? TIIE OMAHA DAILT REE: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1C. 1903. NsCRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET steady: extra shorts, IT short clear. 17 75. dear riba. r : f NEW YORE STOCKS AND BONDS prime mercantile pwr, t pr cent. OMADA LIVE STOCR MARLvET ... rt 1 4 rv, I a r4 l 4 re sa 4 D4 s 4 r4, S 4 174 4 4 4 44 4 44 ... 4 44 ASO 4 44 SA 4 44 ... 4 44 ISA 4 44 ... 4 44 . . 4 4 41.. Tl.. AA. , Tl.. SI.. ST.. 44. Al.. T.. It 44. TA.. Al. 44. ... 4 4 14A 4 4 ... 4 4 1J 4 4 144 4 4 . . 4 4 t 44 4 4 1 IS 14 4 44 ... 4 44 4 4 44 4 4 44 . . A 44 A44 4 4 TTACHES PAY OF MAILMAN TFRLINti KXlMAMll E Stroag with ?l ...."4 ...." ....Al ...tn Sfc ... m ...,t ...ni ....trr ...ft ....rA ... tTA ....M ..... n ,J4 1W "4 lt . 4 CORN MEAL atesdy at 3:3ft. FRAN Klrm. sacked, east trsrk. TiGTae. HAT Firm fr b"t grades; timothy, AVeO p 1 : ft : prairie S (Unit IKON COTTON TltS 11 86, J. A M ! I N ' .. tV HEMP TWlNt-4c I'Ol'LTKT Ptady; chickens, Tc: spring. 7Vt-c; turkeys, PV; ducks snd geese. V- rilTTKR Creamery. 2S'c. dairy, IStaJOc EGOS Steady ; Jhc, !s off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls ' 1n"l M heat, bu 1S I aji.ata Corn, bu 14 ! 0 Oata, bu eL0ll 30.UU actual business In bankers' bill st $4S7''a, 4K3t for demand and at $4 Wf.i4 -0 for sixty-day bills: posted rst-. KM and $4tl4; commercial bllla. 4 4 .'V SILVER Bar, sTAtc; Mexican dollars. c - BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Sj aUaaoa cf Di'oouiagiiig roreirn Market Frica f Wkeat ) Lower. Mr. Williim 1. Frank, Tbromga Atterco. Bolderi of Etocki Do Hot Eota Orer Ant ioni to well DEALING IS SLOW AT LOWER IEYEL Raasar of Redaetlaa la Price at Frwal aria Has EtTeet laws All Steel llsrkt ! BaJIrwataa Ara Aferled. Bet f Eteeri Extromoly Dall ood Lower, Oowt and reoden BtA.iT. GaniAkof 8 ap of Eoabaoi teady. oLD Bar, 77s 11 V); ..m ..t'4 ..71 . A4 ..A"t . 11 ..Ad . )H7 . .ITT .AM . trt . X . m ..HI . .A4T American eagles. REPORT OF SHORTAGE STEADIES CORN HOGS GENERALLY riVE CENTS LOWER 1 s ASKS DIVORCE, CHILD AND ALIMONY Believed te He Flrat laataaee al Get Tha closing Quotations on bonds are as follows: r a rf ta. re LAN. sal. 4a IH 4a roa 14 iWanhattaa r. S ta, rvs- WH'llrt. Oatral 4a tt' a sass 1"7'l Oo lat Inc Ht se aa, rs....lt Miaa. at St. U 4s.... 4 4 Oats Art lerllaed te Follow Mkral, . bet Prlee tkatfN Arc llter, While Pre vis leas An i Eulrr. Desirable tirades ml kees til Laaabe ... M 14 4 44 to., 4 r4 4 t 4 4r 4 4TS. 4 42 s 4 4?s 4 4?S 4 4t' 4 4S an so 4 44 n .. ties at rederal Ksapleye's Waes by Itia Steady ta Streaa wad Aetlye, Fart Fat Klada Dell, wltk Feeders Selllaaj A beat Steady. I AM St 4 44 A. AT A4 4 44 , (1 14 114 4 44 AA. At l 4 4 K.. sll 4a. ra. I A 1AA 4 4 TA m I rT ... 4 4 T H J CHICAOO. D. IS Idscouraglrg foreign wneat markets started bft liquidation tier today. May wheat closed at a loss of e. Mar porn tinrharigco, oat a Vc lower and provisions a trin easier. There was good buying of wheat early on the unfavorable harvesting news from Ar gentine, where rain were reported In various sections. Local traders look May nd with only small offerings a fair ad vance was made, the price going up to c, after opening a shade lower to iic L I her at tu-tul V- Foreign markets snowed no sign ot responding to strength In ths American markei and several prom inent commission houses were early sellers. Later the pit crowd turned sellers on. a re port that tne ldlng long was selling freely In outalde markets. The weakness In thee martlets lent color to this theory and In creased the selling pressure. One of the tnatit features of trailing the heavy selling of July by a broker, supposed to be act Ins; for the big bull Interest. These of ferings were taken by the lorn I talent, who "Id May agmlnst their purchases, I'nder these Influences prices steadily declined, nd late In the day May had reached W-Va "Te. a loso of IM'lHc from the high point. Tne close wss al SufMc. Clearances of Wheat and flour were equal to 4M.4) bushels, l'rimary receipts were l,ul(,o bushols, gainst KX.b") Dushels a year ago. rirad treet report of ths world's vtpinle supply Showed an Increase of 6m MU9 bushels. Min neapolis. Duluth and Chicairo rrported re ceipts of &7 cars., against 784 car last week and 67.3 oars a year ago. Com ruled -firm, notwithstanding; the weakness in wheat. The Illinois and Ne braska crop reports showed shortages com pared with last year, and this, combined with firm cable snd small rec-elpts. main tained rlcea. There was a fair commission house demand 'sad some buying by shorts. The selling wss mainly by scalper. May opened V to VS'a.c higher at 43c to 4-SrC, ranged between ie and 4iV closing t Aitiii-v. Local receipts were cars. Oats were Inclined to follow wheat, put prices showed only slight changes. Com mission houses were liberal buyers. In fluenced by the Mtremely small receipts, while tho selling waa scattered. Alter opening; unebbnged to a shade higher at felae to -Vto May sold between 86V: nd a'ti3,c, snd closed at 36c. Local re ceipts were lit cara. In svmnatbv with a lower hog market and liberal receipts the provision list opened inns easier. There was a little selling y small holders., tut the demand ass suffi cient to take all offerings at a slight de cline. Local bears hsd some pork tor sale and this product showed the greatest loss. May closing 6c lower at 811.1a. May lard was a shade lower at PvtXa.:,i, while riba Were down SV at 3427 VstJ430. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, K cara? com, 7S cars; oats, 66 cars; hogs, C'.One head. Aha leaulng. futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Ulgh.i Low. dose.) Tes ty Wheat U"c. -May July Corn . Iee. May July Oata Dec. May July Fork Jan. May Lard : Jan. May Bibs Jan. May 7wf TTTs' TTi! 7!"4 77 I ' I6VTwW'i, 4?V ' Sr,1S! 41 H CIS1 43V4.11wPJV4SrV. 4J- 4343 444y44fe:434ajia i I www 4TfeSi I SV M' ,84 V fviWwvw! 4 I 54 iS3Sj I 34 till 40 3V it rc 11 o Ins 11 40 11 7b 46 11 M u m U 77!! U 77HI 11 (6 I I 46 I 4S I 42H 4TH 1 M fl7V It Na. t TNew. v FLO L'R Steady ; winter patents. f4"9 4 striUrhU. M.704M 10: surlna patents. H Btrala-hU, t2.u.7s; bakers. U i Fa, 7c: No 1 red. lOiWtc ' " ' CORN No. i 4c: No. t yellow. 44c. OATS-Ns, J, MlatCAC; No. while, U RYE-Ko. S. BUc. . BARLET-tiood feeding, 86c; : fair . to choirs malting, 4?hWe SEED No. 1 tUx, KU-, No. 1 north western. or; prime timothy, 12.75; clover, contract grade. u. PROV'tSlONS-Mesa pork, per bbl., 11 fSlLeO. Lard per 10 Iba., $43 4JH 46. Stitwt ribs aides tlouee), $6 U'V(l i7H. (Short clear aides (boxed I. An 25u I7i,. Following were the receipts and ship- soenia 01 nour ana giain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls . t 40.M0 22.6K0 Wheat bu W.lwO 27.400 Corn, bu :i3.: S1.7W1 Oats, 1U 214. 134.600 Hya, bu..... WUM0 20 jtlarley. bu 7k.$00 UX On the Produoa exchange today the but ter market waa steady : creamerlea. H'aJ&r; alrtes, 14WMc Eggs, firm ; at mark, cases Included, As&'ZBc Chaeste, ateadyi 10lo SEW TOOK GKKEKAI. MABAIT. faaatatlaaa at tha Hay aa Varlaae Cwsasaadltlea. NEW YORK. Deo. U -FLCUR Recelpta. 60.ua bbla.; export a 23.044 bbls. The mar ket waa quiet and steady: winter pat ents, KONS-4 S6; winter straights, $4.eO$A.10; Minnesota patents. $4 .55414.75; winter extra a, .IW.OtJipl.Ai.; Minnesota bakers, $3,704X 86; wln p ter low grades, $!.Mhai.iK. Rye flour, firnt: - choice to fancy. $3.453.eo; fair to good. $3.S 03 4 Buckwheat flour, ateady, t2.Swl.sk. CORN MEAL Steady; yellow western. J sl:'cJty. $1: kiln-dried. $3.0()$flr. - RTE Steady; No. I western. (iic t. . b, afloat: state and Jersey. :. HARLivY oteady; teediug, aOc: saalting. Xnttc. c. L f Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 11 .4k bu. The anar ket for spot waa eaay; No. t red. 0M4c. ele- wator; No. S red, "Nc, t. a. b., afloat; No. 1 norinem iiuiutn, sie, r. o. a., aaoat: No. 1 Kara Atenitooa. r. o. b., afloat, nominal. Options opened firmer oa small norths. eet recelpta snd steady rabies, but slowly eased eft ail d.y urdt-r tha dcpresslna Influence or nil souinwesf. receipts, the liquidation and poor export deman nd. closing StslWc net lower. May, A4 -1u4i s-i6c, closed at 4Sc July, i'Hu'inHw. closed at boV:; Dtxiem ker, WiViS ffit v, cloaed at 9V- COHN Receipts. 63.660 bu.; exports. A) eti. The market for spot waa steady; No. 1 He. elevattar, and USe. f. o. to., afloat; No. ciiow, ww; M). j white, tv. tpuon mar act at first wss higher on good oommiaiuon boum dexnand. light recelpta and steady cab lea but 'eventually eaaed oft slightly wit wneat. Closing steady and unchanged,. May closed at 40 ; 1 crm txr cluntKt at aSWc. OATS Recelpta. 15A009 bu. Ths mark t for spot was quiet; No. 2. 41 So; stann&r wnita, c; ivo a, ssr; ro. 1 wnire, 4-c No $ white. 41 Vc; trauk white. 4145. HAY "tady ; shipping. .-ttbc; good ta choice, afxasac r HOPS lirni; state, tummon to choi-e HM. ataxic; 1W1 lMf 'c: ldB. tnlfic. Paciric 11 ID Kb-Firm: Oalvealon. Hi ta 2S lha. 1A California, a to 3 lbs, lSc: Texas dry. 14 to SO IPs . uy. LKATHLR Ftrxs: acid. JAfraVfce. R ICE Quiet: domestic, fair to extra, IVQ $c; Japan. nomlnaL PROVISIONS Hef. dull: family, $!0o nil Um; neea, is MP; txarf ha ma. $3.60 J7 o; packet, t Umu'IO.Mi; fity extra India neea. $ii..4n7.0. Cut meal a Irregular; PKfcled belllea. $S Sotit.av; Tuckled ahuul- deta, $; pUAled tiama. $ia.woil.(M. Lard. ateady; western steamed, $ Mi; refined, dull; continent. $7 : South Amrriua. , m: rompouna. s so. Pork, aull; family. $1A V.-alu 36; a hurt claara, HA.0ijli.-Ai, aaena, lli 7t,U W. TaLLuh-AMeady; city e r pkg ). e; oountry Ipkgs. freet. 4l'4'tjC. BL"rTk.k Receipts 37! pkrs : ateady; viwinifTir, lvijcc; siaie ofciry, ic. CHAKBE kaiceipu. b.Ul pass.: oul Mate, full creaav nnc , large ana amaUl aurA aiul whilai. Septemlier. Uc; late made. Inc. XK-Rorliit, 4.104 $ikga.; strong; weat-ea-ri IM l.TRT AUve. steady; western chk k ena. ItaalMac; lumla. luallWc; turkere. 11 ie. Drauwed, Weak; weotrra chlckeua. Uaj a w-, ivai. uawiac; turaeya. amuisc. AH. aala tSrala mm rravisla. ST. I 111 P. Dm. li. WHEAT Lower; . No I red eah. elevator, nominal; track. Jaj3r', DeaaBr. V. May. -tl-t. aiuijr. nr. no. 1 aara. 77 (a .sc. tvRS-l-oear: No. t cawsh. 4Ac; December. Bc: as ay, 4ii4iic: July, 41 Sc. trai k. 4-"c oat a -; r-.v 2 t7ct traik. twotala, Avc; May. 37 Vc; No. rite. c. , 1 1XUM Steady; red winter t tents. US Cilb,; extra tancy aud atraighu AUaviA30; Ci-ar. a e-i a a.- iinuthy, steady at ttSAjXIO; $M'i:i:, r'rnrr kt.O ici.NS-rirk. steady; J-.bl.lng. luwar, KS7V Amm.ua i.mni OMAHA WHOLES ALB MARKET. Cwaalttwa at Trade and Qaatatlaaa taple aaa Fasiey Frwdace. ECX39 Fresh stock, LlVfc. KiULlKt-hn, 7&7Hc; spring chickens, kc; roosters.' accordiiig to age, !c; turkeya. U4j;c; ducks, -'uc; geeaa, Ixtiet-. 1KEB8ED rOVLTRT-Turkeya, 15417c, ducan, ltUr; gese, SKglOc; chickens, Wi Hc; hens. 7Hi,r- MVTTKK r-acging stock. 13o; choice to fancy dairy, in tuba, l$lhc; separator, 2c FRESH F18H Trout. 10c; pickerel. 1c; pike. Kc; perch. 7c: blueflsh. 16c: whltefleh. kc; salmon, 11c; haddock, 10c; codfish, 13c; redsnapper. 11c; lotteters, boiled, per lb., Jc; loostera, green, per lb., c; bullheads, 11c; catfish. 14c; black bass, lntlac; halibut, S , crapiea. Lie; herring, 6c; white baaa. He; bluertns. So. OTSTt-RS New York counts, per can, 4c; per gal., 1:0(1; extra selects, per can, per gal., IL75; standard, per can, 7c; p-r gal.. U.K. RRAN-I'er ton. 114 So. . " HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Lealrs sssuetatlnn. Choice No. 1 up land, r7.io; No. . 7.W; medium. &MK coarse. 6.(K). Ii straw, tn.ta. These prices are for hay of grod color and quality. Lemand frfir and reoeipta light. CORN 44c. OATS 37a RT K No. i, KV. CHRISTMAS TREES Four to.flvo feet. per dozen, L7I; five to seven feet, par dosen. U 50; eight to nine feet, per doaen, i.ai, nine to ten feet, per dosen. 14 5u; large school and church purposes, twelve to fourteen feet, each, tlfil.ou; extra large, fifteen to twentv feet. each. t"UWa4.00. KVEHwRKKN WREATHING In coilB of twenty yarrts, per coll. $1.00. WRKATHR Magnolia and galax wreathe, per doren, fl.6"; evergreen mreatha, ier doaen. tl.Sii; holly wreaths, per dosen. Jl.60. These designs are twelve Inches in di ameter HOLLT BRANCH E8 Per cae of Jx-'! feet, about flftv pounds. 4.W: per bbl.. $1.56. L")NQ NEEDLB PINtS Per doaen, $2.00 6- 50. MISTLETOE Branches, per s-lb. box. $1 25: per lb.. Hop. Mistletoe orders will I filled about December 20 and snipped vr express only. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, sac; Dakota, per bu , 7(i7f.c; native. tEftr'te. 6WKET POTATOES UUnoia. per bbL, NAVT BEANS Per bu.. X2.J6. CKLKRY Small. Der dua.. lOSSae: Urre California. 45j75c ONIONS New home crown, dry. per lb.. ,c; Spanish, per crate, $1.6u; Colorado yel low ana red, ic. CABRA(3W isconsln HolISnd, ntc TLRNIPS-Cinada rutabagaa. per lb.. l'ac; w hite, per bu.. 60c. CAR hots per bu., sue PARSNIPS Per bu.. 60c. BEET8 Per bu., 60c. CALUrLOWEH California, per crata, t:.7s. TOMATOES California, per 4-baaket crate, $2. a. CUCUMBERS Per dot. tL FRUITS APPLES California Beilflowers, per box, tl.Wr. New York Greeniiifa, Baldwins and other vsrieties. $3.60. ORAPES Pony Cstawhas, 20c; imported Malagas, per keg. $5 004i.00. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl., r.W; per box, $2.75; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, tk; Bell and Cherry, $8. WLLNCK8 California, per box. $LS. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida Brlghta and RuAsets, all sizes. $2.S: navels, large aiae, $S.00i1.60. LEMONtV-Califomla fancy. W to lses. It; choice. 21 to Z70 sixes, $3.60. F1US Csllfornja, per 10-1 b. cartona. Kjc; imported Smjxna, t-crown, 14c; 6-crown, Vic; 7-cTown. Ihc COCOA NITTS Per sack, $4: per do nc. mn jijcr m 1 rial,, iv wv ys, , . per lb In 60-lb. boxes, (Vsc; Oriental stuffed dates, ner bra. $2.40. BANANAS -ee medium-alaed bunch. $10$ VX5C; Jumbo. $Z75iii.6. . . MISCELLANEOUS. ... . CHEESE Wisconsin twlna, full cream, llc; Wisconsin Young Americas, 1SV; Mock Swiss. 16c; Wisconatn brick, Lvc; W is-onstn llmberger, lie. KON E Y Nebraska, per 4 frames, $8.3; Utah and Colorado, per 24 framea. IS.60. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lh., 10c. C1LER-Per bbU $4.75; per H-bbl., $3 55. 1 POPCORN Per lb., ic; ahelled. l&iHe.' HOP.SK RADISH Per case of dog. nacked sue ' NUTS Walnuta, No. 1 soft nhell, per lb.. 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; no. z, sort shell. Ser lb., 13c; No. t hard shell, per lb.; lac; raxlla. per lb.. He; filbert, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c; iaard shell, per lh., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., Vic; smalL per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb., SSc; masted peartuts, twr lb 7c; Chill walnuts. UMalAc; Urge hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50; shell bsrks, per bu., $2; black welauta, par bu., $1 X; Italian chestnuts, per lb.. ISc. HWts-ivo. 1 green, ec; jxo. i green, eci No. 1 salted, 7c; No. I salted, Oe: No. 1 veal calf, i to 12 lba., kVfcc; No. Z veal calf, II to 15 lba.. tVict dry salted hides, 15c; sheep pelta, JH .fcc; horse bides, $1.6it2.60. Kaaaas City Grata aaa rravlslaaa. KANSAS CITT. Dee. 15 WHK AT De cember, 7'c; May, AVMWw": cash. No. t bard, 71tr7Sc; No. H ITBiw; No. 4, OKsc; rejected. 6&lei No. t red. gSfcaSfec; No. i, CORN December, $7Ac; May, 17e: raeh. No, $ mixed, aXtjJstc; No. I white, l&&c; N , ?. . OATS No, Z White, wqabc; no. 1 wuxeo. 11('1ti ' - UAI-tneAoe iimovny, . avtom y , 8. st tv mn. t anuc BUTTER Creatnery. OScJ faacf dairy. BWJB r inn, HtwTuu ' -, .returned, r,c; new No. i. whltewood cases itecetnts. empswni" Wheat, bu, ' .KHvOW " Corn, bu.. ' . , U. Oats, bu H.uuo . Evaarate1 Apples aa DrleA Fralta. NEW TORK, Dec. U. EVAPORATED AFrLES-Tl.a xoarket la Quiet, but dlr- able graAes ire sioudily held; comiooa are quoted at 4ivc; prime. tc; cnoice, r fat.c: fan'-. trVU.c CAIJFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are attracting nothing more than a nana- to-moutb deaiand, but are not being pressed for !, and pita conaeejuentiy are ateady; quotation!! range from its to Ae for aiaea ranging trora ss 10 i.w. vn re aulet but nrm witn ruoii"ns at a-aw Hc; extra choice, vgic; rancy, v Wme. Peacnee ar uuiei; tm im uumra at 7VS7c; extni choice, 7jve; tancy "eivwc. yhtladelpklLa rraae Market. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 16 -BUTTER Firm: gotxl demand; extra western crttaov w li?,.r- &-srby trims. 37. EOos A'irm; giod demand; fresh nearby, ir, - mark: western. Mr loss off; south western. Oa lose off; sou the a. Xlv33o Lots off. ... . . - I CHEEf ErEi Slesdy; .sew lori mil cream a I fancy. U Vc; c-bok. Uc: taw to gooa. 11 AjilwC UrrrgMswl tirala Market. LTVERPOOL. Dee. IS. WHEAT Spot, Vn f rail sieatera. winter, as ;vl. Futures eulet: Leirmter. aomuuu; avarcn. to 4Sd; May. c. , . iiiiuv nrra: American rorseo. as -a Futuree ateady; January, As d; March. la 11 Mlaae-apalla wkeat, newr aa Iraa MINNEAPOLIS. Dec 15. WHEAT De- cembcir, 7c; May. 7V.e; July. -Sc; oa track. No. 1 bard. xic; jo. 1 northern. kr' No. 1 northern. iuTSc FLOUR First patents. 4.MT..; seoona patrntA $4 1u4 : first clears, A4.AiBA.4V second c'wn, C! ). Hilwaakta Urala Market MILWAUKEE. Dec 16. WHEAT Weak No 1 norther a A"votc; No. 3 northern. a3nc: May. o7il.c. h( K-M-ady: No. 1. a4coic. WAKI EY Dull: No. t. 42c: sample KfiStV; CiKN-DuU; No. 1, 44S-4'c; May, Ui fe4iSc aaked. Dalata Oirala Market. Dl'LtTH, Mina., Dee. U WHEAT-Oa track No. 1 northern, tvsjc; .o. i northern, I 7Sc; No. epru.g. Tie; December, 7c May. .c. OATS Oa track and to arrive, tAVfc To led e4 Market. II Toledo, o , Dec u. of fds coer rash, a1: Deember. $8.'S: January, A s, February. $,; Marx A. $4 Sa. Prime timothy. $1 aa. Prime aiaxka. $tVia. Peerie Crate Market. PEOnlA. Tie. 16-4 0RN-!iady; Na 1 C. ac, 2Hc.ci utm Na. 4, i-yso. NEW YORK. Dec. IB Except for the considerable vohiraa of dealings In one or t'o stocks today's market wsa dull and at times practically Idle. Tha occasional periods of sctlvity were movements for the first part of the day. but prices tipped back to below last night's level, before the clos ing, snd the closing Itself waa barelv steady. During tho early periods of dull ness holders of slocks seemed content to await the demand and there waa no pres sure of offerings when buyers paused In their uptrationa. Amalgamated Copper led tha market In point of activity and waa lifted 1 at the top level. Tha strength and activity of the London market for cop per seemed to bo the Inspiring cause af the buying, and copper securities In other mar kets sympathised with the movement Even l niled States Steel preferred had time share In ths early strength of the market and the urgent borrowing demand for the stock for delivery pointed to the necessities of a short Interest. Tne an nouncement of tha extensive economies contemplated by the company were accepted as promising well for the net earnings of tha corpora 1 Ion. Tne late reaction In the market, however, centered' in this stock and Its drop to over a point below last night's price upset tha whole list and wiped out the day s gnlns. Tha report of the passing of the dividend on Crucible Steel preferred' was sn influence on the stock, al though that company la recognised as tha vld !m of troubles peculiar to Itself. The pending meetings of the members of tha various eteel pools were subject of inter ested rurmlse and information of their firobable action on the subject of mslntaln ng present prices was hard to get. Rumors were neara or an intenoea cut in tns price of steel rails and of tho difficulty in hold ing the pool together, which may have helped the weakness of United States Steel preferred. The considerable decrease In net earnings reported by Baltimore Ac Ohio for Novem ber waa an Influence on the Inside of re action, which was supplemented by reports of an Intended reduction In tho prices of soft coal. The sentiment element seems to have put aside sny misgivings over the Northern Securities case. It was argued that the text of the decision might serve to define tha legal limitations under which ths purposes of the merger could be ac complished, and so clear up the present un stable condition of the matter. Sterling exchange developed a very strong tone on a strong demand for bills, which was partly attributable to the need to cover engagements of gold In London for Import. Several hundred thousand dollars addi tional were engaged today, and the first ar rival of Japanese gold at San Francisco was made available to the New York banks bv telegraphic transfer. Tho extraordinary showing of the country'" foreign trade for November waa studied with aatlsfsction in the financial district. With an Increase in value of exports over last year of $S5.000.(Ka and a decrease in value or imports 01 aOG.OOO the powerful control of the interna tional exchanges In favor of New York la made clear. Bonds were dull. Total sales, par ralue. $2.7N0.0i1. - United States bonds were un changed on call. Following are the closing quotations oa tha New York Stock exchange: Salea.Hlrt.Low Close. Atchison do pfd Baltimore AV Ohio.... do pfd Canadian Pacific... .15.700 ow H . 1.44$ M Vii . S.3X& 7Vvfc 7 ' . 1110 IK 8H I7H 1.600 llsVfc LW U1 Cent, of New Jersey. Chea. Ac Ohio 1,000 Chicago Jt Alton 1,600 do pfd Chi. Great Western... 000 S5 , is-' .15 15 do B pfd Chi. A Northwestern.. Chi. Term. A Trana.. do pfd Big Four Colorado Southern.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd....... Deli. A HtMon 4"0 2i 0U8 lbiW ISAVs 164 f0 6 K) 1011 u0 IS . 77V4 14 64 V4 ISb 1 77 i U 64 a U4 it : 774 14-4 64 a Data., Lack. A West.. Denver At Rio Grande 34 100 a'a. ai tlo t)fd.............. 72 SO Erie. 44 J1 id 67T4 60'i, do 1st pfd I.two do id t,fd .460 74 Great Northern pfd lw Hocking alley a 734 M , LIU I30m 1A 12m4 U 2l 1 II - do ma Illinois Central. iwa Central.... do tfd .... Kan. City Southern... .... do pfd loo Louis. A Nashville.... 1.5K0 4w K'714 142S. 63 3S 18 A4-, 10S 141 0 , 13 8t 1:'4 1404 121 4l -" II 3S Manhattan I. 0.700 Metropolitan St. Rr... 1,3.11 Minneapolis At HU Li... fl Mlaeourl Pacific U.fi20 Mo., Kan. Texas... 600 do pfd .. x.oao Nat. R. R. Mex. nfd XH New York Central..... 1.000 110 11JH 118 xvorioia at vteswrn... a.ivaj asa silt ! do rid 8 Ontario AV Western... l.no 22 21 H 7 SO 4i Kl Pennsylvania 43.657 11$ Pitta., C. C. St 8L Li. Reading U.050 46 U7 do 1st era do 2d nfd 110 in" CO 44 Rock Island IVXI T 26 61 61 do nfd 600 St. LAI Fran, pfd .... on do 2d nfd 100 44 44 St. L. A Southwestern .... do Pfd., 300 I St. Paul... U.1O0 HS. It'-". 142 do nfd... rn Ji-s jus l'l Southern Pacific tS.OOO Southern Railway I.tfiO 4S"4 4K tii a 11 2S a 26 78 t$ i0 $7 1A do t)fd 77S risk 11 "It 6 8si, Texas A Pacific 1.3S0 Toledo, St. L. A West. , i-00 il do pi a no Union Pacific 44.0b6 Si' 7tS, do nfd 144 8 J 7 W abash 00 .T4 do ufd 1.616 Wheel. A Lake Erie. Wisconsin Central.... 1.670 17 Sk 17 38 17V, do pfd LaOO "4 ta n-i i"i too Adams Express American Express..... .... V. S. Express Wells-Fargo Express Aroal Copper M.406 4 1H 0i 47S 1W 664 47 10 0t Am. Car A Foundry.. l.( do pfd. 100 Am. Linseed Oil.. s SO 14 7E,V do pfd u-... Am. Locomotive 70$ IS 6W4 14 do nfd Am. Smelt. A Refln... 7,600 4n do Kid Am. Sugsr Refining... $ Ono 124 134 irs Anaconda Mln. Co.... 1A NO 7x Brooklyn Rapid TTan.2S,7 aoi mi in Colo. Fuel A Iron 0 r?H Coium A Hock. Coat 10 1K U'S Consolidated Oaa L100 164 164 Inter. Paper 2 !f1 1K1 do pi d .... . . .......... . .... .... CI : 70 Inter. Punp. .... .... . ., do pfd .... .... National Biscuit .... .... .... National Lead .... .... .... North American Pacific Mail IS Peovle a Oaa l aw 5 Pressed 6teel Car 160 36 ,r6 do ufd Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel 6o do pfd l.fas) Rubber Goods l.&oft 214 " T 4014 1A 71 $iH 77 4o" 104 4w li14 73 $ 74 76H 4" M4 iia rj do Did loO Tenn. Coal A Iron loan 3 U. S. Leather T do pfd 010 U. 8. Rubber do nfd V. S. Steal :.. 1 do pfd 71.340 Western Union S7 Northern Securities Total sales for the clay GSSOO aharea. Beetea flteek at4tlaa. BO8TON, Dee. 16 Call loans. 4S per cent: time xani, swt per real, omclai tioetng prices oa stocks and bonds: Atrhlaea 4a AS IAIUmw 4 Mr 1 isoual 4a sS'Abm1ssii4 47 airaaaaa etB4Tb,a SB a s!4 S Cl. A Bade 4M hualoa A Altaar... 4 lOataaalal 4 loua A kalaa 14 n aiear Aaas 44 Ixam klrauA 11 lluauala C4U ...... 14 S S. T.. K. At. A A1..14S rraaklui riicavaim e moymjm .......... ...1S4 t aiga faclfia Vn. Castral .. Aae. Suaar .. rA Aaaar. T. A T. ... ?4 kukawa . at . 4 . AA ... rs o4 .. IMS iOaasMl ...1S Tarra 1 xs , at ....UtV fOutecy twelalaa 1. A iliawal IM-Jll 4 1 ! r 10 ITai Maaa. alanine llrrmiitr la.. Kitc1 BlA. . 14 raH4 us prn.j . 4 . ia tali4 rrut la I ta .. V. a. auaaA 1S Ivircrta a eta aivwumm WSatlna. aaaaaaaa. ... TA U iiru Alxauu S llaaly Wi Ex-dividead. . AS . Iw . 1 sis - Ae Sew mwU Meaey Market. NEW TORK. Dee 16. MONET Oa ealL teady at ij4 par ocal; cioaibf bid. 6w per eent; eRrrod at Si per cent; tm.e loa.ua. 1t lay; sixty aays, per emt' Mu-t y Aaa Aer tent; sua tavui.ta, eA at Cei.t. 1M M . K. A T. 4s SI lot I e As TT lie IN. A. B. f M. e. 4a. T 101 VK. T. C. a. IS iKlV!. t. C. f 1 lfl Ki PsrIBr IflfH ssl e a a S eous atratama sn. 4s.. aaj. 4s Atlantic C. U. 4a. 0. A O. 4s IS Central sf Oa. is.. A W. e. 4a S 1M jPana. wn. IS "Sl'i. I LSA r.... ;t HaHalaaaataa sea 4a Mia . 44 ',. I. . 1 M r to .111 w 1st tnr. Chaa. A Ohls 4Sa...l?j r. L A I t. 'a. 4s. micas A. IS... SiKl U S. W. U SI C. B. A Q. a. a... SJ4 Haaboars A U 4a.. Tl C. at A rt. r. t 4a. Ill I So. fane 4a. tT C. A hi. W. t. tr Jl Uo lUilwar a. Ill '4 C. A. L A r. 4.... lTxap A P. la II a cm. u . 74 it., St. l. A w. 4a . a C.C.C. A St. L. f. 4a Sf.Vj I Bins PaclBr 4a 1"?S Chlaaxo Tar. 4a 14 Sa cnT. Cos. Tabacre 4s ft Cola A As. 4a Sf( D A M. O 4a s Erie snar Ilea 4a ... S4 se r 4a M F. w. A D. C ls....l2 Uocklsg VaL 4Ss...l( t S. Starl 4 I. Wltol 1 Ao eeh. a W A L. KL 4a... W. Central 4. . . . u s .114 ,. 1 . "4 . l Oelo. riMl e. As.. UaAaa Otoek M arvet. LONDON. Dec. 15. Closing: Caoaola. ataBey... M 1A-1A K. T Ontral.. .l?t .. WSlNoHula A Wai .. 4s, ta pr . ... ..IIS nntano A WM .. SF.44 Pranarlvanla .. Aaarnnaa Atrhlaoa nA 01i la sis , 44 HAS an 'S V-4, n at to sM Baltlnore A Ohio OaoaAtaa PactAa , Cha A Ohla...... Chlcaso Ot. W.... US Kan4 Mu .in . . ls ,14-S .KfaAias ..- As lat pfd.. So 1I C. at. A Of- f. Ao Rallwar .. DeBaers tl. A R O... m..a. 0H OS StA .... . So. Pac-itlr .... t eloa PartAc . Sa pit V. g. Sirnl.... So S14..... Wbh Aa std stA ns lis Bn lat M. 7f o Ad BfA . t-u. tlllnels Central lUu , tl Loala. A Naah ll(v . K A T Its BAR SILVER Steady. 26 13-16d per ounce. MONEY ZVk&3 per cent: the rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is SN4i!P4 per cent: for three mouths bills. e"k033 per oent. Kesr Terk Mlalasj Aaaatatlaaa. NEW YORK. Dec 15. The fo'lowlne are the closing quota tlona on mining stocks: AAai ... At Lttll CAM .. t .. ,.17 .. A .. It .. At .. 41 .. 14 Allc , 14 . 1 S . A 1(W J"i lt . ntrls Ophlr Pkoenlx PoUMl BTs Sierra MeraAa mail Mom .. Brunaw Irk Can . , t'omatoefe Tvaaei. Coa. fl. A Va... Hots SIItst lrao Sllrer rill Csa ... IsuiBdarA Offered. Baak t'learlaa;a. OMAHA, Dec. IS. Bank clearings for to day, $l,24i,K.7, a decrease of 4,toi3l from tho corresponding day last year. Cettea Market. NEW YORK. Dec. tf. COTTON The nacaet opened steady, sftiM points higher on moderate bull support and covering that eemed to find Its chief encouragement In private advices from thw virinn. mni,.,,, interior polnu reporting a good demand for spot cotton, with a scarcity e-f attractive grades, and the firmness of the market at Liverpool, where prlcee were several points better than due. Otherwise the newa waa not particularly encouraging. Receipts con tinue aufticlently large to shake confidence among aome oieratora in the mvnran. nf the government s crop figures, tha weather was not umavorahie to the nwement, and unsettling rumors were io circulaUon re garding the condition of affairs in Man. cheater, where it was- hinted some housee were on the brink cf suspension. In addi tion to this private cables stated that an English expert was " tot announce another reduction in his estimate of the worltfe requirements, which 011Z December 6 he placed at 10.877.OOO birp-e. 4-educed on No- vemoer w to io.sxxiooo aJea and now re duoed It , to . 10.300.4Mu, lAir-rX The market, however, paid little- attention to these phases of the situation, and trading con tinued largely profesKlonal with the bul! contingent buying enps-tioot1oiV soft spots to lsnaart xnai(lcrtitil.l j-rynnse to the un dertone and prices In tl afternoon showed a net advance of VyJJ mwha on the active mowrns.' FwllowmstrTW'ntie T! sagged off slightly under llomdatKm. tnrt ataadled just before the close by buying by brokers aup- pesea to represent New Orleans Interests, and finally waa steady, net &4J10 polnu Birner. oaiea. esttmauML soo.otn bales. NtfiW . ORLEANS. Dec. 15. COTTON Steady; saJea, 1126 bale; ordinary. 1 7-iftc; good ordinary, lt)c; low middling, llc; middling. lZVc: good middling, 13 6-lft.-; middUng fair. Ull-lac: receipts. 16.630 bales: stock. 330,832 hales. Futures were steady; December. 12.2&11 23c; January. lJ.80il flc; Februan', 12 4fcair47c; March, 12.6!ifl2.4Mc; April. li 67&ir.ti.Hc; Mey. U 7U-7ic; June, 12.7Q12-7c; July. lt.KtJlS.KSc. ex. LOUIS, Dec. li. -COTTON Firm and unchanged: middling, 174c; saleax, 473 bales; receipts. 160 bales; ship menla, 663 bales; stock. HfiM bales. LIVERPOOL, Dec 16. COTTON Spot, tn limited demand, prices 4ii points higher American middling fair. T.02d: good mid dilng. Ad; middling, O.AOd; low middling, (Osd: rood ordinary. .6Ad: ordinary. 4 38 J The eaa of the day were 6,do0 balsa, of which 600 were for speculation and export and IscludtKl 4. WO American. Receipts, 41, 0u0 bales. Including 40. WO American. Fu turea ODened auiet and closed steady American middling, g. o. e. December. 4.61 ft.Gd; December and January, 37d; Jan uary and February. .sa; renruary ana March, .6!i.6Zd: Mirrn ana April, tioa Anril and Mav. .4M: May and June. 4 4d June and July. C46d; Jaly and August, 4 13 d.44d; August and Heptemoer, o.aia. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Dec 11 -METALS There aa a renewal of speculative activity In the London tin market today and price there advanced 1 17s 6i to 127 for spot and U0 6e for futures. Locally tin waa atrorur. reflect! nr the foreign advance srot closing about 60 points higher at $27.. 3 Ti m. The Avondon copper nu.rart was is Ad hla-her at A 67 far spot and atC 12a 6d (or futures. Acauy copper waa quiet out steady with lake quoted at ni.wi'an.t electrolytic. $12oa 12.60. and casting A IX. 12i 1112.1.371. Lead waa U 3d higher In London at tu 6a. ana was nrm nert, nut unchanged at H-I'H tor small lots ana $4.26 for car lota, spelter advanoea za ea a London to Z1 10s. but was nominally un changed here at $5.26 for spot. Iron waa unchanged at 4a Iti In Glasgow, but de clined As to 41s su in AliaaiesoortL Axcaiiy Iron aaema to be a llttie easlfr oa th whole, owing to a slackening In demand and rather freer offerings. Prices, however, are nominally unchanged with No. 1 foun dry northern at .14.wri6.W: No. 1 foundry southern snd NO. 1 tounary aoumern sort at 113 614 00. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 16. MET Al-S Spelter, teady, $4.60. Lead steady. 64 lTV. agar Market. mr-w rnn tr Die U RUllAR Raw steady: fair refining. S1 : centrifugal. 86 tent. SjC; molasses sugar. i!c, rtnnea. ait-aay No. 4, 4 0oc; No. 7. 4.00c; No. 6, $ Pic: No. 8, 1 luc: No. 10. 8 N&c: No. 11, 8.00c; No. li 3.76c No. 13, 870c; No. 14. 36c; confectioners' A. ASoe: mould. A. 4-Mc; rut loaf, Atfcc crtiahed, 6.0ac; powdered, 4a&c; granulated. A45c; cutes. 4.70c. MOLjlSbES Firm. - New Orleans open kettle aood to choice. Iii34c NEW ORLEANS. Dec. li SUGAR Quiet; open kettle. 23c; centrif ugsls. 3-ltiSV: centrlfuATal wnilrs. A-sA U-lsc J ,1 1'l . , f 'U t UJW . MOLAS8E14 Oulet: t.pen kettle. tValOc eentrlfugsl. 04323c; syrup, oe. Oil a ad stasia. NEW TORK. Dec. U OILS Cottonseed. firm: prime crude, oumlnai; prima yellow. 8i.iS5Vxc. Petroleum, firm; refined New York, AS 60; Philadelphia and Baltimore. '; prime, in lul luaii. Tl KPAVNTlNki Airna. ssA'aeoc. ROSIN Steadv; common to good. $266. OIL. CITY, Dee. . OIL Credit bal- ancea, $!: certllluatea. a lea. tool bbls. at Ii-u7; ahlpmet.t. 64.184 bbls.. aver aye. 77.212 bbla : ruua. 22.342 bbla., avcrarr, 70 618 bbla ; shlpmenta. Uma. $0 Snj blia.. average, 67.620 bbla ; ru&a. Lima. U.7U bbls., average. 63 710 bbls. SAVANNAIL Dec 15- TURPENTINE Firm at 64c. rtoeiN-Farm; A. n. . , 0. 15, r, 11 sn; n, 1136: H. $2.36: L $ir. K. 2 SO; M. I.lsj; N. $A.UV; W. G, $3.36; W. W.. $3.60. Wklk y Market. ST. LOUIS De 16. -WHISKY Steady aa bails of II 31. CHICAGO. Dee. U.-WHISKT-teady at 1127 PEORIA, Dec 15.-WHISKY Steady at $1 27. on iaeis of high wines. CINCINNATI. Dec. li -WHISKY Dis tiller finished gixxla. au.et. on basis cf $1.27. Dry tweeds Market. . NEW TORK. Dee. IS. DRY GOODS The market at til sheas an upward i-i,u.it4 y with operators pun ins 4Mdere only for their uatoKHata iMda. twllera are vrrv lu1r 1-tient, coaatfig im coikaaiima trwm aam li'AS J4lca evea oa Urge Iwua, SOUTH OMAHA. Dec 18. ReceiDts were: Cattle, fioar. Khern. Official Monday 1.446 13 $. Official Tuesday 3. 7 A 11.040 l fc.0 Ta-o davs this wek t fTl M m is K f ame dava last week . Ill 44& At bkl Same wk before 11 H la. Hi 06 mams thre- weeks ago.... 6.H14 13..H7 , Same four weeka ago 14.013 li.7K6 ie 744 Same daya last year....... 7.1l5 llfed lU.ZSt RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE, Tho following table ahows the receipts at cattle, bogs and sheep at ARuth Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last year: tan inl Inn Ctea. rtle 1.0S3 707' .$ kij,; Hoes 2 l?4 1 TlUMI.T 14 4kl Stieep l.a34.Ba6 l.7s,U3 137.647 ..... Average prices paid tot noga at Sou th Omaha for the last aereral days with cont partsonA; Date. I 1K13. !lu2.iaoi.;ilK0.lW.;uas.l7. Dec 1..,. L-ec. ....( Dec $....( Iec. 4,... Dec. 6 ... Dec ....; Dec. 7 Dec $.... Iec, ,... Dec. 10... Dec. 11... Dec 13... Lec. U... Dec. 14... Dec. 16... 4 S4 001 I 4 $3 3 741 $ 251 $ 3 3 71 3 6 $ A. 1 a a I 3 i 4 Sl 4 (HI 6 K I 4 4fV 13 I K. 4 44 4 4.-', 1 2-i 6 K, 4 t 4 37Vs4 4 It- $ 06, 4 77 J 1 4 M 4 tr I 6 04 4 n 4 est r I 4 7S 4 XV' 4 06; 4 111 I 4 -Sl 12 4 13 4 K5I A SI $ , 3 n t ri t 36! t Bt l s t $3 a 17 3 II a $ $3, $ so; 3 ft! a 2 3 13 3 31! 3 13 1U a $7! 3 : a 4 4 OK 4 14: 4 $2 4 4t,'. 6 l 4 16, 4 771 W. I 6 14 111 4 81 3 Kl 4 A4-41 211 4 Ml 3 K 3 33; I 21 4 iSj! 4 00 I I 64; a 86 j 3 271 8 M 'Indicates Sunday. The fhrfal number or csrs of stock brought tn today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sa p. fTr'a. . .. M. A rJL. P. At)'.. 23 Wabash 1 Mo. Pacific Rv 8 Union Pc. System.. S7 46 8 ! .. 2 8.. 22 11 1 WAI II 8 l 2 4 2.. 3 1 t a 3 184 28 1 A N. W. Rv i F.. E. A M. V. R R.. 82 C. St. P.. M. A O.... 24 B. A M. Ry 34 C. B. A U- Ry 17 K. C A St. J 2 C, R. I. A P., east.. 18 C R. 1. A P.. west.. 1 Illinois Central 8 Chicago G. W 3 Total receipts... .205 The disposition of the dar e receipts waa aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num- oer 01 neaa inaicatea: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 4H1 1.M7 153 212 Bm irt and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co 1.42 1.048 63 "as 174 40 174 6 6 S 133 76 4 83 1 16 61 464 i.le 328 t.lcS 2,t76 1.113 2.48 Cudahy P. Co.. S. City.. Armour A Co., 8. City.. Vansant A Co Carey A Benton tbman A Co W. 1. SteDhen Huston A Co H. F. Hamilton F. Hues Wolf A Murnan Hobblck A B Sam Wertheimer Lee Rothschild Sol Degaa 11 a Ktert y A Co Other buyers i.m (.668 Totals 4.0S6 12,091 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were oulte liberal this morniug and the market waa rather slow. Report from other points were unfavorable to the selling Interests and that helped packers In their efforts to pound tha. market. Jteoeipts included about forty cars of corn-fed steers. Packer did not take hold with any life,' and in fact did not seem to care whether they got any fresh supplies or not. Seme ttrime. handy weight cauuie might have sold at about steady prices, aa there waa aome inquiry for that kind, but none arrived. On all other kiiMis. in mar ket was extremely dull and unevenly lower. it waa a late hour belore any business was transacted, as ealtaroen could not make up their minds to take the or ices offered. There were some well-finished heavy cattle on aale, but they were also alow and lower, The cow market did not show much change. Recelpta were not heavy, and ae buyers all wanted a few it would be aafe to quote the market generally steady and feirly active. All klnda sold without much trouble, but If any kind dragged it waa the cedltim gradea. Bulls, veal calvee and stags were also about steady with yesterday. The suutily of etockers and feeders wsa light this morning And with a lair demand prices neia steaay witn yesteraay. com mon klnda. of course, were alow and hard to aell at any Diica. while the more desir able gradea changed handa freely. The de mand front the country for Btock cattle Is of course rather limited, but of late the aupply baa been correspondingly light, eo there baa been no accumulation 01 cat us In the yards. Representative sales: BEEF 8TEERS. Ka. A 1 1...... t It tl.. 17 , It AA A.m.... 4 tl 41 21 I A. Pr. Aa A, rr. .j. A 14 I St ... ?w A SA ... AtA A AA ... Aid A 44 ... A4A I 44 ...Hut I li ...art $41 ...1111A A 4t ...11M I AS ...llil A AA ...114 A AA ...lint I 4t ...114 I 14 .. .11114 ' A t At AA 1A M a........ 1 14 , AV 41 TA ...USA A St ,..1174 A AA ASA ,.. .lat A A4 ,...1114 A AA ... .1A1T I AA ...iwe 4 a ....Kwl 44 ...lli A AA ...lUA 4 44 ...till 4 A4 ,...1U A TA ,...1MA 4 TA ,...Ui 4 AO 17.... ...MS A AA COWS 1 444 1 44 A... A 1'4 I 4.. l ieeo t ia .. 1 1VU A la AB.. A 974 3 tt A... 1 M Hi 14.. $ Ul A it 1 . A 1AA4 I IA 4.. f 44 8 SA A.. ,...11M 3 4A .... MT 111 ....ion I AA .... 34 A TA ....1114 2 SA ....1144 8 40 ....IBS A 4 ....lfS A 1 ....114T I IA ....1S14 A n $ ll'A I tt I. 1 116A A SA $1. Ml ....net ....i:iA 11MI ....1114 .... lal A AS A Ml A IA IA ! 3 SS A t M lit I i: 1UMI A AA ' 1 I . A A 34 USA 3 A? HEIFERS. AA 744 I 8a 2 A AM I 71 CALVES. t 14 4 44 A I..; lit 4 BULLS. I 11 AA I IA A...,. 1 ......ItiA 8 IA ' I 1 .1114 A 14 1 I Ae A AO I AA A Zt VAA 8 AA .144 t AA 17BA i T .144 I A 1174 A 4A STOtK-tltA AMI FLtlltKH. I TU I tu 44 Aa I At f AS" 3 44 AA AHA 3 AA 3 6J4 A to Nr BKABKA. 81 cows.. 1 cow..., 1 cow.... 1 cow... .. 14 a 76 1 86 8 60 1 w 2 00 7 feeders.. 646 $ 40 2 26 a 6 a o I 60 860 3 40 ..low ..1270 ..HKIO 22 cows..... W7 6 cows 11A2 1 f seder... AoO 11 feeder.. 7K7 2 feeder. .1160 1 bull 10.SI a cows. .. Ill a cows nos t : 1 bull 1M 2 60 1 bull 1100 t AO 1 bull., 1 cow. 7.4 8 10 8 feeder.. 63 8 eows 11 cows Sk 6 feeder.. 474 11 foeuer.. F.l 4 feeders.. M 1 feeder... 830 12 feeders.. 63i 17 oows 1118 10 cows K.'l 4 eows K'7 2 76 2 0 2 40 $ 15 I00O 2 36 8 cows..... ASA 1 feeder... 80 2 feeders.. 7ao 1 feeder... 770 8 feeder.. 643 1 buU 10)10 8 feeder.. $76 8 feeder.. KM 2 feeder.. 010 1 cow t0 2 86 8 76 8 60 8 a 3 1 10 2 t a 00 86 1 60 8 16 8 AO 2 60 2 80 2 40 2 CO t 10 2 70 IA cows V.iii Wood Live Stock Co. Idaho. 39 steers. ...1241 8 26 IIS steers... .1841 28 staer. ...1227 8 00 La feeder. .1UA7 8 25 8 26 HCKJS There was a liberal run of boas In slrht this morning, as will be aeen frum the table of receipt above. In view of that fact packers started In to pound the mar ket and tried te take off 64710c. A few loada may have Bold that way, but the gen eral market waa right around a nickel lower. The long string -went at 34.40. with a tew unaer ana a if over mat r.gure. Aa high ba 4 4; was paid ror butcher wetfhls. Trading was quite active after the first round, and as a result all the early arrivals were disposed of In good season. Tba same aa usual, taougn. aom of the train were very late la arriving, which prevented an early cloae. ftepre entatlv salts: AAs. -v. a, fr Ka. j,4 114, ... 4 It Tl.... a. A. 144 4 AO 41 ... 41 SMI 244 4 AA 41.... IT Ml ... A AA A.... 41 AtA 144 4 K 44 ... A. Sa. Pr. 14 4a A 44 AM 4 4 4 Aa 144 4 44 Aal ... A 44 X I AA A 44 rrr 4 a 44 .114 A 4 44 , U ... 4 4 , A4 ... 4 4 .144 ... 4 44 . .AM ... 4 4 ..A 44 A 44 . tl IS 4 4 ,.Aal a 4 44 ..A44 la 4 aa ..wi a 4 44 ,.iv ... 4 44 ..AM 4 4 ..1.4 US 4 44 11 14 ... 4 AA 4j AI AAA A At AA A4 ... 4 AT S4 At A aa zxi 44 4 I"1 T4. . li . AA.. Tt . Al.. n At. At. A4 J14 S4 4 IT'S in. .A, A ... HI A.. A4. Al . It , 41 . 144 1X4 4 H ... A Al . l Aa 4 At ,1 ... in, A7 UA 4 " ' ku ... III. ,.A 44 4 ll 111. a.. tA ... 4 44 A7.... If. SM M la SHEEP There waa rather a light run of Sheep In sight this morning, snd ss the de mend for desirable killers was In good hane the market ruled active and ateady to strong on everything answering to that description. Some sheep and yearlings, tout mostly yearlings, brought M. r.wes sou for $., weatern lambs $. and a I'ttle bunch of native lambs brought $6 fi. Part fat kinds were slow and hard to sell at any price the same as ustisl. The demand 'for feeders "eemed to be about equal to the supply aud practically steady prices were paid. quotations lor corn-tea eiorx: n""-c western lambs, $6 oofaS.Sfi; fair to good lamb. $4.&'itiS.o: gooft to choice yearlings. $3.76g4.; fslr to sood vesriinrs. $1.6!itJ.7X choice wethers. $3.35ii3.rct 4s Ir to good wethers, AS.tt&JSo; good to choice ewes. $3Xol25: fair to good ernes. $1 , chnioa feeder lambs, t-" S" 4.10; fslr to gf"fl feeder lamtM, $:i A.S3o; bany nmm, 8 00; feeder vear.ings, 43 ftinri.W': i""r wethers. 331Ffj3.35; feeder ewes, C00jl.60; culls. $1.00ij2.liu. Representative sales: No. At. t-r. $ western ewes 113 8 0? western ewes M J 1 24 western ewes w . 667 western wethers ID J 60 western wethers H 8 6) ;a weetern yearlings J 4 to l western year ings ;e ' -v 26 western Irnnbs ' 2 w stern eurlings ry -? 616 western Inmbs 71 A 31 western lambs . . ., ;j 17 western lambs " ro western ewes 1(13 . 2 3d 167 western ewes w z w 100 western ewes 1 buck " a ou 8 western ewes " J J? 1 western ewe 140 3 - 23 western ewes 1"1 J 4! westers wethera I'O 8 60 1 western wether i " 61 Wyoming eull lambs 61 M 50 441 western yearlings . 104 lw is western wetners n vf 843 Wyoming fed lambs 1 4 J 3 western lambe 4 western lambs 107 , A 60 I western lambe 100 i 06 CHICAGO LITE STOCK MARKET. Light Reeelpt af Cattle, wllk Fair at Bbees aad HatT. CHICAGO. Dec. 15. CATTLK Receipts, m . . , . - a4fk4An. B.1RIU nrawi. V,' KWl co Iilimr rim,, r-v'' J noor to medium. 83.oi4 76: stocaers sna fflr A17!.it0- com-a Al ft0b4.00: heifers, $1.764.60: canners. ri.60fj'4.30; bulls, $L60 4.00: calve. $2.003.26. HOGS Rece pts todsv. xs.ww neaa tomor row. 40,000 head. The market was 6c lower; mixed and butchers. A4.4M4 70: good to choice heavy, 44 45434.46; rough heavy, $43 43' oil; light, H-Io w; DU1K OI sales, ea.vtu' X FA SHEEP AND LAMBS Keoetpta. A4.0W head. The market for sheep was slow, for lambs, steady to strong; good to cnoice wethers, $3 So 4 00; fair to choice mixed. $2M.'u3.40; western sheep, $2.0064.00; native lanaba, $4.00Qfi.(iO; western lamut, H.iwoo-tw. Hew Terk Live Stark Market. VFW VriTttr Dec U BEEVES Re- crinta. 84 head: no aalea werei reporUHi; drease beef, steady; city dressed native sides. C0t4C per lb.; cables lest received minted American steora. exclusive of Christ- ma nattle. l'Jtpillae areseeo. vni; iw frlgerator beef, &c per lb. CALV JA rieceipta. lu neaa; veeie ana barnyard calves, active and higher; vesla. $4 6Kj A. 76; barnyard calveav $2.10; ctly dressed veals, 7wlSc per lb. HOUo Heceipta, a.ooa neaa; no aaie re ttortMl SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 1.861 head; heep rated quiet and about steady lamb 10616c hieher: sheen. $3.MKii4.00. ex elusive of small number partly for export at $4.26; lam ha, $6.2&&.60; dressed mutton, 6H9 7"c per ib; dreseea lamoa. aiaioc per io. . Erport today. 1.830 beeves, LCC7 sheep. 8.BW Trt4ac ji usat- - St. Leeia lArm Steek Markets' ST. IXItTia. Dee. r. CATTLE Recelpta 6.600 head. Including 2.600 bead of Texans, Tha market was slow and weak, with Tex an lower; native chipping and export steers, $4.6lifr6.36, with extra fancy worth up to 86; steers under l.vw ins., aa.auias.w; stockers and feeder. $2.2668.50; cews and hrlfra t! ft4 S: ranners. 81 7662,10: bulla, t? s,dia 60: calvea. il.0Oi4S.60: Texas and In dian steer. 82.1&93.60; cow and heifer. $2.00 P2 66. HOGS Receipt, (l.ono head. The market waa lower: niaa and light. $4.JMj4.O0; pack era. 84,44 66; butcher and beat heavy. $4 46 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1000 k.. Th. mark! waa fiteadv: native mut ton. 13 2r.61.76: lamba. 4.iW5 ; full ana buckA X234.0U; tocaer. Ai.iuai-. BCsusaas City Lift teek Market. viVRAA CITY. Dee. 15 CATTLE Re relnts. 14.000 head. Including fc head of viitkMfii The market waa ralSc lower niwirt and dressed beef steer a. M.3Mz6.&n fair to good. $8.604.35; western fed steers, tt tnrx ft,- .tnckers and feedere. $2 5004.60 atilharn steeTB. $3 0043 840: SOUthfTn COWS, Ai siK&tAS: native cow. $1.6f.(68 40: naUve heifers. 82.26430.76: bull. $2.2&a3.2&; calvea. 1 rafaArvA: fkfi HOGrV-RecelpU, 8.600 heL Th market t.,i. inmr- ton. M.67Vk: bulk of sales. $4 4564.56; heavy. $4 55i4 67H; packer 84.4-H t)4 f,:s: pig tl Utthta $4 n-4.66 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 8.000 head. The market waa frllc higher; native lamba $4.75415 60; western lamt. e.otn.su, fed ewea, $3.1O4i4.fJ0; western fed yearling. At 154 4; stocaer ana leeue. St. Jeeepk Live Stock Market. rr iriRFPU Dee. 11. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8.000 bed. Th market we lor lower: nanivea. 83.E6JA.a: eo-a and heifer. i tu.in ..rm nd feeder. 82.60tu2.so. u, xsa-lReceinte. 644 head. The market waa 10c lower; top. 4.0; bulk cf sale. $4 ' a i j rri. ivn t AMBS-ReoelnU. 4 f2 head. The market was steady to trong sheep, ai.ko: Umba. 85.40; ewe. $3 leas City Lira teat Market. SIOUX CITY, la . Dec. 1J. (Special Tele ATTl.lt Recelula. I.OOtl neaa Z.Z.V, ' .tii.ra Btronar: beerea $3.7545. cowaT bulls and mixed. 82.004Y8.1W; stockers and feeders. IZJXWi.W. caaves sou y i a , n.ij, 4 . HoGcf-Keceii.W. 6.600 head; arket 6 lower, selling Haut-si; ouia, tteek la SlATkt. Following are'the reoeipta f tock at the alx principal wni UMJ ' Csttla. Hog. Sheep . . 3 75S 11.00 8.6O0 . . $.000 16.01 14 000 ' .. 14 000 4-AO0 . 6 6i"0 4.i 2.0 .. . 3.OU0 .8 4.0J2 Omaha ..... Chicago .... Kansas City St. lul ... St. Joeeph . 6ioux city . Total .... 1,000 6.000 75.494 81.602 Vlalble apAly Crala, -. ... vabv rw te stTMrial cable an telerraphlc ccmmunicatlona received by BrlasTreet's show ths following change in available upplle. a comparer aim i- inoua invuui- . , . , . Wheat United Btatr ana v the Rockv mountain. Increaa 1 2S4.000 buihela Afloat for and In Europe. Irre. fc..,.(.e bushel. Total upply Increaaed 1.6k,- w bu-,hf';.. e..t.. and Canada ea-t ef the Rocky mountain, Incrcaeed 258.000 bu.h el . . . . Oats United Btates " - - - ' ' ' the Rocky mountains, Increaaed aJO.tt bushel. . . . . , . The eainc uimw rn tills week are those of 10 Ouo bushels st Portland Me., im.ou bushels at Kingston and KC0O0 buahel at lf pot Harbor. The l-adlng decreaaca are 1.1 0u bushels it Manitoba. 154.0KJ buabels St Joseph 164 Ov bushels a; Coleaa and 65.UM biiahel at Davenport. CeATee Market. NEW TORK. Dec U. COFFEE-Spet Rio. ateady; No. 7 Invoice. 6c: mild. firm. The market for futures opened iedv at unchanged pricra to a den line of I points, follow 11. g lower European cablea and heavier primary receipts. During the esrly trading prices war f!r!y steady, but con siderable roffe waa efft-rlng by longs wbe aold splrehet.Bive of deliveries on contract, owing to the large amount of coffee afloat from Brest! and rumors that K'iro'-ean ahtrt-ta were breoarina to send effee her from th other aide. Th continuation of these offering ia the Item win alien de mand w light further weakened prt-c and the market, while nnary ateaiv. ea art Pal6 diita lower.- Salea were bars. ir.-loo'r. Iecerpr-r 4 25c: January. C & 4Xir; February. 4r.o ir; Mar-b. 4 if, c May. 4 A"' Jure. 4 ac; Jul-. 77, - tobtr, 7-1. jT.Axs. William F. Frank, a- tna 11, carrier, mar draw til pay check from the United States government, but hu cannot cash !t or lire It unleaa he div'tie with hi wife.- Apparently a way has been found to beat the rule of the court which hold that th age of a government, state or municipal employe cannot be garnlsheed. John O. Yeiser claim credit for the discover). It may be the first time on record that federal employe's wagea have been suc cessfully Intercepted. At sny rate. Mail Carrier Frank can't abend hi money until he district court give the word. He Is restrained from endorsing his check or cashing It In any way save through the clerk of the court, who ha been officially Instructed to remit but one-half the amount. The remainder 1 held for the tem porary alimony for Frank' wife, who ba begun divorce proceeding. Frank and til wlf have lived la a Watly furnished little home at 720 South Twenty eighth street. They have been married about alx year and bav a boy aged i Mr. Frank, whose given name la Jessie, became a wife before aha waa 14 year old On the $1,000 a year salary of a mall car rier the home waa well supplied with the neceseltiea and aome of the luxuries of life. Saya Haaaaaa Waa t rael. Airs. Frank bases her application for a divorce on the allegations that her husband has been very cruel to her, threatening with words and reinforcing hi remark by physical violence. In (act, she ray that h went to the extreme of beating her end leaving her lying with illuminating gaa turned on full force from the let. She asks complete divorce, the custody of the child and alimony. , According to the woman, who claims ahe ha no mean of support, Frank used this fact as an additional means of Intimidating her, aaylng that eh could not force him to maintain her if she tiled to get a divorce, because it was Impossible to garnishee the government, and his wages. Therefore, were securely his possession, . John O. Yeiser 1 the woman's attorney and he f gured out a way he thought she could beat .the game by securing; aa order from Judge Baxter Monday eight restrain ing Frank from negotiating hie check when he receive it until the divorce suit la set tled. The government la not mado a party In any way. In addition to tha abjurations mentioned, Frank 1 restrained from re turning to hlt former home, threatening hi wife or disposing of their peronal prop erty. AKAL B9TATB TlVAKSraSU. Deeds filed for record yeaterday, a fur- nlshed by the Mldiana ouarsnte ana Trust company, bonded aaturactcr, 1614 Farnam street: Eugene J. Sullivan to W. O. Shrlver, out lots 161 and ibz. norenoB . William Lu Murray to Byron L. Mc- Eldon. s, nwi. sec. lWA-iu, aaa . other !nd (,008 Alice C. Schmidt and huaband to Jean- tiette Butler, lota 24 ana . diocb 1. Avonital Park 1.000 Ernest W. Hoel and wife o Ks'.le A. - Hills, lot 13. block 7, tiinon 1-.111.... t.su L L. Valden to William J. Gtl.espte, nv. Jot 1, block 8. Foster's addition... 6 James I. Cook and wife to Msrraret Amacow. a 4. tdaooai tt jtAusuao j No. 1 ........i....... tM, Oustav A. Engel and wife to Bramt - - ton Wastner. lot A moca ab, nans Kim Place 2 60 South Omaha Investment company, to Martin L.. Andersen, iota ana . block L McGavock Ah O Keeffe ad- A 11 Inn 1 1. 000 Concordia Loan and Trust company to Karen Olsen, v u'A iot ss ana ww feet of m Jot 81. Hartman ad- ditlon :' ' Karen Olsen and husband to Mary Kotera, , P4j Wt im w re"- -of w lot 31. Hartmaa's addition.... 864 CHICAGO. MIXSnAFOLlS iHUla wfflc qanhatUs Bulldlas, ST. PAUUrUNft' . Dai. lara In StsslkS, Crdn, PrcYlsJwSw Bought and sold for cash ov as reaaozrbl MArguu. Mesaker 3saiartaa4 Kxekaage. - Private Wire. Write for our dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed tree. Ship Your Grain to Us LB INCH OFFICES: OMAHA 108 Bee Bldg. 'Phone S614 aaOUTII OMAHA And 23 Exchange liidg. "Phone 73. 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS 406 and A 8art Bldg. 'Phone 5,4. LUtCOLH. OBI MOISCt. ISiIivardo, & 80 Approved ( . Manufacturing" Properties . IcccrpcraUd and Financed Large Issues of Industrial and Railroad Bonds Underwritten Write Oar Bead Dest, far Mat A Maalclpal Beads. LeROY DAVIDSON, Baakrra aal Fiscal Aaeata, ATUABLOTTBS, K. 1. 1 Neaa 818. 0O Braadway, Xew Vark, S. Y. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Nob. U s. aA y Capital sad Surplus, JoOO.OOD rtV AUer, arc at, a. traoa, V. rs. U7t MAIS. Csstisr. FfU'V t. 8AAILI. AmA CaaAa. BUaaAvs asata at kaaaa. aaiSaaa. amaN attoka. Anw aa4 AaAivtaaaai ss taaeradla Auralsu Atacaaa 1t aj4 at lA. Lauers U tiAti laaaa. aJta.W I 2 Sana at taw earl Inn rial sal sa Tlw CarUAostas a( DaaeiH. (IHcllaM aaaAa naas4lr a4 aeaasaiMaallr. Ws ffaaasl t sirasiiaiilanas. EC3n?:issio:i STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wa kav ever 160 moe. xfweenoae: 178 State aaA Nat 1 Baajta. 4) I At AAtVIt B IA) THI 3ET. Oat of Twam Bualnaisj gvoltotied. Ossske tVdAi llPeraa a. TaAAeay TBOS. M. WiDDlCt. trmtttKl4nrL 1 I ;j c I