TTIE OMAHA- DAILY REE; TUESDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1003. k i CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA. j '' ' COUNCIL BLUFFS. MINOR MERTIO! I rle tells drugs. ' LsfTsrt's glasses fit Btockert Mil esrpeta. A star (or mac "Bano'a." Diamond betrothal ling at Lsffsrt'e, iCt proadwajr. 14-K and li-K wadJlDf Tinf at Laffart'a, 10$ Broadway. Picture framing-. C. K. Alexander t Co., 13 Broadway. f,l. joS. , Clauds Mathni la home from a trip to Washington, . L. C, and other eaatern point a. Oeorg-s F. Wright arrived home yesterday from California, where he haa been alnca last April. Sam 801-enson and Matilda Olsen, both of thla city, were married yesterday by Justice Ouren. The regular conclave of Ivanhoe com mandery, Knight Templar, will ba . held thla evening. Robinson Bros.' great clearance and rum- ga aale la still on, A great opportunity for Xmaa shoppers. Mrs. J. I Rtewart haa gone to Cincinnati to spend Christmas with her daughter. Airs. Luther Wearne. Council Bluffs Court of Honor will meet In regular session this evening In Wood men o the World hall. , W. I Reynolds and Bertha Lloyd, both pf Plattamouth, Neb., were married yes terday in tnia city by justice caraon. All chotoa taken at Rtfimitd's studio for December !ti positively finished betora upan Huna&ya. . rnon aoi. For rent, office room ground floor; one f the moat central locations in the bual nea portion of Ue city. Apply to The Be nice, city. On account of the death of Mrs. C. M. Ilarl the Oakland Avenue Reading club lias abandoned Its "guest day" gathering on New Year's day. , , "' Word haa been received here of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ferrler, lormorly of this city, now sta tioned lh the Philippines. " W. C. sWUIlame, county tiiaaurer of Case eounty, is the guest of his brother-in-law, T. U. Turner, cashier, of the First National bank, and family. Mrs Holder, living at 1AM Kecnnd avenue, reported to the police last evening the theft of two dresses from a clothes Una, one of X'lnk silk with lace trimming. A. P. Pair, local manager of the Ne braska Telephone company, complained to the polio last evening that a thlof had Stolen a satchel containing wearing ap parel from the back of his buggy. ' - Aska for Bids On or before Xecember 10, iiH. I will sell to highest and best, either or both, 403 and 447 i'ark ave., Coun cil Bluffs, Ja. V. W. Otis, Agent. Council fluffs, la, . . Mrs. Adeline Jonca, widow of O. H. Jones, died yesterday morning at her home, 7i2 Mynstar street, aged 11 years. She , had been a resident ot Council Bluffs, for thirty-live years. Kev. Henry DeLong Is home ' from Du buque, la., where for the last ten days he baa been assisting Harry Curtis, secre tary of the Young Men's Christian associ ation of that city, in a series of revival meetings. . Ulysses Grant Saunders, 1014 .Third ave nue, died last evening, aged 116 years., He leaves a wife and two daughters. Mr. Haunilers was a member of the Omaha Typographical union and the Omaha lodge of 'Ancient Order of United Workmen. A. C. Rankin, who lectured at the First Baptist church Sunday In behalf of the proposed state marshal bill, left last night lor hla home in Chicago. After the holi day he will return to Iowa to resume the campaign in behalf of the bill. ' Doll Cradles, 8 Cents Today. Folding doll cradles, 14 Inches long, ' S gents each today only while .hey last. Har Vey , De Long, printer and stationer, 307 Slroadwajr. ' $1 Infersoll tffert'p. watches tor 85c, today, . at OHrr Stays la Hospital., 7 At a 'meeting of the Board of Health last night it was !e Ued to retain the services of D. O'Orady and wife at the emergency hospltaf for another year 'at a remuneration of $2S a month up to such time as Ji smallpox patient, shall . be sent to the hospital, when the former salary of ISO a month shall prevail. '.Heretofore the city had been paying Mr. and Mrs. O'Qridy $50 a month right along, whether there were patients In the hospital or not. O'Orad.v, In (accepting these terms required that he be exempted from caring for cholera, yel low fever or plague cases which might possibly be tent to the hospital. - The request of the Board ot Education that it be permitted to either purchase the clty.'s half Interest in the fumlgator or sell It'. Interest to tho city was turned down, tne aldermen deciding that as the city had possession of the machine it night as well: retain It. The city and the Board Of Education during the smallpox epidemic purchased together a fumigating machine, and Supervisor BTewIck of the schools com plained . that whenever he needed it, tha aity almost invariably had uso for it also. Sterling silver novelties of all kinds and all prices. Herman M. Leffert, 409 B'way. Special tor Oat Hoar. ' (4 Oold-mounted Waterman fountain pens on sale this mornhig from 10 to 11 o'clock tX.U&l Only one to a customer. Harvey De Long, printer and stationer, 807 Broadway. Hafer sells lumber. Catch the idea? ' tl Ingeraoll watches tor 8&o, loduy, at Lcffert's. Real Estate Traaafera. These . transfers were tt'.ed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office of Squire Ann in, 101 Pearl street: Hawkey Insurance company to Susan 2, Uoulden r'loerschlnger. lot 2. Uoulden'e sub Neola, j c d. $ Elisa E. Anderson and husband to - Michael HartlnhofT, lota 15. 16 and 17, block ii. Itallruad add. w d T. A. Brewlck and wife to Chris J. Chrtsteneen, lot , block 18, Haword's add, w d Heirs of Mrs. M. I Fcrd to J. lamest Lewis, lot 7, block 11, Mynster add, w d W. 8. Bwanson to F. J. Day, lot 4, block ft, Potter & Cobb add, q e d.. 800 Z73 Five transftrs, aggregating.. S00 1 IMS Uttle things at little prices at Hr rmaa it. Leffert a, 400 Broadway.. STARTS WAR ON DOWNSPOUT OotiDcil Panel Etiolation Ordering Be moTtd All Emptritf on 8idewlk. TABOR LINE UP IN INFORMAL MANNER Not Iacllaea o Pass araarhlso Ordl Which Will Permit ftfc Extension of the Road lata Oniba,' City Solicitor Snyder submitted at the meeting of the city council last night va list of buildings In the business portion of the city, the downspouts on which emptied :ha water over the sidewalks, rendering them dangerous during cold weather, and secured the passage of a resolution calling upon the owners ot these buildings to have such nuisance abated within fifteen days from service of notice by having tha water from ths roofs drained into th seweror elsewhere; except over the sidewalks. A petition that Twentieth street between Third and Fourth avenue be 'opened was denied, the committee on streets and alley reporting that in- order to do so private property would have to be purchased by the city and there were no funds available at present for such a purpose. ' A request that Second avenue between Thirty-fifth and Thirty-seventh streets ba repaired with cinders was likewise turned down, the committee on streets and alleys reporting thatMt had no cinders nor any funds to purchase any with. I ; The council, after disposing of a few minor matters adjourned to Wednesday morning at which time It will lnpect and pass the assessment schedule for the paving recently completed on Ninth, avenue and North Second street. BIGAMY CASE TO GRAND JURY J. M. Faith and Mr. Mary Welsh ( Waive Preliminary Heariasr Beforev Jostle Oarcn. When J. M.' Faith and Mrs. May Welsh, charged with entering Into a bigamous marriage, and James E. Walsh, husband of the woman, charged With abetting and aid ing his wife and Faith .to commit the crime of bigamy, were arraigned before Justice Ouren yesterday morning they waived ex amination and wera accordingly bound over to await the action 'of the district grand Jury, which will meet next month. In de fault of ball placed at 1600 each they were recommitted to the county Jail. A number of witnesses tor the state from Silver City and Olenwood ' were present, among ths number being E. Starbuck, tho attorney whom ths defendants contend ad vised them that the marriage would be legnl providing Faith's wife and ' Mrs. Welsh's husband agreed . tox it. Mr. Btar bnck was here to testify in contradiction of the defendants' assertion. The court room was crowded by, a large number ot expec tant and -curious persona, who. however, were disappointed, as no testimony was titfcen. . . I The defendants apparently do not realise the gravity of their offense. Faith sat with hla lawful wife on one side of him and Mrs. Welsh on' the other, and during the entire proceedings In court he kept up a conver-1 satlon, first with on and then with the other. It la said that the state has secured evidence showing fhat young Welsh was a perfectly willing party to Faith marrying his wife, so he was planning to make a younger sister of 'Mrs. Welsh his wife. - Richard Badyi" from whom the Faiths rented , eighty-three acres of land, has' at tached everything belonging to them on a claim for rent.- 150 different designs In solid gold and gold filled Watches. Herman M. Lefrert, 409 Broadway. ' Christmas with th Charches. Christmas will be observed . by the churches and Bunds y schools of the city In- the customary manner. Some of them will have the regular- Christmas tree and dis tribution of gifts for the little folks, while others will celebrate it with cantatas And exercises appropriate to the season. This evening the children of the Christian Home will present the Christmas cantata. "8s nta Claus Surprise," In the new chapel of the Institution, under the direction of Prof. H. A. Ballenger. Th entertainment will commence at. S o'clock and Revr J. O. Lemen, manager of.thhome, has Issued a general Invitation to the public to attend. ' An elaborate Christmas program had been arranged for this evening at the Broadway Methodist church, but it has been post poned until. Thursday evening. The follow ing churches will also have Christmas exer cises Thursday evening: Epworth Metho dlsl church, Christmas tree and exercises; Congregational church, Christmas trfe and "Christmas Star," a cantata; Second Pres byterian church, Christmas tree and exer. clues; 'First Fresbyterian church, Christmas musical and elocutionary program; FlrstJ Christies church, Christmas tree and 'pro gram. '' . On Christmas dny St. Paul's-Erlsenpnl church, the Swedish Lutheran church and 8t. Francis and St. Peter's Catholic churches will hold services In, the morning.' In th evening at the' First Baptist church the ohlldren of th Sunday school will pre sent th play, ''A Merry Christmas," and at the Fifth Avehue Methodist church the children wlli present a cantata. Saturday evening the children of the Woodbury Avenue Sunday school wfll give th cantata, "A Merry Christmas Time" and the children of tha Swedish Lutheran church will render a program of appropri ate recitations and music. , Doll Three Feet High, fl.R.I. Only a few of them left. Call early today and get your choice of light or dark hair, brown or blu eyes. Harvey D 'Long, 307 Broadway. ' tl Ingersoll Leffert's. watches for 85c, today, at Plumbing and heating. Btxby Boa. y J Nevt Motor Ordinance. Copies of the newly drafted ordinance granting a franchise to the Council Bluffs, Ts,bor Southern ejectrlo railway In place of .the proposed Interurban Terminal and Belt Lin company were submitted to th aldermen at the close of last night's meet ing; and the matter was Informally dis cussed for an hour or so. ' .. i, Th ordinance provides for -a twenty-flv year franchise and in . many . respects Is similar to that Introduced by th Belt Line people. It provides for the transportation fContlnued on Klnth Page.) r? ajMajf-tes ter i EjiiOOCHES Ail Over 3,000 patterns-In brooches; thousands of the latest designs in rings, scarf pins, link buttons, chains, charms, lockets, fobs, emblem goods, etc., etc. , . , Our showing represents II. F. Ilahn & Co.'s entire line of brooches and rings. Mr. Domiuick is personally conduct ing this great sale and every article in the immense stock will be sold at a great sacrifice, as the entire sample line must be sold by Christmas eve. Fully one-third and one-fourth of regular prices on any of the Ilahn & Co. stock. Yesterday was a busy day for us in watches and diamonds, as anyone will testify who visited our store or chaired to look in, but we even anticipate a larger crowd and bigger sales today. What will make a more appropriate Xmas gift than a nice brooch or ring? . Do your shopping today and take advantage of the special discount of 10 per cent on the brooches and rings! f , SEE) WHAT, ., FIVE DOLLARS WILL BUY. SOLID "GOLD BROOCH, UMBRELLA Stiver and pearl In laid. SILVEn CANDLE STICK, CUT GLASS TUMBLERS 1 dozen SHAVING MUG, GOLD EMBLEM CHARM, SILVER WKKAD TRAY, SET ROGERS' KNiVES AND FORKS dosen, SILVER CRUMB -.TJtAY AND BRUSH, SILVER SMOKING SWT, HAND-PAINTED VASE, CUT GLASS COLOGNE BOTTLE, CUT GLASS BOWL, STERLING SILVR HAIR BRUSH SET STERLING SILVER PEARL HANDLED FRUIT KNIVES, . HAND-PAINTED STEIN. Rings arid Solid gold ring, with small perfect cut diamond In an en- C FA graved setting, only UivU ' Solid gold ring. Tiffany setting;, with H-k. perfect white dla- I M . mond, a bargain at I49U' Solid gold 'ring, Tiffany setting, with . -k. perfect white dla- . Irt Cf , mond, a bargain at lUtJU ' Solid gofa ring, Tiffany setting-, with H-k. perfect white dla- Ml ftft mond, a bargain at 1 laUU Solid gold ring, Tiffany setting, with -k. perfect white dimond. CC tl specially priced, ci ........QtleUU Solid gold ring, Tiffany settlne;. with 1-k. perfect white diamond, O Q fin ' specially priced, at QUiUU Gentleman's heavy gold ring, set with magnificent blue-white diamond, per fectly cut, special Christ-IOC Ofi mas offer, only l&OiUU Brooches Beautiful diamond and pearl brooch set as a coronet, every diamond and every pearl perfect. During the .?"e?. 125.00 Beautiful din mond sunburst, set with a myriad of perfect whit diamonds,'...... 133.00 set with a fine dla liistmaa O rre offer, only ....I IfiDU Gentleman's solid gold watch charm with setting of perfect white dia mond, specially priced T 50 Elegant solid gold brooch In th pretty soroll pattern, set with per fectly matched, perfect cut din. monds, and large diamond In center, worm eiro, w asa only ., flnll.l rnU Wk.i mond, special Christmas .165.00 Solid gold brooch, elegant workman ship, set with full cut diamonds and ' large pearl In center, 7C Aft only lO.UU WHAT ' . TEN DOLLARS WILL BUT. STERLING LASK. SOLID GOLD DIAMOND BET CUFF LINKS, STERLING FORKS 1 set, STERLING DESSERT SPOONS 1 Set, . ' ONE STERLING 'MIRRON, . HEAVY STERLING MILITARY BRUSHES 1 pair, . HAND-PAINTED, TEA SET, HAND - PAINTED LEMONADES JUO, DIAMOND AND OPAL RING, DIAMOND AND PEARL BROOCH STERLING SILVR INLAID VASE HAND-PAINTED JARDINIERE. STERLING MANICURE SET. MASSIVE SILVER VASE, v V WEDNESDAY SPECIAL SALE OF STERLING SILVER, CUT GLASS AND HAND-PAINTED CHINA -" ' : ' . . - , . . Thursday, (fecial sale of all the remains of Mr. Dominlck's sample line. This will consist of the odds and ends of the samples unsold, j This entire sample line must and will be clotted out by; Thursday evening.' STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS, SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Telephone L607. Jeweler and Optician. 409 Broadway. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 9 V -P ej . --- r nnniuc t L C The Home Store for Christmas GilU. , , v f 1 STORE OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS , V I sft rom Oono s 'TTODAY we suggest to you a, few of the many practical and useful articles to be found here suitable for Christmas gifts for men, women ana emiaren. xvo amuuu of your shopping today as possible and avoid the4usual rush of the last fjw days. ; j Ealas West Broadway Halooa, County Attorney Kllpatrkk is determined that th saloons of Council Bluffs shall abide by his mandate that they be kept closed on Sundaya. flooper ft McKee. pro prietor of the saloon at one Weet Broad way, are alleged to have violated the order j on mora than one occaalon recently and yeeierday the county attorney brought suit in ths district court to permanently enjoin them from the sale of liquor. If yoxl don't know what to buy for Xmas gifts so to Herman M. Leffert's, 40S B'way. and brooches from the 11. P. Hahn & Co. simple stock at sperlal discount to. day. Store open evenings. Herman M. Lef fert. Broadway. CLEANING AND DYEING Ladles' and Qeatleroea's Clot nine Cleamed. Dyed, FreeaeJ and Repaired; also Dry Cleaainc. No slirinkas or rubbing off guaranteed. Work dune oa short notice. CCSJaCIL BLUFFS STEAa DYE WO JUS Tel. a:H. IOIT We.t nroadOTay. LEWIS CUTLER rfiBTlClAK, For Wometi . , . , It's comparatively easy to select some things here for the women, whether It be bomething to wear " or something for home decoration,' you can find it here in a splendid variety of styles. ... PILLOW AND PILLOW TOPS Japanese " hand embroidered pillow tops in satin, In blue, green, red, yellow, black and white ground, at. ........ . . r . 1.50 to 2.50 Liberty satin pillow tops iu new Persian and flower designs. ...... . ,QOc Keady-niade sofa pillows in China silk with embroidered top, in white, pink, blue and yellow ..1.50 KID GL(OVESNew novelties and reliable kinds, is the strong attraction to our Christ nmd gloves for women. WOMEN'S HIGH GllADE GLOVES for dress or-Htivet wear in full assortment of colors and black and white, at $L $1,50, $2, $2.75 to $4.75 BLANKETS A note to the one who wants to remember the housewife with something she will appreciate a pair of nice blank ets. , High grade fine, fluffy wool blankets in white; extra values,-at a-pair $5, !16V$7.50, $10 to $15 Can you imagine a more sensible Jift7 For Men The more an article is enjoyed by; fhe re ceiver, the more appropriate it is fora gift What men want for Christmas is what they wear, home coats, rain coats, bath robes,' neckwear, shirts, socks, etc. . y MEN'S HOME JACKETS, BATH ROBES or long dressing gowns of fine eiderdown, at.... ...... .$5, $7.50 to $10 SMOKING JACKETS OK HOME COATS In plain and fancy cloths, nictriy trimmed, at.....:... ...... .$5. $6, $7.50 to $5 MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS la a full as sortment of . styles and '" qualities, from, each..:..... 5c to 50c MEN'S MUFFLERS In the new shapes in Li silk and wool, at. .. 50c. 75c,. $1 to $2. MEN'S GLOVES For dress and street wear, ' lined or linl'med, at 50c, 75c, $1 to $2 MEN'S NECKWEAR-In the famous Keiser Barathea make, exclusive styles for Christ- , mas gifts, at. 25c, Oc to $1 MEN'S SHIRTS In soft and stiff bosoms in white and colors, at. . ... .$1, $1.50, $2 MEN'S UMBRELLAS In good" style, hand some and reliable makes, at $!,$2.00, $2.50 to $6 Big Line of Valises and Traveling Bags at One-Third Off Regular Prices , , j There isstill left a great many good,' desirable styles in these lines, placed on special sale a few ,days ago. Come in and make a selection; they make very appropriate gifts . for men and women. , We Fill flail Of4or Carefully aai Promptly. s m f m mm j COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Send U Your Mall Orders For Anything You Want. Gftristiiias Selected at iViaurer's are sure to please. The enthusiasm shown- by. crowds of lookers and purchasers this week has demonstrated this. If you have not seen our line we cordially invite you to call. New goods are being opened daily. Among the best things in our Btock are the open stock patterns of Dinner Warev We have upwards of 35 patterns from which you can select any piece you want. "VYhy not start a nice navlland china or fine porcelain dinner set by buying the cups and plates now and adding to it during the year? v We also have complete 100-piece dinner sets at special prices-among them a 100-piece Eng lish porcelain' set, nicely decorated, at $7,530. 100-piece ttdn china dinner set,' , latest shape, nicely gilded and decorated, at ? 16.50 Also a full line of course sets, such as Fish Sets, Game Sets, Chop Sets, Pudding Sets, Salad Sets Welsh Rarebit Sets, Plac e Plates, Bread and Butter Plates. , .' 'JSv .-Uvf'. viV' r.- , Our Cut Glass Sale Still- Continues and is a surprise to our customers. Prices one half usual prices. Don't miss this opportunity. Sterlirifi: Silver "The Best Line in the City" is the verdict, and prices by far the lowest. Before making any purchases give us a call. Cutlery, Cutlery Elegant line of Carvers, Fruit Knives, Pearl Knives, Celluloid Knlses,. Our Doll Sale A grand success. In fact, it should be the prices an l mid to make it so. ' -' 1 Visitors and Purchasers Equally Welcome , . . , - . ... P. g ve own every doll'ar'a worth of our stock for cash, l We are direct importers from England, France and Germany, and save you the middleman's profit We can allorfto make low prices, and do so. . ' , 1 Retail Store, 342-344 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. I i l -r it h ' 'li il .1 iff