1 ' I X GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Largs Olcmnoti and Falling Off in He csiptj Causes Btrength in Wbea. CORN STRONG, WITH LITTLE BUSINESS Vrgeat IX ma 4 for Oali, l(k Assail Receipt, Alrurti Price and Prevlslea Prices Arm Higher, COTCAQO, Dec.. 11. La.rr clearances and falling oft In receipts everywhere caM strength In wheat today. May at one time bowing a gain of lVo from the low points. A slight reaction occurred late In the day on realising, but closing prices were strong, May being up May corn closed c higher, oats were up o and provisions fiom 2i4o to 15c higher. A buliih sentiment prevailed among wheat traders at the opening, due partly to the government report on acreage and condition of fall sown wheat. This, how ever, was not as potent an Influence as was the flrmnees In the Liverpool market in the face of th weakness that prevailed here yesterday. The effect of reports of rains in Argentine was also lust beginning to be felt, and the continued small receipts In the northwest and southwest were Instrumental In bringing out an active general demand. May was up HflVo to H47S? at the start, opening at 814781o, and with only scat tered selling the price gradually recov ered. Covering by those who had oversold on the break yesterday and commission houses were also active on the buying side. The strength In outside markets and small primary receipts lntensined the desire to buy and late in the day when It was an nounced that clearances were much larger than usual there was a sharp demand which carried May up to 82Hc, a gain of IHo from the low point. A part of the rain waa lost on profit-taking, but the close was strong, with Msy e higher at c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 864,000 bu. Primary receipts were 7Sf7.tO bu., against 825,i bu. a year ago. World's exports of wheat and flour according to Bradstreet'a were 4,067.000 bu., against I.7l.orio bu. last year. Minneapolis. Duluth nd Chicago reported receipts of 499 cars, compared with 757 last week and 622 a year ago. Corn continued strong, although no great amount of enthuslnBm was displayed on he buying side. It did not require much buying to advance prices, however, as of ferings were light. The December deliv ery was In fair demand from shorts who are becoming somewhat alarmed at the emallnese of receipts and light stocks. May opened a shade to HtiSc higher at 431 43c, ranged between 43Ve and 43c, clon ing at 434i43Hc. Local receipts were ISO cars, with three of contract grade. There wa an urgent demand for May oata from commission houses and shorts, and some of the buying was credited to big longs. The strength In wheat and corn helped to advance prices, ss did also the small receipts. Scalpers took advantage of the better price to secure profits and In doing ao caused a slight reaction, but the close wss strong. May opened 74c higher at 3H4736ic and sold between 36Vfcc and 37c, closing at iSc. Local receipts were 1M , car. Buying for investment account and cov ering by shorts were the main support of the provision market. Higher prices for hogs caused a fair advance early In the day, and the opening firmness was well maintained. May pork closed 15c higher nt SU.n"7y. May lard was up at 86.62H and ribs were 7Hc higher at 86 27H- Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 70 cars; corn, 210 cars; oats. 150 cars; hogs, 24,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Aitlclee.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close ! Yeaty Wheat tDec. (WffVi WH 79V. 79H 9 May RlfiH 2' M 81V4i 8o,i ' July 7U,4f77 . 77 76 77V4 76H471 Corn Dec. 41 H May 411 43 4.t fi 43ta July 43 43 4343J1-4 43 Oata Dec. 84 85 84 84 84 May !6ift 37 SiV i ! July 83 84 83 84 83 Pork Jan. 11 mt 11 46 11 2S 11 8? 11 15 May 11 60 11 80 11 57 U 67 11 62H Lard Jan. 42 80 42 6 47 42 May 1(2 4 70 6 60 6 62 6 60 Ribs ' - Jan. OR 1 17 6 06 6 10 02 May 82 4 82 6 20 4 27 6 3) No. I tNew. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 84.009 -4.26; straights, $3.704.10; spring patents 84.0064.80; straights, S2.504J3.75; bakers, 82.40 CfS25. ' . WHEAT No. 8. 78a82c; No. 8 red. 82 S4c ftiRV-Vn ? 4?Uc! No. 8 vellow. 44e. OATS No. 8. 8535c; No. 8 white, 35 7c; No. 8 white, 51c. BARLEY Good feeding.. 86a37c; fair to choice malting, 4367c. SEEDS No. 1 fins, 92c; No. 1 north western, 8c; prime timothy, 82.85; clover, mntrilt ararl. 111. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 811 5A?T 11.62. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 86 47fc.60. Short ribs aides (looKe). 8ti.12Va6.37H. Bhort clear aides (boxed). 8.izlitt Following were the receipts and shlp ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 29.i0 53 Son Wheat, bu HO,) 14.600 Corn, bu 1R4.000 KO.ftiO OaU, bu . 227.6H0 104.500 Kvi. hu 8.5t0 2.800 Barley, bu 138.7U0 12,600 In the Produce exchange today the butter market was steady; creameries, 164725c; dairies, 13ftl7c. Eggs. firm, at mark, cases included, 244,27c. Cheese, quiet, itraiuc. 8BW YORK UESEHAL. MARKET. tJlaatatioaa ef the Dor Varloao Commodities. NEW YORK. Dec. ll.-FLOUR-Recelpts, 82,224 bbls.; exports, 44,63 bbls.; The market was firmer and more active; winter pat ents, t4.Ov0436; winter straights, n unm iu; " Minnesota patents. 34.65474.76; winter extras, S.1. 0047 3.86; Minnesota bakers, 83.7txu3.7a; winter low grades. S2.S"tiX15. Rye Hour, ' eteady; fair to good, 33.2n473.40; choice to fancy, 83.46473.50. Buckwheat flour firm, U 3Hr2 S5. OJRNMEAL Firm; yellow western, 11.02; city. 8100: kiln dried, 83Xgj.u&. RYE Dull; No. 8 western. 63c, f. 0. b., " afloat ; standard Jersey. 6t4;68c. BARLEY -Quiet; feeding, 39c. c. I. f., FurTalo; malting. 484jt)c. c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Reuelpts, 2,925 bu.; exporU, 15,- W7 bu. The market for spot was nrm. No. 8 red, uc. elevator and lc. f. o. b., afloat; Nv 1 northern, Duluth, 93o, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, nominal. t. o. b., afloat. Options acted generally strong all day. being advanced by fresh - buying attracted by the bullish crop re port. Other buying motives were big flour clearances, small Interior receipts, a bull ish Modern Miller report and export gos sip. Th close was firm at o net ad vance. May. 854j83 13-16c. closed at &5c; July. 81&2 7-16c. closed, 82c; December, ttitc, closed. 80c. CORN Receipts, 24.250 bu.; exports, 6 200 bu. Ths market for spot was firm; No. . 62c. elevator, and 63e, f. o. b.. afloat; No. I yellow, Mo; No. 8 white, K2e The op- . tlon market was active and higher until the last hour, when realising caused a setback. Receipts continued lijrht and en couraged most of th early support. Finally the market yielded to realising and closed partly net higher. May. V.t4 -lc. closed at 49c; December. 62c; closed at 62c. OATS Receipts 6.0UO bu.; exports 8.1S5 bu. The market for spot was firm; No. 2, 41a; standard white, ; No. 8 white, 42c; No. 8 white, 41o; track white, 414? 6c. HAT-Steady; shipping, 0tfj'76c; good to Choice. 50iS2o. HOPS Firm: state, common to choice, 1908, 24932c; 1SM2. .,l25c; olds. 9fflc. Pa nne coast. 19o. 1S4j21o; 102, 2l3Vjc; elds, ' 4rl?c. HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., Ic; Cl'f"rnla. 21 to 26 lbs., Ike: Texas dry, N (o 80 lbs . 13c. I.EATH KR Firm; add. 83&25o. PROVISIONS Beef flnn; farollv, r.Ofti 11.0V; mess. M.jr , beef ham. IM.d)tiU.00; -scket IS.W'dlO.yO; city extra Inda mens, Ill.OuCrn AO. Cut meats tm-gulur; pickled bel lies. S.e$i.37: pickled shoulders. 00; pickled ham. moij U 00. I.4ird firm; western stemmed, $6: refined firm; continent. 87 Vt; South America. 87.80: corn, round. 8 2o4i450. Pork, steady; family, ti: "il5 50; short clear, $V3.usli50; mesa, 112.7513 60. PICE Firm; demeetlc, fair to extra. 3 5c: J a nan. nominal. TALLOW Flrsa ; city, o; country. 4 BUTTER Receipts, 4.47 pkgs: market Quiet; state full cieam. fancy, large and fmall. colored and white, September, 12c; te mde. 10c. CHEESE Receipts. 4 SI rkps.: oulet; state full cream, fancv. large and small, colored and white, September, 12c; laU niaH 10c. FCiOS Receipt" .S34 pVf.; market flrne'- M'rn. MSyic. POULTRY All, dJll: western chicken, jnc; fowls. 10rHtc; turkeys. 12c. Dreeed. Irregular: western chlckeua, 11c; fowls, 13c; turko. 15Dlo. OMAHA WHOLES A LK MARKET. Ceadltlosi ef Trade aad aeetatleas eta at a pie aad Fewer Fredaee. FOC.3 Freh stock. 27c. L1VB 1'OILTRY Hens, 77c; spring chickens, TVj'yUc, roosters, according to age, e'qBc; turkeys, l-c; ducks, Sijc geese, I 4jlc. DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys, 1301S?.: ducks, lcollc; geese, l10c; chickens, i0 8c; hens. 7'&c. BUTTER l acking stock, 13c; choice to fancy dairy, In tubs, lti'ylJk-; separator, 2c. FRESH FISH Treut. luc; pickerel, 7c; pike. He; perch, 7c. blueflsh, Uc; whlteflsh, K'; salmon, 11c; haddock. 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, 11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb., 28c; bullheads. 11c; catfish. 14c; black bass, 2026c; halibut, 13c; crapples, Uc; herring, be; white bass, 13c; bluehns, 8c OY8TER3 New York counts, per can, 43c, per gal., 82.00; extra selects, per can, 36c, per gal., (1.75; standard, per can, it?, per gal., 81 35. BRAN Per ton. 814 50. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association. Choice No. 1 up land, 8 50: No. 2, 87.00: medium, 86.50; coarse, 3&00. Rye straw, 86.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair and receipts light. CORN 44c. OATS 37 o. RYE No. , 6C. CHRISTMAS TREES Four to Ave feet, per dosen, 21.76; five to seven feet, per dos en, 82.50; eight to nine feet, per dosen, 83.50; nine to ten feet, per dosen, 84 50; large school and church purposes, twelve to fourteen feet, each, 21 1.50; extra large, fif teen to twenty feet, each, 22.001j4.00. EVERGREEN WREATHING In colls of twenty yards, per coll. $1.00. WREATHS Magnolia and galax wreaths, per dosen, 81.60; evergreen wreaths, per doxen, fl 60; holly wreaths, per dosen, l.c0. These designs are twelve Inches in di ameter. HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of 2x2x4 feet, about fifty pounds, 84.50; per barrel, 2L50. LONG NEEDLE PINES-Per doxen, 22 00 2.50. MISTLETOE Branches, per five-pound box, 81.25; per pound, 30c Mistletoe orders will be filled about December 20 and Ship ped by express only. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, 86c; Dakota, per bu., 7uj76c; native, toiiTOc. SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per bbl.. 83.25. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 82.35. CELERY Small, per dox., 2i36c; large J ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb.. c; cipanisn, per crate, xi.eu; Colorado yel low and red, lc. VAHBAUti Wisconsin Holland, 2Hc TURNIPS Canada rutabaga, cer lb.. lc; white, per bu., 60c. lAKKUIS-fpr DU., WC. PARSNIPS Per bu., &6c. BEETS Per bu., 60c. CAULIFLOWER California. ter crate. 12.76. TOMATOES California. Der 4-basket crate, 22.16. CUCUMBERS Per dox., 21. FRUITS. A PPf F(3 full f ,-ti ) a Uullflna.... . hr,w 81.60; New York Greenings, Baldwins and otner varieties, X3.6". ukapes Pony Catawbas, 20c; Imported Malagas, per keg, 86.00ijt.oo. lkamukKaJ lb Jersey, per bbl.. 87.50: per box. $2.75; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, JS; Bell and Cherry, 88. yi if. California, per box, i.2x TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida Brlghta and Russets. all sizes. $3.26; navels, large size. $3. 0041-3.50. LKMOfis-canrornia fancy, soo to 360 sixes, $4; choice, 240 to 270 slses, 83.50. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 85c; Imported Smyrna, 3-crown. 14c; 6-crown, 16c; j-crown, j!ic. COCOA NUTS Per sack, $4; per doi., 60c. IliTl'U D.r.l.n n V.. n Tn -.1, t ) per lb., in ti0-lh. boxes. 6c; Oriental stuffed il.tai rial. V ... t') il BANANAS Per m'edlum-Blxed bunch, 82.00 z.m; J umbo. $z.ya.26. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c; block Bwtss. 15c: Wisconsin brick, 12o; Wisconsin llmberger, 12c. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, 83.25; jiai-i.k bluak iimo, per id., inc. CIDKR Per bbl.. 86 75; per -bbl., 83 23. Pt)PCORN Per lb.. 2c: shelled. 3a3c. HORSE RADIS H Per case of 2 doa., NUTS-WalnuU. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. idc; nara men, per id.. ic; no. z. sort snen. FT- , itVt . I I V. VflTTI, IITI llf., 4, Braslls. per lb., lie: filberts, per lb.. He: almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 15c: hard shell. per lb.. 13c; pecans, large, per lb.. 12c; small,-per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb, 5c; roastea peanuts, per id., ic; imu wainuts, 12al3c: larae hickory nuts, per bu.. 31.50: shell Darks, per du., z; oiaca wainuts, per bu., Ii.zb; Italian cnesuiuta, per id., izc. IUVlo . i u . x Mice, w , a-u. m i : . : . i , m. . No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 8Vic; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. 6c: dry salted hides. 81712c; theeD pelts, 25d75c; horse hldea, 81.5082.50. St. LodIs Grala and Provisions, - ST. LOUIS. Dec. U.-WHEAT-Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, nominal; track, 9V&ilc; December. 90c: May, Slc; July, 76c; No. 2 hard, 77t&7ilc. t ORN Higher; cash, 42c; track, 43c; May, 41c; July, 4ic. OATS stronger; No. 2 cash, 88c track. December, S6c; May, 38c; No. 3 white, 8Sc LOUR Steady, mora active; red win ter patents, $4.254.35; extra fancy and atralghts.$3.8os4.20 clear, $3,404)3 r0. SEED Timothy, steady, 82.3.80; prime worth more. CORNMEAIy Steady, 82.80. BRAN Unchanged; sacked, east track, "lAY-flrm; timothy, 86.60512.50; prairie, 85.001160. . IRON COTTOtf TIES-8106. BAGGING 5 fic. HEMP TWINE oc. PROVISIONS Pork, blgher: Jobbing, $11.75. Iard, steady; steam rendered, $6 40. Bacon, firm; boxed extra shorts, $7.26; clear ribs. (87.50; short clear, 87.75. POULTRY Turkeys, higher; chickens, Tc; springs, 7c; ' turkeys, 14c; ducks, 10c: geeoe, 8c, BUTTER Slow; creamery. 1826c; dairy, 13-2.c. EGGS Lower at Ito, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 8.0UO .0o0 Wheat, bu 80.000 60.000 Corn, bu 31.000 22,010 Oats, bu 47,000 28,000 Kaaaas t'Hy Oriia aad Provlsloas. KANSA8 CITY. Dec. ll.-WHEAT-De-cember, 6Sc; May, 6yfic: cash, No. 2 hard. 71'S'72c: No. 8. 6Vu;71c; No. 4. 614it7c; rejected, 6WU62c; No. 2 red, 83fc84c; No. 3, Hfc63c. CORN December, S7c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 39c; No. Iwhlte. 39c; No. 8. 39c. OATS No. 2 white, 86fe3oc; No. 2 mixed, 82fi36c. HAY Choice timothy, 89.50; choice prairie, $8.00. RYE No. 2. 47c; BUTTER-Creamery. 2123c; dairy, fancy, 20c. EGGS Weak; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 26c; new No. 2 white wood cases included, 27c. Recelpts.8h!pments. Wheat, bu S5.2 140.0110 Corn, bu 22.44 .() Oats, bu 13.0U0 8,000 Mlaaeapells Wheat, Floar aad Bras. MINNEAPOLIS. Mirin.. Dec. 11 WHEAT December, 7ic; May. 81e,lc; July. 8lc; on track. No. 1 hard, &fc; No. 1 northern. 81c: No. 2 northern, iyc; No. 3 northern. 72f76c. FLOUR First patents, 84.4504.o5; second patents. $4.3(4 40: flrst clears, $3.3tj3.4u; second clears. $2.304i2 40. BRAN In bulk, $13 00. Whisky Market. CHICAGO, Dec. 11. WHISKY-Steady. en barls of II 77 for finished goods. ST. LOUIS. Dec ll.-WHISKY-Bteady, 81.S1U. PEORIA. Dec. ll.-WH!9KY-On basis of $1.27 for finished goods. CINCINNATI. Dec. 11 WHISKY Distil lers' finished goods, quiet, on basis of $1.27. Milwaukee tirala Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec 11. WHEAT Mar ket c higher. No. 1 northern. S28i4c; tin. J northern. si83Hc: May, lc, RYE Firm; No. 1. 56V857c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 62c; sample, 82 'corn Steady; No. 8, 46W; May, 43c Llveroel Grain aad freisloBS. LIVERPOOU Dec. ll.WHEAT-8pot, firm; No. 2 red western, winter, 6s ld. Futures steady; December, nominal; March. e 4V1: May. 6s 3nd CORN tiKit. steady; American mixed, 4s d. Futures steady; Junuttry, 4; March, Sa U3. nelatSi Grala Market. DULUTH. Dec 11. WH EAT On track: No. 1 northern, 7c; No. 8 northern, 77c; No. 3 spring, 74c; December, 79c; May, SlftSc. OATS On track and to arrive, 3tc. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Dec. 11 -8EED-Clover, cash, 86 i; December. 860: January, $ 82: Feb ruary. $aT; March. $n.9; prim alsike $.; prime timothy. 81.4U. Peerla Grala Market. PEORIA. Dec II CORN Essy: Na. I, 42o; new. No. & 8.-; new. No, 4. t7a. TITE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1P03. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Btael Preferred Moit AotiT Stock on List aad is Diligently Prtisod. LOW MARK FOR STOCK IS APPROACHED Woaey Market Is atroager aad Reeert f Troafcle at Baltlaaere Has Bad Effect Late la Day. NEW YORK, Dec 11. There was rather leas activity In today s stock market and the dealings were more congested In a few stocks. Steel preferred was between three and four times as active as any other stock in the list and It was pressed upon the market diligently all day. Its pries was forced down to 61, which was only a trifle more than 8 points above the low eat. The common stock sold at 10, which la on a parallel with the low record, but the dividend of one-half of 1 per cent came off the price yesterday. There was no actual news accompanying the selling, but very specific sssertlons were in circula tion that a reduction of the dividend rates on the preferred for the present has been practically determined on. Published rates of the heavy shrinkage of earnings of the corporation also affected the stock. Brooklyn Transit, which was next In point of activity, was reactionary on what seemed profit taking. Traders In the stock affirmed thst the market wss de signed to shake off an unwieldy bull fol lowing. Less was heard today of the vari ous deals concerning this property, wnlch were talked of during the rise. Amslga mtted Copper, Erie and Pennslyvanla were very conspicuous In the trading, and had periods of strength. The buying of Erie was attributed largely to London account so long as trading continued in London the market showed points of strength, but afterward the advance melted away very generally, Brooklyn Transit receding to near the low point of the morning dip. Th upward spurt In People's Gas was appar ently due to a judicial decision In favor of the company. The reactionary forces In the market did not develop great activ ity and the market suggested a recession of the advance, rather than Indications of weakness. There Is a prevalent sentiment that prudence In ths making of new com mittments pending the annual aettlement Is desirable. The advices on the movements of cur rency for the week point to a balance In favor of New York of between 82,000,000 and 82,500,000. As the subtreasury operations have absorbed $571,000, the cash reserves of the banks has probably Increased during the week between $1,500,000 and 82.000,0ua The active speculation of the week Involves some expansion of loans and the call money rate ran up rather suggestively to per cent, late In the afternoon. Th news from Baltimore of clearing hous measures for the protection of one of the banks, caused a rather unpleasant Impres sion. The figures of the production of gold In the Rand for November, showing a decrease of more than 4,000 ounces com pared with October, will be disappointing to the London market, which Is looking to a gradual Increase of the Rand output to help relieve Its rather urgent requirements for gold. The stock market closed heavy and at about the lowest. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales par value were 82.239.ou0. United Statea bonda were unchanged on the last call. Following are the closing quotations on the New York Btock exchange: aies.xigu,iyw. Atchison do pfd Baltimore 4k Ohio.... do pfd Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Chesapeake Ohio.. Chicago at Alton do ptd., ex-div Chicago G. W do H pfd C. dk N. W., ex-dlv... Chicago T. A 7 do pfd C, C, C. & St. L Colorado Southern... do 1st pfd do 8d pfd Delaware A Hudson. Dela., Lacka. 4k W.. Denver ox K. O ll. 270 fe i 660 9i 02 V2 10,800 V9 7K 7 2U0 7 8-1 87 1,400 1181 UJK. 118 ADO 1.960 1,600 "406 euo ss 84 82 84- 2i 104 82 84 e 16 2a . lo 27 1U 140 lb4 600 870 74 14 73 14 54 14 M 23 83 . 168 248 21 71 360 2U0 158 168 do pfd .... Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Great Northern, pfd Hocking Valley ..... do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central - do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville A Nash... Manhattan L 200 67. 160 3,tCW 3,568 72 78 . 29 6S 87 1 49 2 7 47 ISO e eee ?3frJ 82 1.272 128 12 la .a ..... ..... 19 ..... .. ..... 88 ..... ..... W (,550 1U6 1 1U 2.100 142 142 14t Manhattan L.. ex-dlv I.1W 142 142 140 Met. St. Ry Minn. A St. L Missouri Pacific .... M , K. A T do pfd N. R. R. of M., pfd. N. Y. Central .r Norfolk A Western. do pfd Ontario A Western. Pennsylvania P., C. C. A St- L.... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 85.600 122 121 121 69 2 17 88 86 117 600 20.070 69 58 3 81 600 88 38 1.000 1.000 llf 67 118 (7 t7 87 1,235 21 21 21 71,770 117 116 116 mt 24,200 100 44 43 77 77 43 77 89 25 10,000 2 26 61 61 do pfd St. L. A 8 F .lst pfd. do 2d Dfd St. L. S. W 800 61 eo 44 800 14 15.200 iu 14 J4 82 do pfd St. Paul do pfd Southern Pacific Southern Railway ... do pfd .., Texas A Pacific , T.. St. L. W , do pfd i Union Pacific do pfd Wabash 140 140 171 46 46 ' 20 15,725 2,920 1,700 2.010 22S Hi 20H, 77 25 21 7' Tt 24 24 21 20 21,060 77 7 87 100 1.750 "206 800 20 87 17' 20 86 'i6 87 do Dfd Wheel. A Lake Erie, Wisconsin Central.., do pfd Adams Express , American express.. United Statea Kid.. 18ft lul 200 Wells-Fargo Exp..... Amal. Copper Amer. Car A Foun. (3.450 O 400 47 45 18 lk 66 (5 46 1 do Dfd 00 Amer. Linseed Oil.... do pfd Amer. Locomotive... do pfd Am. Smelt A Refln.. 200 14 14 75 1,200 4l 4SV 4S 89 do pfd Amer. Sugar Refln... 410 SO t.2n0 124 123 123 76 Anaconda Mln. Co 400 78 70 Vtrooklvn R T .1C1.6W - 61 41 'ii 12 165 10 'so" 70 49 26 13 Colo. Fuel A Iron Col. Hock. Coal Consolidated Oas Oeneral Electric 1.3O0 12 2.450 1M 12 KfiO IW 14 10 63 fO International Paper.. ' do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Biscuit...... National Lead North American 100 10 100 100 'ioo 300 'so" 70 16 77 ' 2$ 15M 75 25 23 f 214 Pacific Mall People's Oas 2',745 Pressed steel Cap.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do .pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron.. TJ. 8. Leather do pfd., ex-dlv V. 8. Rubber do pfd 25 800 700 1.200 40 100 40 is 'is" 7 76 10 Li 87 6 89 18 'si & M "is" M 6 W IS 71 31 7 4 33 10 TJ. 8. Steel do pfd Western Vnlon ... 1A8 ...2S0,!O 100 86 Northern Securities Total sales for the day, ni.iw snares. Bnatea Stock Qaetatteas. BOSTTON. Dee. 11 -Call loans. 6 per cent; time loans. fcfrfP4 ner rent umclal closing prices on stocks and bonds Atehlaoa 4a H Allovoa Uo'i Conual .... V lAultanMted .. AtototaoM 7Vn. klDsaau ....... ft tile t'al. A Hecla... Boeton A Albanr...-14& Csataanlal aoile A Main 3al CiHJper Rausa . Bcatoa Klevated 14 Dommioa Coal 1 II 440 r 1 , n. n. a rranzl a Pltekbaix ptd ...Mt let Hojrel , Miikawk , Old Domlaloa .... Oeooola IPaTot putney Santa P Cos nr.. Itaioe raelSe klei. Ceatral Amer. Suaor . ... t . 84 Sa ... ...in do pfi ..ISO Amor. T. A T 14 Dolalnioa 1. dt B. Garl ElaotHe .. alaaa. Electric .... do prd I' tiled Fruit V. a. ataal Tamarack , Trlnur w m .. II .. t ..toi .. 14 i BitM Stale ..... tJtak iiorta , Wlnoaa , 1 do pfd ... 4T weetl&s- aoasmoa. ... T4 A4alur $ Asked. WolTerln IMIy West , Ferelsa Flaaaeial. LONDON. Dec. 11. Money waa la In creased demand In the market today. Operators on the Stork exchange were largely occupied with the conclusion of the settlement, which waa aatiafactory . Con sols recovered, but closed below the best prices or in osy. Home rails were Irrvg im,rlii,ni Annv4 wa.k ... T Chicago, Milwaukee A 8u Paul. Tlit attfr- aequently advanced a fraction above parity owing to some local support: afterward bo- came unsettled, but closed fairly steady. rAKlH. uec. li ixaaing on tne Dourse today opened hesitating and prices became firm. Internationals were firm and had sn upward tendency on the rumor of an agree ment having been reached between Russia nd Japsn. industrials Improved. At tne close stocks were' firm. The private rsta of discount wss 2 13-16. Three per cent rentes. f 60c for the eccnnnt. BERLIN. Dec. 11 Trading on the bourse todsy was depressed. Hew York Moaey Market. NJCW. YORK. Dec. 11. MONEY On call. firm at 64ie per cent; closing bid, 6; offered at a 41mA nam aBir altv tnd hlntv days' ( per cent; six months, 5. rniVEi E.nv A.i i ur, I A r r- r-. v. STERLING EXCHANGE Firmer; mu tual bankers' bills t 4RS. SMi 48 40 for de mand and at 479.W48n for sixty days' bills; posted rates, 480VKf4W.n; commercial bills, 4;9e80. . ... SILVER-Bar, M'ac; Mexican aoiiars, mc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. The closing quotations on oonas are as follows: B. rf. K n ..1W L. a- H. est. 4 do toupee. ... So Is, rrs So coupon .... 4a s 4a, ri ...in Manhattan e. 4- 4a 101 ...1074 ...lOT1 ...1S ...lS ...lot ...114 ...ton ...10H4 n. Central 4... do let Inc Minn. A t. L. 4. at., K. A T. 4a... do t ... II1 ... 15V ... M ... MS ... T7 o eoupoa ... 4o 014 4, res 4 eoupoa .... 4a, rf.... to coupon .... N. R. R. of M 4. TS T. C. g. IHs J. C. a. a io Atrhtaon gn. 4t... .100 . t7H No. Pactfio ..101 o adj. tt do 8a N. A W. e. 4e O. 8. U 4e A par, Penn. cone. ma... Atlantic C L. 4 ... M ...1"0X ... M ...104 ... 44 O. 4 a 0. IM 41 Central of O. Reading sea. 4a. do 1st Inc St. L 4 1. K. e. (a . Ill Si Cht. A Okio 4t. calrofo a. !. ...1011 St. L. A 8. r. Is. 4a. 44 1 St. L. a. W. la n ., a. tt u. n. M Seaboard A. U 4.... Tl4 . M. A 8. P. I 4i. 110 So. Paclflo 4a ST So. Railway 6a lilt Tftn A P. la Ill T.. Bt. L. W. 4. 74 . N. W. e. !.... Ill .. R. I. A P. 4a.... 4o col. to Tl C C. 4 It L . M. K. Union radio 4e loiH Chicago Tar. 4a... 7 d eon. 4a. ton. lobacro 4a.... . 44S, . 6 .. .. . .101 . .104 V. g. Steel td bt. Colo, ft Bo. 4a...... Wahaah la do deb. B W. I,. X. 4a.. Wle. Central 4a.. Colo. Fuel e. 4. ,...1134 A R. O. 4 e'Jtt 7 IJSa Erla pror llaa 4... ao sen. 4 . W. A D. C. la.. Horklni Val. 4a.. Offered. Loadoa Stock marsiet. LONDON, Dec. 11. Closing: Consols, money. 8 N. Y. Central Norfolk A W.... do pfd Ontario A W.... Penneylvanla ... Rand kllne .... .15 . 69 . Xi . t:v( . 4U44 . ' . ts . 4 . It . M . 10 . 4 . 404 .. DO . 11 . 44 .. :i . Jl ao socovat Anaconda Atchlaon ... PI .... 4 ... 70V4 .... 64 ... 1 ...111 ... U ... 14 ...14r4 ... ) ... K ... T4"4 ... 1044 ... 70 ... 41 ...194S4 .. .104)4 ao Dfd Baltimore A O... Canadian Pactna Readinf Chea. Ohio do let pfd.... do td pfd.... So. Railway .... do prd Bo. Facile Union Peclno .... do pfd U. g. steel do ptd Wabuh do ptd Chlcaco Gt. W... C, N. A 8t P.. tKBear . A B. O do sfd Erla do lit pfd do id old Illinois Central ,. Louie. A Naah... K. dk T.. 1 BAR SILVER Steady. 2Sd per ounce. MONEY t'nttZ'k per cent: rate of dls. count in the open market for short bills Is 8 1&-16434 per cant: for three months' hills. 838 16-ltf per cent. uuiiD-Bare, 7a lld; American eagles, 76 6d. Hew York Mlalasj tkaotatloas. NEW YORK. Deo. 11. The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adam coa 1 Little Chief .. 4 ..400 ..no .. i .. it .. 94 .. 41 .. 14 ..80 Alloa Breao , .. 14 ... 1 ... f ... I ,,.100 Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Fotoet Baraga Sierra NeTada Small Hopeo .. .standard Brunawlck Cos .. Comatock Tunnel. Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn silver ... Iroa Sllrer ... 104 .19 . a LieadTlll Co Offered. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Dec. 11 Hank rlurinia fn day, 81.258,888.73, an Increase of 891,884.29 over the corresponding day last year. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 11. COTTON The market onened firm at an arivn ..t i.. 16 points, following higher Liverpool cables, which encouraged future bull support and ror a time it continued nrm, with the active months right after the call showing net gain of 151 points, but this level attracted a renewal of bull pressure and liquidation and prices reacted aa a re sult to a net ire in r,f .iimii 7. 1 1 u,. Following this there waa a narlnt nt J, ana irregular fluctuations, after which the niaxaei oecanie very firm again, led by New Orleans, where the bull leader was reported tO be blddlne- for luree hlnr.re mt an advanced price. isunng tne balance or the session the market showed an upward tendency and the close was within a couple of points of the best of the day, with the tone firm ana a net advance of a matter of I9tf24 pointa. Sales were 400.000 bales, according to the estimates, showing apparently a ubkldnjftendency In the way of public The newa of the day was more or less conflicting. Port receipts were heavier than iui rj&pori were i air ana re Ports from the nout. reflactaH rii.nn. sl tlon among holders to accept any con- "" who omciai aa vices Trom the lead ing centers renortlne ti-m marketa at un changed prices to o higher. Reports from mou, jr (goai aistnct were, on the whole, rather more encouraging, and It seems generally understood that there will be no Immediate curtailment In manufacturing. ngures were aoout as ex pected and attracted little attention. Esti mates for tomorrow's race lot a at leariina- points were heavy. ORLEANS, Dec 11. -COTTON Steady; sales, 4,250 bales; ordinary, 8 5-ltic: e-oodordinury, ioC; low middling. llc; middling, 12c; good middling, 12 8-ltc; mid- f iair, ii -ioc; raceipis, 1Z.7B7 bales, stock, 828,277 bales. Futures were steady; December, 12. 2oa 13.24c; January, 12 35iJ 12.36c: February. 12.5fmi2 K?c- March i? . 12.84c; April. 12.694fl2.71c; May, 13.74ai2.75c; .".aJIU12-800; July- 12-83tl2.84o. L1VERP6oU Dec. lL-COTTON-pot. moderate business done; prices 10 points n'fhfr; American middling, fair. .94d; good u .uu.iiig , a.ioa; mioaiing, low mid- .iHf' 'Jd; ooi ordinary. 62d; ordinary, S1.'! of the wer 8.000 bales! of which SuO were for speculation and ex port, and Included i,4u0 American. Re ceipts, 6,000 bales. Including 4.700 American. Future opened steady and c'ed very ilTJ?yL American middling, December, S.oud: Decemhar anil l.nn.rv a tif . i ary and February. 6.60& 61d. February and """' aiarcn ana April, g.47ff.4d: April and Mav. i 4t.cn 47d- u. h i,,.,- 6.4&ir.4td; June and July, .44d: July and Au,.u"i" 41d; August and September, .2sd. ST. LOUIS. Dec. ll.-COTTON-Flrm and uiiuiunfu, miaanng, lze; sales, 70 bales; rece pts, 1.000 bales; shipments, 247 bales; stock, 14.948 bales. Mortal Market. NEW TORK. Deo. 11 Vf VT at o-ri- underwent a partial reaction In London where prices were down about 1 for the day on spot, which closed at 123 while futures wsre 17s d lower at 124 5s. Lo cally Un was easy but unchanged, with spot quoted at 327.(Kif'27.25. Copper, after rainer lower a o roaa rallied and losed unchanred at M 17a 1,1 fnr .., and 6s lower at 58 5 for futures. Lo cally copper was firmer, owing to reports of a better export demand. Lake Is quoted at 312.374il2.t0; electrolytio at 812.25 612.87 and calirg at 312. 12fc 12.25. Lead was unchanged here, at 34 25, and was also unchanged In London, closing at 11 la 3d. Speller waa unchanged hare, at x!i 25 for spot and 84.7$ for December delivery, these prices being more or less nominal. In London spelter was unchanged, at 21 2s 6d. Iron was unchanged, tt iu U la Glasgow and ld higher, at 48a 7Ud In Mlddleaborough. Locally Iron shows --ne- wnat of a Hardening tendanov. but official prices ate unchanged, with No. 1 foundry nunnem at iii.wwib.w; no. i foundry northern at 15.0O4j 16.00; No. 2 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at 813.60614 00. ST. LOl'I8, Dec ll.-M ETA L8 Lead, nrm at 4.ui; spelter, sicaay at H.oo. Evaaerated Apple and Dried Fralts. NEW TORK, Dec. 11. EVAPORATED APPLES The msrket Is firm, with a fair demand. Common are quoted at 4Mac: prime, 6476c; choice, 6jj6c; fancy, 6 tJ7e. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRriTS Prunes are attracting some export demand, but rule generally quiet, with quotationa rang ing from 24?6o for all gradea. Apricots ar In light demand, but hold steady at 845e for choice, Vlo!c for extra choice and 11615c for fsncy. Peaches are dull with choice quoted at 7tj7c: extra choice at 7ie and fancy at 7i0c. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. ll.-BY'TTER- Steady. fair demand, extra western cream ry. 2Mr27c: nearby prints. 27c. EOOS Firm, nearby le higher; fresh nearby S2c. loss off; western. 31a; south western. SOtfllo: southern. 2tij29c. CHEESE Bteady; New York full creams, fsncy, Uc; choice. llc; fair to good. 10 Dry Gawds Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 11 DRT GOODS Ths market shows slightly more snlma tlon and orders are taken at axklng prices. Manufacturers are consulted on practically everr order and a decision Is arrive! whether the lows la too large to admit of evcejuuic. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattio Eeceipta Vtij Light and Pno8 General 7 Eteady. HOGS OPENED STRONG AND CLOSED WEAK Liberal Has ef Sheep on Sale, bat Killers Scarce aad Steady, While Demand for Feeders Was Ueed Esoifk le Prevent Break. SOUTH OMAIIA. DC 1L Recelnts were: Cattltk Hoga. tiheep. .... 4.V"i ,46 1,3-7 .... 6,4.6 1j.SU U.!i .... 4.675 1U.7J4 4.6t7 .... S.UT8 (,6-v; ,il .... M H..46 Orhcial Monday.... timclat 'luerday .. Utticial Wednesday Orrtclal 1'hursday . Oftlcial Friday .... Five days this week 18,130 42.11 46,23 Hams days last week ln,V78 M.Mi (w.lW 8ume week before 1H.979 31. .'13 2H.S.JJ Bame three weeks aao ao.179 It. tit! 61.2 Same four weeks ago (,4 So.iNi 7".b"6 same days last year 49,110 43,3!W KKCK1PT8 KOK THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last year: 1!VW 1005 tn(.. Doc Cattle 1.034.2tvi 88,k5t 6&.4V7 Hogs 2,(pS5.4i6 2.114. V 19,450 Sheep l,;7.971 l.bbT.Wo 136,388 Average prices paid for hogs st South Omaha lor the last several days with com parisons: ate. I 1903. jl02.1901. 1900. 189.li88.187. Dee. 1... Dec. I... Iec. 8..., Dec. 4... Dec 6..., Dec. 6... Dec 7... Dec. 8.... Dec. ... Dec. 10... Dec. 11.. 091 1 4 S3 8 741 3 3 IX 3 1 8 19 8 U 8 23 8 83 3 17 3 13 8 13 8 13 el" 4 4U. 43 J7 4 86! 6 3-' i 4 83 4 4i, Ml S 96 13 & 881 4 64 8 76 8 181 ! 8 a 6 221 i !C 4 Ssi ai " 3 801 3 3' 6 14 6 05 4 77 V ( 0? 6 06 6 OH 4 84 4 81 4J8, 4 85 8 8 8 35 8 8l 3 18 3 83 3 80 8 0 8 29. 04 6 11 6 12 13, I 81 4 47 6 08 t 14 4 82j t 2 Indicates Sunday. ' The oftlcial number of cara of stock brought In today by each road was: C., M. A St. l. Ry.. 5 18 1 Wabash Mo. Paclflo Ry Union Pac. System.. 8 C. A N. W. Ry 3 F., E. A M. V. R. R.. C. St. P., M. AO... 8 B. A M. Ry 14 C, B. A Q. Ry 3 C, R. 1. A P., east.. 1 C. R. I. A p., west.. .. Illinois Central ..' Ciilcago U. W 2 4 a 12 11 20 23 7 1 2 2 Total receipt a .... 78 115 35 The disposition of the day'a receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tn num ber of bead indicated: vmana facHing tjo.... Swift and Company.... Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Armour A Co., 8. City Vansant A Co Huston & Co L. F. Husk Hobbick A B M. Hagerty & Co...... Other buyers 222 1,308 1.436 1.393 201 109 477 ""7 1 15 4 83 ll 441 87 1.542 1,739 L414 4.986 Totals 1.238 7,2X9 7.2i-6 CATTLEThere waa a verv lle'ht run'nf cattle here this morning and in fact receipts were so light that a lair teat of the market was not made. The few care that arrived, however, met with ready sale without much change from yesterday In prices. The market on cornfed steers could be quoted generally steady. There was one bunch of extra chclce Herefords and Dur hams on sale that were good enough to bring 85.30 They were what are called Christmas beef. Aa compared with the close of last week there Is but little change in the prices paid for the better grades of cornfeds. Warmed-up stock, however. Is slow and has been selling lower all the week. Aa compared with the close of last week, the decline amounts to about 15526c. The few cows on sale this morning brought ust about ateady prices. The bet ter gradea were In good demand and so were canners. but the medium kinds were neglected. That has been the case, though, all the week and it is safe to ay that the medium kinds are 104fl5o lower than a week ngo; others, however, are about steady. There waa not much change today in bulls, veal calves and slags, nor has there been all the week. The stocker and feeder market waa also generally steady with yesterdsy. There were so few offered that the demand was Sufficient to rrevent anv rfiwilfntt In ..!.. The prices now In force are about the same as a week ago. If anything, good feeders are a little stronger, while undesirable kinds are perhaps a little lower. inrra are so lew western grass beef steers coming that a market can no longer be quoted on thm. The same Is true of western range cows and stockers and feed era Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. A v. Pr. No. At. Pr. ... m in ....ion an ....12i 10 ....111 4 44 ....1110 4 44) ....1304 4 40 ....ltll 4 40 ...10K0 I 00 ...1104 184 ... 175 t 40 ...1074 1 44 ...115 140 ...1180 3 40 ...1137 I 45 14 1 14 8 1 it.... 8.... 1.... IS... 1... KV... I.... 17. II. 400 I 70 104 4 14 STEERS AND HEIFERS. .1100 140 II. ....1IM 4 44 cows. .... IM IN 4 ....1010 1 4 t .... IHO I 00 1 .... 440 S 00 .... mi i io r Hi I it 4 .... 434 I 14 4 ....10" I 40 14 .... 471 t 10 II ....10TI 90 IS .... 184 t SO IS ....1174 ID 10 ....1040 t 14 4. .... IM I IS 1 HEIFERS. .... 1(4 t CO 1 , .... 146 I II I .... 44 I S STAGS. ....lilt 3 Tt BULLS. 141 I tt 1 ...,15W I 40 1 CALVES. 8.... 1.... 1.... 1.... T.... 14..., 4.... 10 I 44 740 I 40 1044 I 41 44 I 44 1041 t 44 uoi i to lftM I (5 1111 8 45 7T I 44 111! I 40 1 t 84 1074 I 40 im i oo 14S4 8 00 V 11 1140 4 44 14.... 4.... I.... 8.... 4.... I.... i:... l.... ..1750 I 04 ..1740 I II A.ee.t 4Hr A... llW 4J STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. ioo so s. IK 4 04 3 441 I Ef. 8 724 I S NEBRASKA. 2 COWS 1000 2 40 WYOMING. 3 cow 854 2 15 1 cow.... 860 2 IS 640 2 66 36 cows 914 2 56 i COW.... 1 cow 910 2 66 J. McDonald-Neb. 4 rows 1112 2 40 3 cows... 773 2 00 4 feeders.. 750 2 60 12 feeders.. 871 I 90 A. Jones S. D. 2 rows 1065 2 95 1 cow 900 2 SS t cows 1150 2 85 t steers.. ..1272 8 16 4 steers . ..1242 4 00 11 cows 111 2 96 w. li. ana J. z. Reed 8. I rows 1040 3 76 3 steers.. ..12ri 8 48 9 steers.. ..120 3 45 2 steers. ...1200 3 46 2 steers.. ..1110 3 46 HOGS Receipts of hogs were hardly as liberal this morning and the market opened active and strong to a nickel higher or about 2ic nigner. Alter tne nrst round. however, a to ot-ror tnere waa time to transact much business packers suddenly lowered their bids, and the close was right around oc lower man tne opening, or shade lower than yesterday's general mar ket. Trading, tnougn, waa rainy active all the morning, so that a good clearance was mad at a reasonably early hour. The bulk of the bogs sold from 34.46 to 34.50. with the choice butcher weight going from 34.50 to 84.55. The late sales went largely from H 40 to t.. ttepresentative sales Na. 11... 40... 14... 14... 14... 42... 47... 41... 14... 41.. II... 44... 44... 41.. IT... 44.. At. ..104 . . .IS4 ..S44 .111 ..! ...MS 8k. TT. . 4 a lit 44 4 40 44 4 411 .. 4 44 M. Av. Bh. Pr 41 r4 1!0 4 47 14 14 Ml I 47 42 It 4 4 47 44 215 10 4 41 tl, 321 : 4 47' 44 ir .. 4 41 41 Cl 40 4 47 II 114 44 4 41 V 241 .. 4 47 44 lot 40 4 10 14 154 1J4 4 40 41 4 . . 4 All 44 M 114 4 40 41 ;tl 10 4 40 II 274 M 4 44 41 211 40 4 4 77 i4 .. 4 44 44 1S4 10 4 40 44 Ill 40 4 44 44 21 44 4 44 4.1 M0 1!0 4 40 41 rl 1 4 44 44 1.4 .. 4 44 44 242 12 4 4 Ti t1 144 4 44 40 t IK IK 40 Ml ..4 40 44 tol 4 4 4 M 277 M IM 44 14 lta 4 40 44 444 4 4 40 K 110 40 4 44 44 24.4 140 4 10 14 2)4 144 4 40 14 14 10 4 40 74 171 .. 4 42 71 114 .. 4 42 12 11 It 4 4.' 74 114 44 4 42 71 IM .. 4 44 14 221 .. 4 44 of sheep were cjulte g for a Friday, but t 4 41 ..144 140 4 4IW ..1I 4 4 4k .174 IOO 4 44 ...14T .. 4 44 . .Jul .. 4 44 ..III ..4 44 ...114 40 4 44 . . . 414 . . 4 44 ..167 M 4 44 ...Ml ..4 44 ...124 44 4 46 ...174 44 4 44 .. tl IflO 4 44 ...144 120 4 44 ...2K4 H III ...tl7 .. 4 44 ...U7 . 4 44 ...14 IN III . . nt IM 4 44 .. Ml 14u 4 44 ...m 44 4 a ...11 11 4 44 ...117 ..4 44 ...144 ..4a ...Ml .. 4 44 ...toe .. 4 47 .. '4 .. 4 47 .. tl .. 4 47 . . .T74 14 4 47 ...SN 4 4 47 ...4 4 4 47 ...Ml 144 4 47 ...Zt .. 4 41 ...rT4 144 4 41 ...1-74 1M 4 41 ... .. 4 41 41.. 74.. 44. . .. II.. 41. . 44.. V.. tl.. 44.. It.. 44 . II.. 44.. 44.. 44.. 44.. 44.. 44.. 4.. 11.. 44 . were made up largely of weatern rangers which bad to sell for feeders. The few killers on sale met with good demand a about ateady prices with eater dy. For SHIP YOUR HIDES, TALLOW AND WOOL 1 1 any quantity and pet highest market prices. Write for infor nation, prices and shipping taps which are sent free by out Iu8 which is located nearest to you. J. S. SRIITM & CO., WHOLESALE HIDE MERCHANTS !IUHA, NEB. SIOUX CITY, iowa, grand island, nee. the week prices are hardly as good. The choicest grades are piobably not a great oral different, but the general run of kill ers sre around lvuloc lower than they were a week ago. There waa a fairly liberal demand for feeders today and as a result prices held about steady. Trading waa not very brisk, but still the bulk of the arrivals was soon disposed of. For the week the mar ket la also generally stesdy, very little change having taken place on anything at all desirable. Quotations for cornfed Btock: Choice western lambs, 85.006.26: fair to good lambs. 34.60u6lio; good to choice yearlings, 83.75114.00; fair to good yearlings, 83.504i3.i6: choice wethers, 83.36'a.65; fair to good wethers. 83.263.35; good to choice ewes, e3.UO'ct3.2fi; fair to good ewes, 82.653.00: choice feder lambs, 631474.10; fair to good feeder lambs, 33.26g3.6o; baby lambs, 32.004 8.00; feeder yearlings. 38.2Sl.50; feeder wethers. 83.153.85: feeder ewes, 82.00ioO; culls, II. 004j2.to. Representative sales: 6 bucks 140 2 00 8 00 3 26 3 60 4 00 6 60 2 26 3 86 3 80 3 80 3 60 8 80 1G2 western ewes 2,9 western yearlings western yearlings 6 western wethers 9 western lambs 262 Idaho feeder ewes 6V4 Idaho feeder lamns ... 6M Idaho feeder lamlis ... S.VI Idaho feeder lambs ... 149 Idaho feeder lambs... I3O0 Idaho feeder lambs... 123 77 , 120 140 77 90 47 64 66 65 . 66 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Light Receipts of Cattle aad Sheep, with Fair of Hoars. CHICAGO, Dec. ll.-CATTLE Receipts. 2.600 head., The market was dull; good to prime steers. 34.9046.65; poor to medium, 30t44.75; stockers and feeders, 81.754j3.90; cows. 8160473.90; heifers, 31.754)4.60; canners, 31.604T2.30; bulls, 31.75414 00; calves. 32.0tKft6.26. HOOS Receipts, 80.000 head; tomorrow, 20.000 head. The market was strong to 6o higher; mixed and butchers, $4 454? 4. 70; good to choice heavy, 34 60474.65; rough heavy, 34.404.46; light. 34.804j4.o0; bulk of sales. 4.bU40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.000 I head. The market for sheep waa lower: I J or lambs, steady; good to choice wethers, western sheeD. 82.254i3.50: native lambs. 84.0J 65.86; western lainba, t3.5O4i.70. Hew York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. Dee. U.-BEEVES Re ceipts, 8,917 head. The market for steers was uneven; top grades averaged steady; others a fraction lower; bulls steady; cows slow. Native steers, 83.554.00; oxen stags, 83.40W3.7O: bulls. 82.eo3.6: cowa. 8L10r3.26; cables quoted live cattle nrm at U4JUtoa per pound, dressed weight, for whole range, including ennsunaa steers at u 126c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef steady at c per pouna. CALVES-Receipts va neaa. ine maraei was steady: 100 westerns unsold. , Veala, 835007.75; no barnyard calves; westerns, 32.5Ofr3.Q0; city dressed veals. 7U0 per pound; country dressed, 64T10C HOG8 Receipts, 1.766 head. The market was higher, state and Pennsylvania nogs, 34.8i8i6 00; mixed westerns, 84.26. HHKlSr" ANU iAaana ttecoipia, ," head. Sheep were In liberal supply and the market was slow; lambs 10'15c higher; sheep, 83.0047a.90; few choice. 84.00; culls, 82.00; yearlings, 84.60; lam be, 85.353.12 ; tops, 86.20; no Canada lambs. Exports, none; tomorrow (estimated), 1,336 cattle 660 sheep and 6,044 quartera of beef. Kaaaas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Dec. ll.-CATTLB Re ceipts, 2,600 head. Including ZOO head oi southerns. The market was steady to 10c lower. Export and dreasea oeei steera, ateady to lOo lower, 84.267.28; fair to go, 3 A,, ) aaatftrn fed steers slow. 83.7648 4.15; stockers and feeders steady, 82.604I.16; souinern steers weaa, .u".oa, avwv... .. cows weak. 31.TS4jHO: native cows weak, 31.50473.60; native heifers weak. 82.0O4j3 25; bulls steady, 32.2i4f3.00; calves weak, 32.60 HOGS Receipts. T,000 head. The market was 64jl0o higher. Top. 84 80; bulk eX Bales 31.60474.75; heavy, 3465S4.eO; packera. 84.66 474.78: plga and light. 84.65474.70. SHEEP AND ll4.MBS-Roelpts. 1.000 head. The market was steady. Native lambs, 84.00476.86: western lambs. $3.75476.80; fed ewes, u.ittfza.aa; siocsois auu itroiit, St. Loots Live Stock Market. st tvtiis Dec. ll.CATTLE Receipts, 1000 head. Including 1,800 head of Texsns. The market waa alow ajid ateady. Native shipping and export I steers. 84.16476.00, dressed beef and butcher ateers. 34.0o4745; steers under 1,000 pounds, 83.60474.76; stock ers and feeders. 82.00nj3.70; cows i and he f ere, I2.25fi4.00; canners, 817oT?2.10; bulls, 82,36474.60; caJves, 83.00476.00; Texans and In dan steers. 32.204j4.U; oows and heifers, HUUS-Iteceipis, 4,v ireau. ,,..'.?; waa steady to firm. Pigs and lights $4 25 64 66; packer, 84.35474.(6; butchers and beat heHyy,K4(s4.70. ,. , head. The market was dull and slow- na tive muttona, 3S.25fr6.76: lambs. KO0JS.2R; culls and bucks, 62.50473.60; stockers. 8i.6v4i 2.60. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo , Deo. 11. CATTLE Receipts, 628 head. The market waa steady to 10c lower; natives. 88 4ti4j6.26; cows and heifers. 81.50474-40; stockers and feeders. 821o04ld88. . .... v t. HUUS Receipts, i.ni nnn wsa steady: light. 6.6646.t6; medium and beaYy.86.6W6.62, ,M w SHEEP AMU LiAJlllB-neceipie, iu .rTT" 11,. market waa ateadv: lambs. 86.50; yearlings, 84.40; wethers. 84 Iff; ewea, 83 85. Slows City Live Stock Market. HiniTC CITY. Ia.. Dec. U.-(Speclal Tele gram CATTLE - Receipts, 200 head: ., -.u- heavee 13 75414.90: COWS, bulls snd mlxed,'31 60J.26: stockers and feeders, 82.60 9a.bi) calves ana yianing, e wj.w. HOOS Receipts, 5,010 head; market strong to 6c higher, at. 4.8ot.46; bulk, 8416tf4.40. Btock la Sight. Vnllnwlnar are the recelDts of live Btock at the six principal western cities yes terday: Hogs. Bheep. 7,211 8.245 30.0U0 (.(XXI 7.000 1,0110 6.0U0 1.6U) 7,141 100 6.0UO 68.353 16.845 Omaha Chicago 854 2.6uO 2.6"0 2,000 626 200 irii Kansas City ., St. Louis St. Joseph .., Sioux City ... Total laiir Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 11. SCO A R Raw nominal, fair reflnlna. 3c: centrifugal. 86 test, 3V: roolass-s sugar, 2Tsc; refined dull; No. 6. 8.46c; No. 7, 4.00c; No. 8, 8.95c; No. 8, 3.80o; No. 10. 3 5c; No. 11. 3 80c; No. 12. 3.76c; No. 13. 3.80c; No. 14, a.tiic; conrectioners a. 4.80c; mould. A, 4 Two; cut loaf. 6.06c; crushed, 6.06c; powdered, 4.56c; granulated, 4.46c: cubes. 4.7(c. MOLAS8K Firm. New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 33'(j28c. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 11. SUGAR Dull: open kettle 24!63c; centfrifugal, 3 3-164)84c; centrifugal white, 34ir3 13-16c; yellow. SVv4i8 ll-16c; seconds. SiTSVic. MOLA88E8 Quiet; open kettle. 234f3Pc; centrifugal, 184c. Syrup. 2547c. Oil aad Rosla., NEW TORK. Dec. 11 Oil A Cottonseed firm; prime yellow, Sil36'c. Petroleum, firm; refined, 89.26; Philadelphia and lial tlmore, 8t54; In bulk, 86.55. ROSIN Steady, strained, common to grMid, 82.56. TERPENTINE Steady at 6sHc SAVANNAH, Dec. 11. TURPENTINE Firm at 56c. ROSIN-Flrm. A. B, C, D, E. F, 81.20; O. 82 3u: H, 32 35: I. 32 66: K, 32.80; M. 32.90; N. 83.06; W. O, U26; W, W, 83 60. OIL CITY. Dec. 11. OILS Credit bal ances, 81 80. Certificates no bid. Shipments. 105.844 bbls.; average. 71.942 bbla.; runs.92.0w bbla. ; average, 76.166 bbla. Shipments, Lima, 65.234 bbls ; average, (6,714 bbla.; runs, Lama, 70.763 bbls.; average. 64,1,5 bbls. CoaTee Market NEW TORK. Dec. ll.-COFFEE-8pot Rio. nrm. Mild. ilrm. The market for fu tures opened steady at unchanged prices to sn sdvance or points on nun support ana further covering, which waa sufficient to hold the market about stesdy st ths open- lna fururee until well along In the afternoon ! as a result of firm primary markets and small receipts. Evntuslly. however, prices eased off with lower French cables and realising the close being steady at a net decline of fcil points. Sales were 121 UiO 1 1 llg VI VM IW a-rsssaer. xe w n v a.i.ww s. Including: December. 5,mt noc: Jau- y, 8.5444 oic; February. .7utf sue; March, bags. uary, 17 CHICAGO. MISJEArOLf jVUlai Hie fVanbajtUa Bulldlat;, ST. PAUL, niNM Dealora In Stocks, Qrtln, Profli.oni Bought and sold for cash or oa rao?l)l Margins. If esakers Importiat Eschaag, Private Wires. Write for our dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed tree. Ship Your Grain to Us BR INCH OFFICES: OMAHA 108 Bee Bldg. Thon 8514. SOUTH OMAHA 828 and 825 Exchange Bldg. 'Phone 72. COUNCIL BLUFFS and 408 Sapp Bldg. 'Phone 674. MSCOLW. DBS MOIXES. STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS We have over IM office. Refwrsnoesi lit State aitd Marl Bar. ock satmrf4ra is ths best. Owt of Tcnra Btislnaag 10110110(1 Owiaaa Braachl l4H8Panasa Te4.4V447 TB0S. M. WADDICK. Correi rndetit FARM, RIXCH andGRAZISQ Wosforn Lands Slong the line of the tnls r.ia allrosf are attracting the attention o( OapitallStS seeking INVESTMENT The purchase ef cheap Western laads (old for cash or oa time payments) t folly laa titled by the prent price and exUting condition for subatan ial and growing reveane. Gnch oppsrtnnltl La the West are fast passing. Facta, maps and particulars FRKS. LAND DEPT. L'alea Padft K I., Oaasa. Nsh. REAL ESTATE) TRANSFERS. DEEIDS filed for record yesterday, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee snd Trust company, bonded Abstracter, 1614 Farnam atreet: Mrs. Celia McShane et al. to Cassel Realty company, w lota 1 and 2, block 208H. City 17,000 Balthas Jetter and wife to William M. and Lydla E. Rhyno. lot 15. block 4. Drew's Hill add 150 Lucy Curtis Lindsay and husband to Oeorge A. Joelyn, lot 20, block 10, Hanscom Place 6,600 Fatrlck JHannlgan and wife to Bophla Sexton, lot 7, block 6, 1st add to Fowler IMace 00 Katlonal Lite 'Insurance company to . Ella M. Tsschuch, H lot 6, Kountse 2d add 1,726 The Brattleboro Savings bank to the City of Omaha, e50 feet s30 feet, lot 3. block 2, Park Place 180 6 85476 95c; April. 7o; May, 7.10QT 25c: July. 7.26477. 40c; August, 7.4o4l7.46c; September, 7.454i7.60c; October, IMtU.tbc; November, 7.66c Wool Market. NEW TORK. Deo. 11. WOOL Firm; do mestic fleece. 284732c BOSTON. Deo. 11. WOOL Current quo tatlona are: Territory Idaho fine, l-Kcloc; fine medium, 164717c; medium, UtylBc. Wyo ming fine, 144715c; fine medium, ltigl"c; me dium, lMi4719u. Utah and Nevada, fine, 14Vt715Hc; Una medium, 16H4717c; medium, l420c. Dakota, fine, 154416c; fine medium, ltW17c: medium, 194?2og. Montana, fine choice, 194720c; fine medium, choice, 19432uc; average, 1819c; stapl. 194; 20c; medium choice, 1941 2oc. ST. LOL18, Dec. 11 WOOI-Qulet. eaayj medium grades, combing and clothing, IT 4iac; light fine. lu-'-jlTHc; heavy tine, 124J 14Hc; tub washed, 20431o. BOSTON, Dec. ll.-The Commercial Bul letin will aay tomorrow: The wool mar ket la strong and active. The mills have received large orders for lightweight fabrics 4Uid are showing samples of new goods for the fall of 1904. In the latter over coatings have moved satisfactorily In every respect. This improvement in the business In goods has led to larger purchases of the raw material, aa the mills are lightly stocked. Wool values are firm and hard ening. The temporary flurry of weakness has entirely disappeared. Foreign markets are also firmer and higher prices are quoted at Melbourne and Buenos Ayres, with ac tive operations, considerable Interest being ahjwn by American buyers. The ship ments of wool from Boston to date from December 81. 1'JU2. are 222,892.966 pounds, against 210,610,360 pounds at the name da to last year. The receipts to date are 26n9Ku. 4o4 pounds, against 803,946,386 pounds for the aame period laat year. Bids for Post Inaaroveuieots. FORT MEADE, 8. D., Dec. U.-tSpeclal.) Bids for laying cement pavements and macadamtxlng all the roada at this post were opened Monday. There were nine bids, which were aa follows: William C. McConnelU Joseph Sampson and Mark, D. Scott Of Sioux Falls, 127,900; E. Van Court of Omaha, 328,990; W. W. Sabln and W. A. Dawlay of 8turgis, $29,470; D. J. Tlrswsy of Denver, 834.300; P. McDonnell of Duluth, 834,724. William Grama of Sturgls, 326.000; Burna A Schummer of Sturgls, 336.000; Colorado Concrete Construction company, pavements only, 37.900. S. A. Oliver of Sturgla got the contract for wiring and fixtures for the two new buildings, lila bid being 11,600. Deaoaaeo Goveraor Peahody. LEAD, 8. D., Dec 11. (Special.) At the December meeting of the Black Hills Trades Assembly, held In the city of Lead, resolutions were adopted denouncing Oov crnor Peahody of Colorado for. maintaining martial law In the str.ke district at Clip pie Creek, approving the action of the Western Federation of Miners In Its de mand for an eight-hour labor day and pledging the strikers at Cripple Creek moral and financial support. The action of Gov ernor Peabody and the Cltlsens' alliance of Colorado In particular came In for de nunciation. Baslaess Mea's flea Orgsslm. DEAD WOOD, B. D.. Dec ll.-Sp,ecial -The directors of the Deadwood Business Men's club, chosen at the recent election. , nar, organised by the election of John ' ,. . . . ... . dent; John Wilson, treasurer. The new 1 of directors la composed almost en- : . , . . , tlrely of young men and the new president is one of the youngest tnembera of the asg VI 'W ' UIIH j . wrenc county bar. jtwrenc eoun,y w' iduards, Uood