VII TIIE OMAITA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, DECEMBKK 12. 1903. EXSSCBsK SB 42 nc3 KM mi i B 1 im m lite SK P M IIPIM SBBBB SBBBHaHi i f SALE Christmas Handkerchief Sale Thousands of dainty and handiom handkerchiefs which make the most ac ceptable gifts for Christmas. SOcOlft Handkerchiefs mi 12 l-2c Each These handkerchiefs ara made of all pur linen; Bwls embroidered, re vered and convent hem atltched. with drawn thread hemstitching In all width. Each one a dainty bit of work and worth aa high aa 60a each, choice at 12i Ladles' and Children' 10c and He Handkerchiefs at 3 l-2c andlc , Men's and ladies' white and fancy colored! border hand kerchiefs, suitable for pillow tops. Also ladies' lace edged' and embroidered corner handker- f chiefs, your choice. ...i s O2C utlQ OC Ladles' All Unen Initial Handkerchiefs dainty effects, g with hand embroidered Initials, at, each .... lUC Traveler's Sample Handkerchiefs These handkerchiefs are hand- some Swiss embroidered effects still on. their sam- rtd pie cards a big bargain at, each OC All Linen Sample Handkerchiefs at 39c Bsautlfully embroidered . and revered, also drawji thread hemstitching, ' on worth up to 78o each, a charming gift, for OVC Handkerchiefs In Boxes-Ladies' and men's Initial hand- f-rv nercniers, an otters, six In a fancy box, per box OUC Ladles' and Children's Silk Handkerchiefs-one hundred 4 r pretty styles, fancy embroidered, at, each 1 j&2Z Men's Large Silk Handkerchiefs with fancy colored border- ex tra large sizes, special during this handker chief sale , 29c c Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs at 25c-Ladies' and men's hand embroidered initial handkerchiefs, prettily fashioned, at, each 4 2oC Silk and Wool Mufflers for Holidays ., HT h Prettiest effects in all silk brocade and silk and wool mixed mufflers. Hundreds ofetylesrnnol f r? and colors, oharming for Holiday gifts 3"t-y()C-.jU "?.LY.HBEAR-IaCand mbroider.d turnover col lars in the dainty and dressy style, that are so popular worth up to BOo each, many of 'a - them Imported, at... j OC OtlU IOC Udles' High Grade Kid Oloves-all correct' shades r- at 59c Holiday Sale in Picture Dept Dainty frames to hold . two nhntn- 1 PhA. , . t ' Dainty frames to hold two photo- graphs, assorted color 4 f mats, at lVC Oold plated photograph .frames, , with easel back, worth rr up to l each, at .jC Oenulne pasteU, fitted with narrow gold frame and' fanjy corners. easily worth 92, CPt rg Photo Colors in h 16x20 size, regular 12 . r. O value, at.... .."OC Colored Etchings, 18x28, with three inch white mat, lo , wide gold frame, worth 13, jj 93 10-Inch round Veneer frame, fitted with blauk and whit a subjsota, 75c value, at 4"C Em Certificates of Deposit ' We issue certificates of deposit for 3, 6 or 12 months bearing 4 per cent interest ' Burlington Pay Checks and all other pay chocks are cashe d at our bank. J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Bankers. LIEN'S SUITS. Genuine Melton Suits. J7.60. "All wool fancy worsted ults, single or double breasted sale price, 110.00. Theae suit are llnad with serge lining, have hand-padded shoulders and hair-cloth fronts. For HS.00 wa offer you choice of a . lot of Alfred Benjamin suits, neat atyllah patterns, made better than the beat Equal to any Merchant Tailor's production at less than half of tailor's price. . 6ercMts. Our entire aecond floor la devoted to Over coat. For $3.98 we offer a very Bluntly oat For fc.Oft we anil you a beavy Blnck Tries Ultter ,wlth. caaslmere lining. For 7. we show a aplendld variety of coat. Our tmoo Frfese Ulster can't be matched nowhr. One of the best Overcoat bar gains ever offered in Omaha ia our Alfred Itanjamln 115.00 Overcoat lt'a got the fit, workmanship and style. The most stylish runner can wear It with rood taete and with the satisfaction of get tin a coat fully aa rood aa tailors charge (35.00 for. ' ?cr Christmas Gifts. , We are sole asenta for Alfred Benjamin's Smoking Jacket, price from i.VS to 98.SO. They are better than any other make. Kid Gloves, 46c. 75c. 11.00 and l 69. a&ufflera from 5o to $300. Fancy Bucks, ttc, 16c, 45c. Handkerchlefa of all kinds'. Suspenders, one in a . box, from 6o up. Keckties. on In a box, Wo, 75o and ti.m. Farley Sweaters at popular prices, and many other useful articles. . Always as rood as anywhere else, but lower In price, Tha Guarantee Clothing Co., UU-15a Douglas Street MllXItERY SACKIFIGB, ' . 5 , Satire Stock of Ministry f Da Sold t 3e n the IolUr. Hats, worth to W 00, for SSc. Hats, worth up to IS. 00, for $1.38. Hata, worth up to fliSO, for HIS. - Hata, worth up to $17.60. for $XM. BIO JACKET 8ALE. 100 ladles' jackets, worth s 00, for CM. ISO ladles' Jacket, worth $12.50. for $3.M. Ill children's Jckets. worth $0.00, for $1 98. . , PEOPI.E'8 STORE. , 16th and Farnam Street. Fr4 hot tea St. Johaa Ledss Ha. W A. r.'.A A. M. . Brother Merwla Maynard died December IX Funeral aervlct-a . w ill be held at Ml aonio Temple, lti Cailtol avenue. Sunday, Xteoeraber 13. at 1 o'clock p. ra. All friend Uivlted. .WIUJAM T. BOCRKE. Master. CAKli B. UEJHRJNQ. Secretary. QUiriCY MARKET Stalls 20, 21, 22 Market House .5 1.2c BEEF. Roast per pound to and.! per pound 12Ho and..... 0C 1Joi'- . O i in per ponnd 4o and laC Pot Ruast , A t n per pound 6Ho and ,-l'G PORK. Pork Loin r- L per nound... A lzC Pork Butts . 0r , per pound. U 11C Spare Ribs- f- . . per pound..... O 1-4C new urteans Kil) r n per pound X.'ZQ rora -lenderiolns , IT i o per pound W L'Q Feet, Snoots, Ears and Talis a per pound... ' ,C MUTTON. Mutton Iiraa p Ir pound mC Mutton fioast " ' m per pound OC Mutton Chops , - per pound lOo and OC Mutton Stew r per pound JC , VEAL. Hoait per pound 12o and DC Chops Q I er pound 12o and OC Cutletts i'e-, par pound. IOC perpound 4 1 2 C PROVISIONS. , No. 1 Hams 4 t t r, per pound II l-JJC Fresh Ham per pound . dO Bacon ''V per pound 15o and I as l'JC I?WA PRIDE HAMS AND BAOON. BI TTER. EOOa, POl'LTRY. FISH AND OYSTERS at the lowest market price Special prices given to hotels, restaurants and boarding bouses. , CHAS. SCHMUBER. OPEN BATURDAT8 UNTIt. TEN P. M. Water Color Photos, Platinums, Photo Calendar FREE with Christmas orders. Stonecypher, Photorrapher, ISIS raraajst St., . Tlheae BSZa. 1 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER 1 Arrtealtaral WeeUy. iiiis iki.lAlii.a; siomk. Of Lien's Fine Suits and Overcoats Hart, only as a style. Gdod wear To one who knows the Sehaffner &, Marx poods the label is necessary proof, of quality and They are are strictly Clothes for Good Clothes ers. Call and see them. Special for Saturday on $12.50, $15 and $10 Hart, Sehaffner & Mm Hand- Tailored Suits and Overcoats Mens overcoats in all the latest and most up-to-date styles ana fabrics in any shade or coior you may wish. All of these coats are strictly hand tailored with hand-made but ton , holes, hand-felled collars, concave shoulders, close-fitting collars and self-retaining fronts. Most of these overcoats are made in the long, loose swagget style, some come in plain rnl JVAUV AU iUUV T illl JIl turt s and others m fancy plaids and neat stripes. These coats were made to sell at ?15.00, $18.00 and $22.50. We have the largest and best assortment ever shown and will place them on sale Saturday for $8,00 $15.00 and $12.50. Men's suits made up in the very latest and of the very new est and best quality fabrics, all tailored by the well known cloth ing manufacturers, Hart, Sehaffner & Marx. They are all strictly hand-tailored garments with hand-padded shoulders, hand-made button holes, hand-felled collars, hnfr ' J -.wa. AA VULOj AAA 1 11. 1 11 1Z tilt? shape self-retaining. They come in any shade you wish; gray mi-viures, orown mixtures, plaids, fancy stripes, neat ichecks, uiiiuir?B UI1U Diain COlOrS. . "hPfU ani a iron. noJ ,.!! TT1 ff Ti-v) C!nlii4A. Ala" AM 19 Eft 4 tin n ----- - dIO.UU wibttfu any fiUiVUi Great Sale off Boys' and Children's Suits for Saturday. 0. "l --,t4 :." Ti Y' HartSdiafTner V, f t 1 (f Marx V I X 1 "aM5IIl?I2TIM,' How About Cliristmas? Have you decided what you re golna- to KlveT Have you Included ahoea or' LI slipper ynonf your KlftiT fl It not, there Is still time to do so, and some of the shop and Bllpper w are ehowlng now would certainly be very appropriate, acceptable and handsome present. We" have a lot of new and handsome slippers for men, with much style aa well as comfort Some very dainty house and party llppers for women, and some rich and handsome warm Upper, fur trimmed and plain,' for young women or old ladles. II Or a pair of patent leather dress . . .. . . . j w nI'lO' elated by any man or woman. Our easy prices will help your decision. FRYSnoEcxx ti - . lf iui . iM LOJ Silver, Silk and Paper Candle shades from $4.00 down to 10c each, CANDLES CANDI.B HOLDERS. CANDELABRA., and CANDLE LAMPS, a most complets assortment PAPER D'OYLEYS from 60c down to 10c per do., d a sumptuous display of holiday decorations for your appreciation. PHONE. 711' CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS for wife, mother and sweetheart, ninm diamonds In town); Diamond brooches. 125.00 to 14&0.00; Pear I brwhealT K ta 1200 (io- $3.00 to 175.00; glares: WTo W-OOI Sten toilet '.eti, " Tooo Vrm leather roods In travellns; ban and suit oases, $84.00 to $200.00. When T vou want something- especially fine and exclusive you can see It opposite the Postofcce. ALBERT EDKOLMs Jeweler. I07,N0RTH SIXTEENTH STREET. OPP. POSTOFfirp 1506 For nam - Painless Extraction without fas. Bridge Work From $3 A TOOTH. , Open -Sundays 10 to IX DR. BRADBURY DENTIST Photiev1756 Fillings. ,50c op Set of Teeth $5.00 Pivot Teeth. . . . . .$4.00 Oold Crowns, $2. 50 up All Work Guaranteed. Christmas Perfumes We carry the finest atock of perfume In the city all first quality foods and prices about half what you pay other. Eleg-ant bottles of Perfume at 15c, SOc, 85c, 85o. 60c, 75c, SSc up to $5.00. Bulk Perfume the regular 60c k(nd Sat urday Sc. Atomizers from 29c up. Good Hair Brush , J5o Hand Mirror 25o Celluloid Boap Boxes 250 Celluloid Powder Boxes 40o SKaT U Wm M fl a- BH IS! m 9' conn Chocolate Creams lljc 15 Sticks, candy ..Bo Hoarhound stick, lb 10c Broken Taffy, lb loc Jelly Qum Drops, lb .. 100 Maple Leaves, lb ioc Cocoanut Cushions, lb jc Cream mixed, lb l5o Yankee Peanut, lb ......u.. Ua Klngergarten mixed, lb isj Midget mixed, lb ..... ig0 Telephone boxes, 16a and 29o Bult Cases, ISo and 260 Dinner palla, 9c 4 for 25o Trunks. . So I for 60 Coal Hod 60 Large Una of fancy boxes at lowest prices. CONS m Tooth Comfort ' Fillings stop ueeay and preventa tooth ache. Improves appearance and helps mastication. Oold Fillings.... Silver Fillings.. Teeth Cleaned.. 1. ....$1.50 up. 75o up. 7&o up. Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas Street. VDIAMONDS IN RINGS FROM $8.00 to $500. 4 IN RINGS FROM $8.00 to $500. 1 OPEN EVENINGS. -1 hm W 111 Iwcat Feot Filters ONIMODS 'are feet fitters-they also excel in style and none can be com pared with them for solid comfort Try a pair, It will pay you. The Shoe For Entire Satisfaction. 1 Always $3.50 3 $2.50 Regent Shoo Go. 299 So. 15tb St. Christmas Diamonds are the most acceptable and endur Ingly satisfying gifts In the world. Tcu can make a diamond gift for SIO.OO to S25.00 or for any amount up to $1,000. Nothing like our present diamond display has. ever been seen In thl city before. It's greater because of the Increased demand for really fine diamonds, both In solitaires and the mailer gem for diamond jewelry. BROWN & B0RSHE1M, 223 Bouth Uth Street. When Santa Claus Comes . Tou will have lots to do to fit out the little folks, but boys can't wait for Banta if their little toes stick out of their shoes so you had better bring them to our store Saturday and get those little toea covered with pair of our $1.60 shoes. . Just the shoe for thl anowy weather and skating honest leather, and good heavy sole that will stand many a hard knock. , DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Far nan Street. Omaha's Up-te-Dati Shoe House 20 Discount ON ALL Suit :BagS and Traveling Gases Omaha Trunk Factory r u 1 r vAiiu 1 . 1 tun, iumii, rropneisr Telephone 1053 I20 Farnam Street ww How Do Trading Stamps Look How? Some Of the wholeSAla 1rthhra sr ting very saury and are putting up quite an Interesting tight against them since we started I lie ball rolling. . Borne of "MAUAS aruggluts are seeing "Duble" alleariv nviir nr haw hwlulA .f do you Mam themT We presume the next moe of the N. A. R. Y. will be to pro hibit the use of NATIONAL CASH 111u1sif.11 in ail drug stores, 'cause It Is a "different system than was uued 60 years ado." TICKETS FROM Ol'R CABII KEGISTER FOR EVERY THINtl WE 8h.LU KXCEPT PATENT MEDICINES ire worth I per cent. $1.0 Unkham'a Vegetable Compound. ,..C2e 1(10 Pe-ru-na poor old Peruna..... Wc $1.00 Bootts Kmul'lon 7"o $l.u Warner's Bafe Cure 67c $1.U Cramer' Kidney Cure, guaranteed. 76c i Ail uai) Uri J.t MM quantity prices on OILCAKE MEAL'qui.tert V. O. B OMAHA itlty prices on OR ANY OTHER TOWN OR CITY ON Arri.u.TU)N. ll.'X) Dr. Pierce's Medical Plxcovery 62o H ftO ller's Malt Whiskey ,.4c $1.0u Pur Canadian Malt Whiskey 7o CUT PRICB DRUQ STORI E. T. TATE8. Prop.. !?!h ar.d Chicago Bts.. Omaha. 'Phones 747 and 7K7. tttn and N 8t . South Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. All good delivered any place in el liter city. V SCIIAEFER'S Men's High Grade Suits Worth $15 , The men's Suits we offer for Saturday at $9.75 is a par ticularly strong value when one considers the low price which we ask. The values ranere all the war fWim 1 1 nn n i U --"y a vau AL J. V v $16.50, in fact, you'll pay 'that much in other stores for no better quality. The Suits cover a broad range of fabrics the coats are cut in the . nobbv threp-h double-breasted styles. If you want a Suit that' will give you good, honest service and look snappy and stylish, then select it from our line at $9.75. Kiln'aan it. is :t, tnm ,'mm-Ml Men's S3, Overcoats Worth $13.50 The men's Overcoats we offer specially priced for Satur day are one of the Greatest vnl HPS TOP hnvo nffnrtaA tkin " - vuiicu ima Btrit- son. $9.00 for a high grade Overcoat may appear as a'very Bwtm puce, uui we aon i nesitate to say that $9.00 spent here for an Overcoat Saturday is eonal to S13.Rn nt pIqo. wucn:. " unue ourselves on tnp iiinrpmnr.-ir nf f coats at $9.00. Made of a fine Oxford O f v. j iuii, no custom tailor, no matter how good he may be, can pro duce more perfect fitting Overcoats than is embraced in these coats. , 1 Henry's. Christmas Suggestions A fine box of Stationery 25c up to $3.00 ' A year's subscription to some periodical Authograph and Photograph Albums Toy Books, are all acceptable. FOUNTAIN PENS are especially appropriate. I have the best Waterman's and Parker's. 1615 FARNAM ST. OPP. N. Y. LIFE BLDG. . ' . Watches, Jewelry, Silverware. . i. ?"p.frb ?.Wajr.?f, beaut1'H, Soods-Our stork Is Just brimming over with rich, PIV beu'ul article for Christmas gifts such as watches, diamonds, rings set with diamonds and other precious stones, Sterling silver spoons, bon-bon dishes, i 1d folnb. ets, candelabra, souvenir spoons, lockets, stick pins, etc. What we how U Just right and the prices right, too. . - JOHN RUDD, Jeweler 115 South 16th St. TIME KEEPERS An unreliable watch 1 worse than no' watch nt . nil Our watohea are reliable, reasonable In price. and full guaranteed. All styles and prices. Make your ee lection no tor Christmas. Open evening. You Won't Boy Coffee any where else after you have given us an order for tha reason that we sell only the best Qualities at cut prices. Our Leader worth 85c, for." 15o Cucuta Blend, worth 6c, for 25o Nectar Java and Mocha, 35o t lbs $1.00 Pure Uncolqred Japan Tea 85c Pure Uncolored Japan Sittings 13o A Pull Lin of Frosh Ground Spices CALL AT OUR TEA AND COFFEB DEPARTMENT aND TRT A CUP OF CUCUTA BLEND COFFEE. From Missouri ? POCKET KNIVES Jas.norfon&SonCo. ISII DODGE STREET, Cutlery Headquarters. We want to show you why it ia to your ad vantage to look in over our suit ings 1,800 dif- . .tma TOP! PAW RTtOW TOO icivufc If you will but come In some time when you're passing. A correctly uinureu will give more aatistaciion man mo i ru j -. i,inA Tm oitt im un-to'date. the hang la right and the possibilities of hold ing Its shape are greater. One a cus tomer, always one. baa been Nicoll' record. Suits, $20 to $33 Troupers, $5 to $12 Overcoats, $20 to $40 fjtsiju; TTAILORv.. W. C. JERREMt, President 209-211 South 15th Street. ' li, UiULB UXSjICAL CO, UuW(, lal 1 IIU1 "com.tery. Ytend tavlt.X