j i I AmfkPiTifv T a rnirrnipp (Continual from Etahtu ftp) TIi fellow took to hla heele and Jumped tha yard fence before Mr. Be be could get a hot at him. Tha tuna burglar la believed to hare pro oeeded from Mr. Beebe'a houae to that of Bored Wiletrh. half a block away where ha aucoeeded In effecting "n antranca br breaking out a Debt In tha kitchen window and raining tha latch. In opening tha door from tha kitchen to tha dining room tha fellow awoka Mt WUeon- and aha creamed. Tha fellow then jumped through tba window and disappeared. , Bring tba little onea to my (tore to aee tha Xnn tora., Ole Raaniueeon, tft Broad way. ' i Mattera la jplatvlrt Coart. Mra. Jennie R. Mathla brought cult In tha district court yeeterday againat tha Aetna Life Insurance company to recover 12,00 accident insurance on tha Ufa of her hus band. Edwin R. Mat his. Tha homii.iu 'in. . volved tn tha suit ara rery similar to those In tha suit for Insurance on the Ufa of tha late yr. E. Ilaverstwk, which was aeierminexi in tne district court hero a few months ago. fcdwia MathWwaa engineer In the employ of the Union Pacific, and while on amy Marcn a last entered tha lunch room at tha depot In Grand Island. It found Inaenalbla on tha floor with a con tusion on bis head showing where be had .truck tba floor. He died anrti a Th in surance company refused payment of tha Insurance, claiming thai death, waa due to aaoptezy or paratysla, which caused tha ran. cm ine other hand, tha claim la made on behalf of the widow that tba fall caused cerebral- hemorrhage and that tha death wae accidental and within tha term of tha policy. - la the com of the lata W. E. Harentock ha Waa found tnaanalhla In hla hk - ki. homa ttnd after lingaring nearly a year. -- Kwwatv. inn case it waa contended that tba paralysis waa caused by tha fall and not tha fan by the stroke of paralysis. Tha district court Jury found gainst tha Insurance company . ,'0."W. Smith .began ult In the district court yesterday to reoorer $10,000 damages front 'A. P. Kremenrhuk of Grand Island for Alleged unlawful arrest and proaecu. tlon. Both plaintiff and defendant are junk deajeri and last May ICrrmenchnk ran., tha arrest of Smith on a Chara-a of niiin. About. 1.000 pounds of old 'ruhher. . Smith was indicted by tha grand Jury but at tha present term of court a Jury acquitted him. Smltlfla a resident of this city. Keya Brothers instituted suit In the flls' trtct aourt against tha Burlington railroad yeetafday for W75 damages. The plaintiffs allege' that during last May they shipped three consignments of buggies to points In Kansas' over tha defendant's Una and that the sxxxta were so damaged td be worth less! Tha shipments were damaged during tha floods In Kansas City. It la said that tha JUrs . Brothers' suit Is out tha fore, runner of many similar onea. HalV Mill liimtor.. Catch th fdT PAST WEEK IN BLUFFS S0CI55T Uaay Com lug aad Golia "la (Mt ( Place Pass Chrletaaau. , Holiday. c . Ktata Senator c. O. Saunders arrived Koma yesterday from Rock Island. 111. Wlsir Marsaret Piles of Onkland Is spend ing tew days visiting friends In the city. Mrs. Horace Everett will spend Christ City WMva and frlejida at Kaasaa Mr. Edward B. Wirt entertained Inform ally loot night at his home an Willow av enue. , ,, . Is tb mtcCof Mis.. MoCheeay. WisoutiU Blth. aireet.. t ' . - 1 I irv-aa Mrs. aeorae "Brulnrtoh f Car eon. la., ara guests of B. O. Kruington and family. Arthur Keellno has returned from a aev jral weeks' stay at tha Keellne ranch Jn Wyoming. ., i Miss Ella Wilson has gone to Humboldt, Neb., to spend tha Chrlatmaa holidays with relative. ' Miss Ella Wilson has gone to Humboldt. Neb., to spend, tha holidays with relatives and friend. Mr. and Mra. George Dimoh of Wayne, f,u- f Visiting Mrs. Damon's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. U Zurmuehlen. Mis Genevieve Koff of Kansas City Is the cu'st of Mrs. Robert Muills and will rerr un until after the holidays. Wise Hcwson of Kansas City, who has tueii the gueet of Mias JUH of Third av. cnue, has returned to her home. 'J-H. J)anlgr, a former resident of Council -Bluffs, now located at Pocatello, Idaho, la in tha city visiting relatives and Iriefnis. .. Miss Edna Keellne will "return borne this Week for the Christmas holidays from New Tork ctiy. where she has been attending chooL , Mr. and. Mrs. C R. Hannan have leaued Invltationa for an evening at cards to be gveo at their - home iiaturday, Pecem- The members of tha Tuesday Euchre club were entertained Tuaadav afternoon at iha ' home of Mrs. George Uerner. Jr. of Glen - aveoue. ' Miss Troutman entertained a number of friends Informally Friday attarnooo In compliment to Mra. Drake of Chicago, who la her aniast. Mlsa $t.rh of Avenue K entertained tha merabeiAvf tlie Flower Miaelun- at her home av?riday artarnpon.. .About twenty Were In attendance. Mlsa Eunice Mortenson left yesterday for GUafow, Mo... to spnd the Christmas holi days Uh retfctlvea. uhe was accompanied by Master Walter H. At wood. Mte lrtrtide and Nevada Have have gone to Stella, Nab to apend Chrlstmaa with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. U Hays, ornW raaluents. of this eliy. The marriage of Miss Isabel Patterson and Mr. 8. U. Etnyre will occur tomorrow evening at I o'clock at the home of the brtdea Uier. Mra. W. II. IHidiey. , Tha members of the Euchre club were aotertained Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harry 8arle. The club will hold . lis nest meeting ita Mrs. Butler. The second of the dancing parties to be . pven by tha members bf the Council JLllufU Panrlng club will be held ChrUtmaa night In tba bail room of the Grand hotel. Mr. and Mra O. P. Wlckham and the MUena Wlikham have Issued invitations for a reception to be given at their home Monday msiUivk, Deoeiuber K. fruea I to 1L The laughters f the American Revolu tion will give the nrxt r their eerlae of card parues Tuesday evening, Iwrrabff a. at tba home of Mr. asd Mra. . W, . A. Maurer. " Mrs. Victor E. Bender, and two children left idy for Gatraburg, III., whaia tdey will iend tba Chrlaur.aa hulldaya with Mrs. bender's paenta. Mr. aud Mra-Kub-art W. CuiviUa. MWs .Prances Wright, formerly ene of Council liiuMa' kindergarten tuachers but now supervisor of nunc In the Had Oak evhoola, U1 tai4 her Christmas vacation . In Ue city.. , . Tha members of the Ideal elub ware en txrtalnrd at a dfllKhtfuily original party 'Tuea.tay afternottu at the home of lbs prtiu!-ut of the club. An old-faabioaed Naw hrifUnd kuir arveti. lv.eulyt 'two qitutoaia rtc In tiuunc. The dancing party gtva by the msmbera cf the iKHitje I.lynt (iujrd Monday tven ing at the Roal. Afiuiun hall eras a largely attaiided and dnigntful affair. A . loug oroKiam of dm.'e a Riven. Mualc fr ttte x.-caalo waa fumlabed by Whalcy'k orcbeetra. Mr. Samuel I fctnyre, who-ee marriage to Mlaa I'alleison will take place Munduy, eniertainad at dinner iaat night at the Grand hotel his guuats bHng lr. W. L,. l .ti.rn of huilo. a.. I., Mux i attrrw.n. Mr. and Mra W. ti. Iuii-y. Mr. and Mrs. . B. Wadaworth. Mra. MK'titiMy, Itiu HeJra briuin and Mc John ltUu of tfmnkuu . . . . r . Mr. J. B. Mulholland and Mlas Corenlla . titeveruHHi r. marrlrd T.turtay afier noon at the home of tne bihi?a iiitd, Mr. and Mra. J. U. bievcnsoa. Ul B.ulemaa street. Kev. y. A. Case of the Klit Km,.. tlat rhur'h c.llli,a n tha prearnce jf ti.e remtlvrs and a l.re numtii-r .f frienda. J'.t- and M rl Uu!l,u,..xl ..i ....... tiome in tM rur. a ii. a, w. t'aady of Oakland iv.nu. t gva a drllshtful children's party jtai.t- day s ilr u..n Jn i-l-i.riln of lb Sib e.inneraary or her little a-n. I-ituu, and tiw iik auiUwraary t.f u.a Christmas Presents Selected at Maurer's are spre to tleane. The enthusiasm shown by crowds of lookers demonstrated this. If you have being opened daily. Among the best things in our stock are the open stock patterns of Dinner Vare. We hare upwards of 33 patterns, from which you can select any piece you want. Why not start a. nice Xlaviland china or fine porcelain dinner set by buying the cups and plates now ind adding to it during the year? ' , We also hare complete 100-pieee dinner sets at special prices among them a 100-piece Eng lish porcelain set, nicely decorated, at 7.50. 100-piec'e thin china dinner set, latest shape, nicely gilded and decorated, at flG.50. t Also a full line of course iets, Mich as Fish Bets, Game Sets, Sets, Welsh Karebitf Sets, Place Sterling Silver "The Best Line in the City" is the verdict, and prices by far the lowest. Before making any purchases' gire ns a call. ' . , Cutlery, Cutlery Elegant line of Carvers, Fruit Knives, Pearl Knives, Celluloid Knives, etc. O Sale A grand success. In fact, it shduld be the prices are bound to niake It bo. Visitors and Purchasers Equally Welcome ' ' ' ' . P. Sv We own every dollar's worth of our stock for cash. We are direct importers from England, France and Germany, and save you the middleman's profit. We can afford to make low prices, and do bo. ' . . , - -W.: A. MAURER : Retail Store, 342 . T.i - 17 t s IJ anything? X RECEPTION CHAIRS, In leather, golden oak; weathered oak, solid mahofany. TABLES-Colonlal reproductions in solid mahogany, card tables, sewing tables, library and den tables in weathered and afatique oak, ' cellarettes, chafing dish cabinets? Mission and Dutch clocks, Dutch tiles, pipe racks, . . , . ' . . . . -A r : ; "'-"I, yan Pianos, Organs, .Guitar " ' .' ' Mcmlolifls, Viollas, Accordlans and Harmonicas The largest assortment in the city. Any one of these instru ments will make a very appropriate Christmas Present Our pianos are nevy and of the latest styjes, in all different veneers of exquisite grain arid figure. We. intend to satisfy all who call on us that ouxiprice? are right. . Terms right and the right place to buy. Y , c ' We sell tte si-r.?!cx tkzt Pliyer, Soli tvtrywttre tlst for $250, Our Price 0150 PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. . :SVMNS0fJ MUSIC CO. ihono L,014 Mataonlo Tomplo liloolz Ceia"! Etaalags birthday of Jamee, auo of Mr. apd Mra. P. C. I mi Vol. yr. Twniy-are lutle folka. to cumpackd by Ibna moltuuta, .were prea vnt. A f-oti.r n( h. ariy waa an liB Uiojiae Cl.rutiiiaa tree. Vir. and Mra. ei.nor Smith r.i.rt.ir,.. the mriiLcia r.f in 'eun il buia o ulj, ...... .no .hi iw i. ircio. T r.urscay evening- at their horn a on Waahlxntun av. TIIK OMAHA not seen our line, we cordially invite you to call. New goods are Plates, Bread and Butter Plates. Our Gut Still Continues and ia a surprise to our customers. Prices one half usual prices. Don't miss this opportunity. - 344 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. JOUt You were deciding If you'd come in, we might help you decide. : Does this list remind you of Turkish leather couches, library lnets; parlor cabinets, china cabinets, sideboards, buffets the .1.t...l.. J W .a . ..... . - ' tcuwmeu victor patent dining ' Princess dressers. ' Brass beds, 25,000 square feet of floor spifce filled with useful and handsome pieces suitable for Xmas gifts. A migTjificect dinplay. - in .mil S13-31S ioyabla of tba aorlat events of tha week, rcaturre of the evenln a program were aa lllaetrated lecture by Mr. K. y. fncn on 'Vivkc l-'tHlratlon In Oii'i," aed a talk by iuilne felabaun of Omaha on the civic federative In ttiat ctnr. Tin auraia were: iuUft and Mra. O. l. 'Wheeler. Ir. and Mra. Houghton. Dr. and Mm. Hue. County Attornry and Mra. KUlrack. County Huir U2teuSut aud Mia. (. J. McManua, fmunr DAILY nEKj HUN I) AY, DECKMnni. and purchasers this week; has Chop Sets,. Pudding Beta, Salad Glass Sale cases, ladies' desks, muslo cab- table, ladies' dressing tables-. 3 Bread way.' Call aiil SC3 US Mayor and Mra. Jenalne. 'Princlp! and Mra. Knaixn, I-uatrnaater and Mra tWA ton. Mr. and Mra W. i. Levereit. Mr. r.iri Mra. H A. balleaaer. former Aeian' Cuunty Attorney and Mra. Kimball. fcWhooi hoard I'realdeiit and Mra J. P. Urea. Mra. W. H. Treynor Miaa Lulu "ltnh. City fcup erlntptidaiit Cllfturd. H V. Kltch. U. it. l-ory and JuJ . butbuah and C K. Uoet WluK at Ciuuia. Time V- -1 ESSS3SCS n'a rJi jLIL - M aJue Mon'e au. llfht and beayjr. fl A SATIOriAL SALE Of of ,h.T" Vt LISE8 la (i L A i .tlonal aals a.r, VALISE8 . . That we have employed to iriova It. aanda of other articles, too nutneroua 't Go Vair rlilltlrfiri double kne lione, tnlue 10. AtlGo Pair extra heavy bose for bad boys, regular price 2."c. AtlOio Pair extra liearjr men's wool balf hoe, rf-giilar 25c. At 17o ralr men'i extra fln caahmere Low, regular prlc 25c. A.tlOo Pair ladles' all wool oashmera bone, regular price 2Rc and 33c. AtlOo Pair ladle' beary fleeced bote, value J5c. -It JGo . ' Four pair men'a Rockford half hose, value 10c a pair. Jit 2Qo Misses' and children's uuloa suits, value 85c. -It 23o Boys' heavy fleeced underwear, value 35c. . Men's extra heavy wool fleeced shirts, sliver striped, value 60c, The S3ovelty Bargain Store, " ,y Tn selecting .your Christmas gifts do' not-fall to call on tis. If you do, wwj wtll sell you something that will be of: naa to every member of the family. We have on hand for our holiday trade a complete line of DINNER SETS. BOOK CASES, PARLOR LA WPS, CHINA CLOSETS SCREENS AND EASELS, . CENTER TABLES LADIES, DESKS) . RUGS AT AU PRICES Folding Chain and Card Table tj! Toys 'ul Your Onn 20 Per Gent Discount on All flcorn Daso Burners This Week thousand and one things too uumr ous to mention In the house furnlshUur line, " W. D. KELLER 407 Broadway Tel. L-611 PIAD8S Fen CliniSTAS SELECT ONE NOW . Only aaraa days ta Chrlatmaa. One ot eur Doe pianos Is tha 1ft of slta tor that graat sirualrtna kuhday, s4 It may ba secured today and set aalde for Chrlatmaa deUvery. No natter how bumble tha olr eumstanoaa, or bow limited tba reaoureet of tha puree, we bava planoa to fit all tn coanaa. Mew planoa from 17S to duO, an4 at every prloe betweeo. GRAND HOLIDAY SHOWING .of muetral lhatrunienta of every deeeriptlon, Yocal and tnatrumantal annate, mualo buzee, bi;taTrapiui aud revurda. ate Call at ;BO U R I C I U G ' evhere roa ara alwaya welcome. Ha baa ) .averytiilne you may need In tha muaio Una and hi relUblUijr aud boo rat privta ara imrS over Waaler a leva. Make yvur e .WWMVe early. , , ixflf!9in!iie Dtiun unncc 325 Imizzj, Til? Ci"t-a etanda Vpoa tha Building. CIMIS1MAS GIFTS 10 of CLOAKS. MKN H iiin Tinvo- rimnvi . th. pubc w.hout reaer.. . lo PRICE IS THE MIGHTY LEVP1? - Tha following are few .ample pricea to mention, at proportionally low pricea. i Men's extra fleeced shirts, double front and back. At Wo Boys' good quality knee pants, value 25c, aiisos 4 to 14. -It 7o Boys' all wool and corduroy knee pants, value 50c to 75c. At OSo Boys' heavy Ions pants, well made and of good quality cloth, value 1 1.5a At aoo Men's good working pants, value 11.00V. At aj.oo Men's extra heavy pants, value $2.50. . . Men's ulster coats, made of good quality cloth and food lining, value $7.50. At &G.OO Men'a overcoats, made of good ' quality melton, value f 10.00. Men's overcoats, made of gray kersey, value $12.00. At al so Children's chinchilla- reefers, wen inaae and lined, value $2.50 am sircer. council Bluffs. Iowa. That Safisffod Feeling Assure yourself of this by having Jacque min's name upon the box. Fancy Rings, Signet Rings, Brooch Pins, Scarf Pins, m m m m m ss ' watch Chins, III t I a ' iDCK unams, adios' Umbrellas, 3.00 to 20 Gents' Umbrellas, 3.00 to 18 A grand line of Sterling Silver tableware in dozens, work and fancy pieces to match all patterns. JACQ.UEMIM . .'. ?7 MAIN STREET Don't Spend For candy, nuts and distress your children, mat the entire lamily can enjoy for a long time to come Some of our silverware will please you all for Xmas , . WE HAVE A NICE SELECTION OP Silverware, Knives, Nutcrackers, fruit Knives, Silver nated ware, Chatiny Dishes. Carving Sets, Pocket OUR LEADER Boys Pocket Knives from 5c to EOC VISITORS WELCOMED. SWAINE & MAUER TEL. 347. 036-338 I AT 09c Tanl, M Inch wt.kj S-jly all won! carpet, rrfutxr price Tic. AT 424c Yard, M Inch erlrte 4-ptjr JI wool iriunr price eoc. ORV Rnnna vii-, rrpjuiar price Bsc. - but bear In mind that there ara then. At4.08 Mens suits, late make oT very Rood doth In striics and checks, value $10.00. At aO.O Men's suits, made of best cassl . mere, first class make, a variety of styles, regular price $12.50. - At &1.08 Boys' kersey 'overcoats, value $4.00. . . At GOo Set Rogers' triple plated tea spoons, regular price $1.23. At ' Set Rogers' triple plate table lKKns, value $3.00. st32.SO . ' Set Rogers' triple plate knives and ' forks, regular price $4.50 and $5.00. FURS! fURS! FIRS! l)on't buy fu. until you see what we have t oiler. OCfl Coirarettce were made to our J Jll order from electrlo eeal, Japan. aae. mink. Muffloon, Thibet beaver, bear. etc. frlcea ara cut to 60c on tha dollar. Coma and sea for youraelf. A full Una of Ionic boas, round and flat, all the newest elTecte In marten, bear, beaver and electrlo eeal a t pricea within your reach. BCARFS vi an aiyiea rrora too up. .50 to 20.00 2.00 to 20.00 2.00 to 25.00 1.00 to 35.00 1.50 to 40.00 1.50 to 18.00 All Your Money pudding which mayi but buy something forks and Snoons. Knives, Razors, Skates; BROADWAY. Where are youpini, my pretty maid? f. . To the Uluff City Laundry. 22 N. ilu 8t Tel. ai4. air. ahe aald. Can I ao ana uu. my pretty maldT . i You certaln'y need to. air, ahe i la thla an Innult, my pretty mxldr Ohl no. Indeed, kind air, ahe ald. Then what la your mea-niua-. my pretty maid? . - It la the beat laundry In town, air, aba aalrt.' Now you do inuareat roe, ray pretty maid. Take your coliaja and cuff a there, air, alia .aid. - , ""VUI It Improve them, my, pretty maldT , They will I Immaculate, air, aha aaid. . Bluff City Laundry WiLUfT! OROIT, rropa. a- Nurtu alaln Birttt.