1 1 i In THE OMATTA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, lf)03. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Much Improvement in All Lines of Trads, Mora Especially Holiday Goods. CONFIDENCE SHOWN IN IRON AND STEEL Aa Advance la Made la Frlra of Dry Woods, kit Prodoct la Still Below rarity wltn Cotton. NEW YORK, Dec. 1H.-M. O. Dun A Co.'s weekly review of trade tomorrow will say: ' Business in decidedly better than at any recent date and the Improvement la not confined to activity In noli. lay goous, al though the beet report concern those II nee. Continued lower temperature not only cum ulates a lee, nut Jobbers are receiving; sup plementary orders for seasonable goous, and collection are more prompt, fiuiia ing permits Issued durlnK November ex ceeded the lame month last year, railway tonnage la heavy, and severnl manufac turlnK branches are starting Idle machin- ary. On the othr hand, there la no Improve ment or the southern cotton industry ana fuel producer are restricting output. Confidence la Increasing In the iron and teel Industry and the feeling; in becoming, more general that prices will not be mate rially lower, except poRxlbly In aome de partment that have not yet participated In the readjustment. It la encouraging to find aome Improvement In demand for PIC Iron, although no extensive tonnage la expected to be taken until 1904. The ateel markets have been In a atate of uncertainty during-, the past week, owing to the numeroua meetings in progress for the settlement of price lists and wage scales. Most producers insisted that new business would not be accelerated by fur ther concessions, yet outRlde mills were offering better terms, notably In the case of billets. Structural material is grad ually reviving, contracta for new bridges and buildings coming forward, and It is known that much construction work Is scheduled for earlv in the SDring. A further advance in tin was secured by manipulators at Ixtndon. yet there Is no increase in the legitimate consumption de mand. Other metals ruled steady. At last It is possible to chronicle a sub stantial, advance In Quotations lor cotton goods, although the market Is still far below a parity, with current prices for the raw material, purchases are still restricted to Immediate requirements. There Is no Improvement In woolen roods. Hew England shoe houses have many orders for delivery next month and only a small percentage will close for the usual two weeKs' holiday ijeatner is nrm and active, while another general advance In hides is recorded. Failures this week numbered 829 In trie TTnlted States, against 267 la.it year, and In Canada zo, compared witn is a year ago. REPORTS Or THE CLEARING HOUSE. Transactions of the Aasoelated Banks Dnrlasx the Paat Week. NEW YORK, ' Dec' IS. Tha following tame, compiled ny uraastreet, snows tne bank clearings at the principal cities for . the weeK ended L'ecemher 17. wltn tne per centage of Increase and decrease as com pared with the corresponding week last CITIES. Clearings. I Ino. I Deo. New York ... Chicago Boston Philadelphia Ht. LotllS Pittsburg San Francisco Baltimore , Cincinnati , Kansas City Cleveland ........... Minneapolis , New Orleans ...... Detroit Loulsvtlla OMAHA ... Mllwaukeei ......... ITovldenc .., Buffalo St. Paul , Indianapolis ........ Mot Angeles ....., St. Joseph Denves v. ............ "fUijhnond , Columbus ..-... Seattle .............. 'Washington Savannah ......... Memphis ............ Albany Fait Lake City .... Portland, Ore Toledo Fort Worth Peoria Hartford Rochester Atlanta Ies Moines ......... New Haven ......... Nashville Spokane, "Wash.,.. flrand Rapids Sioux City , Springfield, Mass... Norfolk Dayton Tacoma i Worcester Augusta, fla Portland, Me Bcrantort Topeka Svracuse Fvansvtlle Wilmington, Del... Birmingham Davenport Fall River Little Rock , Knoxville Macon Wllkesbarre ....... Akron Pnrlngfleld. Til Wheeling, WO Va.. Wichita Youngstown ....... Helena Islington .......... Chattanooga Lowell . New Bedford Kalamazoo Fargo, N. D Canton. O , Jacksonville, Fla.. Oreensburg. Pa..., Rock ford. Ill Springfield, O Blnghamton l,2S6.M6.18fi 178.2M.8t3 II 2.922, 47 M.5f.4H7' 3.812.9(Hi 8n.S29.2S5 24.BOi.KiO fl.f9,ono K fat 1)1 15,491.242 lB.722.6rt6 ,7r5.8 10.739 4K1 10,n,23i 7.757.M8 8.807.141 7,i,W)0 8.5W.442 Oitt.01 S.12B.7S&1 7.1K7.1S0 4.R41.937 4.708.43B ,B7.fli7 4.4W.2nn 4.173. 44 4.2Rf.9 6.182,842 T.1M.2X3 S.708.1R1 4.W8.302 4.913.0KI 2.9.r.5,072 8.2S9 873 8,fi76,7f3 t HW.127 2.417.ln3j S.fOtf 12T 12H4.830 1.821.S04 2.720.147 2.S7S.840 1.(137. 731 1.844.6W 1.47fi.tX7 J.0H2.9S9 1.579.91 J.34S.WI) l.OT.7!'H " l,848.lr) 1.490.33S l.MWUMi 1.415.071 l,2f.2.623 1.278.738 I.fi2.i2 1.3SS.092 ' KMlUHl 1.207.302J 1.290.4HO 1.0K9.2f. . B7H .0001 828.iti9 . S37.0O0 (M8.4',2 RM.7W H.94o 1,172,121 622.301 85S 01 445.R0S 611.627 727 619! Beo.mni 791, 7tW 20.5 8.4 6.6 10.8 8.9 ...... 141 8.9 1 0.2 ...... 1.7 B.l 4.2 ...... 4.1 J9.2 ...... 10.1 8.2 8.1 7.1 8.8 1.6 10.0 0 8 28.0 ...... 12.7 8.7 2.7 6.8 J.7 11 17.2 38 5 18.9 89.5 . 3.3 10.1 4.0 14.0 17.R 6.1 80.6 12 9 7.3 8.9 i6.'6 "i'.i 2.4 2S.4 8 6 2.2! 10.4 ... 15.41 4.5 "i'.i 1.2 84. nt 446.4X4'.... 632. R02 894.334 4.20o! 11.4 3.7 22.9 8.8 'u'.i "i'.i 17.1 III 9.8 "i'.i .1... 14 5 1.9 1.0 28.3 14.7 0.9 28.4 81.1 187 '.'.'.'.'.'. '"ills 80S 11.3 18 l.S 1.5 LGO'iatliia Brand! Walter Bakers Cocoa and Chocolate ;''t','v miiV i 'Vtj ' r i-- j r 0 1 Tta FIKEST Li tti Vcr!d Costs Less thii Cr.3 Cent a Cup Fertf Kschsct Akks la tun: 2ef llreerVej Vallsr Bkcr&Ga.Ud I.' f 1I IT1 tr.Vmr)f ' Store pen Evenings "till -Christmas. Saturday Closing E-.our SO p. m, I S LaUtaWaZa) Big Blanket and Comfort Bargains Extra heavy quality gray and tan fleeo Blankets, fall 11-4 rA ' Blsei worth $1.25, Saturday only, pair Extra heaTy (rray and tan mottled Blankets, full 11-4 slie, - "12 worth 11.80, Saturday only, pair lalO Extra heary, extra large, extra fine sllkollne Bed Comforts, filled with the finest white Cotton, very cheap at $2.00, f A Q pedal Saturday w O , CO pair very fine gray Blankets, made by the - celebrated North Btar Woolen Mills, guaranteed all wool and worth $5.00 pair,, s-k fQ special for Saturday, palr... Oa"0 , White Bed Spreads J Extra large, extra heavy white croohet Bedspreads, ' ft cheap at $1.25, special Saturday, each - ,,Ouw At the Df ess Goods Counter ' ; rhe balance of our fine all wool French flannels, French and German -v walatinKS, worth 76o to 11.26 per yard, while they last, yard i..-jfC 600 remnants of silks and dress foods, In .engrths suitable for trimming r waists and dresses, lots of nioe skirt lenxtha, black and colons .. SATURDAY LESS THAN HALF PRICK. Handkerchiefs .Wa ara showing over fifty thousand handkerchiefs. In domestic cambric and linen, Irish cambric and linens, Swiss cambric and linens, from Duchess and thread laoe at TEN DOLLAtlS each down to ths Una hand-stltchad cambric,, I fo Lw Hour Sales of Handkerchiefs Saturday, 9 and IO a. m.. Ont Cent Each Hour Sale of Underwear : Women's vests and drawers, ecru silk, taped vest. French band drawers, ankle lengths, worth 76o per garment, from 10 to ll a. m.. - qQ Saturday, each ......OV Aprons Plain and fancy. For a dainty little gift there Is nothing mors appropriate, nearly fifty styles, at, each 4. ,25 c :75c Kimonas and Sacks. Keep yourself warm, keep yourself attractive, by wearing nobby , sack or klmona; eiderdown, plain with applique or Persian silk. trim mings, plain China silk, fancy Jap silk and French chaUls, prices down to - Petticoats " ;; V ; - Black mercerised and sateen, over one hundred skirts on sals Bat- V QQ unlay morning that war sold at tj.00 to 81.60, your choice Saturday..; s OC Bargain tables in dry goods sections, 10c, 26o and 48o' tables.' Thousands of llttla things from all over the world. You should see them the cutest novelties for Christmas. OREEN TRADINO STAMPS ALL THE TIME. Hardware Snaps And Trading Stamps. 6 nut pickB and crack for,...iVvv Plated Child's knife, fork and spoon " for.... . 1W w 2 piece Carv- K O in Sets for . . . . O O w R. & B. lever . y Qr Skates for. .... W Sreei Trading Stamps All tbi Tlie. Statioiiery aad Book Sales A holiday bazaar of gift attractions. Books by the world's ' greatest' writers ' and pub-. lished by ; the '. best ' houses in America. s Pretty gift books of the poets. Christmas cards and cal endars. ACCEPT ABLE GIFTS for EVERT BODY, OLD OR YOUNO. AT BAR GAIN PRICES. COMB AND SEE US. GREEN TRADING STAMPS ALL THE TIME. . GREEN TRADING STAMP I'M News From the Front! The Befall Grocers' Association Is singularly quiet Now that the battle moke is clearing let's look at the position they lately assumed. There Is not a man Jack of them who does not believe In his heart that he has a divine right to run his own business In his own way, and that it Is bis own affair how be runs it These Grocers, as an Association and as individuals, resist Labor Union doc trines when it touches this delicate point Did not these Grocers, as an Associa tion and as individuals, denounce the Walters. Teamsters and Laundry Workers' boycott, last summer? , ' Do thee practice today what they preached thenT Not by a long, long shot. If they are so willing to force us to break our word ,wlth our customers HOW GOOD ' OULfa THEIR' WORD BET ' ' ' . ' . -If wa allowed tha Retail Grocers' Association and tha Individuals who run It to ran our business, the chances of. its success (which does mean something to Omaha ' and .tha Great West, -and the Retail Grocers themselves) would have as good a chance of perraaneancy as a snow man In a Fourth of Jul? parade. -" They have the presumption to dictate to ua what wa shall do and what wa shall not do.- They threaten .the Jobbers with a boycott If the jobbers do not boycott us. SERIOUSLY,' IS IT GOOD FOR THE TOWN? IS IT l'UBLIC SPIRITED? 18 IT AMERICAN? 18 IT BOUND MORALS THAT THEY SHOULD SEEK TO COM PEL US TO REPUDIATE A VALID, BIN DINQ, LEGAL AND MORAL CONTRACT entered Into with the Stamp people In good faith?. Is It honest of them to en deavor to compel us to fool and hood wink our customers and the Public just be cause we have shown the Publlo tha popular side of Green Trading Stamps, and be cause our Grocery Department Is the best patronised trading spot In Omaha, and because the people know that at Bennett's grocery they can rely on absolute purity, unfailing freshness, strictly honest weights,, and defiance prices? Wa maintain, and their opposition Is futile and childish, that our cash customers are entitled to a cash discount on their purchases Just as we and the grocers themselves for that mat ter are entitled to a fash discount, and get It, and we are determined that our cash customers shall get this cash dlsoount in the shape of Green Trading Stamps with very purchase. Now, MR. GROCER. DON'T SCRAP. PLAY BALL! Chrlsmas suggestions arc easy In the Jewelry Dept. It's a most natural department for such. Fine Goods at Small Prices la Jewelry Department Genuine Lemaire Pearl opera glasses in extra quality leather Q C case, for... O.Q 4.45 Genuine Lemaire black Morrocco opera glarses Heavy solid gold and onyx men's rings, as illustrated, any initial or lodge A QQ emblem, each, lor Nut pick set, with epring crack, durably nickel plated, for Tripple silver plated nut pick set, spring crack, white leatherette box 25c km 48c FINE CROCKERY Aud Green Trading Stamps. The most dazzling display of bargains in fine China you ever looked on. We are the largest direct importers of China bric-a-brac and statuary in the great west. Everything from first hands at right prices. HIAWATHA INDIAN BUSTS 15 inches high; regular $2.50 values, for 98c Cut Glass Salts and Peppers, sterling silver, top .25c Colored Candles. ... .ONE CENT EACH. Fine Semi-Porcelain 100-piece white' and gold dinner sets. . .7.50 RICH CUT GLASS WATER BOTTLES, for 2.48 SEE OUR FINE SHOWING of popularly priced China. TABLES CARRYING goods priced at 98c, 75c, 48c, 25c and. 10c Haviland & Co's. decorated 100-piece Dinner SetB for . . . .128.50 GROCERY! GROCERY! Consider theaa advantages In trading In our Grocery Deportment. FIRST Best and freshest goods. SECOND Lowest prices and best values. THIRD Greatest variety and largest stocks. FOURTH GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH ALL. PURCHASES FREE. , , SATURDAY MONET SAVERS Beauty Asparagus, new, 1 lb l5c can Bennett's Capitol Mincemeat, 74 C package...!...... ;,............. Corn Starch, 1 lb ' 1 -. : !" Art package .'...... Plum pudding, . ... . can..... Cleaned Currents, per , ' v . lOc lb v'w Neutrlta, with spoon, ' gg package .'. ....v-' Maple Cream, An cake ...I Baking Soda, - , 4c package... . Imported Sardines, Qp can Salmon, 1 lb ' f fir can sub Pepper Sauce, , 7r bottle French Mustard, E0 botUa 4 OW THAI 'AND COFFEES. Our superior Una oX 38c Teas, per lb 7resh roasted Santos Coffee, .. splendid' value, ' per lb AKTuiKS FOR BUTTER. ! Fresh country Butter, . - per lb IUW ' nKST- VALluo 1.1 IHKfiSU Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb Hand Cheese, . , , , each CANDY DKPAHTMENT. , Candy Toys, a large assortment, f (or....5o Candy Beads, assorted, per yard .'..24o New Dates per lb 1UO California Figs, per package lDo Large crystal mixed Candy, per lb....l2Hc Broken mixed, per lb 12 Sic Gum Drops, per lb ; do Imitation Turkeys, each 10c Chocolate Nougat, bar 6o Chocolate Dipped Nuts, pas Bo Sunshine Cuts, per bottle 10c Toasted Marshmallows, package Bo 30c 12c I2ic .2ic Finest silver plaied nnt pick set, 12 picks, KQyX eye mapl box..-..., ............. lVO Fine enamel and inlaid chate laine watch, gold filled cen ters, guaranteed EZCi ft for one year .... vsJv A' Green Trading Stamps with all purchases. iuii . jvumaii iiil.iih i rm in 1 1 i 1 ium.wt 1 - fcO- mm I II nrt lii RUGS 1.75 SOxCO in. reversible Smyrna Rugs, knotted wool fringe on ends, choice of selected patterns, J 30-in. all wool Smyrna Rugs, all color combination, new patterns, at 27-in. Axminster Rugs, heavy close pile that "will not mat down, beautiful color 1 O effects, at. . y 27x63-in. extra quality Axminster Rugs, in floral, Oriental and medallion effects, all Q colors, at. -5wO 36-ln. Smyrna Rug, pure wool, excellent line of patterns, at , . Large Axminster Sofa Rugs, Oriental and medallion ef fects, newest' . A designs, at ctkJ Fa by Carriage and Go-Cart Robes . $2.50 Fur Robe, long fleece, flannel . "f A t Uning, at l.V f 5-50 Fur Robe, eelected skin with ' r 7 EL extra long fleece, fl&nnel lined, at f . . . . J ?8.50 Angora Fur Robe, satin , L rTg Uning, at Va M GREEN TRADING STAMPS ALL THE TIME. 2.75 Meat Department Morrell's Iowa Pride Bacon, iiju per pound .'5W Morrell's Powa Pride Cat. Hams, Or per pound O w No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams, tin per pound llw Fresh No. 1 Leaf Lard, a f 12 pounds for l.JV r-pounrt palls of Swift's Silver Leaf, Cudahy's Rex, Armour's Shield or ilea ueal Xard, A An 88c pouna palls of White Hlbbon for 10- pound palls Lard of the same best brands , 24 Fresh Pork Roast. t L per pound .Ufn 8pu-a Riba. 11 pr pound Ufp Choloa Rib Roast. r Q per pound avrW0-i Good Beef Roast, -w per round Jr Porterhouse Steak. per pound Pork Chops, I pounds for 12 . 25 3- - saaaiaaaaaaaaaaaBaWaaaasasaaaaaaaaalaaaaBaaaaBaaas ' 1 s ' " vnir Chester, Pa... ....... Hloomlngton, ! Qulncy, . IH.. ......... Bloux Falls, 8. D.... Mansfield, O. ........ Jacksonville. 111.... Fremont. Neb Decatur, 111 Houston tGalveaton Outnrie Charleston, B. C... Totals. TJ. Ba... lOuUide New Tfork. . SM.lifl 'Sl.t tXK.Mii H I 3rt,212 . 4 0 ' .6 167.064 22- ' 156.8.K) 17. S 41.0 ' 15.87I.0iV, 1.1 ...... 11.S49.0DO (.7(i , 1,811.611) jiTa. 473.073 13. 7M.627.98ii 0.4 CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Halifax Ottawa "u.- Vancouver, is. Qutrbeo Hamilton St. John, N. B Victoria, B. C London Totals 16.8M.2fil e.01'4.3371 l,2,ao.i ,322.56;l 1.37 4,ca DG0.415 KM 914 M.3ii4 t 63.974.b2Sl 18.1 20.1 ' 6.5 24.4 30.3 13.1 23.8 4.1 4.4 .2 11.1 0 Balances paid In cash. ... .Ni in-iuifMd in totals because eontalnlnf other Hems than clearings. iNnt inniudad In totals because of no canv parlsoa tor last year. CHASGED CONDITIONS ARE EVIDENT. Maaafaetarara Keadjast Operations ta New Coadltloaa af Trad. NEW YORK. Dec- !. Bradstreet's to morrow will say: Holiday business Is generally seasonably active, while manufacturing Industry slack ens, because or low water In streams and In order to readjust operations to changed condition of demand and supply. The cold weather la still a stimulus to heavy wear ing apparel and lootwear. 1 tiers are sev eral continuously encouraging features noted. The car congeeilon of a year ago la conspicuously slment this year and the railways are handling the current excel lent business offerings with profitable re sults. Failures do not display mora than the normal tendency to Increase In num ber and there Is evidently less tension than exhibited a month ago. The Iron trade retains all tha good feel ing and advances In prices of pig iron re- Ported in preceding weeks, and matters ox finished products, most notably steel plates and structural forma, are apparently firm In their views. Tha cotton goods manu facturing trade Is struggling with . hlgn costs and unsettled views as to finished goods ss to prices and International cur tailment Is suggested. Tin Dosra mills have shut down for a time. Machinery la dull at the east. Coks production Is on a smaller scale and lower wagea will t paid. I Bituminous coal Is weak, and while house hold demand fur anthracite coal ta better, owing to weather conditions, manufactur ing demand ta Ires active., trices, all things considered, showed marked steadiness, con firming reports of closely held supplies. 1 lie meiais .ro Mil sircing mi wu,v grades of foundry pig and lead are higher on better volume of business. Seasonthle quiet does not appreciably affect, building material, which. Judging iroia permits is sued at leading cities. Is likely to be scilve next spring. Petroleum is at the highest Irlca In years, due to domestic demand for fuel and straightened condition of old fields of supply. Wheat. Including flour, eiports for tha we-ek ending Let-ember 17, aggregate l.Sfl.- d'ts ru , against 630 W. last wek: 3 .to6.(7 hu. this week lant ye-ar. 4 .SXi.iCl l"j. In and 41J3..o In 10. r'r twenty-f-Hir wtfrhs of Hi yw.r tliev aaincaaile torn exports ivi mo " fct . -637 857 bu., against te9,02& bu. last week and 1.926.141 bu. a year ago. For twenty- lour weeas oi mo pini , . 1 i : vtt uoo Kit lffalnst gfi2.324 bU. ..1 TfS .m ' " . j' " ' ' Jn 1&02, ia.ai.H61 bu. In laoi. - Business iniiures in tne uiiiiou oi. the week ending December 17 number 238, x'alnst 234 last week,-229 In the like week 1901. 22 tn 1901, 262 In 1900 and 211 In 1J99. In Canada failures for the week number 22, against 7 last week and 14 In this w a year ago. - FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Promise af Imw as4 Colder SataV ay, with laaday Fair i Hekraalcaw WASHINGTON, Dec 18.-Forecaat : For Nebraska Snow and colder Satur day;. Sunday, fair. . For Iowa Rain or snow Saturday and colder In west portion; Sunday, fair. . For South ' Dakota Snow Saturday, ex cept fair and colder tn extreme weat por tion; Sunday, fair. For Wyoming Fair Saturday, except snow and colder In southeast portion; Bun day, fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Deo. IS. Official record of tera- rerature and precipitation compared with he corresponding day of tha last three y"r": . 1901 1902. 190L 1900. Maximum temoerdtura... 47 SO 4 61 Minimum temperature.... 26 8 4 81 Mean tuinDerature ........ 38 19 1 . 41 PreclDltaUon i. ...... 00 00 .29 UO Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day slnca March X, laoS: Normal temperature 17 Excess for tha day ( Total denclency since March 1.. 17 Normal Dreclul tatlon 03 Inch DeHciencv for the day 03 inch Total rainfall since March 1....13 24 Inches Kit cess since March 1 1.42 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1902.... .91 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, lswl.... 1. 76 Inches Report fraaa Statlaaa at TP. M. UPTON READY TO CHALLENGE ' "Hi K J P. ?B CONDITION OF TUB : t : 9 E. WEATHER. : : s g Omaha, clear Valentine, clear North Platte, clear Cheyenne, cloudy Fait Lake, clear fcapld City, partly cloudy. Huron, clear Wllllxlnn. rkMldV Chicaro, cloudy Ht. Ia'UH, ciouuy. ......... Bt. Paul, snowing Isvenport. cloudy ........ Kansas City, cloudy Havre, clear Helena. clr blsmarck. snowing Ualvestou. cloudy 47' 421 6 12 2H 14 44 2H 64 2S SCSI 64 44 Ml 4 4 44 30j 36 64 32 231 Ed tilth 8portimsa Eai ttVen lfattsr Up with Usw York Club. SILVER SERVICE 13 PRESENT ED TO HIM awajaaaaaawawaa la Remarks Attendlna: Presentation 1 Thomas Says Ha Would Like Another Try at tha Amer icans Cap. LONDON, Dec 18. Sir Thomas Llpton announoed his readiness to again challenge tor the America's cup when tha silver Borvice, subscribed for by tha peopla of tha United States, was presented to htm at a dinner held at tha Hyde Park hotel tonight, Tha dinner was attended by several mem bers of ths House of Commons, the mem bers of tha London presentation committee Including; John R. Carter, aecond secretary of tha United States . embassy; Captain Charles H. Stockton, United States naval attache, and Major John R. Beacom, United States military attache, and by nearly 100 Americans resident In London, as well as several who ara now visiting here. Consul General Evans presided and In presenting the service said that It was un precedented for such an honor to ha paid a foreigner by tha peopia of tha United States, but that Sir Thomas Llpton had won tha -golden opinions of those from whom he tried to wrest the America's cup. Sir Thomas Llpton, replying, said h tsj a proud man to be tha recipient of such' a splendid gift, adding: "It will ba cherished by me sa my moat valued treasure." Referring In a humorous vein to the value of the gift In "raising the wind." Sir Thomas said that ha never really had any difficulty in so doing except at Bandy Hook. Ha had hoped, ha said, to add an Interest ing Item to the fiscal controversy by In creasing British silver Imports with that Interesting Import, tha America's cup. Having failed to do so, ha found tn thla silver servloe a splendid substitute. May Make Fonrth ChalUnge, Speaking with much feeling. Sir Thomas said that if any action of his had tended to tha development of a better feeling be tween Great Britain and tha United States It would ba a source of sincere happiness to him to tha and of his days, though what ba had dona was merely a slight return for tha generosity and courtesy showered upon him by the American people. Continuing, Sir Thomas said Tha lova which always exists between a tn.- mmh.p ml true daushter. b'jwever wealthy and aristocratic that daughter Sir Thomas, who, amid great laughter finished the quotation, "for they shall In herit the earth." Blr Thomas said that he had sent a letter to tha New Tork Tacht club dealing with another possible challenge for tha cup. He added that ha was quite willing to have one last try, "provided I have a reasonable chance of success, especially as tha next Shamrock will ba a lucky four leafed one." An entertainment by American artists brought to a close thoroughly successful event "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. lielow co. L. A. WEUSU, Forecaster. should beeume. Including igi duchesiiea and other Americans, sliuuid keep IDs two juntHa totcalher. America's progress toward the southern ruil u nulv hindered by the newlv founded Repuhlla of Panama, and we must work together for tha peace or me world. "blessed are the peaca makers," quoted EVENJS ON RUNNING TRACKS Saspoasloa Against Horse, Ownenr and Jockey Lifted at New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS. Deo. Is. Montebank and Sarah Masim were tha winning favor ites today and 8adducee was well supported in his race. The suspension of C. E. Bur nett & Co., Jockey Livingston and tha horse Bengal has been raised. Livingston will not be permitted to rids Bengal In the future. Results: First race, seven furlongs: . The Monte bank won, Talhouet second, - Jim f 'errln third. Time: 1:2X. Second race, five and a half furlongs: Sadducee won. Palmist second, Tommy Foster third. Time: 1:07H- Third race, mile and an eighth, selling: Sarah Maxim won. Begone second, Sidney Sahath third. Time: l.bb2,. Fourth race, handicap, six furlongs: Dr. Stephens won, Van Ness second, Travers third. Time: 1:14. Fifth race, mile and a fourth, selling: The Bobby won, Mary Moore second. Hay. Vvt.rd Hunter third. Time: 2:10. 11 xth race, six furlonaa: Footllshta Fa- vol ue wen. Mordella second. Overhand third. Tuae: l:LU. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 18.-Resuls: First race. 2-year-olds. - selling, six fur longs: Bo u friers won, Young Pepper sec ond. Harbor third. Time: 1:11 Second race, one mile, selling: I. O. U. won. Mountebank second, Merwan third. Time: 1:44. Third race, short course, steeplechase, handlcan: Poorlanda won. Phil Archibald second. Indian II third. Time: t.mk. Fourth race, futurity course, handicap: Shotgun won. Kenllwortb second, San Nicholas third. Time: 1:U. r Fifth race, seven furlongs, selling: Ar cade won. Jockey Club aecond, Ualnault third. Time: 1:28. Sixth race, mile and fifty yards, selling: Forest King won, The Fretter second, Achillea third. Time: 1:44. Increase voted today makes I resident ! l..hn-nna -clu-u lllATiA - I The pilnclpal topic under discussion at today's meeting was the Washington club and its affairs. President Johnson stated that everything had been practically ar ranged for the transfer of the Washington club to a new syndicate. Mr. Johnson said that'W. J. Lambert, who rspresents the syndicate, was to have attended today's meeting to close the deal, but that ha was unable to be present. Mr. Lambert wasMn communication with President Johnson over the long distance telephone and stated that everything was all right, but asked that Johnson coma to Washington to complete the negotiations. A resolution was adopted, giving President Johnson power to act for tha league and the deal will be closed. Manager Tom Loftus announced that ha would not be with the Washington olub next year, provided he got what ha war asking for the stock that he now owns In the club. No announcement was made as to who the new owners of the club will be. A tesolutlon was adopted by the. league to the effect that no club shall hsve more than sixteen players on the salsry list after June L Several of the magnates obiected to the resolution, but after considerable discussion they were prevailed upon to vote for Its adoption. President Johnson was authorised to ap point a committee to change the constitu tion to conform to tha present conditions of the national agreement. A schedule committee also was appointed which will confer with a corresponding committee of tha National league. While this committee was unlnstruoted, the gen eral sentiment of the magnates was for a shorter schedule and tha 154 games agreed upon yesterday and It la said an effort will j".,?""1? to bring the National league com. mittce to the same view. corn After several other minor Questions hnf MaTch-ah lin Xrn.d'utll h.H iAWheJ Another meeting will be !T d '5 J,ew Yc,rk to ratify thj work of the schedule committee. Indiana to riay Utah. SALT f-AKB CITY, Utah, Deo. 1.-Th. I Carlisle foot ball team. In charge of Coach J urnvta nere today. Tomorrow University of Utah and on Monday tha Indians will continue their Journey fo tha CbrlndTea;.. 'ChedUle4 ," NEWCASTLE FINDS NO CLEW Bloodhaaads and Offleera Fall to' Fer ret Ont Dynsunltcra ol Minors' Homes. NEWCASTLE. Colo.. Dec 18. Blood hounds were unable to follow far the trail of the men who yesterday blew up the homes of five striking union coal miners and no clew to tha perpetrators .has been found. Three suspects arrested yesterday have been released. Members of the union say they are satisfied no persons connected with the coal company are responsible for the explosions, but they are unable to sug gest any explanation of the affair. RAISE JOHNSON'S. SALARY As Evidence of Conndeaeo President of American Association Gata - 3, BOO More. CHICAGO, Dec. 11 As evidence of their faith In President Ban Johnson, tha mag nates of the American Base ball leagua at their annual meeting held here today voted to raise1 his salary S2.6tX a year, tha In crease to last for six years, or as long as the present agreement of the clubs compos ing tha league exists. In addition to their liberal gift ths magnates endeavored to persuade President Johnson to accept a present of I6.0IW. which they voted to give film In recognition of his undent work, but M. Johnson objected so strenuously to the propostlon that the magnates were On ly irevaUtd Ufoa to withdraw the oiler. The If. MUD S C0AL - " l Perhaps we should charge more for a coal of this quality, but we don't and so you can. for 16.28 a ton. buy our Eclipse Lump and keep the saving for future use. ... - .... Our Eclipse Coal will be clean screened and In good burnable condition. Eclipse Lump Coal Get close to the Are snd be sure It's a good hot Bre. No hotter Are than our Eclipse Coal makes. A lumpy, coarse, free burning coal, and we stand on the statement that It will burn well In any kind of a stove. Eclipse Nut-costs cents leas. If you aver have trouble with soot we can remedy It for about 21 cents. Moffett's Soot Killer will do the business. 26c and 60o cans. Sunderland Brothers Co. ESTABLISHED 1883. S. E. Cor. 16m and Douglas Sts. Yards. South 20th Street. Phonos 700, 258. f y f i l s. r