Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Tela. CS-4M.
, "A anna's lelsnre tlmt
la tala td capital." '
AVouldn t thppe make a sensible gift one that would be
prcat'ly appreciated by some girl or woman friend who might not
nfTord herself such a luxury. It will be a comparatively small
outlay for you with prices like these:
ALL WOOI, ERE83 GOODS Both colored and black cheviots, whip cords,
slhellnee. In the pretty shades of blue, brown, tun metal, green, also pretty mixtures.
Thi season's tie went fabrics, M per yard. '-
NEW CREPOj.A DRESS OOOD9 llan dsom material. Inexpensive, too, when
you see what a beautiful quality It li. Thri fabric lll greatly appreciated, a It
will be Jut a good next spring aa It la at the present time. Beautiful Una- of colors
. to chooee from, 76o per yard. ; .
PRETTY GOODS FOR SHIRT WAISTS These goods are always appreclate.1. AU
the new stripes and figures In white, blue wUh tiny dots and small flguresf eto., TBo
per yard. .
a. gift that will be good long after ordinary trinkets are forgotten. Regular 11.75
quality, In this sale, 11.27 per yard. " - ...
UMBRELLA SPECIAL Christmas buyers will get the 'benefit of this special,
Beautiful handles In sterling stiver, pee rig, horns. Ivory' and gold. Handles alone
worth up to-$3 50. Mounted on good quality union tafTeta silk,-, best paragon frames,
teel rods, iS-inch- slse; a regular 14.03 umbrella special price .
' V.'.. - ... ' $2.50 EACII.vV;'
li mm
IY. M.'CrA. -Building, Corner
Eeportet of Drey .'tu Oommlsilon Bail to Be
CcDTinoed of Captiin'k Innijoenoe.
Intimated thai Officer Will Be Re
stored to Army Despite Protests l(
Court Holds la Mis
PARIS, Dec. H. It has been learned by
the Associated Press that at meeting of
the Dreyfus commission next 'Wednesday
M. Victor Mercler, reporter of the commis
sion and one of the directors of the min
istry of Justice, .will submit a report
recommending revision of the case of Cap
tain Dreyfus. It Is not yet , positively
known whether M. Mercler's report will
recommend revision by the court of cas
sation or by court martial, but tjiere is
every reason to believe that the court of
cassation will now consider the case In
the fare of the facts gathered by M. Mer
cler at the time ot passing upon the other
documents submitted. '
While It la Impossible at this stage to
predict what view will be taken by the
commission. It .is expected that it will
adopt, at least by a majority, M. Mercler's
recommendation. If the revision -of the
case should be favorable to' Captain Drey-
,fus he will be restored to the army, no
Ynatter what protests may be 'made, out
t Is not expected that he will assume ac
tive service. , . ( '
t Mercler's report, it 1s believed, not
only lestabllshes that Dreyfus Is' Innocent
or Wilting the bordereau, but dwells with
mphalft on the modification, by M. Oriber
tin. ket'jjer of the war office records, of
n, teatlifnony before the comcU at Renaea.
Grlllln then swore that M. Dreyfus
rvI'1,tJr' wuU th0 modification of bis
""Jtimfjny rfow Indicates that the alleged
,aspfn was committed by Colonel Henry,
o J was at the time chief of the Intalll.
sftnee department of the ministry of war..
' Many ' Involved In Oatrag
- la Itasala Sentenced
on Jews
Prison. .
KJBHiNEFF. Bessarabia. 0ec Jl.-Two
Russians, named Gnetvhln and Msroijeik,
who have been on trial ahsrawd with mur
der as the authors of the massacre of
Jews here last spring, were sentenced tcday
to seven and five years penal servitude
respectively. - Twenty-two other persons
charged with being Involved In the mas
sacre were sentenced to periods ranging
from one. to two years each.
Ope person was sentenced to six months
Imprisonment and twelve were activated,
while, forty-eight civil actions brought
agalnrt the Accused were dismissed. The
Met of the prosecutions must be paid by
tj eoavlcted persons. ,. , v '
Kill R-form Officials.
CETTINGB. Montenegro.. Deo. 21. A
Christian. Judge , and ,two- Christian gend
armes have been murdered by Mussulmans
at Guslnye,' in northern Albania, The
victims were recently appointed to their
poata. In conformity with the Macedonian
reform eclteme of Austria and Russia.
Propose Spanish Qae-en,
MADRID, Dec. tL Accodlng to the Bpan
Imh newspat-., a project Is ou foot fur the
marriage of King Alfonso to his cousin,
the Princes Maria del Pilar tot Bavaria,
She la It years of ege.
Ton can't enjoy life U your lungs trouble
you. Plso'a Cure for consumption cures.
Tet (uvfi f W-W m the 114 Crsnvi fMtH-t
t ft in!M 4a h eaMtret U Wii-
v. r -.
pm, do. n, 1901
Remarkable Values
at These Prices
Sixteenth ivnd DoUfclaj StJ
It Will Cost . a, Ilaada-ed . Times - aa
Much to Get Into Canada
Next Month.
SAN FRANCISCO,,. Dec. 21. Chinese la
borers are rushing into Canada by the
hundreds and on, every steamer from -the
Orient they are arriving here enroute to
British Columbia. ' The cause for the sud
den Influx Into Canada lies In the fact that
the Canadian government recently enacted
a law by which every Chinaman landing
on Brltleh coil after January 1 will be
oompelled to pay a head tax of 50. Under
the present law the Chlneee are' required
to oar only S3 ,
The steamer Doric, which recently ar
rived here from the Orient, brought eighty
Chinese, who were Immediately shipped to
Victoria. The Japanese liner Nippon Maru,
Just arrived, brought eighty-nine Chinese
and the steamer Oanfa carried 149 Mongo
lians, all of whom are In transit to Canada.
(Continued from First Page.)
the Thomas Gibson company, who allege
that It has been Injured In the sum of
12,000, --..
Riot la Utah.
SUNNTSIDE. Utah, Deo. JLr-A riot oo-
curred ' here, "the result of thirty striking
Italian miners going to the hjme of a non
union miner and ordering him "to quit
work. Upon Mi -refusal the strikers at?
tempted to delte him, but the manrart.
pusued by the strikers and finally was res
cued "by the company guards. The Italians
were subsequent! arrested by the troops
and are now under guard
The coal mines at Caatie Gate wero
opened today, eighty nonunion men going
jo .work. . There was no demonstration by
the strikers. ,
Imangoretlon of Congrresslonal Boll
; ,.dr Means Fevev Callers at the '
White Rons. , .
'WASKINOTON, " Deo, M.-Presldent
Roosevelt began today the observance of
the congreesional ' holiday recess . During
the next two week the president will re
ceive only such callers as have to present
Mm the most urgent publio business.
., Speaker Cannon end Senators Long of
Kansas and Fuller of Oregon called, but
did not see the' president. The Lpeakor
paid he probably would pass the greater
part of the holiday recess In Washington,
although he might "go to hta Illinois home
after Christmas..
Two, Omaha and Oao Cheyenne Con.
tractors Lowest Bidders tor
Qeartermaater Bntldlas;.
1 E. O. Hamilton and Peter Soderbera- of
Omaha and M. P. Keefe of Cheyenne are
the lowest, bidders for the construction Of
the proposed quartermaster's , building In
Omaha, an adjunct to the Department of
the Missouri headquarters,- The bids have
Just been opened and will be forwarded to
Washington. . ',,
Ohio Senator Will Ro Attend
qnet ot Denver Chamber
of Commerce.
, DENVER, boo, 21,-Unlted States Senator
Mark Ilanna has declined an invitation to
attend the annual banquet of the Denver
Chamber of Commerce next month.
, .' Odelt UtTea Crow More Time. '
' ALBANY, N. Y., Dec a. Governor Odell
today extended tor one wek the time given
the Mtaaourt authorities to submit briefs
In the extradition prooeedliiKS before bim
sginat William Zlogler of New York,
charged with brtbery of Mlnsourl legis
lators In connection with baking powder
leclstatlun. The time limit originally nxed
expired today. It wn extended at the re
quest of Attorney . General Crow ot Mis
souri. Ceban Reciprocity Then Applies.
WASHINGTON. Dee. . The aeeretarv
of the treasury haa leaued a circuLur letter
of Instruclluns to offlrtn of the custom
servlie and others Interested In nrlngm
Into operation the treaty uf rwlproclty wi.
I iiba, approved December 11, lil. and male
erreotive ty act or congress and tbe proil
dnnt's proclamation ou December 17. luu.
Iha circular declares that the treaty be-
romee operative one minute aftef rnlilnljht
, Hew .Firm Kllrs Articles.
Articles of Incorporation have been filed
with the county clerk of the Lester Menu-
inrturiiig cotnrany. The capital stock is
ii'W.tssi, Olvtled Into shares of 1100 each.
The Incorporators are John Knurr Letter.
James A. Davis. David O. Barnell, Thsd
neus M. Hiobard and Edward M. North,
The concern prnposwt to do a general
promotion ana manufacturing business.
Copley is savins other people
10 to 25 per cent on Christ
mas jeWelry." f
GoTtrnmant Will Demand Esfnad of Money
Paid to Tranduliit FniioDri.
Georgia Case Where Womaa Impers
onated Drcroes Brother's Wife
Canae Promulgation t Mew
Order, by Trensary. '
WASHINGTON, Dec. H. It Is stftted at
the Treasury department that where a
pension certificate has been Issued to a
woman who personated the widow of a de
ceased pensioner, - and pension s gent's
checks have been drawn payable to her and
delivered to her upon vouchers executed by
her, and the bank cashed such checks,
which were In due course paid at the sub
treasury upon which drawn, the govern
ment will make reclamation of (he amount.
In other words bankers and other person
who cash penlon checks are charged with
the responsibility of establishing the Iden
tity of the payees of such checks to the
same extent that they are charged with
the responsibility of establishing the Iden
tity of th.e payees and Of the checks Issued
In ordinary commercial transactions. The
exhibition of t'a pension certificate la not
Identification of the person name4 therein.
This' ruling wag-held' In a case arising In
Georgia;' whefeln one Clnrlsa Owens,
whose real name was Molly Melton, ob
tained a pension, It le said, by Impersonat
ing the deceased wife of a soldier, and re
ceived payment at the rkte of IS per month
from Anrll ft. 1901. to May 4. 1DCS.
It developed In the examination of th'a
claim that the soldier left a widow, who
Is supposed to have died In Florida. Moliy
Melton, a sister of the soldier, lmpertcnattd
her deceased slster-ln-law, obtained the
pension, ' forged endorsement of her de
ceased sister-in-law to the checks and ob
tained the money. For this offense, she
was tried In the United States district
oourt at Savannah. Ga.. and - was sen
tenced to one year and one day' confine
ment In the penitentiary.
Denies Glvlns; Secret Rates.
The officials of the Northern Pacific fall-
roar! deny the statement attributed to
Frank Waterhouse, manager of the Boston
Steamship company of Seattle, In his re
cent testimony before the Interstate Com
merce commission., that his company had
a contract with the Northern Pacific which
prohibited that railway company ,.from ao
oeptlng freight brought In by tramp steam
ships. They assert that while the company
has no exclusive contract and no agree
ment beyond a division of rates on buslneti
from the-Orient, It Is the general praotloe
of railroad companies In the transaction of
their business to make a es
tablish and maintain permanent lines with
a fixed and regular schedule of sailings, and
arrivals, and with advertised routes, with
dockage facilities, etc., over transit ot
steamships, mostly foreign, which have
happened to pick up a cargo and have no
regular business.
Commission Sets Hearings,.
The Interetate Commerce commission, has
made the following assignments lor hear
Central Yellow Fine association against
Illinois Central railroad, taking of test!
mony January IS, oral arguments to be
heard January 24. Same association against
Vlvksburg, ; Shreveport ds Pacific, orall ax
gument to be heard January tl., J ;
Tift and others, against Southern rail
road company. Oral arguments to,ba hekrd
January 8, all at the office1 of the' com
mission In .Washington. . .,
In the cse of Hearst hgalnst the Phila
delphia tc Reading railroad heretofore
assigned for January IS, 8 p. m., has teen
made to a data yet. to be fired.. . ,
Maarnetlo Healers Lose.
The United States supreme court today
dismissed for want of Jurisdiction the case
of 8. A. Wltmer and J. H. Kelly, anal net
C. M. Bishop. The case grew out of the
publication by Bishop ot an article which
Wltmer and Kelly alleged to be libellous.
They (re magnetic healers with head
quarters vat Nevada, Mo., and at one time
had an Income of 11.000 per day. Bishop
made a printed attack on their business.
The supreme court, of Missouri refursd to
And tbe article libellous on the foun i that
Wltmer and Kelly had failed to show that
tnelr business was entitled to the protec
tion of the law. Today's decision has, tht
effect ot affirming that decision.
' Wants Hearst Case Advanced.
The solicitor general today, submitted. to
the supreme court of the United Si'.. a
mbotlon to advance the case'of t'.ie Inter
state Commerce commission ngatnst David
J. Balrd and others. This case U bated
on a 'complaint of W. R. Hearst against
coal carrying road and groVsout of the
nthraclte coal strike of last year. The
question Involved Is the right pf ihe Inter
state Commeroe commission to coin-, el the
production of contracts and to requite , ans
wers to questions put by the commimiou to
officers of the railroads a to the teuton-
ableneas ot freight rate.
After a brief session today the United
States supreme court adjourned until J I n
uary 4 next.
Will Cease to Refund Bonded .
The secretary of the treasury give notice
that the refunding of United States 3 per
cent' bonds, loan of. 1S5S-1318 and 4 per rent
bonds, funded loan ot 1907, now proceeding
under the circular of September id. will
be -discontinued after December SI. Bonds
that are Intended for refunding mutt be
forwarded so as to be received at the
Treasury department not later than De
cember M. , ,
- McClellaa dnlte tat Honae.
Speaker Cannon' today received a letter
from Representative George B. McClellan
stating that he bad forwarded his resigna
tion as a member of the house to Governor
Odell. The resignation becomes effective
upon Its receipt by the governor, -
Iowa Man Conscious Stricken.
The secretary of the treasury has received
In an envelope pt. .tinarkeU Dubuque, lit., a
conscience contribution of 14).
Secretary Root gny Injury Is Often
Itone Men -Who Cannot
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2L-Charge having
been filed with the president affecting the
moral character of Benito Legardo, the sec
retary of war today transmitted by .mall to
the civil governor of the Philippine' Islands
a copy of them for his Information. These
charges aerie contained In a cablegram to
the president from persons In Manila.
Commenting ea the case today Secretary
Root expressed the belief that the cable
gram was sent In ordr that it misfit be
given to the preas and therefore work. Irre
parable Injury tu tt)e .commissioner. . That
men's reputation should be tjius publicly
assailed before tbe bad a chance to jjycak
he strongly condea Di-d. .
Legardo Is one i4. the most prominent
men In the Philippines and War depart
ment officials say that en several occasions
he exhibited great bravery In behalf ot the
United States whra overtures were belug
made to Agurnaldo to . surrender, having
gone peraoually )o hlin at the. Kieat rhJt
of his life and aoutrkt to have bun give up
hta opposition to Aaitrtcaa authority, lis
la one of three native appointed by Gov
ernor Taft on the Philippine commission.
frnmbeir ot Raral Carriers and Post-
master Ksmrl In . Nebraska
and Sonth Dakota. ,
(From a Staff Correopondent) i .
WASHINGTON. Pec 21. (Special .Tele
gram.) Rural carriers appointed: Iowa
Searsboro, j-egular, John W. Johnson; sub
stitute, Grant Johnson. South Dakota-
Irene, regular, Henry M. Larson; substi
tute, Mrs. H. M. Larson.
J. F. Strain has been appointed poet-
master ' at Green ' Mountain, Marshal
county, la., "vice T. F. Bovee, resigned.
The application of W. W. Lyohs of Dee
Moines, R. A. Crawford, Jesse Slavehs. A.
Fry, B. A. Brown and E. E. Dotsoh to
organise the First National bank of Col
fax, la., with 123,000 capital, hah been ap
proved by the comptroller of the currency.
Congressman Hlnsttaw has recommended
William' M. McKeever Jor postmaster at
coraova, eewnra county, vice u. s. wmt-
comb', resigned. '
The pnfttofrlce at Mil ford has been raised
to the third clans, to take effect January 1,
and Representative Htns,haw has named
Thomas A. Healey, present postmaster, to
succeed himself.
The Havelock, Neb., postofMce' ha been
relegated from Ihe presidential grade to
the fourth class.
Southern pacific loses
Supreme Conrt Hold thirt Statnt ot
' ' Limitation Rnn oa Land . ,
WASHINGTON, Dec. -21.-The United
States supreme court decided two cases In
volving the question ' as to whether long
continued possession of ' land wlthlrt 'the
Central Pacific 'railroad land grant In Utah
constitutes a valid title by '" virtue of the
statute 'of limitations. The' cases were
those Of the Tolteo Ranch Company against
George Cqok and lOthers and the' Toltec
Ranch Company against WHUam Babcoek
and Louisa Babcoek.
' The ranch company "claims title' under a
transfer from the railroad company, but
possession In both cases was disputed on
the! plea of possession for twenty or thirty
years. . The supreme court of the stato of
Utah decided -In favor of the settlers and
the supreme court of the United State
today affirmed that 'decision. The opinion
was banded down by Justice McKenna.'
A 0urn frever Barn.
After Porter's Antiseptic Healing OU Is op
plied. - Relieves pain Instantly and heats at
the same time.- For man or beast, ' Price. 25a
Cat ot Ten Per Cent In Wage .Prom
laed Employe ot Steel '
PITTSBURG, Dec. Zl. Semi-official In
formation was given out today that after
Christmas a general reduction In wages
la to be made at all nonunion Iron and
steel plants In the country that will aver
age about 11) per cent. Representatives of
the United States Steel corporation are
said , to have met with Independent inter
ests and an agreement has been reached
for a Uniform readjustment of wages of
aU employes... ...
JOL1ET, 111., Dec. h. The suspension
of work at the Illinois Steel company's
plant here will be practically, complete by
tbe end .of the week. The-converting and
billet mills, employing . 1,000 men, closed
flown today. , Officials here .assort, nq .oa jse
for the shutdown; holt her can" they stl
rhate 'the tftvratton "ot the suspension." ''' "
P1TTSBURO. -Deo. SL The Idle window
glass workers of the country-will receive
cash Christmas present from the organlia
tlon of -which they are member. Begin
ning tomorrow,' fully 175,000' will be dis
tributed. This Christmas money will come
directly out of the treasuries of the two as
sociations. . , .'':
Ot Thirteen Meat hat One
Go for Assist-
Able to
HOUGHTON. Mich., Dec. a.-After a har
rowing experience In which thirteen men
nearly lost their lives, the bodies of the
two Petersons and of Gregortvich, who
were suffocated In the Isle Royale mine
fire, were brought to the surface this 'aft
ernoon. The thirteen rescuers, led' by Cap
tain Moyle. went down 700 feet through old
shafts, taking luddera with them. As they
moved about In the old workings ' they
stirred up the gas end It began to asphyx
iate them. One man returned to the sur
face and fell over the moment he reached
fresh ah-. Thirty volunteers at once went
to the rescue. Two of the injured rescuers
were found crawling toward the' surface.
while the "other ten were found uncon
scious. After tedious and exciting labor the
asphyxiated men were brought to the sur
face and restored.
Are Your Ma Irs Dropping; One by One
If your scalp Itches you ' are doubtless
suffering from dandruff. The dandruff
germ Is digging up your scalp In little
flake, called dandruff and supping . the
life of the hair bulb. No halrt prepara
tion that Is - a more hair stimulant and
tonic will cure dandruff, because It 'won't
kill the germ that . cause tbe trouble.
Newbro's Herplclde is the latest sclen
tlflo discovery; and It will kill the dan
druff germ. Destroy the cause, and you
remove the effect; kill the germ and you
will have no more dandruff, falling hair
or baldness. Sold by loading druggists.
Send lOo In stamps - for sample . to The
Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman 4
MoConnell Drug Co., special agent
fondert Fssersl,
WASHINGTON. Dec. ft. -The body -of
Frederta R. Coudert, the New York lawyer.
was taken to New York In a special car
today. Mrs. Coudert, the widow; Mr.
Frederick Benedict of New York, Mrs. D&l
llner of this city and Miss Reraee Coudert
of this city, all daughters, accompanied the
body. The funeral will be tomorrow at St.
Patrick's cathedral In New Torx'and the
InUrment will be In Calvary cemetery.
Mis Stella Posey.
PIERRE. 8. D., Dec. 2t--(Speclal Tele
gram.) Mis Stella Posey, daughter of
James D. Posey, a prominent resident ot
Jamestown, 8. D., died here last ntarht ut
the resilience of her sister, Mr. Horace
Clark. She had come to"thl city for medi
cal treatn-ent - for nervous disorder and
died -from the effect of her trouble. The
funeral wl'I be at Jamestown. ' '
Mrs." E. L. Hoar-.
ONAWA, la.. Dec. . Special Telegram.)
Mrs. E. L, Hogue, wife of Senator Hague,
who has been suffering with consumption
for some years, died at f o'clock this after
noon at'tnetr home tn Blencoe. The fu
neral bervlces will be held at Blencoe to
morrow afternoon.
To Cure, a Cold tn On Day
Take I-exalJvs Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
du(lsu refund the money It It fall te.
cure. U. VV. Greve sigualur is on cfc
box. the. . .
- 'I
General Land Cffio Will How Fail Upon
v Timto and Eton Entries,
Coaslderahl ipeealatlon Hegardlng
Stat mt Clerk Said to liar
Been Bribed . ay 'California . - .
gpecalator In Land.
WASHINGTON, Dec. It the secfetsry
of the Interior has revoked the order under
w hich final act lo oh entries - under the
timber and atone act were suspended, and
all such entries, aggregating a large num
ber, vwlll be acted upon in he regular
order by the general lnnd office.
The order Involves several hundred thou
sand acres of publio domain In the. west,
all entries on which, have been -held up
because of the big frauds perpetrated on
the government under the timber and Stone
act The suspension, which has, been In
force . many months, ha served t good
purpose, and the Interior department has
been the means of protecting and prevent
ing many fraudulent entries. A rigid
scrutiny of all entries under the act will
be continued, ' but the revocation of"' the
suspension order will have the effect of al
lowing all valid entries to be patented. '.
This was the Important development to
day In the land fraud proceedings and in
dicates that the government believes that
tbe backbone of the alleged ring that has
been speculating In and taking unlawful
means , of acquiring lands under this set
ha been broken. , w ' '
Another Arrest la Oregon.
The Interior department today received
a dispatch from Inspector Gr.-ene at Port
land, Ore., saying that Albert Harrington
of Ftll City, Ore., has been held under
11,000 bond for Impersonating assistants to
Special Agent Patterson and Hobbs, who
have been Investigating land frauds.
The great bulk of the land frauds which
have been brought to light are under what
Is known as the lien land selection law. A
large number of cntrle filed under that
law are. being withheld from final action
and air in which John A. Cerrson, the San
FYanclsco man recently arrested here.V was
Interested, have been suspended. . ,
Secretary iHltchcock sent for Assistant
Secretary Pugh, who has been Oh. the .Pn
clflo coast Investigating the fraud and
conferred with him regarding the situation.
Mr. Hitchcock said there had been no de
velopment In regard to he work. It has
been Intimated at the Interior department
that no further results are expected until
December 30 unless something new should
be revealed In the Investigation of the land
office records In the cases now pending In
the west. ' ' .
The status of Woodford D. Harlan, a
clerk In the land office and until about a
year ago chief of the special service divis
ion. Is causing considerable speculation In
view of his alleged receipt Of money Ben
son Is accused of paying to Influence action
on pending matters, and In view Of 'the fact
that he Is still on the rolls. Leading off!
cers' refuse to say ; what Information is ex
pected to be received from Mr. Harlan.
(Continued from ' First Page.)
Colombia, .the quartermaster general .of
the army ha been t esieged by railroad
end slt'CPlng nen-4e:rou of -transporting
It was pointed out today that, while th
landing of marines on foreign Oil odcaslona
but little comment and ,1s only an evtdenoe
of a disturbed condition of affairs, the- em
barkation or troops puts a different aspect
on the situation. For this re i son the navy
will be permitted to continue to control
affairs In isthmian waters, tor the present
at least,, or until matters reach a stag
necessitating the co-opratlon of the army.
Official conflrmatfnn ho, reached Wash
ington of .the Colombian troops on ..tbe
Island pf Los Ptnos, which lies close to the
coast of Panama," .These- troop, number
eighty and they have taken up a position
on this, high island with the .Intention of
making paths through the .Jungle.
SAN FRANCISCO, Deo a.-the torpedo
boRt.destroyorsyPaul Junes and Preble, are
lying at the Maro Island nay yard coaled
and ready for sea, awaiting the coming
of officers from-the east. The officers are
now on their way to the navy yard, and
il I, expected that the 'warehlp will" sail
next Wednesday for Panama. A Crew
from the training ship Independence ha
been placed on the Paul 1 Jane and the
Preble also ha a full complement. -" Both
vessels, however, lack a number of officer.
. " r- '' Osborne-Jones. ":
HASTINGS, Neb., Dec. a. (Special Tele
gram.) Miss Julia Jones, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Jones of this city, and Rev.
Thomas Clifford Osborne ot. Omaha, were
married here today at '11 o'clock . at the
home of the bride's parents. Rev. VanDyke
Wight of the Presbyterian church officiating.-
The, nowly Wedded couple departed
this afternoon for Omaha where Mr. Os
borne 1 pursuing the last yenr In a, theo
logical course. Both, trlde and groom are
graduate of Hastings college,
EDGAR, Neb., Dec 21. (Special) Invi
tations announcing ths marriage of Mr.
Fred Brown of Funk, Neb., to Miss Hilda
Westering of this city are out The event
I to take place In the Presbyterian church
Thursday. ' December 3! at :M p. m. A
reception and supper will be given Imme
diately after the ceremony at the home ot
the bride' mother, Mr. C. Westerllng.
Myaterloae Destrnctlon at 1'olantba.
COLUMBUS, Neb., Dec, H. (Special.)
William Rodehorst, a farmer four miles
northwest ot this city, lost his barn and
three horses, besides a quantity of oat,
hay, corn, harness, etc, by fh-e yesterday
evening. His loss will be several hundred
dollars, with Insurance of only The
origin of the fire 1 unknown. ;
Davis Reaches Alexaadrettaw
WASHINGTON. Dec it The Navy de
partment Is Informed of the arrival at
Alexandretta yesterday of the cruiser San
Francisco, carrying as a passenger Consul
Davis, who recently left Alexandretta for
Beyroot because of trouble with the police
at the first named city.
Are Simply reelect.
Dr. King's New LIT Pills are prompt,
safe, gentle and always' satisfy or no pay.
Iiest for stomach and liver. 36c. For sale
by Huhn A Co. "
Today at tb
Calumet Coffee House'
HU Oouglss Street. - .
Milton Rogers & Sons Co.
Beautiful set of heavily plated sil
verware, knives and fork0 4C
up from A & w
Tea, dessert and table spoons, In
attractive patterns, I flfl
sets up from v... IsUU
New French gray finish, heavily
plated, beautiful gifts, sets Ofl
up from CiUU
14th and Farnam Sts.
Oontnl General . And ths Mission - Batch
Emperor Meielik.
i i ,
Receive It. 1onla Klr Booster with
Thoasaads of Black Soldier
and geveral Bright Red v
Words-ot Welcome.
ADIfl ABKBA. Abyssinia,' Dec 18. (By
Courier to Jibultll, French tfomallland, Deo.
21.) Escorted by ssveral ' thousand Ethlo
plon soldiers the American mtseibn to Em
peror Menelik. headed by Consul General
Eklnncr, entered the Abyssinian capital to
day. The reception of tbe American was
most brilliant and picturesque. Emperor
Menelik personally received Mr. Skinner.
The emperor, surrounded by the principal
functionaries of the capital, delivered a
cordial discourse of welcome, to which Mr.
Skinner responded, presenting an Invitation
to the Emperor to visit the exposition at
St. Louis. ..
The Americans were then conducted to
the palace, where they are todged.
Later in the day the emperor ' granted
Mr. Skinner a private audience and ac
cepted 'the tetter's . Invitation to send' an
AbysHlnlan exhibit-to St Louis. '
Alderman John Brennan Otven a Year
' Jot Mltl la Ward Elee-. ,
' tarn .Fraads.
CHICAGO. Dec. 21. Alderman John J.
Brennan was today sentenced to one year
In the House of Correction by Judge Gary
on..a, charge, of oompllolty .in ward elec
tion frauds. A - sentence ot olx month
was given to Charles MoCarle and throe
months to Herbert E. Kent - on similar
charges. . , . ' ., ... 4 . ..
Louisiana wants "The canal
Learlslntnr at gtat Adopts - neola
' i Hon Reqttesllng) genators'lo Ap
' ' prove Panama' Treaty.
. : i i : ' '-
BATON noUQK. La., u Deo.,, ?L Both
houses of the .legislature today adopted a
reiplutlrm -requesting . the .United State
senators from this state tp vote In favor of
the ratification of the treaty providing tor
the building of the Panama oanal. -.
Medlnsl authorities now concede that
under the system of treatment Introduced
by Dr. Frank Whetzol of Chicago,
Dr.L. D. Knott, Lebanon. Ky. Dr. P. E.
Brown, Prlmehar, lowai Dr. J. C.Carryer,
61 Faul. illim.i Dr. li. L. Crafley. 61.
Lonls, Ko.l Dr. C. P. Beard, 8o. pramlng
bam, Mass., bear witness to the emoacy
ct his treatment add the permanency of
the cure la their own cases. Dr. Wbetsel's
aew me bod is a radical departure from
the old fashioned smoke powders, sprays,
eto wbioh relieve butjo not our.
prepared for say one rlvfnr a short des
cription of the oase, aud sending names of
two other asthmatlo suRerars. Ask tor
booklet of experiences of those eared.
Ida. l
A itin o Beauty fa a Jof formnK
gwos Tss, limslss,
H'rMiUie. Meik f.USM,
sut sas (kla vt-
mmmm, b4 STSiy
bkmlM mm haalf.
uu n te u
sure it Is DMMfl.
' sude. mm
.vneurtsU el sUhI-
imt bum. Or. iv
A. gr. .l4 u
i!r mt Imm kset
to to setlwOi
"Ae r ItMm
vlll ss thn, I
-OutUACD'i CKBAM". u tke Isest
knulal mt All Ui. skis rirstloos.M Tmr ssl ss
Ail tnnWi sn tuoy (wAa tmrnimn U la VmUmt
I Litis A4 Bun.
Av-n, iBSBrtsrari,90it,W BiicssA
r ' . , aad BtaBUlidCeaipltxlea,
1 . . ...
ears Kcunt ana tsiist. an
solavAir sad PervAntntly
f rmnuT blsckbaAii., frmm.
i kits, Pimply, BwIboss, bn'
ipou sod Tss. CmI with
' isst ssl Is Lositna.
b Aw' A 1m ArunnlAt. S
r-i."V sinks stairs alrtat. '
ilessnn-lstoynlo. gl pe koAUo. enswree IV.
iAernav.SAoyaie gAAtwpt civsisa, my mmmn.
stock tm ass pasaraaw, gl.M. oswrsa nsaa.
TUB ORRMA-ROVALB CO., Cincinnati. O.
Omnba. Kebr., and South Omaha. Nebr.
a ctAuni-iJL v.mvx
It sAs MmMd r Ont
J a mm4 i H'mcmmt Has).
Imcerlal Hair Regenerator
Y. , r
wlU reiBtwiy Ihlc Any tw1 frocn lwli
t til UctltAosI Kh Mluliil- I'fMiuM.
Co t irs a r rt u raMk-X 1 lr ppliert. A L-
V'T'sU sv.1niA.isr kkr
T m-m.A ria ('.imtiiIi (r fm s-aim nt lavl
U-L)f-. t'ltlll!" Ul iir r
Chennan A McConnetl Vrug Co.. Omah.
Units. Briian mut Fimmmmm--Cwi bj.'9lTL
THs PARK HOTkL. Hltth Cia
Ameiion und European Flaa.
Finest Cutrm and Grill iiooma tl of N T.
klrble Hslh Huua C'oi,pl-tetiyrnnlurp
Open ! lt to isy l.ih. - .
' J P II4VK1 e i;..Ar-r
J. C. - ALivtK, AMutiiU Mit,ir.
111' f A
53 t st
iT rill i
I J Lk -Ul
v- AftX r V M
-. jr-
Celebrated I. X. .1. . Henckle ami
Rogers steel. In all slses, 9 Cm
til down to CwC
Warranted Henckle and Keen Kut-
ter brands; every site from email
emnroidery scissors up.
Prices up from
Henckle and Wade
brands; safety rasors,
brushes, and mugs;
rasors up from
Guaranteed steel, with stag handles,
stenk knives and small 1 flf .
breakfast knives; up from. liUU
The) Only DoubU
Track Railway
' between the
Missouri River
and Chicago.
Masxlftosnt solid dallr train te CMro V.mirt.
twnl suit rirswlnc-rooat aliwr-lns . IIBIW. holf"t,
barher, bth. tliiho, dinins ears otsrUoa
tsn. Elioulo ilsoMd Uironshoni.
skrs sv4 trom OUnton.
11 i h.-dl llkme sasssl rsaAkitial
rG 1 1 u 1 ni gnair vaviat. pnuv m
ollnlng ohatr otus, aflt llbiW
1 .ft in rllmMrsrtns-wslspl.!iff .
0ttlJAMln"1' .'IKrsrresrsasa rfsenwiisr
lM ukrit Cblwr JI1M mart.
. . . . , ki . m
I I 3D AU NortPwdSWrn rt.Bd.rd d oaaciusf t
- w n t rm. 1
4.25 PM f!?
lug W JirvVXXJ utnaainfn
nring brMkrefi.
7 50 am rbi'ii.UoB c pwior "
8 3 C PU Psllmsa iImpIii etrs. ! Ilbnur?
. I 3 iM Mnud tiMi-Mllntnarbslruu.
rlor, Norfolk, Lons
to ont, Llnooln,Wahon, rTii Oltf ,
wttnaK, rrwnra, t.Minv, riH
iw.dwaod mod IaaJ. through rwltaiit mtomtr cm
IB. 4MsWir, nm nprtnw.
iaa AlMlnS mg ssrVlvA.
V Ilk III J" rrAmont. woooin. ni". -r!.
0 IJ0 KM ton. 1'Ida, Vsrdkr. Bi.n:Al s-U lbs
fUAbu4 ln1tAa KMrvntlon oountiy.
1401 and 1403 farnam Street.
Charges Less Than at Others
, Treat all Irso of Ulsen.-s o
Twenty-eight years' experience
Lighteen years In 0m
The doctor's remarkable success ha
never been equaled. Hie resources an4
facilities (or treating thl eia of diseases -are
unlimited and every day bring many
flattering report of the good be I doing,
or th relief h ho given
All Blood Poisons. No "BftKAKINO OUT
on tbe kkln or face and all external algna
Of th disease disappear at once. A per
menent cure for life guaranteed.
UFAD nAAtMe' cured ot Mydrocel, t
lL.H JUiUUU stricture, Gleet, Nervous ,
Debility,. Ixss of Btrength and Vitality
nd all form ol chronlo dlseasas,
treatment by mall. Call or write. B jx t
W. OlHce 211 South 14th St.. Omaha, Neb.'
111 -' .'-
Woodward A Burgess,
. -. Managers. i
Tonight snd Until Thursday Night Matlnse
Wednesday .
With Walter Jones and Cast of 70.
Friday , snd Saturday ptghts Special rrst
Inee Chrlatmus Day Kegulur matinee'
W. H. Crane'" spSx
Price Mat.. 25c to t!: nlaht prices, Ko
to tl.M. Heat on sale toaay
Telephone, liil.
Every Night j Matinees, Thurs., Bat., Sun.
Tddcrn Vaudeville
Slelit-Kretto Troup, J.-C. Nugent snd
Co., Irving Jones, MuCue and Calilll, Talk
ative Miss Norton, Trask and ftogers,
Lerkins and Fmii-rsnn and the Icinodrume.
7 t-KiCii luo. ate. toe.
J I3-23-50-7&O
Down by tlia Sea
Thursday Ninht Kstherln Wlllard. In
"Tbe Power behind the Throne."
Racine College
Grammar School
. Puills fetudy Vufltt an instructor. ,.
Its Urailusiaa inter any Collvn cr
I'nlverliy. .t-l il and Allilnle
Advsntsgrs. Mi.ltary Lrill. '
Kor Hoys of t t J7 Years Old.
htm term bejlst oi Tkgrtdgy, Ja 7. '04
IVutrsted Cstalcgu sent on sppU-
rHitun t "
ItSAtiu, Wls'nln,
!fl"'"" V 'r' a'"
nsjsl.CslllaWli s-ftil.rimil- asM. Nsia sKtsjw nksAs
- i 1
TsPt V c,nBI"HTO
KO ' (