TITE OMAITA' DAILY DEE: FRIDAY. DECEMnEK 11. 1003. 3 A si EES MAY ALL BE ILLEGAL Eight of Treamwi to Take Toll from , Bcbool Fund it Qntictid SUPREET COURT PASSES ON QUESTION State Trruirrr ! Call . for He temptloa f Klae-tr Thoaaa DoU Uri ( OKiUndiat Otitnl .. 1 . .. ri Warraat. (From a Staff Corespondent.) LIKCOUN, Dec. JO. (Special.) While th attorney general la preparing his opinion In the matter of the, constitutionality of the practice of county treasurer ito de uet H,pr cent of the .proceed derived from the aale and leas of achool land and remitting the remainder to the atate treasurer, the question haa come up by what authority do , thoy deduct their 1 per cent ft thl work or secure 1 per cent fee from any fund. Years ago It was customary for the legislature to appropri ate money to pay the tern of county "treasure re and warrant' were drawn for that purpose by the auditor. In recent years the. appropriation were cut off, since which time . the deduction began. From a reading of the statute and opin ions in uch rase U I argued that there la no authority ' for the county treasurers receiving the i per" cent. ' Section 20, chapter xvill, says: ' , - - ' Each coumy treasurer hall receive for bis services the following fees: On all moneys coliect.nl by him and on poll tax ana roaa receipts received Dy mm in lieu of cash for each fiscal year, under M.I1U0. 10 per cent; fur all- sums over $6,000 and unaer IIO.wu, per. Cent; on. all sums over Hi'.oofl, 2 per cent. (In all sums collected percentage shall be allowed but once, and in computing the amount collected for the purpose ,of charainK Dercentaae. all umi, ttom whatever lund deriveu, shall be Included together, except the school fund. The treaxurcr shall be raid In the name pro, .rata, from the-respective funds I of the state collected by him, whether the same no In money or state warrants. All fees on Collections of county funds shall De aeouciea rrom tne cot'.-.ty general lunu On school moneys by him collected, he shall receive a commission of but 1 per cent and in nil cases wuere persons out side of the tttate apply to the treasurer to pay taxes, the treasurer Is authorized to charge a fee of $1 for ' each tax receipt sent to him by such persona. In a case based on thla section (Taylor Vs. Kearney Co., 35 Id., 81), It Is held "Moneys collected by blm refer solely to taxes collected." No Mention of Fees. (Section S, chapter lxxx. County Treasurer '-Books Payments.) The. Board of Educational Lands and Funds shall furnish to the respective con nit y treasurers su 'h books, records and Infor mation- as are necossary to conduct the school ' land buslneHS of their respective counties. It shall be the duty of the county- treasurer to thereafter enter In said records the school land transactions in his county, and to use due diligence to collect all money by his books or the rec ords of the commissioner of public lands and buildings found to be due, and to re ceive payments upon the educational lands as herein provided, and deliver to the payor his receipt therefore, -aim 10 me rominit Inna, nf mihllo unAm And hullllinn a dU plicate of said receipt, which, If found "cor rect by said commissioner, shall be entered upon hla records and file with the auditor of publio accounts; and said auditor shall charge such county treasurer with the amount of money received as principal and Interest, senaratelv. And all moneys so received "hall be paid by th offlcera re celvtnur . the. same to -the atate treasurer, stweifvina i whether said money Is from school, normal school, unl u.nliv :.f narriciilturel oolleae lands, and such money shall be held for the principal of the funds derived from these lands, or fmm tha itfinnonmr fund belonging thereto, as the- case may be. Upon the payment by said county treasurer or saia money to the state treasurer, and presen tation of the state treasurer's receipt to the auditor of public aooounta, he shall rmrilt said county -treasurer, with the . Btnn vf thn Mama?' - "a. It la geneVally1 understood that the county treasurers claim their right to make the deductions from the ' first section quoted, but in the opinion cited the supreme court holds different. The Question haa created considerable' comment around , tha state house and 'many - suggestions have been made for a recovery of tha shortage to the nermanent school fund, should tha practice be held to be' unconstitutional. One officer." suggested .-that sthe legislature could authorise the auditor to draw a war rant' for the amount on the general fund, to be paid Into the permanent achool fund. Just ilke It did when the Bartley matter came, in which Auditor Moore drew the warrant. Senator Millard's bank cashed It and JBartlsy served' a term in tha pcnlten tlary for appropriating tha proceed , Calls im Warraat. ' Stat Treasurer Mortenaen baa Issued two calls, for general fund, warrants for the month . of .December. . One for MO.000 num bered from 82.M0 to 13.188, maturing De cember 16 and a second for 160,000 maturing December U. In all probability) another call will be made before' tha end of th month.' . 1 - ' ' A large part of the receipt of money during thla month la due to th new rev nu law which make personal taxes pay able on December I lnatead of February, aa It was under tha old law. From th returns received from the various eouuty treasurers It la evident that th new law la being observed generally notwlthstand tilat Ita fat Is still In tha hands of th su pram court. At a meeting of th city Improvement so ciety this morning a paper waa read eon- dentnlar th - practice ef throwing ' hand bill upon th streets, giving the town a most untidy- appearance, . It was suggested that a tan-Jin advertisement In a new paper would do a merchant more good than all of .'the hand bills that could be acat- Of2555?3? ; Have a slice? Want soma of the choicest "cuts" we're cut ting la price during thla FU Stock Redrxlag 5a In Backward, warm fall haa inade some of our choicest fabrics, bashful. We're cuttlug out their baahfulnesa by cutting off a .targe hunk ot their original prices thua: 30 Bulls aud Overcoats, tailor uiado. fur $25. , 15 and 28 Suits and Overcoats, UiUor made, for $20. tl aud 7 Trousers, tailor made, for $5. 12 Trousers, . t a 1 1 o r made, for $!. . MacCarthy Tailoring Company, J04-JO4 A lets. c ' Next door to Wsbasa TJcatt Office. boa 1104. lered around. A report of the work of the society during the last two year will toon be printed and ready for distribution. Oae feat Eactt for Rats. Out at th State Industrial school at Kearney they evidently bad a rat-kllllng time thla month, according to the report of Superintendent Hay ward just filed with the secretary of atate. In the disburse ment column there Is an Item allowing Herbert Mills lid for killing 103 rata. Juat how tha murders war committed th re port doea not ray, but it waa evidently a rapid process. Tha total enrollment at th school during the month was Its, of which 136 were In attendance at the end of tha month. Five boys were received at tha In stitution and two were paroled since tha last report. Contractor Oete Pay. Treasurer Mortenaen naa Anally with drawn his objections to tha payment of a bill for tl.777.TO to W. A. Bailey for work done at the Grand Island Soldiers' horn and tha claim haa been allowed by tha Board of Public Lands and Buildings. At a meeting of tha board tha day previous Mr. Bailey waa released from a contract to do some painting at the Mllford home. State ments were filed to show Mr. Mortenaen that the work had been well dona. -Hall Aajalaat Reveaae Law. Senator Hall, who helped to represent Douglaa county In tha lata legislature and who voted for the revenue law enacted by that body, today filed a brief In tha supreme court to assist In knocking out the law. Mr. Hall holds that tha insurance sections are bad because they discriminate. . .. . R. H. Fierier, a night watchman employed to protect and watch tha property of others ln a block In this city. Is now behind the bara at the city jail, charged with petit larceny. Fisher was caught In the act of eteallng a morning newspaper from the porch of one of tha houaea which he watched. For some time the subscriber hod been missing his paper and at last re ported to the police. Officer Codle watched the watchman and the house. He watched the watchman watch the newsboy place the paper on tha porch and then he watched the watchman grab the paper and begin to watch th house. Then Cod! arrested him. DEAN EDGREN DIES IN SWEDEN University Professor, for Maay Tear 1st Lincoln, Goes to His Boat. , t LINCOLN. Deo. 10. Word was received In Lincoln today 'of the death of Dean A. H. Edgren of the University of 8todkholm, Sweden. For many years he was dean of the graduate school of the University of Nebraska and held s chair of languages. He wns the author of several textbooks. Prof. Edgren was on of th most dis tinguished members of tha faculty that ever served the university. He wss highly regarded by hi associates for' his deep learning and loved by th entire school for hi manjr trllng qualities. A man of great attainments, he had a world-wide reputation aa a linguist and aa a Sanscrit scholar. His work at th unl. versity waa of th highest order, and he has left th Impress of his personality on tha students who graduated from the In stitution, wb.il he occupied on of th chairs, which will live many years. A member of th faculty said today that no eulogy of Prof. Edgren could be mad too strong, for the. dead educator deserved very word of commendation that might be passed upon his standing as a man and as a teacher. . Bealdes being distinguished aa a linguist, Prof. Edgren was th author of a number of school works which1 have' had a wide sal and have brought him fame beyond his reputation as an educator. The best Spanish and Italian grammar extant war written by him and he ha written a numr ber of scientific papers. He waa an ad mirer of the poet Longfellow, and trans lated his works into the Swedish language for th benefit of his countrymen, consid ering It a labor of love. Two year ago, to the i great regret of the chancellor and faeulty, w,ho wef loath to lose hi great services, Prof. Edgren resigned and accepted a position aa crltle and Judge In the Nobel Institute at Stock holm, Sweden. The offer waa a flattering one. and th wife of tha professor, desiring to live one more In that country, did much to influence him to sever th relations of years with th stat university. The position was on of th greatest re sponsibility, and it was a Tar tribute to the ability of th . Nebraska man as holar and critic. Th literary produc tion of the world were to pas through his hands, from th greatest pens In tha universe, and to his judgment' and ntc discernment was left th final decision. Notable Mnaonlo Gathering. OAKLAND, Neb., Dec 10. (Special.) Th meeting last night of Oakland lodge No. U, Ancient Ftoa and Accepted Masons, marked on of tb moat notable occasion of th Oakland lodtfe. Seldom will you witness ' such a gs.therlng of' notable Masons. Among those present were R. E. French, grand custodian of Nebraska; Judge Evans of Dakota City, past grand master: Judge Hop well, grand senior war den of Nebraska; Jess Gidley of Cedar Bluffs, grand worthy patron of th Order of th Eastern Star, and " many other notable Mason from Pender, Lyons, Teka mah, Wayne, Craig, etc. In all alxteen lodge and three different atate were rep resented, th. grand custodian Illustrated th lecture with magnlfisent 'stereopticon views. After the completion tof the work a banquet was served. Th nw and finely furnished lodge rooms of th Masonle order appeared at their beat In th brilliant light Each on present spoke with enthusiasm of th splendid appointments and the elegant furnishings and arrangement of the new rooms. Th grand custodian, Mr. French, will .hold a school for Instruction for the next three days. Time to Take n Rear. DAVID CITT, Neb.. Dec, 10. (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. Tennis Hookstra will oele- brat their eighty-first birthday next week. Mr. Hookstra'a. birthday comes Sunday, December 13, and his wife's Wednesday, December 14. Some tlmo ago they divided up. (46,000 between their three children. John and Henry Hookstra. and Mrs. John Vandermeulen, so as not to be bothered with th care of It, but retaining plenty for their own use. After living In the old horn for thirty-etghtyears. they moved last week, so as to be nearer Henry, one of th sons. Mr. and Mrs. Hookstra hav lived a good. Industrious life and surely have a right to enjoy th fruits of their energy and thrift. Roy May Lose an Ey. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Dec. 10.-(8peclal.) The 4-year-old sun of Mr. and Mr. Eb errole met with an accident while playing with a pitchfork with several other boys. On of th boy was striking the prongs of th fork and th other were listening to the sound thus made, when the fork dropped and one ot the tines struck David's eye. The boy was taken to Omaha and placed under the oar of Dr. Clifford, but It Is feared that the sight of the member has been permanently Impaired. Haas Asks Dlvoreo. NEBRASKA CITT, Neb.. Dec. 10. (Spe cial.) E. R. Haas, former county clerk of Otoe county and now a resident of Syra cuse, today filed suit for divorce from his wit. Eertha J. Hta. ARRESf BLAIR'S HIRED MAN Alle.e'd lit ii ths Cm Wh Eeall Ab ducted Bnelah Thomas. BLAIR WAS AT CHURCH THAT EVENING Wonder Row la How Girl Could Have ' Boon Conconloel SO Long It th Honao Wlthont Being , Discovered. YORK, Neb., Dec. 10.-(Speclal.) Lewie Bice, a young man employed by John Blair aa hired man, waa arreated thla morning and placed In Jail. Offlcera with a .war rant charging Blca with attempting to in terfere with the administration of Justice by hiding and secreting Beulah Thomas, arrested We at the Blair home and brougnt him to York, where County Judge Taylor placed him under $600 bonds, which a ere soon furnished by Bice's mother, who lives In ArborvllI township and owns real es tate there. i The report Is that on Sunday night, No vember 13, Lewis Bice drove near a bridge or creamery near the Thomas home end tied his team, walking to the Thomas house, where h I said to have found Miss Thomas a she stepped out of the house, and she either Voluntarily accompanied him to where the leam was, or he by force tcok her to the team, and they then drove to Blair's house, where Miss Thomas Is now supposed to have been secreted all the time up to last Monday night, when ccunty officers arrested Blair on the same charge and when searching the house found Miss Thomas. ' The strangest part of all Is how Kiss Thomas could have all this time' been at Blair's house and no one discovered It, or -any Information leaked out. Blair has three daughters attending school who never told, and a part of the. time Blalr'a house vas watched, as the father of Miss Thomas ac cused Blair of having abducted hla daugh ter or being Instrumental In kidnaping her. On the eventful Sunday night John Blair, who Is said to not be a regular church at tendant, was one of the first to enter the church at Arborvllle, and aa tha abduction of Miss Thomas occurred at church time susnMon was not directed so strongly against Blair, .who was known by a large number to have been at church at th tlm of the abduction. ' Those who censure snd condemn Blair say that this was a scheme of Blair's to go to church, so that he would not be sus pected as having, a part In tha dlsappe.r- anee of Mres Thomas, and it did have much to do with quieting public opinion. Bice' trial will take place In sixty days, Blalr'a trial may commence this week. SUPERVISORS? . FMISH . WORK Committee to Have Bills Desired Ready for Heat Session of th Legislature. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec. 10.-(Spe- clal.) Tha Commissioners and Supervisors association" convened this morning at 10 o'clock and ' completed Its business before noon. Chairman Wetton of the legislative com mute announced the appointment of the following a the executibe committee: Wal ton, Lancaster; Falter, Cass; Oreenwalt, Custer; Gallagher, Hull; Crosier, Polk; Mo Cord, Jefferson, and Winter of Madison. It was ordered that this committee have Its bill prepared by November 1 and tiiat a copy b sent to th board of every county n th stat and that th bills also be read at th next annual meeting of the1 asso ciation to be held at Lincoln, early during th legislative session. The following resolution was adopted by a rising vote: Resolved, That we, the members of the Commissioner and Supervisors association of the state of Nebraska, extend our most hearty thanks to the people of Grand Island- for their cordial welcome and their courteous treatment during the entire con vention and especially to the members of the Hull county board of supervisors for the royal entertainment given ua and their Untiring efforts toward making this con vention on of the most profitable and pleasant yet held by this association. The secretary was ordered to ' have 200 copies of th revised by law printed. :t waa also ordered that an ordor of busi ness be adopted for future conventions. On motion the chairman appointed Newton of Lancaster, Gallagher of Hall and Winter of Madison as a committee to formulate a program for the next convention. Th convention hereupon adjourned. Surveying I'alon Paelne Cnt-Off. PAPILLION, Neb., Deo. 10. (Special. )-r A gang of Union Pacific surveyors hav been at work northwest of Papllllon making a survey for. a cut-off which It is alleged will shorten th road between Omaha and Millard by about eight miles. At present the, Union Pacific makes a long detour through South Omaha and all the way to Millard, but should the cut-off be built as contemplated they will branch off from their present line about a mile, from the Union stattori at Omaha, take a direct westerly" course and again Join the main track at a point ona mile east or Ml Hard, This will leave the towns of South Omaha, Avery, Gllmor and Papllllon off th main Una, but It Is stated that the company will not abandon the line through these places but will run local trains over the roste now In vogue sufficient to take care of th business from these points, it is asserted by those In authority that the manage ment of the Union Pacific haa not aa yet fully decided to construct thla line, but their Intention la to make a complete sur vey' In order to arrive at an approximate cost of reducing grades, bridging, filling In and other necossary work. Signal Corps 1 Interested., FREMONT, Neb., Dec W. (Special.) Th signal corps bf ths Nebraska Na ttonal Guard Is somewhat Interested in th grand Jury Investigation of General Colby's transaction In tha adjutant gen eral's office on 'account of a ISO item for armory rent which it never received. The corps wa mustered Into service in March .1903, snd was supposed to receive money for armory rent from that time. In Feb ruary, 19(0, It received from the adjutant general's office ISO to apply on rent for the present year and was' Informed by General Culver that there was no money on hand to pay bark rent. In spite of the fact that the legislature of 1901 appropri ated money for that purpose. Janitor Ha n Clos Call. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Dec. 10. (Spe clal.) About I oVIock this morning Jsnt- tor Bade, of the court house, who sleeps In ths county treasurer's office, awoke with that stuffy feeling. He didn't rea Us at first whether there wa a fir or what was th mailer. .He Is a light, sleeper and having th Impression that something was wrong. Immediately got up and began to Investigate. - It was found that the high wind that had come up during the night was blowing down the chimney, part of th amok pipe above the building having bet-n broken off and the wind, blow big from the roof down the pipe, tiling the room with coal gas. Presbvterlaa Have Prospered. BEATRICE. Neb.. Ic. 10. (8pclal Th annual congrecstlonal mealing of the First Frsbytlan ehure-h raa hel4 last nltht. Th report submitted show an ad. vaaccmtnt Is all dpartmnla of U church during the psst year, the Increase In membership being seventy. Officers were elected as follows: H. L. Warner, J. T. Dickinson snd S. P. Letter, elders J. R. Splcer. William A. Wolfe, J. A. MeCaUum, O. W. Warner, trustees? Mesdames F. E. Kimball, F. 1L Howey, F. N. Prophet, music committee. FORMER NEBRASKAN CONVICTED f- W. W. Montgomery Gallty of Mis slnnghter In Killing of an Oklahoma Jailer. GUTHRIE, OkL. Dec 10. (Special Tel, gram.) The Jury in the trial of Charloa A. Thorn alias W. W. Montgomery, accused of the murder of J. L. Emerson, Jailer1 of the Logan county Jail, here. May 14 last, re turned a verdict today after being out twelve hours, finding Thorn guilty of man Slaughter In the first degree. Thorn waa ar rested In Oklahoma City In April and brought here, to answer to the charge of bigamy. In a Jail break May It he escaped, kjlllng the Jailer and was caught four days later. He formerly resided at Beatrice. Neb., at which place he wa married. He Is also said to have been married In Rlnux City, la., Chicago, 111., and Seward, Okl. At the preliminary heating here In July he was defended by Attorney L. W. Colby of Beatrice. Neb., and Judge A. II. Houston of this city. His mother resides at Blu Springs. Neb. . ' . . , MOTHER AND CHILD BURNED Woman Dies from Injuries and Rn Hope for Recovery of .Child. ' - NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Dee. 10.-(Spe-clal Telegram.) Mrs. Daisy Trulllnger was fatally burned here today, dying from the effects f the injuries received late this afternoon. Mrs. Trulllnger was trying to kindle a fire with kerosene and the can exploded, throwing oil over the room and setting fire to her garments. Her Infant child was in the room and the woman was suffocated with ' fire and smoke In trying to carry It from the house. Oeorge In gram first saw the fire and rescued the woman and child from the, building. The woman was frightfully burned, scarcely any clothes remaining on her person, and she died at a late hour today. It (is not thought possible th child can live. Fights Peddler Lteeaso.v FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 10. (Special.) The police arrested a man who gave his name as W. L. Laferty, residence Kan sas City, onthe charge of peddling with out a license. Laferty represents a Kan sas City Instalment house and carries a large quantity of rugs, clocks, etc. He sent to Kansas City for an attorney to de fend him and claim that tha house will carry the case to tha. United Btatea su preme court. Rod Men Elect Officers. BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 10. (Special.) Otoe tribe No. 18, Improved Order of Red Men met last night and elected the follow ing officers: Theodore Leech, prophet; L H. Millen, sachem; A. C. Bradley, senior sachem; J. H. Martin, Junior sachem; Martin Schldlowskl, keeper of wampum; R. B. Appleget, chief of records; Theodora Leech, C. A. Osborne, Martin Schldlowskl, trustees. MeCook Boy a Hold 'for Robbery. McCOOK, Neb., Dec. 10. (Special.) Two misguided young men, Harry Walters knd John Hawkins of 'this 'city, now repose In the county Jail aflndlanola for having renevea i nomas nuirnner or Perry of 1170 a few days since.' They were apprehended at Culbertson and bound over to the March term of the district court Walters is held under $800. bond as principal and Hawkins under MOO as accessory. , . Scarcity o( Coal.. HARVARD, Neb.. Dec. 10. (Special.) Cold Weather and a scarcity of the best grade of Colorado and Wyoming coal, Is the condition Harvard finds Itself In. Corn gathering Is still going on though many have finished while others are hurrying their gathering a fast as possible that they may be through before heavy storms coi n a Otoo Cosstr Carriers Confer. NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., Dec. 10. (Spe- clal.H-The Otoe county Rural Carriers' as. soclatlon met at th government building in this city. Several members from other towns in the county wer present snd two new carriers Joined the association, The numerous bills before -congress con cerning th carriers and the good roada bJUs were discussed at the meeting. ' Visit th Fatherland. . BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 10. (Special.) CarrBchuls, connected with the Beatrice Brick works, departed today for Germany to Join Robert Klose, president of the concern, who has been visiting there for the past few months. The two will travel extensively through Europe and will not return to this country until lata In th spring, I Kalarhts Templar Banquet. BEATRICE, Neb., Deo. 10. (Special. ) Mt, Hermon eommandery, Knlelits Temp lar, held a largely attended meeting last night, which was addressed by Orand Commander Fred Vaughn. Initiatory serv ices wcio held, after which a banquet was given by the lr.-al lodge. Quite a number ot visitor a were present from Wymor and Blue Springs. . Thirty Days for Theft. BEATRICE. 'Neb., Dec. W.-(Speclal) The young man who gave the nam of Mark Bly and who was arrested on a charge of stealing an overcoat from -J. B. Fulton, was sentenced to thirty days in th county Jail yesterday. He claimed Kearney a his horns. Roy Declared laaaae. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Doc. 10.-(8peclal.) The Cass county Board of Insanity has examined a 17-year-old boy named Joseph Hhoden st Greenwood and pronounced him a fit subject for the asylum for Insane, to which place Sheriff J. D. McBrlde accom panied him. y Take, cold easily? Throat tender? Lungs weak? -Aiiy relatives have consumption? Then a cough means a great deal to tyou. Your doctor will tell you to take the medicine that has been healing weak lungs for sixty years. He knows. Do U.... ft.M. auaracstow. lam RETURNS TWENTY-TWO BILLS Fsdenl Grand Jury Indict Eartlett R ch ords tud 0th if Big Cattleman. ELLIOTT LOWE ALSJ FALL A PREY Latter la Charced with Bribery In Alma PostoSlce Deal and Pornser with Mleanl Fenrlna- of - Land. Th federal grand Jury yesterday after noon returned twenty-two Indictments, some of the principal victims being Bart lett Richards, president of the Nebraska Land and Feeding company; W. J. Comstock vice-president, Charles Jamison, secretary, F. M. Curiie and other big stock men ot Nebraska; Elliott Low of Alma. " Th charges alleged against the cattle men Is that of Illegally fencing government lands and thos against Low are alleged bribery for certain transactions In the disposition of th postmastershlp at Alma. Low was stat representative and repub lican candidate for the nomination a con gressman and had. It Is said, distribution of this much patronage. His accusers charge that he gave the postofflce to J. C. Mitchell for a consideration of tfiOO, being $100 In excess of th amount offered by J. B. Billings, former postmaster and candi date for reappointment The case was worked up by District Attorney Summers, through K. L. Keseler, an attorney at Alma. - Despite these rave charges and the fact that both Lowe and Postmaster Mitchell were subpoenaed as wffhesses and held In Omaha throughout ths proceedings of the grand Jury at the command of Summers, 8ummers has persistently refused to allow either to go before the grand jury and tell what he knew to be facts In this case. Mitchell has repeatedly urged that he be allowed this privilege, but each time has been dm led It. This Is considered a fatally weak point In Summer's prosecution. Charaes Are Denied. 1 In the evidence worked up against Low the statement is made that Mitchell bor rowed 11,000 from the Harlan county bunk at Alma on the day on which he was orig inally charged with turning over tha fUOO to Low. Mitchell admits getting this amount from the bank on that day, but declares that he did not appropriate a cent of it for th purchase of the postofflc appointment He says he spent H60 for fixtures for the postofflc and (32S went to redeem an overdraft at a bank. He and hi friends of whom there are many, aa well aa Lowe and his numerous I MendH, deslar th charge contained In th in dictment tote absolutely false. In addition to these indictments It la generally rumored that a bill, was returned against former adjutant general L. W. Colby of Beatrice for the alleged mlaap appropriation of $3,000 appropriated to pay for government supplies furnished at th time of tha fir at th penitentiary, th money to pay for th saane having been appropriated by th legislature, . Thla makes Just eighty-tare bflls re turned by this grand Jury, and It still has considerable business on hands. Tet It Is a matter of great speculation aa to whether It will not adjourn tomorrow night. The re maining case to be Investigated are thos charging lliclt selling of liquor to Indians. It Is understood that some grave charges have been preferred along this line, but what has been or will be done toward ier rettlng out those charges Is not known. Naturally, the Indictment returned against Senator Dietrich Is th one which haa at tracted greatest Interest, and it has really been tb pivot ot this grand Jury's opera tions, it would seem.. Another bill of some notoriety was the one returned against Jerry Taylor of Fremont. ' (charged with sending an obscene letter through the malls to a Miss Many Taylor of Pratt, Kan. Many of th recent Indictment are against persons not yet arrested, who ' have thua far evaded tha deputy marshals' who have been, ostensibly at least, scouring th coun try for them. Woman Prove Insane. The interest of the mysterious Fairbury woman In the postofflc Investigations seems after all to have no bearing on the deliberations, but rather on the salvation of Francis White, th foreman of the grand Jury. . ' A young woman, rather pleasing In looks. eppeared at the postofflce building yester day morning and asked to be directed to the grand. Jnry room. She was shown, and approaching the door rapped and asked If Francis White was there. Mr. White cour teously, responded and the young woman asked him if his name waa Francis White. H said that It was. "Is your life In danger?" shs asked. "I don't know, but why?" asked White, surprised. She repeated the question, and White, more mystified than ever, called the at tention of District Attorney Summers to the woman's actions, and as It was evident .that she wss mentally unbalanced she was gently given over to the care of th United State marshal. An Investigation of th case developed that the young woman waa from Fairbury snd that on Sunday last she hsd heard a sermon preached , there by a Rev. Francis White; that she wss much wrought up over It and wss laboring under a strong religious dementia. She conceived th Idea that the minister's life was In grave dange. and came to Omaha yesterday to warn him. thinking Foreman White was tie man of cloth. 8 he put up ot the Paxton and In Inquiring for Francis White wa directed t6 the foreman of th federal grand jury According to her statement her home Is st Fairbury, where she has a husband and twin. children, a boy snd girl. The Fair bury authorities have been notified srd an effort will be made to restor her to her friends. She Is a woman of more than ordinary in telligence, I stylishly dressed and aside from her hallucination tKst Francis White Is In danger of his life, she Is perfectly ra tional on all subjects. She registered st the Paxton as Mrs. H. W. Bsnner ef Fairbury. In order that no more leakages may cc- cur from the grand Jury room at the federal building the most etrinrent mnndntes have been Issued regarding witnesses snd others, snd the seals of secrecy hsve been clcsed with a time lock and the key hid. Cherry Pectoral year I bar depended on ry Sectoral for cough and now it creatly strengthen weak; lungs." Mr, p. A. Robinson, baune, Mich., as he says. Trust him. . 9. Ajwr O.. Xwll. Mas. HALE AUD HEARTY AT 103 - THANKS TO DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY. Wolf Wetsmao, of Hoboken, N. J., Now la His 104th Year, lad Possassed of all his Faculties, Says "Daffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Keeps My Mind Clear and Body Stroar snd Well. It Has Prolonctd My Ufa Many Years.' Ur. Welsmaa Is Jnst km Keen and Bright na Re Waa M Tears Aao, Is I n Every Mornlnar nt Fear, Walks n t onal of Honrs, and After n Bnsy and I'seful Day Sleeps Like n , Baby. "I- take great pleasure In writing you that 1 have already celebrated my 10M birthday. 1 feel as strong and vigorous at this ripe old age as I did twenty-nve years ago. I arise st 4 o'cluck in tn morning and walk for two hours dally In the epea air; spend much ot my time In th syn agogue reading and praying; retire at I o'clock and sleep like a baby. "1 was born In Russia In 1800 and have lived a happy, natural life. My habits have always been temperate; I eat very little meat and hav never eaten pork. 1 had four new teeth when I wa 191. - "I HAVE USED DUFFT'8 PURE MALT WHISKEY FOK 1EAHS. it tones up the system, enriches the blood, stimulates th circulation, takes sway that tired feeling snd keep my mind clour and body strong snd well. It has undoubtedly prolonged my life many years. I am very thankful ror having heard ot uurrys 1'ure Malt WhUkav i.n1 armiM nnt h vlthntlt It." W What Duffy a Pure Malt Whiskey ha done for Mr. Welsman It has been doing for hundreds of thousands of men and women during the past 0 years and will do for yon. It Is the most effective and successful tonlo and stimulant knewn to medicine, and Is prescribed by oer 1,000 doctor and used exclusively In 1,000 hospital as the on sura, perfect and permanent cure and preventive of disease. DUFFY'S PURE HALT VHISKEY - KEEPS THE OLD YOUNQ-THI YOUNO STRONSi. It brings Into action all the vital forces, makes digestion perfect and enables yon to get from food all the nourlshment it contains. It enriches the Wood, stimulates circu lation, builds UP nerve ttnsue. tones up the heart, gives power to the brain and strength and elasticity rto the muscle. It strengthens and invigorates overworked, run-down men; tlrtd-out, nervous, delicate women and sickly children. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey cures and prevents coughs, cold, grip, bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, pneumonia, pleurisy, consumption and all diseases of throat and lungs; dyspepsia, indigestion and every form of stomach trouble; nervousness, malaria and all low feven. It Is Invaluable In all weakened, wasting, diseased conditions, no matter from what cause. ' ' . ... If you wish to keep young, strong, active and vigorous, and have on your faee me glow of perfect health; If you wish to live to a great old age and t retain undlmme.1 the use of all your faculties; If you would enjoy life to the fullest, take Duffy s Pur Malt Whiskey regularly, a tablcepoonful In a glass of milk or water three times a dsy. N other medicine or combination Of medicines will do what Dnffy s will do. CAUTION When yon ask tor DaCy's Pars Molt Whiskey snro yon aet the aennlne. I'neerupnlons dealers, mindful ot the excellence of this nrenn rs which Ina aet itlon, will try to, sell yon eboop imjtaiions ana mnn wni"r tch nro pnt on the market for nroat only, nni wnien, inr i f th sick, nro positively ksrnfaL Demand "DnaTy's" and bo r It. It Is the only absolnteiy pare ssnic wniaKcr wmr. -----i i ...utin: liner va Pnro Mnlt Whisker Is sold tn sealed bottle onlyi never In flask or bnlk. Look for the trade-mark, th "Old Chemist," on the Inbel, and b certain ths sent over the cork ts nn broken. Bevvaro of refilled bot!ee- ,, , . . , . - Sold by all dmaralsts and grocers, or direct, 11.00 a bottle. Medical booklet rree. booklet free. DUFFT'8 MALT WHISKEY CO., nocheater. N. T. Another ..omosookors' Excursion The Rock Island System will run another home Beekers' excursion to the Southwest, Tuesday, De cember 15, on which1 date the following low round x trip rates will bo in effect: ' Oklahoma City, O.T.f 16.25 Ft Worth, Tex. .... f 21.20 El Reno, O. T....;.?UB.25 Galveston, Tex.... .$30.10 Mangum, O. T. 19.05 Dallas, Tex. ....... f 21.20 Enid, O. T 114.41 Vernon, Tex........ f 20.50 . Chickasha, I. T.. ...117.24- Brady, Tex.... .....f 26.92 , ; Shawnee, O. T. . . . . $14.25 Quanah'; Tex. . V. . . - . $20 Lawton, I.1 T.. .f 18.70 Shamrock, Tex...'..'lt85; Tucumcari, N. J!.. .$23.35 Carizozo, N. M.. ... .$30.90 Santa Rosa, N. M. . . $25.75 Alamogordo, N. M. . $33.20 More than 10,000 Northerners hare gone to Okla homaylqdian Territory and Texas within the last sixty days. Laud values are increasing rapidly. Business openings are being filled. GO NOW if you intend going at all. If It Pays Others, CHA5, E. HALL. Prea. t SHERMAN B. BREWSTER, SoCjO HALL-BREWSTER r: LAND COMPANY ' - INVESTMENT BANKERS LOANS-BONDS ORCHARD, NEB., December 4, 190a OMAHA BEE, Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Sirs: . v . , We are enclosing you herein another ad vertisement which we desire .'commenced Jri Sunday's issue and continued for one week, including the Sunday following. ' . The Omaha Bee certainly brings desirable results, our last week's advertisement bring ing us somt 90 replies. Very truly yours, I1ALL-EREWSTER LAND CO. Per Chas. E. Hall. Thirty Cents Will Rent Your Vacant Roon Isn't It pretty poor tay vacant? Everyday It mltht be earning for yea two or three times the cost ot rntlag It tbrouxta a Bee Want Ad. There are thousands who read the want pegee , dally as a matter ot habit who look there betoro they go roent hunting. But Just now, daring The Bee Quotation CenUet. aJnoet every one U rending the want pages word byword. Ten words three Uaee lor cents. Tel.' 238. ' Beo Want Ad Dept. . OLF WK1SMAN. NO. 110 Adams St. Literature, time tables and full information at this office. ' 1323 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. -It Will Pay You. economy to let your