TITO OMAITA" DAILY I1EE: FRIDAY, DKCKMBmt 18. HKW. ft Thn f! 12 If n rU A U v JSroN r 15 Store Jpen Euonisigs Until Christmas. " Only, six days remain .for holiday shopping. For the convenience of thousands of bayers the store will remain open every evening. Very special Cbrlntamn-bargiiln attractions are on bargain squares. The store U decked in brighter holiday attire. The, moat, complete and beautiful Christmas baznr ever beheld tn Omaha. s i A Fairyland of Toys in the Basement A feast of delight for the little ones. ' Banta Claus will greet all children and give each one a pretty present 1 ' VUiUC lUlllUUl AHU auur HIIH WWi'sa v a Fine Dress Patterns $I.V8 and $2.V8 Ure are practical anil highly acceptable Christmas glfta of fine dress goods. Remnants of high graie dress roods In dress lengths. We have taken all .98-2.98 ovr short lmaths of black and colored all wool goods, the beet atylea for today rnnmon, a well aa for next season such as Eta-nlnes, Panamas, Crepes, Chevlota, Street Suitings, etc., regardlpaa of former Belling prloe, on bar gain square at per pattern 25c Laces at 21c and 6c Yard Lara Footings. Vala, Mechlines In all widths, suitable . for fancy work, handkerchief making,, etc., worth up to twenty-five cents a yard t , a yard 2 y2c-6c 15c and 25c Handkerchiefs at 10cv 5c, 31c Big bargain square of all kinds of plain and fancy Handkerchiefs some with colored borders, others with lac and embroidery trimming some all linen aww l.n. arftAminv it. Im- -w Sow yi 4 , porters sam pleaworth up to twenty- ttvs conts each at 1 embroidery trimming some all linen Si 10c-5c-3y3c Sale of Holiday Silverware We bought from Wallace ft Sdns their excess stock of well known brands of Table Silverware and place them on sale at remarkable prices. Bet of six Tablespoons . ' Set of six Wallace Bona Dessert Spoons . ' Ona lot of Rogers' Tip Dessert Spoons, triple plate set of six, . . pj f worth $1.60, at OC gix Knives and six Forks from United States Silver Plate Co.,' OE? .41 In fine leather box, at., 1 eeO Special Carving Sets J nut received, 500 seta lenders, Frary St Clark renowned H f JJJ , Carving 8eta, actually the best on the market special J. iwO ' per set -, Watch Our J Windows mm Watch Our Windows Omaha's New Florist. A new flower store haa been established at 1607 Farnam street by Alfred Donaghue jr., and on Saturday the formal opening will take place, lasting all day. A special featurs which Mr. Donaghue has addoc to his new store-Is a conservatory locaud In tha rear, where the plants can be seen growing In their natural state. Many speci mens of rare flowers will be handled, some of which have never been sold In Omaha before. , Among these wlir be the genuine English holly and such very rare flowers as the orchid. A visit to the new store will delight all who avail themselves of. the opportunity. All tba Comforts af m Home ' May b had on the new parlor cars of th Chicago Great -Western railway run ning dally between Council Bluffs, Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis.' These cars are the latest and most beautiful productions of tha Pullman company and comprise un der one roof ladles' parlor, library, smoking room and dining room,' wherein breakfast, dinner and supper are served a la carte. For further Information apply to George F. Thomas, general agent. IMS Fariuua treat, Omaha Neb. ' Card at Thanks. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to our many dear, friends and relatives for their kindness and sympathy shown us dur ing our late bereavement in th death of our beloved husband and father. MRS. JUSTUS T, PETERSEN AND CHIL , DRKN, . Waat ta Berraw Moaey. We have several parties wanting to bor row from $500 to 11,609 at 6 Interest on properties worth more than double the amount, HA8TINGS ft HEYDEN, U0 N, T. Ufa Bldg. -, Tha nsxt regular meeting of the retail Clerks will be Friday, December 18, at I O'clock p. m. sharp. Also election of affi le ra. All members are requested to attend. DIBD. OI.ENN E. a., December 14, 1901 aged SO years. - . , t ' Funeral service! will be held from ths Items of Phillip Drennen, 2S10 Bristol street, Friday, December 18, 1903, at 1 p. m. Re mains will be placed In receiving vault at Foreet Uwn cemetery. Friends Invited. iTQKE Rcbert, December 16. 1803, aged St , . year. " Funeral services will be held at the late residence. Saul Burt street, Friday, Decern ' ter Is, st lt:S a. ra. Intermeut Lincoln, tib. Friends Invited. We Don't Sell Groceries-But we would like to get a shot at THAT BIO VDC'M aDirtP mr.fi ahA nsasnta, T-Tr wir FOOLISH IT IS to buy DRVOS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERSUMES, POCKET BOOKS. LEATHER GOODS. FAMILY LIQUORS, eto., from any DRUG DE PARTMENT JUST for the prlvalege of getting GREEN TRADINO STAMPS. Just get tueir prices on tins lisi ana see u you want any GREEN TRADINO STAMPS. WE GIVE & PER CENT CASH REGISTER TICKETS on EVERYTHING WH SELL EXCEPT PATENTS I tl.OO Peruna 64c $1.00 Llsterine 55o tl.OO Bromo Seltinr frlo $1 00 Plnkham's Veg. Compound 65c tl.OO Pierce 8 Remedies 66c 60c California Syrup Figs 25c 6oo 8. Grove Graham's Dyspepsia Cure. 2o 26a Carter's Little Liver Pills 8a Via Laxative Bromo Quinine 7o 12.00 Chester s Genuine Pennyroyal Pills tl.OO All goods listed, followed by a . () are limned to one 10 a customer. "CHRISTMAS GOODS FOR LESS." CUT PRICE DRUa STORI SCllAEFEfl'S E. T. YATES. Prop.," , i ltth and Chloago Sts.. Omaha. 'Phones 747 and fr7. Uih and N Bts., South Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. All goods delivered aay place In either city. . . A stranger came into our store tha, other day and wanted to look through our stockr and find a grata to fit his stovs. To please him we walked up and down first one aisle and then another, torch In hand, for It la as dark as an old maid's pocket; up one' flight 1 of stairs after another, until -out of breath he reached the fifth floor and, Anally said. "Blame me, I . might as well look for a needle In a hay atack cs to look for my grate. In this place everything looks alike to me." This was ' tha only way we could convince him that wa must have the name, number, date and make of his stova You can get Just what you. want tf you will bring us the descrip tion of your stove. OMAHA 8TOVH REPAIR WORKS, 1 Telephone 860. 1307 Douglaa Street. Foo4 laepsoter. .U.nrJmCC.3TTI. D. V.Se CITY wjcTHTHntAstlast. , , jOOee and Xaflrsaanr ta and afasssj Ms MAsV-rea .... . XlnjJE3a TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Writ tor a Sample Copy. enson. Mrs,. Another Lot ot New Evening N Waists Just In. Crepe do chine and lace; colors, cham paigne, white and black; lace and silk lined. Cream white henrietta waists handsomely trimmed. On Christmas counters we are showing burnt and ornamented leather Ceuter Pieces, Calendars, Sharing Paper rllohlerB, Mag iirfno and Book Covers, Music Ilolls, Card Cases, Cigar Holders, Clipping Books, Whisk Holders, Collar and Cuff Boxes. Toilet and Manicure Bets In burnt wood, Roman horn, real ebbny, stag horn, antique ivory, coco-bolo, golden copper and rose gold. ' .'"''. ' ; v Traveling Cases and a great variety of novelties: -' Large line of Dreysed Dolls. 1 , High School Calendars, purple or white.' DPEJ EVENINGS. Santa Glaus at UE-i li U Mb THE RELIABLB ITORB, . Beginning" Friday morning, Santa Claus will, from day to day, make the greatest display of toys and Xmas gifts ever seen in Nebraska, - He will be ready to take orders from the little ones that he loves so well f and complete arrangements for a very happy Xmas. for those wishing to purchase Xmas gifts, llayden's have made every effort to make the greatest display of all kinds of most desirable goods, at lowest prices. Holiday Linen Sale i C00 TA BT-iB CLOTHS. tl.X. All linen hemstitched German pattern cloth, 8-4 sise 1R 2.00 values at I.aSO 12.50 PATTERN CLOTHS, tl.4 All linen bleached pattern cloths, border all around t ACt USO values at tl.60 TABLE CLOTHS, H6c. All linen fringed table- cloths, white ren ter with colored border, regular fiGtr It. SO value-S-4 slse at OcJV Full bleached all linen napkins, 18x1 size, regular II. B0 Quality nUn ner doaen srkW Extra heavy bleachf-d all linen napkins 10x20 site rp (Hilar $2.60 1 ACi quality per dusen Extra fine satin damask napkins S-4 slse 'I2.S0 value ' ' ' per dozen ..... 75o guaranteed table linen ' AQr per yard , 11.25 Irish table tlnen ' 7Rr 1 per yard .. JO tl.60 double damask table linen QQr 7S Inches wide per yard Great Sa!o of Trunks and Dross ' Suit Gasos. Many beaatiful presents are to be found in this department If a Winch trunk will accommodate the personal effects you wish to take with you on your home trip, secure one at Our 2tlnch dress suite oases, made on steel frame, covered with enameled cloth, linen lined, with brass spring lock and side catches at ............. Leather suit canes, linen lined with body straps at .......... ,.. ....... Cowhide suit esse, with shirt fold - regular 16.00 value sale price.. , ....... Cowhide suit onsen, linen lined, with shirt fold or leather lined. regular price s.ou sale price Finer grades at tt.OO. 110.00, 111 00, 115.00, and $18.00. Valises from 40o to tla.00. ... ea tt 3 50 rubber 1.50 3.50 3.98 4.98 Sheet r.lusic Salo Ws hava mada another large purchase of "Anona," both vocal and Instrumental. We will place this selection on sale tomorrow, at only 19c by mall 21o. Regular price of this is Sue. We will also Include somv nice, new songs, Two-Steps, Waltses, Cake Walks, etc., at the same price. Mail orders filled the same day we receive them. Ask to see tha nice, new dance folios, containing popular music, at only 48o per copy, by mall 66c regular prloe of these books, 76c ' Hmas Grocery Specials 21-lbs pure cane granulated sugar for tl.OO l(Hb. sack pure Graham flour 2rc 10-lb sack pure buckwheat f.our ..36o 1 gallon can fancy golden table syrup,. S6o H gallon can fancy golden table syrup. .190 2-lb can wax, string or Lima bans....7to -,1b can Early June sifted peaa ......,.7Vr S-lb can solid packed tomatoes ....... .loe 1-lb pkg Imported maocoronl ,. ,...7V4o 1 lb. pkg. condensed mince me.t. ...... .&o Large bottle sweet, mixed. Oerktn, ' ' onion cbow chow or celery relish, ,bot.8Vt Large bottle , pure tomato -catsup -..1...8SM! London Worcester sauoe, ' per bottle.. 7He Fancy stuffed - olives, per bottle Be t-lb pkg. self rising pancake flour ....7fto I lb. jars fine fru't jam, any kind you want IVfco 1-lb. can fancy Alaska salmon So 1-lb. cakes purs Ohio maple sugar ....12ftc E-lb. cans fancy table apricots, pears, plums or grapes, per can 12c XMAS . FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS One bushel boxes fancy Idaho eating - .nnlM tllS kWaucy Colorado white honey, raok....tf!ao Large juicy sweet oranges, dosen 16o Large Arabian dates, per pkg ... ...... .7c Choice Hallowe'en dates, lb..... 1...00 Large 'juicy lemons, per dozen 10c Fancy white popcorn, per pound S',ic T Crown fancy Turkey figs, per pound. 1740 Fancy mixed new nuts, per pound.... Usc Dried Pratt Specials. - Large California prunes, per lb 60 Fancy Santa Clara -prunes, per- lb...... THc Fancy large ; Italian black prunes, per lb. SSie Choice Utah peaches, per lb . 7Hc Choice California peaches, per lb 8Vo Choice Colorado Klberta peaches, per lb. ......... 10c English cleaned currants, per lb c Grecian cleaned- currants, per lb lOo Fancy VosUzxai cleaned . currants, per lb.. ..1. ...,.. llo Fxtra fancy,U?atras cleaned curranta per lb 12Uc Choloe California .apricots, per lb , 11a Fancy Moor Park apricots, per lb 12o Fsncr mixed lemon, orange and. citron : peel, per lb.,..... , Ko ir JL AM A CHRISTMAS PRESENT Call at our bank and tell the receiving teller you want a bank book for your boy or girl, your sister or brother, your servant, your niece, your nephew, your cousin, or anybody else. Deposit fl or $2, or as much more as you want to, and a book will be given you inade out in the name of the person you mention. A signature card will be laid in the book, w,hich is ,to be filled out and returned to the bank after Christmas. , Such a present means more than' the money you give. It means that you are starting some one on the road to independence and success in life. One of our handsome metal savings banks will also be leaned with the book without charge, if desired, where one dollar or more is deposited. 4 per cent interest paid, compounded every three months. . ... . Checks on all banks cashed. . . t J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BANKERS, COR, 16TH AND DOUGLAS JSTS. v A State Bank. , Established 1902 1506 Farnam "... i Ncryaa extracted by Our jalnles netbo4a In ona minute. Will aot torn tha taeth dark open Sundays 10 to IX DR. BRADBURY DENT15T 'J', J.;' Foarteen Years -. Basaa Loeatlosi, Painless Extraction ' without as. Oold Crowes. $2.50 up Filling. 50c up Bridge Work $2.60 up All Work Guaranteed, Satisfaction Guaranteed' v FRANK VODICKA & CO., MERCHANT TAIL6RS t Moved to 321 South Fourteenth St,' Kni; Theater Eldj. Repatrioc od Preaalug Neatly dona TL 4183. ; STORE OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS. - Sstle of ' UnderweeLr and Flannel Skirts FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. SALE THAT IS A SALE IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD We wouIdnt make a fuss over an ordinary sale of underwear,- but this is one of those sales that we cannot advertise two emphatically. It is a sale brought about by one great purchase aggregating over 10,000 garments, that a manufacturer wanted to dose out at a : loss, so that he may go on with his spring business. Our olfer of 40 cents on the dollar was accepted, and here are the goods listen how we've marked them- Ladles. Knit Underwear. Worth 35o for I9o Ladles' heavy Jersey ribbed flsooe lined shirt 'and drawers, In nal In this asle Friday and drawers, In natural and white a garment that we iold duplicates ot all season (or 35c Or , -a Ladles Knit Underwear, worth SOc. tor 3 5c Ladles' extra heavy fine Egyptian cotton jersey ribbed shirts and drawers In white and eoru. a very soft and fine garment. Underwear worth AC5r 50o and . 60o In thl aale Friday, lor Out Ladles Illffh Grade Underwear. Worth $1.75 for $I.I5-Ladtes' very Una quality Jersey rib bed Australian wool, silk and wool mixed shirts and drawers,flne silk finished yests and heavy satin yoke; band on drawers,' extra full -out, In natural and white colors, best values we have ever given and ' '4 Iff . positively. worth $1.75 In thla sale Friday for.,, la lO Ladles' Flannel Skirts, worth SOc, for 2 So Made of good quality of flannelette, In knee lengths, In fnnoy pink and blue stripes. Thoy are skirts worth 60o In this sale Friday. ...."Ow Ladles Flannel Skirts, worth, 75c, for 39o Madeof tho best quality daisy cloth outing Q flannel, knee lengths, skirts in pretty bright colors, regular 75o values In thla sale Friday f or. Children's Flannel Gowns, worth 7 5 e. for 4 So Mada of fine heavy, quality outing' flannel, trimmed with embrolderv with fanav voka. sizss. 2 to 14 vnsrs. tnrr nn a 7.Vi ts.1hm . - a In thla sale Friday for.... " ::::;:.:;;.45c Children's Underwear, worth 35c and 4 Sc. for 1 9c Boys' and girls' Underwear, Jersey-ribbed, straight and shaped garments, come in natural grey and white, alios 4 to 14, regular 25o,'35o and 45o values-ln this sale Friday.... ..... 1VC CHRISTMAS IN A DRUG STORE It Is a fact that no other store carries regularly In stock so many articles that make acceptable Christmas presents as does the average drug store. Our store for Chrlstmsa time Is filled with articles which make attractive gifts. We enumerate a lew: Pocket hootts 0c to $8.00 We have . a sample ilne this year, and our ratrons get the benefit of exactly Perfumes . THE TIME HAS COME And cannot be put off. Select your Chrlstmsa rifts to. May. Our store Is full of suggestions. The nobbiest, tastiest line In the city. Watuhrs, Diamonds. Sterling nd plated Silver. Cut Glass, Clocks, Umbrellas, Foun aln Pens, etc., etc. Spend a few minutes at our store LOOK FOR THE NAME. III Douariae Street. Omaha 'This Is always our long suit, as we hava Ferlume In bulk and fancy paeaages from all parts of 4he country and Europe. Prloes. 10c. to 111.00 Der bottle. Don't forget who or where Sherman St McConnell, Sixteenth and Dodge. nilltary Hair Brush Set-$1.00 to $5 Per Pair Flna Stationery 23c to $2 Per Box Fine Colognes- Not Extracts. The una of cologne U indulged by those who will not tolerate any other perfume we carry In slock the leading- brands or the world Atvood's. Johan. Maria Fa rina, Caswell & Hazard's, 4711, Plnaud's Aurora Cologne ana . mnaud s ' Europe cologne. Christmas Cigars Wa carry labout 200 brands of pure Do mestic and Key West cigars, which we sell at prices equally as low as those pre vailing throughout our drug store, 60 to 26c each, and iwc to iw.w per bo. Cigar Cases. Pocket ' ' Forty different styles, SOo to $2.50 each. , Brush and Comb Sets ., Fifty styles to choose from, T5o to fllOO Perfume Atomizers . 40 to 60 styles 25a to tXOO aaah. Pullman Toilet Cases wtUch roll up, fclao tb telscop styl LO) W iaW aBAVla 1 Shaving Seta $1 to $4 Bach Manicure 5ets-$l tV $ Each Fine Hair Brushes We never before have shown such a beautiful line of Hair Brushes in Kbony. Celluloid. Btak Horn. Coco-bolo and Satin wood; prices rang from 26o to S6.W eacn, Cut Glass Bottles 1 . Kither filled with perfume or empty a great variety at moderate prices. snerman&McGbnRell Drug Co. i Pharmacists and Perfumera Cor. Mth and Podge Bt., Omaha. SJ Gen pf H Stamps H uw With . i-'W A Free Talking Machine for Christmas As a matter of advertising wa intend to place :S,008 ifnnnnnnnnnrr 11 ufjiiuiiiuiiyu in Omaha and O-uncil Bluffs homes I mmediately where they will Ao ths most good. Call or write tor partlculara This is not a catch advertisement, but a bona- Ada advertising offer aimed particularly at the little onea Ws want fire thousand children Immediately to "talk Oraphophone talk." Ask about It. Will be open evenings on and after December 14. . Columbia Phonograph Company Gen'!, Disk and Cylinder Craphcphones, Telephone 1955. Open Evening!- 1621 Fernsra St. ..UMBRELLAS.. A large shipment of Umbrellas has just teen received. It Is a very fine and stylish selection. Prices II to 128. Our line of WA TCHE8, CUT GLASS AND SILVER NOVELTIES as well as other STAPLE goods is quite complete. Please call and inspect. OPEN EVENINGS. 1514 Cepltol 'Ave., . Tel. 1574. P. E. FLODMAN & CO., Jewelers, sssBaBaaaSssBBjSl Christmas Presents FREE COUPON Cut out this i im coupon and preiont It at ';"V- T. B. Norrl' and we will I'KtlL: give you ten Green Trading Stamps extra with every purchase of 91 or more ot SHOES. T. B. MORRIS, 1317 Douglas St, Void after Jan. 1st, 1904. B. tTK. Gold Cro Uuld rtlllncs.. Sliver t1iOui. Full Set Teeth $5.00 Best Set $7.50 ............... ee ap. tl 64 up. , 4wo up. BAILEV, THE DENTIST. (rtabUvbed I'M.) ftrd lUuii. 1-A-aTOrt BLOCK. r '. very choice line. ' t $1 to $35. ; : T. B. riORRlS 1517 Douglas Street. Men's Christmas Slippers la all grades, from 75c up to fci 60. Make handsome, ap propriate Christmas gifts. Woman's Chrtutmas Slippers, warm and fashionable, from 7oo up to $1.50. Beautiful Party Slippers, stylish, dressy and durable, just the gift for C'hrUtmaa. ALL. SOLD AT POPILAH PMIIKS. Boys' youths' snd children's Chrtstmas lootwear ai. ":-NorrlJ' Alfred Donaghue, Jr. Florist 1607 FARNAM ST. 1 Announces the Opening; of His NEW FLO WER STORE Saturday, Dec. 19 ' ESPECIAL DISPLAY STOCK will be on exhibition. Call and see the concervatory, where ENGLISH IIOLLY, will be found GROWING, and many beautiful novelties well worth the visit. t.,r.'"?i' v4 an exceptionally nice assortment of articles Intended for men s use. deslrus being" noted for many new and ununually attractive effeota. for soecial notice: Military Brushes, Cigar Cases, Flasks, Bhavlna ruM. Match Boxes. Ulssr tuiiers, lioio urusnes. , GENTS' SILVER GIFTS This awtufton'i Wa miinLloa ii k. ni.iiiips.iva I'laruraari Bmokini Sots, Soap Boxes. Ink Stapds. eta. etc. We also have suitable gifts in WarnonasT Watches. Clutks.. Kings. Charms, etc Our prices are the lowest. JOHN RUDD, Jeweler, ,; ' ' , South I6th pt. DLAlTIfY VOtB KOME with & tiIm at our Nalca ware, a com posi tion of metals finished in antique bronse. Reproduction uC 1 some very antique pics t.two years ago. Our art rooms are full of beautiful new things. See thMti. bOClkU'- AND WJOUINO STATIONERY.