Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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Beit Hint: Sendi Prioel of Wheat Down
- wiktBojh.
Cora ad Oats Show FlrmatM i
pi at Whrat aad Pravlsloa
Hal Higher a Good '
v-'HUOO. Dec. W Heavy selling In th
wucraiu looa, with an abanc 01 any
Utouial suppon ituea a ueoln vi
ia in the j.ixn point 01 the day in the
Juay Hon rniu over ic In ueceinber. a
raiiy, owever, preceded the close, which,
tompul with iat night, ihtiwtfd a net
loss 44t(l'c. Other grain were strong,
May rn closing Wo So higher, wltn oat
up May provisions closed trora 4iva
ema holders were Inclined to dispose of
their heat at the start under the Influ
ence t weakness, wnlch developed late
etety, and tho apathy of the foreign
marki. As a rweult an easier tone pre
vsllea.t the opening and May waa "c
lowers c higher at Sl&-ilc. The fea
ture the early trading waa the pressure
to. seOecemoer end oetore it waa wanted
In auiient quantities to atop Ita decline a
loaa over 2c had been registered. Cora
miaah houses with Ht. Louis cinnections
were -omlnent sellers during the opening
hour.'he weakness In the current month
artedi a drag on the May option and be
fore considerable support developed tha
price' May had declined to tOSnc, a loss
of lfrom the high figure. Local longs
were te sellers, and many stop-loss orders
were tarhed on the way down, which
addedmpetu to the downward trend.
Weakos In outside markets has Increased
the alng pressure. Confirmation of re
porter rains in Argentine hraurhl nut
buyln orders by commission hout-es late
In thtiay and the market responded to
tha liroved demand, much of the early
loss rag regained. The clone was steady,
with ly ViV lower at ioitOe. Clear
ance Wheal and flour were eaual to StL-
t .T'1, Hrtnury receipts were fltt.bDO
vusnei against i61.m buthls a year ago.
Minneolis. Duluth and Chlcsaro rennrteri
recelptof 64a cars, against Suu cars last
wcea a cars A year ago.
Cornras firm In.splte of the slump In
wheat. The significant feature of the trade
f lataas been the smaller deliveries on
lecemr- contracts from day to day, show
ing thnhe cash corn haa become pretty
weii pno. There waa little corn on the
tnarketoday and, while the demand was
hot urgt, buyers had to bid the prica up
... . ... m-nie vnougn to nu oraers.
weathiwas fivnrnhu inr ih
but loo receipts continued small, only 132
cars, no of contract grade, being shown
on theepectlon sheet. After opening VJ
e ftlsr at ir'&-43c. May sold between
CiJtjC sjttSo, closing at 4UVc
Oataaplayed a strong undertone along
with , oi. The feature of the trade wa
the buig of May by eastern houses, who
evident were taking off "hedges" and
standli long on the market. Local ln
terestslsa bought freely, and the demand
wa noientea oy covering by shorts, of
feiingver mostly scattered. May opened
unrhard to He. higher at 36ViUic and
H SU? bTtww'n Kc nd 3S closed
.. ' kocal recelpta were 1S7 cars.
ProvDn ruled higher and there waa a
better fmand than had been manlieated
fcr sol time past. Buying by short, and
rommUm houses caused a small advance
t"Jl?,-.t.h''..dy and th ln w" hM
i?"1 ,h? .'',7,on.Ma, I" doted
liyLJh'r. "f2. May lard waa up
tstined rernlpta for tomorrow: Wheat
28 0U0 hd mi, in cara; nogs,
Tha idlng futures ranged aa follows:
Artjcjeappcn. 1 Hlgh. Low. Cloe. Tes ty
Wheat I
a DxS SOtJ
"4 7SS gov,
tc. Iff 41
May ;r3r5 4,11
July HWa'A
May Mifr
July , 33S
11 17V4
Tra .
Jan. 17V,
U .1gw
11 be
11 40
S (6
may! c
Hi ha 1
" 7
Jan. I 7V t 0?U
I 90
May.l 1 z:v
a i
Cashuotatlons were aa follows:
&r2T2.- ?UWJ?tr PteiiU. 4.(K9
'JOf-9- 2. 41'ci No. i yellow. 44c.
2t&-.,.!.Sc No- 8 wnlte- a37"-
RT-NO. I. BlWnX1
-iSft. JHln- 37c; fair td
iiiamiia, iiTrOIC.
8K38 No. 1 flax. 92c; No. 1 north-
wastn. SVtc: prime timothy, 2 86; clover,
contlft grade, tll.00. "
Bhorrlh. sides (loose). H00fl.25. Short
cleasldes (boxed),
rawing were the receipts and ahlp
men of flour and grain:
..Receipts. Shipments.
nou bhla..
Wh, bu....
Corr bu .;..,
Oat bu.....
Rye bu
W 6"0
Bar), .ba
' ' ecnanga today the butter
mant waa steady; creameries. Ifrft25c
dalri. 14rc. Fv-vs. firm; at mark case.
i Day Varlaii
. Cosasaadltiea. -
YORK. Dec 10 -rLOCR-Recelpta.
iJL'-J"' about te'li winter pat
I. WXp4; winter straights, MOO.W10
sK P?,. Ksif4.75;. winter eitraa.
wd4.43; MluntaxiU bakers, liTotiJ 7i-
7er7 ,'radM:, vy-wJiT RyaXur:
da; fair to good, ti.&iti 40' choice in
fy. lif Buckwheat fW. ,ul
tMi1''' yeUow trn.
Dull, No. I western. tkiVo, f. o. b..
:, ' Jersey. Wu8Kc '
lARLKlfteady; feeding, 39c, e. t f..
?,2:A5Ji'nT-. t., Buffalo..
VHkAT-Keclpts ta Suo bu. The market
Krii7?J"7'" N. red. KHc elevator;
. f, ? fi - b "il,t: Ko. 1 north-
el Dululh, Jo t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard
amiiooa, nominal r. o. b.. afloat. Optlona
wned easy oa cables and favorable south.
wt weather news. Rallying with tha
wet, they subsequently broke under re
pru that prominent Chicago bulls were
uloadlng. Cor thla. a- r.n
cared on talk of a bullish crop report, big
, ana a nuiiun Michigan
? V?Tt-L5,0,rtn 1C "t;
ativ Y"" cloetd 4c; July, fcli
oaed WsT rcemuer. WO'.
XIKN-Kecelpta. B.490 bu.; exports. 9.11
. The market for apot weja firm: No. J.
o eievator, end 60c f o. b afloat: No. 2
jllow. MV,e; No, 1 white, tec The op
fcn market waa fairly active and atrong
wk..J? fvrable weather newa.
ht Interior receipts, covering and good
hi support. The clue waa Vne net
ir,r y1- '' tKci De
mber. llSSWSc, clied UWc.
vAio-Ke wpii., gLma b. Tha market
htte. 4Jc; No. J, V: No. 2 white, ti'ac;
Jo I white. 41 Wc: tra b whir. iim.
HAT-Bteady; shipping, VtfXo; good to
4olc. K6'j'4o.
MOPS-FIrm: state, common to choice.
. :wJJc; lt !li-'&f4c: olda. lwtllc. Pal
nHlDra-FIrm; Oalveston. 20 to SS 11
California tl to 25 Iba., lie; Texa d.y!
I EATHtR-tKirm: acid. ei&tic
.i-KOVlblONB-Beef quiet; family. tlAOtna
T"1 (; beef hams, lift S.w ;l do
lh.M meets, dull: pickled hel
les M4?v.7H: rt. kled shoulders. I.pu;
Scaled hams, 16,wj 11 09. lrd, steady:
teetera steamed, pi 0; renned. ' steidv ;
gmtlnant f7.1V South Aattaitca. ;.J: co-n.
K . . " Tr, steadv
aiaiviaiu; short clear
hlCli Mrni; domestic,
tVc: nominal.
TALLoW-rtrm, city.
tn.Dttfl; meaa.
fair to extra,
c; country, 44
, t riE-n-Keoelpta. .1T pkg-.; marke'
uiet; creamery, rowmm in -k,ii-.
,lech state, dairy, lSa,- .'
rHEtSrK.,vlpi.. 7s tkga : market
uilet. elate lull cream, fancy. lara and
ftlnrad and white. eWptember, lie; late
tmde. 10v
t'iu-Rereipts. ITU pkgs i market .f.rm;
Wtcrn. '.'i.c.
Hl.XTfit-.4a. koounal; dreaacd, Ir-
regular; western chlf-kens, HCH'tC; fowls,
LlilV; turkeys, 15ulK.
Coadlllea ml Trad axad Qaotatloas
Staple ataid Paaiey Prodaeo.
EfKTB Freeh stock, 27c.
LIVE POUITRY-Hens. 77Uc: spring
chickens. 7H'ac. roosters, according to age,
"ic: turkeys, uhc; ducks, ravxc- geese,
UKEflPr.n poi LTRT-Turkeys. lMfisc:
ducks, HHillc; geese, HjlOc; chickens. (Vd
Sc; hens, 7t'iV.
WUTTr.H backing stock. ISHc: choice to
fancy dairy. In tuba. Half: separator,
r ncrn ripn innib, , juvrfiti.
pike, sc; percn, sc; nunaio, i(c:
hah. lie: whlteflsh. tc: salmon. 11c; had
dock, 10c: codfish, lie; redsnapper, 11c;
lobaters, boiled, per lb., 20c; lobeters, green,
per lb., 'Ac; bullheads. 11c; catfish, 14c;
black dim. rtutK-; halibut, ec: crappies,
12o; herring. c: whits baaa. 13c: blueitna.
OySTERS New York counts, per can.
43c, per gal., t2.HO; extra selects, per can,
c per gal , 11.76; standard, per can. it,
per gal., l.a. I
BKAK-Ker ton. 114.60.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Dealers' association. Choice No. 1 up
land, r 60; No. 2. 17.00: medium. TU SO;
coarse, t&OO. Ky straw. K &0. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand rair ana receipts ngn.
OATB 37c.
RY E No. 2. B.V.
CHRISTMAS TREES Four to five feet.
per doxen. U.75; five to seven feet, per dom-
en, (2.60; eight to nine feet, per down, $3.60;
nine to tea leet, per doxen, 4 6C; large
chool and church purposes, twelve to
fourteen feet, each, Slul.ftU; extra large, fif
teen to twenty feet, each. l.ootit.OO.
twenty yards, per coll, fi.00.
WKKAius- Magnolia and gal ax wreaths.
per doxen, 11.60; evergreen wreaths, per
dozen, 11.60; holly wreaths, per doxen, tl.SO.
i nrne ueaigns are twelve inches in di
HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of 2x-x4
feet, about fifty pounds. 14.60; per barrel.
LOW! MitULK FINES Per ooten. v w
tl2 60.
mibtlhtuis Krsjicnes. per nva-pound
box, tl. 28: per pound, 30c. Mistletoe orders
win oe nuea aoout December it) ana Ship
ped by express only.
POTATOES Colorado. S6c: Dakota, per
bu., 7toi75e; native, fc'g'Oc.
BWELT POTATOES Illinois, per bbl..
NAVY BEANS Per bU.. C.36.
CELERY Small, per dox.. ii4i23c: large
calirornia, t.vT&c.
ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb..
4c; Spanish, per crate, $1.60;' Colorado yel
low and red, H4c.
CABBAGE Wisconsin Holland. 2Hc.
TURNIPS Canada rutabagsA per lb..
lc; white, per bu., 60c.
CAKKO 1 o Per bu., 60c.
PARSNIPS Per bu., 60c.
BEETS Per bu.. 60c.
CAULIFLOWER California, per crate.
tomatoes California, per 4-baaket
crate. $2.26.
CUCUMBERS Per dog.. $1.
APPLES California Bellflowera oer hex
tl bO; New York Greenings, Baldwins and
other varieties. 13.60.
GRAPES Pony Catawbas, S0c; imported
Malagas, per Keg. io.oiuiui.tiu.
CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl.. $7.50:
per box. $176; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, $;
Bell and Cherry, .
QUINCES California, per box, $1.25.
ORANGES Florida Brlghta and Russets,
all sixes. 13.25; navels, large aise, $3.oro4 5t).
LEMON'S California fancy, 300 to 360
sixes, $4; choice, 240 to 270 sixes, $3.50.
FIGS California, per 1-U. cartons, 85c
Imported Smyrna, 3 -crown, 14c; 6-crown, 16c
7-crown. Wc.
COCOA N UTS Per sack. $4: per dos., 60c.
per lb.t In CO-lb. boxes, (Vac; Oriental stuffed
dates, per box $2.40.
BANANAS Per mdium-sixed bunch, $2.00
02.60; Jumbo, n wui:.- s
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream,
llHc; Wisconsin Young Americas, ISc;
biocic Swiss, iic; Wisconsin brick, U4c;
Wisconsin llmberger, lie.
HONEY-Nebraska, per 24 frames, $325;
utan and Colorado, per Z4 rrames,
MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo. per lb., 10c.
CIDER-Per bbl., $6.75; per -bbl.. $3 21
POPCORN Per lb.. 2Hc; shelled, 3&3H5.
HORSE ' RADISH Per case of dos
necked. Me. v
NI TS Walnut No. i soft shell, per Jb.,
lac; nura snen, per id., ic; no. x, son sneu,
per lb., 13c; No. 2. hard shell, per lb., 12c;
Braslls. iter lb.: 11c: Alberts, per lb., lie:
almonds, soft shell, per lb., ,15c; hard shell,
per lb., lie; pecans, large, per' lb., 12c;
small, wr lb.. 10c: peanuts, per lb., two
roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; Chill' walnuts,
lfrcilJc: larga hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.60;
shell barks, per bu., $2; black walnuta, per
bu.. 11. ; Italian chestnuts, per id., isc.
HIDES No. 1 green c; No. 2 green, 5c;
No. 1 salted. 7c: No. 2 salted. 6c: No. 1 veai
calf. I to 12 lbs.. IV: No. t veal calf. 12 to
li Iba., 64c; dry salted hides. n2c; sheep
( pelts, HWj.oc; horse macs, si.MKaz.ou.
Bt. Lea Is Grata aad Provlsloas.
ST IX1UIS. Dec. 10. WHEAT Ea.v: No.
2 red cash, elevator, nominal; track, fVt
Oc; recember. ic; May, KlWc; July, 7'c;
No. 2 hard, Ti'dtiKSxc.
CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 42c; tuck,
43c; December. 42c; May, 41Vs3tlV; July.
OATS--Higher; No. i cseh, r7c; track, T.'i
Cfssc; May, T74c; iso. I wnne, it"c.
FIXJUR Dull; red winter patents, $4 25
4J4.36; extra fancy and straights, $3.9ufJ4.20;
clfjr. $3.4u30.
SEED tticady: timothy,; prims
worth more.
CORNMEAL Bttady: $2.30.
BRAN Wui't; sacked, east track, TWTTe.
HAY Steady; timothy, I7.60fc 12.60; prairie.
B A GG I N G fA BHc.
HEMP TW'INi5-4c.
PROVISIONS Pork, Mgher: Jobbing
mess. 111. to. lard. Digner; prime steam.
16.40. Bacon, lower: boxed extra shorts.
$7.26: clear libs, gi.oo; short clear, i. io. j
POULTRY Turkeys, strong; chlkns.
7c; springs, TV; turkeys, 12V; ducks, 10c;
mil i r.n Dieaay;
dairy, utj'ZOc.
EGGS Higher; fee bid. loss off.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 7 0"0 11.000
Wheat, bu St.Oi 4.0u0
Corn, bu. W.0HO 2S.O00
Oats. bu. 42.000 2.0t0
t ' 1
- Kaasas City Orata aad Provlsteas.
cembor. 68V; May, 4&V; cash. No. 1 hard,
71Vi'72V: No. 2, 7He71c; No. 3. 06r; r
iHcied. h!tU No. 2 red. Itijt V ; No. t,
CORN-December. tTHc; May, JCic:
cash. No. 2 mixed, tve; No. $ white, tV;
No. $. Ssc.
OATS-No. I white. Sic; Mo. t mixed, MV
HAY Choice timothy. $60; choice prai
rie, ts.
RYE No. J. 47c.
BUTTER Creamery. HtJISc; dairy, fancy,
EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas
casta returned. 27c; new Na 2 white wood
rases. Included, 27V-
Receipts. Bhipments.
Wheat, bu , K,2U) 111.10
Corn, bu , .wo 21.st0
Oats, bu t.OJD 4.0UO
Pblladelskila Prodac Market.
Firm, good demana; extra western cream
fry, JJ4(J6V; extra western nearby prints,
EOG8 Steady, fair demand; fresh nearby.
11c. loss off; fresh western, tic; fresh south
western, lira 31c; freeh southern, 2k'9.i'9c.
CHEESE Steady: New York full creams-
fancy, UV: choice, 11V; fair to good. lw
Mtaaeasialls Wheat. Floar aad Braa.
cemher, 7V'r; May, II V; July, WtjM V. On
traca: P.O. i nara. si'kc; iso. i northern,
60V; No. 2 northern, 7V; No. I northern,
FU"l'R First patents. H4&04K: recond
patents. t4xi4 40; first clears, $3.Su.ej
sei-ond clears. t!3"fr!40.
BRAN In bulk. $1160.
Mllvraakr Grata Market.
lower; No. 1 northern, tcv: No, Z ncrth-
em. wvjjK'.c; May. w-Vc asked.
RYE Steady; No. L 6WuS7e.
BAKLEY-Duil; No. t, k; sample, 32
CORN-Tull; No. $ old. 'f7V; May,
4fjl3Itc bid. . .
Llverpael Grata' aad Provlalaaa.
No. 2 red western winter, firm. taJWrt. fu-
turea steady; December, g.-3Vd; March,
asfa : May. S3 z 1.
CORN npot, quiet; American mixed, 4
4d, January, Sailed: March, ss 10d. ,
Dala'b Gials Market.
DrUTH; Dec 10. WHKAT On track
No. -1 northern, 79Ue: No. 2 northern. kVr
No. $ spring. 73c; December. 78 V ; May,
OAT8-On track, S4Sc: t srrlv. tSc.
Peoria Cirala MarkfL
PEORIA. Dec. 10-CORN-Highfr; No. f,
4ic, aea. No. t, $c; aew, Nu. 4, too.
ETf tod Feniitrat L qaidttion it Utited
Eutti Steel Driret Frioei Lower.
is Resalt ( iaak gtateaaeat Oper
ators Are BeglaatBg; ts Wsrry
Abaat Meaey t'aadltlaas at
Clesa at Year.
NEW YORK. Dec. 10. The stock market
maoe snother struggle today against the
tendency to reaction, but uitinmieiy suc-
comoea and yielded to a lower level. Net
declines ran to between one and two points
or many prominent stocks. An Important
Influence in alscouraglng the enorts to
hold the market was the heavy and per
sistent liquidation lu United fc) tales bteel
preferred. The fact that much of tins
selling was attributed to ftttsourg account
gave it a ainster Import to the speculative
mind, owing to the special facilities of In
formation as to trade condition at that Iron
anu steel center. The weekly review by
the leading authority In the trade was als)
regarded aa decldeuly unfavorable owing
lb the continued accumulation of stocks of
pig Iron notwithstanding a contraction In
production in the last two months unpre
cedented for suddenness and amount. The
increase In accumulation la said to apply
to the southern furnace as well aa to the
northern, notwithstanding the heavy sales
reported In the southern market. Tha ex
istence of a better current demand for
pig Iron failed to offset the sftect of this
unfavorable showing as did the favorable
report of the better tons of the market
for structural steel. United States Steel
preferred ran oft three points In the nnaj
dealings thus deciding the tons of tha mar
ket wnlch had been wavering and uncer
tain up to that time.
Tha furtoua speculation In Brooklyn
transit continued but served rather tq
cause distrust than to foster sn advance
owing to a lack of authoritative Informa
tion of any substantial grounds for the
buying of this stock. The stock opened
at a decline of 3 to 4 points and after num
erous fluctuations to 63 fell back to the
lowest and closed there.
The publication of the briefs filed by tha
defendents In the Northern Securities case
brings Into th near perceptive tha pend
ing conditions In that case after the argu
ment to be heard next Monday. There la
a general feeling that thla decision may
have an overshadowing effect on the secur
ities market.
The danger of money flurries before the
and of toe year, while preparations are
making tor the annual settlements, also
comes up for consideration. The summary
of tetuins made by national banks
throughout the country as of November 17
Is not altogether reassuring. With an In
crease In individual deposits over last rear
of nearly tvW.Ouo.UiO the total cash held by
tha banks shows a shrinkage of over $14.
OOu.OOO while the loan Item haa expanded
nearly $122,000,000. Compared with the con
dition at tha time of the previous call on
September 9 of this year there la ahown
an Increase In Individual deposits of nearly
$J0,0u0,0tiO and In United States deposits of
over $12,000,000. Notwithstanding a contrac
tion In loans of upward of $14,000,000, the
cash holdings of the banks have declined
for the same period $34,770,249. In the Items
due to other national and stats banks snd
trust comcanles there la, however, a fal
ling off of upward of $b0,000.000 since the
September statement, it was not until
near the close of the market that the sum
mary waa published of tha domestic export
for- November. These show an increase
over November Of last year of $34,787,24$.
owing to the unprecedented value of tha
cotton exports which reached nearly $t8,
OuO.OOO. the largest ilgure for any month In
the history of the country. The persistent
Inward movement of gold which waa sup
plemented again today needs no other ex
planation. The stock market closed rather
irregular but near the lowest of tha day.
The tone of the bond market waa easy.
Total sales par value were $J,6O6,000. United
States 2a declined V per cent on th last
Following are th closing quotations oa
the Nsw lora Block exchange:
Sales. high.Low.Cloaa
Atchison 34.700 tTH 7
do pfd l. v.1
Baltimore 4c Ohio. .. .24.870 7
do pfd
Canadian Pacific 11 113
Central of N. J
Chesapeake Ohio.. 2.420: XSV,
Chicago at Alton l.0 34
do pra 4iu 7to - 7u
Chicago Gt Western IS1 164
do H pfd suo 2H
i7V u
Chicago Nortnw n.. l,uw it
IK1 16
Chicago Ter. sc Tran. 100 84
do pfd 300 18
C, C, C A St. L
Colorado Southern.... 625 144
do 1st pfd 0 644
do 2d pfd i0 23S
Delaware A Hudson.. 300 15
18 i
1x7 Ll7
15tfe 156
Del.. Lack. A West..
Denver & Rio Grande
do cfd
22 ,
Erie 106,25
do 1st pfil 4.320
do 2d pfd 4.470
Gt. Northern pfd
Hocking Valley
do pfd... t.
Illinois Central....
Iowa Central
.. 3.0U 110 1294 U4
do pfd
Kansas City South'n
do Dfd
a fssl a ' Wi
ioulsv. NashvUle. 1.350 K 1054 104
Manhattan L 21.2t0 144H 142
Metropolitan St, Hy 7,474 124 mi IS
Minn, at St. L 64
Missouri Pacific 33,520 34 4 r1
M , K. A T.. 100 W4 lfsj 174
do rfd : 1.226 an it bu
Nnt. K. K. of M. pfd. Z0 as
New York Central.... 4.200 120 117 lit
Norfolk at Western.. 1.800 5'4 Wm 7
do rfd
Ontario aV Western
.. I.3S0 274 21
..67.014 UPi
!1,'7TO '464 '434
p., c, c St Ell. L.
171 H
do 1st pfd
do 2d Pfd 100 CI tl
Rock Island Co 2T.0iiO 2i4 ts4
do nfd l.WU 62 siv.
SL L t S F. 1st pfd. A...
do 3d pra it"
St. Louis Southw'n.. 450
do pfd....
St. Paul
...$5,775 14T(
142 14W
,72Z 172
4714 ' 46'
do Dfd
... 100 172
Southern Pacific...
... 7.735
... 1.0O0
.... 100
... 2!
... 100
... l."0
... f.310
Southern Hallway.
do pfd
Texas A Pacific,...
T., St. U t W
do Dfd
Union Pacific
do pfd
do pfd
Wh. A Lake Erie.
Wisconsin Central.
do pfd
Vnited States
Amaig. Copper o,ewi
Amer. Car A Fdry... l.l
do pfd tUO
Amer. Unseea tni..
.do pfd
Amer. Locomotive..
do pfd.., -.
Amer. Bra. A Refng
do pfd
Amer. gmar Rrfg..
, 100
, $44
.10.V IS
InumnAl affn. Co..
7J 74
Brklyn Rapid Trans.124.7s0 li
Coin. Fuel A Iron
Col. A Hock Coal.
Consol. Gas
General Electric...
Internet. Paper....
do pfd
Internal. Pump....
do pfd
Nat. BUcult.
Nat. Lead.w
North American...
Pacific Mall
People's Oaa
Pressed Steel Car.
.12.204 15 11
. ru 1MV 164
. 11
. 1.100 (3
., 400
.. $.700
.. 6u0
do pfd 1
Pullman Palac Car
Republic Steel l.fmO
do pfd 1.720
Rubber Qoods 1.240
do pfd -
Tenn. Coal A Iron.... t
U. 8. leather. 7.630
da pfd 1.140
f. 8. Rubber
do pfd
V. 8. Steal J....34.AO
do pfd 17.14
Western 1'iion lot
Northern Securities
Total sale for th day. t6t.K shara.
Faeelga FlaaaetaL.
IISDON, Dec. 10. Money was In moder.
ste supply In tha market today, and In
demand increased, owing to slock exchange
requirementa Llscounts were easy on tha
exchange rate of New Tork exchange, this
being interpreted as Indicating a cessation
of ths I'niled State demand for gold.
Huatoees on th stock exchange waa quiat
and dull, lb settlement checking opera
tions; besides, th dlequletlog far astera
rests produced weaknea. especially la
Japnee securitlea Consols conaeuentlv
declined and closed ejutet and - undvldad.
Asiaia'Ani relaxd la sympathy with th
market la Nw York, then wavarsd, ub-
11 1S
S34 63
.... 30
16 It If
26 244 25
7 M
26 36 M
. .. 21 S
1 6 fi
42 40 . -40
1 18 18
23 $1 21
I 7 T
7t T7 T7
iiii "io 1
K 64 $4
17 $7 tt
quently hardened scmewhst, aad closed
dull and Irregular. The weekly statement
of the Bank of England showed the follow
ing changes: Total reserve, decrease U.
v; circulation, decrease C272.000; bullion,
decrease 1TII.; other securities, decrease
t.264.frx); other deposits, decrease tl.Sb.
W; public, deports, decrease 23.v;
notes reserve, decrease VM.'W; govern
ment securities. Increase 74;.)0. Th pro
portion of the Bank of England's reserve
to liability this week la 46 07 per rent, as
compared with 45 7S per cent last week.
PARIS, Dec. 10 Trading on the bourse
today opened dull and continued Inactive
throughout. Industrials were Irregular:
Rio Tintos lost . 6 francs. Th weekly
statement of th Rank of Franc shows
the following changes: Notes In circulation,
decrease 5.50,0O0 frsncs- treasury ac
counts current. Increase 2O.T5n.000 francs;
gold In hand, decrease i.lTR.onn francs; bills
discounted decrease 214.Jon.flno francs; sll?
ver In hand, decrease t. 475.000 francs. Three
per cent rentes, as francs 3.t centimes ior
the sccount. Exchar.g on London. 25
francs 1J4 centimes for checks.
BERLIN. Iec. 10. prices on tn course
today were firmer on favorable reports
from th foreign exchanges. Exchange on
London, 4S marks la prgs. mree-monins
bills, i per cent,
HeV'Yrk Moaey Market.
K-irw TOWK. Dec. 10. MONET On call.
firm at 4 per cent: closing bid. 4 per
arai Hi nee cent. Time loans.
slxtd days and ninety days, t per cent; six
months. H per cent. . .
"iaTB-nT.tvn CHANGE- Firm. with
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 8364
4S for demand and $4.7?75-34 7980 for
sixty dar bills; posted rates. $4 'J" "d
$4Mff44U; commercial Mils. $4. .H64.79H.
SILVER Bar. 64V: Mexican dollars. 41c.
BONDS Government steady; railway
The closing quotations on wnus 1 mm
C. a. rf. 2. fsg . ..!" I- s. " '
I. mmm iu anmnn c
w m l14,alex
do eonpoa
do lat lnc
Minn, ft St L. 4a.
M . K. T. 4a...
see 4a. rag 1"X
4 a coupes ll'i
fa old 4a, rag... ...1
do it
Se coapaa
V R R of 14 c. 4a. Tf.4
aa aa. reg
So eoupea
N. T. C. g 4a
J. C. . M Wt
Atrhleoa gaa. 4s....
.100 No. Pacific 4a uk
do aU. 4a
,. S7H 4o
,. M IN. A W. . 4a M
..101 O. g. U 4a A ear... 11
.. MVPeon. conv. ma Sfi1
,.li)4 iRaadlni aen. da til
Atlantic C. la. 4a.
Baltlroore A O. 4a.
do ISa
Central of Oa. aa.
04 iRaadlni aea. 4a
tJ 'st. L 4 I 1. c. a..lH6
do lat lnc
rtiss. A Ohio 4Ha
Chicago A. IHa
1M St. V A B. F. fx. 4a. tt
ta iw 1. s. W. la 3
., B. a j
? Seaboard A. U 4a ... t"4
C. M. A 8 F. g. 4a.. lit igo. Pacsc aa.
C. A N. W. e. ta...U"4 So. Railway ie llj'i
i. 1 t. tii T .. at I. A W. la.. 70
r r..C a St' L. a. 4a. tbk tlnloa Pacific 4a lt
Cblcaso Tar. 4a 1a 1 00 con. w ......
Con. Tobacco 4a MVt' "teel M oa.
Colo, ft 80. 4a as wasaan la
D. A R. O. 4a i. Mil1 do deb. B,.
Brto prior Ilea 4a.... W. ft U. . 4a....
.. i
ao KB. 4a nil nwi
r. W. A D. C. le...lotH Cel. Foci a. io...
Hocklsg Val. 4Sa....lu4
Bastaa gtack Haalatlani.
BOSTON. Dee. 10 Call loans. per
cent: time loans. 6r64 per cent. Official
closing price on siocks ana nonas;
AtrbtaoB 4a .1
M lAllaoaa
. 4H
. s
. II
Unless Casual ..
a I Asia 1 (a mated
T4 Bln(baa)
flVCal. ft Hacla
14( 'Cantoonlal
1IH Copper Ran fa
140 PoBiinloa Coal ...
IM llale Royala ........
do pfd
. 14
. 44
. 14
Boetoa Albany..
Boatos ft Main...
Boatoa Eleralrd ...
N. V., K. H ft H.
Pitch bur pit
Vnloa Paella
... n ktohawk
... Uj Old Dominloa ....
...1M t)acedla
Max. Central
Am w. Casar
. M4
do pfd
...ltl Parro
Aetor. T. AT.
..U4HUulncr :
. aa
Deailnloa I. A g.... t
Santa Fa Copper.,
. 1
Oenaral KUctrte
alaae. glaotrls
... II1 Trinity
... 14 Cnlted Sutra ....
...let I'tah
... 10 Victoria
... 44 Wnaea
... T7 PV'olTaiisa
... 1 Dsly Waat
. 1S
do pfd ...
railed Pratt
C. . Steal..
do pfd ...
Ad venters
.. ax
. st
Asked, Ex -dividend.
Loadoa Stack 3IarVet.
IJNDON, Dec. lO.Cibelng:
Consola sjoaay.... at 0-14 N.1 T. Central....
do acconnt Marfolk A Went."
. tla
Aaacoada 4 I So pfd
Atehlsoa T04a Ontario A W
. ao
do pfd t:.4i PaMayloanla ....
Baltimore A Ohio 41 Rand Mloaa
Cuadlaa Paclga ....1291a .Keadinx
. 1"4
.. Mi
Ckea Ohio 13 ' lat pM
inicaso w. ..... laiai .o HI pfd..
,. II
C. M. A St. p 147JV. Rallaray .
Denver A R.- O....
do pfd
da lat ptd
da Jd pfd ,
nitaote Central ..
Lovla. A Naab....,
at., K. A T
trVi e pfd
,. an
. tt aa.lrerlle ...
. T4 iVolon Pacific
. tHl lopfd
". TtlXV. Steal. ..
. u) da, ffA.
.lJIS.a.ha.S ......
.now H. ptt ....
,-. it
.. MM
BAR SILVER Steady,. 35 8-16d per ounce.
MONEY m per cent: the rate of dis
count in th open market Tor short bills Is
3 15-1G34 per cent: for Urree months' bills.
'tt lo-io per cent.
GOLD Bar, Its; . American eagles, 76s "d
Rw Terk Mlalag (taotatlaas.
NEW YORK, Dec. 14 The following ar
tae closing quotxuons on mining slocks
Adaaas ess
It jtfttla Cblaf
Alice ,
Brvnawlck Cea ...
Comatock Ton nal . .
Cos. Cat. A Va...
Hot SiItoc
traa lllTar
Laadnila Cea ....
la i-untane
, M Ophlr
.... I
.... II
.... M
.... 40
.. 1
larra Marada
mall Hopes ..
Bask (learlags. v
OMAHA, Dec. 10-Bank clearings' for
today were li.l72.6M S7 Hx-r. -.
4.11 from th corresponding day of last
Ctla Market.
NEW TORK. Dec. 10. COTTOV-The cot
ton market opened steady at a decline of 7
points to an advance f 2 polnfa. the de
cline being In sympathy with disappointing
cables, which Induced liquidation by longs.
Almost Immediately, however, the market
waa rallied by a renewal of ball support and
rvixiris mat nonnern spinners have been
buying very freely recently snd with some
outside buying orders th market was ad
vanced until near th 'end of the first
twenty minutes price wer net 4 points
higher. The advance was the signal for
considerable bear pressure, and as the mar
ket started downward rumors wer circu
lated that a strong bear clique had been
formed In th theory that th continued
bull movement Is offsetting in the populsr
mind th government small crqp esti
mate, when It was found that damsnd In
th spot markets was falling off. Interior
recelpta-wer also running full, although
ths port movements show a subsiding ti n
dency and th accumulation of stocks at
the Interior towns is believed to point to a
good Increase In the week's visible supply
figures. Notwithstanding these figures the
market showed great stubbornesa under
pressure. At one time, lust before mid
day, it was at a net decline of Sili points
in the active months. - but rallied again,
and in th early afternoon ruled rather
firm, but continued very Irregular Ths
close was stesdy, with July 1 point higher,
but th ether months were unchanged to It
Kint lower. Sales estimated at 500.000
l-s. , Exports wer full. Estimated for
tomorrow's leading points were about, a
standoff and the southern soot markets
easier at unchanged price to a deelln of
Quiet; aalea, 2J00 bales; ordinary. tt-lSc;
good ordinary, 10c; low middling, 11 "-re;
good middling, li l-16c; - middling fair,
117-lc; receipts, 10.8K7 bales: stock. 816.126
bales. Futures were steady; December,
11 HMull hc: January. I07ttl2.0sc: February.
12.-lltc; March. 12 t7:g.l2.3oc; April. 12.43)
1Z.4dc; May. II 4U-aUc: June. Jilu-6ec;
Julv. 12 67rll5e.
ST. LOUIS. Dec 10.-COTTON-ulet. c
lower; middling. 12Hc; sales, ZSJ ba lea; re
ceipts, ibe bales; shipments, tut baiea;atock,
14. 1M bales.
moderate business done, prices 2 points
lower; American middling, t.7d: middling
tied: low middling. 6 5:J: good ordinary.
4-aid; ordinary. A22d. The Sales of the day
wer T.OuO bales, of which 1.200 wer for
speculation and export and Included f.auO
American. Recelpta, 37.0u0 bales. Including
$2.Tt) American. Futures opened easier and
closed steady: American middling g. o. c.
December. C ttd: December and January.
A4ti4.46d; January and February, t.4u3
t.41d; February and March. 4 .31; March
and April. Sd; April aad May. 37d: May
and June, t Sttd; June and July, . 4 &4'o6 fcd;
July and August. .SUgHtld; August and
Beptember, .ld.
gag Market.
NEW TORK. Dec 10 SI'GAR-Raw,
nominal, fair refining, tc; centrifugal.
teat. ISc: molasses sugar, 2c; refined,
No. C. 46c: No. T. 40c; No. t, $ g6c: No. t.
l0c; No. 14, Im&c; No. 11. t sV; No. 1!. 17&c;
No. 13. t-tOc; No. 14. 166c; confectioners A.
4 Sue; mould. . A. 4.76c; cut loaf. ';
crushed. t(7c; powdered, 4.66c; granulated.
.4oc; cubes. 4.71V.
MOLASSES Firm. - New Orleans open
kettle, guod to choir. CMjJfic
NEW ORLEANS. Iec. 1. 8 I'd A R
Quiet. Open kotlle. ivac; centiifugal,
HWSc; ceotrifugal white. ibt U-lSc;
yellows. tVtta) l-lc; aeeonda 2h t:.r.
MOLAoot.! Steady, open kotlle. 2vtrae.
Tlda Seed Market.
TOLEDO. Dec. 10 -SFEDS-Clover, cash
and Dcvmber. t t?VA Jxnuary f. Kfb-
ruary, tt v; Marru. tti.; pilia tunolby
, $l-v, cruu aiaia.
Boef Etttri Eold SUtdy to a Little Lower
Ettt Cowt Bttiij, Others Weak,
led era te Raa of Sheep aad Lamks
ad Desaaad Seeaaed tm Be Saf-
rleat ta Hold Prices Oe.
erally Steady All aUnds.
ReretDta were: Cattle. Unas. Sheen.
Official Monday 4.002 t,14t U..C7
OfTlcial Tuesday , t.4lS 10.341 1.6;
Ofhclal Wednesday 4 678 10,734 4.5T
Official Thursday Ibi 7,tot t.ll
Four days this week....i.A2 S4.S89 3.73
Same days last week....l6.K46 31. Mt 63 4-J0
Same week before l.0bl Zt.lM 2.16
Bam three weeks ago.... 17.250 lu.344 62.S44
Same four weeks sgo 2e,172 24.311 71.636
Bam days last year 23,3b4 tl.220 3D.1N4
Ths following tabis showa.ths recelpU of
cattle, hogs snd sheep st bouth Omaha for
ma year 10 oat ana comparison who iai
1113. 1802. Inc. Deo,
Cattle L032.7V7 KS.744 ft.Ott
Hogs 2.07.175 2 l'l6 S7 17.701
Hhrep L7SH.tiJ l,to,6M 130,042
Average prices paid for hogs at South
Omaha ior th last several days with com
parisons ;
Date. I 190$. !!M2.;i9ul.lK).il8W.UW.l'7.
Deo. 1..
4 34 INi I 4 431 $ 74! I 2& t 23
4 1 in I 6 K I 7 t U ll
4 4u 13 6 kej 4 64 I 3 A I 1
4 4-is; --1 1 y-i 4 bs, 1 tn 3 21
4 37 W 24 0fi 4 77 t 80 1 I $7
t 16, t 0 4 t4 t aSj t 36 I 25
4 y I 041 4 81 I M $ ;8 $ 33
4 fc3 t 0? 4 7l t 83i I 10 t II
4 3V t 06 t 11 i I Hot t J'.', 1 13
4 ! t 12 t 13 4 8a $i U
Dec. ..,
Dec. t...
Dec. 4..
Dec. t..
Dec. ....
Deo. 7..
Dec I..
Dec. ..
Dec. 10.
Indicates Sunday.
The cfflclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle, nogs, uueep.
C, M. A St, P. Ry 7
Mo. Pacific Ry 1
M 1
2 2
12 t
4 1
11 It
2 1
109 ' i
Union Pacific System 12
C. & N. W. Ry I
F., E. A M. V. R. R 25
C, 8t. P., M. & O. Ry 10
B. M Ry 61
C, B. A y. Ry t
C. R. I. A P. Ry., cast.... 2
Illinois Central 2
Chicago Great Western 2
Total receipts 134
The disposition of th day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num
ber of head indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co.....
Armour A Co
Armour A 'Co., 8. City.
V anaant A Co
Carey A Benton
Livingston A Schaller.
H. P. Hamilton
L. F. Hum
Wolf A Murnan
Hobblck A B
Bam. Werthelmer
Lee Rothschild
Hagcrty A Co
Other buyers
SWi ti 86
7 VI 1,34 til
770 1 SIS b3i
6NI I MAI l,lk7
13 .... , ....
224 .... 4.4d
Total $.190 7,545 7.630
CATTLE The supply of cattle was not
very large this morning, but.. as Cnlcago
wa quoted slow and weak, buyers did l ot
take nold here with much life and, while
prices were not so much lower, trading
was slow. The bulk of the early, arrival
was disposed of In fairly good season, but
It waa late before a clearance waa made.
There were about twenty-five cars 4f
corn-fed steers Included In th receipts
and the, market was very slow, with th
tenoency or Buyers 10 near 10 luaraw.
Some of the cattle were of good Quality
and flesh, but still even those were not as
active as they might have been. Th mar
ket could ptobabiy best be described by
calling It slow and steady to a little lower.
the greatest change being oa the unde
sirable grades.
There was a good demand for the better
grades of cows snd heifers and such kinds
could be quoted steady and in soma piacea
sales . were made that looked a little
.stronger, especially than yesteeday's late
market. Cannera also held about steady
but ths medium kinds dragged and In most
cases were a little lower. Packers do not
want the corn-feds unices they ar good,
and aa a result ths half-fat kinds sell to
very poor advantage.
Bulls, veal calves and stags sold generally
steady. There were not many on sale and
the prices paid were not enough different
to b worthy of mention.
The atocker snd feeder market was also
slow and if anything price were a little
lower. Something very desirable might
have commanded, steady prices, but that
kind were very scare. The general run
were certainly s,ow sale, with th feeling
The run of western range cattle was vary
small this morning and in fact there were
not enough to make a fair teat of the mar
ket. As a general thing they fluctuated
'about the same a noted above for th na
tives. Representative sales?
No. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr.
1 400 10 14 ,..1114 I
1 IM 111 40 u; I 40
1 tio 1 10 to im 1
t too t r Mioe 1 aa
I 50 1 M 11. , 1144 4 0
It 01 I W I lilt 4 IC
t m t 0 in 4 to
t tt 1 oa 4 121 4 a
t ion 1 to it , urr 4 ts
it lite t it 1 tao 4 40
14 lut I 60 1 nil 4 to
It 1104 I i t l;s 4 a
t 13S4 IS 01 ......1ITT 4a
6 04 3 10 11 IM 4 i
It 1024 3 70 4! 142 4
I TH IS t...
1 1000 I 00 ...
1 11M 111 10...
1 1010 f li go...
t :.. m IS 1...
1..: 1000 1 u ti...
i 1010 lit 1...
1 too 2 to it...
t n..H00 I 40 t...
tsi t n
......I1M I TO
tot I tt
1041 I Tt
1041 I It
not I to
140 I a
.a. .110 1 it
111 I li
110 I li
i;o 1 m
1010 I M
1041 I M
11 too I a l....
I lo1 I to 1 ...
1 040 I tt 1
14 M 111 II
Hi 1 aj
14 M IN I ,.
.Hi t It
lit 1 a
1 1140 I to 1
1 SI I so ...
IM I n
1 iu lu t m im
10 11 1 tt 14 tit I to
I fit I 44 M ,. HI It
44 I 06 I 64t I S
1 cow
1 cow
1 cow
t feeder.
1080 9 30
1 steer tnO 2 34
1 cow 11L-0 2 85
11J0 2 8S
, tOO 2 00
. 771 I 20
It feeders.. 747 t 20
C feeders.. 110 t 20
2 cows 9S6 2 30
i feeders.. 101 4 $ OS
1 feeder.
I 26
4 reeder..-07 t 05
t feeders.. 101 J $ 06
S. W. Ritchie Neb.
7 cows 717 1 SO 10 heifers
1 cow 70 1U I cows...
H. W. Moore Colo.
7S5 I 40
$90 2 2S
20 cows W.3 2 10 1 calf....
,.. 50 $ !S
.. 160 4 00
...1o t V
...1230 $ 15
...1110 I 75
1 calves... 160 5 00 lcalf....
H. D. Brown Wyo.
t rows I 00
1 bull 1210 t 10
1 feeder... Itt70 t 54
1 steer l.") $ 76
1 row......KM0 2
t steers. 1. 1170 t 15
1 steer 1200 1 13
t steers.. ..130 I 75
t steers. ...I'M S 15
1 row fc0 2 60
1 cow.
2 steers.
1 cow 1140 2 30
1 eow liro $ 00
T steers. ...1K6 t If
T corn s 1'ilO t SO
It rows $
1 feeder... lr!0 1 60
1 oow 1060 1 00
HOGS Ther was a tighter run of hoas
here this morning, and ss quite a few of
them wer consigned direct to Iocs', packers
buyers were out early aad trading was ac
tive, with price higher. Chicago was also
quoted a little better, the advance ther
mounting to about a nickel. At this point
the market opened a big dim higher or 16
9 15c higher than yesterday morning. Trad
ing was very brisk and the bulk of th
early arrivals wss soon disposed of. The
long string of th sales went at $4 45, with
the bulk from $4 .42 to $4. 47. with some
heavy hogs as low as' $4 40. Th choice
butcher weights sold from $4. 47 to $4. 52
Ther was no great amount of change In
the market from start to finish, though
there wer some wtrong and weak spots
the same ss is generally the' case when
trains keep arriving all th morning. Rep-
r4ntallv alr
K A. Sa. Tt Na . Ss. Tt.
IM ..4 4 It 214 .. 4 41
a Il 400 4 40 IT XT HI
U in 14 4 4 M l 10 4 41
1 aM 4 4 40 IT I.I U0 4 47
SI .144 .. 4 41' 41 M .. 4 471,
ii me mi! t lu .. 447,
tl .174 40 4 41t 44. 1 SO 4 47
4i tat lta 4 41 U 171 14 4 47 V,
t.4 44 4 41s. OK Kl 1 20 4 47
aa m a 4 T4 ta 4 4714
IT 11 It 4 4 01 I4 120 4 4T
14 SV4 4 4 41 tl 11' 141 4 47
II Ill ft 4 4 . 44 1l . 4 CSO
(1. tsA tt 4 4t tl I4T lt-4T,
44 lit- ..4 4 4 K1 4 47
U u M 4 4 Tl 24 t 4 47
Tl 11 ..4U 41 14 B 4 4'
tt 174 .. 4 44 1.., ll "4 4 41
W 1)1 4 44 tt it 04 4'W.
tl !-! t 4 4t t.. T 4 47
a ,1.1 1st 4 a 44 vl M 4474
4 In tt 4 4 ....... 114 .. II
11 K .. 4 41 M rw s 4 rrA
1 r a 44 u i4 it 4 4;
a. ian 4 s 4! T .. 4 4"'
t rl 14 44 T4 94 so 1111
a t at m to i m 4 4?v
44 t-t .44 11 no .. 4 47
it m n 4 at n sm 44 4 to
44 J4 II 4 44 T4 171 .. 4 I
Tl . ia ..41 T H4 .. 4 t
U I4t 44 4 44 OK 111 4 4 40
tt 130 ISO 4 4t Tl n ..4 44
00 .,. 9 4 41 .. 4 M
n ..(... rri 2t 4 4t 74 1:4 .. 4 to
44 T4 N 4 44 at 111 ..4 44
l til ..4 44 It 14 ..4 00
10 a st 4 4t 14 tT 14 U
0 MO 40 4 41 144 It 4 4H
41. ...... .lit Sn 4 41 Tl 171 .. Ilt
II IM 100 4 4i 41. 157 .. 4 tlVa
TT IM .. Ill T4 lit .. 4 UV
4 1-1 10 4 4
SHEEP There was another moderate run
of sheep here this mon.lug and th market
held fulty steady with yesterday. Ther
was very little good stuff on sale, but such
a was offered could safely be otioted
stesdy with yesterday. Half fat stuff of
cours ts neglected every day and sells at
very uneven prices and Is considerably
lower for the week. The best grades may
be a little lower than a week ago, but still
tne decline la not very serious.
Th feeder market wa about steady
today. Trading was not very brisk, but
still th demand seemed to b about equal
to tne supply snd practically all the de
sirable grades sold In fairly good season.
Viuotauons ror com -fed stock: cnoics
western lamhs. $3.06.26; fair to good
Inmbs, $4. 6l4i6.00 : good t cholc yearling.
$lf76B40: fair to good yearling. $3 &oea.7n;
choice wethers, $3.33473.66; fair to good
wether. $3.264f3.26; good to rholoe ewes,
ftt fival 2K- fair In aoxl ewea. I? SMf.VO):
cholc feeder lamb. $3.1094.10; fslr to good
feeder lambs. $325itfM: baby lambs. 12. (""V
3 00: feeder yearlings. Sa.254ji3.50: feeder
wethers, $3153.36: feeder ewes,;
lis. ll.-OC4i2.00, Ilepresentatlve sales:
No. Av. Pr.
302 western ewes S$
1 00
t 7a
$ 00
2 75
3 30
S 30
t 30
t 40
t 60
$ 60
4 00
$ 50
$ 60
1 SO
$ 0
t sn
f 55
S3 western year.lngs 4
t western lamb 77
1R1 western ewes IT
Wyoming feeder yearlings.. ie
Ml Wyoming feeder yearlings.
240 Wyoming feeder yearlings.
It Wyoming feelar ewes
ST3 Wyoming feeder yearlings.
IV2 New Mexlrsn yearlings
1!5 western wethers
ha New Mexican yearlings
, 57
IMS, Wyoming cull ewe
SSI Wyoming feeder lambs
3M Wyoming feeder lambs
360 Wyoming feeder lambs
m Wyoming feeder ismos
$4 native lambs
Fair Receipts of All Stack, with
Higher Prices for Hags.
CITIPAOO. ree. 10 CATTLE Receipts.
12.000 head. The market was dull and
lower; good to prime steers, $5.0096.75;
boor to medium. $3.254 76: stockers and
feeders. tl.7M.VM: cows. $1.502390: belfers,
$1.754.50; canners. $! 50ff2.40; bulls, $1.501
4 36; calves, $10O.75; Texas fed Steers,
17 fifyf?4 (10.
HOGS Receipts, J2.000 head: estimated
tomorrow. 20.0H0 head. The market was
active and 6il0n hlrher: mixed and butch
ers. 14.3644 66 ; good to choice heavy, $4.55
$4 6:; rough heavy, $4 303 4 50; light. $4.15
i4.60: bulk of -sales. $4.2.Vfi4.66.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 12.000
head. Th market for sheep was slow and
10015c lower: lambs steady. Good to
choice wethers. $3.7564.30; fair to choice
mixed. 13 OOfeS.75: western sheep. S2.wzii.ihi.
native lambs, $4.0vm.75; western lambs,
$G.6Oo3.70; fed western yearlings, $4.i0.
Kw Tork Live Stock Market.
celpts, 24 head; no sales reported. The
market for dressed beef was steady; city
dressed native sides. 6fc per pound;
T" v.n.. . tfcjn nlhU, .1 , i nt H Amertcjin
steers. Ilei21c, dressed weight: refrlger.
ator beef, top price, to per pound.
CALVES Receipts, Mo head. Th mar
ket for veals rated slow and about steady
in price; no trading of much importsnce
In anything else. Veals, M.00S4.75; city
dressed beef, general sales. 7tjllo per
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.4M
head. The market for shefp rated dull
and weak: average sal of lambs was
Tv.asihiv little atrnnier than yesterday.
BheeD. f3.0t3.: lambs. $R504i,00; dreaped
mutton, general sales, tftlo per pound;
dressed lambs, general sales, im '-.
HOGS Receipts, 7,445 head, all con
signed direct. . t
Reported exports for today, 40 sheep.
s SI. Laal Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 10. CATTLE Receipt
Ifiuo head, including 1.S0 head of Texsna
The market was quiet about steady. Nstlv
shipping and ox port steers, m.iwio a
dressed beef and liutoher steers, $4.006.00
steers under :.W pounds $3.O04.; stocg
mrm and feedcra X2.00ii3.70: cows and hlf
era, U.ifA.iti; canners. $1.7692.10; bulls, 12. 1
43.50; calves. $3.00t$.00; Texas and Indian
steers, $2.2O'a3.60; cows and heifers, $2.U0tj
HOOS Receipts 4 .500 hesd. The market
waa weak.-after an early active advance.
Pigs and lights. $4.2V4 .60; packers. $4,364
4.66; butchers and best heavy. $4 4694.76.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 1.500
head. The market waa steady to strong.
Native muttons, $3.2&f3.80; lamb. $4,000
t.26; culls and bucks, 32.26-31. 60; stockers.
Kansas City J ive Stack Market. j
KANSAS CITT, Dec. 10 CATTLE-Receipts.
C.UOO head. Including 100 head of
Southerns. Th market was stesdy. Ex
port and dressed beef steers, 14.164x7. 00; fair
to good. $3.7604.10; western fed Steers, $2 H6
62.90; stockers and feeders, S2.7693.&;
southern steers, $2.002.60- southern cows.
$2.1562 40; native, cows. $1.tO&3.60; naUve
heifers. $2.a3.ou; bulls, 2.iuui.; caivea.
HMi! Heceipts 7.0HJ neaa. t n marset
was 10915c higher. Top, $4.72. bulk 01
sales, $4.eu94 7u; heavy, $il0a4.72; packers,
$4 W4j4.70; pigs and light, S4.4o34.7U.
SHb-KP AM) UMiio- neceipis o.ww
head. Th market was steady and active.
Native lambs. 14.00475 : western lambs.
$3.7695.20; fed ewes, SJ.76i83.SS; stockers and
St. Joseptt Live Stack Msrket.
RcelDU. 1.750 head. Th msrket was
steady to 10c lower; natives, $3.S64rt.; cows
and heifers. M.oitj4.; stocksra ana leeaers,
$2.501 16.
HOGS Receipts t.ris nsa. rne marxet
waa steady to tc higher; light, t4.5oty4.G6;
medium and heavy, $4.4034.40.
8HEKP AND LAMBS Recelpta 1.851
head. The market was stesdy to 10c lower;
lambs, $6 60; yearlings, $4 0; wetnera, IH.UD;
ewes, $3.26.
Sloax City Live Stark Market.
SIOl'X CITT, Ia.. Dec. 10 Special Tel-
fram CATTLE Steady: beeves. $3 75
00; cows, bulls and mixed. $2,004(3.00;
stockers and feeders, life.); calves and
yearling. $X.Z.j3.l.
HOGS Receipts, 4.100 head; market tc
higher, selling M sMji eJ; bulk, $4 304.S2.
tack la Sight. '
Following ar th receipt of llvs stock
at th six, principal western cities yester
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Kansas City
St. Louis
St. Joseph ...
Sioux City ...
ToUls ....
.... 2.55
.... t.OiiO
.... tJ0
.... U0 M.ffi-4
Metal Market.
TJI.-W TOTUC. Tlae. 10. METALS Tin
was hlsher In Indon. S!)Ot. 12s d abov
yesterday's closing price at 124. while
future advanced 15a to 12S 7s id. Lo
cally tin waa firm, but unchanged, at
127.ui827.26. Copper 'also was higher In
London, spot advancing 7s d to art 17s 6d
snd future 10s to 6 10s. Locally copper
hows rather a firmer undertone. Iaks Is
quoted st tl2.254rll.SO. Electrolytic st
112.12Vx12.2t and casting at $12 '3 12.12
Lead was unchanged at U Is 3d In Ion
don and $4.25 In New York. Spelter closed
Is d higher in London at 21 2a d and
$5.40 locallv. Iron closed at 4-i td In Glas
gow and at 41s td In Mlddlesborough. Lo
cally Iron Is reported in belter demand,
particularly for southern grades, and th
tendency seems to be lowsrd rather higher
prteea, though official quotations are un
changed with No. 1 foundry northern
quitted at f 15 bOfll.U); No. I foundry north
am, 414.0iixlSoO; No. 1 foundry southern
nd No. 1 foundry southern, soft, at $13-50
4)1400. '
ST. I)ri8. Dec. 10 MET A IA Lead,
Arm at $4.02 spelter, dull at M ts.
Evaporated Apple mmm Dried Fralta.
APPLES The market shows little effect
of k better demand In a rather firmer un
dertone, and moat transaction ar re
ported st oUtMde prices. Common are
quoted at 474c, prime t 6fi5Sc, choice
at 6A.&e' and fancy at 47c. a
generally ateady, though It la reported that
concessions have Urn made In soms In
stance. Quotations range from 1 WtJ '-'
for all gradca Apricots ar In mod-rate
demand. Choice are quoted at KWijt'v0
extra rhoioe st HtttlOVac snd fancy at ll
tllfcr. Peaches alo a re In request, with
choice quoted at 7Mi7r extra choli st
7Vti'c snd fancy at S10c.
CaCea Market.
NEW YORK. Dee-. 10. COFFEE Spot
Rio. firm: No. 7 Invoice. 7c Mild. Iliro;
t'urdevs iVla'. The market fur futures
Ofened nrm, at an sdvatue of 1" li ults,
fuUoslng unxpclediy bighec Eurupoan
markets, still smaller Interior Santos re
ceipts snd further unfavorahsl crop news
from Braxll. On the advance ther was
heavy realising hv recent large buyer,
notably Wall street and Cotton exchange
Interests, hut there was a good demand
from abroad and considerable outside buy
ing, so tnat prices continuea nrm ana tn
market closed 15CI26 points higher, with
sl-s of 167.750 bags. Including: Pecember.
t50ti60c; January. $ 6Hi.70r, March. vf
7c: May, T.!6y7.3Tr; June. 7 2nc; July, ; siS
40c; Beptember, 7.464j7.0c; November, T tvw
Was I Market.
NEW TORK. Dec 10. WOOL Firm; do
mestic fleece, tiJ'.'c,
BOSTON. Iec. 10 wouii t.-urrni quo-
tatlona are: Territory Idaho fine. 14 'alto;
fin medium. l917c: medium. I891V. Wyo
ming fin. 14916c; fine medium, lMjl7c; me
dium, ljlc Vtah and Nevada, fine.
!4hwitc; nne meoium, iiv"c; mmnim,
l!hJoc. Dakota, fine. "l.'-JMSc; An medium,
16SW17C; medium, lt&Oic. Montana, fin
cholc. 199-Hr: fine medium, choice, li'9"':
average, lwiiltc: stsple, lt'jAKi medium
choice, l"Ki?'c
ST. Lot In, Dee 10 wtKju juii; me
dium grades, combing snd clothing. l?''l
Slc: light fine, I5til7ic; heavy fin. 12
14c; tub washed, Dnialo.
Oil and Resla.
NEW TORK, Dec. 19. -OILS Cottonseed.
Arm: prime yellow, 369c, Petroleum,
firm; refined, 19.25: Philadelphia and Bal
timore. $J64; In bulk, ta.66.
ROSIN Quiet, strained, common to good.
$2 SO.
iri'nlifWTtwP A..l. At KL
I V I I I... ,1., u urv ' ' X
Firm at 56c.
ROSI N Firm. A. B. C. U. li. r , xv.iu tl.
$2.10: H. $2.; I. $2.66: K. $2.W: 11, $2.W;
N, 13 06; w. o. W.2; w, w, X36U.
OIL CITT. Dec 10. OIIJ Credit bal-
ancea 11 So. Certificates no bid. ShlDments.
52.424 bbla; average, 6S.175 bbls.; run, 10S.1M
bbls.; average, 72.tu0 bbls. Shipments, Limn,
70.BO bbla; average, t.u nnia. ituns,
Lima, tt.183 bbls.. average, 54,160 bbla.
Whisky Market.
CHICAGO. Dec 10 WHISKT-Stcady, en
bssis of 11.27 for finished goods.
ST. LOL'13, Dec 10. WHJSKT-Steady.
PEORIA. Dec 10 -WHISKT-On basU ct
$1.27 for finished goods.
ClNCINISAii. uec. iu. niorv i iMBiii
lrg finished gooda quiet, on basis of $1.27.
Dry Good Market.
NEW TORK. Deo. 10. Th dry goods
market has been aulet today with buyers
operating only for Immediat necessities.
The niuiiHtionn which are made are In soma
cases prohibitive, but sellers ar In very
case treating oraera inuiviauaiiy ana are
determined to secure a profit on very
thing sold.
Mackla Force Itself aa Sasa Uassey,
kat the Jade laterprets tt
as Theft.
Th possession of ti clothes wringer.
which 8am Busiscy could not explain, got
him into trouble and finally Into th county
bastile for a period of thirty days.
That wringer appealed to me," Bussy
told th judg. "I could no more have let
It alone than I could a ntc beefsteak. I
didn't want th blamed thing, but i was
drunk and so I took it."
Mrs. Samuel Funk of 401 North Four
teenth lost th wringer. Sh appeared In
court to identify her property, which wa
awarded her after Bussey'a confession.
"You took It," said th Judge, addressing
Bussey, "so you could get Into Jail. Well
let you ling out th old year ther."
aA Bill
Xk Perry Mves HI PI at fro .
Belt Hum Seel tm' north,
Slxteentk Street. ,
Noah ' Perry is engaged In moving his
wholesale bottle, crockery and liquor gee;
house from 4477 Dodg street, where It haa
been for years, to 1011 North Sixteenth
street, wher h has bought th small
warehouse formerly owned by th Baum ,
Iron company. , '.... .
"I'm moving; down to be nearer to th
business of the . city." said Mr. Perry.
'Tv been located out on Dodg street, on
th Belt line, for years, and I have track
age her In th new plao from th Mis
souri Pacific." '
Dcasaark Bows ta Passssa.
COPENHAGEN. Dec. 10.-Klng Christian
of Denmark, following the recommendation
of his ministers, has recognised th Re
public of Panama as an Independent Stat.
DEEDS tiled for record yesterday, as fur
nished by - the Midland Gusranie and
Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614
Fernnm street: "
Ellen Watts to Chauncey p. Coy, s
n 54 feet lot 7, block 2. Waterloo.
Neb f 100
Tukey Land company to Mary M.
LKesey. part lot 50, In sub-block A,
Reservoir sdd .....t. 500
Patrick S. Casey end wife to Mary A.
Murphy, lot 11, Belby's sub-block $,
2d add to South Omaha ' $00
Isaac D. Pag et al to Everett C.
Sawyer, lota t and t, block A KJlby
Plac add (00
Frederick C. Bornmann and wife to
George 8. Horner, lot 4, Vre A
Flack a subdlv. and lot IX Millard A
Caldwell's sdf L2M
Jsmes Delaney to Paulina Delaney.
lot 32. block I. in tsaunders a Him- 1
baugh's add to Walnut Hill '1
Sams to same, lot 1 block U, Shull's
Id add I
Thomas C. Brunner and wife to Amos
Weaver, s 11 feet 8 t-14 feet lotl
end 61 6-10 feet lot t and n 10 feet
of 40 feet lot 3. all In block 191 -city
El'xabeth N. Bishop to Catherine
Wharton, lot U block t. Walnut Hill M
sdd M40
William L. Murray to Ignatius J.
Dunn, tax lots 4, 6. t and i, 13-14-13.. 1099
Mike Pa via and wtf to Arn two.
boda. lot 2. block 1. Potter A '
Cobb's add 435
Daniel W. Ehull et al to Drak WT1-
liam Mount company, part tag lot
34, 27-16-11
JUIa 4(nrA
rUanaitas DulUlbt,
Doalara In
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Bought and sold for cash cr oa iasocdl
Msabr Isaportaal Exekasges,
rrtvat Wires,
Writ for our dally market letter and pri
vate telegraph cipher mailed lr-
Ship Your Grain to Us
OMAHA lot Be Bldg. Thone tilt.
SOUTH OMAHA 3a and 325 Exchange
Bldg. 'Phone 72.
Bldg. 'Phone t:
Ws kav ever uo orTle.
Eafsraacaai lit Stat aad Nat I BasJ.
Out f Twwa Bualnaag SoUoitad.
Olasis BraacAl leitParaa Tat. Maty
TB01 M. WADDICa. CorrrtoonuARl
... 1