TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE-; BATUItDAY. DECEMBER ID, 1PP3. n t t i r Toy Department . In (ho Basement A Fairyland for the Children Toys in the Basement Dolls, books, games and pretty toys '3 rmy Open Evenings Until Christmas Bays Before Christmas TIME IS SHORT NOW. Crowds growing denser from day to day. Buy your presents today. Come early in the morning. You will find the stocks new and fresh and arranged to make your selections easy. Our wide aisles make a, roomy thoroughfare. Such splendid holiday stocks were never seen Qyp priCGS 3f6 SbSOllltcIV tllC lOWCSt in Omaha, and this year as in every previous instance you will find that - mm mm. J o n 7,. LMljWal .Five S'hoppiiig Utjr LC. 1 v "THB BEST GIFTS FOR A MAN" . High Grade House and Smoking Jackets II jcu irish to select a present that a man enjoys and appre ciates abOTe all things, bnj him a smoking jacket. lie Trill never think to bny one himself, but it means many hours of home enjoyment We show a splendid line of the very n-eirest and latest efforts in aq -fl j"s ff TtdrelJS, Kilt, Uedford dotha, etc, )V0 tO J '"V Special Smoking Jacket Bargain at $4.69 A Tery special in a fine smoking jaciet, all a fLQ patterns and styles special Comfortable Bath and Lounging Robes. Ho most comfortable garment that a man possesses. We ho'w every -correct fashion and pattern, the most attractive Totoen to be seen xhis seascm. ,.iiTcry one a special Talne at i....... .... .. IS, OVERTAKING JOHN BIJLL XTdoIs - Barn's Exports to South Africa Inortua Thrioe Fasb STILL A BROAD STRETCH BETWEEN Pesiartatcat of Coaaum liases Balis tin ts Ears Greater Effort to CaltlTato tha. Afrlcaa Importlaa; Ceatcva. WASHINGTON. Dh. 18. Tha value of South Africa aa a market ta a aubject of ome Special attention at the present time by reason of a report upon that subject recently presented to the Brttlsb Parlia ment. This report shows that the British colonies In SoutK Africa have become of f rearer Importance than any other of the British colonies except India. ' "Ten years airo." U says, "Great Britain's exports to Bouth Africa were valued at a little under 9.000,000;-last year they almost reached 2.0O0.C0O. .In ISM South Africa stood the sixth on the- Urt of Great Britain's customers; last year It stood second, and waa only beaten by India. It Is no rash prediction that this' year It will pass India and stand first on the list as the largest buyer in the world of the produce and manufactures of the mother wintry. This statement of the great Importance and rapidly growing- Importance of South Africa as an Importing .country lends eepeclal Interest to some, figures just pre pared, by the Department of Commerce aid Labor through Its bureau of statistics, showing- the growth of exports from the United States to British Africa and to Africa as a whole. These figures show that we exports irora me united States to V mHph thought or time for bu-y people to select appropriate presamn at our store. The lines we carry are Been that no mistake can be made. Society r. M CEVTS A rtOX t'P A fl UTnw id jrouR i'L'ksb a Limits. Would anyone clara say it not aa ao prlate gUtT BOOKS THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TUB WtsT. Come In and see what we have for young iieople, aa weU aa the uldur on". We have many things appropriate -but why ct nup la and see at a glmice for youielf. buiora and purchasers alike wtj- ooiue. Barkalow Sf?iilerB? KuJ )Vuo St. KXa-ht te "plew Tork life Bldg. ;:GeprG I Stationery mmm Suits St Co. that will during $ igdowjitoj-98 r- British Africa ' have e-rewn with aim greater rapidity than those from the united Kingdom referred to by the report above quoted. Tferlee reat Britain's Iaerease. Export from the TTnltiul Sta n Tlrlf- lsh Africa rrew from ta KMLiiaa tn irqx $33,814,S96 in J90J, or. In other words, were nine times aa much' in 19C9 aa In 1883, while exports from the tTnlted Klnrdnm tn Smith Africa grew from 1.19,896,000 In 13 to tm,- nw.ooo in UCWhe 1908 figures not being yet available. Thus, while exports from the United States to British Africa are In 190 nine times those of 1803, those from the united Kingdom were In 1902 but three times aa much aa those in 1888. The relative arrowth nf nmrt. .v.. United States and from the United King dom to the terrltnrv tn n.i.nnn - mora accurately determined by ntlllaing " ngurea or the United States for the year 1302, alnce the figures for the United Kingdom for the rear 1 ,n r,m .,s available. This ahowa that the exports rrom the United States to Brltliih Africa grew from S3.688.t99 In 18a tn f -ran in 1901, the total for 1903 being nearly' elg,ht uiib as great aa mat for 1883; while, aa already Indicated, that of the United King dom for 1903 was only three times ita great a in .S9S. . Other Growth. The total exports from the United fitat-a to Africa have grown with great rapidity from $5,l6,t80 In 1S93 to 138.tS6.85i In I'm being more than seven times as much In -us as in ism; while to Asia and Oceania our exports grew, from 128.064,038 In 1883 to $95,827,628 In 190S; to South America, from $32,639,077 In 18S3 to $41,187,872 In 1903; to worm America, other than the Unitod Statea, from $119,788,889 In 1898 to t2liv2 7i In 1908; and to Europe, from $11,876,710 In oj 10 ii.uis, iM),et7 in 1903. . That there la still room for a roth n exporta to South Africa, and that our share in supplying tnat market atlll falls far be low that of the United Kingdom, Is evident from the fact that the total value of mer chandise exported from Great Britain to me tsoutn Arrlcan colonies In 102 wis I1.I, 280,000, sgalrmt a total of I28.78ii ios .vnr. from the United Statea In that ytar to all ' iivhwriuiu in Ainca. Tablea Compared. The table which follows shows tha nriii.y, statement of exports to South Africa from not to 190S: Tear. . . . ' Value. .$ sj.x'.;,ik:o . C;,7W.(io0 . 64.b6S.IKiO . 7!,vl4,mi0 . T1.2X4,0i . 6i.0'J6,0u0 . l,i.l.,U"0 . 66y7,0ii0 . Hi, h' ( H IKS lfH7 lt 1 1H 1H 11-03 12&.2bO,iiM The fullowlnar tahla ahowa k. 1.-..... from rha United States to British Africa in eat.j aical year from18si to 19ut: Value. .$ $.6m,99 . $.9H3. ,. 6.3J.3;8 .. ll,2w kuS .. 13,0-7.143 .. li. loo. 610 ,. 1 2is),4 Il.tU,4.Jj ,. a,; MAUD ,. Ji.7Sk.liJS 1XS3 Ik 1m l!Ml 137 iwm l.s9 14 lwl tad 1J3 I lfrtallty ItatUtle. The following btrths and deatha have been reported to the Board of Health: lllrOia-Charles Vane 3X3 Dewey .ve nue, boy; J. H. Hem in. m California, bor Jrrd tiottjr Hit Nurth Twnty-fourt girl Harry M.Audieea. -a;. Tnpl.iun av.uue, boy; Clay Adair. Fifteenth and BancrofC buy; Jacob oLUnsr, NiuBUMuuh aud Go bi no, boy. i 1 1.- -Carrie Otrmide I-lndella Coot. V Hou:n fcUH-vub, r.; Hi,ua Brown. TMrWuwi a d M; luitH 8oiMi;irli m mm mmmn 4 imm& A Holiday TVERY MAN; should be well dressed for the holidays. If you have postponed the purchase of your winter wit and overcoat until JLj the most favorable chance of the season- We offer the entire stock from the bankrupt factory of J. M. Mertens & Co. , Syracuse, N. Y., and Overcoats from the J. Stock worth up to $12.50 at $5.75 THESE overcoats and suits are well and stylishly made in correct fashion. . Such suits as these you would naturally expect to see priced at $10 and $12.50. They are - as )ats and suits Nay jmm r. Your choice J at .,. .......O, O good warm winter overcoats and suits stand hard wear, this holiday sale Any Rogers, Peet & Co. Suit K A in our entire stock, regularly, priced J ft t v up to $27.50, your choice at This Is a most extraordinary offer.". The excellence of Rogem-Peet suits Is known the country over. There Is no better, ready-made clothing to be found at any price. ) AU the fancy pattern suits of the Rogers- Peet make In our stock at this price. SPECIAL SALE MEN'S FANCY VESTS Your choice of all the ultra stylish silk and wash and fancy vests from J. M. Mertens & Co. stock, of Syracuse, N. Y., at a bar gain prico. Made in the .very latest ideas from silks, velvet, mohairs, English mixed cloths, etc. Every one a stylish new rest,' and worth up tp -ssl-.::.q0D& FROM CABOOSE TO PALACE John A. Banting,. Onoe Freight Brakeman, it Bow a Millionaire. CARVES IMMENSE FORTUNE OUT OF OIL Now Rides oVer Heads la Palatial Private Car Where Formerly Ue Sat and Twisted Brakea. - John A. Bunting, known aa the million aire brakeman, paeaed through the city this morning for his home In California. He la the owner of Interests in some of the most extensive' oil fields on the western coast and In Texas. A few years ago Mr. Bunting held a po sition aa brakeman on the Southern Pacific railroad. He had bought with his savings a section of land in the Kern river dis trict and when the oil excitement started he managed to secure options on a large body of the most valuable land In the dis trict. In a short time, he waa the center of attraction for all men who were Inter ested In the oil excitement. When he se cured his price he sold, and, as the price waa a high one, he found himself a very wealthy man after the excitement died out. Mr. Bunting still owna a controlling In terest In some of the best producing wells In the country and he stated that 160 cars of oil are being shipped dally from wells In which he is Interested. The most of this oil is used for- fuel purposes, some rail roads taking large Quantities of it. Bays Pine Reach. Shortly after his fortune had been se cured Mr. Bunting bought one of the finest ranches In California at Centervllle, Ala meda county, which he deeded to his wife, saying when he did so that In case he met with misfortune he and his famllv would have a borne. It Is reported that he paid seyeral hundred thousand dollars for the 'property From riding In a caboose and braking on the Southern Pacific- Mr. Bunting has stepped up until now he occupies one of the finest private cars tn the country, which Is attached to the best train that runs over the line when he rides on that road. The car Is his personal property and was built according to his directions. It la said that he has notv forgotten the men who used to work with htm. and that he greets his old comrades with as hearty a handshake when he meets them as when he twluted e brake on the desert freight. Mr. Bunting has been In New Tork, Chi cago and St. Liouls to attend meetings of various boards of directors of companies tn which he la Interested. BUY FIRE ENGINE HORSES Deaver Omciala flea la Omaha After Maklaai Parehasea 1 lew. Alexander NUbet, superintendent of sup plies for Denver, and Vr. A. C Van Neaa, city veterinarian of the Colorado metropo lis, called on Mayor Moores yesterday in company with Fire Chief Baiter. The Denver officers have been buying borses for their fire department la northeastern Iowa and brought a oar of twenty-ona lum inals ta the South Omaha stock yards Thursday night for food and rest. Friday Chief Salter Inspected the hones, as Oioala will have to buy twenty-five for the same purpose within a few months. Buperlntendcii Nlatw and Dr. Van Neaa au.t tua 44 a arivb-g thxua the tairu Sale of Men's M. Mertens &Co. Stock way, and made and $20.00. Your holiday sale at Mufflers for Gifts Newest effects in men's silk muf flers, French (olds, squared, quilted and full dreae; A fj 13.00 down to 4zyU Wys sweater neck muf- r- fieri t OOC and towns of Iowa to secure Just what they wanted horses large and heavy, but capa ble of energy and quick action. The col lection is said to be one of the finest of the kind ever unloaded in the South Omaha yards. The animals are all from ( to years old, Berkshire stallion cross, and cost an average of $226 apiece. The local authorities had contemplated buying the horses needed here at the Chi cago borae market, admittedly one of the greatest in the world, but may be induced to buy at least some of the stock In the manner pursued by the Denver officers. COOKING MEALS IS NO CRIME Sweh Work for Haskaaa Hot Admitted . as Growads for Obtalalag Divorce. The divorce ault of Dr. Frank E. Coulter againat Alice W. Coulter la on .trial before Judge Dickinson. The plaintiff allegea that hla wife has made' things unpleasant for him about the home; that their children are not properly cared for and that the defend ant has not acted aa becomes a true wife. . The subject of domestic relations were entered Into during the progress of the trial and when Dr. Coulter was on the stand he waa asked whether he helped hla wife get some of the meals and did other domestic work, which should rightfully have been performed by the wife. The attorneys for the other aide objected, saying: "We have all had to do that at one tlmt or another." ' This caused general laughter and the court agreed that, "we have all done a little of that kind of work." Btllf AND HOW ometlmes Help the Hair ta Go. In any changeable climate the hair Is apt to become brittle and to break off stubby here and there. This makes a hair-dressing almost a necessity, espe cially to ladles. In using a hair dressing why not get the best, one that combines with It the efficiency in killing the dan druff germ, the germ that eats the hair off at the roots, causing what Is called falling hair, and In time baidnesa New bro'a "Herplclde" la that kind of a hair dressing. Tou have no idea how delight ful your scalp will feel, and how stylish your hair will appear, after an applica tion or two of Herplolde. It Is certainly a wonder Innovation as a scalp anti septic and halr-dresslng. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman McConnell . Drug Co., special agent Probate Caleadar. Ij. D. Spalding has been named as admin istrator of the etate of C. A. Parks. Melvin 8. Vhl has been named as admln Istrntnr of the estate ef his father. Chart es A. Uhl. Henry Miller has been named aa the ad ministrator of the eHtate of Bamuel Uv tngaton and bond fixed at $1,600. The will of Lucy I, Koys has been ad mitted to probate. Milton F. Boys has been appointed administrator and bond fixed at $.0u0. Anna D. Frloe has been named as special admiirfstrator of the estate of CharUs J. Price, deceased, under the terms of wboee will hla property la left to his wife. A return of sale has been made In the ealate of Harriet L. Wells, deceased, dis closing a sale of the southeast one-fourth of section 19, Boyd county, Nebraska, for HOuu. In the matter of the readnption of Edith Marie Judil. a mlnnr; child waa adopted by John T. Judd and MatOe P. Judd. Mrs. Uiliao Kendrirk. the mother, has applied for the rvadoptioa of bar child. The will of Ferdinand Frederlchsea has beeo filed for probata His txxly Is to be crmnoal at Davenport, la. Hia estate Is valued at A slaUM-, Louiaa Kivaarlfhara, rmuOing la htnl. GrLuu.y, bate tma batuod ae li.e BwU )nste Hand Tailored Suits and Overcoats from the J. M. Mertens worth up to $20.00 at ERE is a splendid line of overcoats and suits fash JlJ. ioned according to the latest styles, and well made, and finished by expert tailors. Form fitting in every to sell at $10.50, $18.00 jf jr our choice during this M to sell at ?1G.50, $18.00 Any Rogers, Peet & Co. Overcoat In our entire stock, regularly priced up to $35.00. your choice at.. "These are the swell overcoU that are worn by the most careful dressers throughout the country. They are perfect style and faultless fit Staple and novelty styles, all siees and every one a bargain. Christmas Gloves Men's Dress Kid Gloves, un- lined, new and fashion able shades, .t'50-1.00 a pair . Man' Fur Lined Qloves soft fleece and fur lining of the fiDett leather, . g dowa gQ Men's Caps Winter Caps In Fur, plush, beaver, eta., worth from tl to $5, at 50c-98c-l.50-3.00 Boys and children's cap at 25c to 98c WORRY OVER MONEY FATAL Lots of On Hundred Dol'gri Prompt! Hri Catherine Christy to Snlo.de. FOUND WITH CHLOROFORM AT NOSE Tells Friend Tharsday of Her Inten tioas After Roomer is Accaaed of Taking; Her Mosey with Him. Over the loss of $100 Mrs. Catherine Christy, 2020 Burt street, killed herself yes terday morning. With her face enveloped in a "towel sat urated with chloroform, lying face down ward, on her bed, the woman was found at 11:30 a, m. by Coroner Bralley and her at torney, F. W. Fitch. v ' Dan McCann, a former roomer of Mrs. Christy's, disappeared the other day; about the same time $100 belonging to Mrs. Christy left the premises and he was at once accused of taking the money. The chief reason for this accusation waa that Mrs. Christy said her boarder had col lected this amount and failed to turn It over to. her. He had been a trusty friend and was in the habit of collecting money for hla landlady from the other roomers. Thuaday Mrs. Christy confided In her friend, Mrs. M. A. Smith, her suicidal inten tions, but Mrs. Smith paid little attention to It, thinking that Mrs. Christy did not mean what ha said. Her apprehensions were aroused Friday morning when Mrs. Christy failed to appear at her usual time, and the tragedy was revealed when a search waa mode for the missing woman at "a Tittle before noon. Mr. Fitch, Mrs. Christy's attorney, is said to have been engaged partially to se cure a divorce for the woman from her husband. Aside from the possibility of brooding over her domestic troubles Mrs. Christy la known to have had no other reason for taking he life, save the loss of the $100. The body was taken In charge by the cor oner. The husband will be notified if he can be found. Mrs. Christy was about W years of age and waa the mother of three children, one of whom, a lad of 13, ahe had brought with her from Pennsylvania to Omaha, where ahe hoped, it la said, t obtain a divorce from her husband. The other two chil dren, a girl of I and a boy of T, she left with her mother at Hemlngford. Friends of the dead -woman now nay that she had been crushed In heart over her domestic troubles and that the financial stress forced upon her by the betrayal of a supposed friend, drove her to despair. Railway Kates aad Peraaaals. J, P. Elmer, general passenger agent of the Chloago Ureat Western, is in Omaha. errlt Fort, assistant genera! passenger agent of tin Union Pacific, has gone to Chicago. H. l. Rockwell, traveling passenger agent of the Northern Pacific, with headquarters In Les Mulnua, la In the city. New furniture Is being installed In the of fices of the Chicago Ureat Western on Far nara street. It Is of oak, and when put In place will present a fine appearance. The Rock Island announces that effective Sunday, December "JU, the time of Its Okla homa and Texas express will be changed so that it will leave at 4:10 p. Hi. Instead of :U p. fa., aa formerly. W. A. Deuel, superintendent of ths Ne braska division of the Union Pacific and some of the roadmaalers and section fore men connected with the same Una, have gone out in a special train to Inspect the Nebraska diviain. The time of the Illinois Central Fort rnxlae lucal will be changed on the same cUt. It levee at .6w p. tu., but after sun u. wul iwfcve U I k Sh, aud U aaiue Overcoats and Suits Suits and Overcoats $Q.Q8 & Co. Stock worth ww 1Q II class overcoats and suits that were made for the fl most fashionable and exclusive eastern clothing trade, and they bear every mark of excellent taste and s- D perfect style. They are such swagger garment as you pay $25 & $27.50 for. During thbr holiday sale at . . . . S25 Two Big Special Events $1.25 Silk Suspenders at 49c A manufacturer's complet stock of lilk suspenders, one pair In fanoy box. Imported eilk with gold plated buckles. A beau- A f tiful Ohfistmas gift, ZlUfJ worth up to 1. 25, at $1 Neckwear at 25c and 45c One thousand dozen silk neckties. Entire over stock of a New York manufacturer the new French silks in four-in -hands, tecks and imperials. Every one a new and "stylish pat tern, many exclusive. Worth many exclusive. Worth fi; Saturday: special, up to each, at train running tn the opposite direction will arrive at 10.30 a. m. instead of 10 a. m. A notice haa been issued by the clergy men's bureau of the Southwestern Pusaen- Per association, the Transcontinental aasenger association- and the Western Passenger association which states that clergymen's permits for 1003 will be hon ored by all lines In the associations until January 81, after which date new permits will be Issued. The application blanks giro expected shortly by the local offices. WANT THE BOOKS INSPECTED Request la Made That Experts Check l' Elsassevs Caaaty Treasary Records. A request for a checking up of the books of the retiring county treasurer has been made to the Board of County Commission ers and the matter haa been under dis cussion. It has ben suggested that an In spection of the books by expert account ants not connected with the county govern ment would be of service in tatlsfylng the taxpayers that the county funda have been properly cared for Curing 'the past two terms. Further, It la held that It would in sure a satisfactory basis from which the new treasurer may work and be held re sponsible. DISPUTE OVERJTIME OF DEED Defease Deales Barglarg Charge Pre ferred for Dlaappearaace of Carpeater Tools. John Coyne Is on trial before Judge Es telle on the charge of burglary. It Is al leged that he broke Into a tool box owned by Lewis Kalb and took therefrom some carpenter tools. The alleged burglary la said to have occurred at the old Robert Smith building, which collapsed at 1405 Douglas street. The defense claims that Coyne la not guilty of burglary, atnee It cannot be proven that he did not take the toola In the day time, if he took them at all. Twenty-Three Hoars of I.axury from Chleago to New York. Leaving Chicago p. m. on the Pennsyl vania' Limited, travelers enjoy twenty three hours of luxury on the run to New Tork. The train consists of drawing-room sleeping cars, dining cars, library-smoking cars with writing facilities and market bulletins; barber and bath; private com partments; easy arm chairs at 'wide win dows, and canopied plassa at the rear of the train for viewing the scenery of the valley of the Coneraaugh, the Alleghenlea, Horse Shoe curve, and along the Juniata and Susquehanna rivers, replete with aoenlo gems of America. Full particulars about tha Pennsylvania Limited may be obtained by addressing C. I Kimball, A. O. P. Agt., No. t Sherman street, Chicago. Marriage Lieeases. The following marriage licensee were Is atinrt yesterday: Name. Age. Geoage W. King, Omaha. 49 Oiara A. Thompson, Omaha .v. v. ....... James E. Ryan, Omaha fl Mary I," Tobln, Omaha Wmtam Ohlsn, Omaha..... ti Maud Main. Albright, Neb y. it Louis J. Bogen, Ashton, Neb , H Jennie D. Logaaa, Omaha ,.. U Health at email ce-et, A few doses of Dr. King's Nsw Life PUla will cleanse, tone and Invigorate the whole system. Try them. Only 5o. For sale by Kubn V Co. eaater Matthews 43alaa Time. JEFFERSON CITT. Mo.. Deo. 1. The ease of fewnator B. L. Matthews of tc Louia county, charted with UtcUlative brll ry la ciiK--tl with the "aluui bill." was today emitluued by JuC.ge Uravee ta the circuit cvutl uutli March h 1W4. now, youcanUls cdvmniaoecf at three amzinj bargain pr ices from the J. M Mertens up to $27.50 at $14.08 Boys,' Knee Pant Suits and Overcoat ages S to 10 years overcoats In the Russian, rag lan and mlll- $3.00 and $0.OO hfl I values, at.... AfeWU J pmr f Jt w - It is Folly To buy your loliday liquors elsewhere when we are making auch splendid offers to customers. Xmas Gifts Free with any purchase of $1.00 or more, wa will give you choice of a box of cigars; bottle of wine, decanter and glasses to match wicker oovored decant r or stelna; any oca of them very suitable for a present. Our store Is run oa a high standard and when we aay nycr,lng we are alwaya good aa our word. A Vilt will convince you that we cater only -to the moat exclusive trade and carry the finest line of gooda In the market, thus owing to our ability to Imt in lurav quuuun we can anora to Bell at reasonable prlcea MILLER LIQUOR CO., 1309 Famam St, . KJ N. 1Mb. Bt 'Phone 1241. Open evening 'Phone 1784. - Only a Few Days vMore to Buy CARVERS HOLIDAY OlfTS POCKET KNIVES SKATES TOOL CABINETS SCISSORS Our Una of CHRISTMAS CL'TLERT la aot equal SCROLL SAWS SHEARS ed in the city and our prices are right Work Benches Jas. Morton & Son Go. ISII DODGE STREET. Cutlery Headquarters. THE DAINTIEST SOAP MADE ii Hand SapoJio. The only soap that makes every pore respond, and energizes the whole body. It is a summer necessity to every man, woman, and child who would be daintily dean. Keeps you fresh and sweet as a sea breeze; prevents sunburn and roughness. Make the test your self. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER feaalar mm Hsely Articles. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Makes Moil Istfal Pr &. WOMEN FkVMALt Sf AN MltkeVl lewor . I UkjOLU f ttgtt Mrtiur )t. tr si. faa-lV. Paar'rai . U jL (fciluttJl khMcil. llWtl 14.98