TI1E OMAHA DAILY REE: TUESDAY. DECEMFIEH 22. 1D0X SGIIKLER & MUELLER AS!!: nil customers My fhey cannot get It else where. Better call this morn In If you want one. Harvey Lone, printer ami stationer, 307 Broadway. Hod Large Is Your Xmas Slocking? Ring and brooch from tha II. F. Hahn aV Co. sample stork at special discount to day. Btora fna evenings. Herman M. Lef- fert, et Broadway. Harvey Da Lone. 307 Broadway Sell Vill it hold ono of 35 Organs for salo at Quick Prices Vo need tha roen, you need the Organ tlcllc hour deep tha cut: XTsed 150 Estey Organ 58.00 Used 125 Packard Organ .. 38.00 rM tlOO Kimball Orsran 25.00 Fine $83 Crown (new) 2303 1 OTHERS at 8.00, flO.W, f 12.00, fl&00. Mall orders rereive. our careful attention. All organs have been repaired In an Omaha factory and are guaranteed ten years. UX0RCIDE ENDS HIS LIFE After He la Dead It la Believed la- aaatty Was Hat Feleraed. CHICAGO, rec H. Saloonkeeper JimM Vices, wbo a few days ago choked his wife to death, strangled himself In his cell at tha county Jail today with a handkerchief tightly knotted about his throat The man had been acting- Irrationally sine his arrest, but the physicians who Investigated tha case reported that he was shamming Insanity. It Is now believed that Insanity was not feigned, but that Vlcek took ths Ufa of his wife and himself after being driven craiy by tha woman's alleged drinking spells. EASY TERMS Schmoeer Her COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. EASY TERMS LEGISLATORS WANT FREE HAND These at Ortsoa Object ta Ceeslder- lag bat Oae Matter la "rental geaatea. SALEM. Ore.. Dae tL The special ses sion of tha Oregon legislature convened today for the purpose of revising the tax laws of the state. Governor Chamberlain's message dealt with tax legislation only and contained no recommendation. By a vote of SJ to 12 the ,house went on record as being opposed to confining Itself to tax legislation only by referring a resolution to that effect to the committee on resolutions. DAM IS AFTER REVENGE Conrublt Proposal to Grt Eti whh Vesta Who Teatffi.d Again. Him. PREACHERS TO BE SWORN IN AS DEPUTIES i tawrttles at State College Explain Delay la Award mt I peer Trophy aad Dtiy any Dlssatlsfae tlea Exists. and It is thought tha fire caught from an air tight atove. It waa Impossible to save any of the furniture and the house and contents were a total lose. The loss will be nearly ROW and was only partially cov ered by Insurance. (From a Staff Correspondent) OES MOINES, Dee. 21- (Special.) John Daily, one of the constables under indict ment for accepting bribes from the loose women of Dea Moines. In an Interview In an evening paper eaya he will swear In the leading ministers of the city as dep uty constables for his raid on a gambling resort. The ministers of the city have delivered sermons commending the grand Jury for the indictments and deploring the corruption of publla officials. Dally was convicted on one count of his Indictment and is tinder sentence of HM fine. He hss started . a crusade against the immoral nooses 'and the gamblers. On his trial many of ths women witnesses admitted ths character of their business and yet ths grand Jury. Dally says, refused to do Its duty and indict the keepers of these houses, Now he proposes to raid tbem until they are driven from ths city . and says the ministers who condemned him self end ths other constables shall know from personal observation, that, f here., Is other crime In' the city that deserves a word from ths pulpit Metenatea Dies at Fast. Charles V. Gladstone, a motorman for the street railway was on his last trip for te day Sunday evening and his wife and child awaited him at the end of tha run to accompany him to church. As his car was waiting on the aiding for another to pass he waa aetsed with heart failure and dropped back through the glass door of the car, dead. The body was taken to the waiting room and the terrible news given to his wife. He was T years of age. Vetoes Salary Halae. Mayor Jamas M. Brenton today at tha the meeting of ths city council vetoed the ordinance Increasing the salary of tha mayor and ether city officials, and said. however, that he would algn an ordinance which Included In the Increase the offices o city engineer and treasurer. The or dinance raising tha salaries Increased that wf the mayor from U.H to C&oo. e Kick frees Asses. Prof. Vt. J. Kennedy of the department of animal husbandry of the State college at Ames denies that his department is com plaining because of the annoying delay In the awarding of the Spoor trophy and makes the following explanation of the delay: ' Ia Justice to ourselves, to our competi tors and to tka management of the Inter national Live Stock exposition, I wish to make the .following alatement giving: the facts of the case to the beet of my know! edge: The contest so far as we know wa. conducted on a thoroughly fair and taper tial basia No person connected with tha animal husbandry department of Ibe Iowa -State college has aver In any way Insinu ated that the management have in any way worked against our team: furthermore, we believe In students' Judging contests and will enter future contest, whether-our team wins this year or not. We will be as good losers when some other team wins as we have been winners In tha past years: that we as a department thoroughly believe In the Integrity and fairneaa of the manage ment of the International Live Stock ex position. They are, la our estimation, thoroughly fair and want to see the Spoor trophy go where It properly belongs. The delay ta the announcement of the results was due te the fact that part ef the papers Bad to be sent te Canada to be marked by a Judge whs had returned- to Ma home be fore correcting the papera. He being a busy man could- not give this work his Im mediate attention: thus the unfortunate delay-One and one-third fores will be given by the railroads of the attte to delegatee de airing te attend the annual meetings of ths Iowa Stale Grocers' aesoclation. to be held In this city February t to 11: the Iowa Re- tall Hardware Dealers' assorts Moa Febru ary It to It and the Patriarchs Militant February to It. Leeks Mere Use Harder. The mystery surrounding tha horrible death and burning of Mrs. May Graves grewa deeper hour by hour as the detec tives untangle the knot of evidence. There la Uttle doubt left la the minds of officials working en the case but that murder has been committed. The coroner's Inqueet was postponed at the request ef Chief of Detectives KM Har din until ths report of ths medical omcers who performed the autopsy Is ready. WATCHMAN DEAD IN RUINS Fire at Keekek Beealts la Deatk at Oae aa Iajary ef Twe. KEOKUK, la.. Deo. 21. Fire today Je stroyed the main buildings of Hublnger Eros." starch factory, the largest inde pendent factory In the country. The loss Is 50,000; Insurance, HOC, 900, An explosion In a dryer room started the blase. Tha .factory was nev, commencing operations April U, when President Roosevelt started the machinery by pressing a button while on a visit here. One workman reported muuulng ta thought to be dead in the ruins. The body of John 8. Fuder, a watchman who was burned, has not been recovered. Theodore Bedford and William Moors were scorched and bruised. ' One hundred men were at work in ths factory when the fire started but none of these waa burned. H- W. Green, manager of the plant, tonight said that ths plant would be rebuilt TON OF UNAVAILING PLEAS arrested here some time a9 In company with a married man named J. C Herbert. Cktlaren's Letters te the Mythical whose home la In Kearney, oa a complaint sworn out by her father, disappeared today. The officers at Lincoln telephoned Mr. Thompson that his daughter passed through that place today for Tork. It Is thought Herbert and Mlas Thompson have planned to meet at that place. Mr. Thomp son says he will not Interfere with his daughter's plans. OPERATES ON BROKEN NECK Dr. Jeeeea ef lews Stats I'al versify Perforata t7ale.se Operetlea at Sleax City. SIOUX CITT, Dec. ZL-An operation said to have had no parallel In the surgical world,' waa performed at St Joseph's hos pital today by Dr. William Jepaon who has the chair of surgery at ths Stats uni versity. John Norstrom of Danbury, Conn., fed from a load of hay striking on his head and breaking bis neck. Ha has been almost paralysed for weeks and Dr. Jepaon decided ta operate on hla broken neck. Accordingly a portion of the third cervical vertebra was removed, the faise growth of tlssus was cleaned out and the bone replaced. The patient Is doing well with every prcrpect of recovery. . ' , Saata Clans Are rnaeaally Hasaeroae. NEW TORK, Dec. Letters addressed by children to Santa Claus are reaching the postofllce here In larger numbers this year than ever before. They come from all parts of the country, even Alaska. The childish petitions are carefully set aside and will be forwsrded to the dead letter office at Washington. The collection will weigh at least a ton ai 1 Is double the quantity received In any previous year. POfTOFFICK HOTICK. Methodists Dedicate Cfearck. CRESTON. la., Dec. a. SpeciaL Sun day wae a great day for the Methodists ta this part of the state. It was tha occasion of the dedication of their fine new 1:8.000 church building which took the place of the one destroyed by the tornado hers In May. Visiting Methodists from all ver this part of the country were in attendance and the exercises lasted the entire day. Dr. I. C Illiff of Kansas City, one of the most noted divines of that denomination and who has dedicated S.0M Methodist churches, eon ducted the services. He was aaslsted by the male quartette from Simpson college whict furnished the music and Rev. How anahalt presiding elder of the Creston dis trict, E. A. Ortffith. presiding elder of the Council Bluffs district. Rev. Hooker, flsld secretary for Simpson college, and Rev. St Clair, all former pastors of this church. The church Is a handsome brick structure and one of the finest In the state. It waa dedicated free from debt and the congrega tion here Is happy. OMAHAN SEEKS IOWA MINES M. Hartsaeyer la Iavestla-atlaa- Fres- erties Areas! Debaaae far Fas tea Mlalaa- Casaxtaay. DUBUQUE, la.. Dec. n .- 8 peclal. M. Hartmeyer, representing the Pax ton Mining company of Omaha, is Inspecting ths nu merous lead mines In this vicinity with a view to purchasing. He stated that tha quality ef the lead ore here la superior to that ef the Joplin mines. Ten thousand pounds of ore were taken from the Fits Patrick mine at Buena Vista, la., last Thursday and thousands of pounds are In sight John M. Bredt, a mining engineer. claims that It will prove to be one Of the richest lead mines la the west (Should be read DAILY by all interested. as cnanges may occur at any time.) Foreign matia tor the week emilng De cember iit, 19u3. will close (PROMPTLY in ail cases; at the ueneral Postoniie aa fol lows: PARCEL8-POdT MAILS close on hour earlier than closing tl.ne anown below, Begular and supplementary mall.) close a Foreign Station naif hour later than clos ing time abown below Iticwt that supple mentary Alalia for Europe and Central America, via colon, close one hour later a Foreign Eta Lion.) Traasatlaatlo Malls. TUESDAY At M a. m. for ITALY direct per a. a. intta Ql M llano (mall must De directed "per s. a. CTtta di Mtlano' . WEDNESDAY-At 7:3" a. ro. for NETHER LANDS direct, per a s. Amsterdam (mail must be directed "per s. a Amsterdam"! at s:3 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for iUKOhia, per s. s. Teutonic, via uueens town: at 11 a. ra for DENMARK direct per s a Heillg Olsv (mall .must be di rected "per s. s. Hellig Olav"). THURSDAY At 1 i. m. for FRANCE, a MJ I1'7IPDl.A Vn IT1I T DPa IM XfU TUGAU TUHKET. EGfPT, GREECE, 5 ? "T7T m i' soe Fag M) h The strongest, most appealing, most engaging short story that has come from the hand of this undisputed master of fiction is his contribution, "The Christmas Peace" Mr. Page is undoubtedly one of the foremost short story writers of the day, and this delightful Christmas tale, in . which he has woven the charm and pathos ot which he is master, will ap peal to hundreds of thousands of readers. This story, beautifully illustrated with drawings by Blendon Campbell, appears in tne J METM mum MAGAZINE for January " A Christinas Reverie . by Bliss Caiman "Love Story of Mary, Queen of Scots" , by Maurice Hewlett "The Real Parsifal" v by James Hunekekj 160 Pages of reading. Really a 35-cent Magazine for 15 cents. 12 Short Stones m m(C4i) K. H. mUSSXXX, HTBIOSHEa, 3 WEST 29TH ST., N. y. -J a. r -a 1; 1 Y.'A . n. .. TlBTlBg Iowa Faa-ltlve Caaght la Meataaa. ATLANTIC. la, Dec. . Special Tele gram.) Sheriff Marshall received word to day from the officers at Boseman, Mont, that M. B. Lyttle had been arrested at that place and was being held subject te his orders. Lytt's was formerly grain buyer at Wlota, this county, for the Dee Moines Elevator company and left for parts un known some ten days or two weeks ago. taking with him. It Is claimed, considerable of his employer's money. Lyttle waa a young man of good appearance and address and had gained quits a place in ths best society of this city, where he spent a large portion of his spare time. Sheriff Marshall left this evening for Des Moines to consult Interested psrtiee before bringing the young man back oa a warrant which be holds charging him with ewt be si lenient SHOOTS WIFE AT CHURCH L. W. Hera, a Ceaterville Faraaer, Seesso Wildly Jealaaa Is Far seed, bet Kills BIbmIL CENTERVILLE. Ia.. Deo. ZL U W, Horn, a farmer residing three miles south east of here, shot and fatally wounded hla wlfs at church last night and then Bred a bullet through Sia own brain. Jealousy Is the supposed cause. Horn fled- south, pursued by a sheriff and a brace of hounds. At daylight hla body was found at Sedaa with a bullet bole through hla head. STARTS WAR OS DOWNSPOUT (Conltnued from Eighth Page.) Mlssearl Valley Leave Elect leas. MISSOURI VALLEY, la., Dec tL (Spe cial.) Tha local chapter of the Eastern Star elected the following officers at- Its regular meeting Friday night: Mrs. Clar ence Bell. W. M.i Mrs. Harry Rainbow, A. 1 tlon on thla section must be commenced by of passengers, baggage, nus.ll, express mat ter, produce, freight, etc., by the company, whose cars ars te be propelled by electricity or other motive power other than stesm. Tha first section of streets on which a franchise Is asked ends at Avenue F and Curtis and Sixth streets, where a loop will be formed for passenger service. , Construe- M.; Beryl James, seer Mary; Mrs. A. E. Edgecomb, treasurer; Mrs. M. C. Burbank, C; Mrs. George Shlley, A. C. The Installa tion of officers will take place some time In January. , The Royal Highlanders elected the fol lowing officers: James B. Jensen. I. P.; Mrs. 1L Holmes, C. C; R. H. Padel. W. E. ; T. Tollesfan. secretary ; R. Robinson, treasurer; Q. R. Baldwin and M. E. Ker ten, M.; F. W. Strobehn. guide; J. F. Cou! thard, herald; Mrs. O. Tollefsan. C. of A.; R. M. Meore. C. of O. Cleee Call treat Creasatlea. CRESTON. la.. Dee. t-8peclal.-Wll-11am Cannlngham who resided in Afton across ths railroad track oa the west side came sear being cremated yesterday morn ing between the hours of f ant I clock. Neighbors dltcovered his house la flames and It was with great difficulty that they succeeded ta awakening him In time to earap only partly dr.nl Tha family were away s tix tao vui'.icg t-Ut t I'alea Ceaaty Darters Orsjaalse. CRESTON la., Dec 2L 3pecUl.)-Dr. E. E. Derr of the stats medical society has succeeded In organising the physiclaoa of thla county Into the Union County Medical society to act In conjunction and be a branch of the state organisation. It is the policy of the state society to organise every county ta the state and Dr. Drr has left here for Corning where he experts ta or ganise Adams county. Ths officers of ths Union county society ars: President, M. B. Reld ot Cromwell; vice president B. R Olllmore of Creston; secretary and treas urer. J. P. Claybough of Creston; ielrgate to the state society. Dr. Lynch of Spauld Ing. The society will hold regular meet ings snd keep in close touch with the stale society in sll their work. July L lt and completed by July L 1906. The second section of streets begins at Avenue O and Sixth street and ends at the southern city limits. Construction on this section, which will be utilised for the freight traffic and passengers, if needed, is to commence within one year from the time set for the completion of ths work on the first section snd ths 11ns upon this sec ond section must be In operation within Ave yeara from the time of commencement of work of construction. Ths maxlir-jm passenger fare within the rlty limits shall be I cents snd the com pany shall mske at least three trips a day over Its tracks. Attorney Wright repreeentlnf the Tabor line people, waa present and la answer to questions from ths aldermen admitted that the promoters of the Tabor line had aban doned the distinctive terminal Idea for Council Bluffs and expected te run its trains through te Omaha whenever the business warranted It This feature of the proposition did not appeal to the aldermen snd some changes In the ordinance may be looked for before It la spproved. The spe cial committee having the matter of the ordinance in hand will meet thla after noon. BRITISH, INDIA aad LORENZO . MAR- CiL r.Z, per a s. La Bretagne. via Havre imail for other parts of Europe must be Irected ''per a. a. La Bretagne' V. SATURDAY At ( a. m. for EUROPE, per St Paul via Southampton (mall for Ireland and letter mall for Liverpool must be directed ''per a. a. St. Paul '): at :S9 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. s. Lucanla via Queenstown; at 1:30 a. m., for - BEL GIUM direct per s.s a Zeeland (mall must be directed "per a. a Zeeland"). After the dosing of the supplementary Trans-Atlantic Mails namea aoove, anai tlonal Supplementary Malls are opened on the piers of the American, Enslish. French and Germxn steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour ef sailing of steamer. Malls fer teat aaa Central Aaseriea, West ladles, Eel TT'KRDAY At :IW a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a.m.) for CENTRAL. AMER1CA( ex cept t'osta J Ilea) ana sol in fAUHC PORTS, per s. a City of Washington, via Colon (mail for Guatemala must be di rected per a. s. City of Washington"); at 11 m. for SANTIAGO, per s. s. Cisnfue- gos (mall must be directed "per s. s. Clenf ueiros"). WEDNESDAY At 11 -J s. m. for YUCA TAN, per a. s. Ua Kerry (mail must Be di rected "per s. s. Dagirry"): at IftW p. m. for LEEWARD AND WINDWARD t! LANDS, BRITISH DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per a. a. Fonts belle (mall for Grenada and Trinidad muat be directed ter a a. Fontabelle"). THURSDAY At 1:30 a. m. for BARBADOS snd BRAZIL per a. s. ueiiaggio. via pemambuco, Rio Janeiro and Santos (mall for Northern Brazil. Argentine. Uruguay and Paraguay must bo directed per a. a. Bellagglo"): at I a. m. for CUBA per a. a Havana (mail for Mexico, via Proa-reeo. Campeche and Vera Crusmust be directed "per a. a. Havana"); at 13 m. (supplementary 11:30 p. ra.) for BA HAMAS, per s. a. Saratoga (mail for Mexico via Tamplro. must be directed per . s. Saratoga"). SATURDAY At a. m. for BERMUDA. per s. s. Pretoria: at s:w a. m. (surnie mentarv . a. m ) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a a Philadelphia ('mail for Savanlila and Car. trgena must be directed "per a a. Phil adelphia"); at a m (supplementary 1 30 a. ra.) for r OBTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA, SA VANILLA. CARTAGENA and GRETTOWN. per a a. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per a a. Alene"): at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per h. a. Morro Csatle, via Havana; at 12: p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Maracas. via Havana. Ha.Ua Ferwareee uveriaaa, sets., acs- lapaelSe. LiST OF PRIZES IHIItMIt( ) 1 PRIZE. lot-One Ten Dollar Geld Piece Snd One Dinner Set ... 3rd One Dinner Bet ... 4th One International Enclyclopaedlc Dictionary, worth 6th One set "Life of Ngpoleon," three volumes.. ...... Cth One set "Life of Napoleon," thre volumes. Vth One year's subscription to The Metropolitan Magazine cth One year's ubwcriptlon to The Metropolitan Magmslne fc'.b One year's subserlptlion to The Metropolitan Magaxlne J 0th One year's subscription to The Metropolitan Magazine 11th One "Life of John Bherman worth :2th One "Life of John Sherman," worth 1 ISth One ropy "Mother Goose Paint Jlook. lth One copy "Mother Goose Paint Book 15th One copy "Mother Goose Paint fcoeg.'. IGth to 2V-D New Books and Novels, worth $1.25 2titn to 85th-"Great Pictures by Great PsJnters, worth $1.25 36th to BOth Stats Map, worth $1.00 . . Mat to 20Uth-Art Pictures, worth 60c VALUE. ..$ 10.00 . . 10,00 .. 10.00 8.00 I 200 Prises .00 0.00 1.50 1.60 1.50 160 1.50 1.50 1.23 1.25 1.25 12.50 12.00 15.00 . 75.00 $1T7.25 - w ?rv 'ir f irr n n TOWNS CONTEST. J! Umbrellas snd eases, fert, 40 Broadway. Herman M. Lef- Marrtaae Aeeaaea, IJcenaes to wed ware Issued yesterday to the following Name and Residence. Sam Sorenson. Council PlJrTs Matilda O a. Council Blufls W. I.. Revnolds. Plattsmouth. Neb. EismI . FlaeT CssL CRESTON, la., Dec. tL (Special V-Sometime ago the board of supervisors of Union county offered a reward ot tl.OW for tha first ton of coal produced frum a paying mine hi l'nl.a county. Since the organisa tion of the Commercial exchange of Creston Bertha Lloyd. Plattsmouth. Neb.. a- effort has b-a mad. to secur. the, ; K- .1 rVT CoUScU Biui,;: ward. Local geologists have declared that , iiortt M. xiiteon. Shensndoah. Ia coal exists near tha surface on land east Ma Belle Kuble. Shenandoah, la... of town and a company ha -been formed to 1 Lee H. Gondaln, Council Bluffs prospect and develop any xulnes that ray be found. It will couuuruce work of pros pecting aa soon as possible. Age. ... M Lets Hla IMasstera Ge. .BEATRICE. Ne., Dec. C (Special Tele gram. Mm l leura Thompson, who waa . 8 . a . u . 17 . M . It . a . 11 Sophia Blusher, Council Bluffs 11 N. Y. Plumbing Co.. Tet 3M. Night F-4CT. Mrs. WIim rer Teats. Our fastest selling book during tha past week has bees "Mra tN lggs of the Cabbags Patch-" We have eat a few ceU )eit rest Ti CUBA Via Port Tampa, Fla.. closes at this office dally, excepi inursoay, ai Km a. m 1 1 he connecting matia close here on Mondaya. Wedneadaya and Satur- A ra. MEXICO CITT Overland, unless specially addreeed for despatch by steamer, clone at this office daily, except Sunday, at 1 .30 p. m. snd u:w p. m. eunnavs at 1 o. m. and 11 At d. Da. MKAFijUNDLAND By rail to North Syd ney, and thence or iirunn, cnwes i inn efflce dally at JC p. m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednesday snd Saturday). . BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE- MALA-By rail 10 nvm uriwni, ana thence by steamer, closes st this, office dallv. exceDt Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and U:30 p. m , Sundaya at 1 p. m. and 111:30 p. m. (connecting mall cloaee here Una davs at ll:3e p. m.) JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and th-rtc by steamer, closes at tins office St (:M p. to. every Tuesjay. By rail to Philadelphia and thence by steamer closes st this effloe at 11:30 p. av everv We1nil. MIQUELON iy rail to Boston, and thence by ateamer, cloaee at this office daily at V p. m. COSTA RICA By rsO to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes st this office Cdlly, except Sunday, st 11:30 p. m and IU.3S p. m., Sundays st 1 p. m. and Jll Jt S. m. (conn.cilng mall dotes hare Tuasa ays at 111:30 p. m.) BAHAMAS (Except Parcela-Post Malla) By rati te Miami, Fla., and thence by steamer, closes at lll .Su p. m. every Tues day. IREiilSTERED MAIL closes st p. ta. previous day. ' , TraasseclSs Malls. CH1N.A and JAPAN, via Vancouver ar.d Vk-toria. B. C, cloae here daily at p. m.. up to December, lnelualve. fur despatch per a a Empress of India. (Mer rhaudibe for U. S. Postal Agency st Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Ca ! ) CIUKA and JAPAN, via Seattle, c'e fcers Oal.'y at a 30 b. m. up to lecember l-i. In-c.u-lve. f,r csp-tch UrT p. . ritinvmut. HAWAII. JAPAN and CHINA and se rally sdiirw! mail for the PHILIP PINE blA.M'rt via San rrud-j, daily at a M p. 1 . up te Dncruihrr Ji. iuo u-ai e, fur c-1 L cr a. a. N10. There are many people who know too little of the geography of the state in which they live.' . ' : To stimulate an, interest in an accarate knowledge of Nebraska towns, The Bee will re gard those who show that they are familiar with the names of the towns and cJties of Ne braska. The "Nebraska Towns" contest will begin with the issue of The Bee of Monday, Decem ber 21st, and end with the issue of Sunday, December 27th. v ' .' . At the head of the "Want Ad" pages each day will appear five questions, the answers to which may be found hidden in the Wani ' Ads, and each answer will be the name of one of the towns or cities in the state of Nebraska. The names of these towns and cities will not necessarily be given as an address at the bottom of an advertisement, nor Mill they necessarily be used in designating the town itself. AN EXAMPLE: Where did Napoleon meet his flnal'defeat? ' ' The answer, of course, is "Waterloo." - The answer might appear in the word "Waterloo" as the signature of the advertise ment of the Waterloo Creamery Co. It does not matter how the word appears in tie ad vertisement as long as It is the correct answer to the question. . Conditions of the contest: - . ' At the top of a sheet of paper write your name and addrt ss. In case you should use' more than one sheet, write your name and address at the top of each separate sheet Then write out the question as it appears in the paper and paste below the Want Ad, clipped from the paper containing the name of the town which constitutes the answer. Underline the name of the town. 1 Do the same with the second question, and so on until you have completed the thirty five questions which will appear 3 tiring the week. . The person giving the greatest number of correct answers will receive first prize. The person having next nearest number, the second prize, etc. In case of a "tie," the person sending in answer first, as shown by pontinark on the en velope, will be given the preference. ' All answers must be sent by mail, and no answers will be considered which are mailed 1-ter than Monday, December 28. No one connected with The Bee Publishing Company will be allowed to compete for a 9 pnze. - - Do not send in your answers until the end of the content. ; , . a Address. Bee. Want Ad Department, Omaha, Neb. Bee Want Ads Are Read by Everyone toe Mara. ANDn abd NEW CALEDONIA (specUay A U TKA LI A (except aeetV F1I IML- addressed only), via Vancouver and Vvc toria, B. C, cls here dally at tM p. m. up to Iec. ia. Inclusive tor de.ips(ch par s. s. M low era. NEV ZEALANU, AUSTRALIA (except West) KW CAT.EDofM. Kljr, HA. MCA and HAWAII, via Ban Pt;'.nceco, cloas I. era dally at i t'f. m. up to Docrm. L-r 2k, ii.t-iuoU. for despatch per a. a. Pierra. lf the Cisnard stean-er rarrving Hi llM'liB wall lur ew Zmuin-i d-- not biiive li time to connect uh Hits 'd'.ipai'-h, extra Biall closing st C a. ta.. iJM a. m. aua M p. m.; Suudajs at i 10 a. m.. t a. Pi. and 1:30 p. m wMl be made up and forwariird until (he arrival of th- ( unard steamer.) PH1LIPP1NK ISLANDS, via Rin Tian onco, cioe heie dlly at s:30 r. m. up to Iw.titjff 127, liiclu-lve, for despatch per United b'.ate Transrort. TAHITI and MAKwi'EdAS I8I.AND-. lu Esq Franciacu. close here dally it t.li m. up to Januar i. . incluan c, for dis patch per e. s. Martrvs". HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE UlaNW, 1a Ban Pran;!.;.,, r--e. h-re dily at 6 'JO l. nj. up to -n u-r .7. In lulve, fir dsapatch per a. t. D ric. HAWAII, U ruo ruu i-w. cl" hrr dally p. tu. up tu Janiej-y (. :,tiu. elve. for despatch per a. s. Alameda. NuTK I'nlraa othe.wlae adrlreeaed Wert AuJra'U I foiwardr-d vis Euroiv, sud Now Zetland and PLIhiplnta via Vn Krancco the qui kest routes. Philip, rliie perialy a1dreM-d "via Cnkdi ' er "via Lurope" must he fully prepatj at the forlKn rate. Hawaii !s lorwarord bum rrami-wvi exciuaweiy. Trariapaclfic malls are torasMed . ar. j iiko J on the preiuwpiton of Ihcir .A rw,rt nm S.llir g call and ths schedule oS rloBinif runec terd niiiii rloa-a at f ii a van tr Srw Voik. H. t.t L einb-r la. i fit Sir m. i-vlou -t. y. p.-..mi.e