I TIIE' OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 190.1. 0 COURTiK ETHICS IN MISSOURI Aged8wi.o rollowi tha Example, of Paauricns Tortlgn Doka- GOT" I AW SUIT INSTEAD OF A WIFE Perils of Trlalaa- with a Wide Gospel ( Meaey Mrrl( aealatly KiK'4 la Ceart by Ike rialatlaT. . fha elder Wallra advice respecting widows. Ilka other chunks or wisdom gratuitously passed from ' generation to generation, rarely receives tha compliment of respectful -consideration. Only when tha damage Is done, when hindsight plucks tha beam from the eye, does tha victim real- Ise tha wisdom of 'looking before leap- Ing." . v I A Missouri uiNWed wlta 44 rears and a longing for widows with money looked about considerable, but did not leap Into tha matrimonial trap. Instead he landed a ' , . .... . . , . a aamage suit, wnicn was triea in ine Kansas City courts last week, resulting In a verdict of ' $1,000 'for the widow.- Tha fletalls of tlte use are Instructive. Much mora o are tne. quaint remarks or tna piaintm aaaressea to tne jury on lawyers, eourta and eourting In MlssourL What the Mlssoarlaa Wanted. "Ijtdies, your attention please. If you are hunting a husband. I shall be easily found; I am tl years of age and money Is Bo object to or with ma, but a good woman Is. Box Stf), Ray more. Mo, Thla advertisement, which appeared In the want columns of a Kansas City news pap laat spring, resulted in an engage- went to marry, a quarrel and the breaking of the enrae-ement. th. arre.t nf h. .m. and a law wit-brought by the disappointed and humiliated woman aaalnat the m.n for-$26,000. Banford freeman, a farmer of Ray more, Mo.wa the author of the advertisement It was scro and answered by Mrs. Sarah E. Mason, k widow of Ktn.as City. A correspondence followed and then a meet- lngof tha coupla. and an engagement, Thre does not seem- to have been much lova In the matter. Kach was seeking a T htZtML,n he owned a farrn-c-f 160 acres worth $50 an acre, and That hf had If.MO lir cash. Her hnahand ai-a . -.k. . . -1 " ... wiwuoi, Bnii sue Decame I engaged to"' Freeman in Mv. au told him at under the terms of her hue- band's will she would- get $5,000 if sha re- I matned single one year after his death, therefore she could , not marry him until October. She told him, too, thet In De- cember she would inherit $10,000 from her mother's estate. Bhe asked Freeman to lend her $46. Ha old It,-but after he left her house he re- pented and went to the 'police and had her arrested arid taken, to the police sta- tlonv ' She returned the money. Because Of thla humiliation she sued him. . ' ' Hi. watd the Mono?.. ' Freeman acted as his own lawyer during L knowledge that a male spectator waa ad th' trial of the Case. On the .witness mltted to the dressing room and witnessed stanq lie furnUhed amusement for jurors and spectators. - - . r - v . Did. you Joye 'thla woman T'' he was asked. 'Didn't yetr want her money 4lyfvi I . r) i n .,. , I Well," he answered, "we want pert leu-1 larly stuck on ecch other.". .' , 1 It waa atusihps arrangement with! your" "v .. . t Tea,, sort f.t t . . . i J ou wanted tha$16.00r ' '' ' . '' 1 ."Ton bet I did,." j .. ... . I;if "What put it Into your head that she 1 was oeceivmg you and hadn't $16,000?" inought If she. had It or had It com Ing and she wanted -a maa ahe wnnMn't I vm sorrowing 46 from him. She'd, rub isrougn some way." t. . . . im .. ow- maa umea have yoy been' t-tir 'Bo many times I can't count m TTou ' deceived her .when you told. 3ier you naa a farm and $2,0007" . "Yea" ; "Waa thst being honest with herr "Aa honest aa ahe waa with me." "Why did you tell her you had all that , is-openyt "Well, whan a man's courtln a woman oa does all that's possible to get her. "Did you Intend to marry Tierf "I done all J could to get. her .till I found aae didn't have no $16,000," Talks A. boat Iwyers. Freeman, addressed the Jury In his! own behalf and delivered the most remarkable Speech ever heard In that court At times too . Jurors roared with laughter and the Judge lost several yards of his dignity. Tail, gaunt nd awkward, with wrinkled a v ,uf, -wviuv-vui nur ana grusiea mustache. Freeman ' stood up with his overcoat buttoned and said "Men, I'm not a lawyer. I don't know Mscll about law aor-. courts. And I don't see why I'd ought to pay a lawyer to come la here and tight thla case for me. I've got nothing to hide, anyway, and my no- ucn.os sawyers is that their strongest wJi is in eoveria- up things and twist In' of 'em around. Now, I elu't goln' o do ao aqulrmln' aor twtatln' la this case. I'm $yon' to stick t facts. My notion' of court bouses an" courts Is that they're places for. people to Come an have their lauin a out aeitiea up I air an square. That's what I'm here for. I help, pay taxes to 'Keep op the courts, tn' I can't howaya see why I'd ought to pay a law. yer. I can't afford to, nohow. I'm Jlat a poor farmer, one of these feller the city felks -calls a bayaeed. I work hard for what I get You can see that by my hoAoe.M 11 ' ' - i Hera VYee an held out Ms bands, cal. loused and cracked by hard work, and Urned them over elowly so tha Jurors oovld see them well. "All's Fair la Coartla'.1' ain't teuch tor pattln' on style. It' true I try to wear teUable good clothes; that Is, good, enough for a farmer, so'a my neighbors won't be ashamed to have me call an' aee 'era. I'm years old an' I've always woraea hard for what I got. I admit that I never had brains enough to make a Hvln' as easy as these lawyers do. But you. twelve men look to me like good square people, an' I'm willln' to leave my case to ya. - matter bow - much these mart lawyers gels up an' argefys after I'm done. ... "Now I admit that I lied to this woman. That la, I told her I waa a rich farmer. That waa a I, aura enough. It waa aa big a walloper as ever I told, an' I've told some In my time. I lied to her about that. My only excuse Is that I was red hot te aVaat rtr .4w Wast 4 f V 4.1""V 4 w uk U 4w 4J . UIUUWIIU-. i.ai.iJf.Jr ?waJT!!lB-k corresponding loss of horM man always put his best foot fcrrard when he's courtln' a woman. Tou men know that. You've all been thar, I'll bet" At this the jurore fairly roared.-. That f lS,OM Uek4 Ooo to HI I aee the shoo ptnehes." ths old farmer emitinued. Of course, you've alt Med to tne woman you was rottnin . ; t wouian 1 be natural If you didn't, So whm this protnaa told me she was worth $16,000 I tntsd her bad. - TWaan't her I wanted ao much as her money, i tsu you when l thought shs was worth I1S.000 she looked tnlat-ty good to me. en' I told , her I was rich, hopln' tbat would help land her.. Cf course, If ehs d a tnsrrl-a tne and found OMt I wasn't worth hotaln' she'd a beanl' by Kuhn s. Co, mad, but then I'd been no good to her I'd a pmoothed that all over. I'd a eome nearer lovln' her nearly to death than any man llvln'; that la, If aha had the tlt.000.- "I tell you, men, and you know It, too. money cornea purty nigh makln any woman look good. A woman may have a hip knocked down or two or three splint knots and epsvlns, but if she's (rot money aha look a clean-cut and Bmooth-Ilmbed as a young colt. 'Tain t hard to lova a woman that's rich, and that's a fact. Oh, jrou know It. To Old Marry fop I.ooks, "Tea, sir, she looked mighty sweet to ma till I found out sha had nothln' on earth, an' then aha didn't look so good. Her beauty Jlat seemed to fade away with that u.wu ana i sourea on ner ngni mere, Why, men, I can get a woman to marry ma any- day." Hera the old man straightened tip ana threw his shoulders back, "I'm 5 years old, but ne lowered his voice and bent near to tha Jurors. 'Trn purty tollable well Iked by the wlmmen folks ylt Tea slree. Old Banford Free- man hain't too old to court a likely woman ylt. But I'm too did to marry a woman J1t for looks, Bhe's got to hav money t It .. . .. 11 W 0 , .... on r mi vn ! unwu on.nu. Freeman. Appeal to tfco Jary, .,, -.,. m,hn 1 found nut that aha aia; ,,.. iMn' t u.t f..rh.nii went back on h.r and demanded the $45 she d borrowed of me. When aha wouldn't pay It I had her arrested. Maybe ' I hadn't ought to done that. If t had It to do over again I wouldn't do It. But hindsight la alwaya better than foresight. Leastways I done It and I got my money back. I made .up. my mind she was list a smart city woman tryln' to fool an old hayseed, an' I guess I waan't far away, hey! Now If you want to stick me why go ' ratnw ,wu'dn J flc owe nobody a cent an' I d like to keep don't d" that Wy- 'Twon't plea"a"t. have a Judgment fcangin' over ma. But It t up to you men. Tou look right an' square to me aV I'm gueasin' right now that you a,n,t oln' t0 K1v.n farmer tn wo of u lst hecu" h told a fewarn to tne woman he wa" cortIn . Think how waa yourselves when you was a courtln your gals. That's all I have to My 1 na reiurnea m veraiui, fl,w. ' JARRED THE JNTIRE SCHOOL oirl Admit a DUnatsed Maa to aa BlnlT Ftnisise raaciMB at Aaa Arbor, University circles at Ann Arbor, Mich, are excited over a scdndal. which has al- ready resulted In the peremptory dismissal of an upper class man and a co-ed, whose names will not bo revealed by President Angell or Dean Jordan. The offense was the admission of the man to a dressing room where $00 girls were arranging their costumes for a fancy dress party given by the Woman's league of the university, Many of the girls at this party, which waa supposed to be strictly private and for women only, were dressed as boys, and thev and their friends are horrified by the all their amies. Much latitude la granted at thesa parties, land men are strtotly prohibited; Juat-be fore Thanksgiving recess the league gave a party, and an upper class man, disguised as a negress. gained admission, accompa, nled by one of the co-eds. In the course of an hour or so suspicion rested upon the "colored woman,"" who spent entirely.: too mucb time In the dressing room, and "she", was summoned Into Dean Jordan's office. r.Jprdan demanded the3 removal of the1 headgear .worn by the negreaatand dls covered tha Imposition. She then took the man's name and ordered him 'from the building. The co-ed who brought him from the 'hall' wmrn tailed in' and ' closely quixied, with the result that the entire matter was reported to President Angell, and the'dismlssals ensued. St. Louis Globe- Democrat. - - . ' ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. Oao More Hob esoekers' Exoarsloa, Oklahoma Is southern In point ' of geo graphical position. Tha people are western in , their aggressiveness and untiring en ergy; they are eastern In their educational facilities and lines of thought; they are northern in their methods of farming. The territory possesses the happy medium In Its kindly climate and the .ability to bring forth the products that are native to the north, east, south and west of the United States. Cotton, the staple ot tht south, is a leading product. Tobacco is raised with as much success as in Ken tucy and Tennessee. Wheat and corn. the rraln of the north and western states. are raised more extensively than, any other oonunodlty. The wheat crop of Oklahoma for 1902 aggregated $0,000,000 bushels. The corn crop for the same year exceeded 65,- 000,000 bushols. Potatoes, fruits and all manner of grasses, vegetables and' other grains ylsld prollfleally, The raising . ot live stock la one of -the most Drontabls nursulta. The nastursa-e is j rich in verdant grasses and wholesome I water, while the' mild, dry winters make it possible to turn the cattle Into the grow- Ing wheat fields. Horses, mules. Angora goats, sheep and hogs are raised as cheaply as In any ether state In the union. I There la much walnut and oak, hickory. I pine, and the lumber production runs Into I millions oc reel annuauy. 1 The taxable valuation of the territorial I books show more than 40,000,900 taxable J and $176.900.0M of real wealth. 1 There are I now about 1O7.9O0 children attending the puttllo schools of Oklahoma and the popu- latlon la 96 per cent of American birth and " r cftt under the age of 60. More than 60 per cent of the population owns Its own homea and 90 per cent of the aettled far"" ar now ndow1 ts I abav th tralu of In the shape ot live stock, farming Implements, forage stocks and dairy supplies. One more Uamesecksrs' excursion via Rock Island System to points in the south west December IS. Full information at thla office. F. P. Rutherford, D. P. A., 13 Farnam street. Omaha, Neb. NEW IDEAS INJROAD MOTORS Atteadaaeo at tho Aatoaaohllo ' Show la Parte Isrsaam All Kxpootatloas. (Copyright, 180$, by Press Publishing Co.) PAIU, Dec U. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) The attend ance at the opening of the automobile show was enormous. The police had to close t,he doors gnd turn away .thousands. power. Another noticeable thing Is the , great increase In the number of electric care, v The most remarkable exhibit la'Renard' rauiras train. An ordinary motor of forty. horse por. Instead of pulling tha trsin I as the ordinary locomotive does, supplies 1 motive power to eacfc alo of each wagon, J 0ucha motor' drew a train weighing thirty tons from Paris to Versailles, The hill I climbing power la tremendous, I Deaf Ctaoga Alt High. I Rsst ful sleep follows use ot Dr. King' J New Discovery., the best lung cure In ths world. ' eure, ao pay. . ewv fLU. For GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Har Cuowt and Big Delivery Oatuei Dtclina la Pnos of whsat cor& for may declines in price Oats for May Delivery Aro Higher mm Provisions Market Makes Uaias Tkrengh Higher Price of llugi. CHICAGO. Dec. 12. Heavy snows In the winter wheat states and big deliveries on lecember contracts caused weakness in wheat today, but the close was steady at the decline. May being off i&e. May corn closed lower and May ot a shade higher. Provlalona made nlni ninrlm irom I t3yo to HVMac V neat n re net ttM A, 1lh Umv IXa Iawa 1 to Ho higher at Hfa14ic. but soon showed I slumped to SOVc. But the advice? from I Argentine were still bullish, as the rains I thr mnllntlAil. F.nnrl. -.. Ul.... I ...... w -.., .... i. . v. h . .u rwu, in aivi.i ...i.,,,- a SDolls. stated onlv small aunollAa of wheut I were still left in the three northwestern I mam, mese, wun reports or a com wave 1 in prospect, cnangea the sentiment in the I pit and during the last hour a good demand I davelnnart ivllh mn n V url aollara nn thl demRnd rniii Mnv mAvnnpvA to Ymt I DUV nff aide Tim mnruet rpinnnj1Ml to tliel eased off again. The close was steady I with V! v Si.friU. Inr mi SI tLlii Rl u. n PIm,. I snces of wheat and flour were equal to 874,- I an oushels. l-imary .receipts were ssi.soo l bushels agatnst t4,S(' bushels a yeT ago. Minneapolis, Dulutn and Chicago reported I comnared witn B.H i MM laat wAk anH RTS on pa a u... a rO ' I but Mav held aurorislnalv steadv in view I or tne weakness and the decline in wheat, There was a rood deal of Mav Wanted bv I local shorts snd offerinr were' Ilstit. The weather was less favorable for the move- ment, raina ana snowstorms oeing general i throughout the west. After opening A shade to Wc higher, at 43Vfc2i43Ha May sold between 43Vfeo snd 43c. closing at 41141140. 1-ocal receipt, ware W cars, with It nf rontrnrt ffrsde. Oats were firm' on hovering by December I shorts, the receipts continuing small. Dur- I Ing the last hour there was considerable I activity in the pit due to a number or I local operators coming in with large buy- itaj uit'oia. v 1 ia ian; aiica, -riinuc-va 1 v s j 1 was enougn pront 10 caure a reaction ana the close was steady. May opened uo- I hada lower rsnged between 6o snd 3737c, closing! vi o-ti'wiu. tvvFvw . liio waiw w - i Provisions were firm on smaller receipts ... uvea ami at.n.. .. .... o c. j ......... .hnVi. Snd romml-aton houxps . but nart of I 1 Ilre VIII a II nil ij v. iniim wii uujiiih uj 7. . 1 i ' i ' T t. '-iizz 1 this gain was lost on selling by foreign' houses. Mav nork closed 17Vitf!20c higher. at $!l.WVfmi.f!2tt. May lard was iPfje higher at Ifi fU,i.lVL and ribs were uo 7Hc at $6.35. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 86 cars; corn, 296 cars; oats, 215 cars; nogs. 46,000 head. . The leading futures ranged aa follows Articlea.l Open. High. Low. Oose. Yea'ty Wheat fDec. 7 Vi Mny 1814(0 I I 79A 78l 784.1 79 jh July - 177 77W 76i nigl' ,1 Corn Dec. . May July Oate Deo. 1 Ma July Pork Jan. May Lard -Jan. July Ribs Jan, May" 42! 43ra, .42 ' 41 Vj 4114 42y,, KM 34H'SM .8i " 24 a S6tei37 J'H 11824 1127HI U 72V 4 46 IU 10 U 47H 11 27 1146 . 11 61V1 U 8u 6 SO 11 K 6 45 U S2V 60 847 2V 6 67H S17H 6 621 6 07j 4 47 , 27W s1 27' So 6 Vi e w 27 No. 1 .tNew. .... v'v .' Cash quotations were as folio ws : .-.; FLOUB Steady ; winter patents,' $4.00 A OA . .Ir.li.ht. M 7Crfi 1ft kHflllV nAtentfl t4.0U3i4.itUr straights, H. 6t t-3. 76 : bnkarsi-42.40 to3 !!u. .- . - w . . WHEAT No. 3,. 7S.5Slcj' No. a rsd.'SlH W. 44c. te, tiMGt$&0. we. . . ... . .. -- CORN NO. X, 4ivc; iso. z yeiiow, OiTB Mn ' 2 afvVaC.l' No "g" white. RYE No. 2, file. , , - BARLEY Good feeding. 86337c; fair to choice malting, 43f(67c. . , ... . , SEEDS No-. I flax, ma'. No. 1 northwest- fiaix., nlm,.r Mntranl vraitn tllMl. . PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $11 60$ 11.62. Lard, per 100 lbs., W.I.VVy 60. tjnort rlha. aides iloosei S6 12va0 athM.. DnQri.C13ar i des U.xedr$612wi6.a? . . ' . .,, Following were the TwelpU aad' ghlpV ments of llour ana grain: . . . irione bhl ' 23 70u' 22 4i0 S2?!v B!?' S-SS Sf2 A:"- " ' "oirnn ' vo'i-vi V...- mi' iot'kvi Rve hi, .2'80O " 7 900 iye, "..'X "'..aA in tha ProduVexchanTudav tha butter wlnriUdS les,1417c: Eggs, firm at mara cases in- . - . - 7 eluded, 2627Vic. Cheese steady, KMyiOc, KW YORK UEXKHAL MARKET. Quotations of tho Dor oa Vulou SltMllDU MJMXf M,m " Commodities. , , NEW IOKK, Dec, B. f X.U Ulv neceip ts, 42.61 bbls.: exports. 12.210 bbls.; negleeted, . i: teVs,rTat."u.orMTn 4.i6t.7b; winter T exiras. 63.0u4j4.36; Mlnne- 7(3.85; winter low grades, flour. firm:. fair to jroc. sola oa iters, to. c i. (,;. iiuui, 111 iii v avw, 26(u.3.o: choice to fancy. 3.46ii3.65. buck ILi V IE U ... wheat flour, steady, li.SoS.-i36.. -- -CORN M UAL Dull: yellow western,. $1.02; City, $1.1)0; kiln-dried, $m03,O6. . Kits-millet; mo. x western. w0, I. o. D., afloat; state and Jersey. 664jw8c. BAULKY Bteady; feeding, ttc; malting, 48tiOc. c. I. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts.' 14,826 bt).; exports, -39,-482 bu.; spot, easy; No. 2 red. tSo elevator su-r-t: anoit rr $ssass Duluth. 2c. t. a. tv. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Options lost some of their bullishness this morning "V a ,TC. ?. poor cauies, uuu wwimr niwi aim uuvral ra,.1i. liit,. In lh. uiilun wheat pal Unit on war talk and closed steady at hklaMfi net decline. May, M,u6 7-16c, closed at 86V4c; KW.oU aI13o. " " CORN Receipts, 36,7 bu.; exports, I6.5X ... i th' n"r w"h"at .ecfiorand se l- Kck ba-a ''w- halibut Sv- crapt- eJ l. m3L SVi So'H Fto"; caTvesrf.75rT. and' Indian Ing for proefltWt"kingWhTVdCec?ln.o, tend- l ebrrlnk,;hiu'& ' ui; b?itaS ")!" " -4 0O; cow. and helfera. tl.Wt ency was augmented by the extreme weak- 8c Week ending Nov.. 14 .28. 3W1 T8.oo 1.78. nees In December, which sold oft lHc early OYSTERS New Terk counts, per can. 8me week last year 27,S4a 67,002 45.614 HOa9Reelpts, t.OOO head; the market In the day on heavy deliveries, eommie- 43c. per gal.. $2 00; extra selects, per can. RECEIPTS FOR TUB TEAR TO DATK. and hl her; pig. -and lights, - slon houses were active sellers, Bt. Louis a&c, x-r gal., i.76; standard, per can, 17, Tha following table shows the receipts of t W; PB'k'r.404 'Wi butchers ana uesi houses being prominent on that side of per gal., $1.35. csttle. hogs and aheep at South Omaha "X.vS KYtS' i.tc. t i hio the market, knd with little demand Mav RRAN- Per tort. 114 M. for the year ta data and comoarliona with BHEEP . AN D .LAMBS Receipts, i.aw bu.; spot, steady; No. z, 62c elevator and cember, 68c; May, who; casn, no. n nara, 62c t. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 yeiiow, 64; No, 70ie72V4c; No. 3, 6itj70cr No. 1, 6Mttr; re 8 white, 624ic. Optiona opened firmer on Jeewd, 6w61c; No.' red, etc; No. t, 6K61o. the rain and snow throughout th. v,.r but later followed the wheat decline. The close was dull and rtst unchanged. May, 4S',c; December, 62c - . OATS Receipts, m.OOt bu.; exports, $2- Ktt Kt. -ruift ,,11. M i 41U.,. a,B White, 43c; No. 8, 4Kc: No; 1 white. 42c; No. white. 41Vc; track white, 41(u46o.: '. w i a r c..-a.. i : . i.w . m choice. ;c. - - n.A i ciinsuv. auiuuiiiar. mmu. .mi: $r cmmi Jt KICK uuiet: aamestlc. fair to extra. 9l!9i 6e; Japan, nominal. fKUVluiuiMJ Beer, nrm; ramlly, $10.001 u.w; meas. KM! Deer nams, fM.Wtf S3c; factory. ISWtoLV. .nrji.i.u.ci, ... . u crr.ni, 'T j . . . . . m . ii - small colored. StptiPniber, 12c; late made. r l-'litaSadf r 12?.'- a.2Sa2? li'late Sad2' . i-c. late made, 10c; small wtute B.pteinoer. Mo; large colored bjepte inner, c; wr, u, . maae. KQOS Firm; state and Pennsylvania L . . , M.A -. . u II ra 1 u , .in,., vct-.iMv, ,iai, aim i-viin- avlvaiiia -seconds to ftrslii. 2toc: western extras. 81c: weaU"m seconds. 2s2c.j wsst trn (lists. loc; reri-itrerated. znyzoc. TAI.IAiW Firm; city ($2 pur pkg ), 4c; country (okas. free). 4Vfi4740. DTiri iTUV.lllu. ... Ir - .,aaaa. .U.b ,ik.. .i 1. 1 A 1 1 ' f. - ,.,,VauU .10., Cia, IW, ivwi., '"tf M-T.. , .UI..JB, aa... , dressed. duU; western chi.-kons, lie; fowls, Ilea turkeys. 17C-ic- CoCeo Market. -VEW YORK. Dec.. 12. OOFFEK-fltiot, Rio. nominal; No. T Invoice. 4 la-lic. Mlldl , . . n : Arm; Cordova, 7A,ttl"c. Futurna opened steady at a Oeciine or lotno poiout, fulioyr- I tha kraak in tha 'nr.i.i... i, u r L .. r which was attributed to iioiU taking sad sow Mlllng in anticipation of a reaction. It was alo noted that primary leceipta were ruuuuig ratoer exoa.4 ol eetlinalae rjrn rirm: n, common to cnoice, I ,T1 . ,,, . i ,,y, a............. -- - I calm, lnanstnsis sna internsiioi 190S, JOtiSc; 1K0. l?54c: eld, 12c. pacltlc EOaS-Higher. Missouri and Kansas M........JM w 4 474 i . 4 JJ . I nacUve. Klo Tlntoe gained 6f. coast, lscia. I8fjc; iw, ZHaic; old. 912o. I cases munio, n-- ., wmiowooa i ' 2 " T , . I vale rate of discount was 1 13-19 p HI DEa Firm; Galveston, 20 to lbs.. It o: I. cases Included, 27V4C.; ''- m J 4 474 47 rfjr ! - I Three per cent rentes. Vtf 66o for California, a to 25 lbs., lc;' Texas dry; 24 to -' . .' ' . eTI.Plfi.DnlP,n?J,i?: t ": iii 'Z 2 ii3 '.::..:.i; iu iiii ! count. Exchange on London, 26f 10 lbs., 13Hc. wiimi, suine..,.M,...i..iiM w, J aM I rrl so ttt .. 4 U I checks. LEATHER Firm: 'acid. tMtXtie'. ' 1 . ' I Corn, bushels ...UJ art ' a.400 I K "K i 1,2 St. .. .w. Hir.m.lM. irT-adln on the me?, ffs wH? S Tut meatioJiV, ni.u? cemJBer S 58Lci, ,"Slci the m rket this morning, no lest was made. NEW YORK. Dec U-WOOI-Flrm. do- mess, ii&.uwt lT.oo. cut meat, oulut: pickled tm track. No. 1- hard, kc; No. 1 northern, h,m h.M over from va.tardnv were m.,,i. n-.nai inaiVp oTckre'd han' Eo 1 '. .-M. .orthrn; AlteloVn-Tonlyadv preT'' "ITObSa 'it-WOOD-Current quo- wt?i beamed S3 W- reflned A..n - l' 73S?fevi, wi. Mtll.', xiiriifn K- V"T the week receipts have teen about taUons sre: Territory-Idaho ne, 1416e; JT-!mi?m B,.'.,.h' Ami-iIU d,,'f'."cn" f.Ui.LR7firiJ?tVri?' XfV-if?! normal. There la a small decrease as coin- fine medium. la 17c; medium. UtilKc, Wyo- Vlti? i2.rtl'VoCCnV ltni" iK,uii i 2f -3ow$.4u; pared with last week, but a slight Increase mingllne. 14lic; line medium. ltklTe; nit- fSi'K- fbort elia 111 iis:fift'Jir n?MCl1f,t.fw?' ' ''- ; as compared with the corresponding week Sum. ttifllSc. Utah and Nevada, fine, ,hort cl". llS-ODiijU.OO, mess. U RAN-In bulk, til&l- , , , of )&,t y.ar. xhe better grades of killers VelBc; Bne medium. Iml7c; medium. I'TTirii-null. weak- " 'eittra ,,,,. L.i..i.ki. Pmj.m w.w-. ' hav met- wltn ri,y ,l1 fl weel? lfrS-W Dakota, tine, liaise; flns medium, BLTTIUt luiu wg. eir creamery, miladelnhla froaaeo Harkot. prices not a great deal different from those Uwnne- medium 19Caic. Montana, fine rn.nTl'-C S dt?rvJ PHItaADELf'HIA, Deo. It -BUTTER- Fn fore, last week. A large share of the cfce. ; flni JnidluJ. "holes, itaoe; ffHe.M fr.Jstr demand: e.,ra western cream- offering. .:whorVnaVd.-"t " ,B meSlu- and, while the primary markets were gen erally Arm, there was heavy liquidation here. On the opening basis, however, the market attracted covering and fair support from bullish Interests so that part of tha loss wss recovered, the market closing Teaay at a net k or vo r"inis. oaies i were 116.250 bags. Inoluding December at 4.3vu6.S6c; January. )?. 4fic; March, l.0 j.76o; May. "XKul.OBc; July, 7 lF"T2o; September, t.So7.0c; October, 7.3&a7.4c; November, T.aoyT&Oc. . OMAHA WHOI.KsALK MABKUT. Ooadltloa of Trade mm tloetatloae oa Staple aa Faaey Prodoee. EOOS Freeh Stock, 27e. LIVE POULTRY liens, TfiTVie; spring chickens, 7ty18c, roosters, according to age, 4'ic; turkeys, 12c; ducka, Uhc. geese, t tiSHc - DREBSED POl'LTRT f urkeya, lS4(lc; ducks. Irtlle: geese, t?10c; chickens, 7Hir 'Li'wr't ii ii.k iiu.. .hniu I fancy dairy. In tubs. ltiilc: separator. c. FRK8II FISH-Trout, 10c; plcVerel, 7e; I mw. .. i,i,...h it. 1 whUeflsh. ' ft; .salmon, 11c; haddock, . . l. . - in.i. i . . ... I lobsters, boiled, rmr lb..- 0c: lobsters, green. I MAY Prices minted bv Omahft Whole sale Dealers' association. Choice No. 1 up- mnA 7 Kjl U. 7 n 1 . . fcfl Eft . ,m i u . . i.w, .,,iu.,,. T"."., I coarse. xR 00. Hve strkw. trt Sn. T1im nrices I sre for hay of good color and quality. De- I mano rair ana receipts iignt. cukn 44c. OATS Vic tfVRNn 9 K.V. I'H K N M A N TH PIKNrMir to nve reat. ner doen. - it-7fir Ave ty iwn feet.- rtr dm. en, $2.60; eight to -nine-' feet, per dosiMi, $8.50; I rlne to tun tffi npr' Hi.rcn ti larv, I school and church purposes, twelve to I fourteen feet, eacn, (ini.eo; extra large, ni- i teen towenty feet, each, $S.O4.0I.- (-viskukkkn wkea i tiiNj m cons oi I iwomv yarns, ner con. zi.iu. W H f"1 A T l-Ifl M a tnn ll Irtd bvHiV WMaOll doxeh. 1.80; holly wreaths. Der dozen.' $l.r0. I ineee oesigns are twelve inches in ai ameter. .. HQ1.LT BRANCHES Per esse of tx2xi reet, about nrty pounds, $4.50; per barrel. LONG NEEDLE INEf4Per dnfeen. 2 00 en I MISTLETOE Branches, per five-pound box. $1:25; per pound, c. Mistletoe orders will be filled about December 20 and ship- iiiiivnru,,i. i. , I Ped by express only. VEGETABLES. , POTATOES Colorado. 8fo; Dakota, per bu., 70U 76c; native, 6.S 70c. , gwiiliT ItJ'i'ATOKd Illinois, per bbl.. a). 3, t 1 ,NAVT BEANS Per u.. t2.SS. CKLERV Small, per ,Jo... 2636c: large ONION New home grown, drv. ner lb.. I opauijin, f'r eraio, si.w; tjoiorauo yet- I low and red, V4J0. I n I IJrtVT r. TV riOUSnO, mV$C, lue- hiia t.7. bii. - v " , "-m ;.- ' .CARROTS-Per bu,( 6uc. . .ixlr.r- Ib : : . I A,ui.vJVil2L,,t a $2.75 i i '-pnviTora ,.,'-. - k1.w. crate, S2.25. CUCUMBERS Per 4oe., $i. FRUITS. ArriiM vauiprnia Deiinowers, per oox. $l.t0; New York Ureenings, Baldwins and other varieties, $3.S0. URAPE8 Pony Ca taw-baa, 20c; Imported Malagas, per Keg, la W'!T.0U. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl.. $7.60: per box. $i76: Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, tn: pen ana cnerry, $! vjLiJNCt-B Laiuurma, per oox, i.a. . .7 TROPlCAL' FRUIT8. ' ORANGES Florida Brlghte and Russets. all sixes, 63.85; navels, laige size, $3.UOt,i.60. i,; iNH-4:fl lrnrnin fancv. sou to Fl&S-Urelifornla, per 10-lb. 'cartons, 85c; aies. 4; choice, 240 to 870-sizes, 83.50. 1 Imported Smyrna, 3-crown, 14c; 6-crown, 16c; 1 7-crown, tSc: '..;.,; . COOOANUTS Per eack, $4; per dos., 6o. . j . . . i . ,.i win,,. j 1 1 ... a w in,, m 1 cer iD.."irr ee-iDi tioxes.! mm: oriental stunea dates, per box, $2.40. ti-.m-v; BAAKA-wr medmmwitsea ouncn, X3.ooi fi2xi: Jumbo. 12.7r,il;2. it. vi- CHEEBE Wisconsin ArAWina. ftlll cream. 12,4c; Wisconsin YoVrtg ; Americas, 13c; (.Wisconsin lrinbefger, 1; HON i. Ya-Nebraska. biocg owttt, iiociT kviarohiia. dhck, c; r 24 trainee, $3.2o; Cub and Colorado, per JH t ramea. tt.60. . MAPU4 6UOAH ClilkC,pet,ib., 10c. CIDER Pei bbl.. $6.Iv, er..ybbi., 3 .23. ' i POPCORN Per lb.. I V heild, s&.ttc. HORE .itADISH-ilVft, .caae pf doa., I packe. SOq.' . .. . .. NL'TS Walnuts, No. l soft shell, per lb., l&c; hard sneii, per id.. 14! ko. z, aou sneu, lner lh.. 13(5 1 NO'2. bsrtl , shelli tMVT lb.. 12C! I Krszlls. per lb., 11c; filberts, per lb., He; almond's, soft shell, per. lb.. 16c; hard shell. I per id., 10c; pecans, nuge, irr iu., itci Small, per lb.. 10ci peatkut per lb.. 6Hc roaetd7eanuts. pen Ib.i-fo; ChlU walnut., 'rn ""L' V?uu,'"- bu.. $1 26; Italian chestnuts, per lb., 12c. inVTti-iio i , .rEn TiT'lklo. i .Vein. a! No 1 ltert Tc: No. 2 salted. 6c: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 8Ac: No. I veal calf. 13 to 16 lbs.. 6V4c; dry salted hides, 31.e; sheep .u. .,,7., v.ru hli tl iivti.l.U 7 7 , , " . a ..... mm 1 -T LOUIS. Dec. lZ-WHKAT-Lower: No. x red casn, elevator, .Jaic; track, 9Hc; December, Slo May, tualVfal No. 1 iuuu, .,o"7c. . v CORN Steady; No.. 2 cash, 434$4ci l?,."'J,a T Vi ni' 1?' J "S . . I , 11 TH J'lmi : No. 1 Cash. S4l.38c: tnek. 88c; December, ,$7J.c No. .8 white. tSt. I . . . . v',-. i." . lr patents. .b.o, ir tancy ana 1 straisnts. s3.sum.2u: Clear. u.ua u. BEI -Timothy, nominal. W.ao$.85; Prflm?,lf!je.rTfla.AvMt- vi SS-rtL JiS SVi!hT'.2?, track. 7Wr77n. HAY Firm;, umetny, .6oepu.w; prairto, ihuh utrr-run -tiiub-i.vo, BAOGINO 6S-'- HKMP TWINE-Sc. " PROVISIONS Pork, higher; lobbing. rn. so. laro. nrmer: stearo-renaerea. n.zvm. 1 Bacon., nrm; Doxea extra, snorts, clear ribs, 17.60: short clear, Ji.Vft. .... POULTRY eteady; chickens, 7c; springs. aJ BlJT.Tl t Firm; creamery, Mc; dairy. lMj"i0c. . . i-v ... frjimiiit-Mteaiiv at z.c. jaeceipis. empments, Flour, bbls ,MU 11,0110 I i, r', , , t. , I neat, . UU.... W" 1 al Ai.l Si'"?' V' .---. Oil IfcMl I 1 n.u ului " a,vw Kaa Cr -rl. a-4, Proelstoaa, I KANSAS CITY. Ilec; -lX-WHBAT-De- I Keoelota. 148 ars.. . CORN December, 8T5C; May, $7c; cash, No. 9 mixed, new, 87s; old, 3S4o; No. 1 whiter $Vc; No. 8, no. ' - - OATB No. $ white, 43c; Ko. t mixed, 3i.ft. . . . . ' . v . .. I tiAinmcm uuiuin;, f.wqijw, caoice prairie, w.uo. i ua a. ai a w arM i -i v. wi. . . BUTTER-Creamery, nty22c; dairy, fancy, aVC. I uau. puaneta ..vw u,w I - - - ' smiBeapoiis -.. awmmu l MINNEAPOLJ8, 1C. Is. WHEAT De- err. iiSTr: nearby prints, no. i r.i Hid r limvit , uamami irwni ,..rh aCn at mark: Western. 12a. loss nnV ! fcif c- l's off. ' IEESB-DM and weak; New Tork. full ii.e: choice. lHAe: fulr ta eriimB ' UnPy, UVc; choice. Uc; fair to a"G. " s' I , . a . . afcii I l.lvoriool Grata aaa rrovisieaa. - I DIVEP.POOI Dec; 12. WHEAT Bpot I Prm; No. td, westera winter, ea I Futures dull; December, nominal; March, I f.m turl! Vuv. sa Id. I . T , V ,L . . . laaM, Wwi I mm. A Mm I .1,,. a.. 11. Tanxaw l.i Vi . .nl, I ,au. IVIUIT, WUaa, wmuun.j, aa, Hm.wM, mm I Ud. , I . . nalata Crala Market. DULUTH. Dec. It WHFAT-Oa track No. 1 northern. 79Vvc: No. $ northern, 77o; No. i miring. Tt-tDeceraW. Te; May, Ca I f A TJ aTtn -a slr ex ivanf 4) s aa krt'Sir wATa. VaSa, A kaf V ', -.w l--J w " a-i Toleao aeoa Market. TOTJEIX. Dec It E EDS Clover, caah. I $.T7V. lrein nor. $.); January, M 86; , March, M ). lluiothy, prime, $1.40. Alslke, 1 prune, t&ea. Oil ADA LIVE STOCK MARKET Jo-J (0 OuOC Cattle Btedv fof .04 Wek. 1 ... ' Otbera a Liula Lower. HOGS GENERALLY STEADY. FOR THE WEEK Best Mattoa Grades of Sheep Not Mach Uwer Thaa a Week Ago, hat Part Pat KJada Poll Tea to Flfteeo Lower, with Feeders 'toady, ' " '- BOUTK OMAHA. -Dee. ll Receipts were: Caule. Hogs, ghee eer. Official Monday.. 4.0113 6.44 18.7 Official 'lueedav IM 10,941 12,b72 v L" run"u,ly 4,9,3 lU,.4f l.vnf I a.ti73 1.M 6.1 IS ?,So1.! h.ui'1'), Untrlal Friday . 1,120 7.14 s.274 QHcUJ Saturday 10S i,J4a ..... I ve.''-t ending Deo. ,1.401 61.BM s.sni last year: 1SS. 190$. Inc. pec. Cattle .........1.034.RM nt.on 61.479 ' Hogs ..S.104.860 M2R.746 10,896 ..1.768.004 1.S66.791 1S2.21S Sheep Average Drices tva M for boss at South Omaha for the last several days with com parisons: Date. I W0$. 102.1D01.1900J1S.15S.187; De. 1.. Dec. t. . IV,K .n ' 1 1 II . Ibul . 1 U Hi. ... -II, K. , I I mi ... .m. . i ; -J. I I in, nilllB in. 4 S4 Ot 4 63 $ 7 S 2 4 $1H t 0 B S6 t 76 28 4 40? 181 6 88 4 4 $ S 4 43H -It 6 Vi 4 6S $ $1 4S7V 24 Ofi 4 77 $M) I 37 16 0 4 84 $ m $ S 4 $ 04 4 81 $ SI I 1 4 $i (07 4 7(i $ S3 I 30 4 3:l 6 05 11 ' $ tO S 29 4 44 (12 6 13 IK S $1 4 47 OS 14 4 83 $ 2 4 4Si IK 6 16 4 77 . $ o S $7 S I Do. 1... J - . 111 j"c. ... c SI i- pec. 10.. $13 I 16 I Dee. 11.. Dec 12... 'Indicates Sunday. . Pmciai number of cars of StOO "rougni in toaay Dy eacn roaa waa; Cattle. Hogs. Hre. i.?. iT " lo. Pao. Ry C M. & St, P. Ry 4i 1 1 11 13 20 1 16 8 1 6 1 S y Union Pacific Svatem. C. & N. W. Ry F., E. A M. V. R. R... C, 6t. P., M. 4b O; Ry H. M. Ry. C, B. & Q. Ry....w... is.. & Bt. j C, R. I. & P. Ry., east.. C R. I. & P. Ry., west.. ess 4 ' ni'inoia " Total receipts . I 148 Th. J ...a - - I as 101 lows,. eacn puyer purensamg ine num-1 iwr oi neaa inaicaiea Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co....;. 1.116 Swl". anS company... l.iSl 1.84S 1,694 1.189 -L6'J6 cuaany racking uo. . Armour & Company.. 243 464 Cudahy P. Co., 8. City., Armour & Co., B. City.... uiDuun ee co 70 Total 70 9,270 708 CATTLE Aa Is renerallv tha case on a Saturday, there was practically no market today, . For the week recelota have been just fair, as there Is a slight Increase over laat week, but as compared with the same mm. luci. ,a a ii i iuwvmoh v.a, r. . t 1 a JL T T Trr IUUUHUHS 10 BWUl l,WM 11GU. - There has Deen quite an Increase In tne receipts this week of cornfed steers, but 1 tne quality or tne buik ot tne onrenngs many ot the cattle were warmed uo and nam drtq interior. " xsy tost is meant mat that class always sells to poor advantage, I Such kinds are 1526c lower than a week I ago and sell from $4.60 dowg.' The better grades of oornfeds are about steady for the week. Fair to good kinds could be quoted i n fi.ai i m.. , i m, . . . r .....w ..v.u i m.7b to xa.nu. u ne ton orice or ine wns. I $6.80 'waa paid on Friday for a prime load or Hereiords ara uurnatna. -. The cow market nas eeen in rainy goo a shape all the week. The only kind that have draaaed are tha medium grades-and they may be quoted alow and 10&16O lower tor tne weeK. Tne oetter graoes nave been ready sellers at steady nrtoes and-ad MH -w ,. a m.m..j m- have canners. More i comfeilg!-are -ew cummf.iurwHn rui,iib wim gi,um war be ouoted from $3.26 to $4.00. It takes well finished cows, however, to bring much over I prices. Cable were a little below, expect $3 60 and warmed-up stock sella down with j tlona, due. It was reported, to selling by graesers. jneiuuni irun inmjr un ijuuuii from $2.40 to $2.76 and canners and cutters from $1.75 to $2.40.- Cornfed bulls are fully 25o lower for the week. . They sell front 12.50' to $8.26. Bologna bulls are about steady. Veal calves and stags are selling In Just about the same notches they were 1 .. . . . . .1 L The supply of stockers and feeders has been rather ' Umlted this, week and aa a T-b bett.eVrid.. I In fact may be quoted a little stronger. Such kinds sell from $6.28 to $3.80. Fair to good csttle sell from $3.00 to $3 25 and common kinds from $3.00 down. Common stuff. If anything, la a little lower for the ,lr The western range season seems to be Praotlcay at. an end. A feW W avpTT fiHT. out lusrcBir BmuKn make a market. I HOGS Receipts today were of fair pro- I portions. However, about one-fourth of! 1 the number arrived Diuea oirect to mcai n..i,.ri. The market ooened considerably I stronger tnsn yesteraay s sxireme cum, or I I ...... Illra ..rt, Anna. I ter4ay morning, at which basia the bulk I sold. ThS Puis sola at 9 uovr'.w, wna 1 mor aies in proportion at the top figures than yestsrday and the general market a vara wmA . . trifle hta-her. Tradlilc early was not overly oriss, dui tne mtrHi eon- 1 ntrcn. .du; aivcii-Apru, ,.wiu, y n tlmial to imnrrtv, and finished active and I Mav. t.49d: May-June. 4.48d: June-July. strong. .The quality and weights out but small figure, as the hogs sold ai a very nar- row range. The market closing active and strong, all tha hogs were sold at an early hour ana -the marxet ciosea oy noun. I Wo ' Av. 8k. Tt. loo .. 4 4 ....3110 MO 4 ....MS tOO 4 ' .... M 4 41Vi B0 4 1H ....114 let 47 ....V. IM 4 4TUj , ,...lo .. 4 "A ....U0 .. 4 47 ...,Yt to 4 47V, ....80 t 4 t' ....MS St 4 4tv ....IK SO 4 474 Wo. v. as, Fv. u. ...Kt IIV. 4 ftO Ml. . M 1 W IU SO Kt 4 M tut MS.. 4 60 M 171 .. 414 64 .. SI St 4 M 43,.. ttl 4 1.4 tt 147 N III S lit MS 4 60 II... I7J ... 4 to U 41 M 4 tt 44 MS 144 4 M 71.. ...... MS 44 4 tt 44 171 40 4 tt 41 tot 10 4 M tO Mt lt 4 10 17 MO U0 4 00 (1 140 ..4 1 61 tt tO 4 60 tt Ht 1!0 4 M 44 Ml I. IH 61.. 66.. 4. (9. ST. 71... U. tt. I U I ai ' I W. . ,.114 SO 4 47 '4 u m too 4 riH ti 1,1 JM 4 47 lit M 4 47U ..Sit 40 4 474 ' 64 t 1 4 474 to tut HO 4 474 7 17 tO 4 474 Ill too 4 474 to let 160 4 47 4 44 Ill III IH to., .10 WO 4 so Tt. .114 141 4 474 .111 SI 4 47 4 .164 .. 4 474 .U4 4S 4 474 .IM 40 4 474 .tM C0 4 474 .lit 4 4 474 .tat So 4474 .H0, M 4 47 4 64.. 64.. St.. St.. 41.. .. St.. St.. tl.. 1.. ....MS I H .,..144 40 4 It ...10 SO 4 M ..rl 140 4 to ....tit IM 4H ....130 .. 4 6 ....!4 40 4 M ,...tJ4 toe- 4 ts ....mi it 4 to ...10 ..4 60 It.. to.. 114. 14.. 61.. t7.. M 1 u.. m.. 4 4T4 .. s 4 W n ht Us 4 tvi ia 4 H IT t7 I to 4 474 et 44 i ft ,..! , so 4 to I 8HKEPThere helna- no fresh arrivals oa up or anon-iea stun, ana mat aia not sea I to WSBt that ClHS-. as tt.ey Claim It does . -. t kill out to' good .dv-ntage. and a. . result they have pounded the market to the Vt2111u.l'i,.. mnt hw n,eh The feeder market haa apt shown much chscge. Tradina on soma days was rather slow, but tha better aradea can aafetv be quoted about steady for tne weex. com mon hinfla oi enurse are more or less neg lected, the same as usual, and ln some caves may be a little lower. Wuotailons ror cort-rmj atom; enntee vestem lambs. $t 0045.26: fair to good j lairha. I4.6'ft.00: gml to choice yea-i'na I a, -C XA AA . , .. I . m.mmIw.mm II tl, . 1 a.,. I laa 1. W . in.l v M r. I ..niiiiin., .ovuv. i,, 1 choke wether. U.ierl; fair to good I wthers. il l 011'; good to choice ewes. I U Mn f-, fair to good was $2 6tal 00; . 1 choice feeder lmha. M ft4 10; fair to -oi -I...1. w- ica an. w.v,w t.ha Mnu, I w feeder lurabs. U 1H: baby lambs, tl 00 $ 0U; ferder vearllnga. li.2SfJ 0: feecler wethers. 'Sftl: feeder ewes. $2 0v1M; rulls, UMidi.ua. . Representative sales No. ' Av. Pr. 1?4 rtah tvti $0 ewee l' 4 I tah wetheir TT $7S ewes and w'ers. W 4 ewes sod tiuni... lot fat 8 15- i oo I Tt CHICAGO UTB STOCK MARKET. Light Reeelots of Cattle, with Fair Receipts of ftheea aad Hot. CHICACIO, III, Dec lt-CATTLERe- Icelpts. JUO head. The m market was nominal; good to prime steers, 4 9tiS&; poor to medium. I3 0fwi4.7f: stockers ana feeders, 1.7fti3&): rows. 1 fHa.VW; heifers. tMH 4 50; canners. fl.fM.xo 2 ; bulls, $1.7!u4.0J; calves, tfdfttjS.K. HOta Hewlpts today, ,000 head; Mon day, 40.tKX head . The market was steady to 5o higher; mixed and butcher. 4.4fvu4.7o; fnnn to choice Heavy, H1 mi rougn heavy, 4.4(m4 0; light, t4.Ku4.66; bulk of sales, ft 504(4 . SHEEP AND LAMBft Receipts, 100n0 head. Tha market for aheep and lambs waa steady; good to choice wethers, ti.Mit 4.00: fair to choice mixed, 15viSS6: native lambs, . I4.tNfti.go; western lambs, 42.23.60; western iambs. 93.wai.rn. . i. I.ls Mve Stock Market. ET. IA)UIS, ' Deo. ' II. CATTLiE--Recetpts, II1VI 11111 IIS W AVAMIB, III rx. nni steady .for natives. Tezans lower) native Shipping snd export steers, $4.0n(i.40; oressea neer and outcner steers, sa.w-w'o.ai; steers tinder l.flUP be.. I3.50W.on: sto-Kers ana feeders. w.otMgis.so; cows S"d neuerw iirttu , ai in i r r-i u UII IS-JIU Wi"" ai tons, $3.10fff 85; lambs, $4.0W!S.Sfi; culls and buck., $3. OoiS4.0 Stockers, 2.0ui3.uv. .- ' Hew York Live Stock Market. NEW TOftlC Dee. 12. BEEVES Re ceipts,- 1$ head, consigned direct: no sales reported; dressed beef steady; city dressed native sides, extreme range. 64io per lb.; Texas beef, 5fC . $lslei, no trailina- whatever: cltv dressed . .1 I .1 ..'1 1 ,. Ih tphib, Ktri rial Mt(i, v U tjualnta 1 M! hand SHEEP 'AND LAMBS Receipts, ' 1.761 head. The market for sheep rated slow 1end weak: desirable weights lambs of i7a, AMmm l,mh. 9U.i?7nrW... "R eported . exports for today were 1,376 beeves, et sheep, ,vh Quarters ui. KaasasVlty Llvo Stock Iorket. KANSAS CITT. Dec. 12. CATTLE Re- caitits .(mo head. , The market was un changed. ,Kxoort and dressed beef steers. $4.26415.36; fair to good, $3.604.20; western rert ataars. KL TWVA.b scocaers Rnu lemiri, $2.60f416; southern steers. $2.00(S'2.85; south ern cows, ll..6ifz.40; nstive cows, naHtra l,lrrra 240.2S: bulls. $2.2o4l$.00; cslvea, $Z60".00. RecelpU for. the week, 24,900. vrnna tItii. It TOO bead. Market was 6010c lower. Top, $4 70; bulk of sales, $4 .tM aaa- k,in. u(ia4in: nackers. 44.6fU'47: pigs and lights, 44. 504. 66, RecelpU for the- weeK. 4s,iw. . . . . . bui k-ttp ATrt T.AMTtfl Racetnts. 100 head, Tha m,rk,l mm mm unrhenred. Native lamba. mi unwiKX- wMiarn iitnni. u.iuuio.u. ir a,.. 0 J.3&; siocsers ana leeoens, a...vm a.t. ateceipw xor u weea- w-. fleas City Live Steele Market, i -mt rvwrwsmr y tam 14 rQna.1,1 Tola.. gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 heed. Mar ket steady; fceeves, $3.76tfi4.0; cows, bulls f.nd mixed, $1,603.J6; etockere and feeders, Vifl-t in- ralvea and vearllnrs. taJ&CifS.lS. HtX.S Keceipts. p.wra nwa. nimri strong to Co higher, selling at $4.8034.60; bulk, $4.gfQpt.i. St. Joseph Ldvo Stock Market .TOHTCPTI. Dee. 11 CATTLE "Ra- rtinia m head. The market was steady. u i u .' u i r .n.mt. i it. i naan - i n a in n r k mm .. .ludv to t shads lower: liaht. $4,500 B : meaium ana neavy, eoia.ooi diu. I 84 MHfN.OO I om-s-P inn T.AMRfl ReoeJnta. Bono. 1 r gtock la Sight. - i . . .. . .. .a .Following are ine receipts ct uysom at the MX principal western cities yesier day I 1 xPa Cattle, . ine Hoga. Sheep. 9.S4-J I Chicago .............. to.ooo " ' 4,200 3.000 7.077' E.S00 61,111 10,000 100 . QOA too 1,200 1 , I gt. josepo 97 iBIoUx City, . 100 .7,40$ Totals ......... 11.100 Cottea Uarkot. Nir-W TnPV. Dec. 12. COTTON The 1 market; opened -eteady, . 4 points lower to I DlltrKqi. VUPltWl 'BlCBOyi . 1 lAIUJia ,uw. ... I j pemta '.higher, and following the call, con fmued rather quiet duk irregular au ivu I araii ataaitv to flrm around last nlirlit'i i American exporters, rne port receipts tor I the day . promised to be moderate and the I uih,p In tha smith was unfavorable to the movement. Receipts at tha ports were I 49,717 bales, against 69,127 last week and 45,841 last year. For the week, $10,000 bales against $33,$18 last week and 263,31$ last j.or. a a., . . . , 7 WCre 10.97 bales, compared with $.944 last yer and at Houston, 1S.479 bale, against "'rriT , rw 1, nTTrtvip I tures steady: December, 12.2212.24c; Janu. .Pv. 1? Sim. S2e: February. 12.4612.47e March. 12 12.62e: April. 12 .7(S12.9c; May, 12.72c: June. ll.76ffll2.7Se; July, 12.8112.S2o. Bpot. steady; sales, 2,100; ordinary, 9 7-16e uJ .nnllii,nj 1fiaiv low mlddlina-. lUtO nSlddllngT 12HC.' good middling. It 6-I60: mld- IflllB. Wfi 1 Receipts. 10.9S7; atock. vn'' mha I I.IVITRPOOL. Tee. . OOTTON-Soot. firm; prices I points higher; American nua dllng fair, 7.02d; good middling, .o6d; mid 1 nng. B.mo; low miaonng, s.iva; gooa or. dinarv. i60d: ordinary. .40d. The sales of 1 tne aay were .uuu ouiea. 01 wnrcn,uw wt . .nunLlln, inj annrf aiiit inn im,H. can. Receipts, $7,000 bales, including 23,200 AHin-ma, r uiurri oimnni nu tiwwu steady. American middling, g. o. c, ue- cember, $.r2a-6.63d; December-January, .68d Januarv-Fehmarv. 6.63iS.64d: February 8. 4d; July-August, 6.43d; August-September. .!. . , . ST. LOtTIS, Dee. It. -COTTON Quiet IiiiiUUiuaf -t a-a , a4a,ssse w av, vk.-. w.-. 160 bales; shipments, 60 bales; stock, 16,040 a. 1,4 sell. 1 0t -. 07 lis. lai amewtaaln Dates. Forelga Flaaaclal. LONDON. Dec 12. Money was plentiful In' the market and discounts were essy. being discounted by the condition of New York trade. lraainar on tne Biota ex change reacted from yesterday's optimism. but prices were tolerably nrm. tnougn dusi ness was scarce.- i ne sttenoance exvoeeuei that of tha. usual Saturday, owing to th uncertainty reaardiiur. tne situation of nf. fairs in the far east and on account ot tha clearing up of the aftermath ot the settle. nwnL 'iiwufo tnere was no -ootinrmauon of tha rumor that Russia had yielded to the demands bf Japan the belief prevailed that there will be no war Between tne two coun tries. Consols hardened at the start, but reacted somewhat on realizations, u ney closed with a better tone: Home rails were sympathetically firm. Americans openea dull and rallied to well above parity. Union , .1., '1 1.1., ...... a,,,' IT -1 aara tha faa. tures. Irnited States Bteel corporations were eaneBtJoaallv eaav on bear selling. At the close Americana were steady. Japanese se curities were weskenlng, though the con tinent was supporting them. ' PA RIH. Imo. 12. Prices on the bourss today, opened firm, but trading became ibis were The pri- r cent. the ac- lHo fur bourse today was Inactive. Exchange on London. turn 4&ttpfg for checks. Wool' Market, i n(.j- iiau,, h r wn in iec. i: -i iiju uwii. ven I a . - T" .iT'.j,,,m .-.,1... romWns atid SrTHrht flnarTlTviaT nn1 ,""141; tub-washed, 2CnoT lNltoNbec.V-WoOlThe a . .k- ium an.mt u peavy arrivals for the first 104 sales amount to 14.1M bales. Including t.COO forwarded direct to snl nners. lmoorts during the week were: New Boitth Wales, $. fcaUw; Qusensland, 1.7R2 bates; Vlctorta. J.I71 bales; South Aus tralia, l.Tt balas; Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 1.437 bales; Singapore, (.$40 bales; eutewbero, 446 tias. - MlhttikN Grata Market. MTXWArKEE, Deo. JI WHEAT Weaker; No. 1 northern, BHlMc; No. $ northern. BlVifjrg?Hc; May. CiHic I ryK Firm- No 1 7c. " 1 r t in, i-y- a, civ. BAJRLEY Dull; No. t. Oe; sample, t29 CORN-May. 4$14. MMWMMmMMM. I I Oti aad Meal a. Oil. - CJTT. . Deo. , It OIL4 Credit bal ttirrt, H io, eertltloatea. so bids shipments. Mi4 bbls : average. 73.214 bbls.; runs. M ini bbls.; average, t,IM bl-is-l siilpmenut, IJma. T6.41I bhls.; average, gr.6 bbls ttaruV Limn, 61470 bhls.; sverage, 7;4 bbls.: SAVANNAH. Dec. li, Dlli 1-urpenune, in. Mic. Rosin, nrm; A, h, c, j. k, 2; O. $210: H. $2.36; L $2.65; K. $180; M, Xi: N. It Cio: Wl. $3 5S: WW. $3 50. . NEW YORK. Iec.-41-4rIL9-ttorieed. rm; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow. JMiSfiV. Petroleum. - -Arm; refined - New York, $9 60; Philadelphia .And IfcUtlnwora,, t.i; prime. In bulk. $r 56. . Turpentine. teady. KW'tfXc Kosin, steaay; common to good, $3.66. gagar aad Molasses,' vr nominal; fair refining. $Hic: ontrlfvigal, W test, SHc: molasses sugar, 4c;' retirted dull; No. 6. 4.06c: No. 7, 4.0ac;-No. 8. n-: No. , 8.80c; No. 10. c; No. U, .c; P.O. z...(tc; No. 13, 8.70c: No. 14, tec; .confectioners' A. 40o; mould. A, 4 too; cut loaf, s.06c;. crushed, tube; powaerea, t.wc; grsnuiatea. 46c: cubes, 4.7wc. .- MOLASaiCS Klrm. New Orleans open el tie, good to holc, ' NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 11- StJOAR " Dull; open kettle. 2.V; . centrlfugslr t -l(l3Hc; centrifugal whites, V313-16c; yellows, 8ii'o3 11-HV; seconds, 8v,iu'3o. MUi,ASHh.H vjuiet; open Renin, zasi'c; centrifugal, 1884u. Syrup, SkM. ... .. Evaporated Apples an Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. DeS.' 11 EVAPORATED APPLES The market Is steady with de mand moderate. Common are quoted at 4o4c; prime at 6iic, chblce at 6,&64o and fancy at 4G7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED .FRUITS Prunes are steady, but rather quiet,: with quota- i tlona ranging irom x-o to ior an rades. Apricot remain otilet. with choice quoted at 4i9Ac; extra choice, H7i10V,e; fancy, SVifllOViC. reaches nils about steady j choice are quoted at TWiXc; extra cnoioe, 'ftc; fancy, '4810e. . . :: . . ass i ti I I i 4 Metal Market. - M ' NEW YORK, Dec; 1$ --M TOTALS There waa a moderate oemann irom -Qonsumers today,- but quotations remained- unaliered. The undertone of the iron market is, firm. with prices as last-quoted, -j ne easy tone of tin reported yesterday continues today with spot at $27!fliBTi'7.2B. Copper was steady; lake, 12.$7Vi(ti1?.: electrolytic, $12.2i.tfl2.S7V: casting, . $12.12'12 25. Lad, , spot. $4.25. Spelter nominal at f.i.26.. ST. I.OTJ1S. ' Dae."- "12. META1A Tead, steady at $4 02; spelter, dull at $4.60 asked. Right a the pot . Where rheumatism pains. . rub Bucklen's Arnica 8alve. the great healer. -"Twill work wonders. Stopa pain or no pay-, tuck. For ' sale by Kuhn A Co. . . ,, , , ,. .r Tho Hew Short LI a a of the ' Chicago - Great Westera Railway . Offers two finely equipped trarns dally froth Omaha and Councll'Bluffs to Bt' Paul and Minneapolis. The Flyer running every night td the Twin Cities is unexcelled tor speed and comfort. The Day Express la the best train for Fort Dodge, Mason City and Austin. For further Information apply to pEORQB F. THOMAS, General Agent, 1512 Farnam St.,' Omaha, Neb. .,, . .. . '. " Dr.Soarles SPECIUISTS Ctu-e All Ipoolal DISEASES CF lit . BLOOD PGISOH weak, keevous m , tSDKEt AXO EUDDEa DISEASES Treataaoat aa Medlelao S5;00 PER ilOUTil Examinations and advice free at offlo or by malL written (oontraoia givea m ft curable diseases 'refund money widjoj treatment. , Treatment, by ; paA .M.yoaxtl In Omaha. '".', ., .: CT. 14ta mad Dorl,. OMAHA, SBS, CHICAGO. HIHITBArOLia. ...;i vjoros Mala officii ; ruiahattain Butldlaigr, ST. PAUU iHNM Doaleraln , Stocks, Grain, Provisions Bought and sold for' cash oC- oa' reaso-bl Margins. ; ; . ; . . M eat It ere latportaot Bxcbaagesr . Private Wires. Write for our dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed fre Ship Your Grain fo : Us; ' BRANCH OFFICES: OMAHA-10 Bee 3Idg., ''.' 'I'mon IS14 SOUTH OMAHA .723 and 326 Exchange Bldg. 'Phone 72. ' COUNCIL BLOTFS-405 ad ' 40s " Bapp Uldg. 'Phone 174. , LIKCOIalf. , ;,. DSI MOlWEa, Approved Manufacturing ' Properties . Incorporated and Financed Large Issues of Industrial and Railroad Bonds : Underyrritten Write Oar Bond Dept.,' for list ot Maalelpal Boats. - LoROY DAVJDSOrJ, Baakort and Fiscal A gents, " CUARLOTTK. . C. i , ' Room 118, 84 Broadway, . How York, M, V. -i '' STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wo have over IM eAoea, Beferenoeei l State. aad Nat l Baaka, OH BKRTICB IB TUB KBIST. Oat of Town Businsea olloited. Oataaa tw-sackt 111 Par. ass M Tl.4e7 TK01 M. WADDICK. Corrtpadant . LISGAU KUTICtC. . STOCK HOI.DEI18' MEBTINO. - OFFlCfcl OK LKiO-OLABU-ANDRKEHKH HARDWAKK CUM PAN If, OMAHA, Neb.. Dec. It lbou. Notice is hereby given te -the stockholders of the Dee-Olass-Andreesea Hardware company that the annual meet ing of the stockholders of the company wl'J bo held at the offices of the said com pany, corner of Ninth and Harney streets. In the city of Omalia. in the state of Kr braska, on Tuesday, January 12, A. D. lbui, at t o'clock p. m , for the purpose of eject ing a board of directors fr ths Company to serve during th ensuing year, and to transact such other business aa may be presented at such meeting. H. S. I.KE. l President. . Attest: W. if. QUA S3, Secretary. , OOTEBRMGHT HOTICB, Soarles sj ....... Uo Slo OFFICB' CHIEF QUARTKRM ABTER. Omaha, .Neb-, December II, 10. BeaWd -proposals, in tripllcats, subject to tha vsonl conultiuna, will be received bar until u) o'clock a. m.. central standard time, De cember 21. IMS, for the construction of a new Quartermaster's tHorehouse at Omaha. Nel. Full information furtrlahed on appli cation to this ottlue, , .where plans and specifics tlnns may be seen. Proposals te be marked "Proposal fyr Quartermaster's Btorehouae." and addreBued to WIIJJAU K. 11UKTON, Acting Chief QoartHriua.ter. DU-li-lsM I