TIIE OMAITA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1005. CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA. I 7 i ""3 r n n Jji JV L 1 nm a mi La Lb COUNCIL BLUFFS. LAYS TUE BLAME ON UIS WIFE I It Faith AusrU lht, Eh Comps'led Him to Marry Kn. Welsh. SAYS SHE THREATENED TO POISON THEM 411 Parties Coaeeraed fllrk to Story They Did Rot Ktoi Thtr Wera Violating- Any Law la the -. Marriage.' "We were forced Into marrying-, bs we Were afraid of our lives If we did not," was the explanation given by J. M. Faith, one of the principal! In the peculiar blw moua marriage in which he and Mrs. May Welsh, a married woman, went through the ceremony of being made man and wife, aa given yesterday afternoon when seen at the county Jail. Faith, .while protesting that he did not know he. was committing an offense when he married the wife of another man, he at the same time having another wife, claimed that he went through the marriage ceremony at the sole Inatlga tloo of hW lawful wife, who threatened that unless he made Mrs. Welsh his wife she would "poison the whole outfit" While making this charge against his wife. Faith contends . that his present predicament Is the result of Interference on the part of H. F. Btrong, his brother-in-law, In his domestic affairs. - , . . Faith, Mrs. Welsh and the tatter's hus band, James Edward Welsh, a youth of II years, were arraigned yesterday morning before Justice Ouren, who had officiated ! at the wedding of the first two only last Saturday. They declined to make any plea at this time and requested that they be permitted to secure the Services of l T. tJenung, the Glenwood attorney, to defend them. . Their preliminary . hearing was ac cordingly oonjinued until Monday and they were recommitted to the county jail In default of bonds placed at $500 each. While before Justice Ouren they refused to make any statement concerning the case. Later, however, when seen at the county jail both Faith and young Welsh were inclined to be more communicative and told a story which ' Indicates Uat the entire outfit must be grossly Ignorant or else that the story had been prepared by them, la explanation of . their peculiar conduct. t - Mr. Faith Tells Another story. Faith's story- of how be, a married man, came to marry another woman already possessed of a husband, differs materially from that told County Attorney Klllpack by Mrs. ' Faith. To the county attorney Mrs. Faith stated she alone of all the par ties concerned protested against tns mar- rlsga, but was awed Into subjection. Now Faith states that It was. his wife who 'sug gested and Insisted on his marrying Mrs. Welsh and that she threatened that If he did not she would poison the whole family. Faith when questioned at the county Jail yesterday afternoon made . the following .itatement: "All this trouble has been brought about sometimes goes under ths name of W.jr. Corrlgan. A month or so ago he came to visit us from Billings, Mont., where he claimed to own a large sheep ranch. He wanted us to sell off everything we owned hers and go back with him to Montana. 4 . r - . i . ...... .1 . .i w... i . ii nam uvyvam iu uia u, uui w licit t thought the matter over I determined to etay where we were. I did not believe that Btrong wss quits as well fixed as ha claimed to be. When I refused to go to Montana he began to work on my wife and try to persuade- her to go and Anally succeeded. At the sams time Btrong represented to my wife that I thought more of Mrs. Welsh than I did of her and here the trouble began. Mrs. Welsh offered to go away, but my wife' would not allow her, and told her that If she did she woultl bring her back again. I offered to let my wife go to Montana with her brother and that I would give her a divorce. We went to see a lawyer about a divorce and he, said It would take two years to get one. We understood from the lawyer that If 'we all agreed to disagree and sign a right-of-way' no divorce would be necessary so long aa we went to another county to get married. When my wife Insisted that I marry Mrs. Welsh or she would poison all of us 1 de cided I had best do so. There bad never been anything In my conduct toward Mrs. Welsh to make my wife Jealous. Although wa were married last Saturday Mrs. Welsh has been my wife In nam only." The husband of Mrs. Welsh, who appears to be a mere boy, when asked 1 If he had been willing to turn over his wife to an other man said he had not, but was afraid If he did not .Mrs. Faith would kill them all.' His story was .substantially the same as that told by the older man, of whom he seemed to be In more or less fear, as when telling his version of the affair he would from time to time look over at Faith. When Faith was asked if his eldest daughter, who Is about 17 years of age, did not make any protest against him marry ing Mrs. Welsh, be replied: "She didn't have nothing to say about It," The statements of Faith and Welsh are discredited by the authorities, County At torney Klllpack stating he was inclined to believe what Mrs. Faith had told. - Christmas Tree Candles, 2c a Doiea Today. Christmas tree candles. So a dozen, today only, at DeLong's, 307 Broadway.- Open until 10 p. m. Lonlslaaa Flair Day. The regular Christmas exercises In the grade schools today will be combined with ' the celebration of , Louisiana Furchase flag day. Exercises will be held In every school In the city and will consist of recitations, dialogues, with bofti Christmas ' and pa triotic rhuslo. At the high school there will be special Christmas music In the morning by the Girls' Olee club and other talent. In the afternoon ths two literary, societies, the Delta Tau and the Phllomathlan, will hold a Joint meeting styled "The Louisiana Pur chase Program." , - Orations and short papers appropriate to the occasion will be given by the members, but the special fea ture of the meeting will be the debate on the question whether the Louisiana pur chase or the emancipation of the slaves was the greatest event in American history. . Teachers to Attest Association. County Superintendent McManus, City Superintendent Clifford, Prlnclpat F. C. En sign of the high school and a number of the teachers of the city ( wlH attend the forty-ninth annual session of the Towa State Teachers' association, to be held In Des Moines the last four days of this month. ', ' ' ' ' , Superintendent Clifford Is' a member of the executive and legislative committees, and Council Bluffs Is well represented on the program. Principal Ensign will submit the report of the oommittee appointed to aot with the college committee on secondary 5" QUAINT AND ARTISTIC. AX 'J-rvVf. - Vf "fc. 1 Mission Library Table 11 :vi riv -ftV'1- m f. am. llll! r Is the judgment passed by those who know what is 'cor rect In furniture when they see our selection of colonial reproductions in solid ma , hogany, our Mission and Dutch Clocks, Dutch Tiles, Smokers' Tables. Card Tables, Cellarettes, . Chafing Dish Tables, Library Tables, etc., in weathered oak. As large and complete a stock of beautiful furniture ... . has never been shown in Council Bluffs 25,000 square feet of floor space Clock and Liquor Cabinet being devoted t0 its display. This Is our thirty -third holiday season, and in order to make it the most successful we will not allow prices to pre vent the sale of any article. ' We are now receiving orders for quantities of selections for Christmas delivery. To miss a visit to our store this month, whether you wish ' to buy or not, is to miss a display never before equalled In this city. . VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME. J1J-J15 Sreasway. COUNCIL ULUFfS, IOWA. school relations. Prof. J. E. Carmen of the high, school faculty will lead the discussion on the question. of "The Relative Educa tional Importance of Physical Training aa Opposed to Athletics." Principal Ensign hss also been selected to lead the discussion on the question "How Shall the Recent De mands In History and Civics Best Be Met." Prof. S. L. Thomas of the high school faculty will lead the discussion on "Chemis try In the High School." The headquarters of the association will be at the Bavery hotel and an Interesting feature of the meeting will be the state educational exhibit. . which will be under the direction of F. J. Sessions, Superin tendent of the lows educational exhibit for the St. Louis exposition. The exhibit from this city will be sent today to Des Moines and from there direct to the St Louts exposition. Plumbing and heating. Btxby Son, it City Hall. in. Incipient blase at the city Blase There was hall yesterday, but the services of the fire department were not needed to extinguish it. A bucket of water In the hands of Cus todian Julius Johnson did the work. The blase originated and was confined to the cushioned seat of a desk chair occupied by City Clerk Phillips. The fire Is thought to have started from the ashes from his pipe. The only damage was to the seat of the chair, which was so badly burned as to need reupholtsertng, and to a certain por tion of Mr. Phillips' wearing apparel, neces sitating his going home and donning an other suit. For a while the blase created considerable, excitement among officials at the city hall and Mr.' Phillips narrowly escaped having the hose turned on him by City Treasurer True and other volunteer firemen from the engineer's and auditor's offices. i I Gamester Top, Be at De Long's. Oamester top, . the only top that plays a game. ' All the rage with the boys and girls. Regular price, 10c. Our price, Be. Harvey A. DeLcng, 107 Broadway. Will Decide About Rector. Rt. Rev. T. ' N. Morrison, Episcopal bishop of Iowa, will be In the city today to confer with the vestry of St. Paul's church relative to calling a rector, the church hav ing been without one since the resignation of Rev. O. E. Walk. 1 It Is stated that some of the, vestrymen are In favor of closing the church for the winter, and It Is to prevent such possible action on the part of the vestry that brings Bishop Morrison here. Since Rev. Walk left the 8unday school has been closed and a number of the children are now attending the Sunday scViools of other churches. The congregation. It Is said. Is In favor of ex tending without further delay a call to some minister. . Doll Three Feet Hlah, fl.88. DeLong, printer and stationer, 807 Broad way. N. T. Plumbing Co., Tel. 250. Night, F-6W. Real Estate Transfers, j These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office of Squire ft Annls, 101 Pearl street: - Christian Jensen and wife to Levi - Ellison, jr., lot 9. block 28, Burns' add. W. d $ 1,000 Frans Krettek and wife to Andrew Hansen. 1.41 a ('re In sett nw 18-76- - 43. w. d....: ..V.. 177 Same to same, part iw nw!i 18-75- 43. q. c. d 1 Erreotttnrs of Horace Everatt to An - drew Hansen, e t feet tw nw4 18- : 75-43, q. o. d 1 ' Total four transfers .......1 $1,17 Hafer sells lumber. Catch ths Idea? Mnrrlaare Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: i Name-and Residence. ' Age. J. B. Mulhollnnd. Council Bluffs 2 Cornelia D. Stevenson, Council Bluffs.... 24 F. F. Foster, Omaha 44 Maggie Hobelman, Omaha 40 Laurita Knudsen, Council Bluffs.......... 25 Alma Pedersen, Council Bluffs 20 Chrlstmaa Cards and Booklets. Just the thing to enclose with your pres ents. We have very pretty cards at lo each. Harvey A. DeLong, 807 Broadway. Great CLEARANG 9 AND- RUCIKIAGE SALE SALE i M i n T Forty-eight years iu the same business gives us a large amount of REMNANTS and many T BROKEN LINES of everything kept in a jewelry store. We have put these into a great RUMMAGE ctt rj a . ...ill . i il. a a i . i -j -v . . . i oil at duwu pi ibca as wm asiuaisu yim aim. vnnuio uie puuresi man iu give? aguiuAinas rcncint RUMMAGE SALE PRICES Regalar Rnntmaae Price Price Solid Gold Emblem and Trade Pins $1.50 f 'itel PJateyut Picks, 6 in box... Ked Star Cleaning Powder Nickel iS'ut Crack Uurnshine Polish Child's Knife, Fork and Spoon Solid Gold Jacket, two pictures 1 .2.r .25' .20 .25 v.50 6.00 .10 .05 .05 .05 .05 .15 .50 k .. . ... . , R e n-wl ar Rn nsaa a are Prlca lrlen Solid Gold Locket, two pictures .$10.00 i B i n T M I Solid Gold Brooch Solid Gold Brooch Solid Gold Brooch Enameled Lockets Solid Silver Brooches 15 and 17-Jewel 18-kt. Gold Watches .85.00 ' 4 4.U0 9.00 ...... 3.25 10.00 1.50 $1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 .25 15.00 AND THOUSANDS OF OTHER ARTICLES. For Other Rummogo Goods and Prices Soo Our Rummogo Show C0009 Some of the above are old style, but good, first-class g ods bought for our regular stock, and some are lines we ore closing out, However, if you do not find what you want in our Rummage Show Cases, see our Clearance Sale Bargains of 1, new, up-to-date goods. All our jiew goods that we are receiving daily for the Christmas trade will be included in this great 1 viearance ssaie anq win De soia at unneara-oi prices, -wesiiau make tnis tne most extraorainary saie ever onerea to me " f ."J1. - . I 'l A f . . 1 . ' 1 . . . . 13 J 1 . . Jl lL-uiie ui mis ciiy anu vicinaiy. , uime eany oeiore wnat you want s soia, you can iorm some luea. 01 me imponance 01 an early selection by reading the following prices: , ' CLEARANCE SALE PRICES 1 ' V- Relar Clearlna; ' Price Price Gents' Solid Gold 14-kt 29-Jewel Watch $200 Gents' Solid Gold Watch , 100 Solid Gold 14-kt Stem Wind Waltham 100 Ladies' li-kt. Gold Chatelaine Watch '. CO Gents' 18-kt. Gold Filled 16-Jewel' Movement.... 5,5 Ladies' Gold Filled 20-Year Watches , Gents' Best Gold Filled Vest Chains. i Gents' Solid Gold Vest Chains. 11 "5 18 Rea-nlar Clearing; . Prlea- Price Solid Gold Sleeve Buttons. . . ; $5.00 .50 Solid Gold Kings 1.25 .50 . Solid Gold Initial Sleeve Buttons 5.00( Finest Bazors made, examine them closely. .. . .2.50 Solid Sterling' Teaspoons, set of six.. ... 4.00 .. 6 ; ; Best nine-inch Shears, japanned handle. 1.00 "3 'Best ten-inch Shears, nickel handle . ... . . . 1.75 10 Eight Day Oak Clock, with alarm 5.00 $50 15 30 25 20 1.00 .75 2.50 i40 .75' i 1.50- THE .VERY BEST TRIPLE PLATE KNIVES AND FORKS, ONE DOZEN PIECES , 4.50 .50- DIAMONDS AND OTHER PRECIOUS STONES WELL SELECTED AT THE BEST POSSIBLE PRICES WAT CHBS FOR A1BN FROM $1.00 TO &200.00 , . And Thousands of Other JlrtiolGa at Cleaving Salo Fr loos. '. COME I5ARL,Y THJ$ OLD RELIABLE J13VEL,RY HOU&B OF -..BIE3SE3 BR8... " ' ESTABLISHED 1856.' , 408 and 410 BROADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA MIKOR MENTION. : Darts sells drugs. Leffert's glasses fit. Btocktrt sells carpets. K store for men "Beno'a . Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert's, 401 Droadway. 14-K and 11-K wedding rings at Leffert's, 401 Broadway. -Picture framing. C. E. Alexander st Co., 133 Broadway. Tel. 3G6. A special meeting of Myrtle lodge. Degree of Honor, wlil be held this evening, E. K. Ranudell of Mitchell, 8. D., has arrived In the city on a vlit to his brother-in-law, Henry I. Forsyth. Contractor Lesley completed yesterday the laylnx of the Franklin street sewer between Beach and Hasel streets. A. 8. Haselton has Wen appointed trustee by theN creditors of Burke it Pearlman la the (inn's bankruptcy proceedings. Mrs. J. P. Holllday of Minneapolis, a former resident of Council Bluffs, Is the guent of friends and relatives here. All photos taken at JSctimltd'a studio be fore December 23 positively finished before Xmas. Open Sundays. Phone AMI. For rent, otnee room grouns noor; one of the most central locations In the busi ness portion of the city. Apply to The Bee otliue, city. ' Mrs. M. B. Lynn and daughter. Miss Clara, of Kansas City arrived yesterday to Bpcnu the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Lynn s sitter. Mis. O. M. Brown of TU riiHi u venus. The regular meeting of the Woman's Christian lemperance union will be held this afternoon at the resiuence of Mrs. A. V. Itultrr, 813 Kust l'leree street. A special meeting of Ivanhoe command ery, v nights 'lemplar, will be held this evening to corner tne Ked Cross degree. A banquet will toliow the lodge work. Torey Smith of Clara,' la., and Miss Effle Miller of Crescent, la., - were married Wednesday evening by itev. F. A. Case at the First Baptist church parsonage. Mel Franklin, aged 46 feu n, died yester day morning ' from conaumptlon at the Wumau'a ChrlsUjn association hospital. The remains vld be taken to Neola, la., ior burial. Aaks for-Bids On or before December lb, liKjJ, 1 will aell to highest and best, either or both, M and HI -ark ave.. Coun cil Bluffs, la. V. W. Otis, Agent, Council Blutta, la. Complaint was made to the collce yester day thai unlurntliled persons were taaring up anil carrying away, presumably fur fuel, the plank siuewaik on Avauue F betweeu MnUi and Tsnth streets. B4. w. riarx, maniger or ins city waier woika ooiupaiiy, who la convalescing from a two months' slegu of typhoid fever, left last evening for Cnicago, from where he will go south with the hope of recuperating his health. He was accompanied by bis wife and daughter. Colonel Oeurae W. Bain of Lexlnsrton, Ky., will lecture Sunday evening at the Broadway Methodist church on "The Bare felde of Life for Vouna Men." Colonel Bain has the reputation of being a brilliant and popular speaker and his lectures are said lo be laaen with truin ana instruction. Constable H A- Balrd, who slipped on the Icy sidewalk near the corner of Main street and First avenue and suffered a double fracture of his right leg, will, it is apw-wd, be laid up for the rest of the winter. The Board of Supervisors will probably at its January meeting appoint someone to nil ins omce temporarily. Morning 8tar lodge No. 7. Colored Knights of Pythias, entertained Its members and friends last night at a danre given in toe hail on Pearl atiet. prei-edlns the bull the Knights of Pythias band, c-ninpused of aulored uiuylclana from Omaha and this city. r.'.dTed , saveral selections at lite corner of First avsaue and Pearl atreet. Havlua- ned to search ths r-ords yes- Untai. Cloia P.wd at the district court B H I H B B l-st-BHI-HBl -B-BB-B-B-B- i si f T T B-B-B-B-B discovered that no record of naturalisation papers Issued, by the court had been kept between the years Ml and 1&88. The laat naturalisation recorded In isal was on De cember 27 and the next recorded la dated February 19; ISA. .nit. ' Robinson Bros.' clearance and rummage sale is one that ought to attract X mas shoppers. They have been located In Coun cil Bluffs for the past forty-eight years In business. "Reliable goods at the very low est prices" has always been their motto. Their long experience In buying goods and fmem right ts jroi tnat tney nave argalns at this special sale. ... buyin some Miss Paddock of Des Moines, state secre tary of the Toung Woman's Christian as sociation, before leaving for Sioux City yesterday, announced she would make an other effort to form a branch organisation in Council Bluffs. She will return here. according to her present plans, on February l or 4, when, sne expects to noia a series of meetings in behalf of the organisation. FOR HIS BREACH OF PROMISE Yoaaa- Maa from .Wisconsin Is (Jaaer . Jadfsaeat at Stoaz . .. City. ' BtOUX CTTT. la.; Dec. 17.-To heal her broken heart, caused by ths failure of her sweetheart to fulfill his promise of mar riage to her. Miss Blanche E. Campbell, daughter of George C. Campbell, a travel ing man, was awarded a Judgment for $6,000 In the district court here yesterday, the defendant In the ease being George J. Btaley of Belolt, Wis., a young contractor who spent several months here in '1901. Endearing letters, in which Btaley referred to Miss Campbell as his "dear, little fu ture wife," were Introduced and also ths Anal letter In which he tall he had changed his mind about getting married. Btaley tried to settle the suit for 1500, and, failing, ha defaulted and permitted judgment to be entered against him. The girl demanded (10,000, but was awarded one-half that sum. Ths wedding dsy set was June T, 1902. Booming Horn Iadastrles. CRESTON, la.,' Dec. 17. Bpecial The Commercial exchange of Creston has ap pointed a committee to solicit signers to a paper pledging the cltlsens to use nothing but home manufactured goods when It la possible to secure, them. They are to have buttons mads bearing ths Inscription, "I use Creston made goods," and at the annual banquet and election of officers In January they will serve no bread or pastry that la not mads from Creston flour, whlls very- thing on ths board wlil be homo manufac tured. While .they are trying to secure a canning factory, a pork packing establish ment and a shirt and overall factory, they are also endeavoring to stimulate and build up the factories already hero and are re ceiving ths hearty support of most of ths cltlsens. i ' Freight aataoea Heavy. CRESTON, la., Dee. 17. (Special.) To morrow Is pay day on ths Burlington road at this place and all . tba trainmen will receive extra large checks, the freight business having been larger the last month than, for many years previous. Ths west division has not had men - enough to run the trains and trainmen have been sent here from the middle and east divisions to help out. The company Is taking on, extra men every day and still the supply Is far from equaling the demand. Fast mail and psssenger men sre being sent out on freight runs as soon as they arrive from their regular runs and main line men are being worked on the branches for extras. - Methodists Dedicate Charek. CRESTON. Ia., Deo. 17. (Special.) The new SJ0.0G0 Methodist Episcopal church, which was built to take ths plaos of ths old ons that was destroyed by ths tornado In May, will be dedicated Sunday, Decem ber 30. Rev.. Mr. 1111s of Ksnaas City, who haa dedicated 1000 Methodist churches, as sisted by Presiding Elder Howanshalt of the Creston district, will have charge. Prominent' ministers and laymen of the church from all over the country will bs present and the occasion will bo mads one of Importance to that denomination, aa It lg expected t j dedlcats tt freo fross dsM. Your Home Store for Christmas Gifts. TELEPHONE 265. Draw Christthas Dav Is A'' FEW. OF TUE POPULAR ARTICLES SUITABLE FOR GIFTS There is an exclusiveness and a recognized merit in every article we show for Christmas giving. The recipient will prize it' more because of its correctness and good quality, and you pay no more than is usually charged elsewhere for an, inferior article. ' s Fancy Photo Frames In neat gilt, plush , and Jthinestone effects, very new and pretty, , different sizes and shapes. i - Price 2.75, 3.00 NOTION i SECTION. Needle Cases With, a full as sortment of the different sizes and kinds 'of needles in fancy book, pocketbook and leather cases ' . 25c, 35c, 50c, 76c, 1.00 . ' . NOTION SECTION. Purses and Pockolbooks for Women and Children Christmas gifts, is are shown in the. An immense assortment of pretty new styles, very suitable for now on display. All the new leathers, new shapes and new mountings greatest variety. ' ',...,-' Styles for Women-25c, 50c to $10.00 ' Styles for Children 10c, 15c, 25c ' . , NOTION SECTION. ' . - ' Knit Slipper s Dainty knithous sli ouers every woman thinks well of a w Fancy new effects Work Basket Pretty in fancy colored ribbon trimmed, with plain and padded bot tom practical aB a Christmas gift 25c, 35c, 5Qc. MAIN FLOOR CENTER AISLI). pair of these slippers, new knit' styles and fancy color combinations, i Child ren's 65c, Miases' 75c and $1.25, Women's $1.00 and $1.50. ' . Pattern Counter Main Floor, . Do Your Christmas Buying for the Whole Family. at "BeuoV Where You ' Get the Best for the Least. Commencing Saturday, December 19, ; , . This Store Will Be Open Evenings Until Christmas. Sm, Ua ' Your Mall Ordofa. 6f' Mail Orders Promptly a4 Carefully FllIeV Reaallslasr Caal Skates. - CRESTON. Is.. Deo. 17. (flpedsl.) The Burllncton rosd Is now at work rebuilding the eoal shutes that were destroyed by Are a short time axo. Seven carloads of ma terial hss been unloaded and workmen have cleared up the ruins and are ready to begin the work of rebuilding-. Charles Andrews, who planned the old shutes, will have charge of ths work. Ths new shutes will bs operated by machinery, as the old ones were, and will cost nearly (16.000 when completed. WEDDINGS THIRTY MILES LONG Ts. la Keataeky Are Perferssed Trata with Brakeoses) Steady laar ! Brides. LEXINGTON. Ky., Dec IT.-WhUs ths train was running nfty rolls an hour be tween Richmond and Nicholasvllle, Rev. E. O. Beck, who was himself on a bridal tour, saroute to LoulsvllU, performed a doubls ceremony, anlting Bush Rica and Mollis Clark and Fred CUrk and Beaele Alexan der. Ths UalA maa attended and steadied U coupes as the train rvuuded suxvea. Elgin or Waltham Watch, in nickel screw case. .......... .$4.75 Ladies' Watches, in 20-year guaranteed cases, rip from.. .$1000 Rogers Tea Spoons, plain ...........,.....$1.00 Rogers' Fancy Tea Spoons .......................... .L.$150" Rogers' Table Spoons ...$Z25 KNIVES AND FORKS AND FANCY PIECES. . i A Lrae Assortment of Cut Clasi, Sterling Novelties and 'Spsons HANSON & MARKSv TELEPHONE L-620. ' 203 MAIN STREET CLEANING AND DYEING Ladles' and Oestlemen's Clothing CJeeewd, Dyed. Press! and Repaired; also Dry Cleaning. No surtnkags or rubbing off guaranteed. Work done oa short aotloa. CCUsCIL BLUFFS STEA'J DYE WCSK Tel. . toil Wast Braadway. LEWIS CUTLER lfOBTICIAN, S. siisjssI inufti. 'rtveakS fl TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER rwgiala svae Ttasely As-tlvlas.