c; black baas. 2oto26c; halibut. 13o; cranples, 12c; berrinc. 6c; whit saas, uc; uiueiina, su OT8TI1.K8 New Tork counts, per can. 4Sc; per gl., t.U4t extra aeleota, per can. 36c; per gal.. J1.76: standard, per can. Hie; per gal., UKAN-Ftr ton. 114.60. HAY Prlcea uuoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association. Choloe No. 1 up land. 17.60: No. 2. t7.oo: medium, le.bu; coarse, f.00. ity straw, .M. These prices ars for hay of good color and duality. Demand fair and receipts light. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Very Quiet in AnUo'ptt'on of Holi day Vacatioi with Broken LetTinr;. SOME SPLCULATION IN UTILITY STOCKS CORN-. OAT8 S7o. H x E No. EVERQKEEN VVIC AffllNO in COlla of twenty yards, per coll, 1.00, , WREATHS Magnolia and galax wreaths, per dosen, 11.50; evergreen wreathe, per dosen, fl 60; holly wreaiha, per dozan. fi-M, These doalgna are twelve inches In di ameter HOLLT BRANCHES Per cas of 2xM4 feet, about fifty pounds, 4.W: per bbl., tl.ii. LUnvi; J1NJ1. rer ooseu, ai.w .. , M I PTLETOE Branches. - per 6-lb. box, tl .26; per lb.. 3Uc. Mistletoe order will be miea about December no ana snipped 117 express only. POTATOES Colorado. Hoc: Dakota, per ou., 7("Cf 16c; native, 8641700. BWEliT POTAiO.S Illinois, par bbl.. ea-i. , I N A V I BKAN1S Per bU.. IZ.36. CELERY Small. Der doa. 2fx32Eo: larx California, 4ea75c ONIONfe New home grown, dry, per lb.. ispsnish, per crate, (1.60; Colorado yel and red. H4C. CAiHHA(JK Wisconsin Holland. 2Uo. Tl.'RNII'lt-ronoili rulaliifil. ' nor Ih.. le: wnite, per bu., 600. (jtmioTa-Fsr bu.r toe. , . PA RHNIf 'S Pef bu., 60O. BEETS Per bu.. 60c. CAULIFLOWER California, car crat. K.7S. . . . tomatoes California, per e-baeket crate- (& as. CUCUMBERS Per do., (L -1TRTTIT9 - ' APPLRaJ7niiforili. u.nflnwera.' Vter Hot. 1.0; New York Greenings, Baldwins and other varieties, (3.6A O RAPES Pon Catswbaa, 20c; Imported aiaiagan, per keg. 6.0Oiare.0U; C RAN BERRIEB jersey, per bbl., I7.R0; per box. (2.76; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, (9; neu ana t nerry, is. , . v--, .-mu . .... 11 1 ui ma, m v. a a.m,, TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida Brlahts and Russets all sixes. 3. 26; navels, large else, (3.0o(.M. L.EM N California lancy, - SOO to iM sires (4; choice, m tj 770 slues, (3 60. FIQS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 800; imported oinyrna, (-crown. 140; o-crown, ldc i-crown, jbc. COCOANUTS Per sack. Mi per dos., 6D0, ti.Tr j ri.,.i. w., i . per lb.. In 60-lb. boxes, 6Vc; Oriental stuffed datea, per box, $2 0. BANANAS Per medlum-slaed bunch, 12.00 V.ou; jumno, ?j.rxyi.a. MISCELLANEOUS CHtiSfK Wlsconslrt twin, full eream. 12Ho; Wlsconnln Young Americas, 13Hc; block Swiss, )3c; Wisconsin brick. 12VM1 Wisconsin llmberger, 12o. nuxNttir iNenrasKa, per Z4 frames, (4.26; uian ana tjoioraoo, jer z rrames, (I.00. ,MAi' buuar onio, per lb., 10c tiut-tt-i-er D01.. 6.7a per H-bni., 113, I'OPCORN-Per lb.. JUo: shelled, mwxi. HOK8R RADI8H-Per cas of ! dos.. pscked. SCc. NUTS Walnuta No. 1 soft shell, ner lh 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 1. soft shell. 1 rEw 1 lk . ixn' run -w r c rem anaii vaaai 1 4c; low Wheat ' a Dec. May July Corn ' Ieo. 1 -May iuljr Oats Peo. May July Pork Jan. May Lard- ' -Jn. May . Rlbs Jan. May "H " 804 -' T .. fOH Pffr 83 . K 82H 77 tjV)i Vmib H 41 41 41V, . 43- tu ai (&h 88 85 84 84 tt t ' 87V4 6 11 ' 12 . . 84 . 84 - 14 11 TTH 11 TTH 11 2H 11 llr7H 12 1 02 1106 88 8 66 146 (46 76 77 65 7 JK f 8S.1. 8 1 11 47) 60 T l7j 40 77 : 41 : 48V 43 85 81 Advaaelagr Prlc la osaa (teeki Ra cer ly Darsaaat Fall ta Brlas; Offer aad Hlgaer Level Is ExaeeL NEW TORK. Den 23 TodaVs stock mar ket was only nominal and the greater part of the day was spent In complete Idleness by the brokers. Many members lost hop of any business and betook themselves to out-of-town points In antlclpstlon of holi day enjoyments. Ths most vigorous efforts which the handful of floor traders could muster had no aniccea in -lifting price and mere waa no urgent Treasure to sell, witn the conaeauenca that niicea war inert. A few stocks moved sufficiently to be dis tinguished from the general level of semi stagnation, but even In them the move ments were, of no consequence. A desultory speculation waa kept up In the stocks of new 1 or a public utilities, but tneir ad vances were feebly held. Operations In these stocks have been pretty constant ever sine the November election. Talk of large earning accompanied the dealing and In the case of Consolidated Gas there are suggestions of a satisfactory adjust ment of claims against ths city for gas. There was some pressure agalnit Rock Island and affiliated securities of a kind which developed last week, when rumor found acceptance of a pending bond Issue. On the other hand, some of the Industrials are inclined to harden on the assumption that -money will be available after New Year' to the rallroada to make their equip- meni . purcnasea. i ne nea vines or tne London raw copper market may have caused the slight decline In Amalgamated Copper after an early advance In that stock. United Btatea Steel preferred was the subjection of the customary surmise as to dividend possibilities, but fell Into pro. round neglect witn the rest or the market. Lackawanna reacted from ita recent wide advance, which waa due to talk of a dis tribution of surplus. The coaler generally wer firm oh the contemplation of results of a year of unexampled prosperity aa a 'hole, rather than on the Immediate out look., which Is somewhat clouded. The un certainties of the far eastern war outlook are a repressive Influence on all the world' markets, but local sentiment on the subject reflects no acute apprehensions. There has been some unostentatious bidding up of stocks of a dormant class within, the past few days, ethlch Is ' obviously due-to the fact that no stock la brought out by the ad. Vance bids made. It does not escape notice that the higher evei 01 prices win causa a material lm provement In the showlnr of annual bal ance sneets or many of the great financial Institution, whoae surplus accounts In vestments was deenlv Impaired, eatimated on ths baste of market quotatlona existing at on time since tne last annual state ments. 1 ne improved showing thus se cured le supposed to furnish the motive for some or the advances effected in price, espep'aly where no severe selling pressure is met on xne aavance. The bond market wa dull and Irregular. Total sales, par value. 81.745.000. United State bond were unchanaed on the laat A. II Following ars the ctoalha auotatlona nn Iv. . vt "vT. . 1 . a 1 v l. inn icw 4vift oiuvn. vAi-nangn: Bales. High. Low.Close, Atchison 7,0ii0 67 67 67 do Dfd 2f 9Vm 81 U G1V Baltimore & Ohio 3,45 78 78 7 trengtheneit. on the new of the negotia tions continuing, and they eloaed ttrm. Rio Tlntos gained six polnta The private rate of discount was I 16-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes i 010 inr ins acceurne. Exchange on London tf-f 16e for checks. HKHUN, lec. 23 rices on in Dourse today were firm and trading waa nutot. Exchange o"h London, 10 mark 41pfg for check. . ' r I i . ' . . Rw Tarat Money Market. NEW TORK. Deo. 831 MONET On call. easy. &34 per cent, Closing at 8 per cent, offered at 4 per cent. Time loan, easy; W days, per rent; 80 days, 6?5 per cent; x montns, wta per cent, trim mercan tile paper, 6a per cent. ' STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with ctusJ huatneea tn bankers' bills at 84 846.I4J 8466 for demand and at (4 8116V4.81N for 0- day bills; pouted rates, (4X1 and (4. Daft; commercial bill. 14 S0.iT4 W. eULVKR Bar. 66Vc; Mexican collars. 42o. honds -tjoverameni, eieaoy ; raiiroaa. ir regular. ' T 1 n Closing quotations on oonos ar as follow: D. g. rf. , n 4o' enapos Ao (a. re do eeapoa So 4a, re.. So esupoe e old 4a, re.,. io coapon o ta ra So eonooa At(-hlon a. 4. . So adl. 4s Atlantis C. L. 4s. . as O. 4s.. to IS4s Central of oa. (a. do 1st Ine Chss. Ohio 44s Chlrago a A. ISts B. A 0. M. A 8 P. a n. w. C, R. 1. A P. so col. M. .. !. at g. C. C. f hlMSo Tsr. 4s. Con. Tobaoce- 4a.,.. Colo. aV So. 4s R. O. 4a Krl prior Ilea 4a.. so sen-eat -4 . W. D. C. Is.. Hockln Val. 4a. Bid. - 11 80 18 82 per lb., 18c; No. Braiils, per lb., No. 1 a New.. .- Cash Quotation were as follows: PI J"IPHI mil nrtnM easv: winter nat nts, (4.00f4.20l -winter straights, (3.7)S? 10; spring patents, (4.tMi4.3'; spring straight, klnOhSTX- bakera. 12.i8.10. WHEAT-No. i spring ?83c; No. . t prlnsr, HOo: No. I red. 82(fjrf6c, ." . . 1 ri X.T X . . a 11., 1lta 4 ...Una i.U wni. t.u, a, 11-11:1 . . ' i. . f .ii ... " , t - OATS No. X, 87o; No. 8 white, Jti&a.o. ' R YK No. 1. 6262V4c. ' BARLEY Good fnedlng, 8Et36c;- fair to Chob-e malting, 4aBt)io. . HEED No. 1 flait. fWif: No. 1 northwest em, (1; rirlmo timothy, 82.90; clover,, con-tf-act srrade. 111.26. PKOVI8IONS Mese pork, per bbl., IU.T5 gf 11.67. Lard, per luO lb.. (6.4:T1.6o. ' Short 'ribs sides (loose), (rt v 26. tihort clear sides t boxed).. 16.25.37. - Following were the receipt and ship ments o flour and aralm - - - Reoelpta. Shipments. riour, bbls .V J6.8'X) 26.900 W heat, bu 72.10 18.400 Corn, bu. 72,H0 Oats, bu 177. m H'1.6o0 live, bu 1.80 11,0 Ilarfey, bu...... 70,8 16,900 On the Produce exchange today the but tar market was easy; creameries, 16f23c; ' dairies,- l452!o, Kgs,. wsakari at mark, cases Lnoluued, Sf'siC. Cheese, steady, ltxtf iWso; . ... ' - '' KW YORK GKHKItAl. MARKET, NSW YORK,Deo. 81. FLOUR Receipts, tt.'Ml bbls. I sxports, 8,82( bbls.; marast in- eeuva, but eustalued -at old prices; winter talents, 64.0ota4.s6; winter straights, (4.0at l'l; Minnesota patents, H.bon. Jo; wlnlor extras. (3.1o(a8.40: Mlnnsaota buk-r. (3.;Kii 8 Hi; win tar low grades, 82120. Ry flour, steady; fair to good, 83.feUJ.4o; choloe to fancy, a.46.ou. iiuckwbeat Hour, uuil, la.fcxtl2.36. CUH-N MEAL Steady j yellow western, 1.02: city, i; eust-urioa, w.u.iuj.w. HXfy eitcaay; No. 8 western. so, f. o, b.. afloat: state and Jersey. 6vi3tc BAHLEY 1'Ull; feeulng, too, e. I. f.J - BurTuio; maiuvg, Wif. L I., Bunaio. WHSAT Itaueiuta. 6E.1U0 bu.: export, 108.7M bu: coot, easy: No. I red. 88 o ele vator said fcso f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 . ttorthern DuluiA, Me, f. a. b., anoat, No. 1 iiard Manitoba, notulnal, f. a. b., afloat. Cptlon rulsd fairly steady ail day at about lt nigUt s price. Early war rumors were later ulssluutad by cluaina advances la console, and exports wiihorew from the cash market. A heavy southwest move Uieut, favorable Weather and easier cable led to sums eelllna. esueclally at UL Loula The close, hu .r, was steady at a partial 0 net dacllne. May, si 11-IvjI 1-leu, closed at koo; July, tl iu 4-leo, closed at kia; ayieoeinbsr, .CVXo, closed at J.0. 1, hard shell, per lb,, Uc; per lb., lie; filberts, per lb.. Ho: almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 15c; hard shell, IK 1 u IK 1T mull Der lb.. 10c. neanuts. ner lb., fi&n: rnaate peanuts, pee lb., 7c; Chill walnuts, 12318c: large hickory nuts, "per , bu., 81.60;. shell bark, per bu., (H; block walnuta, per bu., $1,261 Itnllan chestnuts, per lb., 12. niijtn ino. i green, o; no. i gresm. eej No. l salted, 7c; No. 1 salted, r; No. 1 veal calf. ta 12 lbs.. tVtc: No. 8 veal calf. 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry salted hides. 847120; sheep pen, iu'U'Oc, norra nuiss, 4i.wiUi.Do. ' it. Louis Oral aad Pravlsioas. ST. LOUIS. Deo. 23. WHEAT Lower: No. 8 red. cash, elevator, nominal: track. 2cj92c; December. lo; May, 81c; July, 76c;' NO. I hard, 7IH&770. CORN Lower; No. 8 cash, 43o: track. 48c December, 43c; May, 42(&42c; July, U5C. - .... OATB Lower: No. 8 caan, S6c: tracK. 87o; December. S6c: May. 87ic! No. 8 white. 89e. IjOUK-Hteaoy; red winter patents. 14 Io CT4.30; extra fancy and straight, (3.9034.20 cieur. .Kos.tio. bked- rimothy. ateady. 2.2001.80: crime nigner. , CORNMEAL Steady. 82.30. BRAN steady to strong; sacked, east track. 79Zftflc. HAT Heavy : timothy. 66.60(1112.50: oral rl . tR ATwaS PJl ' ..... ,....i,uv. IRON (X)TTON TIES 11.06. RAGGING-. rtf6c. HEMP TWINE 6o. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing, 812.02. Lard, lower; prime steam. 84 8. Bacon, steady: boxed, extra shorts, 87.85; clear rib, 87.60: short clesr. $7.76. a POULTRY Weak: chickens. 6c; spring. $c; turkeys. 12c; ducks, 10c: geese, 7c. Hiiribu-WMi; creamery, I6o-oo; pairy, JUU 8 steady, XTftC, ioe on. Receipt. Flour, bbl Wheat, bu 114.000 Corn, bu- 65,000 Oats, bu ...1U6,OUO do Dfd... Canadian Pacific Cent, of New Jersey.. Chesa. A Ohlo.,..,.,, Chicago St Alton ao pra..... Chi. Great Western... do B nfd Chi. A Northwestern. Chi. Tern. & Trans. do pfd. ., Big- Four i.. Colorado Southern,... do 1st pfd do Id pfd.., Dela. Hudson....i.. Dela., Lack. t West.. Denver et Rio Grande- do pfd.......... ' ,ne 600 100 100 tis : .'"ioo .'906 ; 100 'ioo' 400 'ioo ,oo " ii is 61 .61 14 106 142 123 10fi 141 122 . M CORN Keosiuit bu.: aximrts. 1.000 ' bu.( spot, quia'.; Ko. i, c olevator aud otc, 1 f. a. b aiiuat; No. 8 yellow, 6,c; No, 8 white, eeo, upttcm uiarat was neglecte4 and a shade easier uti big recslpLa, easy cablea, fine weather and light ciaaranoea. eloelng tro n.t lowsr; May, 4rto, closai at to; lJacembar, 6:c, tloeed at 6lc OATs Receipts, 86.1UU bu.; exports, (,&00 bu.; spot, steady; . Ko. 8. 4ic; siai.djrd while, 2V'i 0- ..40c; No. .2 white, 40: No. 1 white, 4i(W4-:i Iragk white, 41 . ;.c. HAr-6teadyi shipping, 6075o; good to eholoe. ti4v.-va.. 'rOPfl isir n i stat, common to choice, 11 crop, iitfMOi U-.i erup, lv-2V-; olds, 12c; pa- Itlo const, crop, 8.tf2L'i 19ji "cr'P, llpjc; oid. Taio. HlliKT Firiii: Oaiveston. 80 to 85 lbs.. lo; Caitforrla, 11 to IB Vvm., lc; Texaa dry. 84 to o lbs.. Uc. ' l.AI-HKR.rlrrs; add. tr PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family, $10 04 4J II tw; liH'M. .no.w; beei hai. 2 bo-tf ?2 U; city extra inilU ,esi, !S 0wrl" ). Cut moots, kretcular; pickled bellies, $S 24 8.76; pu ,1 shouhlers, $i.6nQ'.w; picklel hams, (io.ifi 10.76. Ijird, teudy; western teamsd, I'.t-o; reflnr.1, quiet; continent. ' lu; South America, $?.7t compound, tn 50. pork, stendyj famllv, 8'52 4tl5.Ul; hit clear, Il3o-Ql5.50: mtin, 815 7i- U.60. KICK Quiet; i'iietlo, Ulr to extra, S4 ici Japan, nominal. ,, TALLOW Firm; city, lc country, 4Tf BUTTER Receljjta. ,821 pkgs ; steady; crt-amerv. litiucj state dairy. i4&20c Cllk.KHE Recelola, 8.767 pka. ; quletl alat full cream, fancy, large and small, colored and white, beulmuber, L'c; late Bin ile. 10c. ' Ia 14-Receipts, 4.94a pkge.; flrmi West ern, POU Li HT Alive. Arm; western chl. kena jiVK'c; fowls. llc; turkevs, i4ibe. lr-etAl easy; Western Clil keius, llaiiu; Pklla.lskl7V7e7e Market. PliTUADr.T.l lil A, - Deo. 88. UL'TTKR Ciay; eua aeetrra creamery, 2oto; 1 1 1 neartiy pritu I.e. i. tivii, uicurte deuiaud; frtch Shipments. 11.000 69.000 M.OOO 48,(00 Kasiaas C'ltr Grata aad Provlaloaa. KANSAS. CITT.' Dec. 83. WHEAT De cember. 6Mtc: May. 6V4c: cash No. 8 hard. 6172c; No. 8, 6tV4ic: No. 4 .11c; re lected. gzu4o; NO. 8 red, icosiJc; No. , 78-iile. CORN Tieeember. 874c: May. S7V4c: cash No. z mixed, tic: no. 1 white, ivwc: no. 8. 8o37p. oats no. I whit. 867illc: No. X nrlxod. 85o. HAY Choice timothy, 89.00(59.50; choice prairie, 87.60W7.76. , . RYE No. 2. 46Ac. BUTTER-Creamery, 8Cfg21e; dairy, fancy, le. EGGS Weak; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 84o; new No. I whltewood cases Included. Zoc Receipte. Shipments. Wheat, bu.,., 8f3.7no 118.600 Corn, bu. li'8.0 - 96o0 Osts, .bu 28,000 . ' . 19.000 Visible Sapply ef Grata. NEW TORK. Dec. 82. Special telegraphic eftd cable communications received by Rradetrrets show the following chsnges In available supplies aa compared with last sccouni; Wheat, t'nlted State and Canada, east of the Rocky mouutalus. decreased 602, t'X) bushel. Anoat for and 111 .11 rope., de creased liu.OiO bushel. Total supply de creased 7.i0 bushels. Corn. United Htatea and Canada, east of the Rocky mountain, decreased (96,000 bushel. - I Oats. Cnfted States aud ran a da, test nf the Rocky mountain. Increased 428,000 bushel. .1 The leading Increases or wheat reported I V I a 1,11 V.i . . r trl 1 . Me.. 226,000 bushel at iiurllngton. llS.ooO bushels at Manitoba territories and 61,000 bushels st Omaha. , . The leading decreases ar 20e.noo bushels st the northwestern interior elevators and 67 onn bushel at Mllwauks private ele vator. ne ,- ..... ,euu do 1st pfd., 1H0 do Id Pfd...... 1.800 60 60 Great Northern pfd... , .... Hocking vaney..., , do Dfd IUinol Central 1,014 130 129 Iowa Central..... , . ..... ' do pfd...............;'.', Kan, City Southern., ...' do prd.. Louts. A Nashville.... 800 Manhattan L ,. 4,100 Metro. St. Rail way..., "Is W0 Minn. St St. luis." Missouri Pacific 1,940 94 Mo., Kan. 4k Texaa... ... do pfd...,. Nat. R. R. Mex. pfd.. 600 New York Central.... 8,0u0 Norfolk ft Western.. L100 do ptd ;. Ontario A Western... 1.700 22 S3 Pennsylvania' 17,0o0 118 117 Mtts., c., C. ft St. l-i Reading 4,960 24 - 23 do 1st pfd....... do 2d nf-t i Rock Island .....81,810 do pfd.;,..;... 1,10 St. L. & 8. Fran. pfd. do 8d pfd St. L. Sou til western.. do pfd .... St. Paul da nfd Southern Pacific...... 4.twM Southern Railway,..., . 7u0 do piu. , . . . --..., .. .... Texas A Paclfto....... 600 Toledo. 8U.L. A. Weet .'800 do pfd. v HO Union Paclflo 7.020 do pfd Wabah 720 do pfd..-. fcoO Wheeling A L. B ... Wiconeln central..., ow do ptd..., r Adams Express American Express. U. S. Kxnress Wells-Fargo Expreaa 86 11 . 67 ' 14 60- 700 4l"" 100 13 1,100- 142 2U0 172 4X 5SU. 40 13 142' 178 47 80 84 84 18 -78 19 19 87 36 io , 16 s- -47 19 , 8J5 410' , 969 I 8j) Amal. Copper .16,900 Amn. Car Foundry, ft do pfd - Amn. Linseed Oil do pfd Amn. Ixcomotlve...... do Pfd Amn. Smelt. 4V Refln.. An urn Amn. Hugar Rennliiglti,liJU Anaconda "" r0-:::'A Brook. Rapid Tranlt29,BS0 Colo. Fnel A Iron...... 120- Colum. & Hock. coal, iiu Consolidated Gas X-JSO General Electric. ...... 2" Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump...- An nfd .,. National.. Blacult..... National i-ao North American Paclflo Mall People' Gas freaeeci Bieei var do pfd Pullman Palac Car. Republic Steal do Old Rubber Good do pfd-............. Tenn. Coal st iron.. U. ,8- leather do pfd U. 8. Rubhr do PM... -"I- U. 8. Steel., .." da Old i,y Western Union ..... i Northern Bfcurttlag ... .... l otai Bates iui i -. ...10"4 ..amn ...107 ...Hl4 ...1S ...no4 ...101)4 ...10lt ... n4 ... e4 ...101 ... wit ...104 ... H 105 St 1i 4s... N 4a. lie 1B...UIS6 4...'. 7 1 . 4a S 77 4 . 6H . S . . M . H4 -1M54 .10 t. A H. ant 4. Manbattsa e. g. Mex. Ceatral 4 o 1st Int. Minn. A St. M K. a T. do Is R. R. of at N. T. 0. (. Kl "N. 1. C. s. t No. PaelAo 4s Mo Is K. w. e. 4 O. g. L. 4s par, Pens. tonv. IHt..,, Keanlna sen. 4s .100 .108 i . T . 14"4J . T . Kit T . 4. 7 U 4s OMADA LIVE STOCK. MARKET Cattle Beoeipt Very Uglt tod Prloet Baled t Little Stronger. HOGS SOLD ABOUT FIVE CENTS HI6HER Better Grade a theea aacl Laaab lull Freely at Steady Prtoea, "' all the i Cemaeser ' Klada Wera Da 11 the game aa Vsaal. SOUTH OMAHA, Deo. 21 ReoetDta were: Cattle. Hoers. Sheee ORlclal Monday 8.871 6.1.13 4.66 ORlclal 1-uaaday 1,965 10.153 ls.ti9 2.MW 82.6S8 9.9H1 SS. . M. . 41.. 14 r? Tl...., n TO tl.... 75.... II.... 16.... 4. ... TO T.... 88 II Tl..., U.... .m n .... ... -4 .... ....HI ....IH ....1ST ...114 ....! .....II ,....f ...,. ,..rM ..isl ..HI ...141 ,.IM ..Ml ...1ST 7 ... iri, im .4 0 .4 11 4A. 4 74 4 87 4 I7v 4 ll 4 Pit 4 I7i 4 87 V 4 1714 4 81 H 4 171 4 40 . ... 4 4 4 4 40 . It 4 4 ... 4 40 SO I Id . . 4 40 ' lie 4 40 ... 440 M 4 40 M 4 40 10 4 40 40 SO 40 4 40 IM M CI.. (1.. M... I.... 1 .. I... Tt... T..., ... 17... II... It... 14... SO... II... M... It... II .. 65... 41... M... M... 41... t 14 l'l .l1 ,.H4 ,.tv .171 .110 ..l"l ,.Jt .. . ...' .171 ..rl ..Ml ..4"! ..Ill ,.SM ..! ..Ill ..l'6 ..(l'l IM IN nt ID 0 IM 4 40 4 4 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 I 44 4 40 4 40 4 4'S 4 4ie 4 4t 4 4 4I4 4 41V 4 41 4 4 4 46 4 45 4 4 4 M 4 tt T7CK. average, 80.KM; runs, 90.834. average, Wlii; shlpmnts, Lima, n y.ty average, W,. i.u blila ; runs, Lima. 1 ,,, gvvrage. 61.750 bbls. , . lsj, I 2 7,b24 6.600 .. i.m 12.767 .. 8.1163 21.14)) .-. 9 42 1,6K7 .. 11445 ..18.88 16.W8 4.1U6 11.614 .un .10214 . 7n4 l St. L. A I. U. e. tt..lll St. U A 8. V. ft 4s. 4i L. g. W. Is l 'Stabotre A. U 4s. . 11 So. paclBe 4a 7V . Railvty as 1144a Texts A r. Is Ufci Two days this week.... Same daye last week.. Same week before.!.'..: Sam tbre weeka ago. Sam four week ago.. Ssm day last year.. The following tsrble show ths receipt of cattle, hogs, and sheep at ' South Omaha for the year tu date and comparison with laat year; tftm. Tne nan. Cattl .. 1,066,147 992.11S 61.02 Hoer 2.176. 4.1 11WM 19.461 Sheep 1,837,088 1.716.606 180,622 Averase cricea held tnr hnti . t ftnuth Omaha for the last several day with comparisons: Date. 1908. 101. 1901. 1900. IlSr3.lS93.il8T' T..- t. U A W. Unloa Paoia 4a.... do eonv. 4s tt. . steal M ta.. Wabaah la , 0o deb. B w. tt L. E. 4s..,. Wis. Central 4s... Colo. Fuel . .. "4 .10V .1144 .. 1H . Boston lleek 4kaotatlaaa. BOSTON. Dec. 22 Call loans. 65T per cent; time loans, 6S per. cent Ofnclal closing prlcea on stocks and bond: Del. Dec. Dec. Dee. pee. Deo. pea. Deo. Bee. eo. Deo. Deo. Dec. Deo. Deo. Deo. I. ... 8.... .... 10... II. .. 18... 13... 14... IS... Id... Atrhiton 4t Mtx. Osntisl Atnhlson o Bfd .... Boston at Albany. ., MM . 7 . 1 ..144 Boston Mtlot 14 Bostoa Klt4 ....140 N. Y., N. H. A H..1M ritcbsur are Vnioa Paclflo Hsi. Central . Amtr... Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T. tiomlnlon I. A Central Elsetrlo alaaa. Eltotrle do nfd tnlted fruit . tl. g. t-tl..., do pfd wetttn. eommoB. Aavtnture . TO ... IH ...12 ...UnVt ...12tl4 .144H . 17 . Tl : w-4 . 10H 71 . 8 Allouts Amalxtnaate itir wast , Blnghtm ral. Hscla Centennial Copper Range Dominion Coal .... 11 Royal ........ Mohaak Old Dominion ...... Oaceola . . rt.v Parrot , Qulncr ., Santa Fa Cogper... Tamarack Trinity United Stale Utah Victoria ...... Vlnona WoiTtrln .... Loadoa Stack KarMt, LONDON, Deo. B.-Oalng:. . IHiN. T. Central. ., 84i Norfolk A W... Il do nfd . H Ontario A Contois, money . account ..... Anaeenda ....',.h Auhlsoa , do Bfd Baltimore A Ohio Canadian Paclflo Chts. Ohio. ot. W C, M. 8t. P. DtBetrs ........ D. R. O..... do Dfd Brit , do 1st pfd.... do Id rfl .i Illinois Central Lou It. Kssk. at., K. T..,. SILVER Bar, . 4a . 4T't . 14 . 80 .Ml . 14 .'46 . Ts . . I . ' I .-17 . II . . 1 ... H - 4 ... IB V ... .121 . 19 Deo. 17 Dee. 18... Lec. 19. Deo. SO. Deo. II. Dec, 22. 4 84V u is 4 47 4 48 j.1 4 44 4 8H 4 2S 4 4,l 4 8tl, W) 4 84 8 89 09! 13 22 84 t ll), 071 f 06 12 0 6 6 W S 09 I 18 82 44 01 07 1161 186 06 09 04 111 U 14 16 8i 81 S2B 84 20 8 12 e 04 06 4 481 74 ... I 0 4 77 4 84 4 61 4 78 4 86 4 82 4 77 4 81 4 M 4 84 4 n 4 73 4 77 4 79 4 81 4 80 a si I 80 i 81 I 63 8 u 8 92 3 9b! i 9n, 3 I 96 4 01 i 8 m 3 Vi 8 94 4 01 4 02 1251 I 28 i r 186 $18 t 80 8 89i S 81 i iS f 83 I 27 t ) 8 I I 2 I 32 t 84 3 23 t 16 3 13 3 21 s 3 17 8 13 8 M ji t 89 8 II 8 31 I 88 3 33 8 24 - 'Indicate Sunday. The official number nf cara Af . stock Drought in by each road era: . cattle, nog, sheep, tl r . C. M. A BL P i Wabash- '.. .. union paolfla system 16 C. A N. W. ......,.... 8 F., E. ft M. V 14 C., BU P., M. ft O.... 4 B. ft M C, D. ft Q.., t K. C. ft Bt. i 1 C, R. I. ft P., eaat.. 11 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Ot. Western 1 Total receipt 78 lis 81 The dlSDOsltlon of ths day's rscetnt war. as follows, each- buyer purchasing the hum oer ei neaa inaioatea: 82 1 16 12 11 1 6 6 US' . 1 12 81 M IPtnntjrlnnla 00 1H Rand Mine .j IK 121S4 Reading tk , I44 f de 1st ptd 40 , 111 do Id pfd II 14T So. Railway 11-4 wai -ao pi so - , HH I so. Paclfle 4 4IU, T4H Vnioa PaolSo Mlt H I o pia tl . TO . XT. g. it eel 11 . m i - eo ptd .ltlulVabuh . ilJCSil do pfd ... . U'4 flrml' ZSll-lM Der ounce. MGNKY 34i4 per cent: the rata, of dis count In the open market for short bill 1 8r3 per cent; fof '.three month' bllU 3j3 13-16 par cent Cattle. 2C8 Hogs. Sheep, SlS 1.29 1.6S1 l,rt9 : 727 1,711 ... .. , . .' IIVl it II 61 1,029 ... ... .... 726 00 7T:8 7" 100 is" ii 97 97 28 V. -28 8! 17 1.670 ,. 1"0 .. 6u0 ityii ' ii 66 64 If aw Tar aUalag eaatla. - NEW TORK. Dec JX The following ar k. oinalna ouotation on mining stock: Mlaneaatalla Wheat. Floor aad Braa, MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 12. WH E A T De cember, 79c; May. slT4c; July, 81Ve. On track: No. 1 hard. 6?.c; No. 1 Boi-thern. Pli4.c: No. t northern, 79c; No. northern, 72i7li'4e VIA I R First patent,. It 47H4 W: econd patent. 14 x4 40: first clears, 83.3O4i3.40; gn-oml cleara. i wii4n RHA N In bulk, ll3.754fl4.on. . Mllnaake Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. H WHEAT Btrailv: No. 1 northern. 64$jooc; No. t north, em, Jctiic'Ac: May i.'c. RYK-riieadv; No. 1. 67c. HA KUKV Steady; No, 8, 4Sc earaple. 86 CtX)KN-Steady; No, . 40845c; May, 4e. Adlms Ce Alloa brwee Brunawlck Cm ... CouuRucfc Tnnntl. . Cob. (al. A Vs.. Hora 8ilsr Iron BllTtr LsatfTlll Caa .... Offered. , e . 14 . ie .in . 3 Uult -Cklet Ontarl ...... Ophlr PhutnU e. Potoat aavagt Sierra Nad Small Hop . Jsiaedra . .tut .1st . 11 " . 1 . M . 41 . II .UO -r Dalata Grata Market. - DI LCTH. Dec. 28. WHEAT On track: No. 1 sort horn, 6"4c; No. 1 northrn. 77e; No. I aprnig, .74it,c; Dcmbr, 7Vc; May, 81-c. OATS On trecg and to arrive: 86c. Peoria Grata Market. PKORIA. Dec. 7?-rQKN-I(ri No t, 4ic; ur lSu. Ik ImI Iw. 4, l.u, Ft-relga IPlaaaelal. LONDON. Dec 28. MONEY There wae an lncreKsed demand for money In Uie market today, owing to the holiday re quu'emcnts, -the payment pf 37.6uO.UuO of call loan and the outflow of cash to the pro- vlncca Discounts fluctuated. Bualnesa on the stock exchange was depressed snd there wss no prospect of any real Improvement for the present The tension caused by the far eastern outlook abated a little through the latest newa being regarded as more . favorable. Consols sustained a loaa at the opening but this was subsequently recovered. Americana opened dull and ir retrular. recovered koiuewhat. relapsed. were practically netjir-te.-l. and cloe.l atnadv. Foreigners suttered from ths war scar.1 Japanese and Ruaalana were par. tlculariy avnaitive out ciuaaa witn ailshtlv better tone. . hAKIS, Info. t4 Trading on the boura today uiMtiid healtetliiv. on the contra-ilC' luiy revolts trwia u far east. Laur prioe Bask Clarlagrs. OMAHA. Dec. 82. Bank clearlne for to. oay were 1,176.M)2.68, - an Increase of 8HJ. 062.02 over the corresponding day last year. - Cottoa Market. . NEW YORK. Dec. 8 COTTON Onened firm, gl0 points, higher, - following cablea tint were cetier- uianeioue. sui witn re oelpta heavy and the, weather fine, soon sagged iback to wltliia.i2f3-points of yes- tesaay s nnaia,-ana er-enntlnuea liquidation, At thf' decline, hewevef:- leading bull In- leresis came io tne support pi me maraet and during the -balanc of the forenoon f rices' ruled steady to f.rrra, though the radlng was not particularly active. Shortly after midday the -market showed 'a net advance xf 19r520 points and trading wa quiet. Then suddenly the list was thrown Into wild excitement by heavy buying order from New Orleans and a sharp Jump In the market, while the local bull eader also began supporting the market aggressively. The advanoe wa accom panied by rumors of a leak in the censu bureau report.-which Is expected around the first tot ths- year nd is expected to show the amount of cotton ginned up to December 14. According to rumors current on the noor tnia report woula show- that some 2,G00,m0 bales of cotton have been ginned to December 14 and point to a crop of bales. The rumor -waa that the amount of cotton remaining to be ginned would approximate -7 per cent. In this connection a letter ha been received by a local house . from the director of the cenaue stating estimate would be made oi cotton remaining to re ginned. The alleged leak waa backed up by very aggressive tactica on the part of the bull operatora, however, and price were rapidly aavancei, as mey were also in Mew jr lean. The market here closed within a point or two of the top and steady at a net advance of 4505 points, these prices neing new nign recoro tor tne season Bales were eatlmated at 1,200 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. tt. COTTON Firm; sales, 8,430 bales; ordinary. If 6-16c; good ordinary. llc; low middling. 12t,c : middling, 13c: good middling, 18 8-16c: mid- tiling fair, 13 9-lec;, receipts, 27.402 bales; stock, 817,288 bales. Future, firm: Decern. I,.,- n ic V.IA. lulw 1 tvnil v.v. , ... 18.63c; March. j.oH'l BDc; April, 13.78wl8.80c; stay, is wq'u.sic j une, w.wnfia aoc; July, 13 itfifl 14.00c. . - ST. LOUIS. Dec. 22. COTTON Firm and lltto higher; middling, 16-lc: sales, 28 balea; receipte, ' 18 bales; shipments, -150 bales: stock. 16.642 balea. . LIVERPOOL, Dee. 22. COTTON Spot In limited demand, with prlcea 6 points lower; American middling fae. T.S2d; good mid dling. 71M: mlddlinr. 7.0Sd; low middling. 7d: good orlnary, (90d; ordinary, 7od. The sale of the day were 1.000 balea. of which 3oo were for speculation and export, and included J,W American. Receipts -were 62,0)0 balea. Including 49 K American. Fu -turee opened ateady and closed quiet. Amer. loan middling, g. o. a.. id: lwoember Januarv, 8.87&6 88d: Januarv-February, BAA . ,1 (J Q A . t.. W April, 8Vo4 81d; April-May, 7ir)d; May- June, .7c:v 7!ia; june-juiy, e Tts-fli T7d; July. August. 4.73(j4.74d; August-September, .&od, Waal Market. , NEW TORK. Dec. 12. -WOOL-Firm: do meetlo fleece, 2S-ftS2o. 8T. LOUIS. Dec. 82. WOOL Nominal : medium grudea combing and clothing, 17'ii uc; ugnt nne, iauiitc, iftsvy una, ix.-tfUftc; tub washed. 20331o. BUBTU.N, Uec. J3. wuuLr-uuyers nave taken over large orders of wool In the market during the past week gt firm price. r-)o speculative aemana nus oeen notlue- ble. although conditions favor higher val ues In the nasr future. In the market for territory wools ths tone 1 firm. with a good demand In progress. The tendency is to. hold for better prices. - The demand for pulled wocl continue stesdy snd value hold firm. r oreign wools ar quiet. Among the ourrent ' ciuotatlona ar the following: Territory. Idaho. flne, 14S17o; fine medium, lW!7c; medium, lS(((19c; Wyo ming, fine, Italic: nne medium, 109110; medium, lU'Wiw; uian ana r-,evaa, na. l4H'nl6Viic: One medium, 16ixl7e) medium. 19ri2oc: Dakota, fine. lilac; rln medium, 16'u 17c: medium, 19?iae; Montana, fin choloe. Mkfiwic: nne medium choice. 19rJoc: average, ln;lo; atapl llyMc; medium choice, i&aJoo. t Co Market. NEW TORK. Dec 22. COFFEE 6pot Rio, hrm; mild, firm. The market for fu ture opened steady at a decline of 11X0 J pirfnls in sympathy with lower European cablea which In connection with raihet heavier orlmary reoelpta attracted eonsloV erable liqulilutloa and sailing by Kuropean Intereata. On the ojiening decline, however, laadina bull tnteresta came to the aupiMirt of the market and during the entire aesNlon waa a fair demand from scatter Inr aourues. so that In the ausenca 01 aggre.stv Dear DWtratloni the market rulerf - cenerallv stnady to firm, recovering It esly io and closing at unchanged prices to an aovanc f 6 plnt. Hale were I60.UO .'jaga, includ ing January at 46oiu&c; Feb-uary, 676c; Mar h. . 74 96c: May. Ivbtil.ibc-. July. T.2col-6ile; August,' T :c; Seuteiiber, 7 4 l.ibc; Uciouer, (.eoyi.-c; rnovemocr, j.fvc Omaha Packing Co Bwlft and Company...... 8)9 Cudahy Packing Co-. 807 Armour ft Co 606 Cudahy. from filoux City.... Armour from Sioux City . 74 vanaant & uo is H. F. Hamilton 11 I j. F. Hums 167 Wolf ft Murnan IMS Hobblck ft B 84 Bam Werthelmer... 1 Le Rothschild... 1 Sol Degan,... a.... 17 JHngert) 67 Other buyers.... 848 Totals... 1215 T,47 ' 8.168 CATTLIB There wa a very light run of cattl her thl morning and a a result Packers seemed to want a fwcattl and the number on ale wa none too large to meet their requirement. - The few eare ot corn-fed ateer on changed hands quite freely at stronger fir ices; in fact, the more desirable grades n particular advanced 64310c. A all the buyer took bold, the few offered wer soon disposed 01. common ainus 01 course were not In as good demand aa the better grades,, but Bt 111 there wae a better tone to the trade .than ha been notloed for gora slm past. ' The- market was also mora active and the better grade of . cow could be auoted strong to a dime higher. Canner Id not show much. If any. Improvement la price, but they were a little easier to sell than they nave been on eom day ot late. Bulla war also a little stronger, with real calves selling In the am notches they have been for eome time past. The supply 01 stooKers and leader wa very limited, eo that in spit of the faot that there will b no market on Friday speculators took hold freely and everything wss soon ainporea ot at prices ranging a little stronger than wejro paid yesterday. Representative saiee: Saaae aad Molasses. NEW TORK. Dee. tl SUOAR Raw. oulet: fair refining. 3 ll-lwi3c: centrifugal. 9d test, 3 15-lftc; molHsna sugar, 3 lS-le-i. t(c refined, steady; No. , 4 oc; No. 7. 4c; No. 8. 3.9fc; No. I. 8V; Nov 1. I.Wcj No. 11, 31: No. 12. 8 75c; No. 13. 3.70c; No. 14, ICc; confectioners' A.- 4. She; mould A, 4f0c; cut loaf. k0i.c; crushed, .We; now- dered. 4.6-V-r granulated. 4.46c; etihea, 1.1W. WULAKK-nrm. ivew urieans open kettle e,iod to choice. Slt0. NEW ORIiKANR Deo. 22. SUOAR-Mar. ket ateadv: oien kettle. lii.V: centrifugal 3 8-16i7f :: centrifugal whites, f Xusl-iJc; yellows, J'4,T3 ll-lc; seconaa, nfiy. Mlil.AKXKN unlet; open settle, i:v'-c; centiifugak dull etJlc. Syrup, Mvc . 1 11 1 j e Dry iieodt, Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 22. DRT OOOT8 Tha market doea not .respond aa-ramaiy as 11 tlld when on a lowef lwsis to ths radical chsnges of lbs raw cntton market, yet the advances registereu give tnu' strenath to sel era mure Independent .rceTorOlnff any attempt to Seeure cnnwaidonir. The market le not active and is not expected to be until after the hoi days. Jobher are doing an man; ferenr business, except In local demand for holiday goods. Evaporated Apple aatt Pried Fralta. NEW TORK. Dec' 12 EVAPORATED APM.FA The market 1 firm with demand good: common are quoted at 4iric; prime at 6fcflifc'. cholc st 6'iic; fancy t 7o. CALIFORNIA iKir;i ritt uo-inmej are firm with quotatlona ranging 6i6o, nnnrrtlna- in srrade. Anrlcots ar unlet! choice are quoted at ftio; extra cholc at 94rfl0r; frtney at IKlNc. lVaehe r teady with rholc quoted at 7f(f7c; extra choic at 7i8c; fancy at tflovltj. WkUky 'Market. PEORIA. Dec 22-WHlSKT-Steady on nf 11 for distillers' flnlnhed gooda. CHICAGO, Dec. 22. W'HISKT Steady on K. .1. nf hl.h wines. 31 81 W V cimk".ti rsc in WtTISKT Dls ' tiller'., flnlahed good quiet on baal of $187. Toledo. Seed Market. .nv-iT.vno nen. M.SFEDB Clover, cash. December and January, 87.02:- reDruary. 37.06: March. 17.10. Timothy, prim, at.tu. Alslke, prime, 61.66. RAILROAD IIOLIDAT RATES In all direction via- "THH NORTHWESTERN UNB." December 84-28-81. Good till January . "Only Double-track Line to Chicago." City Office. 1401-1401 Farnain St. ' Dlatrlrt Coairt Bravltlea. Ella Monroe, colored, tn the district couM pleaded guilty to, the charge or assauii with intent to wound Hannah MoCoy, col ored, and was sentenced o one year id in penitentiary. k. tnwA mimiuip nr nr tonir skre now in tl. IBID- ..."I ' . . . . nAr..nsnt In lilt MuntV wnO IIHV1 nnnvintail nf varlouH crimes during th present term of court. These will be ud for sentence Wednesday morning be fore judae n, tene. i During, the morning Judge Ketone pro nounced sentence upon jonn vyraoii, m ' ... lth Inr-orrla-lhllltv. An ef fort had been made to, have Wyman ent ,lr n a farm It Wtl aftrWOrd ".I.. 1,.1 In.HvlaAhle tn thn dlsDose of hie was slow: for others. fVftlOo higher: mixed I case, and ho wa sent to the reform scnooi. nnA hittrhtr. ti ifvA 4 ; a-nnd to rholce f . e . light. SHEEP There was a fairly liberal run Of sheep snd lambs in sight this morning, but the same as has been the case ot late the quality of the btr.k of the arrivals wa rather common, which left good etuff In amall stipDly. Packer all seemed to wsnt some goo-r killers and anything answering to that description could safely be quoted steady. When it came to the short-fed and common kinds the market wiu aun, out without material Change In prices. There were quite a few feeders on the mnrket. but they, were also mostly cf com mon nnalltv tlonif stuff acid readily.' but common kinds dull. No particular change In price, though, was noriceo on any aina. Lit ni.tinh. Tup stock: t-iioirn western lambs. 86.003'5.60; fair to good lamha. 84.6 "j.0n: good to choice yenrensa. $S".7f4j'4.Z; fair to good yearllnga, J.S76: rood to choice wetners. rair o gorxl wethers, X3.tia3.26; gooa to cnoieeewea, 82 .3.10: fair to rood ewes. 32 4nO2.80; chnlce feeder Inrnhs.; fair to t""i feeder lambs, 83,25'rf3 60; 1 nly Iambi, 5.ntv9 reosr yenrnngs. ?..: -'"r wsthsra. 88 1rWS.S;: feeder ewe. 81 7Stn.2: cull, lLfXKj7.74, RspresentattT sales: o. , 103 western cull ewes 444 Wyoming grass ewe., 123 western ewes ' 3 western we I 100 Wyoming grass- ewes.-', 312 western ewe 10 western yearling It western wethers 130 western wethers 71 western wethers 7 western cull ewes I western cull ewes SOi Wyoming graaa ewe 816 Wyoming grass ewes 1 DUCK 1 buck 248 western ewe 89 western ewe 8 western ewes 8 Wyoming grass yearlings,.. 62. Wyoming feeder yearlings.. u Wyoming grass larnoa f western yearlings. I western tamos western lambs 15 western wethers......... 142 western yearling 30 western lain be Av , 87 , 86 , 100 , 70 , 97 , lt! , 79 , 113 . 124 . 1"0 .. 88 ,. 96 .. 94 ,. 9 ..150 ..107 .:.lli3 ..l'O .. 03 93 .. 60 .. 82 .. 60 60 ..118 .. 87 .. 74 Ik 1 90 8 60 1 60 2 60 9 15 C 60 3 60 8 60 4 00 1 60 1 60 1 96 1 36 8 60 8 60 t 86 t CO 3 i) 3 00 3 26 I 65 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 6 60 CHICAGO' LITE .STOCK . MARKET. Light Receipt af Cattle, With Fair of ' Has and Sheep. mnnirm -r m tt . 'r.'i .f tt. ti I . 4,000 head. The market was steady; good to prim ateer, 34.90fti6.7S: pour to medium, 83.26$4.80: stockers and feeders, fl.764j4.00; cows. 31.6CK33.90: heifers. 32.0iVu4.75; canner, $1.50li2.40; bulls, 82.(KW4.00; calves, 82.001f6.90. Huua l-teceints. la.uw neaa: estimated tomorrow, : 86.000. - The market . for ' light heavy, 4.6014.67; rough heavy, 84.8fV8-4 60; lgnt, i4.ioei4.i; oui BHIEHIP ; i . t 1 . Lin v. nil . . . . v.. v.'u u-.. AND LAMBS Receipts, 14,000 head. The market for sheep was 'Steady f to strong;- for Jamba, steady; good to cholc wethers," $3. 60-84.00; fair to -choice, mixed, 82.7rVE3.60; western Sheep, 82..W3.76; native ' lambs, I4.004j6.70; western lambs, 83.75(26.60, i New Tork Lira Stock Market. rUSAL ESTATE TAASSfERSi - Deeds filed for reoord yesterday as iur- nlsiiea py -in . iniuiana vunio'T" Trust company, bondsd abstraotar, W14 Farnam street; . " ' '. W. T, Graham and wife to-Helen Faater Houston, ouuoi r, r roit t Gideon Frltts et al to wuiiarn b. Whit, lot 17, Dioca i, ianwoou 8db , .... INBiW JjeO. H. JO 111 V J0.I1 Iw I gjfld IMS 7"4T ' 8868 I SP'e. 811 head, mainly consigned direct; I jrredeiiok O, Feldhu and wife to 400 A. .. ItT ...1!M ,.. fi ,..10"0 ,..1044 ,..11A ,.. Ill .104 .1041 .104T .1010 ft. a w 9 TO I N 3 00 a m l i io a io a it 8 4t s to a w ha a it 40 IT a r 11 0 18 1.:... II II At. ata wa U4 ......1000 ......104 iht -ti ni , 1110 1070 Pr. 3 M 8 (0 ' a tt a to a 8 44 a ti 4 10 4 It 4 W ""steers and heif'ers, I:::: 1:::: M..., 1.... 8.... 3..., 1... 4..., a.... ll.,.. J:::: l..., it ....UOl tie T4S 1110 IM ; nts 1010 ........ in me luM , 070 ........1040 ........ 100 3 1 I. tuwa. ..inr- 4 Tl .1111 4 Tl .UM 8 Tl .... IM ....iris ...uio ....1100 .... 124 .... X ll' a nn 1,. ........ ..120 17 1 M 1 0 8 00" 8 00 a oo a eo a oo . 3 M a oo 8 1 3 10 3 if . Ill -I 80 , IH a it a a ia a u 8 M s it ! u a . i u i., i 81 S:::.- i 8 , 1 4 1. ...... it.:?.:: . , 9.Y.Y.Y. i::::::: 7..... 40 '. 1 : . 8 ) ....1011 ..'..1014 ... .loot ....1014 1114 ......1100 mi in .I...A1104 ...... ItT M, ..ll 1011 111 ....1411 8 M I 4 3 a 8 41 8 41 3 60 3 M 8 10 8 60 8 4 3 to I t I 40 8 M 3 44 at 44 'a ti '.'11114 8 71 .1144 ...1064 ...1C0 ...1410 ,..llf4 ...line u... ta.;. T... 4... I... 1... 3... I... 1... a... I::: i.. i i... i... i... 41 I COWs AND heifers.. .. no a to heifers. 3 U . 4 ..... TU I It 11 1 944 8 4t I Ill 8 41 30 , IWI 8 to BULLS. , D , 441 , 110 ItM Hot 1070 IM UK 14W 1M0 490 162 .....177. 10 1 Tl 1 Tl 1 H a o a to 8 it I M v I It a at a it CALVES. I M 1. ...1110 i... 110 ...1410 ...1410 ...1410 ...I'M .,.1000 ...100 ...1700 a ti -a it a 40 a oo ,8 10 3 It 3 44 I t I ti 8 11 I 88 f0 8 40 8 00 a n 8 Tl a to 3 tt 8 It STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. TM 0 , 411 , I SI , 414 , a a u a m I" I 00 I on 1. I.. 80.. t.. .11.. . I- 110 tt 1 yw. I cow. NEBRASKA. 90 I 1 cow. 877 3 40 1 co 8 It 8 11 a m .HI IN . ist a m ID III 970 ..aim J80 00 4 eows. 1 cow. 1 78 1 20 .81 1 75 1 00 o L. H. Roaeberrv Nab. ,. M 1 00 17 cows 980 I 40 . SHU I 40 Swan land ft Cattle Co. Wro. 18 OOWS 787 1 70 M cows 878 I 60 o. H. oalDraith wyo. 64 bull 12T-2 1 2o I lvll 1206 . 1T 2 90 1 bull 1130 San ford Cattle Co. Colo. 67 feeder.. IX 8 40 8 feeder.. 10 cow 7411 1 80- 11 bulla 1217 1 ter 790 3 25 3 bulls 1U-6 4 feeders. . 1127 8 40 I bull 640 HoOS There was not a hsavy run of hoars In flahl thla morning, and bealdea that mill, ril CM-.g Ul I . IfCIT-IIMKV t. rw rona'gned direct to packers. This left the number actually on aale rather light. The market did not atart out very bctsk. but pacKera toon negan Diooing generally nlclrel hlvhef nn the better welaht hor Huch kinds wold largely around 14 40. with the ch'tcer Inada selling from that un to 14 4V The lighter boa old largely from 84.86 to M 40. Th extreme 11k ft t weight, or thoaa weighing under 2w pounds, were very h-trd to sell and were left until th last. Thev sold at such uneven price that It I hard to quote a market on them, a mm a'e were undoubtedly lower, while other 1-xiked h'rher. Th fact of th case are tr-r.t- Backers want the heavy hora and at'-osmen hsve to take Shout what they ctn get for the l'ght welehta especially If viey are oi interior quality, nepreaeota Iva sales: nn aalaa renorted. Dressed beet steady; city dressed native side exclusive ot extra and Chrlntma best c to 9o per pound. Cablea quoted American ateer at 1212o dressed weight; refrigerator beef,. top price, l0o per pound. CALVES Receipt, 818 head. The market rated alow, about steady all around. Veal BOlu ST. ft.wU'n.lB for aw oa., usruruu i calves at 82.60 a 3.00: western calve at 13.00, City dressed veal, general sales, 7&12o per pound. . . i HOG3 Receipts, 6,031 head. " Th market was about steady. Stat hog sold at $4.86 m M ner 100 Iba. heHd. Th market for sheep waa vary dull and weak: for lamb, alow and. lower. Sheep sold at $3.26i6."5 per 100 lbs; cull at liOO: Iambi at 86.20f76.30. one deck at 36.36. .Dressed mutton general sales, 67o per ID.; dressed lamns general saies bimoo. exports tonay, Deeves, i,vtv sneep and about ,4Wl quarters ot peer. . .... ; Kaasns City Lira Stack Market. KANSAS CITT. Deo. 12. CATTLD Re ceipt, 6,000 head,. Including 700 bead of emit herns. The market waa 10c. higher: export and dressed beef ateer, I4.00-g4-60; fair to good. 33.6Xa3.96: western fed steers, 33.26ST4.00; stoeksrs and feeder, z.6tw.oo; southern steers. u.tvui.u: soutnern cows. 31.6() native cows. ll.6Ou4.00: hattv heifers. 82.60iS4.00! bulls, i.00u3.4O; calves, 82.61 "36. 76. Hoas Recelnts.e 6.000 head. The mar- ; ket was 610c higher; top, 84 66; bulk of sales.. 14.8654.47: heavy, 8l.4vH4.65: pack er. J4.'a4.40: I'ls and light, 64.204i-4.42Mi,. BHKlii' AND IAMBS Receipts, X.IW head. The market wa strong; native lambs, $4.606 .6(1: western lambs, 14.260-A.OO; fed swes. 82.76fi8.60: western fed yearlings, S3.6Ofa4.0O; stockers ana teeaers, -rt.iwtfj.ou. St, Loal Lira Btock Market. ST. LOUIS. Deo. 2i CATTL El Receipt, 1600 head. - Including 1.400 Texan; market I steadv: native ahlnnlng and export steer. 84.6ii6.36; dressed beet ana nuioner steers, stockers and feeders, cow ana . i -a -M 4 k, at in. hniia ntriicrn, . J . d.' it . , , , . ... i - w -. i . 83.26ai.60; calves, 83.0D7i.oo; Texaa ana in- men steer. u.9uta-iu; cwwe tun ucuti., io Mum To hi on Kpmmt. s.ooii nenu. ni.i inn. and 6ai0a higher: pig and light. 84 2641 4.40; packers. 34 80tS'4.46; butcher ana pest L..v ia if.ffji wi. SHEEP AND LAMxst xtaceipxs, t.wa head; market steady: native mutton, 83.86 SM.OP; le.mbs, 84-2S(e 60;, culls and bucks. &.mt4.w; stockers, w-W0w- " St. Joseph, Lite Stock Market. 0T. .JOSEPH. Mo.. Deo. ; 22 CATTLE XmiiulMu. 1.618 head. The market was teuuy to loo nigner; naiivos, t.i.ow. cows and heifers. Il.mi4.uv; stocaers ana f.r r Ua 86: HOUU Receipts, .(ie neaa. in mri was steady to virwng-; mm,'a.tuj medium and heavy. 14.4.40; bulk, ll.iu8 a Mi - HHErr ANU LAHBB-Biwipil,. .ou head. The market was steady; lambs, 86.60; wethers, 8400. Slows City lA-va Stock Market. SIOUX CITT. Ia.. Deo. tl (Special Tele gram.) CATTLM Receipte, x,wm; . steaay; l.uv.i 13 766 00: cows, bulls and mixed. 1.u4.0; stockers and ' feeder, Jl.tlXa-0J; calves and yearling, 32.Jt1j3 28. IIOQS RcelpU, 6,600; market 6c blghar, selling at H2W4.46; bulk, H-8tti'4.Ki. tack la Sight. Follnwlris ar th receipt of Uv tock at th UK principal western citie ycaierauy: vnitte. iore. nneeri. l,9t5 .. l.oi'O' .. 6.000 .. 3,rV 1.611 George S. Meqk, lot 4. block 18, Mans- ooM Piaoe " 760 Vt 1 COO Granada company to Martha J. liart, lot 11, block 9, Poppleton Park add, ... Anna M. Smart to Martha J. Hart, lot 82, blOCK 1, MUiara rmos uu...... Christian Denker to John , Cenlter, mli. awU 88-16-11 Maud Mogge to Clayton O. Blandln. part lot 44, subdiv. block A, Eeservolr NaUonaY Land 'company Vo Omaha 6'ft company, pan laxiov e, suuuir, ",. 89. 10-16-18...... -r Bam tp eame. eame.. ."' tliilr Evana end huabanU to EJnm I), tioweii, pari tot j, uuu w, i com Plaoe 1 ElUabeth Dufreue t Rebeooa u:aa win. ii acres w nw s-iB-lf LTOO John O. Wlsoher and wlf to Stephen 3aimKl, to l is, ojoca ot i v. CHICAGO MI5RHAPOLI8 17Q Uood (So Omaha .......... Chicago Kanaa city ..... St. Ixmls St. JdsePh Sioux City 1,0 Total ......18.983 7.624 26.0iO 6.OU0 . 4. M0 8.718 i,6U 61,440 26,604 6.61)0 14100 I6"0 1.0K) 1,H Mala, Offlea Maakattaa Bid ST. PAIL, MINK. - I peaier Ik ' ' - ' : S(cckf Craf n, Provlsicns Bought and sold for caah or carried on reaeonable margin, upon which a commls- sion win ds cnajrgea oi. it oa-grain, vu stocks and on flag . . Private Wire. -Write for our 'market letter-end' prlvgt telegraph cipher malted ireo..-. SKI? YGU3.Gl.iia ;to-;Os Prompt- Re'turng. ', Best' racfl!rtos. ' t-Liberal Advances. ; '.Vsal Cuimlsalons. . WKAMty-M. 4JIT'Vfc' ' " OMAHA-10 Be Bid, ' ' ' Pbon 8611. SOUTH OMAHA 323 and 82S Exchange - Wldg. 'Phone 73. ' . , ,r Council. Btusrs-oA. and o6 sap ' . . Bldg. ,'Phi.n 874, LIKCOLN. . ..-..:.., KIJIOWKI, Approved , ,.. , . Manufacturing properties Incorporated and Financed Large Issues of Industrial . and Railroad Bonds Underwritten Wr1,te( Oar Bond Dept., for i-lt af Maalelpal Bonda. LoROY DAVIDSOn, . B" CUAB.LOTTE. C " ,leoi 11S,' OO Broadway, . . Haw York, H, T,. ..... MEDICAL. ' Liver ! Orala Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. H. WHEAT Spot rlrra: No. 3 red. western, - winter, a 3d. Futurea quiet; December, nominal; March, is 4',4; May, is 3-V.J. - CONN pot Btdy; Amerloan mixed, i 2d. 1 uturcs quiot; JaiiuaJnv. ta d: March, W Ud. le. A. L2i 1M ... r ia ... u.. ......1-1 ... M........14T ... Tt lie 14 II... .. Tl.. .1 .4 e .ti ,.n ,.I4 ...! a. Pr. ... I n ... 4 M ... 4 at ... 4 at 4 M ... 4t ... 4 tt at 4 m IS is t 4 at tu 4 M Nrt 4 at w tt fa 'tt... to... tl... U-.:: ... 4... . tt... It... to... u... ' It... a)... - As. Sk. rr. WI lt i 4 40 4 40 l 120 ' lie 10 to .fl ...! ...nt ...214 ...ft 14 .tl I -l 4 40 4 40 4" 4 4 4 t 4 40 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' Metal Market. NEW TORK. Dec- 22.METALS Tin was about lus lower la uinaun witn spot clos ing at 120 and futurea at 130. while in New Tork th metal wa 26 point higher on the. average, with spot quoted at 1.3.50. Copper gained 2 d in London to 66 16s for spot and 66 7s 6d for futures. Locally, copper waa -dull and unchanged. Lake Is quoted a i2.6,fH2 6": elect rolvtlo at tU.CUliD"? TMIIOI II lli.J;-(JlI.0,. Lead was also lower In London, declining 2s 6J to 11 3s 9d but was steady here at 14.37..' Spelter was unchanged at 21 7s id In London and at 86.00 In ths lo-a. mar- kat. Iron closed at 49 In Olaagow and at 42m ld In MJddlesboro. locally Iron waa unchanged, no. l lounary northern la auoted at 116 OOfilS 00; No. 2 foundry north ern at ut.uu'aiD.uu: xwo. i xounarv aoutnern and No. 1 foundry aouthern soft at 14. I. ST.--Louis. Dee..1 zz mktalb Lead Brm. tl7. Spelter, quiet. 64-70. ' Oil sal Raala. KEW TORK. Dec. 22 OILS Cotton aeed firm; prime vrude' nominal; primn yellow, 87o. Petroleum, firm; rerined New York. te.6v; Phlladnlphla -ana 'btiumui4, 19 46; prime in bulk. - ROSIN Steady; stralhed ' common to good. 13 S6 TLnrrniiflB tuiei ar wrrzvic. SAVANNAH. Dks. 22. TUKl-iii'iTINE Firm at 6tc. ROSIN rtrsnl.quoreo: ia.' B, 4.', I, E. r". 2; O, 81 ;. 2 8i; I 12 56; K, 2 (,; U. liW; N. h; W. O.. 13.26: W. W , 13 60. OIL. t il t, l'eo, n. i creou nai gne, 81.90; cartluoatea, bo bid; thipuieula, Tho Alerchants National Bank of Omaha. Nb' v 'Capital sod Surplus, J40O.003 SlArll MUgrsT, Prat. IM t. WOOD, T. ret. 1XT8EI D8AKC, Cttkwf. ' FIAM T. 8AMH70H. Asst. Cttkler. gssslv aooeeat 4 sanaa aaaaara, rucor atlaaa gna aui laatriaeal favuraklt terns. Soralsa Bhukaas keatM a4 oli. liMuit 4 CcJit ututs. STailaM la all - Btrla sf the wsril. V-UkmI sal a TlBe Cvtl&oau ef Paawk. rolleatlefct Ba4 srsmpilf sa4 sseassiicaily. w TOCK8-AMD COMD8 QRAIN AND ftOVlSIONS W hare over Is iflNf Rafaranoaai 11 Btata aad hat T lsajjjta, num. smtvicBi tt ras ssir, Oa sf Tanra teuloea IWlaltttd. Oassw sVaasssi leUfeaaal Tat. M1 TB01 M. WAtnCt CcrvKfusl .