' J ! ' 10 ','OVMAnA DAILY REE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1903. n n n r2 ! J 1 l U J L 7 if h(m . V ) - vi-; ; ; mm V I I The greatest variety of suitable and useful gifts ever seen atone store in the west Prices are always the lowest at Brandeis Please do your shopping in the morn ing if convenient Open Evenings Until Christmas . ii i i i i 1 1 iif it Plil I III IS I ' I ' Vienna Bags Carriage bags, crushed leathtr and pleated bage, a most complete assort ment, fitted With gk f A4A smUlicg bottle, Beautiful Toy Dept. Basement Dolls, Toys, Books and Games for the Little Ones. Gold and silver pins at one-half j ' i i ja w r i or B Pin.- f Drica et and plain and up. V band. Cut glass jar s all sizes, 2 5c ljr. fA mi" TO AV Come tomorrow and fill your Christmas list at the greatest holiday bazaar in Omaha. Hundreds of ac ccptable gifts for everyone. The store is full of Christmas hints on the a. a.- i r proper present to Duy lor everyone. Avnin me asT mien m j f . m i a " wwk a by Shopping Early CARMEN BRACELETS Sterling aod gold filled, warranted not to change color In ten ,r) QO years, at 3l 14k gold filled Carmen bracelet, heavy locket for 'pictures, at 3.49-4.98-5.98 v Men's and ladies' solid gold watcnes. in au sizes, all at Just one-half jeweler's price Gent's watch fobgold thread with " .C.!n:. 2.75 to $6 LADIES' LOCKETS 10k gold tars, eta, set with rubles, pearls and opals, at 1.49-1.98 2.49-3.50, P,, Dress Patterns for Gifts Xuii drM pattern would mikt a tmiibU and highly mpprteiatei Christmcu gift. We offer tome extraordinary bargain tomorrow. 1 Full Dress Pattern at SI. 98 A bargain counter piled with .eTery "weave of delrabledres goods, Diaoicanaooiors. These , goods will be suitable for this and for next season, per pattern 1.98 Full Dress Patterns at $2.98 Patterns in a variety of colors and black, . for street suits, etc., some etamines. All on bargain square, per pattern, at 0.98 Our Popular Waisting Square AU French flannels, printed cashmeres, fancy f walstlngs, eta, at a remarkable bargain . i W lor Monaay, a yara MAIN DRESS GOODS DEPT. 48-inch etamines (for Bhirtwaist suits). .85c 5 4-lnch black tibeline . ; . 39c 46-incb black nunsveiling... . M .... ..'37&C 54-inch black Sicilian ........ 69c $1.50 finest English mohair pierolas....69c Danish cloth, very popular, at, yd 10c Dainty Holiday Handkerchiefs - Genuine Imported Swiss Handkerchiefs Ladies' and This is the greatest and most timely sale of strictly Swiss embroidered handkerchiefs we have ever held. En tire importer's samples from St. Gall, Switzerland, bought from a New York Importer. . ', These handkerchiefs are revered, em broidered with fancy open work,'; hem stitched, drawn thread work, -etc., worth as high as 75c each, your choice tomorrow, a . holiday bargain, " at 25c, 19c, children's fancy colored silk em broidered handkerchiefs, 25c quality, at I5c 10c Ladies' Solid Gold brooch pins : with gen- tA fit ah acs troaipnla K "- Btars, etc., at Sterllnjr Silver Alnnlcure Pieces at OKnLJinO IRft 7Kn only MtlW JU'JJV''U lAAlem' and men's all pure linen hand kerchiefs, all widths of. hematite hinc. a 25 cent handWerchlef, at i ; Ladles' iheer linen handkerchiefs, prettily' embrold- -v - ered and revered, worth, up lo 75c, t3 7 W Ladles' laoe trimmed handkerchiefs, all linen, many f styles to choose from, worth i&o, . JQ Men's and - ladles' embroidered Initial handkerchiefs, in aa letters, s in a ianoy oox, at at Men's and Indies' fancy colored border and embroid ered all silk handkerchiefs, worth vuo, , at Extra special white and fancy colored border handkerchiefs, worth 20c, at Ladles' and men's all pure linen handkerchiefs, hand cy mbrolderea initial B in a pretty box, . firifj 10c 50c 29c 3ic-5c at- AU silk muffler, all best heavy silk, many colors and styles, worth IV at, 98c Gent's Solid Gold Zenr-P Pina nnH I Irtir ; sr ev si m bb m m m msmmm mm a a 'w Buttons each in hand some box, 98c-1.50-2.50-$4 Boys' Watch Chains. Jewel- QRa ra price 2.SU. at wi Buy her a silk dress Silk is alwayt a welcomt gift for Christmas either in a dress pattern, waist orekirt pattern. A Pretty Waist Patterti-300 patterns of pure silk crepe de chine, very stylish, 65 different shades, in silk depart- nzz ' ment, at, per pattern , j' A Fine Skirt Pattern 250 full patterns of celebrated Iron Olad brand guaranteed taffeta, yard widb, worth 2 a' r 7t yard, per pattern .. O Bofinet Black Silks at $1 a Yard The world's best black silk from O. J. Bon net as Co. of Lyons, France, Includes peau da solo, (P -rf Loulsana brllllantes, paau do gant, eta, P I fl. 50 and. 13 silks, at, a yrd A Ott Bafgaitt Square at 69o 2,500 yda. high class silks, fancy novelty sflks, two and three tone waUtlng silks, taffetas for g- fy pettlooata, silks for fancy work, linings, Jt w eta, all go at .....V i . MM;!' High Grade Cut Glass We show a beautiful assortment we will sell this splendid glass far below regular values. ' Ladies' Chat elaine Watch O site, open face,, finely en- j in grarod, at....47 Back and Side Combs latest styles. 59c to $5 Lamler Opera Glass trada - mark, the 'Fly" In fine , saoroooo, 5-98 at v "A IP . X-;iTisBiJHiihi Hair Brushes clothes brushes eta, at special prices. Manicure and embroidery sols- Ofl sors...... 0"C Gold Clocks, beautifully o r n a. mented with ouplds to. One day and 8 days; 14k gold plate 1.25 to $5 Gloves are Welcome Gifts I Handsome Kid Qloves-In erer-y lata and fashionable shade for street and drew wear; made of real kid leather a gift that every woman appreciates; hundreds of Q t nair. fne vnitp seleotlon at, a pair -S pairs for your seleotlon at, a pal Th Pinet Kid nioves Made These are the Perrlns, Raolers and other high grade glovei; the prettiest an! most desirable kid glomes that are manuiao ' turod; every swell shade at ' '1 Sf) $1.50 and... ,,UU Kid Q!ove on Bargain Square AU the favorite colors, light and dark shades, lnoludin the very latest eolors; a genuine kid ' CQn glove bargain Lac Cape and Round Collar la hundreds ef designs; In white, cream and ecru, 39C Ltdles' Neckwear Many pieces elegantly ilk embroidered, in stocks . .a'cV ...25c Pretty Wub Lacea Suitable for handkerchief making aod fanoy work, in mecbllnes, footings, to., . , , .. ...... at, a yard. . . patterns, worth up to I3.0H a yard, 'All Over Lacea For waUta; sample pieces of very fine laoe In the latest at, a yard, 99o and. 1.50 French Pattern Hats at $2,50 An Ideal Christmas Present Pattern Hats, Toques and Bonnets at extraordinary re ductions for holidays. All our fine hats, ex- C( 9 fexriicr fViA natrinh rmmArl hnt liflVA unlrl Vvl' Viu W a-a w vw 4V a- au wvaa wmw w m v up U (iu uuu JUUf cuuico uu illUUUBJf ... Stunning Cloaks and Furs Specially Priced for Xmas ,' A Vhristmai gift that will delight your tcte, daughter or sister is a handtomt nsie cloai or fur piece. We mention tonu specially adapted for teatonable gifls. Beautiful white coats, opera coats and stunning evening coats. Through t for tunate purohase we are able to offer these at just about half regular prloe. Beautiful and ultrafaahlonable evening gowns from a New York manufacturer's took. Extraordinary bargains at about one-half price. Swell Long Coats Very stylish ooats, faultlessly designed and every CL CS up to S5, at a- V 24- 14.85 ...... 24-50 HIGH GRADE FURS MAKE CHARMING GIFTS m '. TT . '9. SL f A " ,'t one an artistic creation, worth all the way (Novelty Coats at $24. SO Beautiful novelty ooats in charming styles, all high grade, at ,.'.,..,,.. $30 Long Coats at $14.85 -Full length, looso coats with all the newest Ideas, silk or satin lined, stylish, loose sleeves, worth up to $30,. Jons Silk Coats at $24. 60 Extra long ooats in velou - - c, fancy models, worth as high as S50 each, your choice at. . . . $135 Hudson Bay otter coat, near seal collar and cuffs, GC1Q zr J at. 1125 only . 22-inch sealskin Jacket, $65 Smart New Muffs All the popular furs, the new flat effects, J 9324 50 Elejant Fur ScarfsAll - the pop-. 11?..: 9.98-SI25 FINE PICTURES 2B CHRISTMAS A BEAUTIFUL ART GALLERY filled with handsome pictures, all styles and all prices. For the con venience of shoppers, many are laid on eight big bargain tables on the third floor, at 15c, 10c, 25c, 29c, 30c, 1 40c, . 60c, 98c. Vatied pictures, aaaortsd slsea, worth So. IQq' $1 Uold Plated Horentlne Pattern Cabinet photograph frames, 1 .0 at , t 4UC Three combination fruit and game pictures, 18x38, S inch oak frame, 4 0 - 3 value, at. ..... I.ui) Pharaoh's Morses, 20 loch 'Florentine pattern frame, worth 13, r at .....S.y 3 f .-1 y 3 HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR MEN SMOKING JACKETS The gift that thoroughly suite a man. We show a splendid line of newest effects In velvet, silk, plaid mixtures,' etc Vines smoking jacket ever sold at at such moderate prices 3.98 to 12.50 Batti and Lounging Robes Fine, comfortable robes, la every swell style and pattern, special values, at 2.98 to 15.00 j Neckwear special at 25c Swell tins in four-lnhaoda, tecks, etc pretty new designs, ....4KJ. 'm at. STTiT, f ' J Thousands of handsome silk neckties in the new four-in- . hanJa. tecks, imperials and aacota, many exclusive 45c, 75c, 98c MEN'S DRESS KID Ql-OVES, n.w and . 50 1.00 (ashluaabi. hlo, mJl sylet.dld fltla ana a Choice of all Rdgers, Feet & Co. Suits. 17.50 Choice of all Rogers. Peet & Co. Overcoats, 25.03 Holiday Sale Table Linens 2 It yji js fine Satin Damask and half dozen napkins to match, in fancy 'ZEy boxes for Christmas presenti, , worth $5,' at, per set . '. . Hand Stitched Table Sets. Immense lot of drummers' samples, at ( 14.93-9,98.8.50-6.50-4,98-3.50 Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths. Dresser and Sideboard Scarfs, all of them drummers' fine samples, on sale at Juat about one half regular price. Pattern Table Cloths,' drummers' sanples of Irish and Girau daink, including hemstitched ( as cloths worth up to I1U, at IssVU .1 Drummers' Sample Napkins, every desirable kind, wonh up to six dollars CAdOWO OP-, adoxen,at,a J.JjU t dotun ' FlriMt quality all pur. linen Doubl. Satla " Iwiina.k, full blaached and soft tlnUh, worth I-ij up to ti.00. at-a yard 22-inoh Napkins to match, a dozen.. .2.98 24-iooh Napkin to match, a doien.-.; J.SO Drummers' Simple of Towels, worth twice our figures, at 75c, 50c, 35c, 25c and I9c Our Big Toy Sep tipn In the Basement. The greatest and most up-to-date toj de partment in Omaha. Here you will find all the very latest and finest novelty toys.. The Brandeis prices prevail and you can buy fresh, new toys at less money than at any store in Omaha. The cig headquar ters for Christmas buyers. Toy Laundry :yv Toy Washing Sets at 19c Toy Ice ' Cream Freez ere at 98c jtr 1 Machines 98c Toy Tool Chests, u from ....98c Chests, up a$? re I3C-2SC CO loo and 15o red KrBahH1a InrcA sirrt tQftr Children's pletu chairs, black- -tJrass Deas, large size, ai yoc booki njcliscj ' boards, tables, carte, etc, CC at.,.., O Christmas Tree ORNAMENTS landless Array of Qlass Balls, Festooning-, Etc Cups and saucers, drummer's samples. worth up to C m,gK) Toy Dishes at " "Ti ,r ' l 1 sss Greatest Doll Dept. IN THE WEST $1 Kid body dolls, dressed dolls, bisque dolls, stuffd dolls, up from Biggest Assortment of Games To be Found In Omaha All klnds.'of gamss, at, up from . i . . . ( 10c