THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1003. ft J7T RMTKNCB LAW DilCiSlo.. s I headquarters of t military department To the great body of our cltlsens. tha I in short, the general staff baa worked revenue law decision Just handed down out its plan on what seems to be a thor ny the Nebraska supreme ronrt Is un- oughly practical basis and although questionably one of the most Important some apprehension Is expressed that It riiy n (without 8nne iy, On Year.. 4.ojj I with tbef concurrence also of three of I be desired, the probability Is that It will !BllT lie n1 Sunday On Ydir........ ...rTy., ,.f MmmLnlnnor, thp I h ,,tl,-..l. T. fniE OMAHA DAILY BEE B. ItOSFAVATER,-EDITOn. PUBLISHED EVERT. MORNINO. . 100 2 no 1 so 1.00 Illustrated lire. One War ..... Pundav Hi-, Chi-? 1 e.-y Piturday He, Cms T e r Twentieth Century farmer, On Tear DELIVERED BIT CARRIER. Dally Pi (without BundayVp!- copy.... te Dally He (without Sunday), per week....I2o ?nf.v r. ni e!!v u ?'....!;.W proTldlng for the taatlon of Insurance ronrt not only sustains the constitution-1 of friction between division and depart allty of the new revenue-law as a whole, I ment commanders is doubtless not so but it rejects , the contention on which great as some appear to think. the suit was brought that the section l IBM QUtSTlOX DlUPUStD Vf. The passage by the senate of the bill price, therefore, averages a little less than $18 an acre, which ought to be pretty fair valne for agricultural rralty in that,oorner of the globe. In the orig inal selection Of their lands the friars evidently had a good eye to business and got th best that was available. Evening H wrtnonit' Sunday) rr week to oompanlos is void because the rule of I ' week" ......... "" ...... i valuation Is different from the rule pre- to make effective the Cuban reciprocity shWddMssedCKy1 'uu"tion d7- tor property in general and be- treaty and the proclamation by the attnrtmnt. Omaha The) Te Funding. ' ' South Omaha City. Hull Building, Tww-ty-nftn and M Street. -Coiinrfl Muffs 10 Peart Street ChlfffSo lfr)0 1'nlty Hullnlng. Krw Vorkw,3n Prk Row imrMtng. Washington 1 Fourteenth Btreet. cause It differentiates also between for- president announcing the time when the elgn and domestic Insurance, companies, treaty will go Into effect, disposes of the It goes y without saying that the Cuban question, so far' as trade; rela- afflrmaUon Of the validity of the law as Uons with the Island republic are cou- a whols la the, vital part of the -decision, cerned. President Roosevelt haa good Had it been. so disposed, the court could reason to congratulate himself on the CORRESPONDENCE. I ,, tinvn wind nnt the Insnrs nee I result, since no one waa more earnest Coranmnlentlons relatlnit to nw and edl- . ...... . . .. I ...... ... . mini matter should be addressed: Omaha clause . and probably .several outer man, na in urging reciprocity who jvo Bee, EdUor,alRjJE8 clauses without nullifying, the Remain- as a iimiter of good faith and honor, as ' Remit by draft express or postal order lng sections of the law. Which constitute well as desirable for our own Interests, payable to The Bee Publishing company. th frame work ot tbe revejaue;.systein. The outcome also Justifies the calling of Only 2-cent stamps accepted In payment 01 . . ; . j . . . . . , ,.' , . mail account. I'eraonaJ checka, except on Tho rule of law Is so firmly established congress ill extraordinary session, for ??hu BEfvBLiBHim company", that a portion of a statute nWybe un- had not that been done the treaty would - . 1 1 constitutional and void without Impair- now be an obstacle to othef business. . statement OP ntyI(,s': ,n the IIdltT ' the ntIre statute un- The action of the senate was received BoeorKeebTMXVkectBrof The Bee less It Is an essential part or the moving with a great deal of gratification In tnMheTeF,!a consideration for its enactment, that It Cuba and it appears, to be. the general copia ot The Daily, Morning, Evening and j Q D9 wandered the court should have opinion there that the effect will be to N&embei9riwM deemed It necessary to support that part revive business In the Island.' which for , " "8o'ieol0 ts. ruling w,tn the-citation" of de- some months has been quiet It Is ex- 1b'""!!!"!"."0!0 clstont to that effect The n!y point expected that American trade with the H, ,.,,o,ww raised in this connection wnicn tne conrr I lsiana win realize a aeciaea improve- " :22'Bn nad to PH8S tipon was whether the in- ment and It will certainly be a great 22 X":!'!!"t!itq I surance tax was the foundation of the disappointment if such Is not the case. f3!!""!!!!....M, Inw and whether the omission or change The fact Jj that Cuba haa not been buy- , '""Sn'lJSl of the Insurance clause would have de- lng as freely from this country as she je!!!!"!!'..".!!!8Mo stroyed the Incentive for Its- enactment, should have done, the larger part of 27 st.oao . The court could, we believe, easily her buying being from European coun- have questioned the good faith of the 1 tries, although most of her products suit since their purpose plainly was not States. Under , the treaty . American 80.0TO . .80,040 ..8T.40O ..80,030 ..41. ISO , ..XO.NOO so.iao souoo S9,0O Z,040 4O,05B .,...v..,...SO,810 I. 1. tt.., 11.., 12... U.,, U.. IS.. Total Ieca unsold and returned conies.. lauii aaiaa Kct aversgs salea 10Seji so much to avoid discrimination as to manufacturers and merchants should 11 I ttn,nfl a v ttnn Itwatlinr Vn Tunri 1 vapv vnntnelaltv Inceoa aa ' tba4l hlialnoae SO.T5S the state of Nebraska has been Imposing 1 with the Island. gkorge B. tzschuck. I discriminating taxes on insurance com-1 Already En eland has asked that nnder Subscribed In my presence and sworn tonnni I .1.,,.. 1... bolors in thla 80th day ot November, A. t. 1 1"""1 ..un. " "u ul"'"': im. B. kunoate. 1 so-called reciprocal rule which fixed the in the West Indies Bhall receive the (Seal.) Notary fUDUO. I .,.1. nrotm umnmlu Hot I .,.ii- 41,, would be Imposed "by the states in which I is no probability that the request will they, are incorporated upon Nebraska I be given serious attention. companies. This is the rankest kind of After all the supreme court commis sion does not always wag the dog. Why can't Governor Mickey come to the relief of Igpatius Donnelly Dunn by appointing him a member of the Omaha lire and police, commission? That would enable him to earn his retainer and at least pRrtially fulfill his contract to secure an equal distribution of saloon licenses among the Omaha breweries. ! Trvat Poller Aatageitlara American I Great Herlat Faaetloa fcy thm Slt ! laaaatry. la Wlarty City Chicago Trfbune. ' I Chicago's .'CO" puahed back th hands Ths United States 8teef Corporation Is I of time a eentury and a quarter last Mon Sboujt to cut down the wages of M per cent I day night and Indulged In a "bal poudre," of the employes and thereby save ?,S0O,yi I niualratlng the splendors of thf court of a year. It Intends to reduce expenses I Versailles under Louis XV. The Inner clr M.OOO.Of more by dropping some high I cle of the elect In coatume numbered 112. 'salaried cmp'oyes snd scaling down the ply I Two thouonnd more looked on 110 worth of others. The economies mentioned will I becsuaa It waa for "sweet charity s sake. Bantos-Dumont seems to have recon sldered his determination not to exhibit his flying machine at the St Louis ex position and now promises to be there with the goods. The Brazilian aeronaut must have been holding off with an-Idea that the exposition people would In crease the Jackpot. - The Nebraska county assessors who have been afflicted' with the stomach ache, brought on by 'the apprehension that they would be hung up high and dry by the supremo court with nobody to refund their campaign expenses, feel rery much easier now. Partis of the Froety Mitt. Bt. Louis Olobe-Democrat Fortune knocked at Colombia's door and was given the cold shoulder. Moral: .Don't offer the frosty mitt to $10,000,000 down, an annuity of 60,000 and immense Incidental advantages. Wa Can't Loao Hint. Philadelphia Press. ' ' It is evident that preparations are being made to bring out ex-Ctovernor Horace Boles of Iowa for the democratic preslden Uai nomination. The news la going around that he Is living on a farm. Fractions Movements of Freedom. Brooklyn Eagle. Senator Pettus of Alabama, who has been accumulating gaatrlo wisdom for eighty three years, says that gravy Is one of the most Injurious things we can eat Possibly It is, but what are a few years at the end of one's earthly exlsterfcs compared to the present moment of supreme bllsa when there Is no company1 at , the table and a fellow can sop meat platter T a - hunk of break : In the The effect of tho ratlllcatlon of the rec iprocity treaty with Cuba has been dis counted by the Sugar trust ' V Senator Bailey takes advantage of Sir. Bryan's absence In Europe to remark, that he feels hopeful of a reunited party, I discrimination in taxation, but the in surance men entered no protest for the reason that it enabled most of them to get away with insignificant ' tax pay ments. ' . , As to the new revenue law, the" eom- , CVSCLCBlUlf VF WOOD HCAR1WO. The hearing In the. case of General Leonard Wood, before the senate com mittee on military affairs, has ended. We do' not recall any case in the mili tary annals of the country that arouaed Senate's Venerable Chaplain. Pblladelvhla Record. A fine literary flavor is to be , Imparted to the devotions of the United States senate by the selection of the Rev. Ed ward Everett Hale to be- Its chaplain. No man In the country-has more or warmer friends than the man who has led a busy and benncent life - for eighty-one years, plaint of .discrimination It., twofold: I such general Merest as has this one. First, that In computing the assessment It has commanded public attention from and la now to invoke the divine guidance ' Senator Hoar has attained-that ripe fo' Insurance companies a - different the outset and eliqlted a great deal of dally upon Matthew Stanley Quay, Mark - the '. -conduct . of all old age at which almost every man feels rule ie adopted from that for other prop- discussion, not a little of it marked by erty. This the court disposes of sum-1 a spirit which cannot be commended. marlly by declaring the tax on insurance I The hearing brought out a good deal companies to be not a property tax, but of testimony ' damaging to General I a tax on their privilege to do business In I Wood, but this was very largely coun I Nebraska and that, whatever property, J teracted by the statements of Secretary responsible for younger num.. HannaL Henry Cabot - Lodge, ' Thomas C. Piatt and all their associates. The insurance, corapunles that tried to knock out the revenue law have been A Declaration of Independence Indianapolis Journal, The- action of the --national contractors' convention at Chicago will probably be a 1 . ... . .... I . . . . : . . giauiuraw no uuuuujj- ivi. i. .... wu- UUk luc" lueur real or personal, tney may nave wumn Root who pointed Out that Wood had competition among ontraotors throughout iees au the same,' . I the state's Jurisdiction taxable as such I generally acted In accordance With the the country. Th'."spen hop" plank . . : : . ' I in addition. BeCOlia. inar IQe. aetlUCUOnS I In at o-lvn him trnm WSahlmr. 1 nooyieu .rf llie Cuban reciprocity treaty becomes .... k . - . ", "This asaoclatloa h for the purpose effectlvi'tt'n'dnys TrdnJIts slgnl&k. ';T ''TrT,' 1 ' v"ut"J'' - "Mof promoting the Interests and-preservini tMiane. n-'tuM.u''' tute dlscrlmlnati An their favor. I war, as to whose yeraclty and Integrity the prosperity of thaJJinted states, to up . , . .,- , .:t, t . . I This the court answerg by soylag that I there enn be no question, la wholly hold law and order everywhere and defend WHY WAOKS ARB Cl'T. CHICAGO "UAI, FOIDBB." lower the coat of production of Iron and steel and enable the corporation to sell them for lower but still profitable prices. The question Is whether domestic or for- And the spectacle waa worth the price. Fair women appeared In high head dress and gowna showing deep-pointed, absolutely straight-front bodice-, the full skirts, the elgn consumers are to get the benefit of the I narrow cheat and a polonaise or pannlerea, lower prices. If the former, thousands of small American manufacturers with whom steel ia a raw material will be able to do business to greater advantage. They will be put In a position where they can offer their goods for less money without loss. They will be enabled to compete more effectively at home and abroad with for eign rivals. Scores of subsidiary Industries will manage to get along without dropping many men or cutting wages materially f given cheap steel. , It does not appear to be the policy of the 8tcel corporation to encourage domestic In. dustry, although it be'leves strongly in that policy so far as Its 6wn Interest are con cerned. It is cutting down wageend low ering the cost of production, so that it may be In a position to supply foreign, not do mestic, manufacturers and railroads with cheaper steel. Another saving of the steel corporation Is that of $5,000,000 In freight rates. That saving, however, is to be on products which are to go across the ocean and not on those designed for horns con sumers. Partly because of the lower rates the builders of a Syrian railroad can gt American rails for (22.50 a ton laid down at Beyroot while the American contractor has to pay 128 at the mill. ', If the United States Steel corporation were to lower home prices sales to do mestic consumers would be largely , In creased, but It prefers to keep its lowest prices for foreign customers. It Is to got their trade that the trunk lines have been persuaded or constrained to reduce' freight rates snd the wages of American workmen are to be cut down. NOVEL MSB OK IHSl'RANCB. Proposed Plana for Insuring Banks Against Fallnre. Indianapolis Journal. The relation between the government and the national banks is such that some system of Insurance against the failure, ot national banks might easily be devised by the treasurer and put Into operation. The failures Of national , banks are compara tively few and the losses through . such failures are comparatively small. The gov ernment has among Its records data from which it could develop a table of rates more complete and reliable than the tables of life or Ore insurance. Based upon these data could be determined a percentage for the accumulation of an Insurance fund, and this would be no more burdensome upon banks and a greater safeguard to the pub lic than are the provisions for the deposit of bonds and for the reserve In tho bank vaults. Through such a system of lnsur- whlle the men were brilliant In satins, laces s'nd' jewels, the costumes Including the knee breeches, silk stockings, wide skirted coats : In pastel tints of satin brocade. .Both men and women were orna mented with white puffed and curled wig. bepowdered, or had their own hair pow dered and glistening with whits. The function was the greatest ever, com mandtng . front page . space In Chicago papers. A few extracts from lbs different accounts, describing the scene, the atmo sphere, decorations and animated figures, ought to silence forever thoee crltlos who think Chicago cannot pull off a social af fair -equal to New York. Listen to the Inter Ocean: Eight o'clock had not long struck when the first carriage drew up at tho Auditor ium. Under a wide canopy a dainty figure tripped toward the biasing entrance. A braese caught for an instant the lac hood that shrouded the coiffur and revealed a piquant patched and powdered face, and snow-white braids ounnlngly wound In strange fashion. The clustered lights over the doorway drew a thousand gleams from heaped-up Jewels on neck and arms, and sent a ripple of changing - color leaping about In the countless folds and tucks of a sweeping gown of gorgeous brocade. A stream of brilliant color and life fol lowed until the group of loungers, soon grown to a crowd, blinked, amased, and marveled whether this was twentieth cen tury Chicago or the Farts of more than a hundred years ago. For a full hour living facsimiles of women who lived and died centuries before old Fort Dearborn was built tripped up the carpeted stepa And then the bal poudre. the most am bitious social function over essayed In Chi cago, was In full swing, and men and women leaders In society were moving In tne siow and stately measures of the dances of 300 years ago. In the great ballroom there was a blase of light and color, a thousand flashing eyes, ten thousand gleaming Jewels. The Ooor was a moving sea of color, mingling and intermingling. The modern garb of the onlookers only threw Into bolder relief the quaint costumes on tho floor. The subtle fragrance of a hundred deli cate perfumes charged the atmosphere and mingled- with little clouds of scented pow der blown from snowy wigs. From boxes, draped and hung -with creamy bunting, the wealth and fashion of the city looked down upon the riot of color on the floor. The Chronicle pipes this lav: The rout of tho company was through tho foyer, up m oroaa stairways ana Into tho first bal obeisance. And It wss as demonstratlvs aa It was gallant. - Nothing was spon taneouS. Every move was by rule. The seven sets of sixteen persona each broke Into half sets of eight on coming to the floor. Starting from the common formation of the quadrille, positions changed slowly 00 slowly that It was hsrd to realise that a total change had been made until It was time to pass to the next. At tlmea the dancers were aligned In long columns down tho hall. But - more com monly, the figures did not carry j the dancers far away from the original for mations. Tho Record-Herald relates: First earns Mrs. Ogden Armour, escorted by W. Vernon Booth, and followed by' tho seven other couples that Composed their Set. Tho women were gowned In shlmmetlnff silks and satins, fashioned like those of tho women of the court of Louis XV of Ffance. Their powdered wigs and tho black patches enhanced tho brilliancy of their complex ions and excitement lent a luster to their eyes that fairly rivaled the sparkling gents on their corsages. For tho most part the costumes of tho men were of more conventional cut Satin breeches and lace frilled fronts were Worn with the usual evening eoat Some attempt however, was made on their part to con-. form with the costumes of their partners by wearing full bottom powdered wigs." Mrs. Honors Palmer's set waa the only one In which the men were garbed la tho full costume of the French court Fink and blue brocaded coats, lavishly trimmed with lace, dress swords with Jewel sd hilts and plumed cocked hats mads up their striking costumes. If so. tha discrimination may bo removed favorable to General Wood.' for whoselthe rights of every man to obtain empioy- . 1 1 j , . - -I. kA u I . . . . , 1 ment wnerweoever ana nowsuever urairwi. Now that reciprocity With Cuba is a "f - ?ur.,-r -"conauci in cerium reapecw flir. uuot as- ThI. a boI(, aeclaraMon of independence fixed fact,' .the everlasting Jangle about ; " Ra eumea entire responsibility, in ract an against what contractors snd employers oppressed Cuba-should 'cease In, the! imra- kwhkuuu nut i 01 nis testimony was 10 me etieci inaiiregara me iyrnny ui vw umui. newspapers as well as in congress. this, declaration, since even-if they at Wood had faithfully performed the representatives of foreign Insurance I duties devolved on him and had ecrupu- , Cleveland physicians feel much elated companies were given the same deduc- lously carried out the instructions of tho over the result of their first experiment ttona a tb domestic Insurance com- War department with andrelln. Relatives of the subject Panle. "elr gain would be a mere baga- in view of this it Is not probable that are scarcely so Dleased since he is still telle. We apprehend that what they I unprejudiced public opinion .will, be very dead. ' " would prefer Is not a leveling down by much Influenced by the statements un- - 1 . . . . . the extension or the deductions to all favorable to General Wood and It also The trading stamp Is more offensive companies, but rather a leveling up by appears that these statements have had I must be bunt of brick and cement Instead In the eye of every Omaha retail grocer a denial of the deductions to the domes- uttle effect upon the majority of the than anything green that bears a resent-1 tic companies. The foreign companies members of the senate committee on blance to the shamrock or the four- would gladly pay the whole tax if the military affairs, since It Is said that they leaved Clover. " domestic companies Could thereby be I will rwvrni mend Wood's ronflrmatlon. excluded from .the state. Roadways for High Speed. New York ; Tribune. ' ! Now that it has been conclusively proved that an electric car can berun at the rate of 128 or 133 miles an hour without trouble, German engineers are asking whether it will pay to do so. Owing to the destructive effect of such high speeds upon a roadbed, is is alleged that the latter It appears to be needless to further dis- of dirt and broken stone, Again, to avoid the consequences of atmospheric dis turbance when one train meets another, It may be necessary to allow thirty feet between the two tracks, thus materially adding to the cost' ' of a right-of-way. Pesslmistio views like these deserve care ful consideration, but It must not be The popularity of that expression The reult 0, the ilH.ulon then, Is to cti8g the propriety of this appointment .vu .CIear me neia ror ft practical experiment it u a matter respecting, which the lmagined that the cm. U already settled. Into betraval of a knowledge of nnknp I .v. 1 - I . mii ------ - - ----- wuu uib uew reycuuo taw nnu w , re- present administration had no choice if nvr miHrwron Althai h that m-1rA . . . . 1 : i m ,1 mana an aououui points 10 ine juag- the policy of promotion In regular order ment of the respective administrative wa9 to bo observed. President McKln offlcert for original construction subject iey gave Wood hit military status and to later appeal to the court for further rresldent Roosevelt bat tlmply done light. In r this connection the note of what the conditions called for in ad- . never suspected either by their wlvet 'r their constituents.- Railroad construction for next year Is said to be waiting for further reductions Iil the price of steel. .This will give the LOOKING FAR AHEAD. tho Witt gystoaa Will Way to Prott-Sknrlng. Kansas City Star. Give knee, carefully ' devised, any bank which COny. Zt, was there that tho brilliance of may be compelled by force of circumstance tho decorations buret on ih.n, it .v.. or crime to close Its doors need remain celling were strung tho streamers of white closed no longer than shall bo necessary cloth. Tho folds wore caught by sprays of iu luujr inveBiigaie 111 anam ana xo pm in. i amiiax and bunches of hu.Ti chrvuntha. envfe ma uiucere oi men an insurance ue- i mums added to their beauty. . parunem, wnoao puty it snouia do to cot- t Hero was a woman In the costliest of silk lect tho debts duo the bank and return to I and lace. . Jewels glistened oh her fingers the department of insurance such funds as I and gleamed,- from Jior ears. snUa iirajr mrv rcmimu. , uiurvucu a, men .wso attracted an much, at; At least- two good results would xouow 1 tenuon as she did, but for a different some such system. In the first place, tha I reason. His shirt front was celluloid. Bo examination of banks would be more care- I were his cuffs and his collar, while the fully made because two departments would I areas suit bad seen better Ours. - Tho crowd be Interested In rendering the Institutions smiled and passed on. 1 absolutely safe. In the second place the I "Must hava run short of , material and disastrous results of a bank failure to a I took a yard off the neck," said a wag. community would bo reduced to a mini-I "Why do fat women always show more mum because funds which are sometimes I of their necks than other women?" asked locked tin for years tn a failed bank would I a friend. be released and put Into circulation, the I . Th r""1 was over, the promenading at embarrassment of credit would be saved ena ana the seats In the first two bal- and ths impairment of local capital re- conies were all taken. It was then that the duced to the lowest possible point while man rom th" r""1 district came along, the commercial and industrial Interests In- "How muqhT" hs inquired as bo edged his way to is ticket window. "Oh, about $10," said th man inside, "Publlo dance. Isn't It?" from the coun tryman. ."Yes And tlOT Say, how much for a look I don't want to buy th opera house." debted to ths bank would be carefully nursed and allowed to pay their obligations without their capital being destroyed- and their securities obliterated.- . Bank lnsuranoo is a policy which the fiscal department of the government might well Inquire Into and which could be re duced to such an exact setenoe that all un- necessary expense dependent .upon chance could bo saved and ths confidence of the public so reinforced that millions of money now put Into ths stocking In fear of total er temporary loss by bank, failure would find its way Into the channels of business and tthe working capital of the country be thus greatly enlarged. w. Pamii n Writrht. TTnlted States oom- Commissioner Duffle cannot but prove ynnclng General Wood. He is In nowlso miss'ioner of labor, lq an address delivered on the wages of the steel worker. Ktwl tmst nnnthpr nciiM tnr ixlaina nn I I vnuviug, ucunoi uw. us is 4u uuivir-.- i missioner or laoor, iq an nuuiw- umiw tbil. fb! T , IS? P DelpfuI wherft h dec,"re" th,t the tftx responsible for the situation and it could in Philadelphia yesterday, said: "Ths wags on credits eofltemplated by the law Is not reasonably have been expected that system win pass away, in its steao. 1 oe a tax on net credits and not on eross k, .m a n,rwtM b. t., J "8V. there will come a system which will a uv t uum vvuvi ov vuuu uvuttuntv credits. It devolves upon the meut officials, and more particularly ln the regular course of promotion he Is prediction of a 'socialist than tho forecast upon the Doaras of equalisation ror tne I unauestlonablv entitled. I of an executive officer of the government. present decision tests In these boards The national convention of the prohibition-party will be. held In Kansas City.. That is aa close to prohibition Kansas as the couveutlou could get and still enjoy the necessary convention ac . cu'tuuiodutlons. . . . - A A ' . ,VI1 McKlnley. who - was undoubtedly fa- Bul wuul 01 " the most plenary power-to make the miliar with' Wood's work and conduct "JT, ZTIT unTicTa new law effective and to see that it is i Cuba, made hlin a brigadier general , nnm n ciiuuo id. News of the passage of the reciprocity enrorcea T0 suwitantiai m reward for exceptionally valuable Conditions hav arisen that make greater hill m.i orout i r.,K- Uniformity and equality ln taxation and service to the eovernment No serious I consideration of tho common average lm it is possible the Cuban, may work t0 put a0 end- to Ux eVaslon of complaint was heard when thla wag ra"V- possioie tne Cubans may themselves up to the pitch of enthusi asm that-would ' warrant "them passing a resolution of thanks to Uncle 8in. ever kind. The mayor . qt. ; Kansas City,., Kan., who declares under oath that be refused the offer of a $3,000 bribe, ought to move to Grand Rapids, Mich., and run for offleo there." Grand Rapids needs a few officials who will refuse Eioney. V . ' . 1 TpK MILlTAAf SlVilUtiS; The general staff ' .6t" the army, in creating divisions out of the military de partments existing, may fairly 'be as sumed to have proceeded with a view single to the attainment of the beet re sults and without partiality In any direc tion. There Is noted more or lest corn- says, "tho demand done. On the contrary it wat very gen- .umcien. kMD kv nui together." erally regarded as a Just recognition of it u for a more equitable share of the the Important work done by General profits made through the combination of Wood tn Culm. President Roosevelt has labor and capital. , acted in accordance with conditions at KIn on tTiZll L" . , 41 , be measurably satisfied. It has Men, lo ne rounu ,iuem. uib mere ue any uouot ,plrd &nt ft beciLUM ,f excesslv that his preaecessor would nave taken I profits In many departments of business are a like course! It. ls stated that a ma- not equitably distributed evn outside of Jorlty of the senate committee on mili tary affairs will report ln favor of con- and 'While lt was not to 'be expected 1 . . T .... . . . I Wnnd ' Tf ihst ntatomnr ! Miwt it All the preliminaries for the construe- " ..woum.giv .Bmueisaueiatuuu, 1 .. to nredlct that the senate will posed by those who make combinations to labor circles, but through truvtn aod ether combinations, go to the superfluous enrich ment of those already holding more than they need or can use, It has grown stronger through th Increased eoat of living Ira control prices. It Is an tnevitabl outcome of th greed and arrogance of th very wealthy Industrialists. On the other hand, labor has been grop ing Its way. It has not met tho situation tion of the Fremont power canal have tter u rally no tubsbintial ground for ct nccordmglT been satisfactorily eoneludud xcept the 1,ul1 uul"- " u' w" " l" I raising of the money, or rather the float-1 rangement of the 'divWons Intelligent Fourth Assistant Postmaster General lng of the bonds to finance the m-olect consideration must conclude that It bat Brintow intimatet that varloua congress- . . - . I. X. 1 l , I- . . ... ... . " Uut It It precisely ln financiering the UWQ luuuo j"ciouiy. i a uiau.- men nye been nenenciaries or tne reck- wltn un(ainng lnteiiigenc. It has been at loheme that the greatest difficulty It fpstlT necessary to provide suitable com- ieB8 lawlessness of deposed postofflce I th mercy of many intemperate and some- Ukely to be encountered. mands for the major generals ana tins officials, but that none of them are to I times vicious leaders, its union system is Is done. These division commanders will imputed with motives other than arbitrary in some 01 11s oearuag- . - Genial Colby has paid to his succes-1 have Supervisory duties only, while the pure and patriotic. When they got al- " : " sur in iub puBiiiuu vi aujuuiai general 1 i TOl 1 lowancet or j)osioiaces aruitrnniy 1 . given craft to a common leveL 2,2S2, which be had forgotten to turn j the various departments under the com- raised for their consUtuteuts they werel Tet it is hardly ic.nceiva'bi at this time ver when he vacated his office last win- Bland ' Of brigadier generals. At ex- .inmlr nroceedlna- on the thenrv of atk- I that there shaU ba an ellmlnaUon of the ler. Now. If Joe Hartley would only plained by General Chaffee it was found jng ,11 they could get and getting every- system and the, substitution of the condescend to fork over to' his successor to be desirable to separate division and thing in sight It Js Just possible, If the Jntaherlnd ihe moneys ho forgot to turn over, the department headquarters, to that nnder whole truth could be bad, that these ot independence ar more strongly devei- flefldt in the State treasury would be the new plan Chicago and Omaha lose congressmen were the victims of excet- oped than In any other country In the Uuterlally reduced. division headquarters, that at the for- lve generosity on the part of the postal world. Whatever the permanent syaiera nnr rtrv tolnir tranafrrcxl tn Ht Tnlsl ... i.j i i I mar b. growing ouv 01 v.. - - ' nwKi nuu mivi iuifi luaxv . , . ...,. nn norvliu ilm rnmmiiwliil it nmiilia tn HI lu hrt...o flt I I ' . .. Will eiUUlU mvtm - ov ' " " ' -r- " Upon uem wkuuui wamug ior enuer trlou, to rUA above th incapable and laxy can retidir to umaua u to prevsii upon 'ine-aopanwenv neaaquanors remain ti, aid or their consent I u wiu permit men In ths crafu to accept its members to patronise home Industry. I at at present and are likely to do sol i. 1 - I oDDortunltie when they corns; It will toavo If til the bankers, tuerchanta, manufac- Indefinitely, because their location could I Jt lseported that the price of 17,250;-1 tLe employer free to hire whom he pleases ..,.. nn,r..!n,l mun I ,.,.f imr.r,vl iin,m. aa fnr T,a.i.l. I (VMl been agreed upon as the con-1 and th workman to work for whom ... . .. . .. , . i- .... ,1 i.w.h,. f.,r thA nnrehiM ' li tho 1 chooses. There must b a good deal lOfcir exciusivo puiroiiuo 10 goous tuai uinu, " mun M.a.iiuniuu - emancipation on both aide of the contro- enn be fabricated st buroe Omuha would facilities In every oirevtion. it is safe I nitea estates 01 iu. irmr nuu u iuc th-r- u freedom ana tbar. do a larg.-r buaiut-hs by huuJreUi of to say that this city, by rt-aabn f,f It I PJilllppInea. the amount of land Involved miMt freedom bofor then ca U Wl UueuZ dvllara a Jiur. J ttiatealc advautsgeg. will alwijt be the 1 belug a litUe over acres. unei aul proarw. PETViSONAl, NOTES. Says , the .Tribune: Tho court quadrille waa treated as a spectacle for th many onlookers ln the seats and boxes. Ths lights In the ceiling of tho- room were turned oft and from th gallery came greea . red. blue, and orange shades, caus ing th tints of tha dancers' costumes to merge and melt from .one to another as tho figures changed. And always there was noticeable th vivid effects of ths colors that were resurrected from ancient styles for tho event . Deliberation marked every stage of ths WAIFS or TUB WITt.- "They say that NordleVs husband prostrated with grief because ah wants divorce from him." . . "Well. Just think of the amount of money she earns." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Sometimes," said TJncle Ehen, "d man dat keep lookln' oh trouble ain' smaht enough to recognize de real ahtlcle when ho sees it comln1." Washington Star. "Do man dat's gsmt to bet hie las' dollar on a hoss race," said Uncle Ebon, "Is purty sure to alt de chance of douY It sooner er later." Washington Star. , "Did her father show yott tho doorf" "He did better than that He showed me the door and tho front gate.-:ioveland Plain Dealer, "I've quit smokln'," said Casey, ac cidentally smashing his pip aa hs earns v! out or in gas trencn. "I think you're a liar." said Dugati. "I hope I am," said Casey. Cleveland Leader. - "What do they mean by the word 'clvll IsedT " asked the simple barbarian. "To ho oivilraed,' " answered tho chief, "Is to own up once for all that you're whipped." Washington Star. ' Mrs, Crlmsonbeak I see by the paper that a conductor In on of the musical cen ters of Europe gets 13,000 a yet.i'. Mr. Crlmsonbeak Oraclousl Why, that's more than the conductor and anotormnn get put together over hersl" lookers States man, "When you came to this town, ten years ago, you were as poor as Job's turkey and now you've got money to burn. How hav you managed It old boyT" "By never burning any of my money." Chicago Tribune. Vegetarian Don't you know that tho strongest animals are all vegetarians, th elephant being th most powerful T Carnivorous Friend That's all right. If they weren't so strong they never would b able to stand a vegetable diet Boston Transcript - Stella Don't - you believe It Is more blessed to give than to receive T ' Bella Yes, Indeed; there is no tantalising Ignorance of how much the gift cost. New York. Ban., vt n---t :m!-7; w '"a" Customer That trunk doesn't look as If It Would stand an ordinary railroad Journey, Clerk Well, that's no sign that it isn't a good trunk. Detroit Fro Press. i An Irishman ordered corned beef and spinach In a restaurant on Christmas day.' Having eaten all the corned beef first and the spinach afterward another diner, Who evidently knew him, asked for an explana tion. "It's to kend tho green above ths red," replied tho Irishman. Nsw York Tlmea A VKETK PEHIHT CHRISTMAS. W. D. Chicago Trfbune. Tls a veek pehlnt Christmas undt ail drtet der house Der chlltrens Iss keeblng so shy like a. mouse: Dey vatch pr dor rindowt to see yen , I come, . Undt venaI am ln, dey are saying) "Keep ChuBtlke I can't hear dm nadt Ilk X don't see ' Dose chlltrens tss making Krlsa Urlngles for me. Dere's llddlo Xatrlnasbe asks tne so If I don'd uke schllppart to go by roy feet, Undt vedder Id's nioer If dey haa torn hovl - - Ot ribbon to make dem soma stylo on. der Castro's government In .' Venexuela . has bought 12 000,000 rounds of ammunition. Ths ouadrllIe. Ther. WM plety 0f time, to take a step and stop to think 'about It main business of government In Venexuela IS SnOOUng. . . 1 n Knnr4 nr.e..,4t -.VII- .L.r- senator euwart or Nevada is th only swords protruded from their slowly coats. man In tho senate who has never ' been I The women sank back in courtesies that shaved. His board begaiK to grow when would have been humble had they not been he was 18 and has been growing for sixty I so studied year. I Then these was many a genuflection et Th statisticians tell us that 10,000,000 the knee and airy tilt to the arm. Gal people ar living ln prohibition territory in I lantry was In every move, and It seemed toes. the 'United States now. This sounds very encouraging until you so the statistics of tho sale of liquor for ths past year. Th depths of wickedness ln Kentucky democrats can only be realised by their statement that It was the republicans who let loose ten skunks In Frankfort on the day of Governor Beckham's Inauguration. Governor Peabody of Colorado has Joined with th Denver Chamber ot Commero In Inviting UnlUd States Senator Hanna of Ohio to visit Denver in January and de liver an address to th representative ot tho city's Industrial and commercial In terest a Mr. Hanna will com. Lawyers and business men who lead the strenuous Uf ln downtown New Tork have adopted the fad of having their heads thor oughly rubbed at noontime by barbers. The operation takes about halt an hour aad costs from 60 cants to II ln addition to ths cost of shaving or Other service rendered. Th process Is said to b very refreshing. Senator William A. Clark of Montana thinks nature Intended him for a singer, 11 has a tenor vole of high register and has mastered most of the tenor parts of nearly all of the most dlfllcult grand operas. During th seaalons of congress he gives expensive "stag" dinners in his hand some -Washington residence and while his guests are enjoying' his costly cigars at the end of the feast he regales them with choice selections from Wagner, Verdi, Mas- cagnl and other of the maatera . Senator McCreary of Kentucky was among the guests at a dinner party given by Secretary of Stat Hay. In th course of after-dinner chat th senator eompll mented Mr. Hay on his successful career. saying: "I hav watched you climb th ladder steadily since you were Lincoln's private secretary." Mr. Hay smilingly made the reply width be knew would pleas tho oonator: "Perhaps the fact that my father waa a Kentucklan had something to do with whatever of success I have at tained." "On, If you have ' Kentucky blood In your veins," said the senator with per feet alacerlty, "your auccoa Is aut to be 1 aondered at" . ' ' ' as If th dancers could not faster, thny were so splendidly dressed and - so sell'- consciously elegant and proper. To rise to th tips of one's toes wss sn act of gallantry, and carried with It some homage to the woman to whom one bad just dons Undt now she lss sewing as hart as can be Undt I know she's making Kriss Kringlea for me. Dere's Hans undt hit brodar dot Chullus delr bank , . 1 . las empty of pennies . dot uset to go "clank r . .' . Dey ask m last veeks If I don't dink It's To god a new pip for dls tld van of mine. Undt now dey. vlll vlsper undt chuckle In glee ' , Dose poys, dey ar waking Krisa Krlngjes for m. ' A 'Tls a veek pehlnt Christmas undt O, It isa fine TO see all deer drlcks of dose chlltren. of mine, . u' . Undt dink how dose schllppers vlll fesj by Undtyhow 'dot new pipe vffl- b blessant undt aehweet. ' . . . Undt dey shall haf choosf dor best hint Pec hum dey ar making Kriss Kringfo for me I .. ' Waltham Watches They last. v " ..-...' ." The Perfected American Wtch," M Clastnied ' bock j .of tntcrtfHnf information tboutwtches, : fret vpoix request. (- :, American Wtltfum Witch Compvv, ' ' 1 1 . wt&Mw $3.50 and $5.00. ' The man'i shoe that comes direct from the maker to you - . Ev-ery'pair eai -they have to' - - - "We replace the pair that happen to go wrong . ' w- It n, n