Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Farrinaia Ears Eii CcTBpetv fill aert ei
Laurels Awki'.A
wwth Me aad Say Relattow
ble A
? P& HI rlV IKrfi
K H. Harrtmaa says there aril V ne ex
tensive Improvement made oa hit Hoe
during 1 similar to thorn msde during
W Tor tbe prmiTOt tbe building ef th
Bln-r X-ra tunnel ha been atm apt,
bat PrwMit Harrlmaa aar that It la Uw
Intention to build It at a later djr. Io re
ply t a ooevtioa aa ta a hat wsuld ba dona
daring next summer ka ta amy at abort
nine tb Knm and tha building of extensive
works Mr. Harrlmaa Said:
"Don't reu think ara have done enough
far tbe areeentT I believe we have, and 1
guess w arm let im matter rest lor ens
,jear at least, and peraape for a longer
Mr. Harrlmaa Is accompanied by DtU
Wilcox, vie president aad general counsel
ef tba Delaware A Hudson company, and
FredertcA: Kernorhaa. assistant ta tastrlct
Attorn 7 Jerome of New Tork. Tha party
reached Orsaiva yesterday morning and
left at night Jn tba special train for Kaa-
aes City, from fcaaass City they will Co
to New Tor, stopping enreute for a brief
period at St. Loula aad Chicago. Tba atop
was anade bera en tba return from tba west
to glv Mr. Harrlmaa aa opportunity ta
tba Lulon Pactfle shop. Ba
tiaX ba bad ainr aaea tba bow abapa
as be vu wry much Interested la them,
baring beard aa Bach about tbem.
thought It a rood opportunity ta pay tbeai
a visit aad see far klmself tba eouKUons
CfrrA wife Maehialsts.
Mr.' Harrlmaa received a committee of
Laio. raoiAc airh.nlau and visited tba
abopa wtth a view af tavestigatiag condi
tion. Ta eeaae extent piecework etlll
nta at the abopa aad It la tba ultimate
plan of Ihm workmen at least thai U. ba
done away with- Mr. Harriaaaa 'guv
nature answer to tba machinists aa to
wbat would be doe. Ha met tbem la his
private car yesterday at tba Csioa sta
tloa. bavloK wired tbeca from tba weat af
bis comlnv and deatre ta Bieet tbeea.
wba roiXrrred wlJ Mr. Htrrtoiu were
Sajauei Grace, buelneia acent for tba aaa-
cbiiOsta; A. 8. Mlidrad aad OL W. Braltb.
J a tarn preferred t to leuea tbalr
meetlrifc with Mr. Hutlau, bt a-d that
ft wee very bartaoalowa and aareeble
tbat. while tt bad do anU effect apoo
eeral ooodltkma. It tended to confirm
tbrm ta the belief that crerytblnc would
ultimately adjue tbemaelrea eattafactorlly
rVe may nay tbat renditions are sot bad
aa tbey ara now." added oae of tba teaUe-
At Few with Sbapaseab
wben asked ta rraard ta tta a3tua.tlon
. betweeo tbe Cnloa PartOe aad tba abopaMka
ssr. utrnau reUed tbat It wu his aa
derstasdlaK that that asatter waa aettied
aatiafartorllr to all concerned aeaae tbwa
ao aad tbat so far aa ba la concerned tba
policy wig hereafter ba for tbe Uoioa Pa
cific aad Ha employe to pull together,
which ba considered would ba to Iba beat
interests of il eoaoaroed. Mr. Barriaua
. be prabafciy would meet tba offldaia
t tbe eatlonaJ ora;asixatioa of hnacbinlsts
ka about two weeks for tbe pvrpoea of talk
te erer auttera la which both fata ayatana
ad tba BDioa ara lateraated.
-Psaaldtiittarrlaaan wapeaaatd bbAself as
well pleased with condUlons as ba found
theav ta tba west oa hie recent trta tbsra.
CMvaxxitjre Gerry f tbe New Tork Tacfat
clttb eaasa In at W:1S o'clock orer tba IU
e Central la bis ariyate car. which Waa
switched alar side of that of Mr. irrl
naaa. wba riaited tba car of Mr. Gerry
for a abort time. Mc Harrbaaa said that
tbey were old frteada and that ba waa aiach
interested la tba aoa of Mr. Gerrjr. wbo at i
preaeat la HI la Fort land. Ha aald tbat i
word bad beea recerred by blm ytaterdsy '
that Mr. Otrrr waa asuch Improved In I
health. It la (e era hie aoa tbat Mr. Garry
. la on. bla way west. He stopped ta this
city but a short time, leaving; orer tba
fnloa Pactfle in A ipectej trala tar Part,
land- Toons; Mr. Gerry accompanied tbe
Harrhnaa party, 1e tbe cut-off dedication..
Wbea wa eooaidar theemel bte tin bTerxga
Axctsricaa tfn hia atoniAch, w eeM towoiadnr
vty that faithfol and iadoftrkma orrxa foea on
rUika. rtrformlax tbw bArdect labor, ttinj
cara cf pairtiaTy chewsd aad tadJc5tibl food,
wtjrXirr orertlir: no elrht boor day by any
ZDe tba rtomarb U taxed to its utmost, aad
ooixT or Uter tber is a!wya txoubJa. Tba re
lation between it asd tbe other rital orraos of
th bumaa aoatoiny U cxtmney istiaiAta, aad
vniosm tba ctrika in eaQd off a ly-mpalbWia
tavrtaoKii oa Ua wrt of tha biood. Um beart,
tba E-rat, eta, la rora to result.
Ton fet rca down, become UJn and emaciat
cd, Lato no appetlta, dlstreea after eatiTiK,
and ara ta Jnet tba eonditioa to ooDtraci aimort
any aeriooa dmrmm,.
So Deed to dnrpair. An erar eJTectiTa rs
dy a ariibin your nach. Kot oa Tbicb steals
tba storiiacb'a Job and infiicta penDaoe&t injury
and snfTering. Xo; Stuart's Djrpepala Tablats
are a wtrtby rulvtiUite, Tbey step rlgbt in, ta
tbe t!m cf Ded. perform tbaitoraarh't work by
tba identical aftncis it employs and give tba
dlgofliTa organs a holiixy for rest aad reco
peration. JLt3utar, bcnmmr, tbat aa of pre
TCDtioa is worth a potzed of cure, and get into
" tbe txLSt cf Uklng A StcArfs DTyprpeia Tabiet
after erh meaL
SUarts Dyspepsia Tablets are not a secret
Dctrnm, a raxAcea for all siiriaita. Tbryaraa
naliture cf efrjF, adrace asd the comxterparbj
of the diresthre fields of the stomach. Tbey do
a Strike? HUMi
.Y-a YsVl
awajjil beaaa, JsT W j.
Is Jow Stomacli si
aot offend Satore, bt, on tbe eoatrary, foUow
in ber footsteps
If yoa are incredolotis place aaevt cut Into
small pieces in a tumbler, fill wiih hot water,
pat ia oae Stcjut't Dy pepsia Tablet, TnAintAin
a fcctcperatare of US deft-rees (blood heat )fr three
aoors, and the egg will be aa completely dijresteid.
as ft would bare beea ia a healthy stomach.
What it wi3 do ia tumbler, it will certai&ly do
in a stomach.
Very few people are free from some form of
tndigestioa, bat ecarrely two will bAre the earne
symptoma. Some will suffer with distress after
eating, bloatirg from ras ia the storcAch and
bowels, others from add dyspepsia or beartborn,
others paJpitAtton or headaches, sleeplessness,
paias ia chect and under shoulder-blades, ex
treme DerTousrtfSB, as ia oerroos dyspepsia, but
tbey all Lat tbe same cause, L l, f aHure to
digest what is eaten.
Quart's Dyvpepsia TaUeta pre the stomach
absorate rest aid assistance, and ImmediateJy
do away with these diiafreeAble Fjrrptoms. At
the saioe time tbe Tablets are absolutely harm
less; a child can take them with benefit, Aa an
IcstAnre of the marrelous cures effected by
Stuart's Dyspeptic Tablets obserre the foUowtnr:
- Mrs. Sarah A Skeal, LynnrTUe, Jasper Co,
Ma, un: "After using- only one package of
Stuart's Drspepeia Tablets I reoeiTed such great
and unexpected benefit thatIwi&h to express
ay sincere gratitude. In fact it has been six
ationths since I took the packaga, and I have not
had one particle of distress or difficulty since.
And all this in the face ef the tact tbat tbe barf
doctors I cons a! ted told me my case was Chronie
Dyspepsia and absolutely incurable, as I bad
suffered twenty-fiTe years. I distzftyuted half a
dozen packages amonf my friends bore, who are
very anxious to try this remedy."
A Wisconsin maassys: 1 suffered the pangs
of dyspepsia for ten years. I tried erwry knew
remedy with Indifferent rer&its antil 1 was told
of tbe remarkable cures ef Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets. I bought a box, began taking them and
forgot I had a stomach. Three boxes rnred me
completely. I hare bad no trouble whaterer for
year and bare an appetite like a harrest hand
and can eat anything that is set before me with
out fear of bad resulta."-
Ber. J. B. Uoag of Wymors, Jfeb, writes:
Tor six years I bare been troubled with dys
pepsia. Last fall I became wery nuch alArmed
at some symptoms ef heart trouble, aad came to
beliere there was a sympathetle relation between
the two diseases, or, rather, that the stomach
trouble was the cause of the heart dMuzbancea.
I hit npoa StuarTs Dyspepsia Tablets for a
remedy aad inrested a do2ar and a half fee three
boxes, which lasted ma three months, and I can
eat any kind of food X want, and bare a good,
rigorous appetite. Although I am TT years old,
I now feel perfectly well, and without being re
quested by any ene I make this statement as a
compliment to the Tirtue of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale by aQ
t druggists at 50c a box, full sue packagea.
You or any of your dyspeptic friends wtH be
mailed free book cn stomach diseases by addreas
tng r. A. Stuart Co, Martha Ulch.
talked It ever after Mr. Maxwell bad Ca
Isbed rro rarniatnlnc Mr. Earoda.
"We wtll let row e on tbe chars cf
btirrlary this time." said tba Judse, ut
be careful whose houae row eafcer when
eeelnc double or you may set year bead
blova off.
On a cots plaint filed ry City Prosecutor
Teas Lea allesinc insobriety, and to which
Maxwell pleaded entity, be waa fined Ct
At tba done of tba trial Baroda aad Max
well aasaa4 ta .a friendly baadabake.
Aewdeway Swee tmr Taitlow.
St. John's Military- academy, which la lo
cated ta Wisconaia. has brought an action
before Jodew Tlneocbaier ae-ainst Rowland
Bailey for l. it is alleeed that Bally
etsned a omlract for the tun Kin and other
expenses to re tnrorr-d hy his son In tak
1ns a year a echoonne at this milliary acad
emy, and- after tbe eon fcad been at tae
academy a abort Una tbe father called him
home, and that he now seeks to eel op tbe
payment of tbe sum for which he had contracted.
Qairsiaa Liadsay Desirsatct MeetBg at
Linc'.ls, Tuesday, Decttnber 23.
iBTlteo State OaScera and Ceasitw
ara ta Ulaewea rlau of HolsW
" las: Ceareatleu and Cww.
doetiBS Caaannlara.,.
Prtswner Ceta Oat ef Darebary Cbaree
br.rSTtes a Waa la.
v ' " ' ' ' '
1 cect. thundered Assistant County
Attorney Maeney. "Tear boaor. t subealt
that this Is act aeoase inies inr1-" "
But. lnterpoaed Jlaataa Maxwell, wbo
was oa trial oa Uta charra of cstarl&e' tha
boans af i. P. Baroda. SS3 KsUsMr street,
last Sunday stent. l ant BMrely trytas to
ahow that I waa so drunk, your boaor,
. that where tbera ara four doors IbubsxII
ately connected I saw debt.
"I am no lawyer." eontinaod tba defend
ant, who wita coedactlne bis own defense,
"and perfeajia I Bar vtiante tba rulea, bat
I bmi ta 'se fair, and wbea I aay I waa
drurx that ateht. t aneaa it alee, and ' I
think ci rrtecd here, Mr. Earoda. via
bear coe out.'
"Preened,- aald tba JimSc. yooe aotac
Kne.- And Mr. Maxwell, wbo bal bSs
tbe krare mlataka ef eaterlaj a bouse other
thaa hia own. eur-e an ataira wbea be
should kae eone down, went on to show
that b bad reaVled fur ate years ta tbe
eese beast; tbat bU friend, Mr. Bareda,
waa a barber, that they were eood friends
vn ta last Sunday niebt. tbat be had rot
Mr. IUrda ta rent tba upper rooaaa cf tbe
fUt almply becaaso ba liked bin, aad Mr.
Baroda. aba bad filed cotajlalat aeainat
hia nWf kber. aabwaatlated each fact as
btwnrht out.
Tba Jade and tba nroaaeutlaaT attorney
lj ,..4 '
itktrt. Urn t
U2 Ksaaa aTaia4 M seat I
Costrtter's StoreAch Kttera aj for BO
Tears past beea recognised ty erery
bod as the leading eiontaea reiaedy of
te world, and bera one tt Is tmpoaaiWe
to abate a better recaeJy to take tta
JtlAce tt atlu reoi-JAe la tbe Croat rank.
c .
' r . .
ww3 aerea thla
aeoor. becaaao It
baa bee a tbe
-ueans at reatarlng
thoaaaAda ef ak k
Ij peofe ta rot fust
health, and wui do
as snack for roa.
tuo. If rwa'U aoiy
4 r- tt a trtai. It
wiu surety rura
LmscI Aprjctlte,
fUiiwusoass aavl
ruiarla, I"er
Jan! Agtsa.
tassrs tttry ft.
Chajmrseia Color and Creaaa Lu Blouaa
Waist r. Sections) Uit CSV-ClharBDarne
color KtMleubiedty tasea nrst niaca aanae I
faabsnsjfW colors af tbe paler sort and I
combine Boost effectively with cream laos. 1
Tbia dainty isi is vt veUoe with pinked
ruches of taffeta and Venue lace and la
eminently smart. The dra-.-d belt, which
la draws down at tbe front, aa (tvtne the
droota&c Una ta tba fle -trt, la (taep aTtar tba
latest tnodel and t tbu aanf rl silk aa
tbe rocbea.
Tn Unlne for the waist ta aanootbly ttixA
aad anafcea tbe foundatioo tvr the fuQ froat
and backs tbat are ansae to bititjsa J lastly.
Tba oddly shaped yoke Is aeparata a4i Ui
arraneed over tba waist. droo-snaT well
over the abouldera. At tba neck ka a stock
collar. Tba aleerea ara soft aad. full and
can ba Beads with tba puffa only ar fh-iwhsd
wtth ewffa tbat are anaped ta extend ever
tba banda Tbe drapAd belt or eirdlc la
abaped to St the fienra and is cvwed at
the back, aa la tbe waist. Tba akirt eoa-
ks ef tha front sjre aad af atx drealar
asetieaa. three at each atda. which are
Joined beneath tbe deep beans tbat alma-
lata tor Via aad tbat naeet at the center hack.
Tba fuUnese wear tbe hips hi held by abort
rock darts, but at the back by cat bera.
Tba eaattfr of naatartal raqolned for tbe
atedluBB atse la: Fee waist, I yarde a laches
wids. Sw yarda T. Incbea wide ar t
yards - hacbea wide. with 14
yarda ef eJI-weer laee tor yoks collar aad
euffa: foe akfat. yarQa a, I yards Tt ar
tt yarda Mtlnchea wide, with i yarda af
all-over laee for front (era.
Tba waisn pattern e3 la rut In aiaea for
tit HKB and avtncb bust aaeaaure.
Tbe akfat pattern M hi ewt ta sines for a
C H S. 3 and avinrh waist ssasnun
Fw the areeaaaaodaaoB cf The Bee
readers these pattern, which aamairy retaa
at frosa is M eeata. wUl be farbarhed at
a an tail prtoa. M eenta. which cwema a2l
expecM. 1 ri-r t e a pattern anckws
tt e-ts, ftr Dtntr ta eaxee ef pa tram.
Xotlces hare beea issued by Chalrmaa
Ititdaay of tbe republican state committee
for a soeeUne of tbe execurtve committee ;
at tbe ncadquartera at Lincoln on Tuesday
erenlnc. December 3. Invititijna also bays
been sent to tbe republican state officers
and mnabsrs of tba esrieTsaeijnal delega
tion to be isresent. In tbe belief that a con
ference wllh tbera will ba of advantage ta
aria&eine be preilmlnailca for next year's
carapalen. Tba members of tba executive
committee u Eyraa Clark of Flattamoirth.
Victor Bcarwxier of Omaba, Thomas Cbil
Tera of Plsroc. Hueh McOrpf of Crete.
K. G. Titus of Holdree. . Charlea A.
Robinson of Kearney, each representing tbe
paRsrwfSioaal district in which be reside
la tbe order named, while tbe officers of the
oaammlttee. besides Chairman Lindsay, are:
A. B. Allan ot Tecum a. secretary, and
A. H, Hennlnca of Omaba. treasurer. It
ta expected tbat at tbia meetlnc tba date
will be determined for a aaeetlne of tba
full state cooualrtaa. at which tba definite
arrancnata for tba eo&ve&iloa far next
year will ba made,
Tw Call ta Officials.
' -A number ot eery Important ooeetions
will hare to ba sot red by our committee."
declared Victor Raaewatar. tba exectrtjr
committeeman for this district. "I bad a
talk Chairman Lindsay a few days
ace and aucsested tba Idea ef calllne In for
eos.feiwaea the senators, oonarassmin and
staiia o Seers, wbo are all directly Inter
nstad la tba plana for tba corning eass
na'n. Cm'"- Lindsay and tba otber
avianbera af tb eommiua retina tbat
they ar actlns only ta a representativ
oupactty fer tba repuMW-sna ax tba stile.
and wa are a.U aaxioue v 00 amy
wfak-b wHircwadaos toward party
Tbe year IM ia a praal den rial yeai
tba national nravnaOaa already baa
sailed (or June SL Tbe rule ef tba
aationsi committee require aeleealaa t
tbia convention ta be nomi'aaled not less
than thirty days prior la orAe that their
credentials may ba property certified asd
Sled. That would aneaa that we must
have a state cenvestlaa not ter
tb aalddla of May and
district conveatiaas as well ta select tba
district arJttsatea. Whether tbe atata
ticket and the nominations
sboald be mad at tb same time I a
(uestloa to be decided. It hi tb old
piestlon of cue ar tv eonVentione a tone
tarapii-n or a ahmrt eampsXen and mach
sill doubtlea bl aald oa both atdea.
Iowa Tm Falls ta Get Bee alee
rwsb lata Western Circuit
It M Tear.
Sometbinff ef a Burry waa noted la local
base ball circles when tbe aanounce
nvast waa-'aaad by , WUiiata A. Rsurke.
presldeat of ta Omaha base bail team,
that Sloua City bad dropped out of tbe run
nine for a place la tba Western teasue cir
cuit next year. -. . i - ;
Statesnecta trnaa Staaxa Qty ar to tb
effect tbat the parti iwfra were beltmd
tba project tookmff td a place for that city
In tb Western leaeua next year ware ana
ble to secure that Srtenrlsl harklne which
tbey deemed' neceaasry to' start tbe ball
rolline la tbat city wnder suspicious ctr-
Jona Late&ier Deaiss Eirnbg the Biil
"PreatB'jsu ia Cecrh
Uwnraatera Par me at f BUI by Mrs.
Delnaar, bat
cUrcs-UaUt Has BJeea
--t Maieed Bias, -
This, rt Is beVL makes H rffaetleany ear
tain tbat Lincoln will be riven place la
the circuit. Just wbat other town will b
named ta complete tb circuit la now a
puxxler. A meetlnc of tba Western leaffu
maenate. or at least a portion of tbem.
ht booked for Lteeota next week, and at
that time tbia problem doubtless wm find
a solution..
By tb lac
af tb Irs Scalp
It wwuidnt take loc.e to Dumber tba
haira la tb aeada of soma people, tb
reason beinc they haven't many t number.
Ia meat Instances, however, tbe fault at
then own. A germ at tha root soon plays
havoc with tba most luxuriant sxowth
aad causes It to fad aad fail out. A
remedy for thla has recently beea dis
covered, called Kswbrors' Herptclde. tbat
acts by darey-w tb germ tbat does tb
dam-, haslflrw reeaovlus all Impurities
from tb sea' a. In addition It permits
new Br and visor to enter tb scalp, and
nappy resulta ar sure to be obtained from
Its a. Try tt. Bold by madlne drugslsta.
Bend lAe ta stamps for aaiapl to Tbe
Berpkrlde Co- Detroit, Mich. Sfeermaa
McConnell Drue Cn, special asset. .
Cbareea of fraud are mAv th basis ef
action la tb trait which baa beea brooch!
before Jade VUmonhaler ta which M.
FpteaberEur ia tb pbvintiff aad John LevUa-
ser ht th defendant.
Tbia is a suit 00 aa account, betes ta tb
form of a written guaranty. Tb plaintiff
agreed to sell a bill of goods to Mrs. Mar
garet Delmar on eondltiea tbat ab find
someone wbo would gu security for tb
amount, tba goods being required ta bar
millinery establishment. In tenser algned
written guaranty ta stand good for
bill ot gooda, but-claima tbera waa a limit
to the amount, and In support of hia alle
gation he aaye tbat wbat be might be
owing tb plaintiff In tbia suit would, aot
exceed CQSUJL On tbe tber band Splasher-
ger brings la a bill for pot.aL
Owe Sat Stand Ttest.
Laternser tesliaed before Jndea Vlnsoa
alar that he sicned a paper sxreetne t
b surety for a bill ef eoeda ta ba boucht
by Mrs. Zelmsr. but that tb bill brought
tnta court by ths plaintiff, and purporting
to bar beea atgned by him la a torgery
ia aa far aa his signatur bj coacerned.
To support bis aide ot tbe case, experts
ta handwriting were called, aad testimony
was adduced which Indicated that tbe
aHeged algnatur did aot correspond wtth
Latere set's correct atenatur. Magrnlfytag
Blaasea and other tbtnes were braurbt late
the court ta order te atrenetbea t
uppoBttioa tbat tb alleged signatur was
q.avtiiiUlen ef SWrnatwrtaJ tsereaaiea.
"Another very taapartaat auestioa relates
ta tha mnlwlil sarceaslmn whether w
should eontlnus as hsretafor aad lesv the
aaterial preferences ta be voieed ta each
locuHty taroueb tba le-talaiir candidates,
or abaukl adopt some plan ta secure a mora
direr expression frooa th party af th
entire atate by Bomlnatioa ta tb stale
cea'-entlou or by direct prtmArVia. or aome
atber new system. It at safe t say tbat
Kebraexa republican da not want a
repedtVoa of tb last senatorial deadlock
and thiU tbey would weicom any prac
tical pin te maks sura tbat thstr senators
should he tb deliberate cbotoe 'of the
peopls. -
Tbs ensvtioB of tb tecatloa ef tbe ena
rentloa or eonrentioEia, win also com np
aooa. If tha- ar is be tw conventions
tbe first on eW-ibOass win be early is fact,
toe anrtr for th aa af tba Omaha
Auditorium as tl4 Oacaha would bav ta
ba eoatent with the aeeond an. If there
Is only oa. th data doubtless wiU be nxad
after tbe eompietloa ef tb Aecltortuaa
aad Omaba would b la eood position to
aerommodat it- Omaha Is entitled to the
convention this year and It waa with tbat
understanding that a pecUl effort waa
me44 ts get tb Isnt tw conventions."
A Sew Vr ( rstnar Chaasbe-rtala'a
Aswghi Sraeif.
Mr. Arthur Cbapman. writing from Dar
ns. Natal. South- Africa, says: "As a
proof tbat Cbx-nberlaln's Cough Remedy Is
a cor suitable tec old aad ywaag, I pen
you tb fr UowIng: A ndebbor of mine bad
a child Jmt over tw month old. It bad a
very bad ccng-h and tba parents did not
Lnow what to give it. I suggested that If
tbey would get a bottle of. Chamheriala'e
Cough Remedy and put aom upon the
dummy teat tba baby was suckles t would
n doubt cur ta akiM. This tbey did and
btwagbt about a aick relief and cured the
baby." -
E. L. Mleleas of Waboo is a guest of tb
Mr. and Mrs. Georre Morton of Chicago
ara eiatung umaba reiauvea. . k
FYaak L. Fox. wbo reeisirrs from Lcx-
Ingtoa. is ia tbe city aa tb Millard.
a. A Coast of Homer la registered at
tbe Mercbaats. lie la ta tbe cuy oa bus
Dos t aeelect a coagh. Tab Itso'a Core
for ooLs.uilea la Una AH arv4ita. Sc.
John Terhune of Litchfield la ta tha dry.
He ia makiac ba beaoiiuartera at th Her.
Judge M R. Hopewen. R A Smith and
Judce W. a. Fears see reeksents of Ttna-
mah atoppitg at tba a J lax.
Ivaj Sirnhens snd P. McOoerin are rsat.
dents of frrrmont wb ar upptng at the
Attorney Richard S. Hertoa has goes to
Baranae Inm. Mew I urn, oa a week a boat
neas trip.
The f JVowtrig Jfebrasra e"r,-a are stay-
ins at the tier Uratm: t. r. tuija. iteucn
1. W. bUller. rremunt. and K. Mclatyra,
Theodore KeJmera. one ef tbe unrest est.
tfe oealers In tne state, is siepplue st tbe
C. L. Htiaaa. Saatae: Mrs. CV. M. Paul.
Tbarwuku. and J. M. KIl-tVk snd :f
are prridme tbe day ta tne city. Tbey ar
at the faaton. i -
H. a. nummers aad P. M. Weodie are
promtnent J-.iatis of West Putet who are
eprnauje a uun time la tbe city. Tbey
are 'rie at tbe htntard.
J. M. O NaiU. uwaMc aaasenesr aeeat
of tbe Oreaon Kajuva- aa4 vl.u-.a
cumpsny. ss JUuc on oid friendii ia Lri
nty. Mr. CyKelii was furmeny eoanertwi
rub ta city eanos ef ta L'atoa rudns
here as passenger sgeat.
lieure B tarter, ijocole- E. L Mi-er
r-d J A Fe, Kt; J. A Has'ard.
Nebravkv City; L. W lArklnnnt. g--t u)-r-L
W. elaa. hWi'ook; . W Owen ri
ifs anJ J ArsiMr 1 Pi rirr"-!' A 1W
Cutaa, t harfrea- U J Obrka iv.uth l-'en4.
at4 Jots f. fide. IteiMt Cl. ac a4
gjaala vi Lb Kclvl..' Ii
udg Vtasonhalar has taken tb matter
under advisement until Friday morning, at
which time th arguments te tb case win
be submitted.
At tbe time tb bill of goods was bought.
Mrs. Delmar was unmarried. Through
soma transaction en th 'part of ber
husband ab was unable to meet the pay
menta, and then It fell npoa Lateaser t
make good an bis written guarantee.
Before Judge Vlnaoohaler bears tba con
clusion of that case, be win personally
maks tb attempt to aattafy himself
t tb genuineness of Ltenera alleged
signature. N
vim rusuc mzzis
Railway Bote and ls re en a la.
K. B. Slorson. eommerclsl srent of tb
Cnio Pactfle at UxxxAn. Is ta tbs dty.
Y. C Dumberk. assistant seners! fretxtt
aeeet mt ta 'Frtsoo at Kariaaa City, la ta
I. O. Ires, general freicht agent of tb
B. It M, returned home fia Cbicag
Tuesday eeenlr.g. -
Oeorge V. Bidwv-n. general manager of
tbe KeUwaka and Wyomlne di-islon of tbe
Northwestern, la out oa iua ana oa bual-
A system of msaual training baa been
beguB at Franklin school this tan tbat has
already been productive of good resulta aad
promise even mora. tTnllk tb effort ta
otber schools, where tbera baa beea aay.
tb plan takes tbia manual training back
to tb boos and fat th mesne ef stlma
lating and retaining a dower relation be
tween tb bom aad tba acbooL To find
somethl&e tbat all migbt share ta eommoa
and tbat would still be within tba rend
er ail waa tbe dtfficaity, and finally IBs
homely oM task ef sewing carpet rags was
decided upon. Tb pupils of very' grad
ar dotag tbia kind of work, which at la tba
aad to work out ta tba attainment af a
fixed result. Tb pupUa ar silo wed to arw
aa much or aa UU1 aa tbey ehooae. for
tb plan is ts crests a desire to work rather
tbaa compel it. and as tba ball of strips
Increase ta sins tbey ar brought to school
tor inspection and tba oaramant af tba
teachers. Each pupil baa a neat little bag
with needle, thread aad thimble ta which
the work la carried to school, for It ta all
don at bom. Ia every mors ts suspended
serosa one corner tbe completed balls, and
wbea tb necessary amount of strips bare
boon made a loom Is te be set up ta tb
basement ef tb school aad a weaver en
gaged to nvake tb rags Is to carpet. This
carpet Is to be sold aad It la estimated
tbat tb proceeds win pay for tba weaving
and supply tbe school several thing that
ara ueatrod. Mot wary tb sewing of carpet
saga hi being done, but tba making or ether
things to encouraged, aad aa tbey ar com-
pleted they arw- brougbt to school for the
taspectioa of th teaebera. A wide variety
ot worx ba Beea Aoa. ranging from car
penter' work to tba fin at aeadlsauik. mach
ef which shows that not a little time snd
ear ana been given by tb parents in dl
retinT Its soaking, aad fa this th prl
saarr object ana beea aenrntpttahad. th
parent baring been brought tat touch wtth
tb school tbrocgu tb child. Another tank
mat au aava ta common to tb sewing af a
Diocs tor qunta, following a given patten.
un moay of this week there ts to b
exhibition of en ef tMs borne work at tb
echo) aad parents aad vtattor are Invited
te earn and Inspect It Th work's? each
room wtll b arranged oa a table outside
tbe door In tb ball, where all may le-
epect It without taterrvptlng th work of
tba rlBSsea
Togetber with the cold westber
on of the trying' preMema ef th year ta
ta prtnctpal and teachers the providing
ef aot table dotbtng to make tbe children
of tba very poor comfortable and preeenta.
b t attend aenooL Ia one f tb mrg
buQdlnga Monday Jt was ninaaary to pro
vtd complete eotflts ef dothrnc for Bin
cMldraa wbo would otherwaM bav bees J
enabl te leave their bomaa. Tba chfldrea
ar carefully watched wf. a regard to their
elotbing and tbe ewcsclse.tlews prraelpnl-i4
constantly on tb lookout for tarment
swrtahle to tb needs.
s moat saereusful and profitable taweve-
tlooa that has been Introduced Into the city
acboohv Som tints ag tba necessity be
came ovMant to Miss almonds, principal af
Casa, of eotne means ef takiaa the lergar
pupils out cf the lower gradee aad provid
ing for tbwa a plnse where Utey might
work up ta -he brajirbaa la waica they
were dnflelent, or at least aoqulr a fair
start In reading. wrl-Jng. speUlag and srltb-
metie before tbey would drop out ot eobooi.
Aruordlnghr t-srmiasloa waa granted rrom
tba superlntendant and th sifting ef tb
lower graona mad aad a teacher provided
for tb room. Tb results bav surpass a J
anything that waa expected! Out of a room -
of nearly forty puptia six bar bean pro
moted to grade where tbey belong accord
ing to ag. while many others bars worked
up ta raaillTir. writing. epeUlnc and arith
metic to Where It ta doubtful If tbey would
have ever goo bad tbey beea compelled to
work up with tha smaller children. Con
stant removals from tb district kssps tb
roam from bceealng overcrowded, aad with
apeekai attention to tba needs of tba tn-
jflvldual pupil the resulta bav besa most
gratifying. Member of tba Board of Edu
cation who bav mvestigated tb "work
room' aad Its methods pronounce tt a de
sirable plea for every larga building.
Tbera u aa interesting contest oa between '
ta fifth aad sixth grade pupils at Long
and Casa schools in tbe rooms of Miss
Rath Hogan asd Miss Lida Bralnard. the
blgber per cent ta epalllnc being tba aha.
Tb contest waa commenced but sneath.
each room having th same word. Last
month Case school mad tb blebar per
eect. but so far Ibis month tb Long pupils
are a fraction ahead. Tb pupfhi ef both
cby ara deeply taterestod and tne ri
valry baa proven a surpriatng atlmuleus
to alL
Clab OU
are Oat Tolamee
.. Substance,
Ha Wetn tajat
C. M- Hemtar if BeaUioa. who baa
aervlag aa a mriaher of tba petit federal
Wyw. where tb Glob Oil company well
hi located. whK-h aitord blm oanatdarabla
gratiaeatioa.. Tba tartar which baara tb
Jury. Is ta receipt of a tetter from Fn 11.
oat af December a. etatas that tbe com
pany baa luet struck a fine prospect ef oCL
and tbat Indications point to Its beeomlag
a gusher by Christmas. A nam her of
Beatrice and Omaha parties ar Inter ted
ta th property, and 11 ar feelis
xtremely Jubilant orer 'tb prospect ef
a big Baring oil well for a Christmas gift.
The "work room" icstitsted at Caaa
school earty ta tbe fall has proves en ef
alatataa Iterant net too that Old
CoUaeoan Shall Bo Condemn aad
Hat rwrther tsed.
BufMlng laaseetor With nU aaclaras tbat
be will aislnlala his pearitloa oa th
demaatioB af tb aid Col'aeuis as t
coarlnoed the struct urs la aot fit to b nsad
by larg crowds. Tbe knights of Ak-Ser-Bea
still waat to bay tbe sunffing: if a
conn promise to arranged It baa aot yet beea
cuUlned. - -
hi:::url gale-tetj ksluo:j cdseo
Oca list La ths 17cHJ
Ttf rusmt wrrdorfiJ reocard fa ad iAeAarrrari x&ada tt. drerUaiiig; baa mart v(L to maks
OAHOAfigTa known, bat tha STeateat adrarUeictiont orer rtatol ceroid lo no more thaa iret
a perejoo to try CAJSO-AJiETS oxtoav Tbaaa ourooo thm teat, and U CA-rtOAKinti did not prow iLmit
mmit ubetra would not be) a eaUo of orer a MIT J. TON iiOXU A UOMT5L Tbia sniooeam fcaa fewest
ma4 by tbm aiad vorda of our friend. No ooa -who trtea faila to ba t Inaaod and
taJa: nloeiy about tbova. OAJ&CAIti.T3 are aaaleart to bay. to carry, to take, to rtva THIS
I'tlliTUJT HOidiS ItEDiCIKJt. Tbey sow av rerfect eura tear Coeurtlm.Uoo, Appeacurftia, iJlonaztooa.
Sour Btoxaaoet, back Uaevdavoba, Bevd Breatb, Bad LUood, PI m plow, fiiam, Vornus aad ail bowed fMnsaann'
Oeo.utaei tabk4 e4iaped COO. JSEVXIt faOLO IN hXSUSL AU drutfrUta. lOc, &&o, COo. giatixUa
w i mm toe mu um m mmtm cwiiiii nmriariy or 13 ew XUa.