Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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It pin eld. In the fall the was Injured
lightly by falling on the walk, and about
tea days ago site wu taken with grip,
which settled In the Injured place. She la
not expected to lire.
Davis sells drugs.
Leffert's glasses fit.
Stockert cells carpets, '
A store for men "Beno's."
Celebrated Mets beer on tap. Neumayer.
Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert's,
Broad war.
14-K and ls-K wedding rings at Leffert's,
& Broadway.
Picture framing. C. E. Alexander Co.,
331 Broadway. Tel. 366.
Miss Olive Kilpatrlck is home from a visit
with friends In Creston, la. .
The regular meeting of Myrtle lodge TJo.
12, Degree of Honor, will be held this even
ing. Mrs. B. M. Sargent has been called to
Vermont by the serious Illness of her
A marriage license was Issued yesterflny
to Bluford Phenlz, aged 37, and Jane Mad
lock, aged 38, both ol Omaha.
All photon taken at 8.nmltd'B studio Be
fore December 23 positively finished before
Xmai. Open Sundays. 'Phone A&tf.
For rent, c flies room ground floor; one
of the most central locations In the busi
ness portion of the city. Apply to Tfce Bes
office, city.
The auxiliary of the Missionary Society
Of the First Christian church will meet
this evening at the home of Mrs. J. E.
Swan, 829 Eighth avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Puell of Fort Wayne,
Ind., are visiting Mr. Duell's father, Wil
liam D. Duell, 4u7 Willow avenue, uvd will
remain over the Christmas holidays.
Members o ho Council Illuffs fire de
partment have subscribed 320 to the fund for
the relief of the families of the four firemen
killed at the Allen Bros.' fire In Omaha on
Thanksgiving day.
Officer Dlstman, who effected his nrrest,
took Frank Carter, the deserter from the
Fifth Cavalry band at Fort Logan, Colo.,
to Fort Crook yesterday and turned him
over to the military authorities.
A sneak thief entered the dental office of
Dr. Gall Hamilton, at the corner of Brrtad
way and Main street, and got away with a
quantity of gold for filling teeth, several
oental tools and a pair of gold-rimmed eye
glasses. RJ W. Hart, manager of the waterworks
company, who has been confined to his
apartments In the Orand hotel for two
months with a siege of typhoid fever, was
able to be downhtairs yesterday for the
first time sines his Illness.
Andrew Nelson and Miss Flora Miller,
daughter of George T. Miller, oversees, of
the poor, were married Wednesday evening
at the home of the bride's father. Rev. V.
W. Case of the First Baptist church offi
ciating In the presence of a numlier of the
friends and relatives of the young couple.
Judge Green, whose, continued 111 health
has compelled him to discontinue his work
for the present on the district bench, ed
Journed court yesterday to Saturday, De
cember 19, and returned lant evening to his
home In Audubon. Judge Wheeler will oc
cupy the bench when court U reconvened.
Overcoat thieves are getting busy these
oold days. Henry Kahler reported to the
police the theft of his coat from the saloon
ui th nnrner of Hroadwav and Eleventh
street, and C. Z. Bell of Silver City reported
the theft of a valuable fur overcoat, which
was taken from his buggy In a Fourth
street livery barn. - v
Former Alderman John Brough was
nearly overcome by escaping gas from a
parlor gas stove Tuesday night at his resi
dence, 1600 Fifth avenue. As a result of In
haling the fumes Mr. Brough suffered a
severs hemorrhage, but was able to resume
his work as car Inspector for the Great
Western railway yesterday.
Mrs. Lucy A. Horton, widow of S. W.
Horton, died Tuesday at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. E. A. Bockcr of Chicago.
She was 78 years of age and was a former
resident and one of the pioneer settlers of
Council Bluffs. The remains arrived hero
yesterday morning and were taken direct
to Falrvlew cemetery and interred in the
family lot.
Board Deoidei on Flan to Eatiify Both
Factions Begat ling Building.
Architects Return to Chicago ai
Will Proceed at Once to Work.
Out Detailed Plans for the
Mew Balldlngt.
permits they will bo given a drive about the
The purpose of the Invitation to the leg
islators to visit Council Bluffs Is that the
executive committee of the Commercial
club may thoroughly acquaint them re
garding the state school for the1 deaf and
the proposal to remove It elsewhere.
The Carnegie library building will have
two main entrances, one on Willow avenue,
facing Bayllss park, and the other on Pearl
street. This was finally agreed upon at an
adjourned meeting of the library board
yesterday afternoon. The general dimen
sions and plan of the building were also
decided upon and Architect Miller returned
to Chicago last evening and will at onoe
work out In detail the plans, for the build
ing. The building will have a frontage on Wil
low avenue of sixty-five feet' and on Pearl
street of 126 feet. On the west sido there
will be an extension 15x60 feet for the stock
room. The height of the building will be
thirty-seven feet above ground, with two
stories and basement. The two main floors
will give approximately a total floor space
of 17,000 square feet, or 8,500 square feet on
each floor.
The basement will be ten feet high, four
feet under and six feet above ground. The
ceilings of the first and second stories will
each be thirteen feet in height. The build
ing will be constructed on the slow burn
ing plan, and will probably be of white or j ALMOST
gray stone, although was win ne asKca on . .
Bedford stone, Sioux Falls granite, Colo- pat nyan Found la Hay Stack by
rado red sandstone, Omaha hydraulic
pressed brick and a combination of stone
and pressed brick. The general design of
the building will be classic.
t'nldentlned Man Opens Throttle,
Jumps Off and Lets the
Machine Go.
Tuesday evening nn unidentified man,
during the temporary absence of the flre
mnn and engineer In the roundhouse,
boarded Rock Island engine No. 810, which
had Just been run across the turn-table,
and pulling the throttle open, leaped oft.
With the lever In the forward motion
the huge machine stnrterl. Fast gaining
handway. it rnced down the sidetrack, and,
bolting through two split switches, gained
the main line. It didn't take long for the
operator at the Bluffs' to notify the dis
patchers at Des Moines that a wild en
gine with no one on board was tearing
down the main line under a full head of
The dispatcher ordered the signal board
displayed at all stations as far east as
Atlantic, and warned conductors of all
trains west of that point to get "Into
clear" quick. A switch engine was sent In
pursuit, and ran nine miles, and on ap
proaching Weston the wild engine, hav
ing exhausted Its steam, was found stand
ing at rest on the track. It was brought
back Into Council Bluffs in time to bring
the eastbound Denver train out on time.
The company ha been unable to discover
the man suspectod of sending the engine
out on the main line with no one on board.
Fortunately no trains were due on the sec
tion of line between Weston and Council
Bluffs, and no damage was done.
Iowa State Board of AgTiouUnre Will TJrg
He am re en Legislature.
Plumbing and heating- Btxby Bon.
Large Crowd Attends Basar Afternoon
and Evening In Old Skating;
N. T. Plumbing Co, Tel. 30. Night. F-MJ.
Real Estate) Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of Squire
& Annis. 101 Pearl street:
W. W. Warrirh to Noah Tucker, lot
13, block 21. Railroad add. w. d t
J. N. K. Macallster and wife to Ger
trude Muaselman and Mary A. St.
John, lot 4. block 17, Bayllss &
Palmer's add, w. d
M. M. and B. H. Patterson to Mary
Relcbenberg, w 32 feet ewVi sci 31-78-43,
w. d.... 1
Total three transfers 31.001
Wa Fourth It., Conacll Bluffs, la
(Cor. 4th St. and Willow Ave.)
Reduced prices (or a few days
longer. Ladies SOo. Gentlemen 1.
All business strictly private and confidential
Ladies and Oentlomon's Clothing Cleaned.
Dyed. Pressed and Repaired; also Dry
Cleaning. No shrinkage or ' rubbing off
guaranteed. Work dona on short notloe,
Tel. BOO. 101T West Broadway.
The fair and bazar being conducted by
the (congregation of St. Francis Xavler's
church In the old skating rink building at
Pearl street and Fifth avenue Is proving
a most popular resort and Is .attracting
large crowds both afternoons and evenings.
The old building has been transformed Into
a veritable bower of beauty with Its num
erous gay and daintily decorated booths,
not to speak of the large number of hand
some young women whose sole aim ap
pears to be to see that no one leaves with
any surplus cash. If they can prevent It.
Dinner and supper are served each day
and this feature of tile fair has been well
patronised. Each afternoon and evening
there Is a complete change of program and
last evening the entertainment consisted of
a pleasing pianola recital. The contests I
for the various prises offered are becoming
more keen each , day as the close, of the
fair approaches. ' A novel and popular feat
ure of the fair Is the dally "Catholic Fair
News" edited and published by Rev. , Father
Loftus, assistant pastor of the church.
The married wemen's booth is presided
over by Mrs. N. O'Brien, Mrs. C. E. Hath-
100 ! away, Mrs. Henry Scheldle, Mrs. D. J.
Harrington and Mrs. Frank Bailey, as
I slated by numerous , others. The choir
girls' booth Is In char go of Miss Lulu Tholl,
assisted by Miss Nona Wlckham, Miss
Florence Shea and Miss Agnes Wlckham.
The young women's booth Is presided
over by Miss Mary Paschal and Miss Mary
I miinen, assisted vj miss jnuiqueen, juiss
Wl:kham, Miss O'Donnell, Miss Nellie
Wlckham, Miss Ellen Organ, Miss Alios
Scahlll, Miss KaV Tholl and Miss Rltter.
Miss Margaret Taylor and Miss Kate
Oemer are In charge of the "Lemon Tree"
which Is heavily laden with golden fruit
numbered to correspond with various fancy
! and useful articles. Mrs. Bee be, assisted
by Mra Paul Schneider and Mrs. O. H.
Brown, are in charge of the dining room.
Farmers Just In Time to Save
Ills Life.
Pat Ryan, whose clothing, and the fact
that he had a husking peg in his pockets.
Indicate that he is a farm hand, wandered
out Into the Mosquito creek bottoms, south
of town, Wednesday night and went to
sleep In a hayrick, where he was found
yesterday morning by some farmers, al
most frozen stiff. The police were notified,
and Chief TIbbtts and Deputy Marshal
Lauch drove out to the place.
When- they arrived there the farmers
had wrapped Ryan up in horse blankets
and were endeavoring to thaw him out.
Ryan was brought to the city Jail, where
after several hours he came to sufficiently
to be able to tell his name. He said he
had been visiting In Omaha for a few days
and that his home was In Salisbury, Mo.
He came to the Bluffs on Wednesday after
noon and visited a number of saloons, but
was unable to state how he came to wan
der to the bottoms. An empty pint bottle,
which had csntalned whisky, and 38 In
cash were found on him.
His fingers were badly frozen, but his
feet, which were encased In heavy woolen
socks and felt boots, escaped. When he
had thoroughly thawed cut, Ryan was
locked up and a charge of drunk plaoed
against him.
liefer sells lumber. Catch the idea?
M. Comaatl fcUuOa,
Dinner for Legislators.
W, Brooks Reed assumed his position as
secretary of the Commercial club yester
day, His first work was to send out the
Invitations to about fifty members of the
state legislature from the western part of
the state to be the guests of the Commer
cial club at a banquet at the Orand hotel
on the evening of January 4. The dinner
will be served at t o'clock but It Is expected
that the visiting legislators will arrive ear
lier In the afternoon so that If the weather
Object to Dlteh Assessments, '
Judge Oreen In district court yesterday
granted George H. Mayne temporary In
junctions restraining County Auditor Innea
from entering on the tax books the assess
ments made against property owned by
himself and father, W. S. Mayne, for the
construction of the Pigeon Creek drainage
ditch. The county authorities are made
defendants In two separate suits.
W. 8. Mayne, who owns considerable
land In Garner and Carson townships, was
assessed something over ' 31,500, the com
missioners claiming that his property would
be benefited that amount by the construc
tion of the drainage ditch. This assess
ment, Mr. Mayne contends. Is wholly un
warranted, as his property Is located three
miles from the proposed ditch and cannot
possibly be benefited by it The further
claim Is made by Mr. Mayne that his land
at present has a sufficient and natural
drainage Into the Missouri river.
George II. Mayne was assessed 3375. The
proposed ditch will pass through his prop
erty, but he has not been awarded any
damages for the land which will be taken
In the construction of the ditch. Mr. Mayne
contends that his property will not be
benefited by the drainage ditch, but on the
contrary will be damaged by It as the
water course will cut off his road to Coun
cil Bluffs.
Something for Christmas
When you buy an Xinaa - Prest-jjf, buy oue
that will not only be beautiful, but useful as well.
We have a fine line of BILVEHWAHE. KNIVES,
Tel. 347. 336-338 Broadway.
lUftf f f Tf'TtTf Tilt TW1 1Hlfl1HIII)OTMill
Belt Lino Lays Over.
Malcolm Oreen, who is promoting the
Interurban Terminal and Belt line, will
leave for the east today and nothing fur
ther In the matter of ordinance granting the
company a franchise will bo done during
his absence, as several of the aldermen
are out of the city. On Mr. Green's re
turn to Council Bluffs In about a week the
ordinance will again be taken up at a
meeting of the committee, when It Is un
derstood It will be referred to a special ,
committee. This special committee will be
asked to report on the ordinance at the
meeting of the city council Monday, De
cember 21.
There has been a misunderstanding as
to the location of the general offices of the
Council Bluffs, Tabor & Southern Electrlo
Railway company. They will be established
at Tabor and not In Council Bluffs, as was
generally supposed. Poeslb'.y a temporary
office may be established In this city about
January 1. In the event of the Belt Line
company securing a franchise, its general
offices, Mr. Oreen stated yesterday, would
naturally be located In this city.
Several Railroads and Western Car
Service association the
Board of Education to Be Asked to
Pay for Articles Stolen from Cloak
Room of West Des Molaes
High School. '
(From a 8taff Correspondent)
DES MOINES, Dec., 10. (Special.) The
State Board of Agriculture today adopted
the recommendation of a special committee
on food adulteration, composed of ex-Governor
8. B. Packard and M. J. Wragg,
which included the draft of a bill that will
be pushed before the legislature next win
ter. The committee had been Instructed a
year ago to make an exhaustive report and
Investigation, and reported that there Is
great need for some law In Iowa that will
reach the matter of adulterations.
The bill creates the office, of state dairy
and food commissioner, and he succeeds
to all the duties and compensations now
pertaining to the dairy commissioner.
With the approval of the executive council
he may appoint assistants Who shall re
ceive 33 a day and expenses, and 3300 a
year Is added ta the present salary of the
dairy commissioner. An official chemist Is
to be appointed at $1,300 a year and lab
oratory and apparatus shall be furnished
him. The commissioner shall make rules
for carrying out this act and procure sam
ples of food offered for sale for examina
tion by the chemist. The certificate of the
chemist as to the contents of a substance
shall be prima facie evidence. The com
missioner shall have the facta certified to
any county attorney, who shall proceed to
orosccute for violations. The essential
c'auae of the bill Is:
No person by himself, his servant or
ri.nt nr as the servant or agent of any
other person, shall manufacture or Intro
duce into the state, or solicit or take op
ders for delivery, or sell, exchange, deliver
or have in his possession with intent to
sell, exchange, expose or offer for sale
or exchange any article of food which la
adulterated or mlsDranaea wunin me mw
Ins of this act. .
Hits the Original Vendor.
The part of the bill that Is, new and
somewhat novel and which It Is believed
will draw to the bill many supporters Is.
In the phrase "or solicit or take orders for
delivery," which will fasten the responsi
bility upon the agent who goes about dis
posing of goods that are not right. The
chief objection of the retail grocers of the
state has been that the penalties have ap
plied to the seller only, since the manu
facturer. If he lives in another state, can
not be reached. The word "food" Is de
fined In the bill to Include all articles used
as food, drink, confectionery or condiment
by men or domestic animals. "Misbranded
signifies bearing false statement as to in
gredlents, substances or quantity contained
In package offered for sale, or false state
ment as to the state or country where man
u fact u red or produced. The ' '. m of
"adulteration- Is Identical-with that given
In the Hepburn bill pending In congress.
No dealer Is to be proeeouted If he has a
written guaranty signed toy the wholesale
salesman, Jobber or manufacturer, pro
vided the guarantor' resides in this state,
lThe penalties . are theft i.'jU , be applied to
the' guarantor. The , eommlssloner may
cause mixed or compound goods to be
branded. He may compel a dealer to sell
to him. but the dealer may also require
that the sample be divided into three parts,
one for the commissioner, one for the
county attorney and one for himself, for
comparison. Violation of the law Is to be
a misdemeanor punishable with a fine of
not to exceed 3500 or slg months In Jail
and a second offense Is to be punished with
Imprisonment not less than sixty days nor
more than a year and the fine may be
The bill and the report will go before
the next legislature and the State ' Board
of Agriculture will send a lobby to work
for the, same. It Is regarded as the most
complete bill ever prepared for this pur
State Fair Next Year
The St&te Agricultural board this morn
ing proceeded to organise by the re-eleo-tlon
of the old officers, after which the
matter of having a state fair In Iowa In
1901 was taken up. There had been some
doubt In the minds of igm of the direc
tors as to whether or not there should be
a state fair in view of the nearness of
Des Moines to St. Louis and the fear that
the fair would not be sufficiently patron
Ised to make It pay. Secretary Simpson,
however, had been forehanded In the mat
ter and had written to nearly all the
leading exhibitors, especially of live stock,
asking them to stats positively whether
or not they would exhibit at the fair. He
had 100 letters from these exhibitors and
all but eleven of them stated positively
that they would exhibit and that they
desired to come again to a state fair,
despite the St. Louis exposition. This was
regarded as conclusive of the matter and
the board voted unanimously that a state
fair should be held next year and the datea
as fixed at the association of fairs were
adopted. The fair will begin August 19,
The fair board also named superintend'
ents of the departments and went to work
on revision of the premium lists, -
The State Horticultural society closed its
program today after heating many report
and having a number of papers. Awards
were made on the apple exhibit.
Sensations at a Hlab School.
The faculty of the West Des Moines
High school is preparing to present a bill
to the school board for a considerable
sum on account of articles stolen from the
cloak rooms In ths past few months. Com
plaints have been common of thefts' from
the high school and many pupils have
suffered. Last week there was taken from
the overcoat of one boy a pair of opera
glasses that cost "C6,- and other valuable
articles. Investigation was made, but
Mrs. I.ydia Whltaker, a widow, claiming
to be a graduate of the State Normal
school, was found by the police today to
be engaged In working at teaming - and
dressed as a man. She tells a story of
hardship, and that she had at one time
been In the state reform school, but some
time ago came here and found her grand
father In poverty. There was nothing for
her to do, but he hnd a team of horses and
wagon she could use, and she donned
male attire and has worked outdoors ever
since. She hauls coal and garbiige, and
ves with her grandfather In a hovel near
the packing houses. The police will In-
Revise College Estimates.
The legislative committee of the Iowa
State college at Ames held a session here
and revised the estimates on the cost of
buildings required and other, matters be
fore presenting the same to the legisla
ture. The committee went over the fig
ures, and made a number of changes, re
ducing the amounts to be asked of the
Optimistic on Prohibition.
O. W. Stewart of Chicago, chairman of
the national prohibition committee. Is at
tending a meeting of the state central
committee here today. Stewart says there
never was a brighter prospect for the pro
hibition party. He declared money for
campaign expenses was coming In plenti
fully, and that gains were made last year,
and that the next presidential election
would see a gain of 100 per cent la the no
tional prohibition vote,
Does This Suit You?
Elgin or Waltham Watch in A ryr
a nickel screw case for . . frt-c O
All other' makes and grades accordingly low.
We hava a neat and good asKvrtn .;!. f Novelties and fine Jewelry for
Ximtv '
Don't 'all to call on us and get our prices. You will be repaid.
Telephone L620. 203 Main Street.
SIOUX CITT, la., Dec. 10. Speeial Tele
gram.) The Mystic Milling company has
served notice of suits for 3130.000 against
the Western Car Service association and
A. C. Jones of Omaha, general manager
of the association; the Illinois Central, Mll
' waukee. Northwestern, St. Paul and Omaha
, railroads. The Western Car Service asso
ciation claims ths milling company owes
demurrage. The association has ordered
the railroads to refuse to switch ths mill
ing company's cars. The company has
shut down Its Leeds plant as a result of
the order and has begun damage actions.
Moat Retire Early.
FT. DODGE, la., Dec. 10. (Special.) An
ordinance has been, passed requiring peo
ple to keep off the streets after 11 p. m.,
unless they can give a good excuse, and
the polios hava been Instructed to enforce
It. It Is hoped by this means to hold the
thieves and tough element In check. .
Tue tla-aal Distress
Whites of eyes and skin yellow show
Uvea- trouble and Jaundice. Dr. King's New
Life Pills cure or no pay. Only 36c. For
aalo by Kuha On, ,
nothing developed and finally the prtncl
pal offered a reward of 310 for the re
covery of the articles or 116 for Informa
tion leading to the conviction of the thief.
The next' morning the glassee were found
at the door of the boy's home, with a note
warning him that he should withdraw the
reward offered for the arrest of the, thief.
This has not been dons. Now the school
faculty Is collecting statistics showing the
amount of losses from the cloak room and
will present a bill to the school board and
demand that It be paid unless lockers
ase constructed for the cloak rooms.
Retlelaa- the Rates.
The State Railroad commissioners are en
gaged In revision of the rates and class!
flcatlon.of freights, the principal articles
on which action Is desired being refined oil
In barrels, mattresses, spring beds, pas
teurisers, beans In bags, starch refuse.
hay stackers and sweep rakes and manure
spreaders. Ths commissioners also took
up a number of matters relating to
changes In rules. No general revision of
the Iowa classification was attempted, but
that will be done later.
Oovernor Cummins was called home
from Boston today by the serious tlloasa
of his soother. She resides hers, not far
where the governor Uvea, and Is about
Scrofula manifests itself in many ways. Swelling of the glands of the
neck and throat, Catarrh, weak eyes, white swelling, offensive sores and
abscesses, skin eruptions, loss of strength and weakness in muscles and joints.
It is a miserable disease and traceable in almost every instance to some
family blood taint. Scrofula is bred in the bone, is transmitted from parent
to child, the seeds are
planted in infancy and
unless the blood is purged
and purified and every
atom of, the taint removed
Scrofula is sure to develop
at some period in your life.
No remedy equals S.
S. S. as a cure for Scrof
ula. It cleanses and builds
up the deteriorated blood.
makes it rich and pure and under the tonic effects of this great Blood Remedy,
the general health improves, the digestive organs are
strengthened, and there is a gradual but sure return
to health. The deposit of tubercular matter in the
joints and glands is carried off as soon as the blood
s restored to a normal condition, and the sores, erup
tions, and other symptoms of Scrofula disappear.
S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and harmless ideal blood
purifier and tonic that removes all blood taint and builds up weak constitutions.
Our physicians will advise without charge, alt who write us about their
case. Book mailed free. '
Scrofula appeared on the head of my
little grandchild when only 18 months
old, and apread rapidly over her body.
The disease next attacked the eyes and
we feared she would loee her eight. Em
inent physicians were consulted, but
could do nothing to relieve the little In
nooent. It was then that we decided to
try S. S. S. That medietas at onoe made
a speedy and oomplete cure. She le now ,
a young lady, and has never had a sign
or the aiseasn to return.
160 South 6th Street.- Salina, Kan.
Extra Iowans Propose to Find Out
Who Fastened Strap on
Richard Robaon.
EXIRA, la., Dec. 10. Much excitement
prevails here as a result of the, finding of
the body of Richard Robson, the 18-year-old
son of Joseph Robson of Center township.
The boy disappeared a month ago and
nothing more was known of him until
Fred Kline, a young farmer, while out
hunting this week, stumbled over the body.
Four weeks ago Dick Robson took a
team and went to the field to husk corn.
Borne hours later the team with which he
went out came to the barnyard without
an attendant and with the lines fastened
on the side of the wagon, . much as
they are usually fastened by corn huskers,
A search for the young man proved fruit
less and It was supposed he had tired of
home life and had gone out to see some
of the world.
The finding of the body and the further
fact that tied around his neck was a
leather strap such as Is used for a hitch
rein and that there were no marks of
violence on the body lead the authorities
to bellove that there was foul p'ay and
Coroner Clyde Baker has ordered an in
There Is something nf
nected with this family. Some years ago
the elder Robson lost his wife and later
married a woman from an eastern state.
It Is said,' after a correspondence started
through a matrimonial paper. A couple
of years ago this wife secured a divorce
and considerable money. Much hard
feeling wtaa caused. by the divorce pro
ceeding, i Early last spring an older
brother of the boy whose body was found
today died after a short Illness. Tonirht
It Is said there was something mysterious
about his death and that his body may
be exiiumed-. Parties in charge of -the
case intimate that there may be a big
sensation, but further than that refuse to
6 Your
The average por
to think what the
day between Cht
cisco means to the
pie of America;
time and money,
son may not stop
saving of a whole
oago and San Fran.
busy, bustling peo
but It means both
and who Is there
who would not do his best to win out on both propo-
Biuons. ido roiiowing neeas no comment;
Vis Omaha, the Union PacKlo It
204 mHes shorter to 8 alt Lake City,
278 miles shorter to San Franoleoo,
278 miles shorter to Los Angeles,
358 miles shorter to Portland,
12 hours quloker to Salt Lake City,
18 hours quloker to San Franolsoo,
18 hours quicker to Los Angeles,
18 hours quloker to Portland
than any other line.
Full information cheerfully farnlihed on application to
Rtlllet Appeal la Heard.
ST, LOUIS, Mo., Dee. lO.-Argum'ents
have been concluded In the United States
court of . appeals In the case of Letsen
Balllot, (flalntlff In error, against the
United States court for the southern dls- i
trlct of Iowa, where Balllet was convicted
on the charge of using the United States
malls in promoting mining frauds. Judges
Sanborn, Thayer and Hook, before whom
the case was argued, have taken the decis
ion under advisement.
Will Hot Adjonrn, However, 1'ntll
After Governor Signs Bills
HELENA, Mont, Dec. 10. The legis
lature virtually finished its work this after
noon, though It will not adjourn until to
morrow. Up to this evening the governor
had signed three of the judicial bills. In
cluding the change of venue, 'disqualifica
tion of Judges and giving the supreme
court power to review the facts in equity
The Meyer bill, providing for the pay
ment of costs In change of venue cases, la
still to be engrossed. The governor sent
a message to the house approving the
Judicial bills that had reached him and
saying he would approve all the bills yet
to come to him. The session will probably
end at noon tomorrow.
The Chief of Healers.
Old Sores, Ulcers. Plies, Fistula and Uko
stubborn maladies soon yield to Bucklcn's
Arnica Salve or no pay, 25c. For sals by
Kuhn A Co.
The Bee Building
Is conducted for the well being and com
fort cf Its tenants. It is constantly un
der the watchful care of an able super
intendent If you want an office In a
building where things are done before
It Is necessary to complain one that is
kept constantly In repair you know
where to move.
SUITB 322 This suite of offices consists
of a walilng room and a large private
office. It faces the broad corridor around
the beautiful court of the building and has
a north light, which Is so sought after by
dentists and physicians. The private otnee
can bo divided, if desired, to accomodate
two professional men, instead of one.
Rental price per month $45.00
ROOM 300 This office Is Immediately In
front of the elevator and Is seen Immedi
ately on stepping out of the elevator.
It is a large, handsome office, faces ths '
south and la considered one of the most
desirable offices in the building. A private
office will be partitioned to suit the ten
ant, If desired. This oltlce will be vacated
for occupancy January 1st. Frloe per
month 3 7. SO
SUITS 306 This Is the only large suite
In the building vacant. It laces Varna m
street and Is as handsome a suite as there
Is In the building. The suite conalsts of
a waiting room and two private offices,
so that It would be admirably suited for
v wo professional men. There is a large
burglar-proof vault. This Is a most desir
able suit of offices In every respect. Rental
price per month SSO.OO
CO Rental A sent s.
Ground Floor,
The Bes Bnlldlng.
wm rsn! rrsfi tzA 1M s w
te m -pm kAm) ) au Jpb mm