THE OMAHA DAILY BRE: THUKSDAY, PECEMDEK 17. 1903. mm Omaha Daily Bee. i , . , , - - K. ROBKWATEB, EDrTOR. - i. i. II - - I 1 ' I SSI PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. rua mithc frn.)iriri riRI. tlna.4hnu Ho-hta vrtilh tulnns- to 11 I Stead will com m. iritnn eomposea Ol r-v ,....-.i v- .1 I i. . .1 . i ,i. I profit-sharing luid co-operation Idee. I - v , I V.IJ ., ,w agnlist the Northern Securities coui- j to maintain for ouraelves. In common pariy, In which a decision was rendered I with all commercial nations, those prlvl- by tlie federal circuit court of appeals leges of trade, which w believe to be f.nMI. 4A ...........,.,. la finV I tiut .nil AjltKlA .nil j IK. frOnoml rniir Fe iwithont Sunday), one Year..4 on before the supreme court of the United good. State.' the arguments having been con-1 The policy of the United States in eluded. These have necessarily fol-1 regard to the for east Is one of fair I ought to sweep something. lowed pretty closely the lines laid down I dealing. .It contemplates equality fof 1 1 1 ItnvnAW nil ntt ! ..a W'rt m m r , 1, 1 r, IV tttat Wa V" vuu.i, I"" " e BtXouls Globe-Democrat General Knox has somewhat arrrpilnefl I are not willing shall be conferred upon counting oncers and men. tha- tnlted l0 1 60 Evidently there are hard times ahead for soma of us working people. T. Swepls; Ticket. Ivanaas City Journal. Nebraska nominates Roosevelt and Mickey as the ticket for nest year. Teddy and Mickey would be a combination that Iiall'y lira and Sunday, one Year... Illudtrated ltee. One yar Hiinrtar Hee. On- Year ... Kjiiinla Hi.. (Inn Year . Twentieth Century Farmer, One Year.. 1.00 DELIVRRKD BY CARRIER. rally Fe (without Birnday), per copy.... Jc Tallr Hoe twlihonr Ptinday). per weok....I2c iniiy nee (including Bunuayi, per .. ami - nborated the previous argument f every other nation. In this position we states army has a strength of leas than ought to find absolute security for our ma legaj umit is iw.uw. imperialism naa ooi mpneo, , . fSitrwIai 1 - rnf rdliV Kvening ilea (withwit Sunday). rr week . 1 o government counsel and ' has cer i!r ,VhV"!f", "S,,nd"V' Ulnly added to Its force and strength. rights and Interests. of the law affecting this case the attor ney general has left Qo point untouched TBt Q ARB AO a FROBLtU. Although the people of Omaha are or uncovered, so that every Intelligent hardly aware of It, they are face to face av.a An r 4 Y.m M,m.rir mnar Ka atmnfflv I .cratr. w(fh Iha nam lavlnir nmhlnm tit I . lauri V Ml. .iguunru, ru v..n) 'rf " . ifv.jiv.uB " " I JyQ eXpeCted IO tSkS On Impressed by Its clearness and vigor. I garbage disposal and It devolvea upon The presentation of the government's the city authorities to find the most contention by Attorney General Knox I practical solution that cbndltlona will Lartmpnt. . . i OFFICES. Omaha-'Thenee RolMlng. ; , South Omiiha-'lty Hall Building, Twen ty-flfth and M Streets'. Council t'earl Street 4 Chl.-afO-lttW ftrlty Building. ' ' New York iXt Pnrk Row lluildlng. ' Washington 601. FVmrteenth. 8 tree I. CORRESPONDENCE, n i ' toriai matter Khnuid he addreaaed; Omaha I seems to make It Impregnable. The 1 warrant and to find It at once without Bee, Editorial 'P"'!'- Wsls of his arguments was found In the delay. S?emit by draft, expreea or po'etnl order I Ideclslon of the supreme court in the The famous McDonald garbage con payiihio i. ine wee ruDiisning "ny"?; tra nsmUs onrl case, but they. also find tract that was entered Into by the city I ' . I - warrant in the decision of the circuit I In the summer of 1803. covering a ten Another Rear Dae. Chicago Newa. . . Now that Attomey-Oeoeral Knox has struck another blow af the railway merger the anti-Rooaevelt boom In Wall street may fresh impetus. n.vul Only J-eent atafnna accepted In payment of mall ancounta. Feraonnl check, ewcepi on Omaha or eaatern ex haniffa, not accepi. THK BEK ' FL BUIBHIINU. LUrAi1 1 A Deplorable Ceadltloa. Philadelphia Press. Over 80,000 cotton mill hands in ataaea- chuaetta have had their wSges lowered as a result of the Increased cost of cotton. But two 6r three speculators In New Or leans have made millions of dollars, and soma speculators elsewhere have profited a-ennraltr. Tolhl Ihla cannot be helped. court of appeala la the Securities case, year period, will expire by limitation But lt ig mo,t unfortunate that mill for which the opinion of the highest I of its own terms on January 1 next I workers should suffer while a few men tribunal was likewise "the. fduudatlon. While that garbage contrart has never "na mUui STATEMSt OP' CIRCULATION, TZ ti TJJh f W B It may be interesting to note that in been completely satisfactory at any Publishing Company, being duly sworn, saye .im. .lalnn h l.1.i llnui fmm Iti Iruvntlnn atlll ha a nrn. actual number of full ana compieie i -" " " I " ' Nearatttve) Teatlnaeay. Philadelphia North American. ROtMD ABOIT NRW YORK. aawamaaaaaa. Rtealee the Carreat ( Life the Metrapalta. Time and progrets works havoc with places held sacred by reason of religious association. Long years ago one of the first temples of worship In Omaha, passed from the hands of the pious to the unholy and wound up Its career as a beer halt. The transition from high estate to the oan and the schooner gave a shock to many good people, but as they received the stipu lated pries-kicks availed nothing. A llks Incident In Brooklyn seriously ruffles the temper of members of the old congregation. Their old church l to be transformed Into a bowling alley. The church, which formerly housed one of the moat prominent Baptist congrega tions in Brooklyn, was consolidated with the Union Baptist church about two years ago, and the property put up for sale. The location mads the property desirable for many purpesea, and competition for it was keen. Since the transfer was mads tha structure has been used for various pur poses, and during the last municipal cam paign It was the headquarters of the Green point republicans. Various rumors that the building was to be turned Into a itheater did' not disturb the minds of the fprmer parishioners, but when a report was circu lated that tha owner Was about to let the place for a bowling alley, many whose tnemberahlp In tha church dates back to Its foundation vehemently opposed such a p'an. One former member said ah opposed the scheme of putting the former church build ing to auch uses, but she did It under the body emblems that are peculiar to Amer- lea. Tha sen-Ice consists principally of a handsome oval centerpiece, from which rises a group composed of sn American bison and an Indian holding In his right hand a canoe peddle. The bass Is orna mented with Ivy leaves, emblematic of friendship; the cotton, may flower and In dian corn as typical American- products, and hers and there throughout the base the rose of England, the thistle and sham rock. The presentation will be mads by the American . embassador. Joseph 11 Choate, at a dinner at the Carlton hotel, London." ; . The Brooklyn grand Jury has corns to tha conclusion that a large manufacturing con cern in that borough has for five years past been taking from unmetered pipes 1.800,000 gallons of water a day. It recom mends that ths city proceed Immediately against the company for ths collection of 15X.000 for this water supply. It has been discovered that there la no law under which a person may bs Indicted for taking water from ths city pipes. Ths only rem edy Is a civil action for the value of ths water. - . Rev. J. B. Curry of St James' Cathollo church. New York, Is' oomtng In for a good deal of unfavorable notlos because of his prstest against tearing down what Is called "the long bloc'", In Hamilton, Cherry, Catharine and Market streets. The tene ment, commission baa emphatically con demned the block In question as a nursery f all manner of diseases, especially con sumption. Fresh air and sunlight are stated thst In cases arising under the of garbage removal, and it cannot be Civil Bervloe Reform league, gives proml- ..'mit -1 , .nH.t-ugt act of 1800 tne highest iudl- dispensed with without something else n'nc t0h fat- , Tr,deIy1!r' ...S0.940 t. IT.-..-,iww ... . ,. , . cuiaiea, mat not one or ine mineen poaiai It ...., i - . - J i i omcers inaictea on charges or iraua -orig- 80,sno ihil and reiterated in no uncertain I Just what new arrangement lor gar-inaliy entered ths service through a com- ' terms, that the act annlles to interstate bare dlsuosal should be made is the petltiva examination.". It may be admitted a000 , . ,,u a . .,i. .1.. .m Ithat thla Is negative testimony to the ...8T.1TO u "'" merits of civil eerrie. reform, but no one ...8o,ono wen na to atl other persons natural or to figure over. The original Idea under- cn aen that lt ta aearchingiy positive svi- ""fJloJJ, artificial; "that the words In restraint lylpg tho McDonald contract Was that dence of tty demerits of the other method ...81,130 1 of trade or commerce do not mean In the .waste of the city should be taken oi nning pubiio omces. Less unsold ud'retned Mp"es'.!'.'. aoattiitto net la concert In fixing rates and re- the Missouri river and, when the first 80,000 .....8T,KJ . 80,030 41,1 M ;St,7IM XA.WIO .....,'so,iao ...... .Mo XO.HUO aw.o-to 40,5S S4MUO IS. . 21. n. tt u ......... A 17 . 2 mlsUken apprehension that when the trus- practically Impossible In. most of ths rooms, tees made tha sale thev did so with certain I but hs priest has rather viciously at- restrlctiona as to what use should be made I tckd tboss who are endeaverlng to reform of tho DroDertv. Wsse conciuons. 'It seems awful." aha aald."ta have our church turned into a bowling alley. But . . sbhtenced BI WHOLES ALK. since ths trustees sold ths church without any restrictions, I suppose there Is no help I People Doomed to Exeoatlom by the Ratwwr the c,rcult court of appeals w wM v,ded the dty w,th.-a prrblc ,y!r th h- rthr November, 190S, was ss follows: 1..., I... i... ... i... ... 10.,. u... 32... U... 14... for It." v i,020 1 unreasonable or partial, restraint of away on cars from designated stations I trade or commerce, but any direct re- I and used for fertilising purpose on some !!!!". o,80tt I stralnt thereof; that an agreement be-1 of 'the not remot'e farm lands. There tween competing roads requiring them I was an alternative plan of dumping, in , S2,0T3 striding the right of any one, to fix Its 1 failed to prove feasible, the dumping PAST llErTjBUCAJI COXTBMTIOIVS. tartrwctlre Record of av Great Polit ical OrgaBlaatloa. Springfield Republican. The republican national convention called Net average sales!!!"!..!.'..!.! 8,TB5 wwn rate, was a contract in restraint of method waa resorted ' to almost excln- o meet at Chicago on the Sat of next June . ' OEORaB B.VzscHUCK. trade, because tending to prevent com- stvely. SU11 another plan has been tried wiU be tha thirteenth gathering of the kind mutton. It mutter, not whether the In other American . cities more or less VZr XW8.. M. B. HUNOAtR rata fixed Is reaBonabld or unreasonable, mlmllarlr situated to Omaha namely. I dwln .mon othr nure- th rouhiicn I core of men haie ben at work turning i KffL . 1 Notary IMbilo. I I I . . " ' ' I . . . 1 . I t . M V. A 1 .1,. I St. l .at Vak. A . l... I ktsaflnvtail ewtwi . aalunia Ph naA. I Dill If! HUH ITIUnBUr LOnHH. PHm IlIIT-fllallt pawer confer, to" make unreasonable There la a choice between the cremator, 'i?t J? 1 tVlSZ.TZ No attempt has yet been mads to put In place the eight great monoliths which will support the chelr of tha Cathedral of 8t John the Divine. Each monolith represents 125,000. It costs 11,000 to bring each one to New Tork City from Its native bed In the quarries at Vlnal Haven. Me. Each one Is ths gift of some rich man or woman In memory of one who la dead. Thus do ths living hops to keep alive for centuries to come the name of the one who has gone Ueforea But the givers will be -gone, too. before the mighty cathedral stands a fin ished piece of architecture. For three years The labor organizations will stand f"" - - - ' country, possesses the double advantage of they are set up. on their lofty perch on the back now and enjoy the trading stamp nieB ana to reBlrain mmerce Dy piac- station ana ponaoie crematories, ootn gunV5lent aocommodaUons and central loca- treat arches lt will be impossible to get an Raltroada. v Minneapolis Times. N Mors than 51,000 persons are now under sentence of death by railway accident In ths United States, execution to occur dur ing the next five years. The 61,000 are plodding along In bllcsful Ignorance .of their doom, but It Is as certain as the rising of the sun, unless startling reforms srs Instituted by ths railways in that period. Thus Dr. Joslah Strong stated ths case In a lecture the other night before tha Aemlcan Institute of Social Service. The- figures ' opon which he bases this estimate are Interesting. During the last five years 83,890' persons have been killed on the railways of this country. During that time there have been 253,83 injured a number greater than the entire pop- war from the spectators' benches. With a great exposition about to open, Bt Louis Is in no position to act mean about its neighbors' grain rates. ulatlon of Minneapolis. The death rate Inir ohstacles In the wav of free and I of which are said to have Droved sue-1 tint, .inn h niim.i. - 1 Idea of tho grandeur of this great cathedral, averaged would be twenty-one a day. It nnrnatrWnri onmnntlHnn tWn-oon mr. 1 reaafnl ontl tamnnmlnil la little mora tolerable than tha of St. I When set these columns will Stand In ths rlers. Finally it has "bcen hed by the highest tribunal that .congress has the Whether-the work of garbage removal pUoe Md ,n th8 look ha,ckWard tt may be support of the maatodonio arches, which In ths United States the rate of mortality power to soy that no contract should be should be undertaken by the city itself, I 0f passing Interest to bring together the I irt tnrn support the towering spire to reach'! to railway employes during a year Is one legal which shall restrain Interstate 1 or sublet by contract as heretofore. I location ef past republican conventions, ths tha ratio of Increase continues, the total ,: Lmtla. It will he tha alith of the thirteen choir of the lofty cathedral, ranged In a number of fatalities In ths next five years a lieu me vuier uueniioa tin inwi, . - - ,.,, . j .v. -m k. n hi ' . W feet In the sir. We could respect the Ladles' Board trade or commerce by shutting off the The whole question of garbage disposal I named Md th" Popular result at the of Managers of the Bt Louis fair fully general, law of competition. , , is intimately interwoven with the city a I " popular hh much if lt vora merelT the Wnmen'a It W8 upon these rulings Of the SU- nealtn and it IS manifestly imperative I Tear. Place. Ticket. Plurality board. ' i prerhe court of the Unlte4 Bta tea that that the best and safest plan be adopted the lower court rested its decision with a view to safeguarding the ctty'a J. Chicago, Lincoln and Hamim.... 4sti,is It Is a trifle early yet to become a d- against tho Securities company and It health. A single epidemic of contagious! ims! chicaao. Grant and Coifx '. ios!- prehenslve about the lee Crop. Plenty Is upon them that the government still disease would inflict a damage and loss Si- ?K'aS3?uiill?JSlJli.V :0f f reeling weather is still dus for this relies for the success" of its case la the to health and property which could m. Chicago, afcrfteid and Arthur...! Ti Morton. IfM. Chicago, Harrison and 98.01 highest judicial trlbunaL There la cer- never be made good. taint vnn t Cne ihAllavlnff I ThA tnhlivt l iin trnnni-rant that It H9. Minneapolis. Harrison and Reld.S80,fT10 I -'" ''J r,v- ' 1 " ' r " IOTA. Bt. LOU S. McKln viciulty', ' I ..-t-.l . . . . 1 II I I .T' A . M, ,1,., 1 I SlIllIieM tMllfl. 7111 nlev and Hnhnrt. nil R1 . Attorney General Knox has no dlSDO-1 that thn rWllf.n of that mnrt will rut demands tha test thnncht and wisest 1 1903. Philadelphia, McKinler and IHnn a liinillii th moivw Mmhlna lth ..kl. Ik. t I (JA,1 I . all V, ... with I ,.,-,,(.. oa.ivj Adverse. There has been unusual continuity of vic tory and on a raptdtyt rising scale in these lafter days of thr pafiyv the fiftieth anniver sary of arhoao stare t will closely coincide The prettier the Salvation lassie who stands tn the corner In charge of the Christmas kettle, the larger the flow of small coin Into 'the same. The managers of the Army, who are wise sons of worldly generation, have apparently noted this social phenomenon In seasons' past, and all the girls In charge ar pretty. A man paused at one of these corners snd. taking handful of smaMl change from his pocket, he began to drop the pennies In, then the nickels, and then ths dimes. for every 06 employed. In Germany li Is ons for every 750 and In Austria one for every 1,067. Human life Is held -twice as cheap here by the railways ss In Germany and three times as cheap as In Austria, In Injuries not fatal the comparison Is still more humiliating to this country. In the United Btates one In thirty-three Is Injured, In Germany one in 109 and In Austria one in 192. . - Due allowance must be made for the speed of our trains, the! Impossibility of making long stretches of track through comparatively thinly settled territory as FLOATIIO ri'X. "Larry, you've heard of this talk sbmit 'ra-e suicide.' What do you think about It T" "Well, sor. I think the hables that oughn t to be bom are born the ofteneat, begubal" Chicago Tribune. "Once In a While." said tin Me Khn, "you II find a man dat'a ahead of da raroe, but even he never kin tell you what he dons wlf da money." Waahlngton Star, Dolly Klckster Didn't the lawyer know you were an actress T Tottte Footlltes tood grsolous, not lis offered to get me my divorce without any publicity Judge. ' The eminent surgeon who hsd officiated In the ear grafting case was explaining the process to an Inquiring friend. "Of course," be said, "I had to remove the ear with a knife. I could have found flenty of men who would glndty have alked his ear oft, but the method T d Involved lesa suffering. " Chicago Tribune. ' Mrs. Richmond Is your daughter going back to the conking school this year? Mrs. Brnnxhomugh No) I'm going to keep Iter homo until she learns to cook some dishes that we can afford to eat. Judge. "That rounr man." aald tha vlaltnr. "be haves as if he knew more then you do." atursiiy," replied the merclisnt. "Why 'naturally?' " aeked the visitor. "I am merely his father." Phlladehhla Record. ...... She And so vou were east nnon a desert inland snd had to go without food for uaysT It must have been awful. He Awful Is no name for It. why, It re minded me of the time when I used to write poetry and sent it to the magnilnes. bos to a Transcript. f "Where will I get a. marrtug licenser asked a young man in the city hail. . "Tou might try the bureau of eneum brances," v replied the man with the bald head as he passed on. Yonkers Statesman. "HoW did you decide so quickly that ths prisoner wss not insane?" asked the Judge, a little curiously, of one of the examining physicians. -Oh, that was easy," wss the reply. "We ssked him If there wss anything he wan tod to talk over with the president and he re plied in ths negative. Syracuse Herald. "Tour work's sbomlnable this morning." snapped the employer to the Intemperate workman. "I can't eay anything too bnd about It. Now you see the effect of, Over indulgence in liquor last night." "Yes, sir," replied the workman, "lt cer tainly does make you cranky this morn ing, doesn't It?" Philadelphia Press. kid gloves. nothing. lie wants a knockout or J it is hardly conceivable how it can be the conduct of the city's affairs. ' otherwise, although some of the men ar-.... A. .a s a A. T 1A. . most nmrnlnent is th. fieciirlHeo nm-' vVVvuuia ,wi x reaiuuuiuonevBiv are - The senate passed the Cuban in: tT hM fa think, according to recent re- Eolng through af. the maneuvers of . the . i o . v. i . i . i. . i r. - i a i - I . ' . .... .... ..... I enntnrtlnnlat tr t' rl tViA t .A tor a wtMt-ton I rttfc th. Am t a Mav Mnnvnlnn w ao, Hiuur buh wiim iii l-uuiu nvei ports, that the decision win tie in their ----- i " - - done a month ago, and saved trouble, fav0r. At all events the case of the Peenaior iianns rerusing to aiiow ms wind and expense. '. .rnmont has Wn most fniiv. and frtends to consider him a candidate for abiv nresented. so that it cannot' be the Presidency lntt an admission that he Remarkable Lea.o. to Be l jus isioux iity gin wno maae iopr I m .vt m imnnrf.nt .,,. v. I ungui fvi resyouu to toeir requcsis ana i . im rib ei seMtor uietricsi. attemDts at jsulclde must have Toreot- -.. ..A. be a candidate against the Dreeident New York World iiuicu io receive auiunitj nuriiuun i - ten that there were milder ways of get- .i, r-.m r t.i v, tfter alt The trouble with all these a A uiu s,aa3 Avcaa tuitrub a. as uov-aw v sjv is i ting out of that town. Then he stopped and asked the girt "How I safe as the roadways can be made In TCu long would yon let me keep on dropping?" I rope. A percentage of the casualties She smiled a demure smile, and. with her I among employes may be Justly charged eyes on the kettle, answered, "As long as to the greater , recklessness . of American the good Lord directs, oryour money holds workmen, but when every proper sllpw out." He 'poured the ' whrlo flatful In anee Is' msde1 the difference fn railway, and walked away. - mortality here and Irt Europe la not sc- Matron Boyle of the Immigrants' free I counted for except 'upon the theory that labor bureau received thl. letter a few I "they do some things better abroad." daya ago: I state snd governmental care for ' the "NEW YORK. Dec. 10. Dear Madam:. A I safety of passengers and employes Is not friend and fellow mechanlo asks me toiexerctsed here ss It Is abroad and perhaps Inquire of you If there is any nice girl I v. should object to such "paternalism" If coming from Europe willing to marry m it were attemnted. There Is a less general n U51 a babe wlu born. In a Chicago hovel I honest. Jolly, young fellow (steamfltter by I use of safety appliances, here and our into wnicn tne snow sirtea and covered iraae naving a steady job at x50 a day. deadly arsde crossings are almost un- , It is sometimes quite difficult to de termine whether one Is reading about a Japanese war general or about a Con necticut breakfast food. '" at The supreme judges of Louisiana think even less of the whltecaps than do the district judges, wherefore the gen eral) public thinks more of the higher court " 4 ' the court will hand down a decision is lue7 Br nl jusiinea tha floor. , 190 th. hlih9 thu, horn bti ..He year, old nandBom, enoush known ,n Europ. of coursn nndetprmined 1 1 w l" lllilus ubcvi u ocuaiur oauiia. peoome united Btates senator from Ne- I ror any gin, a uerman, Bohemian by birth. II senator uanna.ever makes up HIS 1. orassa, success rui ana nonorea, but witniana anxious -o seme aown before Christ- I . frsonal hutej - . .... " i mina to da b canaiaate ror tne nreai-1 - , nn.uu.ui . '"ii . 1 . . . . ....ling Dostofflca appointments. The half cen- rolntlng jout that the isthmian canal, dpntlal nomination he will let the public tury of genator Dietrich's Ufa comprises a whnn comnletd. will be the gateway to now in. woraa inai cannoi D mia- Aala, an eastern paper urges that the I understood. policy in regard to that water way will be meaningless if it be not accompanied by a correlated policy in eastern Asia. It very plauslblyi says that in order to render this route, for which the United romance extraordinary In Its diversified elements of adventure and ' achievement even for this land of opportunity. Dietrich's father .was a political exile from Germany In the troubled times of 1848.- Hs escaped from the fatherland In disguise, reached Quebeo after an ocean mas. His name is Joset Tlahy. Yours truly. W. KRAYER." I Hh.w wanta an elaStlo cur- lnis very morning," aald Matron Boyle. I c. hn Dartlculariv for the wno snouia come in ners but the young Christmas present buying period, Hon. Alfred Deakln, the prima minister man who wants a wife. "He really looked nice. He was dressed fit to kill. 1 want to get married before Christmas.' said ha. 'Qo home snd keep out of trouble.' H1U A. But I want to be married before Borne of the southern congressmen think they - are being discriminated against in the establishment of rural free delivery routes. They fall to take vevase in the ateerasa. supported himself tntn ivinalderatlnn hnvovar. . tha taot I acantllv h hla trade there and In Bt TiuU I Chrtatmas,' he repeated, and ma what - A .charter commission la again at " . ?' T ,T . ,"V that their constituents are in ranch Chicago, while his wife took m wash- use or to a boy looking for i,, nu.t. t.- t, t " mnn or on I0U nim stm w.o mm w go find t,.i.v.. - " I wra,tiing with poverty. I trouDie somewhere else. the northern and western gtatea and to I The son became a messenger boy at t, I !, vowing he would return." that extent are not natrons of the rotal a farm boy at It a hardware clerk at If I "eving mat trading sUmoa inlur -.i.w, t iv..ia a I anil a book keener at 90. Three vaara later 1 trade and promote unfair comnetltlnn h oTlVr-s th iA7VhVV-t th. thick of peruou. adventure. Merchants' aoclaUon ha. void to raie Taylorllle. Ky.. will probably .njoy Observes the rule of he greatest good L,tn Black ..,uattlng" In a de- mr In order ,t,o conduct a campaign thB 'Unctlon of vlng been postmaster w wa Kiemnn uuuiuvr iu iuo ciieumuu aerted cabin, prospeetlng with til-luck until I sainsi mis comparatively modern devioa I ,onser man j of rural free delivery, the southern the diaooverr of the rich Aurora mine I In business.. A bill is to be nr.nar .-a 1 18M he was appointed -to- th. offlos states are bound to bring up ia the rear, brought hire his first good fortune. Th. th. next legislative session In Albany Wllsonville. Ky.. by Franklin, Pierce. i,: a tiiiycr wiuuiiwiiuii again ai . , . . .. .work framing a new city charter for " U8eful aDd 1w aNt should be, Denver". It can, learn aome things to do " U nec,,8nr that our government shall and not to do v. ,nHitmrf Pn permahent basis auch . . " a Omaha's charter .experiences. . Jf MrH larrtroaa s visit would be pro- Powth of American, commerce in that ductlve, of a Christmas present for Quarter of " woriL commercial concessions in the far east as will give assurance of a" steady of the Australian' commonwealth. Is an insatiable devourer of novels, and never enters the legislative chamber without on. or two. Ho always reads wh.n business Is dult in Snrlbsfield. Mass.. with a population of 16,000 to 70,000, only 863 women registered to vote at the recent election tor scnooi committee, as they are entitled, and of this small number1 only .flfty-ons went to the polls and cast their ballots. . Richard J. Jewell, who has Just died President Roosevelt remarks In his last message' that the building of the Panama canal will alter the geography of a continent and the trade routes of It said the new .army organism tlop. worked 'out by tha . general staff "nd 7 th question of the advantage lma democratic senators who object to Omaha in the. shape of an order for a new. Union Pacific headquarters build ing, we would all rejoice exceedingly. defense of this mine, four times sustained attempt lilo be mad. io have th. 11 scarcely needed an axplanaUoa to with rlfl. and r.volver against marauding measure mad. a law, for th. purpose of prov. that th. story of Bryan's son-in-law claim Jumpers, constituted a series of - putting an end to th. little paper symbols, '"""una" r congress In. ths , Seventh citing, episodes of .fact which would be Th trading stamp people say that laws district wad a Joke. Th. LeavitU have thrilling even la fictional narrative having the same hostile Intentions toward h9n mercilessly victimised by fool stories Miner, banker, gavernor. senator, th. th. bualneas have been out through ii.. ever 'sine their wedding, and fleeing to Will SDDroach theoretical cerfrctlon. An to De guinea Dy una nation, after effect- i.-i, v -- ,v,i v snow-born baby was now on we nooa-tuui isiures oeior. now and afterward lnvaii- wewpon may noi "' . i . . . I a . i A mi. m I v " m w I MmaiitlA aaVatt fnf AmariM I fULtaUl hy the HAitsIa r m I .nlJ.. tTnaMJI Vaa sags IttaY xnat u noeaca now la -a cotdb of oer. mg .mis great result, aepeuas targeiy b f.i tft n ru,ni to. .nvtbin, " - -- . . I . . r companies The attempt of the democratic caucus to make its decrees bindlnir UDon all the world. There is no doubt pf this mombcr, ta distasteful to some of feet army offlcera to put it into execn- Pon kblllty tjO in aome measure J pelled by thelr 0WQ jujgnient The ooa. control or reguiate tne scnemes or cer- MminKnt. In tha adnata mnat d. tain powers, and notably that of Russia, npmtpi,. -nd honelesslv .divided on ths Omaha taxpayers had the lightest tax In conneeUon with Asiatic trade. It imDortant' issues or thev. would not feel -evy last year or any since lue city at- must do aepi in mma inti me great 1 eongtralned to put the screws so tight talned metropolitan proportions. They I commercial nations are as vigilant and may as well make "Up their minds, how-1 solicitous aa ourselves in .regard to the ever, right now that this stroke of deficit possibilities of the vast oriental trade. financiering cannot be repeated. I They are reaching out for It with per haps even more vigor than we are and on their own membership. t If the re publicans undertook auch caucus action what a howl the democrats would make. The World Herald declares that Chan cellor Andrews Has by no means Colonel Bryan is not traveling on the I some of them already enjoy an ad van rear platform in his tour of Kurope, but tage ever us, at least so far as the great strengthened himself in the popular opln- - he seems to De covering ground almost markets or the Chinese empire are con as rapidly aa he used to in hit) cam-1 cerned. In the years to ensue before palgn expeditions. It must be a habit I the isthmian gateway to Asia is com which, he cannot outgrow, even amidst I pleted that advantage may, be very ma alowgolng European surroundings. ' I tertally Increased if we fall to put forlh such efforts In our own behalf as .the Rider Haggard has written a story of Th. regret Is that charges of corruption I which issue stamp, aay that the avat.m I the Crusades' entitled -"Th. Brethren." should Uint lt In Its fulness. I Is not only perfectly legal, bvt has public 1 While collecting materia; for - th. novel sentiment back of It. as Indicated bv th th. author had an odd experlenc At PCHISHINO PROMOTERS. ' I constant growth in the us. of atamna it Jerusalem h. accidentally trod on'- a v lis contended that tha Idea. 1a . I Mahometan tomb, and stones were Meters. Ameleat Penalties Few I fo of co-opera U on, enabling a merchant promptly thrown at him for his pains.. . ... Betweea. I ""'us or nis large sales and the abolition I Dr. H. M. Paine, on. of. th. best known I DI book ftivnunta I. 1 , ku - . I . . . . nvwATa il nr... . - w c ua Liirii r rn 1 ann uueL uieuiim muimvu - ew xora evening roni. tha hn.nt t .. ... ..... a,a in ,. .!., .iin vii I .m, uu in. stamps I liuonera in ins vuuunj, Publlo wrath against projectors or nouow . htM it i. .1. .. . I ....... v 1. w. vnrk. and i..u..i .h... 1. .Iniihil.u m matlva 1 " - """ mai . - " . . . . 7. ... . stamp . company saves a merchant I he waa th. last surviving charter mem Ik Z. Va Z, Z th- 7.Ut much Jvertlalng .xpena I be of th. Kt York Stat.' Homeopathlo " 1 " I I .r.ll 1 n I . v. V, IH v . ArffRnltM In aapaivi .wv'.'j , w...wm - with which Receiver Smith's plan fo au. It Is no Roston has gone democratic again circumstances and the promotion and with Patrick Collins re-elected for an- safeguarding of our Interests require. ' other term as mayor. . Democrats will The construction of an isthiulr.n canal try to get some conifort from this, -but now assured, but the consummation of they cannot overcome the fact that the that great enterprise Is still remote. It contest was purely local and can have is a work of yean, probably of a larger no' direct; effect upon national politics. period than is now anticipated. In the meantime we need to take care lhat no The huud fur the new county treaaurer I American. right, or. interest la Asia Is f w 111 cost .the county a trifle more than surrendered or sacrificed; that the great I1.00U. Tlw' county, did not pay for opportunities which are before this na- the present trva,8urer;,B.'Umd, Jmt lt lost tion.ln the far east where we have em- tuore than that in uncollected interest tablUthed a foothold, shall not be al- oa county funds given to the baaks lowed to slip from us. Wt are not without any return to the treasury for called upon to become involved in any their use. , . political complications in, that part of the world. It is not necessary, for ex- The Board o Review for 1003 has ample, that in the; controversies be- passed Into history by expiration of the tween Russia and Japan, in regard to time fixed in the charter - which an amicable settlement is not sions. AVhli h hmds us to r what yet assured, our government should take ve have said beforo, . that tl t days skies with cither power.. , We have ugh I nothing directly to do with British or a I German or French interests' in China. are a' euoukh to ,-v "Ult of a revision -of tl z. . T ent ro great city like I ij " '',. .u. . . ..a Thl. ini. get in. nest of a 1 May, ux. . .a i,,,i,ki... ...k I Uf Insurance corapiuiy, but there la at I If anv one believe, that high art is not lou by .the enthusiasm he has displayed incidents ha v. varied for two centuries only ",.w Yqrker who doe. not ha v." to dl. J humming hi th. United Btates let him to meet the conditions of the Rockefeller according to the fashion of the times. J?.,,., "'l hd r th ' I careful study of th. new calendar. . - . a h h.. h.n aid of tha anakw that I ata In a bad way." be aava. "il that ar. appearing In aU their New Yeafs uonauon to tne university or iHeorassa. r? .""" . " 71 7LZ ' make application for a noil., e . ' I ,. V,i i.t him furthermore, reflect Is lt not more probable that the chan- " . . th. .ubtoc. o,. M much am duly examined by th. company', phy.1- that tfiui to not art, Uk. that In museums cellors lapse in popular esteem, to th. Industrial boom at 1901. Nothing has maa surgeons. . They charge me I and galleries, for special times ana oo- whlch the Bry suite orjran refers, really ye been said, however, as to what hap- P1"" for the,r Professional services, casiona. but srt for every day In lae year, comes from hls'rpud'atWn of the free Pn tn" Buth Pr?"wlr The ln Ph by th. company. I learn ex. The Confederal. Horn, for destitute sol- .n. flrfi rf hii, , . story la odd enough. They fared very 111; actly what Is th. matter with me and do dlers In th. Jefferson Davis mansion at Silver fiction, td Which he once sub- oulUpalnc bubbiM wer new things la 1720 no hv to go to tiu expense of cUUng lrj Besuvoir. Miss., was not opened for their scribed Only sine that time have the aaa th. publlo then not only spoke of the Private practitioner. In this way I am reception oa Tuesday. December t as had democratic Daoers tUscorered that tha I inflation schemes aa crimes, but mad. them saving doctors bUls. I wHl chancellor's PODularHr wai waning. Uo. Lord Mahon'a bitory thua 4eacrlba 1 Pt4 by any company, but I ro up for I have n4 flnlabad tha rpalra on tha houaa i . line ouicumei iwitt b year, just to I ana to. rurniiurw They were disabled, from aver Holding I ' n 01 my pnyalcal condition. " I Mtray somewher. and th. rauroaa com' Omaha has bad the headquarters of any place or sitting in Parliament; and .i v,. nat been able to ascertain Just thl military departuieta' ever siuce the ttftlr -.ute.. amounting altogether to abov.J Th. Site of th. Old London I .here It wss. It Is hoped to hav. .very- department was established, although l,000.ono, were .confiscated for th. relief ofj building at to 230 Broadway and of th. I thing ready and the feom. opened by Ie- tbe name and bonndams have been ,M utl Be suaerers. .vu m monnaa. noiei at n to Lafayett. Place ember Jo. only iweniy-ov r allowance votea to eacn uirecwr waa oiien naa oeen Doua-tit liv inhi. i I n. fArtm aoiaier. win 09 """" .MhiritfMi nv r, 1 1 r or ainuDuuw 11 v an- uniunv .im n n ... ...... . . a . . i .. In. tA th. Af th. Inrl.. " ...,.. . "-- S1J lots and - - " " ' ' " .-.. . mlty. aomtuncs an anowancw x t auiu- wa neia at Sl.SW.OOA Th. property Is the of Omaha 'aa military headquarters I tog, or of ao, was Jestingly moved." (largest and most valuable remaining on should be countenanced by our rep re-1 Yet th. eaa. of Investor, la th. Bubble I th. market In th. .hopping section of was o so oao. juageo in u u.ui vl nwrt uroaaway. It la a block and a half South modern financial history. It to commonly of th. new fourteen-story store which Mr Imagined that South Bea stock turned out Wanamaker to erecting at a eo.t of tt laol a total loss to th. Investors; but this was 000 on tha block hn,i k '1M not so. Th. fortdted ttas of and Nlnth .tr.sU, Braway and Fourth ave the bond. jantd by oihmt ?ill't nu.. It to understood that th. Interval r.1 tha dlraetora enabled the sovtrn- I . . . . umg A WINTER CONCERT. Town Topics. . The band was madly playing Home classio tning or otneri The brasses, with their graying. The woodwind tried to smother; . Trombone with drum disputed; Cornets the air war. rending; . "Fortlsalmo!" tbey tooted, And gave no hint of ending. Then, alt of a sudden.' . 0v With biff! bang I crash! The musla ceased I And people wly were telling The news to people near them.. Discovered they were yelling Ho everyone could hear them; WMle scandal most sstoundtng Which they had been -revealing Went roaring and resounding , Against the walls and celling. Everyone heard It, . ,-.. And coughed, blushed of sneeied When the band .topped. "He kissed her twice I 'caught them" ' "The baron IS a freak" , "Her husband never bought them" "Since then they never speak' "Rut th. old man hss money"-! "She's In D.kota now" . "Her singing's simply funny "Last night I won a thou" - ' - ' "Good heavens! how rhe laoesl" "I have a date with May" . . He d ropped it on the races''- - "8h. cheats at bridge, they say" : ."Tliat fool engaged to OertyT' 'Sha never had a waist" "Why. man, she's over thirty" ,. "They're -otbmg Toore 1 thaa.paaW "She drinks It down Ilk. water,' "He never pays a bill" ' "Oh, she's the grocer's daughter" ' "Thky hope to break the wlll" ' "Whewl Isn't this a rabble?" "They're both at fault, I think" "I can t endure her gabble" "Come, let's go get a drink I" ' , All In fortissimo. . . , And in fifty different keys, . They shouted lt. .''"" Then there was a hush, . And everybody wanted To murder the leader, And th. band . Didn't get a hand. . Shoes tor Christmas presents may sound a Uttla prosalo. but what. they lack la sentiment they make UP In' sense,' , $3.50 Always Our certificate Idea ' makes ' giving Sorosis Shoe -Store 203 5. latbSt Frank Wilcox, Manager. Write for ths laie calaJogua, BY A MEtHOD OF ITS OWN Hand Sapolio cleans the pores, aids the natural Vhanges of the skin, and Imparts new vigor and life. D?nt argue, Don't . infer, Try; hi It's a lightning, change from office to parlor with Hand Sapolio.; One Year Subacrfptlop Oaly 2lo 5pecll Christmas Offer, Tti Chlldna of thl Doited Stitss. t'aual price SOe per year. A beautiful illustrated children's munthl.. Jbrl(ht storioa, poeota. games, buuk reviews, Ivtlera and other attractive futures. A gift that will come every moms in the year. Kncloee this-ad. Ad.lreea Orace Boretison, 8. ifc'h a VS., Omaha sentatlves in congress without protest J Twla Mtiaphta mt Wee. Detroit Free Press. - Dowit la with Morgan and Wall street In yelling for a restoration of the con fidence that has never been lost. . Whoa Lleua4 Uaaa Saagg.), Indianapolis Newa. Carroll D. Wright, United Bute. Com- Hilaaloner of tabor, ptedkrl. that tb. wage srsteut will aud iU its behalf of th. directors enabled th. govern meat eventually to pay back to South Sea shareholder, tt per cent of their Invest ment. Shipyard Investor, would welcome such a settlement; yet th. South Sea share holders still haunted the corridor., of Par liament, demanding blood, and. had to be forcibly expelled. property la being bought by Mr. Wane. aiuer. Sir Thomas Upton I. soon to receive the sliver service secured by popular subscrip tion among nm American admirers. Ores! e-. was shown ta unking tb. designs em- Ailthe Pleasures of Christmas Shopping wUl be yours to the fullest eitent If you pa visit to our store, where , A .,r .v... -... Kaantirni and attrai'tivs line of staiiunerv ever aU 1 Dlaved In Omaha. Buch a visit in addition to pleasing end entertalnluf . J vou. will point out numberless suggestions for Chrtstroaa gift which wlU , A be appreclatea by the recipient throughout tne enure year, The Moyer Stationery Co. 220 and 222 Ed. 16th St. i . i I fh.