Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1903, Image 1

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    Daily Bee.
Senator Hejburn Introduce Resolution for
Annexation of tho Reiubl " X.
mrrn ni it Tn tutor a. '
coreans wounded in riot CAKMACfc. IS AFTER CRUZEN I house talksjany things CHANGE ARMY ARRANGEMENT
Enemiea of United Btatei M liter t
DcRingo Pi an Aseaeiination.
Work to Ear Bwn Don hj Opponents of
PreaideJal Aiplrant '
Plot Abaadnned Been n so at Objer
tlea Mad hy Member of Provl
slonnl Cabinet, bat Covers
ment Takes Mo Chaneee.
Jtpn Mjk Lays o Seventeen
f Them at Moh a he Huaala
Does Rat Interfere.
SEOUL, Dee. 15. More rioting has taken
place at Mokplie and yesterday a Japnneae
nob wounded seventeen C'oreans.i High
vonn official are hurrying to Mokplie
tf "and quell the disorders. 80 far Rus
, ' -ot Int erfered. .
ites Minister Allen has de-
-llte answer from the Corean
,i" reg.vd to the opening- of the
ju. Despite American. l.rltlsh
.iese pressure, Russian Influence
orer the Corean government la apparently
unshaken and It la expected that Cores
will procrastinate In dealing with the mat
ter and possibly may refuse eventually to
act at all.
A feeling of unrest is growing among
the Corean people, who fear that whether
tt be peace or war between Russia and
Japan the extinction of the empire Is Immi
nent. It Is believed that the outbreak of
bostilltlee or the announcement of a pro
tectorate of any kind will precipitate
trouble. Foreigners In Seoul expect dls-
Aiki the Treasury Department far Beport
of Ita Brecial Agent.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. Senator Hey
burn of Idaho today Introduced a Joint res
olution requesting the president to acquire
by annexation the portion of Ban Domingo
comprising the dependencies of Ban Do
mingo and Ilaytl.
Mr. Simpson, the United States consul at
Puerto Plata, San Dirulno, has cabled the
State department, under todny'a date, that
a revolution has broken out at Santiago
and that tha movement la extensive and
This Is supposed to be the result of the
failure of the provisional government to
secure recognition at the hand of United
States Minister Powell, which fact pre
vented that government from obtaining
money necessary to maintain Itself through
foreign loan.
Nothing to known officially of tne re-
rted clots against tha life of United
States Minister Powell, but tha navy will
take all wscn ary precautions to protect
the American legation In Ban Domingo.
Plot to Kill rwwell, '
NEW TORK. Dee. IS. An alleged plot to
assassinate William Powell, United Btates
minister to Haytl and charge d'affaires at
Port au Prince. Ban Domingo, haa been
disclosed In a communication from an offi
cial of the present Dominican government
tn a fellow countryman In this city, who
formerly was an official under Wos y Oil
the recently deposed president of tha re-
The letter states that the plot had been
so arranged that ex-President Jtmlnea,
under whoae leadership Woa y Oil was
overthrown, ahould be killed at about tha
aamo time.
The plot to assassinate Minister Powell.
It was asserted, waa conceived because of
bis opposition to plans of certain officials.
The plan, as reported, waa to let two
or three men get Into a, fight along tha
treat which Mr. Powell waa paaslng. It
waa arranged that In the melee other plot
tors ahould engage, . and it- would be an
easy matter to kill tha American "by act-
dent" - '
WMh "Teawd -to- Jt mines, ' .tba rrlter 'As
serts that he waa to be tha victim of
plain assassination and that already two
unsuooeoaful attacks have been made upon
bia person.. Tha first occurred December
a, when a ahot waa fired at, him while ha
was driving. Tha second attempt waa
made three days later.
Jlmtnea waa tha candidate for the presi
dency In opposition to Oeaeral Morales and
tha partisans of the man who desires to
succeed Woa 7 Oil are said to be at log
gerheads. While tha plot against Minister Powell to
. aald by the author of the letter to have
been abandoned because of a strong stand
taken by a member of tha cabinet. It la
said the American diplomat is being care
fully guarded wherever ha goes.
and J,.
gays talon Pacific Compaay Paid
Company for Grain Handled In
Its Elevators it Termi
nal Points.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, Dec Ik tBpecial Tele
gram.) Senator Car mack of Tennessee
wants to know about Collector Crusen of
Porto Rico. Today the senator presented a
resolution directing the secretary of the
treasury to inform the senate If a report
has been made by Special Agent Leslie
Cullom of the department in relation to A.
R. Crusen's conduct of the office of collec
tor of customs of Porto Rico. This cace
has been threshed out so completely that
the public Is quite familiar with Its fea-
Sontbern t'onarresssaen Complain of
the Distribution of Raral
Mall Ronton.
WASHINGTON, Dec 15. Tha house
today on convening went Into committee
of the whole for further consideration of
the pensions approprla.tloc.bllL.
Mr. Crumpacker, the first speaker, ad
dressed himself to the Panama question.
saying that the attacks on the action of
this government In connection with the
new republic were unwarranted by the
Mr. Crumpacker, in a Colloquy with Mr.
Wliyams. the minority leader1, asked It It
were not time the democrats were willing
to accept the stolen goods If permitted to
condemn the act of taking. Mr. Williams
replied that while they could recognise the
character of the child, they could treat
It properly.
Mr. Maddox (Oa.), replying to Mr. Crum
packer, aald he had arraigned the party for
Fire DiviiloDi Oreated, Each to Be Com
manded j a Major Ceneral,
Wyoming, with Three Poata, Added
to Department of Mlssonrl and
Arkansas, Oklahoma and Ia
dinn Territory Taken Away.
WASHINGTON, Dec 15. The secretary
of war today approved the recommendation
of the general staff establishing military
divisions and somewhat changing the pres
ent boundary lines of departments In the
United States. There will be four divisions
In the United States and one In the Philippines.
Tho Atlantic division will constitute the
present Department of the East, except
tures. Crusen was appointed from Ne-
order and the American residents desire a oraska to the place and after being there
war shlo. The Corean army, numbering awhile he was charged with receiving
S.000 men. Is considered one of the moat money and articles of value from Import-
dana-eroua factors of tha situation. It Is " appears crusen became involved
feared that the soldiers will be first to lead wUh officials of the government in the In
the rioting and btrln looting. - terpretatlon of the customs laws, partlc
.v.. oia- m..Amn h.. i- I ularly with the navy, and It required an
read, departed tor Port Arthur and the re-j PP" to Washington bring the matter to tee only reply he could make was
r I m - i a ., . I rhaf Visa tint aan nin m Dm attln
mainder of tha fleet will follow, leaving 4UCU- waaningios - -
no war ships of that naUon In Corean lo P'" ana eausnea me aepanmeni.
out nis enemies nave aepi up a oaca nre
and the Carmack resolution of inquiry
today shows how effective tho work has
been. It Is understood that Mr. Crusen In
stallments made by a few members of the I the state of Louisiana, with the state of
minority. He then epokm on the rural free I Tennessee added thereto, and will be com
delivery. He produced figures and declared I posed of the Department of the East and
that of tho 16,000 routes established last I the Department of the Oulf. ' The head
June more than one-third; of them were lo- I quarters of the Department of tha Oulf
cated In four states Iowa, Indiana, Ohio I wi'.l be located at Atlanta, Oa., and the
and Hllnols-and that the first two named I headquarters of the division will be at
states have more routes than twelve south- I Oovernor"s Island, New Torn. The
Fair Wednesday Tbnrsday Tlondy,
Prebnbly Snow In Northern Portion.
Tesnneratnro at Omaha Teaterdayl
5 a. sn
9 n. m
T n. m......
S. a. m
w n. m ..... .
IO n. n
11 n. sn.
IS n....
. IS
1 P.
5 n.
X n.
4 p.
6 a.
e n.
T n.
n p.
9 .
1 .....
Cnrtls-Bartlett Company Pa Iters Loss
of Abont One Hnndred Then
sand Dollars,
era states which he named. I quarters of the Department of the East will
Mr. Maddox said when his constituents j temporarily bo at Governor's Island.
asked him why he could not secure more I Department of Mlssonrl Enlarged.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Dec. 15. (Bpeclal Tele
arjun.) The Curtla-Bartlett manufacturing
plant at Seventh and M streets was totally
destroyed by fire tonight, entailing a loss
of probably flOO.Ono. Two buildings with
their contents were consumed, one a two
story brick 160x2 feet and the other a
frame shell considerably larger which ad
Joined it on the east. The company carried
$39,000 Insurance on the stock and buildings.
head-1. , .... ., . 1.
wyuna ronimi ueiorv an aiarni wm iuihcu
In. Within an hour all hope of saving It
had vanished and It was with the utmost
difficulty that the firemen were able to
ROME,.'Dec IS. Lieutenant Colonel Ku
rada Torasuke, the Japanese military at
tache here, has received orders to leave
Rome' at the end of the month and to re
turn direct to Japan.
PARIS, Dec 16. Dispatches from Indo-
Chlna report the massing of French troops
on tho Siamese border. In anticipation of
war. The officials of Indo-Chlna are quoted
aa aaylng that the occupation of a large
slice of Slam hsa been decided upqji. The
authorities In Paris do not believe that a
rupture with Slam will occur and say the
measures taken are merely precautionary
the "pie
counter." He said ho could show more
routes established in seven counties In
one district than could be found In a whole
Mr. Hemenway replied to Mr. Maddox,
The Northern division will be composed aave tho large warehouse of the company
of the present Department of the Lakes,
the Department of the Missouri and the
Department of the Dakota. The Depart
ment of the Missouri is enlarged by adding
thereto the state of Wyoming, which has
west of the manufacturing plant and the
J. I. Case five-story brick building on the
The fire originated In the frame building
which was used aa an engine room and
been detached from the Department of the I workshop and before American District
tends to resign his office next spring. He whereupon colloquies with Mr. Clayton Colorado. The headauarters of the North- Telegraph Night Watchman Lane saw It
la tired of the place. While he haa been lAia and Mr. Robinson, dem., and.) ern division will be at St. Louis. the flames were rushing out of the top story
evnnsnted hv tha TVeaaiirv .nartm.t I enaued relatlnsr to the number of routes In I r. r, m ... TT . -I njl i. . v. - u.b v...iti tt.
- -w ' 1 - " 1 x 110 mciuc uiviniun will uw minpuveu vi I hm wyi cv. 11 1 1 v . i ui k uuiiuiii.
Cruxen feels that he has been mtarepre- different diatrtcta. I the present Departments of California and at once turned In the alarm, but before the
eented, but he will not get out until he Is Mr. Hepburn, rep., (la.) explained as to f the Columbia. The headquarters of the arrival of the department the flames had
"good and ready." I routes In Iowa. He charged the democrats division will be San Francisco. leaped to the Case building and threatened
Mr. Carmack'a resolution, which was or- with having opposed the rural free dellv- The Southwestern division will be com- td destroy that. Heedless of the flames
dered 'to He on the table uhtil called up by I ery route. Mr. Maddox replied that It waa posed of the DepartmenU of Colorado and which rushed from every opening from top
Its author. Is primarily thought to be only la democrat who Introduced the first bill. Texas. The Department of Texas will be to bottom of the burning building, leaping
a debatable subject for an attack upon the - Mr. Gardner, rep.. (Mass.) replied to the enlarged by the addition of the states of across the twenty-foot alley to the Case
remarks of Mr. Ltnd, dem., (Minn.) relative I Louisiana and Arkansas and Oklahoma and I building. Chief Clement rushed Into the al-
Coasnl Davis' Fight at
United States legation has received an ex
Pay for Handling; Oraln,
The Interstate Commerce commission
today gave a hearing In the case of the
Indian territories. The headquarters of I ley, followed by twelve men, and turned
this division will be Oklahoma, OkX a hose on the latter. He and hla men were
The Philippine division will remain as now completely enveloped In smoke and flames
constituted. I and were threatened every minute with the
The following division commanders have falling of a wall. They kept at their work.
Itlea and police of making unwarranted
to freer trade relations With Canada. He
aald the cotton Interests of this country
would suffer If thrown Into competition
with labor In Quebec which he declared to
union pactnc railroad, charged with giving be underpaid, and where, he said, the
preferential rates to peavey ft Co., who I standard of living was lower than in the I been decided upon: la constant spray being played upon them
operate elevators ai a numoer or vesiern cotton manufacturing districts m this ooun- I Atlantlo tnvision Major uenerai tjorntn. 1 by other firemen.
points, including Kansas city and Council try. , - rVlvuuon-MalJr General Mac- WnM1 th' fro between the
Bluffa. John N. Baldwin of Omaha repre- Mr. Gardner spoke of the fishing Inter- I Arthur. buildings, some of them with their clothing
emeu me union r.cmc ana conienaea mat ests and how tbey would bo affected and southwestern jji vision Major uenerai burning, the Case building had been saved.
They were greeted with tumultuous cheers.
About five minutes later the wall fell, send'
Ing a stream of sparks to spectacular
heights. It was shortly before this that
three boys performed an heroic act. Ad
Joining the side of the brick building waa
a little shed which contained a barrel of
haustiva report of the Incident at Alex- ZntJLnT " " qutlon of ""U- should be Smr,p,n. Dlvtoion-Major General Wade.
andretta. fully convicting the local author- thf) ,f allowances are not excessive. He approached seriously and studied with care.
there was an agreement with the He said he' was not willing that the fishing
attack on Consul Davis and of arbitrary 1 "'.. iruuBU m mutami wt- and cotton Interests of hla district ahould
Interference with him In pursuit of his vato' company at Kansas City and the be aacrlflced that the people of Winnipeg
dutlea. ' and ahowlng that although At- V. l''"",or company ai council might enjoy the strawberries of Minnesota.
tartan, the naturalised American, had been "'"" unaer wmcn ,n" Lmon acino pays Mr. Rajney. dem., (III.) said tho Panama
tan rl.v. In Alaxandretta. ha waa not mo- I lno envaiur companies ! cent per wu canal la now an aaaured fai-t. Ta h.ri no
tested until he attempted to embark for pounds for handling grain a hlch passes I criticism to make regarding the' recognition I er?LItnJ:,
Egypt under the protection of the consul. ,nrou" eievaiore.
The order becomes effective January 15.
The following officers have been, desig
nated to assume command of the aeveral
Department of the Oulf Brigadier Gen
eral Haines.
Department of the Lakes Brigadier Oen- gasoline. Charles Neher. Albert Crampton f the Mlssouri-Brtsadler n(1 8m Bhackleton secured tills and. with
of the new republic, but expressed tho hope General Wlnt; Brigadier General Carr, tern- I sparks falling all over them, rolled It out
Vncertala Abont Military Move.
that free government would be given the I porarlly
of danger of the flames.
tain satisfaction.
-,vauvM ....... . BrrriBia avoonv aiuisrr siovo, v . . i". wuwy 1 vru ki 1 . . 1
to Washington and to awaiting Instruction Th. ordfT of the feTieTKl ,ufr cr,atn- rhllipplnes. which, he said, yielded unwUl-I KobfiT T j Curtis Bartlett to a branch of a Clin
regarding tha course to be pursued to ob-1 division. r i.n.rtm.r.. .1. ingr to American authority. He saw no I .Department of California Major General ton. Ia., firm and Paul Bartlett la the reel
lain mmtimfmUnn I I ' I nK4tlAM ftA .V.- - M . I SlapArthur. TPm DOTS Til V. I Mm I . m. . .
readv - aeorraDhirallv Indleatad la unrior. I '"-"'" " iioun wamra 1 l -.i.,.mw-i-.i- nn. "- nu at-jrriary. 1 no aesiroyeq
stood to be made for the purpose of giving nd tne P'enUon of the landing of Co- eral pension. buildings were formerly the entire plant of
the present major generals territory com- I ,omblan troops. In addition to aonstructloa j Department of Colorado-Brigadier Oen- the firm here. It having during the last year
jneiwurato With their rank.- It to hot to- 01 lam oanni -r-avrnaa for Uie T'5artmeai t Texae-Brigadler Qeneral 1 rrnloTea mon "toClt to a newly
tended to move tne Headquarters 01 the De- . ,t-T,,j nvm uc iaa; urviaaier uenerai uarry, iirrr. uiin-nm, uunuuig icium me aiiey
partment of the Missouri from Omaha, but fcr4 ,akt" to 0u,f " Mexico. Department of Luaon Brigadier General from those burned. The firm carried In aU
It to designed to give Major General Bates, At 1:46 lha house adjourned anlll tomor- Kaj"f,artment of Vtoayae-Brigadler Oen- bout H53,000 stock of doors, sash, blinds.
who. Is placed In charge of the northern I
division, which includes the present De-
Knlaera Too Vootavoaomo Son
prisoned In Hla Room for
Forbidden Racing.
BERLIN. Dec. IS. Crown prince Wil
liam Frederick was required by his mother
to remain In hla room for three days for
having raced a steeple chase against the
emperor's wish. The race took place near
Potsdam three or four weeks ago. The
crown prince la a venturesome rider and
had been reprimanded by the emneror for ouortera of the Department of the Ml- ""-. ... ' . n1
.. .. . . . . , 1 .,rt .a namonant aa rv.ihla mA h. m I " AoniiMjiun, urr.. is. in me uenerai 1 cnanges in ine orpnmniu.i ui ".
nam. up m. sps 01 m. nan- oouc pamoe ---- - - Wood cae today Major J. E. Runcle ws. tlon of the four new military divisions was thm tlMl Ir " . "
FUtereg1menttDof TST gu'.rdsof wh on menVln OmT uVwha The gTn. r witneas. Statement, mad. by Ray conveyed to Department of tn.MU.ouri rf b.;.;h7a
"w.J r!L.!L Z!l !LW? !5 staff b.. In mind r,nrMnr ,h. Btannard Baker, concerning the article re- headquarter. last evening by the pres. dta- fcrrea bulldln.
cotonei The princV whe Tt Bonn unT- of military headquarter, remain, to be - of Major patchea. Said Major General to- Tn. . , -
varsity wis noted for driving tandem at " to. however, .sorted that the .Tl " r" 'Z VTto ext .h f 1. steted'lnhe Ll"-n ever witnessed and
full speed to ee how close he could cut creations of dlvlslona meana the creation reca 1 of M"1 Runcle- He wa" "ked l.e m,te. Jill., ! Pie crowded the viaduct a
Charges of Mistreatment Are Made by
Patient's Friend and In vest U
a-aaloa Will Follow. ,
NEW YORK, Dec. 15. Investigation Into
the circumstances surrounding the death at
Bellevue hospital last week of Adolphus
1 aaruckor, a former member of the British
fa7 Parliament, haa been commenced by the
f police. Drueker, who waa a wealthy mine
I ' owner of British Columbia, waa plaoed In
I. the prison ward of the hospital while suf
faring from alcoholism and dl.d.
Tne inquiry was brought about ty a let
ter written to Eugene N. Robinson. Druck
er's lawyer, by James Murphy, now a pris
oner tn the Tombs, but who occupied a cot
Bext to Drueker In tho hospital. Murphy
charged that the attendants dosed Drueker
with frequent and heavy hypodermic In
jections of morphine, besides an Internal
dose of narcotic known aa "snipe." and also
beat him about the head frequently and
unnecessarily. When Drueker died Murphy
declares the body was hastily taken to the
morgue, and It to charged the hour of de-Lb
was misstated.
Another charge to that though friends of
Drueker had several times telephoned to
the hospital asking If Drueker waa there,
the answer waa always that no such person
was among the patlenta. It la also averred
that when be was brought to Bellevue he
had soma valuable Jewelry about him and
that this haa disappeared.
Spanish Ecclesiastic Lenves Money to
General Who Will Defeat tho
I'nlted Stntea.
LONDON, Dec. 15. The will of the late
Cardinal Herreroy Esplnos contains, ac
cording to a special dispatch from Madrid, j sid, to J. J. Langer of Wilbur, Neb.
Rontlne of Departments,
Btherwtae Caanot Explain Half-Mil.
llen-Dellar Flro In Old
How York,
HEW YORK. Dec U.-It to bettered today
that the lorn from the fires of last night
will reach half a million dollars, about 5
per rent being covered by Insurance.
The first fire broke out shortly before
anldntght la the Foster at Armstrong plan
factory. In Commercial street. The build
lng waa totally destroyed.
A few minutes after the walls fell fire
was discovered tn the shoe factory of Wtl
Ham lloyt gt Co.. and a few minutes late
a fire started in the Wendell piano factory
at Central e venue and North Water street.
The Foetet Williams and lloyt fires were
extinguished after a fight but the fire I
the Wendell building Is still burning
fiercely. Policemen and firemen are of the
opinion that the Area were net by Incen
Denver Convention Organised wit
Domoe-rat as ( hair man to Make
Orgaale Law.
W DENVER. Dec lA-Tho city charter con
1 ventlun organised today. Mr. Cbaries 1
1 klaj-scuUI. democrat, was elected prcal-
1 cent, elxty dVys are allowed by law fur
1 prvpai ailvia ef a ubauer t-tt submission
I to U rvtera,
partment of the Lakes, Department of the CHARGES BREACH OF
Missouri and the Department of Dakota.
Senator Millard, while exercised about
this new arrangement uf division boun
daries, believes In making the present head-
Former Saperlntendent of
tlon of Cat a Testifies'
Wood Case.
eral Carter. I wtnaows. glaan -and manufacturing wood.
Department Of Mindanao Major uenerai Most of this had haan mnvarf ik.
Commandant of Infantry and Cavalry I building. The old buildings were used aa a
School. Fort Leavenworth Brigadier Oen- I manufacturing plant and about 3,000 worth
eral well. 1 of new machinery had lust baan lnai.n.
and the mill work had recently been
started. The firm amnlnva al.f m,n .,.
The first Intelligence of the contemplated I none of thelMS w, attected u Pa,
assistant manager of the company, said
.Kews at Headonarters.
of division staff headquarter, and the ulti
mate reduction of department headquar
ter..-. This would materially affect Omaha
and to guard against any loss to Omaha
the Nebraska representation In congress
must be active.
Senator Millard Introduced an amendment
to the diplomatic and consular bill today
Increasing the salary of the consul at So-
11 n gen, Germany, to $3.009. ' The present con-
most spectacular
and fully 8,000 peo-
number of questions concerning the origin dispatch. It haa a personal Interest to me h .... . p " !
of the article in question and stood by his In the fact that I observe that I am trans- ""7 "?'' J ?ar"
former testimony to the effect that General f erred to the command, of the Southwest- wsv hv m-ZL
Wood had knowleda. of the .torv and that wn' military division with headquarter, at "e!,Ut f. tha aw,tch anlna
It was prepared principally at hi. sugge Okhoma City. No order, have yet been ' uc.rucx.on
received at inese neaaquaricra iii itiCT-
tlon and dictation.
The second witness today waa General
George H. Burton, Inspector general of the
army. He occupied the position of In
spector general In Cuba under the admlnls-
ence to the matter at all. and w. may not C0MM TS SUICIDE AT RANK
I regret I
know anything for several day..
that I will have to leave Omaha. It will
be noticed, however, that while the De-
the extraordinary bequest of IIO.OOO to the
'first Spanish general landing In United
State, territory with an army sufficiently I L. Gllliland has been appointed post mas
strong to avenge the defeaTk of Cuba and ter at Nugent. Keokuk county, la., vice
the Philippines." I Frank C. Hanron. resigned,
Pending the happening of thle event the I A rural' free delivery route haa been or- I system of Cuba for the admission of expert
legacy Is to remain deposited tn tha Bank I dered established January 15 at Btansgar, I testimony. General -Burton said that the
I . .... , U(muim will Iau irk.n.
tratlon of General Wood a. governor gen- P" ' " r",... a
aas, vaianwma auu i" I...... ,v...vw..ww
eral, and It waa he who discovered the
postal frauds. He was called for the pur
pose of telling the committee the date of
that discovery, and also the date General
Wood made the order revising the Judicial
Cnshler of Conneetleat Institution
Shoots Himself After Greeting
Bnnk Examiner.
NEW HAVEN, Conn.. Dec 15.-After
Northern Seauritiei Cm is Submitted
to tha United Etatea 8nprema Court
Bays Federal 8tatutea Prohibit Hergr
Planned by Motrin and Hl'.L
CoMoliuation of Eailroada Interferet wh
the Law of Competition.
Present Deal Adda to Evil of Com
bination Power to Make Ex
orbitant Rates Appenr Bee
ssary to Pay Charges.
WASHINGTON. Dec 16. Attorney Gen
eral Knox resumed his argument In the
Northern Securities case In the United
States supreme court today. He declared
that by the union of the Northern Paclrto
and Great Northern companies two com
peting Interstate rallrvads have been
brought Into such relations that their In
dependence aa competitive factors In Inter
state commerce Is destroyed.
The thing that has been done wn. de
clared Illegal, he said, when brought about
by the methods pursued tn the joint trafllo
and transmlssouri case. These were cases
of contracts or agreement between Inde-'
pendent and competing ltnee of railroad for
the regulation of trafno charges. The gov
ernment charges that these agreements re
strained Interstate ct.Mmerce, and this
court sustained that or n ter. lion. Mr. Knox
The court heard the case patiently, and
the argument thrice presented by the tall
roads failed to disturb the court's ronc:u
slons that the contracts or agreements In
question violated the law, Tne exigencies
of the cases rendered necessary a complete
Interpretation of the statute. The power of
aqngres. to enact the law. the application
of the law to common carriers and spu
cidcaily Its application to contract, or
agreements rea-ulatlng ratea were all de-
mea. uara forebodings or resultant com
mercial disaster, should the government's
contention prevail, were solemnly and
forcefully Impressed upon the court by
gentlemen of eminent personal and pro
fessional standing. These considerations
Invited and secured patient and full con
sideration of the cases and exhaustive an
alysis and Interpretation of the statute in
the Judgment.
Decision , by other Conrt. (
After rrnUtlnr it perfectly clear thst ths
court was not to be dissuaded from glvlrrg '
effect by Its Judfrment to a public policy
declared by a constitutional statute, the
court stated what that public policy is
and wherein It was Infringed by the chal-
iengea agreements.
Tills exposition of the law is now our
reliance as it should have been the defend
ants' admonition. The court's decision In
the transmlssouri case wa not followed
by disaster, but by years of abundant pros
perity, unaiaturDea unui new ae vices were
put into operation to accomplish again the
destruction of competition and .e thwart ,
Uie wise policy of the law. It Is not the .
observanoe of tho bxw i Ita tn'otrcrment
that creates ponton or tHvtree. It Is willful
lotatlona or Its wholesome provision, ur
don nance of the h-W of economic health.
The attorney general aald thkt It wa j not
his Intention to reargue any of the propo
sition settled by the 1'nnsmlssour that the
Jolrit traffic cases, but to do what he could
to ahow their application to the facta In
this case. He, however, made the following
statement of the great question settled by -the
court In those eases: ... '
First That to shut out the operation ft '
the general law of competition between
competing interstate railroads 1. to restrain
Interstate commerce.
Second That to bring the operations of
wo or more competing interstate railroads
under the control of a single body shuts
out the operation of the general law of the
competition ana constitutes a restraint
upon Interstate commerce.
Third That congress Is competent to for
bid any agreement or combination against
companies --competing for Interstate com
merce wmcn restrains commerce among
the states by shutting out the operation of
the general law of competition.
r ourtn mat in oraer to maintain a suit
the government la hot obliged to. show an
intent to restrain commerce if such re
straint la tho natural and necessary effect
of the arrangement.
of Spain.
Conservatives Hold Their Own.
LONDON. Dec IB. Bye elections were
held today In the Durwith division of Cam
berwell and at Lewlsham to fill vacancies
caused by the deatha of Sir John Blundell
Mitchell county, la.; route embraces an I discovery of the postal frauds was made
area of twenty-three square miles, con-1 tn April, 1900, and It was two weeks or
talnlng a population of 615. I more later when the order was Issued by
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska I General Wood changing the Jurisdiction and
Grand Island. Benjamin F. Thorns, reg-1 power, of the court.
Alexis E. Frye, formerly eupertntendent
of public instruction, told the committee
that the schools of Cuba were organized
under law. Issued by General Brooke and
that an order making a cut In salaries
of teachers waa Issued by General Wood.
ular; George W. Burnett, substitute. Iowa
Oilman. Sherman L. Powers, regular
Maple and John Penn, both of whom had I Martha E. Powers, substitute. Hornlck
represented their constituencies for many " 1111am Eyhorn and Jonathan J. Hall,
years In the conservative Interests. In regulars; Roily Eyhorn and Estus Metcalf,
the borough of Lewlsham, Major Coetes, substitutes. Tripoli. William C. Johnson,
conservative, was elected by a majority of I John C. Johnson and John L. Schunrsteln, I He declared that, there had been a breach
1.011 At Dulwlth, F. Rutherford Harris. I regulars: Edward Johnson, Charles Otto I of faith on the part of General Wood,
conservative, waa elected by a majority of I and Ed Schunrsteln, substitutes. I which Interfered with the efficiency, of
1,437. I The National Bank of Humboldt, Hum-1 the schools. He asserted that General
boldt. Neb., has been authorised to begin Wood was untruthful tir matters affecting
wo special l.iwi for nerialists. I business, wtUi 00.000 capital J. H. More- I public affairs.
BERLIN, Dec 15. The extreme conaerra-1 head Is president; M. W. Harding, vice
fives have been demanding a return to I preslderit: John Holman, cashier; C. L.
repressive legislation against eociallsta aa I Huml, assistant cashier.
under tho late Prince Bismarck's rule.
Secretary Root will be called before the
committee tomorrow, when he committee
plana to conclude Its inquiry.
It gains Wyoming. It will therefore lose
Fort Logan H. Roots. Ark.; Fort Sill. L
T.. and Fort Reno, Okl., but will gain the greeting a bank examiner, who had corns
fine military post of Fort D. A, Russell, I unannounced to examine hla accounts. Asa
Wyo., and Forte McKenxle and Washakie, c. Bushnell, cashier of the Tale National
In the same state. -I bank In this city, went Into the baxement of
From other sources It la learned that the bank today and ahot himself, death en.
while Omaha Is not Included in tne oistn- 1 suing soon after at Grace hospital.
button of division headquarters, tne city 1 a statement given out by Edwin 8.
will still retain Its military Importance a. Greeley, president of the bank, thle after
a department headquarters with a full noon, said the investigation of the books
staff of 'executive and administrative offi- .aid the cashier was Indebted to the bank
cials. The division headquarters constitute for between 112,000 and H5.000. The president
simply the commanding general, his two I added: "Until we hear tomorrow from our
personal aides, chief of staff, sdjutant gen- I correspondents In New York and Boston
eral and judge advocate general. Neither I and ascertain our balances In those plsoes
the quartermaster, commissary or .medical I we can make no further statement.
departmenta constitute a part of the dlvls- I President Greeley said that Bushnell had
lonal staff, these belonging to the depart- been with the bank twenty-one years and
ment headquarters, which will comprise a that he was the last man who woutd have
chief of staff, adjutant general, assistant 1 been suspected of speculation. Bushnell
adjutant general, chief quartermaster, chief was t? years of age. He was treasurer of
commissary, medical director. Judge advo- 1 urace Hospital, where he died, of Trinity
cate and the usual clerical force attached I Methodist Episcopal church and of aeveral
to departments aa at present. Hence ss a I lodges of secret fraternities.
matter of fact Omaha will not be partlcu-
Chancellor von Buelow In the Reichstag I I kin I AM AfiCWT IC CVflMCDITrn I SHOULD AMEND LOTTERY LAW
In special ' LAwnunsny .
today said be did not believe In special I
legislation. The government preferred a I
firm enforcement of the present laws to I
preserve order.
Lannn Heawrta Ma m. aenntor renresc lor i-ostomee UO-
mente to Dead Rada mm u.. I pnrtment Introanees Hill
Whites. I Against Tnrf Concerns,
larly the loser by the new arrangement.
The Department of the Missouri will com
prise the ststes of Missouri, with the mili
tary establishments of Jefferson Barracks,
St. Louis powder depot; lorn a. with the
new Fort Des Moines; Kansas, with Forts
Leavenworth and Riley; Nebraska, with
Forts Crook. Niobrara and Robinson, and
Chicago City Hall Employes Who
Handle tho Pnbllo gnffer from
Mayor's Aeensattons.
Bratnl Lleatenant Sentenced. I I ' I Forts Crook, Niobrara and Robinson, and I 1 un jiuu, ic u.-au cut nail employes
I . I I ... j . a 1 I w . .... wnrlr krl . m , V. , n. 1n . . ,.w
METZ. Alsace. Lorraine. Dec. 15-IJeu- WA BHTNGTON. Dec 15lndlan A.n. WASHINGTON, Dec. U.-Tke aenate the Omana nuiinry -i. - "'""'"; 7"-- " V w'1"
tenant Schilling, charged with maltreating I Randlett, In charge of Kiowa, Comanche committee on postofflcee and post roada
his subordinates, was sentenced today by I and Apache agencies in Oklahoma, and
the military court to fifteen montha' Im- Indian Inspector Nesler and tha general
prtsonment. Schilling was charged with CU conditions at the agency are completely
cases of maltreatment 1 sxonerated by the lnsrjectcr. Frnci v
Leu dd. In his renort on the lnvainiii
an laaiBin,
with Forte D. A. Russell, Washakie and
McKenxle. It therefore remains the great
est of the military departments, except
the Department of the East.
Commander nt Omaha.
tne public win oe required to wear
badge. An ordinance making the enforce
ment of this requirement Imperative upon
the heads of al departments has been
adopted by the council. The object of the
ordinance le to prevent Irregularities
today heard the objections of a number of
representatives of insurance companies to
the passage of the bill prepared by state
Insurance commissioners, to bar fraudulent
Insurance companies from using the malls
cnarges sgamsi mose omcera. The chares I "-'- ... . Rlle ta designated to temporarily I l.hment because of tha oimc.iiv . ...k
ini't . T-w, ,c U'iiii.m T - I . . k... jt 1 - . i . . .. - I ft 1, wirtnnaA ta amend It nmultt nnt I .... . n . . . I
to. . ..uiwtu a. a-iwriw lliauv vjj uiaaatiaillMl inaiana and al. I - . I mivftMl UlltV general D. O. OUmner in I llHlilna tha ld.,ntlr, i,f fi-w-
rived here today from Venice. He made no leged, among other things, that allotments rously Injure legitimate business but st commanj of the Department of the Ml- ordinance la the outgrowth of tne charges
stay In Vienna, going on to Moscow, by were made to dead Indiana and white tha aam time PPoa! ,ha measure on the iourJ UBt th arrlvai ot Brigadier General f ' graft" by the mayor against the em-
Brlgadler General C. p. C. carr, now at I among enlployes who hope to escape pun
nay ot Warsaw. I
Enrthqnnko In Eenndor.
GUAYAQUIL. Ecuador, Dec. 15.-A slight
earthquake waa felt here today.
Monsters nt Target Fmetlei
WASHINGTON. Dec. 15-The Navy de
partment today received a cablegram from
Rear Admiral Cotton AatmA .... .
nnnnrn . . . , , rnrsTn f-t-rl .-jiui'i, an-
nUDOtU VVniUr. UUCdld iLttr uncint that the Brooklyn had left Bey
root ror Alexandria for target practice. It
Krlo Hoaso in si. uoais lanea ny
Poor BarBlnra, Who Empty
e. '
ST. LOU13. Dec 15.-(6peclal Telegram,)
While ttA guests were asleep evrrhead In
the Erie bouse. Fourth and Clark avenue,
four armed burglars early this morclng
broke open the eaah drawer and Inner safe
doors with hammers, stole SS 0 and a sack
ful of guests' valuables apd fataily la
" tt Z T . Theodore J. Wlnt, United Btates army, who ployes of the Inspection bureau.
icgiaiauun. tw vui......,.. u,ucu , I has been assigned to the command of ths
no action at mis time, cut mairraan ren- Department of the MUeouri.
Is said at the Navy department than when
the Brooklyn finishes this practice it will
return to Beyroot and that the Saa Fran
cisco will then go to Alexandria for prac
General Wlnt entered the service ss a
private soldier of the Sixth Pennsylvania
cavalry In lhU and served throughout ths
civil war and waa mustered out as first
lieutenant. He waa made a second lieuten
ant of the Fourth United States cavalry to
November. 13. first lieutenant In IK A, cap-
rose expects to call another meeting after
the holidays, when the bill will be further
The senate finance committee today
heard Director of the Mint Roberts In a re
port on small coins at the San Francisco
mint. The Colorado delegation has asked
that smaller coins bo coined at the Denver ,-. , im major of Tenth cavalry la 1WJL
mint The chief point of Mr. Roberta' iuteiant colonel of the Sixth cavalry lc
statement wss the Item of cost In trans- j colonel in X'JOl and brigadier general In
porting coins from tne west to tne eaet. I jjuj.
The postofflce committee of the house has I Th three posts added to tfci Department
received from the postmaster general the I . h. uiaamirl bv the acnulaltlun of W'vonm-
WASHINGTON. Dee. U.-Tbe meeting of Brtstow renort and the Conrad and Bona- )na .,. nrrlaoned aa follows: Fort It. A
tne cam net, wmcn was 10 nave been held I narta report, which the committee 4oday I paall. beadouarters and second battaMon
today, was postponed antll tomorrow on ae- ordered printed and made public. twond Infant-v: troop E. Tenth cavalry.
Jured the night c'eik. Oi- ,rge Harding, nal count or tne tunerai or jotin K. Proctor. I The house committee on Interstate and "J nirteenth c f.ry field artillery.
the porter. Victor Dauieon. They frat I late president or the I ivtl oervice cominls- foreign commerce today dertdftd to take up I fort Russeii Is a ten-company post. Fort
Roosevelt at Proctor Faaeral.
urd the emluca' skulls with baumacni I sioii. which wss attended by LLe president I ty. pnre food bill at the firm meeting after
and jvlatuln. and Mr, KooacveJt, i Uie holldaa,
(Continued on Second Page )
Desires Dismissal of Baakroptry Pro-
cere lass for nmer of Teeh
nleal Reasons.
CHICAGO, Dec 15. A demurrer to the
petition of creditors which resulted De
cember 4 in the appointment of two re
eel vers to taks charge of all tha property
of John Alexander Dowle at Zlon City
was filed today in tha United Btates court
by cou-.sel for Dowle.
Dnwi raises a number of technical k-gal
objections to the form of the creditors'
petition ana asks to aave the tnkni try
proceedings dismissed. The demurrer will
he. liken up for cobJeialion by Judg cxt week.
What tho Testimony (hows.
He then said:
tPk it w . L. - A T ftft.H.
that aa a matter of fact and law, tne thing
wmcn tnese gentlemen am. was to create
a combination In the form of a trust, a
form specifically prohibited by act of con
gress, If It restrained interstate commerce
and also, that the Northern Securities com
pany was formed for the purpose of tak
ing over the control of the Great Northern
and Northern Pacific railroads, and actu
ally took over that control, and, with thit
control, absolute power over both roads,
the thing which your honors have said
constitutes such restraint under circum
stances substantially' ths same aa those' of
this case.
Mr. Knox then discussed the 'end ac
complished by the merger of the railroad
Interests and declared that Messrs. Morgun
snd Hill had the power to' suppress com
petition between there two roada when they
held the control of the majority of the
stock of the two. Htlao asserted that
they executed that power and actually '
suppressed and destroyed competition be
tween them the moment they parted wlt'i
the legal title to their segregated holdings
and vested them in the Northern Securttl
company, with the power In that company.
as its charter specifies "to exercise all the
rights of ownership. Including the right to
vote thereon."
This, he contended, actually destroyed
competition between the two roads, saying:
It Is bad enough to bring the en
tire railroad facilities of sn )-Tor-tant
rectlon of the country under monop
olistic rontiul, but v hen to the power to
tlx charge mr transportation you add the
creation of scores of millions of flat stork
upon which thoae charges are expected to
Kay dividend, you 'mpotte an ivijustlrlabln
urden upon the people and exact ta Mtrh
a price for a su.-cesitrul evasion of tha law.
a pric efor a successful evasion of the
George B. Toung followed on behalf of
the securities eompany, "hla clients," he
said, "do not aeek to in aqy way limit the
authority of congress over Interstate com
merce, nor waa the securities company In
any way seeking to evade the law. But It
was not necessary to stretch a law cover
ing Interstate commerce to make It cover
something that Is not Interstate Commerce.
We are not dealing here with commerce or
the operationa of railroads at all." he aald,
"but we are dealing with the question of
property." He waa the last to present art
argument In the ease.
Amerlran Declares One a" One-Foarth
Per font on Common, Payable
Jannary 1.
NEW TORK. Dec IS. The American
Smelting and Refining company has de
clared a dividend of Vi per cent on Its
common stock, payable January I next.
This Is the first dividend declared an tho
common ateca.