I e CRA1S AND PRODUCE MARKET TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE! HATUHDAY, PECEJTTVnit 19. 1J0,T 15 Htwt from far Cut witU Hsstj Export! Ciuitt Advance, in Whsst. CORN 'prices SOMEWHAT HIGHE. Strength et Wheat Brlags for Oats at Slight Advaece, Wall Prevision Are Steady. CHICAGO, Dee. IS. Disquieting report! o( an Imminent clash between Russia and Japan, together with heavy ex purl sales, caused active buying of wheat tier today. As a result the market ruled at rung. May cloning ao higher. May corn waa up c, ont were Ho higher, while .provisions clueel steady. There waa an unusual Interest In the wheat pit and a very strong market. A dumber of factors en If red Into the situ ation of a nature to create anxiety In the minds of shorts and the buying from this Source was of a good character. A marked reduction In the number of ears received at Minneapolis and Duluth, steady cables and unfavorable weather conditions In Ar ? en tine Were early Influences that tended o create a bullish sentiment among trad ers. The opening on May was a shade to Hfe'o higher, at 81 He to SISyijSISc, and fiotn the lima the first sale was mads un til the final tap of the bell prices showed constant tendency to advance. A cable gram from Argentine to a local firm stated that there had been frosts In the southern portion and that the damage to wheat was estimated at 'tit per cent, . A little later In tha session a rumor waa circu lated on the floor that Japan had declared wsr upon Russia, and although this re port wss denied, a big decline In consols and Japanese securities In London was an added Incentive to Hie crowd and the buy ing became general. Advices from the southwest to the effect that many com plaints Were coming in of Insufficient moisture and unfavorable conditions In the southwestern and southeastern sec tions of the winter wheat belt were taken as Indications of a possible shortage next year. In addition to these Influences the export business st the seaboard contrib uted further strength lata In the day, event y boat loads being reported taken lor shipment. Closing prices were close to the top. May being t higher at (rttc, after selling at a. Clearances of Wheat and flour were euual to 614.WU bu. Primary receipts were 640K) bu., compared with 679,000 bu. a year tiro. Exports of wheat and flour for the week aa reported by Bradstreets were 1.163.000 bu. Minne apolis, Duluth and Chicago report receipts of & cars, against 499 last week and tot year ago. Corn had a firm undertone, but the YOlum of trading was small. There earned to be a little corn wanted by scalp ers because of the predictions of stormy ether. - roor roads would embarrass country movement, which has picked up some of late. Late In tha day the market was influenced by the heavy export sales. 2f boat loads being reported taken for hlpment. There was some selling through out ths day by small holders, but the ma lorlty of traders were Inclined to favor tn duii side. Alter opening uncnangea to Ho higher, at 43Hr4.tHc, May aold be tween 13 Wo and IKbU'M. closing at 48ic. Local receipts were 108 cars, with 1 of contract grade. Bhorts were the best buyers of oats and the selling was largely by short sellers. The strength In whest was tha principal Influence that brought the demand, al though small receipts and a good ship ping business helped to support the mar pet. May opened a shade lower to a shade higher at 9tffMe, ranged between KHc and tf'A'tia, closing at SUVaSTc. Local re ceipts were 74 cars. Tha provision market waa governed al most exclusively by the situation at the Jards. Uberal receipts and a decline of Oo were early factors that caused some Selling by packers, hut later In tha day a steadier tone developed In hogs and provisions gained part of the early loss. Tha close was steady, with May pork So higher at 111.80. May lard was unchanged t Ifi T74 and ribs were ' a shad lower at 88.27. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 46 cars; corn. 80 card; oata, 90 cars ; hogs, tifi"(t head. Ths leading futures) ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. High. I Low. Close.) Yrs'y. Wheat t I a. r eo. 79 H TP Tt" 7( "!, May BlVfVH 2i .1H 82i!fnVaH July . J6a 16 764 7tii7i& Corn I Dec 41 J 41 4J 4174 Way UIWUtr 434 4S 4SH July' 43 tfttbH UH1 Oats I Pee. K 8n W4! 84'i May 36h 17 trt Wr4iS7'S6i July J33334 Vi23&i Wi T JanT 11 U 48 11 11 i 11 14 May 11 72 11 11 71V4 11 80 11 SO Han? 6 S5 tTVl SS 87U 27V4 May t 66 B7tf 67V4 U Hlha Jan. ft714 C7 0R flTH 10 lay IIS TH 4 22H z7H 0 No. 1 a New. Cash quotations were as follows: is follows: yi winter patents, e, t3.6HiH.4E; spring g straights, 12.450 r IjOL'K Marxel steauy t4.06u4.10: winter stralxhta. patents. fining 1.(6: bakers, 43.aotjs.76. WHtAT-No. 2 fpring, 82c; No. t spring, T7&S1C: No. I red. WjjMio, CORN No, I, 2ic: No. S yellow 4Se. OATB No. 3, K-Vdc; No. I white, 2ji tio. RYE No. I, BAHLKT-Oood feeding, l&G36c; fair to choice malting, 4?tac. BEKD No. 1 flax, tic; No. 1 northwest ern, 1101: prime timothy, 12.76; clover, con tract grade, SU.15. .PROVlalONS Mees pork, ner bbl., 111. a en 60. Itrd. per 100 lbs t 37H Bhort ribs sides (looxftl. t6'5S.26. Short dear Idea (boxed), SA2i438.IT. Following went tha receipt and ship ments of flour and grain: toents RacelDta. Shinments. Flour, bMe..... .... 89.0.10 H.700 .... ,1 ' 47.&H) ....174,000 101,K ....lM.l'O ' ' 0.4nO .... 4 17.HW .... R 0U l.tw Corn, bu Bye. bu.. barley, bu. - On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was aul. t and easy: creameries. l2ic; dairies, Uilo. fr, steady; at bark, rases Incudeu, iiJiVc- Cheese, steady, loiglyvic - . NEW YORK GEKEIVAL MARKET. A.et.tie.s ( the Day em Vart.as Cenacaodttlea. NEW TORK. Dec. 18 FLOUR RecHpta B.641 bbla; exports. 11,737 bbla. The market was mors active and ttrmer; winter pat ents, 14.UUU4.36; winter straights, 14.w34.14; Mlnneeuta atents, 4 6th 4. 74; winter extras. e.fvu.: Minnesota baker: W 7ii3 ; win' choice to fancy, tJ.4f.iil i; fair to good, 13 is (3 W rttirkwhrat nntir, steady, (XUMtZ-iut. CUKNMALr-Bteedy: Veilnw western, tl.o:; city, 11; kiln-dried. tlo04.1S.ti6. RTEbull; No. t western, Jc. f. . b.. ajiuat; state ana Jersey, btj&c. HAHLKY Uteady : feeding, &CI malting, 4(i'iuc. c. I. f., Huttalo. WHEAT Receipts, 43,2t bu. exports, 4,100 bu. The market for spot ks Arm; Kn. 1 red. ilSiO elevator and U?Hc f. o. u. afloat; No. I northern Duluth, eic f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat. Options were sctive and firm all day, Influenced by war talk, smaller south Weat receipts, guod clearanoea, outalde de mand, export rumors, general covering and bullish Argentine crop news. The close was very Aria at Viiltac net ad vance, led by December and a late scare f shorts. May, 86 l-lb!.V closed lkV; July, Slq9sl4C, closed Mc; December, sv'jiK sc, cload HM. CuHN-ReceiDts. 15.750 bu.: exports. 4i 041 bu. The market for spot was Arm; No. 1 64c elevator and t. o. b. afloat; No. 1. yellow, 66c; No, 1 white, tie. Tha option market, while very quiet all day, shared the wheat strength, getting help also from the light receipts. It closed firm at S'mo net advance, alay. ai'a. closed 4vlc: Deocinber. Lie. closed 640. OATS Itecelpts, 7S.60U bu. ; exports, 1 090 nu. The market for spot was firm; ro. 1. cc; standard white. 4J4c; No. a, 4Uc No. 1 white, 4.c; No. I white. 42e track white, 41ic Options were noun leal. HAT Dull; shipping, S&tf76c; good to Choice. Klif'lHC 1 lul'8-1-Inn ; state, eommoa to choice. ju. uw; isi!, 'ic; o'oa. siiioc. t'scirtc coast. lt4, mJSc; lkol, lku.'ac; olda, euluc. H 1 1 'Ki-l ii m; Galveston, to 2S Ha.. lic Ca iron. la. U t i6 lbs.. lc: Texaa dry, ii 10 aw ire . ii'.c. 1 KATHKR-rirm. add. 13" R'ie. RICK viuiat : doiimtlc, fair to extra, t9 IVc: Jupun, nominal. I'ROVlblONS-lwf. dull; family, rortft 611 vu, nrM, t',ol: berf hanta. t v-'J 11 av; pursei. ivy 10. w. city extra lndht nea. x it ttnn.i'. Cut meala, dull pk k led .nll, . tvri 0: pickled shouW . lubl ijO-W; I l k.lrd iitnil. I , H l Ki 10 ; eay; western steamed, til.ao. "re- rnn. egtay; cnntliient. r. '; tiouth Amerl ..ts: iimipuund lo 641 fork d faintly. I . 1,1 15 Z, ahull clears. .J Ouy 16.10, TAl.lxtH -ruin: city TO per kg ), ic Ji-ifcii,-iciita, 4.V4 H.a.; uuaet tle1; creamery. 1W34c; ktsta dairy, lWWlo. CI1EK8K Receipts, 1.&& pkgs. ; quiet: state full cream, fancy, large and amaJl colored, l; large, lc. t,U Keceipia, t,uu pxgs.; strong: weeo ern, ti '1c- I'Ol lyl HI Alive, gieany; western cnirs. ens, ltvflVtc; fowls, toHHc; turkeys, U9 14c; dressed, quiet; western chickens, uc; fowls, 11 ft lie; turkeys. 17tj30o. OMAHA WHOU.ULE MARKET. Ceadltlea of Trade aad Qaetatleas EOG8 Fresh gtock, irc ' I-IVK FOLXTKf-liena, 7a7Uc; spring chickens. Re; roosters, according ts age. 4v6c: turkeys. Uiii&c: ducks. ftici geae. 7yo. tKKK8ED toultri-Turgeya, i.oiac; old toms lT7c; ducks, luUc; geeae, mt 10c; chickens, fu!c nun t.K i'acaing stocK, i:Koiivc; enoice to fancy dairy, in tubs. I6I1I10; soparator. Mo. r REBU FISH Trout, 10c: pickerel. 7c; pike, 9c; perch, 7c; blueflsh, 16c; whlteflah, c; salmon, 11c; haddock, 10c; codfleh, 11c; redsnapper, 11c; lobsters, bulled, per lu., 10c; lobsters, green, per lb., 2c; bullheada, lie; catflah, 14c; black bass, X(tttc: halibut. lie; crappiea, Uc; herring, 6c; white baas, lac; bluenns, to OlBTbKK-New York counts, per can. 41c; per L. 12.00: extra selects, per can. t&c; per gal., 11.76; standard, par "Can, ific; per gal., si.se. BKAH-I-W ton, XI 4. SO. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association. Choir No. 1 up land. 17.60: No. 1. 17.00: medium, leeu; coarse, pS.uO. Rys straw, a.60. These prioes ars for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair iuid receipts light. OA1U 87o. RVK-No. S, SOc. KVERUREKN WREATHINO la Colls af twenty yard, per coll, 11 00, W'KBATHb-Magnolia and galas wreaths, per doxen, 11.50; evergreen wreaths, per aosen, ii.mi; noiiy w reams, per aozen, i.ev. These designs are twelve Inches In di ameter. N HOL.LT BRANCHES Per case of 22 t feet, about fifty pounds, 14.60: per bbl.. 1160. I.ONO NfclDLlJ PINES-Per doseii, I.!) t2 60. MISTLETOES Branches, per Hb. . bog. tl.ili: per lb.. Ma Mistletoe orders will be filled about December 20 and snipped by xpresa only. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, sc; Dakota, per bu.. 7Wi76e; native, SMj'iOc. SWliliT PolAOKd Illinois, per bbl, NAVT BEANS Per bu.. tJ.. CtLKRI Hmall, per U01., 2G3So; large vaiiiocrim, etxig 10c. ONIONS Nsw home grown, dry. Per lb.. He; Spanish, per crate, 1L60; Colorado yel low ana reo. inc. CABBAOK Wisconsin Holland. lUa. TURNIPS Canada rutabagas, pur lb., lc White, per bu., twc. C A RROT8 Per bu., tOc PARHNIPS-Per bu., 60a BEKT8 Per bu.. 60o. CAULll'LOWtK California, per orate. TOMATOES - California, par 4-basket orate, CUCUMBERS-Per 1ox.. 11. ' FRtlTTH. APPLES-Calltornla Bellflowera, per box, 11.60; New Tork Greenings, Baldwlfia And other varieties, 13.60. GRAPES Pony Catawbss, SOo'j Imported ', per aeg, a.uuv.uu, CRANBKRR1ES Jersey. Der bbL. S7.E0: per box. 12.75; Wisconsin bell and Bugle, 19; oeu ana nerry, ss. VlUlNCES-Californla, per box. 11.26. TROPICAIj FRUITS. ORANGKS Florida. Brlehta and Russeta. all sixes, 13.26; navels, large else. f3.0Obl.6O. LEMONS California fancy., too to ) sixes, 14; cnnice, 240 to ZTO sixes, 13.60, FIUS California, per 10-1 b. cartons. tSo: Imported Smyrna, 1-crown, 14c; 6 -crown, lac; 7-crown, 3ac. COCOANUTS-Per sack, 14! per dos., 0e. TliTl.'J io..i.m ... . ... ..1 1 1 o.a w. iva v& u l n & , . . . per lb., in 00-lb. boxes. 6c; Oriental stuffed Gates, per box, 12.40. BANANAS Per medhim-sixed bunch, 12.00 Q2.60; Jumbo, tf.75ijJ.26. MISCELLANEOUS. " CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, IZHc; Wisconsin Young Americas, 134c: block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick. UVtc; Wisconsin limberger, lie. HONKf-Nebraska. per 14 frames. .; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames. 11.60. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per ih., 10c. CIDER Per bbl.. J6.76; per Vi-bM., IS X. POPCORN-Per lb., 4Hc; shelled, t&awi. HORSH RADISH Per case of s dos., packed, toe. NUTS-Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb.; 14o: No. t soft shell, per lb., lie; No. i, hard shell, per lb., irej Brgslls, per lb.,- 11c; filberts, per lb., lie; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 15c; bard shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., lie; smalt per lb.,-10c; peanuts, per lb., tfte; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; Chllt walnuts, 12ftllc: large hickory cuts, per bu., 11.60; shell barks, per bu., 12; black walnuts, per bu., 11.26: Italian chestnuts, per lb., 12c HIDES No. 1 green, ec; No. t green, e; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 1 salted, tc: No. 1 veal calf. I to 12 lbs., lVc; No. 1 veal calf, 11 ts pelts, Z41f76o; horse kldea, 1L 602. 60. t. Loala Grata ssd Provlatoas. ST. LOUIS. Dec, li. WHEAT Higher I No. I red. cash, elevator, nominal; track. HVjv3c; December, SlWc; May, klHo; July, lu'kvoSc; No. a oara, txff'sc. CORN Higher; No. 1 cash,- 43c; track, 43Hc; December, 43c; May, 4242Vc; July, 41Hc. OATS HI it her No. cash, t7c; track, 37Hc; December, lac; May, Sao; No. 1 white, svc. FLOUR Dull: red winter patents. 14.269 4 36; extra, fancy and straight, i3.vutU4.3U; Clear, t3.N&3.S0. 6 EED Timothy, steady, t2.ft'2.80; prime, higher. coknmkal Bteady. xz.au. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 7678c HAY-Suady: Umothy. l 0tt&U.6O: pralr.o. 15.01 4I 60. IRON COTTON TIES 11.06. BAOGINJ 6411 8Hc HEMP TWINaV-ao. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: lobbing. fii.Va- L-ra, lower, ") st'. tsacon, steady; boxed, extra snorts, .;&; clear rios, li.no; POtTLntT Turkeys, lower; chickens, Tc; springs, 7 Ho; turkeys, Uc; ducks, lOo; geese to. BUTTER Fair demand: creamery. . 189 xuc; dairy, waive EOtiB Steady. E8UO. loss off. Receluts. Shipments. Flour, bbla. ... .'. 7.ouo . ll.ooo Wheat, bu 69.000 64.000 Corn, bu. 14.0u0 Sl.OoO Oats, bu. ..81,000 li,UU0 Kansas City Grata aad rrttvlsloas. KANSAS CITT. Dec. It WHEAT-De combe. onVac: May. eVNfrtSe: cash No. I hard. tWIiilc; No. 1. ewuso; No. 4. aOd 444c: rejevled, et3tiuc; No, t red, tiiiSc; Ko, a,,Wjc , uui4,r lecemoer uc: nay, 'se: caaa No. t mixed, new, 8dc; No. white, new. fee; No. 1 white, new, Vvq4c. OATS No. 8 white. lot; no, 1 mixed. M USc - it IK tvo. x. eutc HAT-4.'hnico timothy. tS.M: choice prai rie, t7.T6SS.00. BUTT tit Creamery, uirsc: dairy, fancy. EGGS weak: Missouri and ansae, cases returned. 17c; new No, I wbltewood cases luuluded, 17io, Iteceipis. Diupmenrs. Wheat, bn...... T7.0 17t.4l Corn, bu Mono l td) OaU. bu. T.0O0 14,000 Mlaaaapolla Wheat, Flea aad Br a a. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 14. WHEAT De cember. 7v4e; May. alSttalVc; July. I1C On track: No. 1 hard, tic; No. 1 northern, SlH"; No. I northers, 7!eVc; No. I northern, ttru "Vic. F LO L" R First patents, $4.451.66: second patenta, 14 9.14.411: (I'M clears, lioyl.40; se'itid clears, 12 M" 40. BRAN-ln bulk, til 3:i.S0, - I Philadelphia Prod are Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dee. It. Bt'TTKR Slea'ly, fair demand; extra creamery, tt'-tc; nenrt v pr nta, 27c IlQuS Flrtu. goid demand; fresh nearby, 16c; frevh western, tutjc; fresh seuth-We-terri ,f:iic; fieah southern, M34e. CHEESE uulet, but steady; New Tork full cieaaia fancy, 11 c; choioe, 11 c; fair to good, labU'a v Mlleaakta Grata Market. - MILWAUKEE. Dee. 14- WH BAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern. Mi4(!4c; No. I northern. MQft"; at a v. aahViaC RlflC frm; h.o. 1. 67c RARLET Unchanged; No. t, 64o; sample, f4',i,H,v cuRNQulet; No. I yellow, old, etc; May, uc LI verpeel GreJai Market. LIVERPOOL. Dee 11 WHEAT Spot. firm; No. 1 red western winter, ealSd; fu tures, steady; December, nominal; Marco, a 4i. .1: M i. is I V J. CURS Soot. Arm: American mixed. tad: futures, firm; January, 4il; March, lalld. Dmlath Grain Market. nrUTH. Deo. 1A WHEAT On track No. 1 nor' horn. 80c; No. 1 northern. TlH; Na. I spring, 14V:; Deoember, ihc; May, UV. OATS Ca track, to arrive. Sac Peoria Grata Market. PEORIA, 111, Dec. It.-COR-Steady; bw hx a, i, saw No. 4, lac; .No. 4, 410. iTWVAnr PTnrcp ivn nr.vnc? I ilL.l lVIVa 31 VLR.J AM DUJU3 Uaitcd Btatot Sttsl Frtftrrtd Hstm Up n I tti..- lf.i.i.1. tv-i I xeuisiOB vw aiiiwi iiiniti . MARKET OUIET NEAR END OF THE YEAR J Baaik Eatlaaato Ikewi Larc Aeeaaasj- latlea of Mostor. Wklck la C ayosidlagly Eaay, wttk Itorl las; Exehaag Hlgber. NEW TORK. Deo. It The inertia of to day a stock market was slightly overcome In ths last hour of the trading tn sympathy with the strong upward movemtm in United States Steel preferred, following the formal announcement that the steel ulll.'t pool had determined upon a maintenance Of present prices. Much of the present con ditions In steel and the disrupting dis putes among tha members of tne poul cen tered In the billet trade, and the definite aettlment of the question had an Immedi ately cheering eliect on ail conneciea -wan the Iron and steel trades. United States Bteel preferred waa taken tn enormous blocks at an advance of W over last night. The effect upon th general markei, how ever, was scarcely more than to overcome the heavy .dragging tone which had lie.d prices back all oay. The recovery was ns much lacking In animation aa had been the decline. Pennsylvania showed the moat marked sympathy with the rise In United Btates Steel preferred and gained over a Siolnt. As this stock has been very heav ly sold on the. ground that tha depression n ateel must affect Its tonnage o a large amount and earnings to a larger exlont than afir other ranroad system, its re- nnnu tn the rise In United States Steel preferred was natural, ine aeaungs m mi latter StOCK compieieir meiirniuuwcu whole market in poini oi voium Amalsuma.teit Conner contlujed active. but was sluggish, and the London market for raw copper reaciea. intra whjs m. ran- fplcuoua selling movement in hock jbiunu. 1 hat alnrk fell OVeT A IXlint. St. LOUIS & Ban CYanclsco preferred a ami Rock laisnA a wtmr cent bonds a laraV fractitn, Rumors of a coming bond sus were the cause of this weakness. The 10,c00.w0 Atchison bond Issue was the subjtct of erntinue4 riiacussion and the cause of heav iness In Atchison and of some other Mocks In which bond Issues nave been xrareu oat The revival of apprehcTalon over ths pun.JinanM dlsnute affected 1he-mnr ket bv reflection from London. The Irre- sponalveness of the market to the consist ,ni Hmnmmm of United Htate Street Dre- ferred was the more notable In view of tha overwhelming prepondrenoe ot Its volume of business, amounting to one-third ot tha ,hlo- . ' The usual foreoasts of the bonk state n.ni indicate a aaln in ensn -en the regu lar express movement of between f 1,000,00 and 14.000,000, while subtreseury cperntKns, Including payments for foreign srohl, havs yielded to the banks M,041.). This did not Una foe veaterdav's receln'S of foreign Sold, which amounted to nearly t'.bCO.OiO. innev was correspondingly i-asy. With ihMt conditions existing on thi verge of ihm last week of the year It ! not sur prising that sterling exchange should con tinue to rise strongly way from the gold Import point. Cotton bills hove t'.cwn com paratively scarce also In the exchange mar ket, and It is not wiUuMt significance that the week's exports of irraln havs I alien nearly 1,250,000 bushels below thos4 of Uft dul, owing to renewed uneasiness on ao week. most of . the decrease ehowinr in of Kuaso-Jauanese relations. Amer- wheat, while the value 03 importea ory goods rises more than S'XW.O'j over those ot last week. Bonds were Irregttlar. Total sale, par value, tl.S76.000. United Btates bonds were unchanged on call. Following are the closing quotations t the New IOTA biock exonange: 9tues.nig 11. W.VIVBt, Atchison SS4.il 00 DIQ 4.4IS1 -7M Va BaiUinore et Ohio.... l.iao 1 a iiaSk iooia aaia ao eeVi la in 14 17Vk 7tt 14 61 t loll 47 . xlH -i.'m ta s,4 m ,.. do L'ta t ks Canaaiau i'aoino .... luo llfe Central of N. leO loei 100 cneaaoeoks 4k unto., low Chicago at Ajton 4U0 sok do pI4 tw - sen Chicago O. W WW la- 00 ptd X.U0 ti-m Chicago et N. W lo li 10t) hi Chicago T. at T do pid C. C. C. at St. L.... ItUO sVO Its) 1U0 lvO l.vuw L10U luo "loo .ia0 1. 010 l.iuo "V4 '11 14H .' ha mt'k 15 SOO UM 60 li 14 61 Colorado Southern .. do let pfd..... do 2d Bid Delaware at Hudson; loOsj Deia.. lack. 4t Yi .... li.0 Denver at ii. U 114k do pfd Erie do 1st pfd... do Id Did..... SO 00 140 74 U Great Northern, pfd. Hocking Valley..i.... do plu Illinois Central Iowa Central 710 100 1291k 11 lVs 21 in do pfd ,. an K. C. Southern do Pfd...! 14 lw 141 Louisville at Nash.... 00. Iu4-A 104 140 Ldl Manhattan L S,4u0 141- Metropolitan Bt- Ry.. IMO in 1!1 All Minn, at et. u Missouri Paciflo ...... 4,Ubt Missouri, K.. at T aUO do pfd ,' LluO 40 M Mai h ll N. R. R. ot Mex., pfd New York Central... WO Ul4 11 Norfolk at Western.. 610 7vt s7 da Did ..... ..... .... 17 llVs 80 Ontario at Western.. 1.860 Pennsylvania 44,004 Ua US' 11 117-. 117 -a V.. C. C. At bt- mm..., Reading l.luO 44H do 1st pfd. ..... ..... .. An lii r.f.1 0 44 'it Ruck Island Co t (9,100 2oH do pfd 1.000 tlVk do 1st pfd., ex-dlv do 2d pfd 1.179 44 8t. L. 8. W , 1"0 11 do pfd & BU Paul ,710 142 do pfd hO 171 Southern Paciflo 10,400 4S4 Southern Railway.... L3"0 do pfd.... a loO 774k Texas at Pacido 6u0 24 Toledo, BU It. ot W.. SM Zl do pfd Union Paciflo 14.710 1s do pfd l,2M 88 Wabash 140 20 do pfd LOoO bi 04 41 IS U 141 173 4714 ? T7- 241. 22. 'tiki 20 1 40 4i U 171 48 77k 24 13S ?8 ea 19 Wheel, at It. K Wisconsin Central... 800 1714 Uft do pfd Adams Express. ...., ... . American Express United States Exo , 1M 2-1 lha 101 ft 48 Walla-Fararo Elt Araal. Copper 49 5.10 4Kt4 lsa 47 47H 97 Amer. Car At Foun... 70 19 do nfd SU0 47 Amer. Linseed Oil s 29 oo piu Amer. Locomotive... 1.025 1.450 tuO 663 4,860 do pfd Am. Smelt at Rafln.. do pfd Amer. Sugar ReAn... Anaconda Mln. Co... Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A Iron..., Col. A Hock. Coal.... Consolidated Oaa Gen I Elec. ex- dir.. International Paper.. do pfd International Pump., do pfd National Biscuit ..... National Lead........ North American Pacino Mail People's Oas Pressed 8teel Car.... do pfd Pullman Pal. Car.... Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do Dfd Tenn. Coal at Iron... U. 8. Leather do pfd V. S. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do Df1 ..150.9W West. Tnlon. ex-11v. M0 Northern Securities.. . Total sales for the day, 490. Kg shares. stem lletk tkaotailoaa. . BOSTON, Deo, 18 Call loans. tH per cent; time loans. ti4 per cent. Offlclal closing prices oo stocks and bonds: Atuklesa as Allovas 4 ktea. Casual 4a 4s Aulsaawtag at Aleklaoa 4i eiaaaaai M o pt4 CaL A Hecla..... toaa A Albaor... 4 lOaalaoalal , Itaatoa A awine 104 ICovear kaaaa .... homiOm BlaTOt ....144 Dvoilaioa Coal ... K T., M- U. A tt...l Praaaua pnrkbar I4 IK I.ia Borale t'alaa Parlfia tl Muaavk , Wax. Casual OM It .0)1 aloe .... Asia. Susar la Oacaula mm pit - lav parr4 Asmt. T. A UoiWHlaa txualalaa L A t 1 haula Pa Cupper. Gaaaral Elactna 144 ITaaiaiack Mass. Eiaotna II Trlailf 4. at 4 U 1 1it. 4 ktata .... t'slta Pratt 14 t'taa I. a. Steel I" Victarta eo ai4 tt Wmaaa Waaltua MBBH..., Tt IMooartae ASvaataie f 1 I .444 . t4 . t .. 4 .. tl i. 44 - I .. 44 - 1 ,. 4 Now Torkt Money Market. jwvw Ti if rxaa. 1. 1'ONET ON CALXe-Ey at S1 per Cant. c."ng bid. 14 1M 16 77V4 764 W 44"i 4 . 4C 924 92 91 Uoa xu inn 75 1.S . 6"H 4V bo 6x 27U to! i;vi 13'4 114 13 'Z 44) 1KS lHtt4j 1174I 100 lot 164 163 e sees eesoe aaae e aos oeea 2 100 21 29 29 eo a 72 ..... 8 1 164 164 16, M0 74 74 T6 10 M 28 44 t,6.K fx ;s4 8f0 2a4 29 27 100 7 47 47 211 4.4IQ . H 64 4i ts k"Z 1.10 174 164 IVi 1. 7T4 L4a M S3 S3 0 e a e 0 e ea 74 a SO Y.i0 "ifteht 'ini io M 64 bhi Ki M 8f.1I Tri.ru JLl'lrx- "JT' t"1- Time, " pkAib MraufaiLT rATEW per cent. . BTKRT.T?Ja EXCHANUB- Ptrong, witn . . . , . i i. . ..ill- it I, .I for demand ci at m .fii 45 for o I rs' bills; poete rates, 14 .!44.!oV,; com- I memni m is. a.vi'i'a.fa. SILVER Bar. UWi Mexican, dollars DS-ctovrnment, steadn railroad. The closing quotations on oona are as follows: V. g. ret. t rg....1 U 1. t. 4a 1 eaaana Mmaattaa a. g. ea...io as. res. Wi Mra. Central 4a en eouaos 14! en 1st I no. 144 sew 4a. rag.. .. 11 V Miss. A St. L. 4a.... 47 eo enaasa m4 M.. at. A T. 4a HIJ al4 4a, lag 10 o M N. R. R. el at e. 4s. Tt N. T. C. sea- Ha...lo N.'J. C. tea. aa I No. PtdSa 4a. 1H 4o Sa 1"4 Norfola A W. 4a H4 N. A W. e. 4a A Bar. M Pass. eonv. IHs. 4 Raadlns sea. 4a 41 St. U A 1. M. a. a..llt it. l 4 1. r. it a m 4a eoaeoa lis 4a a, rmf lotti 4s eseaaa I0114 AteMaaa gee. 4a. eo aaj. e ( Atlantlo C. U. 4a.... 3H B. A O. 4a loo 4o IHa N Central at Oa. Ie....lt 1st Ise 4 Chea. A uhle 4'...101' Ckkxja A. v,a.... 14 St. U S. W. U M c, n. a w. a. 4a C. at. A tt. r. g. 4a. 11 C. A H. W. a. le....W4 C, R. I. A r. 4a.... SMSnaHl A. U 4a... T14 8a. ParlBa 4a 17 80. Rallwar M.....114 TJ A r. la 114 to em. la 14 T., St. I w. 4a.. re L'nloa Pacllo 4a. 10IU, C C.C. A St. u g. 4a. Kit t. niaaya Tar. ea i 4o eonv. 4a M Con. Tobacco 4a t Colo. A So. 4a at rr. s. steal id ta re Wabaak la .....111 P. R. O. ta u eo h n W. lm M. 4a.. Wit. Central 4a. Colo, real a. U. Kris srlor llaa 4s.... h oo sea. a Mtt P. W. A P. C. la.... , ta Hoeklag Vat. if... 10 Laaloa Btoeat Marsrof. LONDON. Dea U. Closing: Cnnaola Monar atvt N. T. Otatral in K. T. Oaatral. do acooant aH Kortois H W m Norfolk AW... da pfd ...... Ontario AW... PenasTlrania ... Ran4 Mloee Ana rood a ..,...... IH Atrklaen tS .... .... aw o Dt4 Sa Baltimore A O tota .... t Caa4iaa PaolAe la thee. A Ohio (4 Raadlag .... tt .... 44 .... (A ao lit pm... 40 M p(4... Chicago 01 W 144 C, M. A 8t. P 144a go. Rail war .... .... PeBaara K so pfa go. Paclfle laloa Pacino .. 4s pf4 U. A steal 4o pl Wabaah 4o pta .... to Panver A A. O K Df4 144 Siie 3 ..... VI so 1st pi 10 4o 14 af4 U .... 10 .... 44 Illlnola Central 1UH .... XI .... U Loala. A Nash...... .109 at., K. AT IS GOLD Bar. 7s lOUd. American eAgleit, 7CS 6d. PIL KB. Far, steaoy, sea per ounce. MONKY SWif3 per cent: the rate of dis count in the ooen market for short bill Is 1 per cent; for three months' bills, J9 a wit per wiiw . Retv Tork Mlaiag CkaotatlOBS. NEW TORK. Dec 11. The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adasi Cos 14 Little Chief Alloa . 11 ,. to . f . 4 .140 .114 .146 . 1 Ontario Ophlr Phoaotx Potoal Ravage Sierra Narada Small Hopes . .Standard ...eot ...It ... 14 .. 14 ... 44 ... 44 ... It ...Me Breeoe bryaewttk Caa . CoOMtors Tannel Cob. Cal. A Va.. Horn Silver Iroa SIlTar Laadvllle Coa ... Offered. Forelga Flaaaclal. LONDON. Dec. 18. Money was In good demand on the market today for holiday purpose and the supply was diminished. Discounts consequently were firm, A holiday mood prevailed on tha Stock can, opened weaki ,Ubsequently Improved A fraction over parity, became Inactive and closed quiet. A feature of the trans actions In foreigners was tha further hell ing of Japanese securities, occasioned by fears that tha far eastern negotiations will be long drawn ouU Kaffirs were weak. The Stock exchange will bo closed December 26 and 24 and January 1. PARIS. Dec' 1 ITio pesalmlstlo reports regarding the situation In the far east de pressed trading on the bourse today. Ths transactions were light, but at the close tha market was calm. Tha private rata of discount waa 2 U-14 per cent; 1 per cent rentes 97f Vtc for the account; exchange on lnaon, 2b f 170 lor cnecks. BERLIN, Dec 18. A listless feeling pre - vailed on the bourse here todav. Exchano-a on London. 20 marks 41 of era. for charka. 41 OfB Discount rates: Short bills, 4 per cent; t montns diiis, 1 per cent. - Bask Clearings. . r nuiui n is ,i..inn. M tot'ay, J1.1S3.W2.78, an Increase of t,SS4.03 over tna corresponding day last year. Prod nee Exchange Holidays. NEW YORK: Dee. 18 The Produce ex change will be closed December 16 anl 2S ana January 1 ana a Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Dec 1A COTTON The market rmened firm at Linchnnsred nrlcea r:.:.i:::::"MT.i:.. z . to an advance of 7 points t n continued cov ering and bull support. Cabios veto, if ny thing, a little better than rxpected. though well down the I'D at the local opening with private advices inJlcath-g a very nervous condition of affairs abroad. and more reports came in of the lnabaiity i . . .n , . 1 Mil - tracts to snip cotton aurwiL auviwr ot this description, coupled with very bullish advices from southern spot markets end the aggressive attitude of the buils. some of whom are freely predicting atlll h glver prices, seemed to cause even greater anx iety than that noted yesterday among tne local shorts, while there were also evi dences that the public were again enter ing the market through the commlaslun house.- At any rate, alter u brief intertal of hesitation rather than weakness Imme diately following ths opening, during which prices sagged back a few points from ths best. The market was generally strong throughout the entire session. Prtes were worked tepidly uoward. Rumors were cir culstlng that the bull leaders were taking pronis on bulges, out these patties were open and aggressive buyers on every sign of weakening. Needless to any. all the months reached new high levels for the day witn months later than January creasing through the lac mark. i'he best pr.cta were In the late trading. At tli.it time January sold st 12.82c March. UOlc: May. 13.17c. and July. 13.26c. TowktJ the cios the list dropped back 4 or t points, but the close was strong, net lwS:a points higher, with sales estimated at I i0.(aj0 tales. A feature of the day was the heavy xprt, which greatly exceeded the port rac-ipts, and spot cotton was higher at nearly all nolnta. NEW ORLEANS, Dee. 18. OOTTOX Steady; sales, lo,6u0 bales; ordinary, 10c; food ordinary, 11 6-16c; low middling, 2 6-16c: middling. 12 11 -16c: good middling. 12'ac; middling ?alr. 13c. Receipts, ll.tOJ bales; stock, ZTU.iSJ tales, ruturea were steady: December. 1293c bid: January. 13 01 trU 02e; February, 13 O7(ftl8.09c: March, ll ll fjlJWc; April. lS 4iali.44c; May. 13 6i 13.62c; June 13 6711 otfc; July, lS-ultfrll Mc. ST. LOUI8. Dec. lt.-COTTON-Flrm, H higher; middling, 12Se. Sales, 20 bales; re ceipts, none; shlpmanta, 140 Dals; stock, 14 Ak7 KnlM Liverpool, Dec. 18. cotton spot la limited demand: trices 1 noluts hUhiri American middling fair, 7.2d; good mid dling. T.lOfl: mkldilng, TOOd; low mlddllni t4d: rood ordinary. 4. Sid: ordinary. .6V The sales of the dsy were 6.000 bales, of which SnO were for speculation and export and Included 4.600 American. Receipts, 6,000 bales. Including i.OOO American. Futures ooened steady and closed feverish: Amerl can mlddl n. m. o. 0.. 4 nod: uecember- January. 4 81 u aid: January-February. 0 77 !d; February-aiarcn. i.im; aiarcn-Apriu t.74d; April-May. 473d; May-June. .7'M; junevjuiy. 471x1; juiy-August, 4uu.;a; August-beptember, tua Wool Market. NEW YORK. Deo. 18. WOOL Firm: do. mestlc fleece. bftSln. - BOSTON, Iec. 18. wtMJLe-Traaing tjuo- tatlons are: Territory end Idaho Pine, 140 15c; fine medium, 1Uc; medium, l8(0lMc. Wyomlng Ine. 14iim; nne meoium, uc; mellum. lSiH9c. Utah and Nevada Fine. 14V"liVic: tine medium. 1'4 till Vrc; medium. is'iaic. uaaota r ine. i.nioc; nne meaium. lbifil7c; medium. 190:10c. Montana Fine Choice, VHtoc; fine medium choice, lWa; average. Icu9c; staple, HxhM:; medium rhnlce. lin JJC. The Commercial uuueuo win aay Tomor row: The wool market is very strong. Price are firmer and on medium -blod atap'e a slight advance has keen paid for choice lota. The demand continues good and general, about all the mills of Im Dortanca buying more or lose. The tend. enev la distinctly against the buyer, at ivriia .n not la-are ana unaer strona con- trol. Advices from abrotd Indicate a firmer tendency, with Me'Dourne advanced a per rent on Itetvy buying snd higher prices at Hu-nos Ayres tur , Argentine croaa-oreui. The shipments of wool from Boston to i.t. fmm l e-cmler II. 19"2. are 227.4.124 lbs., against . &;.! Its. st the same dnte last yer. The recelots to date are t'"K- LJ.4I4 1D.. against auf.iaa.Kia iijs. tor im aa a p-tiod last year. ST. IX118. Dec. It. WOOL Dull and unrhanael: medium gratiei. combing and clothing. 17tj2is-; llghi fin'- lil7c; heavy nne, 10.17-, tuw waw, m.v. Wklaky KlarkeC ST. tOflS "tf. 18. WHISKT-Steady on Kasta of al.SlVa. rHKAOU, iec la. v I11BH.I eteaay at PKORI A. Dec. 14 WHTSKT-Steady at tit! rn ta-ls of high wines. t IN ls A I 1, !!'. la. wniriti n-u- ler1 cuiaucd goods u-vt on basis of i Ii OMAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET OatU Boiptt Ttrj L'ght, but Tradicj Tjr.. nu- ,.v p -M V..V ., mm ,.v - " H0GS S0lD rrvE TO TEN LOWER Oee Deaaaad for Ckoleo Light Welgkt Sheep At gteady Prien, Heavy Weights Cesaaaeax Kinds Tery Doll aad Wk. SOUTH OMAHA, Dee. IS. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .... 4.441 t.vW .... 47 u.m t.4 .... 4.7: 11.6.-9 4,1 .... IVM .xi l.i"4 .... 1,61 m,-iH Ofll.'lHl Monday .... Onicial 'luewlaf ... titticial Wednesday Utncial Thursday... Offlclal Friday Five days this week U.Kft 4H.6H ZSXt Same days last week 14. a 4Z.2V! 4M.!SSa Hint week before 18.;8 Sh,.s 66, If 7 8rme three weeks sgo....ls,; HM !. Same four weeks sgo....a.17 ti.'l tl.Wi Baune days lost year 14.W1 44.227 , 43.4u7 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO PATH. The following table shows ths receipt ot rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for ths year to data and comparisons wiUa last year: . 130$. Itot Ino. Deo. Cattle .1.049.704 43.744 Hogs ll&4.44 1.KW.M4 16,641 Sheep l.Kiu.KO 1,0d,3( 111,414 Average prices paid lor cogs at buuib Omaha for the last several days with com parisonAt Date. I U0S. lSOl.ll.19O0.llW8.l!tS.l7. Dex Iec. I.... Dec. I...., Dec. 4.... leo. (.... Dec t.... Deo. 1.... Deo. I.... Deo. .... Deo. 10... Dec 11... Dec la... lec. 1J... pec. 14... Dec 16... Dec. 1... 4t441t01) 1 C3 S Vel 4 us! t osj 1 15 ,t:i t 151 1 u a i 1 ni e I S I 11 I II I 11 I 11 111 ei 4 S7Vs 4 PtK 4 U 4 1J 4 6 111 I 18 4 t I a 1 US Vtl I 141 4 OS 4 (, t til l I 8 I II 4 1 mi t 11 4 W 4 M 4M 4 41 a 4 11 4 n a 4ff 4 12 I 81 10 lid I U 4 14 e IK I U 4 471 I al a ih I lol 4 77 1 87 1 4 li 4 111 4 4 84 a 4 M 1 a i ;i 1 31 I 31 )J7 1 J4 'l 1 1 14, 1 II I 1 11 4 U. I 4 s 4 toa 4 09 4 lti a t 93 4 01 1 Dec 17... Dec 18... 4 et" I 22 I M 4 I 14 M 4 71 I Wi Indicates Sunday. The official number ol car of stock brought in today by each road was: ... bailie. nu6"-u P C.j M. Bt P. Ry 4 Wabash Missouri Pacino Ry 2 1 1 it a 21 T 10 1 1 4 Union Pacific system rax C. tt N. W. Ry... .j E. ot M. V. R. R 4 C, St. T., M. tt O. Ry B. & M. Ry - a c, b. et y. Ry J C, R. 1. et P. Ry., eaat , T C, R. I. & P. Ry.. west Illinois Central 1 Chicago Ureal Western 1 Total receipts ......... 44 133 11 Tha iii.niuitinn of the dsv's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indlcateu: Uuvers. CAltie. nogs, eueep. Omana Packing Co 1 148 Swift and company eo Cuoahy PacKlug Co t"o l.llS l.itt fc.140 1,008 too Ml 47 Armour et Co W Armour at Co., Bloux city w Vansant ot Co MoCreary et Clark W. I. Stephen Huston at Co L. V. Husk el Wo If at Murnan a Hobblck et M H. V. Hamilton J M. Hagerty et Co f Sam Vvertnelmer 661 Uther buyers . 171 X3A Z.TJb niSi.. 7,k'-.V.a'ahaht run of ealtlo here this morning, but the supply seemed to I r.mv euual 10 mo oemanu, as pacaers I . .... tn,lifrrenr buyers, and the mar- I .. ,. mw and weak from start to There were only a few caVs of corn-fed steers Included In the offerings and, while the prioes paid were not a great deal Olf ferent from those In fores yesterday., still tne market waa extremely ouu auu -..-men had a hard time to get even a bid on U,e lees de.ii able grades. As oompajed with a week o It is safa to quote ths market fcac lower, wiinirauin e tremeiy dull. This decline carries prluea to the low- point of the season. .... . The cow market waa again dull and weak on all kinds. The prices paid were so un even that sales were made that looked all tha way from steady to a dime lower. Trad ing was far from oemg kuij, ''- I -. - - .nn...nil tint anxioua for mora cat- va" ,n tie, ana as a resuu u " aituaneeit before a clearance waa made, In spite of the light reseipis. nm cii with a week ago the market can be quoted all of a3ic lower. T ,7,.- mnA hr tha flaftllna b- 1 ina? verv unrven and for (he week amounts . . i r . , 1 ..M.Knli DUUI wwio uu.a ' " ' - " i wl... ...t.rill V wi... , There were scarcely auuugu m feeders in the ysrds to make a market The same as usual on. a t rldar, specu lators wers not anxious for many cattle, but still the few desirable grades that were offered sold without much trouble at about steady prices, while common kinds were very dull. Reprerentative sales: Ne. As. Me. Av. Pr. 1. ..1144 I (4 4 ....,... ...1004 I SI ...1144 t 44 1 we 1 m i ' 471 1 74 f t I 1 1 1004 1 It Hit t 4) ltOI I 44 11S4 1 44 lltt I 4t 1144 t Tt 10O4 I It 14 0 4 IS 1484 4M 4 it::::: 111 IN a...... I ....IOCS I 16 it... tt wt 1 ts rs I 40 J4 1 49 11... 11... t... II tt.. .. 1017 I 19 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4u 1 M I.. Luwa I.. 4 1 to Ul 1 40 104 I 0 10b4 I 4 ...... 4.'4 I 04 1. .. M4 t 4 ,..1110 I 44 ...104I ,.. m in ...luat I 41 ... 44 t tt ...iris 1 44 ,..1144 1 44 ...1244 I 44 ...lilt 1 tt ..11WI I 40 ..looe I 49 ..1M4 I 49 ..1U1 40 4.. 1 14 IT It It 1 1. ........ 1 14 I 1 I M 1 I.. I.. I.. 1. 444 I 44 1....; M0 1 40 i 1CK 44 4 144 1 44 . 11. tat I 04 474 I It t 1. ..1144 I 14 .,1114 I It ..1004 t it ..1040 I 1 1. 1. 1M4 I U M IH .'. 104 I M I..,, IU40 I 4 I HJ4 I M 1 1141 t 44 1 1171 I 44 1 1110 1 in 1...M.......-M4 1 14 9 1071 I 44 .1144 I it 440 I It 1184 I M lU4 1 tt UN I tt 4.. 4.. 1.. 1.. .U14 1 44 , IM I 44 . tie I 44 .1474 I 44 1144 I 40 HEIFERS. in im 4 4r 1 44 ' 1 no 1 It I.-.. 4t t 16 BULLS. ,W 111 . 14 1 14 . tut I 41 .1T14 1 IMS I 04 ....... ..14 I 40 104 1 It 1114 I tt ltl 1 M 1. ..US4 t 84 ..His) I K .. KM I 44 .. 440 I 40 ,.Ui4 I 04 ..UN I tt ..lalt 1 M 174 a It 1. CALVES. 1 404 1 44 1 1 IM I Of t 120 4 &4 STOCkvERS AND FEEDERS. 1 1UM I 44 1 444 I Tt 1 1U4 I 14 X4 ttt 1 It NEBRASKA. ! feeder... 760 feeder. ..12 feeder,. .10 1 heifer.... 790 U feeder... 840 I 26 ! t 84 1 90 lW 1 60 eeder. t 86 2 86 1 91 1 to t It t 00 2 00 100 its S CO 00 Its) i oo lot ito i l 60 I 40 1 heifer.... a 4) 7 cowl Prl 14 cows.... 9m 1 cow 1060 i heifer.... 60 1 cow 'tM 1 steer 840 1 steer 970 I heifers... 816 1 feeder... 9tO t feeders., 916 I feeders.. 447 16 cows..... 7o0 1 cow 80 1 cow 940 I cows 691 1 cow 2 cows.... 1 steer.... 1 steer.... 4 cows.... 870 lilt tBO it) 10U1 2 00 I 05 ! ts 21 feeders. 29 feeders. 8H4 I 86 110 t 20 4.0 t 90 1 feeder. -1 feeder.. I cows. 1 cow., .ttt Itt .MD t 86 1 COW. ..... 940 2 00 t K t 20 i feder...lu60 J feeder... 740 1 buU....M 9h0 4 feeders. 832 t 60 t 26 1 88 2 40 tt heifers... 4 feeders.. 48 OOWB..... 432 440 970 X! feeders., 734 24 cows 792 It cows ii WYOMING, t 40 21 cows..... 4 60 f calves.,, M. Moran Neb. 8 26 1 cow 196 tcows.... 1 40 M. Geary Wyo t 65 1 feeders., 2 60 11 cows.... 1 steer... I calves... 4 cows.... 840 111 R. . 946 sl-4 .Uai H. 8f4 132 t 08 I 00 m is 790 I it 16 cows I bulls.... S feeders.. 8k8 1 bull mo 1 cow lulO 911 160 2 60 utxS There waa about A normal run of hogs In sight this morning, but, as Chicago was quoted lower, prices eased off here a1 so. The market opened lnrrc lower, with M the Dopulsr price. Trading was rainy aciiv and the bulk waa soon d.eposed of. Toward the close ut the market, tiowever. condi tions were favorable to th selling Inter. ests and th close was slow and weak, th decline amounting to about a dim. Tha last bogs bad to sell largely at r4.A. The bvlk of all the koe-s sold frona 84 26 to 1 10 and as tttab aa KB was paid. It wm SHIP YOUR HIDES, TALLOW AND WOOL a 1 1 any quantity and pet highest market prices. -Write for infor- ivatlon, price and shipping taps i lose which is located nearest to J. S. Srj-BTIHl & CO., WHOLESALE HIDE MERCHANTS UUHA, NEB. SIOUX CITY, IOWA. GRAND ISLAND. NEB. be noticed that the top price totlsy was paid for a heavy loao, nut tney were 011 good quality. As mentioned yesterday, heavy hogs are now selling to me pesi su- 1 vantage where the quality Is good. Kepre- 1 eentalivs sales: Ha IT.. 44.. 41.. 11.. tt.. 94.. tt. . Av. ga. Tr. He. A. h. PT. ..Jtl 4 It 11....,...l.tt w 4 Jt 44 7t iw 4 r ...117 ...1U4 ...ill ...141 ...174 ...1l ...ll ...t"4 144 4 14 ... 4 17 ... . 4 90 94 4 14 .m. 4 tl ... 4 11 loo 4 n M 4 u 4T It.1 44 tt IM 4 17 140 4 17 4e....,.IM 104 4 17 .4 114 4 17 44 ft tot 4 17 4t 141 44 4 r 44 171 ... 4 97 44 171 ... 4 (7 46.. !-t i 4 f. ti tn it 4 r 44 414 IN 4 17 44..'. rvl ... 4 17 tt Ml 904 4 17 44 tM 140 4 17 14 144 44 4 ft 44 14 94 4 17 IJ 17i ... 4 17 14 14 ... 4 17 41 tit ltt 4 97 41 134 40 4 17 43 M U0 4 17 ti 7i ... 4 rr 47 Ill 14 4 17 41 141 ... 4 17 44 Ml 144 4 97 14 4 4u4 4 17 II. ;..... .fit 144 4 rr 41 1'1 44 4 17 41 too 44 4 17 V. 141 40 4 17 Tl Ml 140 4 17 III T74 tt 4 17 14 lit ... 4 17 10 .141 ... 4 17 44 121 44 4 97 41. ...... ..sot lit 4 rr (1 . . 4 17 41 - ISO 4 17 44 141 ... 4 40 It.. ......Ml ... 4 14 ' 44 too 84 4 94 as :! 44 4 10 II 14 ... 4 14 Tt.. 114 44 4 90 tt 11 40 4 M ti tl 150 4 10 47.... 14... n.... n.... 44.... 44.... 41..., 14..., 44.... 11.... 44..., 44.... 46... 41.... tt... 95... 40... 41... 44... 41.... 44... 40... 14... II... 44... 44... 44... 41... 71.,. 40... lit 1M IN ..l-.J to 4 ii .re 44 4 St ... 4ti N III 144 4 If N IK. 44 4 tt ' 44 4 tt 44 4 M ...144 ...kit ...t"0 ...tt ...W7 .. .!t ...tM ! IN IN ..141 lie 4 94 ..IT4 144 4 M ,.1'A tt 4 tt ..171 ... 4 tt ..144 ... 4 tt 4 40 4 tt ..901 ...124 ..tot ...ft n in 14 4 14 44 4 K 814 4 M ... 4 tt ,..14 tr.4 180 4 tt .114 41 Ift .14 ... 4 tt' .141 144 4 .171 ... 4 tt .7 ' tt 4 tt ttt ... 4 tt ..141 ..141 .. 44 4 tt IN 4 is 44 4 rr Ut 4 17 ... 4 17 TS. 17. tl. V ,.l1 ..tat 44. 41. Ii. 14. 41. 44. 41. 47. 44. ! 444 4 r SU 40 17 lit 44 4 17 ' 40 4 17 wi im 4 r 144 44 4 H :3 1M 4 97 WW I JO 4 J7 14 40 4 17 itt 40 4 r Ill tt 4 27 48. 174 140 4 14 I T4 J4 ... 4 SO ; 44 ...171 44 4 10 tt ttt ' 44 4 tl II lit 44 4 r 47 11 40 4 42 IT lit 94 4 S7 41 ...171 ... 4 11 , 41 114 ... 4 17 '41... ttt 144 ttt SHEEP There were a few mora sheep hers today than arrived yesterday, but still the supply of good stuff was none too .large to meet the requirements ot the local trad-. Some western yearlings sold as high a M UH. but they were good. Fed stuff is of food quality and handy weight also sold ully steady, but the commoner kinds, and especially heavy, wethers, wera slow and hard to sell at (any price. The good stuff may be quoted fully steady for the week, i but heavyweights and part fat and common i kinds are slow and lSiji&o lower. I - There were only a few feeders on sale ( this morning and they brought steady 1 prices If at all good. There has been very ; little change in fact all the week, as the demand for desirable grades has been fully t equal to tne supply, wnilo common cinas are dull and weak.. Quotations for corn-fed stock: Choice western lambs, I5.0OU5.26; fair to good lambs 4.6 45.00; good to choice vearllnrs, 13.77(04.00; fair to good yearlings, .6cyi..&: choice wethers, 3.1&33.66: fair to good wethers, t3.;tfjlSS; good to choice ewes, IS.003.23; fair to good ewes. 13 Kfcl .00: choice feeder iambs. I8.e0fi4.10; fair to good feeder lambs, tift.60; . aby lambs, tlxii 1.00; feedor yearlings, ta.2fig)2.fc): feeder wethers, 1114.15: feeder ewes, i2.OO33.6u; culls, 11 00(68.00. Representatlvo sales: Ito. Av. Pr, 6 western ewes 100 220 western yearlings..., 92 147 western ; carlings 97 $3 25 JO . 4 10 6 00 1 86 too 8(0 I (4 8 00 1 14 t 10 ITO t 60 8 76 8 75 . 11a western itinoi lit 233 Wyoming cull owes 81 440 western ewes 106 148 western ewes 99 8 western bucks 160 84 western awes .................. 99 12 western swes 76 89 Wyoming yearling 96 200 western wethers 121 16 western wethers 94 840 Wyoming feeder lambo. ...... 61 199 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 264 western yearlings 80 14 western lamb .'. 70 tit Mew York Lie Stack Market. CHICAGO MYB STOCK MARKET. Light Receipt ol Cattle aad Sheep, . with Fair of Hog. CHICAGO, Deo. 18.-CATTLE-ReolpU. 4,000 head. The market was steady 1 good to prime steers, S4.9o6j6.76: poor to medlunvj x3.WHj4.bo; Blockers ana reeaers. xi.Mxaa.av; cows, $1.25&3&5; heifers, tly.&O; canners, tl26'-'.10; bulls, SL76tj4.00; calves, 12.006.76. HOGS Receipts today, 86,000 head: to morrow (estimated), 20,000 head; mixed and butchers, U a.U: good to choice heavy, 14.4ea-t.50; rough heavy, t4.20yl.40; light, t4.154 46; bulk ot sales, S4.fcxij4.46. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, (.000 head. Th market for sheep was steady; for lambs, weak; good to choice wethers, S3.60U4.00; fair to choice mixed. aJ.TIVu-a.&O: western sheep, t2.764J0.90; native lambs, SAW 65.76; western lambs, 94.606.60. Mew Tork Lire Stock Market. NEW TORK. Dee. 18.-CATTLfi R celupta, 2,293 head. Th market for steers was moderately active and steady to a shad lower, all aold; for thin bull steady, for medium to good heavy, iOtiloc off, for cows steady to 10c higher: native steers, S4.0itf.l6; Christmas" beeves, 16.76; oxen. :.6oul.K; bulls, 12.8564 00; cows. l.i5til 40. able from Liverpool and London quoted live cattle firm at llbl2ic per lb., dressed weight; refrigerator beef, lHa per lb. . . CALVKS Receipts, 130 hesu. T he mat ket for veal was lower; for barnyarl calves easy and all sold; veals. 4 0n4.(4, barn yard calves, 83.00; no westerns; city dree, red veals, iWiilo bar lb.; country dressed. trl'Mc; choice. 11a IHcXf ANU bABBB- Ket'eipiS, Z.hTI head. The market for sheep was steady, for lambs firm to 16c higher; all sold, ahetp, 4.Suii4.w; lambs, S6.25ijt,.'Xi; culls, to 00. HOOS Recefpts, 6.528 hend. State hogs, 14. SO; mixed western, 14.26. KaHlur feeling. Exports of beef today, none; tomonow, 4,940 quarters. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Dec 18. C A TTI.E-r Re ceipts, 1,200 head. Including 700 head of southerns. The market was steady.- Ex- rort and dreeoed beef ateers, t4.00453.UO; ilr to good, !3.503'3.96; western fed steers. 13.0033.90; stickers and feeders, 12.60U'4.0O; southern steers, 12.S'fl.60; southern cows. 11.7ixu'i.60; native cows, xioti4.ou; native halfeie, 12.6uy4.00; bulls, 83.00(13,00; calve, fU MiA 78. HOUo Receipts, 11,000; mtrket tue tower; toD. 84 40: bulk of salt. 14 il-ipt.25: heavy. 14.27Hiu4.40; packers, ll.2f-a4.lj; pigs and ilirhts. !4.20434.. 8HP AND ' LAMBS receipt. S.IU0 head. Th market was steady to weak. - . , t V - t. ITS... tJ ,.-.. w I. ml,. n.K. WIIIU,, fl.WVI'.Wl , ..... .. MIWWD, l4.2b5.00; fed ewes, $2.7cfrl6o; western fed yearlings, 13.604ii.00j Blockers and feeders. St. Loals Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS, Dec. It. CATTLE Receipt. I.tno bead, inciuaing iw neaa 01 iiuiu, Native shipping and export steers, HXJ 8 86; dreased beef and butcher steers, 13 76 6.1S; steer under 1.00 lbs , la.604i4.9u; Blockers and feeders, 12 10413.70; cows and heifers, lJ.0.n.a; canners, i iisi.iu; ouns, tl 2iiut.76: calves. S& UXU6.60: Texas and In dian steers, t2.20ii3.60; cows and halter. 11 I..V7.1 li'l. HOOS Receipts, 4.000 head. Th market u Ka lower. Pin and light. S4.2L&4.40: packer. 84 Scj.46, butcher and beat li.iv 14 9&44.K. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head. Tha market waa steady. Native mutton. 41 -''fa.Tt; lambs, t4.2fc'fi6 80: cull and bucks, klS.fi4.0U: Blockers. Sa.0Mu4l.vA t. Joseph Live Itoak siarket, BT. JOSEPH. Doc It CATTLE Re- eel pts, tsl betd. The market waa steady. Natives, 1314 76: cows and heifers, 160 ttSst; stokers and feeders, t2&"4.00. HOQS Receipts, l,7M heed. Price were 7Htl'J lower: light, H.2bif.So; medium and heavy. 44 a cfl an. SHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 862 head. The market for lambs was steady; lambs. tl-to; wether 84.00. tack la Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock at th Six principal western msrkets yesterday I Omaha Chicago Kansas City.. Bt. Lout. ...... ft. Joseph.... Bioux City.... Totals 1.642 1 tv4 If 4 4 w .120 . 2 6-0 si-1 1j0 504) 11 . t f4 t.7M CuuO cVm 10 6o3 18.09 : 12.43 Sloes City Live Steak Market. SIOUX CITT, la, 11 5pciai Tale- which are aent free by out you. aire MlKKEArOIO 'CHICAGO Mala Office MsBkattaa Bid. T. PAIL, HIS:. Dealer la Stock, Grain, Provisions Bought and sold for cash or carried on reasonable margins, upon which a commla. lon will he charged of Ve on gram, h on locks and li on flax. PrlTato Wires. Writ for our market letter and private , telegraph cipher mailed free. SKIP YOUR GRAIN TO US Prompt Return.. Beat Facilities. . Liberal Advances. Usual Commission. BRANCH OPTICKSl OMArTA-109 Be Bldg. ' " ' 'Phone Kit, SOUTH OMAHA-A2S snd El Exchange Bldg. 'I'hons 72. COUNCIL BLUFFS 405 ftnd 404 Sapp lildg. ilione 674. I.lKCOI.Jt. DEI MOISE4., STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS We have over uo offices. Referenoeai 175 Stat aad Nat l Banks. OUR I Kit TICK It THI BEST. Oat of Town Bustnea Sollolted. Oaaeka Breadki 141! Peristal A. Tot, y TROL M. WADD1CL Comipondtnl t.L... .nuam.141 .,lli1.l.l..Li...,i Land Bargains tlUliont of acre In the temi-arld Watt, until recently considered wor klets, ars ii teing acceiilolly cultivated through Sclintlfio Agricultural Mithods the aiveralfleatlon of crops, aad the growing ol bow gralna and graaeea. Introduced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and State Agricultural College' experiment stations. We offer such lands at low prices and on easy term to Investor or settlers. Writ for facts, figures asd map. Mention this paper. Last Dcet Vstos Padfk tallreas Ca., Psmss, Nek gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200; steady; bieves, t3.6Oi)6.00; cows, bulls and mix d, H.W&3 50; Blockers and feeders, 82.6t4f 3.6o; calves ai.d yearlings. U.Tfiti.ih. ' HOG 3 Rce!"ts 8,000: market lie lower, selling at t4.lo4t.lo; bulk, (4.1i'&i.2. - Metnl Market. . NEW TORK. Deo. 18. METALb Tin was 2s fid higher In London, at 125 12s 44 fur spot and IH 12s 6d for future. Lo cally tin was easy In tone with the prl. ' however, nominally unchanged, at 17. Go. Copper waa lower in London, spot declln- , Ing 7s Sd to Cie 16s, while rutures lost los, closing at 58 6s. Locally copper was quiet; lake ouoted et tl2.37W4jl2.dH; elect trolytic at u2.zuttiz.0o. and casting at 112.1!H"?12.37H- Lead advanced Is Id to 11 6s Sd In London, but waa unchanged hero at 84 874 for small lots. Spelter waa un changed at 21 10 In London, but rule! Iduards, Uood rather irregular nere, witn spot quoted nominally 40 lower, at 6c, while supplies -for December delivery were advance! 10 point to 84.36. .'.ran closed at 4Kb til In Glasgow and at 41a 8d In Mlddlesboroitgh. Locally Iron was unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern is quoted at 116 OOtfjlt 00;' No, 2 foundry northern at tl4.O04i 15.00; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry south ern soft st 111. 50014.00. ST. LOUIS, Iec 18. METALS Lead, ' firm, $4-17tt. Spelter steady, It. 50. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Deo, 18, COFFEE Spot Rio Arm; No. 7 Invoice, 6Tc; mild Arm. Th market for future opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance ot 10 point on covering by shorts and rather more general commission house buying, with European house also buyers, presum ably for th purpose of undoing hedges. The advance was encouraged by firm pit mary market and smaller port receipts and with room longs about the only sellers the market ruled steady to firm an csy. .. closing steady at a net advance of lMji points. Sales were 114,000 kigs. Including Iiecemher at 8.40tfia.4fici January 8 Kx&e ioc: February, 6.4ufe6.65c; March, t.6:.ffi S')c; Mny, S903f7.1oa; July, 7.'Jt,7.&c. August, i.iuc; September, 7.v.4tc; uctooer. i.sue; No vember, 7.40a. Sugar Market. NEW TORK. Deo. lt-SUOAR Raw. Arm; fair refining. IV: centrifugal, 98 teat, lo; molasses sugar, r'c; ronneo. steaay; No. 6, 4.06c: No. 40c; No. 6, S9oc; No. S, I 90c: No. 1((, 8 c; No. 11, 180c; No. 12, 2 75c; No. 12, 1.70c: No. 14, t 65c; confectioners' A, 4.90c; mould. A, 4.7vc; cut loaf. l.Of.c; crushed, 6.06c; powdered, 4.66c; granulated, 4.4oc; cunes, .too. MOLASSES Firm. New Orleans ooen kettle, good to choice, !4(38c. NEW UKLKAMB, Uec. 11. HUliAK Steady: open kettle. 2li3c; open k'-ttle, centrifugal. tl-16'43c; yellow, I'iuJU-lOc; eccnd. 2M7i3Vc MOI.ABafc.S-gulct: open kettle. 0Q29c; centrifugal, dull, 7&13o. Syrup, 229c. Olt aad Hos! a. NEW TORK. Deo. it. OILS Cottonseed, quiet; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, IU'Vj. Petroleum. Arm; refined New York, I9 60; Philadelphia and Baltimore. 19 40; prime, In bulk. H6&. TUKPKNT1NK Wulet. bfl-iOCOc. ROSIN Steady : common to good. C5V?I t.to. SAVANNAH. Hoc. !. RO8IN Firm : A. B. C, 12.2H; Ii, t2 80; I. 11.66; K, 12.80; M. 12. W; N. 13 OS: WO. Vi.it: WW, 1160. Tl'RPKNTI.Nlfi p-irra. &Vc. OIL CITY, Pa., Dec. 18 OIL Credit bat ances, 11.90; certlAcate. no bid; shipments, M074 bbls.; averav, 79. 890 bbls. i runs, 79.812 bhl. t everaee. 70.921 bbls.: shlnments. !Jma. 76,0 bbla.; average, tT7.e87 Ibis.; runs, Lima, oo.aio ddis.; average, w.oes btiiA Betlaaat of Australian Wheat. SYDNEY. N. S. W., Dec. 18 The ofAclal estimate of the wheat yield of New Smith Wales U ti.670,OHO bu., sn Increase of lz,6,. 000 bu. compared with the record of th year IO0L About 18,600,000 bu. are available for export Toledo SeeS Market. TOLEDO, Dec, 18. SEED Clovsr. rash, ttfi. bid; December, let"), bid! lanuary, K.tm; February, K.97: March. t7.00; pri.n timothy, 11.40; prime alalk. te ia. , REAL ESTATE TRAMSFBRS. DEEDS Aled for record yesterday, ss fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, I'.dt Farnam street: Abigail ehlpley and husband to Sarah Oailop, lot A block 4. Florence .1 1 Michael Power and wife to Kate Tower, H lot 10 and eH of n 12V4 feet of lot IL block 7. kounta A" Ruth' add 1 Jennie Dwyer to Cornelia B. Bone wits, lot S4. block L lilmebaugh A Patterson's subdlv 200 Mary A. Klllott et al to United State ' of America, part tag lot 14, In w4 27-16-11 1.968 M A. Renner to Edith Olfford, lot t, block 2. and strip adjoining city... 2C0 Omaha Real lunate and Trust com- rny to Henry W. Aahmuavn, lot block 14. Sa under 4 lilmebaugVg 4) Highland park