nday Bee. j EDITORIAL SHEET, g PAGES It TO 20. t ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 0, 1903 SINGLE COPY, FIVE CENTS, PI rn? M n M ii H I! ir UL 1S 1Mb II LLlAHbK llUilt. CLOAKS, SUITS AND FURS nn 111 y he Omaha Sxj ..OiJlA SflDTfl 8 FUQarroQE FOR XfvMS GIFT Our Great Holiday Sale of Women's Cloaks and Suits at February prices still continues. This comes just at a time when it will do you the most good-and you should without fail take advantage of this opportunity to pur chase your holiday presents. Come early and get your pick of the gar ments offered. Fur Scarfs and Boas in all furs and all styles. , t . Cloaks and Snits Just the thing for gifts, go at February clearing sale prices. HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS: Marten Scarfs with t tills, worth SS..?!?... 5.00 ISO doubt Banle F"o Scarfs with new cords uh. tails, worth O flf ii.00. for........ O.SiJ Women's Astrakhan Costs, lined C ft O with Skinner satin 3U3 WOMEN'S COATS $10.00 Wo 9 flfi men's Coats (or Ca?W WOMEN'S COATS-ClaOQ, $100 and 130.00 0"?"'"..c.!tf..... ; 10.00 ALL OlTR$ij.5u, $36 00 and t.o Women's Long Coats In slbeline, kersey and Mn tanac, all beautiful garments, II J C Monday your choice for I'll I w ANT CLOTH COAT In our house worth up to yours Monday for."... WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS Mads in all grades of . material of all pa turns and colors, worth up to $30.vO, Q G 91 Monday, go at... 3U WOMEN'S SUITS Made of fine broadcloth and Scotch cheviot, worth up to (90.00, Monday each WOMEN'S SAMPLE SUITS Mad of aU the newest materials, handsomely trim med and well tailored, worth tip to 29.T5 20.00 14.75 Has undoubtedly made our Big Store his principal headquarters for this year. OUR WEST ROOM, GROUND FLOORs a veritable toy fairy land, resplendent with thousands upon thou sands of beautiful Christmas Gi.ts at prices that cannot help but induce you to help the good Saint in his annual distribution. Mechanical toys, blocks, games, dolls, cabs, carriages, horses, rockers, engines of every kind and description are here. Also fancy toilet and work boxes, shav ing sets, smoking sets and cases. Burnt wood and celluloid novelties and books for young and old. Selection is made easy by tho great variety of gifts shown and the low prices asked. Come at once and do your Christmas shopping. TOY SPECIALS (HONDAY ..MECHANICAL TOYS.. EXTRA SPECIALS FOR MONDAY l SAMPLE) MINK CAPE. In. long, with border of natural tails, 13 inch sweep, regular $175.00 value, will be ff Cfi. sold Monday for., Q (9U I WOMKN'S FINEST QUALITT HEALTH COATS, worth liuO.OO, RJ 7C Monday for U4if9 WOMEN'S NEAR BF1AL COATS Marten trimmed, worth rSu.w), C hi Monday for wOlUW WOMEN'S CONEY SCARPS with larg. tails, worth $1.36, "IRia Monday each. .... I9S 1 SAMPLE KRJMMER COAT, -egular fno.OO quality, will be sold OQ Cfl Monday for l99i9U WOMEN'S LONG SQUIRREL SCARFS in new feat style, worth COO tiZSO, Monday JlSQ 10.00 2.93 WOMEN'S LONO GRAT FOX SCARFS mads with cords and 10 large tails, worth . -uw.uu, Monday only, each WOMEN'S LOUNOINQ ROBES for (5.00, $3.98 and WOMEN'S DRESSING 8ACQUES at 15, fx?? 83c WOMEN'S SILK PETTICOATS O Prt at $116 00 down to UlUU I0O WOMEN'S SILK WAISTS, regular $8.00 value for only 2 90 WOM EN'S " " NEW " ' WUITE " " V Efa T 1 N o WAISTS. Monday I fin $3 90, $2.W and IrSU DON'T FORGKT OUR CHILDREN'S IK PARTMENT CHILDREN'S COATS for 0c. U.M. $2.98 and . 1 J) tO eees 12. CO tfayden Bros'. High Grado Dress Goods Dcpl To pleas your mother, your wife, yoo r beat girt is your enly thought and de sir at this time of the year. Nothing W so sure of pleasing ladles of ail aces as. a now w..4.j 'A selected from our elegant Una of black and colored rood. If It Is a a - trood wear, of fin color and finish, of style and moderate price, them ; - t investment for the aver as woman than our high- grade Priestley'. Lupin s ..jurtau!d's dress fabrlcsvFor Monday and th balance of-the wsek wa will oiler you extra inducement, la high trad goods. eS-ln. French Zlbellne in black, blue, brown and green, extra fin satin finish. reduced front $i.W to per yard .92s U-trt. London cords, lute strings and eta mlnas, th U-J and $2.60 qual- ftO ity. at. -- l5 6-in. flaked Zlbellne flaked foul and flaked broadcloth In blank and (If) colors, UN and $3.98 quality ! JJ S-ln. mixed Suiting. Bannockburns. boucle, fancy Zlbellne plaids, Just th think for shirt waist suits, reaucea rrom 81. M a yard to ............ 1.25 Black Zlbelln. In th finest French make. o.uo quality, $!, fi.m, reaucea q nn to Extra heavy Zlbelln Cheviot and I nr sultln-. $3 quality for Ii9 Fancy waisUnc in all th fiaw coloring and weaves Tor this sal .MM.M.M.OUS jrrencn naimais, wo quality, at French challlea, 76o quality, All wool Zlbelln fancy suiting- and flannels. St in. wide, at Remnant, in all colors and quail- 4Ca ties at, per yard 9S ..39c 39s .30: hyden's Great Holiday Linen Salo FULL TRIMMED ENGINE, strong nad a perfect beauty, will CO ran 100 feet. Monday Q9& STEEL CLIMBERS, tbe most durable modern toy made, a regular $1.00 auto, drays, apodal OA. Monday UuS MECHANICAL AUTO, light runiibout, fancy dressed driver in Aftm seat, at tU5 TOUULNO CAB PATTERN AUTO, very large, fully equipped, rubber tires, special for 100 Monday lit (J PASSENGER ENGINE, a fast time maker, regular J 1.50 toy QJjjC UPRIGTIT STEAM ENGINE, recrolar S.? C5c HORIZONTAL GAS ENGINES, worth ?.: 1.75 REAL BRASS DOLL BEDS, the rery latest thins" In doll furnl- I r)r ture. $2.49 and... TRIMMED DOLL BEDS, a full line, unbreakable, from $3.00 OR down to........ fcQS DOLL HOUSES, Groceriea and Markets, at TOT DOLL and children's trunks 'oT..?!!.?L.... .... ...5.00 49c STEUEOPTICON, a ment, worth $2.50, for splendid lootm- 1.39 CaUES AND Cl!.iE B02R3S CROKONOLE BOARDS, wood rim, oak. card board center, rubber pins, a 75c board, special S Monday yC COMBINOLO BOARDS (20 pamesl 3 ply maple, veneered with felt cushions around birch rim, regular A fP $3.Q0 board &CQ 1.500 different games, tflm each lUW Ring Toss Tlddley- rtPJ winks ..WW AMERICAN BEAUTY, fine Uthoirraph alpha bet and picture blocks, f)P. worth 50c, at CwC CHILDREN'S WAGON and building I locks, 50c, 25c f and lUC CHILDREH'S RU2DER TOYS ..25c ICc ...IBs 50c goods - for 25c goods for . TOY PIANO with 6 keys, special Monday 17 PIECE CHILD'S DECORATED TEA SETS, special Ift Monday Iww Special Discount Sals cn Dolls Honday 1.19 FINEST GRADE KID BODY cork stuffed dolls with real hair sewed wig. worth $1.05, Monday KID BODY, Jointed sleeping dolls, worth 75c. A Rn Monday tuv SAMPLE PATENT DOLlS worth up to 75c, Moa- QCsk day g.SC FANCY DRESSED CLOTH dolls for Hliy FANCY CAVALIER AND CLOWN DOLLS, unbreakable, 9Ra Monday Doll Cabs and Carls ALL STEEL AND WOVEN WIRH GO-CART, worth $2.00, I qn special Monday Iitfj DOLL CARRIAGE, steel wheels and axles, nicely upholstered, fancy braided box, worth $3.50, OAR Monday tCstl) FANCY IRON WHEEL GOCART. with varnished and braided box, Kfts special Monday uUC SMALL DOLL CABS, with wicker basket, Monday... 10c C-HRISTfUiA'S SILK SALE 5G0 Waist Patterns Crepe tie Chine all colors, 4 yds each pattern, worth f5.00, for 2.76 Four days more of Big Silk Bargains, We urge upon you the necessity of shopping; as early as possible in the morning to avoid crush of afternoon. 100 Kimono Patterns 32 In. wide Persian. Silks 4 yds in each pattern, worth $3.00, for 1.96 Only four more days in which to bay on of those beautiful chairs for an Xmaa pres ent. 550 styles of rockers from 95c up to f3.50 each. The largest, the best selected stock in the west. No place can you go and find aa many Btyles in rockers and chairs; fancy reception, hall and parlor chairs, children's rockers and high chairs; any style you wish. Children's rockers, 350 styles to select from, going at 50c, 75c, 85c, 95c, $1.00, ?1.25, f 1.35, 1.50, f 1.75, $1.95, $2.00 and $2.25. Combination book case and desk, solid oak, ?oing at 50c, 75c, 85c, 95c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $35.00. Lnvans, upnoisterca in silk tapestry, mahogany fin ish, going at $0.50, $7.50, $9.50, $11.50 and $12.50. Um We have a .few more of Is those $15.85 steel con- J structed couches, 30 inches wide, 6$ feet long, spring edge and end upholstered in best grade of velour, that we will close out J Q m f II I I GREATEST SALE OF WAIST & DRESS PATTERNS EVER HELD J5 SII.K WAIST PATTERNS. m diftrBt colors, yards, ach pattern worth $3.00, oa sslo ; K9 8ILK WAIST PATTERNS, 20-difiarant - colors, 4 ysxds. each pattern worth S3.G0, on sat 100 WHITE SILK WAIST PATTERNS, tt Inches wlds, Shi yards, ach pattern worth H50, - oa 1.00 1.25 :rns. xu 1.75 I0 PLAIN COLORED SILK WAIST PAT- TERNS, 17 inches wide, ZH yards, aach pattern worth 12-75, on sale Mail Orders Attention. 1.75 100 PPTRAL CORD FANCY WAIST PAT TERNS, 4 yards, each pat tern worth on sale BOO FANCY SILK WAIST PATTERNS. 1 4 yards, each pattern worth J5.00, , - . on sale DRES3 PATTERN, worth $15.00, contains U yards 27-1 n. wide black peau de sole, for r-KKSS PATTERN, worth 4.00, contains U yards 27-ln. wide blark peau as sole, (or , DRESS PATTERN, worth $30.00, contains I yards M-ln. wlds black peau da sole, (or Every order sent la will be filled the minute It tcfors Christmas. 1.08 TERNS. 2.7G 0.00 14.75 11.90 DRESS PATTERN," worth JOO.OO contain. U ' yards 24-tn. wld black peau da sole, (or DRESS PATTERN, worth 00, contains I yards 40-ln. wide black crepe de chine, (or ., DRESS PATTKRN, vorth $44.00. oontalRO 1 yards "48-ln. wide black crepe de china, (or DRESS PATTERN, worth S4.00. ft f f contains 14 yards 19-ln. wide Jl.tJiJ 25.00 11.03 15.93 fancy boucle silk, (or.... DRESS PATTERN, worth $21.00, wide 13.72 contains 14 yards 21-ln. fancy suit silk. (or. Is rscaived to Insure delivery $2.00 extra hoavy double Damask Table L.lnen, .3 mooes wiaa, at yaru i tl.Zi extra heavy full bleached Irish Tuhle LJnn. U Inches wide, at yard 7A-o Kks sliver blenched Auatrtan Talk Linen, 64 !nche wld, at yard too 75c Scotch Damask, guaranteed all . pure linen, at yard , 49e CV heavy Cream Loom Damask, at yard evo snow while Union Table Unen. at $4Wil"bVhed "pattern" cloth," border all around, satoen Cnlah, pure linen, at., ..CM $J.ia all linen fringe cloth, white center, fancy borders, at B3o $3 '.J heinatltched bleached pattern doth, !S yards ion, at U.t tl.M turkey red fringred table cloth, sis t yards long-; suaranteea last colors, as tong as they last, at 7c (l.ti sliver bleached ail linen napkins, at dozen S9c $X.u bleached linen napkins, at dossn..U.3S $2.M bleached Unen napkins, at doaea..l.i9 $2 00 bleached linen napkins, at dosen.. 49 tl.oO bleached linen napkins, at duaen....dvo LM double damaak towels, at io tl.00 double rtnmafik towels, at. ..60c hkr double damask towels, at.......... ..SSc 4tta double damask towia, at 3ao Lunch cloths, dresaer acarfs, Dollie. and hemstitched table cloth, and napkin, to match at H regular price. Great Solo of Trunks end Orcss Many beautiful presents are to be found in this department It a tvlnrh trunk will accommodate the personal effects you auh to O CA take with you oa your home trip, secure one at : j-xjJ Our Z4-tnch dress suit cases, made on steel frame, covered with enameled rubber cloth, linen lltted, with brass spring lock and en sltie catchrs at ........ ...... .... ......... ......... ............m...- Xathsr suit caaeS. linen lined O CO with body straps at .- ....... "'"W CowbMe suit case, with shirt fold fl QQ reeular IA 00 vaiue sale price CovhlJa suit csawi, linan lined, with shirt fold or leather lined. A QQ reituiar price Si.uo ale rrlre rim-r grades at I. ' wi, $12.00. $U.C. and $1100. VaUsea (roua m t tlS Mk (iOTiniis niGEn for HOLioay gifts at in i " 1i I I ( BEAUTIFUL GIFTS III OUR HARDWARE DEPT. If you want to get something useful as well as ornamental, get one of those Begal Universal Base Burners. It is the hand somest piece of furnishings you can put in your house. Special cut price on '.all heating stoves this week. We. have the hand somest steel range in Omaha. Did you see it? We have a very hand some line of nlckel- Th. Standard, a C rat -clan range, (or ..' Lvga. Regal Universal, for Flrst-clae. Air-Tight Oak, for lft-inch Hot Blast, for , Wood air-tight heaters, - up from ......... Barney Bar ry boy. or ........ . 24.50 .41.50 11.50 0.G5 1.29 Skats, for fefessSV Ladles umbrellas tn fancy colors, O M with pearl hai.dle. fc m down to...gsVtJ lAtlis" black umbrellas, I f f from uo down to .-. Gentlemen umbrellas, a fine line of bona and natural wuud handles. I p fl fiom $4.uw duwa to Taney suspenders. In pretty hoses, ons pair tn box. a useful girt. CH prices U C i a. II- l'-" "' fcU is Kudlrnv ailk and worm tea. In all the new cot ahiit-s and deelrns. snuares In blai-k, ereain and fancy shades. MH in $1S and ...I WJ C!s.2$ Used and Usllaed 50s Ladles' stlk-Hned cashmere aloes, back. ewlursd Unliig-ei'ecj at wuh per pair.. Ladles mocha one-clasp street f tf gloves. In ail shades... ....ItWkJ Ladles' silk-lined two-clasp mo- I Cf cha gloves lu aU ehatlta, at ,J Ladles' sweaters, great variety of styles and colors. aU sUes, RSO, ti-SO, 4 fn titfO, and .UU sw aster a, from IS.&9 down Boys' to Men, sweaters, from $S.M) down to .30c .502 An Immense line of laucdjied drees shirt. the very Ult styles. Urn's shirts and pants In mixed .Ilk snd wool, a fine gift: they come in O Cfl ail colura; per garment WnU Spscid Pcriisre n:rgjb Tour choice of a number the best and nwet styles and colorings in either jt.iry ur T'n- poruenai every pir wurtn up to U A f at, per pir HiJ J Ruf a make a ex it uaeful Cbriatmas pres ent. V t.ave a hue vt aisca ati cuiors St th4 ltttt l!llC, at Uiw J fkii 3 Ailuliisler Rugs, 4 is at st J bt . ...... . - a v w ' I X. . .--.i. i i i. l..k 't t j Ji I Pull else 11-4 fancy Una all wool plalz sd plain grey bed blankets, M p fi worth KaO a pair. at. taa l Barney sV Barry girls' and lading' skate. 39c 1. 79c LOCO sleds and coasters, the handsomest line In Omaha, up from tOt sets of carvers, la plain and sterling 19 silver, mounted aolld .tag hand to., the best American cutlery, up 7 Of from plated coffe. and tea z 49c We have the finest line of raxors and pocket cutlery ltt the city everything over Sa warrantsd and aw one. given la exchange if not satis factory. Chafing Dishes W. carry the celebrated Bteruaa make have them an O OK prices, up from si .AJ t o'clock Tea., elegant line, up from .1.49 Crumb Trays, with brush or scrapers, from I9C air lUfles, Daisy or King SPECIAL PRICE oo ' SHOTGUNS, RIFLES, Etc 69C 12-gauge loaded sheila, per box 38 Men's Swell Hats "IMPERIAL" and "TIGER" hats are the best $1.00 hat. produced. We control their manufacture absolutely and guar antee them to be equal In service and style to hat. that sell elsewhere for $3.00. AUstyles. soft and stiff. gjj Other excluslvs line, at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Caps for Hen, Goys and Children Men', and boys' fine plush caps, regular to Quality, on sale 25 C Man's and boys' aiia iluah and ali wool caps, worth up to ti.'e, on sals, JQg r-l'ner"Vrades'at'$i.'6,' $L'aS and'ii.M. U. dosen of children's Tim O'ghanter and skating caps, regular too quality, 9 Cm on sale Monday, at 3G Finer grades at tOc, 76o and $1.00. Optical Department What do you think o f a n OPERA GLASS, a pair of gold or cold filled glasses for an Xmas present. Christmas Gifts at IK' Price. We have secured the sample line of the Florence . ng Company, the largest manufacturers of Brushes, Combs, Mirrors ;:.. ''.-in In the country. We purchased them at half price and will give you in.- v. 11.00 Hair Brushes for 50c i ?K00 Toilet bets, complete, for K.O $1.20 Hair Brushes for .o Ko.Oj Toilet Bets, sterling, for $10.09 $1.60 Hair Brushes for..... , 76o $7.00 Toilet Bets, engraved, for 13.50 $1.30 Cloth Brushes for .60o ! $5.00 Toilet Bets, engraved, for $2 50 K5 Hat Brushes for .40ci$l.oo Men's Cloth Brushes for 60o ?ic Hat Brunhes for 353 1 $." Military Sets for.... $3.50 $100 Hand Mirrors for .SOc $4 00 Military Bet. for $2.00 $1.50 Hand Mirrors for 7."c , $3.00 unitary Bets for............... $LftO $1.09 Hand Mirror, for $1.00 I $2.00 Military 8eU for....... ,..$L00 HOLIDAY IlAUDiCERCIllEFS. From the Penny wholesale bankrupt . stock. The greatest bargains In hand- sfr. yiRvV kerchiefs ever offered. jTS A Ts. -f Yis tc white hemsUtched handker- fW'''VM VS M ' . chiefs sho fc-'Z' A";A ytf 5 Children's boxed handkerchiefs, mS' I v$ VM ,f Aj I In box. per box ISo f if iVt BC t t'V Children's silk IniUal handker--. ZJ H . IA JI V Ijl chiefs, each &C A -S ' Children, pure linen handker- T K X AT S M Atlr-A chiefs, each ...Bo ' y&.T . AT iYj&- Ladies' pure linen handker- . S 'Jr Aiilw J& ' chiefs, each Mo A. X JTJ JF Ladles' JSc scalloped handker- XX AlrX jy N jfj- chiefs, each ......210 r a kS! Ladies' COO lace trimmed hand- ."l-Jk JS '-C r kerchiefs, each $1-00 Box of I pure linen embrold- .. " v-V ered SOc handkerchiefs $1.00 -, $5.00 hand made handkerchiefs, each.. ..$180 KEW DOQXS m C1ELES AT CUT PRICES- $1.50 copyright book, at 7V , 2So U-mo.' book, at M JSHo $2.25 teachers bibles at Wo, Toy book, up from ho 25c Henty books at 10 Prayer books up from Zoo $1.50 padded poet, at Sic ' - . CHRISTUAS R!3E0:SS. No. K all silk ribbon, per yard 3o I Nos. 13 and 1( all silk ribbon, per yard..7Ha No. 7 all silk ribbon, per yard 4Hc Nos. tt and 40 all silk ribbon, per yard..lua No. all silk ribbon, per yard rSol 4 " Great Christmas Grocery Sab We haye them at tbe right price; no charge for refitting glasses. ft lbs. pure cane granulated suga". $1.00 KMb. sack pure Graham flour 26c 10-lb. sack pure buckwheat flour too Large sacks white or yellow corn meal 12Hc I lbe. Breakfast rolled oats 26c 19 bars best laundry soap 25o -lb pkg. self rising pancaks flour 7 Ho 1-1 b. pkg. imported maccoronl 7Vc 1-lb. oan fancy Alaska salmon o Imported sardines, per can o Oerkln sweet choice chow chow or onion pickles, per bottle Ho l-'.b. Jar pure fruit jam 10o Fancy glasses pur. fruit Jelly so Crisd Fruit Sp::b!s Large California prunes, per lb to Fancy Santa Clara prunes, per lb ftso Fancy large Italian black prunes, per lb BHc Choice Utah peaches, per lb ...7vc Choice California peaches, per lb SVsO Choice Colorado Libre ta peaches, per lb lOo English cleaned currants, per lb Oa Grecian cleaned currants, per lb Ito Fancy Vostlsxa cleaned currants, per lb 11a Extra fancy Patxa. cleaned currants, per lb Utto Choice California apricots, per lb 11c Fancy Moor Park aprWu. per lb Ufeo Fancy mixed lemon, orange and citron ;eel, per lb 2So Tea snd Coifss Specials Oolong, Gunpowder, English Break fast, B. F. Japan or Sundrled Tea, per lb 28e Choice tea elftlntrs. per lb. .A 12Ho Good dried Santos coffee 11c H. B. C. special M. A J. coffee, per Ib..lio Candy. Gsndy! Csndy! Chocolats creams, per lb... Cream fudge, per ib Peppermint kisses, par lb. Crown mixed, per lb Special mixed, per lb .13c ...12HC ...12o luc Choice gum drops, per lb So Peanut squsres, per lb lTVfao French lemon drops, per lb 12io Salted peanuts, per lb ...Ah Granges. end flirts fcr Xnss W are Headquarter Sweet Juicy oranges, each.. 1. Fancy mixed new nuts, per Ib ..llo 1 bushel boxes fancy Idaho eating apples $1 25 4 lbs. new Hallowe'en dates..... &a Fancy Arabian dates, per pkg 7Vo Fancy California white figs o New white rice popcorn, per lb.. Via Large juicy lemons, each la Finest Cispfsy of licit 3 Ever. Seeninth.Gily cfCnnha Come and see the beautiful beeves, mut ton, pigs, etc Every thing Imaginable la um IUH1 muvt UMU UUK No." 1 Hams No. 1 Bacon Pork Loins Pork Butt. Spare Kibe , Lamb Chops, loin or rib... Iamb Roast ... ............ ... Lamb Stew. Boiling Beef Pot Koast M Bib Koast. to and ..... Sirloin Steak , Porter House Steak .. Veal Stew Veal Koast ... Veal Koast. loin or round..,. No. 1 Chickens, fresh dressed No. 1 Oeeae, fancy No. 1 Ducks, fancy No. 1 fancy Turkeys Oysters, solid meats, quart... .10. .llo . 7o . ...... .gQ To .-tVio v.'..;:::::iH2 43 n . ..fcl .1 ... .So . .Ho ...llq ...17s Michigan Celery, very fancy, per bunch 1V U lba Leaf Lard, for $L A full line of home-made mince meat, auer kraut and sausage, of all kinds. Shcot .lusic Salo Full slae 11-4 extra fine all wool white bed blankets, worth (1-iO a pair. f ffl at , UiwW Extra good slse all Wool grey bed blankets, worth Hit pair, 2' 3 .. CSc . I.C3 f ull : as- Full line ef fancy bath robes. up from, pair ' Full line of home-made bed com- I for ladies, up iruin Extra heavy tot grade attaco. Sifts From ur FAXOY COLORED PARLOR CANDLES 24c per doz. These are usually sold QCn at 75c per doz. Dozen Zull FINE BAYREUTH FANCY CHINA DECO RATED FLATES Regular Qp 75c vaiut, at u U FINE PARLOR LAMP and shade, decorated to match, No. 3 bronze burner, Q 0 f regular ?3.00 lamp, at UUU FLEMISII IIALF GALLON TANKARDS a variety of 0Ko colors. . .... .... ...... Z J U epartment HANGING PLACQUES French china, deco rated ith game birds. These Placques have never been sold for less than 3.00 to 3.00. Our A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER A 100- piece decorated - French China dinner set ' regular f 25.00 to 30.00 values I for less than 3.00 Q J Q -A 100 aer set 14.25 REMEMBER, THESE ARE STRICTLY FIRST GRADE GOODS. n dk.'.U....csese. Waif J I n n vv J i L. J nn o) J j n 111 We have made another larse purchase of "Anona." both vocal and instumental. We will place this selection on sale tomorow, at only 19c by mail 21c. Regular price of this is GOc We will also include Borne nice, new songs, Two-Steps, Waltzes, Cake Walks, etc., at the same price. Mail orders filled the same day we receive them. Ask to see the nice, new dance folios, contain ing popular music, at only 48c per copy, by mail 55c regular price of these books, 75c. en's Fine Holiday Slippers at Bargain Prises Bayden Bros. buy. the entire floor stock, of Hasea B. Goodrich aad th. Haver, bill Slipper Co. (tanufaeture. of th. best quality, of men', aad women's On. slip, pens. These good, were bought late, and were secured for l-t fit. Their Jos. Is your gain. Women', fine bearer, fur trlia- ft ft ced. $1-46. 11.34 aai UUS Men. Tan or win calf Cavalier slipper Men's burnt leather, elk. Indian or horse head Men's tan, goat or vid opera or tverell Men', black vki opera or fevexeit Men', fin. goat, tan or black. He, JC au aiul 3.C3 225 I.EQ I.2S ...4Cc M'n'a embroidered IN, Im SJid.. pat. quarter. JO. Women', all color, knit li-Pe 0a Men's, women's, misses' and child', vel. vet sllpprs. warm Uned carpet In. soles t3 Child's red all felt fur trimmed sU;pera The blg?eet and best Ho ef holiday silvpcts lu Omaha. '