Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Bolomia Fidd'ock, Wb Killed Eii Son at
Frenoot Power Canal Article! Sat on Fila
wita Secretary of 8 tat.
TskaiTeb, it Dead,
J. Daea Takes the Cm fer Regale
Lies Dtwi Tat la Jail Corridor
(tea of Oataba leleeai late the
Bapreaae Ceart for AdJa
aad Kills Hlsaself, Literally
by Force, Late This
to deolde who Is the winner. Q. W. Wil
liams, first prise for beat potatoes: William
Purlngton, second prise; James McKshoti.
first prise for best whits corn; 1L C Neat,
first prise for best yellow com; J. W.
Rankin. Brat prise for best cabbage.
In the cosiest for the best plan of a hog
house. N. P. Hereon was awarded the
first prise and Abe Nlchol. Jr., the second
Todsy at the Fraternal ball, where the
Institute meets, a big dinner as served
by the farmers' wives and afterward T.
O. Ferguson gave a talk on "Potatoes. "
and H. W. Campbell spoke on "Soli Cul
ture." After this Joseph E. Wing spoke on topics
of general Interest to fanners, which closed
ths program for the dsy.
kail is) if. IHl5i
Christmas at the Booklovers
A good, bonk In a comforting kind of Christmas present; snd a good bonk
which you run n'htncf for another rood book as often as you like keen the
pleasure of tt e-1't revolving from week to week. We shell take cere of your
order Id a pleasing way. Here are a few of our special Christmas offers:
$1.50. A new Tabard Inn book exchangeable for ever '
00. Booktovers Membership (one year) also Booklover$ Maya tint (one
: year). -9.79.
Bookloers Membership and two Magazines: Boolchwrt and
6.2$. Booklovers Membership and three Magazines: Two above and
;Kf;iilse way bccent to differeat addrenet. Call er tend fer circstars.
0MAIIA LIBRARY: 1614 Farnam Street.
Sanitary Expert Finds Eonroa of Citj's
' . '.' Tyjjwid Epidemic.
Boaalt Is a Total of Maay Haadred
Cases, with Fifty Mare Abawt ta
Develop., aal Ma ay
SUTLER, Pa., Dec' 11 One death and
five new caaea of typhoid fever were re
ported today.
NSW JFORK. Deo. Jl Dr. George A.
Boper, a. sanitary expert engaged by the
close ring News to investigate the ty-!
phold epidemic at Butler, Pa., "and its
causes, will report In tomorrow's Issue of
the publication that the epidemic has by
no means attained Its culmination, about
fifty of the caaes not having reached the
critical stages. "
. The,' epidemic, which he regards av iha
most severe one of typhoid of recent rer
lis attributes to tbs suspension of the me
chanical filtration, of the city water sup
ply. The report Bays that the water for
the towp is obtained from surface sourcus
and la usually treated by mechanical filtra
tion, but that during changes in the water
works plant .unaltered water from
Conoqucnsslng creek . wis supplied from
October 20 to November 20, the epidemic
starting en November I. In three weeks
there were 1.000 cases and up to December
14 1.247 cases and fifty-one deaths had been
Investigation of the drainage areas
showed, he states, the existence of nu
meroua sources of pollution, and particu
larly the occurrence of cases of typhoid on
the banks of the Conoquenssing since July.
Money Is urgently needed for the relief
ef the sick and destitute, he reports. ' '
(From a Staff Correspondent.) a
LINCOLN. Dec 11 BpeclaJL State
ments In dispatches from New Tork to the
effect that the Fremont Canal and Power
company was Incorporated under the laws
oi ijw state (& neuniiiB wuu a. ciuiau
stock of (4.000,000 evidently are incorrect.
A thorough search of the records of 'he
office of the secretary of state today failed
to disclose any such organisation with any
such capital. For such a. comper.y to r-
ganise under the laws of the state of Ne
braska It la necessary for the articles of
Incorporation to be filed with the secretary
of state. '
New Rales (er t'aart.
The supreme court has adopted a set of
new rules which will be of Interest to law
yers. They are aa follows:
(Briefs Within forty days after ths
docketing of a cause in this court, and
witntn thirty days arter a reneartng snail
have been allowed, the party holding the
ifnrmatlve shall furnish a printed brief of
his polnta and citations In support thereof,
to the opposite party or his attorneys of
record, by whom In turn s line brief In
answer snail tie served within thirty days
sfter service of the first required brief, or,
if none such shall have been served, then
within thirty dnys sfter the expiration of
the time allowed the party holding the
affirmative the other party may serve such
brief. A parly holding the affirmative may
at his own expense and within ten days
after the service of the answer brief serve
snd file a brief In reply thereto. Forth
with after service thereof on the adverse
party, each party shall file with the clerk
of this court ten printed copies of the brief
which he has furnished to opposite party
or his attorney of record, with proof of
service thereof. Each brief shall by num
ber desisnste the several pages of the rec
ord containing matter bearing upon the
questions discussed In such brief. Every
reference to an adjudicated case shall be
bv the title thereof, as well as bv the vol
ume and page where it may be found, and
the particular edition oi any text dook re
ferred to must be given in connection with
the cited page or section thereof.
A cause shall be regarded as regularly
reached for submission (no valid objection
the time hereinbefore provided for the
service snd filing of briefs, and placed on
the trial list and calendar In Its order. A
party In default for want of briefs may be 1
- " " " - - n.. iidi a an n . f h.m nut nr Time
me. e ou ween wording iot v. oea- v.r leave of court udoii satisfactory ahow-
llrkv fn tvn van. Til.v r haiiHca- I in o" nf diligence and unon eurh terms SS to
y.. i.)uj, s-i k. . - -. the costs as may by the court be imposed
. .. , nn.itinn ,k.r.rn. Wh.r. a cause
ahead or him on another .load. The hay ... been ree-ularlv reached In Its order snd
began to Blip and Pollfka called to Mr. placed on tSe trial list and calendar for
-.,, k. -. 1.1. . . I submission st s specified, session of the
" -"-f"" eonet and leave la anulled for and granted
off his wagon, but could not see Pollfka, to rve nd fl)P briefs by a psrty who is
so he went back to the wagon. The team in default, thereby causing a continuance
had stopped and Pollfka wa. lying beside n'u,un S"
l,-e nay aeaa. iae top.oi nis eauu oeing . ,.rtv taxation absolutely of such por-
crushed. He carried $2,000 Insurance In the tlon ol the ordinary tsxable costs made or
a '"
Little Kittle Cabaeron ef Petersbarg
t'adertakes Walk (re Graal.
aaother ta Iowa.
NORFOLK. Neb.t Dec. 13. (Special.) "I
am going to my grandma in Iowa If I have
to walk all the was'," said lltt'e Kittle
Cameron, a 11-year-old girl of Petersburg,
Neb., when' something went wrong the
other day, .and she has not been seen at
home since. One neighbor passed ber a
day later eight miles away walking toward
the state of Iowa as fast as her little legs
could carry her frail, cold form, but noth
ing else has been beard from Kittle. It is
presumed that she will return within a day
or so and that some kind-hearted neighbor
has given ber shelter along the way.
Liberal List ef Katrlee sss Preparst
tleas Hade fer a Big; Crawd
f Visiters. -
BEATRICE, Neb Dee. It (Special.
The fourth annual exhibit ef the South
eastern Nebraska - Poultry association
opened In the Nichols block here yesterday.
Being the opening - day, the attendance
was not very large, but as the exhibit lasts
until Saturday, the association Is making
preparations for big crowds from dsy to
Ths list of entries up to date Is as fol
lows: H. C. White, Beatrice, pen of white
Plymouth Rocks; Mrs. Lelnwehber, Best
rice white leghorns; Sherman Whltcomb,
Beatrice, white leghorns; H. H. Hafladny,
Dr. J. 8. McCleery, Richard Lowe. Beat
rice, buff rocks; " Arthur Chlpperfleld,
Beatrice, white rocks; M. A. Green, De
Witt, black Javas; Judge Babcock, Beatrice,
buff cochins; Jiarry Scott. Beatrice, part
ridge cochins; H. H. Wagner, Hebron,
white Wyandottea; C. A. Lewis, Beatrice,
bronse tarkeys: EL E. Morrow. Blue
Springs, barred and buff Plymouth Rocks;
S. A. Seymour, Beatrice, silver laced Wy
andottea; M. A. Chrisman, Beatrice, barred
Myoouth Rocks; Frank Cllpplhge, Beatrice,
partridge Wyandottea; M. D. Jlmmerson,
Liberty, buff orplngtons. -,
Quite a number have made egg entries
and several pens of Belgian hares are on
exhibition. The present show gives promise
of being the beet ever held by the asso
ciation. J. L. Todd of Atlantic Ia ta
the Judge and M. W. Chrisman of this
city superintendent.
Killed by a FalL
LINWOOD, Neb., Dec 11 (Special) A
serious accident occurred one mile east of
here yesterday, afternoon about I o'clock
m hereby Joseph Pollfka, aged 28, lost his
rescnea Tor suDmission no vaua odjcciiuii qDiUa CHIT fill I lfUT OH I 4
otherwise intervening) at the expiration of I DnllMu UII UN .LlUliT BILLS
Bohemian Workmen. He was highly
pected and Isavea numerous friends who
mourn his loss.
Is Bald ta Have Bee
.iarregaie" Caart
" ' ' Gersaaay.
aa OIBcer af
NEW TORK. Dec 11 Rhenhold Oleskl,
alias George Baumsn, deslguatlng himself
a waiter, has been arrested by detectives,
-h say ' he Is wanted In Germany for
stealing bonds valued at 27.0no marks while
he was an officer of the aurrogate's court
Flensburg. He Is alleged to have taken
these bonds from the safe In court In
Febreary, 1895. . '
A Hew Way f t slag rha
Cgb ' Remedy.
Mr. Arthur Chapman, writing from Dur
ban. Natal Couth Africa, says: "As a
proof that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is
cure Suitable for, old and young. I pen
yon the following; A neighbor of mine had
a child Just over two months old. It hsd a
very Kad"eci;fn and the parents did not
know what to glvs 11 X suggested that If
they would get a bottle of Chamberlain's
Ceugh Aentedy and . put . some upon ths
dummy test (he baby was aucking it would
VYa doubt cure tbe ohiid. Thls they did and
I Knight atxiru; a uick relief and cured the
Widow Gets a Jadgwient.
BLAIR. Neb.. Ce:. 11 (Special.) Dis
trict court, which convened here on last
Monday with Judge Dickinson on ths
bench, was adjourned today . until December
28. There was no' work for the Jury, sev
eral of the most Important cases not be
ing ready for trial. Attorney O. Hanton
secured Judgment of $2,000 against the
Fremoht, Elkhorn and Minneapolis and
Omnba railroads 4n-. favor' of Mrs. Ials
Jensen; wnose nuanana, a section-iaremaa.
was killed near Kennard by ail Omaha
train running aa a special on the Fremont
rosd on account of a washout between
B.alr and Omaha, this bringing the suit
and Judgment against both roads.
to be made In ths case as It may deem
... .lui anil In addition thereto a
reasranaDie attorney m ira w "in T"" at attendance nf counsel at the
slon, to be taxea aa pari
11" VW. , ,
II. Coeta.t wnen me mm r '-'
iin,..i.i ahaii rurnian tneir pnntea miri.
In eonfortnltv to tne rules oi uui touh,
v.i-. nHntd ahatracta under stlouls
tlons for submission, as provided for in rule
I it shall be the duty of the clerk to tex a
Plattsateatb Peeple la Arrears (er
Sasaaer af Tears Oas Ceaw
PLATT8MOUTH. Neb. Dec 11 -(Spe
cial.) At a regular meeting of the city
council City Attorney H.'D Travis was In
structed to bring suit against six of the
largest debtors to the city for light. There
Is now due the city $500 from private par
ties, and a number of the bills dating back
four or five years, when the city leased the
gas and electric light plant.
Some time slnos the Nebraska Telephone
company made the city a reposition to pay
$350 In full for the. ten years In which It
paid no taxes, and agreeing to dismiss the
suit now pending In the district court, on
condition the city pay the costs, and that
ths city council pass a seaoluUon allowing
a decree te be Issued aa. a perpetual In-
TEKAMAH1 Neb., Dec 11 (Special Tele
gram.) Solomon Paddock, wbo In a fit cf
drunken rage killed his son William ths
dsy after Thanksgiving, committed sui
cide In the corridor of the Burt county Jail
early this morning by strangling himself
with a silk muffler tied to the top of a shut
ter. He lay down on his cot and strangled
himself literally by force.
The sheriff found als body, still warm,
on ths cot at o'clock this morning with
the muffler drawn taut. The prisoner has
been permitted the liberty of the corridor
Instead of being connrfed In a cell
He has been failing very rapidly during
the last ten days and has eaten practically
nothing for several days. Hs was 77 years
old and In an enfeebled condition to begin
with., His preliminary examination was to
hsve been tomorrow.
His two surviving sons, Rufus of New Or
leans and Isaac of Morgan City, La-, have
been here since tbe funeral of their brother,
and were out st the home place with their
enfeebled mother when this second tragedy
Mr. Paddock, sr., had been a resident of
this county thirty years and people felt
considerable sorrow for him, aa he had
been a pleasant and kind man except when
drink aroused his wild temper.
Daughter Also Se'rloeely lajared
When Esglse Strikes Taelr
AURORA. Neb., Dec 11 (Special Tele
gram.) Aa Mrs. A. Wilson and her daugh
ter Ethel were crossing the Burlington
track about one-half mile west of tbs sta
tion their buggy was struck by the engine
on passenger train No. 42 and Mrs, Wilson
Instantly killed and the daughter seriously
Injured. The accident happened at about
130 o'clock this afternoon. The deceased
was an elderly woman and leaves a hus
band and twelve children..
Berloosly Iajered by Fall.
BLAIR. Neb.. Dec. 11 (Special.) A nr
tous accident happened last evening to Mrs.
T. C. Hungate, an old resident of Blair,
who slipped on the Ice an ran her arm
through a. large plate glass In a door,
cutting an ugly gash that the surgeon was
obliged to take nine stitches In to draw
together. She also severed an artery near
the hand, and sustained severe Injuries
In the back of the head.
printer? fe7 it the rata of $1 for every BOO Junction to end the controversy. I'pon the
recommendation of the city attorney the
original claim ef the city was for the sum
of 12.000. , .,! t;
Trala Smashes Baggy.
words embraced la a single copy of. the
same against the unsuccessful Prty no
i.kin ih. aame. to be collected and
raid to the successful party as other costs;
but no coats shall be taxed for prtn''"
brlefs not printed In conformity with rule
a tt-.r tmnacessarv costs hsve been
m'sde by either party the court will opon
application, order the -as me taed td the
,.;tv making them, without reference to
the disposition of the case.
Dhi Regalatlag Salooas.
t J. Dunn of Omaha this afternoon d- i Htp. senior vice ' commander. J. W,
tained permission of the supreme court te I xhomag; junior vice commander, D. Hawks-
file an application for a writ oi manaamus wortn. chaplain. W. T. Melvln: quarter.
In the court to compel wie nii "" muter, H. J. Btrelgkt; trustee. D. Hawks-
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners oi worth; gusrd, Mr. Rstney; delegate to ths
Lodge EJeetlsst, ,
PLATTSMOUTK, Tfetr "lec ll-(pec1al.)
At a regular meeting of McConlhie post.
Crsnd Army of the Republic the following
officers were elected: ' Commander, R. W.
Deelaaaatloa Centeet at Doaao.
CRETE, Neb.. Dec 11 (Special.) The
Sanborn -declamation contest. In which the
students of Doane academy annually com
pete for a prise consisting of $10 worth of
books, was held at the Congregational
church last nlghl A large audience was
present and listened with Interest to the
selections rendered by the eight contest
ants. The prise was won by Laura K.
Recknor. The Judges were Mrs. C. . L.
Aller. J. H. Welch and O. W. Baldwin, all
of this ctly; " , " ' .
vnowAT v xi.k riM is 1 a
Bohemian farmer living near Snyder la glad Omaha to enforce the law aaalnst some of ,uw encampment at Kearney. C W. Green.
to be alive. The local freight running be- the saloons of that cfly which he " The members of the Women's Relief
tween Corniea and Scrtbner Jammed Into are cot being run according to law. The Porp, elected the following officers: Presi
hia buggy and took off the wheels,' nearly application will reach Lincoln presumably dent Vn Newland; senior vice president.
Bees Railroad for Dasaaa-es.
BEATRICE. Neb., Dec 11 (Special 1
Damage suit for ts.OOO has been Instituted
In district court by Emma Fltton against
the Union Pacific railroad company and
the Pullman Palace Car company. Plaintiff
alleges she was put off the train In the vicin
ity of Grsnd Irland at a lonely spot and
thinks sie has been damaged to the extent
of the amount asked. Her home Is In Wy
making a dead one of tbe farmer. He had
Just corns from Conrad's mill and drove
across the rails ahead of the engine re
gardless of a warning from the miller.
The farmer ws injured, but not seriously.
Revival at Haasboldt
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Dec. 11 (Special)
Evangelist De Forest Austin who closed a I to denver, though warrants had been given
him for the money. The library commia-
Falls to Deliver Books.
Rtata Buoerlntendent Fowler la In receipt
of a letter from Cedar county stating that
a sn named Lawrence, who represented
kimif to be a member cf tne state u-
v. ,n,miaalon. had sold $SM worth of
Rka in thai county, which he had failed
ivlvsl meeting in Omaha Sunday night
opened a series ef meetings in the Hum.
bo'dt Christian church on. Monday evening
which will continue Indefinitely.
A Ckaaaplea Healer.
Butklen's Arnica Salve, the best In the
world, cures cuts, corn, burns, boils, ulcers,
sores and piles or no pay. 25c For sale b7
Kuhn ft Co. .
A Free Talking Machine for Christmas
As a matter of advertising we Intend to place
. la Omaha aad Council Bluffs homes Immediately where they will do the moat
good. Call or write for pertloalara This Is not a catch advertisement, but a
bona fids advertising offer aimed particularly at the little ones.' We want five
thousand children Immediately to "talk Graphophone talk." Ask about It.
Will be open evenings on and after December 14.
Columbia Phonograph Company Gen'l,
i'; . Dhk and Cj!ind:r Gr.phcphcnes,
Tdspb:n. 1355. Cpca Evenings- 1521 Fsrnan St
.im baa no such sgent In the field, and
the man Is supposed to be Just WOO te ihe
annd unless the county takee tne matter
of cashing the warrants Into the courts.
which have decided previously tnat in sacn
esses the county Is not liable. From an
other Dart of the stste came a letter that
a man representing himself to be a deputy
superintendent has been selling a snon
course in education, which he also failed
to deliver. Deputy McBtlen naa proven an
aillii. Lawrence Is now said to be in jau
In Missouri
Samuel I. Gordon, whom tne supreme
court declared was no longer police Judge
nf Omaha In an opinion written oy um
mlBsloner Glanville and handed down Oc-
tober T. has another run for his money, tor
the court todsy granted him a reneanng.
In his humorous suits against the city tor
alarr. some of which have been tried since
nrdoi, has been deprived ef the office by
the election of Judge Berks, tns tciooer
decision Was TMe only one that has gone
sgatnst him.
York Coanty lastltate Awards Kasa
fcer of Prises fog Prodaets of
tke Faraa.
TORK. Neb.. Dec 11 (Special.) The
Mrs. Thomas; Junior vtre president, Mrs.
J. C. Peterson; treasurer. Mrs. W. W.
Bister; chaplain. Mrs.' Gibson; conductor.
Mrs. J. H. Thrasher; guard, Mrs. HIckson.
Mrs. Dodge was elected a delegate to the
stats encampment.
KENNARD. Neb, Dec 11 (Special.)
The Woodmen of the World lodge elected
the following officers at their meeting last
evening: John Levlne, council commander;
James Butts, adviser lieutenant; Taylor
Meadena. banker; C L. Wright, clerk;
Clare Levlne. escort : Rev. N. E. Walter,
watchman; Mr. Mac Widen, sentry; Charles
Kelly, manager for three yfars; Charles
Caldwell manager for one year; Dr. W. H.
Pruner, camp physician. The order ts In a
prosperous condition. Two new. members
were taken In at this meeting.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Dec 11 (Special.)
The lodge of Lady Maccabees were enter
tained last evening st the home of Mrs.
William Lonnekc Nice refreshments were
rerved and each guest carried home
pretty souvenir of the occasion. At their
last meeting officers fer tbe coming year
wars chosen as follows: Mrs. J. Dorlsnd,
part lady commander; Mrs. E. Slama. lady
commander; Mrs. N. Hall lieutenant com
minder; Mrs. M. Lonneke, record keeper;
Mrs. L. Zulek. finance keeper; Miss Mlnnls
Murphy, sergeant; Mrs. C. Dey, mistress
st arms; Mrs. J. Echlotterbsck, sentinel;
Mrs. B. Poore. picket; Mrs. II L. McCoa-
eel chaplain.
Cholera Aaaoaar Hogs.
BEATRICE, Neb, Dec. 11 (Special.)
. L. Wilson, a farmer residing ten miles
northesst of the city, has lost fifteen head
of hogs from cholera the past few days
and farmers In that section are consider
ably worried lest the disease should make
Its appearance In their herds.
Tork County Farmers' Institute association This time It Is the chief engl;
May Move More Onleoa,
NORFOLK. Neb, Dec 11 (Special.) A
healthy rumor with enough of authority in
It to give it strength among those who
are posted concerning the railroads In Nor
folk has leaked out to the effect that the
Northwestern will soon move another of
Its chief offices from Omaha to Norfolk.
seer, A. A.
' ;. Atomizers Filled Witb Myers1 Rusiiau Violet Com
plcte $1 cn Thursday and Friday, Dec 1718.
, We have exactly Ct Atomisers left some hold two ounces
' most of than r.erly three ounces. fyers' Rueaian Violet
'cells for Tie an ounce. Tbe atomisers sell from bee to g2a.
Your choice niled for $1.0 on Thursday and Friday, Decern-
- ber 17 and M OVLY. ' i
,V 2'lteis in Our Windov Lhtylay.
convened In this city at noon yesterday
and James Barr waa elected president for
the ensuing year. Alexander .Stevens was
elected secretary.
This association was formed in ! by
tbe farmers in this county and meets once
or more times a year to discuss tus best
methods that may be used to the advan
tage of the farmers. At ths meeting yes
terday D. I. Ashbum gsvs a talk ou the
benefits of tbs dairy and the separator.
Prof. T. Lyorf of the unlveralty experiment
station spoke of the methods used In se
lecting and breeding seed corn. These
were followed by an address by Mayor O.
W. Post, who welcomed them to this city.
and was responded to by Alexander Ste
vens, the secretary.
Joseph E- Wing of the Breeders' Gaaetts
then gave a very Interesting comparison ef
the ways of the old world, telling how
the business enterprises were carried on,
also romps red the methods of farming
used there with those of this country, all
of which went to show that America stands
st the head In producing the beat crops
at ths leaat expense.
The citlsens of Tork had offered prlaea te
the amount of about $100 for the beet prod
ucts of the farm. Ths winners were
follows: Mrs. C EL Beck, first prise for the
best butter; Mrs. . A. B. Coonraa, second
prise: Mrs. James Sturgeon, first prise far
tbe best breed. Mrs. H. Klrkpatrtck. sec
ond prise; Mra Agnee Bpellmaa. first prise
far the best rake; Mrs. Chsrkt H1U. sec
ond prise. Mrs. Joe Dlrlch and Mrs.
John Nelson tied for ths best display ef
eggs. 89 far ae straws navt been drawn
Bchenck, whose work along ths Nebraska
and Wyoming division, of the' system re
quires bis attention, aad who, consequently
finds that he could be much more advan
tageously situated In Norfolk than any.
where else on the line. Tbe fact that C. C.
Hughes, general superintendent, has al
ready established his office hers and likes
the location so well gives good color to tbs
latest rumor.
ttatts Serrte of Colon Pavel de.
DAVID CTTT, Neb, Dec 11 (fascial. -
Frank A. Snow, after thirteen years' se
Ice as agent of ths Union Pacific Railroad
company la this city, has resigned and ac
cepted a mors responsible and more lucre
tlve position .at Evans, la, for the Rock
Island. Mr. Snow earns te David City
In 188S from Iowa and engaged In the hard
ware business until iSM, when he sold out
to accept the position as agent of the rail
road company. Mr. Snow caa count his
friends by tbe score In David City and
Butler county, who congratulate him on
his advancement in bis occupation.
To Prove what Swamp-Roots the Great Kidney Hem
edy, Will Do for YOU, Every Reader o! "The BeeM
May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more sickness
and Buffering than any other disease, therefore, when through .neglect
or other Muses, kidney trouble is permitted to continue, fatal results
'are sure to follow.
Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most,
because they do most and need attention first
If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because as soon
as your kidneys begin to get better they will help all the other organs
to health. A trial will convince anyone.
Boy Accidentally Shot. '
AURORA, Neb, Dec. 11 (Special Tele
gram.) It was reported from Btockham,
Neb, that Carl Klumb. son of ex -County
Clerk Thomas Klumb, waa accidentally
shot this afternoon.
Sick Esadseks and relieve all the trosbles laoV
dant to s eilioas suae of ths system, sara as Dav
stssei, Xassea, twewsuiesa. fristras arur esuag.
Pais ta tbe Bide, Ae. While their stoat I ia
sbW iBoccss hsa sees shows ia curing
Ths mild .and Immediate effect of Dr
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great lldney
and bladder remedy. Is soon .eallsed. It
stands the highest for Its wonderful cures
of - the most distressing cases. Swamp
Root will set your whole system right,
and tbe best pro. if of this is a trial
J4 .East laotb Bt, New York Cltv.
Dear Sir: Oct. Kith. ins.
"1 had been suffering severely from kid
ney trouble. All symptoms were on hand;
my former strength snd power had left
tne: I could hardly drag myself along.
Even my mental capacity was giving out.
and often I wished to die. It waa then I
saw an advertisement of yours in a New
Tork paper, but would not have pnld any
attention te It, had tt . not promised a
sworn guarantee with every bottle of your
medicine, asserting that your Swamp-Root
Is purely vegetable, and does not contain
any harmful drugs. I sm seventy years and
four months old, snd with a good con
science I can recommend Swamp-Root to
all sufferers from kidney troubles. Four
mnmrers of my family nave been -using
Swamp-Root for four different kidney dis
eases, with the same good results."
With many thsnks to you. I remain.
Very truly yours.
Tou may have a sample bottle of this
famous kidney 'remedy, Swamp-Root, sent
free by msll postpaid, by which you may
test Its virtue for such disorders as kid
ney, bladder and uric acid diseases, poor
digestion, being obi feed to pass your water
der trouble, or If there la a trace of it In y
tCllmav A- Cn.. Hlnrhsmton. IS. T.. who
i.nnut cost to vou. a sample bottle of Biv
the thousands upon thousands of testlmonl
cured. In writing, be sure to say that you
Daflr Bee.
frequently night and day, rmsrtlng
Irritating In passing, brickdust or sediment
In tbs urine hsudacbe, bachache, lame
back, dlszlness,. rleepleseness nervous
ness, heart disturbance due to bad kidney
trouble, skin eruptions from b4 blood,
neuralgia, rheumatism, diabetes, bloating.
Irritability, womout feeling, lack Cf amld
tion, loss of flesh, sallow complexion, or
Bright s disease.
It your water, when allowed to remain
undisturbed In a glasa or bottle for twenty-four
hours, forms a sediment or settling
or has a cloudy appearance. It evidence
that your kidneys and bladder heed Im
mediate attention. ', .
Swamp-Root is tbe great discovery of
Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and blad
der specialist. Hospitals use it with, won
derful Buecess in both slight and sevetw
cases. Doctors ' recommend,. It, to. tbetr
patients and use It In ibelr own families,
because they reeognlWfn Swamp-Root the
greatest and most successful remedy.
Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and In
for sale at drug stores the .world over in
bottles' of two-sses and -two prices-fifty
cents and one dollar. Remember the name.
swawp-Rxrt- Dr . Kilmer s Bwamp-ft
and tbs sddress, Bingham, N.. V or,
tKrat symptom- of klneyV blad".
V bistorT.""" at one to Dr.
by .maiWimmedlatdy
amp-Root and a book containing many of
al letters received from men and women
rein thta generous offer In the Omaha
Bnadiiehe.yet Cartw'sUtlls UvwPulssrssgmalr
valaaltls ta Couatipatlon, enrtag and preventing
this aiiaeyiag eomplatat, while they aise correct
all aiasrocrs of the etoatsca, suaaulate the liver
aad raalax tlx huwaja. Jiea if U7 ealy cared
Aebs Airy woald he a: awst priceless to those wbo
sotff fioai this distressing ooaipiaiBt; bat fana
sateiy their suuaaest dors sot ana bvs, ass taoas
who eats try tbem will tad Umbo little vdit vale
able hi se suuay ways that tbey will sot be vruuag
is do otoaoat thana. bat siwr all sick head
rCs7 Iris
b the baas sfsestaay lives that here ia where WS
saake ear (treat boast. Oar falls oars tt whist
Otaantdenct. .
(barter's Lwils Lvsr rws are very email i
Christmas Furniture
Choice selection of novelties In the furniture line
Just received suitable for holidsy gifts. Mske your
purchases now.
All styles-at $6.60. $7,25. $175.' $1X30. $U.0, $1100
and $lf.oo.
In oak and mahogany at $5-2b, $6.W, $7.&0, $4.76.
BJ.00, $100, $1X00 and $1.0S.
All woods and finishes at $1.30, $150, $i.90. &.00.
HIS, $150. $2.00, $4.00 end $.o.
vary ass to take, Oae e two pills sas s does.
They so strut. y vegetable ssd do not gnse er
psrys. bet by their gitie setMe pJesas aU who
si Isii. Ia vials stt oasis; See for L Buid
by armcgisU evtvyeaers. er seat by auil.
Mew York CltjS
Mahogany and golden, weathered and Antwerp oak
t r.75l0 50. $12.00, 1 Ou, 111 0c, i8 O0 and up.
all woods and finishes at $5 15. $7.26. $8 60
(11.00. $1X76, $16 00. $17.00. lit. 00 and up.
All woods and finishes latest deslgis st $6 00, $7
Sf.Sb, $S60. $1.00, 110 uu, $12.00, j. $li.o4, $1100 and up.--
la all woods-st $3.60, $3.2i $4 25, $723. S8.0O, $$.00.
ss.00, $il 00 and $12.00.
Store Open Evenings v
Commencing Baturda, evening our store will re
main open until Cb.iitmtf.
... III5-III7 FlimtU STREET.
Charge to Bo laves la.ted.
XtLAIR, Neb, Dee, 11 (Bpocial TWeaTaas.)
-Recent Ueues of tbe Blair Pilot have con
tained serious charges against Street Com.
BLlsstoner Gllbon and U st Digital aeneettni
of the North Bide Improvement dub they
took up the matter by sending in a petl
tMa to tbe city council for aa tavoatlgatloa
of the truth of the charges. Mayor O'Han
lon tonight appointed Coaacliaaa Bobbins.
Lull end be lavestigate tbe
charged aaada,
A at is (f Datrnty it a Joy Mraaar. .
Bsss Tsa, PtawUs,
Pnaalaa, l MaUl raioaaa,
KmS aa tata LM
aVykaaaa, end
It asa
f at aji-aw
aae is ss
sii.l '9s I
-majiFDfa c
LubmI aT all tea sua psaparauaaa" VW sale a
aas sissy S " ! ns ,ao vaSHe
laale a ta as
sass a Is siasarif
aas. linn se
ai aaiaa. Dr. L.
a. ara sat ta a
aair at taa baat
asi 4s pall m t):
"as res ladssl
will ess - i
IAU" as taa laasi
ul arsssTwa
Biatps a-4 lust
BTCBO. T. ataPaUBS, Pepa,
- JfaVc.sMsW.sLaa
Thirty Cents
Will Rent .
Your Vacant Room
laa't It pretty poor economy ta let your rooia
stay vacsst?
Every day It tnlgbl fee earning, for you two or
thro times tbo coat of renting tt throagli a Bee
v Wast Ad.
Tbero are tkouaands who read ths want pages
daffy aa a matter of habit who look there bet ore
tbey go rooaa huotlag. But ust stow, tturiag Tbs
Bee Q not alio a Contest, aJoaoat everyone Ls reading
the want paces word fey word.
' Tea words throe Usaos for 20 cents, -'.
Tel. 238. Bee Want Ad Dept.