Iff TITE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1003. .1. i.'i. ,'' I' i,m,dmiMMtmiimfM,rttmMm !'uiilii I Vlnii mill i'l mMm-i in I i'ni Ml. ...jJlft lit '111 11 1 im JwiwiMl I SPECIAL NOTICE On Sale Today he 5fh Aue. Art Store consisting of OIL PAINTINGS, HAND PAINTED CHINA CUT GLASS, ETC. All at Most Extraordinary Prices Saturday we offer to the people of Omaha and vicinity one of the moat remarkable purchases that we bare ever made. Remarkable be et use the goods to be sold are of the extreme highest grade, and remark able for the reason that we bought them so advantageously i,t we will . be able to offer these high class goods at extraordinary low prices. The good U be sold u the entin ttock of a well known Fifth Avtne Art store and censist of a larg quantity of Hifh Grade Oil Painting by well known artiste, in artistic and elaborate frame, with and without ehaiew boxes, and hundredsof other pictures of all kinds and description that are ' ally found in up-to-dote art eteree- Hundreds of pieces of fine Hand Painted China 'consisting of Placqnes, Trays, Vases, eta. eta, and also an Immense quantity "Of finest grade Cut Glass, of which this dealer mado a .spe cialty. The Cut Glass is in endless variety of different, articles,' most elaborately cut on the finest crystal. For the past few days these goods haTe been on display In one of our front show windows and hare caused much wonder and admiration, as seldom are goods of this high character offered at special sale prices. To facilitate the selling of these goods we will sell them Saturday morning at 8 o'clock in our large third floor Carpet Department J . : J. L, BRANDEIS & SONS. Bead Chains, with four large Iridescent ornaments, three Strands of Indian Boodn. black, white and turquolso blue,' worth II, at ,..... Jewelry Novelties for Christmas 29c 59c ...25b, Gift Pictures at Modest Prices ..15c 1.25 Jl. 31. PnnMt pin J. XC. Prs4rf (t Pti VCT-H'WW!W '. ...,.. 1 1 '.hi 1.! "J r?t-. m-M Oolf Hat Pins Two sterling sllrsr hat pins la fine leather caddy bags, ornamented with golf players and stamped Omaha, makes a lovely gilt and souvenir of Omaha, Jew elers price tl, at . , Hundreds of Sterling Manicure Pieces, wroth op to 75c each, at .4 .. , Cabinet Photo Frames, 7x0, with mats, easel backs or chains, 25o values, at , Three Combination Fruit and Qama Pictures, 18x38, three inch oak frame, worth 13, at..... ..... 1506 Farnam Nsrvea extracted by Our painless methods la one minute. Will sot turn the teeth dark open Sundays 10 to IX DR. BRADBURY DENTIST Feirte'i Years Sam IrfKtattoa Painless Extraction without gas. Gold Crowns, $3-50 up Fillings.. 80c up Bridge Work $2.50 up All Work Guaranteed, CANDY BY EXPRESS Fancy boxes and baskets filled with the choicest selection of delicious Bon Bona and Chocolates sent any where la special containers. r We delircT goods free of charpe to any jart of the city. (SrA V .iff. esy PMONE.7II 1 Special Uotico to - South. -Onaba People. IT HAS RECENTLY COME TO OUH MOTlCai that w TWO i liKblCiANa ot fcOU'M OMAhA WHO l'itt4!.r.L.Sf Al YlbEX their paiienta i) take Uitlr iieoili tluna U tn iiiLLON DtiUU COMfAiif )i.v feUDDKNLX CliANUCD ana are UW AUVloiNU those eAMli fEOFLK lo HO TO ANOi'HErt, DltLii B'iXlM.E, on which THKV have formerly asaea their ixiuenU NOT to patronise. Now, wo would MUCH. 1'KEKEH the OOOD WlLL o( ANXOITK, physician or otherwise, than their Ul will. W are not Bt.UOINO any physician, nor FAlflNU ANY lHiOTvH fur thtlr oreacrlblluuK. IjUT w HAVJci AS l.AKt-ifc. (giving any otiier South Omaha uruniat tue bcr.ettt ot the doubt) a FKt-.- HOhifllUN o 1 uth. in ooia our douwi . (iniaiiH store Uormerly Ilia Dillon Drug Co.) or our Omalia store, aa can t found anywhere Wfc-bT Os' CHlt-'AUO. We are, In business to FILL. PKt8CHUJTIONB, aa well aa aril drugs, etc.. and w UUAltAN TKB to till any prescription for l.fc-Sd i JduNKK than any oitirr urug atore In eltuer Omaha or boum Omaha. v a do not know wliat reaiioit tit two Ki) ubove phynlciana re using aa to why they CHANGKD bO fciLIDi.r LY. We called upon one of thetn WITH UK. DILJON BOON Al'TKIl UUY INil hla drug atore and THAT o.NK TOLOJ 18 lie would "BTA Y W l l H TUB OLD I B1XJHE," or. In other worda, he would not iu him Innuence (Tl agalnat us. Now. we called agitln recently upon this phyaktaa and aokd him why b had CliANatU r 81'HDENLY, and he tnld ua that "OTkONil INFU'KSCB HAD BEt.M PHOl'UIIT TO BEAR," admitting that it Was CONTRARY TO HIS WoKD, and that he had NO FAULT TO VI N D with our South Omaha store or its business mrihous. It has alm COMK TO OVJK NO TICK that SOME KNOt'KEKH are trying to sitrrad a report in Rouih Omaha that while we "CUT THE P1UCU ON PATENT medirlnea, we made uu the rut on prwKMtp tiona." The fait (IK t'liK NO OTHKR hfcArtON) that we IX) NOT PAY AN Y InjCTOK 10 PER CENT, or any other jr o?nt f'r prexiTliitions, although It la an ACrfNOWLKWtl PACT that ONS drug- ?it In 8'.uth tminha does, upaeta all theae smTI EN KKPoMTd. and alxo THE FACT THAT WE C.IVK ANY PATIKNT his pre Mripuoa back attain with a guarantee as te prloe, so he can prove It,, la a ntuat con vincing anrutm nt. htSPt.CTFCLt,T 8 U B M ITTED, wi Slippers JJJ f CIlflEFER'S cut rnicm VRVU &TOKB K. T. YATES. Prop.. 14:h and t'hic.igo 14' (iniMha. 'Phonss Y)7 slid iit. It. 11 and N Bit, (South Omaliau ' t ii. us No. l. All vui Uviivcrvd auy pau Men's black, red or tan leather slipper. IX, tl-M, U, J2.M and S. Men's black or tan leather Romeo, tu.60, tX CM sad IS. Boyi and youths' tan, black or red leather sllppera, U and H.S. Ladles' patent leather party sllppera, !J 60 to $100. Ladles' ktd bouse and dreas slippers, tl to 60. Women's warm felt sllppera, red or black, 11.00. Women's fur-trimmed felt Ro meoa. In all oolora, U. H.M and 2. Misses' sad children's fur trimmed felt Romaoa, H.90. Misses' and children's plain felt sllppera, Ko. Woman's crochet slip pe re, ILOa Call and sea the handsome Chiiatmaa foods w are otter ing. . nn For Saturday Fcr Saturday we nrlll offer as a special Men's Flna suits) and Overcoats at a greatly reduced erica. How laths tins to buy a winter suit or overcoat a. a Great Bargain. HEfTS FINE SUITS Every Buit we offer you in this sale possesses radical worth that can be appreciated only by your seeing the garments, their style, fit and good workman ship involved. You should not miss this chance. They come in all the latest and most up-to-date styles and fabrics: over 50 different t patterns, including brown mix tures, oxford grays, blues, blacks, fancy mixtures, neat stripes, nobby plaids and plain colors. In- cassimeres, wor steds,; Scotch cheviots," silk mixed worsteds and fancy chev iots, made up in both single and double breasted styles. None ot tliese suits are worth less than $13.50 to $16.50, special price for Saturday, only. . . ' ' HEN'S OVERCOATS Mmi'r overcoats in blues, blacks, brown and eray mixtures, oxford - . 1 A 1 ' I grays and fancy mixtures, in medium ana long lengins, in mfrltnna: heavers, kersevs. vicunas, cheviots and Irish Friezes. The. largest assortment ever shown, all strictly hand tailored and are worth from S15.00 to fie.&u, our special Is! 1 1 1 . price for Saturday, only. .............. ..-.... ...WlW Y0UI1G HEN'S SUITS In ages from 15 to 20 years, made up in the very latest styles and of the newest fabrics, in any snaae or coior you may wiu, m tfn'rwHt nlnirlft. fancv mixtures and plain colors, all made in first class manner and are worth from $2.50 to $5.00 more than we ask you. On sale Saturday, at, H 11 riw mnn ko. 7.K0 and.. .... I W Boys' knee pants suits in all shades and colors, in ages t QC Wim tnlR vpnML on sale Saturdav atf3.50. $2.50 and . I W If Young men's overcoats in all styles and colors, on sale ' C fl fl I f finnn 17 onrl i. wwa paiutuaj a.1. tAW,vwl f v v mmt mm Boys' reefers, in ages from 6 to 16 years, made with I R . high storm collars, at $3.50, fZ.DU, f.o ana w Young men's long pants euits, ages 14 to 20, in all styles C flfl 01 TUB metw BKUaBLB STORK. m Groat Sato of Hen's LlMo Suits and Overcoats I I to V I W v.( f hUrtShiffoor V 6 Mir I i J SIO and fabrics, at $10.00, $8.50, $7.50 and JL JN. Vo Want to Quit Business Quick THEREFORE Uavo Guf Evcryibins 10 to 00 Per Cent. Fresh Goods. Best Quatitf. Gcnpteta Assortment. " . . . . t r Special attention called to our extra line S'.ock oi TEAS, COFFEES, PURE MAPLE SAP and EXTRACTS. The Omaha Tea.and Coffee Co. U07 Douglas Street. , SUIT CASES Vja.. akA..U m. VII salsssrsinft Mill ttHtt In Tmt H VrU SllUUtU soy V a . svssie. - --- . . . and Seal skin, completer furnished with Sterling articles, for both ladles and sentlemen $0 to tiM. Monogram Stationery make, an elesant present JML21LW2l?n!yVa52K.YJl2f CCj Half For tho Box When you buy s TOITJCT SET do you know bow much you pay for the box T Take the foods out ' of the Plush, or Leather, or T'BU Horn" caae and compare them with the seme grade of articles sold In" eoaraU pieces. TOU PAT HALF FOR THE3 HOXf Maybe a little leas, orten more. We win msae you up a ub oi ToUet Articles to suit your taate at UAXJ the price you wouia pay iot a wi in a "fancy" (T box. For Instance, we will sell you a senuine r.uni ha ninnun, a aenulne EBONY BACK, all .bristle Hair I.' lb. Wi ran s'e you a set for 70o equal tO Uie gUOUl 111 K . w -i.v. on. We can sell you a Toilet Bet of any n.,fnhr of nieces at any- price you want to pay and guarantee the sde. we nave an .... v Perfumes, Christmaa C'tsare and Candlea Uoncl! Drug Go. Sell Reliable Deeas a Ckrtataaaa Geees.. . Sixteenth end Csplt&l Avenus TELErHOKB S-T.. mm Christmas Dinner Of course you 'are interested in what will make up your Xmas dinner.; It is foolicy to buy where your money will reach tba far thest, so a stance at these prloes will con vince ypu that we axe offerlns to ' best prloes: Choloe naval oransea. o. to eOo dos. Christinas . candles Mo to 0o lb. Choloe cauliflower . .lio a bead Lettuce o s bead Choice nut (mixed)..'. 5o lb. N. Y. Baldwin apples Ko peck Sploea .-Bo pk. Staple and fancy srocertes, recetablea and fruits, buUer and ess. fl liilGIIMAN, 2337-9 LTt:.:rtl SL tl::t 2074. Two Feet Away J Christinas Is but two feet sway unleaa you hays purchased s pair of ONIMOD8. They excel In style, and sons can be compared with them for solid comfort. Tho Shoo For Entire 5atlsfacttoa. Always S3.50 3 $2.50 Regent Shoo Go. 3tS 5o. 18tb St. Holiday Goods Oet one of our order cards for a hat. pair of slovee or umbrella, to be given aa a Christmas present It will be appre-uia-ied. We eurv m. wimvi!!A II.. rni.. . ........w .,nw V . Mill Sutao Hata, also the finest line of Gloves aw umoreuaa in ms city. C IL FREDERICK CO. Leading Hatters, 1534 Ftrnasn St. Open Evenings Till Christmas . Open Evenlnss Till Christmas Gre&it Marked Down SaJe of j Womerv's Coets ',T.:i: Every Jacket has been marked down from $2.00 to $20.00 on each garment, regardless of cost. 17S Women's Coati All this season's newest materials and ty lei, $10 garments, marked1 down to .5.00 450 Womri Obat Made tip in the new military effeots that sold at $15, $18 and $18, marked down to 10.00 SS5 Wbmm'i Coat 2S and 43 lnohes long, handsome, stylish garments that sold at $20 and $22.50, marked down to..., ....... , ... . J, 14,75 20o Women Coati Mads of the very finest materials, new military effects that sold at $25 and $30, marked dOWn tO ...,eeee-.e...e. 19.73 Spcolsil Saile) In Woman's Pura Women' EUctrio Seal Jacket -nad of rood full skins, Neutra collar and revere a sreat bargain, Bln- 7 er's satin lined epeciai sale .... S.I J Women' Near seal Jetckett of tho vary beat selected skins, finished as saUn Unlns, worth l60-apeclal....u,3V WW. v., .nil .. Women' Neutra Beaver Jacket Made of fine selected Kins, new correoi snaps, nee aaan nninf, poelnrely a 171 t mr yalua special sale 0.OU Women' New Blouse Fur Jaokete-rA handsome assort tnent of these stylish garments hi near seal. Krlmmer sad Persian Lmb with beaver, mink or ohinahllla revere apeolal sale) 'll WLt $126, S&-00, (47.60 and ............ T . Ui.QU Women' Fur Scarf of good tiaUtr eabla. ye4 for, extra Ion e tr wlta 1 tall, worth u-io, apeoialiale.. O.Vll Women' S6b Fox Scarf 4iew sable dyo, two larro taila. a tjA.es a rtr vaiuo-n-olaj aaV!Jr..!i:.V.. 7.90 IF omen's Long Fur Boaot the' now Arabian fox fur, Isabella or sable fyed. two iarso tails, Vrorth 116.0ft, mm WJ' Xak Fur i?oa-I8abella or sable dye, fine apeoiai sate , .......12.75 Women's Bath Rohen ntiri sntr DaHi.ai. WOMEIfB BATH ROBES W. T . . " . " " ' MiH KUHiCH. M (SA fLi CsK .... . . yev yw ew sinu . Of WomenVfeath RobeT and KfHSTZI? .k. nf.ndrnLTJ an'1 complete line iath ROBa rttit S5.E iu iS own 10 yoc sown have divided them In two lotaT oniy one oi a Kind. Vfo uOT V 11 end sviea dm v. . The Little Toes Can keep warm when outdoors when covered with our boys (LEO, shoo nothing:' like them to . wear. Tho little feet can - bo mado com fortable Indoors, with a pair of those boys' slippers Just like papa wears and speaklns of slippers, yoti ought to see our sUppers for everybody, from baby to grandma, and made for oom fort and Cfartstmas presents. Ton can exchange them for tho right slso after Christmas. DnEXEL SHOE CO., Ull Farsan Street. Osssks's Ug-ts-Dsts Sbss II HOKSS ti FOUNTAIN PENS . MAKE AN EXCELLENT GIFT. Tn,s PARKER sscz 3 WATERMAN'S ARB THE BEST.' X I0hMff th,n s(Ur Xmu to tult lb, ptrtlM rwMlvlof tbem. HE SELLS STATIONERY. ; 1(315 Farnam Street. Opp. N. Y. Life Bldg.! 20 Discount II Suit ;; Bags"" i Cases ON ALL "6 r If Omaha Trunk Factory CHAS. K0IAN, Proprielsr Telephone 1058 I20f Farnam Street 9 s$$S)$090tGtS)6'$S'tO$0$w$v a&WNA" Don't Be at a Loss to know what to sivo for Christ mas an Umbrella or Can a makes an acceptable present. We've lust sot In direot from Oornaoi a beautiful selection of gift Umbrellas and Canea fur gentlemen novel and catchy deelgns in handloe. ivory mounted In silver and stag horn prices IIS. 00 to M.00. . . Any of them will delight any man. BX0WN & BORSHim . m South UU Street. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION With the spproach of Christmas comes the thought of good cheer. The greatest efforts sre pat forth on this occasion to secure .tho daintiest eatables obtainable. To avoid disappointment and carry out your, plan successfully and economically purchase your supplies for the table bore, Wet have the largest Variety from which to select consisting of BRtlBSEIJI 8PBOUT8, RADISHES, JKHSKY 8WFET POTATOES. IRISH CELERY, . LAYER RAISINS, . SMYRNA FIGS, CANDIED FRUITS, PLUM PUUDINO. . , . OLIVKS. IMPORTED PRKfiERVEB, STUFFED DATErt. MALAGA GRAPES. NAVEL OR A NOES, FANCY APPLES, . F1XJRIDA PINEAPPLES, , , SELECT TANGERINE. BANANAS, GRAPE FRUIT, . CRANBERRIES, HEAD LETTUCE, FRESH TOMATOES, CUCUMBERS, . - Christmas Trees, Evergreen. Wreaths, Holly, y Christmas Candles and so forth In abundance. SOJVIMER BROS. Exponents of Good Living. Grocery Tela. 1J29-1M1. 28th and Fsrnatn St. Market Tel. 736. Our Souvenir Calendars GIVEN FREE To each purchaser of 25c vcrih cr moro of nocds from Dec. 10th to 26ih. On the above dates ws offer ths followlnir fine PREMIUMS FREE, your ebolos WlkB DBS WUUU BAILING POWDER at 50c. y , Nw . sea m a Doubla Roasters, Coasters, Girls' Sleds, mcKei . T i-eeA I J I'HMatHieB 7irnne. svnd many other artloreswhlcn will malts sxceiieo vnrisvmee Frw,.-, Our Java and Mocha 3 lt. Tor $i.uu nas no iuai. Grand Union Tea Co. 405 No. 24th St., South Omaha. 402 Broadway, council biuiis. 113 South 16th St., Oraaha.-'PHOM ii , o. Consult tho flow Philadelphia r- i Professor i-rco. Work will be examined and everything . . ia. under this noted specialist. WeTrTbVto stay. It wa a CuMPLETE VICTOKY FOR THB UNION. H.t of teeth from U. Bridge te-th from W. Croa ns fro ra tlea Teeth eaUact free. Work suaranteed W yrars. Nt stuaents lu experUueut. UniON DEriTAL COLLEGE. pe AaU, tlU a Suoday. U, 4. VOVOUAM ST.