Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1903, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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DaHs n1hi drugs.
J-f(Tort' g1"sai fit.
Btorkert sl!s carpet:
A store for roer. "Bono's."
Diamond betrothal rings at Lsffert'o, 401
Broadway.- ,
14-K and W-K wedding rings at Lefferte,
400 UroadwHV.
rirture framing. C. K. Alexander & Co.,
133 Broadway. Tel.
Stale Senator, Saunders ha none to In
dian Territory on a huainraa trip.
Rev. John Power" of llnatlnira. Neb., will
hold services Sunday morning In St. Paul's
iCplacopnl church.
All photon taken at Sinmltd's studio he
for December 13 positively llnlphrd foefors
Xmaa. Open Sundiiys. I'hone AMI.
For rent, eftloe room ground Moor; ens
or the moat central locations in tne uum-
n aa.a w-mwt Inn nf tha lfu Ailrfn1halloskl
office, city,
Strayed, bloodhound dog. 9 months old,
slatu color, with black spots- and plain
leather collar. Kelurn to 1017 Avenue A
and receive reward.
Charles Williams was arrested last even
ing on an Information chnrgmir him with
the theft of coal from a car In the yards
of the Illinois Central railroad.
Joe Smith Co. are cluing out their en
tire line of boys' and children's suits and
overcoats at. iO per cent off. Thin la a
chance to Ret a snap and strictly high-grade
and up-to-date clothing.
Miss Kffa Ellis left last evening for Chi
cago, where ahe will take a post-graduate
course in the Fannie Church Parsons Kin
dergarten School of Music. She expecta to
i away about a month.
Arthur Burkholder, a 17-year-old boy, who
ran away from his home In Fort Dodge
Tuesday, was picked up by the police last
evening. He la being held at the city jail
awaiting the arrival of his father.
The Catholic fair and bazar In the old
Bkntlng rink on Pearl street and Fifth
avenue will cloae this evening, at which
time all voting contests will be brought to
a finish and the various prizes awarded.
Concordia and St. Albans lodges, Knights
of Pythias, wtll hold a joint installation of
officers Monday evening, January 4. The
Installation will be followed by a social
session and refreshments will be served.
Members of Harmony chapter, Order of
Eastern Star, Intending to attend the
funeral of Merwyn Maynard In Omaha Bun
day afternoon will meet at 1 o'clock at the
Junction of it road way and Pearl street.
Contractpr Wlckham has completed the
paving on Ninth avenue, between Sixth
and beventh streets. Wlckham has now a
lore of men at work paving the freight
yards of the Great Western on Ninth
Commencing Sunday evening gospel meet
ings will be held every evening upstairs
over the office of the American Kxpress
company's office on Broadway. Evangelists
llroadfoot. and Moffett will conduct the
cervices. ".
' The fire department was called yesterday
morning to the rear of t!18 First avenue,
where a blaze had started In the roof of a
mall cottage, occupied by Oeorge Wash
ington, colored. A few buckets of water
extinguished the flames.
Malcolm Green, promoter of the Inter
urban Terminal and Belt Line railway, left
last evening for Chicago, but expects to
return here la about a week. President
Dobbs of the Council Bluffs, Tabor &
Southern Klectrlo Railway company re
turned to Tabor last night
George Curry, arrested Thursday night
by Special Officer Welch of the Illinois Cen
tral and charged with stealing coal from
the company's yards, was sentenced yes
terday morning by Judge Soott to ten days
on bread and water, tne charge ot theft
being changed to one of vagrancy.
Tickets for the dance to be given by the
Dodge Light Guards foot ball team at
Royal Arcanum hall Monday night arc sell
ing fast, and Captain Paul Wlckham Is
Hopeful tnal sumcieni win do neuen 10
wipe out the deficiency which the team
fullered at the close ot the season.
. Whose Got the Hot tost
Button) button, who's got the button?
(Ask Harvey Delxmg.
N.'.T. Plumbing Co., Tel. 260. Night. F-6T.
Poaadatlon May Be Expensive.
The construction of the foundation for
'. the Carnegie library will. It la expected,
enter largely Into the coat of the build
ing. The general belief Is that piling will
be necessary and If this should prove to
be the case, It will add materially to the
cost of the building. Before the charac
, ter -of the foundation can be decided upon
: borings will have to be made to deter
mine whether piling will be necessary or
not. In an offhand opinion Architect Mil
ler stated that he believed piling would
be necessary.
In the construction of both, the county
court house and the Grand hotel con
siderable piling had to be done. Neither
building haa settled, but the Grand hotel
.annex, which was built on a concrete
', foundation without piling, has settled badly
and shows numerous cracks.
, Whose Got the' Batten t
, Button, button, who's got the button?
,Ask Harvey DeLong.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the attract, title and loan office of Squire
Annis. 101 pearl street:
'Samuel McCartney et al. to Dledrich
Musseman, ne4 swVi and nwhk seV
M-74-43. w. d ?. .....T$3.1
,3, D. Edmundson, guardian, to same,
i same, g. d 618
George T. Shaver to Charles E. Hart,
tind. one-third lot C in Thomas Mere
; tilth's sub. of swW net lti-77-39 2C0
Three transfers. Total... 14.200
Ladles' and Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned,
Dyed, Pressed and Repaired; also Dry
Cleaning. No shrinkage or rubbing off
guaranteed. Work done or. short notice.
Tel. 3tH). lotT West Broadway.
WPflaaajwa Sei
'"" ""-"J
f nsawSBBBUUBUxussannsAsfcissst sBBmeBsSBSMJkaxts
Pet Roast,
per pound ,
Five ;ouude Good Steak
Round Steak.
three pounds
Sirloin Steak.
three poumia
Porterhouse Steak.
three imunds
Itlb Roast.
per pound ,
Boll Beef.
pes pound. SHo and
pt-r pound
Spare K1U
three pounds..
. 25c
.... 7ic
124 c
'Phone us your order mid we will collect on delivery.
We appreciate your trade and will iry at all times to
please you.
The Orvis Market
Telephone 46. 537
With Broken La? Jossoh Fry Saws Off
Limb Whioa Holdi Eim.
Fellow Woadrhoiiper Finally Hears
Fry's Cries for Assistance and
Helps Him lato a
Ho oar.
Joseph Fry, an old man CO years of age,
weJ , llfo probatjy to his wonderful
i presence of mind and grit. While employed
' . , . . i j i
yesiercay murnius cuiiiiih wuwi un mi:i
belonging to Mrs. E. E. Bull, east of the
city, a ttee which, he was chopp'ng fell and
pinned him to the ground, fracturing his
rlghl th!gh near the hip.
. For a while the pain almost rendered Fry
u .icon clous and It was some time before
he realized his position. He called for help,
but none cam". His cries remained unan
swered and the old man realized that if he
did not want to pe lsh from cold he must
release hlmsvlf In some manner from the
tree which was holding him fast to the
ground. JIls' saw lay within his reach
fortunately, and lying on his back he began
the almost hopeless task of sawing In two
the limb which lay. on his crushed and
broken leg. For two hours he continued
to saw, frequently compelled to stop on
account of the pain of Ms broken leg, but
he finally succeeded In sawing the log In
two and with his strength almost gone he
made a final, desperate effort and extricated
his leg from beneath the timber.
Although free from the tree Fry found
that he could not stand up with his broken
leg, so he started to crawl to the roadside
through the snow which covered the
ground. He succeeded In crawling nbout
fifty yards when his strength gave out
and he fourd he coutd proceed no further.
He then cried anew for he'.p and this time
fortunately his shouts attracted the atten
tion of Martin Sorenson, another wood
cutter, who was returning to work after
taking his dinner. Sorenson with extreme
difficulty succeeded In getting Fry to the
home, of a nearby farmer and then sent
word to the police station asking that the
ambulance be sent for the unfortunate
The police ambulance was at once sent
to the place and Fry was brought to the
home of Mrs. Bull on Broadway. On ac
count of his age and the terrible experience
he had undergone Fry was said last even
ing to be In a somewhat critical condition,
but that unless complications set In It was
thought he would probably recover.
Whose Got the Button
Button, button, who's got the button?
Ask Harvey DeLong.
Arrested on Burglary Charge.
A. Land, William Wilson and John Peter
son, three young men living In the south
ern part of the city, are behind the bars
at the city jail, charged with committing
the recent burglaries at the Peter Hansen
shoe store and Henry Sutherland's saloon,
both places being on . Sixteenth avenue.
They were arrested yesterday morning at
Pacific Junction by Sheriff Morgan of Mills
county, after they had stolen a suit of
clothes from the caboose of a freight train.
They were taken to Glenwood by Sheriff
Morgan, who. on searching them, discov
ered on them several of the articles stolen
from Hansen's store and Sutherland's so
loon. He notified the pollco here, and De
tective Murphy went to Qlenwood and
brought the young men back yesterday
Sutherland's saloon and Hansen's store
were robbed last Sunday night. From
Hansen's place the thieves secured several
pairs of shoes and a case of shoe blacking.
At Sutherland's saloon the thieves broke
open the cash register,, securing about IS,
and they also stole a red sweater. Peter
son was wearing a pair ot shoes taken
from Hansen's place and the sweater when
arrested. Several boxes of the shoe black
ing were also found on the trio. They will
have their preliminary hearing In police
court this morning.
Plumbing and heating. Brxby ft Boa,
Ji arrow Escape from Asphyxiation.
John S. Gretser, jr., a clerk In the branch
postofflce at the Union Pacific transfer de
pot, awoke In time Thursday night at his
home on Lincoln avenue to save himself
from being asphyxiated by gas, which was
escaping from a brbken pipe.
On awakening. Mr. Gretser noticed the
powerful odor of gas In the room, and
started to seek the cause, first taking the
precaution to turn off the gas at the meter
In the cellar. The leak was located at a
broken joint in the gas pipe leading to the
kitchen, where a pet dog belonging to Mrs.
Gretser wat found deud, having been
asphyxiated. Mr. Gretser Is of the opinion
that had he not awakened when he did
both he snd his wife would have met the
same fate as their dog.
Whose Got the Button?
Button, button, who's got the button?
Ask Harvey DeLong.
s Treasurer Xamee Office Force."'
J. P. Chrlstenen and D. W. Selby of this
city and Otto Vollstelt of Walnut will com
prise the clerical force In the county treas
urer's office when L, G. Consigney of Avoca
succeeds William Arnd on January 1. The
announcement of these appointments was
- ""; nil mm
Pork Loin,
per pound ,
Frehh Ham.
per pound .,,
Mutton Stew,
per ouiid
Mutton Roust,
per pound ,
Brsi I ard,
per pound
Diegd Spring Chicken,
per pound
Good Butter,
per pound ,
Fret-h K.Bgs,
per dozen
Hume-Made Mince Meat,
3 pounds
Bulk Oysters,
per quart
... 8c
Broadway, Council Bluffs.
rr.stle yeterday afternoon by Mr. Con
flgney. J. P. Chrlstenaen, who It la understood
will be rhlrf depty under Treasurer' Con
s'gncy, haa Mlled the position of personal
tax collector In the treasurer's office undr
Mr. Arnd for several years. Demos W.
Selby, who will succeed J. M. Matthews In
the office. Is a bookkeeper for one of the
Implement houses on Eouth Main street.
Otto Vollstedt of Walnut Is said to be a
personal friend of Mr. Conslgney.
Haftr sella lumber. Catch tho Idea?
Girls Winners In Debate.
"Resolved. That Tvxt Bocks tVhoMlJ Not
Be Furnhhed at Public Fxprns?" was the
qurstlon argued by the De.ta Tau (girls
and Phllomathhn (boys) literary societies of
the high school In competitive debate last
night. The Delta Taus. represented by
Elizabeth Macrae, Mare! Ivicy and Donalrt
Ine Bell, took the affirmative side of the
question, while the Fhllomathlans argued
for the negative, bclmj r.presented by Roy
F. Wl'.cox. Elmer G. Fisher and Harry
Jos In. The Judges, Superintendent U. H.
Maus of Glenwood, A. T. Fllcklnger and
Spencer Smith of this rlty, awarded the
declFlon to the Delta Taus. B. J. Walker,
president of the phllomathlan society, pre
sided over the debate and Glenn Reed and
Hazel Manderson acted as timekeepers.
The debate attracted a large gathering of
the friends of the school and the contest
ants, with the result that the auditorium
was well filled. In addition to the debate
there was a contest between the two so
cieties in declamation and oration. Fanny
Dietrich, representing the Delta Tau soci
ety, was given the award In the declama
tory contest, while Antrim Crawford of
the Phllomathlans carried off the honors
In the contest on oration.
There were also several musical selec
tions, the Girls' Glee club and Charles H.
Taylor contributing vocal numbers, Loo
Hunter a piano solo and Gertrude de Hu
lltle a violin 'solo.
Whose Got the Battont
Button, button, who's got the button?
Ask Harvey DeLong.
Everett Refuses to neturn.
James Everett, a cripple. Is under arrest
at Grand Island, Neb., on suspicion of
being the thief who entered Dr. Gail Ham
ilton's dental office and stole a quantity
of gold filling and other articles of value.
Everett was arrested by the Grand Island
police on Information furnished by the
local police. He Is thought to have effected
an entrance Into Dr. Hamilton's office with
a skeleton key. He had been In Council
Bluffs acr several 'days, but disappeared
the day after the robbery. A telegram
from Chief Keepltn of the Grand Island
police last night announced that Everett
refused to return without requisition pa
pers. Application of the papers will be
made today.
Only Two of Party Remain.
HARLAN, la., Dec. 11. (Special.) Har
lan haa at least one '49er. His name is L.
D. Sunder'-and. He received news Just the
other day that C. H. Bell had died at
Beaton, 111. Bell and Sunderland belonged
to a party of eleven young men who In
March, 1849, left Weshlngton Court House,
O., for the gold fields of California. Three
months were consumed In the trip, which
was made by mule and ox teams. The
death of Bell leaves but two survivors of
the Ohio party, Mr. John MUlikan, who
now lives In Washington Court House, O.,
and Mr. Sunderland, who has lived In
Shelby county, Iowa, since the early 60s.
Mr. Sunderland, although about 79 years
of age, is strong and well-preserved. Mrs.
Sunderland, whom ha married In Ohio, Is
also living and well.
Sues County for Damages.
CRESTON, la., Dec. 1L (Special.) Union
county will be made defendant In two per
sonal damage suits for $2,000 and $500 re
spectively, the papers In the case having
been filed. Henrletn Relth and Mary Relth
are the plaintiffs and the damages are for
Injuries sustained on a bridge just east of
town. The petition states that on the 17th
day of, October the bridge was left by the
workmen who were repairing It In such a
dangerous condition with derricks and
other obstructions, with no danger signal
displayed, that the horse which they were
driving ran Into the obstructions and threw
the plaintiffs out. badly bruising them, for
which they seek the damages prayed for.
Corn Is All In Crib.
CRESTON, la., Dec. It (Special.)
Nearly all the com is gathered In this sec
tion of the country and the farmers are In
good shape for winter. There was an av
erage yield of corn, but much of It is soft
and Immature, so there wtll not be enough
to feed out, and many of the feeders are
shipping In corn for the winter. The early
snows caught many not prepared for the
winter and fall pasture, which was very
good, Is now burled under three Inches of
the beautiful, while much of the fall plow
ing and some little threshing is left un
done. Must Keep trot of Business.
CRESTON, la.. Dec. 11. (Speciat.)-Judge
Parrlsh has Jus,t handed down an impor
tant decision. A man by the name of Cor-
bin sold a stock of goods to another man
named Breed In Afton and Corbin agreed
not to enter the same line of business In
Afton in the future. This agreement was
not kept and Breed sued for damages and
asked an Injunction restraining Corbin
from selling feed, oatmeal and flour In
Afton. The judge gave Breed $2G0 damages
and issued the injunction.
Odd Fellows Dedicate Temple.
CEDAR FALLS. Ia., Dec. 11. (Special
Telegram.) With several hundred Odd Fel
lows of Iowa In attendance the new temple
was dedicated today. General M. A. Ran
ney of Marengo, grand patriarch, responded
to Mayor Hemenway's welcome. Dr. M. W
White of Sioux City, grand master, de
livered the dedicatory address this even
ing. Banquet tables were spread all day
by ths Rebekahs.
Four Years for Bigamist.
WEBSTER CITY, la.. Dec. ll.-Speclal
Telegram.) A. E. Isenhart, the Marshall
town bigamist wl)0 married Emma Mitchell
ftt this city last July, was sentenced to four
years In the state penitentiary this after
noon by Judge Whltaker. A 'ong petition
fiom Marshalltown people was presented
esktng for clemency. Isenhart was cap
tured at North Bend. Neb. ,
Mlalnc Company Incorporates.
IXX1AN. la.. Dec. 11. (8peclal.)-The In
dependent Development & Smelting com
pany is the name of a new mining corpo
ration that has opened offices in Mlraouri
Valley, with a capital of $600,000. W. A.
Smith is president and A. Harris Is seer'
tary. The company owns several mines
st Boulder, Colo.
- Jadsre Maey Recovers.
HARLAN. Ia.. Dec. lL-(8pecial.)-Judge
NT W. Macy, who has for several weeks
been In a Chicago hospital following an op
eratlon on one of his eyes for cataract, has
returned to Harlan much Improved. The
cataract was removed. The Judge begins
work on the bench again at Glenwood on
Demand for Money" for Tall and Winter
Buikesi Probab! Canie.
nill Belnai Prepared Intended to Shut
On Blackmailing; Liquor Prose
cutionsDirector Snare
, (From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Dec. ll.-(Speclal.)-The
state auditor today completed th statement
for Iowa banks under the last call for In
formation as to the condition of state and
savings banks at the close of business No
vember 17. The report shows a decrease In
deposits about In accordance with the usual
decrease at this season of the ytar. Be
tween the September and the November
statement, a little over two months, there
was a net Increase of only two banks in
the class from which the state auditor gets
reports, a very small net increase, and the
additional capital Invested amounts to only
$.9,700. The report for September showed
an Increase of twenty-one In the number
of banks over the number reporting in Miy
last and a great Increase In capital and de
posits. Beveral banks have since become
national banks. The report now shows a
decrease in deposits In the state and sav
ings banks of nearly $2.000,0u0 in the nine
weeks. The reason assigned la. that at this
season of the year many deals are closed
and there Is much more money needed In
the ordinary channels of trade than In the
summer time, mid therefore a withdrawal
of money from the banks for this purpose.
In other respects the bank statement shows
no material change from previous state
ments and the aggregate of business done
continues enormous.
Classes for Iowa Breeders.
The State Agricultural board finished Its
business today and among other things
added some prizes In clntscs for breeders
of Iowa llvo stock. Three new classes were
added In the beef herds of Iowa cattle only,
and there was an additional class of calf
herd In each of four beef breeds. The board
also made a class for Yorkshire hogs and a
separate class for Delaine Merinos. These
change added about $1,000 to the prizes
offered for the fair next year. The board
directed permanent Improvements cf a
small nature to bo made to the cost of
about $13,800. Soldiers' day and a day for
children was fixed for Tuerday of the fair
week. The executive committee has taken
up the work of preparing plans for tha pro
posed combined ogrlcultural. horticultural
and dairy building, to present the estimates
of cost to the legislature and ask for an
Teachers Talking; Politics.
In advance of the coming of the State
Teachers' association there is already much
wire pulling being done in regard to the
securing of offices In the association. The
place goes this year to a representative of
the secondary schools of the state and
President Longwell of Highland college,
this city, and Principal Barr of Drake Nor
mal department, are already announced as
candidates for the place. Both are resi
dents here. An effort is to be made, how
ever, to have It go to the city superintend
ents' section, and Superintendent S. H.
Sheakley of this city is already In the field
as a candidate. Superintendent Witter,
county superintendent of Muscatine county,
is the present president.
Appeals Are Filed.
Transcripts were, flled-today In the su
preme court in appeals of several criminal
cases. Wilfred Thompson appeals from
Johnson county from a three months' jail
sentence for having struck Charles Ruppert
with a stick for the purpose of commltlng
murder. Henry Brown appeals from War
ren county, where he received two years
and six months for seduction. George Hohl
sVpeals fronr Warren county from a $350
fine for Illegal sale of liquors.
A military board convenes here next
Thursday to examine a half-dozen candi
dates for commissions In the National
Guard. General Prime will be head of the
examining board.
To Cnt Off Corruption.
Representative J. S. Startberry of Cerro
Gordo county has prepared a bill for a law
that will materially change, the rule In re
gard to prosecutions under the prohibitory
laws of Iowa. The bill would require that
all prosecutions commenced must be car
ried on to a judgment without fall unless
they are dismissed In open court on a fair
hearing before the court. The Intention is
to prevent a species of petty blackmail by
which persons commence suits against vio
Your Gift Store for
Men's Wear
For Christmas Gifts
more than ordinary kinds.
H. S.&M, Suits at . . $10, $12.50, $15 to $28
H. S. & M. Overcoats $7.50, $10, $12.50 to $25
New Christmas lines of Keiser Barathea Neckwear,
Lned and Dress Kid (Jloves,- Handkerchiefs, Mufflers,
Shirts, Hosiery, Suspenders, Umbrella, Hats, etc. lines
that were selected especially for Christinas giving.
lators of the law and then for a considera
tion drop them.
Iowa Weather Service.
The State Board of Agriculture hss rec
ommended for reappointment John R. Sage,
the present head of the Iowa weather and
crop service, who originated the bureau
and has been at Its head for thirteen years.
Mr. Sage Is now 71 years old and Is willing
to retire from the place, hut the vote for
his retention was unanimous. He will be
reappointed for two years by the governor.
He also holds the position of district direc
tor for the United States service.
Train Demolishes n Tlray.
CRESTON, la.. Dec. 11. (Speclal.)-Pas-senger
train No. 4 ran Into a loaded dray
and completely demolished It here yester
day. The trnln had pulled Into the station
and was backing out when Robert Camp
bell, a drayman, started across the Elm
street crossing and the trali rtruck his
wagon. Thi horses were over the track
and he escaped Injury by Jumping. The
rear of his wagnn was demolished and the
steps broken from the passenger coach.
Prima Donna Wishes I.ea-al Separa
tion from Her Ilunarnrlan
NEW YORK, Dec. 11 It Is announced that
papers have been filed here In a suit to
bo brought by Mme. Lillian Nordica, the
prima donna, for legal separation from
her husband, Zoltan Doeme. the Hungarian
tenor. They were married May 26, 180ti, at
Promise of Cold Wave for Nebraska
Accompanied by Snow
WASHINGTON, Dec. ll.-Forecast:
For Nebraska Snow and colder Satur
day, with a cold wave. Sunday, fair.
For Iowa Rain or snow Saturday; colder
In northwest portion; cold wave In north
west portion. Sunday, fair; much colder
in central and east portions; brisk to high
winds, becoming northerly.
For Illinois Rain or snow and warmer
Saturday. Sunday, snow and much colder,
except fair In extreme south portion; brisk
to high southeast winds, becoming north
west by Sunday morning.
or Wyoming snow Saturday, with a
cold wave Sunday: fair, not so cold.
For Montana Fair In east and snow In
west portion Saturday; cold wave In east
and eouth portions. Sunday, fair and not
so cold.
For North Dakota Fair Saturday; colder
In east end south portions, with a cold
wave. Sunday, fulr and not so cold.
For South Dakota Snow and colder
Saturday, with a cold wave. Sunday, fair;
not so cold In western portion.
For Kansas Rain Saturday, turning to
snow; much colder, with a cold wave by
night. Sunday, fair.
For Missouri Rain Saturday, possibly
turning to snow In northwest portion and
at night In east portion; warmer In east
portion. Sunday, fair; much colder; brisk
to high south winds, shifting to north. '
Local Record.
OMAHA, Dec. 11. OlMclal record of ten.
ferature and precipitation compared with
he corresponding day of the last three
190S. 1902. 1901. 190(1.
Maximum temperature .. 33 21 28 33
Minimum temperature .. IT 15 11 2
Mean temperature 25 IK 13 ?6
Precipitation 00 T T .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day since March 1,
Normal temperature 31
Deficiency for the day 6
Totil excess since March 1 &i
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1... .32.24 Inches
Excess since March 1 2.63 Inches
Defclency for cor. period, 190?.. 1.42 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1901.. (.91 inches
Report from Stations at T P. M.
?3 SF
: a
: 3
Omaha, clear ,
Valentine, snowing
North Platte, clear ,
Cheyenne, snowing
Salt Laki City, snowing.
Ranld City, snowing
S3! .00
321 T
421 .00
41 .('2
:! .1.
21 .2
2F .24
Huron, snowing.
WllllHton, snowing I 101
Chicago, cloudv.
St. Louis, cloudv...
St. Paul, snowing.
Davenport, clear...
Kansas City, clear.
Havre, cloudy
Helena, snowing....
HismarcK. clear.
Galveston, part cloudy 62!
Below sero.
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Forecaster.
In your Christmas giving to men, do
not overlook our stock of practical
and useful gifts gifts that will be
sure to be appreciated and acceptable
to the recipient.
Men's Clothes as Christmas Gifts
To those who will give the gifts of
clothing we offer a splendid Btock for
selection and in giving clothing you
can make no mistake in picking from
the celebrated Hart, Schaffner & Marx
system of hand tailored clothes. They
are superior in many ways and cost no
ilOACWAi; iJ5AT3 Oa fEACKL. T.
Hyomet Cures this Common and Dis
agreeable Disease.
Hyomel cures catarrh by the simple
method of breathing It Into the air pass
ages and lungs. It kills the germs of ca
tarrhal poison, hrals and soothes the Irri
tated mucous membrane, enters the blood
with the oxygen and kills the germs pres
ent there, effectually driving this disease
from the system.
The complete Hyomel outfit costs but
$1.00 snd comprises nn Inhaler, a bottle
of Hyomel and a dropper. The Inhaler
will last a lifetime; and nddltlonal bottles
of Hyomel can be obtained for 60c.
If you have any of the following symp
toms, catarrhal germs are at work some-1
where In the mucous membrane of the;
nose, throat, bronchial tubes or tissues of j
the lungs.
nff.nnlv brwsth
dryn.s of lh nri
patn srroiH ihft eya
prtn In back ot .h
hmklncM of vnlra
riiarhflrga frrm tha noaa
atnppMRv of tha noaa at
arhn.n of tha bo.1y
arr.pptrca In tha throat
mouth opan while
ti ki ni 'bark of tha pal
ate formation of cruat In
the noaa
drrnraa of tha throat
In th morning
loaa of strength
apaBma of roughing
cough (hurt ana hark
ing rough wnraa nights anil
loan In vital foroa
a frollng of tlghtnaaa
acroaa tha uppar part at
the cheat
fain In front ot the
trnrW.ry to taka rold
burning pain In the
hawking to clear tha
pain in the cheat
Hltrli In tha aid
lowing of Stfth
variable appetite
low apirltd at times
ilslnn of frothy mu
coue npftoratlng yellow
dlfnrulty in breathing
livquent anaetlng
Hyomel wilt destroy activity of all ca
tarrhal germs in the respiratory organs
and In a few weeks the cure will be com
plete. This Is a strong statement bue Sherman
& McConnell, Corner lth and Dodge ktreet,
emphasize 11 by agreeing to refund your
money If Hyomel does not cure.
Your Money
If Hyomel Does Not Cnre Yon of Ca
tarrh, Say Sherman at McConnell.
I Uth and Dodite Street.
In advertising that they will refund the
money to any one purchasing a Hyomel
outfit who can say that It has dene them
no good In the treatment of catarrh, Sher
man & McConnell mean txaitly what the
guarantee rays.
Of course the percentage of cures by
Hyomel Is nearly one hundred or else they
could not afford to make this unusual
offer. But If the treatment r.hould not be
adapted to your caso there will be no ques
tions or quibbling when you go to get your
That the beginning of catarrh Is due to
The average person saajr aot atop te thtek what tba
saving of whole days aaaaas to Ui. busy, huatllng people
of Amerleai hat It meaae both tins and money, and It Is
proper to ask who Is there who would not do his best to
win out oa both preposUtoa. . Tho following aeoda au
204 milt Ikertor to fall Uk Cily
278 all Shorter to tan Franclw
278 mils thtxter to Us AngtrM
858 gtitas Krtr It . .Portlin
Is -
12 hur ufckf
18 hours fuieksr
18 hours qulekar
18 hours quicker
Full iniormaiioa rhMrfully furniah.d on application is
Phon SI
U0 Pares of Text 33 In Color
loo illustration-u saon ioncs
nil IWS-tTWDS. rtlCI IS Ccats
the presence of germs In the sir passages
Is now admitted by every physician. It
stands to reason that catarrh cannot be
cured unless these germs are first de
stroyed. The Hyomel treatment kills the
catarrh germs even In the minutest air
cells, soothes and heals the Irritated mu
cous membrnne and makes complete and
lasting cures in cases that have resisted
the usual methods of treatment.
Catarrh cannot be cured by medicines
administered through the stomach. Hy
omel Is the only natural method and It
has made cures . that seem miraculous.
The outfit costs but $1.00 and consists of,
an Inhaler which will last a lifetime and
sufficient Hyomel for several weeks treat
ment. Additional bottles of Hyomel can
be procured for 50c.
Sherman & McConnell give their personal
guarantee with every Hyomel outfit they
sell to refund the money If It does not
cure: There Is no risk whatever to the pur
chaser of Hyomet.
Only Guarnteed
Catarrh Cure
Hyomel Casts Yon Nothing- If It Falls
Says Sherman A McConnell, lAth
nnd Dodge Street.
Among the many medicines upon the
market that claim to cure catarrh, none
but Hyomel has enough faith in Its own
merit to be willing to refund the money
If It does not cure.
This remarkable remedy for catarrh kills
the microbes and tho germs of the disease
and from Its Introduction has been sold
under a positive guarantee to return tho
money to all dissatisfied customera
Sherman A McConnell have sold a great
many Hyomel outfits in the. last few years,
and they stand ready today to refund tha
price to any one who has not been helped
by Hyomel.
The complete Hyomel outfit costs $1.00
and comprises an Inhaler, a bottle of Hy
omel and a dropper. The Inhaler will last
a lifetime; and additional bottles of
Hyomel can be obtained for 50c.
Breathe Hyomel for a few minutes four
times a day, and your catarrh will grow
better from the first day's use and will
be completely cured In a short time.
Do not try to cure catarrh with ordinary
stomach medicines. Breathe the healing
Hyomel which goes to every part of the
air passages and respiratory organs, kill
ing the catarrh germs and preventing their
It Is the only treatment for catarrh
where you can get your money back from
a local dealer In case It docs not help.
Don't the names sound good
to you this chill December
I can offer you some attrac-.
tive inducements in the way of
low tourist rates to these sec
tions. One change of cars Omaha to
Florida in the Union Station at
St. Louis.
The St. Louis Flyer leaves
Omaha at 5:25 p. m. daily and
runs over the SMOOTH road all
the way.
1502 Fornam Street.
lo Salt Ltkt City
to 8m Francisco
to . Los Angeles
to . . . Portland
P7"pL"VeArE. i.'MHa l.41o. ul bruxa
la IUI ft. 4 41 a uiu, k-u.
Vs J BaaaarMa SahMiiattaaa mm la.Ua.
Haa. a fa UIU41M at a4 4 r . la
"", fanlaalara,
aa " ! far l.aata, a iuar. , ra
Ian Mali. !... Tu.i.
all i.u. aUaaatar a.laa4 4'a-
Oaaaara, ratlin. I'a.